Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, May 29, 1846, Image 4

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Dar/Lump ’ FRIENDS. ‘-
'F6}gét'i|¢|n|he Honih'th lmv‘d loV'ud.‘\vhq llnfi’Qo lo"
5 ‘l3}, m;- , . v‘. =
-Whp_hcnd o‘er, unnpw from their bnghl home“:~
' ‘ ‘v"'buve‘ ' " ‘ ' ' ‘
Bu: lmlicvojnbvér'donbl, thnuho Gm] who hrroll'us.
.Rermila ”mm to miijglo “I|th lriondn they null lava,
“Repeat, weir 13nd,.worda, and lheipnoble deeds char}
"”‘giéL‘f' .‘ ‘
Sgouk pleasantly orlhem who'len uain lonu ,
From ain‘t-”palhoit dear names ‘olhcr joys should not
,- -.:P°.'""vi.,.‘. :‘ ,», . ’ - ’
rDaat‘hliengls niour 'yauth 2 shall we cease to tomom
M “Olin. ~ .!»,- . .. ' ~
Th 6 lain. lo’okol’lifomnd the low whispered prayer .
oh. mid b 0 our hearts, no the Ico‘ofDocamhor; * v
When lovo'u mblela recordflo remembrance»: than».
Than forget do: the dead. who nro‘ovcmnro nigh us.
Still flouting sumelimon m ourdmnmkhnumod bed—
Inlghe [onellefit hour..'in<ho crows] Iheyh‘ro‘ by m. ;
Forgot no! Iho‘Dend'! Oh. {urgo'l not the Dem]! .
f. .Qllllui'c osfoorn. ~ - ~
Us The firstbbjectshould be to keepfitht’
..grou'nd- ‘lightylnd' the. crop -clesn tro'm
' weeds. On lighljoilsthé borrow and cul.
tivntor may accomplish this'without much
aid froth the hoe; hot operations must be
~ commeriEed with o‘n’e bl these instruments.
All! barrow-is. perhaps; pretewble at first.
beeper]. no .the corn tappeurs’ above the
_ ground} find so frequently should the
.yyork'be; repeated as to allow no time for
:weedgitqstsrt. 1 » . ;, .-
_.;,Op soils which have a tendency tube
coroe ; tomcompnct‘, tools must be used
which will penetrate the ground to a con-
V sidernblc depth. It is the class of soils
which bake under; theroct’ion of the sun
Lthst suilgs‘inoist from drought. and the crop
, "can in ho lw‘oy be soi'vcll 'protceted against
.qnjury lrorn this cause. as by frequent stir.
"ring and loosening tho soil; by winch the
denying to become too solid is‘counter
l‘rabt'eda llAn implement with 'teeth‘like a
“plough conttcrj two Or'three in a trame. ah
tswers this purpose Well.“ While the corn
is small. titlm'sy be run very closetothe
xetolltayithout injury; but as the size of
Who'plont increases, and the roots extend,
ttltcithplomcnt must not run so' near. In
‘uomelsecttons, what is called}: shovel
plou'gh is used‘,'and when properly made
itis‘on. excellent tool; ‘l'he‘wiogs‘ of the
ihare shouldslnot be too Widely spread, as
'this throws the ground: too touchinto r‘id
.gesrpit‘thoutd-be calculsted to cut or‘ stir
gthtt‘lg‘round without moving it too muéh to
the ri ht’or left.. A. good plough ulthisl
kltld Erase!“ the soil'much more eli‘ectivo
ly than a common plough; lesvesjt lighter;
fsfldlnot‘ thrown into' ridges. j Besidee the
‘=obje"¢stjon ofteo‘muc‘h ridging‘the'ground;
the‘c'olnmou plough leaves the substratum
_levep heavier than it was before. instead
-ot-‘m’aléing_itloose sod light, , '-- .
.Eu Eprjany ground up which it is proper to
raiseludian corn. level eultivation is de
cidedly preferred. It exposes-surface to
'b'egdried. by, the sun and air‘.‘ more readily
“receives and. retains moisture.‘ permits the
.extension of the roots over the virhole soil.
b'y’trhi‘ch the plant is better nourished and
better strengthened against the force of the
winds: When ground is thrm’vn Into sharp
‘ridgu, as is done by the plough, many of
thief-horizontal roots ero'ecorqhed by the
sun,,_ and are neeessarily ‘so short as to of
ford the plant but little sUppcrt ns brsces.
' 'ln cullivnting'mmd. the sod ought not
'to‘be turned 11p tho‘ first season. . The
tools rnentioued‘will sufficiently loosen the
ooil‘without bringinging the grasé' to the
éu‘rla‘ce, and the gases evolved. by decom
position are not wasted in‘ the air, but are
taken up by the growing crop. -
‘ In the early stages ofthe growth of the
crop. the soil cub hardly be tilled too much,
To keepdowu the.weeds, which should;
be the primary objeet, some of the imple
fients'ol the culture should he often pass
ed through the soil. till the crop becomes
so large “to obtain tull possession ot the
st9,uud- '
V,.A!correepondanl of the Newark Daily
[Advauiser gives the mm: of his experi
eqpa in j keeping cjows. Thinking that if
,lhe'a‘dago were true, Ihatil'" a’cow Will half
gsupponalamily,” two would 'go farto- ‘
"ward. the whblb anppoxl.‘ the gentleman
houghltwo; and lhe rgsull'of'fivo months
was/85V lldw'a :—Orlginal Coal 01c0w5829
and'congof‘l'kccping. s6o7—making‘ $B9.
’l‘hairlhilk, nl’4'cen’fs'h Qua'rl, 'came’lo
313049. B_ the claws bro ‘nOW'valuod a!
S4o‘—”whlch eaveen‘ balance in 'lavot'ol
thq Vfiqwapf SS 49‘ He says lho 'secrel
is id feeding wel\l§\wilb.lhe special’view of
making'the die; fines“ 'mg'g‘mble 'lhc
aummethabita‘o l efbni‘m 'a‘s" o'ga‘iblb,
, CUCUMBERS‘—YHL’LO“' niya.‘ ‘v ‘
\ l'have alwayé been succeslpl 1' moles!-
mg in" cucumbers from lhejmi'p bug.
by making lillle ballsbl‘ cla'y', dirpin (he‘m
inipirila‘of turpentine, and selliik‘ 'ori‘njn
ov‘ery‘hill ; [lhmjgll b‘y 'lh’e my. in: “link:
are alWaya‘ hollows, or _m ledstpluifog 'o,‘
more gxpeditiqugly b'y‘V'dr‘npping a lit NOT ‘
tfié equéhliql- all about. the plant. ‘ln “6
lallorp'afise. carc mum ‘befiukgn mg to let é
Lgy'pf ’l‘lm.loil copajh- fconlacl ‘wilh lhe~
”fiygfing cixcumbers. aa-jh'ey Will be‘ inevita
'b‘ly dystroyedey JE- fiqlqng as the'odor
ol' the ’lu'rpan‘lihlj ia pprcéwible, the. plant's
ala‘lue'éu‘re fronl inew'99P!¢flalibn.ta‘\fv hen
:ddf‘h‘uau' b'éen too‘sm‘all, and'lh‘e‘ heliwealli.
355,; has dissipated il, l have olme,‘ or wide
d‘ippqd Ihpballs ,lvhe‘usepnmldlme;~ . Ilhave
often. though! or; planung, terpporurlly.:a
bunch or. 'mimor. pe’nnyroynl In the midst
Lofjmy'c'ucumber MLfla-a lubelilulq‘fgg’llx‘e
oilqmrpemine; euujc have. nqvorexqqulad
ttholfi'nk: ,"i’firbaps aomb' 90b: WWW-'0‘)"-
:tb'up p'gw‘ghsgp nélfupohftho é‘uggeguqn; and
marl-“ 13.5.“ :. v "-. '
1 ‘ But theg'tt‘nwarL Thtem—thc story?
t ' All in good time,- gentlemen. 'I said
Sagcrs and niynett w_cr_c.fnoli9h ennugh to
go down. ’S‘qnic two .or three, thousand
petiple Fivere thc‘t'e w‘hgnflve artivcd. and
everynonk and corner. was _‘jam.tutl.’,_
After repented solicitation. we finally. suc4
ceadcdjn getting: a small room withtlw
privilege of slew-[ting twn in abet]? The
thermometer at. 90 und,t_wn in u bed}, The
thought in a warm bath at itself l" " ~-
5 Don’t descend to patticulars, but give
us the stmy.’ —_ ' ':
' Certainly. {ln ltnqrnom adjoining ours;
st'ept two benutitul gi'rlseststgts—whn for
reasons best known ,to myactt, shaltbe
nameless.. iOne,ni.gtll.’ttbout nlwpok after
cu; nr'tfivul,_l had gone _carty to tied. not'
withing‘to patitcipnte‘in'any'ot the’ ntmnfi
intible*"hops? thati w'efé ’given at "our tio
tel.’.*'--“- ’ '
"Pooh pooh! it’s- n that ’alor ’ ’3
Nathan. , D- F )j' a
7No.genllemen.f ; ‘_- 5i '. g
' "Then you were dacked wilh’eo‘ld win-‘1
ter.’ remarked Mr. Blanchard. ~ . 4
' Wrong again! Although a. cold balh
'would have been acceptable at" (he n'w
mum. Ihad been asleep for some time
when I was awakened by .lhe most musi‘;
cal voi‘ce imaginable. which said—-
“ Kale. suppose we lay spaonfashion." -
‘ Lay howP’ inquired I 1 -
_ _‘ Gracious heavens! where am l?’ BjIC‘I
ulnledmy unknown bedfellow, jumping
three lee! l’romilhe bedmnd she (lorii
was a woman) would have-jumped further,
but want .0! room permilléd no ,slrikin:
display ofagililyu Here was a silunlinn
for n'modest man! Before l_"could say
'~ angels and ministers of grace defend un,’
she had galhered up ‘ her ' dry goudb’ and
made good her retreat from the room. . l
am'not a_coWatd, gentlemen—yen} nun
lree to confess that my netveewere sllght
ly agitated. Who can she be? What can
she have wanted here? ’ Were questions
that I could not onmer.‘ Had I been a
believer in ghosts, [should probably have
gone down to the grave Will] the convic
tion indelibly impressed upon my mind
that l but! actually been in bed with one
of the long faced gentry.’ ‘ ' -
.' Well. what 100 k place then P Who
was she?’ ' ‘ ' '
' Be patient. you shall know everything.
The'lwo young ladies before mentioned
in! opposite M me- at the table. I had 11
very'lamtsuSpicion.(hnLone. of lhem was
a party to the (tonsnction. noel in ordef to
remove all doubt, lhe next morning at
breakfast, I enquired :
‘ Miss B. shull l helpyou to a “(lie of
this om'lct,’ ‘ * ‘ ,
'lt you plenu. sin"; ,' -. H .
'_ Will you haye‘ it spobrifas/tidn?’jsqid
l._cgrele’ssly. ‘ 7. is - '
. ‘The deep blushlhal mnutled her hand
some face ..tuld more plemllehan words
that'ohc was my ghos! (pf the preceding
night. _- Having gone up without ,a light.
shc'had mistaken my {rou'nn :for-her' own.
will ,but [up-{tho f spnnnu lashinn’ arrange
mgol. Sager» \‘muld hu've‘pmpably discov
ered 'us, in bed together. l‘um '_happy to
aqa. gentlemen. that (he a‘flnir hmloplcoa
sant. denbuement. Min-s B; and inrrell
qre now. cognac-11‘ to be married.} .When
flu: chremnny lakes place you“.shall gbe
present, undyiflyuu-donnt pro‘nuuncoihc:
LXngonefilic-smnd must achmplish'ed (\f'her
gex, Imm 1., will, ynhcp’ltnfingly admiuhat
‘herqisnOmeancc in__lhev phraam, - ppm".
'_~|.=4— ! . . v - ' ‘
Wm“ »: .‘NETf
:k, E‘mioo‘rc'u
enpo ‘hé ‘fibudo‘ buaitfes's'
to]; .April' qexta lin"the‘
:up‘led by John Benuu
Lomqm Hy’giviiigfttnem
it Work ti‘dnan a good
. '. . laner‘..-qn on rcaSona-j
3,9522”? ‘ 715-75 s‘rihlghfin;lion . . tu-their
am, ‘ 8 hey {1:189:19 ““3!“ '1" direccive‘
- ‘_ 9”“ 3‘19“! of public punch _-,_:;-.,-,
. ' . _; JAS. HOLLENB‘ACKM . ¢
4124‘ , ‘
_. . VBY__EnEbEniCk‘_MARYLANP'i-g : ;
- ,’" Talkirit: ollpt‘lclt'l‘lfi“flimi‘iii’n’it 29mm
- men'.’ said Mn'l‘ittent. ' I W“ ""99 "U 4"
ther n sinn'ulahfix mYS’sU-i ', *" i ‘
. {How s‘o’é—lhow squ that?’ said we. ‘
"l Millitell you. Sngera and myself
[Hid gone [uCflpt' May. that favorite resort
ol‘vlnshion‘nnd lolly. during one ofthe hotj
tetit iieniitiiis'o‘ver govt'up on this continent;
“'qu intensely hot! _l perspirc intemel'
'ly "when?! think, oi‘ it! I: Have you ever
‘ beén at Cape Island, gentlemen?’ "
"A general negative shake ot the head
followed the question. V ' . '
'~ 'l‘hpn permit me. an a friend and Wolf?
Mitten. to war‘n‘you against the pl'a'cé.' A
mor'ezunioVi'ting ieuort it: not tohe lound'.
[have good authority for stating that it is'
the only unfinished cportion of cr’entiottV—3
The‘y-ihnve a legend down there‘ which
‘ tons thou—J The hands-were at worklon'
‘this spot at the' tail ot the sixth dnyiiiui 1
:night overtaking them, they we'relcompell: ‘
ed ”to suspend operations, and thus the isl
and was 'lt'lt incomplete? To those who
are laxnilim with. the locality, this in tort.
thinly a plausible _sttiry.‘ [have more than
onccxhenrd in called the ‘jumping of
pidce? Sunshine and solid knee-deep :tro'
the strongest indocemonts to pay it second
visit. ;'l‘o be sure, they say. something: it
bout the advontnges ol sea-thitthing—but
look at the risk. If you venture beyond
your nosehthe under-low cn’rries you out
and death by drowning is inevitable; Al
ter which follow ‘grappling irong,’ and
then the indignity ofn ‘coroncr's imiuesi!’
7l' is distinguished by a hall dozen
stunted trees. two or three opplo’gins lor
hutch, and. three or lour cubin'a puintcd
rcd.’ - ‘
'ENpureuanee of the ‘fifst‘se‘ellpn‘ o‘f‘l'lle
‘ act of Assembly ofl3lh Marclu,lBls.
entitled " L/Inx‘jct to amend an fletpravi.
(ling the manner. of 'se'l/ing- Unsealed
Lands for» taxes; and for otherpurposes,"
there ,will be exposed IQ sale on; the 2nd
,luoladéy in June nexl, at lhecourt house
in theborngh of Cl‘earfield,”nnd mljuurfi
ed lr‘om'duyr l‘p llay._unli_l'_ll_le Whgle'gnr'e
sold; the slullu'wnm (mete 0|" Unecdled
land and" Town lots, in snidqquunly. {or
the amount of 133: setxo'ppnsile ‘ench tract;
' I T‘Clearyield Town Lars; . 1'
7 N 0.3 ' I'Varrhntc‘c'. ~ ‘ ' Tax.
23 :~ Jacob Kline ' “ ,31‘50
’ : ‘4O .' C. Shthze ' "1 20
~. ‘ ‘4l ,Wm.Monlgome'ry- ‘7 I‘2o
' ' 4.2 "Johu,Snyder . - '1 20
l. 48 -'~fo€nb Enhlemnn ' 1 20
‘ ' 47;] Juhn‘Bnrl‘ I‘so
' ' 66“ .mm Fleming » . 1.20
89' Samuel Fanisluqk A 150
\ 11;), Juhn Bumgurdncr 90‘
, ‘ 120 Jacublflluu , . . 75
141 I’vler Bun: ‘ 1 20
~ ‘l4? '_ J. King: &J. Russ '
151 ~ Samuel Lvefever
‘ 160 . Jacob Kauglmynm
-175 Christian Kaughman
" 161 A. VVhitmeifi . \
- . Cavingmn 'l'ownslupf ‘ .
No." fl’s. I’3. " _ H ‘
1890 ‘ V x .
1892}1100 Morris &Stewarl 33 55
1894 ' ' , . ‘ . ,
1897 1075 ' Marries: Stewart 33'75
1898 1040 " 'do V do 31 82
1899 890 do ' " d 0 27 14
1903 1052 do ‘ dd ’52 16
[902 1020 do ' do 31 11
1942- f545'“-_‘" no ' "Im, “"""'16“"79
‘94l' 25“ ". do , do , ‘1 13
s9} 56 45‘ (In .‘ V do I 108
Ferguson Towns/Lip. . ;
323 , 1:1cm Whitehead 715
3'39- " """Juhn Sljjxelnelz 7 '4O
. 233 1.59,!!!0 Hnmbright ‘ 5“,,05
' 43; 153 John sm‘m 7. 56
' 300 ' "Johh‘Dnughton '3 70
'fi' -7 ‘Jardtin Toiunship. V
433‘ 153., Peter Kuhn -
, 453 158 Fred’k Battes'
‘ 433 153 Inc Dunw‘omlie
433 153 Isaac “'ampole
. 150‘ ”Susannah Ward
503 Jonathan'Jo'nes
200 - Hemy 'l‘ruut
216 gl‘SG‘Adum Reighaq
200” ' SilueWVllcux
“"194 1‘14; Samuel Emu-n
' 433 153 'l'libd'Mmén
[433153 Robe“ Morten.-
358' ' ;Ch"us' flight _ '
67 RwlberllSmock
287 107 Daniel Turner
3389 49 Sam'l Emlcn
Lawrence Towns/lip.
'J. & Jno Murgan
65 Rooms & Fix ,2 05
103" ' do ". S 64
125 do ‘ ‘ s 86
75 ‘ HughLeuvy‘ 620
100 _ Morris &'Stewart‘ 2__ 04
, [Plor'rio Township.
327 , Philip \Vngcr 795
326 Bernard Grolz 10 28
382 148 Reuben Haynes 11 83
482 12 Joseph Simona )4 94
438 40 Wan-Stewart .13 60.
445 112 Casper Shafl'ner 13 77‘
442 “5 Wm. Morris 13 70
447 112' Joseph Henry ,_ 1407
428 91 Walter Stewzirt 13 23
"ISO H 4 Robert Show 1350
393‘ 47 Andrew Douglass“ 99
466 88 Rauben Haynes 14 42
417 15! Jacob Km; 12 94
4‘27 50 John Moore 13 9.6
+l2 16 Robert Morris 13 69
433 153 James \Vilson 13 04
428 91 John Morgan 13 ()4
194 ,47 Jacob Morgan '5 '99
286 114 Hyman Grulz 7 29
266 86 Jacob WelZel 8 22
411 44 Charles Hall I'2 75
420 66 George Moore 13 ()3
441 86 Hilary Baker 13 69
449 133 Christopher‘naku 13 95
444 45 Paul'Welzel , 13 77
464 105 David Hall 'l4 42
443 ’67 Hyman 'Grnlz 13' 77
451' I‘2o Blair McLa’nahan ll} 95
401', 140 Jno Nicholson 12 46
L 466 24 Geo Wellzul ' 14 42
4'66 110 Wm D'Curwm 14 42
433 153 Casper llnynes 13 04
38-5} 9.8 Christopher Baker 11 94
388 115 _John Borrow y ' .12 ,0]
283,144. Wm. Drinker 8 74
402 ‘92 H. S Drinker 12 46
130. 63 Richard 'lv‘homnsj 3,12
360 50 Johu‘Rcad, .4 , _ >ll. 16
360 :Michael Shrullur 11,16
318 .Palrickvllays V ~_9,84
272 16 Robert Glenn - 8 43‘
125 Wm.-Eyaus. ‘4 16
421' pJessngurnoll - 13 05
150‘ ' Chriél’u'Mu‘sser‘ ‘ 4165
435 V Wnu Biglerv ..V . 10 10
437 144 Francis Johnson 1605
200 .1501JnoNichol'uon .- 7375
oo :A‘ndlmM'§“i‘"~~»~. ,
1956—577.fiffiido‘ii :_; din"- 4W
;,45;6.422.IA:JoovNich‘olson 1 ~10 ,26
~ 425,]4m 3:110” ' ""9 5"
..,.,~..1,68~i‘l ~4 .» .mceri'\\'op(l ‘Béll’ . 75$
5951;, 410 "LuJohbJlSilordx'l ~ 5‘ 3:“ 5
5937 M 90mm \flnth.‘itcin‘g'ljggall§fl 9,;
~1-l- 30v \‘Vfll-“lg'cr’ ,1,
- no «u,» rock); max-Barrett" #1
Pike Tortilla/zip; "
’ ‘ John Nicholson
.3582 .i
5062 .
' .5950
Xx. 9x L.
yaw/1, .- ,
:J/x :2
5780 ‘8520 64~Jam¢a Hopkin”: CO 12
5733,1024,64.. ,' ' ,‘(lo ,_ ','.‘,:7_'.,65
5785:,819 .41" _.r'.(10,.: ,2; ‘ ,67312
5174x820. (34,Nick|in,& Gnm‘lh‘ 6.42
57753820 464.3 do '9 Lu" .aGZ42
5928 ‘ 206 do ‘do - 3 04
5951-206 ,f d 9” _ dO': _ 310
90 23 George Fox ‘j , 2,70
4250 V 823 .101) Jnmca Wilson j 120
4262 . 990 < Jn‘mcs‘fi’Vil‘son ,I, ‘5 .59
4181 1990 v do, I -‘ 839
4251 860 7- V .«10 . 1'6‘34
{4252'1957 85 - ;;-do»~ _V '7 02
4258. 888 15:, ‘ ’do' ”3668‘
8595 1020 60 A Slinw&St. J. S. ‘ls’oo.
: 1790 .. Jno was“. ' , ,5 37
- 405 100 John Evans- . . ,‘9 00
5781,_140 18 Juhh Pfichohon‘ 420
123: fl‘us. Shohmnk’vr. 5- 5:2
- 'mmAA7J.hFEwmh&(m;6flo
_> ...! , 487 . Ab’ml‘lnrlqlmrk ' 7‘24
1 c .' 115-68 Thumanmwn 445
_' y 47-. "l‘husrlxgget . =2 82
‘ ’93 ‘ Thus. Image! 560
5782 “153 ,G. R, Barreltr --« ,4 59
“ ' Iluslon Township.
5Q78 1041 81 Moore &De|nny
5674 1041’ 81V ' (l 0: .
5067 990 «2 ‘Wm Powers
4:257 "888 :~ 16 Jflmcngjlsoh
45261 990‘ -- do, "'
4193* 927"28 ‘r-v do , ~
.4254 927 28" - du ; -
4256 fees, 4 ‘dn- ~ .2
5069 900 ‘ ‘WmQPu‘Wch' ‘.
'5064 990' ' ‘ -' (loft , ‘
42:31: 790 ,_ ‘Jamcs‘_Wil‘son .‘
4234 796'“ ' _? ‘do
4235- 989‘
4256‘ 996
49.26 "9290‘ .
4929 '965 123
4230 7381.12.
4225 990 ’
4265 .839,
4897 1 0‘
4199.7. 50
> 60
13 m
13 0:
13 01
4‘ 5o
9 12
6 00
9 oo
12 95
e 17
1 ‘5O
6 45
8 62
1095 100 James Burns .‘3 00
19001080 ‘P. A. Knrllmus 'B2 94
1901 916 Mui'ris & Stewart 27 70
1943 ’507 12 do " (In 15 43
1093' 200 f (In 110 so 50
19 30
1918 . 227 , John Kyler 851
A ' 187- *Samuel Fulton 420
1936 103 .1 N. Laeome. son. :3 04
18.88, 100, .‘ ’A.& w. Murray 3 30
1938 ~250 92 Augustus Lacontclz 75
1934 298 141. Morris&StCWurt 330
1889 123 73 do ..un . 133
5648 108 'sl’ do ,do 118
5647 10 . do ‘- do‘ gll‘
Beccrtria Township. '
v 151 50 Thou. Kelland a 484
' 200 146 Ab’m Wilmer ~6 40
l‘ » 234 66 Michael Mouser 746
235 153 Jacob Krug ~ 7 Ml
236 145 John Gibson *7 58
- 127 111 Jeremiah Masher 478
2387 06 Peter Gelz 7 60
i 210 81 Marlin Foulz 6 82
- 296 125 Jacob Foulz 956
309 153 George Musser 984
.1133 153 Robert Wileon ~13 87‘
66 12 Thomas Gibson 209
321 84 Mathias Barton 10 34
4:33 153 Edward Hand 13 86
_ 433 153 John Ewing ’l3 89
274 75 Peter Muller 8 75
133 153 Michael Foutz 426
98. 60 John Mails 3 05
. 71 133 Martin Mails 230
a 355 153 Emanuel Reigharlell 34
259 43 George Moore 835
1 433 153 George Moore,jr, 13 87
325 John Funk ' ‘_ 10 34
; 139113 Henry'Landis ’- .4 40
, 331 (58 Fred’kJ-l‘ubly 12 22
231 ~79 John Bausman ‘7 36
433 153 'John Whitmer ”‘l3 86
. -- ' 155 ,135 Fred’k Harman ‘-. 497
' wBB 156. Philip‘Glone'ger 2'82
232:; , Philip Moasencop’e =7 43
- 197 ~68 Jolml-Mesziencope- 690
i , . 108 "55 Adam-Messencope 3 46
259‘ lOTVV'm. Bnusmfln. 835
_ 433 163- John Beam ' 1387:
. . 201 Jacob Mussersmilh 6’42
176 46'Jeremlah Mosher- 5 61
~- v 288 120 Jacob'KrnQ“ ‘ ‘, ' 9 50
- 13S.~l%~'1‘hosBillinglon ' ' 4‘40
.1 399._ 40 John Whilm‘er 3:12 83
v. 1;; 399 40"Heo'ry Whitmer‘ 4 1283
‘ 177 'l5O Thus Billinglon ’.“5'68
‘ 399 JlO Hermon Whiirner 12 63
. "334-145- Wal.\’Vilso|l, "7‘9 '2O
r. 4193:353'.Sarah!Billington" "GflO
‘ , 5,251, Wm; Bron/h "-“1.‘8';‘00
51.2 w: 433' "15311932111 Barton " ["1383
‘ifi‘fl’YfiwflTiJ’OhnSchon'k' f' 5361.
‘?"‘-"~"3"'73"6'“ 130$“;ng i'l'urnci’i 5‘4" .3 :20
3108‘? .- ‘j ,‘Dévud3mgy-1r231,758) 17
{:59 l in: ; 1:1, ‘xuhifirvékagggg
:q x‘Mqugs-Towm/iipfi {A «we
'VI‘4"'ISI,"I "‘Joh'nz'l’aylor 35’" t7{~"'~."'ll'6s
3 , vl77n!o2,Riclmd'Thoma-' "~15 ~" e: -3 'co
. 1:106: 4034 mm ammonia; .116: 50‘
‘OO 'Pfllmflvéqo 416.48
15;).~'.-110;qf1\"-‘ BgAc‘higr'd'l‘liomas ' 3'lo
‘- 4,
‘ ”V“,
‘4‘ Ho
‘ ' do
do . _
41.0. . _ . '
do“ , “ .
.flilo. u , ,f
do do
' 170.1: 'l'pwnsltili. ’
889 Jiuncs \\ Ilson
151 do
990 . do - “
990 . do
990.. .do , ,
990, .1' ‘ (l 0 . :
990 ;. do r.
990 , ' . V do. ,-
090 _ (..VVm. Powers
947'. A 'v James Wilson
937 ‘ do ‘
930 . do ‘ .-
188 . ‘ ,do ' .
923 ‘ do --
I'7o _, do i
600.: . d 6 --
2LO ido '
372 V , do
Karl/mus Township.
" "'vßratfford'Township; - ..
‘202140' nne Campbell (weal §) ‘ :6 35
310. ' Reynolds Ream - - - 730
> '370 .12 Aarbn Lcu'v‘y ,‘- . " " I I 4 30
4-46 Krnlzor.'Lemch 65' Fauna-34 53
' .326 'M. Forcey dz'Wm‘Jigmt 10 2?
‘ 46 ' Moxie! Bpggl ; - ~7 Vf j ‘i‘v-x'l 42
‘ ‘ ‘ _‘C’wétflwanq/fip, ‘’ ‘
-, 433 Vls3'Goorgo'Réan- ~
433-153 Henry Musqerux:
400 81‘ Henrijnnly
433 153 Benjamin Young ~,
433 153 Jnhtifloyd ," ._
433.153 ‘Joéinh Huynea‘ ' “
433 1.53 'Chnrlc's Gobin. .‘ '
433 153 Alexander Humor
“ 433 153 Relic-" Fleming
‘433 'ls3‘ 'l‘lnomua Hamilton
~ 4LO", 96.,1uhn Brady. '
.410- 96 Willinm'Bmdy, .
410 f .96 ylch‘Richni'dwn.
.419 '9O Jomlhun'Wanoi’
Buffié‘z‘dq quhshipf ' V . ‘
Wmnngb‘wn' or McCullough
4 ..(no’rllyjfil)
' I’9B [lighted Brbwn
1433 144 61mm Kimedy
590411100 ,Nicklin ‘&'Grimlh" .- ,9 34
5906 1100 ‘ . do ' ' jdo" ' , 19 34
590711004 , . do , , do, A ‘3 _‘l9 34
5909 1000, u 'do‘ do’ ' ' ‘ ,17‘85
5910 1100 - don“ -; 110' “V. 19‘ 33
5911 1.100.; :3 do; r, “311,50. ' .. z 19 33
5913 884 -_ . _dp _ , do‘n": 31611
5915 900' “do. do‘ ' 16 34-
59181100 -"do'. do - ''2 19 34
59191100"~ jgn‘ -do. . "1933
5766 1000 1‘ xxenryneek ‘ . . 22 50
428610007‘ . do" _do ' -22 50
356510981 ‘ ,John Niéholmn(lar"4s) )8 10
v' , 195”. _‘ Thom!" Dru'nclim" ' ''4 65
.. 7 433 153» John Ddh€-qodi_c ’ f ~ ‘_9 9!
V ,202 Josephflubly. ‘ ‘ ~' ~5 03
439 135 Jusaph Boone, V , - 9 90
145 v Eliza Jnrvia .' I H 4' 32
300 . ~Mchnffx,& Donghotly"-' " 900
500" ,' “mineq McGh'a'o 7 50
. , 200, ~J,‘\Vnhers:}fi3k[or w. ‘ 600
‘. = Brady Towns/zip.
5681 ‘ 518 576 Jaloph Ferrari
533. 3559‘ David: Curry
14 56
I 3 84
‘6 52
-“ 6 ‘9l
‘. .453
I; 4'33
4' 53
' 4‘53
{l‘ 5‘3
31 '53
4 53
3 08
l 40
¢ 71
323 331; John Dunmp
ms '77‘ 40 Cnnp‘er Sliver
5681* 'l3s‘ a Joe. Forrbn
5681" 120
13 .521;
John Smgo . "
Chriuinn Lower ' u
Decatur Townshipn'
297 63‘ Philip Dafl'endufl'er
436 145 John M'Cnhen
;”9' 26 Christina Slnka ‘ .
433 153 Christian llngua ‘
.196 _ DunielDflly '
119 44 John anpbluck
231 :65. l’oggot'Shn'v ‘ .
2‘23 '6l‘ Thomas Edmunsun
385 108' Benjamin Wilson'f '
336 '96, Geqrg‘cvnpker
“5 M 5 .11anan Wilson. ~.
3 'OO
3 60
1 92
3 60
s 60
13 62
‘7. 08
14 .04
‘1 41
'216 15! ‘George‘ Bakeruir.
. 436 .145, Joseph Ashbri go‘
V 193 122 Mathias Young
‘ ' 436'145 ~Peggnl Slmw
1 436-143 JnhnMchhcn-'
_ > 433 153 John Burg :2 .
436 145 'l‘imolhy Paxton
‘ '417 124., ThomauPCope' "
_ " 431 147 Thomas; Edmuoson
‘ 326 John Dnnke‘r~ ‘
408107 Jot-ob Downing ..
364. '7O {lush Eh -
2187 30 lcnry Drinker
,221 'BO- Benjamin Wilson
299» 40.1 mm Skyron .
i 216 39 John Skyrun ,
‘ 274 '8 Thomas I’Co'pe
'lOl 80 William Montgomery
57 .10 Duwd Zeiglcr
306 49 ' William ‘Sansom '
, 308 Joseph Snngom‘ ~' ‘
._ 191 59, John. Gannon ..
' 236 28 Jacob Downing '
- 210 12- John Sk ion ' 1‘
241.106 Gonrge'émfl' -'. a :
215‘ ’ Thomas Neal
100 Richard Alherlon “ n
333 100 ' Thomas Yealet
339 70 Mary Neal 1_ v
216 . John Muxaerrjrh, A
216 . . Sehaalinn'Gmfl’ ,
408 137 Richard Thomas ‘ ’
438 73 Thomas Edmunpon \
. 131 ' Mary Connal' '
427 30 Mary-Snnwich , ,
222 . Samuel Hegarly '
300 'John Whilesidc
160 40 John McClelland
400 Joseph Roper '
g 'ls] [(1-1 Fruncm Lalhurp ‘
194 Christian Hamish
300 George Anhlon . ~ _ --
400 Benjamin Johnson ’ “ ’3 30
. 400 -"\\’illinm Wislel' I 2 80
, '3' JOHN :W. WRIGHT. Ttenl'r.
(Ilonrfiehl, Mhrch 7.1840. .._ ,’ H '
4 '5O
l 52
2 79
Popular Remedies.
\ Hi". most ulnr remedies of tho prcéenl'dn
T are llruecpiphich cleanse and purily the blOody.
and which are known to bo innocent in their. unh
ticn. Such remedies as Antimony; Mercuryfkitic.
and hnvmg rec-nurse to hieedtng influenza. are now.
it ishoped,gutng outcffitnhiomund Vegetable rome
diea wtll he soon the popular medicine. 'l‘hon Brun
drcth’s Vegetubla Universal Pills will be used and
appreciated They are known to net bencficiaily
on every pnrtol” tho holly Liming taken up by the
chylo they pass into the blond, which they puriiy.
and it should be remombered'lhnt they only remove
those purist from the blood which were the cause 0!
inflummntiltn or disease oi any kind. fNothing ire
qltnl toriddi‘ng the yilinted humorswilhya vegetable
medicine ol‘thisltind. which eighty~iour you; have
proved never to do injury. butvulwuyu good: ' '
Sold by the following Algenta in Clanrfield-bd.“
,E. &W F lrwin,Cleurfial‘d. . , . _l. .‘
'John Irvin. Cur'wonsvillp',‘ v ‘‘ . .C .4»;
ded Irvin. Lulhen‘ubur‘g.“ .V "‘' f _"
James McGirk,‘Phllipabixrg; C'en'tra counly.
OFFICE—No. 241 Broadway New Yo‘rk‘.’
, ~ . ,B.~BRAND_RETH, M. D.
.1un0}.1845.-—1 ylj. .‘ ', __ -. 4 ;
’ 'EMAININGY in the‘P. Ol‘qt‘Clcar-
R, field,"April.‘.‘l', 1846 f I .g: - .4
Abbott David, ' Akin va, I'.VJ..
Broukins GeoN > Beiase! H-B » _
f Chamber'lain 'H M_ * cqwa‘e'r‘thn .
DINO!) Jnhn ’ ~ ' Flanagnh''s"‘ 1
.Faulk Mina Mariah'r “Green \Vm ‘ ‘
Goudridzc ,Jnu. Al’y.'Hu'pkin's’ané'fih '
HuhC'nrolin‘e J.‘ N’jfla‘ll‘Hmutid ‘
Hold John-‘~2 ‘ljeiglfl‘Juhfi
HQ'I‘I'JUImLI‘qu. I “'in 'John-‘53 V
‘Knepp Henry—3 Knight JW'.‘ ', ‘
Miies .Samuél ~ IMPAt‘cvhnin 1099...; ,
Regalia-“lh:Mfi‘ikahdla M.%'tir§"'-" .
Ridéb‘JOlm_i‘-~'.3": " ‘7 Shyd‘eiflJuh“u"z'fim
SioangCfihjrlebi—flr" -=""-Wif§'ax “My; :
{1271...}. L f‘. ::3. ~aw M ; .lii'MO.ORE:"P!‘ u. “
.s.-&-:‘ LN; -. . ' x
' ”wgmmi p . @lan 865353” 5"“
.dles kid “wand(muggcci‘éhb‘b‘bjfip, "w“:vgfi
.hncy'color'ed»g Item. trifle-"SH a”. ,
. . . pp, 8; half
,Kaltm- black-Ia five, wanted" amnerum
Jot: H‘- : Tun-I h; rviyi-l‘iiiulßrß.‘&_'R.iH
. ' Edvadn! Shoem’nkéfi
Br” Township
' 230
’ 501
H 4,94
' 1395
10 38
9 54
10 05
[l.O 05
I 1005
~10 95
‘ 10A 05
'lO 05
'lO 05
2.19 83
I '9 83
,_9 83
10 03
5 10
W 6 89
7 21
; 2‘33
"‘4 30
.~ 540
4'2 36
' d 5
’4 88
4 74