. :1" m g- 9:! It.) 7:?-'3w'r;{( a p ‘ .u’ {an .m 7 -‘ ‘.“" 2v W 7. ‘VHA ‘ -* a l I“ wwwz; ’21:". m mus .1“ :32’1’4 I MINES} iii-‘W’floonn‘flrw‘ow Infilnammmlé " 1 , 4,.„ -:x. ~,., .. ‘ 3h... -.--'-. n .. ," fa m. übEegOan'nc ‘nfimnnnku- pubuma 1 on _ ,ne 9 «no it) 9.x“ ranmim 't—or a. 75 (if [33¢ a: {avarice} _ P 9, 3 415 nm??? gain b‘omiiclwltiti‘ied (unles; at lh‘odqp "1 9:13,; rl 3:lan Entrants, a; are} mg 1 oggt’fldvb'mugepu’; Mg. 'nt’lh'o' qunl mic: " 9m) .“fiu’imfi 0.2.213 RY -‘:,'". '. ‘= “Wary: ngnf 139i:~ T 33 palm}??? V «:35: lj‘v'ium fi-‘lrlmfl!dfl; . A. {PSI-1:"; ~Wdifl yb'nbl f6} “I’. déld; ;. r; :»_ , 4 film" :‘flmhw ‘3"."fl'.9!"!‘!€9 whhin Ibp‘xtm , ‘ _Whomflfmfihg willow! npnnd v, . . l’flth. linden-{and tho'nlful mghl w‘ndn mug - .6: MN”? 93: lb! Md m! lit-ken Iciavn a .- -_'— N.“ U"! grqmbljngin docuy._ ,' ._ . , 1,;“w J. w..,.12'k: ;.. .‘.;‘L.. n - . ' BM , .fivhnt thqugh‘tho'qnmtlnpngv‘cpmo ; ‘ , In lt‘fo’gzy'g‘gtt'g mo‘rh‘tn'g; Wheintho hoh‘rt-wn'brigh ‘ :3 “fit hopg’l Inlpiring flumo— ‘ And 11l the‘fnmn’.‘to‘thd ardent light- Sn‘mid full of ptomtnb,‘ lonlinen and joy Pure and without ullpy'. j. e_‘ t '; .... ~... *th um no-ugrromip . ~~_r ‘~ ‘ 'l‘fln‘l‘o‘nly ‘cillid d'w‘oyf-"K‘ho‘fiord fihich bado .' ' 'Th'o'lam'p‘onifo fitqwflim, ‘ ' ‘ And'qnonchfd m glowlnznfithal you! 'couvoyc’d Hi. will.“ joyl loo: pufect, biin too bright. , r~ x~ : :For mom! ken or night-, . " ,‘I ". " l ‘ ‘V: ’E'royol lhe 'chilling blunt ' " ' Of’dlnppolmmom foll‘u'pon Ml bean; c‘ , := ' Orcan or narrow can ' ' l,'!‘hoir murky shadowb—onho poinon'd dun Of calumoy', had unkind in,_hil broul. , V Killing _:ha'upirit’l ml. , _ " ‘ - Or. it inrmnnhood'l prime. ‘ ‘ And I" "I majuly. and Ilrenglh md pride. , Th' luutimojoytho "of Time ’ Huh cut him down—oh! murmur not. nor chido Hi: valdi‘nco. Who'doolh’ n“ _lhinglwoll, ‘ ‘ Nor In your bum (sh-l. ' ’ ; Earth has in many caret. Which pray upon the hem. and «t it up; And he. puchnnca.‘who bun I Hi- fan with Emma. drain-n bill" cup.‘ : Jn lilont. sanded agony. the while ‘ . ' _ His vingo,wcnnuimilo. V ‘ ' ‘ And il,ln.hou‘y nub-'- ' " .« .A'l fruit. whan fully rip6.dropo from ’tho ma . , ;, Tho rpvennclnnd the use. ' 3 Aug cplled uny from "uh—lo lin and be . Bl"; In His boly practice, .wh'qu llc'me ‘_ . '’ ‘ ‘Elerml pan 1- known.“ ' ' - * .';~Why Ihonld tho narrowing ten! . glflll, whqn Ihp pun-ad pearly gun dlcloq'o, And brighl-wingod 'lel-nphl bui- ' "Béurl‘lit‘éd'bl' n'nb; Ifid'llckene’d of it. won. To In’cndminpbom’o in “lithium". Wilh him 'whbaii'nimo 'il’Lovol , Fol Ihdlrll denlh' hid nailing-‘- ' Nor, could 1136 coid. ilill valley of the tomb. V ‘.' ‘ A'pmipg terror fling H Upon their Ipiriu. ' ’Mid il- dabpeu gloom. Thou m'r oi failh shone brighten, my in ray. » ~. :Choor'd and illumedthoir way. - L ‘ 'i'hetiwup not few the dud, ‘ ‘ * Who Ilup Ihoirdnimlou deep within lhe [rave , ‘ Where drbopmrwillowl spread. - Theirbnnchen. and lhe filful High: winds. wavo A‘cl’eguiam o'er gho cold and lifelon clny ' :Now crumbling in decay. . ‘ . • Jeremiah :art, 10 Fromxha‘Snturduy’Evoning-Pm}.- » @hlzodore Colder; or, .‘ "flfiNGBfi 03 ENE $223136. u Muump. zoudon. 7 '_'"Oh 3, the deep ooul hath changes 7’ ' “"’*i More sorrowful thawiuz—"r "' * ' " ’ Boe‘tcomhwhem love haaApamhed; , . r; , Vapiatruut—wharo fncndahi grew ; ' ' . PndoL-whero onco naluro cgemhed Ml tend“ thoughts and mu!" I ' ' Mrs. ”mam. ' Many péfu‘o’ni éonflpmn gfiqlitiofps nar- VI!!!" depmi‘qg. life; .pé the}; portrayed. “mthént” {aboriginal {flit Eden of day dreamed: "‘ Bu? 'tale mitinf is but a de ' hartmgnt‘b! zthe imitative l‘qrt—puetnyai— VAN Poémmkm in:piltqr'-uir.l.v.l9aintiné .v and sculptum-nuer.«originutel. _ A {urn} -..°':.nus¢!y:.i4_eu|:‘kéw‘ty .nusr- smug tram I 5!!! flyisel ‘; nongfafi‘iqtna. Ihr lan'dljcabe‘ .‘of -: Vpuvflegmag‘lqiugrffom:p'en or: pencil. «Th: :mpgmltijop cpn' only ' qu; (orth’lwhguh‘e .‘ ”‘0; In} "Hen ; _lt'Tc'ln but 'co'llect the VII,- ~ lay: and hillufibr groveund fountain! of 3:91"; lbifili‘flqnflip‘gj lhg‘l‘cittcud-clo‘udq .gpfigt,-[omu.wno'etspilaiorlit! dark‘ht’oy‘v Bid @117)??an ' 5 'Fljn'cj’ hill 766; pdiiiytdi "cull um 'M'.vn|s','t>'r!cd,. win;‘-n¢sv,.;exi.'-terrcd-~ .ltp ‘mi’céid‘fi ii Qq'gg‘emwcl, Ité-gzqnjbioo ind ’ rp-touch the materialalgiven (nit. hundm A‘ tale shag, -qu'st:b‘q"‘s vr_e§_bfd~'pf the: .wmg‘ng 'qbsiergggiéflg‘gsr;ghgjliabmgo! mom gaugfhyglqfljng'md 'ggiibn’ "of “ME iround hum. How then commera'cqnim ”Jun unlucuuto a knouladgoolrthu» unfami oucd mine. Ihfipumaghgid and hurt. at ‘-,igrt'p’gg nip-[by ,Wh‘iéh‘i ,féfle‘cts not ,oplyq lhe 'jjg‘rcgggi I'm! "g‘eaueit’ ‘omgflid‘ai 01' illjgefl 35".” pejx’en inf-11. 156315} flut‘thfi'férj‘r ”bed "i ‘” fiflich,jh}§da’rfie ‘l‘life’b‘fou‘rngilppeaf ".klégbj‘fi'b:gleam.”>3")?" an}. “‘7’? .‘. ‘ ‘ T'fl _fi'cll'xfianlidg'é’illflgidi in (H 6 i‘qéc‘b‘rdb‘ of ‘ 'fh’ntifix fife! flilipti‘fdb’, fibi‘in’fli'e nice» 1 'd"fiafll'd philoléphy.” -.,,.1;:~u,5é.:.‘i :2? ; s!;‘3' ‘ syflbrysvs'; '9 :Eha'zisti @659 h‘s’éri‘i‘e'd '° ,3?!“ E'RVF'S'hWP 99.29“!!!» mg thgggg‘gglbfigflyfinu lamtiy m the range 0! «in ’icququlgn;p. 'whose .hiuory ilmnm fililf’irfflnfi’ufipw'nbt by quite a: inmg "ling ua‘m'njoiity ‘dl IN tiles in‘our pe ,- irih‘uit‘o‘m" n’the‘ ‘occuuénce- Lot .hdr- mm Hiffiwlatfl 06m gummy ; butnagit-wdovg'gj'lor' Alti- hbur'zl’ml 'sucnl"thaw-Jenn“;stud-Md ' 1115,11; _fifidrlh'fl? tol‘olrlchesg‘oua 'owh*.hillo< 'fzxe‘uppemm‘fliondmum Ilrgl’g'efi 3- a: n' w ’5 “Ah-13113111111 u’a‘v' popforul 19.; ‘pvbhyou‘ bug pmguryiaat“:lfiptufiue‘nt:fmeéchndtymg' , m Mm Jflc‘rizontfi bfiiy.“nud’wealth{;4 goon", quqnflflkf-‘fi-Wfififi‘i blaiud wit ; 'axloyE-L‘mhogqglfingc Vl} Theme", “(1 ,uic 51.35, 1“} ..C .- .;.‘n‘5;,...~~~_.,,5~. . r. , -,ll_‘ , , ~ I" l > s:' y ‘er- 1 . ‘ . . '_ . " v .» _. 1 . ,1 , . f ~~- _ ,u- uv..-. i . v 1”. V ;.. ‘,.‘7-v,l-.‘,-,.~,,.H._1 ~._.,._.m .... ' 1.. ~ ‘W. . ' .1 :12 1. . ‘ . v ‘ . , ~ . 4 _. .4 .VV ..., ‘.‘ A" L 1' , __ ,- , ~ , 1 _ k _ ~ _m , _‘, '_ - ”x," ‘1 ‘l'U'f ‘l’ -‘ -,.'-‘ ' Lay . . ' 1 ' ‘ ,-~~~. , > , . .‘_. ~ _ _ ._ m, . , , -' . _ A 4 .. . .. 1 ‘ v » - ‘| 2 I , . ’. : , I'7l - .1.“ 1‘1) . .0; (,- 1 . 3» ‘1 . "a! .d 0 ,_ , V . A ,‘ ' v . -V 'r‘ :_r .1 a ,_ .1", :4 >,‘ pm pm: .. , ,; 1«..!,.,.#,,,m;-¢' T 3 , r 1:1. '9 m r: 1. g» .‘.":: x"; I'll 4:1 {'l4: .’-:!?"n..u: 4.1 472". v ‘ .. V . ,_ , _ , , ‘ . ‘ ‘ W 1_ _ .. 1111’:'lr'-.o ,: . ‘ . . ' ' ' "3 7 1‘73 3w ‘,. 7': .‘ - I “ " - - . “1'" ' , “ ta .. 1", -' b ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ’9' ‘ '1 " ' ’ " ' I ' 'rw: ‘~" , 4 . . < 1 . _ ._._‘ 3". I J 1v 2 w”: 1 . ’ ;.- . . . . ’ 1 ‘ ’ 1 (" ..,. ‘. ‘ . . _ . ~ . _ . V V 1 v ; g _ c ,' . '1 '/ v "y' ' ‘-‘ x ‘ ' - r 1} .‘ -' ' . J A ‘ n , 1 I 5 vg ‘.' ‘! ;,-! 1"-n_“‘- IMI L . ~ -' , ,1 j.. . ‘ r . V,. , ’l‘ r . | .1. ,_ 1 . . .. -.r '5. . ~ :1 _ - . ~1 ,‘1 _V , .. 1." '4, ~-q ."‘:E ._‘, g._‘_,,_“‘_‘ 1 .. 1=22111 who isthe hero of our story. 3 .Annie Fri.- zer. the daughter of one of the tirst‘ Is‘wl ers of the’ssm'e place, is' our heroine;— zl‘hey Were/early :lonr‘s. V Both-Mr‘éFra zerv'ender.’ Colder were members of the aristocracy of'P-—+-. and an intimacy ex tsted - between their families. Brought lthus: together; Annie flsnd Theodore] early lbecsme friends; Their evident partiality lfor each other was food slur merriment‘to 'their older friends; but in spite ofthisAni nie never needed a defendergnor Theo dore an advocate'. when re'presched. As their spring pessetlxipto summer, the skies were/changed” but their hearts remained the same. " ‘ j Such attachments though not very rare or striking; are yet beautiful beyond all that is dazzling in the development of hu manlove. Happy is she whoin her‘ holy girlhood’s day has felt the spell of ‘s'pure love in the soul. The blight of heartless observancess‘the poison dew "of vanity, csnnotvrhelly destroy the germ thus our turedn‘ She must be better. purer, more sincere. w :And in'hirn who awakes.‘ who returns. this early ,eilection in his early days; is'enkindled'e desire for the soft and gentle household ministry of woman; s belie! in her truth, that no after treachery can shake.» - - ‘ in 'his eighteenth year Theodore left home for'a distant College. Ambition had even then addressed him with her imperi-_ one voice, and while the moon‘lightof boy hood -fell on the flowers at his feet he had chosen to tread. in the noon of life. a stern and ruggedvvray. This common daydream ol eminence. in his college struggle his strength'of will madee reality. Trusting to no miracle to fulfil his destiny he made, by earnestness and untiring eflert. his ac tion second the magnificent conception of his wishes. Glad in the consciousness of accomplished purpose and merited ap plause. ‘he ‘ returned-to ,meet' the proud greeting oi his parents ; the esteem of his elders ; the envy.- perhaps. of his campers.- ions, and. above- all e gladd.‘ in while brightness, honest toil' anti vresry labour, shone with-a :glory unknown before. So tet‘the diligent in-actioo'; the noble in as piration, be rewarded evermore! -‘.‘ ' ’ ' To him. that smile .vrss not such estran ger- as she who gaveit must now appear to us. In the sunny clime of her presence he had recovered his .wsstedstrenglhfiin those fleeting days whichthe secluded stu dent “givesto home and the forgotten ties which bind him to the bustling world. : .That child whom we admired for her sweet,- .childish emotion," stands before him a lovely and accomplished women; stillloviug as a child : still trusting es in child. yet beneath the rose-veined’msrblev‘ of her cheek. quelling the tide of modest blood,‘ eudconcesling‘ thelire at her darlt‘ eye beneath Its jetty veil.: gShe mnyfeel 3" osy-sh‘s‘ does teelthe impulse, to rsst:ss;of‘ old in those arms; yet perhapsslttkeeps‘ her tell andigrseeful ferns ereet‘in pride“ end the still womanly heart, that will throhl and th’rob, must'yet best gently heath that i rounded. delicate bust; [-Thst bustlhese‘ lilyttint rolls ontto hidebeneath the shade of'the' lossy’ .black ringlets that put her dove-‘llgke throrit. , Annie was indeed love ly’rnot lovelier tha'n thousands of ourland. yet lovelier than pen can tell ; for who stands in .the presence of a- lovely woman without feeling ; that it is the very charm of that presence. _to the spirit of beauty. speaking in 'eye and hair and cheek and form, we owe deep admiration. The mere portrait of the pen.; gives no moresdequate description ‘then the gifted sculptor could give‘e'veh'inhis faultless creation ofthe goddessfol B‘ea‘tity.’tes she appeared to her Trojan‘lovér.‘scatt_ering amhrosial odors from her hair ; the tints’ol morning flashi ing over her cheek, and celestial love hes:- \mmg trons’jhflfieye. Different far in sp peerance washer lover; and yet 'tbe‘tall. slender student ;-- ”with the ‘rns'rlt's’ot tho't _on his br'otv. and-his dark; passionate he zel eyegfa’n'd ._his determined lips; formed so displee‘sing- cootrs‘st 't_o7‘his tair'er horn} 'Pnnlsn-‘i‘ ' " . j ’. ; ~:Winter.' ithou'gh his- looks were as cold and his voice ss-hoarse's’s ever, frozenol” the‘vrsrm spring of caution that still,bub bled upstart!) and bright; .The‘fluversi ,metnig tly in the crowded 'ci’rcl'e to‘ item of socisljoys endu'mirthfulnes‘s.“ and often stone to vow and to confess; sad-own the _gentle’psins-of lovexAnd what'tvss'swe'et er thsuuhen spring filed the hills in fresh grepaillnngyithya’few intimates? to rdve' over thehesntiful scenes isr'oundi,‘ 'Sp'ring passed . ~snd'sum'm‘er ceme.‘ sud/with the sultrysun of July s‘city.‘eitquisite,zto re; creatnmil" delicate frsme' and " gain? some lsurels among the belles of 37—7, to e cartrpsigdihlfi undoubted tissue. .xDres'setl in eicostume‘svhich. only. the‘puhlish’er ol aZfashion, plate .couldrraceurstely' describe; ,otle‘rgus- with‘the most delicate and ‘spproq‘ ‘veglgperfumes andzpnssess'ed of shalt they, ‘ietricslmsnuerg Mr. .~Fredehclt‘-:thrton ,svss‘fg-as, ”yell. o‘cslculsted‘sas 'th_e truest ref gunned citjzenof the Qdflsltetz city itofii‘n ‘,',‘!‘lllll!|.l?s hesrt.: :His face was smoothga'nd regularly formed; his person-zwoa‘i'slight but svelltmadet and; s‘ Uodrfssfof? Eityltlife. he‘d given him some ltuouledgehof'ihe’ hot: man heart whicxl: et'lifa‘toffm'ere‘in’dodencé. rarely gives, ~ causing an acquaintance Will's fomeel the elitepfthc place, he not afiset‘.ouiihei‘eine.‘ suggntegtlngfisrfigstruck! ’srittidter lperso'u’sli spgésrspcegffitij struck? veayferctbly. indie ”t 'h’ut’on satisfied-f, on‘ (thought; Mr;"thrtonr foundihere OLE A EEI EL D,~ PA." AP R I Li 17 A 846. OEM was in oppoi'lunlty (91 signalizo himself»;- quie us pretty;- 0! Othaughly family endowed with usiargo- fortunes-and than therewu a lover over ‘whom to iriumph, Such pn Opportuniivaau not to be alight ,cd. Annie’s ,womlniah hurt was'pieuéd with lha homage o! lhe handsomu awhile. and aalno featlulihought of wrong or in turn sorrow came ,over hc'r‘, yielded lo the influence,“ lhe moment. 9nd did not're who the invader oi her lover’s right. ' V Matters “were thus when. 'on an after. noonol‘ rare: beauty. the‘ young'a'nd lair. thé brave and brilliant of P-—=—', assem bled for an ax’cursion and-merry party to ’n neighboring noted spring. ' ' '-i . In. the gay craft of their amateur boat man,- they glided up n gentle ‘currcnt where' the river almost slept beneath a double row of tall elms and maples and ‘ oaks"; while beyond; neat larm7honses' 3 stood in the green' meadows. Then’came i a ripple. up which the utmost eii'orts oi the i gentlemen could scarce mere thebattes‘u'x. and above this' the stream spread into a 1 wide, lake-like expanse."sn. still and mo tionless ‘ that' the golden star of the lil,_ ‘ rocked to and fro among its_leaiy flags.— On one side of this was a deep shore. clasl with evergreens and stunted shrubs; on the other. a salt meadow bordered on the water by tall trees. extended for‘a short distance. and theirs bold‘ hill flanked by a fertile table land. rose behind. This soul inspiring scene was passed, and then on a level shore. among a clump of trees, the famous spring lay sparkling in the sun-beams that chanced .to dart through. the foliage. 'From the pebbly basin. crys-' tal droughts were quailed. and then soon upon the smooth, cpén. green award. light leet were bounding to the merry viol.‘ Theodore was Annie’s escort, but on their arrival Wharton managed to secure her attention, Although she saw the pang she thus. inflicted on 'her proud and sensi tive lover,yet ehe'would not nebly repair it by repulsing the stranger and calling b! I smile ora’kind Word her injured admi rer _back to her side. And he.—he felt that. leeling- which had for weeks‘ been cloudingvhis spiritHhat sickening pain which darts through a trusting and feel ing heart. when one whom it believes ul (me u Haven. betrays thht‘truat.‘ j Nigh: bro’ught a gay séene. From ev ery (tee lamp: 'were gieaming; the' sky wa‘n robgd in in puredt'blue; the mu :Ihed down No“ brilliance {jewels and jetty hgir'fluhgd in the movgmenlfi o! the dance-z while 'dreu'el c'on‘lra‘lied strange: I]. will) lhqdark folingc, Ind‘onhly the tubes '9! lhgwjg! flualgd onlhe still air. From this leslivily a pair had stolen a way for a few ileps and stood gazihgvon the scene. ‘ They might have been lovers, for there was en imp'nuian'ed air about the gentleman. whioh'eeemed’ tovbespesk him ‘one bent 'onpurpousssl‘v lsve. He stood for a moment, lhen'uhicpered some words 10 his companion to ~which she did polite ply. . He took her‘ hand abut-Tit has ‘wilhj drum—sud yet she' seemed -not'olfend'ed.' After a few Words}? earnest-aroma, more lheytreturned-10-lhe ‘crbwded-psrly‘. ' , ‘ A ,lew,,pices dulhnt flrpm these anoth er. stood. and he’nrd-lheili Whispered words. And yet he wnsfre‘e [rom‘lhests‘iq oldie h‘onpr‘able esve‘s‘d'rbpping'.‘ loi- lhe} 'hsd unconsciously apprgs’chedlhis presen‘gei-‘e- He‘hsd seen all; snd whéb, flur’tlidhdfid of his beloved hsd rented (or n mb'mejqilfip‘ ; lhstol s-slrsn‘ger, he had been], in‘t‘e’p‘lyl to some‘tsunt‘ with which his .own'na‘th'e had beenncouplé’dr her who in chin had' solemnly owned he'r ' love, hnswef—l‘ NOE, no! you? Im'divgjou 'must have seen lhnt' he’s nothin'gvlo me.’ ' He heard—and nei-. ther doting that nigh’l‘ngr his afterlife ever did lheie ‘word‘s. les‘vs his finemory. Theodbre‘Colder. in the igo‘by of his'be traye'd‘hesr't, 'sbnndsu‘ed at ‘on'ce :heidol of that helim 'bul'h‘e 3did nut fo'rg'el her; in lhe depths _of his soul there slepg {wish linked mtb her m‘embry which as yet lqok no shape. 'blfl slept ready lo"_ws'ken end mum, whsgeven form ”circumslsp‘ces should give if.l and tha! fies—quienge'!‘ ,‘ 'He sbandqip‘efAuniéfsnd"yet Io \the l ’world seemed nor to hate buft oth to be 1 indili'ereul'; to have felt Ihedeelhiol youth- 1 {ul' srli'sillie's. vililch 'sofolteuflochisllo manhood. "Apd‘she. il she, felt for; hisde- 1 :sertiou‘.’ at Jessi Iliad lssrned‘ lo duels." ‘ men,- 9: {Quad in'venogherk_i‘aileniilbn. e sola‘c‘s Ydi‘ baffle": ‘ Weeks‘ ‘ps's's‘e'd on,’ and whed‘jNh'srlos, i-elqrn‘edfto'lhb-city ‘1! wet kno'wpi‘lh‘s‘t"lie’v’wo'ul'd' te‘lu’rn .lo_ 'clsim'iMis's'Fre'ze'r‘ss‘ bride;"’ lb'lhe 'iviné ‘8" they, were Ipsrlriedjhsnd in'jlhe brillo iant bridal}’and‘lh‘e' blur“ bfjlesliviu'klbst 'folloive'd; Ihe'fseemed tbye‘a‘lize‘, 'ia lhe o? piping.“ hllgwtbe" ’uguhxoig‘fi‘st hesrij'qoqid desire; ‘ Who!) _eliéjjiyss shim! ‘iq 'de'pv'elt with ‘her husb’shd‘.‘ lip"; shihe'jn' lho’s'egsg iqeriés- which" the jungle gigiig'rdr'g he; fo'l‘njel“ lobe}? dame ‘iyillifihh blhe'r mega; to‘bidla‘feWcllil“ ”1"," “' " '~-' ‘ "-'l.u.l!|l.h‘éi’img'rcdma “with "bin; hemog ’for‘efidincpmu I!!!“ Fight, in We soon! :h'gnf'fln‘hfldfl“? LT 1393' F'ifipsylfl‘tdflqfl'gpgled; liWWfitl‘ese.msr..'sgz¢os.m. muse; "“‘Y‘Ai‘fiih‘qfl. -3°‘§i"n..‘.tha; Whiz-slug": 361'IfiEfiQ'Ehilbét'fl. gmhlgag, 3;: M '?~’""17“1.I.‘~’?i‘li;h'é?"§o" ‘i'hb two; fin-tandezrento flit-"fl!“é‘l'p his»?! Wilda-if, 2.;.~;;:, : *"3'l‘Y99é3~“°veh'rrsaal'ed-f:it mm 3.; WiIURKQAh‘BIapIMc’b,’ 'J “’7""~ ' f_~ -. m f Oh! and they will bathe - forgotten} and Annie. ‘II Theod'oue (urned away. The period of :his study. we: at length completed end: Theodore Colder commen ced his practice of thelew. .Almoet at the beginnin his family influence procur ed‘for- him film: pert oftcoueeel-inen im portant-cane. Hieeflort in this was etude;- cidedly euceelel'ul that at once hero’ge .to eminence. A] Mr practice extended at home hie reputetion .epreed abroad. end wherever he journeyed; the wee flattered and caressed. “Fortune ecemed, to adopt him as her child. deliroue.by-her favours, whenever he needed them. in eoctelyoret the bar; ‘to , recompense her early etern neee. The ‘eged enteemed nndgeve him honor: end theyoungeet andl’airent would heve thrown all. their other hopee aside to have brought him to their‘leet. , Five years alter her. bnllilnt marriage and triumphant deperture Annie Whar ton came back .hebited in .robes of‘woe.— Of her history during her absen’ce. little was -known. Her farmer acquaintances had .seldom met her during- the earliest part of her. married life and. latterly not at all. There were whispers that the star of splendor which attracted her to; the city was' but a meteor. that the. love which Wharton proffered. had not been given; but these more onlyrumors. 'Her relatives alone knew aught.. though notall, of her history,and they were silent. Mrs. Whar ton brought with hera beautiful little girl, her only child. Her father was now dead, aodwith her widowed mother she dwelt in seclusion. But time seemed to eflsce all the marks which sorrow had traced, le. ren the wounded spirit seemed to heal and soon , the' dark 'eye at Annie flashed as lbfightly. he; step won as haughty and her form as gracelul and light as of yore. The icolbr came again to. her cheek ; the smile once more played around her mouth, giv ing to the weeds she wore,.a>charm. ‘which ‘ many tender swains acknowledged; , ‘_ 1n _the assemblies oer—-—-'. she again met her former:.aslrnrrer. ‘ ‘Slowly his in} difl’erence seemedto melt away ; more dignified and less ardent than beforuhe ‘ assumed the character 0! the been rather 1 than the lover. yet Annie’s pleasediand blinded ‘ eyes. saw- not this change in hia‘ mannerrbut, welcomed and encouraged his ‘ attentions in antnanner, better Isuited to ; early girlhood—than sober, widowed tro- i manhood. Nottnore than two years had i elapsed since the deceasa of her husband I are Annie became the wile of Theodore Colder. A. 1 .Then she fondly deemed that hcr‘fliture ‘ would be,-bright; and cloudless.‘ In the place of her birth; among the companions of her youth-linked to the lover-other .youth.-now renowned and wealthy,~€vhat lacks she yet? But here began that lite for which her‘ husband had so long stifled his emotions: here waszto be -paidrthst debt of paiotol .heartsickness; of neglect and scorn. which she had in an hour at weakness. on (hat festire night. contract.- ed With him. ~.Moved by no companion [or her pactsufleringu, softenednot by her prclem lendernels; but thinking only ”of her broken, faith; of his betrayed- hirmt, he. determined to abate no. lithe a! his pur pose. Perhapsthad (heir spirit: under gone» no change. save the aiiént. one 01 time, thinhadmot been, :But-Annietneg lécled'by herjhmbnnd, Ind flying into the vortex oileshionable .adilflipl‘iOfi. had be come more heartleu and -.ttifiing than in, youth,~ while Golder. in’ theiwreck of his hopeb.‘»and the excilem‘ent of‘amhilion, had hardened-lii: atom-disposition oimoq: lo minn_lhropy.~ 5‘ .: ~::/. A: ; ,Hisldnyi-and often achiei pnrtof-his night: were spent In his oflice or abroad injnurneyn of’hutiness, or among hi: legal and ,litoraiygflicndfa'lxlheir resorts.— When in the . aociclygof others he” was puncliliom,in‘hilvbehnviourlo his grille.’ lor' heym'proud o! hat-hum}. and :too. cha‘ry of his own repulalioo to neglect her. A} home he vnuld not (real her ill.-l Jut inhis _calm'indifl'crence‘madmhe'i: fe'el :theapang 01. unrequited love. ,=' On h‘nglghild-he luv ishcd. lhnt ‘aficniion _which miller: right.-‘-' In the -.wnrmlh of; his munch (on little Kate it reallyiueqnived M hehnd tr'nnllcr: red to .her the lovahc boreiu childhood lo the molherr .No child blunedlbgir unib‘n. Hadit not beenmo, probably-larch: hip children. high: 1' hame.dra¥rn.llgim. to their mother. but no nigh hopgiof‘reconciliation some. and Annie; pinged inway.-I-conlumpo Jinn. that bane‘gl‘glhe'lnir pnd imgile‘. leiz ,ed on ,hervnnd‘ lhe} lhird . summer, ol hgij union: Mm ~ :Thehdote < m; .hel' mead-g wlonly any» when awhkq: in,,.The¢l’doi-q ‘ a cohlnioume‘ls onthe, ox‘lgnl. olhimwotk- Thglunmo lhe _lorgum; of re mom; 9f 9"! (or his victim. .Thcnmemorieh: pleasgnt mnmotiu. ..of.. ' lhflrclrildhqosl; Ihfiirsenfll l lovchlhein: bright youth/alluled .91».th clouds ,and,:.tlpr'l§qe.n.ql Ms,-rule-EM‘lgl-“e'” eutzansemqnti.;§‘nameunvarhiiimlflgififi“ :clmdwhichhj;fi,..‘lcpra,up.r,s he.» will“; lhsitilgnl'filndipz;o£.:hariazlfl'3fi?‘§l‘ 's‘?! alllailqd-m losch.f_.loundqd H!W"Ih.E9II-; an "not";ALQVQFJl'plußd:be‘ntilt!“ lgreaih. , The» lhpmqm. which=wmlhuugaohblt .cqll—c'ggrg deMul, ~-lhn',cur,se mml; gusty lo! ”flanged. amt; ”mum-muddy» Remain :aawm: over :AP'E-crl'flfirflrc'l!” which» mflfipe ofilulemrfbumgonlqn: ihgggmight repairs-j .. '1‘!!! houmfiifiyrfigbuh '3',” «bands Mlnaged glam; ,Qlylfi'lgndhlp .-:,v,qi.c9:hnllsz.i nub Ilmng- 9mqlmmmim> [guy], his will and ,-;rhepcnllnce. -. Shade- =IR ’NEWiSEmEs-é-‘vbfir n Naifi‘ri-‘niisibia‘m;l.3l.2.3”: Hf. Anger—i; mm. ,ehé ,lhoughushar ‘ earlyoeath, how to hug.“ “.mong which phenyght thye ‘ hue}; gq ‘,happy—.-uhade'l passed over he: hwy; then Iqrrdml‘or her qwn Iwe’aklnm. braketmthjn, tear; ;- till woekqusxl permittfll hat-. 10 express her foigivenegg ml; by A tam-med] his; hand and en, .expresalve‘g'ancm. ~ v-s, .‘ u ) . Night came—2r calpi- ‘<‘Augiul.evuling. The day hqd heenhrigh} but not sultry.— The low-dye; hushed suvo’the voices of promenade” enjoying an ~evening..nalk. Late in Iheevomng Annie revive}! and «wing lhe moonbealmg‘fall no gentlyumhcr roomnlesiml to be taken' to the window that the might ozainhehold. lheglotiel-ol earth. The] objected 'on account olhor weakneps. 'My momentrarqnumbered9' the "lid : ' let me lookonvnhlt I shall ne ver see again.’ ,Theedore carried herin his arm; antleat with her on themindovv- There lay before them thewhill with Ila dork evergreens along which they hld'ao ol’ten rambled. ,Thfixipplu, qftho river sent back a thoulqhd sparkles ofilight and calm and cold like sentinel: loeqixhl. the shadow of lhe tall .lreen-II)’ all "I wave. While she gazed. a- pensive joy Mole over‘ her face. and when her hulbmd nluislc'd'her‘ up. he cargied nothing but her c a]. ' l . V t v-‘ They lnid her in her early‘tomh; and i! the world deemed shehad been:neglected in life by herhusband ; his deepend Inst ing sorrow at . her', death seemed'to deny snddispron the seeming slander, He loved not again—hut the child of his wife became the sole thing dear unto his heart. On her he lavished, the wealth which his stills increasing reputation gained~ him: but even her caresses and attention cannot soothe his troubled splrit. The‘he‘nrt'thlt: changed so often will not again :chlnge : the iron still remains in his soul. -' v: - Consult your” own condciert‘cq ; what darn i: lay in theTgrelt end 6f life"? '3'; Lijtcn to its voice in 'the_ chgmben (if Iqu "in heart. It tell-Wynn jth‘evéfln hquignc mum- that it'pur‘e. and'thnt'strum‘flon from tho‘thronent'GOd 3 but on'e iim’thlt in noble, and worthy of dh‘iifihi’oflhl "Igir. it‘, and that is.‘ to hecbm’a‘theftrigh' o! God,"|o that _the'i'oul mly Wing its Ily 'o ver 'the ar‘ave ‘wilhont telnfwitho‘ut du mny. without condemnation: “Th-fro jil only one’ path 'p’usiy‘ig over the e’arth.'which u are. whlqh in light,“which is hqnorabl'n. It in that non which Je'utl Christ has tutt ked 'out in‘ hil'w'drd. 'glid"'vphich‘ le'ads to glory.- x Lat conscience "Ip'e‘tkijhen you are temptc'dvt‘d 'waate n'day';~"dr to'gommit any known sin." to n'eglé’ct‘an'y knows; dil ty. uplift-wilt ur'gé ”sl:be ‘all'jthé .high and holy} upgitivea v’ofgete’lrnity td-ljvo To: God; to giye' ydur po'wera‘td Hjm; tO‘Uegk Hip honor in allyou‘do.; ", ‘ .. " ‘ 'fßénutilnll” is; lhc inwgrd .explamn lionol’lhg .beholder’ as he uccndtlmlha deck 10 ,lheglmorning, . New: beforo‘hu nalure qqemed IQ lovely -lo.him._qugur hofoie has he "seen. the hands of,-God,dip_v. played inpqchpell'egtiqn, ‘ .AlI-lhefpgint ingu by .lhe lmogt Ilull'ul hpmgm‘pomrp. which he, had provxoully ugngh’nmmnk log: in tho shade. Slowly and, majepliml-_ by, null droppibg with wnler‘. lhegkingmf ny tisaaltomthiupcean .bgd',, ,The bye;- zn. play gently Imm lhe, b:i_hy:i,v4a'vcl," scarce awakengdlrotglhqh mucel’nlflum hers. The wholpveulem sky in p’guprqz’id ’with a gprgeouq crimgon canbpy—nnd fur o'vcr'lo lhazweativn‘rd. in the dim dlllancc. {hay _occa‘uohu‘lly be seén lheiwfellin’g (:a'n vus ship'.‘ refleqlihg the glaring light from lhq enél. {and 'appcnrin'g .5; filjgéach were; a sheet cl fire'.’ =Wh‘o'¢mfivview,lhil .mi' hly picture; and aay‘lhqre ’. 1’: 130' God? .' 'lSono sue the unwi'qe; can make lhig' dgclgralipn in the fiery‘ fac'e'lol‘ 'him‘ 'wliqfréignelh on high. ‘Whhhh yierhi‘a might} pidlql‘h. ahd'hot fc‘ellhla hpso'm u‘wgll‘wilh‘grg’tilpde‘ and adolralioli’loirflim,‘ In giah'om 516' l!!!- 'a,n_d moire; ‘v‘ahd'havfo. on‘r' hei‘ngi‘j; Nhhje. 'say‘e'lhé ighq‘yam and! (lie unjum. L All y'a lure’ ‘speak'l ol ' God.‘ and everyf éréalure {gels hip guardian pare. ‘ -' m " , A" m’zixi'vh‘ousé ‘siidigm be his; girth]! pa‘rhdiée. ’ [i should‘ be’.‘ bf 'nll qlher'pfidtl. lhat’which hejeavea with-mlo'lltjrggrep,‘ahd tb which hi)t refihfg‘u with ‘moi‘t‘ldelightlé "And ih'order'tha; it my! gho'sog‘itthghxd b’eA- M‘s“ did"! (ask, "0' prcvide‘féfzérxtbins cjo‘uvgniém B.th 'Cumlqrtab‘lvergfog- hiq‘nifé‘. With 'key‘elry 'proyinjpn‘ he' ~cdn"“fpduib)( ’m‘aké. h‘er’a‘ [\‘villvtfiéja lifyof‘cjre ”‘llng . ‘Shb’jc [he sentinel _who'cah'sgiddnjjiif’e}; 'oi.jbei reli‘gVed.;_ IQlVh‘E'i'l ‘in'ay pleép; but}! Clic‘re‘be'"hz_iy {my 'Vw‘ho hiilifififitcjhfi’ifls shag” (She gu‘ghg therefore. 't‘o bé'f‘n'rnifihg’gl with hip? 'co‘fhfhr!‘ Within "(ha [l‘liéhnhl'jbf her mt; ;atl_.*””'Géa§r‘avl ; év‘eyyfihfllihg ei'p’hn'déw _b' “it hma'ntfi toFL-thq'jseggng mud-tibxigoyyhig' iwire'viq’rpe’r'zuymemc‘oge} fdtioniifiiu’fetil‘rneiv ’6de liiifi' Ifgfiibhfldgr i! not. precisely in pecfl‘nhqydflbt’qge. though-Ihinjisrolleh: lruu; “Mill!!! found in rthe 'or'der.- f pbacailu'df. upping“ dfhi'l [gmily' ,‘s ‘2":‘73; :L’}? "yttrium 52:71 “3'l":ka L 211. "-5- 1 ; "e".f,‘£"i .-.-,,4 .533“; H ‘ "9'”! x. wwfhy‘mzauduu avgligpagrawamm Bacauua‘moy» our mm}. rbalxlim‘q Thiby‘eiu brgnmg‘w-p. ' J '17.. 39.3 w ‘-.'.:u' , 3; r,» gum; ifs-Wu" ;.~:' viz? ‘2l-'53 - F’ :u‘m Shiv? N :"H minnows!!! sadanzwmw 19x! 1439mmhmfonsiemzrmaomA „ .~.° .. ~ti \ t H CONSULT CONSCIENSE. SUN RISE "AT ,SEA'; iFOR HUSBANDS; am ;.5 7.: I ES \n, ." 2"“ "LA" MEE , . • =ME