flzmot'tuuc hamlet. c L BA R P] E L D. In. Fm 28. 1846 f To Lumnlqnxu.-~Our lum wrmen uro [My-ooh lully' torched lo lho ndverlinnmon! for Prnpasala .or Lurfiher. by “union Calm! Cdmpnny. 'l‘hoso “ho have anw millu. and Ihmk they man do it. should mud on their proponiliun‘ for a part a! n. ”Since our IMI. we have In“! another hem-y {all of wow. In lhe woodl, when: il In not much exposed lo‘lho um. II is said to be about Ihrne fem deop. Shou‘d this {ergo body 0! wow go MT ml): a sudden thaw, the whey of tho Sulquehnnna will no id .‘greul danger offlufl‘ering mvcroly from high water. .W'l‘ho viiuo' lor Iho cucunun of [\ICCAFPEHTY' who was convicted in 'Hnnlingdonoumly (or lhe murder of David Hauler. has been fixed by Ibo Governor on lhe Bill of May nut. The Election. The following in the remit of the veto in lllc several diufrlcu of llns cnunly on the Licenm quov ‘llon. ll will be olmvn'ml lhal in some diuricw Ihere was no voles on cilhcr aide—lhe cilize‘n: no! fooling themselves lufl'lcmnlly inlernlod In volo leilher way. The prov'ulonn o! the law ’ure. Iluat n mojomy of tho VOIOI or ouch dmrin uhull deter mine who'll!" Ihoro nhnll or shall not be liqunr lold within said dialriél for tho ensulng youn— Agninsl the sale For the sale of liquors. 0f liquors. 15 9 ll 22 Beccnriu, Bell Bogg- Borough Bradford Brady Burnside Cheat Covingmn Decalur ‘ Ferguson Fox v 5 Guard Goahcn Huston Jordan Knnhaus Lawrence Morris Penn. Pike Woodward W. “’oodward. Geo. Byjhe lnsl‘Clittton Democrat' we porccite that the citizens of Lock Haven tendered this gentleman a public dinner. to be given at such time and place in would best suitvthis convenience. or an evidence of their respect and esteem for hll moral worth. sound judgment, talents and integrity; but which“ on account of circumstances rrqutring btl rclelice ll home. he was compelled to decline. ‘ hi'- on never to the Committee of invitation, he thus ox preues himself:— 1 " The kind terms which you were plea sad to employ in communicating this unex pected invitation. like all the other numer ous manifestations of public confidence which I have witnessed during the present circuit. are very gratifying proofs that the torrent of misrepresentation and reproach which has been directed against me lately, has not borne away from me ajot of the respect and friendahip of tl.e people of this judicial district. My clmsen defence a gainst defamation. is, so to live that those who know me shall not believe my accu sera.—and it is exceedingly gratifying to my feelings to witness the success of such an experimentjn this community." Bribery Case. Important invelligauona have been in prngreu at Harri-burg. concerning an alleged attempt, by ' a Mr. McCook.a citizen of Ohio, to obtain by car rupl meat". a favorable report from the Co‘mmit- ' tee appointed to inventigale the nfl‘aire oftho Le~ higb Bank. Mr. Piolett, member from Bradford . county, on the ch. roae in his not and .tated that ' ‘“ Mr. McCook had placed 8400 in his trunk to in~ duco hie influence. on a member of said committee, ‘ in favour ofthe Bank, and placed the money at the diaponl of the House. with a request that the mutter would be fully invoeligatod. A committee wee accordingly immediately appointed. who took charge oflha matter. and before whom a number of witnolael were examined. The result we have not learned to a certainty. ”tough the - Tolegrnph' of'l‘uesday laat intimatoa that McCook weedin charged. ”so, we think it very Ilmngo, indeed. Every union we bear the charge boldly proclaim. ad that membera have been bribed—dhat money he done ite work in the hands of the boron. &c. In the preaont cane. an individual member im- risked hie reputation in order that the guilty may be de looted—ho laid hie complaint before the House— an investigation wao made—tho guilt of MtCoolt proved beyond a doubt. by aevornl witnoeaea—and. inetud of punishing the guilty person, the inna cent man—he who would redeem the Legiulature from the charge of corruption. in mode the real eofl'erer. _But we cannot believe it until we have further evidence. From the following remarlu of tho‘ ' Uniou‘ it would appear tbnttbe editor nnlicipalee quite a difi'orent result : t' We spread before our readers to day i In“ reports of the proceedings of the invoa- t tigatingVCommittoe, relating to the attempt l on the part of Daniel McCook, of New i Lisbon, Ohio. to btibe Mr. Piollet. a mem bor,ofmo House of Representatives from Bradford county. All the facts oftbe patio us’ how befotetbe public. and evermne who paruaee the 'teetimony"'wi|l draw hie ownyneloeiona. The poaition of Mr;“M~’- Coo in web .aaju'etiy brings down upon him the reprbbatlonof the whole commun ity; ' lie-baa committed a high ofl'encea gai'nat'tho people of Pennsylvania. and for whichbie-reputatton u a. man of_',honour and ' probity; (- charietat’h} hoe hitherto mom arraynaillirr 00 00 00 10 00, enjoyed.) must gtcatly notion, What could i have Induced him to have supposed thin, corrupt appliances were neeessary .to be employed to secure legislation. is a secret locketl up in his own hosom. It must. ""1 deed; have been a strange infatuation which ‘2 could have led a manwho hul home so fair n reputation nmonghis fellow citizens, and who now holds a highly responsible office in the county in which he resides. to have committed an act which must destroy his standing in all coming time. We have no wish to prejudice the public voice a gainst Mr. M’Cook, nor to anticipate the report of the committee to whom the sub ject has been refcned. We have entire confidence in the gentlemen who constitute‘ that committee, and we feel satisfied that the conclusion to Which Whey wull come Will be such as to \‘lntlltnlo the instilled dignity of the representatives of the people ol Pennsylvania.” Tho llaniabuvrg ' Unnm' of Pub. 25qu, in zpt‘uk mg n! the nhuve cum. unys~ “' “ Under the head of our legislative pro ceedings “ill he found the report: 9itho| Committee of lnt‘r‘stigntittn, relattve to the attempt. on the part of Mr. Mct‘ook nf ()-‘ hie. to bribe Victor E. l’iollet, list}. So far as the atrocity of the oilencc is cancer tried, it tt ill be seen that the cntrtmtttce are unanimous in opinion. The report at" thel majority enters fully into the merits ut ther case. and axctttpntes Mr. Pinllet from any cnnnectiuu with the transaction, ('zt‘tzttlatetl to throw the least l'llSpiCit‘n upon hurt as a man. or as a member of the I.egtslatttre.~— In compliance “till the resolution of the majority report. M'Crmk has been handed over to the Deputy Attorney General of Dauphin :ounty. fll‘tl \t e untlt‘rfllantlltc has given two thousand tto'lm security lot his appearance at court." As this t; the fir~t case of open bribery. We trust that Ptlt‘ll an Example will be rnzttlt: rts \thl prevent it lrepetttiou o[ rt like offence.” Dislressing Shipwrecks and great Loser of Life! \\'e have the r-rr‘ticulars in the New York papers,nrirl r-[rt’glmllti the Herald, of numerous shrpnruka lltnl occurred rln ing the gala on Saiurrluy night and Sunday morning last, on ihe upper part ul tl-r- New Jersey Lunbl. Ar Lung tlrrrnctr the storm was more Violent than any they hnvr had there lor six years, while at Squarn Bench it is affirmed Iu have been the “oral during the last [verily years. No titling.- blue as yet been heard from l'nrrnr'gnt, though the wont is loved. The whole Jersey coast appears to be corererl with irrecks.—Ncrrl's Guzcllc. The hind, through the alterrroon nl Sat urday. had been light. and (he inward bound llccl, ltnonn robe very large, were crowding every thing to get into our bu). At nine o’clock it commenced to blow a reeling breeze; It snort made tun reels necessary; close reels quickly lollnncrl. and. by eleven o'clock. scarcely any tren sel could carry more sail than enough to lie to \iilh. The force of lhe gale “as from I'}. N. E” but rhhrlrerl lor a moment at a time, to every prrirrl of the compus-. It was impossrble to claw off shore ; an Ilttmpt to Icud was to rnd only in van ding. and lying lo was a hopeless ellort, and beyond the endurance oleanvasa, rige ging. or spare. About twelve o‘clock the schor ncr Alabama, lrom Plttlndelpitii, SIrUCK lhe sands of Squam Beach, New Ji-Hey'. about tWenty miles south of the Highland Lights. The crew are saved. The schooner Pioneer, lrom Brandy wine, bound to New Haven, with a cargo of corn and flour, atruck at about ihree in the morning. and all on board peri~lierl.— The vessel is a total lose. The cargo Will be saved, but I 9 scattered along rho bearh. The packet shrp Orleans, Sears. lr‘om N. Orleans, sailed in company with the John Minturn. and was near the schooner Reg,- ister on Saturday at sun down; and as there aretwn other slips ashore la'ther south than the Johri Mrnturr‘., one of them is believed to be the Orleans. It is leared that many vesselsnre ashore near Barneuat, lntlle Egg llarrbur, r.rrrl :rt Absecom Bench. From these dimicts news Will be expecled with great anxrely. Our packet ship: from Europe—rind (here is u'fl'éet of them due—may have escaped. or suffered only in sails and spars. We hope to hear swirl of their snlety. There is a schooner ruhore at l).;al, loa ded with corn. The ship Avalanche, ashore. on \lod~ flats, betneen Ellie’s and (irhber Island. will be got oil in a tow ilaye, by the assis tance of lighters now discharging, her. .Tlte wreck mauler writes. lltat he never saw or heard of such an appalling scene as the beach presents lrom Squan lrrler. [or many miles south. it is hirewn with boxes, bales, water cooks. trunks. gonds‘, wearing apparel, broken spare. and the dead-bodies. and as there are but three houses on the beach, built of wrecked wood, the privarione aod~ sulleringrr ol those—who did survive, must have been horrible. . Atone o’clock the‘achooner Register, of and from Newbern. struck. She had a cargo of 900 barrels turpentine. The Captain had taken in all sail but his lup— sail, which partly blew away, and could not be lurled, and to this_ topanil the cap tain and crew are indebted for their lives; lor when she stranded, she came broad aide to the sea, and the sails threw her masts over [hit upon the bench. All were 'save‘d’but one passenger, mm In supposed to'hovebeen crushed to death. The Swedish bark Lotty, which sailed for Antwerp on Friday, also got ashore, and the Captain. D’llaen, and inate.,\vere lost. She has gone lo pieces. She h‘ad a cargo of grain. , The crewman savedl Thé‘New York pilot bout. Mary Ellen. “ “hich caught the gale whilst on a cruise, l filly or sixty miles m sea, and having tried 1 ovary cflml \hoLhulnnn skill cnulll (Ivvise, lu keep on offing, finding lhal they must ‘ be slrnndcd, the Draw crow boldly delor- , Inim'd Io pulzher ashore lo the heel advan lagr. 'l‘hoy landed her so lhal shé‘tnn easily bi‘hum-hcd. and saved fill hamls. Betueen l2and lo’clock, Sunday mor ning.lhc achr. Oran. sloop Ontario and Slonp Geo. \Vaahington, broke mlrm from lhe foot of Jay Mrcet. when Iva cnmen; belonging lo one 0! the vessvls, it is sup‘ posed, were drowned—Cuplflln Jilin“ “J- Johnson and lllfl mm \\'.U.,lhc luller in nnvmpting to save his lather. No (ldlll .ugu was done lo the Win-l. lvAt Sum-n Island. acvvrnl small null wont ashoro. and \\llill\'€fl and bulkheads “crr‘ much injured. Nunq of lhe chutclm \n-rc opened {or divine White. The losses “Ll lull hraviust upon ”WSW cmnpanies best able to bear lhmn, Vl'l. :—-’ The Allanhc, Ihc Sun uml the mulual Snlvly Cumpumvfl Each of thew (Ira-l pal: lll‘ll :u Spcclnl agent !o the beach ln'lh-l with. “ith Mr. Samuel “fl 'l'homposon. ‘ Fm lhe lollnumu [)nlliculnfi we ate in- Ilrblml to lho New llnvvn Herald: " The bxig Thomas Trow'br'nlge anchor- Hl M 2 n‘rlliik. A. M.. Sunday. in lhe lH‘avy snow slnrm. nfl’ Charles l~lnml,lB llnyh lrotn 'l‘llnltlall' lmllnfl (I) H. 'l'ruw bridge, Sons & Dwight Donna the hon? \_\' snow Slnl‘m, putml one (ham. and broung lho nll'cr anchm homo; cut an“ unv Inmt, anul carried away lln' other by the duk. Sne- wrnl on about our Slral- Ion! Point, “ horn shn now luvs n Complem- Wreck—lhe crew bring: _uonhlo xu leuw hrr owing lo lln' severity oflhe noun. pull nl 'hem being lru-l ballon, The lni: Mu) Flower, 26 days [rum Trinidad, \‘l.’| Non-punt. ballast '0 11. 'l'rnnbxhlge. Son.- & Duighl, slrutk nr‘nr lllanlold, at 7 A. M. Sumlay—rnrrml a unv thy tllllllOl‘ :Iml Innliy injurt-tl her. ' \‘H' mutt-rstnml that .‘L'\L'tul utht-rq 0| nut humt' lmuntl \‘Fy‘u‘k‘li um t-xpcclt-d tu‘ he hour coaut, uml “e Ivar we ~dxall sunn ltuu- tliaxtruuq intolliut‘nrc from tht‘tn. The New Yolk Cnuttt‘r thus (legumes the loss at the Juhn Minlum: The wewl WM so near the share that lmd any cflult uhatmrr but" made, by prucunng a Dual, rvcry soul un bnard might hau- hven saved, but it “M nut un itil nvnr t'lt'\L‘ll at ttlght thut any attempt was made tn reach the vessel by thuse on land, 'l l\(' tnpgallnnt loremitle was crnw ltlcxl “ith Ihr {tntl‘c't‘l‘gf‘l'i and crew. among them Mrs. blank, “14h ht-r inn. 4 fine Imanly buy ul 12 hr H )cars ul‘ nqr. “ho lhatl behaved throughout “ith a coldness and courage lur beyund his yours, her tlaUghtcr. the female. urrant, and Mrs. Forbcs‘ the “Ho 0| Mr. Fo'bu, one ml the ‘cnhin [msu-ngcts. ln lhc rally [wt of the Iday, while struggling to gut lUl’H'fll‘tl, Hts.‘ Stark “as thrown down by a water cask, lwhlrh haul brukcn adrtlt. and one side ul 'hrr lace «Hm entirely land open, but the lutlrrt'tl no (umplnlnt or mulmulu, seem llmg anxious nnfylnr the salety at her hus hand and children. ‘ Fifteen of the unhappy suflercrs, inclu ding the captain’s u'tle and children, and a lemnle steernge pnssengvr. with an in lant, Were Clufiletutl nrnuml lha slump ol lthc luremast, _upmed lur neatly twelve lttHlt‘ to all tht' lur)’ (I! the stunn, and ten ‘ul thcse (lird th'rt’ bulm'e any attempt wan made to rescue thrm. firs. Stark abnut lfivv mlnuiri belure she tenthrd her last. [tulnn'tl to thug, the smlur and 337:2” “‘1“ I to saw her hthband and children, but they lllflll all gone before hex. The lt'tnulu lstcetngt- paswnger, who had an tulnnl at ‘thc hrenst, du-d in Mt. Ktngk mun; and ‘when her butly wzn lnuml vn Thursday. 'her inlant was so cltm-ly c|uJ‘J‘NJ‘I‘I'J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘NMJ‘J‘I‘J‘J‘2 ution. I LL persons are hereby cautioned 'a- A goinsl buying or selling or in any way meddling will) lhe following proper. ly, now in lhe pogsnésion of Wm. 'l‘onts, fizz—One Dark Buy Horse-8L one Brown Horse. as we have'unly, loaned them to him during our pleasure, . " 5 . WATSON. 5‘ BRENNER. v. Kurlhuu, Jun. 12. 1846. ‘ ~, c A 073' LO, Nix 7, TH E humid? a‘iir httpbj‘l unlined?“ 1 '1- guinnt'inmnei‘ing‘m nnyl‘wayrmlhi "\ the lullawi’dg pr'operfyrn'dw in lhe-pougs -siun of Paw? lmmm. oi Girard township. n 9 sn‘ul ‘properiy \vns‘suld vul Cululab‘c’s We and purchaicd by us III) the, 91h Feb. 1846. and is in his puusussiu‘mpn Man. "II: ' ~ A lot of shingles, a lot oféqtiare ‘ timber, u- lot of scantling, one‘oak jog, a lot of boards, a lot of'oak plank,- 1 plough and; ha‘nrow} one ‘slcighfl grind-stong, 1' sledge, 1‘ bar, 1 pick, 1 mason hammér, féur chail‘S, 2 wash-tubs, Al‘spafljej one shbvel', 1 setof blacksmith 'to‘ol§,.l. timber sicd, 1 two house slhd',-two" set of harness“ 2 set 110. one‘brbw‘ln mere, 1 cutting box, 1 buggy; two buffalo robes, 1 iron ketfle‘y]: cooka stovc,"2 beds, '1 saddle and Bridle, 1 boy’s saddle, 2 trullk§,.l‘work bench, and 10 bushel potatoes. JACOB MAURER. ' ‘ SOLOMON MAURER. ”‘~ WILLIAM SCHMIDT. Feb. 19. 1840. . ~ Philipsburg & Susquehanna TURNPIKE ROflD COMPflNYp: NOTICE is hereby given lo alockth' ders in this road, that an election vrill be held at the house of \Vm. Parker. (innkeeper,) in Philiplburg, lon lhefint; Monday in March next, between lhe hours’ of two and five o'clock, P. M” ‘0 elect- Managers for the ensuing year. " ' By order of lhe Board, EDW. F. LLOYD. Tn, Philipsburg. Feb. ‘2. 1846. , V . mm LL perlona having dalms or deman‘dr‘ A againm the whale 0! Snmuel Har-' rier, late 0! Bradford (owmhip. deceased. are requested to make known the same tq the subsuibera without delay. and all ppr-fi wna indebted («Hie said estate. are re'o' queued In come lorward and settle with out any delav. EDWARD WILLIAMS. WM. WOOLDRIDGE.' fldminiuratorm OTICE. ALL persons having claims 0! deminds against . lhe esmte o! Archibald Campbell. sen. dec’d,'nrc requested it) make known the lame lathe subscriber'- wilhoul delay. and also allperaonsindebt ed to said estate are required to come for ward and make payment immediately, ARCH’D CAMPBELL, JOHN SHIREY. . fldminiuralon.~_. ‘ Bradford tp. Jun. 24, 1846. ' 1 EIGD‘R‘EIQWB IS hereby given that Letters of Admin istration have been granted to the sub scriher on the sauna of Joseph Hull, late 0! Lawrence township, dec’d. and that all persons indebted ‘lO said estate are requel led u) make payment Immediately. and (hone having c|aims against the same. will [“9va lhem duly authemicaled for let- Ucmcnl. WM. TA I'E, fldminiuratar. Feb. 10,1846. NOTICE. ALI. persons are hereby notified not to sell or buy. remove or meddle with a blarksmilh shop, or other buildings, or timber belonging to the pine now occu [)irtl by John F. Williams, in Bradford tp. Clemfield County. as I am determined to deal oith all persons trespassing on said premises us the law directs, withotil re: spect to persons GEORGE GLENN. Mechanicsmle, Ccnlre co. Feb. 2. 1846. Efrrfrjxrrrrrfxxirrrrrml< 5 Law Partnership. . g S '— ‘s g BURNSIDE & WEAVER, z s WILL practice in Ulealfield.s 2 and adjoining counlles. .2 8 Office one door norlh of the "Ban-5 zner" oflice. 2 2 JAMES BURNSIDE- J. run. WEAVER. z Jun. 21,1846. g LfJ‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘JJ‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘J‘I/‘JT<“ CASH FOR FURS; ' ' Q L'Cll as Otter, “cow“ Minkynack.’ @ con, Fox. Mutcn‘fihhen “ind Cot. Mwe store at , . -. . F. P. HURXTHAL. Dec. 18. ,‘V. _ Popular. Remedies; THE most popular remedies of the mutants?! are those which cleanse and purily‘ tho bl . ~nnd which we known to be innocent in their qznall ,Lioa. Such romedi‘eh an Antimony. Mercury. Inc. and hovmg mcoufso lo bleeding in diucnu. are now. it is hoped. going outof funhionmnd Vegetable rema dies will be soon the popular medicine. Then Bron.- drelh’s Vog‘cloble Universal l’illl will be uledénnd appru-intcd They are known to no! beneficially on every part of the body; being taken up byy-lho chylo lli‘ey puss imo lhe blood, when any punly. and il should be remembered that may onlytcmovg lhoae puns {mm the blood which _WcrO'lh'o‘ 0119.“? o), Inflammation or disease 0! any land-5 NQWDK in: quul lo ridding the vilinled" liumon \Vllhl "PM”, meduzine orlhis kind. which eigth-lour yogi}.- new“ PrOVEdnever to do minty. but nlwayl good. ‘ ,‘ ' Sold by m [allpyvivz Agent-Lin Cleaxfiald cm . E. 8; W F lrwin,Clcmfiald. - . x Q‘. g ' Join Irvin. Cutwonuillo Dnvxd Irvin. Luther-burg Jama|.McGirk. Philip-burg. Cbnlré'bounly47,l' OEFICE—Nu-flfl-Wwdwu NW Wk." " Q . .~ .n. snanptsmrnn Juno 1.1845-1 7!. '