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Tho " DHMQC‘RAT’Q Bfi-NNE‘R", )S’IYUIJhShL‘d ' ng‘klv. on .chnu'waiy mamiugmmx B‘3 per nnnum I -—~or"81 75,11' yum :x‘n- ndvgnqg. . | , _, ;.. No Sign _mn he ‘vlism-nl‘qxl‘n-d 'uhloss u'l thqbnp; hon a?! o"edimmmnnl‘~m!'.lrrmia'gpu are Imm. 1 WAdvmummcmn. Mn. at tho u'suul mu, 1 631 mm" I WANT A BEAU linnl a bent: 17.] hum}; lrcuu' [l‘m nu-cm, (.1 lens: they [(-II me an. To wuhzo, u! wnlkiur hall, or rnw. Wub mm you 111 mm“ tußmnrry. . And Ihen~ but 03‘ it must-be xwecl‘ To have one Inn-cling nl ong'n fact. And ho‘nt hum lhorve hiutvowa ropomf 8y Joya.- bm] wnll marry! 11m old n‘wunh In have l mu! , And on I 101 l my mnmmn m; In otlcn Ihajoplios to mun-Oh. rm ' Yqu-nrolxua ynurig to marry !" Odd apoke! ‘Nn nlwnyo lhm wuh 'hua-o Willun whoao‘ honoma coldly flows The stream: oflova In bollcs nnd bonux :Who huvo a mind to marry: Manda who havb their haul-la [or snic Some {any yours—whose chnrml are Mule, May—and they have causo lo——m|! M lhow who wish 1o marry ' ' ' ‘ Mud mn'nl who. by n-xperionce taught Know all the bliss with which is fraught The \wdded Info. I think should nought Object when girln would marry A MESS O'F PI! AJourneyman Printer. ~A'\ lhed‘ypogmphicnl Colebmuon in Rurhe-lor. u {ow day. uim-o, Mr. WM A. Want. a journey man. gun the lollowinmkelch orhinlifa‘ which is Ihn g'ronloa's " mcu olyi," that “0 ever heard of Hoanyl 2-- ‘ - Mn- PnlleEhT-;l( has often becn w vmuked. um (he {orluncs nf lhe members of the Typo'g'raphical profession have been more (h'vcrsifi'edvand' precarious than Hm “(any other class of men. The changes conunntly taking place in lheir’ci’rcum -1130c”. render them hn' may prey to all 'he"viciui!udea u! lile. - “Thé'printer is in' intellectual being.— Iflo class 0! men. in any age of thc'wurld, have given evidence at so great versatility oftnlentmnivernl Knowlvdge and variety of reading.“ the body 'l‘) [ingralyhicnt The biograph) oi many printers wnuid be both amusing and instructive. By way of iilusttnting the above declaration. l oi fer the following nude, rumblivig'hcol lec‘tions, uf‘a snmewhut adventurousjnur no} thus far through We; not that I Would, )D so doing. claim any notoriety [or my many ' hair-breadth, 'scnpes.’ but [rum an mclinntion to let my icliow craftsmen rend a page of my story; and if any good ahnu|d remit from m) expeticnce. Iu be queath the record oi the imitlents ui my times. for the nm‘uxement utmhcrc. l survrtl nearly scvcnyears, Dppr n ticésltlp 'tn the office of the late Alllelllfh SeymOur. 49 Juhn street. New Yotk. In this office. associated '8: follow workmen, were the late Commissary General of tltit State, 'A. ‘Chnntller, Mayur Jlarper, of New ,YOLR; Genetal George P. Munit. n'ow oditor-aml publisher pf the '~ New York‘Min-or." Jnhn Wintlt' Ell‘tntt, the Foreman, (ttnc ol the notatittus ' Miranda Expedition.’) and your humble tel vant. About thts llme, I pullnllhe first num ber ol the ‘New York fltrtcricun.’ tht-n etltted by ClttttlesKing, James H. “illl‘tll‘ ton-and Julian C. Verplanck. ’l‘he tint edition 01-' Salmagundi,‘ was alto print ed in 'hil t‘flice, about lltll titnc, [tom 'he MS. of \S'aahtnglon lt‘tlng; in the com pra'ailion‘ol Much I assisted. ln Van “inkin’l utl'tcc.' ultetwardn l at! up the three first nutnbeta ul the ‘ Sketch Book.’ by the same gil'etl author. ln'BOltun, l wutketl upon the ' Colum bian Ccntinclfltor ‘- 01th Ben Ruiécll,’ ttlto discbnrnctl tne- trom his office fnr drumv minp, ' Yang-ch Doodlc,‘ n I beat the last 9,19,“. of theiiitiufc «if his pub?!" one morn ihé} ‘tt’ft‘éti ‘hi‘a‘viflg worked'ofl‘elwm 10/cms. Mperi’ai. within the preceding ten hours. From Btutnn.~l went to F'ngg & Gnttltl'g office. An’tlovgr} Massachunctts, and was employed: in selling up, {mm his MS, Gibbs’ ' Hebrew Lem‘con.’ which cantalo ed'h'lnelegnétlifl'erent' lungungc'c. fttclutling (hale nuflally‘styletl" dead? ,At this pe flold 0! my hist‘utyJ procured a Midship m’ln’i‘,wayt‘9nt.' and went to sea in tit.- ffig’ite ‘Brn’ttdjwinelCoutmmlutfc Mnrr'tp. ' Tha'llhip uiltd'fr'um Humpttm Rn'mls. in September. 1825, having an houttl. its ‘vlller-gen'lh‘nt‘i'tllusttmus , statesman nlltl‘ ntlriot.‘ Gilbett Motten Marquis dc La fayctte. ;, Durlpgva 'lo.}th at I“ cnty eight (18)”. I. saw.) (nut-h .ot'gthht grxcat .‘ good man, QMJQI-‘nenl conferrcdqt particular fttvnr ‘glpnnnvegby. entrusting to my carer n-ratg (fanning; an Opossum.‘ a gray squirrel, (ark-whiny and a poodle dog-the last at W_BsEfl‘.ffoflifl_fl lady in Philadplphin. . l wagon boanlallte Bt'attdywine, on the night of‘ tho ,memnuble; 25th ttt 'Seplcmbw. 1825,9310!) which o'ccnsiam was thrown ‘o. "with; "more: :lhfsn‘ '> 550.000; “with: M pquifllt l}? lighten, the, vessel ,while‘irtthe lie'nfl‘fihlht‘a‘bay ultßitcny. , '7 , t . "_i‘Vhébiln Portsmouth. (Englnh‘dfl [hat]. Hilltdhotfitol‘ficing a_ goal, 3'”; board .thq kigfbdjfiidfl'iu. p.,'tlinncr‘ .g-‘IVCIL‘ [o‘ 'His ' y'aylj’yfligh'péfio‘ {the fDukc’ 0"_ ‘lurtfl‘t‘to! gift; (LEM, 'fllg'h: Atlmltjtl of the 'Bljit‘ibll' ‘ «SUI 1;:th “(Norclgiu’ifc' o! Lgtld Byi'o'n. M? glttflttgrjlbhghlyfih ‘A'tl‘a, "Ad ntitjttl hurt], fiétlng'b'roh, in], t'léyértil ttlht'r dignit‘nritjs 0' lhefil‘itiplttgnonlu)” .‘L,’ ' Frbmflittgtih’d :tt‘qprogt-cglfdAtt Gibr'al - ”11', find joined the-Sr‘luadron under Com mndotr Rudgrrv. me Gibrallnr we sawed up'lhe b'ictliu-rrnm-nu. on the Eu-' rrpean 'shuro.- touching: M such pmts as Cznlizhpor! Mnhon. Naplvs. Pisa. Polar. um), Malia, lhe runs: 0! Cnlubria. &c. &c.; \lu‘n crd'nslnz'hv Hr Asiatic n'm‘l Afrimn isiulv‘hf 'ho Mé'ulih‘vrwvan; Ihen running down In (Elbrnllm. me ‘he Ruck, \H‘ (unk lhc' (Iggde “imls, am) mmlo ”to (_‘3'4- .19 chle Hand-i. and Iht- (Hwy 0! GM"! Hope. Elm“ theme (0 Ascension and Ele Islands. Alter uni-lag upun We can“ lur v-ix “N‘kF, lhv mip run on": m Staten Luml. :an 1h:- patch ul Capt- Hum. I have vim'ed Hm (“mm ol St. Paulo-z, the blond 0! S'. Catharine, Santos. Rio de Janfilu. lhwoos Aye“, Moon-video and Mouhliondo. no the river l.a~l"Ma ; S'. Salvador. M lhe hem! 0| lhe buy of All Saints, (Hindu and Per-mmto ; Marau ham and Para, on the Am 'un. lhuvé also been in all the pol” io-lhe United Stolen. .oxcepling N. Orleans and Chmlee lon. In my land cruises, I have wrought as a printerin Portland, Maine; Concord. New Hampshire; Huston. Maaaac‘wtetts; Htirtford. Connectirot; more than twcnty‘ years ago. (in the oflice of my old lviund, P. Crnnticld, now wrsrnt ;) New Hareml New Yo'k ; Newark, New Jersey; und Philadelphia, In this city. in ' [filly Brown'x’ otfice. in \Vagner’a alley. I n» sisted in selling up trom his MS. Prince Lucien Bonapartc'a work on Americnn Ornithology. I “as also employed by Mathew Carey. one of the oldest white” and publishers in the United States, in the establiahmentsol Puulaon. Mrs. Lydia R. Baily. John Bioren, Duanr, 'lii'llt/ Fry.‘ 81:. . Uhc dalk, gloomy night, in 18”), I found mysell in the (now) my ol Bullnlu. In a bar room, with but a single ‘ York shilling” in my pocket. ,abuot halfmckii and completely tired ot printing and tho wmld.‘ V 1 htle [was discuaeinu the ilta of life. and the inconvenience olheing 400 miles from home. in the uildrrnc‘s. lis~ tening to the surges ol Luke Erie and the tcvavings of an empty atomach. a gentle-. ‘man tapped me upon the ahoutdcr in a lzuod-nutured manner. and uakcd me it I. were a printer? I answered him in allir math-e. He wished to know u‘liethrrl‘ would go with him to Geneva, and latte al [situation in his other? I accepted his 01-‘ Her—(lie slippt‘d a $lO bill into‘my fin ‘gPrl)——and l accompanied him to Geneva. Land was in his employment. until my wa. gas amounted to slso, uith which I to lnoucd my adventures. i [have been confined in the same don geon in the Carrel. of lluenos Ayres. with lidun Manual Rosana; the latter gentle. fmnn lor treason. and your humble st‘rvanl ilor slipping a dink into the nbs utu (‘uon cho. who attempted to take his lilo l lhavc danced in the 'l‘urtullo. wtth Mud ame Col. Coe. daughter of Governor Hal icurte—antl eaten cassada [out with the inegroeu ol the rout of Alrica, [Him a co» lruu-not shell. I have had an audience ‘uith Governor Balcarce. In the Caattc of 'Buenoq AyreQ, as one ol the suite ol(:‘umv 'mmlirc M. \Yooln-v. then commanding llgéhttlt‘tl S‘Atcs Squadron on the (nut no limit, and ‘\cfing (Margo at ['2o Ct ml nl Don Pt’tllut 1 how Hut” 3 Haw mnl and damacross nt’h' Lake. \vrstetn Mutt .tgnn. and been In every station in the [printing buxim'sa from Devil to the Editor :and publisher of a city Daily. 1 l was elected Vice Presidrnt ol the first Illartison State Convention Mt‘t' llt'lll to [the United S'atcn. nt Ntbto‘o Garden. N. York. Asl‘lclitnr t‘l thn \Vuehingtott Cnuntv Past, I wrote the first rtlitmtul in lnvorul Harrisun. fur the Pft'iltli‘tfly. l haw aipped tnatta. and ktclu-tl up my to-s, u tnirlst the giddy thrtmg ot Buonns Airmn lanes. upon the Pump." ul San liitlm; and ban- been «lashing «lung tlm l’dEF'Hl nlthc‘Alnmetlaman the banks «l the La Pinta, in company with Mrs. llnllrt. (tlur :ircntn pliehrtl lady nt Stephen ”nllt‘l.ptl"- ter It) the Buenoa Ayrrzin Gnvcrtmimtt,) in his coach antl-l‘our, “he: was at the time, the richest man in Btu-mm Ayrev. Prititertt have been provnblnl, in all ii :93 o! the world, lur their notoriety. As an instance of the fluctuations of their lur tunu. I might citr the use 0‘ that vult etl ’pntriut, statesman, and pliilustiphet‘. “those natal day We have this evening at iiemblrtl tti i'utntnemninte. I ttpenk ol t BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, a l’raclical'Prinler. who by; his virtuous life, anti high cider ul intellect. rose from the humble cnmlitiiin of an apprentice-boy to the most cxaltctl l station in life. Haw True—A very eminent writer has! said, that although we seem grieved at the ‘ shortness of ltfe in general, we are wishing every period of it at all end. ,7 The minor longs to he Mega; then to be a men of hu et'ness ; then to make upxen estate ; then 16 arrive at hone! ; then to retire. The n zitit'er would be very well satisfied toheve ’vall tho,,ti.qte annihilated that lies between 'the present moment and the next‘ quarter dny ; the; politician 'would be content to lo'eethtee years of his ltfe. could he place things In the pooturc which he fancies they will occupy aftewttcltin_tevnlttlton of time; and‘thg level Wfllflld be- glad to emlte'out omit; ”Mexican-all the me onto that are tn‘papgettrgjt betting the itextaeting. . t , RFIELD ,P.'A. F E 8.-26. 1-846 C IL E FANNING’S MEN; OR. THE MASSACRE A’l‘ (LOLIAD. “Blackwook” is publishing a series 01 t‘xtrncts from n ka—‘A Campaign in 'll'cxuh—“hich nppcarml Inst yonrin Luxp Inc, from the pvll-~uf\'un§. Ehrenberg, n 5““"11 Gt'tman. “ha 59‘ ‘3l! through the brief but terrific strugglp'f'fi 1835'1 bgtwccn 'l‘L-xas and Mexico, and who took part in squo u! the uwst h-nrtul scenes of that campaign. being likcuinc une'omlw three 'nr Yuur \\ he escaped (mm the treacherous muswcn- at Gulind, where Fanning's men m-m murdered in cum blond 'b) order at Sn'nta Anna. Ehrenberg gives the sub ju'mt'd account QT the scene. which we think-“ill be mail with interest. though the incidrnta are in some sort ahcudy la mit‘nr :—_Ncal‘s Gazelle. , "After the names bud been called over, thc‘nrdcr to march was given. and we fil-l ed out through the gate ol the lortreu,thc*l G-eys taking the lead. Outside the gatei‘ we were received by tho detachments oi] Mexican inlantry. “ho marched along on either side of an, In the name order as our-l silveu \\'c “’L‘tc about four hundren inl nun-her. and the enem) about imeu hurt-L died, not including the cavalry, ol uhich' nurheruuq small groups were scattered u l b -ut the puiirio. We ["anle on in til i lence, not, hoacwr. in the direction no} hnll at‘tiri inte l but lonw tl l to Vic I l h . n a )6 rom toria. This surpiixed us; but upon re-l floutiuu we concluded that they were cun- l ducting us to some enstenn purl, thence} to be shipped to New Orleans. “Mr“. “P' on the whole, was perhaps the heat and sliot'etit plan. There mu enmething. how-i ever. in tlit‘. prontoum‘. ailem e “I the Mex. trim buldierv, “ho .u: osun'ly oncoming ifhuttetuts. that inspued mt- with n tceling .1 uncommon and nnxirty. It was like .1 .{ncral march, and (rut) might it so be calm'd. l’rrlently I turned my head to see it Miller’s [lt'uplc had joined. and were marching with us. But to my exureme na tonialtment, neithrr they nor Funning’a men, nor the Georgia Battalion. were to be seen. They had ‘srparnted us without lour obwn‘ing It. and the detachment \Vllh which I was marching com-isted only of ltlw Urey: and a few Texan C 010111511.— Gin-Ming at the rsrort, their full dress ‘unifortn um] the absence «I all baggage. lnow for the first time struck me. I tho’t lot the bloody stories that had occurred at l'l'ampico. San Patticm. and the Memo, 0! l tltelalse and cruel natutt: of those in u hose lpuucr wr- WQH’, and l “as seized with n ipreseolln-ent oi evil. For n mormot linu about to communicate my npprchcustuus ‘2O my romrndex; but hope, which never lilies. again courted me to take I! more chee liing View at our situation Nevertlw-lesh 'in order to ho prepared for the wur:t,aml. 111 l ruse nl need, to be unencumbered in l my moumentsJ Matched in} opportunity. and threw away nnmngst the grass of the ’lnullle a bundle containing the few thing that tho Iltienah .‘vlrxtcnns had allowed me llt) retain, A quarter uf un Imu: 'mul t'lnpii'd aincc our llrpdrtuvc from the l |l I, when auddcw If the command was glvcn in Spam-h lo «Mt! ln lhe h-l'. (fining (M NH; and. ué \H- did nut umhrslaml (he order. Hm xffirv r #9:): HI {uh I (0 show uq the Way. 1m! un' ’c'ump..x;;un~ :11!» “MI wuhmt ink > In; an} pnrm ulnr why.- .I 11.0 cth'gc ulll «Im‘LUt |‘. To our |vll v. 71 n ll‘urkn’l; hudgs, five or SIX feet .1) heigh', n 1 righll rung.“ with the ther S'. Antonin, Which flowed .1! about ;\ lhuukaml paw- fr- :11 us. hclneco bdllhi thirty ur (my lccl high. and 0! which bank the one on ‘.hc ncatex 9.th uf the riwr rune nmflv [‘vvpmzllivu In!) uul ul lhe water. \\ 9 were mnrrh‘ ml 111011;; the aide ul lhe hvdge mwards [he sllrnm. :zml suddenly the “nought ”flhfll amusw uy, " Why are lhvy ”Hung In in mi: dlrccliun F‘ The appnrance of a hunzbcr nl hggcers. cumming nlmul In the (will: on our righl, also unnlcul ua; and juu lhrn the hm! Pimhers, “ho had been muxchrd b: [Wu-n us and the hedge, chun gcd (hmr places. and jnim'gl (hose "l thrlr cumrmhn \xlm guardcd us on lhe other hnml. Before “9 cuuld divine th' mean ing of this mancnne, |he \Hml um given to h .h. H cumc hke a M’HVL‘HCC ul deuih; (or at the smm- lnomenl it was inland. «he mum! at n Vow-y nf mmlcotr-y eclwcd 5 (ms: lho prn'nir. \\ (3 though! of our com rudH and 0f uur own probable law. ‘ Knee! «In-«\nl‘ now hunt in hnlsh ac cents famn (he |ips,ul lhe Mexican cum lllflfll't‘l'. ‘ No title stifled. Ft wnl u: understood the order. and those whn did. uould not obey. The Mexican unidirrs. u'lio‘stoud at about three paces lrum us, levelled thelf innaketa at our breasts. Even then we could hardly believc that they meant t 0 shoot tailor if we had. “9 bhtmltl assur edly have rushed forward it. our d€§DCXfl-, lion, and. wenpunlcys though we were. tome ul our mutdeters would have met their death at our hands. Only one 0! (Ill! number was well acquainted with Spun. ish. and even he seemed usil he‘ cnuld not comprehend tho‘urdcr that had been giv en. *He stated at the commanding officer as it awaiting HI repetition, and we star ed rat him. :rendy. at the first word he should utter, to spring upun t'~c soldiers. “at he seemed to be. M mns. u! us tin-re. imprrbbed with the belief that the demon atutiou wnahtemly a menace. used In in done in. to enter the M'ex‘tean'_icrvi;e.-+- ‘With‘tmuenmg' geéture mil“ drat‘tn‘ hwnnl. the chiel 'ol the annulus again P'jaculatetl Alhé command to kneel down. The sound olu second vollej'. from a dif lelont direction with 'the first. just then rrathnlmur enra.'nnd was followed by a t'onlumd my, on it those at whom it had been ui’metl. had not all been immediately killed. Ogr comrade. the one who under. Mood Spanish, nlartetl lrum hut momenta. ry lethargy. nml boldly atltlcepsetl us. ‘Comrmlrs.’ crlotl IIC ‘yuu hear that rt‘pOH. lhnt cry. There is no hope fO. us --our luét hour is come! 'l'herelutc, com rntlc~—-’ - A terrible explosion interrup’tFfl him and then nll was still. A thick eluud of smoke wus wrrnthing and curling, towards lhe St. Antonio. The blood 0! dur liwv tenant was on my clothes. and around me lay my iiiends, coovulsed with their last agony. 1 saw nothing more. Unhurt myself, 1 sprang: up. and. concealed by the thick smoke. fled a'ong the hedge in the direction of the river. the noise of the wa ter lnr my guide.’ Suddenly n Now from n hem-y Sabre fell upon my head. and lrom out 0! the smoke emerged the {arm of a little Mexican livutcnnnl. He nimed al second blow at me. which l porried viiihl my lelt arm. I had nothing to lisk. bull eiery thing to gain. It was life or death. Behind me o lhouiand bayonels. before [we the almost powerless word of a cow-‘ lam. [rushed upon him. and with true ‘Mt’xuan valor, he fled from an unarmed .man. unl went, the riyer rolled at my ilt‘et. lhe Shouting and yelling behind.— "I‘exal forCVh-E’ cried I, and. without a 'moment’n hesitnt-on, I plunged into the water. The bullt‘u whistler! round me l“ I an um slowly andweurilv to the other lslrlo. but none wounded mé. Our poor ltlllg, who had been with uhtl through the icornpuign, and who had jumpul into the river with me, fell a last sacrifice to Mex ican cruelty. He had reached th‘ mid dle ot the atream, when a ball struck hug, and he disappeared. _ Whilst these horrible scenes Were o’c curringtn the prairies. ()01. Fanning/(tori ltll Wounded companions were shot and buyout-ted at Goliarl. only Dr. 'l‘hatkle lord and a few hospital aids havinp; their live! eparrd. in order that they might at tend on the wounded Mexicans. Besides Mr. Ehrenberg. but three of the prisoners at Goliu'l ultimately‘escapcd the slaughter. Haring crusted the St. Antnnio, Mr. Ehrenberg struck into the high grass and thickets, which cuttcealcd him from the pursuit of the Mexicans, and unndered through the prairie, guiding himself,” but he might, by son and stars, and stri \ing to reach the river Brazos. He lost his way. and went through a variety of striking adventurw. which, with some rhuractcrislic sketches oi 'l‘exinn life and habits. of General Sam Houston and San ta Ann». and n spirited account at the battle of St. Jacinta, at which. however, he himself was not present, fill up the. re mainder of hi! hook. GOUDNI‘ISS Have an faith in that lpccit‘s ol good m-sa which is unwilling to pay its ilebt|~ ' [inn lc'luw.’ ‘ “hole souletl lellow.’ and lint wrl nf thing—il i 4 all nonsense, leml-‘ m: [U 3 he'it-f that liumuiy ant] hnnur mayl be tlwpt'nu tl huh, and t‘- .t ntlcctt-ln amtl est-min may hr secuwd ultlmu' lht'm L; ".e u ‘ gut'tl lel ~lw.’ lur tmtunw, wlm lrnl‘l us and cnjuyg tunnel! up tn in may whirhi Hull} helungq to other people? And ii? that u ' \l'nulc boul’ uhich, “title the wash l emmnnn pines and hUfit‘l n iur want ni that] nhich induct to her by the indivulunl Wllil‘ the 'nllule-wul.’ gives fi-unting about in. gay ntttrt- itutll rnrnusal to (arousal, und‘ {ruin nne place 0! enjoyment In another)“ lime nn faith m i', and mi‘hct tuflcr‘ worn” to think well of those “ho huvo‘ tine ittttlfi“§. fi-ic furnitutt‘, and fine parl tin, and are slow to pay for thvm, untl' slow Minn“: in paging lur utln-r thingw, Depend upnm it that this upt‘ll'ileat taint-«s a! people ml! it, and wnulll hnvc yon atl mm', I! all svtfiahm'w. nuruwneés untl tlishmmruqulidmcsa the must intense—so in‘t-nse that whtn its uwn gratification is concerned it mu deny itu-ll nothing, no matter how iluty may remonatrate. He l ii a much better fellow than all thew, who gut-s thmmlbarc and {dust-a indulgences. un‘il he can stand uqumc with‘the world. though rw k'ess prnlumm may .ieritle him as mean; tor _vuu may rely upon it that ill.’ ussnmt's no rrsponiibilitles except from n null founded belief that he will be able to meet th?m. He is the man timt pays his debts, it a possibility exist ol paying them ; and we strongly incline to the cow riction that a debt-paying man is nne ol the but members 0! society. And that he should thus be hnnorctl. Let us all. then. 'puy our debvtu.’ . ' t Simplicity.- l‘he more I see of tho “:orld. the more I am satisfied that aimnii- Clty isinseparably the companion of true greatness. . i never yet know a‘truly great 'man, who did not‘posaeu a certaln plagiul. almost infantile simplicity. True great ness never struts on’ stilts or plays the king :on the‘stage.’ Conscious of its elevation; and knowing in what that elevation con. aim, it is happy‘to'apt its p'art as other men, in tho common amusement and b'fuaii ne'u nl'mankmd.‘ “It isnot afraid Ofbéin'g under-vatuedg . . ' ... p, - -‘ Vice'ujngo in, c‘v’anm ,our‘plo'n'mr'gu.s_,. NEW SERIES-«VOL. I. NO: 14-" WHOLE N0.‘1012: A Snake Story. gzr' ’2 .v ~ The New York Spirit of-lhjé 'l‘iméfi l'ell n lunny story ufon liishmhn. who WM ei cecdingly atruiil ot s‘nnkee,..‘.egpé¢ial'|y» -; ' ()Ultl (mew—and who had tltru'nt himielf upon a hunting party in Tennessee. 'Whém‘f? awake he was colour—when asleep he "le 's‘» red no loud that nobody else could'getj ny rest. On the second nightof- his In (rusmn hcimnde himself more. than‘ulullo‘ ly obnoxious. But after awhile. ho got uw sleep, and then commenced his thunder- - ing snoring. It soon grew [out and Inn ous—loud and long; occasionally 3 lb" of hulfsnurt, hall grunt. terminated will! --' snakes. by jnbers. blast > their snulpl‘ This continued till abousduy-bredl‘. wh‘eo‘ Jim W.. whose stock of patienceh’ad long: since evaporated. unrolled ,h'imntl trom his blanket. saying in his usual quiet wuy. ‘ Humph! I’ll stop. that infernal concert-i or llarl the maker ’0! it. see it ldou't! humph!’ He then awoke the rest of the‘ parly. when a plot was laid and ended into execution. » n 'r . ,w _..,..,,-.-m-—-. 3’4 ' {3' s“ "5 TIM?" ““3 ‘' 1' E? K bigwix liaH} ' ‘J W. got his hunting knife, and going to . where the oiial of a large deer had besow thrown. he cut off about seven feet oi'en trail. and securing the ends wnth Nine ~19- . retain the contents. he tied one end of it last and tight to a corner oi Paddy's Ihlfl that had wandered through a ‘ rint’ in the. ' cent of his breaches, coiling 'it all up smooth by his side. snakelika and true. All thing. thus arranged. the conspiritorl laid down again, and at the conclusion of, one of the stage horn snares with the ‘ anakcs' sowls’ variation. Jim A. roared out at the topof his voice. ”in wee! nu wee! snakes! snakea!’ giving the Irish man. with every worth a furious dig in the side with his elbow. with a running at:- companiment on his shins with his heelalw Of course. all this noise and hurting awoke hirn quirk and wide; in his first move ment‘he laid his hand on the nice cold coil of entrail at his side. Hissing out a 'bla- . zes’ from between his clenched teeth, he. made a bound that carried him some ten feet clear of the camp, and with a forte that straightened out the coil, andmad'o" I the snake’s tail crack like a cart whip! Casting one wild, blazing look behind he tore oil with the rapidity of lightning around the camp in a circle at some forty leet across, rind at every bound shouting. or rather yelling, ‘ Saze 'im.’ saze ’im by the tail! Oh! howly Vargin. atopl’iml Och! Saint Patrick. tare 'im in tilljab lctts! A wha! awha! Bate ’im lo smith. ereens mid a gun, can’t yees? He’lgot me last howld hy‘ the body! och” lie'hat, by jaberr ! an’ he's a mendin’ his hair"! a who! llowly Father. he’s got a shark hook on his tail! Och, murther. he’l lofty fut lungl' Oumaking thislast‘cir cuit he ran through a part of the smould. ering camp fire, and tho twine at the end of the snake took fire; thil brought a new terror, and added a strong inducement for him to put on more steam and increase his rate; round and round he went.‘ ' He’s a fiery sarpint—orh. murther! Hum] Vargin. he carries a light to see how to bite by! Och. help, l‘m swallowed (jum [ring a log) intircly all but in: head. He's sax'v fate long. if he'a a fut. Thread on his Bloody. any isle. “ill yees? Thry in nu- me 7' then as it inspired with new tile and hope. he roared out, ‘Shoot 'im— :hrct 'im! but don‘t aim at ’1 head! shout, shoot 3' Now here was a picture! 'lhere stood the Judge, hugging :i toppling with both arms and not. log, his head thrown back. emitting scream alter uric-am; herelay Jim W. on hid bark. with his leet against in tree. his arms elevated like a child’s ‘when he wants you to help him up, and It ‘was Icrecm lor scream with the Judah-- ‘A‘il sounds, at all like ordinary laughter ‘had ceased. and the present notos’wuuld .have rendered immortal the vocal slrnina i“, ll dozen pa'iiliera. Yunilt‘r stands Jim \A.--‘lat Jim,‘ «with hir legs about a yard ‘aparlfliis handa on hi: hipl, rhoutifig'at ;rrgulor intervals of about five learnt“..— . "Snake—snake -—sxu{e!’ at the ‘sa'me in :lonat'oii. but so loud that the echoel moc ‘ked each' o‘her lrom titty crags. ,and 'Soske! analrel' reverberaterl loud and‘ long among those mountain slopes, while his eyes carelully null closely followed the course of poor Paddy round thecampgf ,Alter running round it about thirty titties. lthe persecuted one flew at? in a tangent into the dark woods. and the medley sound! of 'Soake. murdther, help, fire. saxiy fol, llowly Vargin,' 8U" gradually died away in the distance, and 'the_hao tcrs weie‘alone. . ' 'Umph.' said Jim W . after.s_tonping his laughing hiccough, 'umph,‘ [thought that entrail would s‘tuh snoring at this camp at least. .Uinphl' The next ev'ene log the Pallander Was seeri travelliirgi'lat‘i mighty rate through Knoiville with 1: you'll. _ bundle under one arm and a huge shill’ia?’ lab in the other hand,‘ poked out ahead at him in a halidal‘ensive. half enduring“; titude. .Wheh lie was hailed Uy_'Af¢.i‘X Mc— with, ' Which‘ a‘ny, Paddy]? gas ting round. at the-speaker a sortul' hang . dog; Bulky glance; he growlerl‘foi’lh. 3 word at a step; ‘Sthraiglil'tQ,l”-'lal)do l’)‘ . Juhers, where'thero'aho'euah'ei.if' . ' 'Noh’re '--Ti-.’e‘ pinnén’hip bg'igllql'qrb: air-A iuling beween John “Bull gn'd Egbmuflbnjgfi {flan in the o’gcbpélibp‘ (tuba @6sl“;an "W'rhwiflihflhénaflqnbwhdqflg “J; m; the: {ennflwmTéizlfijy,“9‘n; hj‘ckgngscg 3L 1=1:=!IMI ..~.._,