W "WSONABLE HINTS. "" A" FF-l-‘ixomixho‘Amencan Farmer. 5 ‘ "zlElWr‘nk'r Plau'g/n’ngm—lrlms been our province many‘a" :imo rind on to recom niend tliat'all aiifl' clays intended for spring V'fldpb Ilioflld‘be'ploughed np‘during min ? (chum! we shall now renejv that rocom~ i- ‘m'gudnlion, and te‘peat the admonition that "n‘dflwh’g‘round should be ploughed when it? ti‘vrel state. ' . : =- Working Hordes. Males, and Oran.— Th‘es'o respectivn kinds or working benata 'T’lho‘uld receive additional care, iri order that 155? may be in a condttinn in the spring to Vijge'i lhe increased obligations of izrbour‘ Which.- 'l'rom the very nature of tlttnga, ‘Mll lib? imposed upon thém. And while We thus commend them to the kindness of: "Weir minors, we “ill nuiko the ertrnnmlc. remark nut than mm! M rm?" '“l '"l “o"?dl'wlii'gd utA'th‘ 801 W" 1" ‘l “ mm" “"9 duct'lon.‘ ' Fire {FoamLNo‘one ahuuld delay get. ting into his yard as' much fire n odd as will Alast't‘rom new that?! next fall, m' that the "hailed ’may not be‘ détaclwd from the “Vitlotiglrduring the buey field season. 'fpednhgund 'Btlihing Tim/wr.--ll n "(ull‘tl'upply has nbt already been obtained. 7|l ihduld be forthwith. , _g Gales; Bars.andchcs.—-Let these all ~in) onmined and put in tiptop order. with httt'any unnecessary delay. Barn: and Out Bu:ldrngs.—Thcse .ohould all be carefully examined while your force is still uncalled to the more no tiv'g= duties of the field, wherever repairs 'mhy be needed they should be made—and ‘w‘hen these ahall have been completed. let tha‘whlteowash brush do it: part, so that the way‘faring man as. “.0 passes the road inl'slgbt of your mansion may have occu ‘lion to remark, ‘ that there lives a farmer or planter. who is regardlul of appearan ces) . 1 Mile/t Cows.—‘l‘his and the ensuing month are very trying upon cattle general ly, but upon none more so than upon milch go'Vr'a, therefore see thnt yours receiie in creased attention; a plentiful supply of food, that they be rubbed down daily, have warm and dry lodgings, and twice a. week rceetve a gillol‘ salt each, or the name quan tity of salt and ashes. or salt and lime—‘ vlnd tbatthey be regularly \tllell’d twice a‘ idea .. Manure Illa/ring.-—Exert iout best en. rergiee to accumulate manure between ”H; and hauling out time. lfyour teams are .th'othcrti'ise engaged. occupy them daily ‘in hauling the materials for making manuie -—let your wooda and over)’ other source of‘ cu'pply be resorted to. haul tthat you lllt‘lyl procure into your cattle yards, spread it o‘ ver their surface. so that it may absorb the} voiding! of your stock, and time pronde you with a stock of fertilizing materials for your. spring :ropa. 'l‘uo active hands and -team thus employed, and looked after. would daily add a: much mannic to your .pile ea would enrich an acre of ground. ;and add a hundred per cent. to its produc- Jive capacity. and aurcly this force could "not be better or more profitably employed. ‘ ”Young Slack afallkindu, should receive increased allowances of good. substantial Jere. and be provided with the means of Judging dry and reasonably warm. " - Hugh—Let these get an addition to 'their daily a'lowancea—pruvido them with ‘harm. dry lodgings, and give them ample ta'u'ppliei of materials to convert into ma .mtrm-not forgetting, that charcoal and rot .ten wood. is‘essentinl to their health. and 'thztl a rubbing post is conducive also to ’the same end. Tools, Implements of l/urbandry. Cam aml.Wagona.-—-All theae should be thor oughly examined and repaired. llou't wait until they may he wanted. to make the examination. but do it mthout delay, as should you not do so nutr, it may so _lnppen that “hen you may “ant to use come one of them. you may find to your regret and disappointment that you will hereto send it some miles to u plough inn ker or uheelwright, and have to wait for days before you can commence your work. Save yourself this vexaiion by ali'éndtng to our text now. Pasturesl—ll' you have any paalures that you do not wish lo cultivate nexl spring uproad a bushel ol' plaaler on every acre as 73003) as posnible, the sooner the beller, and .keep your callle off 1: till the middle of 'Mny. and il will In the abundance ol‘llw gnu—repay you ton fold for the mice of the plaster. Even old fields by such an application may be converted mlo good vultures. ‘ Gala—We wish lo impress lhis fact up on our readers' minds—tho earlier this crop it got in filter the ground is in a til condi tion to be put. inlo good order, the greater in the chance of a handsome yield ol'giain. _ ,Barleyn—Thio grain is not sufficiently guluvaiegl in several of the Slatea. it will yield 76 per cum. more than rye. corn i mandl a better price on an aVcrage of years, ilnmomcenam crop, and is equally well gid'apled for horse feed. Then why is it to neglectqgr , Beloro we conclude this conversation. we will remark. , llml ovcry runner and planknwill-éonsull his interest by prom]. ing'liiinlell‘willl, P“ ample SUPPiy n'l‘ farm. in; ionic and ,ir'nplemauls. and lhzit‘e’ach should take fi'a pride in not being compallci] to depend upon his neighbor or neighbors fo'r inf ingplemonl necessary to ' carry an the. opomlions of hi; estato,—-{or while eich" shonld’ lak’a pleasure in‘ Ilandmg, il‘ ufi'éultlibo ,e‘gually-hiB.ol¢?fiur° m mm lliriit'élf'bajqnd tlio'i‘necesslty of being a borrower. ' ‘ , .i i rdenguy‘meu seldom Want wo a. ’Punnr- Wonu anot;L—Yl?he‘l?itl§bll'§ Guiana menllnnc' an. impr‘m’e'nwn! "tr-gm; old ‘ Virginia Wuun Frncg.’ and "r Whjfll uur furweu “ill bévglul .50 heal. bung cheap and pmialile. It In pnlcnteil _uf course. and is manufactured py' slcnm frnm oak. The mndua (ipvrnmll ”Lillie : ”"1035 are “med In piccospf‘ suilople size [or (he (liamclcr, til the. rails. _whmli are iwvlvc [col long; A boy llH’fl'lflkL‘i oneirf them and 'alizfi's ilic‘. enil‘inlo a mn chine. \\l:lcll ulwr gelling IIUNI lei‘tls il.- - 9”, The slirk iii lurncd by lhe pr‘nccsn and comes nut 81 lhe nllier enil mum] and gmuolli—much us a lmnril rum lhi‘u‘ugh u plunelna machine, unly in lhis c}wse_ihr timber in lurncd lnslcml 0! being pllllt'il. 'l'hc Hlll is Ihon bum} through bull) ends by lllnfl)lh¢‘"_\‘, um! lhe lnce i. put l'ouelh‘ (r uaclly like A butl‘liinge, and it works in the same may. [I cm} be put up slrnigli' ur nlior lllc \iurm' (Million. Any length required can be- lunmlwd much then”: l ‘lmn (lic Cnmrnnn {o-nrvicxn l)!‘ mmlu lm, in my Hull '4; ul '1 r- I. ”1... (.vnvri-iuncur in inning, alwiluu. 810. la uill lua', ill ii»; belirH-il. lur lurmy year-i Theupa-v l(‘nl(’¢ luuke, lumen-i, In tie ilning n gvvnll buninvss lur {grim-n on line \‘G'Klrln prair icn. I! is inlcmli-il m (‘H‘CI u manuluclory near l’ltlsburg. ' i CUT FODDKR.--l‘}very humor should provide lmnull Mill 1: Ilmw ruller. “'9 are now. as we ever have been, ol the n pimon lhnt from hue-club”: lo (me-hull lhe luod usually cnmumcd by nurcalllr, dining u'inler might be econumilcd alm ply by ‘clmpplng.’ Curl) buts. alfaW. and refuse hay ll cut, and moistened with warm maker. in whim llwu: u nnxul u hnntllul of null nml a llule maul. answers lhe purpose ol the but hay, and is much (henpcr.-—-('ull. Am-zcnol‘n.—“'hm Clmgman wni rl eclloneering in one ol the ulncure villages of North Carolina, last summer. he ranked 5 young lady, (A good democrat by lhe by) ll the Indies in lhe Valley were not in la ror of hun. She rvl-chd Hwy “ere 100 good democlala lur llml. Bu! says Clinw unun,down in Clcvcland all the girls go for rue—why, not long ago, the”, Al Cuurl. “hen 11 young lady wns about In give hr: endenco In Cour’, tho Bble bemg put" rented to her, she asked hln honor II n woulu'nl do as \wll (or her to 15359th lan-yr. for she would a grout deal ratlnrr kins Mr. (,‘lmgumn. "Yea. Mr. Cling mnn," retorlrd :he spurned rnounluln girl, “I can tell )0!) why—she did'nt wan! lo km lhe lrull-."— Columbia ('aro/inian How 'I‘RL’F..--A very ennnent w UN has ”id. that although we seem grieved ill the shortness of lilu in general, we are wishing every period which 3! an end.—— lhe Ininur longs la be of age; then to he a man ol business; then to make up an op late; then [0 arrive at honor; then to re‘ tire. The unurercr would he very well satisfied to have all the time annihilated. that lien between the present moment and the next quarter do); the politician would be content to lose three years of his life. could he place things in I posture which he fancies lht'y will occupy alter such a revolulion nl time; and the lmer would be glad to strike out of his existence, all ilu momen‘a that are lo pals nwhy beloro the next meeting. A Flux—'l7“: Sundu i‘ch Island Friend 0! Octubur 13!. gives lhe following remark übYe BCCUUM ml .1 suim lately CHEtlk’d in Hunt “New It tun! lh'lS: 1 “On ’he 281‘: U! Sclrlrrnhrr, Str‘p‘wcn ‘Drcbscr, who lwlmvgfi m l’ulll‘llll‘, Mnlnr, [was lukcn on [man] the “hale ship New Bcrllord, in the harbor ol Honolu’u. He reports that on m» cum“: u! the QG'h hu jumped m'orhmnd hum We ‘Lunllnn l’uc kel.’ hunng (Mun hum Ihr- raprniu'a bunt his lilthplelt'nt‘r. ()n Srmrrday morning he cuuid just discern rrvc inom u! the rnuurrlurm ul 04!“), AWL-1' swrmmrng uil day, at the firrng a! the 9 o’dock gun he was 11040:!” 01 the {my mcnuf \vnr, In lhe uuicr hurbur~uH€r gvmn; upuu the run he (ried In wu’k. but :i c purl nrul Mar/rs dnshul him along. 61.1 at the lime tfbe ing p'tkcd up 1.1- has rtcav'j insensrblr— Lawn: been in lhe water thirty or more hours! He whorls that he RH lhe luvn don Packet un 3(qu u! ill usage, and I'm the crew were disorderlv.” ’ N‘u Tum: GENI'IJZMAN can everimlulge m luscnlmcul against a female. All yin il'iclire feeling or pioccu’lings (award Hie weaker sex. are unworthy and unprufilu bio. 'l‘hc uimnsl that 15 allowabie, n’hrn wrong is experienced from lhz'm, ii {he simple exposninn 'of trulh—arrmnpnnied by regret and entire resignation, or gvnz'r uus forbearance as far as possible. camis trntly wnb strict sel! delrnce. Sarcasm, übloquy. more annoyance or revenge 01 a 3 ny kind are repugnant to manly chnrnclcr‘ and chivalrous Spirit. ‘ "Whatarc you staring at, sir, mayl ask P" said an imperial‘d moustached 'blood,’ to n ‘ Hoosier,’ on a Mississippi sttambont, who had been watching him as as a cat watches a mouse. lor some fitteen minutes. “I thought so," exclaimed the " Hoosier,’ the moment the other spoke .- “I said you’d got‘a mouth, and l was on ly wnitln’ to be aartin a'bouhitrto'nsk you ’lO ° liquor} Stranger. whal'll you drink? or had’you rather ”fight? .I don’t care a. d—n which myself.” The oddly much =9o hair were. [all touching glasses at 3‘ crowded bar. . "l'hc population of Russia, according Io he. last census}. is 62,500,000: ycHhere. s evidently Icm Wealth and strenglh than. u lhe United States. . . RECEIPTS 8L EXPENDITURES ~ ot‘cygmrfield QGII'II'IW; ', ' .. v . :-. -.---'-¢'~‘::e. f @0313 IlQéliß’a-i' ' " 19013231? 'r-WflLL-u (711.;3E5q.¢, fl’r’casu . rcr of Gimme/d cauhgé- m "ac't with. said cnunfig-from- the}! 911: day of Janu -arg/, 1645, up (0 (be 1:41]: day o/Janu (try/”1846..inc/naive;' , ' BR; '|‘() cash [43ch l‘rqm owners of un-v' seaied' land-s'Bl. ("Hes for Inc: 31294 12 To cash rec‘d {rum Collcchrrs. 2343 ll dd- F,» Imin on Jury fee-s. 40 0,0 'gln ' 'H. B. Urine! un Girzml note 5 00 T 9 balance from Road tux fnr ' ”-342.81 1843, 317 28 ' 83999 5| Bahmcc due 'l'tensurer. 283'86 . CR. 8} ann’l [said to Grand Jurors, 8178_25 ' do Trmis Jurmu. 478 80 i do Election (‘xpvnu'a (37] 89 i do 9. Johnson as- (Inm'r 57 46 ' do John Carldv " ‘lB '3O I do U. (I. l’nssmoro" 15 70 do Grier Bell, “ 33 74 do J. B. Calduc“ " 9 74 do Ab‘m Kylar " 500 do as Constablu’s wages 06 .VII do Scolps, 99 81 do Road News, 109 00 do Priming. 97 79 do School distlich. 144 22 do I. Fullerton as Aud‘r, 7 54 do \Ym Porter, " 16 ()0 do Alun. Brown, " 10 00 do “‘1". Mdhmkvn" ‘1 37 do ”.13. ”(due)“! clerk to Audllola, 18 00 do L: \V. Smith “ 600 ‘ do Aasessorn’ wagon. 306 13 ‘ do H. B. Beisscl _as Clctk to coxnmnséioncrs, 101 00 do R. \Vallace costs val ing lundv, 95 75 do Buidgcs, 38 00 do J. 'l'. Leonard us Prol'y 198 do A. Irvin " 9'5 07 do Al’y Gen. L. \V. Smith 19 C 0 > do Coal! in cnm. pros. 30 73 do Ex lrmn Sh'lf lees. 88 75 do (I‘. l’. To'ccourl cryer, 20 75 do lucl. slulionnry. &c. 53 36 do Cuumel (o Com'ni. IT 00 do taking can- coml llou‘e f 7 50 do [or aondlin. 21 ‘l5 do lor wpniri. &r. :37 ll s‘o to now Jul! 57 4-) do Krlunds, .{2 156 7.3 do unocralionq to (‘olu’s 123 4'2 [3] puccnlngo on 8382 {)2 bad i aucc hum um] (um ’42 & '43 5 43 832334 '24 By pcrccntugenn 87016 ~17 a! H, 105 21 By balance due Treasurer u! u!- llemem Jun. 16. 1845, MS 59 .0510 UNTq/outumuling deb/s due the Counlyjram ownera of unsealed (ands. ('ollec/ors. and olher sources. ('ormfy. From owners cl unsealed land» .‘31737 ()0 John S. Booms Brady H 336 3 98 Mathew Forcry Brodlord 1837 5 54 Cranl'd Gullnhvr Chest 1834 ‘24 49 David Rowland do 1836 19 71 Edmund erllsms Jordan 1838 7 93 Lows Snyder Chen 1837 ‘27 38 Wm. Somervdlo do 1838 ‘2 66 l. Burllolmugh llurnsrdo do 13 77 liflnc Dunlap Jortlnn 1539 39 91 Sam! Mrl‘luvn (Shoal do 5 42 Ahrlrhum lruu. lh-ru'..r do 7 51 M Snndcrlnnl Urll do l 8 2!" lianlol Muller llrbuoo do lil ‘l7 Jun r£u.lnhur iurnsulu d- H '2O John So on)! Jordan 154') H 56 (j Wnlonlyer l'enu do 4JG Juno Wzllmms Bocrnrm do 5 I‘.) Wm Ilaluhrl Brady do [l 00 Thus Hurry Ferguson d: 16 6'.) Jun Mnrhml llurnndo d:- l 9 77 Abrnm lieu Boggo ld4l 4 -l.'l \Vm lludgr’ns Corlnglon do H :34 Dnnlcl Srnllh (ilbsnn do 32 26 F‘olomo-r 'l‘ ‘zar ('hesl do 9 00 lA limerick Brady do 73 12 -l Uoodfollow Lawrenz'o do 61 65 Gunrgo llrne (llronl do 19 25 U [\lt'Cruckcn [Sell Jo ‘ David \anl Term do ‘lnnc Thompson Jordan do G C l’numoro l’ika do I) Ferguson Ferguson do ,ll Eiscnbowcr Burnside do i Andrew Moore Ponn ISA? 'l‘lms Overlorll’ Gibson do :John llollopelcr Brody do [Goo Wilson Jr Ragga do I Henry ”agony Decn'ur do l’lldip Bradford (-‘unrd do Suml Jurtlnn Jordon Moan Norm) Lawn-m a U 0 Ahrum Bloom l’lko do Snm‘l (.‘unaaulus Covrnglon do Freeman anm Honslon do John Weaver Bell do 15 C Winslow Joy do John Lamburn Cllcul, do George 'l‘ubbs Forguson do lunnc Loo Burnsldo do John McQuillnn do 1843 John W Wrighl Beccnrin do Mrchncl Seller Brady do annlhnn Harlshorn Plko do John Shiray Bradford do Allrcd D. Knapp Chou do Chnslian Shofl‘ Decatur do lsnnc Horlon Fox do Ono Hoyt Huston do 23 91! Stephen Grosselto Guard do 26 01 Selah Moroy Jay do 92 16 Thomas Owons Ferguson -do 40 00 Polar Owens l’onn do 83 21 Jacob Mnuror Covinglon do ”‘97 Michfloel EislomnnoKurlhnua do 381 ~ Robert Pullerson Jordan, do, 63 54 John Coleman Gibson do 48 02 ' ’l‘hos 3mm Fergumn 1844 26 36 .16 85 Abram Snyder Piko do 109 93 14 63 Polar Arnold vßrndy do 40 27 639 Wm,M‘,Smdoy Bopcsria do 17 7! 49 9] Francis Lamulla Covington do 4] 21 ' 947 [C Kralur Lawrence do 21.2,;48 87 02 ‘1; Neil” Burnside ”do 1‘23 70 59 03 J . . $4283 37 84283 37 State 6 ‘2l ‘2B we H 35 l 00 37 47 50 641 43 33 40 21 50 60 59. H 19 13 53 7 B 4 7 521 48 (NM ‘l7 21 1 I‘2 67 6'l 34 2-1 23 6X 46 38 ll 00 36 84 l 23 Elin UR. H) am’l paid Beccariq In. 047 23 do Bell 52 97 do B-Igg‘ ’ 2-1 40 do andtmd 26 83 2 do Brody ‘ 64 90 do Burnside 60 54 do Borough 3 45 do Chest {)9 38 do Covington 7 94 (‘0 Decnlur 124 74 do Forgumn IO 09 \ do Giraud ‘55 34 do Huston 96 06 do Jordan 102 96 do Karlhaua 15 49 do Lawrence ‘ 47' 98 do .Mmrio 130 29 do I’iko ‘ ' 12 38 do I’onn I'7 34 14 72 12 19 du 28 61 25 33 1 55 73 20 91 81 91 99 i 1 53 9 57 a 42 22 12 3 64 192 68 1o 13‘ 12 01 1 58 31 66 13 95 71 56 24 55 .55 25 1 as 19 as 3 a 4 1 50 39 5e 29 90 2 04 57 97 28 37 18 54 13 58 as 15 27 40 60 8 64 57 60 14 23 27 47 ‘ $959 80 By percentage on balance. , ‘l 29 Bal. due by 'l'ru’r Jam 14, 1846. 85 44 ‘ . w $1046 - 53 Norm—There ' mu quored by Iho Treasurer Road ordarn which he had paid amounting to 8204 which did not apply to Iheig roupeclive township, and for which 'we‘did not gave him 'cmdil. ‘ WE lhe undemgned'Comminionou of Cla'arfiahl winsmmmy "-Gi’nirdzu'. ;' do': rifle” 31 slime; Wood. .-.C1|1‘5.1.‘. .. .th , 45 12 -J Cullioglwmfli [l’e'n‘o' do ‘ 6‘l 33‘ Goljeib Snyder Kn'rlhnu- do ‘l6 47 John Whims‘ido - Dornmr- ‘do H2B C Howin Huston do 10 81 Jacob Wullcru 801 l do )5 3") I“ Pearce, " ‘Bmdlord do 73 08 Henry thmm'c} Bogga do ‘2l 09 James Mr-Nenl Jordon do 4'3 15 John Ferguson Ferguson 1845 46 27 Russell MvMurroy 801 l do 'll3 GO Angua M Gill Brndlord do 150 66 John Lilz ' Brcruvln do 129 68 J Uunlnulus Knrlhaua do 38 4‘: Doom] Bnlhurl Burmldc do 160 47 Dnvid Mchhun Jordon do 81 553 I’nlrlrk Dolly Porn do 1-15 57 lurnol Nu hols Hemlon do 36 B‘l A Incomo (Jirnrd do 55 35 Jon McClurn-u Dccnlur do 140 59 George 'l‘urmr Buggy do 69 2'2 John M Seiirr Brndy ‘do 189 44 John BKylor I Norrie (To 71 98 John Bloom jr Puke do 283 44 J\V Lnlnhurn ("Inn-.1 do 79 55 Martin Nichol-I Lou-tome do 156 95 Wm Smilh Cuvingwn do 32 82 Jan T Leonard Borough do 89 58 ‘1 3635‘.) 80 2339 06 “MP on rfiVornrt'n xm'o. 35 00 Due on Jnmca Ron’s two 6 75 Due on (icu Juhnaon'u none 84 Due on Wn'l \Vngomr'n note 77 36 Due from I. W Smilh ‘lB [)1 Duo on Time 8: Rn" chd’a note ‘23 00 Due on Gm lillinger'l note 19 03 Duo from Henry I! Bcisnul 10 00 Amount of out-landing ordnrn, 35500 00 Duo ”10 novernl Schoul Dulnvlu from lhe counly six hundred and ninety soven dollars and ucvenlyfivo cowl, being School money used by tho Coumy precedmg 184-1, 8697 75 School Fund. ROBERT ”OIL/N7OB. Esq. Treasu rcr of Clanic/d Counly in (143'! with the School ( {stricls m said county. l‘o ain’t due by 'l reusuwr at settlement Jan. 15. 1845. 8804 43 ['ll nm’t rec’d from owners at unecnted lands, &c. 824 41‘2 (111. By am’t paid to Bag: district with pcrcenlagt'. 834 95 do Bradtonl 53 70 do llurnnidc 147 022 Ir do Bell 77 49 do Brady 79 5l do lleccuin 15 43 do Borough 1 5'2 do quingtnn 25 55 no Chat 73 10 do Decatur 9,‘ do Ferguwu 5 H do Fux 4 65 do Gt'uvd‘ (it) 37 - dd G-bmn 50 Ni iiu Huston 47 69 do Jay 15 51 do Jurdril 75 68 I do Karthnua 15 36 do Lawrence 33 43 { do Marin 96 46 ' do Pcnu 45 35 I do Pike 59 10 Balance due Schuu! «2mm h by Treasurer. Jan. H. 1840, Unsealed Road ’l‘axm. [l'o BERT H'flLLflCE. [5.17. Trout; rrr of Clear/Edd (bun/y m account will: the following {owns/zips for ummml road (art‘s rn‘u'rnl. DR, I‘u ain't [(‘L’d zu- Bnmlil 11!. Sl.‘ 76 I|.» ”(1| 7}) 4-K I‘O Buniimd 16 33 d.» Hutuv 44 93 (In liuw'y (M 09 (in Uuuum’c 113 63 tin 11".“th 3 >l5 do L‘ilt‘ll 6-3 90 (L) (Tu-\ing'un 7 94 do lhcatur 100 41 1!.» Felguaun 12 ‘l3 (In Fox 80 (In " Guard .56 84 (In Huslun 114 o'2} (In .h] 17 95‘ d.) I dean 1136 30: do Karlhutu 15 49' anrcmc _35 18~ Mauls 1'35 07 PIKE 5 34 Penn 1!! IO ([1; do du couniy. hnvlngf‘l‘fflfnhlfflWhfl'ifébfiml'oT Roben’ Wnllncr-J‘.q*:'l‘nninrer a! ’lflid onlmuy,.ror 1845. fmd-IHmlnncc'du‘a‘mm TWMIITN’, 1W") Im, "MW 05' two huffi‘rofl n'nd cighfyflhred «lal‘lxlf‘linndfifghly' hii¥enih 'nn'd'tho (unfunnding rig-bu duo the rail". uy'mn'un~.m.g I'u’s'lx thousand five hundred 11nd fir. ly-lhrre dollars and mxly-nlnerconm. ' Wu'nlm find übulnllg-q duo lhe Hrhgml fund by spit! 'l'rcusuru ufsix humlri‘d nnd loflylfuur dollfzrs and six manly. mu] [1!!!) n bnlmico due fium him to lhe nwcu‘l lonnlhipu for unseatid road mum of eighty-sm, dullnr~ and {nny fuur renun— In witneu whoranl we havaheljeunl'n rel’our hundl_ and hid}! this 13')”: day ofJuunaw.lB4_6. 7 .- ' [Hush—H P. 'l‘nomnou,Cl'k. , a WE Hm umln rnigncd Auditnrn ofClenrfiefd omm. [3; hnring oxnmincd nu] reviled lhe uu-inimin! Rulmrv Wnlincc, Eu] Treasurer of uidrounly’fm 1845. find n balance due laid 'l‘toosuror from "D: calmly ul'lwu'hlllldrod and eighty lhrqo .dollnu mul olghlyqix cvnla, and lhe outstanding deblldu'a xhc'mnnly nlmmnllng (Mix thomnnd ”five hundml nml fifty-three dullnrs nnd nixfyninu cenlu. wa also find I: hulunro due the Ichool [and h] In". Trrnmrel of nix hundred and forlyfour tlpllan and vi! runs. and also n hn-Innco duo from him'uo u... “we,“ mwmhlpfi I‘nr nnnculod rnudlaxrt ut'exghoy five dam”- and fun; {uur coull. ll nun.” “hrrrnl we have hermmln nnl our hand- and [on]. this L 5 h day 01 Jummnv.lB46 __ $6553 69 81. \V. F. IRWIN have-just rem-i. E . vet! and opened at their old stand, as large an assnrlment of‘ as gnod gnmh, and as cheap goods. on can be had [rum in ny otheu More In Clearfield counly. Their stock consisls of DRY GOODS, Hardware. . liars, (best quality) Drugs. Tinware. Cutlon Yum. Confeclianary. CLOCKS. ~ Bras/wag Oils. Paints, Nails. .flir-lighl Sim-m, Ten p/ale do. Tobacco. beslquali 13/ GR QUERIES, Shoes 81 Boon, Cape 'of every oa'n~ ely. - Quoensware. ‘ Umbrellas, j" 5» Books .& Stationa- T3]. '. Glass, Looking Glassca. Varnish, ' . ~ Sleigh Bells. . Cooking Stout. Slave-pipe. Sugar. best 'qimlil‘v/ _ (10. common. lye. “In public are respectfully requested to call and examine lur themselves, as they are determined to render all' pouiblo satisfaction to their customers. EDI! 81628 85 AH kinda of grain. lumber. (leer skim, raga. pork, bem‘wnx, (allow. (miter. egg». hogs' brisl/w. lu'rles. furs, or cum (WSW, “I” be lukcn in rxrhange-fur goods. 198: \V. F' IRWIN. Claurfiehl,l9=hNuV. 1845. w A N 's‘ ac n) . E [jjflfllififi In any quantily. such a! A Squaw 'l‘iurbcr, Boards and good Shmglcs. ALS U , FF}! Ed 'l', R YE , Cam, B L-"CKIVHEA 7' OJ? 'I‘S, Fl"? X. SEED. 'l'lfllO THY» SEED. CLOVER SEED. BUTTER. Ind/H), PORK, BEEF, VENISON. «3‘o. {or which lhe highe-t price. “Hl5O given. uml guodssuld at cash price—at lhe chvap s'me (! C. KRATZER. But. :16, 1545. --- '6 98 4 ii 64 I —---—~ _ " S‘HE aubscribcr’ru ,l _{lggg R ‘peclfully infmnu I‘” ___E“ ,{g lhe cutlzens of lhe bor ,7-1:~7~u’ 3375.933: nuoh and coun!_y of ‘L~3:3~‘?2:s%§:E’§§“L C|:;anfield that he has mmm6w‘ll the dune bUsiness in lhu y'd- v. uhrro he wit! be pleased to fill a“ mud: In his Jim. on lhe shortest nolim um! um Ihr be“ mam-u” THUS. ROBINS. l).-c.1.’6,18~15. ’ ‘ Ga/cr's Vegetable Vermzfuge. ‘ N offering [his valuable medicine to E: the public. 1 nm, well aware of lhe l::cl,(l1.u u isluuul m cunvime M lean! a pdll ul lhe communlcy. that a medicine could be equal lo lilul ul FJlHl?ill‘€k for exprlliug worms. Nuw. all I ask lur lhn gnml nl humanlly H :1 {Eur (rial according to lhe (lin‘cliuns gnen, of one ur two 3-1. ale. lcrling cnnlidenl that It will uponk [of H 10” wherever it goes, Warranle‘l in km 20ml, Price ‘25 cents. . . I’ce'pared and for sale at the Dtpg Bible nf Q 1046 s:} N3V. 28 N 0 t n c e 4:: , S HEREBY GIVEN to all person: m- I (crested llmt Letters Teslamculnq on (he mum: of Poller' Go". 51810 «1' Jay township. Elk county, dec’d,’ha_’ve been granlcd to the subscriber. All persons having any claims against said eptnte are hereby rcqueslod to present them for set llemcm, and' all persons being indebleil are rc‘quuted to make immediate pay ment. . ANN M. GOFF Jlty. Dec. 18, 1845. ' flDM/NISTRflTOR’S NOTICE. . NOTICE IS ,HEREBY GIVEN that letters 0! admininlrgtio‘n have been "ranted to lhe adhaériber‘ ob‘thc a»? late 0? Nicholas Buulun Gentillet,‘ 'late 01 beington- township, Cléalfielll' ‘cdunly. déc’d. 'l'he'refore all persons khéwjflk .. themselves indebted to said estate, are re} ' quested 10' make immediate payment. and those having demands ml! prebenuhem ,v duly authenticated to: selllcmenh' ~, AUGUSTUS 31-.‘LACON,TE.=; ~ Jim. 14, [846. j fldm'r, r (mum BELL. SAMUELJOHNSON. ‘ cum. ABRAHAM-:KYLAR. WILLIAM POIITILIL " d MTM BROWN; smug" WM. T. 'I‘UORP. . . Aue-l—H. I’.'l‘uoursox. _Cl'k. , NEW GGODS. COOPERING. C. D. WA'I'SUN