Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, February 18, 1846, Image 3

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flc-moctatft Baunet.
0' LE}; R m, E‘ L D. PA. no 18. 1546.
Mon: SNOW —-Lun| Saturday and Suinrduy night
we'méd lhnth’ run of mow—«m H‘e deplh oflon
ovm'clvo inch". This nil! nmko gum] Weighing
flair. and cnnblc many 011:...rfuun‘wrmrn to cum
ply “iih Ihenrwgngomonm.
The Diplomatic Correspon-
The read” “'1" find In our column: 10-day Iho
lulcorrc‘lpondem‘o lhm [ms lnkon placonn lho
Oregon quealion. n will bu uppnronl to an. after
its-perms], lhul lho prolpacl of: pnnrerul sonic.
man! oflhll queslirm. in an” gruumg more dunk.
The were“! vnrrnpomh nrc «hm um pul n v'op lu
negollnllon'-—but il rrjau- (mot/7n of Iho mrana
propelled for in adjunmom.
Now. afier all that hon lnleu plum “uh rc-gnnl
lu (lai- cunlmverlv, we think it I! high limo tlml
membofl of Congrats. und cdllon u! lho pron.
would cam Io cry pence—cease declaring llml
they 'uo no prnlpec! of sum—[hut llm qursliun
will yet he ‘ umlrnbly arllled.‘ an: 4m; and mm
[half ullcnlinn lu pulling the L‘uUnlry in n silunlmn
Io be prepawd lor wnr. Even If Ihi: qursviun
Ihould fortunately tenninavo peacefully. and hon
onbly to our mumry. tho money Ilvus expended
uonld nol lm'enlinly lu.‘. We cannot expect nl.
wuyl [0 ”VI in peace. War will come upun us
wme day- and any preparation: made now.——i!‘;u~
dlclcurly mndc~uill [m of good sen-ice lllcn.
Hut “'0 mull confers Illa! “'0 cannot “run our
dell” for [were enough In cream Iho belchlhul
we are lo ucapo a brush with England on Ilm
question. It in reduced lo {a gummy that “0
mm! ollher lmvn 'azfiglu.‘ nr ‘0 back out.’ Who
will Moll out? Nul Ilno United Slates m long an
theroin Jockuon blood in J-mmy Polk'n veins—
There il no backing out on our aido. Thnl'u a
' finilhed Inci.‘ Will England rcrmlo from her cle
mlndl. and now accopx uhul the hat repeulully
"fund! She muy—nlw has done war-e. If she
do”. than may we have pours—no! otherwise.
Alllhingl m:.linlored. lyou'ovnr. we lhink Con
gren ll duing vcry wrong in holding oul lhe idea
(a lhe ptoplo xhal there in no [ml ulllllly uf wan—W
We luppmu the! {horn wn- upward: ofom hunvlred‘
speech“ made on lhe Native Quenlluu. and \\ itll u
very Tow on‘aplionl. every npunku dcclarvd il M
Ma belief that all diflicuilicn would be settled with--
out wur. "theythought-n.llwydono right; lml
we cannot nee how any man. uhe in nrqnainlcd
will! the true llnlo of lhe quculion, can believe
thulpcace has even ll" equal chunce4uye. Ihnl the
chant" are nol lllree lo one In lu‘nr of unr.
Lul Congreu. then do n; lhe Brill-h hum dune,
and ' luok Io llnpouibilu'ry vi a ruplure' \\ uh Eng~
llnd, and mu lhe country in n unto ur preparation
[or Inch an event.
Oregon Resolutions Passed.
On lhe 91h imlunl, in lhe Home of Reprewnln-
Inca. the vol:- wa- taken on tho rcwlulion gvang
nolico lo lerminulc Ihr juinl ocrupuncy 0! lb. Or
egon Territory, an required by the ”only 01 1898
bsmesn Grout Bnlnin and the Umled Slnler‘ The
volo need 163 lo 54.
Th 9 nexl day they sure talk-d up In lhe Senulo
by I volo of 23 lo 22. The lullowirg aw lhe um
Resolved. That the President of the
United States cause notice to be given to
the Gmernment of Gtent Britain. iliat the
convention between the United States Dr
America and (heat Buitain in relation to
the 'l‘eititury of the Nurthweit Coast,
west at the Stony or RnJy Mountains.
til the eixth day of August. 1837'. ntgnetl
at Londun, thiill be annulled umi abroga
ted twelve months alter giiing said notice.
Resolved. I'l‘hat the antice ltei‘ein Con
tained is not inhnded to interfere with
the tight and dilerelliin u! the prnper iiu
thoritiee til the two contracting parties. to
renew or pursue negotiations for an amic
able eettlement of the (Olllttwt‘l'ny ref-pec
ting the Qregtin territory.
Pine County.
Col. Blglcr has reported a bin in the Senate e
recting puns ol Indiana. Combriu and Clenrfiuld.
mm a new county Io be called Pme.
“’0 have ever been opponod to tho pyarln‘u u!
mulilming new cnunnu fur the pur pose oflurmmg
Midi? anal. Wo uhjecl to II on ma ground that.
‘m a general way. it is done lo 'lhe nun ry of lhe
mun oflhc people, that a few may be profiled.—
Thnl lhll has been lhe can in a grant many muon
cu. no parwn will prelend Io dvny. Thu fl would
b. no In thin. in not for u: to say.
There are many natural advantage-u Au rhb u'mgln
borhoad quho Cherry Tree. fur a counly um ,'
and that II will mm! day Ihorllv. be lhe venue of
0 new county, lhc'o in not the lens: doubt, But
wo would ‘ rather no our up nvev (rim-J. huld
luck for a year or two. and then we will go “ilh
thorn burl and hand for lhoir now cnunxy.
iMPonTA‘N'r TO WATERMEN.-—Cul. Wot"
vollhnl mpomd a bill (we do not know lhe nuum
an!) in Iha House, nlqling to the obstructing oflho
navigation oflho Susquehanna and ilk mbulariea
pilh'fiuh dnm', &c, A llnrgo amount 0! property
hubun Ion: by lhe cnizamor lhin county in com
uquenco of them obnlruulxum : and if it in poul
ble (cube Mginl-mre lo prevent luch loans in
[alum by any act of main, il lhould ho déno wuh
midday. . , _
From lheflnlenn Gazette we learn Um!
oeven hundred!n,d ninety eight lhnusnnpl
pi'gg‘oHead Maya-been shipped {tom lha!
‘porlduringlhe pal! year. The weight of
n "pig of Iced is than! sewnly poumhtma
king'ln “2'93." in wright nl 55,860,000
pounds, which “3 lluee dullnrs per hum!-
red, pplinds. nrar the average quominm
pricmffqfliffl 51,675.800 fut "5 purchase. ‘
' Spyinklihgvgpoagl’iguyand current buuh
an \Vi'h,i9Pß Huh 1: recommendedno pre
venhmldcw." -;‘
The State Debt.
l This {allowing leller from our Senator, (fol Bic»
mm. won nddrcned lo a genilcmnn m Philadelphia.
and published in the United Sluice Gazelle. ll :-
an able produclwn. and lrnm i! we can clearly po'r~
ceu-o Ilml lho Colonnl dill not olfor hll bill wllhoul
having lira! thoroughly rludied il in all It: bearings.
80 fnr as u o ham lmnld, Iho proponllion has head
as generally approved no xlgflgul‘h‘or rould have an
lirlpnledénnd we believe that nlltllhnl I 9 neceun
luty lo rendor'u univorullly approved-u: for lhe
people In gn‘e il llml thorough and carulul luves~
“gallon “hich lhé importance of lhe aubjecl do.
manda :
Huuusnmm. Feb 6. 1846
l Dean Sun—X our letter of the 2d inat..
lcame to hand by duo course of mail. l ra
lgtet that the print-tples contained in llte
Ibtll which I hat] the ltonnr to present to the
‘Senate. some days since. should be objec
tionable to a gentleman of your acknuwl
letlged intellligent'e. Bull am not disap
'pointed in finding the bill objectionable. l
have long since come to the conclusion.
lthat a system of taxation. for the groom“
pa) ment of the State Debt. or for the pone
ltual payment til the interest. that it cold be
free from “reasonable objection and accep~
table to all." can never be devised. . The
man who undertakes thiu task will fail to
accomplish it. lam “ell aware thutthe
pit-sent taxes are onerous. and I regret at
much as "you, the necessity for their contin
uance. or that it should _be the duty of any
: one to inqutte Into the expediency til adding
lnew ones. Certainly it in no very agree
lable task for a public servant to propose or
'advocate taxation of any ktntl. lt maltea
lup more than a full pvoportton of [ll/HF lur
all the sruetls ol legtalatton.
You may you would like to are n "8) a
tem of taxation that uoultl bear equally up
on all the wealth of the country and at t'ie
same time be efficient and srrliafaclory." I
should rejoice \Vllll you to see a system of
this ltind in operation. 'l'heee phrases
sound harmonious, but they are mere words
of promise to the ear to be bltilit‘n to the
hope, A mtia/uc/or‘t/ tax it ill ltCVtl‘ be
ldcvised. 'I he regulation oi the tttt'n' ")8-
chinery ol'tax laus to a most tl.liicult tuult.
and such equrty and n co regard for ittdt
vidual tights, as you theatre. is more than
human ingenuity ran attain.
Butl hope to convtncc )uu that at least
some oltho positions which you hate an»
sumetl agatnst a tax on lineal dt-ecents. are
unsound. You may it is "taxing thetlead'
(and wronging the “uidow nnrf orphan.‘
I I'm: same remark will apply with equal
force to all the estates now taxable tn the
Commonwealth. The original owners are
now all dead and yet these estate: are llx
ed. The present inheritore were at One
time looked upon as 'u idowa and orphans;‘
‘ but yet their property is not exempt from
taxation. ll your position he t-orrect, eve
ry estate passing from first hands ought to
be free from taxation, because It had been
taxed in the name of the original nurtPr.
and hating pasaetl into the hantlr (if hie
heirs ought not to he again taxed IIIIS
principle would, in the space of thirty you».
exempt all the “Faith ol‘the State lrom
taxation. and lt’fl‘C tlte Government no
means of paying the expenses of protecting
this property, or these descendants in its
enjoyment. This tax is intended. and \|'lll
apply to all the wealth of the Sta‘e, uith
out diatttrbtng the present tax laws; and
the whole protlucta is to be applied tun artl
the payment of the principal of the Statu‘
debt, and I would not agree to taste... it for.
any other punoae. ‘
Again you say it ‘is taxing the estates
tvttee.’ 'l'ltie is very true. llttt _\‘(lU [[ltl'lltl
say, with the same prnprtt ty. that it ltctt the
legislature in 1811 raised the tax upon te
al estate from two to three mills. titat ll
was taxing the name property tttine ltt
botlt cases there Is merely an tnereaae of
taxation. The object in the one instance
being to pay the llllOH’sl, and ttt the other
the principal of the State debt; this tax
would reach all estates. real and personal.
the same as our laws no win force it may
be said that one estate will peas a moot
than another. and hence a time will be
when such estate will have paid more of
the public debt thttn anotherofequal value.
But it is estimated that in thirty years all
the property of the entrtmonwealth would
be taxed under the provisions of this act.
and it will then lime borne an equal pro
portion of the debt. I hold the right of an
Individual to the property which he has ac
quired bv his own labor to be tery sacred.
and Would not agree to any encroachment
upon such right that uaenot demanded hy
As to the mere machiner of the propo
eed law. I do not look upon the features of
the bill as being the best thatcnn be adopt
ed. Some more certain and more cflicient
means of sect ring its execution will, I have
no doubt, he discovered. You complain of
the gradual increase of the rate oftaxmion
as the estate becomes larger. I am not
certain that an uniform rate oftwo or three
per cent. upon all estates without reference
to their value, would not bear .crunny bet
ter than any other principle. I find that
in England the rate of taxation upon lcniel
descent: is regulated in relerence to tho
ties of comangninily. The closer thoeo
ties draw the inheritor to "the donor, the
lower the rate oftax on estates descending
to any ancestor or descendant of the lega.
tor, one per cent; to brother. Simon-or their
descendants, three per 'cent: to uncle or
neuter their descendants, five per cent 3
ti)’ great uncles or great aunts or their de
scendants six per cent; and to any other
collateral or atrauger in blood. 10 her cent.
Limit! the doctrines ma]. a Government
in exacting [rum my people lhe necessary
mum to ausluin lhe expense! 0! its asl
mmmrntiuln. or to .than any yibhgmliom
which ll ma} hgyc incuucd, ha: not only
lhe tlghl.bpl'iq-lli:tluly bound lo tonsult
{lhe moral "wgl'ure of its. subjects. and that
(hose ‘exa'c‘linn's should be made with relcr
encc first to equity and indivldnul rights
and next to lhqgene'rnl welfarejol all. Al
what pelind .than can you make an exric
lion llmu an cslalc Illnl will cause less
(‘umplulul, «lo less injury or less inliingo
Upun pmsnnnl rights, llmn al in lime when
by vulue al lhe name Government. umler
whose luslerlng (are 11. was acquired. it
‘ pnsaes into lhe posmesion and enjoyment
pl n aub‘vcl. uf lllul Guvuinmcnl, law «I
unit. [lt is n gratuily; the pruduclsol the
labor nl unnllier, nml «Juicentls (u lhe lfl
‘norllor by virlue (I! ll'.(' lawn ol lllSl'GUVCl‘ll
imvnt, and he should not complain, il M be
called upon to (‘unlrlbule a small lll'ln ol
the dunnlinn. lhua acquirvd lnunrila sub
mining lhul (hnrrnmenl. l‘lcl‘lllfl’. lll'b
drill ul lmly llillllllllh “lillll we now «we
is n lien upun all \lw \wnlzh nl llIL' S'alv,‘
mul all llrnl n In bu exlwclml under lll'f
[imposed law Is In be applied iuwmds Ilwl
paymm! ofllii: lien. ”\‘llH‘ _i'uu will We"
Cl'll'c that this ‘lcmlul pzinclplc’ Lynnlhl
in: more nor lrgu than paying a ll(l)“ lllllllj
which llama is no escnpr.‘ Ynu say lixcl
par cenl. upun calalvs of 01.0 llUflllf'L‘tli
llmuxand dollar: is low much; perllnp-i iii
"my be all, but l “ill leave ynu lo ll('(l(l0l
“llClllCl’ lhe indiiillual ulm rvcolx 0511 gra~
lui'y nl ninel)‘ five llmmnml ilnl’nrp,is null
us 30ml n mm. 111 l ravlllly {lUlp’lF(‘§. as llt“
\mulll be il ln' \IHL- lu l('CL"\!‘ one liuml 3
ml llmusam'. AG :2 gt‘nt‘rfl lllll‘. l 3 will
lw uln. ll'll‘HUv- a lmuulv (4' lap lliuuazml,
liullnu as lmppl' aml in Ilnllll In um :l H
l) llmueaml? \‘Yllwv 111 l \I'U liml lll‘l
mm! IICIIH‘, nurm-mlul bumun mull} n-l
mnng-‘l ll.l'n(‘ ulmlmvv been 101 l lnrgn- lnr l
[um-s UV Ilieir alu‘l'llll-IS. or in lhl' rnnkil
of (lime who have cnmmvncml lln: umhll
wulluuul any nf llw ale'mltzcs ul urn ll?“
I need llul unauer lln'sc quesfhmq lru'yl
mlmil ol but one neply. l «lo nu: [unull
IIILSL‘ lllCflS us cmiallluliuy~ an) ugh: m Ihr
Gmcuunenl lo mulw u \linm n 5 piquu-l
an] In Hm bill, l;ul llln) \Uhl.l m hurl
tOlßL‘lllll'H'll 0 .ll :zlluiilg (unqulgin's 3 .
guins' llw [non-std 'zux. ‘ l
Ca‘tuiahrug Inmn lhc In»! (Lu/11:4. l~
Cull “hum. I nm In! In ‘UCHC‘L‘ Uml .ln"
prnpnsml lnw unulu' pu-dncr .' 041mm}
ln hm: Lundrrd Ih: usaml duunls annual}
l)’. and lhe "einkmg lumi" l‘nus (reulul.
no long as Smle Stuck remain: below Iw.
u. u'u) (anu‘; :1 MN larger amount 0| 11m
‘drbl. This amount “itigratluuliy (‘ninrue
will) 'ht‘jnLrHF-mg wealth «if We Slule,
:u.(luxllu';u:.oul.l n! (he “mun! inh‘res'
hummus :IHAHUI‘, \lc nil! bu alfie to bl'lnfl
olhcr lewnun lo the hill 0| (hi-1 [um]. I
04 {new 15151 I! the ink-Iva! upon l'Ul' lumlwl
debt he punclualty panl lur (hree ur four
year“, mm a Sin-1H annual redurlion (J
the [:rmcipai, lnul Lu: blalc “um mil 3'-
up In par, and Hml Mwn H is so rnvmcll.
she (12:) go mm Inc umvkcl um] bmrnw
mun-«y at a lIIULII In; (Ii? «1 mlelcst Ihnn
she iauuw paylug. any “135 w 4 «lcr um.
and take up her {Land 6 pva' cu-n'. bmul-,
and ths gu-nfl)’ rt'ulun' 134': umnuul n! hr-r
um La! Immum-s. llmlmv 'm HH- «mm-«m
lhul If [M- plnpmml ”H. 139“: tu- minp'ml
and Up: In «mm M nlu'm'lwll lur Im Wm;-
|lml Il mil Lulu; the annual lfllt‘H'ol 01 um
.ch; Hilhm [he “(tights [mm 1' c Culllnin
21ml mher suurcri. um] thus [clicvc lhe
rz'u! rklah: ul Um Cun‘munumflh [sum lhe
prcun‘. (hm-c unh :ax. 'l'nc (-nlg‘ 'nur'ht‘n
«In-n Inn-aim"; uyn-h Il'v gu'r-rlu \H‘l bl- iLv
pmpmo-(l lax lur (he lo'ul rx'inghi-hwrw
of I) e llvb'.
ll ulm'r (Hui vaH-r 'l‘3'H- {um I'.~' re
15:11,, I'H)(| Hm mum at In; h‘w‘v rrm h‘
dwm‘vvr-H IH"V snul Y"CL:|L nu hl‘nl}
“HA/HM! liHHJ'lll
SEXAI’UM LEVY—now 3'lLEl‘..—-'l'hc
\Vushmglon cwve-[mmH-M ‘{ [he RH.
lnund Enqmrer, uhu nmnmudn lw M
haznc about mun-«mu» nl \\ a:!.lu;trn.
thus epvaks M the dump in mum of lhe
Snlm'm hum Plumb:
"l have latciy hr-tl lhp ('JIiUSil)‘ in us
ift'ltl-in ltttni it litrntl, tiw Cu'lt‘t til tht' It'-
cmt change nl Svtminr l..\)‘. Lame tn
J’ulce; “huh. as it cmbntrt-r tin,- lilS't"_i
ul u lumtly who hate, tn n tumparnttvely
.hmt lttln', [nut-1| tirrnugh more stnguiur
v'tcl:!t'|ltlc§‘lh'ntllhtttulullny othcr public
man In the- Utzitcd SY-tll'i, l ltci all straw;-
ly tempted to lay It bv‘lalc )nur lt’lltlt‘tt'v.
us to L‘Vt'l'tumt‘ my aruuples m such “”99.
5“. line It n: Hts g'nmlluthrr. Vnhtm
name wait 'Yulcc. Was tht' fittii Cuunt'illm,
ur Grand Viv/tor, ut the Emprror ul Mu
futCU 0| thus»: days. The sun ul the Ern
pcrur engaged in n runspirnc)‘ agvnst hi~
luthcr's lilr-zuut untimritv. which It be
ctimu the dut_vl.»lttm ittlci":tm (ll Mr. Yu
lce to check ulztl tum-h; find in to (1045;.
he was comm-lied tn't‘iruw ilit‘ I’.incc In
to prtnuu. Swrtli nl'uwutl‘. and “hit.-
the lutter was in C-nnfittt'mt’nl. the mid Ern
peror dial, and the Man m-nt llutn thu
prison to the throne. ”in lint acts were
to cast his lather’s ltivml and «dust: into
the same dungcnn. where he died shortly
ultcrwnrda, and tn order the cnnfiscution
Ql his estate. As the snvcreigu's will was
the unly law known in Morncco in such
enact. the family. to save their lives. were
forced tn fly wmenhcre beyond the u’uth
ority of the new Emperor. and chance fa
vored them with an escape to Gibralta’r‘.‘
Soon nlterwards. the lather of Senator Yu
teu, then a young man‘ went to Cuba, and,
changing his-name to Levy. entered into
commercial business. Mr. Y. was'burn
in that Island, and carngurithhia parent
to this' country about the timed the ces
smn 0! Florida to the Unitcd Stutcs,aa
the world knows. Hg is. perhaps, the
youngest man in the U.'States Senate, of
which he‘ is a most usalul and promising
member-«notwithstanding the fact. that
his grantlshtre wu M otnunchuml phleg-
métic an old Turk as ever”! crow”?
zed or whim-cl lhe huukn." , i
'l‘wo bankers of Warsaw. .\l ensue. Stato
keller and Frnenkel. have just obtained
from the government authority to work the
silver mines which are situated near the
village of Ollkourz. "l'heee mines, which
am the ri2hest in Poland. made formerly
a part of the domain of the Kings ofthat
country. and at the epoch of the second
partition 'of'l’ol'and (1793) n hen the Aus
titan troops t'tels compelled to evacuate tho
Polish teriitory. their rear guard, to pro
vent tho mines in question from betng
worked, filled them with water, in “hich
state, for the moat part they now remain.
The gentleman engaged in this work, have
sent to the spot puucrful steam engines,
for the purpoue ofdrau-ing the water from
the Ollltourz uiinea. ‘
The only surviving siulkr of Mrs Marli~
arm. died in Jefinrsun conmy. ‘Vn. on Fri
day week. This amiable and excellent
lady harlju Curly life married George S.
\\ asllinglon. nt'phvw and nne of the heirs
of General Washington. Afler tho demh
of Mr, Washington, she became unxled in
marriage n-Ilh lhe Hun. 'l'homas 'l'orlll. of
Kentucky, one of lhe Judgvs of the Su
preme Cour: nftfxe United States. “horn
she survived for many years.
The German: are famous for novelties;
\he last one is a musical bell. uhirh re
calves the u vary body and immedmlely
' laps m I‘Llysmu.‘ [u a soft and gcmle air
Amber, played long enough lo lull the mosl
\l‘nkel'ui lo s'm-p, When he wishes to rise,
the bed plays a march of Sp‘onlonl, ullh
drums and r) Inbalg, and, In short with
noise enough to arouse the seven sleepma.
The U. S Fehoontr Fiirl “med al
Noxfuin on Friday uheruouu neck. {lom
Havana. She brings no news. Santa A
na was still at Havwa. and engaged in me
genllcm'mly nmuscmt‘nl of cock fighling.
ul \rhivh. We ma infmmed, ho lately “on
$l6 000 '
A Millerilc 31010 n horse and carriage in
Lancaster. Mass, ()n his Irial lhedefence
sel up was lhe gonetally ndmiucgi lunacy
uf the Milletilea; ‘he jury refusing to en:
tenaln the defence. he was sent Io lhe
Stale Prison (or luo \eara.
Caplain \Vm. Smi.h died recently m the
poor house at Norihunplnn, Muss. He
had a claim againsl the French (z‘ovem
menl for spohalums pnorlo 1800,01 $40.-
000; liw claim ml] go to lhe U. Slates as
Le has no heirs.
The new constitution of M!!801H‘i.fl0l
yet ratified by the people, appropriates in
perpetutty the prucrpds at the 500,000 a.
(-rea of land granted In the State by the act
(#lB4l. to the purpuws of Educntmn.
The Legislature of Indiana has passed
an ushnulhorizmg the purcham of a site foi"
a [)eafand Dumb Asylum. and axxolheMor
the erection ofa‘Huspital for the Insane.
The Leglslalurc of lam has (lrlcrminr'd
In make anulher (-111 an to lurm Hun Terri
tory into a Stale. Delegates to a (‘mwem
(Eon are to be chosen nexl April, and tho
Convenuon w m meet 1!] May following
ll is said 11.31 there we no less Jan 1500
applicants for the office.- in lhe lw-o monn‘
zud rvguncntu (Tnngress has dun-Jul lo
'1 [.l' .uw .'|~~-9l;H.|h\)u nl Mr. ll’)'l- (I u!
chmg nu, K). um: um- (v! 'ho mu' 5;»
*_'.l.l\'fl m’ H 1". Mn lnken New 1'» Kv‘nlucky
:s.ncp Hm! (.I L‘o‘. Sharpe, many years 31-".
lhe knlmg of 'uuug Hmmn, I.“ no 3mm
atlun. The pHH'UCnlinn Wu, merely la‘r
xng.tnc seal umrraily assigned to biulhy
..I IN: Illhlll‘l lalflv. nwl art/Jug I‘CC.‘.HU'J~
.xiiy a! I'm- Inner duun; H-v meal. Aitm
llslll'l', bnmhy (it’lllfl'lzln‘tl u! the Jacob!
1m explanulmn, ulwn, according in a wr
.Hpmnhul (1| Hm C‘Hclulnl Humid. " A
{cw ulhvr umdy \u‘re nth-it'd by She'lhy,
“hen he. Hamlin; hufure Hum.” mlh lm'm
hardw In M- [mun H. (ich lm lx-ll hand
hum hu [I'M kt" .H u| :1 11'“! Human over
H‘u- hc‘nl. ' In find (ml ulwllmr he uuuld
fighl \H‘h fist In ply-mfg”, “ulna" alrppcd
bunk ns'-mm 83 Funk, and uwu In lite ncl
ol Ihrunwg luuk his llllith. \shrn lhe
“mph. fisrfby. (Zvuu n pl.- ui [mm Ina
pvrhtl and um Hum.“ JvuL Hv [Ni as
Mann a.» we (Cum! um fired. and “HM
a‘puke ngmn—u hon NIH! up hr unsdcad.’
Thus “as a young "mun! good mmul and
religious standing ”I mciv'y, «em in a mo»
ment “hen he Img! (”ward in In Ihvbnr
0! God Shelby’s Iricnds uflered sioo,-
000 (n b-nl him out bul i' Wus‘duidcul nul
(u M u hmlub‘c (MW. Hm hiul mu [)2
one u! lnlt'll‘El mm? deep exciicuu'u'.
Five of lhe unlnrlunale men. buried a
live ul lhe Czibnmlalc mines. l/iavc been
reached, all of [hem being uleml. hmyevt'l’.
One man was found nilh his le‘gxbm‘ken.
butulherwiue uninjured. and is suppqsed
In have died of sullcring and siarvnunn.
The bodies ul lhe lest weruao shockingly
mangled as to be scarcely recogmzablc.
There are yet nine missing.
In lhe Farmeu' Library [or Jaliunry,
conducted by John S. Skinner; and pub
lishzd in New .York at the Tribune Oflice,
is the announcement of an extraordiuauy
discovery. The discovery is laid to have
been made in France; and is as follows...
that the qualily and quantity of milk
which cow: will'give, can be unerringly
ascertained by external marks and appear
ante: ant/1e animal. r'l‘his discovery in
.aaid lo have made much noise‘ in FINN?
;""'.“" “‘i'ténsldlion 0'! "n”fi'eh‘fiié'onfifho
“by" Y" l3?“uublialml'in'the next num‘
her of lhe Library.. '"heorivinalfly ofthc
disrnrely may beduputclrc-{w 'vorwith
the French. since Col. Jacqui?» 'r be
Ten Hulls Farm. near Bustuu, Mass. IL»
[or years, known lhe svcre'. a
{Eifflmnl weck, a gentleman m Albany
relurning home near midnight through a"
obscure street Was allmclwl ._by groun
nnd a (mini cry nf no» in «liurcu. which
came from lhe npposile side nl the street.
Cwssing over, he fuund an old man lying
on the walk. nppaienlly in great pain,—
He raised him up, gave him his '_C(ulch.
and kindly uflerc‘l lo see him safe home.
He hobbled on. npparemly in great dil'
tress. leaning hi-mily against lhe good B|-
mnrilnn, nhom he suddenly Hawk 5 vior
lent blow on the back ol his head, and ran
”if nimbly as a lawn. When lhe benevo
lam gentleman recovered from lhe stun
ning clfeclv. Le luund himself mlnm 3
watch‘ noilh one hundred nnd nixly dol
lurs, and n_ well filled wallet.
arTPThe St. Louis New Era states that
one day during the recent cold wepther, a
Mr. \\ arrcn, who lives four miles in the
Country, near the Prairie Houle. intend
ing to came into the city. accurnpaniedfby
a Mr. Clark. who lived with him. went to
gether ‘o the barn, urine distance from tho
huusn. rmrl harrihserl the horse in the
sicigh. Mr. W. then walked to the house
[mung Mr: C. to driie round to the gate
in from. After waiting some time, he no
“LBJ Mr. Clark ririvu up to the gate and
stop. 91]!”Ctilig him to leave the nleigh and
come into the housc, previous to atartrng.
the day bean: very (-u‘d—it was with mine
turprise he observed him remain Hill in
the sleigh. After wailing same time, Mr.
W. went lo the gu'c and found Mr. C.
siitine; upright utih the reins in his hands,
Rs ANNEXATION —'l'hc city of Alex
nndriu. D. C. has petitioned the Legisla
ture 0' Virginia to extend the ltmits offllo
" 01d Dominion" once more over her; Ind
that State is only waiting the action 0!
Congress in rviumc hrr pruicctton over
the city. Alt-xzntlrin ha: euflered much
by the (huge, and is; anxious to resume
hvr o|.l posi‘ion in Virginia.
MARRIEb—Ozx Monday evening In". by "10
RM [42 \VH'y ('O9:. IL B BUIIEL 10 Min MARI
lnvm—uH of Hui: plum.
0:11:01“ it.“ by lhe “me. M‘r. “'ILLIAM Guan
to stp JANE KISCAID, bnlh o! Boccnriu township.
@HE pub'ic are hereby cautioned .-
gainst inh-rlering in any way wilh
(he lullnwing properly, now in the postal
:iun of Peter Lunm, ol Girarrl township.
assuid property was suld m Constable’o
sale nud purchased by us on the 9m Feb.
16-16, and i! in his pounsion on loan.
A lot of shingles, a lot of square
timber, a lot of scantling, one oak
log, a lot 01' boards, a lot ofoak
plank, 1 plough and barrow, one
sleigh, ] grind-stone, 1 sledge, 1
bar, 1 pick, 1 mason hammer, four
chairs, 2 wash-tubs, 1 spade, on‘e
shovel, 1 set of blacksmith tools, 1
timber sled, 1 two horse sled, two
set of harness, 2 set (10. one brown
mare, 1 cutting box, 1 buggy, two
bufl'ulo robes, IViron kettle, I cook
stove, 2 beds, 1 saddle and bridle,
l boy’s saddle, ‘2. trunks, 1 work
bench, hnd 10 busth potatoes.
J>\(‘()B MAURER.
Fm. I‘J. H 46.
Popular Remedies.
THE mus! pnpulnr remedies u! lhe proaenldl
nrn lhuan \«lm'h rlmnse um! [vurny lhe Moog.
Mud “hu-h nrc lmmu) In be mnoccm In their quell.
livr‘ Surh rcmwhcn nu Antimony. Mercury. Zinc.
mud Inning rcmursc l 0 blot-dill}: in dlEeflfit‘. are now.
ll 15 hopod, gun”; «ml of l'uflh'lunmnd Vegt-lulnlo rema
«HM mll ho mum mu populnr medicine. Then Bran
.lrv-I'u‘h \‘puulnhle Unncraul Pl”! “ill be uled and
u,prmium! 'l'Lry are lumu'n to an benefivially
0n mr-ry pm! 0! lhe ‘mdy; hemg Inlmn up by she
vluyle they [mm mm lhe bluud, whirh lhry punly.
.md ll s'muhl he rumt-mbelcd illul [buy only remove
Hun-e pnrlu Mom Ihu hluud u hit") were lhe gauge 9!
in“ Uhn‘mlilul or disease 01 uny kinda Nothing 1. o»
quul In nddmg the “timed humors wnhu vegan“)!-
mudlrinu onlmkiml, whxch cighly-luur your: [mu
pmvod never to do mjury. hul nlfivnya good‘. ‘1
Sold by [he failowing Agents In Clenrhcvld rm;
s‘; & W F Irwin, Claurflcld. ’
John Irvin. Cdrwensvillo
Ihvxd Irvin, Lulhcraburg
James McGirk. Philipublug. Cunlro I'Ounl)’
OFFICE—AV" 94] Broadway New York
June I. 1511;1—1 )r
NOTI C E . ’
LL persons haVing claims or deniands
A against the wink: ol Archibald
Cnmpbe“. son. (lec’d, are requested In
make known the name to the aubscviben
wilhout delay. and also allpcrsonsindébt
ed In said es'ate are required to come for;
ward and make payment immediately.
Bradford (p. Jan. 24.- l84f13: ‘
ALL persnns are hrreby tauliunell a~
' gaiunt buying of-sclljug «in any
Way meddling will), lhé fulluwing proper
ly. now in the pnsunMnn of Wm.;'l’enu,‘
yin-wane Dar/c Bay Horse & 'one 'Brdwh
Home. as we have only loaned uiévmgp
him during nur 'plt'dfilllt‘. ' 7 1’53“»;
' “'Atl‘gox' & BRENNER-1
Kulhana, JB'nLj‘l'Q‘, 1846. .- 9 ’ -