Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, January 30, 1846, Image 3

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    22 Days Later from England.
The steamer Hibernia arrived at Boston on Fri-i
day last. bringing London daleu lo the 4th instant.
' Contrary to all expectation. the President's me.~
sage had an ontirely Pacific dress in Erngiandm—
The British PW". generally. give it groat “9",?“
a masterly production. The following extract
from tho-Liverpool Times, is an instance :
From the Liverpool Times at the 411 i inst.
The first Message 0| President Polk to
Congress, has created. as may be readily
supposed, a greateraniounl of attention in
England than any similar tlocutnent from
the head of the American Union has done
for years. Public feeling was‘ directed to
the Message long before it arrived. its
tone. host,le or otherwise. lormed abund
ant scope tor conjecture in the press. and
even during the exciting time of the-_Min
iaterial crisis.journalists, overwhelmed by
the importance of our relations with the
United States. stepped aside to discuss
the question. even in the absence of the
President's views. Well. the Message
came to hand in the ordinary course. by
the ship “Sea," which made an excellent
passage. It was generally understood, ite‘
may state in this place, that the steamer
which left Boston on the Ist 0! December,
conveyed ,3 copy ot the Message to Nihi
McLané'yl'the American Minister, but it
n the fact Were so. care was successiuily
taken that neither the spirit or the sub
stance ol the Message transpired.
We have given elsewhere the spirit of
the English press on this important docu
ment. Our transatiatitic readers will be
struck by the absence of all irritation in
Ihe remarks oftho great organs of opinion
in this country, relative to the Message ;
and this roi-uctancc to avoid giving olience
arises from thepraiseworthy desire to heal,
cather than to lament. the cause of differ
ence between as and the United States.
respecting the Oregon. Some of the arti
cles we have given are able and compre
hensive views at the question at issue, ar
gued of course with an allowable amount
0! national feeling and prejudice. but pre
senting, on the whole. a just and generous
elandard oi reason and logic.
One cause. perhaps. why the Message
has agreeably disappointed expectation
here. ts the well-timed observations in
which it indulges respecting a liberal tar
ill. It the Oregon is the bane the propos
ed reduction at the tarill is the antidote in
the new President’s Message to Congress.
The style of the ‘document has elicited
pulse; and although Mr. Polk has been
snubbed by European publicists as a non
vet liomme he has given proof. in this
much criticised document, at the posses
lion of literary powers that command res
pect. if they do not always torce conVic
Our Foreign Not" In“ week contained the in.
lormationnlhot Sir Robert Peel had reeigned the
government. and that Lord John Run-ell had taken
his place. Thin wreck we have only to rover-e
the order of that announcement to tell our readers
that Rulaall has reaigned and Peal in reinelnled,_.
The followtng extracte contain all the information
on thin head that we have room for:
Wilmer 8: Smith’s European Times of
' the 4th inst. remarks: “A series of moat
extraordinary events hasjust been witnes
neared in England, of which its constitu
tional history lorms no parallel. The
country has been astounded by the sudden
resignation of the Peel Ministry—one oi
the strongest executive governments that
ever swayed its destiny; by the nfisump
tton ol power on the part of Lord John
Runel and the principal members at the
late W'hig Cabinet~lo|lowed. almost im
mediately. by in abandonment. and by the
re-inatailation of Sir Robert l’eel, '"i'msl
two or three of hie former colleagues—the
Whole forming the strangest anomaly in
the punctillo of "Cabinet~Makiaz.” that
had occurred in England during the pres
ent, or. indeed, any former generation.
0n the resignation of the Peel Cabinet. ‘
the Queen sent, lor Lord John Russell,
Who received a command to form a new
Cabinet. In this he failed—the leaders
could not agree among themselves—Earl
Grey reluaing to join the Cabinet (it. Palm
eraton held the aeala to Foreign Affairs.
When Lord John Russell threw up hisl
cards. there was no alternative but to send
for Peel ; and the moat extraordinary mate“
in this drama of Cabinet making is, that“
he felt as little apparent hesitation In re
suming his old office. as he evinced prompt
nesa in throwing it up. His resumption of
power immediately made itsell felt in ev
ery branch of trade. Confidence, WlllCll
had been shattered by the railway panic.
became paralyzed when it was known that
Poet was out ; the markets fell. funds
sunk. businees‘wae ansp'enderlmnd'a gloum.
a mist. hung over the commercial and tra
ding world; ’ -
' Upwarda of ten days have elapsed since
it became known that Peel was again Pre
mier; and'every day an shown improved
symptoms in thefproduce. share, money.
and other markets. y -
"l he Cabinet resumes power with its per
aannel but slightly altered. Changes there
“when; but they are low. and. with
one exception. unimportant. Poo: Lord
Wharnclill'e. the President of the Court»
cil, who died [mm the excitement produ
ced by the resignation nl his collegues. is
to tie-succeeded by the Dukeol Bucclcuch.
Lord l‘illihborouah ta to he the'lt‘irat' Lord,
at the Admiralty.‘ The. Earl _ol'iladtling
tan‘is to have the office nf't‘he'Privy Seal.
which the.l)u|te~o.f “llt‘cll‘ut'lt tilled. But
the most;,elriking change of tlieéwligle in
the renign‘ation of the. Colonial Secretary.
Lord Stanleynnd the appointment ol’ Mr.
W. E. Gladstone as his successor; "the!
Earl of Aberdeen is to be Secretary of
Foreign Afl‘atrs.‘ ‘l' y. ‘ , '..
'We-n‘eetl hardly trouble our readers
Wlllt the thousand and one rumors which
prevail respecting the future policy of the
Premier. Some nsoett that Sir Robert is
to propose it fixed duty of twelve shillings
per quench-the figures have a wide range
l m tlwmouth ol Modamßumor—to be de
‘cre'nsetl by ’a shilling or two shillings per
.onnum, until it expires in tho course 0!
six or ten years. an the case may be. Oth
era say that a permanent duty of three
shillings a quarter, with compensation to
the land owner. enters into the new poli
cy. All tbi~ is no purely conjecturol. that
we mention'it as a proof ol the absence of
correct inlormntion. and of the diversity
of opinion that prevails. Nothing definite
will, in all probability, be known, until
the meeting ol Parliament. Every possi
ble precaution will be hint) to prevent
the secrets of the Cabinet lrom oozing out.
But it requires, we think. little sagucity
to determine. that it Sir Robert Peel metl- _
Ille‘i atoll mth the Corn Lawn—as med
tllu he “ill and must—hie next measure]
will be u final one. The time for any fur
ther tinkering has passed. Nu hull scheme
will sutficc.‘ The cxiating state of uncer
tainty must be submitted to until the 22d
instant. (when the National Counctls will
be a bear garden ql Corn Law politics.
It is no secret that the dissensinns be
tween the Duke and the Premier have been
so hequent and vtulent. an often to place
the Suvetelgn in a very disagreeable posi
tion, and make, her regret the morel trun
quil days of the \Yhig Cabinet. During
the many councils that have been held.
within the last mnnth, the Du’ke’n yinlrnca
has been so great, and hi! voice so loud,
tha! \he attendants in the nutcr rooms
have caught ihc sound. and have learned
secrets not intended for their hearing "
II in tho opiniun in bolh countries now, lint‘o the
muloraliun of the Peel ministry—upon ulml
gruundl. however. me am unable lo perceive—that
lhcro it no probabiluy whatever ofun Interruption
lu lhe nmlcuhle relulinm oflho lwo countrion.
Lalo and Important lrom
We are indebted to the New Orleans
Tropic (extra) 0! January 13, t, p. m, for
the 'ollowing:
The Mexican achonnrr Julia arrived
here this tnnrning from Vera Cruz. which
place she lelt on the 30th ult., bringing us
papers from that place to the 29m ML.
and from the city 0! Mexico to the 23d
ult. The Julia also htought J. 'l‘ilghman
llotTinan. esq.. bearer ol despntcheu to our
government; from whom we learn that
Paretlel was certainly on his march to the
city of Mexico.and that our Minister. Mr.
Slidellywns still there. From the Vera
Cruz and Mexico papers we have hurriedv
I) gleaned the following important news :
'l'he Moniteur oi the 215 i ultimo. anys
that the supreme government has appoin
ted General Bustomente commander-in
chief, and Gen. Rorregon his second in
command. of the army to oppose General
Paredes. 'l‘hat paper says the govern
ment is indefatigably working to quell the
revolt. and that it has already taken the
necessary measures to put the capital in a
state ol delence. and given out 3.000 guns
to be distributed among the citizens. On
the Blot ulr. the Senate concurred with
the government in giving dictatorial pow
era to President Herrera. El Siglo save
that Paredea had seized upon the public
treasury of the fair at St. Juan, “hich had
been committed to his (harge. El Vera
Cruzana of the 24th aayu, that on the 23d
a salute from the castle ol San Juan de
Ulloa. under the command of Cauanovn,
announced the first movement of the army
and navy in lavor ol the proclamation ot
San Louia Pulnui. by Gen. l’aredea, and
that it was immediately seconded by the
garrison of the place, at whose head In the ‘
brave Laudero. with the exception ofn
part of the battalion Sugero, numbering, a-l
bout one hundred men, who lelt the bar
racks with their officers. refusing tojoinl
their companions. This body, as thry
were marching out. fired a volley on those
who remained, killinga captain and ten
veterans. and \t'uunding three otherx.
It then marched to the government pal
ace, and was ordered to quarter in the
convent 0! San Francisco, where they re-
Innined at the latest dutch. Themnme pa
per any: that at a later hour it learned that
the city and garrison OI Jalapn had pro
nounced in favor of Parades. and that it
was momentarily waiting for a similar
movement In Orisuna and the fortress 0!
On the 23d. the forces 0" Paredcs were
said to be only three days march from lhe
cilv o! Mexiw.
0n lhe 24th, lhe troops of Puebla, un
der Gen. loclnn, who haul received orders
to murchly lhe capilnl. relused to depart;
and it was certain that, notwithstanding
the ellorts of lhe general to tho contrary.
they would soon declare in lavor of PM
edcs. . '-
Mexico. il wan said. would in a low
days open its antes lo Purcdcs. _ '
'l‘ho Vern Cruzano of tho 20Ih gays.
that it learns by letters of rcupnusiblemer
none from Mexico. that the imbecilelpml
short-sighted cabinet had mortgaged to
England the Department olYucatau. on
Condition that she would‘pny its immense
debt. There (says that paper) are lucts
that will soon be divulged.
p A circularpl the 24th. transmitted by
President Herrera to the 'govemors m’ the
ditl'erent departinents.«-délegntes tn said
governors .the tremendous extraordinary,
powels with which Congress hadinveetetl
him. and already had the capital of the re-:
qulic’ begun to flee! .thuweight of Aauch'
'dcsp‘ot'ism. mi, imprisonmcnta.” irrespective
of persons or pbitrgcters. had become coma
m 0". and evén the ai'chbishop‘ Ganluno
had been‘obligod to fly from »the pgruxm
lions lhnt awaited him.‘ ‘Gen. Ampudia
had gone met 10 lhe rcvolutioniots, 81 lhe
government troops had publicly espouled
their cause. ‘
GemAlmonto was concealed. (caring
persecution. «-
The late!!! intellegence is to thq effect,
that Perote hurl declared itsellfor Paredea,
and that the numerous cavalry of that gen
eral were in the nrar vicinity of the cap
ital. His artillery and inlantry were be
tween the city and Arroya Sarco. The
cities; of OriZava and Guanajualo had also
declared for Parades ‘at the approach of
his lorcen.
Gen. Urrea (says El Sizlo of the 19th)
has been delented by the forces 0! Gonnr
als Cnmpuzana and Uuesto, each party
having lost about 60 per-om.
The same purer snys that the govern
ment councd, after long deliberation. had
determined not to receive Mr. Slidell in
his ordinary oflicial capacity. notwithstan
ding its previous engagvnu-nt to u-ceivc a
plonipotentiary from the United States,
With special power! to treat on the flubjcct
0! Texas. This conclusion nt the gov
ermneni took place- after Mr. Purmtt had
reached Mexico on hia return from the U.
In the Monitor of the 23:] i 4 publiahed
Herrern’s proclnmation, culling updn his
companions to rally in defence of {he laws.
It is a long dovumcnt, and concludes as
follow»: “h is my duty to deleml uur lib
erties, um! yours to sustain Inc.”
LflTE/Iy—By. (he arrivahpn lhe th
instant. of lhe Uniled Slam brig Pnr-l
poise, at Pensacola. (twelve days (ruin.
Vera Cruz.) lhe inlclhgence 0! n revolu
lion in Mexico has been cogfirmetl.
I! appear: lhu on the ifibrning of (be
30”), the troops relied upon by the govern
ment to defend ilagnlml Pnredn pro
nounced in his favour; and the govern
ment entered into terms of cnp'nululion
with Genclnl Parades. He onlcred and
look pnssrseion of the city on (hat day
without opposition. ’
The rumor was. that General Pan-deg
manifcswd leu opposilion, lo the recep
tion of Mr. Slidcll than the lutc I’tcsidenl
of Clearficld Counly,
ROBERT li’flLLJICE. Esq. Trtasu
rtr of Clears/fold county, in ac't with
said countyfrom the 15th day of Janu
ary, 1645, up (0 (In 141/: day of Janu
ary, 1846. inclusive. DR.
To cash rec'd from owners of un
sealed lands 8; sales for taxes $1294 12
To cuh rec'd lrum Collectors, 2343 11
do E. Irwin on Jury fees. 40 00
do 11. B. Bcissel on Giratd nolefi 00
To hnlnnce from Road In lor
1842 & 1843,
Balance due Treasurer,
By am’t pnid to Grand Jurors. $l7B 25
do Tunis Jurors. 478 80
do Election cxpcmcs 671 89
do S. Johnson as Com'r 57 46
do John Curlilc ‘1 48 20
do G. C. Passmore” 15 70
do Grier 8011, “ 38 74
do J. B. Caldwell ” 0 74
do Ab’m Kylar “ 500
do a! Constablc’s wages 96 ll
do Scalps. 99 81
do Road views, _ 109 00
do Priming. 07 79
do School districts. 144 '22
do I. Fullerton as Aud'r, 7 54
do “’11:. Porter, " 16 00
do Abm. Brown, “ IO 00‘
do “'m. McCuacken“ ‘1 37
do H. I}. Brine! as cletk l
(a Auditors. 18 001
L. W. Smith “ 6 00;
Aisessor.’ wagon. 306 13;
H. B. Beiasel as Clelk l
to commissionerl.
R. \anlace costs sell-
ing lauds, 95 75
do Bridges, 38 00
do J. I‘. Leonard M Prov] I 98
do A. [win “ 95 07
('0 Al’y Gen. L. W. Smith 19 C 0
do Costs in crlm. pros. 30 73
do E. [rwm Sh'fl fees. 38 75
do G. P. 'l'n'e’court crycr. 20 75
do ,_ luc|. stutionnry. &c. 53 36
do Counsel to coun'rl, I 7 _OO
do ' taking care court house 17 50
do for sundrieu. 21 45
do - lor repairs. &c. 27 11
do to new Jail 57 44
do Refunds, 156 75
do exoneralions to coll’a 19.8 42
B) percentage on $362 92 bal
ance from road tax of '42 81 ’43 543
83334 ‘24
By perconlngc’ on $7016 47 at 1%, 105 24
By balance due Treasurer ut set
(lunent Jnn. 15, 1845,
£lllO UN 'l‘of outstanding debt: due the
County jram owners of unsealed lands.
Collectors. and other sources.
County. Stale!
From owners olunab’aled [buds 91731 no ‘
John S. Bonmu Brady 1836 398 ‘
Mmhow Forcey Bradford 1837 654 ,-
Crnwl'd Ga’lluhor <3th 1834 24 49 = j
13an Rowland ,do ‘ 1836 19 11 “
Edmund Willing" Jordan 183$_ 793 ;
Lewi- Snydor Chen 1837
Wm. Somarvillo do 1838
i. Bartlébeugh Burnside do
hate Dunlop Jordnn 1839
SamlMcEw‘en .Chen do
Abraham Gosa Decatur do
M Sundorland Bell do
Daniol Miller Gibson do
Jas Gallaher Burnside do
John Swan jr Jordan 1840
G Widemyor Penn do
Juno Williams Boccnrin do
Wm Rnishol Brody do
Thou Henry Ferguson do
do! ~Milche|l Burnnide dof;
Abram Hose Boggl 1841.
Wm Blldanl Covington do
Dania] Smith Gibson do
Solomon 'rmr Chesl do
A Emorick Brady do
I Goodfellow Lawrence do
George Homo Girard do
D McCrockcn 801 l do
David Wnll Penn do
lsnnc Thompson Jordan do
G C Pa-rmoro Piko do
D Forgum‘n Forgucon do
11 Eigenhowvr Burnsido do
Androw Moore Penn 184‘)
Thus Ovcrlorfl' Gib-on do
John llollopeter Brady do
Goo WillonJr Boggs ‘ do
Honry llogcrly Decatur do
Philip Bradford (lirnrd do
Saml Jordan Jordan do
Moses Norrie anrcnco do
Abram Bloom Piko do
Sam‘l Gum-aulul Covinglon do
Freeman Lamm Hon-100 do
John Woavcr Bell do
E C Winslow Jay do
John anburn Chcnl d 0
Goorgo 'l'ubbe Ferguson do
l-ano Leo Burnaido do
John McQuillan do 1843
Jul)" W Wright Bocvaria do
Michael Sailor Brady do
Jonnlhan llorhlmrn Film . do
John‘shi'roy Brndl‘nrd do
Alfred D. Knnpp Chou do
Christian 81101? Decnlur do
‘lmac Horton Fox do
0110 Iluyl Huston do 23 9'3
Slephon Grouolto Girard do 26 01
Selnh Moray Joy do 92 16
Thomol Owom Ferguson do 40 00
Polar Owens Penn do 83 21.
Jacob Mnurer Covinglon do 17 97
Michnol Einlomnn Knrlhnus do 3 84
Hobart Pnnonon Jordan do 63 54
John Coleman Gibson do 4809
Thus 13. Davis Ferguson 1844 ‘26 SC 16 85
Abram Snyder Piko do 10‘) 93 14 63
Peter Arnold Brady do 40 27 639
Wm M Smiloy Baccoril do 17 71 49 91
Frnncie anolto (lovinglon do 41 21 947
C Kralzor Laurence do 25 48 ’B7 02
C Neil Burneido do 123 70 59 03
Wm Murray Girard do ‘2B 31 GBO
Jamel Wood Chest do 45 12 30 49
J Collingsworlh Penn do 64 33 38 88
Gullcih Snyder Karlhaul do 16 47 31 00
John \Vhilosido Docnlur do 14 28 2 5.51
C llowill Huslon do 10 B'2 5 51l
Jacob Wullcrs 801 l do 15 30 l 34'
l“ Peorco Bradlord do 73 08 19 40
[bnry Shimmel Boggl do 21 09 10 30
Jamel McNeal Jordon do 4-3 15 15 46
John Ferguson Ferguson 1845 46 27 21 22
Russell McMurmy 801 l do 1&3 60 81 92
Angus M Glll Bradford do I 0 66 99 23
John Lil: Beccaria “ do 129 68 85 95
J Guneoulus Karlheun do 38 46 24 99
Damn! Brilhurl Burnside do 160 47 96 86
David McGoohon Jordan do 81 33 60 84
I’ulrick Dnllj Ponn do 145 57 79 79
Israel Nicholl Houston do 36 84 93 38
A anomo Girard do 55 35 33 59
Joe McClarron Decnlur do 140 59 83 90
Goorgo 'l'urner Boggl do 69 ‘22 93 85
John M Sailor Brody do 189 4-4 103 21
John Bliylor Morris do 71 98 12 19
John Bloom jr l'cko do 283 44 188 62
J W Lamburn Chest do 79 55 47 41
Marlin Nicholl anronro do 156 95 121 31
Wm Smith Covinglon do 3‘2 852 21 41
Jan 'l‘ Leonard Borough do 89 58 60 01
317 28
$3999 51
283 86
84288 37
86352 80 2339 06
Duo on H Warner's note. 35 00
Due on Jun)" Ron'u note 6 75
Due on Geo Johnson's nolu Bl
Duo on Wm Wugoner'n now 77 36 .
Due from L W Smith ‘2B 91
Duo on Thu: 81. Ron Reed's note 23 00
Due on Gnu Ellinger'l note 19 03
Duo from chry U Beisscl )0 00
Amount of uuulnndmg ordcn.
Duo lho mvoyul School Dulm'lu from
the county six hundred and ninety
aeven dullnrl and "vainly-five cenll.
being School Inunoy med by lhe
Calmly preceding 18-“.
lI’OBERT W'flLLflCE. Esq. Treasu
rer of Clcuryield County in nc‘l with
the School dialricts :11 said county.
['o nln’l due by 'lrensurer at
settlement Jan. 15', 1845. 8804‘!”
[‘o am'i rec’d [rum owners 0!
unsca‘cd lands, &c. 824 42
101 00
. OR.
By am’l paid ,to Boggs district
wilh percenlage. $34 9-5
do Brndlord 53‘ 70 ‘
do Burnside 147 92
do He“ 77 49
do Brady 79 61
do Bercaria 15 48
do Borough 1 6‘3
' do Cuvinglun 25 55
do Chest 73 16
do Decatur 97 . j'
do Ferguson 5 14
do Fox 44 65
do Girard 2b 87
do Gubson 55 86
do Huston 47 69
do Jay, 15 51
do Jordon '75 68
do Karlhnus 15 56
do Lawrence 33142
do 'Mcrris 96; 46
do Penn ’45 35 .
do Pike 59 10
—— $984 79
843 89
84283 37
Balance due School disti’icla MEL."—
fl‘rengurcq, Jan, 14, 1840, 3344 06
Unseated [load Taxes.
ROBERT WflLL/ICE. Esq; Trelaau‘
' m- qf Cleqrfield County in qccounl with
2 66
5 42
7 51
18 20
J 4 20
44 56
4 46
5 19
9 00
16 69
19 77
4 43
14 54
9 00
73 12
64 65
19 25
73 20
9] 99
9 57
22 42
192 68
I'2 01
31 66
71 56
24 55
1 83
3 04
39 58
29 90
57 97
18 54
$6553 05
School Fund.
81628 85
the Jallowh'ng townships for'umeo‘zu“
roa (exec receivul. DR.
['o am’l rec’d in Becc’nria lp‘. ' $l7 '76
do Bell . ~ 79 44
' do Bradford -26 33
do Boggs 44-93
(50 Brady 3 , '64 69
'do . Burnside _ . 113 63
do Borough” 2 45
do Chen ' ' Q 5 90
" do Covinggon ‘ _7 94
do chalur ’. 100 4!
do Farguuon 12 45
do Fox ‘ . 80
do Girard ' - ' -' 56 84
do Huaron ‘ 114 92
do ‘ Jay . ~ ~ 17"98
do Jordan “ V‘ ' [26 80
do Karlhaui .. 15 49‘
do Lawrence “ _35 18
do Morris 125 07
do Pike 6 34
do Penn 14 10
G 21
28 08
14 38
l 00
37 47
50 64
33 40
2| 50
60 52
ll 19
I 3 53
7 El
7 91
25 71
_ 3“ CR.
Hy nm’l paid Beccnrip tp. , 047 23
do Bell 52 97
do Boggs 24 40
do Bradford 26- 33
do Brady 64 90
do Burmidc QO 54
do Borough 2 45
do Ch”! 59 38
do Covinglon ‘ T 94
do Decalur 124 74
do Ferguson IO 09
' do Girntd 56 34
do lluslon ' 96 06
do Jordan 102 96
do Kurthauq 15 49
do Lawrence 47 96
do Mulris 130 29
do Pike 12 38
do Penn I'] 54
26 33
l 56
34 8+
‘2l 53
8 42
8 641
40 18
1 58
13 95
58 26
19 85
l 50
u 04
98 37
13 58
16 27
40 60
8 64
57 60
14 23
27 47
By percemage on balance
Bnl. due by 'l‘rs’r Jan. 14, 1846, 85.44
NeTL—Thero was offered by tho Trealuter
Road orders which ho had paid amountin[ to $204
which did nol apply to their raupeclive town-hipe.
and for which we did not give him credit.
‘ WF. lho under-Igned Comminionerl of Clearfield
county, havmg examined Ilia account: of Robert
Wallace, Esq. Trramrar ol laid counly, for 1845
find a balance duo mid Treanurer from the ceunly
of two hundred and eighty-three dollar-and eighty
nix coma. and Iho oulalnnding debt: due the coun
ly amounting lo nix thou-and five hundred and fil
ly~lhrca dollars and sixty-nine cenll. We 111-o find
a balance due the wheel fund by said Treasurer
nflix hundred and larly~faur dollarl and nix can".
and nl-o a balance due from him Io lhe laurel
(Own-hip: for un-aated road laxea oloighly-five
dollars and {ony‘four come. In wilneu wherool
we have hereunto eat our hands and scale Ihil lslh
day of January, 1846.
Anon—H. P. 'l‘uomaou.Cl'k. ‘
WE lho undersigned Auditor: ofClelrfield noun.
ly having examined and ruined lhe account: of
Robert Wallace, E-q Treasurer of aid counly for
1845, find a balance due laid Treasuror from lhe
counly oflwo hundred and eighty lhrea dollar
und elghlyslix cenlu, and the oulalunding debt-duo
tho counly umounllng lo six lhoulnnd five huudnd
and fifty-three dollar! and uixly-nlne cents. We
all!) find 1: balance duo the school fund by cold
Tron-urn! of vi: hundred and forty-four dollurl and
nix comm, and also a balance due from him lo lhe
uevonl town-hips for un-cnlod roadluxu of oxghlyr
five dollun and forly~four can”. [I wanna
whereof we have hereunto sol our hands and soul
this 15. h day ofJanuary.lB46.
AB‘M BROWN. gAudhl.
“’M. T. 'l‘llOßP.
Allell—H. P.Tuomso.~a. Cl‘k. t
Jacob Kyier
John Stewart
Seth Muines
$5500 00
John Kline do ’do
Isaac Bloom do Pike
Wm Dunlap do ' do
Matthew Caldwelldo do
'l‘hos Bloom do do
8 D Rhuie Physwian Beccaria
John LH'L Farmer do
$697 75
Ab’m leing do do
Fred’k SholT do do
John Showalter, jndo Decatur
Robert Canon do do
Lisle McCully do do
D P St. Clair do Covinglon
John Schnarra do do
Richard Danver do Penn ‘
Peler Owens do do "
Charles Clever do do ~..
Auslin Brown do - Hustdn
S W-Bliss do do ‘
E G Lamm .. .. do do "i "
Michael Sunderlin do Bell ' ' ’
David Hoover " do LaWrchce
Th‘ow Reed do do
John lrwin do do'
llmj Spackmnn do , do * »
R F Ward Tailor Borough
Alex. Irvin Lumbcrman do. ' ‘
John Beaumont Blacksmith do"
Henry Lewis Farmer Goshén "
Simon Fulton do Bufns’idé '
Peter Arnold do Brady “
Ab'm Kyler do ” Girnrd
John 'l‘hofnpsnn do Jordon ‘-
'E‘HE .lub’scribér re;-
pccllull ' informs
(he citim-na uf‘lhc‘bo'r
uugh and 'counly‘“ at
Clearfiqld lhnt lle'hgs
Commenced lhe nbnve busines‘s’in. ihis
PM“. “here he will be [finned 1013” all
orders in Em linr. on the shorten notice
and in lhe bcsl Inunncr.‘ ' ""
Dec. 26, 1845. ‘ -: rm}. ‘
fl ‘l.
«(W—"(W ‘
For Fob. T. 1846.
Brad férd
$1046 63
3959' 80
l 29
81046 53