Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, January 24, 1846, Image 4

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The Donniuichu Republic,
‘Tiits new 2 Reiniblir. "iii ithle‘ Philndel
phII Ledger, 3i" the I-lnt'd Misti. Domin
goghas ieccntli i-xci'r-d much interest in
Altl'behnltgn‘n urn-um M i" applirntion to
[he United Siam. (iovriuuirm u, rt'cflg
inizezii).ititif[lt:htlt’llt‘t'. The Sputiiq,‘ 0,
‘“:'}.ilé‘ltalt til the Impulhtinn, \vithui ”‘tt'
tanttuojea'n. hnw'nusertt‘d their imlv'
pendenre ot lll't’,"tt)‘li_t'n or lilm-k utlVorn
,ment. and the war uhirh ensued mil won
probably be ended by Pt'tlm rim-in“. blow.
“Tc M‘C by the ln-I ucrounta thnt eruh
[“3"] “‘9 llr’Pi‘fihg lvr Htcll an i-aue.
- ”“3 Dominicans sent Comrnissioncrs
‘9")? Unllftl Stole-t aliortly alter the as
?"i'Qnfli‘lltrit‘ Independence, asking to be
[QCPgnllctl as an iinlt'nettdvnt nation. and
declaring‘ that their government [in-rent»
nrtual capacity to tultil the obligations ot
an independent nation, as well in) the [HM
er to defend in sovereignty. and to entrr
iuto relutions with other natiom that nut)
grant it their sympathy. Mr: llr-gun “as
ntcotdingly rent as Commissioner to that
CODnlt'y [0 inquire inltl lli Ullltilllttn :tltll
prospects, uod since his n-rnrn he i).IH r-uh
libhed n report of his mininn, nn n'istrnct
of which was git-i-nyt'sterrlay in out \th
ingtonJr-ttt'r~, which contours much inter
esting' iniorrnotion rrzipecttug thut country
and its rcsourcvg. A.
V'l‘hc enst con-it ot the island ol St. “in
mingo. formerly knuun nu‘.i\ll
Possession». now hunt the Dominican Re
public, In extent is 33,000 square tongues
01725 to n define. For tworityhi'r'rus and
upwards the ‘hitcs have submitted to the
Hoytien rule. .In February, 1844, they
luccesslully made a ntund against the
binck gnyernmentmnd have since efficient
ly maintained their independence, alul. i.‘
is supposed. will be able to do so. “my
hove cannon, military stores, about 7000
military men. and can in an emergency
ind“ 25,000 cnpnble oi bearing ”nil.—
Jhey nlso hare a small naval torce.
The population ot the Republic is 225,-
000. They prefer nddrcssing their rippli
cation to the confederate States ol the A
merican Union, an the tounders of real tib
erty in the new world, and belictc that
they Ihould not be lclt in worse condition
than other Republics on the Southern con
tinent of. America, whose independence
has been recognized. ,
i The "question of the independence at
this Republic is of much interest and Im
portance to this government. both politi-.
call, and commercinlly. With a govern
ment firmly established in the island simi
lar to'our own, the sympathies of the peo
ple will naturally be with us—and our
Irndujith St. Domingo mint ultimately
‘bqgetitly iticreaued. There are also mil
itn'ry'and naval considerations which gin
much importance to it. Our government
has taken the proper means of getting ac
curate information to enable it to act ud
yiudly in the matter. _ ‘
First Trading Seltlcment on
- the Columbia River.
The Boalon Journal says that Caplaitl
‘Jonhlhhn 'W'inship. of Brighton, projected
~mt] ‘commenced the fit'al attempt, by any
'civ'ilizedyeruon, to establish a trading es
‘ tablishmeut on the Columbia river. 'l‘wo
'ahl some employed upon the expedition,
4&o‘ O'Cnln, under command ot Capt.
’ \Vin'lliip himsell, and the Albatross, corn-
Inanded by Capt. Nathan Winship. into
brother. The latter sailed lrmn Boston,
July], [BO9, with about twenty five per.
agpgynboard. and with the proper outfit
tor inelran fundcrtaking. She had a long
_"p’a‘aigélo Capo Horn, and arrival at the
'Silidwlcyhlllslunds,‘ Mat ch 25, the 60ccecd
‘fingjg'e‘ah "Here an addition ot lwenty
fiio-‘fnrsons. all islanders but one, was
[lil'd‘o'lo' the party, and the ehip was prop
erly‘iiroyisioned. She sailed for the Co.
lumbil,"April 18‘, and arrivod at the mouth
oi the riVer May 25. The logbook ot
thé’ship‘describes her course up the river
II one“ great difficulty. through the
fining current. the shallowuess of some
Wmupmf ‘the river. and ignorance el tlte
lfébannel, Vancouver’s chart being quite
,‘ingorrc‘ct. Alter cruizing up the river ten
J days, ayplace was selected for tbesettle
a; gem. andpreparationsnwere made (or the
[qrqgtipn ola largo trading and dwelling
(hguperland was cleared for cultivation,
“40lequ needs were. sown, when a rise in
all"! It"! put a stop to their operations. -
The "Md-l 7“ overflowed, and the house.
uhighfiyus-hearly finished, has filled wrth
‘vxllzrlp (ho depth of eighteen‘iaches.—
, Olcoursetli‘orpot had to be abandoned.
AtTLhilfimchap't. Jonathan Winsliip.
v in’the-‘O'Cairipwas‘at Sir Francis Drake’s
I Buy,oa|it‘ornia_, and his brother deterniin
'- 0d to‘j'oin and consult with him. before at.
'~tcmpttng another location. The SBlllc
‘ "me‘m Wu temporarily abandoned, and the
' Albatross lelt the IchrJnly IS. The ten
fuships'eontinucd (rattling and sealing upon
theic'oast, but did notreturn lo the Colum
“bii'U’u Mr. Astor's pic-jis'ctcdt'. settlement
h‘llltllffilll‘Q-lmpwn ; and 'as he had sent
oulifgrgegnd malarial-lur the large estab
lishment' of’ Astoria. it was considered
useless. for a rival company, so much in
“ 'legiout’in strength. to attempt to' compete i
' withihiin.‘ The expedition. however, was
" nbt' fifnlly given Up‘until'the breaking out
"oli’tliozitlr .ol 18l2’. when all thought ol
'rengiyjng i'. was abandoned.
’ [f‘Qr'egon is annexed to thcoUnion,
qumajn ,‘Viillhlp isccrtainly entitled to a
claim (or land, as thefirsl flmerican set
.‘lleitupon the banks a} the Columbia. His
,settiemeut'was anterior to all others...
. Unfortunate. circumstances in location,
ian‘dnh(«uncorrence at War.- pul’ a stop to
iatllémterprizu’ng ii't‘jéc'i s‘“ “WV.“ 3"“
.fffimt.,omoug the pioneers ul ctvrhzation
fwho planted corn. and laid the lootidatton
”ffgimtlcmeut nponlth‘eiljoltimbla river. 1
LIST 501". - LET'I.‘ER§ ;
REMAINING ‘in Hue ,Pmt . Oflicejnt
C.t’fllfi(‘ltl,()n 15'} Jan. 1840.. ‘
Hiikvc. Martha Mimi, Bolnbargor Snphiw
I‘Zasigule 'l'hos or R. Fisher 'l‘hadtleus C.
Guillam Charles, Gill (3'oongL ‘
‘uilchyng Wm. lltiscy Jnhu B.
Hull Hamlin L. Jackson Maury.
Julmnlon Slacry. , Kf'nlingz John '
Kendig Ann-r l). Mapcs Wm.
Miller David I’ilcs Jacub
l’ctcrs Jtm‘ph Quill Jnne Miss
Reidlanl Jmu‘ph. Smiih John S.
'l'hompsnn‘ Ilnnlvuxm,'l'mncu Wm.
Vunco Jus. Rev. Wiley Jugoph
Wnshbmn Jusmh “'iucuy Just-pl: .
Wright A. K.—‘l7
N. B. l’vrsnm calling fur Idle-rs on the
above lust \vilL pleaw',m- nth'erlich.
\V.‘ L. MOORE, 1-. m.
For Frln'uary Term, 18-16.
('mnw'lh mm M 'l‘Hlo‘ VI. Smilh (V ”mun
Willlnln l-‘lnnnmn \u l-lulwuul Mul'lu'un
Arrlnhnhl (‘vnzlnplwil VI l‘mnplmH «\' Smnnrt
A S Lipl-vm‘ull \‘s E ‘K' 'l' 1.0“”
M 'l‘llphmnn \n J Brnnerl 11l
Juhn Sclfnvlgu \'a Druid Muller "
Rlldulph Infill VN Chris“! Hamish
.lmm-n B Ilulchmun \u \Yurm-r dz Kum'md
I‘hlllp Ann-u \H Jul.” Mt I‘m-mun
Julul [My w l't-H‘r Lam")
Low Luv. \u A'H'unnu annnlc
Wm Fuller!!!” w H II (,‘nhlwvll
Rnhorl \Vulluru vs Ulmnn & Sinuly
l. Lul'l. mu ul 'l'ipl- n \ 1 Peter L'umn
Arrhnhnld (Inlulyhell \‘n Sumur-l Jurrhm
John Fullerluu \‘u Jnhunltm 34 Fullerlnn
S Crnw ct nl \u Lnlhor & Hoover cl u
\Vm Durnn w J Dzlvulaun
Vrn Timon
Vm Dew. lmg
Court l’roclnnmtion,
szm-iAsum “an. “on. w. \vmwardézn H‘
(lonl Judgguf [ho (jour'nl (‘nmrnon l' un!
lhc-Ilhynhrml distrwl, cmuymscd ul lhucuunlu's‘ ul
Clinton. Mlfllln. (fenlrv um! Clenrfield. uud Hu
llun Juuu-s l"ctgmuu.uml John l‘ullun. lisq‘ru. Assn.
ncinlo Judgnn in Cll-nrlield l‘ounly, lmvoimuml Ihmr
prr‘copl. bcnrin dulc lhe 41h duvul Dec 181.”), In mo
diroclchur hufdmg :1
Court or Common Pleas, Urp/zunn Court, (”our
0/ Quarter Sessions. mull'nurl (5f ()ycr ‘j‘ 7hr,
miner and General Jail Delircry,
ul Clonrfiold 'l‘own. furlho County r)! ('lcnrficld, on
[he 15! Monday 0! Fob'y ncxl, (being lhe 2d dzw
oflhc month.)
Nance ia.llwrcfarc, lacrcby given.
to lhc‘foronersJuslicna ol the Peace, dc (.‘unslublcs
In and for tho County ol'Cleurfiold. lo nppeur in their
own proper persons, with Rolls. llcronlaanuisitmm
Exdmmulions and other Remembrances, to do [hone
things whlch their officer db In lhcir bclmlfnpporluih
[0 be done; and all wnuesscs and minor persons pru
noculng m balm“ ul lhe Cummuuwonllh ngunm nny
prisoners nrercquired lo be lhrn and lhucnnemhlm
und nuldepnrl willmul lenvmul Ihcir pen]. Jurors
are requested to be punctual in lhmrnllomluucc at
the appointcdlimc ngrccnblc lonolicc.
lvcnuudcrm hand at ”no town 0! ClcurfioldAhiu
26“) day ovaemmbor, In tho rouro! our Lurd one
thousand eight hundrt-d am? Mr! fivo.nnd the
sixly‘sovenlh your UfAmL'l'iNHl Imflrpundclu'o.
HF. “ I‘ennuylvnnm Reporter and Home Joup
T nal." “II” he published twiro 0 week during the
act-510nm the Legislature, nnd turntshod to Hulm2n~ ‘
hem at the low prtcc of Two Dollars for that period. \
Ablo nnd rornpelenl reporu-ru hnvn been engaged
In both brnnchcu, who will turnish us with In”. Im
pnrtml and correct reports uflno proceedings. On all
vxnportnnt questions. the debates ml! he given ut
Our readers mn rest assured that they tvtll at all
times find " 'l'hu fivporter" u mrrert nntl hnncat ve
hit‘lo ot Detnm‘rnnc lulth. \Vu are neither to be bo't
(-nJoled or [flgllfl‘llcd tnlO the tutpporl ofnny mc nsurc
‘ud verse to tho llln" honored usages ml the party. Our
i duty shall be hunt-ally and I'ulthlully discharged cvtnu
‘ what may.
\Vo «hull also present our romlora. With full roporlx
of nll the Important events tranaptnng nt the rent nl
_tho each number.
In order that nodelay may 7 be ex erienrcd m the
early transmission ofour mmhl. our million Will be run
on upon n aupcnor power proud. whtch mll be in up
erntion In a few days.
We respectfully ask tlm Democracy ofthe State to
Interest themselves in our helm". »
Any person torwurding us ten dotluru. nnd five
subscribers tor the session.shu|| receive 1 copy gratin
for Inn kindness.
Harrisburg Argus,
DflllJ’and IVEEKL Yduring the Sex
awn oft’tc Legtslulure..’
WE have always been nnpn-ksed With the rmpnh
lnnco ofhuvtng (1 DAILY pnpur nt the sent at
Government; at least during [lid uu.s.nn at the L 0 ~
inlnturo; um! huvu‘ulwnys beltevml that ll mus Fulfil ;
paper was commenced and properly cnnductcddtl
would receive such u support and patronngo as l
would nunlatn it. l
The attempt it is true lmn Fo\'(‘|’fll limesvbecnmudo }
and failed l'ltist has. however, born nltogt‘thor uw~
ing to tho incl 01 nnuuu among the papuraltcro.
No sooner has ono pupal issued a 03in or u Prosper:-
tua lor one, than several ol the other papers at town
have entorotl the field as competitors; and tho whole
project has lorlud. as the public knowing that mort
than one Dnily papor could not be suatuinud, vcr
justly concluded that no one would be continued, l
thus patronized ncrtlner. ,
We trust we have nt thin limo thlltlcll Ilns cause
of fitilum. Determining nut to Interfere wrth lllc
pnrjm‘tul u Dntly [tailor if sturtotl by otthvr olour
nmghbora. we have wanted until each havoissuml
tlwtr prupOHuls tor pnhltulung their respective [mp-m;
swbwnuuLY, dunng tho session at tho Lt'gln nlurc.
We have thon-l'uru wnclutlul not. to publish an scum
weakly. but-to lcuvo that field to them, untl publish
thcArguu DAILY und WEEKLY during the confirm
unco ot the .‘tllltllg oftho Legmlntnrv. ,
We lmvo made arrangements to glva 'nll the im
portzmt domgs of our Logmlnluro. together with the
prlnclpul mattcru from Congmss, and tho general
news ol the d If’ ; and we lrum we shall rmzcrvo soul:
It support as wi l amply remunornte on for our lubur ;
to deserve which, no exertion will ho spurod on our
. ’l‘ E R M S
Dmly dunng tho Soinun, -
Weakly “ “ “ single copy.
SIX copies to one Post Office.
E UNI‘BEIR m any quamily. such as
[Square Timber. Bonds and good
Shingles. . . _ ‘
. ALS O, . . ‘ .
L-flli’l). ’PORK. BEEF, VENI‘SON.‘
51:0" for «‘wliich‘vtho highest prices will br
g'VFflg find 1;"qu sold atlcash price—M 1h"
clncnp’stm‘e‘uf.' - c; xnxrzmg
D1,‘C.‘26,_184§.“ “ "‘ ' '
vs Junnllum Mays
u A B Reed .‘Nm'r uf‘ l‘
A Knrlhuus
2 00
l .00
.‘5 00
Mnglc Copy—Twns'rv-Fn'n CENTS.)
(Prospcclus of [he Seventeenth Volumé. )
'l'llli price nl‘lhe Democratm‘ Review has he relo
lnro been 100 high—n 6! for its Size, coal nncl ('hnrnc
tor. but lor the means at tons of tlmllsnndn of who
would be glad to receive, n. nnd among whom it is
Vlgghly desirable lhnl u should circulate. For [he p'nr
pole. lherefom. ul largely widening the rnngo nfiln
uselulnosn, and nl'mn "plying lhe numbers 01 them-
In whom It may he uccvsnlbln. ll hns been determin
ed,aimulmncuuuly will; lho grout rcduuliun in llm
expense ‘ol the pnslngq, to reduce its nubavripuon
pncc'ulm. from nvx Io THREE dullnnz; and when
several unite in subficri lion. lo ‘4B low as 'l‘WO dnlv
lnra fifty, or oven to TQVO dollnrs lhirly coma pm
annum. .
This very low mlucnon in the roroipla (nrcumpm
mod will: but u vompnrnlivvly amnll (luninnliun of its
r xpvusv) Involves. of course, an «mire auvrilicu ofpru
lil upon it. unless rompmmuled by n WWI mullipllcm
mm 0! subscribers. ’l'hcro will be M lhe outrun, nu
ly n Hmnll rmlm-lmn in im numlwr M [ungosmmm In
Im reulnrml In ilu old numhor, wnhnnl inrrnnno nl
pm'v, \\ hon llu: unllvlpulud worms of lhe expr’rmmm
~luulljuslll}' il. ‘
'l‘lmlmrlnulx of dinilngniulu-d «ln‘nmcrnls will Pm
ronlmm 11, cngruw'd m hem): uml mnn- ( tmlly slylv
Ihnu heretnl'ow.
'l'lm pnxl'ngo, horrnllt‘r. for nny dialnnu‘, “ill lu-
Hnlv llrr amflu-Imlf rum: it h w lwru-tulom 1:: on. [or
mar lOU milmx. rig/Haw m-nlu. We look lnr cxlvnsmn
v! mrv ulnlmn ll lu' ru-I'Lumul ly (ms If N-numndx. :IH
llw rvsu'l mu] rmnpvnsnlmn 0! thin (grout rodné‘lmn ul'
[‘l'H'v. livery Irwin] 0| Hm work. und 0! lhn dunlo
rrntu‘ prim'iplv mu! cnlm‘, 19 (-uufidonlly nppnnh d In.
|u oxurt hlunu Iflo procure H mlmcrlbrru; hull: lomv
In-ml m moi'uhh-su, mu! In «'ury n HII‘I‘I‘RSIIIH)‘ Ihru'
lhv cruiw 1-! ”UN grt-nl rvdut'lxnn In ilw' rm'mplp.
'l'houa u 110 hnvn pnu! m ndtnnro lur Hm rmnlmz
yrnr. “'1” rcm-n’v il. nl 13w ll‘thUl! mtv, lnr u ymr
um! a hull. 4
$3 1 [night (.‘upwn,
ll Thxrloen’ (.‘upicfl,
Single l'qpy.
Fnur (,‘nplca.
ll \nll thus he soon. lhnl \\ hon lhirlocn copies nrt
”Mr-red nl nnmu the 1-ler m down lu übnul 'x'wo ho].-
Lum ANI)TIII7IT\' czx‘rs om-EI.
'l‘lmm rnlnsan-nl [Huh indur'mnonm In ngonls nnd
min-n: m IHN‘H‘EI lhomuehr‘s In pm‘curu anhscnhvrx
'l‘he v Isl: system nnd [my men! 111 advance. mum ho
unvmnprummingly udhe rod [O. Thu pus! rr-lnxnunn
n! x! has (“used nn nmumulnlinn 01 ml lur lrom 40.
000 dullurn ofdoblu rim.- I 0 lhe work. llvrvuner, [his
mind he \\ holly relurmcd; nor must oilher the most
mmnvnlJmlmcul lm-nd. nr xhc must innmnm porsunnl
une. ho mplenped un mlwm-nmng ilv uppliynlion. 11l
'lhc'a'loppngc nl lhmr numheru. :1 [hey m-g'k-N lhm
ru|(‘; lhe \ilul urn-manly of which, ul Hm pron-m n:—
duw-d rules. muxl he nhvmux l 0 nll.
Numum”unimlmns \ull bu lnkrn lruln lhe you
Ill}i(:o,unlc~‘s lrrc oi posmgo.
All mlnnmninnliuns, mm on cdrloriul nnd puhlmlr
mg huninms. mm! In- mMrmuod honcvlnrwnn! m lhv
underflgm‘d. 'l‘huuo rclulmg lo lho helllemenl ol'llu
pnnldohludue lhe “ork. will be all“ nddrrnsod loMr.
H (L Lnnglvy. h Aslnr ”mint-. 1110 pus! nrrnngcmonls
with whom, ma pulflulner. huvn ram-hm! I'H‘ll’ lorm|n~
nlion. J. L. O'SULLIVAN.
Ocl;1845- 135. Nassau El. N. Y.
Tho mllnumhlo Dnguern‘nlvpo ofGem-rul Jurkmn.
lnkun by Aulhuny I'ldnurd & ($O.. n 10w weclu he
luro hisdcuthms hecnpurchnsni for tho ugeoi lhe
Democratic Review ll m in lhc hands, 0! lhe urinal.
nnd Will be engraved in the finest slylc of mozzolinl
uloxlm 3120. II "a mus! honnnful nnd intercalmg
work. dec|nrod by Mr. Von Dutch and others, to give
a mum pcrlr‘cl nlvn nl‘lho good and grout old man than
any olllor “lumen; and Iloughl 10 be pungent-d nnd
frnmcd hy every fru'nd who love: or ravernb his mo
mmy. 'l hum: “ho uuhsr‘rlhc curly. “ill‘n‘ccn'c II as
one 9| lht‘ regular runes ul purlrmlu. '
'l'o lhe Democratic I’rcss
Our lriondsol lhe Dcmm‘rnnc Pros! nm roquoalcd.
l 0 inu‘rvnl _lhemsclvvx in mdmg l 0 curry the work unfe-
Iy and sur‘m-sslully lhmugh lho crisis (I! lhia grenl
rmluclmn 0! price. Every vdilnrinacrling this prospec
luu. With an elhmnul nulice.(:md sending u copy (I! [llO
paper markod.‘ nhuH receive the Ruvww fur n your
The Democratic Union.
Senxi~\\’cckly durmg lhe Session of the Loguslnmrc
111-I Dcmocrnllc Union will as nnunl. ho publish
T cd nvu'c :1 week, during the coming neutron ol
um Logiulururc, nnu' we cmbmco an early occasion
to commend u to flu: favor of lhe reading publir.
Neither pains our expense shall be Rpurcd lu nnpurl
lo its columns nddrlionnl zcsl and vigor. Ample und
mrrocl ropurls oflhe proceedmga ol tho lwo brunch
on, logolhcr \vilh skolclnos oflllo dobulos on all pub~
lie and impul’lnnl qucsliona. WI” be lurnislmd. com‘
pelcnl slcngsrophem hnvmg boon engaged for llml
purposo. ermna desirous ofoblnlmng our! inlel~
igonce wnll ulwuys find In the Democruuc finionn
lruo and honest chmnldo To Attorneys, Jud ea.
Juxlil-esol Iho Ponce, and public ofliceru gencnfily.
it will ho invulunblo. us the Union cxeculosull lho
STATE PRINTING. and tho LAWS ofo publlc nnd
general nuluro are published In II Immedmloly after
lheir passage. and usually some momhs heforo pro
mulgnled In pnmphlol form.
To Incrouw our {nt‘nflit‘u lnr lho most prolnpl oxe
culxnn ol'nll the public prmling. we are now prnpnllv
mg our presses by ”no old of alcuru. :1 mos! unporlnm
Inulmr in‘lho lugnlnlivu lxylv.
A rorpa ofnblu correspondq-nls have been vmplny~
ml ul \‘Vuslringlon only. who WI” keep our readers
mnslnnlly apprised ol ovenls lrnnnpmng nl llm soul
01 lho Nullonnl Government.
'1 E H M S.
Forlho whole your. 83 00
Fur lhe uossmn unl '. [lwico a week] 2 01'
Any person aemfmg us live unbucnhurs [or the scs~
uiun. nrcompumed bg ten dollars. shall receive 11 cu.
py gratis for Ins lruu lc Addruue
UST received and fur sale :by the
mbsctiber, at his old stand, u large
assortment of ncw and sensunublc guods,
cnnsiallng of . A
DRY GOOIES. I]flln’l)ll:'flln’E.
BOOTS J)" Slaves. [lf] TS (3- Cfll’S,
‘ 010.9188, ‘96.
which he is prepared to Sell lnr cash or
produce as cheap as they can be luul at n
ny other establishment in town.
'l'lle public are respectfully invited 30
call and examine his block and judge lb
Nov. 7, ’45
'Ij'VOR Rheumatism, Sprains. Bruises
git. ."A fill] rale lemmly {or the n
buve complaints. Plicc 3.723 cell's. Prc
pa'fed alnd fo'r sine pt the Drug‘Stnrc of
' ‘ ‘ C. D. WATSON.
Nov. 28. V
S I’llu'l‘S‘OFvCAMI’HOR m.‘ sale b
= F. ‘l’. HURX'HIAL.
Dec. 18, 1845.
‘ Lalflli‘o‘i] fuj'aalelbydhc subscribgr
*' ‘Dec. 26. - C KRA'I'ZER.‘
’ “- T _ V v r , ,(I .\‘L
- ‘NEW -GOODS.; “t,
_ ‘ __ , Ax
HASjust received n lnrge and splendid
. assortment 0i Gouda. which he in dc~
tertnined to sell as low In: UNI, or in ex
change lur country produce, its Hwy can
he purchased in the cnunty. 'l‘hnnkful
for past fin-urn. he takes this nppnrtuntt)
to my to his ohl custnnms, that he dosirés
them to cull ht his New Store. to which
he has removed, in all cases bciure pur<
chasing elsewhero, mti-liml that it they
examine his stock. unti prim-9. they will
continue to trade “ith him. ”is stuck
consists in part of
Black, B'up, Invisible green, Gray. 8L0"-
Alsn. Pilut and Bcarskln clnlh. 1»
C(lssz'mcrcs 48‘ Salinas“,
16 pieces Saninct and several pieces ul
Unssimcre of all colors and quality, lower
that. it has ever been sold in the county.
Several pieces of Mr-rino, n! (hm-rent cul
ors, suitable fur clunh.
A [p a c a s.
['2 pieces Alpaca, uf nll qualities, from
40 cents upwards. Law,” than rvcr lhe
same quality has [won suld in (he cuunly.
70 pines of Culico, of every quality
[mm 7 cents ulmnrlls. Ludit-s arc invi'wl
to call &examinc hi< stuck ofdnrk Prints.
[Hous- dc Lane.
10 pie-cs new style he Lanes. of the best
qualily—nnd from 37:: cents upwards. ac
cmding lo quality—cheaper and bullcr
Khan ewr «rm-red.
Slzirlings &- Showings,
0! a superior quailuy, frugu 3‘ to H yards
wide. This article will be 50h] low. nm
withstaning lhe rise in the city price.
B la n I: c t s.
A good ussnrtmcnt Ir! Blankets, {m the cold
weather. Also. a fvw pieces ul "Hutsc
blankets, together with
Kentucky Jeans,- Flannels. red, white and
yellow,- Grecn Bazc; Linseys; Canvass;
Pudding; Beaverleens; Volvel; Veal
ings. o/ a varxely of qualifies,- Cravats;
Stocks; Ginghams; Irish Linen,- Hus
sin Diaper; Crash; Cher/u; ’l'ickings;
'Brown Drillings; Canton Flannels;
W'hile Cambrics ; Jackanels; Book
filualin; [Hull and Swiss .Muslin; Col
‘ared Cambrics ,- Gloves ; Henry;
Thread; Bullonij'und a full assorlmcn!
of Trimmings, (S‘C- _ t
Shaw l s . V ~
An assortment of Shawls, Commun and
D 7' ug s.
A general assortment of Drugs. of n gnod
q‘uamy. A few Pulent medicines. and
Ulla. Paints. Varnish. (QC.
Boots «5- Shoes.
The largesl assortmenl ol Boots 81. Shoes
ever uflcred for sale in the place. Coarsv
bouts. Kip bouls, Callnkiu water-prom
but-10. &c. A large assortment of Buya’
buola—mffls’ Brngulll. Coarsv and Kip.
Au unusually large aupply ul Wumonb‘
Boots 8: Shoes.
flats & Caps.
A Luge assorlmvut pl ”MB and Capt.—
Mens' Silk and Fur ”Ms at 82. Fur
and Cloth Cap‘.
A full assormenl o! well selected Queens
ln nbundnnce. Persons desirous 0! MIN
ding WI” find a bargain offered on lhe n
ticles of bum, hinges. srrcwe. 81c.
800/£8 and Station ary.
Family Brblcs. 'l‘eslurnvnls, Blank bunks
nl almost every description. Almanacs,
Shun, Paper. 81c.
Coflvc, 'l on and Sugar ul the best ualily;
Unston Syrup, Sugar-home and Igew Or
leans Molasses; Common arul Cavendish
'l'ubacco; l’emu-r, Allspice. Ginger, and
almost every [lung that can he menliunerl
in (hut line. All ml which will be sold
luw {or cnsh ur in exchange for produce as
follows: .
Country Produce,
I will lake in exchange lor gnmlu lhe
following nrliclesz—Lumbcr, Shingles,
Grain (y'all kinds, Pork. Tallow, Can
(l/ex, Beeswax, Lard. Hui/er, [Jeers/rim.
Furs. uml any other article that I can self.
The highest prices will be giwn for.
Square 'l'lmber uml lluaula, gnll Goods
sold in exchange for them at cash prices.
Curwcnsvillc Doc. 18, ’45.
Letters ot Administration have becn‘
wanted to the subscriber an the Estate at
Im‘ac H. Bnldwin. late at Brady tigwns‘hi‘p‘,
Ctearfield rnunty, (loc‘d. tticrcfory'e'uvlt por
snns knowingthu‘mselvm iiiilebled'lo rigid
estate are rt‘qucSlml tu miilte iip'uieldiujte
payment. a'nd those having demands “t”
[in-sent them duly nuthi-nlicutcd fur sob,
tlement. ' ‘ ' 0
Nov. 28, 1845.
.To the Blacksmz'lhz'ng Business.
,' Boy, lrom l 6 to IByears’of'agc'cuu
A have 11 good npporfuuily ol’ lenrni‘ug
the-nbuve business by making"d])p|icaliun
immediately lo the subscril)el‘l~ in Hue
placo‘,‘ eilh'vr perwnully or by letter. i
" Out. 30. 184?» ' ' "
& ‘tlzu.
' J Popular Remedies.
HE'most populnr rrmmlh-s 'ul’dhd'prosn-m dn
T—nro lhose Whil'h rlmn-o nml pnrin-lho- hlomr,
nud whiuh 'nreJumwn II) ho imyui‘cnl in ‘ih't-ir qunh.
lioa. Such remedies In Anlmugny. n’lflffllrvLZint-,
and hnvmg recdurgn goihln'vfhng m thnouso. n};- n‘nw,
ll ishopmi.gning on! 0! lunhanm} Vogrlnhh- n-m'p
dies ~“I” he Nnou lhe pupulurfl‘uv‘dlfinv'._ 'Wmn Brnn.
drolh'i. Vegetable Umvorenl PiH'l' will lie _usml nm!
npprorinlod’ They am known. 'to no! 'bonefivin'lly
on ov'ery pnn of lhe I«My; lmng ln‘Ju-n up by ihe
chyle lhcy pass into Hm Mom. “'hlflh "my purlly,
nnd H should be remembered lhnl lhcy only ”move
lhmm mm; [mm the blood whil-h \w‘re lh‘o Cu‘mo of
inllnmmminn or disease of any kind. Nothing ine~
qunl luridding tho viliuled hmnors wilh I; vegelablo
nwdwino ofihiakiml. which cighly-lum‘ yonn hnvg
pruvod never to do injury, but nlwuys gnod.
Sold by "10 followingl’Agonla in Clenrfleld co.
li. & W F lrwin,Clonrfie|d. '
John Irvin. Curwonnvillo.
Dru/Id Irvin. Lullmraburg.
James McGirk. Philipshurg. Centre rounly. ‘
OFFICE—No. 241 llmndwny New York.
Juno 1, 18115—1 yr
, RUGS, Palent Med
gg/ icines, B‘ch lorJale at
\‘J‘fiz’ lhe Drug S'ore u _ ' - ’
421 M 281!) Nov. _- .
‘0 Pieces rie‘mnlllvvaly of qualifies
nml pricee. Alan SIX pieces Merino.
‘ HARLES MILLER. having ‘urchu
(j sad the establishment 0! C. lg: “’M
son, rospcctlully informs the citizens-of
Clcnrficld and its vicmity, ”lathe-is now
carrying on the above business in alljts
branches, and as he is determined to man
utacture in the best style, Chairs. Sette'eo.
&c. on reasonable terms, he hopes to mer
it and receive a liberal share ot patronage
and supporL '
N. B. Country Produce taken. in u
chnnge for work, and liberal discount
made for cash. ..
St‘pl. 20, 1845. V
F 81 W. F. IRWIN have jun rec’ei'
J . vet! and opened at their old stand,
as large an assortment of as gum! goods,
and as cheap goods, as can he find lrom a
ny 01th store in Clearfiold coun!y.. Their
stuck consisn of
1)]? Y G 0 0 08,
Hula, (best quality)
Cot/on Yam.
Brushes ,‘
Oils. -
flir—light Slaves,
Ten plale do. Slave-pipe.
Tobacco. bestquali- Sugar, best quality
(y. | (10. common. 51:.
The public are respccilully requested
to call and examine [or lhrnvselves,'as
they are delermined (0 ”Miller all possible
saiisfaction to their cusiom‘era. _ .
All kinds of grain. lumber. «leer skim.
rags. pork. beeswax, (allow, butler, eggs.
hogr‘ bristles. hides. furs, or even (Vi SH.
will be taken in exchange Inr goodn. .
[31.81 W. F. IRWIN.
Clearfield, 19m Nov. 1845. ‘
F P. HURXTHA L ha? received a
.’ [rash supply of goods! In sun the
present and coming season, unfl promises
to sell upon as favorable terms an any cs
!abliahment in the county. "is stock
consifls of .
11)le Q®®ZDE§9
of nearly every dqsscu iption. such as cloyhr.
cassimcrefl, sallinclta. Kentucky jeans.
red. yellow and while woollen. flunnds.
brown and white cotton flannele, silk warp
l'uslre -u|pnca, black and brown urpacn.
black. brown and green mennu,checka uf
various qualities. ginghnms. mousselinc do
lmne, crnpe de luinc. balzarine. cnshmgye
«le cause, &c. &c. a good assortmqnlfv'
‘lnncy and trimming goods. .
flLSO "
a fine stock of hats. such as caster, beuvdr,
brush. russin", roram and wunl. t y" !
#59'25—3‘ gum] supply .of fashionable
'- a», vein-t, glycdnpq seal, - ‘
Mill saws, cross cul and hand-sawflcof—
lvu mills. cow-bells, augurs. ma, screws.
tucks, lurks. shawls, l”um! many mther
things in the snmé lino. ,‘ . f To
‘ _S/zoe‘s, 13001;}? Leagfipz'ufl
which :vquirc but to boxcar) {qr their (9!:-
mnmen'ululmn. ‘ ' ‘ " ' _ .V
A gent-ml nssnrlnmnl. cnrefully {ail-m.
undiof u very guod'quaiityfl - " -
. .wuwowammo '
A gem-ml assmtmcnh and M" ’gdmi quali-
" - " ' ;'33s3@‘®&§E§33Wa "4
Such as lea cells. cups and sudcm, plat“.
&c‘.,&c. . , . ,- . -- ‘ -:>
"."‘DRHG& 1m
‘\ gqml gumly of cygry description. n
‘. Nova 84‘0“}! Grind-Stones;
()I "39 3(er bestgr'n and qdulity.‘ ' ' 7
Cull nml sge for _ygur;plvc.s.;a‘ilhe’uolk
wull be sold rcnaunablcr‘in, gagglgngeulyr
Whom. 'Ry'e.‘ ‘OatsQ'Pfik.’ Hideghflgs.
innJ t-spéc'valiy for‘the‘CA‘SHi ‘3. h
Clearficld. Nov. 1.-18¢5.‘- " " ' - "‘
Shoes 81 Bools.
Cups of every van‘
ely. ' -
Umbrellas, '
Book: & Slah’oha
ry. ': 3
Glass, .
Loo/sin” Glasses,
Varniaix', .
Sleigh Bells. '
Cooking Slaves.