Highly Important from E“- I'o "a >. 1 >. ARRIVAL 0F TIRE SHIP LIBERTY PROM LIVERPOOL~ FOUR D SYB LATER. ' Resignation .nf . ‘I/w Minixlry— Tremen dam Excih'menl in Hng/aml— I"urlher Prov-ogalv’on of Parliumml— Great Pa ‘ lilical Revolution In Great. Britain- Ministerial C'risis—.‘ldvance in flmer itan Cotton— Stale n/ the Com Market, Q‘s QT. From the New York Herald ' The Liberty nailed lrom Liverpnol on ":01th ML, and byings papers to that due. 'lho new» Which we have thus recen “l. il of lhe highest importance—of mort; conuquonco than any we have receivet inJho Int lcn yea". ~. It in no more nor leu that? 11;: ranging “ Ono Sir Robert Peel. an I e orga - zah‘on/ of a new Cabinet by Lord John Rune”. Th. announcement of this important tea—important to the United States. in a commercial point of View. II “9", P"- ' dilute, in political aspect, threw the whole En linh public into a state 0! the greatest L cxcfiement. . " lte effect was tremendous. In eddition to thie, and as a necessary "conuqttence. Parliament had been further , 'pmrogued. n the followmg exhibitor; "AP the Conet. at Osbotne Housé‘. lele of Wight. the 10th tluy 0! December, ‘ 1845,pneent1he Queen‘s Most Excellent 'Mejuty in Council. It is thin day order ed by her Majesty in Council. that the Parliament, which stands proroguetl to Tuesday. the 16th day of December. in etent. be further prnrogued to Tuesday, the 30th day at December inst. The Corn Law question has been the (guise of all this. ' Q: The eflept that this news will have up- Qn the relatinnl between England and A merica cannot but be of the utmost cun uguence. American cotton had improved. The following statement is made in the Liverpool Mercury ot the 12th.- TH: Munoz or PEACE TO AHEIHOA. -An inquiry has been earnestly addres sad to us from London as to whether the news touching the expected opening at the ports really left England by the Acadia. from our rtver, at noon on the 4th instant. Our reply in. and we can answer lot the (net. it did 10. \Ve have untitled it s message 0! peace, because no one can doubt the eflect of the announcement. es pecisll’ if followed by realizations not on ly upon the Oregon question, but all other spellers of discussion between the two na “OBI: .Thio we know Is a mistake. The an nouncemeul of the London Times did no come in (he Acadia. although it was evi demly intended for that Steamer. RESIGNATION or rm: MINISTRY From Ibo London lhrnld. Doc. 12 Sir Robert Peel’s Government is at an end. All the melnbera ol the Cabinet yeaterday tendered their relignalicn.which her Majesty was pleased to accept. It II" he eaaily believed that we tegret thil determination of her Majesty's advis era. but we ahould much more regret their unanimous determination to sacrifice the induatry o! the country by stripping it 0! all'lptotectiou. ‘he important fact now announced prove! how completely wrong the Times wao when It announced that the Govern mom had dcctded upon pruposing to Pur liamant, as a Cabinet measure, the repeal of the corn lam. From lhe London Chroniclo. Doc‘ 11 ' An, oflicial announcement, in another put 01-our paper, confitmi one past at the “element which we made yesterday homely, thlt Parliament, instead of being Unmanned lor the despatch of buoineu. would be again prorogued. The other and more important part at our announce- Jmantis. we believe, equally correct. 3 ‘ :The Cabinet, we are assured, resigned eigilerday. It is confidently said, that so - or from the Cabinet having at any time come to a decision to recommend [heare {cold the corn law. a large majority ol ‘ilzoolluguca have throughout been oppo _llll to Sir Robert Peel’s recommendation. Parliament was further prorogucd to the 39’tl‘iuinltnnt. . Dreadful Accident. .We hue already atated the (act, that by the falling of the roof at two mines at Carbendale, Po. eume fifteen persona have when killed. rWe have now the following rplrtieulen in the Wayne County Herald, t‘llich In of a“ painful character. The Vlvnxiety‘aml alarming energy of the man who dug his way out, may well be imag‘? "ltd "there been intense:-—Penna'n. mix? 09 Monday an immune mess of .Ilele. Ibeut seven acres in extent. tell Wraith: roof 0! one at the mines of the Dillfllre end Hudaon Canal Company. .Il QBTWDdIIe. upon the workmen below. 7'" 'Polflhere thevalate lell war nearly - O lilo [mm the mouth at the mine. Three 3’93”” “We taken out severely injuredr “V9"Whomr ‘5 boy; died soon after the "QM?!” ")8 Ollie”. hopea are entertained el‘ I.l)}er recovery. The boy whodicd was a riding ahone at the time of the accident. and u‘auppoaed to have been killed by the force of the air rushing towards the mouth “the mine; the horse was also killed...- ‘ x 139 “qther. two persons who were taken petqrerulao injured by the vuahing ot the ejgg‘Albout‘one hundred and titty, men 99(19er attrotlt mining. aome diatance «050;! the plate pl the' ncctdenl. escaped, Wynne-rib,“ to relate. fifteen persons who » WSW.“ Work propping up the mines. were either crushed Instantly. or walled in with ‘pet an] hope a! being reacued. as it will take itch to remove the immeflée man ol’slnte which has lulte‘n in; and W Y" 5' llvemill he cum pelted toglie one ul the most hombl'e 0! .II deathn. ”that’ol starvation: ! We have been ,-lurnished with the names at the missing puzzous—fuurtcen ol whom have lnmili’ s. 1 cy are an lullows: AnthonySWclth) Mark Brcennn. W'm. Clineo. Pu(tlic|t M'itchell. l’utrirk Leon. ud, Henry mare, ‘James McGnth. Mi chlwt'Fnlin, Henry Dome], John Farrel, Patritk Wnlkch’eter ()rawlev, JuhnHO. m, Benjamin Wiltinma. unit a son 0! Widow Brennin. - ' We are inlormed upon gbod aulhomy. that llm acculcnl will not retaul lhc ope. ration! of lha company. . P. 8. Since the nbme “an in [_vpe, \w Inrn that Mr. John ”any has made his way out, having bp hiu own eu‘rliunmlug his wny Ihrough lhe fullcn olnlo with his hamiu only, alter having been incarcerated aboul lurly-cighl hnuu. ,_ [From lhe Luzaruo Damocrnl ] Another accident. similar In Ila nnlutc "tough less (all! in its cnnhequences. we umlerfland. occurred on Saluuiny lint, n' Piltslon Ferry. The mines at S. Beue dict, FM}. caved in and enveloped three men beneath {he earth. Nu livenfllusll me the Pcnn'u Reporter. _ Englandn-Frnncen-The Um ted Sink-s. “'e have carefully examined the tom und temper of our journals, and of those 0| England. ever since the Oregon ques tion and the extensive military ptepnra tiom of England have been the exctting Bubjents of controveruy, and our mind has settled down to this cnnviction. first—That the military preparations, about which we have heard so much lhro’ the English papers, it intended for the United States, and not as a means 0! de fence or attack against the French, in cast of the death ot the old French King. It would aeem from the tone of the English press, that it has been but a few months since the English people found out that Louis Phillippe was an old man, and that consequently he had not long to live 5 and it would seem also. that these English aooth-sayern have limited the period ot his tile to within a very short space ottime— uaya year at moat‘. When that eriod arrivel. they have also prophesied) that France would riac, overthrow their pres« ent form at government—revive the Bour bon or the Napoleon Dynasty. and finish by attacking England. and raising the tri coloured flag over the turrets at Windsor Castle. Now lhnt lome portion ol this prophecy may come true. we will not prolend to deny. Louis Phillippe mos! due sometime -bul when, it is nol for us or ushers lu judge. There may be a revolution. and in all probability will be one, when the King yields up hil aceptre to that mighty conqueror—Death ; but that the ReVnlu lion, should it occur, will extend beyond her own burden. is not only exitemely pwblematical, but iI extremely foolish.— 'l‘he Ipirit that had the ambition to dcaigo. the head the genius to ext-cute. and the hand the courage to board the lion inhis den. is gone. He who lend the victmious armies ul France from glory lo glory. and rom conquellJo conquest—[mm llnly u the Pyramids. and from lhe Nile [0 \Vl serlon, sleep! beneath the columns of the Invalid“. and there in nu‘ucond of his race. England need not, and does no! fear such a result. Secondly—Docs it not strike the minul of the render, as something rather remark able that England should thus publicly declare her intention ul defending herself from the attacks at thefrenclt, while her journals and‘her publlc men evince tow arda each other the most pn 'fic relaltunsr England in an old soldier. 11% known hcr duty better. than thua to apprize her ene my 0! her plan of attack or dejence. De pend upon it, France understand! all thia mutter we||—-they understand each other well—and England in at her old trick a gain. of rowing one way and lacking an other.' “'ho among our readers ever heard any ol these wise speculations about the deuth o! Lnuts Phillippe, belore the reception of the Inaugural 0! President Polk. in April last? Who among them, heard of exten sive military preparations to guard again“ the French, before thefial hod goo: forth. that our claim to the \\ hole of Oregon was ' clear and unquestionable?’ We auk in sober aeriouaneu was such a movement of. dreamed 0! or thought of? There can be but one answer to the query. Why then will our people ' put nrmnr on their eyes and on their ears.’ and nei ther see nor hear of their danger? Why i 3 it that 61;: Legislature are spending their valuablwtime invmnking apoeches a bout nhat the country can do. instead ol putting her in a position to do it. Will tiey procrastinate until they hear the en emies cannon upon our sea-board, or their capital battered about their heads. as' Win the case in the last war? 1! so. our firm conVlclion, judging [mm the blgnl ul'the times, in that but a little while will elnpae ere their loudest hopes will be realized. Our convictions may he erroneously formed—be it so. They have the credit. at all events. of being honestly lormedk and we will patiently await theissue. to see the proof or lalsity of our position. , Jackson. the American Deer, who has petlorrfi'cd so many extraordinmy leala of pedestrianism’ in England and 'me Uniml States. and who defeated me Inmedfiil geraleeve In New York and (he Cnnadat.‘ :5 about town ‘u 100! race in NewOi eans. " 7Chiaf Justice' Tune} cdminue‘s ‘iivtgfi‘pnlr '“f'nlhe Bench of the Soplemg C9311}, ”3'98 Rap! at home ‘by i'ndi'opouhoh; RECEIPTS 8L EXPENDITURES of Clearfleld County, (‘1 IF®IB moan ROBERT WflLLJJCE. Esq. ’l'rmsu far of Clemjield calmly. in ac'l with mil! county from (he I51]: (lay of Ja'nu ary, 1345‘, ufi’lo the 141/: day o/‘Janu my, 1846. inclusive. DR. To cauh rec'd from owners of on - ' suited lands 81; sales {or taxes $1294 12 To cash rec'd (ram Collectors, 2843 11 “do E. Irwin on Jury lees. 40 00 do 11. B. Beissel on Girnrd note 5 00 To balance from Road In lur 1842 81.1843, 3|? 28 ' $3999 51 Balance due Treasurcr, 283 86 CR. By Im’t paid to Grand Jurorl, 8178 25 do Travis Jurors. 478 80 do ‘ Election cxpvrrsrs 071 89 do 5. Johrmm as Com'r 57 46 do John Curlile “ 48 20 do G. C. Paurnore" 15 70 do Grier Brll, " 33 74 do J. ”- Caldwell " ‘ 974 do Ab’m Kylar ” 500 do as Constablc’s wages 06 ll do Sulps, ‘ 99 81 do Road \iews, ' 109 00 do , Printing. 07 79 do School districts. 144 22 do I. Futlerton u Aud'r, 7 54 do Wm. Porter, " 16 00 do Abm. Brown, " IO 00 do “’m. MrC acken“ 4 37 do H. B. Beissel as clr‘rk to Auditors. 18 00 do L. \\’. Srnillr “ 000 do Alseuors’ wages. 300 13 do H. B Beinet n clerk ' to commiuionerr, 101 00 do R. \anlace costs Icll in; Inndu, 95 75 do Bridges, 38 00 do J. I‘. Leonard as Prot'y 198 do A. Irvin “ 95 07 do At’y Gen. L. W. Smith 19,60 do Costs in crlm. pros. 30 73 do E. lrwrn Sh'fl fees. 38 75 do G. P. Tate court cryer, 20 75 do lucl. stationary. 81¢. 53 36 do Counsel to com'ru. I 7 00 do taking care court house 17 50 do for sundries. 21 45 do lor repairs. &r. 27 11 do to new Jlil 57 44 do Refunds, 156 75 do annotations to cows [23 4'2 B) pcrccntage on $362 9? bid nucc from road In 01’42 &’43 543 $3334 ‘24 By percentage on 87016 47'“ 1;, 105 24 By balance due Treasurer at set llclnonl Jan. 15, [845, 843 89 .flIIIOUNTo/oulslanding debt: due the County/ram owners ofunseatcd lands. Collcclors. and other sources. County. From owners ol unu‘olcd londe 81737 00 John S. Booms Brody 1836 398 Mnlhew Forccy Bradford 1837 6 54 Crowl'd Gull-her Chill 1834 24 49 Dewd Rowland do 1836 19 7| Edmund Willieml Jordan 1838 7 93 Lewis Snyder Chen 1837 ‘27 38 Wm. Somervillo do 1838 966 I. Banlobeugh Burmido do 4‘2 77 heat: Dunlap Jordan 1839 39 91 Bam] Mel-Swen Chou do 5 42 A‘brnlilm GOII Doculur dn 7 5l M Sundorlnnd Bell do 18 90 Daniel Miller Glbsufl do I!) 47 Jon Gallohor Burnside do 14 20 John SwonJr Jordan 1810 44 56 G Widomyor Penn do 446 Jean Willinmo‘ Beccerio do 519 Wm Reilhol Brody do '9 Oil Thou llnnry Fargo-on do IS 59 Joe Mitchell Burmide do 19 77 Abram Hon Boggl l 8“ 443 Wm Bridgene Covinglon do 14 54 Daniel Smith Ulblon do 32 26 Solomon T..zar Choal do 9 00 A Emcrick Brody do 73 l 2 l Goodfollow Lowrance do 64 65 George [lei-o Girord do I 9 25 D McCrocken Bell do David Wall Penn do llBflC Thompson Jordon do G C Poumolo Pike do D Ferguson Ferguson do H Eieonhower Burnside do Andrew Moor. Penn 1842 Thu Overlord Gibson do John llollopeler Brady do Geo Wileon )r Bogge do Henry llegerly Decolur do Philip Bradford Gimrd do 80ml Jordan Jordan do ‘ Molo- Norrie Nuance do ‘ Abram Bloom Piko do 73 20 Sam‘l Gunoaulu- Covinglon do 91 99 Freeman Lomm Hon-100 do 957 John Woevor 801 l do I 22 42 E C Win-low, Jay doc 192 68 John Lomburn Chcel ... do 12 01 George Tubby Ferguson do 31 66 lenuc Loo Burnside ‘ do 7| 56 John McQuillon do 1843 24' 55 John W Wright Beccorio do 183 Micheal Seiler Brody do 304 Jonoihlnyllertehom him do . 39 58 John Shiny Bradford do 29 90 Allred D. Knapp Chest ' do 57 97 Christian Sheff Decnlur do 18 54 lonoc'llorton For ‘ ‘do ' ‘ " OlloJloyl ' Hullon 'do 23 92 SlephonVGFououo Glrerd do ' 26 0| .BelnhMoroy .Jay ‘ do 92 IS Thoma. Owens Fargo-on do 40 00 fl’olor Owonl Penn do 83 V3l Juc'ob Mouror Covinglon do 17 97 Michael l'Zillolnnn Korlhnue do 3 84 Robert Pullereon Jordan .do 63' 54 ‘John Colomon 'Glbqon . do 'lB 02 “1.0-4 8. ‘Deflvig Ferguson 1844 26 36 MINI"! Snyder Pike do 109 93 Peter-Arnold ' Byldy I do 40 27 Wm M—Smnley Bocrevi‘u ""do 17 7| Fllncil Lemons Cavingmn'do 4] 21 (J‘Kreuer' ; Lowrance, do ‘ 25 48 C Nefl' Burmide do} 123 70 Wm Murray Girnrd do 28 31 680 Jun-I Wood Chou do 45‘ I 2 ,30 49 U Culling-worth Penn do .64 33 88 83 Gollcib Snyder Knrlhnm do-~ 1647 ‘2 00 John \Vliilonido ‘ Docnlur do 14 28 2 55_ C Howin Hllnlon‘ do 10 8'! '5 31 Jacob Waller: 8011. do 15 30 1 3-1 F Penrco Hrndlord do 73 08 19 40 lhnry Shimmel Buggo do 21, 09 10 110 Jame; McNenl‘ Jordon do 43 15 15 46 John Fargo-on ' Ferguson 1845 46 27 21 ‘22 Runoll MrMurrny Bell ”do 113 60 81 952 Angus M Gull Bradford do 160 66 99 23 John Lin. Bcccmin do 129 63 85 95 J Gun-unlu- Knrlhuol do 38 46 ‘24 99 Dnmol Brllhorl Burn-ido do 160 ‘l7 96 86 David Mt-Geehon Jordon do 81 33 60 84 Pulrlck Daily ‘Penn ’ do 145 57 79 79 hrnol Nichol! Houston do 36 84 93 38 A Lnronlo Girnrd do 55 35 33 59 Jon MrClnrrcn Docnlur do 140 59 83 90 George 'l‘urner Bogge do (19 2‘2 23 85 John M Sailor Brody do 189 44 103 ‘ll John BKylcr Morril do 7] 98 12 19 John Bloom jr Prko do 283 44 188 6‘2 .1 W anburn Chan do 79 55 47 41 Marlin Nichols Lawrence do 156 95 I‘2l 31 Wm Smilh Covinglon do 32 82 21 41 Jan 1‘ Leonard Borough do 89 58 60 0] 84283 37 86352 80 2339 06 Duo on H Warner‘s nole. 35 00 Due on Jam" Reu'l nole ‘ 675 Due on Geo Juhnmn'u male 84 Due on Wm anoner'n nulo 77 36 Due from L W Smilh ' 28 91 Due on Thu- & Ron Roed'o new 93 00 Due on Geo Ellinger'n new 19 03 - Duo from Henry B Beiuael 10 00 Amount ofoulqlanding orders. 35500 00 Due the mural School Diunma from the counly six hundred and ninety aeven dollar- and u-vonlyvfivc cenu, being School money uwd by tho County preceding 1844. $697 75 ROBERT H’flLLflCL‘, Esq. Treasu rer of Clan-field County in ac‘l with the School districts- m said county. < DR- l‘o nm’l due by 'l rcnsurer at settle-men! Jan. 15. 1845. $BO4 43 [‘o am’( rec’d (mm owners 0! unscatedlnnds. Sic. 824 42 ’ OR. By nm‘t paid lo Boggs district wilh percentage. 034 95 do Bradlud 53 70 do Burmidc 147 o'2 do Bell 77 49 do Brady 79 51 do Beccaria 16 43 do Borough 1 6'3 do"‘-~Coving(on 25 55 do Chest 73 16 do‘ Decatur 97 do Ferguson 5 14 do Fox 4 65 do Givanl 20 37 do Gubson 55 86 do Huston 47 69 do Jay 15 51 do ' Jordon 75 68 «lo Knrthuus I 5 36 do Lawrence 33 4‘2 do Morris 06 46 do Penn 45 35 do Pike 59 10 - $984 79 $4283 37 Balance due School (lislricls by —-.—._. Treasurer. Jun. 14. 1840, 8644 06 State Unscmcd Road 'l‘élxcg. ROBERT IVflLLflCE. Esq. Treasu rcr of Clcarficld County in account will: (Inelollowing townships for unsealed roa (are: received. DR. 'l‘u nm’t rec’d in Bercnvi: tp. 817 76 do Hell 79 44 do Bradford 26 33 do Boga! 44 93 do Brady 64 69 do Burnside 113 63 do ‘ Borough 2 45 do Chest 65 90 do Covinglon 7 94 do Decal-Jr 100 41 do Ferguson 12 43 do For 80 do Girnrd 56 34 do lluston 114 0? do Jay - 17 98 do Jordan " 126 30 do Klrlhnui 15 49 do Lawrcncc 35 18 do Morris 125 07; do Pike 5 34 do- Penn 14 10 G 2] ‘2B 08 M 83 l 00 37 47 50 64 43 48 06 3:1 40 27 31 21 50 1 12 so 59 67 69 11 19 34 24 13 53 23 61 7 84 46 38 7 21 11 oo ' CR. Hy nm’l paid Beccnria Ip. A 847 23 do Bell 52 97 do Buggn 24 40 do Bradlord 26 33 do Brady 64 90 do Burnside 60 54 do Borough 2 45 do _ Chm 59 38 do Covi‘ngton 7 94 do Decatur 124' 74 do Fergooon ‘ 4. IO 09 do Girgld 56 34 do Husjon 96 06 do Jordon 102 96 do Klrlh'aus , I's 49 do Lawrence ' " ’47 96 ‘ do Motrin ~ . 130 29 do Puke ' 12 38 do Penn‘ ‘ 17 34 36 84 25 71 l 23 )4 72 I? 19 ‘2B 6] 26 33 l 56 34 84 21 53 8 42 3 64 40 l 8 1 58 13 95 59 26, 19 as 1 50 2.04 28 37 13 58 - as 16 27 40 60: 8 64 57 80 14 ‘23 27 47 , ~ ‘ ' -‘ $959 so By perm-Mane 9n balance. . ",I 29 Bnl. due by 'l'rs’r Jun. 14, 18-46, ‘B5 44 16 8,5 M 63 6'39 49 91 9 47 B 7 .09 ”‘O3 ‘ ‘ , , B|o§l6 53 .Norz.-—Them ‘wuu ofi'ertd by Ihq Tun-urn; Rongl orders which he had paid amouulinglo 8204 ‘which'did I'm! nfiply to than relpaclivu lownahipr; and (or which we didJlQl 3w. him credit. ' . ' ' WE the nndomgmd Commiuionan of Clenrfiqld counly. hnvmz enn'ninod ilio ac'céunubffloben $6558 69 School Fund. 81628 85 Clearfield that he has cummcncedwllhgn above business in. this place. “here he will be pledged to fill all orders in Em line. on Ihc shortest notice and in the best manner. THUS. ROBINS. 3'04‘3 53| Dec. 26. 1845. Wallace, En; Tronmrrr 0! said vounlyf‘for 1845 find a lmlunce'dnomaid Trauma: from lhv county oftwo hundred and e ghly-Ihroe Julian and oighly all ten", and the on ammllng (lclm due the omm. 'y amuunlillg |.. «u Ilmumnd five hundred and (i!— ly-Ihree dpllarn and mm mm: rnnln. We nl-al. “ml a balance (lumlhx- lolnuul lum! by HM 'l‘nvzmm r ofalx hnndyml and lurly luur ulnllnn mu! 9:: [1,“... and nlm n lmlunf‘o duc- hum him In Ihe an,“ "mu-hip- fur unsenlml road Inn- 0! oighly livu dollars and (arty-four can". In With?" Whou’ul we have hen-unto gel ouy lmnda um‘l unl- lhll l 5”; day annnunrv. 1846. GRIER BELL] SAMUEL JOHNSON, €Cunl'll, ABRAHAM KYLAR. Allesl—H P. 'l‘nomraou.(.‘l'k. WE mo undorsignrd Auditor» of Cleurficld coun. Iy hnving-exnmmcd um! rcviaod Iho ncrounln cl Robert Wnlln’co, Esq Treasurer of laid county for 1845, find a bnlunc- due nuid ’l‘lensurer from lhn cuunly ofuvo hundred and onghly lhroo dollurn and elglflynix cenll, um! lheoumandnng debll duo Iho county unnounnng to six thou-and five hundred and fifty-three dollar: and silly-nine ccnlo. Wu also find a balance duo the achvol fund by mid 'l‘reunn-r of nix hundred and {only four alollan and nix coma, and also a balance due from him to the several town-hips for unlenled roudlnxn 0! mgth the dollars and forty (our coon. H wun'ns whereof we have hereunto not our handn and lenln (his 15!]: day of Junlmry.']346 WILLIAM PORTER. AB'M BROWN. Aud'n 'WM. 'l‘-. 'l‘llOßP. ‘ g Alton—[H P. THOMPSON, Cl'k. , LIST OF GRAND |JURORB For Feb. ’l'. 1846. George J Kyler. Farmer, Bradford Russel McMurrsy, do Bell Joseph McCrucken. do do Jacob Hoover, do PM“! G C Passrnoro, Blacksmith. Pike D 'l‘ Dunlap, Farmer do I W Graham, do Goshen Josiah Ilunler. do Morris J W Burchfield, Cnrp’r, Borough Moses Thompson. Farmer, Morris Win Sorncrville, do Cheat John Peters.jr. do Bradford Vrncent ”oh, do do Philip Johnson, Sawyer Bell 'l‘hos McCracken, Farmer, Ferguson Joshua Comatock. do Beccnrls James Curry. do. Chest Jaunc Soulhsrd. Cnrpi’r Borough Jacob Robins. Farmer Beccaril G \V Hoover do do" Jacob Flegal do Goshen John Beers do 8032,: Davrd Brown do Lawrence L C Cordon Distiller do LIST OF TRAVIS JURORS For Feb. 7'. 1846. Jacob Kyler Farmer Bradford John Stewmt do do Seth Maines do do John Kline , do do Isaac Bloom do I‘ll“ Wm Dunlap do do Mallhew Caldwell do do 'l‘ho: Bloom do do 8I) Rhule Physician Be‘c‘caria John Lilz Farmer do Ab’m Nesli‘ng do do Frcd’k ShoIT do do John Shownller, j!.do Decal!" Robert Canon do“ do Lisle McCully do do D P Si. Clair do Covington John Schnnrrs do do RICIIBI'LI Dnuver do Penn Pen-r ()wena do do Charles Clever- do do Austin Brown do Hutton S W Bliss do do E G Lamm do' do Michael Sunderlin do Bell David Hoovzr do laments Thus Reed do do John Irwin 'do do Bwj Spackmun do do R F Ward Tailor Borough Alex. Irvin Lumbcrman do John Beaumont Blacksmith do Henry Lewis Farmcr Goslion Sumon Fulton do - Burnside Peter Arnold do Brady Ab'm Kyler do Girard John Thompson do Jordon COOPERING. V “In: aub~criber res pectfully infuum the citizens of lhe bur- ,’ “- .‘ - W a seat-Eynlr; 1 firi‘tflx 's' 145-“: o #1555?" 1,..1 HM ' . 75.“ 3.333%. uugh and county of Galcr’s Vegetable Vermifuge. IN offering this valuable medicine to the public, I am' well aware of the lact, that it is hard to convince at least a part of the community. that a medicine could be equal to that ol Fahnestock lot expelling Worms. an, all I auk lorthe good of humanin [5 a lnnr trial according to the ditectiuns given, of one or two vi als. leeling- confident that it will speak for itself wherever it goes. 'Wai‘rantetl tube good.- l’rice 2’5 éénts. ‘ (Prepared an‘tl’ldf‘iale ~at the Drug Stoke 0 Jr Nov. 28 Notice IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons in teres!ed 1h!“ Lem-us 'l‘eslumenmy on. lhe cslnte‘ol Pom-r Guflt ‘late «[ls] lownrliip, Elk’lcuumy, dcc’d, have been waive}! It) (We subscriber. All persons having any claims against said eslnte are hereby requested [o' present them (on ae’l- Moment. aml ‘a‘ll perspns bgingjmlebml ure :roqu'ésficd to make 'j‘mgn’ediple .ply mam," " , .. _ 2‘," y ' ' ' "ANN M. ($311,111 _ Jagy, Dec. 18, 1845. ‘ C. 3D. WATSON