Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, January 01, 1846, Image 3

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    ‘ I “Hi, ‘3“’< 'l. :1-“V,§.:.. -,.’ -‘- '
Tho ogoms‘ oFlhé‘NbHM-veu 'Cuvmf'ziflili'"(ll‘°"9'
Inning (he cmninonl'l‘rom Canada; in 1806;“mb:
fished Ihpir firqfilrmlmg pn-I “lg-IL .tJI'})IO,,RUI‘_I!v
Mounlninnnl ‘Fruxcl‘u lukc. In mo 54th drama :01:
Intim'dp ; and lhin. with the trading ‘pouts gaqixlfli-lu
ed by’l‘hbmpmn—lu which tho 'dnderiignod hon
)uu advérlod~hnd pouihly sumo olhoru uflhrwhrde
proviou- lo Oclobor. 1818. conuxiunou xho uluun of;
Great Brilmn by urnml ualllcmqm. ‘ .
Upon lho whole: 1“ nm lhu muul cnruful nnd
nmplo 'elominntion which lho' llnde'r-iguml ‘hnn
boon üblo lotbenmw upon (ho lulljecl, ho in satisfied
mm the SpnninhAmerimrfi UHF, nuw‘held hy'lhe
United Slnlca, embracing um whnln territory bo
lwcon lhu purulluln of 4‘.) 81. 50 d 035,“) min. nu ”m
but lillc m oxulrnro w Ilun cnuru region; and Hm!
tho'éiuim bl (iron! Ilriluiu to any porlmn of n has
no uuflicuonl foundfilinn. Evon' Briiish neugmphpm
huvn nnL douhtml nun -lillo lo ”10 lvrrilory in (“9.
pun» There in u Hugo and nplendu! glohe.nnw
in the Duvmtmonl‘ol Slnlo, nwenlly rrvl-uvml lrum
Londull. and publishegl by Mnlhy um! (.‘umpany.
- manul'ncl'urnn nnd‘pnb‘ishvrl lo’lho Soriuty for
xha Unfi'uniun o! Unoful Knowlodgn," “Inch qi's'ignn
xhu lorrimry‘lu Tlho United Slum. .
Nulwilhnlnnd'ing auch wu. and “I” la Iha opm
mn ol’ lhe l‘roniJu‘ul. yo: Ih llm lpiviL of comprnminr
und cuncuuiqn, mid iii deference in [he m-liun 9L
his prcdccouotu. lhq undersigned. in nhedioncv l 0
hi: ilulrucuom. propose-d lo lho Dmmhplenipolcn-
Imry In uelllo lho comrnvrrsy by dividlng (he lrr~
rilmy In dinpulo by Ihc 49m pamllul oi lmiimlu.
ufTonlig. n! the nmnu hmo. in Innku (too In (“NH
Unlnin any purl nr ports on Vumouvux'u mlmul.
aoulh oflhis luliluile, “hioh [he Briliuh govorm
men‘lin'iighl denim. The Brillll) plompou-nuary
[mi cdryeclly augguleii ihnl the {mo nnviguuon ol
the Culumhil river Wna nul cmhrm‘cd in thin pro»
pond to Gtou Britain; hm. nn lho other hand. IhP
mo oflreo pom on lho numhcrn extremal]! of this
Inland‘hnd not been included in tonne: 0 Mo-
Such a proponl'nnn'n'é \hul'which hm: been made.
never would luovc'bccn authorized by m. I’rcai
idem hnd um: beoh n new question.
Upon his nccenion In umcr, he lound the presenl
nagounlion pending. II had beon irfslilulrd In Iho
spiril‘uml upon the principle nf compromise. ll-
object. on nvaorl hy the nrgntiutun, was not to
domnnil tho wholo territory in tlinptllo lor either
country ; but. in the language or the fury! ptulucol.
" lo lrcul oi lho reapccltvn (‘lullnu ol'the lwo coun
mcs to tho Orogon territory, uith lhc View to ca
lublnh n pcrmnnonl hottntlar'y hetiwon lhcm \\ eut
ward ol the Rocky mountain- to the Pacific ocean."
l‘lact‘d in this pnnitmn. and t-‘onsitlcring that l’rc~
uitfl‘m Mambo and Atlnmo lind. on lumtu occasions
ofl'ered to divide tho territory. in dispute liy tho
forty-ninth parallel ul'ltuiludo. hit felt it lo bolus
duly not upmptly to nrr’gt the qggpttntinu; hut
.6 far to yield hil \own opinion no nm‘o .morc lu
make ti limilnr ofl'cr'. ' - ’
Not only_rnpccl for the conduct oi hi: prcrlc
canon. Hut (1' uincérp nntl unlious desire to pro
molg pence qnd harmony ‘bolweenv the two coun
mu; iriflt'mnced him‘lo pimuo this' course." "l'he
Oregon ,qltontion prelenla the only intervening
cloud which inlorrepluthq' proupoct‘ of u long :11
rue: of mtitunl fuendelgiaund V‘bcnoficinl commqrco
hetween thqltwu‘ nnliunl, and lhll cluuil he dcuirgd
to remove. 4. , - ‘
The" are the reasons which uctu-tcil the From
don! to offer a proposition so liberal to Greul B"
And how has thin prnpoaition been rcrcived
lho Btilinh plonipolenlimyl [1 lmo been reJucch
uillloul even I rufcrehco to his own governmenl.‘
Nay mme, lho Brilifi plenipolenlinvy. lo uaehir‘
own language. " lrusls Ihnl the American phnipoL
lenlinry will be prepared Io offer some {miller pro
poni' lav lh’o'lelllomonl, of Ihg Oregun question
mgr-e 3com|ilmlwilhfairncu and u]uilg.. and with
M: reasonable eipeuafiana of (he Bn'n'sh (.‘m-rrn
mun", .. 4. v..- . . - A
v ,qug} quell Circumstantqa, {ha undprnigncd m
inilmcted by tho Presldent 'lO my lhul ha 0“ to II
(phju own countrymnd n junl nppwelnl‘ym of her
liflc In “in Or’egunflunigory. w ‘wilhnmw the prop
oail'iqn I 0 1119' British Uovornmcm “hich hml bum
mnd'e nndizr bildirccllon : and il id' h'fi'é‘iy incum
dmgly.wilhdrn\\'n. ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ "‘ \
Infilakinl Ihia nec‘c'nnry Hop. Ihe Pa‘osidenl still
cherish" [he hope Ihnl Ihiu lung-pcmhng rpnlrn
veray may yet he finally ndJunlod in auch a man)
nor an no! ‘0 dinlurli‘ HIE pc‘n'co drinicrfiim [Ho hur
many now I 0 happily subaiilmg ‘bclvn-on um .lnjll
"MWP'HE'E ’32' ‘k ’3
The undersigned avails himaglh &c. - If:
The High; "on. R Yummy, 3&9, V ’ ’
Galer’s "Wgetglzle. ‘lVerméfugc.
1N oflerlhgulliis'rvultfiblé :m'ellicine tn
ghe'quliq, ,1 .mn well aware ol" the
la‘cgfil‘lml “is luml _(u ~.(;nr)vlmo M lvnél _u
pmmr, £le .gommunityvthnt, a medicine
could be equal to that of Fahneélvcklm
expelling worms; ; an, all I flflk lurtlic
ggugl ql‘lwmnnily .Is a fun‘ tri‘al‘acmrd'ing
to lhq (Iltcclipnp gi'vcu. nl mm or twn'vl
nls, lbullngv confident lhax it will weal; lo:
Ilacll wluercvcr,‘ibgws.‘~ qurnu-ml (u be
good, Brim; 25 90mg. . r. ‘
0‘ Prepared and for sale ut the Drug .Slore
I) ~. - ‘; . ; ’ -
Nov. 28-,
31.5 FROM the ifilfiuié of J.
fiw§§* Nighols, ricur Clculicld
RR ; toxgn; o,ll3lllejl2ll'n ul‘f_()ctobvr.
’ “ .. . pig'uu 03"crcym-pqn!_t)r¢‘_(i lm::so,
ébfilé‘Wfifii ‘s‘p'ut'lcul ity!ii‘s.;com, quyjnm! in
Imm 'h'i'nd lei-é. ‘Vhocv'ér xvii! s‘crfi'rc. 9am}
lmrflcLand giyg: infnr‘mzmon h') Hm, pl‘illl‘fl
at Clg'nrfiéld‘ w‘he'rc lie hwy bcwfiyuud, ~mll
vbe‘regvixrdcd bx>paylruc.nl_ 19.! u” rtjhsqmblv
éfia‘rgélq'fiheh aqjd Ihgn-su.394:allufl (on
Said ludrsg'helohgmii‘i'“ 5 1" ""
(Al-:04". ,1, f f3."JAMESIFI‘YHERL
jump. .hlk co.,_Nnv. I,‘lB-15~pd. -,
JEjVOß‘Emi‘ghs."'L’blds}, &C.. 'l6:an "21
'j ‘ conimiyifliufian" ,I'l'rv .1! m lfil'c. [We
pan-dam! loi" gale ujruwl)r‘uujsmi-.-_‘..l
~"" " " ‘ ‘ " "A" ' ‘ C. D'f‘lVA'l‘SON,’
Al.) ‘
‘ -:-QQQPE,R'NG-
Vfi‘lll‘lfsubgcribcr IQ‘Bff
4 {pcgzlully :Inj‘uglm‘!
ishe fi’lfize‘lfifll' ..;!,.he.~lwr-:
wash: ““1 nicuu'nty; ' Aul
“W“A‘Clqyfiflgl duilMlc-zhm.
catnmenéctlf‘,.|lm-; Ill)o¥&;"ib3|')'t’§§ié iuv'lhisf
pl“§;!¥h¢fi‘!h€ Wil‘libémkhxcd I‘lo fill till;
urdcrb'inh'ts'liliP- an Illegi‘shqgjeslqlimin
and in (he has) u’iunuer. '—— - - -~ -
j firming :E-i'IE‘IQS-I“ ROBINS,
”€026. 1945. _ ‘ '
”ms: '1 1;! 1M- ‘
‘Wf’ f.» 7- i; A
2'ooo_.woi‘g6{ u"! guJa giftsfxgggsfgqug
réc iv b 1 Jo -. ‘ @- Kl{ [‘ZERf
.593946111‘: 1 ' r“! . -.l§
c ~ ."1 l N
‘. .4
”FM“ 5%,
’ .4
A... ....-
’73-.“ u‘
' 'I-C‘ x.
:9 c 311. 013 m 191,355: 31 “.42 l»,
g: L E.A u H E _L n, “my. 2318.15,“?
Thuipc ra uc‘c .Bléclilig.
Thu Clenrliolul Wullxlngluniana will huM n mot-l
ug in the court house on Monday cvenmg ,ll‘w slh
nut A gouernl ullendanco in roquculnd. ‘ ,
W'l‘hc ngirluluro ol I‘onnvylv‘nnio convuno‘u ul
urrisburg on Tuesday nut. 61h ingl.
M'Our pot-lira} dopu'rtmcnl ll ngnin cllllß'Hlr'lttd
' T
wnh maginnl pnniurllr-Im. Boll: uulllnn: hum-Imm.~
mf-uo uppg-nn-d in uur mlumm, ulhl- wn cun are uu
m‘idvul impruvgmcnl 11l lhcm .Thoy lmvo nnly lo
properly c_nlli\'ull- U: :u lulnnls m Inn-kn ngrcuuhlc
und M'llflllbll: \A mmn
l‘lcrumAL Missth‘uxn.—Alexundcr'n Mun
scngetof lnu: week cvlfiqllilo n figuuu—bumg don
c-mnnlnmlh mu. nnd (‘tmlnining fmm 2510:“
ongrhvfnga, ropwsonling vuriuue hlslXfiuul, hm
grnphirul. um! cnmlrul nu-idenln II II Inu‘ndrd
an n Chrinlmns proncnt'lu Iho pnlruns oi Ihnl pu
{K‘l'A lutgc porlmn uf out pupcr m urcupu‘d with
Mr Burhmmn's lulu-r clawing |ba curre-pnndoncu
on lhc On-gon _quulmn. The room could not bn
more profilnbly occupied. livory cillzon ulmuld-
Ihoroughly undurslnml Hm quonliun '; and by [NHL
in; Ihu leuor rnrpl'ully no one run {nil In «no (hut
we have njunt nnd hnnmnMc (-lnim Iu lho Urognn
territory. nhilo lhr c'unn hf ()rcnl Brnnin ll unh
nnMo in ullnm-I ('\ cry pmnrulnr 'l‘uhnvo pub
liahod Iho lollcr;of rho ~Brir‘uh pleiuipulomiury, h
which. lhis letter of Mr. Buchanan". lsnrepfy
mighl. rmhnpw. hnva nidod lhr- rendt'r'n lllHlerflll
Ing—-hul hy pnylng particular unemuuu lo lhr
uolnllum. Ibo alum-argument of [\lr. Pukrnhuln
run he lrm'vd
{IT The tumor Ihul no noun-d )usl umk. run
cornlng the np‘pninnm-nl by Premium Pom". at the
G. W. Woonwum to the Supreme 13cm-
mu been rnnfiunul. “I! nounnnuon um Icnl In
he Senate on the 18“; um . and haono douhl been
confirmed bolum mi-
Jlidgu Wuuduurd, “c lyclxcvo. (ml appeared on ‘
the puhlic stage are momlu-r ol Ihe Reform Con~
vonliun m 1838—in “Inn-I'l body ho figured us one
ul ils molt arlivo and Inlenlad memlven. In 1842
he was npywinted [‘tonidenl Juslgo of ”l‘! (4.1 m Ju
dicinl dislncll~uhirh flan: nihc fillmlyilhdigmly
and hudor. ‘Lau win!" he “in-n tho‘ rogul’nr run.
dndnle oflhe Damncrnué membe'ru of :hu Legisla
ture. for Unln-ul Smlow Sohulor, but lfirough the
uupurdunuhm rcrrénncy 6T A- few xlonmcruhi, ho
wul‘ (Icfol'uod. ' ,
‘ “0‘ now Igors to u highbr. muro {clpdnuiblfi and
more honurahlo squion—lhnl'ol ‘ll joint "6 ,_:lh(‘
Band!) oflhc Suprémd Courl. of tho U. Stalin, and
fur whgchfilulidn his commanding Iplcnll, and lho~
rough k‘nbulcdgc of (he insliluliuna ofhio country.
eminonlquunlily hlm. '. _ ,
~0Iu“ New Judge. ‘
" Go‘vornor Snuxx has gums-rm! «he appointment
of Pusidonl Judgeioflhé 41h Dmrwl. in lhpgoom
ofJudgt; \Yoobwnnv. on Ernmm “mus Esq. -of
l.e\\~isw“n. ‘ 'Fiom o'nr‘ nI-qumnlanro will) M‘r.
Banks, we dl‘c ihclinad Io brlievc that [his selec-
liun~ will be entirely nccdpmhlo vo‘lhi- pmplo ofllu
dislrirl. ns hqis one (If, the {noel flrvcr ciliz'cnla 3N
Mlflim (‘nn hpml claim] mi to My h‘gnl all .inrimn'fl,
lluiw who um capable and have hm! anporlqnfiios
w‘jnd’go. pkonouh'm him‘k'vdl "qnulnicd. V
. szo‘Ju'dgd'n'umhfmd.Judge Bunk? was also a
mum”)? ““hc Rcfdrm (‘unu'nlvioli "' ‘ ‘ ‘
4lhs‘film'l-h C’mwemiofi,‘
A ’luv‘gu‘ numh‘cr n! munli‘efuul'mv.o‘u3roadu)’ up~
vainl'cd Ihuir ropp-wnl'mxvva lu. HllO. npu 11!);0‘
Murgllllhrlyvléhlin} lo IN‘IIHilIdl}: n {luv-murr':nu'&n:ll
- firr‘Cuuix! Unmmununnr. 'l‘ho February
courl \\ iH utfun] 1m umnvrlmfily 1.0! lbs «imnm-rucy
Uf‘llixi ('guul)’ lu‘nmmml lhoxrdclrguluu_»—luu row
'. ‘ ‘ * ‘ _ ~A‘ a ‘.
rmonmhyu (m éomwvlmn nub Cenlro many;
lune Senulurml (n; ('unucglion wilh_ Armstrong
lndiunu nnd (r‘umhilu) The (fuel .of the. cuunugn
L'UHl‘;OMil§gl hnia Sunfiloiinl dis'l'flcl' huvé‘nlrandy o‘ct
ledKfilxtihdiflén in lhEi'l chdice—qzfiiéh 'IUUYUI ITH‘
kluciuiqy lo (Ilcnnicl-L, Agumuong mung?! Junie-
Bun. uf-lfumbnabuml Cuynlmu andl,_lrulwnp:!;gih
rhodéqm‘on}! 'l‘lnumun (.‘_ Mquwoli, nit-u a} Cnmhnn
.Rg‘lations with Mexico.
The Wmhinglon correspondent n! tho ’Buhimoro
Suu Peys—
, H The despzuches rucewecl by Ilw gov
ernment from M éxico nro ’dvelncul' (o b 9
0! such impunancc as [ln rcmh-I noces’enry
snlne mum-(lime movcniyms on the gun! nlv
U'ongrexs. Ml-n-mrm: WM} 11er wrek bv
recommended“by.(h'c I’miitént; with a
view. tuxlu- pmieculiml uf‘nurjuql claims
ufidn Mexictn m a speedy issue.” ‘- 3'7
"UldfiiifiliK‘x'ri'm‘; I'erlu'r auyu, ll'm; Horrorinfllhu
.Pwsiglbnl n" hh‘x'j‘t'u, \viH 'u‘nrl‘nihly Hoinvquhrnufin
“£315 l‘u'n'é :‘Jllll lii-{l'L'in such Icvcult uH ‘llllllnfllflll
nogbgiulions 1m)“ "if [iroglesu ; holwcou lhc 'ln
comilvrir'fg.lgfiluubclffirukcn qfl'. girl‘u! llw uficcd‘y're
lurnuolv'uur miuiMcLis thou-[om mpg-cm}; ’ -
Wlll] Oq‘lgtfiu'lfi‘lgp .‘Mllifiqlnn i'jSPy_n;;\\'P "my, “PM?!
_|u,h_curr wh‘uum BruinlLLhink ul' Il’rysidcm Ppw's;
lheyungef- 'l'htill'gjhcy .§4'{l!'_"lrinl§q n ,g'ruuymsé‘xnm-
Inlk qbuucflc'méithullilngilrrxfigEffafimving Eépublicfl
i 1; [0 ho ei}\bclc\l. but lhnh-Ehglnnd 'will ‘il'udcflnko:
Io mumluin her grulln§!gv§',!33lé‘lp‘ Qiiyzgflpflyknclq
ul'aggrp'niiqn, is. up! ulvull'li‘k'gllyi .ulglffqiiéhgfiés; emf
lirélyffuiégqll‘eli whéitil aha hm Iwflcul,’,h. " z
V'! i'. 1:41~‘..‘»-V»-‘ 7‘ ‘
SHOCKING ——on the nigh! bf'lhb-‘QIH “ILLIIIi
dwalli'ng ‘b’auac 9!: a Mr? F!('(?lfi!h9i'fif'fled Bil};
IQWSDHII‘ip, Qifilfofi {chum}; -R\‘ns":ébdsunled by lire!
qml mick M M. aim? Pcri'nlm'di Kfi‘lhifflhhleyfll
“as an old rmhjunmldnublé [(inbiulaofidlbry'filfifl'dl
half hlglls. The yawn!) ulepuluwnféid‘ir‘éq.a‘u'ubiix%
‘childroq’pn lhmlolh‘ r‘l’l'lm rmhe'r mnilo up gfiofle'étu:
al eff-3“ w:lcni’ofifu‘pq‘liun of \hé-‘gqu,’in‘oiiJeH§
toaclfi’liii'kfiildto‘xi; Mn \vfié’WnéCjani’H hfiho
flamed? Midway, conkifiolled u! houi '-l§l9“dlii‘fi
acme"),- ehhwom .J .1 s
i “VT—7”?"v7'7’fi ’77—!"
t Divdrtzrig‘.--'—‘l‘Tlq lab! (crm’of the «curt; .-
'of Common-Pleas QC Hamnlloq county, 0-
’llin. had 70'r‘a3ca nf-«divorse :upon the trial é
Ithmkcl < ~- -
Elder Knapp, the great preacher, o‘.‘ the
4th ull. My Pilisburg, Pm, prayed» {Ween
Wm wilhoul stopping, it is sand.
PURIFICATION—II in n silllod ci’uod in all cnércc‘
Incgllhi) jurigpruduuce. that unless the blosfd i":
kepl (mo‘fmm impu riucn, Iho wholu syntcn/flnnal‘;
inovilubly hocumc dinouood, When "In Mfigd hs~
culnuu clnggcd. lhi‘ck, and moves through (in: {'L‘ink
mill urloncn'wilh n sluggish mnlion, we mny ronl
utmxrcd um: aicknoun, wilh its concomilumtruin 0|
o\'”9..i! nlvou! tn nmuo. Tho Inmnn vnround
greatest precaution nrc lhnmfme nccuamry. nnd
Ihe Byniem should be nlonoly wnlched. Those who
QOHL'mHy provide lhg-maolvnn _wilh mild and npcri~
enl physic. nhuuld give profgrenco Ir) such us are of
u lell'lly vvgulnblc numro. lKrnndrNh‘a Vogcln
bln l'mrernnl PAH“ nmueur to 111- lbs univuraul l‘nvur.
He. un Hwy nro (‘mwumml cnnrrly M vegemhlon
and cu-opcrnlo m cl‘fvclunll'y—rlcnming \hc' synom
-—pnrliylng [he Mounanl removing all undue bi|~
my accretion»
MARRIED—On lho 30m an. by Wm. Aluxun.
or, list]. Mr. Jam: Low; to Miss lhstn Moon:
Ulh ul' Luu'ronro luwmhip
0n Ihc 25H: uh: by Samuel (7. Thompson. Em]
Mr. JOHN Rummfi'lu' Mm MAM ANN Kuauml
EMAINING in the Po“ ()(licenl
1% Clealfield, nn ht Jun. 1846
[Saki-r Martha Mimi. qubargcr Sophia
Euslgatc 'l'hos nr R. Fisher 'l‘lmddeul C. ‘
Guillnm Charles. Gill Gemgc,
Huchms \Vm. Heisey John B.
Hull HmuEin L. Jackwn Mary.
Johnulun Slflcry. Kr'nlin: John
Kcmliu Aim-r D. anefi Wm.
Miller David ' l’llcs Jacub
l’ctcrs Jnsepli Quin June Miss
Rrilharil Josvph. Smith Jnhn S.
'l‘hnmy-snn Hlnlmnn,'l‘umen \Vm. '
Vance Jul. Rev. “'ilcy Ju-eph
“'ashbum JuSlnl) Winery Joseph
Wright 'A. K.-——‘27
N. B. Pusan. Calling fur letters an the
above list will plrasc my ulvertiled:
l ”W. L. MOORE, rx u '
. ’IRIAL LlS'l‘,- I
For February Term, 1846.
Comwfih use of Tom \'l. Smilh A: Brown
Willin'm Flnnngnn vs Edward McEWgn
Archibald Cumpholl' ‘ u Campbell & Slowuyl
A SLipp'cucoll - v 0.1". & '1" Lewis ‘
M‘Tilghmnu I . n J Bnmka Cl :11 “
John Selfridgo Va David Miller . ‘
Rudolph Light . v- Chriu'n Hurninh ‘
James B Hutchinson w "\Vnrner do Kincaid
Pluhp Anlcn vs John Mel’hormm '
.Luhn Luy ‘va Polar anm ’
Lovi Luv. .vc Alfunm Lnnunlc
\Vm Fullcnlon ‘, . n B H. Cilldwull '
Rnhvrt \anluco ‘u Ulmnn dz Sumlyh ' .
L Lnlzme llf'l'iplnn vn Peter anm ‘
Ar'qhihnhl‘Ctimphcll \"a ,Samucl Jordon
‘ John Fullerton , vs Jalmélon «S; Fullcrlo-n.
S_erlw el nl ~ \‘a Lullmr 3.: “gen: 4:! ul
\Vm Damn. vi J Dnvidxun
Wm 'lhplmi : - . r 1": Junulhan Maya
Wm ”filling ‘ [a A _B Read Allln'f 9f?
;.- _ r " ' ‘A'finrlhu‘un. ‘ '
iflyiuue of :1 mil ‘nl Yamlitiuni Expo
] min i‘s‘suml on)!" n! the cour'l‘uf-Cwn
mun~ Pleas of(llamfi-41Imun1fsy and tu‘mc
attuned; wi‘l.’ble.:cxpif)sc.ll lu 'pulblic‘ mlu u!
’ihe rum! house huhc bbwugh uHJleau
fichly on Mundny'thr 2d «lnyuf thruutzy
ext. (Inflolvlnwinu dsscribw! tract M him!
‘Hrmhz in. Jay tnwmhip, [Elvk cutintfir
beginning at '7l puat ill, UN. “”1”! 5029'
[l5 rods can! {mm the norlhu vst turner
ul- grunt lui. thence south a hat“ mile m the
cuntre- nf-sniul tract. th'em'v ms! Hfi'rmls
4n an unk sl'ub. (hence nlmh n half mile {'o
ho a ph‘sl‘. thnce “'O4 115 In“: 10‘ lb;
placqui bL-gxnumg, cumaming “3 acne-y
strict Inonsurc. and knuwu as part“! gru'm
lnl~Nn. 60211~Sei7mlmnd 1.‘.:k.-'n in' oxe
énlinn' mu! 0" ho Enid 'us Ihr pmpcr'j 0'
lllllfikmnn Clam”). by ‘ I‘ .V I .
Shulifl’u nflicu, Ch-nr
. new. Jamil. IBM, -
E} Y \‘lLlue uf~u.writ of chliliuni Ex- I
B puma. ismml on! uf llw cnurt u'l‘
Cmnmon l’llms ol‘ (llt'af‘ll't'll rnuntypxngl;
to me (lirdclml, will be Ifx]‘.ns¢"xl,loJ-üblir
salt; a! lhc’ruurt hpus-c, ill Llu: borough nl
Clx'nl field. un Saluulay llro. 315! .day vol
.ldnum)‘ m-xt. [he fulldwingrlcscribcd trncli
ullnhd- bllunle in Fox tmlrnhlyip. ‘Elk (0..
boumlml on‘ lhb Sumh bj' lands cl Janu
thzm l’url'e'r. n!) '(he wag! by lg‘il'ds uf pr
colnjmny. ml the übrlh b) lands uf Jess-e
Kylcr, and (liltllllfi't’u‘H by lumls‘Nulhuniel‘
‘ llyall. containing-10110lwuclrml mul sen-n
-‘ ty “Kirov-Seized nn‘ll' inkunfin'pkccullnn,
1 nml who sold (lathe"prupw'l‘v'u'l Wu). J.‘
l B.- Almlluws,’ luluul Elk county «lcclol, by.
“She-rink ullicv,’ Clear . ' ‘ -- , .
, 'lielil me. 82..1845:§ ‘1 ' ‘ ,
250i} weight sugar just .rIL-cc'iy'cd, as
2306 mm arli‘c‘l'c ,usf'me- marké‘! cilifiuurd;
find “'5O. :1 large (supply 01‘ hlll§uli€3,"Bl)s
-low‘ciyrupyzSugarihousc.and Non}n Urlguni
- 3 . . C. KRA‘I'ZER. '
ma. 2‘6; . y;- ~ :5 1 3 '3 ' '3
v ' 0:3 I MMACch-Imrw'rjme",6y?
1}: ”sb“! _".“' \lieffidb’ic‘fiifiFr-‘Ln s):“an
anLMag: ‘ :'=nlsar=v='t‘é~g”M'rdétg'nt Hm
i‘in’éz.’ am: r H 0,: KEN'ITZERJH
D’.Zl)ec;’)2é}"§l'B4s‘7‘; 1m) In I. r.'.' “ML:
4;; 31.13:ng cupius «911».W'lftGll'l'2’3n‘a'll/b"-
, A‘ We“: [aim wow! 5 FQRMS;§
‘nem'cdiliuu, .Rurnqqlisxuh Judiillleumiflpfi i
cea;.a'.r;;._..;;. §.;' :- 21:..L'. CU’I‘TL‘E. t
Dec. 3m. 1845. .mM 1):: ,;.,-,a ’
‘ ' I.‘~\ . -
~:7’,"‘_',“'TT" .‘ y r Alp, 1 'M:
‘ ‘Ofl'lO‘E IS‘HEBEBY 'GIVEN. 10
N;urvdllurs.«lugulees,;,and_ allynllyq‘rs;
inleresmd.' rlllnl lhc~ following named n;-
counls have been. examined,,;_allxgy}gml’nnd
passed by the Registm nl Clvnrfigld cnun ,
(y; and remain filed 1- in the .chxster’a of.
fine aerlculfield, and -\\lll be presented
to the Orphans Cuuqt. qf said cuunty. on
.llne ,lst, Monday of Beb'tuury‘ next, ‘lor
‘ confirmulion and allowance, lo will: .J
‘ , The administration account! of \Vm._ L).
‘ Welsh. supviving mlministmlornl lhgcs:
Mfr! of JnmgsV .Welch. .lalc 6f Pike. town!
ship, (leceasedw—(wllicli account was filed
ed and passed by A. Irvin, E9q.. lute Re
gister.) ‘
‘ The exoculnr's account olVSamm‘l Ful
‘lnn, surviving rxoculur ol 11% last will and
itcalumrnt ol Willinm Cree, illnlc of Dec
lcnrin township, dccmsml. »
l The Allmlnlslrnlil-n nvrr'mn? Hf \Vm:
F. ll'Mn. mlmluldmlurullh.- l‘Z-Hm- v"
Ulriéh Schrmlgr, lnle ulllw lwruugh ul
(charfield. dec’d. V
WM. C. WELCH. Rvg’r.
Ro-gislcr'a officv. Clear.
mm. Duo. ‘22, 1842.;
S HEREBY GIVEN to all persons in
I lercslcd that Lchrs' 'l‘esthmvntmy
on [he estate of Potter Gun. lalc ofJny
luwnahip. Elk‘counly,’ dec’d, have been
granted tn the subscriber. All persons
having any claims against said estate me
hvrcby requested In prosem them fur set
llvmcnl. and all persons [wing indebted
are rcqm-stvd to make immvdiatc pay
Juv. Dec. 18, 1845.
E UMBER m any quanmy. such ar
, A Square Timber, Boards and gum!
Shingles. ,
It'll/2V] ’l‘. 1? YR. Corn. 1} UCIx'U'HEfl 7'
é-c.. (or which the highest pricel-will be
zwen, and gnoduanld at cnuh price—M Ihr
cheap stone 0[ ~ C. KRA'I‘ZI‘ZR.
; 00.12. ‘26, 1845,
Court Proclmnnlion,
WIIERI-lASlho ”on. Gun. W. \dewmd. l’rcs- ‘
tlcul Judge of Ilm Court 0! Common Pleas 0|
lhc4|hjinlwinl Ilislricl. cmnpuscd 01 the counlics ol
Chm-m. Mifllin. (.‘enlrc mu] (‘lenrfiolm and the‘
“on James Fotglgunmnd John l’ullou, Euq'rs. Asa»
nclulc Judgml in Cluurlicltl counly, have issued ”l 0”
nrccopt.‘bourinfg date the 4th duvof Dec 1845, In me
diroclchor ho ding n ' ; «
(,‘uur! u" Calumet}, PIC/Ix, Orphans Court, Court
0! Quarlcr ,Scs'sl’nns, and Court ‘tf chr «9 Trr
miner and General Jail I‘JClit-cry, ..
n 1 (Zlcnriiold'l‘own. forllic County I)! (‘lcurfiuldmt
llm L5l {\lupgxdgy ul E'cb'y nul. ‘(bcug the 2d duv
ul‘thc nlhnlh.) ' 1 ' '
,-- ‘ Nance £3.lhcrcforc, hereby given. ' ‘
to [he (Intunumyluulicna nflho l’onco. dL ‘(lousmhlcfi'
1n and [hr the County ul (Ilmulicld, l 0 uppcuxin xhoir‘
nwn pmpcr'porsom. wuh Rulisflkcurdx. lnqnisillons
Exnm'mununn and u\hcr Remembrances, to do those
things whu'h their ollim-t 6cm lhcir hchdlluppcrlnin
m bo‘dunu; mid ull “unease” nr'ul other per-shun pm
eer-ulng In 'hchull-ol the Commonwealth ngmnsl nny‘
prnsuncmurcruumrcdlo bu then and lhurcuuundum
nn'! nnl’dcpnrl nilhoul '|cn\'c,.ll lhcit penl. Jurors.
mo requested in be pn-nomul m llu-lrnlu:ndu|wc.m
lhc. upwimcdlunu nycqnhlu lu nulicc.
lvvnumlcrxuy hand ul ”:0 town 0! Ull‘nlfiyhthls:
‘ ”"Zfiifi duv nl Dvomnher, In Ihr yt-nr-S'l‘dnr Um] (m‘n,
lh-nlpund mghl.‘xhlhndu:d__um] :luny livamnd th'
~ Ignxly-wyunlh_ycur-nh\x_l_|onrmu lndcpuudrnuu.
‘ ' '1 -' EI‘JZYS‘YRWIN‘, Sh‘fll
The Ponn’a "Reporter ‘
',V. ' ' 1
'H'. " I‘mmryh nmu R-‘puvlcr um! Hunlu Jnur-
T nnIJW-‘HI he puHHuh’vd lwu'u a u ud‘ dunn'; lhu '
human»! mu nghiullln‘. mu] :Inrmshe-J m submrw‘
burr? u! llm Inw ‘nru'. ,1 I'm lhu‘ua h)! Hmumrml. ‘
AIM and cmnpulom repurtom hu‘vo luwnougugml'
in Uulh hmncl-‘w. “21%;..1e lurmsh us “uh lull. (uh:
l‘ulr'll‘ll mu! ‘9!“ rl 9pm.; ~11 [Julprucuuimgbn On uH'
'rfipflflnnr Illimefimrx, the «L h‘ulcél‘ ml." hv giwn n!
leném‘ wt." -»-.. - v ' .
Uurflmd‘ “may run! uncurud um! Ih.l|;.v,.\'ul|i (u ~in
Imhlfi fi'urf‘m'l'hv Kolv'n’r'ft‘i‘" li'l‘nrru-M m 1 hHl‘u'ul \'(-~.
hiulv-m Dnmm-nmc lauh. Wmm- "91th m i>{- Iky'l‘
(1.1;!!in or rpgmqu mu» Hm WWW“ ufmw Inc-mun.-
n “(14:3 In [h -liixsu Imfwn d drug, nul flu ['M‘) On:
July uhulHu- huzmuly an” (hxrhM‘Ty I 31." Mun-.110”;-
\\'lm_l mqy. ‘ ..'. ' l- '“‘ ‘
We .xh J 1 :113'1 prL-aqnl mu n-‘zulg-r». \ulh lull {quarks
or nu ma mipunuml owmu Irunsiuring ul m - SIM mi
lhu lb‘utlcml (hfiuuuncm. In cum-u numher. ' 5
In urdpr !|.ul Zlndchly mu}; In upcxwmcd “Hind
only lmn-mmum nfournmlls.uurcffitidn mil hr ruu‘
ufl mm: :1 hupunor fruvnrpress,r.'lm‘h null I" In (my
cruliun m n rqw'duyu. . .. . - . . ‘
‘ We rcspa-xll'ully usk lhfi DcnlochpyWQl'th Sculcrlo
hfléicsl'lho'nwcfi'cait: mir'lx-hnlf . '
- m 3» : r 1 “WA“ { DILLI-ZR.’
A'nyl incrszm lo'rh‘u‘fifizig' ‘lglélnilv’vzl‘urfi and Mn.
sulmqnln-mjgx Um wununmhnll receive.) papygmlixi
"m- hi 4 kindness. 44 1 ‘ v ’ _
Iflzm-isbm-g Argus,
Dfllll Y and}! EEKL Yduring the Ses
_ yuan oj t’lclLeglslalurel!
WE have uanys buyn Inipl‘ésmld with lho impur~
. mm'o onying n DAILY pupur ur lhd sfidf 0t:
Gofiermncnl; m lcusluunngdha.ncrsmn u! the Low
ulugurc; nn-l huvo nlwuyx bchcwdlthul u om; such.
paper wus cummouccd‘nud pruporly muduclchf
would run-(IV!) such :1 supparl um! pulrnnngu' m)
would muslafin jg.‘ x j ' '1 . ,
The ullompl I! in true hus several times hucu‘mudq
und fmlcd This hus. however. bcrn ullng’blher'uwf
mg m ”It: Inc! M lIIVALRY among th paperuiwrc.
Nu sooner hue! (mu ”Her-issued u Daily at n Prospec-
Ills lur uuo, lh-‘ln‘ficw-rul o! lilé 'nmm' pup'crs ul luvml
hnvp. mugged {hefield as polnlfqulum :Vund I‘lo. “Indie:
project hnbihol‘ed}.m (Ho =pnb Ic,knu‘wing l ml mow
than one: Daily pnpcr'coqld ,not he susuu'npd. fury,
.juslly‘l‘oncluded‘ lhnl na’bnc wéuid‘ivo ‘con!ll:u¢¢¢2
lluw [plgonizcd‘nmnmn,3. mm.- 1 -, ".1 1’: ‘
' \Molryalllyqlhuvu L Ufln limo nvoidcfluuj cmlnc.
(il'fuiiuwu Dl‘akur'lixiiningflhhl,'lo interfere Iml’l'n {hcfi
'pfiijecl‘o'l n: Ddxly’wiper- W'smnl-d by' cilhvr 'ahmr,
nmghlgorn..\_w bpvqprnqdzumihcfiw’h9"P.'3s"“.‘3
lho'jr pm vaula Lurzpuhllshllng'thlr'respccuvc PM” ;
smpwégxnv. dn'nhg mo sensing oi the ly'gwlplnm:
We have [hen-fora concluded not-tbhnjb‘wlfiq signs:
weckly, but in lam/qIg‘ILaLfiyLLQJQQmLMiI I‘ll’fllhhg
xhé‘A‘rgu'fiDAiEY‘d'fid nggv ggrygjho conhnu;
‘nnchdmsjumg oFthleicmflnW .- "f 112‘ .
' We nueo [undalgrxuzngnrrucmfiro ,gwo 91.03:.nn-f
'porm'm'diilhgs ut'qu‘; chl‘qlniurp: gtloggllgcr'gmllg'llhci
principal mam'n‘ Imm't (,onggmw, um! abroygflmrul‘
nowmofithvflWfi “W wo‘firufl we shall roch'o'stlchl
“5.3 mm fis‘fvnl mnlfly rony‘ulyurnm us forpqr lubu‘ ~
lo dosdrvo which, nq exc'mun'will lie spprcd un’oua,
5’3““ w"
lyieanm. z: 2...»..I'QFJLREIVLB.frw;
D‘mlygiiu'rmgthu Wagon]: 12'
We' kx m f; 3‘ cu g 0 copy
Slxgu‘pléb xlo‘ ufiu "Postbflicc,
‘ . 339)"? N‘W» >
35.,» _. ”5w.“
is}; i
l 00
b 00
Himgjuél ri-u-ived n large nliil‘splgndid
‘ ‘ uuuumonl ol Goods. which he .‘3 dc
icrmhu-d ln so]! as low lu.‘ cash, or in ex
cliungv [or country prinluco. ~35}. fihoy can
be purchased in \hc counly.‘ Thankful
for past favors. he takes this oppnrtunil)‘
to any in his old'cuutumera, Um! he desires
them to cull ht his Newsmre, In which
he has removed, in all cubes below 'pur
chasing elsewhere. unkisfimlv that if they
examine-his stock. and prices. they will
cgnlinue lo irndc \vixh him. His siqck
consists in part of .
‘ Brnadclot‘hs, ,
Bln k. Bluv, Invisible .grcanGrayCSLc ~~
Also Pilot uml' Bearskin clml‘,
15'5"in rm: 6‘,- .‘«'(.'l.'m (L;
I 51mm" Sm «'l mu] SCVt‘lnl plL‘Ccs ol
L'.n.-.ttncre ul all Colors und quality. lower
that. it has ever been «old in the county.
[Mari-1108:? "
Several plrccs nf Merino, ol difiercnt col
urs, suitable for cloaks. .
A[pac a. s . ’
['2 pieces Alpaca, uf all qualities, [mm
40 cunts upwards. Lower than ever ”to
same quality has been suld in tlie county.
oalLc 0 s .'
70 pitccs of Cnlico, of every quality '
horn 7 cents upwards. Ladies ar‘é’invitcd
lo call 81. examine his stock of dark Prints.
Mous dc Lane.
10 piece; new style De Lunesfol‘tfie best
quality—and from 37.} cents upwards.“-
curding to quality—cheaper and better
than evrr Offered. .
S/zirtings <§~ Sheetings, '
()l n superior quality. from i? to 14‘ yards
wide. This urtlcle will be sold low. not
withstaniug the rise in the city price.
B l a 72 ll e t s\\
A good assortment ul Blanketlmlur the cold
lwcathor. Also. a law. piccca‘ul Hume
blankets! together with x ; ‘
l Kentucky Jea’ns; Flanncls.’ rcd, will/c anal
yellow,- Green Bazc; Linseys; Canvass,-
Puddmg; Beaver-(ems; Velvet; Vest
ings'. o/‘a varzely qf qualifies; 'Cravals;
Stocks,- Ginghamx; Irish Linen; Rug
sia Diaper; Crash,- Chet/cu; Tit/rings; 'w‘"
Brawn Drillings; Canton Hannah,-
W'hilc Cambrica ; Jircko'nets; 'b‘ook
Muslinyfilull and Swis's Muslin;- ()0!
arm! Cambrics ,v Gloves; flattery;
- Thread; liullons.‘ziiul a full absortm’enl
: .“'"nfrTrimmings. &c.‘ " ‘
S. ha zp ls ~ ._
‘An nsaorlmcut'lof ‘Bllnwls. Cq‘rhmonynd
l'Su‘pe‘l'ic‘r. ’ " .1 _;/ 2.“... ‘ l
.4 _ D rugs. .gr. xv; '
A general assortment 0! Drugs, ul'u good
quality, A few fl’ulcnt medicines, and
Ulla. Paints. Vuulsllrfinc“ i ,~. 1: :.
Boots é}- Shoesu:..~-
The largest aneurtment ol‘ Boots & Show
enrofien-d fur. anle‘in‘ the‘pl'ar’e: 7 Chane
bouts. Kip bouts, Callrkluwwutefiprml
bouts. 816. A large-'nsbbltln'eht'ut Boyu’
boots—rmcna’ Brngum‘. Coarse'-nnd x Kip.
An unusually .lnrgc supply of Womcns'
Buotsfi. Shoes. ' ' v «I. "rm
~‘ 4' '11:: t s &« Caérjst
llw‘l.:rg'c‘ kfis'tiurtulcnt'ul' Hill's" ‘nd buy»;—
Ment" Sillfiézlntl ‘Fu’r Hulsiht'S‘Zl “Fun
and Cloth“ hf”. ‘3 ," "'1" -'
. '__ Qlt cu 7,1 310,22 7f‘e".
‘.-\ [(ull ai's‘guifjtment ol_ wull ue'l‘cc’tcll quill};
wule. _, _. _ _ : ‘ :u’
' - . H a-r‘d wa re.
luubundunce. . l‘rrannmleslroubulbusl'd
dings-u“ li-ndm. burgum ufl‘cucd uu Uwra
liclcsolvbulls. hinges. screws. 6w. ~ um
800/t8 a nd 'b't a Honx'ary'.
Farniry Blblcs. l'l‘eslamq'nl's, ’ Jmmnhfbuuis'é
-.f uhnus‘ every .d'cscripliuh. emnl'nnaup,
Sldlesgy Paper; 81c: ‘N ' w»; mm
' G 'r‘o‘b 3,719.83 .Vf'fi’W-l
yum-e". Jen ang'Sugur hi the bvél ('lu'a‘l’lt , ,
'l’wawn S 'rup, ngp‘rl-hgq'sc' sm}! 'N'cw"Jg
{l,l3,93,3l ufags'sc's' g: H'px'fi'un‘ufi: ix'nd CMendis‘h
Muss»; «I’Fl't’fif' A”6w£.e.v_.‘9l‘9£.°rsand
alufigpmcwry “llg‘uggvvtyhut can be wenu‘onw
‘fh'wnlflixglc. A” 'o'] whic‘h' :w'il‘l be ,sold
‘luw ‘lurflcnsh'or in éxclmn-“Ioi‘ rudube a
.uo'l: ~-\' ._,‘ , \ 9% P H F
lu.HU\\§;,_.. | . ' - ' .
~,-'i \ may . -- ~. ‘. H . 1.
_ ‘ _‘Country «,I’mdupe,‘ ,
Imm ‘lukc inv t-xchunge lor. {landwfiyc
luHUWng . articles z—Lumbcr, . Shinglgs,
Grub} aj'ull kinda‘. Par/c. 'l'allawLan-l
dlO5, Bccswaw. Lard, Buller,‘l)¢ero/cjm.-‘
Fury, and‘any other pnicle ghnLl lcgnxgll,
The higheslgpriccs will bc giifiEll‘,,l9r
Slum”: l'uubur and Boudq, 99113 sl39ng
:qu iu uxchange lnr ihemhm gush p’riges.
; Cut'sx'qnsvillc Dec. 18, ’45. :..~ dw'j'
‘ wwwmwflw-t
gamut-by gi‘veq.. IhAI-pmposalinwillibu
. ‘l‘t’cs‘wed at we: Cunnileisaio§.ers’ (Imm
"1419);: ,p‘j‘qvmgymn (heal Whiting] 3/ Febru
gryflflffi.l?!.bui’ldjix‘gzmflnuntg 42'], vol}; -
myth-luke- mixer ~Spacmqusiqhmnn‘dg49-5"
gljlpgiulp that: aludfilwre’j/ r‘émm'ulanm ulh
._ .I.’;By:w,dm, «(1.:le-'Ccitn.m,ir‘aioner.-,sww:
-'r n 1; 5:11: fwu‘ mvui ;l}-ril‘l{Eil'Llfinfisfikw
Jifdg‘fh'iglbnugcsn3B.ll.s492: mm. -.
.5; "n 'x? gum“: irim . '-‘ :1 .'
"if Q"=3*Jiihg9n'svifi'S-‘hf'i'éillii-{i'fiimo’d my
fi-Vniwyihp-‘W (1%,. “"51.A-fib'R‘A-‘NKJ‘N:
v: Inez-‘26! 1 ~ C_lb‘a"tfi‘éhf’.!'[’a‘.”-
nugguunigng.-,lw_l-wg LL~._£ alum .
- "f mini;mrramyyyfiniagumggmy.
l 1 E““J!I xv . 'LH 13* J r w ‘ A;
,n-HTI‘.’.~IJ{'"!W. ' rduthgluy:fiei!é ' '32;
~ .