Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, January 01, 1846, Image 1

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    ,u. 5: Fr,“ .: iizfflrjuffif’
4'.“ :‘r. run-Hm {H3311
x"=':'ul‘3‘,‘- :v'j fin-Hi!
. „
:-‘;"‘n'xr,;;vl,i§om7fi7& EHOWQN"
magma: 593%
min; 1- .stotjcnq’l‘lc BANNER: 'fi‘ WWW"
won. ..on \ q neat-FY momin 3.01 3 "5"“ “I
.._o|‘ 9575 if will In Pdvunco:gs"' “A '. 'un. um‘
N 0 p'n'Kcr «in be discontinuedmnlcsv unboun
nun .oc 1 'o canon) ,unnl 1,1“ armurngoa um PW"-
HNlyonwompplg, Q 92.“ "whim! ‘m‘tca. “‘ j
1p; E,_n'jvi.
For lho Bunuér.
4 exam? 1798 ,A wxrri- ' .
Ipm bug (or A win. lp'got' one ili‘ugfifi.‘ .| ‘ ‘
Anw‘lfpj‘hrét wjll Jonibr’ i) aqhejblofmun'. I. ‘ '
‘Lirklvo P 931” ctjqus'. (tihéihog band’s-11.1% I'mvnf]
" "Pi; nql good fin: min}: }o be" {aways u!§do".“““
I'wlah'for'n'vu‘llo that can do up nicodiflmh
'(‘fu‘n'mnke pum'pkm pits. und.knuwn' ;huw luf'l‘ry
'f'fllh‘mf‘“. , ,'~ ,< -'
Elisha hm not mad llum' r. not Vugll, no: l)'orsuy,
inl, but mul'muy bofillcd w'uh pure: poury‘
1 £16)!“ ‘wu'njl nilvixen.'h sicficlhhor n fli'l’t. ‘ ‘
Thég’uplwpfih dt'libinc', contcnt'iu-lllu-dm ; "
‘No‘r‘ 'éb'mtnntly 'ghadin‘g, and making 'o'! calls.
‘And lix'ing'up pdmié; lo nlgcnd fancy balls.
I don't .wnmlargigici'. ht ihlié. n'n‘d‘ pgthu’t,“ . (A, ,
\Vhel)w;.agnnnor gqglc‘cl.(sha.bby 0! flu}- '4 y >
~I3M rppqganl, and prudqm—mild Bnd disorpcl—
Kuld 16 lgicndl pop: and rich. vi hgqucr you meet
‘ ll prouymml “my. plnyu'musfc‘ and «ingl—
‘ They are well in iheir plnco.ycl'buuorfly lhlllgb—
I want huflwn flamm'good sc'nae. and no (vrnn.
»'l‘o rompuho lhouholo wil‘d‘fur a sensible man:
1 mmfi‘fibftflwwa, ‘orfa'r’ixycguubgi, -
',I ,xvji‘h hofnct‘fi’lcp from it" dlclalinn, ' ' ‘
"From triundl or fondlcr's; hither br mmhcr. "
_”'l_\fi_c9usin. (sundae. in Elsie: or bqithdr.“ "
; A poll].independent.undfwnmrhuquod‘ hm, _ .
"Tummy gulmw can a‘ itoubioflmrqw ;
“ Whoukos the wand as ii 129,. and account‘s "liq
'.. pleasure: ‘ ~ . 4- ’
. Ton nomiblo mgn,o! who! uxgcuw‘n; ‘
a ha‘ad‘amiledmnd I‘ve sighde hnvulookchvxso
‘ ‘ and Winning. 1‘ ‘ - ' ' t'
- Buo‘wn- alwnyu (no bushlul 10' mm n’hcgir‘mmg 1"
. 'wnu’n 'ynufme mid jnu'lry, ilzyoumm the. 111 ml“
1 And‘inud in you': bid; to A SENSIBLB MAN.
">‘.- A t. ‘ 1". “EACH."
T7iii4’eE6i: Correspondcncr.
' :»‘. f 5! SMPAKENHAM- ' .
Bulabliihing am: n'g‘u m‘ a. whale 'of 0.1 g.»
~v ; {'x‘iDEI’ABTMENT 9? STATE.’ ;;:
a .1 :Waghingttm, Augu3o. 1845.}. - ‘
W The undersigned ‘SL‘CI’HM'Y ut Stanton!
they. United State‘s, damn ilLlliß'dtfly m
makefiume obseiutiona fin-fireply ; to the
statement of‘ben Britannia lVlnjeltym-en-j
«wy.e;traordmary pad minister '_p|enipo
untinry.amarké'dJß'J‘R. And dated 29th
Julfy 18'160 -’. ' 7, 1'1" '.‘ mg: 75.. '1"-;'
'l‘" Puelimfidury' Hi the «Newman. ‘it isfnea‘
c'etlsbl'y t 6 fnl‘ Our'hltention”to'the procisr
questiop under consideration, in the pres: i
{mt stage of th’c’ ‘n’egotiuti'on'l' I‘fl‘his'qués
ti'qn' ‘i‘i'qtply'; ig.’ Were the. titleh of 'sziin
and the. ,‘Qniiteg‘ State's,‘ "(when united. H,
the, Eloridautrcaty oh‘thc 22d uf-February.
1819pgood-ns lgthbfll'eut‘ Britain. In‘
the ‘Oregohtehitory u- m: north .as thej
Rilfijgiitniliugginfthi ‘l3t/it'ode’ “(if 54° {lo‘ P
Jr thfiyjtfiéjcg'it will be adfn'jttéfl that this
wholotgrritory' now belongs .to‘ the Uliitc'd ‘
Statesw- ‘ w . .~ ..
' The‘.‘dfidefpignlétl"ggain rgin‘ark’g'th‘at it
if b'ochib‘piprpoaa towepeat “the urgumgnt
by which his predecelsor.- Mr.;.C'a|hopn.
has 'dcmbngtnted the American title' H to
the entire‘ (egiou dr'aihed bry the Cotumbia
,t'iv‘e'fqndjt’l‘bt‘afl‘éhgqfi’ I. 16 ’u'ill’xidt tii'u's
ii’npaitits foice, . , I ; ‘
mlt itcontendeda on- .the part of Great
Britaing'thntr the United :States acquired
and hoid thb' Spanish 'title subject to the
goings and rcuiliditidns of the Nootkd,Sqund
éome_nti_dn.j qnqq‘lpiicd tbetween fiGr'cnl
.Britniu-,and.Spaun. atlhc Escurialuon the
~2Blh October.7l79o. » x"
In'bppquiljon .lo‘u‘ltje urgflm‘mt o! the
pndersigned; 'c'ontnincd In hiu' stniemgm
«indeed J. 8.-imain!niuilvg..lhnt this con
vention'hadrbeen annulled‘by the war be-.
‘(Wééxfi'Spainmnd Great Britain; in-1796,
\gfind'hnfiyeylcnaideebé‘enfq‘fiived 15y moi
.pnr,.tiieé,zt_he, British.‘,plenipdte_ritia;y, in his.
'valn'lememunmgked ,thhhnsrtukcngthc 10l
'lowingpnlitions: v i 71 -’ '
“1‘13" 'l'lmt-‘When‘Spain ' conclu’degl 'with
’ aneflnitgtggnlquhq Item; 0(1819. com-I
gxix'otntyuwljm iguFloridn tpegty, me ébn-‘
-.lenfion .Jconclnded -. between Iho.‘ ; former
mowér" and tGr’eMwßritaimfi in ' 1790. 171.13,
'doniidcml by the "panieaito-nr 10-' bé’qtillt
4“ [fiffiz’fflz' ,-: w? '1 .'
.:~;.‘And-.2. "mu! (hat) even if no auch‘hm-f
1y Madam" ejxm'tefl "wGrencl- Brita"! >wo'uld’
*gggxll'hll ‘Vm‘ith' releflpcé id afielnixh‘ (o’j'me' OH
”1359!; lqgrgigory, inl'ampéslilfibn ,nt 1453:! as In?
,HEBMF," lhe.Uniml. smte'..’,’,g 3.5 ‘; y i z
.ieznfl‘heiundmpigned will follow. mp bv‘
LPN“; lhenigpmem of‘lheAßritish Men-ind!
'~ wmmyym su’ppqll'of’lhesé' ‘pfofibsi‘cin'nsf fi
fffli‘fl'fiy:Bti}§93\,'plg§gignig‘gigiérys3sl3s: "' ‘l'! at?
imaging. 9!. mom-nor.mama] «iciis‘y’
aglhfi- J-gtlphlgovcrnment.» .219 film American
.[anipogefimmy- secmnw-lupflose.‘ ”when“
*-"-mn_'m‘_ felianqe’inJ‘hg prg'ficn! (liécns‘siébfi
inquamémgwway; byjhe. moriim'd-htygq-g
flsl9;‘,,l,fielgv.m_ggd'Blhleb ucQuige‘dfhp fight
Io enclwivc dominion mgr any purl olrllie
tflrqon‘lerrilorye, “mg-“y u-‘g 1w: ‘- ;
131".:F3?R",eifhii‘!°4fit§é3d'l‘ih«"$b‘ii'{§si'.WY, «Livia
w'mjp'god 826,; allegthqtknh Cinwguiion has
z};“gen-'o‘egamlcdfbyg-the. Buliéh‘gmémmcn‘
‘ an!“ gambit), ‘ i I ' n'm'fihq i‘rf'p‘nl yyelipn’ct‘. £4
' ' " ' ' . L.
. . x
”‘3 I“ ', a,. . , 1,..,.q..,u’,(.’.'.‘~‘| A’. ' . '‘.. ‘ ‘ n ”7' u 'l‘ 9‘ ‘3' v0.91.” -Au ' ’.'»- 4 nun: ~ _,4- 9‘" .''_V ' ' ‘ ' h A. - “‘ ‘
. . vi . *" *'* ‘ ' > ' . _,I ,1
H.,V\v . -, *v »', , ' v
.‘ ~ 5,. . -,- ~ ‘ , - ‘ . , . “’67-. .t A ‘ ,1; . -- ,;.r . 4;, x ‘.
'zif. ’ .'-'" ',J" ‘2 » n F! 35.. .1 TH; Hts at Univ” "1 “ml? 39. "l L' ‘3: l ' .M h _~ \
. 1..» w- . a M; ' ~ '5 v ’ . : x 1.
'. m‘. . '. . ,14 . . m .. '. i m ‘ ‘ 1! - h t H ' " "~ ‘
‘~_ 1’ _‘ b 'l' V_‘ .7 ~.‘v - ur- ~' _-',“" -H' ml, g 7 _ " ‘-' “ ‘ a“. m: - ~mm A ”'35., ~ M I
“\i'. ’.J.,»"‘ “a V" ' . .’ ' PH ,‘Hv‘f": .r,‘ ; Hit: 512' ‘ ' ’l‘w .3 "l « ’ ~ LE -“ 1“ '3 3"". ' .I ‘ LI V I . ’I“
' ; f..« A . ‘ .'1 , , ' 1 ‘:'- - ', , ~ - ..”' ‘ ‘ .i In: .. A: u ‘ : ‘ - =--3
‘.', '.- '»' v '95.!" “' K. . V '~. " . 4 ~, , .» ‘ :2 ,3'.» '1 ~ .‘1- v ' ‘ ‘
, “.v -‘--" - ”33? ff. -, ‘.n > ‘ 'J! '2 1‘ ‘ " ‘ ' ”‘ . ‘ '(I > ' ' ' _ , ( . .:.v li.r , _ » .
‘ «‘"fi ~: “" "i".-.'.' n: .‘-'::; «I’m-v '.:;:‘l7§vl‘:l' .-' .n l‘f~;'..‘l'#________——m
"l‘ ' 1 ' -v .l‘ rt't in“; .
gluinnitlentifietl it'with the: construction
Whichntlley-have imposed 'upon this con?
Ventinn necesearily excludes every other
baaia of title. Whatbut toamord‘with
this Construction could hurt: c’ause'd. Messrs
lluthiason and Arldingtom' the British
commissioners, in_ specifying .théirtitle’,
on the 16th December. .1820,‘ to declare
' that Great; Britain .cluimaLnu exclusiyc.
sovereignty over aneportiunlut that terri
tory,’ Her present claim. ,not in 'rc‘spc'ctl
to‘any part. but tothewholc. is limited toi
a right‘ot jointoccupancy'in common with
other states, tearing the. right otiex‘cluatvej
dominion in _.abeyanee." And again
" By that Convention (of Nootka)‘ it,was
ygreed that allparte-ol the northwestern
tenet. of America.‘ not already occupied
at that time' by either at the contracting
parties, hlltlflltl, thenceforward lie; equally
open;to theyaubjecta ot both for all purpo
ses ol gomn’tetce and settlement—thesov
ereigntyremaining in abhlyance." But
on;thie subject we are not left to more in:
terence, huheternclear. The British com
missioners. in their statement from which
the undersigned has julatnuoted. hate 'vir;
tuatly abandoned. any. otherfltitlc \i'hich
Great‘Britain may have previously assert
ed to the territory In dispute. and express
ly declare " that nhatercr that title may
have been. however.- either on the part at
Greatlllrttain or. on the part of Spain, pri
(ur to the cottvelitiou‘nt: 1790 It was [hence
jarwunlpo longer, to be [raced in vague
‘narrultvps of zrlraraperies. scuttiullof (Item
admitted to be aporlxnyyhul but in I/te'tcat‘l
and stipuhztiuna oft/ml cbuuention {lsa/f,"
- And again.._in guinming up their whole
case. they any: h . . .
" Admitting that the ,Uniled‘ States
have acquired all the rights which Spain
posaeaeed up to the treaty at Florida,
either inyir'tuc of discovery, or as is pre
tentlcd,.i_n_ tight otLouisinna. Great Brit
ain‘tnaintaios that the nature and extent
of these rights. as well 'aa,,the rights; of
Great Britain. are. fixed and defined by
the Convention 9! 'Nuolka,” &e. Sic. _ .;
The uncr-nigned. alter -a carctul exam
ination, can dtnCQVCE nothing in the note
at the present British plenipotentiary to
Mr. Calhoun, ot‘the 12th September last,
to impair the [one plytheae declarations
and ’adfmisaiona at his predecessors. “‘01:
the contraryhitegeneiat tune is in parteet
accordance nith them.. I “.73 ~; ~
;, . Whatever may he the _c_on,sequanees,|
then, nhether tor good or for. evtt—wjheth
er to strengthen or to desttoyhthe‘ JB'i‘lsh‘
claitnfi-it is noiv too late,floodlit-British
government to vary their. poptt'wn. It? the
Nootka' Convention .coulere upon lltetn‘no
suchtrightsuas they claim“ they. cannot at
111; a; late. hour go'hchinddte {provisionm and
setup claims which. in 1826. they admit:
tedhad been .tncrgeil'ktn the thtatnt
stipulation; at that convention 'itaettq’}. ; ,
. . Thaunderaisped regreta' that. the Brit.
ish plenipotentiary has not noticed this .2;-
*pos_itjon,vot -.thc‘true construction qf‘the
Nootlra-convention., Hehadeudeayued,
and he believeawauc‘cesstully, to provq 9”“
this . treaty. was transient in Henry na
ture; thatiLwnlerred uWD Great Britain
nourighl.bu,t,,that ut merely trailing with
the Indians whilst thetcountry should re
main unsettled. and maltuithepeceasary
establishments (or thlh‘ porpope-tvwd-that
itdid untimerteru with the ultimate sow,
ereignty of Spain over the lerritotjv The
Britishplenipoteutiary has not attempted
to ‘resist these conclusions. It they be
fair and legitimate; then it woold.not‘avail
Great Britaiii,ei'elt it aheahould prove the
Nootka conyentton t 0 bestill in force.—
On the contraryrthis commotion. it the
constructiomplaced upon it: by the under
signed be correct, contains a cleanvirtual
admission on the part at Great . Britain
that Spain held. the eventual right pl sov
ereignty over the whole dimutetl' ”Wilf’fll
ry; ant coneequently that it now ,helo/ngs‘
to thelU‘nited Staten. ' '
The value of this adrnieSio’n, made in‘
1790. is the aante whetheror not the con
vention has‘ continued to' exist until the
present day. But he is 'willing to leave
this nointovn the un‘controverted argument
éontained in his tormei ntatcthent._ , 1
' But ir‘ithe‘ Nootttxi Sound 'convenliun
fatill iii force?" V'l'he British plettipotentia-i
ry tloes'not contest the Eleni general print-l
ri'ple oth'tibttcAlatV, I'l that'Watgtcr‘minateeg
all éubsigting treatic‘éfltetmeen the belligJ
”e'rant powers}? ,' He contended; hfow'eyer.
i'ngthef.fiismflaet'i :that this 'convenliori is‘
partlyromtnercialgy and. that” .5“ lar nail“
'iiarmkérytthia elven": it was rent?!)
‘by the."ti'ehtyT concludettnt Madrid. on the
28th ’3Auguét..'l,§3'l4', \wlhich declare; '31,”)?!
all the treaties of Q‘i’,m"‘?F-c!3.,wlll§lh *ubfilb‘
tédfrhet‘n‘ee‘ltrtlte_ "two parties '(Ggreut .Qtit
’ain 'uitil’lSpaittttin‘ 1.196, "it'l'éylllfi'flbx 4'3""
ifi'eitl'a‘nd.ehrjhjtned s‘? Filth 2d, :f._.t'llat.,iii
otherv'r‘eiiiirctn it inept l)“ gttgfldered again
'éghhorylfipuifint; ot qnhsiating.nigti,ta7ati
fidlhllfiéttttt,olflcéfil§jfl p‘rii’neiplee offintarnw
tional"law;’f ,h 91. to)“: ‘(QVOKcoI‘ by. wat-r is ,
i In _ it"gai‘tl'lto lhé. first Shhoposition. thei
undersignedis ga‘tis‘tiett,toutgavegthe.que§-;
tio‘n t'o’f'r‘e‘s’t itlfionhfi l9l'-‘,‘.‘¢?_ argument, as:
Ludhiana tien'ipotrr’ttierr y'wesoqtemkzd?
. inilcllvlfitltmflf-‘lj'.“ss9l'"ol}lbélfichtllflli
,thqfie’onflnére’ial north-It at. the Nout‘ltu:
s99,4o4seawater!.Wrcvivsd by ltime-i
TU Atl‘flit‘éijtfittimt are", : Ineqilyiotzzwmtz
'lleftglt‘StJeifi to; picithhtivorti‘sm 0! thirteen-3
.‘Tflt‘tw'li - It, tits...U.p._t|°t§tanetl Ml densest:
- to il'ré'nglhen his former position, he might‘
,yntqtssnratsttritb. arm attainment!
I9?t‘.h‘i?tltt‘.'tl°‘lt9 the 93!? atheist Mite.
v lan: at wt to tulip New. v 3 3' ~‘i “5‘
A’ 1w I'EL‘D. PA. J'A N . 1;: 1.346.
de'en (ovlhc Duke of Sotomayor. daCed
[.3olhf..io_ni-.‘ i 845, in which his, 'lordahip
clcmiy established that all (he. tréa‘liqévof
commerce subsisting beiweep Grea! Bril
gun and Spgin previous‘to‘ 17916 were con
fined to [he trade 'wilh Spain alone, and
did not embrace ,her. doionicu and remote
Possession. ‘ ' , ‘
, 'l'lo second proposition 0! [ho Brilith
plenéiolonliary deservea‘grenter nileiilioo.
Doe lhe,_Nootkn Sound convention belong
i 0 ,thnl class of treaties containing " an ac
knowledgment _ of subsisting rights—an
admialion ,0! certainmriuciplea ifinlerna
(ional low” not lo‘be abrogated y WHIP—7
Had Spainhy [his conven'ion ugknowh
edged the righi 0! oil nofions to make, dia
coverics. plum wlllernenlg. und esiabliah
Coiouies on the norzthvwest. coast 0! Ameri-
ca. bringing with them their sovereign ju
risdiction. there would have been much
lorce in the argument. _' Battauch an ad;
mission never was made. and 'never was
intended to have been made by Spain.—
'l‘l\e Nootka Convention is arbitrary and
artificial in the highest degree, and‘is any
thing, rather than the mere acknowledg
ment of simple and elementary principle!
consecrated by the law» of nations. In
all its previaions It is expressly confined
to Great Britain and Spain, and acknowl
edges no right whatever in any third pow
er to interfere with the northwest coast of
America. Neither in its terms. not in its
essence. does it contain any acknowledg
menté ol' preiioutly subsia‘ti‘ng territorial
rights in Great Britain or any other na
tion. It is strictly confined toluture en
gagements; and these are of amost pecu:
liar tharacter. Even under, the construc
tion of its prmistonsvtnainlained by. Great
Britain. her elairn does not extend to plant
colonies; ii'hich she would have had a
‘right to do under the law of nations, had
:tlie country been unappropriated ; hot it
its limited to a‘mere fight ofjuintoccupan
cy. not in rcepe,ct_to any part but to the
l whole, the sovereignty remaining‘in ahey-t
once. _what kind pt occupancy?
Not separate (and distinct colonies, but
scatterer! settlements. intermingled with
eaclmtherhoverthe,yvholel surface of the
territory, tor the single purpose of trading
with the Indiana, to all of which the sub‘
jects-olieach,myyer‘ alionld havegfree ac;
seas, the right of excluaive“ dominion ,re
mainiugfiuspended. :Surely ‘it cannot be
auqeesalully .‘contended ‘thatauch a treaty
is"".an admission ot certain principles of,
international law.” so sacred and. on per»
petual,in their naturquas not to. be‘aonut
led’hzthar,“Dnnthe,eontrar‘yndrom the
eliarp‘ctgr,‘ Digitshproy‘li‘lqnm. it,ca,nrt9t be
auppp'osed {or a single moment that it was
intended {or any purpose. bot-thatmLa
mere: .!icm.llo'!;9¥.' . Management n between
Great Mimi" 9m! rSnaiymrtl‘hg twat nan
iionareeogniaeg nu.,aueli prinficrplea in W‘.
gard to. unappropriatrrjflterritory ‘ as those
embraced in‘ this treaty; and the. British
plenipot‘enti'ar‘y. roast tail iii the attempt
to prove that It “contaiila’ "all admission
of Cert'aiit [irin'cipl'e‘a‘ol international law”
\tilil‘eh w‘ill’hurt'ige'tho alto'cltoliiya'rl '
j'Bht/tiiepritlah pléoi'po‘teritia‘ry"contends
tha'ttrpm hii‘éilonre,’of'saaifn durin’g the
négotiniibfinsloldmfibe‘twleen Great Blyt
ainand the Uriited,slntes res'peeting" the
Oregon'ierritory; Sari wyellwag ","lrom ’her
bilen‘ce with r'ésfieht tfo‘;the "pon‘t‘lmlrgd ~03:
cruh‘a'tion‘ by the, Itifitiahjot jtheir settle.
mantis iu the Columbia territory. subse
quently toithe convention 011814.” It may
fairly' “.be interred that Spaip considered
theislipulations otthq Nomka éonvention,
and the principle‘ii' th'erein' laid (lane; to
be'still'in loree.” . ‘ _ i
The undersigned 'cunnot'imagine 'a cue
where the ‘Obligdtionrofa treaty. onée'ex
tt'nguished by war; ‘cim be ref/ived without
a positive agreement to this eftect between
the partieluf, attenthe'conelusion of peace.
should perform'fio'sitive and unequivocal
acts-in accordance with it's' previsiunp;
these must be consumed as merely Volun
tnry, to be discontinued by either at plena
ure,,-, But in' the present case it is not e
ven pretended that Spain 'perlormed imy
“act in'ueenrtlan‘ce- with the convention of
Nootku Sound. alter her treaty with Great
Britain at 1814. Her merefiilence In re
lied‘ upon to revive than convention. . ,
.‘ .Tbei Undenigned asserts, confidently.
thntmrither by; public; nur'b‘rivnlc law.-
will-rlhe tnem’sllence oi one party, whilst
another'is encroaching upon. his rights, e.
ven it he hml- ltuowledge of. this encroach-1
‘ment, _déprivoi him .0! these rights. Il'
this' principle haemrect u‘s applied to iutli-:
.‘vitlunls. it: holtlo with mu'oh' 'greaterAfuree;
'inrrcgard {to nations. The feeble may uoti
be it) a .coml‘ititinzto ‘cumpluin ungainstithe.
powunlul; and .thug. the etmrun’élxrnentro'tl
the strong would convert itself intou per-i
feettitleugai’nabthetweak.-I . ." - v o » 1- :1
elitithe present canwitiwod scarcely .pna-i
siblo {onfip‘aiu even to hnuwlcnrnetl the;
:pandeney ofméaotintionm between the U-i
to the northwest-toast ‘of America.'bel'orel
she had reded‘alliher. rights on that'cohnt;
tortheturmer by the Floridntreaty‘ol Wt}
vll'ebruary.‘lBl9t Tl‘heebnvenlion til-joint
‘u'Ecupation betweentthnited Stsltee am;
zfir'emaprltaiusulns not signed avLond'on
unnuhe 20th. .-October,." lßle—lbut touq'
Emonths previous:to the'dntedf'tleleridaj
(rent! is mad. the.ratifications-werolnoti ex
,c‘m.tged.- ~ hil“ the vcpuvcntinnvbublishedi
until the 30thnfls'Jdnuaq-ptelt):' at“.
:sBgsjdeogtlréfnegdtiatibnuvhielr t‘ermm ‘
stud tin .th'c‘ lF‘iOl'idlJl'EtNtlilad‘ibat! n‘domi
imbitl 2,352..” Jiankéfiwi nzlztUHrMuiq-fii “IT/1
I ‘ . ' - - M v
monced uh early ‘na December. ' 181.5, .pn'd
wcrcjn full program on M2Olll Qctgib’q’r.
1818,)‘wh‘én ‘the convgntion was signed'bcr'
Iween Gr‘ent Bfilujp nud‘tthLStMers‘fl—i
It does not appear, ,th'crefdrg". "AlhallHSpain
had any knowledge of theféxigtepce '0!"
these: negotiations; and even if (his weft:
Qtlwrwisc, silk! w'o‘ul'd Imvyefl had no mglivc
to complain. an ahé was in (he very acf ,0!
transferring all . her tights (0 the Upflcd
Slates. , , - ‘
But, 8113's the Brlliah plcnip‘olenlinry,
Spain looked‘in silence on the continued
occupuliun by [he lhitiuh u! the «settle.
menial in the Columbia lenitmy culmi-
quently to the convention of 1914; and,
therefore. she considered the Nootks
Sound convention to be still in (time.—
--'l'he period of this silence. so far as it
could uflect Spain. commenced on ,the
28th day of August. 1814, the date ol the
additional articles to thetreaty ofVMadrid,
and terminated on the 22d Feb. 1819. the
date of the Florida treaty. Is there the
least reason from this silence to infer- an
admission by Spain at the continued exis;
tence ot the Noetlta Sound convention?—
In the first place. this convention ivas en
tirely confined " to landing on the coasts
oLthose seas. in places not-already occu
pied, for the purposes of carrying on their
commerce with the natives of the country.
or of melting settlements there." it did
notextqnd to the interior. Atthe date at
this convention. no person dr_enmed that
British traders lrom Canada. or Hudson’s
Bay, would cross the Rocky mountains
and encroach on the rights of Spain from
that quarter.. "Great Britain had never
made any settlement onthe North Western
coast of America, from, the, deteol‘the
‘Noolku Sound convention until the 22d
FebruaryLlßlt), nor. so far as the under
signed iaintormed, has she doneso down
to the present moment. ..
Spain, could not, therelere. have corn;
plained of any ,sueh.'settlernent. in re;
gard to. tho encroachment: which had been.
made from the interior hysthe Northwest
Company, neither Spain .nor there“ 0i
the world had any specific knowledge ot
their existence. But evenit the British.
pleniputentiary. had brought such knowl-_
edge theme.) to.,herv7-rvhicti he has, not at
tempted—‘she had been exhausted by one
long andhloody was. and wanthen engar
gedzinvanntherywith her, colonies; and was,
besides. .ncgotiating.for a transluoi all
her right --on.the Northwestetncoasyot
America to the United States; Surely
these were, suflicient reasons tor, her ,si;
lence. without inferring that she ,acquies:
oed: .~in._,the continued existencevot; the,
Nootkn cenvention. :Jt. Spain had-enter
tained‘,.the. least idea that tho Nootttacom
ventiun wasstill-in [orceuhengiyodgiailh
andwher national honor would havetcnused
her tmcommonicate thisjactyto the United
States before she.hstl,cetlprl _this territory
totthem tor so ampletconsideretion. .Nnt
the least intitnatiiin ofithisgkind was ever
communicated.‘ _'l . .; t
. Great-Britain. in 1818, Spain in
1819 had no idea that; the Nootka Sound
convention .wa‘s in lorce. It had then pull.-
sed swaysod wsa.for.gotten,. . , ~
The British plenipotentiary alleges, that
the reason why-Great Britain;did not as
sert- the existence of. the Nootks convén
lion 'during‘the negotiation-between. the
two governments in IBIS, was, that an
occasion had‘ arisen for its interposition.
the American government not having then
acquired the title of Spain.. It is very true
thutthé United. Stateshad not;lhen acqui
red ‘the Spanlshvtillu; it poasiblo to
imagine, that throughout the whole. negOv
tiation. thc' Britten com.mi.seioners,.had
they supposed this. convention to have
been to existence. would have remained
entirely silent in regard to atreaty which,
as Great Britain-now alleges. gave her e
qual anti cooordiuaterights. will Spainto
the whole North West coast of. America?
At that period Great Britain confined her
claims to thoseol discovery and purchase
from the Indians. How vastlyshe could
have strengthened these claims. ,had she.
then supposed the Nootka convention to
hem lorcerwit‘h her present construction;
at its provisions. Even in. 1824 it-v‘was‘
firstiotroduced into the negotiation. not)
by commissioners; but by.~Mr.' Rush. the}
American plenipotentianyn . 1- e g
3. But the British plenlnotentisry; alleged}
that. “the. United States: can found not
claim on-discovery. exploration, and set
vtlementlefl’ectedprevliously to the Florida
.treaty. 'withOut admitting-the uprinciples of
-the-Nootka. enttveotion ;” "tlurfcan..thoy‘
a‘ppealtosny exclusive rightmsacquired
by the Florida treaty, without upsetting
all claims adduced in theinowo. props-rt
.right. by reason of discoyery. explarhllnnj
and. settlement. antecedent-lo .that art-l
~rangement."; , . . -1.: ,. ‘
,This is a most ingeniua methodolma-‘T
'kiogA two .distinnt and independent'titlesl
‘hy the: ssmemhtion worse than one-rotor?
Myin‘g them-against each other» un‘li‘hlfl;
destmyingw the validity ot- boll“ tiDoes he:
target, - that mounted? States i Webb!”
these. titles.;and can'iwield’ 'tllcfn ”9“"le
hrzconjointlyau'goinstar thdclnlm ”f- 3‘15“"
Britain lat their'pteasureP‘rFfiOm the course,
‘ ethic remarksy itzimight‘.llgoraupposedilhntl
Greateßrlt-ain sod'o'otqthe {United-Statesg‘
had; quiuittctl rthe Spanisli;tjtld:n‘itdec!th3‘
.F‘ot'ldliflhatyu'i'Buhi'Gfeal «Britain is; ‘
third! ipartyw—un’ :e'ntiremtsangem to hot):l
summing-scum“! ghnnolrightvtwtra't‘eveaxt t
mfa‘rtibnlrthd‘t’ind.againstths othemrgfrt and t
;thtU{-'I‘J 55 H UM." ; i i‘ul&llt:- 110 l nth-ranted}
fim'v‘sEn'rtas;l.voL3*i. mi;silwm‘éilfio:iiiirihii’n'i‘3
..~.\Z rpm ’l*-~lvl7-'*‘!‘-‘7‘T'""‘”32 ‘1“
‘95! ~ .;- 5.; )'yl.'.!Hlllr.-‘l!iilEi‘.‘!‘;.‘l‘.
m. .yz qinz'lx an"? ‘7‘- 5' h“
g'u-gwr‘, M.-h:t(-‘!;'ul\”i m, uz'ul
-51 In fl>,l2!;tfln');; n in”
4 .4 «Wu. ngLuWfl-JL
j 31" with! nti'lliqrtty"eaii jGr'éiitj Bikini,
Interim in his, mariner?” Whaliiteve'r'j,
ltlllngln;tili."ti! any 'c’pjir't‘inf'Ede'ti'ee'fihu't‘(it?!
Acquistliqn til it ne‘wiititii':‘iiest’riiyéliltliéil
oldvhne'gendg vvice bersa.‘t'hnt the huréliiib'e';
of the nit]htitledett’troyed‘the”'né'itl;.‘iiltie.'li’s-I-§-.i
lna'fiueglion ot‘m'erel plit’iiilg'fl'igliq'l,‘ it
wouldrhe considered nh‘surdgil’ in’fptran' cit”
to hotli'titlee tihould “yin; tlile’pgiiit'-f'§v‘:lt“d:
had made a nettlement, ‘yjnti'. phdll n'tifiwjtii'
yo’ursell 0! your possessiqn‘, .heéi'néeilhi‘f.‘
tvnsrtnken ln Violntint):"pfn'nn‘t‘h't-r’iti'tit'L't‘i-éii‘,"f
ding title. and Inith‘nnghri‘ oiitiSt,‘etliitnitjtfii‘;f
ynu lia'vt‘ lilitl utilllirj‘t‘d.l_lh-ié :ptittataijid‘i‘iigg'l
in den thin ayuhs you no‘thinz'hsr‘sdttnrt“
hurving (taken pos‘iiession,pre,yipuglyl6de':
purchase, you thereby [evinced that do;
(lid not regard, such SillPifiS‘t.V?lF-Jg,i Vina
yet such i! the mode-bywhteh tthß‘riittsh'
plenipntentinr) has attempted, .lefdcstrdx,‘
buche Americanlnnd. Spanishititles‘zgn
the ontrary, in the, case, niénlionedttl‘ip,
possession and the outstanding title‘heing
united in the same individual, these con-Jr
joined would be as perfect as if; ‘both httd
been vested in him lromtlie beginning. 5,
' 'l'hc undersignedhwhitst stronglybasser;
ting both theaetitlea'. andbelieving'cagh
of them separately to he, grind.” 3.3 m)“;
Great Britain. has studioualy. ntUitledtlflrt
atituting any. comparison hetttieenit‘lient.‘
But admitting. for the sake (if the nrgm
ment mere‘l;,|tliat the diseqvery by Cnpt..
Gray of the mouthbof the .‘ColumbiaLuQ,
explorationlhy Laurie Mid Clarke; and the
'eettlementa upon its, hankentf Astoria,
were encroachment: on, Spain,” ghetnnd
she alone. had a right to complain. Great,
Britain. was a_ third party i. midynqeuch,
hnd no right to ,intertere in the, queetipp»
between Spain and the, United-btpleotfi.
BntSpain. imtend of complaining “these,
acts as encroachmenls.lollsllB22ll :fiéhrnq
my, 18H). 1)] the Floritltt treaty;‘,trgngler-,
rcdfliheyhole title. to the, United ,ISt‘ateg,‘
'Fram thatinqmeut ell. poeqihtoflepnfllst.
betweentthe-ttyp .titlen. we: endedn'chqvlh
'being‘un‘tted in ..the samelnarty.’ J‘woltt—
tles,‘..which mightxhue, eonflieteduhe‘re
'tqre. ,w,.ere ‘thuthlcndrd. together-,.:.- he
title now vested in the United States};
.juet nsetrqng “anthot‘lgh every; octplldts
coveryq exploration,_nn,d. gettLegnent onthe
part 01-hothvpowera. hnd‘bqenzp‘erfpmed
b .- Sp‘ain, nlooe,_ befqrejhe lt-ad‘ traqglerred
all Liter, l'lglitl tot..,t|te.. United ;Bl§i§l.—:
Thatwo _,powgrs me ttnc.:in tittsil‘fiflpfigih
thero titleu‘re two ;. and-Arm and":
ssignedewill phow hereafter._they,aet;y,
confirm and. altengtheneach AWN-ms,“
;Grent Britain,- instead .oftthqLU, Stat”,
:hnd acqvi'ted the titlept 3PM": Qhflf‘niflai
’hnxesontensletlthnt those. mum! 01,».
in theettitudc ol I‘etrapggrtmeth hitting.
them no. rightist: mining-m them-mgr.
i"Whetstmieratgnettdeem tt-.tmn9.csam!
to puma: hie: hrennhwftlted isanectJHn-v
theritban twine. that the, =l.thi'ta.d:.Stqteg,
betoretheyihattusq uirstlnhe titiqnlfimino
may! :trzntettthnt- title with tummy-:13!
the, negotiationeof 51818.. thegArnerienn
pleniptttcntiaricl , t'tlul Wetsuit-that. the.
United State- badge vertefnt'rightitothat
country..;.but imittedjthat[theirrpleim ii!!!
at least-zoos! a'gatnut Girettl:l.3uthir.t.’!..ttnd
the conventinn thctvberflo. Is:l.Beunlilse
thatothotk'n Sound. rdaeryednhe olgiqja
tut" any;other power or, Statq‘tomnnpgrmf
‘lhnfinldfifiufllrj; This reservetienpmhl
have been intended lor-Spninlalong. JIM}
ever since the United -Stntea..acrwircd =tlm
Spanish .title..lh,'ey hnvczielsgtzwytcdwl
and maintained their rightiin the strongqgt
terms ppvlo the nesting, “Weeknight“!
alteringdor, the sake. otihnrmnnxdmeosm
to di‘vtde. the. tennitpry-inadieputq byf‘tlu
49th parallelef latitude, A N ~;,,.,.,‘. w
The~Britishl plenipotentinryh them has
entirely failed lmtustain hisipoaitionfifliat
the United .Statee _can found no claigzon
dispovt-ry, explvtl'ationgzand teettlem‘pnt,
without. admitting .the ‘nrinciplea. of the
Nuotkh- ~cqnvcruion.~« .That connection
died ion .the commencement til-“Nil! 4"?
{between-Spain and England», inJTIQGrmd
has never since been revived. «m: - ,;_ 4 . i
.The Britishplenipotcntiflry. nextn'knc
denvore to prove'thntfev‘en _if.‘}the.N9o“‘!
Snundrcpnvention;_-liad never exislothc
position at .Great,,Britaln vi,ut:regardiilo;‘lsl'lf
cluitn.., whether to the whole or “939'”.
particular portinn ul the'Oregonitgmttlm‘.
is at least.“ good .nsythnt. either/United
States, ln,or,dt’.'t‘, to establishdliimp‘nlitiofl.
he rimst~.sltow'tha.t the Britislnglttimfihtgt
quit! in vnlidity to the titleehotliibflgfipim
und the United Staten, These cert-never
‘ separated“ ~'Fh';mdjtiie
same, i fiilierdntgnd; dtlveiginpmnithdy
mnyth'nve been bt’loro.-'lha‘:Eloridlitmfiy’.
.theyrnre nowhlendid tagelh‘cr-rvuhduidehtto
fied . The eupnratea dispnienie’snuplbra
tions 380 d settlements int the 'ititbtip'oflfls
prevtous to that dine, must now‘be c'ot‘n'ub
em! as if- they ’hndzbe’en:madeibythciuni
ted States nl'nuc; -.- *gU’nde'r “this i palvmtile
,vicw ol the subjectgythe runddr's'tgded his
surprised to finddh‘atnin the coinpnnadn
:undtcontraSt/t. inh‘titutéd?» by) 2 the British
glenipntentiarytbetweén the ctuim-quGreat
Britain antlxthatrotttthe ‘United'iSthttftltUhE
'htul entirelyiom'tttmmd rudritoathdulisw
by Swim: a:‘l‘nd.uhdereignedtit'vlijifink“-
Oratu.tluprilvy-thi;S um'mirin." 5!? fl’ilff- 1‘41? 1 .
wißttt-before lie.;'i'ruc'eetls toVKItO ‘maintnr
guttgeiitrtm' this'pnintulie feeithittidelldlittb
straine'd fto'express' his- surnrlheflthawthe
British. ptehipotentmry iehonluitag’tti’mhnve
_in\tuked:inusupgovnb£ Illc‘lßtiiiiglig‘iil‘iF‘llfi:
‘ineongiqtiencrlsl ‘dtweenfitttej ”Initial-twill}
mew. -‘:-‘.N‘ 0.2:“ inhabit: "tattk'm‘d? I .