Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, November 28, 1845, Image 3

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    11 . Uy!!:M
Tetrib'e gnles nt Qm-bt'c an: tlNCtibt-tl
in the last pnpt-ts from tlmt city. amlureat
damage lo the bhippmg \vus nttttctpulvtl.
Numeroue vcnsclh In the ('11! ([OBOO um!
at the Palms suffvrctl much Alumnae—
aomeol them bring lutttlly dostrnyml.—
The rivets St. L-twri'nct- and St. Charles
wete chttké’il utlll Hunting litubt-r, frug
ments of furmturr, &c.
The elvclmn in 'l'rxaa In“; H‘sullnl In
'he rntifirauun nf llu- annualhm ordin
nucv, and Ihc :llllupliml 0| Inc Stun.- cun-
Slitulion by immense majmi‘ie...
H is slufimlwlml (he pnltiml n! ”w fir‘o
duco thc Russian gultl mines Hm ......Q
inlu Hm I‘lmllt'lm's ht‘ihun “3|?” o’6o _
000 _vmn‘ly. \ ' ' '
James Clark. Ihe new (‘mvcunm of In
wn, i 941 Pt'llll~)l"dllinl puintvr.’ l‘hiw was,
IS an uncmnmnn mm, but we Imm- it may
be "18 type of mun)‘ umu‘. ’v” i
A Shana” latriy olnuilu-tl a ltlan ul :1
hundred (lullba- hum one ul Ihc ('qu innuh
nu‘rchanls. h}. min: arpnnnvnl luv Hm
(lolmsilc ul 3 (“m-k ul I'le! bawdy; ()n
a lull t'xnminnllun ll mm lnuml Hut an (11:
per can. “hiclx runhmn-d n pmuH qnnlm
Iy or bunndy. ‘llll' lu-vn fumly fillml n
rnuml the bung lmlv. mu] MI lwsm'ca was
Mnssuchum-m hag slonnoo‘oou in
veued in Illflll\l[fll'lllll“i, nml he: (‘Nhlilt‘u‘v
growing MM 0‘ [how (nuhlfl'ziu Inn-a u in:
mensc. llrr vxpn'le m tun-gm mum":
and In dinelenl Slnlru nnmunl lnnm' lum
(lrrd and :wcmv miHmlw.
The cd‘llor 0| lhv (‘mlqln Urn-Hr .umln
uizee fur (he nrulml nl hh (‘llllullill col
ums by Mating Ihn! he had lm-n busily on
flagged in netting man-Ird. His lady u-ml
$lB will doubtless fiml laid rn-nev 1” sum
(lent. ‘ ‘
Ex President Lamar. 0| 'l'cxne, now
rcsidesin Brooklyn. N. Y. am] is med
of for mayor. This i~ (ho vurncc of re
I |alc Frvmh my“ hmmullu‘s Ilml .x
i. scientific mmsiun M pH [mung 11" H mo.
f‘f fur ila dopnrluu‘, “111 l a \ivu ul mph-III“;
§ the ruins 0| l’alt‘uquc um ullwr blnHl rul
fivcséigca of our .'mcicnl ch'lldAli-m. in
Elhuse van hvrrsla “Imh (‘ums \whm‘h’
{Ho be unu'oddcn by man.
‘; The American bunul ul Fun-i 3” Mm-
ESIODS has become almost a uumlvr nl Ihc
E’m-urld for its extensive nperalium 0! Ch: is
ifznan philanlhrupy 11l hrmhen lands. Since
its institulinn. il has recoivrd and dxsburg
Zed more than 82.500.000 fur lln- promul
éz‘galiun oi the guspel. ‘
Gmurnur Shunk has issued his warrant
for the cxcculiun n! Jnhc'l. Boyd, who mur
dered a young lad in Cheater cuunly sumr
time last rpling.
’l'hé New quaey State Temperance So
rely has recommendrd simuHunenua mec
\gilu be held dlruughout the Stair, to
he inln consideration a mcmtirial m the
,Pgislature for the passage of un '- act to
Alhorim lhe people at their reaps-Clive
.wn meelings, in such manner as (hey
ay lhmk fit, It) delennine whether any
arson or persons. and if any. how many
'rsona in each lownship. should be li
lnsed by them lo sell inlnxicnhng drinks
small measure.” '
_‘ MARRIED—On Ihc evening of lhu ‘th instant
,by Iho Rev. E. Welt). Mr. Cnuum MILLEn lo
{Min Dnucn.” ’l‘uum’sun. all of [Mn hulough.
'5 On Tuesday Iho 25m. by Ihc sumo, Mr. Ann»
*mm Bun l 0 Mina BARBARA ANN Kuuv. bolh 01
gnoccnrin lo'umhlp
Bridge Election.
THE stucklufidera in lthurwensvillc
Bridge company \VIH lnke notice
that an election will be held at [he house
of Robert Ross. on Saturday the 20m 0!
December next, [or fine purpose ofclcch
lug officers for the ensuing year.
-By order uhho Bunrd,
B. HAR'I‘SHORN, Prs’t.
Cumemville, Nov. 25, 1845,
' Letters 01 Administration have been
. grantéd tn the subscriher on the Estate of
Isaac H.‘ Baldwin. late 0! Bully township,
Cleatrfleltl county, dec’d. therefore all per
sons’ knowing themselves indebted to suitl
I citate are requested to make immediate
payment. and those having demands WI”
' presgnt them duly nuthemicumt {or act
tlemeht. -
~ - , JOSEPH A. 'l'. HUNTER
" Nov. 28, 1845. -
,2 DRUGS, Patent Med
,“.3'=.L’-F-"f, icincs, &c.. lur_ sale at
Vim};- _lhe Drug S‘bre uf
3,3." ' C. D. WA'I‘SON.
"fl’gé‘ifi‘ 28th Nov.
= 'Galcr’s Vegetable Vermzfugc.
IN offering this valuable medicine. to
filhc public, I am well aware of the
lacts,'tlint It is haul to convince at least if
part of tho community. thul a medicine
could be equal to that ol Fulmeslock (or
.expelling worms. Now. all! ansk'lor the
govt] of humanity Is a fair trml according
to the difeclions given, of one m‘ two vi
-015. (eeling confident that it will speak lur
ildell' Wherever“ goes. \an'i‘ztntml to be
goudgfll’rice 25 cents. . ». '
,Prepnred _and ,for sale at the Ding Stupor
of , . '
Nov. 28
10 ‘Piec'cs'mpac‘a'. variety 0! qualities
unipriceu Alap SIX pieces' Merino;
'- "', ' 9:0. KBA'I‘ZBR. ‘.
n ma all (nagging-y
:2 I, . *' .
» The Farmer m the cmld .’
EN)?- flanmntcr Gountg Banner, ,
. AND ‘
Americana Literary «Gazelle.
./I. 'ngc Jlgrim/t‘ural. Literary and Gen.
cml Family Newspaper,-
DI'ZVO'I‘RD slondlnmlf' lo Iho inleroslaoflho Fun
_ mor. Mmtlmuic. nn« Mnu nfflunzncns.--cvnlain.
mg m-t‘kly lhinyn‘woxclmnna q/ reading mailer; nnd
Illrninhml In Hulm-nlwruul Iho lullowmg rules-
I SUBSCRIPTION.“ your) S 2 ()0
‘2 do do ‘1 3 00
4 (It) (In ‘»-_ 5 00
9 do do 10 00
'I‘IIIC FARMI-ZII. umII Iho ewenlinl quuhuos of u
umu-rnl lumlly I(‘\\‘F]ll|[>(‘l'. lunnol ho surpnzscd by
uny [uuhlwulmu 111 llm L'nllcd Slums.
Addrcm—pnsl-palwl— - _
ELF. BOWEN. Udllur,
l,axncnulnr(lnly. l’u
J B, (-‘ARBER, (Furmnr.;Prnpnelur.
FUR REH-umumnv, Sprulns, Buuisps,
_ &(~. A TIMI ralc [calmly [or (he a
lmw unnplnlnls. Price 57.1ccnls. l’rc
mm! and 1m sulc at lhe Drug Smn- of
jg” C. I) WA'I‘SON.
Nm. 331'
EfiVUR L'uuu'nf. (wvlrls, &c.. Imullng lo
c-vnauuuwmn. 'l'ly II In (um. l’rn.
pnml and hat e u’v :n the Drug Stnrl' n!
(1.1) WA'I'SUN.
.\u\. '3B
(ENJEI {E‘Zffikfi‘ ‘£L§®3§TA‘£3‘K¢
VHF/5H Hum?) 01 (Tnnimrmnary
1% «Sn jwal from l’hilaxl'n. Fur sul‘
low In: (11:th
528 M N-n‘
INT-£13127 GC‘JQDS.
ii“. & \V. l". HHYINJTiiu- just roct-i
.1 , vm! .md vmnvtl :u th'lr old slum],
m Luge .'m .I_~_~u4hm-nlol n 9 gum' goods,
aml as (in-up guml-I us 011 be haul from n
u_v ullm store In Clrznfichl cnunty. 'l'hviy
~lm k cullsiuh (-l
[luru'u'um I Show 51 800/s,
Ila/s, (ban! qua/fly) Cups of every tmri
Drugs. My.
'l'inu-m-c. Queenswarc.
('ullon Yum, Umbra/lax.
(.'mzfrclionu.r_:/. [foo/cc @- Stationm
CI. 0 (.'A’S. ry,
Brushes, - ' Glass,
Oils. Looking Glassm,
.’lir-lighl Stoves, Cooking Stoves.
Twp/ale do. Stovepipe.
Tobacco. bcstquali~ Sugar. best quality
(3/. | (10. common. &6.
Th? public are rvspecllully requesmd
to call and examine lor meselves, as
they are determined to remlt‘r ull pessiblc
satisfaction to their cusxnmors.
All kinds 0! grain. lumber. (Iver skins,
rags. par/.'. beeswax, (allow, bulter. eggs.
lwgs’ bristles. hides. furs. or cum Cflb‘ll,
Will be taken in vxrhunge [or goods.
E. & \‘V. F. IRWIN.
Clemfield, 10m Nuv. 1546.
THE pubiic are hereby Infurmed Hut
1 have this day left in the possession
of Marlin Huho'nberry, on lhe land of
mine, \vhc-rcun he rcu'ulvs‘, in Chest (own
ship. Clea-fichl mum), une black horse.
one man mare. nne yuke of «run, and one
brown cow. I hereby warn and fnrbid
every [wrgon {rum buwug, ur In any Wny
meddling 0| mirth-ring wilh l‘u: «nine.
To the Blacksmit/zing Business.
‘ Buy, irom 1610 18 years of nge (an
[K have 11 good opportunity of learning
lhe above business by making Application
immediately to the subscriber in this
place. eikher pcruonnlly or by letter.
Oct. 30, 1845‘
'fl‘IBIMML LhLlQfl‘
For December Term. 2845.
James Thompiun v 9 Win Woalover
'l'humnu Holt VI Wm Ogden
George Achonnn vs David McCullough
A S Lippincoll VB Thou & EHIH Lewis
Joseph Sulilher vs Hezekiah Warner
Aloxandor Knox vs Richard Ban! 0! nl
John Drnuchur v 9 Benjamin Hurlshorr.
John R Blunm'l Adm'r vs Hugh Lenvy
Marlin ,Knlfur for mm vs Polar Lqmm
James B Uulchinun vs ll \Vurnor & Kincaid
Hurvpy Cnuo vs Roberl Mcl’iu-rrm_
Harvey Case vq John 'l‘ueplcs
JuhnLuy fur use vs Polar Lumin
Rudolph Light w Chriulinn llnrnuh
Lcwié W Smilh \‘s Muthuw Brown
John Pun-hem \‘s Jahn W Wright '
William Fullcrlon vs Benjamin [1 CuldnL-H
Levi Lulz for mac w l’elcr Lumm
Mary Dunn , ~ va Solomun Khnn
Chnrlm Woohlo or nl ‘vu Jns [)ennison’o I'lxr's
Charles chhlc cl nl v 9 Morey dz ‘Slchrun.
number 0! agents of goiiil address
[k and strictly temperate habits are
wanted to ‘canvnsa [be-several cuuntieq in
th'lfi Slate, 'nntl take subscribers to The
Slate ’l'cmpcrancc Organ—n large family
newspaper, published in this Burbugb. nt
32 00 pernnnum. The “ ()nGAN” will
contain . t/zzrty [£oo columns at read
ing matter. each week. Which renders it
one ul the best and cheapest papers in
Pennsylvania—w goud inducement ton
gent‘gn r
Gd‘fiil references will be‘tequired, and
a liberal per centage allowed. t_ ,
Address (post paid.) ’
_. ' , , -' Harrisburg. Pa,
;,~Hurrisburg, Oct. 31,‘ 1845, ’3 t.‘ ‘
.Slcigh Bella.
Sheriff’s Sale.
BY ‘virtuo ofa writ of Venditioni Ex«
ponns isaued out ofithe court of
Common Pleos'ol Cleorfield county. wdi
beexposed to public sale. at the court
house, in the borough of Cleulfleld. on
Monday the 151 day of December next.
a certain trnct ol lund, situate in Jordon
loo'nship, Clcurfield county, bounded {is
follows). vim—Beginning at on ash tree
in the line of land of Robert Johnston.
thence by land of Edwnrd Commeford
and Jiimes Johnston, south 50° west 115
perches to u post, thence by line of land
warranted to Jacob Hourd north 50° west
160 perches lo a post, thence by land ol
which this was formerly pan of the same
survey north 50° east .115 perches to the
pluceol beginning, Containing lOßincu-s
nod 7’B perches and allowance. the ilm
provements hung a dwelling house n‘ml
«table, and about 9.0. res ol cleared l'alld
——Sei'l.ed und talien'isrl'execulion and to
he sold as the property ol Donald Mo
Donald by '
Sherifl's‘ ()flicv. Clem
field 012'. 30. 1545 E
E Y virtue of n writ of Vt'ndinoni Ex-
EB nouns, issued out n! the Court (If
('mnmun l’lcuu uf Clumfit‘ld county. and
to [ll¢ dilvctt'd, n ill be gym-act] In public
anlv. M the (unit hnusv, in Clcarficld, at
lu'i'imli, P. M. on M inilny 13:0 1-{ day
of lhwcmbcr next. all the intmt‘st of the
dulendant in a tract o‘f lam! aitnntt» in (3”.
vmgtnn township. beginning; at the N. E
mine: of “act Nu. 1896 M a witr_h lin'lJ".
thence S ‘29 ps. to n unite pillt‘, thencv
\‘V 7!) p 9. to a uhitv oak, being the begin
ning oi the lot cnnvryed by ——- ~—
thcncu S 10 and two tenth pa. In a post
by it white pine. thence 179 [DH In a pust.
thrnce N 101 and two-tenth porchcr-tn a
white oak bush. thence l‘] 179 ps. to tho
place of beginning. containing 106 acres
134 pa. and allowance. Seized and taken
m exvcntinn unit to be sold as Ihc proper—
ty (it Jacob (3. Ll‘b”. by
Sheuifl‘s UmCe. Clem
ficld Nov. 3. ’45. 2
fi Y virtue (\l a suit of Vuntlttmnt E!-
E 3 ponaa to mo dlrcctetl, l'tbllt‘tl out ol
(ht,- Court olCommon Pleas of Clcntllcld
county. \till be exposed to [)Ubllc sale, at
the court home in Clenrfieltl town, on
Monday the litst (lay of December next,
the lollowing real €slfllt’:-A cottatn tract
0! luntl situate in Karthnus township in
said county. hounded by lands nl Baus
man on the South west, Wm. Michaela’
land on the Nutth, nntl by ltttttlS nl Dick
crson Colenn the Butt and South, con
tulnlng lnrty-tuo acres, with tuo dwell
mg houues and n burn. and about thirty
«cue.z clearo-l, late the estate of John Ml
clmt-lg. St'l‘l.L‘tl and taken in execution
as the property of John Michaels, and to
be sold b'y
Sh'fl‘s office. Clear
field, Nov. 1. 1845.;
Sheriff’s Sale.
BY Virtue at a writ of Vendmuni Ex
ponus issued out of lhe Court 0!
Common Pleas of Cleurfield county, to
me directed. will be exnmod to public
sale at the court housv, in the luv." u!
Clcmfield, on Monday (he ht day 0| Der
cembcrm VI, 3 cormin tract 0! lcnrl in Go
uhcn township. (chnrficld cuunly, bound
ed as {ullawn—Bugimling all a while oak
the North west corner 0! lrucl Nu. W‘ZI.
thence west 123 p 5. to a post, thence snuth
192 ps. to a checnut, thcnce cast 123 ps.
to n chestnut grub, lhenceulong line quo.
1921 north In the old uhite (ink corner.
being pull of tract No. 1922; the im»
pruvcmcnle being a {rattle dwelling house,
:1 lug stable and a saw-mill, with about 10
acres of the (and cleared, containing one
hundred and thirty-nine ucros and 41 pa.
Seized and taken in CXCCUUUH as thv pru
perty oi Philip Bradford. and tube sold by
EI.L[S IRWIN. Sh'fl'.
Sh’fl'u office, Clear-
field. NOV. 1, 1815,
Com-l Proclamation,
HICRII‘AS the Hun. Cow \V. “'muHmrd , I’rm
W (Ion! .lva'm-{lhu (Youriul ‘(v‘unznmn Pious“!
lhcdthjmlirlnl instruct. (:ulllprmud o! Iho ('uunlics ul
(Illnlon. Mum”). (loulrc und Clourfiuld. and [he
”on Jumus Ferguson, und Jnhu l'ullun. linq'ru..t\ssu~
acme Judges in Clunrticld c-uunly, hnvuinaund their
urccupl. homing duh: Ihc 41h Iluv u! Sop! 1645,!01110
din-('IL-(IJM huldmg u
(‘uurl u"(.‘rmunmz I'lcrm, Orphan.» Cuurl, Court
0/ Quarter .‘.:csw‘nns-Jtnr] Cour! nnycr um] Tcr
miner and Gr‘m-rulJuil Ih-livu‘y,
ut (_‘lunrtiuld 'l‘owu.fbr Ihc Cmmlyu! (‘lcanthnn
the he! Monduy v 1 Dvc'r next, (hung the Jul dnv
uflhc month.)
A’ulza [6.1/lofcfuft, Inn/Aygirm,
lo lheCumnerx, Juslicvs oi the Point, uml (.‘Ullhlfllilf‘i
In mm! for llchuunly nl'Clonrfiold, to n mom in lhoir
own proper persuns, will] Rulln, Roconlu.lnquisilwns
Exnlmnnliunsuml nthcr Remembrances. to do lhose
things \V‘llich llmr ollicesnnd In llmir lmlmllnppanhiu
lo bu (lone; nnd all \vnnosseu and other persons prn‘
sevulng m lu-hull nl Ihc (Tummunwcullh ngmnul any
primncm are required to he then nml lhcrcnllcmling
and mud .pnrl without lcnvo. at their pcnl.‘ Jurors
are rcqutlélml lo b 0 punctual in ”Ile mm‘mlnnr-c m
the nppoihtcdlime agreeable In mlioo. .
Ivonundermy hand nl tho town 0! Clonrfiold. Hm:
4th dny of ()ct'r, in the your at nur Lord one
lhuumnd eight hundred and lurty fivo.nnd the
nixly-sevcmh ycnrofAmcncun lndupondencn. -
rm??? Stl.ay Steel“.
flm’y ‘1 AME (0' the residence
-3.~.:3.4.;—. g) of the subscriber, in
Luwren’ce township. sometime in Septem
ber last, a briiidledflleer. supposed to be
about mree years old. The ownervis‘lle
aired lo ~cm_ne forward. prdve p‘roperly,
pay pjbarges. and take hlln awayfother
disc In: will‘be dealt win: as _lhc léw (li,-
rdcts.-",*Y I_4 JACOB'PYLEJ
_ 0'ct.30,1845. , .. .
EV P. HURXTHAL has received a
. [rash supply of goods to sun the
prospnt nml coming season, and promises
to 90” upon as fm'orubic (arms as {my cs
(ablishmcm in the county. “is st'ock
consists of > -
@1331? @QDCDEDQO
of nearly every deseriplion, such as clollls.
cassirnervs. satlinells, Kentucky jruns.
red. yellow and wliite woollen llnnnels.
brown‘ and white cotton finnnels. silk warp
lustre nlpucu, black and brown alpaca.
black. brown and green merino, checks of
various qualities. ginglmma, mousscline (le
lame, crnpc dc lnine, balznrine, cashmere
do cuust'. &c. &c. a good assortmenl nl
lancy and trimming gonrlp.
11 line Huck nl llhlv. Huh M 4 i-lur, hmvrr.
ersli. rusuiu. rmum and wunl.
Cnps—a good supply ul fashionable
cloth. velvet, glazed nnd seal.
Mill saws, Class-cut and lmml-saws, col
lce mills. cow-bolls, uugurs, files. screws.
tacks. lmks, shovels. and many other
things in the same linn.
Shoes, Boots «$~ Leather,
whivh rt'quire but tu be seen for their rec
A genvrnl nssorlnmnt. carefully laid in,
and HF u very good qual'ny.
A genera! assmtment, and of gum! quali
Such as lea sells. cups and snuccrs, p'alOF,
81c. 81c
A gum] supply of M'ory description.
.Nova Scotia Grind-Stones
OI the H3l; best grit und quulily.
Call and we {or yvuruelven, us the stock
will be su‘d reasonable, in exchange lor
U'hcui. Rye. Oars. Par/c, llidos, Pure,
and ¢~p9ciu||y {or the CASH.
Cleatlield, Nov. 1, 1845.
NEW 8L fiHEfiP
UST rvceived and for sale by ”)9
subscriber. at his ohl Bland, n large
nuanllmvnl nf ncw and sensuuublv goods,
consisting uf
BOOTS (3- Shoes, IIflTS 6- Cfll’S,
BONNE TS, | 703.5 CCO,
CIGflRS, é'c.
nhich he is prepared m sell for cash or
produce as chcnp as they can be had at n.
M other establishmen: in luwn.
.'l'he public are r'elpeclfully invited to
call and examine his stock and judge for
NU". 71:45
Drawn formembcr Term. [845
Juhn 'l‘ lrnn "nrmer ~ Pike
Mordc’l Livelguod do Girard
Israel Nichols ’ do Huston
Robert Owens do Lawrence
J ll F-eming Cuhlnermukcr Puke
anuvl CHMWCH meur
(y'curgc Shut? (In Decatur
\Vm Fleming, \Vngumnukcr Prnn
Nulhm‘. Lyons
I‘hnums Kvler
Isaac Rlclu-ls jr du Beccarin
Jon Genrhmt do Decatur
Isaac Drnuckcr Innkeeper Brady
Ruchnrd Curry Farmer l’lku
U B Smith do Girurd
J 13 Uclsoy \Vegonmuke: Lawrence
l’hilipAntcs Lumbermnn do
C M’Crackcn Farmer Ferguson
R Montgomery bzxwyer Bell
Joseph Millwoud Funncr Decatur
Henryfihilebiule do Bcccutiu
David Mcb‘heehcn do Jordon
Wm Muxrny do Girnrd
Wm llegurly do ‘ Beamin-
Uanicl Philips do Decatur ‘~\
John Moore (innsnnlh Borough
Henry Wtight Farmer Beccaria
George Newsen Painle: Borough
John Shaw Farmer Lawrence
Ab’m Harlaock do Pike
John Shull'Le jr do Decatur
Jester Hohon do Beccnriu
John KHchen do Burnside
Ab’m Gossjr do Decatur
Ed William: do , Bradford
John Riderjr do Covingtun
Gauge“ “Ema n do Burnside
SnmuelfilScfle Blacksmith [.:mwmrc
Philip Klincr Farmer Brady
J G Scol‘wld
Jl. Cullle Blacksmith Borough
JBB “"rigley ()nrpentt r do‘
Thus Campbell ‘Fuuner Bell
Arlhur 801 l
D \V Monro Printer Borough
”and Michael' Farmer Chest
James Gill
If; ' ROM tho pfislure olJ,‘
fl%fifi "EV Nichols, near Clearficld
(3”? mwn, on the mm of Oclober.
‘- ~'” ._ “ a dun or cream-colored horse,
sotnéwh'at‘spolted in_ his coat. spavined in
both hindvlegn. Whoever will secure snul
horse, and give inlormatlon to Ille' prime!
nt’Cleurficld where lie may be fuuml, mll
be re¥vnrded by payment 0! all rehsonable
charges.xyhcn said horse Is éalledlor.-
Said horse belongs‘l’o" ' "
, .wms :n'wn. a
“_.lay tp. Elk qq._NqV,‘l,l.§4s'-fpvd. .
do Moms
Drawn for December Term, 1845.‘
William Smillr Former Coviuglon
Willihm’Bellf do ' ' “8"
Jumea Spencer (In 4 Pike
Wm Cullicurl 119’ JUNIO" ..
Andiew Pelers do Brudlmd
\vln'l' 'l'horph .ML-rqhanl I Bell
Samuel Fullerton Further Plkc. ;
Dickerson Cole ' do Karllmua
John Henry do ' Penn
George 'l‘horn Carpenter Borough
Ch’n Emigh . do Morris
Michael llt-ilmau Farmer Bdrnslde
Jesse Hutton do do
Elisha Fenlon do \ pénn
John P Dale do [’ikc
George Bucher Tailor ‘ Karlhaus
James Galluhcr Farmer Burnside
Fraucm Coudriet ""“(lo‘ Covinglon
George VVvlch jr. do Pike
Abréhnm ”mm-r «lu Full!” {I
John ”'\(L~llbr'|)' Ila Fl ré'uaou
.‘nuvu vI M Smith do Buccaria "
Wm Hepburn do Penn“
New volume, new type, oldfnicnd-
Mi; .9, and new attractions.
Tm; puhlllhcl's of [he Unmm Sums Snun~
DAV l’na r {col mns'ruined lo innko ngnin their nO
- io xhc reading public [or lhu lihgr~
ul support whit-h their paper receiver. To show
llinl they are mu. unmindlul oflho ralurn which
quf‘ll pnlronngn now requires, it would be entirely
summon! m refer the render lo Iho ealnhlishcd
chnrm-lrr ul’ lho fireside friend. \\ hich is pro-amin
onllv lho dnnignuliou 0| lhis pnper. Asa nnWiPD
per dr‘pendenl upon public pntronfige, ‘grows by
ulm ll foods on,’ the publishers flnllor lhcmaolvcs
thin! the PM! ha: incromed in inlercsl and value.
With the slomly und grnlifying rupporl which has
been accorded In it. for a period of a Quarter ofu
Crnlurg. In lhia lime. which has served for lliu
life and dcnlh of \\ hole goncrullons of periodicals.
‘llld iho riuo. meridian, and IICCIiIIO of many 11 ri~
ml, the Post has kept the oven lonor ofils way,
by iia own intrinsic heallli nnd qlrenglh—nnw ful
luu-ing. often lending Iho public limo. but not de~
parting from its independence to miniulcr lo Iho
lrnusionl newspnper lollies. which. compiired In
Ihe exiuleiire ol the Poul. nro indcrd ephemeral]—
We shall conlinuo in {his pulh. ondcavoringdn lhn
Nun; DEPARTMENT, l 0 prcuom the lulosl nuihenli
rnlod intelligence. divested oi puny hue. and in
loresicd bins. nnd renting solely on Ihc lmsis ol'
mnh, us tar as II is nsceriuumblo. We endeavour,
lu solr‘cl and publish inlolligcncc of value and Im
[-orlnnca In mlizons cngngeil in all Iho Ihrec grout
interests. Agriculluro. Commerce. ”and Manufac
luros, ~
In pnlnir'nl intelligence we recognize only one
party—and lllul is our Country-mm whale Coun-
Iryi We know no national interests in our palri
alum—no purly lines in our politics—no sectari
unmm in our religion. but print and publish for 'llie
gratin! good (J the greater! number.
To give iho Sumnlny Post an imporlanco be
yond ilial temporary one which ilderivel from be
ing the record of currcnl events. and lo make it
nCCepluhle lo the Fumily Circle. we give I!) 111 col~
umna lha characler o! n Weckly Mngnzino,ombra-
L‘lng Original'l‘nlea and Sketches—Original Verne
and Essays—History and Hialnricnes—Bingraphy
and Legends—Selenre rind Sinliaiica—Rovoluuon
ury Annals—Moral Tales and ”Trails oi Lile-ori.
ginnl (.‘ommcnm. on Nulubles~Wn and Humor.—
ln u word, such a variety of mallor us. (our bwn
coumry first remembered.) me Whole Literature 01'
Iho World may GUM. Tho Original Trunllaliuns
‘ from European Lilcrnlure. which had from limoto
llan appeared in this journal. are referred to as an
cmnusi lhul we have spared no paint Io mako [ho
Post iruly Cosmopolitan in tho Grout Republic of
Volume Twenty-Swami). upon which win an- n
boul Io enter. Will appear in now lypemnd wilh
such other Improvements and advantages as expo
rlcnco mn,‘ suggcal. 'l‘o repeat Ihc \vprdu ofn lor
mor pruapeclua—uur mollo in all” 'Excclllorl' A
mong Iho oldesl pupen on the cunlinenl, and pO2:
sensed of all the ndvu nmges which long uccumu~
lad fumlnlics [III-”(Lille cunduclorn blend will: thew
pvculiur ndvnulngci, (no! to be acquired in n day.)
all the improvements wluch each succeuivo your
”mm”. In lhelr notice; and all Iho change: for
[he holler, whit'h otrur to men inlenl on doing
well by n reading publlC which has always done
well (or Iho Unned Slaloa Snlurduy Poul,
$2 00 8 COplL‘l.
500 17 copies,
1 mm,
3 mpu-u
'l‘no Inonuy muslulwuyl bu mm In advance
free of postage. Addrow.
98 L‘heauul urea}. Philadelphia
Uclnber ‘25, 1845.
LEIGJUJBE mmxmumab
‘ HARLES MILLER. having purcha-
QJ aed the establishment of C, D. Wal
mm. lespccllully infunns the citizens of
Clcnrfield and its vicumy, that he is now
carrying on the above business in nll’lts
branches, and as he is determined to man
ulncture in the bes{ style, Chairs. Scuccs,
&c. on ren'sonubic terms, he hopes to Incr
il and receive a liberal share of patronage
uml summrt.
N. B. Country Produ'ce taken in ex
change for work, and liberal disqount
made for cash.
Sept. 20, 1845. ‘
WEAPCKSS. Good Brass Clocks—
QJ nemly finished, and good timekeep
«rs {or sale by the subsclibcr, at a low
" . ECT’CMI and examine. '
price C. KRA'I'ZER,.
-Sept. 24.
Attention Nalional Grays.
you are requested to meet at
the armory on Saturday the
29m inst. at one o’cluck, A. M.
pvccisely,in citizens dress; 'As
business 0| importance will be
laid before the coiii'iinny at that
time. a gerorui attendance of the
members i; rcqlmétetl. .::-1'
By ()'litjti,l|fiht‘ Capl’n;.
G..'I‘IIOR.\'. 0.,5. «
Nov. 19.
PIECES Ke-nllnky Jean, {or sale
. the New Sauna. _ ~V _ ‘ .
Aug. 15.
Jacoucl. and Uambuc Mushns. fßHblncz,
Laces. &c.-—-'c|wnp and gqq’d. Ladies,
cahll, and, cxa’mine for yOUITS‘t‘IVi’BV. _
.‘A'uggw. ' ICf KRATZE—fl.
g 00