3?: I? _ ,‘Btm‘ocralc Banning. c L EA R‘Fl E Lb,” 9.. Nov. 19. 1845 f’l‘hnnks’giving. . Thug-day‘of nufwoqk (21th inns.) hayinghdon uppojnled byjhd Guvernnr Mlho State as In any of‘ 'l‘blnklgwjng arid prpyqr, wilh u. recummondnlién lonll clorgymen In naiamhle their [maple for i'olh gloul cxucim. the Rev 8 N. Howell-_wxll preach a lemon on that occa-lun m Iho Prubytenan ch‘tir‘ch. in minimum. utvll pfclouk. A. M. . nclnoél'nlic 111 eelihg. The Democratic (.jllizom bf Cleurfioldpmmly ure ulfiactfullv invited to meet in the court haune on Taogdny evenink nflho Deccmbar courl. A prom imnt übjefl oflho meeting in In define some plan for the improvement of Ihe present delegnlo cys "111- A general nllondnnoe u enrn'eully requellcd. By atdcr omenlling (torqmillee. ‘ M. NICHOLS. jz. Ch‘n. ' Library Meeting. A mowing oflho medihou of tho Clenrfield Li brary wdl ha held at the offiro of I. G. Gordon.on Friday evening null. for the purpnuo of making :1 nlocuon of book). and olocling office". A gener- Iljltenduncé of the member. ig denirad. - , WA {ow week-I ago we published a :very ‘lengthy ndvorliaomant. in tho ahqpo or a pr'oapeo Im. for'Baut’mer’c ManumMcMod.' The compon ulion oflorod th editor: for doing It), was thrtc cop ' in of thq mid method. We have not yet heard (tom Mr. Bommér. although we were careful to Iddren him a com of each of the three numbers of our paper containing hm pnnpecma." We fool a deep unxiely to aid in Iho improve ment of {He Tanning interuu. pmlicularly in our counly. and it way therefore with plauurolhnl we immod [he ndvmilemenl. a! the uuggenio'n of one 0! our most enterpriting fume", whose print cipal objecl. we bellow. was nho lo nit) in impvo' vinx Iho Iclonco of agriculmro. WI" Mr. Bummer fulfil hin promjn. or relieve us from thin unpleunnl "Me of su-pWy man ifeuing bin "In"! at once! To our-Patrons. An intimation appeared in our hm number that we had tomelhinz more to any in relolton lo the cooree the 'Bmmn’ would punuc under the pur tial change of proprietori. I ' We regret that clrcumrtnncea forbid m promie ing hny particular Improvement In the appearance olthe pnper el .prm-nt. V No improvement. in thin ‘line.cen be morlr without new type; but we pledge our-elves lhot. if our patron! mil oomu to our old and raise m 8200 by the firetol‘ Mav next. We Will then publieh for them a paper thetJor me cheniceleppeorence, ehnll be equal, if not eupcrior, to any other paper within the interior ofthe Slate. The] ehould. do it. They have Iho meant, and 1 that! county pride should urge them to it. When wesoy that the political cherhcler ofthe ' Benner' ehell undergo no. change. we moon that whenever it does define it. polilitm, it will be lound on the Democratic Republicmveide; but no long u there in but one paper published in the county, we‘toneider' it our duly teeny on liltle upon this lobject ul ponlble—and n! no time to burthen our column-‘witb polttioel slung. To correlpondentl. our columne ere'ee lreely open to the Whig us to the Democrat. It In our object to publish a county paper.‘relher'lhen apolitical argon—4lnd ne'em-h we call upon lhe cilizene: 0! our county. without regard to party or not, to euelain on. It in o lo‘ mentible lrulh. that at prelent our petronege‘ie principally confined to the middle close of our pop~ elation—o large proportion of our richeu citizen never hum: subscribed for their county paper..— Thte in wrong. _Eoery man should have hie Own county paper. There are eome. we are welte were. who can illy afford the BINDIQn—BIII for o rloh mun. il'ie'diggrece: as (soon would we be found among Iha rhvilen o' voligion. or an enemy lo’odncnllion. - '_ This in Inc 53.91 improvyefnont. The present century has already fa! outclrlpped any of“. prede couon in improvlné .the' conditioner mankind.— Tho man‘who !uku no pnpbr.‘ by which he can get a knowledge of these impronmema. liven behind hi. limo. Ho belong: to the pin gnnaraliun. In o'govarnmanl like corn, u in Iho July of every «our. to mo. and to undefimnd'whul ho doe: "If, The inlngue at present. going on bolwee‘n 'anco and England to roloin the balance of pow " throughon: Iho world, in lheir own handy. and to brown! the glowlh'nnd extenuionlofoné repub lic/In form ol government-lanolin! oroune Iho indig nql'ion ofovely non of freedom; and Ihonld own~ Iron In every bran! an anxious (10-ire for no"; ond ’lnowlodgo concerning Ineio'lnomonlouo qdcuiom. llpon illiluch qiuelllono. it in our intention lo'lbrnw I" [be light nilhin our "ooh, and we lruu ‘lhere invnol a man Inflho county wlio ml] {emaimin Ig~ ‘ nolonoo‘oflhom‘ Their country: demands il—nnd (boy Illilllldqtl't':~ 11, l'f notlfor, lhqin‘ own\.ndvnmage. for-die, advantage ofgbeir childt‘n. - ' “ ’The‘flregbnynailrbad. A longilofle; will be_ found in our column: In day from Mr. Wmmn. iho‘ gentleman who pro~ ' pogo-Io build a nil road from Lhke Michigdh lo the _Pfipiflc Oc‘oan" ‘ ll' will Vbenen‘ that he has -oxp)o,réBlh_o gioppd hon Iho Luke w the Minouri river. and is now oropinion lhulr' the Work can be ‘dOßff‘ViQh lcu difficulty lhnn ‘hvolhud dpred (0' hopr. , [al’nylmfl point of view, wedeem lbw projocl 1;! flag ntmoplijomncomnd wo. think angran shpnlil gt on“ ucocdo Io Mr. Whitney’s -propo-i -tion: Thea lel‘lh‘o poople fake illin‘hfind and grgo 5! Upon their reproumhuvny 'L'e“! fun ,expre'iaidu in jgffiqug comp,” from (very ? gqthuing. All chonld unite in His aflbrL—whig tind'domop‘m't; "in . inlipnat'work-nhorefore M nullpamor {he nqlloi: bifu'g‘ Ibnpdinjl-V ' ~ “ .» ‘ W 6 My. ' (bi-(rip. will nol'bé paglé'clad 1! Iho; ‘Deniocr‘inviic giggly tin” can!) iveoka ‘_ I, fl‘he‘ Alexi? Shéhkérl ‘ SCO). Dam“. is warmly urgid by a power: of ihq éomWMll'Ol} vNiirlhorn Penn-flunk. {oi ‘ché dminguiuhod‘ppnol Speaker of Ipc mm 119qu 91‘ flqmuplqliy'um No ”haunt-elem!” ‘could he" undo. and no dlulripl {pi-£11981!“ “more“ denim; the ham: than Centre and Clodrfiold. ‘ , \. GE C. KRATZER. Pu'l Measn L'dilors :—ln leaking over the ' ‘BANNK’R’ ol the lat instant; I noticed an article headed ' A Disclaimei.’ signed by the Rev. Elias Wélty. charging me, in connection uithJ. A. Cathcart and others, with circuiating‘through different ' parts of this county, “ a base and melicious falsc- ‘ hood." in confidently asserting that he, the ‘ said Mr. Welty, had taken a bribe from Messrs. ‘Wright and welch to clectioneer fol them for the respective offices for which they were candidates. ' ' With what Mr. Cathcart and others may hevc stated about the matter. 1 havu noth- ng to do ; but so far as relates to myself. L wish most explicitly to say, there is not 'one word of truth contained in the article written by Mr.‘\'\'elty. I never did confl dently assert any such thmg—bnt I did say, that l was‘credibly informed, that Mr. Welty teld John M’Cord- and Joshua]. Tate that if Mr; Welch was elected he was to have his (Mr. Welch’s) house rent free for the [coming year ;—and also, that if Mnl Wright was elected he was to have a. new vest. l was also informed that Mr. Welty told John M'Cord that if he (M’Cortl) did not vote for brother Welch he wanted him to vote ‘for brother Wright. for if he was eleCted he was to have a now veer. As for my deopatching a letter on the wings of the mail to Luthereburg. it is a base and malicieuafalse/wod.’ Had Mr. Welly act ed the part of a christian, exercising ' the high and holy functions of the ministry,’ he would have first come to me. and not gone to the‘Banner—remembering that the Scriptures teach: ' if thy brother‘ofleud go to him.’t He might then have saved him sell'the trouble of publishing a bare-faced faleehood. I cannot [or a moment suppose that the matter originated with Mr. Welly —tht he ehould first have ascertatned whether his information ..wavorrect. and if it had been so. thengyyhfitl his remedy. . \. . . As It now stands before {a} publtc. I am bound, injustice to my own charactcrfito have thomatter fairly_ understood. New ”the language. coming from Mr._ \Velty' was-um sulficienl to warrant all that was said by mc.'then I am wrong. This] cave for the public to decide ler, Welty is lhe man he wants peo ple lo buliove he is, a 'true chrip'lian. he wrll auendto ,Ihia matter, find where nlhe error is, and recall what he has said in the Banner, or find his proof for the asacflidna hé has made. [think is much 0| my char- acler asihe dqea of_ his, and it ought not to be unjustly assailed. ‘ , ‘ .'JAMES'C. BARRETT. HFPLY "‘0 l4}- »WEL’I‘-Y'S DISCLAIMER Messrs: £dilbra:-—Your paper .0! thb lal'Nov’r was‘ handed to me the other day in'wvhich make was published an umcle headed, 9 A Dikelpimer,’ signed by E. Welty, which I read {vim no p!easant feel? .i’ngs. and ‘uyich’l‘feé'l’ inyselfcall’e'd upon 'to reply ton". ‘ If. it. avid; no}! for the res-peéi =1 havé 6va had ;for_lha'.man as ~a:uunis’ler, uniLbeligvinnge hat been shamefuily'im pqgedgupon byhio infarmém. {Vih'o ’inl'ls'i ‘ be sdt’bdliulé‘ibulbfl maliciouséfefilfiroj I ‘would-reply in harqhgr“thzdg 311536.19 here uéed. ‘ ' ""‘ " "’1 5’ ’ ““IfiZihel‘iiriat': {flute} his say'ihg lha’flnyselll‘ iand olheracqnfidénlly ’q'otsqfqedjilha! fig was EMS/bed ,by’ M 956:5: , “(right “and Welch 'lO é‘legt‘ioneo; for thqm.'&&., is lake: 1 név: Jer'eald so. nor 1 never heard’Mflß‘artéit‘ 30: any olbei‘ person say so, andrl'eallfip'on :M,r.v; W9ll] tq‘prpve, his; 3539 mm.) ‘: {Willi (first: to Mm Beneath-Iona? ‘refarregiviloi‘ in find 7'.Diqcsiimof.’ I know nolhiny ‘ab'dut I ‘ . , ' ‘. : ',v ’( .~," (5 ’l' " ~-' * . Fatal ‘A'c‘cidenl,il';:7;;;;-;~,j , Alwly melancholy occldenl occurriafbnfiiild'y evening In“ “1' Huh bridgo now'gning niacin}! n! lhin place. “hich resull‘éil in ma. death pl “Jona- Tnllai ELwaLyln young man aged ‘u'bom 24‘yéuis.’ Ho {cll'fmm' iho’ flo‘dr‘ib‘ihe wntefl ‘mmb lyventy~ two 9! lwenty~lhrba’ l‘col. omgnl; d‘pur‘cgl‘?“ aloha, hlo'r'lgé. &d , léh‘lél'elyu frnplnilng big hc'ulll.‘ and 're.\ ceiying‘olheiflnjws, n-h'ichi réaull'ed in floulh on Sumlny morning nbnnl nine o'clnck'. He “7nd bro'il lo Philipaburg. When n‘boy', {min Philadelphia. where il iu'lhnugfif'hlé'fnlhnr still realdné. ; Will our Philadelphia exchanges copyl' - ' RICENT Eucnonn—ln New. York ‘lho demo;- cral- have a majorin oflti in the Senate and 19 in the Home ova: n” opposition, Injhe cilymll the officers nm' democrats—having nearly 'névlmuny vole-p» Iho Whig:- an-d Nulivea combined. . In Muunchuuolns the Whig-“hove nguir; I‘vcp Mary thing before mom. ‘ In New Jeremy, Ihc damncml- have gained ltdrgo ly on Iho whig mujqrily in the Loginlulnun-7“":i pleclod Iheir Gangrenmnn In the vacnmdlllricl. {la-Gov. Smmx and Socrelaly MILLER. are at puwnl lojnurmng in_ Philadelphia. They have vililedltll the public lthouln. will: uhlch llxoy 0]). pound much delighled. , ' WThe man nulbenlic accounll from Mexicq, render il almo-l (readily: than” difficulties balwcen lhnlcnunlry and the United Slaw: ml! soon In amicably adjullcd. . Fut iho Demacnlic Banner! For Ihe Democrallc Banner i’tl. l_‘ heccrjhdiird h‘l Alt‘it‘d‘tdonejgeo tilt ll” "read join the: Dio'clttitrier.y He‘luray hpeak. for himself. Butter Mr; ‘Welt'yror‘any‘ other ‘m‘an‘.’ to‘aay. b": intimate, that I mace] !use of contemptihle devices tafraccompliah, iny ends. is a falsehood and ahG‘nflsitlt'which [throw ‘back‘ with diedain. ='=[ "believe 1‘ did not ask a'm'ér't'ih' the cou'yntji‘ toi'lote‘ldr me. touch me plead and‘coax' fat-then votes, or. use anxcontemptible .derlice‘ei g ‘ Now'forfacla, Mr. Welty did'tellllzn different ports of the circuitgthatfil‘Mr. Wolch was elected he would give his house, 81c. rent free to the circuit for one year. Also that he (Mr. welty) would get that 'emaller consideration’ .(a Anet‘v vest) from J. W. Wright, if he was elect ed. , When I heard this! did any that :I believed Mr. \Velch had a design in it to help hie election ; and I believe 80313:.” It costs the circuit considerable for house rent every year, and many members might be influenced by the offer. I- am sorry that Mr. Welty did not come to me and talktthe matter over, as it wan his duty to do; both of us being members of the same church. But since he has chosen this course he hum put up with it. ”others have made a big atory outof the above facts, I cannot be held accountable forks; Your remarks. Mr. Editor, above the Mia‘- claimer,’ are " very good once ydu know where to~apply them, ‘ J. A. 'CA'I‘I'ICAR’I Lawrence tp. Nbv. 10:11.1845 ‘ W'l‘he man supposed to be 'l'irrell, tfijfinrderer 0! Mrs. Bickford. turns nu: n We been an escaped convict from the 1 Nb! Correction in Boston. whom the keeper had followed and arrezted in New Jersev. To Tum: wuon: occun'rlom TEND T 0 rnonucz on’AackM‘A'l-x Dunne—Thin clan n! individuals in very numerous. They are [how who wnrh In an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, workmen in {rather alnrea, "one cutlery. bake". whi‘la lend manufacturers. are all more or lan uuhjetr to dia~ i one according lo their llronglh of communion.— Tho only mothod lo preronl dilute. in the neon lionnl Inn of: medicine which nbairacil lrom the circulation nll delelerioul human. hnd expel: llmu by Ilia bowels. Tunicn in any form are injurious. a: lheyimly pill ofllho evil day Io make ilmoro halal. The um ‘of Brnndrelhln Pill: will inlure heallh. bccaule lboy tnke'nll impure mnllera out ofthe blood,nud the body in not. weakened bul llronglhoncd by their oporalion, for lhe-vvnluablo pill: do no! force, but [hey mm nature. ~und,uro not opposed. but harmonize will: her. i Sold at Dr. Brundrelb't office, 241' Brnndwn'y u 25 comm per box. V .. DIED—On 'l‘hucudny mornin'g hm, very lud denly. in Lawrence tow-nailip, Mu. NANCY, wile ofJohn Hull, Elq.—leuwng n husband and leverul children to mourn hor sudden om. Heads up for Dublin .( N E W GG 0 D S . E &W. F. IRWIN have just recei . vet! and openectat their okl stand, us laugh an assortment 3f as gnod goods, am] as cheap goods., as can be had from a ny other store in Clearfield county. 'l'heir Mock cum-ions of: DRY GQODS. Hardware. Hals, (best quality) ’Druga. Tinware. . Cotton Yam, Can eclioniz'r . ' CLéCKS. y Brushea,‘ ‘ Oils. ‘ ’ Pain/a, - _ Nails. - I ‘ flir-liglal Slaves, Ten pldlg, do. Tobacco. best quali (3/. ' GROCERIES, Shoca & Boole. Caps of every uari ety. Queensware. ’ Umbrellas. Books 6', Sfaliomr ry. ‘ . . . Glass, . _ Looking Glasses, Varnish, ' V Sleigh Bells. Cooking Stoves. Slove'pipe. Sug'ar, best quality _ do. common. ‘9l:. be public are reapcclfully requested 0 ‘call and examine lor themselves, as hey are (lclerlnin‘ed‘Jo rénder all possible salisfaction to theii’ omers. . _ . All kinds of gr in. [an n". deer skim. rags. pork. bees 'ax, nil/ow, butler, eggs, hogt’ bristles. I des; furs. or we); C/ISH, Will be taken in exchange fur nulls. ‘ " ’ 9%. 81. W. RSRWIN. ‘ Clgarfieltl. 1 )1 Nov. 1845. l Sheriff’s Sale. Y virtue of u- writ ul andittuni Ex- B putias issued out iof the court ‘of Cumnmn‘l’lgus of Clearfield county, Will be. 'Xfingcd to' pubric _sale, at the calm huge, it)“ the tbqtouglr ”Of Clenrfieid.a on Mo day. the!“ WW of Dé‘cgm‘be.‘ n'ext,’ a certain line! at land, mtut‘tte' in Jurdbnt ‘ township..olearfield couilty',”bo'l'tnded as; 'foflo'ws. viz:.—Béginning as fin‘hsh‘tre'e inithe/Jine rof land 0! Ruben. Johnston“. thence by‘ land of Edward *Cdm‘m’efor'd .nndiJi'i'n'gii'Joimstoh'. south. 50°,west 115 ‘perches to - a post. thence'by ‘line'uf la‘nd warranted to Jacob Hourd north 50°‘west 160 pcrbhgb'to'a posh: thump-3b} land of .tyhichl‘t‘his was formerly" ha‘rt'oi'tthe'fsnme surveyin‘qrthhém cost .115. patchestto. the place qthheginniug. containing 108 ncreh‘ and 78 (perches and allowance, 'the im provements belng athvellingxhéuze and . subletand aboutfzo acres of cleqredjand - _Seized p and taken in execution ’nndto i batch! is thEA'Property o! ' Donald Mc- ‘ Donald by' A. . . 3 7:».IIIELLIS-IRWIN.USh"fl. Shefiflfi Plfine.‘ “Clem - fl . field Oct, 39. 1845.; ':,!;." aH ‘. 1:1" 3""!13'1: ~H;= «my: -. ivsiLLlsr. omémmwmns.‘ ... . Drawn fizrraflccembmf'vm, .1845. '. Wjulivnmvsmith ‘. Fag-mensnezmcqxingwn _Miilinhyfipll M d 9; 58am ilflmesspencqr .4 “H. "do-“3f? 1”)!“ka 4.. Wmcmcm . «do “Jordan, ,Andgev‘p) Reign-a . . ,de 5,, . yßl‘n’M‘in ‘Wm'P'lhorp Merchagt- ”Bell 1 a '- ..SH'PPFBLFPH‘PHOH2,:ENWEI', , w Pikes- ~ Dickerson C 919,“; ,4 do. ~:. uKanhaus' John He'nny ; ~ [IQ . mPenn-J ' Gcgtgc 'l‘hp'gnvp x Carpenter» Borough _ Ch’n Emigh ' ' ,‘do Motris Michun! Heilmnn Farmer" Burnside“ Jeue Huttqn do . do‘ Elisha Fenton do Penn. Johg 1’ Dale Geo‘rge’ thhér James Gallaher Francm Caudriet Genrge Wclch jr. Abraham Hoover John Hugku-nlwn'y Samuel M Smith “’m Hepburn ' _ LIST OF TRAVIS JURORS. ' Drawn for December Tenm 1845. John ’l' lrvm Farmer Pike Mordc’i Livergood do ‘ Girard Israel Nichols do ~l‘ Huqton Robert Owens do ' Lhwrencc J H Fleming Cabinetmake‘r Piko is Sumutel Culd'w‘ell Farmer 110,, George Shofl” "do . ngnlur Wm flaming. “'a'gnnmalkcrd Penn . Nulh r. Lyo’ns do 4 Brady Thomas Kyler do Morris lsuac Rickels jr .dn ’Jon GI-urhart \. do lymc Drnucker Innkeeper Richard Curry Farmer G‘B Smith do J B Halsey Wagnnmaker Philip Amen Lumbermnn C M’Cracken ,Farmer R Montgoméry ban-yer Joseph Millwood Farmer Henry Whileuide do‘ David McGheehen do Wm Murray ' do Wm Hegurly (lo ’ Daniel Philips dd John Moore Gunsmilh Henry, Wright "Farmer George Newsen Painter John Shaw Farmer Ab’m Harlnuck do ‘Juhn Shullzc jr do Jester Hollon do. ‘ JI-hn Kitchen 'd'u Ab’m Gosajr do 1 Ed “‘illiamu do John Riderjr ' do George Helman do. Samuel Clyde Blacktmilh Philip Ktiner Farmer J G Scofield ‘ do ' J L Cullle Blacksmith Jan Wrigley Cnrpent’er Thou. Campbell Farmer: Arlhur Bell Sawyer D \V Moore Printer DflVld Michael Farmer James Gill (lo Attention National Grays; 0U are requested to meet at Y the armory oh Saturday the 29th inst. at one o'clock. A. M. precisely, in citizens dress. As business 0! importance will be laid before the company at that time. agenerul attendance at the members is requested. , "' 4 By order nf the Capt’n. ‘ ‘ G. THORN. 0. S. l Nov, ►9. ’H‘o Teachers. . HE School Directors of Lawrence T District will meet 'at :he uffice nLR.’ Wallace. Efiqu -on Saturday the 22'd'ol November. 1845. alv-l o’clock. P.~M., fur the putpoae of examining the qualificnlions uf persons who may npp’y far Schuols. ‘ ‘ WM. C. WELCH. Sec‘y. ' Nov, 8'.,45' SHERIFF’S SALE. Y virtue of a writof Venditioni Ex- B ponns, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clearfield county, and lame directed. will betexpoaed to public gale. at the court house, in Clearfield, at lo’clock, P. M. on Monday the hit day of December next. all the interest of the defendant in a tract of land situate in Co vington township" beginning at the N. E. comer of tract No. 1896 at a witchshazel, thence S. 29 ps. to a white pine, thence 'W 76 'ps. to a white oak. being the begin ning. of the lot conveyed bye- _— thence- B‘lo and two-tenth pm to a post by a whitepi‘ne. thence 179 pit. to a post. thence N’ 101 and two-tenth perched to ' white oak busih. thence E 179 pc; ,to the‘ place of “beginning. containing-106 acres 134 ps‘. and nlltnlvance.j Seizednnd taken in execution and. to be sold as the proper. ty at JacobG.‘ Lebn. byw ‘- 3. .- , ELLIS IRWfilN..‘Sh’fl-' ' ‘Shét‘tifl’fl office. :Clear- I s .' ' 7 ‘ field Nuy.3. €45. E ’. " 5 "iii". @fimmma ~ ... . . ,i ' AME‘f‘o'ghevr'eéidghcé'of‘lhe SUbSCFi'. i . 71’9“" LA‘W'r‘e'nce tn-‘s‘hms! filmed." 1,9: ;l,y nr Ag‘g'us} ‘las’t, fiat/s flbrin‘d‘lgd ,S'leqrn ,‘with‘ white ‘spbt‘d‘. éuppos'ed Lope mymrljng .last'.’o[‘ir'mg.’ "I‘He' owner is desiml‘wlo come forward, pyove properly}: pay,,chqr' gésmnd lake] il}‘"awh’i-+,olfiéfirwige, it will be disposed at 'nccdr'ci’i'rig fiolaiv, ' I ‘2‘ 341:; [TAT E- .Nag‘."B,j 1345‘ ' _LOCKSH Good -Brass"CloEke-- C neatly‘finipbedyand “Mlinmgépt cragJor me ,by .lhe "s“.ble'liberigafgi‘l'ow price? mpall‘ihdbéi'amine-37.4-‘ ' . . :', (- ~,- ~ c, KRATZER.‘ - Sfpt. 24. ‘ _ , . i , Pike Knrlhuus Burnside Covinglon Pike Fradfurd Furguum Huccaum Peep . ‘ do , Tailor Farmer (In do do du / do do . Heccuriu 'Decnlur Brad I’:qu Girard ‘ L'nwronce do Ferguson Bell Decatur Beccurin Jordon Girard » 'Beccaria Decatur Borough fleccana Borough anrencev Pike ' Decatur Beccaria Burnside Decatur Bradford Covington‘ '—Bu‘rnade "'Lawrgnce Brady Penn." Burough do Bell do Borough Chest Beccaria Sherlff’s Sale. “I; ME Y‘v’i‘rtu‘é of a Writoffv‘éiiillilikfii'Ei {B punas issue’cljrout' iglf'flfliiflcq‘fi'élfldl Common Plea": M Cléé‘rfiéulzcou‘fil‘y, t 3 mg directed. wjllupe'pxpogedvdogufiliu «ale at 'lhe ét)u‘rl"h’oilsé, in' d] (b 9 ,ol Clcnrfl'eld. on Mpndqu lhéf'l'atdtfif'jibf’bd'o ' cembar next: .1 ‘c'e'rl’uifj‘li‘é'érlf’gif‘laii(lffh't3§l' shen township; _Cleinrfield ab‘thrjg'bofi'nd; ed as followsz—Beginning at'fil Wh‘iCe'fz'éli "u.- North we‘st corner ofmict'l Nn’.‘;l92,l'.' ‘92 psi. to p cheehur. thencg'ejas; 1323.5?! tn a‘dl‘esri'd‘l_gi‘gb'rqfl‘ence nlon'g'linié 'o'fN'd. wern‘or'm m aha-“ 0 d Mm; (sak‘tzr'n‘efi: being , phr!l (-f 't'rné! No."lDQ‘Z“;'tHe”,i‘flg-’ provements being I: lrafine‘d'fi'él‘ling lmufig.’ a log‘slable and a 9aw-hiill;"yvi(h'ubodt'lo ac'res of the 'lan‘d’tlleared. ' (:m'uhl'éip‘fi BBQ Hundred and thirty-nine :i'c‘res'fipd 4113 i. Seized and taken. in‘ex'ebulmri as; the pro pcr'ty bl, Philip Brndfhfd. and tobewld by " ' "EL‘L‘IS IRWIN. Sh’fl'." Sh’fl’s office. Clear- ' ‘ ""' 1 field.‘Nov. 1, 1845, l "’ 5 ‘ 833333391398 9&1'5130 B “virtue of a. Writ'of Venditioni‘Exl-z ponas to me directgd, .issuédvouttfi the Court ofCommon Pleas uf'Cle'nrfilel _ ‘ county. will be exposéd to public sale,“ the court ‘hmue in Cteurfield town,‘,9g Monday the first day of Decetnbér ne‘xt,’ the lollowing real'estnte:-—A ceatnin tract of land situate in ‘Knrthaus‘ township, in said county, bounded by lunduof But“), than on the South west, Wm. Micbuch', lnnd oti the North, tutti by lands (if Dick; erLéun Co’le on the Eu}! ,audjSouthjéufi. taming [arty-twp, a'élres, with twofdyr'illfi ,ip‘g' houses and“ a burn} a‘nd‘nbout‘th't’t}; acces clgpretl. tale theiéttiféioffhhflMi? chngts. ‘Selizledg aud'ta'k‘en ‘in 'lex‘ééutioft", an the; pro’penty of‘JUhn ,Miéltaels’,‘ a'fid‘té’ bespld by ‘ r-‘u-t'h'. Lt. . tn”! .! ~ . -. .ELLIIS'IRVV ‘ “5‘30“ Sh'flw‘o‘mce. cm‘r'i .1 .‘.N-fih‘fiw fidld, Nov', I'. 1.8215}? w. A; .. 4) ..‘ , .‘ 3,. fining/7 s",""“"j|,fjl/?Iv J' ; I , . ' in: :lan 55 v‘l .zSTRAx—EDT' "”7" ,33‘, .'. . ROMnbe,~.:paswre¢ol'.Ju : Skimw ,ENiqlx,«gl,l.:neurocfenrflekh 1 ”i" ’ .'f“; ugwnfio.nv3he.l 2m; or delu'an.. rf- u, _va‘udun OT‘QCQuerO‘()fEdlhOL‘FEL somewhat spotledjqnbjs' c,tra!¢;ipuxi})gd;iuz :bolh hind legs. Wlmevérflill sclc'ufig‘halw _horse. and. gin; ijzllqr‘lppupn f to lhc’j‘primep 'ng C}ea;fielrnl whqrt‘Jifi‘mayl‘be,:fi;fiml,fllll_ be rewarded b‘j ,pé'j'meni Uigfiflrrénéudgwe. jcllér‘a'us' T 61 KM 'sa‘u!’ [)b'r's'e' 'lls, cjélédflpgfif-é; iS‘w'hmP" [#9101135 ..., a 1 z ..: ~ ':J .3am a (“JAMES TYLER:- . . Jay In. [‘th cm Nov) 1, 1845-pIL NEW &"flHBA—P '«GOODfi . - US'l‘ received. nml‘lorqunlc‘ by-Jhe JV subscriber, at his old" st‘nml,‘ 1: large assonm'emfof' new ulbd'seh'sonjjbll'e goods, consimifig .nf , ~ , . 4; . DRY GOORS. "HHRDW'JYRE. GkogVERIE-SC; ' QUEENSPVflRE. 300' S«- Shbes, HflTS'q-L'flPS. BONNE.TS.'L g:..['.7‘_Oß'./I‘CC.O. - j CIGflRS,-~&.c,- ~ which he is prepared arse” Im- cnsh or produce as cheap up they cad be had at a. ny other estublishmegi: in him). '- 'l'he public are rehpectfolly‘ inn call and exuminaihis' stock‘ up}; judge for themselves. ‘ ‘ V ' ‘ . RICHARD SHAW No'. 7, ’45. NGTIC‘E IS ONCE MORE'GIVEN. TllflY P. HURXTHAL has ‘réceived n F. {rash supply of goods (0 sun the present and coming seawn, an'i! promises to sell unun as favorable [er'ms' a‘s'nny es tablishment in the counly. His slack consistswof. ' ~ . . v IDLE?! (BQDGNEQQ of nearly every desc:iplinn,hlmh us clams, 'cnssimeres; Battinem, Kgntuckyl-jeans. red. yellow.nnd whileuwuollen ffldnnels. brown and .while comm flannclsz,‘si|k warp lustre alpaca. black: andnbcown a'pncfl. bl'ack. Hro‘mrand grammar-mo, checks of varidus qualitieb. ginghnh‘n. mougseliuqrdo lame, crnpe de 'aine, balzarinc.~cnshmere do cause. &c. '&c. a good assortment of (may and trimming goods; > flL‘SO ' a fine stock 'nf hale. such as ycjaslpr, buyer. brush. russia. rornm and wool. - , . . CQPG—n good subply 'of fash'i'oaéble C'OU'. ch-vct, glazed and mu. ‘ , , 1 .. Hardware, Mill sawmfmsycut nn’d' handmwj; cof- Pee mills. cow-bells. uugurs. filesrscrevn, tacks, lurks. shovels. and ‘many‘bther things in the flame line. 7" ‘i I ; ’o' 'S/xoés, Boots (94 Lent/26%;!“7” . ‘ ‘ . I. ‘ “‘1 " Much require but to be sgenfor (hqilfi rec mnmenduuon - . GROCERIES,» ~by w f‘. A general assortment. carefujly laid _in. and M u very gnod~tiufili|y. '~"‘ " U wamwamma‘ijsigg A genera! assonment, and pfl'gotqgkgqggl 'y ‘ ' mmemmmm ‘.~- ' Such as (ea seus. cups and ”saucers. plates. &c. 8:0. DRUG& A goud§upply o! éVery describflpar‘yltfl - Nova Scotia Gfind-Stonq. .9. 01 the very best grit and ‘qu'aiity'l‘i ‘ "j '_’ ’ L/Call and see for yourselves, in: the' stb’t‘k Will be sbhl rensbnable,"in “exéhkfigéflb‘r W'lzcat, Rye. 0013,‘P0rlc. Hidesfl'Fule. and especially for lhe CASH. ‘ I ‘ Clearfield. Nov. 1, 1845; énce “85‘ 123 P - to a p9?3.l;|lane‘és'i_§h 11=11 .'. ."l'b SIM ~ .