Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, November 19, 1845, Image 1

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Why. V :1
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“E f ‘ I
£233 ~ 't s! !
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v Tho‘ -inmxocm'njc7§—_M§N EEK." is ‘pubnérzad
3‘33f’:s‘§°.§’£3’2§?§s3fi3"£3§s’“-‘1 s3.;rf’i.“.'.'~.“‘f"?
wA‘dygrggoqamqnflccugg “30‘ mydu} {hlpéi‘v'f‘l 3
6.!!!" Qtéitjfig‘nb ”we 31“,!!5 ‘.
. p, il":"“' Lf'Y. —--v-4-"."'c" ‘
“ His lifq “bunk in. woe. but UIOEQ“:'U ioyfi—eßWfl
, Rewriting from inorning pray‘ersyin one
of our western colleges, (which in pretent‘
ghall he initrieleam) I called at the post
olfice té‘ihquire‘ tl any letters httd arrived
[or might the last inail. There “gap none;
l'tmhedl-‘and “mount topojss (together)
niyja‘t‘tention wins arrested. by the apdden
blaie‘ol joy whichseetned _to light tip the
momma. .0! MW": man- wlw- had
be‘ep'rer'n’arltable.‘ thronghout the session;
for; his dejected ,ontl mela'neholy. “aspect
and,‘,lo‘nély habits, .- ;.. , 3; V. or
tYot’gttnugthavc good owe them. At;
fred,”aaid I; ,I _~ ‘
' ‘Xeg, Frank. by. Jove! newshl the bee
kind.’.wae‘hia reply, ~ , , : :
‘ I am glad to are‘ you'inv; inch‘l'tnc‘ he
[nor to-duy ; ,comow walk down "10' hi”
room."_nm| 39;! spoke, I‘tooh _ hold of his
arm. _ . _ ,
"“No’.‘thank you, I must goinntl‘anatrer
thiejletter’, {or it demands minimum
reply? was his response. .- .
.. :1: Well, bu? do you suppoae i haven't)
paper atl‘d‘ink- in my room? come. nn‘c'x.
ctjtoe.’-‘y_oti shall'l gut and” as l‘ said this; 1
atar‘tcd'off. using tt little. lorce to get him
along; . . V x
.1 ‘ Well,:Frank. I Will go' and bore you
with/a long account of -my pagt'lil’c, for!
minimal yous noswered he. at the aante
time lallinglintp one ofihia gloooty_reVer.
iea—ghut suddenly brightening up. he con
tinued. fand‘l want you to rejoice with
main-my prospects [or *lutur’e happio‘e‘sa.’
\‘Vondering what he 'thennt’by this re
mark"! walked onln sllc'nrie‘iuotil \se
reached_.tlie'hotel' at which I- boarded ;
stopping inthe her long enough for me to
order some wood. we passed up to‘ my
(com. up'onf-entering whieh.he‘itntnediate
y took a seat, drew the letter fro't'ndfisbd
-59m and commenceda re-perusal of it.—
I said nothtng until the servant had bro’t
wood, laid it on. Swept the hearth and lelt
thes r’oon‘t.‘ , 1 then turtted and said.
_ f Alfred, that letter must he lrom one
0! the fair sex; else why did you lay it so
close to your heart when we started down
here? .- ' - A,
I Not trom one, but about one} was hisJ
answera, . I . v ,
it Will you write uoni’ said I. handio‘g
ltim' paper“ a
. -No, let your paper be. I will wait
until I return to my own room. And
now; Frank.’ he continued. having noticed
for some time that yuu‘have a great anxie
ty to know the cause of my being so pen-‘
air... and what-mnkea‘ mt: V’spend so much
of my timelalotte. I will tell you ; bgt’in'
‘sodoin‘g‘trill be compelled to refer to the
duel 'olfmy‘ 'y'uutlt'eé-lhose days during
ohlchl enjoyed _lhe‘ottly happiness that l
haie ever experienced! ' ,~ ' '
“ti 153 m the younger of“ two children ol
wealthy, respectable v. and influential po
r'enta.h_'My‘f._aiater is 's‘pme ,tlne'e orlour
years‘olderzthau 1. Without saying any
thing ofmy int‘aney, I will pass on to that
period ol my’life at which} entered :the
tenth year 'ol'l‘my'age. ‘ My" sister; about
that lithe; eonttncttced binding, in a small
toyfii. nearuwhicht ,tnyi litther' resided, tor‘
the‘purpose ol attendinga large female a~
ca‘derhy.‘ ivlticlr was thin ‘eonducted by‘
the'pelebrated Mrs; 'l‘lttfr'ker—gtrhile len-.
«with Sohool oft.'the oulgktrta'ol tny lath-H
'el’s l'a’rm'kitn‘daboo‘t 11. 'ltllt? (ragtime hour-e.
A cireunttttatjoeoccurred abdut thta ttme
yhielnhaa had a considerable bearing on
gmuuccecdiogpnt‘tioo «I my life; ‘a‘odl
—' mentored will relate it belorel proceed
further 132 i!“ , rpy story; The blade girl.‘
hilfly'l‘tl'gugtny \Qtéler, wayat home. aeted
depart of her tmnd, had: iohny. infancy
beenmy‘nune-rnnd (aaall ouch-general:
ly are) was in the habit ot‘lapeak‘i‘ng to me
witflfingtg [reedotnfthamepy other. seritant
eh9fillh9tP‘.§"‘t 's". a2‘ ”lit Kiln-51%.?
" Shortly” .a(ti;r 1|; ,cqmmeh’ced. going‘s‘fio.
'eehoo'l,.¢th,e daughter of onei‘vofifirL'nearettt:
‘ neighbm'fq'i'alao entered, ,fl'ltl- as Ichance
‘Yslll'ltllllfleijl W 39. pot ;lltiu.,ttly-,,-clati‘.l.~‘
» Eélenfil‘ ai'ne ‘, was thenetoe ointhiehenu-t
ti eId'TQM-frflr Ibia‘tllltllul ;altp filial-‘B. in the
”lgt‘gis.lf'd9gr99." tin ,:I 'L} 't'
~Sll‘l‘3“‘§‘s{l§l“l°w¥d Wlllt tt rich, dark
, bltlbellel complexltlnma Will“ ;Ut\:‘hu"_"‘o3‘
brilliant, sparkling, blt't’ck'eyea tltot}:-‘l¥’.fi.
was seen'félpfloaeyu r'ttv'e'n‘ hair; [and ”alarm
85‘ exqz’lm‘llz.l'ittttvttlésl who? .:uttmt Mich
the admittagiglnnw. 0" eatnrtnoissruu letter
reite’tli' _4. 0‘ .1 .' .. .::; .' .‘., ~ .. ' 2 ”.'- /.:.
L mll'ran'k—jau ahniyf lculll it“: twpfayi ltttle?" all“;
Whitby.” .plensefibutv It loved ‘Wllllftl’l'l‘vtllfl
ardortofiwhichttoy'yuunf; lt’e‘ttt't" walnuts”
bier; and-never yet-have l‘ftie'tteed‘t'dlfiive
her-it: 1...}; yrwujgug‘. -_-.g.'.'1.. {Fill no '_;‘v_,_;j-{x‘t.':'
~~.During' mytattendan‘ccriat» ‘eclt‘ooi l—‘lie‘d
often héald lhfigfillfildeillllwlt‘o -wero‘s'ttt'-{
idyiugathe ‘cljassitewdercr‘the tho'ln'aotter
ringwhicmgthc {ancients Romano sucril‘t'c'ed
previous to engaging in'batllelg'dn'ti to“!
conteijveddht uotitio' ot ollelln'ga’ sa'érich
to:.tbé:¢'tid lite aihdéc‘e them" 'lalotirdoe
in my“ Negationl‘lllen. .Aceorrllin'gly‘. "on;
the firltSaturday, I triedvérh‘yihand ’oh ‘ao
{g i;
N l ‘ v , c
4 \ ‘ ’ v
, ,y'- w «gym... -- ‘- --——‘-~' 'v-‘nki'. ~v wr .- 1. .H. ‘7 _VV . .., ', . ,A, v.l Ll." »‘. ... .‘."...M "qu- ,9 .. .M- .. ...v‘ 4. "x _' >
V“ ”9:. .‘.“: , ' .‘‘V, ‘ _ . ' Hf, -v- .- .‘'~. ' “ ‘ .1» ‘'"‘‘: ' ~ . v .
' 4'...' . 'v- 2 . ‘“x r. " , - ‘ . . -." - - . A'c '-. -a'‘.l , - . . . .
.‘.;1,-,‘_._ . ‘H. ”1::;,;..{m '73l‘ 4‘14? “‘l5:. 11‘9“” f; ”..; 3.4;.” , 13.,"v’fi'fl’ Vang ‘3! {h} - 3.. 7‘!,-‘ .f -' ”Hi w| ’ 3a,. 3 «4.7 21.)”) ”.‘.: «‘12:.1; ‘, h., .~ .1
(...‘3' 331-! .- ‘i;,,- '. m. 4‘ g, . Q :5, a ~. 3‘, .m fix ,‘..‘,‘;.,¢;;; 77 :1 2;!) u'- ,J --‘;.”." '- ’4“? ‘1" m. ,1, ..
3' - r ‘l‘ ‘" ." I " ‘II."T ,1 .znfl ~ ,(r‘if’ . A ram 3.4" In um : “1"”; i! "'ll-: x“'H L" ‘ FHI ‘ '
~ J. -.' r"‘,.' 7- ‘ . 'n' ,l "‘ ‘ ‘ i -,«‘; -.n.-.{~, .' .p ,
.-" 5 ‘r’ 9'“ ""' ‘2 {l3" '[V .'.. : ‘é: "t “ 31- W!" ' ' '3’“ Z"- Jrh’; "u: f" 1" '’lH I" 11‘4“ H ”I: 5‘ \- ' ;-- ‘l
\' ..: ~ V ~:, . L '7, .9; ' - 3 'l. ~ "'‘ ‘ , L ww; :2, d ' . .- . ‘ a
'‘:' -. ‘11}: -‘:;'- «3?. .. v. w w ‘ .‘- > x g 7 , ‘ .'az- . ‘- '. ,w~‘.- , ‘.
’l‘ 4 ' 5 'i-‘/ {,5 2' :n‘ c: -. .::. N. «s u {a a", -.r ,I'.’ -.. ,I'l3'll'l, . ;-x;.:~'-a" :31- 1'13: I>2 w>xm “M i ‘t ~v-., 2. v
.I-Iflm ‘ . ' ‘ ' ' .
~- ...‘.. .» . bI S" .‘ 1N
’ \ -A' S‘ E'. VOL! I. 0. 41'
Iv r-- ‘ ~ ~ .. ,
‘9l.d—-°9lo which had oftgn-{righléntd‘ rugby.
sowing :inlo‘my‘ chamber. during the night“
when] ways nlrnidhlq ,gctmp gmdmutheq ‘
out. Em inrlcatlmffi‘ri‘king hermilh‘nj
3 flat stoned] con'cluded that. she de‘qerv
ed the more 'diigtacejulgdeaxly of hanging; -
Takingher. out behind, the Maine; I hoimé
éd’herppnied lhe ‘ivnp’ev'go'th'e li'mb‘ bf n‘
(red-hard by; and" w'fls pr(ic频din'gtdscdr‘c'h
h'égiiim a" s‘ioir’el ‘(if cdolqz‘u‘lhich I had”
cnrfjed’i'xlon’g. l‘h‘nt'~lj'niighvt‘fhlu'vé the pun.
iu‘x‘q'(plénadrel'l‘fifnnk,!) of' hgeingh'er'kic‘k, ‘
‘Whti‘n Nancy ((He‘blngkm'jjrse,’ of’wh’qm l
spo {3 :1 Women! "Since)‘ h'fi'vipg‘ héfird .mpi
Ihu'gh."c'a'me upnh ’mc. "' ( " ‘
' “Gnu’d‘L'drdßMnriS'mflud, “rope yq'u
no gwin’g’ ki“ diat‘cat—gw "y‘ym'r hqbc‘t [lab
good‘lu'ck gin i'n‘ the World; th cm gpt
many Tues, and surg n'a ebcr you kill dat
c‘u’l. you‘hab bid luckLJ-bnd iuCk all‘y‘our
may. ‘
" "How many; ljvc's has She, Nan?’ n‘ske‘d
"" Five; Mans‘Ailud. undyou gn’tine hhb
fiec'great'misfmtunes happen toyou hire
you die'.’ ‘ ' "4' ' ‘ ' '
Wickcdzohti‘juii of misc'hiofti'sl was.“
her dinrds amide an impression on my mind}
and I‘immedihteiy' ct‘it pno‘r pose haw";
'but the ‘ vital spnrk wns extinct ;’ so therei‘
remained nothing more for me to do, sea
for as she was'ciiiicerned, but to drag‘her‘
MY to the orchard ~nnd- bury her—shall I
say, Frank, | wi'h‘the honors ul “‘1"? . ‘
The! night I dreamt nt'oid Tab, arid o
.'norriliie dream .it was. I recollect toiling
fo‘y torrents. ' whom I had "n'w'nhened flby
flicnmi‘pg.‘ that"l h:u|"dreamt the old out
Which 'I hung the morning beforejft’va's
scratchihg my eyns‘out. -I rcniii'tried in"
that school until Il'uias's‘ixteen‘. ht 'vyhioh'
timc'l left‘tor college; after having exchan.
{zed mutual vnws‘ohf constrih'cy 'with the
stoe»esed’ Elten.’_‘ ' i '
The morning on ‘which _I left home,
Nancy. the block nir'lgmust needs come
to the door as I started. nwajmnd'c'ry out,
' Noni; Mans 'All'ud, you gwine out in the
nor”, your balli‘iuck 'gwine'begin, cause
you hang ohi 'l‘ab.‘ h -' ' '
‘Oh. no. Nangy, [hope not,’ said Lins-
I'lirnveoffi _ ' " ” .‘4
‘ I: ‘reniuined in' cotlrg'e’iabout' eighteen
months; .(‘xursui‘ng the naual studies‘in‘cum
b'e'ht ‘upon it regular" freshman 'nnd 'sopho-,
mere',‘,when unexpectedtyulvwng suminon
ed home to': witness the’ consummation'of
my sister’s nuptiois.'. She was to be mar
ried to is young] Idwyer,‘ Charles.Graniii-
BO", VtvllO had lately settled in the thn'in
which she had encoded the a‘cademy. “I
embrs‘ced this Opportunity of seeing home
and" homeloiks,’ with the. greetestimu’g;
innbie pleasure. I started lu‘rtliwithlsfnd'
arrived there the day betnre the ninrriitge
was to take place. My sister met. me tit
the gate with on ‘Oh. "Alfred! Inntnlso
glad. to see you—good gracious, how you
have grown-emu". yOu will soon Awnnt to
marry,‘youreeil~—nnd if you do.‘l have
brought the very girii lor‘ynu‘.’ .
‘ \Vho’is sin-i". said I. ‘ ‘ I
' ‘ Sarah ' Hunter. She is the prettiest
girl you have ever seen ; oh! I know you
vwill love her; AHred.’ ’ .
I_‘walked‘in. nnd'utter undergoing the
usual' embrace of my mother, and the
,' weli,‘nnd how are you, my boyi" of mj
father. retired to my mum to dress.
At suppervl “jasmititrnducetl to Miss
Hunter. who.» ooingjgrgu the (not that she
Was to be bri’desmai s;?qu spending a few
days with m! sister firewoue to the wed
ding. [orflthe purposerbf making the ne
cessarylprebqrdtions. ,She was the very
onlipod’esxif I may so Speak.) of, Ellen
Ruin’eyg Q‘A tail end slenderlorm, deep
que cycg,’ n‘milk-white'flskin and golden
hair secured to her 'thelnppelJation of the
.‘ Whiteludf'.’ , ‘ ~
, liiervtnther had,,been weighty, but owiogl
tugbad management-had ,lost mostrof his
property. and was now what. some folks
call" broken:down.iquntity,? having lost
his wife. and three out‘nt tour children;
(who knows Frank hut-thatheikitled a cat
inlhie young days.) he'e‘indulgcd Sarah in
every extravagance M which his c'ircur'n
sta‘nces,_wuu|d admin: :‘D‘uiingthe e 705"?
iug. while my father wastelatihg the Cir-i
‘c-bmstancl: ufuuhlfil‘ab’s'death, [turned to
,N,nricy.. who; stood. near-me. and said; f
5. .2.‘ Wet]. Nancy. no badtluck'yctL’ "4!?
‘j_ LNeher mind.. Manet-Mind} said-she:
‘l‘ you‘ done some humennw, your-bad luclti
jgwificbeein-I .:- 'a.\ dc .L. --a t'. .9
1. f, ] isnid . nothing; {but~«wiilked"intn” the
porch.“ smog she: totiowed mc,‘ isnyin‘g.‘
.~ Your bad ck donethegin Mn‘nb'm'lftfd';
“‘cxiuselise'e eberly‘unnn‘nke qua’itnnlite Iona;
j'dnt‘Mi'ss,Sury‘ll‘unter you gt'viri‘e forgit'
{Miss’Ellcn R‘nin'eyb'i ‘Ah t‘eruT-s’ A'lfud, I
ihccd'her the morning; she asked me was
you coming home- tofidej'wwdinfish‘d den
‘hv'a'nt Ctti' ‘kn/owz it you :cber'9‘writ'el‘tq youif
line and sister.” "I‘3 y’ 33"“1‘ "‘,"
1: -‘-tHoe)“thdnderstrudk‘ ’ii’g‘vjss'rf m" in}:
4,.) i... 4‘- -'~.-. .' f‘ ‘1 '- ‘v ,3,“ ,J" 6.5.1):
spreetgi‘g anti Ytfltimgj,PQdaQ‘Q‘PWE.““939
hti'er’i'tt. Inl‘fikiiinfFistuttjien't’e 'lriifliifil ['ad but
bd'c'é‘fwgri’tti’nitu .E‘iéii- Trin‘dfsii'e'. I’vfibfng‘t‘i,
'W'éti‘ld‘qeyei‘rffdigilfpf‘tr'i'g wing; gt‘holtii’.
bought; Way'rh‘istaum: ”When 1‘ 9511‘“
ttie' “stranding éh'eftnéréljv‘fi semi; "t ,3!“
.v -..-,«-J ,-g. wt: 'V-d at i ‘ r t
FIFE‘WIIPP?” IN3? hint! $531 ‘9! thither.
unul‘um _hé‘ comm: 9%} ‘*. ct. mew
tvri‘te'rwtig‘d;eternal-gar évjve'wemy
lettet‘s';'nt'i'di‘thnt'shé hf ; g‘ scahiez'sho;
thniig‘iit'dtl‘ iiii'firdtie'nlt_’.iri"‘p outifi‘ly‘dy‘to’
ctsx'raspbndi‘wubf‘ “‘s‘ igen'ttéiiiiiiir fittétfog‘,‘
th-L‘rne’; find We". ‘c'qitei‘étt‘ii‘ifltqf gpagnjyg
engagement toi'rtia'r'ry‘iii‘ s‘ob‘ri as 'lie‘l‘t‘ hit:
’s' . .
""‘.‘ ‘ 'l s .
lege ;! hut shewcould not be induced toconJ
sentieeorrespond wrth m’e. ‘. ‘l
v. When It returned home 'I was rmmedit
etelyt;.attacked byj-Miss Hunter andmhfi
sister. rtvith having forsak‘en ”theme-to calll
upon the rustie‘tairone. Misszelly Rai-f
my. and I was tool-enough to- be' asham
ed.‘of it ; so muchso thatat nightpwh'en
the companyasaembled I avoidedher and
attached myselt almest exclusively'teSa
.rah llunter, for fear of a repetition of the
morntngscene.‘ "-. v w a t.
laaw my sister» married. .and felt'thal
mbeing-nfiited to Mr. Grandisonmhehnd
begureddo ‘erselta-mantn every wavaor
lhyol her. and tome a warm friend-and
brothen ‘Thus far I was happy;but when
I retired for the night and reflected how I»
hldzneglected Ellen, my conceience smote.
me, and;:then did I -leel-that 'one’ot the
mlsfortunes foretold by Nancy-had come
upnnme whenl became acquainted with
Sarah Hunteru rßut her-blandand capti-
Voting manners soon banished .all such”
thoughts lrom my mind ; and when l was
about returning to college. she. was: from
being as scrupulous as Ellen. came lor!
wurd and requested men to correspond
with lierw—sayiugy‘. that nothing would al
lord. her-aomuch pleasure” the reception
ol 0 letter- from .thebrother of her dear
friend Mrs} Grandienn.s .' n .
[resumed my studiea under a great de
pression ol spirits, but itwwas snun .worn
oflthy the letters ol my- sister. in which
she spoke in the most rapturous terms of
her liappiuesstoll of which she attributed
to the kindness ol her husband, and the
company ol her lriend Sarahy who spent
the most of her time with her. ' Corres
ponding regularlyrwith Sarah,. 1 was con.
stamly thinking of-her.‘ and finally. per
suaded .by her warm expressions of friend
shlp; and the earnest solicitations of my
sister, whose anxiety to ‘ see her brother
well‘ marrieddnduced her to urgdlt‘the
claims of Miss Hunter upon me’-I tins} l
ly broached the subjectuin one - of my let
ters to Sarah, to which I received an im
mediate rest'l nae, with the warmest assu
' rances of reciprocated love and an accep-'
tance of my addresses. The consequence
ol which was a letter- lroin‘me to? my lath
er; requesting leave totobtain a dismipsal
from college lnrthwith and return -home ;
for you know. Frank. that'whenever a man
feels th‘athe is doing wrong. he is always
in a moist prodigious hurry'to get through
With‘it. He was violently opposed to it,
and after persuading. and finding that it
did no good, finally commanded me to re-‘
main wherel was until I had finished my
course. In twodaya alter the reception
at that letter. I’ received one from Mr.
‘Grandison, my brother-inulaw. requiring
my presence ‘at home immediately to see
my lather die. as he had been thrown from
his horse and so badly wounded that there
Were no hopes entertainedol his recovery.
I arrived just, in time to receive his last
breath. and witness the heart-breaking an
guish oi .nyimoth‘er and sister. Alter his
burlal, my mother was very anxious that I
should leave collegeand live with her'.‘ I
accordingly"returued, obtained a dittmis‘
gal, and departed ‘wrth all my books and‘
clothing. Beingmow in the nineteenth
year of my age‘l c.3nilmenced étudying
law with-Mr. Grandi‘so'n. and attending a
Lyceum which theyoung men ofth‘e‘tewn
in which he lived hadvylot'm'ed. Recollect
Frank, that at this time I was engaged to
both Ellen Rainey and Sarah Hunter. > .
. Returning home the morning alter one
of our" debates, I tell in with Ellen Rai
l ney phasing fronra neighbour's house to
her lath‘er'a.’ She" had \heard of my en
gagement to Sarah Hunter, and eonse
‘quently there Was a mutual embarrals
ment “ill?" we met.‘ ’ . ,
~ fMiB ’,.1511cn,’ said I.‘ fiend ..'”7 con
‘cciehsé%oteme tyhea Lea led herMis‘s,
Ifor Ehad always called her Elly.) {do
you rgebll'ect‘a convetsalioyn ,which‘passed
between ”us the morning ol'the day on
:which‘myris‘ter was married?) . v.
2 ."l‘léé' W.“ fierrev‘r-f -. . ,-
' ffthen this. erotica. ‘thaue—Jcnena'ed
ourselfrea to he 'm'arri'edfi " .', . .
" “gating ’to game ‘- gird-.‘h‘rnstances, tit
virhi‘ch Lpreitume you are _'aware,l think it
plroper.’lori.that‘ engagement to be broken
and fo'rg‘o‘tlen'b’y both of as," wati my reg"
join_tl'er;'.;_~',v-|l'"3 ..‘y‘ . ',,_
i I“)! it“ ii your desire. t-Alfred.
Icértainwht ruffe‘ttetter'mild welt-z
t" Frank Ilotr‘edi‘hq'r at that moment he,
3%the'n any‘liul'm'an being in existence
bt illlml, (killed a ~Jcat.- and myl'ldealing
ibirsfiai'ed,’ Aqd ‘thts'bfrealting‘ attitlt lEllen
I"c“all'lh'e third .“great I misfortune that afias‘
ihlia'p'pen te'mcifaaforetoltl, by Nancy".
"filter my father had 'heen,_ dead about
trimaran-g- l, lyiiisrnarrlifed to‘Sttgah" floater.
béi‘si’rt‘snt.ttl%i't3ihi=’i ’i'biiat tnifiét'etnxrariset
‘ ‘egz _' .Sh‘eya fat 'ht‘eem'; at the'ivetldi'nrr
fig“ ,‘ IW.“ Pg‘g-‘,,‘l v .-'t‘. hftu. ..u- D
.ne—‘vtEllvhzzette ammo nattttenutass
uen .terconatelutete our. and. 1‘ weld. Fee;
l per: tins 'qaiy’tér'_'as She tactic; 33M, alienate,
rattled'finggviatma its; fall. thenhppnl'n'gs's
ttnisteprltl.qeliltlitlfipttly’ auditing tyrant;
vbfitlLlétt‘i'tt-‘tir‘atn at rise-061 WWW?
WS‘J‘V-‘fihihl'iFY'T 9-3 "117' 'u'n-rr , ~ 'M
t ' We"altismtfilff‘dtuemltoanutaeulflnh
, intir'titilil,i§s.lf‘gl,,en;'e;e.;_3;
, ‘2 fly] ayc b‘él-‘ahe; :‘thttildfllhotdlth tha'd“; hie, il
.ljtltul .itsltcd,_h}er.', tamer, .2 I].}, - 1‘ t
a Vul‘tl’ee'tftclt tie-Fatt-‘JI knoetydarlp’ted;
‘ her-.'amtaltetorétl'iterrain: are .lfiirst at":
a yet: dop't‘l k‘uow totr'ate‘ioo'ke when r-
wé'ng'ov'er dar’ Ib-E‘arrj“ilxér ticket,‘ to dei‘
party?" . " *' ji:
l' 'After the company had ’disp‘c’rscdiamli
'We“'all had "rélired 'l‘o'r thd nigflt. who;
should (113mb us but Nancy; ‘hOk'lng'her‘
heaadn‘lho door In know "if we “’QDMII‘
Innythingx’. We djd'not, bunqarcely had
she ‘go'n'o'. whed'rwd? héa'rd a .cat" in‘l'he
room. 4._:l_:alwaya believedAhaQ the nrgro
["llthth in. when she camvo fie. door.
\I got}, up and kicked it out", T‘w. ‘next
mornmg‘ the mat thing- Naucyraaidmvhen
[went-down was—. ,1 ”:5; ~ ‘. ‘ ‘
. H' We”. Many Alljutlh'rl‘tom you ohm“
you hanged old, Tab you. was .gwmohayan
five great misfortunes. happen .xo yougfone
you die. You done hab four, bunhe next
one gwme be do .gxgatcstbf all, cause ,lis
do, laat ;you soc.‘ aha conlinucd,. 1 whenc
you make quaintancewid Miss Sary, I.
{call dal ovne‘,‘,den, whcngmaster die. dai
two. den when you break “lid Miss Ellen,
dntlhree.’ _., ‘ .'. . .
{Howfdo‘ you know I broke wiih El:
Vlcu?’ Bflid'lj... . . i' ‘
EWhy you‘see When] wentuycrfiarto‘
Carry, her tickeg, ,Iriwnrn. her ,nmther ax
‘lmr,.whqn fihe seed you, andfl'sbe any. two
I “looks ago las Sataday. as you come from
own. denll knowcd you done; habva (alk
ngf—bul [say marryin'Misa Sary make
>ur lroubles. and there be one more N
coute.__ v..
' Xuncy.’ Weaid I. ‘ you” are never‘ to
mention that cut tome ugain.’ . ,Z. ,
‘ Five, monthu passed away after my “flit?“
tiage without‘anything taking place more
than the hint that 1. us well 0': my sister;
and mother. touhd out that in marrying
Sarah Hunter, [had indeed brought upon
rnyscll o grievrrua' misfortune.’ ;. ,
Some _muntha preVioua to my niarriag’e,,
Sarah had been addressed by u very wild,;
dissipated young man, whose .namewag
l‘lcnryHCaelton. who aftet._u_ur marriage
began to payyery phrticulormttenltinnhto
her; so much sorthat‘l remonatrated with
Sarah against the encouragemenlbhe gave
him. but ahe" only unsweoedme, with a
contemptuous smile that it til wishedto
' retaliate I could do so by; paying my de
voirs to my old flame Mist! Ellen Ruiney.’l
Stung to. the heart I lelther, and'tellling
my sister [atlt'rhuse house we then were]
that l-Iwould be hack the next daytnhin
‘ner, mounted myhorée and rode, iaptdly
out to my mother’s. Upon entering the
huurc, thecot which wals‘ in thu‘hahit ol
dying before the up’ and commen
ced‘Yubbidg her head against my foot.—
Angry'with everybody and every thing,l
l lucked her out. wherot-ahe was received
by Nancy With this consolatton, ‘ Neber
mind. pun. you mua forgive Mans Ali‘ud
now, he is in trouble !’ ‘
The'next morning when 1 was about. to
return to the town, I saw my sister and
her husband riding up the lawn which
lends'irnm the main road up to my mothl
er’s house. Frank Bledsoel imagine my
feelings when l was told that toy wrlc had
elnped the night before with Henry Corlg‘
ton. Itltrew mysell on the ground curs
ing in bitterness oi heartthe day on which
1 beba'me acquainted‘bwithl Sarah Hunter.
and invoking on theirxheada' the v'engelul
thunder of the God of justice“ While in.
this paroxysm of anguish and] ,tleSpair,
Nancy passed and exclaimed, !,Oh! Mans
Alfud lam so sorry Miss Sary‘would run
oft cause she is your wile and will disgraqe
you—but I do reckon you will neher 'kill
, unlotler cat.’ Mr. _Grandison angrily or
dered her away, and triéd to comfort me.
Here my friend ceased fir some mo
ments and covered lli‘é'luce with his hands;
Upon recovering himsell he regumcd, i
l itn‘mgtliately. drew up n-petition gar. q
divorcepnd sent it to the legislthßEWh? f
_wns then in ségnion; but belore a. blllgr Inf:
lingqny' petition could beipngscd,'tllfé nevys
came that Sarah andp‘letonllail:quarrel
leaf—that she hq'd ‘secr'clly assassinated
lxlm, gull then gommitt'ed‘ sqighlde by swal:
lowlngmreeitic. .Ilqr father iedl'mn lew
heekspf gib'ka'en‘ 11.93“, {Carltpfi had, no
friends. in thexata'le‘.‘ ‘ and .90 hndu’nb’bne to
muumhjs tgnglifand untimely end,” '
: _'l‘liree ‘l‘n'on‘tlls afte‘rWa'nPl heard that
thcjesgi‘on at this place was ghout‘tofcum.
nie‘nc‘efavnt’l came; here'. more'tgv'WearJfl'
the‘impresgion‘qf that 'unl'brtqtmte occur”:-
regcethnn. to reap, dny aglvantagc by uti
tcnding the f ¢ollege. , ' And¥ n 63“ Fri‘ahfi.
you ,kfnow ' thqflcnu‘ag oimy deiectqi/lvipg
pgarangepa‘ndilongly habug _Aéippev I‘ltav'c
been’Nher‘c. ' if} ‘3‘“, .
; t'l'yigo; Weeks ago I wrote to, myfagstcr
that}, wan‘led [her-"Io”, q’ée 'Eil’é‘j‘xfi R‘éilieyg
And“ fin. ,"_so'mé, mnmfierflo: asc’g'rlnin fl" it
wo‘hld-bewidrth my ‘flylljlfitq qtltli'esj‘lggr.
‘ 'I hinga'ul, llé, taking tltqiletter'jy'mn hjs
bbsonb.,rria hetrgan'sw‘eman «whichsbe in:
Wis. as? that afielh‘ae' ée‘en. Edwin; 311 M, he;
Nevis? 1!é will maréy me.’ ' And "9."!
ltslennomhs New.‘nightinn‘whicltthi; let».
tér‘ «tap. writwifi, ‘vi‘as‘f twussslg 3:! 3-}.ng
barkipgla't‘l ..y dqétigii wénteatantllwnd
that “a b,%\ln-t‘99;i“¢in,t 1;, it’ll“? alt'er.§"'~¥V‘-'
96.1.tg0k, I%,”an mt? mymmlsemflwa
, themiwijil;morfifia‘ns96,9l9! Wm! M
1 out; an, em} PsTstexa...‘m=wmhqamz
; fi'shfnvmmfiwi “39¢ “1) WW. s.o.mtd'tznm
i nogtqlmxu-esatwe: batzteafillm. mall-.::;
6.90.51. JP nIDKjSaQK. ,;;i - what 71mg? 7.}: «Hum
s “Aftqéqmtmnafilmmaamk xvnzzllrrqtt
9? WW {l'f -a.wm*lltlwt9ha Bjx'fillfiémfi
‘ ta, 9993.0 .ll°?§'}?lbl hsqsmvmumr
t x 1433*:fittestveysl. m 95 YPMWRM,
my room, he c‘anlp almolute f‘funfiingln
.. w .
.‘2 I,"
i O I
at!" arnfiping'myyihadd ‘ahook'j't‘var‘y hflfih
cramming.- ‘. Rvjoiée -'wlm ‘m’e?'Frnu'R;"l
have a lelter' tramhgndnmum my} gm;
wiH‘m‘u‘r‘ry m‘g'.‘tn‘dfl whfit'ybafiww ilfid
wait 'up'on: mc’. " "In lhfeb’fidfi ‘Ytfi‘tfih‘s’i
be rc’mly.’ v"? " L«“'7 ml! . :‘fumrw
“ I'we'nt nhdffigw‘vlb’gfim mp‘rlf'icdfrfol’to‘ulgl
l’trell'llin~ Midi 'l'i'ski'ng ‘ifi'y'éfili’d’igthe‘flél’t'afid ‘
‘uptm “'lhc' flunrcil il' Were phsfilbléj tliuf’lll'é'fi‘é *-
ever lived a girl who qonlgllluvéh'élfififii
1 lel‘r'cd'lo lhél’béadliful,‘ ahgvlic‘x if‘n‘al‘ "1V
belore‘me.- ' ""‘l’ 54'?“ .-
‘ =. ll'hh‘i hnw' bo'l’fl'lfiu‘ 0?le lllpllllh‘lz,}mit%
.1 enu’jmy hicnd 'in.ucd,“lofihc_gl‘rfl’fdfhlh 1
m-‘urt; durin’g'\vlii‘cjll"’tim‘¢ llmg'vgifl'ibglgz‘l 1
{him him lrequbnllyflflp,‘ lhstjlelt‘él'f‘. ‘ ‘-
c'élved came to‘linh'd “like‘nfti'ry'lyill‘lfigl "iv “3:?!
l bog leave to him!“ in’,¢lificlu§l6h.’;’? ",1
w ‘ De‘ar‘lc‘mnk.‘ ‘[ nm‘ Still‘hsThh’pgi’bfi
1 mortal‘man can be. ‘lfyogdo‘tib't _b' 116 l: .
mc,'comc nhd séc‘ ldr :Vdufsiclll’: My “19-
(hcr lhinks'llmt'Ellcn: ii.“ :i'n’ dtlfiél’ffi'nml‘
uh) surd'bhé is half r'i‘gh't;l 'A‘ll‘fiarliégiln'fi
n'oui'lmn'p'y, and Pam Suln'n'iflod‘q’fdil "‘u'
to partake ul it: llml if y‘ou‘Willl‘Qbrix‘l‘i. {l
spend _s‘u'ur‘ ijncaliu‘fi' withing,“ 3761]“.1‘a1'l
have-2i lingo party gi‘Ven‘yii'uAnt‘M‘rlerfifi?
maojn’s. Ellen jdinme' m’m‘e' mimosa;
My féspecls lo all'fi'éq'fininlnhEekfah‘d‘Héz
licvc mc-a's 'éver yqur n‘déWtiéfill’.“ 4335”"
'_l - 1‘ ; .1 .‘- ,1, .’.n, "A.Cq'lfxi%fis§lm‘
« P. s. If I‘ am ‘erc‘r bx‘e‘sseawn ll $313.
you may rést'na‘m'rell llmljlh'e "fir‘hf" lfii‘r‘f
1' will ' itnprcsb'P'upfih"lllé'y'éu'llilul {Milk}:
win he" . -‘-1 r- my“) - '-; 113'.11‘.'."‘“
' THAT mg‘mx‘sf‘fk‘nfimn 'i;ir‘.i.”l "éifi’m
. 1 I,; “Ami“ Im.) an! llfi”
Atlantic &"l’:i‘ciii¢‘l§ail MW ‘
lmi‘m‘u 'vr’tq’ni ’Mfl.‘::\Vill“l‘Nn\’.U—’ In?
Pttilntlelmllfl'Ledaér‘ has 'recclir‘éll'ill‘e‘llt: . -
towing mm; from Ml.‘ Mtgmy.;lm-s’.»t‘;l
proprietor ofv&.l‘Z;Attantiel&’,l’aqifiéLß_¥ti :
Road. 1“" l-FV-n's:,: w" .::...(K H] :1.."i. .:th »,
" ‘S'i'fiLoUm'SL-pll 9.o;‘lBhfifi‘n .
To the Editors ofthe Ledger. Birdiffim.
GERfr.r~‘.ittE’N :-‘-‘—'\’Vé ar'tj'ttiéd ’h r 3135;
evening in"tftc 'sleariihoat'Jblfilmg‘ lé’nfi“
from Ft‘. Lcnl‘entrdrth.'havin§’b§3t‘i 2.5 m; "
mighty rin't' 81‘ dltyéi'and nttvlgntirlg’l‘dml
{mice—7so in tt'log canoe. 'thc‘b.."tlttrt‘l:‘él i‘t‘l ,
stenthbo‘ajts.” We are ell’tvellé "" ”,3” '
‘ My l‘nst' letters were ’d'é’t‘dd‘n‘t 'l’t‘q’l’pfii‘c;
Du Chitin nbot’ll‘thé‘ lht' of: Utilj. m‘h’hiqt
l'expedted ‘n guide‘fto‘ ' lltg‘hfiivésilttfiyfiqg‘
disappointed; nn‘d ngalnfl Fortjfitt'ifian‘,‘ “ _
50 miles'weet (if-‘the mum-sappy: 'fi’ofi‘flaf
cotunctwnm attd Majpmeurbm.‘ zl‘h' - - v
the 'lndian ‘Jl'gent did 'ftill ’itt"tltéit"p‘sl§‘ll”f‘u_
aid me. 1 am'undc’t“ mdch‘vhhlifialitrft‘xtfi
their kinanesr-andé cit-ilities‘zf tirtt'tx’fiiqg
‘ttlctlfwithtluljh fihidefléhnd b’tit"9fiés\’tihp\“¥
'mg man;"ou'r’riumber Vétnhll‘.’ (bdt’éctfiéfii’tf ’
all.) Helt a hba'vywriesnbtt‘s‘tpililty‘ihd'dq .
small reluctan‘cé'to leadingjthe young fififl- ,
tlcm'enavith‘nleinta probablctlangerttqll'd?‘ ' V
c'crt'nin hattlslflfiS‘SL fatiguos. an' uhlrrlulvfh”,
wilderness before us.’ ’and‘probab'lf’t‘r 11085;
tile savage foe to watch our‘ eyeliner);
hut/the young men; to 'a mahvsaidffifi
tan—4m: will follow you-‘l-Sic 'chnrth‘t flirt!"
baélt.’ and ' th'ey‘havc fullj'hndhta'h'fiillf ‘
redeemed their pledge,- hayin'g'g‘tilie'fli’rb'
many hardships. much fatighe‘.’ h'm‘d‘l'nb’cl'rlf ‘ -
'hungcr‘ arl'd thirst. I 'c'tinno't spy thbfifi’cfi“
iror them; h‘or cm too ’m‘tloh :‘pfjti‘se'l'i's‘lh'f'
iwarded for’ théir'labor arid"condu’ct‘.“"~Ull4"
lusedvtn atly labor, I fe'nre'd'lt'ivtiill'tl’gh:
{‘hnrd with'th‘cm. buttltey-ncver'flinplletfl; 1
filmy were‘ ready to wade' thrdhgli’rtitlllgd .
Enter and grabs-to their h'eeké; ’tvjttlg'iill‘t" T;'
‘Prtlvisions‘ulmh theirhendfl-‘t‘o Mitt é??? -
era—to tell t‘t‘eci‘fo'r bridge's‘Aln‘d’tilli'f'lélt‘é'tn
qut'vgues necessary fut-"the ’ac’domhlislfi’ EM"
bl our ohiéct. ' I am ‘thus p'arti'culhri'h‘é"?
Tcause I feel it 'due to them.&‘lllei‘r"lr?ér‘l,d§'.‘ -.
“Belora'leaving Prmrie 120' When, l‘h‘x‘éfl“
l'ppon aroute [.'gould'llilterjo pa’és‘t‘d’th'é‘ '
‘ Minouri. "and with‘comfihs‘s'in‘huhd.f’t‘n'idé‘
ht within fiVe‘mlle‘s of the pl‘acé‘stdrltjd 'l‘él-Y
By Burt’s Map of‘Wiscons'ln‘fl'e’m’btl‘a'é'm'g" ,
lawn, &c.. (which [found more'ébl'r'ébfi
than any I have seen.), we 'erossedu‘tho ""
Turkey than at Fort Atkinsonfi-Norzh': ,
lat.—-Ileg..lfitm'tnwi-thencczzwd crossed‘ 7
the difi'erent branches of tho-Wabisifiinicm
‘and-the Cedaro intuhuut the aaméfllotitddé;
to Clear lake. in-vWestllnngiw deg. 251 ..
min'. thence\Northwe‘sterlyuntil we camel “
to it thranchnf. the St.‘- tl’eterluwltinnin‘st '
Northens‘terly. Iwillh‘crezremnrlk that'w v V
dudnot find the Cedur’a on StuhP-ete‘r’dt
branch tu:oorresp.ond with» Bdgrzsrbr.gnyl
‘mapl have seen;'..’.l‘henc¢iduél Realm“ -‘
the pea MOiHCSt-in- Int. 35;- degw-‘A‘I ullnfi.‘
and west long. 95. deg. whiohlstm'u’mwwe
crossed by felling . trees Jon-aim bridgefiml ,
Thence due . west to - a .- numheh ofi‘ramalll
beautiful lakes lorming‘thé he'ad-watenfhf’
um littleSloumnd em ptyingddto thbiMi'sH »-
bgnripthencu ucrds's Floyd’s rive‘ntth‘encel
‘due, west across the btnnchesfiflfhéfUalu-lr
tngti thencetto the:Whitestone ot'Nertt‘til'v‘
‘liupytltance to'Jacquew anglttheryati t 6 th‘e‘
tgrcahthe grand Miiaouriplfimli‘ ’etxbcldW‘
the‘greem bend”making:azsldl'stuhcef‘lrbtt‘fit
lite , Mllslksippi.vol'.:ovcn'fibOwM'flchmVflr‘ ,
meyfinefitk‘daul:trympdn thesgloheif'cubutild' .
bysustniuiqgthmc lintesflh’emapulation’léf’ ‘
lhwamc spacefltin any-emu. :vpnt'taéf'th‘p?
)awflrirere; except in‘ tltd-micinityltiflth/Al
1 . übisipinlms and them ottlytammnllz‘tllw
tatl'qwumlt; undoubtedlgwt’ne hwé‘vl‘lllqtfl‘l'ly“
' osmtt'y. insllle'wmlduul’ll .’l’ffiihfflli‘ 5411‘”)
3mg :he’fititlaueuaettidlyhxfidlingt tum“ and
USE-LCNBL'I a]waysmhnw‘evnr.gnarllrlmlfié'
yyvglnn. tlt’rntmltezwtgt’er ut'faqthlMlWM?
IJiQijbj '6ch dgtwtli :t which .6huit9nbllélltm
‘ Malamute-t nl'ntheqneauhhe’a fiend?”
‘Kml titers: abut:hatrgl-[omiedmbafishlwy
mi bedsszthe coust‘uipt washpl the‘yast}
-' 5‘ 3511”".7311 hm:-
1,1”. m fiti‘h't‘l 3.“ 1‘2“"
2" 31"?! H: rams?)
Va 5. _
Q'vun' 3’0“...
r” .. ,
. ,