LAW.” “‘4 "a. ‘ ~\' -‘\:V'r v ‘ « 01133123 V E 72 0F AIBOIY.“ iglish Hangman. m called: out nf (min ‘ho'lh'ald been ”édrtrict- Vigc'l'WfO‘r'élhoug‘hL-v- I _. t t «a been in the habit ‘fimfl’igqucmhh" - Tort thousand ‘c’ovpre‘rb lejii the poor‘young creature's :with nfihat’ mu tho' youngest’zfailow. “-‘biéflffir’evtr handled in. the (way '6! our " iii-1‘23 I’hiid'a'cbgaintiftti child he was too. may.“ ‘lé ‘s‘een 13y tire. 'pg'p‘egg‘. fish. 9 "MM“ 23:9,". (amp Iblue 5353 i lahdvgdldan i" raft} Thi’tvohri hurt. no feeling-1 '3“? ho {thgfélfii'tclllingl {But ‘lhorefiwho crime =s*‘dé'r‘cr're'itran‘gle. thht= tender ‘ymt'ttgller._ mm; reris.~*add Ireennga' at we'un'c'o had. "'ifb'éé‘f-I-nnA—htt‘tlz for WM“ they 'iaiv ‘wal "‘pf‘tgfle‘thgm'ag hard as your Servant -' oter. ' '-; vi a J I nwz'vthat..otripling lifted fuiutihg.‘ le-galhiwi this-Imam itheeit' the «if 'tydnd lthFhii littio limb )‘gi‘iih‘tl‘hié brinornh 'hraving sigh af ig’il'if,ih§'hdtlylnnd'liggi “ere pan. jotjt'rjiiyjuelp. , I 3? , . . \i‘u downright murder ; ,for tlmc nrcelyrany life totak’e oui’of hint-- Iheg‘ih'lo' ‘pulll‘the cla'p me'r'hj- ha ...h'qpieuedjiia hands together. (hilt) lib‘zjltOWfflerle'cordad'ffli tq'hi [,An‘d‘hg'g‘ué‘ ind“‘é_ bérecching look, "a calfmil lick a butcher's. hand.—l— ilttyiel’ded‘nlOltr'hp‘eitk ; thin creature mitt-- s;!l’lr'tty.-uir'.7don’i hurtJhe.’ " My BnSWPTCdIL- ‘ you 'uhould have spo 'r‘r;')"riii3§lei'”; I'm oniy the journey nd inust‘db‘a’a I 3th bid.’ ' , a made him cry. winch seamedto tee. in?" and Ida-think} ihould'hnve' mispifjf :I: him not heard‘shouto from uwdé'v poor lamb! qshame, murder!’ k,’ raid the Shexifl'. fi ‘ Ready.’ said Ihgfieutend gentieman gave me the tho‘drOp fella-Lone kick—and he 4;}; dl't'p'qui frpl.l'deiad‘ 'al thé‘fe‘eh'r't’ga 0f .‘.-.33. hiiptianypo'oplé’of Englind'.° . . V “,4 afcroud '§|‘l[;9rq\ed',. name "mailing g’; autpnate pxplamattonl..rome cum "-75.41 iiheu‘had broke .loore :‘nnd some 1"“? ng. .‘.flhiifl they cracked joke. Oh‘ you ‘IMJ {Kand'thp'dangltug corpse. I They 'Xerqome for the right .'lhay would'c'ome ' 9‘; an-angei-rnmdered. "'l‘hey-had‘como I‘lfi'd'; Qttiqkfwithfoirbngfexgithment; they I"? but: regljng ‘and fitlthy mththo h'et "“7 h.“ The)! hadficome toVriot in the it"; I'll of fair a'n'ld pity : théy went back: " '5. tn'fa‘feVér'of rag‘q‘. «my burning Mth vhf“ bht'é‘h'a'fllé‘riéil rm 11m; ‘ like mu. 1T I’hu’nlltl down in their own rerpept.‘ “With make light o'fpain‘and blood.‘cdr-‘ 'Sflfelhy th‘e’indecent show-,‘liind moui'fit IH§3l§Hér"to make‘work tor us—thejud'g'a "9'- h'g hart'tgtmztt.L ‘ ' §h2?gfieimfi rhakern! who think to 'sqf 'lemp, "I'hearllol'the people—to nialte them~ F“ It“ and g'o‘p’d-ato gm them a laaltng oft :f’fi‘fm 'h‘h‘oi‘luhmd others, by'uhow-l .'.'tn fui t‘ie‘tis. ' "“ has)? ' ” ———- ‘ ~ - "'39 £lig SeirfionS.—'A sermon shou'lri n'e- Wliglc'épt’uddér‘ peculiar circtt'msuncen. W 9 ‘ ‘lth'u‘ty riiimilei In the deiirory.— Wyfifluhger than" this. 'it begets a we‘nri- W! i cry unfaiii‘rubletolthe' spiritual at] K ‘ trie’n’t’i‘pl‘the henger’.‘ ltha‘a been-arid . emds'thdhles'rtevér Ilpolre more than “,"" hqur inhi3_ nobieit efiorta. his " I'l' .' hublful whether he ‘would have pro ty, '3O great rerulto.-had he doublchhil m ‘. .* ‘Wordineu tls ‘nvfaultpf mlodcrn‘ ed fil'lchér'e i's {deiicddy in speaking to at ‘ ioteé’dlf" the ‘G‘o'qul ' .oh‘th'is 'Subjcct; éii’ I I ‘lésr’hirown discrimination puirtta pm him the jtllt limit: _he'm'ay uri'cpm nut iy‘ Br‘co‘me' painfully;p’rolix.'—-'Phrla. tom. :_ flm‘en’gim‘.‘ I‘V’l" ' “ _ «; ’ahthEl‘rer'rguks w'oiiid apply with {math _lrihg‘prayéifg‘. " ' . ' ‘ {s4 196-5" ..“d‘zjx. _Uri.’ ‘ ”r 3: ' gr” ~n-s .. ‘ ‘ I ... I' .‘ ... "‘4 . *1 .3}; It y‘l b M ‘6’ Mr“ , . , 75 1):??? W ?3;;1-."&1‘~\ .1‘ Kid ~ .2, is; )ow p- at»: ru‘n; 24' . {a} ~«, vui'w W: w; 'l' H , grp‘fiqqu-TA c‘qrrgupgpdent" 0x ds’lyémku! Maniwri ‘(Tufifl‘ooflJ 33 y ’viai't'ed Waghin'gloni my, ob 0. up; .uydily pnh'e Indiumgirl; in‘ o’ujrppp', (Qpreygp‘tiyg' lhg ‘lndipg manl :{;Hlfl-“";'I~ z“: : temipdg‘fifiinflfihé State Journal 93‘) olA‘gn old 'n‘md‘, yibo. “161'. 1'8!" p'zfihcquéx't om: {plian‘tdtqséuo’ o!!9W€J9lh {béfité'ckyf'thelué y a firgfiidgn’o wh m'ufi'e .wa rdlmarkibd, ind along); a lorlun; .000. um!!! 6.53:)?!” Mina!!!” 9 vulvrmzezmw stein: :heiséss; her; , awn. rrunshgz-hodin‘h" m; swmm Mummy” '3!) git: van; a. pin," ',\ «(i-ume}: a: with“; pom-m an: ~;n,ight,.gnwn';£,.. Meaty; :4: my. 1.1 (minor?! whim, MflAhe‘ rang mu)" th,.|ll¢.ll lopk lomd. mm a9ol2eraka-unitiiulgamm:9l; mmmy ' Seg‘mg her plaudin‘; beé mg; as flarge‘u Llih.‘ gngiflftgcaf ma m‘h of)I an?! i” I Inn“? :‘ WWI ; ‘ ”$539319 ‘ ambit? Mr. Eu ,‘. “.Iva 1 1] 12105395.“ ‘ (“"931 figfiiifi;,.l.'i‘h 1"“ ”,1; ‘.V: "1"?” ‘l. 5' ' I" :‘fimfi'hsy ' Wnlie‘bfié-li .Il'a'm u'depiimod h: * hringil hv-Mn‘ ' millml-fififl it !=‘; lhingn'blhvmhyl \rc fdund um; g ~hnrm- all"!!! ‘ (a oruumLun ! . :Q wt . mm! 0. v‘: .' . .'z‘M'fihféE‘lfiem; . "a; mum q our feet. 4‘ lii-o lhe'm! ' ' " “.'99'!" an ' .' . \L‘lfrefl halh bound 9;“; 1..!!192-pnuh hat natiglhlf ‘n'di‘ard‘lihd'm. -' - ;' ‘ ir‘lifiwlbf, new}. " lgq i§"qhokdli. f rquiofwhulflviH. V'. flak‘én: ’; '. ‘ I-‘A-lfbu; Iho’ light .‘ ltlr‘crown'd'ui,, a of‘enflh‘ wnn’hxln— .ndh‘aiollfidihf! " ‘ "‘ MEE mma n'ahirlnig‘fic Musll§d xi ..:-#5613165. 5. d ""3- nit‘xé‘ 1.3“.» mm; fig“: .hfizm’y: ' "- .‘Nstvt: .wwuhofi “nix-f» sneaiamm "magma yet. .‘.filaflxfjthcififlfil" ~- .s: ’-.\'.H\"- " 'l‘ ' I“"'. (. 3*!” iv ,"u3zjuz ti", . 1 Snonr l’nunnsaauncfifqme sham-ht nml mun comprehensive nprayerp nix-Mm!- vm huwsg'waid Sir‘Willlhlfi“\'\'?ndham; is. that n!“ n ‘unldibr‘belfir‘éflhé ban egolf‘Ble'xii mam; 1,01,": Gm]! ,uj‘uwe: ne,a‘equ,.‘gw¢ my HIM.“ [Juven mule. ;,Uishup' ANN}- lmry. who was pféaenh'nnidzhe amid-pur ’duce :1‘ playwr an 'c'umine ‘3‘: that. :aml in ‘m‘mnr‘ rdrrpmifnhées, but'he ()m'ughfi .a "n’nu'cli hem-r Qifir‘li.“ A]; m ma}. 0!. u pi "lf!.So‘lliirf.“ull2fBl| immediately beloucn'p .é_nga:r:mrn'..- OMQaImI. if in lhc hnqr 4»! bank I Imgel Ihee. _du'not ‘hou (orgel, ‘rlé'e'w v" v ~ I .‘‘V"I-- r .. ‘ L ..fl'th'nfcr Scrap—Time annwing quaint :e-pitnph was wriuen on the lumbnlnhe In! a 'loth at Ffilh. in Dgpb‘yuhire. England. The cnmparihin‘is sem‘uhnble: . ‘ “ Our life i. b’ul‘n wlnlt-r'n‘ilny. ' ' Sumo only brénkfnsl. and «Way! \ Olhén to dinner Ilny, mid mo fu“ led: ' _ . The older! mnn but lllpl find goen‘lo [garb l Large in _lii-dobl ,whoJlngg-gn nm the dd‘yd’ ' ' Wind go‘o': [he 3434 mm Inn ln'c (can! (0 pay!" Rrposing in Hopc.—-'l‘hc tranquility‘ot a 'mind gradually repusing in, the dearest hope: at nxbetter \i'orltl. w’tin enjoyment tlinticaondt’ h’é pun-hated [it too dcur'a row. it is hot onsy .rufiicir‘ntly to value the penal-lo] (10»! ol a hut} lite. provided that rt‘p'oseislnumled on the tightvieua of Christian hopes; looking beyond the. gravé; themistol doubt and perplrxttieu ‘ tltasiputrd in the meridian Splendor of the guiprlttuthgthe,st'orms of lite tuftening into «dance; the delirium ot plasma and the'tl're'nmn of'tlissipntiun fled ;.Intl the [reed _mind resigned to the .dictaten id ren uuo; the wounds of configi'eoce healed by the balm 'ol elermd love; the heart tabern tetl by the loss of those once ao’dear to us, patiently waiting in the toll expectation 0t reunion never more to be broken ; ere ry angry passion hushed into peace; the «Nils ol lite sunk into renignation to the Divine will; the lrequent tleme ol the ren ovating heart approaching to the verge ol oevenentling cojoymgntr. and the whole mot rcpusing on the bosom ot a Saviour’s love. . , Love. Rouse: no “Um—A Corpus Christi correspondent. wntmg to the Rn chester Democrat. narrates the tullowi’ng bit of rolnlgnce: " About a mile back ol our camp is an encampment of Texan Rangersmnder the command ot Col.Bcll.' They buy; among them an a prisoner. a beauti :77 7= ‘277,7ical.‘g‘,ir|.nbodt six'teenyt-nr's ‘uhi'géf hutory would form the . an interesting Work 0! roman“: She is connected with one 1 «I thefirst‘families In Mexico, and falling m‘love w‘rth'a’young man at her own no- ‘ tion, but beneath her in Weakh Ind station. her family relused their assent to the match. She’elnped'wilh her lover.,cross ed 7th: Rio Grindek'a'nd was taken by the Rangers. Her loé'er ilntln _a prisoner.-—- 'Beh.olilul,indeetl. ii'the mhi'drn, and h'n'n oritbly do the _Texia'us hold their. prizes. We’ha’ve not heard how they win be dis pn's'ed of. but presume ”the 'Rangera knbw the hind of their'p'flgonerl." . ‘ ' ’ THE: BLESSINGS or IGNORANCE. ' -"ll"i'grior‘nnco be blin. ’lil fully to ho Wlle." ‘- A little learning in a dangerous lhing." ' ‘ allude; i. hemmed who he: hicbtnin pan thick," -» «- ..: ~ '\'- 3.1 mm..- lgnnrnnccis‘rally bliss «and madam in felly‘é-‘an'hun‘dred tonguu could-not prn‘-. claim. the bleninga of ignorance. ‘ 'l'he heaviest artilleryhl Argument. the sharp estsh‘ulls of winter.) repelled or blunted against in impauable mind. Ignoran'ce stands like a vast ruck in the midst of the ocean. which heat: back the unruly waves which dash themselves to [cum against its‘ rug‘fiecl aides: No logic can entangle—nu argument stagger—no prool pcrsuadethe ignorant; the thundeting of eloquence, the lightning: of ridicule. are alike una vailing', . ‘, Ignorance N moreoiier dignified—(or it cannot be perturbed—it il reunlute.,;/lo‘r it never rettactun opinion—it 'l'e cuurnfieous for his con/lented with ,its_ell—_-and.'eupu~ riour to'othei'u‘. 'q‘r, @hnt’cnfiifiito the same, thinks itsell- an. lor, it, despises them— lastly. estriking proof of the supermity olignor‘t’mce‘iu the munher olite followers. The learned‘e're lair. th;engnorant many; land to chin]. to perfectionthe moiety of ‘our fellow», ”we ehféuld' endeavour to re :cmble' them. .. ‘ ' , _ .. .. .. PRINCE’S LINNEN BOTANIC GAB . DEN 5L NURSERIES. ‘ ' ~"FL_USHING. ma NEWJIORK. ’“ " ”HE 'Gr'eaz 0H "n'al 'Ei -4’??? T (abliihmth. "W'gltnnlau it (.A, -., mecn 8: 00.. have just'publishg ed, thglrUnrivulled Deiqripfive Cotaingggé "khan, :‘and‘ Ornamental Trqes‘ and film“; tomprising the largest assorlmént 'of,‘§he various“ classes“, Md jrthe greatest: ,cpllggtion pl 'neware , iare.;varie&ien. everg ‘ [gt‘ofl'eted go ahe. pub‘ia,‘ god. at gently, ‘ rgdfiqu pricei.,.: Everyygnety of] l‘a'ggfi pm! Eggs-"L ia.-i_qd|vldually :dSlchc‘d’; flilhi a precision never.lbgfnr9l-cwnctsl ‘ln. anwauro'pepu: "on ( Amer-nan Catalogue; §L, \hmgroivsvblunder} olgokhpl‘ Cglalogqun. ”a" 3,15,01,593'Mjfih'1-.,2The col‘lecuqnof-R‘o gnupmpriscs nbputll2o9} splendidune tie!“ 2:‘v-..i. fer-t .n ‘. .j, .79 .1~ a. 313:: '.‘=' .’ug'lfhm unanim- Cpfiai‘lmefi; “:35“ W" '(h.§i},lp,.elgrylpoal pai up _ lean . F 5.1.: 1. .u‘vj-.-~..AwM'IRtiPRI§CEIB‘ 00' ‘ . Flushing. Aug. 20; 1845.”. fg; za ‘ Blflk‘slneaflfi pfftite'd‘s andfor-‘fsule; at this: qflicqlcbe’iipforafwahru-J.‘ , 2:1 ; i‘ ’R‘T‘IPWCWB 91.:“1'9 :2, 13? UNITED STATES JOURNALi . 1..”,‘q ---~!.v 1, ll '1 ;. ' ‘ ‘ 3131 mm E.‘Dow, SI.;Co. , ' “ ‘- l THE lira! m'iinbe'r of our now [in‘par'will be lumen . this (ttrat) doy ol Maynwith on ontirg nawldrcé _new typolfiqnfu‘hito‘papér. with - othertmportont nltmlwns tnd, .tmpmvemvnm‘ v-.-'l‘h.°.lrnwr will b? dawuted to'n fobrleawéxl’msilton ofDamo’cmtic prlnct~ plea; tt wtll zenloualyond unremtttingly oppola each and over; emu; to ,establiah a, mammothsmonarchv alinnk Inn .ollror mi-clnevoun‘corporationsnnd con , validations olfienlth. which subverting right- of the nearle and undermine the pillar: ofthe flepuhllc ;_Il th oppose nn npprouive ontlinntl-repuh|lcantanlf system. the assumption of tho Stuto debt: by the Gen omlGovornmont. and all other Federal ,prlnciplgn‘ which-hove an inevitable undency to deqtroy pohlgd prosperity an wolloa individual harplnen.‘ Against All quill] political dglunionn,.wo aha l wago'unc any mg. uncompromising war. ' ' - . ' f 113‘) - ‘l‘ha has.“ and tho Mmmmo .who. prodacd all the'renl 'Cnpillal ol tho nation. will find (In our Yaper an unwavering chnmpton ol "i 9" innlinunble r ghts; the long-cherished firinciplcr of tho/Editors 'are too wall known to the. who to reuutrf’ltny plodgeupon this point; 'To the fidiucellaneom’depanmont partic4 ular attention will be devotedgthe [Adieu will always limljn om columns a choicew’uoleclion from the cur _ronl literature ofthe driva- wall-m urtfiinal contri ‘ butionalrom the mantra entad» writers 0 which our country can him-t. A funeral summag‘of Foreign and Domestic newo “wt I We furnishe ; a regular price current andn' correct lint ofthe pricen ofstoclu will also be given. - . The conductors have already -aocured the aid and t‘ompemtton of n largo number olthn mnst diat|n~ finished politth and literary writer. at the day :ur rauue‘montl will (lan be made. at thocntlielt period noestlulel Io emlielli-h ottr column by .the contribm tmm’ ofcorrolpondentu lrom abroad. With lhll briol and imperfpct outline ofottt' plan.wa very respect~ [plly whmtt our clatmsto an gx‘tensivo patronagq to lo consideration ofa sonewuogubhc. \ ‘ ' " 'I‘HE PHILU. FISK. Eon ns JESSE E. DOW. , ° ' I ' . TERMS. Wnkl pa er bylho your - do y“ J; for :1: month! - : ~ Semi-Weekly pare; b 31111: yenrfin advance s'oo do do for eye an nyonr. 60 cents per n l bmoll'h' ‘' 'a uni ypa 9; yl 0‘ (main n, ynnce ‘ do ‘ J 2) for lnuy'lllu‘nl‘u wanna! pg: monlh, ‘ Suhacnpllona lo Iho Daily [in lcfilhun two. Io lhe Semifillcakly lor leis than'lour. on: mlhe Weakly‘ fornl‘eso Ih'nra‘ux' months; will notth éefl‘qlved. 11l nol pal will n the bar. (,9 .. ai y per w ho 812. lheSélhivau-kly 5&6. null Iho Weekly 2 50 a car. . ' _ y All payments to ho Innde‘ In tldvgnqo Th‘nqo who have not an opmrlunily' or paying othorgiag. may remlt by mail. :3! our risk. postage paid. s» he Pom~ mantel": cpnifinale 01 inch romlllnncq shall be a uuflh cient receipt lherelor. The notes ofnny Ipaclo pny~ ing bank will be received. __‘ - “Tcekly Pennsylvanian. “ One Dollar a year. ' 'l‘he '.Weckly Pennsylvanian,’ primed onfal double medium sheet, and containing the prino,‘ eipal political; literary and news matters or tile‘ daily paper. Philadelphia Prices Cutrént', 8:6. is mai ed every Friday. 'at' the low price of Orie Dollar a year. _As thcprice at which it is fum ished will not allow us to open accbunts tile firbscription must always be paid in advance. and the‘pap‘eris. invariably ‘stopped when the subscription has expired, unless previously red nech. . . ‘ Remit!anm.'_'l‘he limitation of the franking.‘ privilege of the post vmasters by the new law, having cut off the usual mode of transmitting cubscriptionstto papers, :the Pottmaster General has made the following substitute {or that great convenience to both the public and the prefix “ Money for newspaper subscriptions note:- ceeding 910 in each cm may be paid to a post master for the purpose ofbeing paid to the pub ‘ Itaher of a newspaper at‘any other oflice. The postmaster is, in true!) is case, to give to the per son psying the money a receipt therefor. and to advise torthwith the postmaster, who is to pay said amount of such deposit. Upon presenta tion or this receipt, tlrelamount is to 'be paid’o— vers The postmaster receiving the amount is to debit himself therewith in his account, and the postmaster paying that amount is to credlt himselfztheretvitlrin his account of contingent exp‘ehsém’“ .' ' _'l ' "§ ‘ Where applichtion cannot conveniently be‘ made to a'p'dvstmasi'et', and more than one sub scriptionis containe in the letter. we are wil lingtoincurthe posgige. rovided the writer takes care that'its w fight trees not exceed the half ounce to which sihglc postage: are limited underthe new law which commences on the first of July. I= µ ~~`j~, .3 /.. - 0.. MIFPLIN It PARRY. [Philadelphia 1143121210195 VERMIFUGE. 1 THE best medical writers of the ego, mtnctde in the olimon that wormnin the stomach find how els 0! Chi! ren. m the prolifitkcuuaea ofrnuny serious diseases. Such In the close sympathy which exists between different parts of the body. that there is scarcely a disease ofchitdren, whirh may not be pm~ duced or highlypggruvuted by the presence at Worms From these (cute. parents and other: entrusted with the cure of child ren, may learn the necenity ofgunr» ding against the destructive influence 0! 'wurmu, and of being possessed ot a certain remodvnguinst their fatal e acts. With all deference. Memck'o Vermi iuge is offered to the puhlm us It sate. pleasant and i certain remedy. Price 25 cents per bottle. lI‘HE POCAHON'I‘AS—OR. INDIAN PILL. For the Cure of allßillz'ous Dweaaes. ALTHOUGH the ch'nhonlagpill wrll anew" en excellémpurposena n‘rurgatlveln all diseases where the pulse Is full en "hard. lho‘ukin dry and hot and tho tnnyiue coaredwet. it its in those diseases ‘ denominated Bi ions. thntit is confidently recommen. ‘ (led an n certain cure ln bilious lever. enlargement of the liver. inandicc. bllious chollc, nitrous vomiting. ei'ck and {nu stomach attended with headnche.d |~ pepdnmoatiVeneu. &c it wil‘lh’xarform the port o¥ a specific or éertninremedy. e only solicit at the hand- ofthe public: in fair trial of the pilland {cot assured no encommma will be necessary with those who um them. Prico2s cents per box. The above medicine- for saleby . . i . v C. D. WATSON. Clearfield. l JAMES Mchx. Phlligaburg. . WILSON &BARF_ER. trattonville. Doc. 1,1844—1 yr. ;, ‘ . ,JEW‘DAVID‘S OR HEBREW PLAS'I'ER.‘ ‘ 1 27:11! bdgtfqin pmh'actdr in the world. .; IN case- ol ocal' inflammatioh. Sr'rolulo’uq fife};- . lions; King's'evil‘,'Gom, Inflammatory“ and Chiong h: Rheumatism; nervouydomncho. pains ln’lb’q'iide hlp. back and, limbs; an 1:“ flled‘pnihb whatever J—e For ouring- wins it cunna: be nurpauqd.‘ Those who use thechDavnd's Plaster. will netver. uw any out» or. Each box mnmim enough to spread 6or 8 largo plunxolnk “Price only 3599915, _, W , ‘ ,7 z , . .<:.:,.,f:m 171 E mama . ',.: ~;I “i; c'o'iicédéd loli ‘ a“ ‘ thin Jimmie]: oriynatofinf Impurityldl ,Ith bfood 'gffl‘agonhu) Pp. ‘lq‘beyns‘ .aMg’elhe'r vegbmbie. are‘deqndé ly‘ in pgnpngo 99y othar mil-old for“ thoroughly ‘cldaqsihg 13:35, ”#lde mid Qutlfvin}; Iho blood.‘ Try-Imm; u'nd you wfllbe‘ ‘commbodb .tfld'l‘icll'They me also" chef'sp nu any: other in use. Large boxes conmlmmf ~373va M5O “Tail":ghgfl 7 3:93?! ~¢9m!il!|_igl.3s- pi! a lot _25 cents: onovnarncum e u ---“-v \ 1 - ’mrz . 'vmo‘bffin“MOOßE/Gleam???" E ”.nfi‘i'lagfl‘fl 53R". {l‘sl Either: v“‘.'(.i'ix- MAW ‘ . 9.. ,3!‘ ; ”3;" ‘,‘, W, ‘ ”,ng SAIL“? ET TN 1‘ ‘ ' THF‘WIHERHner! G ' m n ""‘"" ,1 ‘ 'l .p or. attucle 91cm"?;gg::efige . I . 3 n'. w i:i",-E,-xl'. .:lhé,‘ ,“' .2 "m; 3t a ‘3: :2 p 39,, K’Mrzw. sci"? 12",: . {gili .11": :22", Ole termer 509; Pewfir ,Ilflw W » ‘PROSPECTUtS OE’THE “A ‘ ,", TV-‘jr ~ “' ..‘l v ;, ongrcssllona|,/Jo ll "ML" ‘ THE editoruol tha Untthd Stulyn._37.o“mo‘.- {WWW ‘ ' .lo communes With'tha nexueutqu ol Cougijgun 'n‘ weekly publicatinn'u'ndoi thc ’ahpvuititl‘e; to «tour tmua through tho/fibula aetsinnlut. stho= unprepedenl. edlow pncc.of., . ‘ ,l . ‘._ :. la ' , - . mm? CENTS! . tb‘ouéh duhiérihc‘r ‘lor l 1 Volunio of film] hufld'fl’ In“ aes. , .‘. _, it will conttig‘zlhilhful and impartial record at both) Hkgmen ot‘tfnngrea.‘tfla"giit thl'ulljlmimpol-tum apeerrhes' which maybe dolxvém :Mr.’ "l‘ho m‘oat “ermemflwtlm will be’ employed. 41ml" nothing luhal preventitbem 'muda worthy ol'llle patronage ‘o' ”1° phbllo Eefio'rafly'. The 161" an will endeavor ‘l'? "5 r9mm“. lu dojuatico‘to both mwvlmu that bpth rattigs‘will leol nlluwudvtn pntropizaltho publication. their}; tholoxl Semunmnl 1" called, the volume ‘wlll cmitnm ut‘i‘enut 500 pn at; each number WI”. cuntnlh mxteen page: (if nullsfimttdr'. wliich will c'lm N 0 l!!!) publinhnmo iva’ all the rounding; worthy “bum: prencitod'insbook form. 2:)? bindlng and 111. turo rpference. The oxcéedi'nglr low‘Jei-mr'ivlll ~place n;within thexeach ofall; no publishonhopo that their lriendn will me their exertmm m ohtummg subscribers. - “ ‘‘' ‘ - - 03‘ l‘hnw who' lorwmtl Fivo Déllxin shall racoiye ulevnn co‘fllOS-r'l‘rn Dollars, twenty-three; quptl:B-_ ' wenly "Harv. FIF'I‘Y copies—reducing .Iho price‘ to forty Clarita. for n' 'vbldmé 01500 pnd‘cs 7g , ‘ WA lltle'pngo nn'd complete index WI“ be added at tho and _ol, thn yolumo. to make It the more convc~ uionl furfuluro reference; ' ‘ THEOPIIIL‘UB FISK. ‘ ~ _ I . , JESSE E. DOW. ' Washington. Auguatl2.lB4s. .. ~ ,- DRUG STORE. _ ‘ 0 may. F. Hurxmalm «M. “ii: Ppmfirkue‘t 'slfL-et. Cleorflgld. ' ‘HE nubaéribe‘r 'lebpectfully informs l the public generally, that he has pug-f chased the Dlu‘gT 'aibi'e lurmervlyykep; b‘; Joseph Galer, and that he harn'dded (o (helqld'nqck avh‘esh supply 0‘ ‘ “ DRUG-s; MEDICINES. 01m. ‘ PJHN'I‘S, DYE, STUFFS,‘I&’L‘. VALso, ‘ All kinda of Spices. Pedumery.‘Confeq tionary. :S-c. &c.. which -he,wi|l pell low for cash or‘coqmry prpduce. Patent Medicines , ‘ol ‘all, kihifqé-yjuchfpsl BflLSflM Oi WILD-CHEER Y. _SflND’ S. SJIR-S‘fl- PflRILL/i. BflLSflM _OF .HORE ROUND; HOUCK‘S'PflNflCEfl; lo gélher with a‘goo'd ns'snrtr’uénl ol PILLS. \And‘last. but not We l‘east. GflLER’S ‘ VEGE TflBLE' VERMIFUGE, "w‘hi‘ch icnnnm by; heat {or expelling Worms in chil dren. 7 " ‘ _ . ‘ C. D. WATSON. Aug. 4,1845t-‘(fn lOU 10 00 *W‘ii‘f’? Stray Cow. w tiff?“ AME to ‘he premises (2 P -fiése-w‘ “'3‘ of the subscriber, in H Bell mW‘ifi? él'abuuk \he Inst of lusl‘Jun’e. c: a palefed cow. suppqéed to be 'ubOut' 12 d yearsxold. with a slugJin her face; a white ( belly, some while on her le‘gs,’und a whit'c spot on her back. The uwner is reques ted lo come forward, prove ~properly.'pn_v ': charges. and lake he;~ away, otherwise we~ a \will be dispused of us the law directs. \' ' H. W. MOT'I‘. :7 Aug.‘2o. 1845. g C A'U TKI 0N . AUTIONJB hereby given lo the pub -0 lie against purchasing a nulelgiven by me 30 Richard Callow.ul Cenlre coun-I ly fat-$35 00 (thiglnfive dqllan) pa) able in six monlhs. M Graham 81 Wrighl’a More, and dated rebuilt the 233:], ul‘Auguel last-4&6 l have not iécei've'd val'dejyr the 'sameinnd am lheiefote dele’rmméd iml‘m pay ll unlest compelled by la‘W. " ANDREW PETERS. L Sept. 2.1845. . ‘ FIVE CENTS REWARD. , RAN-AWAY [rt-In the subscriber "hiding ‘ ‘ Bradtord township. on thq , 28th ult. n vellow boy, mm M LORENZO GOLDEN, 11‘ ~- lmut I 3 xeurs uld. Had at Mien he Wént away a lur ca ‘ and blue pantnloonn. All.‘ persons a hereby ,cnlutionetld against hgrhhring . uniting h‘lm on'my nccpupt. as I will. p: no debts ofllis‘contra'ctingm ‘ - ROBERT LEONARD. Sept. 12. 1845.3 ' I 5 PfiECES of Summer GOOdI. ‘oldi tent styles. ‘ C. KRATZE ' 100 PIECE-S well‘ selected Prime my lower c‘alh. , c.‘ “53'“. 3 'éIECEs at Cninimeré¥&Oad-‘ ’ an!) chedp. 1- ‘C. KRAI‘ZI '. W ANTED; a 50 CORDS good‘h‘ickor‘y no 5 ~ which the cash MII' bE'pgid A plyit thiroffi'céi _‘ ’ t ‘ V- ‘ ' "‘Sépt. l 2; ‘ I'l v ' '3' (BALESfbeat Brown .l-Munl'i 1m ‘ thanpiLhas cve‘r beunlsoldi 'ear field‘wumy.-. ‘. 9,.0‘ KRAW‘ERh 7 Pifigéé @3113 b‘l'ééklthiue. . J _Gtegn. Steekm'lxled. l..lrone Cadet. ..,w ;..,C- KB'A'E :. IthBHNQWTS’OtOI n. 3,? (LY ;.,‘~:' 12141‘.‘ “4 'fl iAQEvJSéi ‘m '1"! .114" Co KRATZER: mmmrmmanmao Mu": Jaconel. and Canqbuc- I ualmw Bhbmd, Laces.. &c.-—-chepp‘.;hn .gbodHlLudleo‘,‘ Call and examine for you selves, .- .. - 'K‘uglflsff‘, «mu/dc KB‘AYI‘ZEBrQ» W-‘A'bL‘PAP‘ERL‘WK ao‘bd “sort ‘ . “mengiql WUF’Phpei 'an‘d Border; lor’ulb minawg. DTCQH and lee. Sept. 243 - c. KRAMER; . P:e* lIIME ”3' .x‘ 1‘: N" ' For I " 'Jnme! Tmew‘ Tillio‘mya‘i 0!" Guam A'élinoh Ihfi'lfippilwnll " Jdlquh- Sdulhlrl 4f 0. I Algxnmlor Knox; John D‘rnuchcr‘v‘ _Jphn VRfßlmm'fA Mnrtin'Kéfl‘ér l‘u'r Jnmu B Hunch‘ifi‘ [Harvey Cum , r.’ Juhn Loy (or ugo Rudolph Light ' J. . .‘vmb‘e :1 Mid 88-. '- méhmmm fir ermp ieéfiada -: . r 4- ,awsgip'mm' .V,"..‘m 9"}.2. I" In;ppvidfmdunolpig ‘ \mu 'rnou' _m mun.- (a ‘n .: ‘vu lHuuki-b {l.l%ch . . Vu..Righlrd- age; #13193: . ‘ "45. J‘W'h. 9' ' 315‘ iv .',v;- gab; Lew .’., . 'w eb'rlr‘dm'm. ‘ ~ v.l: In? em Kim‘Lfii S“- RizfiévnMWhrmnf ' VI'JOHQT'EPJIIH n» Polel' a; m ‘v‘r .Cfirifliuflhmw.‘ a; Mqllmwi‘BimWh: 'John'w'wagh'v-‘r ,» Bonju’miu 'H cum on Peter Lqinm’ wt) - SulumoiunKlnpqi __.‘ "‘7 Ju' D'rrmil-on'u‘ Exija‘ :Mqr‘ay'LJ: xSe'hfuy'f.’~ V". Harvey Cale Lewi- W Smilh ' Juhn'Palch‘ob " ‘ ' William Fullerlnn“ Levi Lulz for me Mary Dunn/“J Charles nghio at Ch'trlc‘d Weoblq u \~' POPE“! ' emediew. .223- . THE moqtnopulnr' ,dig. urhrharprauenhdflv are those which c e'nndl purl], [he blqud. and, whiuh‘nre know‘m‘t "innoceni‘m rhe’ir qhnh tiel. Such renedie- n 'g|mm.y,'Morcnry'.anc. and huqmg reconneto b mg m‘d sauemra byw. It is hoped. going _oulol'f n.ohd'begt'mgefly‘c die» vull he suan the pop medicine. If“ "L 1: (m. dreth's Vegetable Unwe pm! ‘wiu- benfldpnd appreciated They are, k'n .19 egcgfibpnefiemlly on every pn'rl of the Nady omg taken p .bynhe chylc they ‘puau’into the , whirl-WIN; I‘mniy.‘ and “should be remember he! 'the'y‘aulynlnbvo those parts (rpm, {:l9 Wood h were RW'M'H‘S of inflummdllon'or mouse 0! 'kiudfifi 'oxhingns o~ qunl Io ridding lhv Vilin'ted' "in wim’ufvégetabla mcdlc‘ilno ol 'l'i'fiing'.‘m’icg' htydunrgydenn ume PIP" “We? 19 0 "WW, ~I a I u ,1.“ , . So‘ld by lhé‘folloxgng Ag Vimfiafinqm on. 'E. 8: W Flrwin"; [baffle] “ '"' ‘ :John Irvin. Onrwemvflle DnVld lrvin,'Lmhorlb'urg; ‘ Jamel McGirk. Philipebur OFFICEfNo. 241$“:de ‘ ' _ B. BRA Juno 1. 1845.-—l yr. 00 ")8. B -‘ 'ON lclt with the subscriber for sale :..1') ‘1 F. P. H ' xTH’M-‘f. Casb. 1211 30. 1865; _ . Ul'|K cash. 50 I Pairs of Boats Show, Rvmqn & wpmcn. of di entq‘la‘ F _ties. wgll‘guouqdund“ ch anvil: recofmeud‘ fihemselvcp 10: 5| mice-91M sale y the subscriber cheaper hen the} hnv yer been oflfergd'inxhw [1 win ~ - .. ‘ _ “ .C._KR_A ER: ft. 24.1845., '.-,‘.: 2‘ Court Pittman-ratio, HEREAS the lion. Goo, W. Wood“ 5 ‘ dentJudgeoflho Cou'rtof C'omn‘n') 1 he judicial intrict. cdmpoaeil '0! the‘-t 1 II; n. Mifflin.‘Centre and ,Clentfield. x 10 amps Ferguson. .nnd Jolpn Panama“; . ci Judgcsin Clenrfield county. havciuv ( m: t. bearing dntethc 41h dnv at Sept] , lir cdfloxhodingn . w .‘ L‘a o’Cqmmon Plum, Orphanalquur Cour' Qu'arler SaginmgndCourl 9f,oycr.h d ,Tv mer and GeneralJailDeliua-y, tt eatfield'l‘ownJor the County 0! Clara: ld.un h tat Monday oLDeo'r next,'(being lhc' t 'dm )r’munth.) . t ,'r ‘ Nance adhere/bra, hereby given. , eComnersJuaticu ofthe Pencemtxd Qpn ohm: dfor the County ot'Clenrfield. to Sbbhr‘i' thou ) proper panama. wilhßullu,Reco s.lnqdi tion» 4 mmntions and other Remembmnceq. to do [how , gs which their ofliretand In their bqhutln Pram: e doho; and all minutes and other parath- ‘pm. nng In behnlt ol the Commonwelllh again-t! hm qn_ers,nt9 .reggired. to he: _thgnundthuautqnding ‘h’otdbpurtwtthout'lenvp.'uuh¢it, ' "rll, 4mm.» req‘ueuad ' to be'puncuiat tn‘ th’eur afiehg’nnce m apmintedtime'ngrdeablo' to halide. .49, "" n untier my hand 11.! mum-yr: «Q'qufiajdh‘hl‘ hh d y o ‘Oc‘t'n In 'tho'.year 9! °“? lmd‘ one houlund eight hundred and I‘M? fivo.'nhd Iho in mutant ontofAmcricnn. n opondoncou t. f . .3; ~ :WUSJRWWFShW- Ir“ ATS & C'Ai’é. It .“"g:{q(l”‘a‘s;i§rflfif€nt . of 'HntsvSL Caps'cheap for rthl-H Sept. 24.] - 7 C. KRA'I‘ZER.- I HUGS; A genera} anorlyngm‘o! Drh§a’—’Wh‘ile Lc’ad. Linaecd Oil, c.‘lor.-ia|'e‘by [he i'ubafl'lb‘er.’ " ' Sept. 24.] C. KRA-TZER‘.‘ VENITIAN BlJlNDS—Fo‘rl sallem, cunt'and é‘rrriige. Ah ‘éle'z'anl ,hr 'O. KRATZER. ' OE ,Nwa-‘s‘rro E GOODS CHEM?!) FOR-CafllS‘H! VI‘HE eubScliher hn‘opened‘lfld ofl'érl ‘ [or pale a large supp-(mom 0L”: ~ Summer]; Fall Goods; ‘ mm m mm hmm 'on ‘théfi'ééfiierhr Cherry a‘nd'From sit-bets, ori‘eldb‘or I'M“ Ihe'Acadeniy.'consil¢iqg 'ol‘ " H", DRK-Goaps."Gnocmlmflmw: '_ -_W.aRE..QUEENsW.aRE,3II94SI. ‘5’65‘8'05. aQ:, .. ..- 1 ~ 1m; mm: or which hé'.H-13.n90 “(63M lp'w,( r * 'ah's'hd'rc‘éuWlasA Les. ~r.-;sxs‘x;sbia.¢3o . rdt‘h'nibév+“ ."'1"("!‘~‘ "; |" .i‘)"!(1r4; f“'.: The s":‘lb'e:cr‘ub‘er~ ‘lhlepulgtqgrlvliigpqqafi 9| low gas ihe'y’cin ‘be ‘r! 19:19:;thva r. km the public “'l"pr isfflour'lo‘ call nndixfl'fil‘m {in ‘w: ‘ " " IA'L‘ZER. Aug. Titlkal‘é‘iS-V SHAWLST’ - m Summerznnd-Wlnbe ble lu'd c‘hl'edpi‘j a AN APPREN 10va N. . 413 W. from» mum‘wyear’g’af‘l, ‘ ’ ‘Aa'wnhbe la n’a‘fi ud'fhp'br’éhflcéd .the :Tafl‘ming bus ass-my the WBBMUG Applicafion nhu J bu inngjbohjlwxg’flf ch‘adéé‘wi‘l'bh' jehn, «f; {NAM . ,_‘ I. i. .'. ‘fl-‘(v'u‘f‘ 3:“) \“I _ .lAl‘wux'N‘a V' luv-253.13“ {"1 ‘ &‘ ‘,"~L"fi'- '3’ I? ,i $1 ‘ I*.‘\'\ 135-; ' Li‘ - ' ' mt: . . ' . Linfiit'tafiflers ~ REMM me im “meme 0m 4 tom: eld,“PM.'oc}‘.l_‘l‘l. 1846. Berle’v’ W .1“ ' "‘th’hs'bu alga“.- Cu‘vam [1" ~l’th'tiwn" 1333);" Graha'mififilher.” A héé'ch'Geb'tgé'Q” Hawml Wade. Rnnkem Juir'ph‘. [Mitzi] mel’.‘ 59 4" ".‘Wilson Mn; Jg‘n ‘ 4 _' w. L. mom; rm a!Y~. rjj 11 0 g2lll c;lr9:c;nnly- A a 2 ,9 if 33f0 {:1 j), [51233. 'd 'l‘yu Plans ”1 hliu 05 nd H 2“. “Am \d_mm' 5,10 In to “31¢va 17 “\ ,‘ -. K's a '~ . 4. ~/