Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, November 08, 1845, Image 3

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. . “__.l .r‘ 4 ~v..~ (‘3 ' - ..
.maigaymanhuwa4343squ to r -
P'a‘v‘ifi'F’ :W-‘x W ‘
‘ Tu‘Cn‘ ' '::;D:f§ucye bli'mfingqu-l'lif’g'gxq.
wilkfiflfiléqfifllcm 101]“.‘(xfigl'sseiunhr
anlional' 6‘31? rwflur'l' ‘our; Iliank'a
'l’or'thflr petaounlanm 00.1:Mgeir‘ Myhliér- '
ijglepofl‘lfimnflnd‘ u nxit‘yy “I‘t‘r'ln‘d‘ng
ivéfl'ed‘ioi'iif‘éfifl‘é'h '11:.65115‘915” , J 1
'l7" i.9.-,.-(n:r:qua‘«ii¢mw- :Go'ér‘awrprp
muéh indgb;éd'lqu.h|£mine”.duringn‘ur.
slay-andtlonmo 8., hut and'ueatxuiéé
gen themtofij'bhu'rsd “William” aw“? i =
Me! 'rér‘L‘ .133, B’ "- ‘DAW: Moure'.
E: Mnéw :M‘yfirnf ' and léfihs'ré. Mun“ -.
ceivgv‘me, thn'q'ksgfl 3G übrtlfl. (qr.lhéir
attention [Mm-m ‘nmpug ;::.; I ' ‘
,_' Our rgspecté é'r Me llVHlK‘WQllnhihg
genuéh‘anlz‘rq‘il’; Burrglt'y;,’i)l;,Bnrrell’»
I|bt§l‘.‘,’(gi,é"hi§ up rcpgi‘ugm ‘qu M‘Whfle
enéa‘mbeil‘lwlihftln‘ Imm, Snfin‘dayefiem
i a “HEM 1H! “W“ azagmd alsb.> 0M
[mutiny £311: gl‘f 9321:" D!” mam. }
. Rosiiifihdhlfa'éé , AWN; for. lc‘u‘rfigwinsw
ville...and. m“: Blomnp-u .lhou Susqud-m
hinm 'Bridap' ~ flhglrmh‘tjenfion‘ w the
Guns”; ,',sf’."s§" f ' ‘ ' ‘54:
~ Owingdo (h-shet in~§he swam: ma
ny ‘ofn‘ul‘TmEh rg'runnhlc.'tu Bretwjlh us,
and ‘b'winh 'to ‘ , same ethane. fmbn‘y ofthe
‘Clea'ffielfl':vOl eersmfflra \nlsn lulm-m --
bait welcdfia "in! Micémpéfii lfi'fl‘e’v'
er framed ,gue than m‘mmu. while u
wayflomho {and il'wehrnise Iv'n't‘n-I
glmpmc‘fitfi udc {flick-(.:: ifi T'Btflqk’iilk.
we . will cn'v‘orJo‘ by} .03. pucmive ('0
thnu 'w¢ me n‘ "1i: uucna'mn. M M'e'pns~
dbl} can, a if Clearfiehlv'evegr‘husnnq-
Ihcrfincaui ‘M, the, VjßrdokviNéO-hal'ds‘
wungnn't ground «in, twice ih‘e‘num.
ber.’ ““ a .I'.'>l,E' '
, _ apt. E. R. Baum
. 1'- ; V 51' LieutflbgCMx‘ J, , E
._ ~ -. st Scrgt. 'J. Hist! ds} '5 ‘
In _.G- C“ p Wm. .B-ik 'kinu.‘
BE‘HHH‘I gs. 'Wln. McC guess.
Wm. P. nks. Samuel .W'l ob",
William ed’.- Ilenry-Fuljtteg;
smug: Be". w Chirm'rm'umfi;
Cde‘BOlnlyk; Andrew Canpb‘rll.
Johqc pbejl. {Walter'l‘ffipletom
menu. Fewer; cmwwnu '~~ :
M‘illi‘n Uhrist'ge." mgmmd a“ ;
Tomi lémmihg. Rob}H_Wil n.~i .
MichnWWwUs'fi' Rid; Ni'c‘jjr‘xiri‘.“
(1! $11!!“ ‘ Mar‘mrm ‘P’fdp'liefi-WV il:~
'l( (if {He Putr‘iarc‘h'pmfafily hufs
om Nauvun. The St. Loui‘paper‘s
lugd” yyegk ’Fppbl‘ifljépflhjs ‘hlfisfi.
khfitqrquhrhingm ,(heflhflk ~Day
lO'i,‘f"pgnifls't ‘lhle' fiq'rlighteoub'nelpub:-
flufihov‘hnénusmpcd ‘he Paxrr‘c'ha'l
wt)! ‘whighhfé is. ‘lhe'only leg ,occu
t;_;;_'fi_e”c¢nnsclpjpeace. luyc Iql '
pfrguufnliun ,ul‘ cnnfiglenco‘ ‘
{Mgrmonpfaml theiv'neighbm's;
{gratiq‘n'tp Qr'egqn, and prbmlsesx
‘ogué‘el Jolflghu uixrighxle'ous'ncs‘s‘
‘ffiickeflh‘lflld'erzsfl William, ifi'l
S? Louig.‘ under thclprmeci'u'm I
fr‘énds. ’ Hts address is_ dated '25
a! '
Sui l‘
0? ‘
e 1,,,
v', _ _
,f _.flq‘lifloteid .P'ruséicl, flew—Rem
‘pb'rimerils in‘Funce. seem 10.jpru
an‘nnnt‘immgrsifm in “com \{c‘stpifi'is‘
“fibgi'nl’icfije'in t'hé évcm ol [ie'tsons
lowing pmsaic ncig.) -‘= , '
:-‘-‘MARRIED,e‘-ln Munitmwmhi‘o
an 901}; ultqdby S. C. Thompson; 9’.
IM7: Dé‘fixfiyf‘pum' Agg'AMioq sun 'A
(locum, allg‘df.MOrri-',-fi.7.- ;
DlEfigiH‘bayjon, Illinoiu. ()ce'{!l.Mf§N 3.80935; W 9 ‘9‘!)
Ru. John Btduka. lfnrmerly‘ fo‘f Clem!
codhly;?l’a}3,l7 ) ,_ .: " ‘
' After an' illness of manly-{guanuu‘
‘ - -- .. ‘.‘ :1.u1.': I .‘L‘! ' "'
YF‘P'NE’H «£0.93,- '.n‘.‘b9;a'.nze.of;deatf
1M 76. 8169151333” mmember; ufr .1118; :M
chum}! {of Eddie 'aixyeara sl’nlidingn—m
ifundggite {We'yfif‘d ; cbeqdful dliapc
iionjfljpjfjg'aiigififi'fiq‘r‘iflflf in; 'flqqlh. fan in
cbgi_qu§hs_;dp,;p'h'ellen her friendly a pledai
tutlmpqyjt hegg'ggé‘épiéq§§§}iijl§ lihé 1:61
Mammals {irfawgud foTm-fl 2i}; {l3O J':‘ho‘bioésEnd‘vinam‘hm
(the buoyant «spirilxinnd«_spayklih‘g byes 'i
you“): thu'a‘iigonr 'gn‘d? mmr‘n‘y bfman‘
hoodmiweu éi :Ih‘b .;€\.hixu Jbokddifélhers
"‘l';ngqu go ”up degqslalipnof Qha ap'nctrn‘
qlmjog {qf‘édpamr «“lij mom endeamg. .re
'la‘fiom‘nip—lhe zputqplqand, Aenderem «.lies
,qr‘deymiomghml‘ «eh?<9l.q-!'£9MlmmB4e.'lov.e
nhb‘uld'wa wee'p 1‘0: was? ‘thig’e‘jg me
-Luau—yum”yuterwm; 3,: inpflwbic“
ward-1139 dizn, PF)! we}; Pligllmmba‘moua!
«viii’ibfiévfindgf‘wy “'9 Plow! o'
"M»'9.‘P'}?SS'2? fiflflhewlifen $9., aha." all
59151799” «amen? «40 mm! «beam
“(drain-)9 ”WWW Miami (m 1
Jis "Thl'aflgflzpod'rcndyv‘iqlwailjn‘g. 1
Thu Intuit), 'l’vifii fibll‘il‘fia'luxon’o,” :" ' ‘
- ‘34.“! a‘uiyqfiyp‘m'rd- (_o hea’vcm; ' |
And welcve)! a‘ahlyfinlhomh} 1;}; - i
, .-.? -‘ $313;
"'- ' '54, 4,}, "F"~ (we
”WW “REA? 'Hr! ‘
I .""‘ ' """"
if“! Infiflfiilelh. Ila-fun .asleubyggheg
. ‘nmhwnbem um bld «may; algae;
391959anme «emu Esedsgunhl'etfiéddhg
fiflm'fluflflvfla-Enim an! ‘mn‘u ,5”. MINA:
DRYV'GOORS, u .11 BBIVfl-kah
050%31135. . 11., Q .ENSWME. I
’3 0 Sis-ISM". 1M SIK:FO.QR~S,
BQMEZYS... . ~.,-r;—l'l‘Ql Moor-mm
_.' ‘ pvmflJfi'flMa fig ,'
«swim»; ”manned 11m; Mariam gr
pro: 059;; as, wrap,” Jb‘éy, samba. hm] gid
y nthegfflqlgfinhmgn: in hawk??? wgmu
'-‘ 'l'hé-mpflqmmnspmfully' ,inu‘itodu
.nllm’rjf .'¢;4_;ugninel,'!np Olugkwdllkljudguxfdr‘
hemifilfb aim} “:1 hr” .1../him?" W? "' "’5”
1,114, _;.:5 “.mI‘RIGflARu3SflML 1
g 157% (221M021. I 2'? “ -7 1
‘ 7’33"
‘3‘) ’34:?- '
.9 ‘
'ir“ ' if".
~- 5,;.:5v.=.;1~"’,;:5rr ,
‘3»...ij ’55; n‘h ‘, --._
, «um. u,.:‘ A
q)“: .‘F-yl‘
’ "Ke‘ri i" r .. “
\\,.x ..x' .’\,‘ .‘."' 11'“
- '“Thfllfefienel‘sfi'?” !
TH E : $51.92ij Diregidfanf' Lgflyrence
‘ " :I)¥s'tr¥h"i{iu-'meer 18141:: (gm'p'é‘pf R.
nonmetamlm it»l.'b'c_l.uéh.. P.- Mrfian
the purpumiof'sxnmillihfi lhg'qualificmion‘q
of persons who m‘aymnplyiqr Sclibolh“ .
, ,Iwtyr;o., wane", swy, .
'. Nov. 8.745. ‘ 1; " ‘ "
WALL..';_,..J.~.Lw-..~. ... :m -. . u-L-l-L'L...“
BY {villfitue 'ofiajvw rli't'fuf. ‘an‘dlflhni 3EI,
~ "imha'sfl‘.“igsvlllxdéfiurof, {she}? (,‘binr'tiof.
Common Pleasnofwbleufield cuuntywnmi
:16: mg g]ir€g,fi‘ft}‘,‘:‘}f ill“ ’be ex‘phgqq’, (0‘ 'p‘ubli'c‘
sale.Jinglhéuéoiun fliuusefiil‘l Clearfiéldflm
‘l‘6’C|o£fki"Pa"b’_ofl9ll IMOanyv'lhe "l'st'dny
M. Déc‘muzb'r inexss amine ' inte‘re‘st'bf €er
vinpn-d-Mwnshim xtzmzitxvl'ln'g at me N.‘ E.
'éin ne'r ‘of "Rh?! Nb: 1896“}?iv‘i;¢li}hu'i'gel.
vlhenccS‘ .29 pm. to a whim 413 mg: lhcnce
W 7619:1119 a whixergs‘k; 'b'eing ghjg begin-7
ning" of"jhe lot p‘obyeykd by——~———-
.lh‘ence"? S 10 and ul‘wobtenlh ps...ln upon
'by u white pine; “mfg?" 179"p“.~‘.__tp n pain;
[Mg-nee N; 101 and I‘w'n-lenilf fi'vi'c'lies H: u
mhi'te'nak bush. thence F. 179 pi. It}; the
‘pinr‘e‘ol _begilmi'g'ué. _(b‘rflininifi'z lOSy’pleq
13,4. pa. undéfljuwunce» «Seizednud Miami
in e'xi-E’u'fi'oand liib'efislild'os th'én‘p‘rupgfi-
UAEJawafiZl-cy‘k bj'v x m I
- ‘ ‘,..‘ W, ~ ELLIS ,lßllVlN'f‘S'h‘fl. ,’
’She'rlfl’é nfl'lce. Clear-2' ' ~ '3‘;-
: ‘ig‘i‘fiCld'NUVuisV 345., . -- ‘ ‘iir' 1‘ ~
1’ - 'H‘ ..EQWIEAWM )I‘JJn‘
CAMELM the residence .nldhexbpblmj
bér in Lawrence-Ip. smnwummimJu;
Iy. un Augugg lust. . aging]: brindflgfisslecr.
with .9 hit? gpolf, suppqgedlq {pg-r; ygarlmg
last spring. ‘lv‘hye owuér is waited 1;"
come fuuvnnl,‘ plrpve propeuy. .pa’v 9mm:
ges.‘ and ‘lnke‘h 'nwn‘yl-amhyerwiae: it jail!
b'e dwpda e'd‘ol according in ink}. "1- f\.
" s'": "-'J.“J'.“l‘A'l‘E’. I -
:NnY’-i.§-.')§4?4 ,‘= 35-7. .1" 51.3 s.' l
--.~N 0m ICE
" z ' \- -I‘.xv'-.' ' \‘ -' -‘l
‘ lyipnch 51307315.; away. (TE/I‘l
, ,P. ,',llo,R,x'ru 51. has recciyquu:
.L ~.. _[pvsh' supply»! gimds .Io winch;
MW“ M!"-.c0ménzw!um. aw'vflmwmiseé
go 99“. upnqnq fuy'orvablc‘igpn‘s‘m ,nny ,cs
‘tnblishment in the county. 'Hislnsl‘oc‘k'
considls of;.- H . ; ' ' i
Imm: <B®®lDs392 ‘a‘
orncaril CV93! giqscy‘lpgion‘ as clulhi.
cnésii'n'c'ws” sa'llincud,’ lK {.Efi‘wzj’jéémfi.
rAed‘Lzyellow and M'hitc xx“; it"f‘hlnnela.
br_own and w him what; fig ilk ,s'var'p
.luslrc, alpacayblack an-l,:,f,“ti. a'puéa,
blflckyDTOWH anllgrren .meumi, (hacks ulfi
~variquu‘qualitics..gingham». mousseline dc'
June. rrapg dc lnioe, balzarinc. cashmkre
do cause,‘ &c. 5 &c,. u gnml “assurlmcul- ol
,lau'cy uxul lrimuung'guudad ‘» u ‘ -' I: 'V -
-~---sto= ~=v .- , ;
' lb}?
w, in
a fine «lock ul ll‘flll. suqh'ds caslur, braver.
brhslh'l‘finsih; rm‘am and wpuLl ;. V
“(lulu—n guutl sumlly 'uf‘ {uéhiunnblc'
rlolla, v;lii§_l,gln'§.n]’n(ul _sgntfi' .
,v l . Hardware,“ ‘ng
Mill saws, cross cul nntl‘ hand-sumo. bl)!-
lec nulls. awfbollty un'aurs'. file-s} amew‘a,‘
tacks, lmkgfshiivels. andfilriiitly ’blh‘rr,
"v 'lhlugs in lllc'same ll'ne‘.w‘.: '"‘ "‘
‘l~ ;. Show.» W 472 mm”, 1'“;
Mh'i'ch 'rcqgifé but 10 be peen furllmimzrec
>nmmem|plmn.- .; (. 'l‘qu _, m
' " ’2‘? G'IZO‘CERIES. ‘. ‘
'A gencral ass‘lirmwnt. c‘urvfuny'luid in‘
and of a wry gund quality. M"' I
4","1' -‘ .'~";' .«vulg 1
4‘ ’1 ‘wnmawamme -- .
A gallery! umumem; umlmf gym] quali
m . 5 i' . ,5.» ‘
~ ~ «Mammy
Squh'hSih-a til-Um yq-fig‘ptpd snucveflr‘y, pla'toc,
&c.-B;é.a'j' - ~ ,- ' : .. ,
::'79_.‘.,i I. 'H ,- pBUG‘S’ A. ‘-
A gdod supplyiuf ovelyfi-alescgiwilin. ':‘
“ ’4 "WQva’Scatit‘z" Gi‘ind- 67071.39
-4' 5. 'u _ ‘,' ‘ - Ih] 3...”, In“-
0! We very bgstgnl am] I ~lm'.
me very bgstgril am] gonna” .‘
gall. nyn'dlvseg‘ [:lth xuplrs‘qlvcs. as Hick-tuck
will 'Bé snhl' rcamnhblq‘,4n ethan‘gc, lnr
’Vheat. ”Rgg. _QmsVquk. Hides, Furs“,
(bdj'e‘s'pcc‘ially forlghe QASJ'IIL.) ‘3l:, -. ‘
s.hel'lfifs Sane. ~
. ‘Xzyicm'élbrnl Wm"«.;‘L'TVQfi'JTfifisfiiiEi-y
‘ ”pdn'nsi'ismegl out; df’llhe spurt of
iiimoil'Plcds or, Clyurfield,lcpqmthnll
’ 'ex'pgilb‘edg‘lfid'v"fiulilic’ sale', "qr”ghe‘ c‘uur’l'
'tapin Imm bm‘ough oritzléarfi‘ém.”_~ Gn‘
x waffle IS} llfiwaCDeéwmbér next;
a rmin "(Sum inn’t‘l‘. gua‘afe in Jordon;
1m ship. Glennfiélthcpmflflubbquiidf‘ag
L.t'p y.s.~:viz:H-rßegiuninq vnfie'nn'as, here;
in ,e . lihe of land at 'Rnbéct—Ubhnstdn.‘
me e by land of Edward .C’nmmzfnrd
and mes Johnston, soulb_so°_ wept 115,,
:per a it'oub’postw‘tfloncel'b'y 7?]inb of Lilia!
war lédfxtovJuooß Houvd'nbn'thallm weal;
160" iéhbsflba‘posl. lhenod’bjflahdtél;
whic his Wat-'furnprly’ par'l'uf'thfi‘sgmef
grime berdOd mi '1 l‘fljp‘cFéH‘éQ to (We;
‘pln‘cd guegjb'niiygi ‘fifhfi'fiiifiinfi' 103)qcipsi
‘anJWB ‘pér'chha- ml allowance. gh’e‘im’J
provam ms) bemrt xlwa “pg.” fibfiufi‘flml 5‘
bmb’l'e'. .übohwzowcres! dit’cl‘é'aWé r .15”
—Seize and taken i‘rfl'fixédu’libll""dn'3. o;
heib’l'd‘l‘iiiafliél‘p'i‘openy ol Bofinfd'Mc”
Donnldbv .M" . "WT—“”l"f”‘"',':'j'”"”_‘jyv;
.“ ul‘ z. I? ‘:,:,.'1 E. 1715;.) BMW £819.63? L- 1
Sheri'mi 05d” lean-I ml.) 1"[l;-.!:‘15!|"“?-i
vufic'ldOdh'BQ, laugh“ -'-"-E'- I-wir-ivf
. ~! -. - ”A ,‘_ 1.," ‘.;9i
9moKS.ZjGood Bussfifllocka—
,. ‘ Mneallyfiu‘fshed,.nnd.vgoo .tim'akeepa,
«paler m ha "iglfiflhsflibzgfl Mm! W
prmemi-muau'md,um‘ninem (:1 47 .
.':“3 Vim}: H; ' "1:“ 3 ‘ Uni/KRAIFZ'ER‘H‘
$321328 ntz ‘2‘ - {w ma
""_ , {v
H w‘. v «, _.I» I: ,1; X 1‘“ ;.
DEWMMQ: n-ml 22w. 2 .
. J:. “Ha-m“. -4‘-.———-‘] (M :4 AL ' 5
GREAT!“ REDUR ‘D.’ 9-3 .C. ‘n—lwOM 5 T 0 3 {
. . , ~ . .
‘-' _‘2! “'4! (in/beg‘t'lfé, §}k3 Aggy! "i‘ ' t'j'. F
.-'u'v;x ':"‘w v:':.." "7'77"“ ' r'l'. wal. .vm fl 1 ‘
Singlc‘Cap‘l/a FWENTYJFfivEMGENTfi. , -
‘ ~ ~,; .n w.' ~44! ... :rmu ‘ ~ 2-4 m.
1( Prospectus: of, ”36;, Seven teenll:;,%lttmg:j
* w'nmprksaonne Deméqmn‘é takévme‘ has he r 9104
'lom been too high‘L-notafur-irs'ptzez icp'sr. hm! qhnrao
tor,‘buHor tho means at tens 'dfilhuusund'u of-w‘lio
would hetglbdflo rangive Ir. ‘und ‘umnn'g-whdm'it is
hghly‘da-imblo that u should clrc’ulufie! "‘{Porihopur‘
pose,'therelorc."OHurgaly‘ widenin‘g'flhagrungo orim
uselulnms'und nfmu'uplyipg’lho nu‘mbéna of lhosu‘
to whom I: may: hd'uL-c'eaalble. il but; been 'dqlcgmini
:ed, simultaneously 'vil'li 'lhd‘ grant roduflion“‘in"(ho
'oxpe‘nseml lho' pmmge’.’ "in teddco ‘ my'lliltmurjplmn~
pnna'ulsopfrom'nvnln» THREE dollars: nn'd when
several unite in subscriuion. to‘tvs’lo‘W‘m-TWO dol-'
'lrmlfilly. or' averi'll) T '0 flollgm lhirly‘ cun'ls per"
unnum. "3W " :1 ““g' ~-;«'~1 " !
'Th'is verv’lnw reducllon in‘lhe‘ ronbima (nrcomp'xr'
mod wim‘buz‘u'com nr‘alivclyarhnll dminmi’op ol in:
expense)‘involvel. ofwfind‘ith enlire’samificu nfpro
fil up‘on itiunleas compensated hy'n‘ Vlifll‘mullipllbng
«ion ofaubacribbm.~ -“l'h'erb'will be-m 'tno‘timspt‘.ihn.
ly nsmull roducunn in Its number‘ ol’pngba.sooli m
be raalorod 10 in; 'old numh‘er. willlmll"‘inmnm of.
pncp, wh‘nn-the nmimpolod élicceas oflhti éxpenm‘em
Eshulljualgynitw H" ->v‘ ' ' 3""; ‘1 "
' 'Tho pa in“! of distinguished 'dembcrnls' '\\"i_fl‘bn
'cnmlnuod,'ongr‘nwd in ballet nnd‘mure cnglly ‘6!er
lhnn herolnfnro. V ‘V g "" L" '
The pbamgo: rhnrm‘ner. for un‘y‘disu'nme; will be
onlijo: qurl~izlhalf mam n hm horamlbro beer». tor
ovar 'loo'mile33cighrcen cexitsrwq ‘lohk lbre‘analon
o 1 oirculanon lh be reckoned hyjten's‘of thousandnaa
cho'ronulrnnq compensation at lhis gronrrcducnnn or
Ipnbu.‘ I'Ev'éry-Hibnd oFlhb'\\"nrk.” und‘bl' mo demolr
crnlic principk mm (-Mlaol'm milfidoi’lfly dpbpn‘lfii to,
mount himnnlfid prb’tnr’v H ruhscrib‘en; both lon
lond iis usefuldqstnhdja‘Cnrry it‘m'r‘dvnslully'lhro'
lhv- crzaip brihi‘n gfcdt'fiodiiplinn in ils ru‘oipla. r
'Thos'o fi'hnY‘huvé‘ph'ld 'm‘u'dvnnce lor the nnmmg ‘
ycnr. mll receive il, 11! the‘n-ducad rule, [or n vent ‘
and uh”. , ‘ "' 'l\“- - ' ="
mums tIt«:N(':EFO‘It"WARD_,
' _ I'lf'(x_s\'Anj|An,rL\-‘n}. mummy “ , , r,-
Slngie Cohy. I '93 00 "Eight (IQpiou, ‘2O 00
Flour Copies. .. ~ 1,1 ()Q'ljl‘lhlrlccnK/fqpigm 30,0(1
llrmlljhlujn linflag‘p‘n‘.’ I’himn' he'qjlxisloqn, cnp‘i‘cu n‘rn
meted .‘nlfihrwthb pr‘cpfl dpwp to qbqqlf'rwp nob.
14mg ‘."!er.!"'¥’" [ézfl‘pkfichl 5......” ‘ V
.. 'l‘nmlb' ”files [afford vhugh lqducnmqnlg.!n,ngenf§_nnd
pillars_lo'_!n'g§'§os l’llwljmcllvb};mlp'r'ugum gunman-m. .
The cupluyme" ph'd,'paytfiwfin'g’dv'qn‘co.mug! ha
unbomMominihdly'lndhored Id. The pnal mlnggqunn
0!, it hing enuuqd qn' a¢cumulnljnn 011 m; lbqfinm 40.
00Qilol1nrqghfebfi‘fluc iulhe work“ :I c'n-pflpi’. lhifi
must'bd whblllyf‘relotmodfi hor nuns! cillhcr Umnimt
‘eminjom pbhlt'cp] ‘frle’pd. ouhqynoaijnlmmla ”oruuunl
(mg. “ho dwplo’ngg‘d on c‘xg'w‘riu’xplng ital oppfiqnliup. In
lhe‘smppn’gc ul' Ih‘oir n‘uinbé'n. i 1 II." neglcclllhim
rule; the vital ncccsmly urwhii-h. nl Iho preucnl r 93
duood mloru'nutl‘baqpyguyilos,"; ' u fl ‘
'NO'cdln:n'upi_éu3!oniq ml! In)‘ lukon lrom Ihft [IOH
uflico.unlcss Iroé'nl‘yxfimgé.‘ _ . i i
' .Au commu'nimlions'. hum 6r" é'dllm‘inl’nnd pnhhsh
mg bulinesu. mun. km nddrennde lmnc'elorwnhillnflhc
:gndcnigucd. .Thpaq.:elnnnglo:thAclllqmrmqmw’
pnuldgb‘n‘dvc lheJ or}: willubo gun uddu; ucj;ler.
H (:1 ‘Ln'ng 95v,'8 Altar hogsb. lhe pub; nirtfilgfimen!
Wilh Whom, pb‘fiubl'mh'erJhßVO'rhxich'ed'lficif lorunn~
nlion.‘ .w-w H: Wm-‘uflsuuulwm; -v
' Ocl;1845.. w- ml l.’ 135.?anan NJN’IYE’
“AMA ‘ ”I IN.“ ‘l‘ Pad-‘— ‘~|\.' :v‘H‘ i-"vd ’
: Tho admirable Dngqerxcut pa officnorpldnckmn.
Inkcn by An'llxony I‘ldeurd XL (30.. u fcw wwkl ho
fora hisdnnlhhna berm ,utchn-ed fur Ihr uséol the
Democratic Review. 'an In tho hnndi o! (lianlmt.
and mll‘be cnamvcd H] Um fincal‘slylé o! mezzulim
olcxtm lino. ll'lvn' mom hcminflil‘nnu interesting
workrdeclnrodby M r.-Vnn Bum-rand omen. lo give
u morelwrtqsckndcn the gmd unjd‘grent old man lhqn
unymher likgne,ns_q,nxnd.lgql‘lght IQ hPxWfiSosacd and
[rq'm‘g‘d [3' qyoiy“ rrlgnd “:20! ‘qvnex m: qupm! his men
mon‘. ' Vtion."'Mio's‘ubxic Ibcj‘n'l‘ly‘. mil 'r'qceu'c nus
oneibl “mireglnlhr’senc’a bf'ponmna‘ " g ‘ ,
:5 7311?“! Mull ' in: 21 'n\—"—‘.“‘ " ’4 ’ " ‘h g" "'V l'
" ”"l‘o {lt‘e‘ Democrail'cl'pcss,‘_ .1',.‘.,,
‘.Ourfifcfids'bflhu'Dom‘édmu‘c Pl'éxiq n'iix' foiilfes‘tud!
’u'yimoreu'l lhcmn'elv'c'sah (indjhg m‘c'di'ry‘wlh‘o work s'nfe~
1y and-Successfullydhrough Ihb’iil‘iém‘hi ‘lhis‘cgv‘cal
mduyuon 9| price. Every bdifor inseuing \his prosprc
lp_s,.wilh un edglarinl uglier. (and sanding n copy of the
pppirf'murkcd,‘_;rfhzfl(l rclcleiyc 'lh_o Rovlgwjur A year.
w 3N3. ”ENNSYflIUflNfia SESEE
“,0 Emily qulmfpapey: A ‘Netg‘qu‘l' ill, I 'Pali
liesmid;Religionl.l:;4lepezxdcllt 6n ail
. ,suqucls.” . Pu [is/led, in. Harrisburg,
,': Penn'' ' w 4. .1 ~ "W
The necouily Dray-Slaw Temperance Orgrm‘ is
acknowlcllgbd- by éi-‘éry'lcmporunce man in Iho
mqudfnnvof~Penn-ylvnnin; in establishment has
long, hggmleqiredjmd much, Inlknq ofmnd [he oh
jecl'o'flhelnubicnfioiis dbu/"la‘cmbliah. such uh,
‘orgnnxnno Ihnl will prove a free qhnnnel'lh}6g]glu
awhichnemporancé’tmy‘! uf' ove'ry leclion ‘oH‘ou‘,
Cummonwc‘allh can communicate Ihéir' idfis—aré
L-ord Illa iuczjun o! the' (-H‘nrlaf encourng‘kegph
nth" in Ihcir philnnlhropic lubqurn quml lhur Fun-
CEllirale yheir.élfurla' in one common bond ul'nn'llpn
—for wilhuul nn nnnnimuy; of leelmz and union
we can never elpecl lo accomplish any material or
permnncnhgoml. v- - - u . 1
'Oflhe churnclar ohho new palm?” linle need he
fiid' 11-li believed llml'thewuhscriberi Will's: @-
fie-fire. in canbocllon‘fiviill lhq..’l‘om'perance mgr.
.wlll enable him In fulg'rlé lédlschargo lhé on'ei'éu
dlllJEfipPQtlfllmEffiW" edupr. His pnpqr'qhall be
airic'lly ’ll‘ék'rpg'rpmviip pr}, ciplan-[reg fwm per
unn'al'u'rl'gl ileéylnri‘nyn .h‘b'u'l'e'L—Zovolqd‘ .‘9 general qso~
fulkufiwlép'z'é.,chu'lprgh'ending a rum _hr'zd _ugr‘m
Tlapkawefi',Qfllhq'zfifb’ceedlngl nfour .ZSlnleLogiu
llllura. nnddntgu newan'tha day. , ..w
‘ :..The Order vpfnlhoWSonl' of ’l'émprmnca' (of
‘ which the luhlcriher isin’hmnher.)“w'lll find in that
S'r‘nz Onom‘n lruafhnd'"relithd‘hghi‘qmlp‘ 'nf lhli
nfitv and px'gpullxr’ortlel’iil". lenipßngdQl‘flfoimeié;
'qr’jilflhe ln'caiini bglr/lg 'nlMlhq filélé'pa’pilqlrilrw
hohéd Ihe hrélhrqnxywill hordlnlly im‘mal in ,ill|p¢r7
nihu'q‘ul ellablilhmenlmntlhgingenerél organnz-zv-m 7
~ The lubucriplidn Ihl'ul lhodhttnlaw Raronutnf
published by the subscriber‘ in Mncuaxcrcllywwill;
he lmuaférred ib“;'lthb‘§lélg“QHgnn.' “
. Re‘l‘o‘ylul‘iQngad high!“ by, Ihéi [finch-tor Counly';
’l‘empemh’b'eCoriz'énllon. Se'plffir 845.. , .-{
. , " Resolved. That we heartily .nppro'vh ofthe.
cuurw 032.241.- W lullfitln‘; 4m £2ll:an cl. Unfit;
mer-icon. q ml;t\';,fl\l‘l‘d .9 r vx‘qgfhi ,' opus] II n
talgpt‘e‘djéng, .lnifl-m'l” lé‘m’l‘éfén‘w -.€dl.l;\r. _w:9\:-rtrl:
le'l'Ykfimmllx'MW,yw nufimm saw/individual:
And unified 91.1qu touwmin‘humJnlhiwublmuion‘
nu Sm: 'l‘zpnnuuo:.énam'mndmvb khbruby,
ruofimihd tho-'rorgnn’f ‘mr’.lbo}palmnagp“of-me;
‘fv‘iopdm 'ur- temperance?rhrm‘g'ghbnt- 1w: Blfi'lb‘l‘fif
-P6nnl'ylva‘n'ia‘»““|““s‘ "ff” ’.f_"""""' ' ‘l, " ,
Tn: eronmn ArabTgsslitd‘n‘lliia'Oham'w'ill bo'
published evarx Imdph opfiq hagmifuldoublol
meglumhvée'LSßP nigipgtlirlyfilwv celqmyg- my:
184-29',rlr.w‘w°'iaf0. a? Warm? .bm‘flwufi’ 95-;
gfibemwhitl‘héz .‘UL-m’mh’ifiv‘vl. U 29 ».i~!.1!.°1‘11..!19‘
Spfikrdm thwfiraw lfimmbrn mm... :L ; m.” :4
3:} mERMfi‘TFegx! 193(11" ,‘, I'M-i "|:l"CUII(“i1:“5 full-‘
{an 'r" nAddreuvl-ln .é'out -{-J:l1\:;‘)\Vll;.‘l.lS GE‘STAI‘) 1‘
u: "" v r,» 'r :H‘m' 921143. .9le l': :mlm‘
my... 631105.10!) zi‘t'xlnjummm3‘ller ”find—en... ; .l
» "1) New Iv'v'l'lv"-\"~s'!:’ul} a
73.011".:fiquémymfigflnémésar :
a .01: W 1 '9 14%;“?! “5 were“
huge I: 9.9 (I nppor ,un ly oilfamgn l
Imuabbvgxhuiliglewh? jlmaycingimpé i'xfafiufii
imm'édidlclyj"'€6'nh‘e. ,huliactib‘ewin {his
pla'cg. ‘qifller permnnlly .nr brunt?! "‘ ”1""
' ~l~rlu~¢~~sm JOHN BEAQMQNJ}.
Oct. 30, 1845. .i - "-1‘ (”"30"
mj.‘ ,7 .. «2'. m V
' 1.741 n . 9.5.; I“.
film'a’ : .2532. A 3511;
:I‘IIE pllhlinhers. nf‘tho "UNITED, Sums San-um
m l’bs‘Nk‘t-el!t‘ufl-‘Hincdtib'Ttiték‘osug‘n‘in'lhéir nq
:kumfledgmanu to limiteudi‘ngs public lon thd Jim-b
911.5“09’?” whiqh sttwirmwct rm" \ze-ui-x l‘mhuw
that.»thgymmnot‘"anpipdtql gifting, rqtnfv) .whicn
auéh. pntfonngq noyv r'e'quinell. ‘ Il.wmutd be gpttgply
'itimélb’dt to“ oral ‘t'ho ' iendar‘ _to, 'lfic’Je-tdblialic'd
dhi-r‘nctér (W‘tlgo firéi‘tdov friend;uvln‘dlma'p‘r?-éh§in
'cutlvfiho dengh'ution at this .puvper. "I‘l’fl n'twt'dpu
[nor depondentmpqn, pnhlic.pulr_onage,r ‘grnyvihy ‘
what it fandnmnltho pybttsbg” I‘(lgtte‘r'll‘alelyptwlwe;
‘l‘hitt‘JhéiPost.hq'o'tn 'rennédvin it‘llclfeql. and ‘yvnllue.
'M'lh lhq "quay ’hutfigmtjflihg‘nuuppurt which has
‘hb‘e‘h ‘rib'm‘rded mama? u with“: 6ft it"Qitar'lc/qu‘ ‘
rUémur‘g. a~ln7lhia “mm: which hn‘u'rorved'fur‘tho
Many"! deatlwfwhulo generation: itf;pariodii'nla.
F Im} tho rineutneridinn, and dct‘lino nf many qfl~
vui.’tho ‘Pmt has kept tjte evett’ tenor of its way.
by it- owtrinlrittuiéfienlth nud qltrcngh-g-znmv tol-_
; lo't'éing‘,'oftcn loading-the public ui'vle‘."hm no: de~
hartitlg'from its :ihtloprndenfivo "lo' minister Flo fln‘e
tutu-tom newuhnpnnvlolllcu. whn'H-t L‘mnpnredv to
the’exiutnnco of mg. 1:9,“!- nro tttdecd‘fpnemqgttlg-r
‘ Wophull continue in‘thu [lqth‘ptltleqyp[iltg.,ln the
vaa DEPARTMENT. ta preqepuh‘e l‘nfiommtltgenti
(.nlod intelltgunqe.'dtvéstcd ‘ot, [fatty {tuq,,"nlt«l in.
tgraatgd Mpg, nus! "Eating gqlclyflwyi,thewl‘ufiiu of
truth "gut?“ I;- it iijvugcerlaulqlltl’o, ; tw? mach-our
lo'u-{E‘t-I‘pnd y’uhlif‘h' t'riteilfgeqce of \‘n'uq‘nnd Im-l
povlnn’co tn' clt’ti‘ena ehgngetl in all the ihha grunt.“
inn-(nu, Agriculture. (.‘ouunorcc; nnd Mauuhuto"
I‘dhn'”? 1.4.! '- "UH it' '- it t‘
w tilnEpoiriirnlltnloillgattro «fix .reéogniz; hnlv uno
,pulynfiwduthnt il n‘ur .Cnunlrynoun lwhuleafdoun“
(rt/.1; \‘tikupnw 109.4Fc'4'9n‘1l ll}!?r€!}s,‘lj gm; palriln
Qtlfm7|lltg mylxullipe‘u‘itt ol‘r' pnjtlic'l-l-Ttm pleftulig
qnium in oblp‘rellg oi .but p'riut a: d publilah' {or ['l/16
‘ 'gfeiz'lm gfiod'qffltéz'tchtéki h‘umbel’fi' ""' "'l ’ ‘ '
Tu “We Ihb t Sntfmdnf' Post an "imnorlnhcki lu-L
\yohdvthnt lompornryone whtrh it'derinl Timitvbog‘
jugultp‘qqcurqmfl cttrrem avonty,.,|§e it
‘n’cymttr‘t'ttg‘tgfllhol Family: Qtrclq. we giyoht‘n I” cOll,,
umtu that-humour at 'n Weeklj Mugmihmembruy
mhg'b‘ng.;;tma.m am: ”saw-'h‘rawsdtht ""er-é"
- n’nd'-I£Wtyihl+Hiattny '3l:o‘llhtori'o’ltci'a’Biogm'bhy‘
and ltvgcndlrkScicnm'tam]:Slhtinlicnuflcmlulfnjr
my; Annplgq—Muml 'l),qu‘nquj,,’l}rpitutotlLite—rOn.'
‘ gittnjyglfmmeqllln Itljhupluhlety—lXlVl‘l‘t'tllll'lvlllllwll’l
In a w-gnlruuch .n‘ variety u‘l'.‘nntterlus, (our mm
cqu’fiuy iirul réhtcmliv’rcil.) (In; \thfc Literature ul
“Hialworld mny 'qur.‘ "Tho Origindl’l'l‘rdualutiblin
[mm‘Emopcnn .bitevh‘t‘t‘ro'. whirh'hud {tom-time lu
timefippenred inlthu Journal. awash-"ed lo mm"
, entflqttl lhnt E‘;‘¢,ll'|V°,‘Pm,¢d ‘no‘ mint 19 make) an;
,ijl truly Culr‘ntlp‘olllu‘lt in Iho Grant Rc‘publtp o!
'Loliéf‘l-I. LL" : - .:v .V ,V
' "Volumé' TWenljj-Sfiycfilh, UM“ which we 'ru’n'l n~
:f» ' ’ _r 1. '9l: 412%: 7511::
m ~- xwmw -. -
‘r?"‘i;g.‘«‘~ afiwauuf‘fi“ Mfigh<fir Ni. fi'xe’fi’gré’. . ~ n
" ~-. 9 , 3"-”7‘{‘ff}'-".l:£'_-‘:_?..}y .~ :,.;s->::.r.‘:;:<~ ».~- . - ..:“. fiwkwfi»
.JV'ew valumawew typafioldfiiand‘
ski; s, {minew Httractionéi‘i- l"
lint,“ ~ up'm.
'lroul m‘enl'uh w'nll opt-our 'in now Iype, and will:
uu-b mh_er Improvemcmn mg] advantage: at olpq
fiance my luggcsl. lil‘o rppcnt um words of Mur
mcr pronpeclm-i—mlr mum in null ' ereluorfl' A~
Ilnong lhe "Ideal nape" un lhc cunliucnl. and par
leucll 0! all Iho ndvnnlngel “hu-h long uccumul
19d fuhlilielJfllMilhd oomlucmrrdlnnd wnfi thew
.peru'liunadvnnmgm, ‘upllo bu; quuirud'iu adny.);
(xyllfiyo improveme‘matwlngh.‘aach_.uufrquive year
prowepls In lhg-ir nolurp ;_ and all _lh'p‘tltl‘n ngcp fur‘
|lm‘_beuer. which m-r’ur In men ihli-nl 31‘: doing:
‘w‘eAlr' hy'h r‘cndfiig fau'bhc“vs’hil'hjhu's!’hlw‘ayi‘Ubuc‘
~w'ell'forlho Unlloul Slates Silur(luy'Pulr. 1" " '
, , 711012415. Pfim‘ f 4; ,
“05%;" fi'fsn'tio :gg, 214.310 00
3'cup'w'v] ", ‘ ""5 0!) i 353“? 2Q 00
' 'l‘l»'e‘-'xhuncy mlnsl'nlwny ‘ub" 1* advance.
lreddf’poulngo.“‘A'ddrou. ' v,_:'
:1 ~' ; , w s. D. l‘A'l-"I‘ERSONkCo.
|_ N,“ ‘. L 3' 95ghemul.Ilfogzv'."l’hilndalphin
~QC,'9'zer,'-’9- 18515.- ‘ .- . ‘ -
‘ \ s,l“Stl‘axifi‘4teer-g'-
iggxfl "IE AMEIIQ flh‘t- rivfiidcplce
“La—. 5...» _,‘ y-tul ‘llhenlaubegtib‘emgih
lfifiwfi‘u'gc uyw‘qgupip. sn_lpé[|jpp in Seplqgn
bér last; a Mindful, Steer. guppugggl ’l9‘ bc‘
about'(hrelelg'cayysviggld. The owner! is Idel
sine". m mum; _ human], pruvc lprpprrly,
9“." charges.' and take hun away. other
u-isg _he wiltbefirulg with‘ an (he‘law div
Oct; 30, 1845.». 1 I . , .
, ...“.CHAIREMWa'u '
' fl “'A’RITIESI M" lefll hnv‘ing purcha
'brsbcl gm; establish'mt'm u,l‘Q.:,‘l).‘~\Y‘atq
9m), ‘ngspccfl'u‘lvl! ialifiy'rjmfi "lvlpiffofilizem ql‘
Clearifi'el'g! rim] its yicmily,"flfia& he is now
'c’hg‘fiv‘mg‘ ("m Il'npi’hbove 'b'uéit'neéj in all Its
:Uraquyes.‘ timing lu- ils'dcwgl'nined ‘ln‘man;
filacllj‘re'jr')’ l‘ne befiffity’lé'. Chai‘r‘é.'Seltees,v
B;§.,’(l'n rég's()niil3lésleimn.‘bghdpes't'dtitcjr‘
il dfitl"r'ei~éivé'z'g'lib'erul snafé'bl erona‘ge‘
:‘l 'l. 'v' _ww , "'9' . my .‘
and filinnnrf- r. ‘. . . ..1- ."
‘ ‘N.'B.“Cbunrr’3}l‘fPriudu‘éf- mkenjh (s’):-
c a at: {prlworkl and ll_beml 'ifi'sgil‘m!
w ~ .
. | ‘> ,‘ ‘-’ v'r- , ‘ ,‘ , ‘. ‘I \:.II) ‘
:08! p"\2xo’l.B~l.‘)' ' . “.‘., 7.1): I.) ..- I'JH‘
.235 i ''- ‘RZOM'I ”‘3 pn'stl‘u‘ré, .M J'.
'fifiéwflg 4 'Nichols. n'¢n§",C|earfi§alil
I Y 5’11" w-m‘w'h'.’ 6h {hue 12‘” (IT ()blulj‘lr,
" ."L . )diduxh 0r érk‘u'ffié'c‘qmr'led _hb'giq,
mM'éWHit Ebtflétl ,i'r'i'his‘ chti‘hizi‘iirlled“ in
both' liifi'd' lég‘él ‘ W'hoéver fiill' ig'oure ‘zmd
hon-9, and give inlurmauon '!'(')l’th_el'pi'inlél‘
‘s'!" 'Cl'fififiéld: wfiéjérhjé:lfffiyfbéfnqnd, will
be rewarded byipuyni'endol’ml (reasonable
ch‘a‘rflel‘,» wimw’sdldi 'fiOfiéh Zi‘é ‘éall'ed‘ INA—I
SahLlhogsgpeldngj‘fil’o’ ,’. ' 3",. - 3‘. I“. A
J ss.}: (km :1" 111‘] AMES 'TYJJER- 5
a t .' 1| . - r“ -' '
x {“3333qu eggs-6.9., 1,11,84107 pd ’
:11 1:.’.!.L1l I. .‘.»)h‘fi ‘ Ht .‘.V new '.
1;. ammmnmmea:B&mwo_.,s
*Bfl ’yifm‘t‘ 'ar awn off ‘VemliZl/ifnilr'Et
-1’ “"hbhas' ld‘ifie‘dii‘eéledigig/sb‘c‘d bu‘t'pf
; ~lh‘é~€wit>u‘mm\nnd .Pledwz'bmlehrfi‘gld
1 'mumyz. wm He'exp'ow wo'rputiligs'uiggng
Nye" co’UH"hdu§éT’in ‘Gléurfielll ‘l'oiy'n'floq
‘ 'Mdfiflbi'lhb’first I W 1 gm 'Deédmudink’x'ta‘
qheududwi‘da teal 'lefiam w laimract
'Wlah‘qkimfwfim'Kn' hfluga'wwn‘sfliiw»
'chi'dwaum yz- "bbu'nd'efl '1 byulwdw'bj} mm;
=mmw‘mfié saamgweuj.=uWrm-\ Mi'chée’lsl':
Jayurdfi‘ljié N‘éi‘m‘ra’hd by’flh'n‘dd nwiék;
Aer‘sbhlomévqh!ngv_sg;sasvs aim South; can;
ing hougga and 'q vbn'rm and nbout'lhj'fl'yfi
amegfil’eheqmdtw ghhks‘rumoe flbfiHEMig
‘gfioefis.’«}fl-§€lhy}l; hm; magnufiaeéanaq
‘hg'éihd p‘mp‘eag uif‘ahml-Méhaels, and to'
be sold‘-by «AMI .’q‘.‘ ,gul. ,gu‘u’uri'll: _ 5
~e~~~~¢~~~+~aws wm w:-
;n swarm“; Ou‘ur'sr-fgnmi 2319 mm i
. field. NOV.ln;WB46\_\g3s\‘\}'V/{1u3%912')3R.. 3
r ~~
rhctnmpem“ ‘
, m
m'efiz’f'd's‘”; V
‘ 11mm smrw9vn~m93 3
, We issue toadnydhc. flown!!!)
series quhh, DenibctalicEz‘poml
Journaqfnrltm cavlntry, u \Vvhlchi‘l. ‘f
chcupcu'publication .m‘ev‘mfl‘ul' -
age ofthe! Amer‘ican'puhlib'l “2
lished wed-kly; inqléad uheirri ,
lofore, wlnilo‘ufldbr'fligmhdi‘ge
ummugh it will ,céntnm‘ "'l9ch
amount 0{ rdfl!léf'.'llié'§éwflj"b
«I.9sl.‘aemf,nan'. [maeswr v
'u:*l,m'." . «1". "1 .1,
Wondne $0 furnish “new sly v. ,
“m-cof .13 i-,.- I UV. :3 1)., "(I’ll ‘;' ,
,‘v ”.1. |'u-.;r.'.'./;,-‘ 1"”.3
1"! “ twin.“ fund 83”.!)
[it tllE (y‘h’xpl’éficd'cfijfcd‘ld‘fi’
LAR onlg!"'mifi‘glhb éhél.
before. iSBUHdJ!‘ Ih}; ;c9,untf
. The gay-1w»; mu m:1
and WWfixnwnflwPm
Jcfl‘crsonian 1 nmogmcyrqfi ‘3
law highlyygmpd editor. my
'ed 'ov‘hop‘c,‘ will,malerial,ly -‘ 1"
from lii: elloqupm new»; imp
cd by ,comnibudoualram the
rpnlilicgl‘ wqilers in the Unit.
pains fifiyfithnsqwll‘lbc:j
w‘orlhv 0 being cpngldicrca a
democracy-i?! futl'lrc- gpn'cr
[liabglis im'uktir slmll U'FCIIP‘
bufiwiued : hynh'iksz wweykly
Palm. dammm "59111.1 PM
fir co'y-d‘ of Inlpor‘lnr'l‘l _ 139139313".
lief fifid r‘cférglzncq', 33' well ne air A
'ér 5951;" the c im’p’csmug {mum ‘ *
-w‘lllilivothrou),m'MMime; nudz'fi ‘:
mob-,qlm'mnigcnho worm. .r n s '-£
» 'Weall)“kswl'¢milsinkly:. nndei'
Isng‘l, dcvogqioHrqclp'gs to’uqorcgusg
‘r‘qm’bh‘cageducation? It" [hit 9nd ,‘W
Why en'd’eflr'dr lo‘ rgl’orm 'ég-cry (P 57
'nié'ricgi.‘ ‘a‘nd'és'fhbmh'n gys’wm 931%».
‘chdrénilfi mé Imm hi Mb 'Eflv‘lx'gvl‘23
.Amcrjtan blbet'ly.‘ :itihcniltofi‘, inr '
whammcw‘ Emedfvnassihlw
livingleg gull, gllqj'lbnlgfixj wring
mohnfr'chy- llil'ld Arlslqérauy; (_hc‘
eihm’atibn-p'ufsncd vhf ou’r'Tusilion
oflenrning.‘ . . ,
-\ "We thnlflobptouc'nll'lmu'no'polh
IcecLive-mnrifl‘mpnrlial kgislalir'
Down-1m! u n in , pig c) ,1
thSHué «.2211e 13155:; $91923?
){a‘Mléa‘ (Aim du'x'gtrib'nf ' I‘n‘ sh'o‘rt "n
ume worthy nlbcmg firéb’ervé‘d
1' (We: shall pAvflhlellflrleig “"2"”
go _urlmelenmyf” x 0 "mi: no:
\vigh'lofiafitgtl‘ifiu mm JHM ‘um‘m
ulna:' 'u'hmml
,mnjlolh9qqll (mack. ,uglrjlmfnjljngy
rcauhlrllg ’_llo qno Shal' are!) hqu.
H}. on Iri'dnil'fmfih (n f Ii; rosflpcl-J.‘
mkan lo hzivozlhé- pgrkndmhrmhgly
.ymumpd, so lhvgjhpy:ahnlJ‘go’nchfllh
‘uuml Mdrr.‘ I ilh this hrléfund my
[oui plnn'l‘w’o uihmil‘ o'nr 'clnims lu
.llw Demhcrhny. Mlh unphnken .Ind
denqqghgl wuhlqil ho-gonqrpugly
~; TERMS': .
t li‘héz‘Dnmcu-nc‘Exromron m
Jqurnul lungnolmunyfl will !be' nu
ouch numbor‘will contain sixgcfn‘cl
'gésminking mghl hundreu'nnd {Mn
ume. tor the unmunl low «idea 01/
,xlllm.lo;n,sloglc subscrfl-nr. ;, y
' Guam lsnuczam's'ra To pwns.
1 lifib’l‘dei'm "t-fléhd ‘lhawélrculdfidd
.lnlxltmvory tram nfnur fi‘lbrium. {Mn
(q ,o gin apro salsa: mo, noun
’\\"nr(rlelle"fldlr:ré éhnilrcéeisg elev
year; thong who Inrwnrd munty dtfl
[h‘onlyfihmg‘mpl (.1 [or lwpleg mhnfl
prfimfiln niglnly7novon rcnjsJo! nlvpll;
dr'cd mid lhiny-mo ’pa‘g'os If Qur dm
'nm‘rwpocuullquucméd 1d Moll‘lhl
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; - ' 1 ' munch"
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-:- Wishingmnvlulv' 3.184% w.“ .0}
| ~!-;Shemfj~’\s~Su
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...nonas,.is-u.cs|~ 9m, bubs:
.Commonwfiwfi qr‘Clmrfipls'u
unidirecmflp will! Pt: .emwsl.
999 w .U),c.qw.'l hpusr..ti-.v..\l
_cegnbcring‘gt.‘rgaip .ua'ctaof Ignx‘zfl
,qlnlgn‘ qush‘lp,’ ICQeurfieY}! , gauntyéfir,
"ed 59 lulltrfisza—Beginningigsl 9i “Let”
:me N°€¥h=YY¢3l wrnet 9%".3‘5.‘ NJ 1;
'thnp‘e'nj‘e‘g; 12’3”)” [on ppst, (h , ,‘l‘ .d'
”32.4131 Inwahe-wuh. ”lqnfc,‘ 93,. i”
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"192] north to thjgflplg-H‘y‘tn’t'e pq’fi‘:,;§-,
being part of mm! Na. 1922; t'f‘,‘
.prqygmrngs‘bgilm 9‘l‘9!!)e:'(‘§\fgl!ng:,g:
.a. hat: am .am? Siam mimisbmfi“
“QsV§.9!.\he.,.lm:s| clsisrsd- mow" f:
11mm} rgd .uud‘JllHrty-ujlmmacresqgrfii}
sflmd. a! arukrniinapxecufiwq 93 "
L‘perlmhi’hilip Bradf'i'd ”if, '
-, .. ~ .. awaslm
L l h’fv (Ifl'lct’tflg'fiprg'pq
.1 E‘Flfllnei‘m’, 11.1.845‘ .
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Av. M6O; tqwuyvnaaulhefia em
1'43 aS'aw. At“! : FEPEFI'J‘QLSC
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c‘utam _ t/urly 11.519. - _ioluml
i/ng‘mqtterq’ach vyeek._}le's
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Péh‘l'néflv‘ahiaéd gym! idfii'
fianté.‘ ) Ii?” f' ,l I‘, {-l'v‘lfl I
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