Democratic banner. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1837-1849, November 08, 1845, Image 2

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jitft‘b'ibn ”tau: Moansn or ',A EMA»: m," '
2; ’éllvfiimfr n Anson. Jfiafiufif’flhwu V
X.'Letg3n Arutth—Our cityg'jfiras 'thf‘ri'mn ;
.«z #9:. great Male ul excitegtgn‘ thtgtfi‘arm ,
“v 4.1?" a report that”u‘s'mmt"n'qpfi’ttHits}:~ rh‘hr‘h
. " "T‘flgylfihccu‘gogunittevdiut thglVgfl End, I
.. M; . dittrt'pufflwPthum inqutlngrLanc.
' .‘ ”'s‘! fiéafivgttl {t‘ntrfl inC‘r’vur ‘rgter'aim'l grit-'1
. my}? _ oft:ttrj'tltt-gtimtyhighe-particulars....3
3,2o9'm‘3rf‘l3'w' ujus qm’panneltetl 'lhts
Afl‘fir’t’n'q'nfahtl'uh l’r‘l'h'e‘tl‘tré'dli'6’rt‘ot' Cor,- '
1 tithinjttb‘téwdw’as 'ta'twjh'é itt'm‘ ms; ;
1., ‘itgfia'thgip 31.1.3116; itt‘wxyttir'hfi_tttg‘tteétl'
' f 4: {shuttetrmétte'gd 'ltréttmmjsr‘yyuan-am
' ~_. ’ffijttéot; ‘ivtjnptr wt 33.3%: flag?!" at, the
71 E’ (IH‘Htih'éef’ttt,‘tt't'n‘rtmvrtqrn tté'o’ctbck.
sng fie.‘fieafié‘m‘“thé'ihht’tfir‘ i 3 fi‘éméll‘frwdl,
i 318” ()Hé’k hdure',‘ih_(3édar Unhe.hetwéen‘
321?:cgflf‘jm'u'cylmlér stre‘r‘ts; ‘ decapiad by“
V'ls": Mf’.‘ J'n'iél ‘Ltitwefié’é‘r'inlfi‘d‘ wifé. whd‘liafi'e ‘
.vll'tlié'c“l"’llt;€t'é §'tttt_t"ethititz“' Ifiku ’ twtentylfivc ‘
airwayg'atm'y {fluk‘t’wtn‘g‘)"gars" ‘ba‘df‘,’ns‘ \vc:'un. ‘
"'"gaét'itan'ql’the?’fit'§@.ibe§'ltuv§{:kfi§p used As' '
”it"g‘,hnu”dé'bffla‘s‘btahfltt'o’n—‘ro'omn being kept
'1 " {ohm h‘éc’ohtm‘ndutton at those in the hah'it .
"WHiS’t’ttdg'it. ' ' . _‘ " -
- The body. that oh young and beautiful .'
[lémp'a 01239122.“ Wits .D‘iltgpp]h§ floor;
‘ctptlpre’d'nll hn ,'th9:b_rettst.~'héugl'arttl‘feet,‘
1 :with ts bloody She'et‘tt‘hich had belen thrown '
,smlfiénfi"'shc‘ ltayl on‘ her back, Cluse’ to the
1 ‘2 ay‘gtgfltlvithth‘g h‘gia'd t'uv‘t't’ed 'ojv‘er the right
'1 awe.“- ‘t‘thttad'w‘ug ‘th’fo'wn’ bach'cxpof
{Umbra ehtts‘tly‘éu'tl teiribte cut frumgnr to
"HhrgTh'e‘ jfiguhhk‘din’ dntl'Win‘dp‘tpeQWere
«triah‘t‘né‘ty‘ mum; th‘é mag which-the mp"
.111 Z‘dé‘r‘ér‘ u’sét‘! «litfii‘tt‘g‘ént'e'ré’d. t 6 ’the lione‘. ..'
«mm; hétrt'jmm hartly‘rtifipum‘ed. and her
'nhfig‘é‘fiflhrrfétl inn‘d "_6ll§‘¢lie'nféd by the‘igatj
.fhxgtttttatma' " ""1 . 4 “It ' l ' .
'34:, h ’ frat (1e: 0" ‘i‘; U? M'Qd'nldcked
" 'gol tiibtir‘rit-‘gtim-‘the't’tNYflfim-y. théy
t, COI‘ dQ'QUCII 'lib‘Wt'te “pair (if; sftairs.“tb lhe'
Twfim in which the murder was éoth'tnitt‘e‘d;
t lééfl‘ihé‘éibx'v'swé‘ "Justaftpallingéin'conf'
"-d‘eflilhlj's’d t’v‘hhyiqnc 'whu "\vas‘nttt"‘tlierc‘
"F‘lh “wit: 37"”! 41.1“, : u1;,1 1 -- .11
‘ '01) I‘flé‘fr‘dot‘nfi‘which tt’tw'a I‘tflnllfitzédtficd
uhq wizntq'ma-‘ttcs‘r or tlic"lt'nu:uefi in (tie-1'99: ‘
amt mmyg-Ltttutuineu lib-ngmg'nl'gz tit/burnt
15'th thg'xat‘r‘ewett=*> and the"; wallr
5:300 mattered with bluml—probnblytdutne
- éyumt‘ithé'u‘b‘a"‘drog§éd .lrom the bed and
“"fihiéwfl‘uhohflthé‘ flfi‘ur. A chair-standing
1' ih'o'fiotthe hen‘d'b[ théibéd'ycbrituined‘a pout
admit." = :.. ~- ~ -- g : .
'MtMetg'ither'ed I'mtn i9:Ctle‘eraßuOD'inllt
,‘JaM‘rMnd‘Mrs. Litf‘t’rn'cemnd afgirt iri'the
home. that lttcy'We'fih’vuwgkéh'ed'hbttlfl’fitte
f. 6’dlbck this mo'r'hin‘g"; by‘a'uhriek up stairs}
“WM! ihv'h’vy‘tdll.“\'thiéh appurerttty jatred
.t'fhl--h‘ot_ne’;"iriimed|t§t¢ly"tiller; 'atulhel'ore
‘lthbywe're’. hardly awake', a ‘per'aim cam‘e‘
adokm'atairs, I'slippctrin .th'eif“ haste. 't'md‘
feHfibut' rec‘Ov'eréd.- and "'rhshed «int 0] "the
-tf‘rdnt‘dour.'"-"w'v -
‘H‘vUThe-Ihflilyfi ‘then“sdtett'- hm. hm! going
-‘-u'ptlo tflé’mb'm. fou'ttt'fjl'fifle‘tl &ith'3'flBnte ‘
"and“sm’ok‘e: "The ’fire \y’§§'-nel‘in'- th'rge
different ptaces—therb’e'd which the‘tnur
«ler’ed I‘Wdr‘r’t‘an‘ had occupied—the" cloret
'lcdhtnin'inéwher"dr‘e'sie's’, ‘at'td'hl‘béd in an
wattjuining bed-room,- fihiéh'w'ns u'nh'c'cupted.
.were nll-‘mttre ‘or léss burnt; ‘-A‘g‘i'nst tht;
’ .doori‘of‘th'e From. bed-roum,‘occup’ml by a
,gid‘who liyes Inbred": pile‘df bed clothes
.'-h'adilbeen.phtced and" then. set nn‘fi'rei—tt
wléqmi-to have been ‘the' intentinn «11' the
murderer to bury at] vvulence‘of-hiu'fien;
mi'sh: deed;- am» the ettnflagratioq 01' the
.hudtehitlflcatth'bf its oc‘cupéntsL' " ' ,
“"1’1‘59 'riarit'e Of'the mutdercfl-tviimn'tfivag
"Mbrtfi'i‘fi."Bicktnrdfi 8118' watt (fillight.
'grirbfo‘lfimjreidntr very beau'tttut; j sn'e
.ttds'b‘eer. maniatxburhrea stor==ttte;d ,tvjm.
‘hEr‘hfisbififl'ffirEtitncifin't‘é paint.” Hg‘is ‘3
v shqemglter by was latdy in the
-empfu§'orf Mr‘: Smith".l jir't Cambrid'g'e'street.
'Hé istfdw'fi‘n Bingor."\tiher'é"this ignifated
rwams‘n‘ tnrfimty betnnggtt.>\“ , '
5,1 "Ai'l‘l‘ Her} hag; kin" n'dfiftfl lh rfihm, atldre;
1 14.113111; 191.31: X 33.” A 1265» paw
“’j’hén’q' q‘r’d,ty’gh,; flirt}; fattd‘ktuckk'tfi‘g; att‘t'l it
b‘tin‘ch" {R'ej‘aTl‘HL Motiarty._u_h'u was
prescnfitt the e‘x‘thsjfltfim. and it watt im
possible for her .tß‘tt)ot'e}hkter she received
the death wound, 6m} he’ us! have drag
getdfhér Wrnm‘the'b‘éd'.” firthé iatrn'w trad
under'wht'ch alt-t: slépj‘fh‘bur'tchqf’rfit’tti: res
lt‘ere-lou'rt‘tl nearly bu‘rt‘tt-Up.‘ ’ ‘
”gni‘éir‘ip‘ns am’éuhting qlmoafilp'cerla'thifl
ty. ar'e fixéfl"dpttfi Alb'erl J. Tirréll ha th'e‘
mnqtlegg‘n though hgxhas notiheen arr'ost
edwfl'tl’irrcll was arrestedvsome time since,
' at Nymfletiford pa achargg oi atlultct‘y.
Aft’J-flvvé‘é’l'ate'ly tlischg’rge’d', ‘havi‘t'tg corn;
promised the. mtttter. He :9 'snid'to be u
. mtivmuf,Weymnuth',' in this StateL-é-Boa
, ' tonMfiflcfljW. '.l “ '
m?! :I=’. ":1 ,1. t‘
_._., v Froniilbe Béuon FUEL" —‘ z.. ' '
win’éu‘cn ‘o‘fit‘ms' Bb'fiy WTMM‘MA;
meonp.-~'l‘hé~‘.‘in‘duest 'sixm‘moned'by‘
09L. [39llmm ingqirvan‘ggiglws‘ausefyflzhe
#5613334; Mbfiiagfly; Biqkfprduépe.‘ J." “’9
£39sl,hqugla‘jesfenlnyj Lapwing-80d; chum.
ibed a Ih‘rge numberml‘ )yitngssemecludr.
inz the 'fami'ly'am] lml'gers in'uie hguse‘ol
.‘Hell’hhivh'ch‘fx-J‘m 'Muunil' Vernnp‘av‘enne
nh'iio ‘Piépk{iej“_lé’nél ' 'l‘lieWVM'N‘t‘lfn‘mhri
my; Md tune: \veté‘63ehyj'y"i6kiitifiefllX33]
hduiu'g' ‘Ule'lbngf‘ed ' I‘MTlridll’ "'lf’Wh'§7' alibi);
proved um? he had ’fii‘diépute‘w’ltfi‘Wh'e‘dél3
cgga‘ii,gyn~, 89ndnyua1mpqonumen; made
{gigp' m(MLhepamnéback'that night. and.
was ' in he: . mpm whet} al_| ...lhnmhsn'ihr.
matesvolt flie - lio'qu‘ g_§tired,, rim .to we
mamie'rfiiaéimmn he weiflifio? “’py‘gfibh'llx
'on'Mdha‘uyf’ed.»‘+‘qiég.';lol y‘g'fi‘filihhinba“ h,’
un’édoWMi‘l’FlflEifi a} gai‘v'é’r'pg lég‘tjffing a":
.{mnawqxuuuir s"¢‘ct’«-Jta;’g' 17333:; ”33?;
,-M{b“¢fi‘,'h’e‘ ‘ha‘il 'uciiiifi‘ligfim'y fgé h .i'p'" ‘t‘héfigfiz‘
‘ .~"hl‘éfi\"és¥d‘b‘§fo'r'é'. ‘A‘fi‘puéif ‘mr fi'élihsjgrd' wt
ami-‘f’d’kd‘éii’fe‘w iilfls‘jfilfii usfiqigmyrg
Magnum ai'fé‘éailfliié" i't’liepé'wflfl“ ’
r Inim»?ti¢‘mnreflrw fgigi'sstafli'i‘ffihle'l‘ t
,; x';fighWeyflmWn’i’kiQfihfifrfigykimg'h?
zymfiawugmflimggg‘kygziugqxca -,{Ufls‘e’ .fi
‘'t a" firm hf-‘beifiiwimoufibw
i aw i,
3 SWQii-w‘g .
." gm.)
.' V mung}
,2 .3324 sixth 55k”:
‘ .:‘(HR‘WC‘
“ -.. ' “1““ ‘7' a In " in.“
r H” arrived nta "hon,“ 3'- We? OWE!
,w‘nyp’m rim-“gashiqsvirgfq '"EW’ m»
which 'Tbe;;.-w WWW; W": m.
mon’ej. bifi‘; would; _qqulé; wnhft‘pllgm
th'fi he dime'mfiostan again; ‘lWah‘lall',
shndytumplgan. wure uglnzed cap'nnd
n limg fiack- < 7 ' , '.‘
f~~~Ftuminolhenpicce of evidénce it zap-Z
pcawdlhnl 'lTirrlellwwsas alsm'i'nlvolvetlwilh
:{g‘nl named Mary Ann Casnimere vand:
m; (x 4wtun-menunugns 'a‘d’étihe‘bt nae-iii:
‘isfdélgiifif‘lh M a'r'm 5A} Bick‘furd‘.“éfid"wid
I'héj‘". Iqu‘fi‘éf” ’ov'l'cllspyiel'befcééeu "Hi-Farm
'l‘lJ'rre'Hé “\vh’oifjfiri‘auy 'g'av‘e’her; u' ‘féepé'r'
which ly'c’ had 'Fcldeiilhlfifrum' Mary’Ariif
Ca’asi‘m'e'ré. f --. " V -_’:_ ’ , '
‘Ab'oul: d li’clock ydsie't'dny‘ afternoon
'(hé jury relurned‘h Verdvc'i. “ , /
-' H 11m lhe’ seam-Myriam.-Bick‘raru cané'q
>lo‘her'doaih my ’(he’ mtirninfiT'uf’chlie'i‘
.271”. T 845; by ’Wuilh‘ds: infilc‘géd‘ by ‘nn‘e'
Mbelt J; 'l‘m‘ell, "otherwise ’7gll‘éd J.‘ De
'Woll. "\vilh‘flj'h‘zov. cu'tlihg a}? ,lhrfmj in
a lm‘ifin‘éf'tiu cfiusc' itts‘lignt 2 (H. mm _the.
jurors: nforbsn’id' on lhéir oat ydu‘i‘ay. that
the said Albei-i J‘."'|'li'e|l‘. ulhcrwise‘callqd,
'Alburt'JJ'lh Wu”. '0! his malice Myra-
Hixifighl. Ih'» vaid‘ Marla ' Bickfnrd. other
wise ‘ called "Murll' A. B 1
ulid‘munlcr. ag'aiml ‘he pea
munwénl’th'aml the ans m
Jam-7. Prall.Cnrum-r. Ar
Daniel Merrel'.‘ Jonah”:
Hofliv.’Clwrles'flr‘awn- “.
I I The” were “"rnu'ui'.fl:}'iucnura in circu-
Mia" 3°§‘erdBW{'l‘urrell wus"scen in’
Ni,‘""“”‘ & Mummy; “hil'e' offic'erb
Myr'fiflll'flhd Gonlidgé‘urre thcte.‘ The]
Wit the reaidedce"df his‘Wfile,‘ find
{vi-re er'e‘toldtthm'l‘lrrell. urri'wd there
\in lllvé morhihg‘ with-Thompson who was
with than}. tun-had not been If?" nller 10E
'u’c'fo‘ck'i" ’l‘th searched the house {Ol
finh'.’ ll‘iilh tn'p 'CO‘bullom; every facility
havingpgen‘uflotilild‘to- them b 3. the flu:
li'fijibyWamily, "l‘hpy galhethd. ‘ha‘t 'l'ir
yéllj’hdil rcpteaqnléd' _xhat ;he‘ was again
'p'ursu'éd on’ accou'nk' of lhe’sunpended in-'
'd‘iclmcnl (nr his having: livvdiwilh' Maria
Bick'fordfaml probnbly. hil lriemls gave
himt'usmsmnce to enable him to keep out
uftlle.“a_v.‘umil lurlher negmialionu to
save him lrum that prosecution could be
opened.“ _, .. -. , {
fifzzxdcicr" £rrealed.—~The Juurnal of
Cdmfiiérce, “yak—A. J. 'l‘irrell,'!lie Boa;
Ilon murderer, was taken in Philadelphia
‘on Sunday. and went over Ihé'L.'l. Rni‘
.Ifoad'yéajtenlay morning if: ironw'on hip
Waylo relribulion. Here is the end of a
'connexin‘n befneen hm' married penons.
wlm‘lleaerted the happiness-0| n fahhlul
domesiié lib: lur ah adulterous intercourse.
which ,‘varyntinucd wilh_“violen'l quar
‘r‘éla. ; _wilh'murd'er and lhe‘
gaUuW gaining o! lile. “'
Foreign 'News.
.am'v'az ofthe Steamship Great Weata‘r‘n'.l{
‘ .12 Week Later from Europe.
By th‘e‘Great Western. a’t'Neu} ‘York‘. 1
Monday eveningoa hone Liverpool pa- 1
pen to 'the llth inst. "We ark: Indeb‘ted.
to Adams &:Co.; and Livingston 51. C 6.
(or English papers, and an extra horn the
New‘ York Sun. . ' ’ ‘
'Grnifinl'r'na'lrk'eta‘ are steadily advancing.
The'German Stat'eahavé cOmmehoed pro
hibitiing'thé exportation 0f brenilathlfa,
»'l'he' wheat} crop‘in : England; “You“;
known to he‘very‘larlh'elow’an aid-age.—
Thg [tor‘nip gropvisytllroatened with audio;
t'e'm‘pp’r like tho potato filague.‘ ' ~.
' ‘Fanliné,'ji-ith all its nrroia. appears to
be a’tai-inglat hallo] old Europe's papaya.
'tiOn.‘"and an tall-pervading cry lor civil
and rieli'gious freedom rises on (very hand.
' Extensive flnod'a. couslnfimuch damag'é.
haVe' Oécorred'in the north 0! England and
Scotland. ‘ Much cord which remained in
the fiétd was carried: ’n‘Way', as also sheep
and cattle: sortie lived were lost. .. ' ‘
’l‘hei‘lruit'a‘ of the ‘ Frénch éxberlition to ‘
Morocco laaty'ear may now be ae'en'inrlhé
'dest'r'uc'tion at this swath-tong at chmi- :
i‘a-Gheznnnfataountihg t0‘450 iuen,‘ ‘l';
' 'Ftsh. Fle'ali‘, Fowl and Vegetable's.;tt
it; aihgihlalr'laht that fatal diseasg’a’are, _at’ g
the b'r'eaent" momo‘n‘t. prevalent athoogst i
ntamberarot allfl'lhe “ab'ové Inam’ad [riot-9ft"? 1
Eorope'." " I“); I“ f . " 1
; ‘Cntttg have "long boon afllicted’mth a’
distemper which has'd'eotroyetl numbera‘;
grouse have died-in hundrgda of someima
lu’ily‘. which, has brim oa'rloig‘oly dévaori‘l‘ié‘dwg.
ahd'tho murraih among p'u'tame‘slhas dost"-
: tro’ycd‘thc créps'fover 3‘ ‘grg‘at portlo'll‘ of
l Eoro'pei' ‘ ‘lt‘ ts nbw atate‘d ', that aiplag‘olc.
amine dé'strijyiioh hasMh'rOlten ou’tamong
ihé finh‘ in”rii/e'rs.lnumbers tyt‘pikg," beta
And? .u'thet fish bring. faun.t,‘7d§a.dv ‘m’yin’g‘
ob'the'autface nt‘tho water."‘ ' ' '
"The railway l'e'vdr rages as ‘violently‘ in.
:Fr'anoé,‘ na’io,‘ England. ' "'l‘hc aunt drawn,
soot ol'thé‘Faris Savingi Bank.'laél§_Wéeli','
principallflor purposes 0! speculation in
th’e’Shofe'a.’ was 2.867.782 t. whilgt the def
'pu‘gitga unnamed o'ntjr' ”outdoor: ‘
, oa-Th’g ruxrnyving, ffilroégqugg. w,“ 'h’nuda‘il' 'féf
bilxilipig‘ghftoé life) 19?‘pfibliéétién'iiélrvgoefiQ; 1‘ ‘
2.1;,8. .:,‘r.«b'r;a'.k'na xkseiiismgn:;y,g3,7,3: 3.?
, ;;[‘hg “Presbytery; «if. huzqnea held; in
, Wedunoeliog at IWilkeahnrl’rr-on;lhn.23d.
3tséptqmb¢réq£¥he gsension a w». openedz;
whwggtménzhyamAlley;Mn bflynliofi
;. '-y.un.xi,nz;..andmm" Rem-..Mn; finmzaol ‘
Reading. fianchb‘fi'fi/EModerutorr sAlh lhe'.
:dhujmhe‘s:,in..!hq;\Prgaby.t¢rq ,une 290211095!
.puwwwas mud-sminiumiqm or. flag
'tto'mqi. awfl‘he Féeabylery:cnnsia'tapfrelwe,
jn-«mtuiste.r9.:.faud bu undecits csre Naive?
Qflllrigfi‘iqnguon'almmune and [cur cur
\fi‘mfiflomwe;mmiflgyd ;‘ The! :«lingngiu't‘aw
<- Johnz-Wtr Sterling'is‘a'labouiiog'iWilb
“Marcel-ks«W‘ugymmowxwsl.lm ’.~
memnu 1 " .’ ._,»,(“f
\‘W “'3“; '.. s
" l ”L‘g , .
Measureu wit tpké't’; ‘0 '00,“ 3 I“???
b, imamina‘i‘u3%-,-t"é‘- Vyomiv’g-c fun-:91:-
purpose "[5504!“ g ux‘thornp‘p educuuo ‘;
lu‘Onr child'ren inn“ "1" necers‘n'y bri'ffil
ches vdf'is-iudy'nfih 1M principl’ep' 0V0“
church. and m the knowledgejmljpvenfl
_“lhgjgligifilmo’l; lh‘cg‘lflib'le.l ’fl‘ihg: lan}|,qu
fnlre'tuly beamgiven aml npme tlbcatmn'srm
mbney: Mr. Hug; umle‘rluvkhgq nj‘olut'nm
r a cue for l 2: .mnm‘ljg ”c Icct.
“:th ‘ "lxhéfl'nilzpai-ing _‘E'fiqfiitipd’sg‘y‘vétfi
{inimm-oua‘fy" u'dé'pxur, {lft ;" 2;’X :j . 5.: :
‘u h 1“. ,9 m. . “fix/{l i,
6 VIM??? giny unyncceagnrmhusll‘p‘lss‘, ha 1
immduges‘crjme, ‘sufleunaudinghymnd 1
’déath’. mahig‘s énnn'b‘tfll'exll'nt"yuhybflx um.
swims..- ig‘sjpmiuly at ygriahc'gflwnh "1:1
.6fiir-‘lfipfllhe 'gusp'eh,‘ ‘,, J 1‘ -, i .
‘ flnd'whefcaa the sip of gyrbn‘kenncsmnl
iliélf is'm'rb’ost hein'uu's‘ Wait???) aild'tljd
m cxipl until. there we}: 'thhlgcfis. ,aellers
flail: lliifike‘rs ol inio'xicuilng ‘Hquora, and
is‘n'ib'st' pr‘evnlenl wherle th’ém, are Inds‘l
liquor sell‘zr's.nnd cannot ce‘aé‘efto' exist
'(vhe're ghglte ar'efniak’ejrs.‘§éller;s._and uue'rs
Oi Ilqluor: " ' "." ' f ,
4nd whequaszeitfié; lhé fiiséasgdi drun_
mucus! um" “I {l m'y’lul.f Imijrib‘h.‘ death}.
rm ofy'Qtlyyh'ch exiéts'hnuer ,‘llhe‘nam'e o'l'
‘ mania-fpolu.'6r delirium‘ trauma in elem
into the world by whatvis; usually te'rmed
‘ in llle‘ C'orunerfq inquest s"“!h'g. visitation
0! God." but it is the, direc’t‘reau’lt 9"! mn
king, vending. and "using ‘spir’iluo'ps liq}
yore. nud'_|ike lhéféin! u! drunkbnncgp Was
unknown, 'is_ unknown. a‘nflxaqnufbe
known gxc'ept‘wli'drg (hérg. are liquof-ma
,kera‘ and Selléxs libd 'usersi—LThéreforg. ‘
' Resolfled; ‘lfil. That {he’ making. \e'nd
ing and using‘oi inmticaiing’lingrp q; -a
beverage in henhh. i 3 glqr’lhgly Incompat
ible with. the best interests ‘uf m'an‘hfor
‘lime and [or enmity. landpughg‘éto be re
gartled‘n§.'lomll_y ' scumislgnt 'w‘ilh Ilhe‘
Chriiliaqi'profusiofi ' . ‘ i
2d: That cach'seosiun umler.thé (at; of
thiu' Bre‘sbjlcry. b 9 unslrluéiédflfonliwilh
kil'uH'y'hul firmly‘lo’inslilule ll‘l‘ch meas
hrgs as Mil reélaim ill "Oflenglers. in (his
(hatlér, ahd leport .lhe‘if progeeedingo at
thejné'xl meetin‘i; (if the‘ queqbyytery‘.
3d. 'l‘nnl lheae ‘r'edolu‘lio’na be read flom
lhe pulpit by each minisier 9! this Pgegby- \
'tery within 1m» months frivm this time.
and be publiahgd in ‘lhe’ Prepbylcriannnd ‘
such other papers at the Sum! Clerk may
think best. . V 7 ’ -,
'l‘ile‘Pt¢hb]lcry dit'rlccl'e'il éach minister
to 'preach ‘ope or more Vc‘crrp‘ngon. the
auntificalion qflhe Léi'd'a day within the
nexlsix mnmhs. ’\ ‘ Kb ' 1"
Malfufaclur/ert in Rumm—The- unn
my of cullon imparted Ihia year-“girecl
from the Unitcd‘Slaien into gaging-Jimm
-992.,818puund! ; Mhereas tlyghighgil ifn
potheretofure-waa 3.150.680 pouridaiin
1343..“ in estimated by cdmpetellljndgn
that byllhe and nf thin yank/Chet? ‘will be
iq‘operalion. in We whqleaempire, [mm
3809-000 to 1,000,000 of spindlesgri‘; -
* GEMGnm-zn; ("the man of hliez’)<snys
'hl|-..§hat is nec‘essary lur 'Amel‘licnm'Ao
learn of army drjll may be taught igi Mew
‘dziys. ‘ 'l‘Hémon impo'rlanl pf all minds!)-
vres we'fi‘nd’e'rMun-J Ueuérithahfiny uqher
nannn' On my new 'th'eir'arlhfin'ml mm is
“look'lhrotlgh ”1:” double 'Eigfila will: in
steady arm.” , " ' “ .
Z'Dizm'qgek for Hreachpof Promisee-g
Miss,Sle¢-le recovered of Mr. Francis a
verdict for $lOOO in the New York Court
or; 'l‘uesday.‘ Miss Steele may now p‘roie
(o be men! more nllraclive .10 some uth'er'
twain. . w 1‘ - ' -
“Say-QuitA7'hat."—When you me
your .on making a bad trade. say—quit
that. , ‘ , , .
When-. 500 see yourdauglller shyly'
g!ancnng;nt 3‘ (up, of allonfer say—quit thal.
mWIn-n yuu wefllilllc children make so
much nniggwlhlfl, .yqu ,can’l undemand
what you are reading hay—quit that. k
- When you quyuuq win; buying lacing
sittings say-:qu'u that.” - : ' .- 3
.» 'll‘hé‘ant‘un' Pus‘l'fil inti‘this good'. one:
'.‘ _Why is'a wickgd m 9’: tonscieilcegikre
i'clock? Because it by? a" \\ eight lo |l,’f
‘ Stealing Gold.—On M'unday’night, be‘
twe‘en‘3l3ooamlsl4 1‘ in’gold consist
in'g bfihglcs, halqei'fiAd'"quaftei'rs. Wan
ato’eu’ Imm in" va'isé‘o 3" Mn'Dén‘ls'nii.‘ 6f
Kinés‘ton' counlv.l-whey* i‘n"n‘ boarding
house in Washington 5! ct. New-'Yvnrk.‘
VOrezln‘QJh'us fivé count sorgnnizenf, and
q populpuon (“4.006% ,c ' .;':.. _.' 9.» .
«-_\ ’ . I,
, Slaryalion in Said/a.
bernf an}! alplr'mihg highs
thg c’olf'n‘ c'i'op in'Supth Ca
véqlion’é'havg b‘écn-hgl‘d q‘
dpptcd tank from thqmg
‘ ,allz-Scoundtelm-Gilben
Norwich.» 11 »‘lnorrigglv-Man.
‘zuillainoup, ~ outrage : on. --a"!_v‘
gdnughter at: Me. Henry: E
30thfuh. -- He inviteqlahe gi
ito'iilda out, to Hubbargl‘s Mi ‘
g 1 rambie in the woods mljoiti
his purpose. , Unable-Jo fim
i-som'nb .mg. ‘3o“)!th
f!!! £9mwaiisayiaJm-flegiamr'e
,’_l.‘ , ' ,
a “.."Bmcfh. 'o/‘Pmmséee-é’nthfq r.
iélfe'y SSalvflii‘Qliio) ’it‘lfu“ dd t
Inf id ragesffovlii'éikifi :Qf 'lhi”
isé ma 5i,“ clifiéd‘ifi‘nsfe‘“ IWS
.pqihmun“ '~‘m'éq§.f .grné mugs;
p9r!l'e.'é.z"gl‘dfl méz‘ip’aaéis‘vdtsz:
pyhlagfeo ihf’g' ng‘ r'éf'us'u'z‘ 141qu
wig-whip; qu’rrmi." argam‘d .
“ ’ ~l'e" ’ ’nfiifi' ’oiiil
. ’uuuyed: iafgmgrdiwérgé:2
‘ ,gt‘fl‘flefpéélfii ’éh‘bfim’cj}
H 'ijkg'é- heartiia “W“? in‘!
'3“: ‘f‘ Y. 7%.?“ rl,» ..:...»T rd hflurswv~
Rlénun Winsxjn‘xlx. S. Clerk
5 rolljn'ag-s-SU #-
, ‘h'lh'g'nlaildlié OI
'. oljn‘afthnlclon;
‘ ljcedplfitionsia.
‘uslntu'r; (9 buy.
m ' Roam.»
cum‘n’xittéd» :1
mg:- girludhe
, vyiith‘oifie'rl,‘
nggi Bu'C‘Cd‘
{mail in the
pad ‘ 116 pm.-
isgg;3.. ..
”m," lou'n«_
T3""'~’=' ~ 9:; ..._ _ I:9}:Crued};s'°fl°- Ind N'-
" "r—- I r ' ; -
'_ ‘hc Pa‘ro’ns -~: ",1. .. ‘ flJ‘cluwl-i. have'.,:ldbem""“ angular], in
!. Iho “huh 0' “'93“ " 9'55: 'l’ricmuol, ' Ge“ “ludinl'lhiln
"59 Publi" “Warm tha’k. B ' 'ne l’nunaonphinT '.‘°°")~ Ir “3‘ {My u"
EThOm‘ l-Cd undel “I 8 fi- “Tiller” ' f3} '9j'ftfi‘d“ mm“ The 06“"th nu 111 l
Wavm Psonn___'HAme "n of” M 07)? \fguid will “EUWON‘OHM Wm
‘.'r A " - . , ’ . ' .
m‘ .. a.“ W'cha‘aed ' .N‘p' TH _. I” ha "b If "r. “Web " ‘ {#9me
; ._th.“”l'n= fi.‘ ~ and'hl‘f'of' h an? "\ufi ”,7 .1940 '"lm'ruf‘ Wei, n} y
drimié‘lofi‘JE-P W‘md'fici’flgt‘ 9“]an ' win-9w" “km éo‘ngmé Vfivtzg‘im
‘' g 915mb!“ '2 °'\hc 3 ' ”mun; tom °'' " 0|
"or i ‘ " =‘.»..;'9bBd ."' mph!" 8 .Th . "I', , , P 1"
“8;;h: B~suu,co_§ffm:;:"wa he?“ :\ in..v,-£1:,°:.‘179. coho}; gn’d.‘ Jul,”
. u-« - *- '. -‘w nn"’ 3' '
“'6 Pa].- fi‘hmk' Wm pr gtfl'ficfiqu "new“;inflw-fiomp‘u'wfi “mam,"
One so Oil—mgr'lhd lot Imm“ ""40 fl‘Wcéme'm 08"‘9r-éfi'fi’fitflli'é'li hfiflmh
Worth . fix, .. ‘B9- {3' "sth , Fricle'. I}; ' "'ll' 9,5» 11.1“”
well calcul 35‘8”!” '“Jeve’. «3 .-' ”on "w n 9‘" mum“ ‘ ”Pam ‘IP.’ 9,5,"513
inuna m me" “"- t'hB’";”*'3«s cum” mgr-‘1" noaoumm.“F"'°--w.,.,,,=ML, -«a -'
‘uan‘. - '3 Bl l'p ‘h' ... l 9 "“ ..,' ~.'3 1' .2; J.
charac‘er . "8 pumicnl p, E 00“ 0 ", 9. mmnm'or'n "P 5 1"" Hé§::§yu»td m‘ur' “up"cy. v
childhom; 8"“ citizen Id!” mm“ 900 d com‘ha§!““‘¥"roéucceg;} {W'Wé'mfl'fi a.
med] ‘ofi‘h—‘an!’ M such ‘ “19 c ‘Y from 36%;“ #3:" Pfl'hbjwnfl" fiI-Wfifiggndg'fvv‘n '0 4".
win - ‘ -" "bmliw "Tm“ “16 a) ""1"le c"i“f3n'm'umi ”'"Ffimiiv‘WP 'h’i-i"
. nolbe' ' . ..of hlaf 7 I l""hl'ldu“ " 'y-‘fihflehu "I. “ ‘
. Then“ "I Vain, 4 9,“ much” .Wo a", up "v- ‘ - “huwgyfl' \
and 8‘ “We onset, ~ ‘ '""°'“of‘h‘ia:ri'~”?‘?‘*z'vv£n; sdr" wit" "'5:- ‘
’ M" No; 2A .' 'Ol w'l‘ . “unify Hy‘xga'fldé A. ’s6?le ; "fl?“ ;"‘
9%0- All d b 6' ""6 ail 'e"'°"" 1:: ush'“ "dmiw' ,{’*“s"tfi'c"sn%- 's‘ in“ \i
"' ' e it'd "' '— 6 \.- .‘ “om ‘u' '~ )Wéf“ ‘ vz‘FWh’iyxi' -’ ‘
"005:0 ' ,‘nelhe 'v, A; Woks ‘hnr-Iv'. “mark“ “mil-flan Lyfl ~
dergigneshau'mmfiiumzqum’ 9'“ pre buy 3'12“" "llwhgrygf‘:,‘hF‘thaigmfidfi ‘ ‘
mßY‘bo ' and “V 03rd" 8 pa' ° ‘hemi- °‘ 901%??de “'FP'huy :2; “y" "await-1““ '
is Po'l_;e“‘9d'ui[h is l' “I”, “CCOuma‘ ")ng "filth ofildhdd‘mma 13,??? 1' Sacha 3' ““‘X
them it: i: ‘0 (“éfiebgflg’f "nienfi Eh.“ «025(13‘,““mung.235;“?!Pfinn'na'vzx'd
‘ , [a . I' “W’: . ' Emu .:~‘. gnod' ""‘l _ly'g‘m'. ’7‘l‘|,l 07-.
lh-e’Pflace ‘hh‘mdw .di'aém ~'". ”Face ormj'W-m'eroa.rrrofl’F‘tPfinwr",'33":‘w-ed.
sue, but lo [ough‘mtme . “W 983 of dung?“ no; L.”;.‘;"-‘"'-°99-§i"93:” gng'nu,
.In ou whee" .~ ' c 'ya'nnm 10 51mm '. or‘en'fifleé 10"'°"dét;I/¢§r;zj|'h‘a'?£'am°
", r nun _V - ’ . 3'Won 7 ""“dove "minim 1
“Home "’ We. Wl‘l-’ 4' 'hel'bmin “t“"fln-m ”Nam, 3 a
- An. ““99 welsh _wsp mote fun~ bhinuhgilfizum Amwmmmnnqw" “om,
linu Y Person who d'e‘u'd‘m ”‘16:" J Would b§!s'gnt"~whilé thefthewfl'ln‘fe 11.1519} hm I
[H'e‘f “'8 Paper by 985 n 15" to co 'h" ”It cnlfndmm Wbcal'ggi'i‘“‘“b"'éo'.éfi.'°““s‘ ‘
“on. ‘0 ' notifyi An. Th '7. a,“ yam-mm ‘ m but .V unity .
barf ‘hepubl- ~'n._°flhef' _ °mfln§fl I:;vwn' V., .' 'honedww.
10m ‘~ , Fcflllon 3‘31 -Ifu '- ' '9'l.ln f" 'rm'. 'l‘:
“lo: "h!”“lll'be' !:.h? 3"fi um; Un' mu" any“; a‘v°"'."‘.’uli-'." "n. ‘l'
» engao ‘ «1.8183 f. . . , “8d 8‘ ‘ slime 4511,10}; ! ,
cemen- ~5 [Om all- I. - Laol “ad ”17¢. lh ’ - .95 |r v
'B' H ‘ ' fur. mlqm of” I “’9' the WI V'9 "W‘ic . ‘
The 83-, "World, I“. 'v'i.“.l.,‘qo_mm" y ”"50
. . fimgxllzgmemlhou‘d,ifi‘nz‘rh¢Y.Q.lJ:fi£hL"‘lr
111 l m. 01119:, 'h" mm.”“ctLréhn-b-migmjofi‘23- '
and jun [group Inlay '4 3"“! “mm ~ l'
more Ptolemiomv ,gTF'" ‘o”th to“ on “111}!
l dam I. and mi.“ "'3' "xth'jj‘h. Lt? “Jfilfyzq air
Jcrnlic Pralidez‘fll‘n' "199:3; ' 3”“ smg“,
a a=“» Io “
ready “:FPHOI, P°rhn‘,{,'n:‘c’q”g- J 2: WEIR}: of:
giving '“ch 'therflhi‘; :5"? “dim? ‘. '
of th the roll°Wil|g é f‘l‘eh‘gd ih‘éh";"°'llclg II» ‘
Ila“.a Damoctmic 5! tune: from "19' VlO3l. th. by
- I; i. from lh '3 a 'mmmiu" 1.0 ‘d
0 pan of "19 H. 0' hil'la bu. .
on. B. F. ‘l'.
44;. ‘ n)»: max; aim-1 Sig-Mt: 1:. fly...
...;AL; ...L‘ ~-.....~.=--—-2 "7.9- -§f‘fiL_.—l;f—L+-;
c}; B A an E L 1).“, mpg, 2845};
The lnlo movemenl a! Pgmb
briefly. olludod lull week. bllll4
pinhp who :lon lhemnolvu lh
lgcliyo Tarifl', hon ulréudy rev
queition an n topic for new-pa}
than no men who fioneslly pal
cipalvobjoéll m the aneulnonl ‘
porlnlion of foreigngoodl, Ibo
mum: to Illqlmunulsclurgro o
nniclo in ! éounlry in ma
will ndsarlnko Io con
do flaygfi-JVaneu‘land, 0
“I‘o hill? our com]?
vocals lif‘élhnl would l
.deitruclion fifths mm lnlelroi
‘of Iho" communily—u policy 'll
common-cf glol ovelty p'rovl
ooun'vtyytand ginlbli-h a cor:
nopoliol; all ovci the country“
an objrd. but no! {he prinrip
ofu Tariff. ln Iho lunguo
we wouldiprefer prol'eclin
revenue as the object, oh 'l‘ -
Bu! to file Pin-burg mew, ~Sworn! ‘d‘emm
gig“ finured‘in the} muegin mung olhcn, Judge
lßum-Eda. John Biglog, Eu] on. J. K. Moqrbeud.
ind‘JO‘hUl'l, 1110“.” ciuzo of Emmi-3., They
puled rpn9luliom strongly fnour of Ihe prelenl
Tanm‘nnd adjourned w: n 00‘” 10 lhapcople,‘
without dminclion oh part - lend .. delegate-16¢
aim Convonlion'al «Hal yubmgx on' Iha I‘th
inmm. lo ”plan on Upi n on lhil qu’ophm-m
cider lo‘have an ethnic he - . :Iching‘ cei‘l'ion
6rCungm- Althfi : vei o'n' ' Meta
can build. harm‘in it. , iflhay niiah'iirj‘é'x'preii
sién of public hpiniun 4‘ {ho ‘lufllién 5,“! Tum.
why did “my poll upovqoho but/Illarfriqnx'lyl‘pf m 9
'firereq! 'Tanflr .n équot by u. (oi; ex'preupion of
r“bvllif,gfilnioh.' I; wjouly ho nn‘eAxpmniun of
the onihion o“,ch ho friendl 0U“ WNW"
:I'arifl‘. g I
u,‘Wo:kn'ow "(em
mnnyfldamocmlu. in Pam»
‘ldvocnlo- oft the protective
m lhéy hnvn {unrihloronlin
/aunhlilhm‘em—n few-be'cauoa
‘.nulionval policy—fund ulhéru
lhink it good palifl'ca’tpolicy
nnuylvuniu he manulacmring
quenlly u Tarifl' Stilemnd if we
lover of tho prolbélivé poliéy,
lfem‘ul—wo know” il in nnti-ra‘
urdclivo of, Iho beji inure-l- of
Ihe‘luccena. o'f’llre party ‘domiirldl
Here is) grqnd error. Thhpebpl'o‘
. ure~ mil in fivqr ofa Idrifl‘lajd Ex":
‘lrolécllinih: A lhrga rhfiurfity'ohhojnfl
ms for Jury: Rf. Panama-“ 41.5.;
runny plédged humolf an (headw
rfl‘ ‘fcr revmnq with ‘inridmta! prp,
m'vg’riou‘l branphag_ of induglry ofylho
An. [haprcscnhlnw Inch a tariff! all iii:
a President Pplkgpledged lo urge in re.
nylvuninuho Mo
pblicyvvvomo. hm
some mnnufnclurix
they believe it go
again. because lh’
‘ Dh.’ lay'thcy '
Slnlemml in rim;
don'l'como out
lhd whlga will
puphcnn. and ‘
the: cl'oumry, bl
Ihé‘cndfifice.‘ ‘
of Eenmylvn
clufifiély for
g‘ayés. (héirl'v
ho had em?
| !
“(I '
.JAI "
cats} 9f 9 i
nor»; "'1:
~,p_x 3h 80 In of Pennsylvania. nhd'lha"Um A
iorifha'yémlmdoéo. a " "I.
-,Ey"y Body'kno'wa' the circumstances u‘ndpr
whi Iho p‘iu‘tnrnct -wno‘ pus-ed $18499 The‘
Corn ohuld pct hav‘abdb‘t éx‘pl'ring. and mi to'un‘.
ny -, bbgdvba‘le‘h, wilhéut' nn'y' luv-“roe ma'j‘con'o‘é;
Ilon 't givpnue‘. ‘Sotnhuiih’ihad i‘b‘ 53111636; Thi;
ybill . lan pal-ed only‘ 'an lICIIIPQIGI‘LIII ‘iiuilniefgnu!
i'B‘YWBM‘P" 9f emigre-i" night}?! 1% fiéfiféélfor’ hny
nhlhglike m bdz'wanuy‘di‘ i’g'a‘d‘ m. whimsy; conta
;db’ udder lh‘o ‘circuuimricgl. ,ff‘Tfip‘gfitllo‘l‘iééhfp'hl'
glan‘raknié‘uifqn‘ hen' rte-lqgnfial; 'Jéyipyrgr do, ‘
:qi'ifom‘ “it'dhbiaiqrfi 45g, klgqglx'!nnclliézln'fifiétvigé‘
2w i'fi‘l7fi'v‘o‘yr26fi ’rsésfi'éé.'ra'ritfwfi>~ifi%idewy
Ffiié2€¢¥é§-ff,'fl§h‘l T 23“! “5?! fish mus! wasp-c 1».
3%“: f},is.I393!)?:“S92‘!“FIEPWHWWAQJepsuI 9r.
sl!"me tevmqufnqdar‘lé in». a :m
E', :9thh}. «.16 «mm! mommy-ma adv lon-"y
‘lp‘cunfipofl.’ ,Dglgfih'oygn‘qermm. ‘mwvn-u H
‘c—ommxivdop,fiouishtnglifblrszuldnl pg; “1" "p;
lmy“);(\hurawh nqdmymu‘inm, “but ‘,
..... a. , . pea!
Wmnflqglgnu It‘lhe‘ pnwgg‘nvy», 1;!an th‘a’l \H‘JP
admit-Igonabmyilrcqx‘fi‘ 1,; .‘T g: M: W”
E'Blild’ggi." 'Tfila’l,‘.4rccodtnlad Illfflfll. 0 na-
1‘? A. 95.9"!”
kilo! e‘hg‘
M’ c "
to vdlich tAe
.xn lolofpolili-
Honda of l Pro.
lhia of! «Med
o that the prin•
E lien on the in;
be [0- nflurd pm,
‘ a; coho-pending
othem’lhdl they
ghlly q’pp'rcci-to.
nd lhdt'ihey‘hd
alaly leldllolflxe
a large majority
mild dgm’lroy our
1 markét in [he
'le 'l'ylnlem‘ .of him
ralcctitm may bo
ne. in the laying
0[ President Pow
Ih " iiin'dml. and
J? V ‘
:F_:'~.;:~'+, = -
n"? ~ 71,5223;ch-
_' “ When. aflér‘the Mir MlBl2. _the
’ern’l party ’de’flouficfd' a’hi'i'fl‘ 'bf k‘evé
1(or nalit'm‘al defe‘nc‘ "ar'iél lo pi’y‘pflfith
tionnl'deb' incurred in Nut righlebfi'
which they had oppose'd dththtVbr
pf treason. and clamorcd [or efi'l‘lisi
‘yors‘for cdmmerce is the‘ only‘lg‘qo
cause a" their weahh was (h‘en’ em
in it : the republican? pf Maéséch‘
Mbnd by mé c‘nuntry 'l'd'hef; 'h'en‘ju?
lem 0f taxa'iun l‘o Ida'l'l'ifiiljll‘hé4
fanh. '_ ‘ ' ' j -'
And now. when the (ul‘éral' pirl' {dye
‘found manufactures mo'r'é profil'fib'l than
commhrce, and are rnvén'nu's' (0!" hi "'3‘“
ties; Which ar’e not‘nee'ledfldi’ (_h "huh!"c
wanls. bu'l gir'e ao‘ely' d‘esigd‘e‘d I_o I'9!"th
themselv'es‘al the ‘exp’ense arc» hinting?
‘the dvé'mocracy ofMaha'achuseitt,“ 'Bnflwgl‘
'u‘h broad national mlhe'l" thahbd'lqcélmeag:
shrug; ‘hs they did'i‘n' lhéftflsi‘é'ga‘helfi “I i
War} gt! for hm“ Vt’arifl'A f 0? ievédifie‘iloncff
‘é'nd with all _theirfinergiés pbbgaé'tbé'fifflfi
lhe‘mcol‘unjuu-tginxinnt-byyihic'fi' thé Iné
b‘ou'r'i‘ng und'cdnsdming'miflmm are ‘mad .
m pii‘enhnn’oua’lr‘bule‘l‘o "he; ‘pri‘vfllegg a
fewfnnd nn‘e a‘eéti'un of the ”Union igi in) l;
po‘ve’rishecl (hall ann‘th'c‘r'hjajbe'é‘g’irich'gWF
‘ Eng-{H- ‘fiow'idlisfnfillorfly hiqgn‘nlned 013th ‘
harvests in Ed'rope’ have cicr‘y' flfir‘o'ifullen‘iho
...nnd'uuconq‘e‘quehcb {villd‘ép‘e‘nd uPpn lhb'U 5‘
led Slnl'es‘gd Inbply Jhe «léficiéncy. ' Vldfir’ hm) -;
randy udvp‘hcod in' 1.50, [All‘uniiécimul .gnd'ii In:
selling a! frumzfis 375 1.5385,.175dpm’58””.1 g
M'No pad-'- rQo'm Mexiéé :' h‘or‘ rmn‘n ‘. *refi} "
cépl ihe result. ofthe olectioh 1h Va. fofi (vow;
ind again-'1 ixmcxniinn, and {of and'Jaghl‘p‘qy
new communion. In mmo tom}! ‘l‘h‘gil‘lgéflh'n't
imoualy (of bulb "
. _ . . ; wx-:..‘..nv'm.,.
WA wnlol m thiex'flul'lidu‘fiburg‘l'SlafianTl-qag4
omifiondu Iho Him. Wur B Fonzptopqonbo 91
um able hoard qf‘C-ml _Commipaionotc.".'fotl
election. , Mu F 4 hag brouqd‘jxir’melfg ruilhml
eulighknad public officer. nnd‘wo "2}“ be pl
ed lo lee him rblurnod {0 hi. pan. '- 3"! " -
"4 ' KHI !: x i '
WBonnlorCmrmm in urzéa by\ mfrileiin lh‘
mt .' Unum' tor Iho Ipegtéuhlpwh néx't Set
an: and? - ”t '_, ‘z'x/I T 'va
Plum." PATTIIION. in urged frani I v‘qml'qui
(em "Speaker-vof‘lhe' HnnaeJlMa-u .’ filléd'
choir lull ienion—dfichnrging‘hipLdu ‘8 In" a?
prdmpl and mum! manhérJ’awé-i c How
reelected. | , ~ ‘1’”)!
-' :7, '~ -' ma "I.;1‘ r -"
_ . 1": l-‘Nnn the BtoolsvllleJeg‘gyZo
fr” r ‘A‘O-ARD’IW
Jim c... ' of thékßjraok'dillgiGw ..:
"H; ' 'l‘ Octobéb‘ 25.“!8 g;
r" ViWhe un'dcrsi‘gth‘dé ofiic‘c ‘lr‘ld‘
iberpyf the {Broquille‘Gunr ." 'WI
‘cnmpw'ifi-ihe‘ 'tqwlni'bi‘fllg‘a ‘ dd,“
field céumy'. ‘Pag-éftnk‘é'lhih 1 15,611
pigssihg burfgratithil§l~tu‘-" ~’ Vb! ’ ‘
am; quTzého‘we’hn‘erdiiifl. 9541-} I
Ih‘e‘klhmiréatmem b‘ym , gasp" ,‘
jourti,%3'.""f'-i¢:2l t- '-~ :
“_:Aiédtl'Cu'L'"‘U:" aha? We" ‘
(m tthg wounen‘did’dih WWI: .
whiny/3’39 .__ ‘, a 1
mm, :Vefreflhmt‘nt { m‘h'J . '
qupmbhawh l' h‘udié S’
Vfi’u‘ificu‘h‘fi burd puke d.‘
ia'bhav‘détdff'dathuge fn‘mn , .’|'.‘
diei,:;,.xswmn'eve_r='he‘ [T ‘vi‘gitfl/ “é"?
pursginilly 'or’ i'n'fiqam f ”or ‘7 21d?-
“Nomi-IM‘Br?g.‘.‘_lol . ~i‘sibu 1,: on;
start: .eyen'v ‘eah’itie mini 'dy
gnaw-“lint: th‘e- “Burn ‘l} _ ft“?!
'youug'in‘eg‘rn'n; 5:61; W; MW! “lifting
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Ilnfl :'