_ S......m9'ESE9'fiEEEK‘ZF' P O.E rP It IL ‘_ wxfimags COMING. f ‘ ~ ~ .‘ “EV/”IELIZA 0091;; " ‘Winygp‘in damn-{g ' “ho vino-1 “"l“ rated .fPN‘OFJhI wraithypud pruud. [fin-w: , ’ {Le}: I; gumqllhyy' cry.‘ .whmmauu to in «L ”WFWJ' @ho hlmu m‘ny'bloffi' ‘ “ ‘*‘V‘tg'llflééf‘n‘nd't‘ninnnc $n In); lurdly hall'l. V’" "TH idblot of fiine \ve‘ll 11min. ' ' ."Wi'l‘firfik ‘n! th’Mml {vilh‘nhoula u! minh’ 'fifi‘dl'mu-ic'i echoing main "lilllérnro waft)! Iho hilin; 1m". ‘- Whih lho fir|é~gwn {oth in hlnze; An} what-Io u. in |he dram}, 515 W" ,fiv’hilp meld‘ahco‘in Ihe waxhghl'u "I!" ’fi-‘ihMm mi; nrxha‘land will] um . ' v, Quljbink, 9h, ya pompoul gum. . “+th lhu harrowing own} 1! laugh}! within ' '. ' hill-blank 'un' «he pooh n voun on: 3 in“! but blood in their veins. ay pure an Ihm‘e. I " '-Bm mush! lo quicken in flow,- fThb] luvs limbs thul [so] the whillling gale, 1‘ - And ohtink'from tho drinng snow. ~ Wham h rovming’oh! think. ye gram. ,1, On ghoyooflen, naked and old ; ‘ Duluth!) Ihem kinda. an man with mnn .. And Ipara them 9 m o ol‘your gold! ganlgu'r 51 r-t-vt‘There‘ are good men everywhere ‘_'Tllere Irermen “ho are good tor goodness "flake. ’ ln‘ obscurity, in' retirement, he "neath the ihodow at ten thoustand dwell .tngo, scarcely known to the world, and quVN‘JlSthtl to be known there are good Imen; in adversity. in porerty. and temp sationsmll'the aerertty ol earthly trials. “the“? are good men. whose lives shed brightness'upo‘n the, dark clouds that sur loun'drthem. Be it true. If Eve must ad mit the sad truth.\t.that many in. wrong. and persist in being wrong; that many are ‘ {also to every holy tiurtl und inithlesato ' ward-every holy~~atl'ection ; that many are spldlj. selfi-h. and meanly sensual; yes. .létlltl'hnd‘dend to everything that is _not :.,;ilipped up in their 0“" little earthly in t tereat. or more dutkty wrapped up in the "fell of fleshy appetites. Be it so: but I i'thanlt't-God that this is not all that We are ‘ 'o'blige‘d' to believe. No: there are true “heartsarmd the throng ofthe l'slseand the «E'tailhless. There are warm and generous. firearm which the cold atmosphere of sur g‘jh‘filidtng selfishness never chills; and ~ eyes unused to weep for personal sorrow, “which nlteo overflow utth sympathy for (the sorrottis at others. Yes. there are “good men and true men; I thank them; I ' bless them for what they are. God trout on‘high tloth bless them, and giveth h'_t_s_ angels'charge to keep them; and nowhere t in-tlt‘eholy record are- these words more ' :i‘precious or strong. than those in which it .Isuritton that God loveth the righteous ' ones. Such men are there. Let not ‘their precious virtues be distrusted. As - hardy and as evtdently as some men have " “bbeiyed the calls ot ambition and pleasure. so surely and so evidently have other 9‘"! ' .obeyed the voice of conscience. and 'cho "hen ‘rather to suffer with the people ot . God, than to enjoy the pleasureot sin tor vasusoc.’ Why every meek man sotl'ers ingcon'flict _lteener tar thaothe contest for honour and applause. And there are such men, who. amid injury and insult. and ’g:tn‘l§_c_§nstroctinu. and the pointed finger. f end. th‘d‘s‘c‘oritlul tip’ol' pride. stand firm in fitter: ihtegrity and allegiance toa lottier principle. and still their throbbing hearts f in prayer. and hush them'to the gentle mo~ ftion otltindness and pity. Such witness , 'es there ere even in this bad world Higm ,'th’at‘a reg; ming work is going lorward inlaid itsder‘lictionsi proofs that it is not I't't Sv'orld lorralteo' 7d heavenypledges that it‘lilltnot be forsaken ; tokens that cheer and touch every good and thoughtlul mind. beyond all other power of earth to penetrate and 'enteindte it.- Dr. Dewey. .. THE MOON OU'I‘GENERALLEI). - A lady of our acquaintance. lately lair :ly out-generalled the moon. In making “I'qap (over which the moon and the witches ggem to have great power ascording to 89mg.) iihe‘ was particularly ungarc‘essful. though‘her ley was strong. and I: erything. elrealpplrently "gilt. She was promptly mform'cidlby'pn.experiencetl neighboc that ,ihe hld‘undfirlnken the business exarlly.‘ m 'th‘e’ Wrong" time 'ol the moon. _A’Jouog chgmiotfixho happened to be present. dia ‘cov'ering that the ley. eflervcoscrd strongly ‘-i'D'ociflc;‘and wasthuofore not caustic e ‘ifbngh': ~Vapplied quicktivme in smoll‘qfian titien to'the‘otistinatq amt hathnado soap, vnh'efiio'o short time 'nll lunar influence was withdrlw‘n. the planet‘ntruck its col on, (it it ucr’hnd day.) and a fine lot of first'fite gear: was produced. {IKE LEARNED BLAGKSMJTQ. ‘ . ’W’e‘ giie below'lwo more fidtafitfi‘hsr film We pm of lhiadiitinguilhe‘d phillfln- Ihropist; I! i; u'dmnorjnto which, If |he¥ ' ‘unh'lthifl'clergyman and pretendsd pu‘ , _lrfol ware'lo look, may woulthlarl back‘ V zé‘va‘figpfirigh! and amazement; at lheir in at} LE‘PP‘?"?E‘."S9MCV In the. perfotina'ncq .. fish)“ clr.duly.. . , . . 3’ . -,.;_»;:;;NCHmsnAN‘ REPUBLng . ‘u- .VuxiGoZ'yb ‘oiu imo’ {all \hé‘ Wofld'u'nd firiadikha' :, “(amend every admixture-Juno Gum‘s-r. . * ‘,‘ a .' ”Sauce the adoption. 0'! our national corii~ 9“,. mutation, .lheUnilegl States; excluuive‘uf .i: jha 'cibs! Naming and drilling-fine militia, , . hue upended 51',000.000‘.000 in ‘prépifi "no“; for waif"!- time .0! peace. : This“ . sum woumr'haveput a Biblcinto.lhe hands ‘ bl~evevy human being on earth. H w‘oullgl have, sUpporled .tw'q ‘millio'ggs'af missiana. 1 fig; :flpung , ,(helrlmuhulisn 'tdr‘aiyeza'r, - aqd ‘ ”Tgi'v'é'n :a‘ 'fi-inisnéi'ibfi 17h”; go’qull "for ezet‘y "" 800' Mme _nnchiistiamzed fiytia49,.9f_ the ".'“.‘hom'an‘fafiuli}3 ‘! IAS“ a; 'm'pausfot pivith: "iahhghd.sngi‘alfg‘omuiiegv‘cg,’ I'l "wou'dhn‘vg {Conan u‘cl'ektjor'ry‘ thousand 13:31:91 _Of 1007 E o'7 HUMANITY 10ml “$11!?!” (ll'B2s.oo‘o'[l9fi‘m“?- "0w Wonde; l'uthsum gho‘jaliall _r,ep:ub!ic;.dcm unslrbte‘d lhi-ir, mini iki'lh'e '(livin‘ewlvclau. Ham-um! FThex Eiml'i’ in the lLord’osand 1h? tullzn-iss fliercufl ’ I ‘ 'E. B. ; 0. Wm (amines: q]. a Clm'stmn Nation ((u -p-ing one hundred ‘and 'lwenly-sevenycarsi _Sigrcé Nu! great religious Reformation (3') Ureathituin ha» spent 65 years in‘ 'war. and 62m pvnce. 'Shé burrnwcd in u'uwn 'uai'n. which occupied Ith 65 years, 7834;000.0(;0. In lhe ‘anmpmliuié‘ she un ‘ied by turn [1 l89.000.000;‘mun forming 3 Intel expendllure of 38.982.120.000 in our currency. This enurmous- mum. or‘ torted Irnm the Hunt “mini-d ninews of labor. would have cunshucleulfifleen mil- ‘ roads- araund the globe, allowing $25,000 per nule! To raise annlher- such sum, would quuire a la: 0| $lO on every hu man being on [he globv! The 'in‘lercsl of this sum for one month a! 5 per cent., ca:- teeda Ilse amount contributed by the whole chrialian world for preaching the goepcl ofJesus Christ to (he hralhen [or the last: thousand years! . BLIND BRIDLES. ' \Vhy one blinden. u-jurrious 10 the ham? 'anuse Illey umhcr dirt and heat around We eyes. Dir! ir-ituln lhe 039, and heal pnulucea Infiamalion. Eyes were placed in the corner of'lhe head that the hum might have lhe advantage 0! luuklng in diflercnl direction». Men. in the n bumlnncv 0| lhcir Imaginary uisdom. con cluded lhc hone hall 100 much sight. and they wished to curlail it; hence the origin a! blind bridlcs. These in cnnnmmel the eyes. that Ihe horse il conslnnlly compell ed m‘flrain them lo Ire his way. This uvcr uetlion mun brings on disease. 1 Family Prawn—ln binding in fumily ingether in peace and love, there is rwhu man influence like that of domestic pray er. Uniting them in a common object, it unites their sympathies and their desires. Raising their hearts to heaven, itrbrtngs them all together in the purse-nee of God. The fatnily altar is an asylum to which they reptiir from the core and toils of life, Remindinz them 0! the rest reserved in heaven, it unite: them in the charts ul faith and obedience lur it: nttninment.- Earth had no holier spot than a house thu! sanctified by prayer; where the voice at nttpplication andthanksgiving consecralee every day. where the word ’nt God is de voutly read. and all unite to show forth all I s praiee. It may be humble. but it. ‘ uly.;atts_~"'.§_efttre heavenly. ,Pnrerty may bqfihej'lkinAl iorrtm; but it: inmates are rich in; and joyous in the Holy Ghostrq‘SiEßtreu and d Hnny enterit; but they will be angels 0:163}: and mer cy. and the'spirit whom 9 release Irom the imprisonment ofthe eeh. will be uni tedtlree and happy. to win-hip louver, an earth did not permit them, a family In Heaven. - “ll ll bill a line.” says Dr. ant,inllis elaquenl address to young mun—"(hill separates between innocence and sin.— Whnecer learlessly npproachu Ihis line. will won have caused il. To keep at n disttnceulhe‘relom. is Ihe part of msdnm. No man ever mule up his mind In consign his squ lo perdition at «Mt. No man ever rnlered the known avenues which conduct In such an end, w'nh firm,un (hunted Men. The brink til min inap preached Will) caution. and by impercept iblellegreen. and (he wrelcln. who now Hands frurleuly trolling there. but yes terday, had ihtunk back from Ike nwlul cllfl' with liemblmg.” GETTING POOR 0N RICH LAND AND «RICH ON POUR LAND. A close observer of men and things. says the Ohio ()bserver. told ue' the following little history; “which he hopewill plough yery deeply 'into.» the attention of all who lploughvery shallow in their soils: ‘ Two brothers settled together in-'——— county. One'ol them on a cold, ugly. clay soil, coveredlwith black-jack oak. not one of which was large enough to make half a dozen rails. This man would never drise any bnt'large. powerful Conestoga horses. \ me seventeen hands high. He always l, tlhree horses to a largo plough. and pl nged it, some ten inches deep. This deep plou‘ghing he invariably practiced and _‘c l‘tivated thorough afterwards. > He raised dis seventy bushels of corn to the acre."~ ‘Thie man had a brother about six miles off; settled on a rich white'river bottom land farm, and, while a black-jack clef soil yieldedseventy bushels , to the acre, this fine- bottom land would not, ayerage fifty. One brother was steadily growing rich In poor land. and the other-steadily 'grovgi g'poo'r'o'n‘ rich lan‘d. A “One day the bottom land brother ca'me‘ down‘to see the black-jack oak farmer. and they began to talk about their orops and farmsg-as farmers are very apt to do.‘ , {flowflia in? saitLthe first. 'thatlyou ma nage‘b‘n this p‘or’u soil to beat\me‘in_cgops?' ‘ " The reply ‘vras : {I worn; my (and 1f ' The! W 351!» exactly§~\ 30$? 109." it!“ such richzlan'd ‘that'they don’t ioorkjtiand theyinerer-gek a step‘ beyondtgh’lérelhey 'bg'gan.‘ They rely on -the’sorl.( not o, _:la bdr‘,'or'sltill.:.or'cnre. _Some men ”17.9”. Ilret'e'lrirrds to" work; and somemejt expee! to my; their. 'lar‘tirisrand: that," Just the 'difierence between! E?“ and bad {airmen - ABOUT} ‘ADIISCOURAGED. A "/W'all‘. 1 sin aboh’v dis’couraglan' have uied angljiiad Id‘gaun honadt; l‘ivjumkbm oanho‘ll.¢ficc¢'e‘d,‘"hnd mm am :1; loan what, to do. ”.1". Poor Afollow 1. you "- deserve oqtzpitywvfortyogr ppum'v‘gringg_induflfywéif nothingrmorp. " ‘qu‘xhiv'e " npt‘mafié'gtgd ,‘ - 491.2%. 'u_-\,‘rt_‘. 2...: (a. ‘l‘ A...‘ . lriglrt. ifiyouflhvlo triedgg often as you say i "AIERRLCK’Si'IéfIp'RMIFI/TGE. '. ~tbiq. ,Wfi'rk‘lnow, V Gland thllp. ,coupled TUE bestmedlcnl writers of tho hge.‘t"omenlein lwilh edgy-g 5. "flay” lied" ‘a man. 'dOWn».lh9 l “130ififllgl’tlog‘flgtmgvou‘ugillllie stornuch und bow “ "”‘érpendén‘cyi Fornu'hite. we are!“ 3.25 m; Surih .gil.ol’sii,iéfa§‘iit’§§iis‘flli‘aiiii'il’éi? ithe beat ofzmen may we dark prospects beuver‘n dnlt‘eront parts: of the body. that .tlmrn is before them;- but these soon vanish. 29“”?13'ad‘l“;"‘“°°r"""d{l"g-‘Xl‘lt‘h “my "0‘ “it pro? wmn have ,55 .555 ~ 5:55 5555.:5555555555 5.5a555.555.555.555555'l - , , - . 5 . u . . . mth LOOlt'back 0n the petal and it“ llh'.‘ [Have thotrnru‘oltvhlldrenunny laurn Iho necessityofgunrv. 'n'm squandered i} away—n ma van 55555555555555;'5":555::5":5555555525552555: of It at least—fo! "In“? ”8W ,0“ Hal fntnl pffcem. jW‘ith‘nll‘dcl‘eran-e. Merrirk'a Vermi. been altogether 100 careless of your-loose “11:0 is Om‘mdtothe Fully" M n ante. pleasant and change? Add up the thousand atxpencee “mm“ ”med-V' mm 2" “8"” p" t?°"'°' '‘; and copper‘s' that have slipped through yam fingere, and. you will see a calelogue ol‘ folly that you little dream of. .-.--Novwonder then. thatnyou m halt dlszouraged. Who would not be: if he had debts to pay. and had squandered the very money due his creditorelon parties of pleasure—in attend ingplaceo of a'muaement. and in 'purchaa inu a thousand useless articles to gratify pride and vitinted taste? Live air you ought e—begtna new life—save what you earn and be economical in-ull things. end our word for it. you u ill never ugnln hang your ‘A‘head m discouragemenl Prospectus ol the UNITED STATES JOURNAL BY JESiE E. Dow St Ce. HE first number of our new paper will be issued T this (hm) day 0! May.with an entire new dress —-now ly'pe.fine white paper. with other important alterations and improvements. The paper will he deieted to a fearless airpositien ei'Domocratic prn'ieis plea; it Will zealously and unremittingly oppone each and ever effort to establish a mammoth monarchy banlt and other mischtevna:l corporations and con sotidntions of wealth. which snh’vcrt the rights of the pee lo and undermine the pillars ofthe Republic; It wxlroppme an oppressive and anti~ropublieantariif system, the usatintption oi the State debts by the Gen erelGevet-nment. and all other Federal principlusi which have an inevitable tendency to destroy public prosperity as wellas indtval'ual happiness. Against all such political delusions. we shal wage unchang~ mg. uncompromising war. The FARMER and the Mactttmc who produce all the real capital oi the nation. will find in our paper an unwavering: champion at their inalienable rights; the long cherished printiipletl (if the editors are too well known to the public to require any pledge upon this pointy To the Miacellancous department partic ular attention will be devoted;thu Ladies will always ‘ find iii our columns a choice selection from the cur— rent literature ofthe day. an well as original contri- ‘ buttons [mm the most talented writers of which our country can boast A general sammary of Foreign and Dotaestic news Will be furnished ; a regular price eurrenLand a correct Inn of the prices efstoclte will also be given. The conductors have already secured the aid and cowperattonof a large number olllte most distin guts ted political and literary writers of the tiny :ar rangements will also he made, at the earliest period possible, to embellish our columns by the contribu~ liens of correspondents [mm abroad. With this hriel and Imperfect ou tliue of our plan, we verv respect lully euhmit our claim: to an extensive patronage to the consideration efn generous public. 'I‘HE PHILUS FISK, 1, Jassmz. DOW. , 'D‘Tm' TERMS. Week] lor by the your . . . $2 00 (la y VJ; fun-u months - ~ 100 Sevankay paper by tho your. in ndvnnro 500 do do _ lnr lons thah'a year. 50 Cents per " month. Dully pupcr by the yeag. in ndvnnco do do for less than” n yonrfil per month Sulm‘nplions lotho Dolly furleu than two, to the Somi~\Voakly lnr hm than four. or'to lha Weekly for lean lhnn six months. will not be received. ”not paid wuhm the your, the Daily Kuprr will be 812. thoSemiuvc-ckly $6. and the Woo ly ‘2 50 a cor. y All payments to he made in advance. Those who have not an opportunity of paying otherwise. may temit by mail. at our risk. postage paid. The Post rnnsler's cé’rtificulo o! lllt‘h remittance shall be 11 NHL cit-n! receipt Ihereior. The notes ofouy specue pay ing bank will ho received. IVeekly Pennsylvanian. . One Dollar :1 year. ‘ The ' Weekly Pennsylvanian,’ printed on n double medium sheet, and containing the prin cipal political. literary and ‘news matters ofthe daily paper. Philadelphia Prices Current. &c. is mailed every Friday, at the 19w price of One Dollar a ymr. ‘ As the price at ”which it‘ ii: flim— iahed will not nllow'ua to'open'a'c'counts the subscription must alwaya be paid‘ in advance, and the paper is invariably stopped when the subscription has expired, unless previously re newcd. Remitlartru.—'l'he limitation ot the {ranking privilege of the post masters by the new law, having cut of? the usual mode oftransmitting subscriptions to papers, the Postmaster General has made the following substitute for that great convenienre to both the public and tlte press~ - " Money for‘newspaper subscriptions not ex ceeding $lO in each case may be paid to a post master for the purpose 0 eing paid to the pub lisher of a newspaper at 33‘ other oflice. The postmaster is, in such a case, to give to the per son paying the money a receipt therefor. and to adv-tee iorthwith the posfiitsster, who is to pay said amount of such deposit. ‘Jpon presenta tion of this receipt. tltclatttount is to be paid 0- vcr. The postmaster receiving the amount is to debit himself therewith in his account, and the postmaster paying that amount is to credlt i himself therewith in his account of contingent expenses.” 'Where application cannot conveniently be made to a postmaster, and mores/than one sub scription is contained in-tfie letter, we are wil ling to incur the postage, provided the writer takes care tltst‘its weight does not exceed the half ounce to which single postages are limited under the/new law which commences ‘on the first of July. ‘ ‘ 7:.\ SW”.- WW: ,zé‘v‘héj - CAME to the premises LL—JL... ,ofme . subscriber, in BelTlu'wnship. about the last china! June._ a pal'e'red cow. suppqsed .10 be abduhlz years old, wilh a slnryin her face. a white belly/slum? white On‘her legs‘, and n whiie spot 0 hei‘ back; "Phi: owner is req‘uesi led‘lg cu‘m'e forward. prove' prupgrtys pay charg‘ge,‘ and take her h§vaymtherwis€she ’willibé digposed ‘of us the law directs. , ,~-, I, .. .‘ V. {H'i “r. ~MOI‘T." ; ‘ “Adz".2o. 1845.‘ .' _ . . . f - CAUTION. . ' G’A‘UTION i 9 hereby gi‘ven to the pub . " .;;li.c, against purchasjug "a mole given hy-jhe in Richard 041109:ij Cenue coun "1'19!“ 53590 ‘(thirl’y-five. dollars) pa) ume in" 5121 monlhu, ’Va'l ‘ Gpaham & ,W. fish“ slurég andrda‘téd-hbodj 1h?! 23d olh'Auguaq Unfit-ea}! I hnvd nothr'cceived ,value (or the aim. in“ m therefore gdl‘cterminedmot £0 phi I} UliltiSfic/qm'chcd by law.’ ~ ‘ 1 9-251. 23‘1.‘;’:AND,REVV PETERS ‘f Sept. .2, 1845: MEI MIFFLIN k PARRY. Philadelphia , 11 THE POCAHON'I‘AS—OR. INDIAN mm. For the Cure 0/ «MHz/Imus Diseases. -‘ LTHOUGH the Pomhonluspill will nnswar an 4 oxcollem purpone us a ergulive'm ull discus-ca w are the pulse In full. nn hnrd. lho akin dry and hot and Ihe tunguornutcdgyot. it in in lhmu'diseusos donominnlcd Biliona, lhnl i! is confidently recommen ded us a certain nuro In bilious lever. onlu’i’gnmcnl oflhu liver. inundiccmilious cholm. bilmus vomiting, gig}; and {nu stomach nllcnded wilh lmndnchmtlyh popsinwdblivcnosa. &c it \Vjil‘lJurform the pm! of u apecnic or certain remedy. a only sullcit at tho hands ofthe public n« fmr trial of the pillnnd {cul assured no chcomlumn will be necrssnry wnh those who unc them. Price?!) coma per box. The nhove mcdwincu {or sale by . C. D. WATSON. Clonrfield. JAMES McGIRK, Phllipslmrg. WILSON 6; BARBER, Slrnndnvillo. Dec.l.lB-M—-l yr. ” JEW DAVID‘SOR HEBREW PLAS l‘lle. The best (2am exhaclor m the world. [N cases 01 coal inflammation. Scroluloua affec llonu. King's evil. Goul. lnflnmmnlory nml Chron ic Rheumatism. nefvolm toothache, pains in tho side hm. [nick and limbs. and all fixed pains whatever.— For curing coms it cannot be surpassed. Those who use lhe Jew Davxd'u Plnslor, will n‘ov'or use unylojhs er. Each box 'ronlnins enough lo spread Gor 8 large planters. Price only 25 coma. TO THE AFFLICYED IT is conceded to by all that dummies originate in impurity oi tho blood The Persian Pills being altogether vegetable. aro demdcdly superior to any other pillnold i‘or thornughly cleansing the system, and phrifyin the blood. Try them. and you will be i~onvlncodolgt~lia fact. They are alsoas cheap as any other in [lBol' Largo ‘boxea containtnf 73 pills {or 50 canis—-ha|i' boxcs containing 35 pil a lot 25 cents. The above articles ior sale b - LEONARD Z MOORE, Clearfield. Dec. 1. IS~I4--l yr. 500 Pages fdr Fifty Cents .’ .' PROSPECTUS OF 'l‘llE ongressional Jo urnal. HE edttors of the United States Journal propose T to commence with the next session 0! Congress. ‘A weekly publication under the above ltlle. to con tinue through the whole scsuinn u: the unprecedent ed low prtcc of , FIFTY CENTS! n In each subscriber {or £1 volume of five hundted pa‘ EC? _. will contain a faithful and impartial record of both Hauseu of Cnngxess, the gist of all the important speeches which may be delivered,'&c. The most competent reporters will be employed and nothing Bhnll preventitlbetnginud'e worthy of the patronage ol the publlogd‘pernlly. The Journal will endeavor in rtl recordflfm‘ddjuatice to both pnmvii. so [but both parties willleel allowedm pnuonizu the üblicution. theing the long session. as |I)H culled, ll)": volume will contain at least 500 ,pwgen ; ench nuiuher will contain sixteen pages of solid mutter. which will enn hlu the publishers to give all the proceedings worthy of being preserved in limk lorm. lur binding and fu ture reference. The ori-eedingly; low lPI’lnH will place it within the reurli of all; t o publishers hope the! their friends will use their erertrnna In obtaining aubscribem . 03‘ ”tom who loruuril Five Dollars shall receive ‘ eleven copies—Ten Dollars. twenty-three (‘Upll‘l— ‘ Twenty dollura, FlFl‘Y copies—reducing the pr or to fortY’cents. for e vnlunie 0! 500 pages. I! WA title page and complete index Will be added tit the end or rhu volume. to make it llmzmore enlive iiieiit {or future reference 'I‘HEOI’HILUS FISK JESSE E. LOW. Washington, August 12. 1845. /’ DRUG STORE. “W Opposite F. l’. Hunxlhuflfi More. JAE/”‘1? 3 ‘ Market, street. Cleaufiuld. _. 'E‘HE subscriber respectfully inlorms Ihe public-generally, that he has pur chased the Dlug ume lurmcrly kt‘pl by Joseph Gulvr, and lhnt he has added to Hm old stock a Irush supply 0! DRUGS? AIEDICINES. OILS, PJUN‘ '3', DYE STUFFS, é'c. ALSU, I All kinds of Spices; Per/unscry, Con/cc lionary. (S-c «S‘cfiggyghithlye will be” lnw fur cmh or cunnjffyiifibmacxe. j _ . Patentiflledlcmes 01 all kinda—such 8i: [lke/18.51.11 OF W'ILl)-(.‘HERRY. SflND'S‘SaIR-S‘fl- PJIRILLfl. BflLSfl/ll 0F ”ORE HOUND. HOUCK’S PflNflCEfl. lo' gelher with n gu’ddasaurlmcnl ul PILLS. And last. bu! up: the leash GflLER’S ‘ VEGE'IWBLE VERMIFUGE. which cannm bé beul tor expelling warms in chil dren. . , ‘- ' " '7'7‘2‘ C. D. “'ATSON. Aug. 4. 1845.—H'. ' ~ Popular Remedies. THE most popular remedies. of’the present an! ' are those which cleanuc and purily the bloo ; and which are known to be innocentin their unit. ties. Such remedies as Antimony. Mercuryfllinc, and havmg recourse to bleeding in disease. are new, It iahoped‘, going out of fauhienmnd Vegetable reme. dies Will he soon the popular medicine. Then Bran dreth's Vegetable Universal Pills will housed and appreciated They are known to act beneficially, On every part. of the hotly; being taken up by the chyle they passinto the blood. which they purily, and it should be xememberedibat they only remove those parts from the blood which were the cause of pinflammatinn or discasevol any kind. Nothing in e~ quat to ridding the vllinled humor: with a vegetable medicine oflhis kind. which eighty-tour years have proved never to doi 'ury. but always good. 1, 5 Sold hy‘tho folio ing Agent- in Clearficld co. ; E. 8; W F Irwin, leerfiold- ‘ ‘ ” JohaJrvin. Cur‘ enaville. . . Davrd Ir‘vin. L there urg; ‘ ‘ ‘ .lnmeaMcGlr .Phlll ibul'g'i Centre county. uOFFICE—No. 24] Broadway New Yorlt. ‘ ‘ , ' -'1 B. BRANDRETH. M. D. «June 1. 1845.—-l yr. " , _ SHAIWLS. A big.) assortmcm o Sunimiir and Wimer'Sliawlzi, ‘ Fashiona‘ P.‘.qm!-.¢h¢ap.t _ ‘ C.‘KR‘ATZER..,.' AN 'APP - ENTICE WANTED. .‘ . “BOY. Rom l3.lo.t.s«yeara.nfflageg A willbq'finken-ns an apprentice to me Tailoring business, by ,the'aubsuibcr; App‘ichtion‘ahould be made mum .Argqoq chun‘ce win be given. 3-_ - ~ ' ~‘l , M. A. FRANK..' my és, 164:5." ~ HNEW\: STORE. ~..._. 3 :1 ‘GOODS‘CHEflP FOR'CflSH.’ ‘ '3‘ 7‘ HE subseriberjvh‘nls“.qpelgéu‘lvnnq'oflgrc . ' WE: Mr" salo'n lad-3.: 'ngaxirum-In of} V, ‘ ' §lpinmcr 1&2 [Sail §299g§,.; u'l hi‘l‘ifi-w «Jury house“ my mg ‘cln‘lfuer of 's’ ‘, Clu-ia'y uml F'uml stieem. mmd9upat§ove H Ihf’. Academy, Cljyiaifilinfl 0‘ ‘l‘ 'H' I',‘ on? 000123. GROUERIES.”IMRD; WIRE. Q_UEENSWJII{E,‘SHOES. * : G'C- G'c. ' ‘ -.-, ~ . . Allkol‘whicllnhe intends‘iu svellluw‘jo‘r' cal-h or country pfqduce, or In exchange‘ fur lumbc‘r. -’ ' ‘j' ‘ \"‘ \. 'l‘lié'subscnborintends to sle goods‘ibs low’was lhey can be pui‘chnued,‘ and hop" than (hc public will (Infinim (he law!" 10 call and examine _hls priqec. ‘ 5 ’ 'l,C‘. KRATZER. .‘ Aug. 7th. 1845; ‘- 1 _’ ' - \ a FIVE CENTS RI'EZWARD.’ 2. ‘ RANb-A “1"“ from m l 3313 .BU icrl er \reéidin in 3-334 Bradlnrd umhahlp, ml; the - s‘?“ 28m ult. n Yellow hay, nam. \ a rd LORENZOGOLDEN, a ‘ »,...- ghoul l 3 yyearls old. Had on - when he went nlvay' a' lor'cap and blue pnnlnloons. 'Ml‘ pershns; are hereby cautioned against harboring 6F\_ Muslin: him on my nccount,’.as‘l will pay no debts of his comractinz. ‘ , , ROBERT LEONARD. i j Sept. 12.41845. *. , ‘ l 5 PIECES of Summer Goods. oldifie rem stylesfi C. KRATZER‘. 100 PIECES wrll selected Print: and very low for cash. C. KRATZER. 3 PIECES of Cqssi:nere-—-gqn_rl style and cheap. C. KRATZER. WANTED. 50 CORDS gnnd hickory "wood, for which lhe cash will be paid.‘Ap ply at this office. . ' Sept. 12. EALES'hut Brnlvn Muslin; low'cr 31mm! it hna‘ever-been sold in Clear .field county. ;_ U. KRATZER. 7 Pieces Cloflx, blac'k.b!ne'. Invisible Grl'cn. Slqel-mixml,‘ Iron-grey and Cadet. 6 PIECES Kentucky Jean, [or aaie at (he Ne} Slum. ' . Aug. 15 “ 333119 S‘4IK‘3QIBHEBQ‘ M 0". Jaconcl, trulljlamblic Muslim; Bobmet, Laces, BK9 fclyap and gum]. Ladieu, call and l'fy'hlifit‘ for yourselveg. \ Agg.>;l‘s.' ‘ ‘5 C. KRATZER. CARPETIN‘G. ‘ V HE subscriber oflers for lile'a supe [ riur article of Carpeting. on reason- stile, terms, Sept. 12. 1600 lbs.‘ Bacon! M; w'uh Ihe subscricribor for sale w [or Cash. May 30, 1865 ‘25 PiCCCS Saline! lur sate. low {or cash. U. KRATZER. 500 Pairs ol'Bools &, Shoes, 0R men & wnnu-n, of diflmcht qual ‘ 'nics, well nnsmled, and such M will rm-‘mmm‘nd themselves lor strvice~for .ale by the ‘ubscribvr cheaper than they ' I u , have Her been ufl'creql m Ith place. ‘1 Sept. 24, 1845 Court Proclamation, wIiERhiAS the Hon. Gen. W.Woodwnrd'. Pm dcntJudge ofthe Courtol' Common Please] the 4thjudicinl islricl. compared 0! the counlicl oi Clrnton. Mi’fllin. Centre and Cleerfield. and the Hon James Ferguson. and John Patton,Esq're.,Am. ocmte Judges in Clenrfiold county, havoissund‘lhetr precept. benrinf; date the 4th duvoi SeptlB4s. to me dimcted.lor ho dingnt ‘ ‘ , Cam: ot'Cammzm 'Pleas, Orphans Courl, Court 0/ Quarter Sessionsmnd Court of chr and 7hr miner and General Jail Delivery, , - z 3 :1- at Clem-field Town.for the County oleClonrfieldlon the Ist Monday 0! Dec'r "P‘.‘v,(h€i.‘9B the lat dnv ofthe month.) _ ' 3;?é‘fifiifnij§}l’; ‘ - ‘ Noticeudherqforcggt‘cteeygwen. ‘ : ,to the Coroners.Justicesolgltaffleg' hd Constables In nndfor the CountybfiClfiflgld; , trpenr in their ’own proper persons, "may ”5. ”(For e,lnquiaittono ‘ Examinations and other'Vßßnie' rnncee. to do those things which their olficeennd In their behalf nppertniu. to be done; and all Witnesses and other persons pro~ ‘ uecutngm behnll 0'! the Commonwealthugemll any r prisoners are required to be then end there attending and notdepnrt without lche.n_t their peril. Juror: are requested to be punctual in thetrgottondnnce at: the uppointedtime agreeable tonotice. _‘ , ' wen yndor my hand at the town‘bl Cl'ehrfield. thin 4th day of Oct’r, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and lorty five._nnd tho untxtyvsevsnt ,yonrom’merlcenlndependence. . - ' ,- ‘l. ELLIS IRWIN, Sh’fl’. HATS & CAPS. A good ns'sortmgnt ‘ ~ mutilate}: Caps cheap [or c'fl'nh." _ Sept. 24.} .'C. KRATZER DRUGS" A ‘gspem asiori‘nidnfijf ’ ' ”my—WNW Lvad.‘ Linsggd‘ 951, 8““ “"10“? by the lub's‘criber." ”" f‘ ' SW“ 24.] ‘ 'CgKRATZEIh‘fl VENI'I‘IA ”3111anpr 5,", «u ' 00%| and’ttrriuge. An clematis-- c. mnzmp, _7 ninni WALL PAPERS-‘IA' godt! 'anlorté ' ‘1 client oliWnll “Pope: stud-Border; lo‘r‘gnle very low. mCalllnd lee,‘ - Sept.! 24;]; 2:. 5:13 C} Kflhiflflm 4 . v . u c. KRA'I'ZER. C. KRA'I‘ZER. C. KRATZER. F. P. HURXTHAL C. KRA-TZER. 0