5 IS 67q;1:1=i!ISftlgt1111101.1xual OW_VIteL24I.I extensive botaniral collections; and it was‘ Understood that, on M: retugp.~iire etfputd ronjointly prepare a tull shotgunt'othtg plants, tnhe appended to his rgipurt. ‘5. "out fourteen hundred I'periefiwvc‘r‘eeol. lected. mluy of them in regions not before explored'by nny botanist. In contequence however. nithe great length ofthe journey and the numerous_ accident: to which the} party were exp-med, but esbecintly owing to the dreadful flood of the. Konaae. whi h detoacidrthulbordera ot‘ the Miusouri nth} Miheififippi rivers, more'thnn half of hiu tvt‘t‘it‘s were ruined beiorv he inched the bidders oi civilizatiuu. Eve'n the portion wh’t‘gi‘rhtiy damaged. :0 that. in many in stu'nc‘ee, i't hne'brnn extremelyZdiflicuit w deterlninethg plants. As there. V 713“)?! numciéhi time before the publication of Captain Freinont‘e report for "“3 proper t'u'tudy tit he 'reutaine of Ins collection. It hue'been‘deemcd n'dvisnble to reserve the greater-part. oi them to incorpqrotc “11th .the pinpts which WO exp“! i“? 3“” hm: Vwith hiri’i'on returning itmn his third ex p‘ediliou, upon}‘t't’hiclr’hehzto Just‘set out. '-'~'""l‘hetossveuntnined by Capl. he"WM. andl "“ij by the hntanicol world. m“, We "1!”: be [mt-"y made up the ”9' gem and next seasons. as much of the same country. Mil he passed over again. “Dd won't'e netf' regions expiored. Arrange ments have also been made by which the botanical colic-atone witl be preserved, at? [cent from the (lesttuctive efl’ec‘ts oi wuterj and'a person accompanies the expedition Who is‘ to make drawings of all the most interesting plnnte. , Particulav attention withhegivento the loves! trees and the vegetable production: that are useful in the em or that are employed [or food or medicine." Professor Toreey furniahee in 'the ap papdix descriptiohs of about thirty new genera and species of plants radiated by 099%. FIFWN- ' How? he \Von her. \Ve-hope the moral of the ‘followihg sketch‘will be produu.ive of much good»? Young men who are too ambitions of suc ‘ceas 'iiiltbe - matrimoniél line, should. study well the grand deem; Our friend who'furs utohedthe sketchgsaya that he sees no‘rnn son'why It should not be true. ' > "A young lady of eccentric character, but of 'rare'mentul endowments. and extraordi uary personal a'tttactiona."-had five suitors equally ansiduous in'their attentions.‘ Un able to decide to which, she would has (either hand. she gave them notice to‘call upon het‘at a' certain hour on a stated day. nnd‘each state his claims in the presence who others, At the appointed time, the lover-latrived. Four or them ’ were confi dent-Tot" success. bot'rih‘e fifth one had a d'o’wncant look and"ctghed when he beheld m 6 object or hit devotion: " l‘Gehtleman.’ said'ahc,‘ ' you have hon ored’mo- with proposals of marriage. I have n yen—neither» refused or accepted a~ nyrot you. '1 now desire that each of you mt! state your clairoe to my hand. in order thntt. I; (my know upon what grounds limny bezjustified 'in bestowing-it‘;‘j~ ': ' "‘A‘hnlwered as follow :—~‘ 5-3539?" t‘J-lfa'yo'd-marry meuy'o'u'shalt li'vein a uptenatdihonae, have ae‘r’u'ants and carriages at yuuufiwmmand. and enjoys" the luxu riemqf'fil‘qfihionablo life. lam rich.’ ‘ B'ipß‘tUtqutf-a ' , ~:!:My=rri‘va|'has said very truly that he is ti¢_ls.ul‘ud-ho offers you a strong Induce minty‘but lam of a noble descent. My gnnd' father was a duke, and although not wealthy, 1 am 'of a family With whom alli~ anu'w'ouid‘vha considered an honor by the «ulthiowheireu in the limd.’ O-Imcd‘hii claims thus :-- . Man: I' politician,» and have now a rep nlllidn-‘lhw older pérmna have envied.-—‘- Non yet: ‘I Shall run 'fbr Congress and hlté'T-nOlelbl'dbl-of success. By marrying l md-yfilvamothall be handed down to ‘ pduorlly‘alx‘“ , . -Dr=|wllledl lli‘s moustache will) an air of auiuqllillte ‘and'eaid ':--“ lungélic crealnlel ’Pon my soul I think youhino already made up your mind In’ my {avail (Youknow how damnably I‘m ad‘ iniledv'r'i’iwrho in the maul faslnonablo dues: urin’i'olnn'l ~Who rides'the finest hora; "PW-‘Who frequenla the most lashionable plmrfhvr‘Who in a profier' judge of the 0p"!!! C'Ru'mor says D.‘ bol”poh hdnor l’m‘wolfiodenmjnaial upon il.’ ’ ' K :W’ihqnlit c‘amei’to‘E’a dam to b‘pevgkfihere win-Ir pauaaf AMI eyeh‘s \vere"(dfned to.- wirdi‘himr ‘Poor, renew :A he :‘was dread .. ,{nflycabaflauedp ' " '2 '. f-‘Willr'nid the beauty, "antfl‘say you! Mn'E'lß-w .. ~ , ‘iueMnl-‘wwaaime "reply 'l‘yiei‘d 'lO these aenlleh’tehf 3‘ They have thei advantage" of mudnbnfy respect." V’ _A‘ndjhc‘look Up his “a?“toflcafvea- ' -" " _ 'f Sthp,’ epidithe Indy'wmnkéa Youhuu‘of mom, up matte! haw humble may bé'ybnr claima.’ ‘ ' ' ?Tam,' Voiir:'—;. '.Go on' I: am. ‘an _of‘n‘o’blb ramuyfg. ;._ J". .' , 'Uo omelr. ‘.I am unknown foiithe .world’é" i “ '.Nd“,ma|!¢l"-‘—proceefi.'?3.7- 1. :‘l bfive~néi!l|cr';he lg‘alcynor lh'q mean; td‘fdre'ag‘fas'hibnahly. ‘ I’wo‘rk for myJiyq‘; lihéod.‘ It in hnully [iossible .“m I can make you happy, ,for l' cannot ofler you any of the ind'uceahoulp held oullby my If. vnls.’ - , * '. ' ' f‘"! am 10 judgeKof thank. what ncxl?‘ ‘ Nothing. only. I lowyou and 1 taken newspaper-' ' ,7 > .. Al this Messrs A B C and l) bum out mo a‘loud laugh n‘nd exulanmcd in one 'BO do “re—J love you In diatrac~ on !-—1 lake four gape?“ ha! ha L ha! ' Silence.’ said" Ihe-lady. ‘in one momh you shall have my answer. You may all wilhdlaw. '1 , U VOICO-- At the 9nd of the month thelive suitors again nppcared. Turning to each tn'h'uc ceaeion the lady thus answeretlr‘ ' Rioh‘es are not productiveAb happiness! 'lBoasled nobility of blood is the poorest of all recommendations, ’ ' Fumfigfipeting. and. he that hath but the outward gal-l; of n gentleman 'is to be piliutl.’ ° lgave taken the trouble to find out tho/hi as of the newspapels to which you all subscribe, and l have aseertained that none of you. who have boasted of wealth, nobility, [ohm or lashion. ha‘ve pnt'd [he printer. Now; géntlemnn, this is dishonest l cannot think of mnrrflng [a man “ho would be 'guilty of such an art. I have learned that E not only subscribes for a paper, butpag/s 'lhe prinler! Therefore. I say. be m the man. I give hinLEny hand with the full conviction 11311 in in If“: who Is every way calcululed lo ninkg Inc nppy.’ "Need we amen—d our .vparrative? The disappoinled gentlemen~ disappeared quite suddenly, and the lucky suitdnwas united to the object olhis devotion. and. in a few yedrs. b} honesty and industry, bacame. nolonly a distinguished, but unveallhy man. and, “as estéaained by ail who knew him. Young men. he paid “reprint".— la than: no mural in this? INFANT PIETY.‘ Q \. How leaps the babe in its mother’s‘ arms. when the mysterious charm of mu oic thrills through its little brain! And how learns it to modulate”: feeblqwoicc. unable yet to articulate, to the melodies thntbring forth all around its eyes a tle. lighted smile! Who knows what then may be the though“ and feelings of the tn'ant awakened ton sense of a new World. olive through all its being to sounds that haply glide post our core unmeaning as the breath of the common air! Thus the mere intents sometimes been inspired by music. till. like small genii. they Warbledl spell ntrnins. of their own. powerful to} sudden and subdue our hearts. So, too. have inlunt eyeapeen charmed by the rain how irradiating the earth. that nlmnst in. [am hands have been taught, a's it by in. Qpiration, the power to paint in finest cot. lot-I. anrlto imitate, with n _wottrleroUi art, :Ihe skies so benutllul to the qurclt awak tenetlmpirit of delight. Vt'hnt knowledge have not come children acquired, and gone down rchulars to their small. untimely gm“! Knowing that such things have been —nre-—und will tie—why art thou credulom oft/re divine expansion of the soul. 10 understand the things that are di vinel-Prqf. W'ilson. LOVELINESS IN WOMAN It is not. the smile of a pretty face. nm the beauty and the symmetry of thy pep. son, nol‘ yet the costly decorations that cnmposu thy artificinlbcauty. No! nor the enchanting glances which thou bestow. rat with such lustre on the man thou delgneat worthy of thine afleclion. ltvts thy plenging department—thy chastepon: versatiun. thy uenpibility, and the purity of thy thoughts—thy aflablqfintl opqn tl'w pnsiltoh—sympathising with those in utl~ vernity—cumlurting lhé afflicted—reliev ing the distressed—find. above all, that humility ul soul, that unlqigngd and per. {pct régnnl lor the precepts ul Christianity. 'l'htvey‘c .virtueu conutilule thy loveliness:- Adbrned with but those of nature and simplicity, they _will shine like” (halt-[ul gentsun; and display that the loveliness l oltliy_|iels(ln is.nnt tq‘be‘fuund inthe tin sel ornamenté ol thy body. but in' the re i flections oi the tectitude and the scrutiny lot nwell spent life. that squintboveflhe I transient vanities oi the, worldT ‘. . _ W‘OM AN’S TROUBLES. ‘ [have said bului‘e.;and I cannot‘now n-V mid repealing it. that the genéality (there are 90mg noble egceptiona, but the excep tion prove» the rule;)_‘ol ’men“ “ihovnreitoo ftppjl of venting their, in humour on their wives; no (patter what gnu wrpng at home 'or nhreafl,’thq p‘qmj wumw. gutters lqr it ; and,“ she hppenr to feel thcfunkmdneas that is henpgd’upon her. shgicjmmcdjnte. _lyjtnumed wtth gart‘psmg thufitqol‘ten lay, the foufldntion of lasting misery._ it it; difl‘t-t 4%th toga, they u 1 lptlywought to. ncton xsp;;h..po¢):nsi9na; therg‘is no generphppeipc fqtvhripbtpg‘ss’rds,gush: pergun has 8.6.90? We catjrhptg; neon-sensible. man “I" have his occaswnal fits ufjll-humottrrand. with. 59d) a 0095‘ [enquld " recommend the wjk: 'to’yu'l't'p'ziliently until the fit I}; uVér. the!) shuwghim his unkihduuds; and réa‘suu with him upbn. it, inirthe’ (Meet, ' placill‘ tones :(hut husband’s one.’ [the be aman 83' “(93323th ,infcglion intelllectk llcttch OMB filelp thelqdy! any I! 3‘er l‘mglp; love ”1° 'pmseslioil {IL au lhfirit'fy'f’gpgl’ “3% 13130032! ,Mhen they iéthWhonévrr .Ihfey {dung "Hall’s Sketihyf Irish Charader.‘ L Bumnctatlc Buuncr c L EX}: h B i, o, In. Our. 9. was DEMoanTw 'n‘ncaimx JAMES BURN S, ofMifllin co. ' For flasemblg. ‘ ‘ JAS. ‘BURNSIDE, of Centre" co. CH’S; ~S."WORRELL§ Clearfield. - For Prat/zonatargh 6-1.2. Wm. C. WELCH, of Law’cc‘tp. * For Treasurer. ‘4'", OHN w. WRIGHT, B'eccaria: ABRAHAM’KYLER, Morris. For fluduor. WILLIAM T. 'I‘HORP, Bell. fiinfiéfififiiefico ot tho hoary ruin of water day and ldn‘nlglit. tlio' river ID now riiiingl and strong" hopes are entertained that we will at In“ have n rafting flood. With this anticipation‘wc have thought it ndvrsnblo to print ho! hall a cheat. in order that we may nflord some assistance in gel ling the produce ofour county to mnrkot. 'l‘liom II a large nnluunt ready to run. and ifit is not sent alTnow, the grant probulillily is. lhnt it will have to ho drown out and rcrultcd _in tho spring—4hr coat of wli'ich. added lO‘lho expcmc' ulreudy incur rod. will exceed 1111 l market price ofthe lumber This is lho first rafting flood (tfil be one) lhnt wo lmvo hod IlnCO March. And it II n lilllo singular that at the Presidential eloclion lnnt your. many ol our citizens were ulnenl on the :lan business that Ilioy Will be nt 1111 l election. I’. S. Our prophets have deceived us. There will be no flood “ilhoul moro rain. FROM MEXICO. ’l‘hc lusl advice: from Moxie” are just as umhl Isfnclury. and full of rumours, an [hose 0! any pro viuuu arrival. ,A'-‘l":nredea was Ilill on his march to uvlrdd I‘m-nu wxlh hm ' 8.000 mon,’ but it in boliuw ad mm the dulnncc belwccu him and Gen. Taylor in ni'grent nmv ul it was a monlh ago. The fur- um ul Vern Crfi": “'nl undergoing repuirs.nnd name other demumlrulinm of prcpumllun. Their Congrats haw-o pulsed the bill ulleing the admin illrungn'llu’monow Iho -lil'leon million 0! dollars. no‘liody knew “hero the money wulu come Nut 0 dullur had been raised. FROM TEXAS Tho 'l‘oxinu Convention hgfvo 'fininlmd [heir la hours. ’l‘hcir Conuilunou is pronounced by good jmlgcl. u good one. ll II lo be lubmill'ed lo a vole uflho people. Gap. Tnylnr, i! is supposed. has, an: [his pulled up nukes utCurpu_l Chruti and moved his encampment Io tho bankl ollho Del Nona—whore ho will take nonunion. and comb linh Iho b undnry lino between Mexico and the United Simp'unleu Mexico manifests n dilpOli lion to have mailers milled in n more amicable 1=31112 Thc’ Election; Tuaeday next is- the day of our annual election. Had there been no flood to take the voters out of our county. our whole' ticket would be elected by our usual ma jority of from three to four hundred. As it is. the vote will be small, and as a mat ter of course our majority will be reduced in proportion}! least. andeorne say much more. Democrats should see to thtb. By a‘little activity and proper management. man) bl them can secure their votes ; while there are others with whom it i 9 impossible, without great pecuniary loss. Do as you did last {all for I’OLK & DALLAS.~—- ‘Your principles demand thin—but no more. Your candidates are fairly before you.— 'l'hey ate all worthy~honeat~nndcapa bio, and should receive the united auppor of their puny. The Mormon ‘Va'r. :l‘ho lnsl advice. from Iho Mormon war. is truly humble On the 20111 0| September, the Mormonl, to lhg numbcrof nl-oul 500. udder lho Shoriflul Huucoch counly. had an engugemem wuh about 200 umbMormomrin which eighteen ul [he lullcr nnd lhree oflhelélrrner were lullud. A number ofllw null-Mormons Were lnlrcn prisoners and lud gcd in the courl house in Carthage, where they were carefully gunrdrd. It was momenlnrily ex pected llml. the null-Mormons would‘rolurn re~in~ l forced forlhc‘purpoue of rescumg their (Hands.— 'l‘ho Governor had ordered :1 force 0.150(1 men to quell the dialu'rpunco.—bul it ‘waa Ifoarcd ‘hloudy work would relic. pluco before this lurdu uuuld reach the scene of much. A correupondonl Uflhu Harrisburg ‘ Reporter.‘ wrmng fren. .Sp'riugfield. lllli‘ Sept. 22IlFUDYI1—" ll in'nll‘ppoued lhul, by 1111 l lime, the uuli-Mlumonu have ralliedLqu huye on; dedvoured to retake their cernrudeu; ”u'oi lhe cena'cquence in, end '1 huie no.duubl ol‘il, that _ blood‘hug‘htluxqu.lreely and terribly} - {would not be naturliahed'if intelligence isth come, that 100 nienflem killed. 'lllllé’lldormona have. i! in said. eight pincer: ofn'rlilldry. lend fivo llundred revolving rules ulanuvoo. rclxdy l‘ur nelion' They can pro~ l duce nilfurcovexcceding lwotheuauud five hundred l men. nblo lo curry nrmi." ‘ V ’- , '_ MARYLAND ELECTION.“ I lived! .‘Democrzflic‘ Triumph.‘ Tho dieclion in Mn‘ryland. on.lho 1" lion!" lips roauluid I'd gl'v'ing to jho De’mocrhlic 'pl'my. an al ugusl uuprucdnmiwd victory. 0f". of mi: six Coh gyeuauwu (hddcmucm'u lmvercleclcd iour.‘ Lu! yuurflullnqhigu. (l'hub‘énuge .willgremuin' ,in. the. puwvur‘of 3th \v~l.'ig“'l,“,’ t'hy’y‘ I‘lélfl'llwir. gents Infisix; \ young-um;~_lpi‘irfpaiingyl‘quud‘ f“: y “Y“; yang: 5‘ .an slrong hqpm nrg enterlnlvn'u'd lhut the domdcrnlu .rfi-ill bg‘mgqng epqp‘glgg‘iln Ih’flfflw‘a‘vtipflflflp' - .. 3. r. : L'" 1“. > , ‘ "l_u have n'jfiajurily ongoim h‘nhoyg»; g". ' ’. ‘ 1 in fiallimoto cilv. fdr {he ngiilgmrkglhedemos crnlil- x-nndldams h'ml‘vll'nnro vole-l Ihnti tho Whig; nnd Nuuvea "mu-d. Who lure the aniwn. eh? _ W'Jolm ans.onc ol'lho uldesl cdilurn. In Iho Unit’cd' Sl‘nlcs. in about Ilnrllng a daily pppor in Philadelphia. to he called the "_ Demorrnlic‘Prcab ". Luok uul.ye Nn‘ivcm .I'-_ ab " WThc aqueduct ul Slmvczf'a _F‘le, lwvwcon Louinlown'nml Huntingdou. mu danlroyéd by {in un the nigh! uflhe 25Ih’ull. 'f‘ho imurruylinn'lu the nnvigulion will be of ghorl dumlionmu ll will be repaired. temporarily. by the middlr uf Ilulu month; and ill the meantime goods cnn‘he forward cgl in “ngom lo the next level. will) but liule dc lay. WW“. L- [WPKENZIL whose name our readers will remember mouling will) in tho Cnnndinu dis lurbnncoa. n row year: ago. has again mmlc himm-h notoriqno by pghliahing m n pnmphlol n pnrrcl ol confidential lollora wrirlun by Mnrlm Van Bufvn. Gui. Wright. Gm). Marcy. John Van Burch. 13.11“. Butler, and n nunibor of other 'dislinguiuhod demo crnls. which worn alolen from Jeane Hoyt and 01h crv,Jo wh\7m‘lhey \vero wrme‘n, out“o! Iho Custom ,{IOUR‘} in New York. Wu lmvo nouoen Ihé: book, nor any of the lumen:s but learn frumul'hoau “ho ththe animml lnlelligencer among the number. polilidinn'need bo quhnmed. nnd Mt‘Kanzio‘u con 'ucl lg/robukod in all quurloru In any ulher lhiel (am. :h—Ok—m ‘ List 01 Letters ~ EMAINING in the Post Office at R, Clonlficld, I’m. Oct. lust. 1845. Barley Wm. Jnhnson lsnnc, Cox \Vm. thnwn Stacy. Graham Either, Leech Gem-3,0. Huwnrm \Vutlc, Runkcns 'Juneph.‘ Irwin James. Wilson Mrs. Jane. “I'. L. MOORE. x'. M. CLEARFIELD BRIDGE. 7 HE Iluckhuldcrs ol the Clcmfi‘ld, f Blidgu Qumpany will take unlicr ”In! an clcclion for Managers and 'l'rea‘k urer ol anlll Company will be lwlnl on Fri day the 17lh 1031., at their office In lhr borough ol Clearfichl. ' J. T. LEONARD. 'l‘rs'lj.‘ Oct. 9. 18115. ‘ ' The Cheapest Paper ever flpublislled in ' mental! ' Democratic Expositor and UNITED STATES JOURNAL I:qu Tu}: Comm: Wc issue (0-day the first number of the new sprics ol'lllc I)¢mnrralic Expo'tllbr if Umch Slulcx Journulforlhn country, winch. we consider the cheupcst publication ever offered to lhe pnlron age oflhc American public. It will be pub-‘ lishcd weekly. instead of semi-monthly as here (olore while under ler charge of Mr. Kendall,& ulllibugh it will contain more than doublelhe amoinnt of matter. lhcrc Wlll be no incrpnsc of the cubscriprion price. The new publishers propose lo fu’rnish their subscribers will) :1 vol ume of ' > 832 Pages, at the unprecedented low price at ONE DOL LAR only! Being the cheapest periodical ever before issued in this country. ' The Expositor will continue to be a faithful and fearless expounder ot'thc true principles of Jeflersonian Democracy, as it has been under its late highly gilted editor. who we are encourag ed to hope, will materially aid us With articles from his eloquent pen.- its pages will he adorn. ed by contributions lroni the most distinguished political writers in the United States. Neither pains nor expense Will be spared, to make it worthv of being considered a text book tor the democracy, in future generations. The pub. lishers intend it shall occupy tho high ground sustained by Niles' Weekly Register, in the L paliny days ul'that useful publication, it shall be a record of important political facts, for luturi use and reference. as wellas an able expound er of still more important political truths. which will live through all time, and eventually, Will revolutionize the world. , a\ x .r We shall unremittingly and w h the win): soul, devote ourselves to the cans ol nniv‘é'r'sal republican educatiom to this end nil: shall zeal; ously endeavor to relorin every coll ge in A merica. ilnd_ establish a system to edufate all the children in the hind 111 the saving principles of Ameriran Liberty, instead of. as present. grow ing up in thoughtless, iinprovidcdignorance, or what is.‘even worse, ifpossible, becominfl indoc trinatgl with the balet‘ul principles of English monarchy and aristocracy. the only system of education pursued at our. fashionable 'seminarie's of learning. v a We shallopposc all mSuiopoli‘es—a high Pru tective Terllli—partinl lc islatioii‘eany National Bank~Distribution—-Asautnption "of the State Debts—with uullagging‘, unremitting zeal. All these. as well as'otlicr Federal lierosjes, will be handled without gloves! li‘i short it shall be 3 vol ume ivortliy otbeing preserved byJeveryvlover of our republican institutions. . we shall pay the strictest attention to its business ilopnrtmcnt.us wall as to its editorial. 'l‘how who wish.tosubserihc may place the most implicit reli iince' upon curplailgo that it shall he published and mulled each week. with unfailing promptiludo nnd regularity; no one fillull‘OVßn have tho slightest oc rnsion to find fault in this respect. Care Wflll also be tulten‘ to have the packages strongly-and seturely cil volopotl. so that they shall reach their destination in ' good order. With thin hriefunil imperl'oet‘outlino ol nur plan. we submit onr‘ claims to _tn9.lt.’“.","l"B.‘j P'_ the Democracy, with nnshaltcu and undoubmlg 900‘ fidonco that we shall he aniiorouuly supported. TERI}! S .-' The Dzuocnnm Exrosnowuml Uniled- Slates Journnl lor the coumry. will be publgshcd weekly ; each number will cuntninéixtvan closely primed pu gmi. mnlilng ought hundred and lhirly~twh lo lho vol; ume, lnr tho unuaunl low price 01 one ,dollur par un "mp. 10 a Single subscriber. r , (man INDUCEMEN'N T 0 Cums AND Conwmms,——- ‘ l“ orderlo exloml mo clrcululinn-ol Ilwl'lx'msil'or ""0 every part qfwngluriouu Uniom wn Imikolhc lollgwullg‘ ptupnsms: xhnso parsona who shall, lon, .wnrd ton dullprd almllreceivo‘ulcvoin'co'pioxlu’r one Y 2“; "1086 wfig‘forwurd lwonly dullmhfih‘nll reédivo "‘ I""‘Y‘ll1rco co'nxpa lor. lwolvo monllgs-y-reduclllgglhe P"10c lofilghly-uqvon 'cema, [or n.vululr)o,ol'uigm lxun; dred and thirYLlwd'pagofi !'- O'ur démuol’nl'c‘lht‘lulfi Orpmspoqtlul Y.l’€qÊl to exert lhulhso‘llcs lfl ob' '“N'lmg nu subscnhpm 4. . ~. ~, . .4 . ~ . . 4 ‘ ' Tlmomnws 1515 K... _‘,' "‘~ JESSEEMOW“ ""’ . Wniahmsanmv 3.1845.» 1;, ' .. .-.E "' "g. ;. ,1,.£.:n“-‘ .n '- ‘BLNKS ucgtfiljnintprg ~ mdfqr.‘ fialq- a 1., this-=.gflige,.,qheqpquhfigfifi‘.v‘n:y -.- -u. Z' :‘F'TFKI‘JELECTIQN. - Téiih‘e' qualified Electbrs 'belear: V field and Centre counties: Fellow-Cilizcn.~r:—l nfTer myuell m your consitlérution as A candidate lur the Lou:- t~|muru ut the Cumin: election. I! elrct ctLl pltltlue myhcll tn strictly 'atlhcuerto the whites of my constituents. ‘ " JOHN W. MILLER. Bug-:9 lp. Sept. 8, 1845. . Ell To the Voters of Clmr/iclzlrcauntg : FELLOW CITIZENS:-At the solicitation M n number ul my lriemli, I offer mjie” as a candidate fur the Mike of 5 Prothonbtary, (3'o - Ilfi ensuing October t-lecuon-snnd if eleclz-I'H’l‘th-dge myseil lo «lischarao the' (lulies pertaining thereto with \he ulniflesf fink-lit) . . ‘ mun/”re nulhnfiLfd l‘ulnlnnou‘ncelho manic of Joan MITCHELL. of Liwre’ncfi lp. iIS-il candidate lortlhe ufli'ce of 1‘ COUN’I Y TRE/ISURER; ‘~ M the ensuing; General Election.- Sepl. 12. a " CHAIR-MAKING 851 LBCQWQIB QéMIEHI‘IIEIQ-o ' "HARLES M l LLB“, having purcha (J sed lhu eslublishmenl of C. D; ‘lan uuu. cospccuu-Ily iuhormi the citizens of Clealfield and Us ucmily, that he is nnw cul'ryiug‘pn the above business in all flu brunchcs,“nnd as he is detetmined 10 man-‘ ulucture in lhc be»! style. Chairs. Seneca, Szc. on reasonable lenna, he hopes Romer u and receive a libcrm shun: ul patronage and suppun. = N. B. Cuuulry Prnducc lakentin ex change for work. and Ilberu| discuunt made I’nr c'usb. PRINC E ’ S ‘ ‘ lAINNJEN BOTANIU GA“- DEN & NURSERIESL FLUSIHNG. NEAR NEW.YORK. . f: _ '3“th Great Origindl Es ' tablis/nnenl. WILLIAM It. - PmNoa 81 00.. havejult pLubiiéh rd then Uurivallcd DescriptiveCltulogue} nt Fruit. and Ornamental Trees “and , Plants. comprising the largest assortment / of the various (lumen. and“ the greatest/4 Cullccliun at new are rare varieties, even" _vct uffcrud to the public, and at £595“! retiucrd prices. Every variety of.’ man and PLANTS. it individually d scuibett with a precision never before 84:”! in any Eurupt'un or American ‘atalogue; & th grow blunders of other Qntkiolues, are atso he! might. The-coilepfitim} 0! RO - comprise!» about 1300 spngdid varic tten. ""'"~..M'” These mperinr CataloguCS"will be sent gralis to every pus! paid applicant. ' 3 WM. R. PRINCE, 8:. CO. FTUshing, Aug. 20, 1845. Eslate of “7111. Moore, (lec’d! E'I'TERS nf Administration having 11 bren granted to (he umlersignrd, ad uiilustruuix on lhe estate of Wm. Mnure. Intcui Burnside township, Char‘ield c'oun‘ Iy. ilcc’d. Then-fare. all perstuisindebb ’ulfm said emur are desired In make pay men! immi-diawly, aml those having claims WI” prcsvm HIL'HI duly aulhcnliculed lur sculmm'nt. Of Banks in thc'Clearfie/d Library. "42 Annals ol 'l‘m um 3v. [Me an flue Luke: 2v. Amenvun Bmgruphy l ‘ Lulu size. 0! Bruce I ' Aslunu ‘ ‘ ‘- Muow‘nlndian Wan] ' Alhnmhm Q ‘ Malta Brun 7 6' Arabian Night: r Brown's Philosophy ‘2 Balwroh'l U. Sum:- 3 Byron's \Vuvkl_ , 3 Cunvorunlium un Chemislry l (‘o-Jper'u Nuv "ill. 2 ' Chunuiug & Wood bridges' Geng'y l ‘ ConquestofUrenuan' Duuy of a l’hyulcmn 3 . Umruvcry and Ad venture in Alnval ' Dunhnm's Travel: 4 ' Federalist l ‘ Guardlnn l ' Guntlnuh'n Pnclurml Geography 1 ‘ (:rilnslmw'uU Slates l ‘ Hmhbnn ‘ I ' ll‘nuory of N. York-2“ Grunuh‘uw'z History , " oflj'wnce l ' Incidents “:5."1e I in Eg pt’ N w" ‘ lucidemys ' f'fi'g; in Cam «I Ame . ‘2’ Keith on [I o Globes ‘x . _l \ 1 ' JASXA'. CATHCART.‘ an‘r‘vnce ”1.. Aug. 12..1845. ' Svpl. ~20, [B‘ls JANE MOORE, fidm‘x Aug. 28. U 345. . CATALOGUE Mulmm'l Travel: 9 ' Marslmll'l Life‘ of ' Washington", 3 ‘ v Natural Philomphy l ' Ono Hundred 6.20 M ‘2 ‘ " Plulqufy ul Rehglun l ‘ Puri- and Ibo Fr nch Revulullons S! 9' ' Rollln'i Ancionl it lory 8“ llohuunn'. Huma 65 Smullel ‘9 ' . anlvlcr ‘ 4 ‘ _ Rocky M"!Uhléihl, 2‘ chnn of 'lho Cum miniuner ,0! ' Pub ' enls "‘ 3 "tip I" S'wclqlw ~ ‘I. ‘.. Scoll'u Napalm,“ . 2 “ Skelflwglq giidWe'él '2 ‘ ‘Sty‘l' Polilip‘p! rl‘leo'W ' ~ omy- 3.3;)»: 1”!” Scionliflflilhnkmk 12' , - Slewun's Snndw’uch ‘ . Islands « l ‘ 'l‘clomnchua ' 9 ‘ Tuner ’ .5 " ‘ _VlcnrOl’rWnksfiuld '1" ' mudeg'n {gawk ' 2 "Lift! 0! Lo _nrd l . Life of Colulfb‘uu 2'A_ ‘ V 1. G GORDON, Libraria'n TURNPIKE ELECTION,-~ " NOTICE IS HEREBY'GIVEN, lo » 1 We syockhohlevs M [the Al‘mflmng 'ulnl Cluarfield 'l'urnpiké road, "that an n lection “M be held al'tlw‘ houfie'df‘Ml’.‘ Chrisman. in the town of Smickailrng'l‘l Friclu'y' the [7lh day of Uct'uber 'uéxt. m elect \he uecessary'umcers'lu thanagé the said rppd‘,‘for one year." - ' '- " -‘ " ’ ." ' . j ' E. SMIT‘ILC-S‘cc'_l/.": is Septw'lfl. ’45.. -‘ j‘ "‘ I. a) LOCKS. VG'uu'd Br‘uaa Clockq—y _ ~ _ qulcafly liuislml‘.‘ém| good time keep-1 «gm, ‘h'if‘su‘le‘ .by lineubukécliber.‘ It a low, :IP'TITIC'Q-u‘ [CFCnII ngndfixqflfiiflew .- ml 2.3. x -.- , upfilsnman, é ',s¢int.,}24. l)., n g . ,•i a U oyngo Round‘ the World . . 1‘
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers