IRE II " II „ -s.T „ , HE DOCTORs GREENS !AP AM! Ir.V'nxiEiDlotriiGS, coNViiti No or • • GRKEN'S CELEfiltn'l'ElkNtithitritt • , • VO/I, — :, . .•. • 1 • Prp , ie. Green's Red and Brmn , P 11,148 • • ' " kirr law Complaint, )I)7telia'a; Fintalc. 6ne e • ", phiinte, Impurit(on rftsle • Green's Sarsaparilla, 7lth,cind r y • • cough' Pectoral: • ?' ror Ciders CtArglis Hoarseness Sorcneei of tlai Corpumptiol. 10. 4 • Green's Nerve and Boneld.ninient, For — Rheittnatiem,'Sprains.'Braircs;•Stiffi;roe el•i4e , prni.s. Sore Throat, , Contracted,Corde.4se. 11.Ec011211.1.END A77OIVS. • -1.1.81NG n.nny yenre"!wo have-mitticicied ' good,eireete which have invariably,;(„" iiterlUcid by ilia ueo of Dr. E. CrecriYY bs and 'thereinto freely recommend them .10 pith liG; fly n earn ninl efivledt medicine' • `.. .Blakely, Chatl Win.• Huhter, • Jahn L. Gravl , '-tAter. r• L t . l :o, A rivn March IG.h 1.848. Dr S F G reen .....prrirS : 1 ink° great pleue• inforraing_Pin e, .of th great ,eflicney of your wormairrop. Ay daughter being afflicted fora pitted all tho remedies 1 could hear o f %%Ahoy/receiving any benefit . ; liwaa.reques ~ge ti l9 , ifir your Wurtn Syrup,and 1 MUII 'any that bePte taking this Ante of one hn4lo if removed Mr complaint and motored her to, health.. Riling grateful for Ilto hen'efite' she' . merited 1 toke.tilettaure in thus 'acknowledging tt and to cominpiiding it in ate pUblic. , n nusn FR tNKS: Fbr n directioms. certificates 4c,, see pninplileis 'left with each agent Sot gratuitous distribution. gonta in Clearfield county. Diehard S'hatv, Clearfield. .Bi g i f r 4. co. do Patton, Cumensville. Irarrisali747oom cla Z . 'Barrett, Clearfield Bridge. 27comas McGhee, hicGhoes Mill. David, irinport,Cherry TreQ. P. C. Barrett, Luthersburg. , Mirk .E'atchin, Girard township. Levi Frenchville. lames Itlaillitrray, Burnside township. As. IlEgirk, Philipsburg, Centre co. June 4, 1(350. Lime, Lime. TuE subee - Ober respectfully Worms tho public that ho has just burnt a kiln of Limo near the residence of Maier James Armour. veer Belle• fonts, where he is prepared to sell at on reason able' tering to suit times.' The lime is of the ve ry best qiislity., free from coke or cure, and of a beautildl t star. IS is •s least equal to •sny quit has ever boon sold, in this county, as al/ judge' of she erticlo will say ashen they see it. RED — Lit:,:•::" HOTEL—The subscriber deu linusrn TAVERN l'.'.ND, Biwa. ,led,on•Alleglieny attest. 13allefonto, %%hero ho is ~ p rovideid, with e f ieryibing . necessary for the ac. commodatiuti of Inca end beasi v and erlt Spare no painir to "bake! 'airvinifortabla 1,11 o• favor him Willi their' custom. '.. JAMES :MeCULLEY. Bellefonte, June 18. 1850. 801100 L & EDUCATIONAL BOOKS. iitidentlinod members of tho Board of Schr iretdors of sheik/rough of Clearfield, hie exarnip.. the School ond'Ellueational Books published by B. aitirell:Ylr, q. Y., and offered by Alossrs. ,_ i on Barr e agents for the tale of stud Books ‘-`l . -riiid adopt them for uso - in tho schools under the,i ettanie, viz •LtaNns" First Lessons In Arithmetic. •Davie.School:Arithmetic. , .Pnrker's:Philosophic Series, to wit :--In• , troduction to First Lessons—First Les ; , .sons, and ,Compendiurri. & Eastman's Copy Books and ,Pennmanship. Volum & Eastman's Book Keeping. Villards History of the . United States. do Universal History. Aorthends.Speakers & Dialogues,. . I Parhers Saries of School readers. , - ..44 . ei- Ch erabers educational course. Tlipx .respectfully recommend to par ents,m AO purchase of am Books to se lect from tho above list. . , . G. R.BARRETT. EiLD3 Inwzrt R. F WARD. ' • ' D. W. MOORS' • ... • Schad Directors.' • • Tho.ab - O - Fo Matt aro Toesate at the .toio of E. di W. F. Irwin, Clearfield:anti at Aire E. Irwin's, Cur wertstrille. where.. good assortments ivrtl be kept i;onetentty• on taunt. B. T. FULTON. NO. • June . /MANSION HOUSE, CLEARFIELD, PA. DEV4.s29ia 111 4 • knoiva`,:•7 Currreneville. respectfully informs t i ,'`th'et helms *taken the O:JUVe well Stuatett on I Square, ,inainditnalksk . i 0 04? P°..!*PoW POTa. etleKi and aNt,ra in an un • a Table, Parlors, . 1 Bar - • teeping Apartments, win 14 (09nd at trout equal to any ta $ rid& lbe attcndetrwith politratere and p ca. rdi(y. tat t) • . • Egikßi.lllo is ale? exienstre, and viilt b tA, • 4otettetkleq. • . . • ykrEt;, in ;la utyd in tka ,r rot ePri 1 ,7 04i 4 / 4 ?ni , ryntr:v.ofeLle 7*.•,,%/3 , 0 , 1 ; delay ~ t . vi N STAND, rot corner ul the' Market "'OlllO the "cuurt•hutteci, accommodate tree \liveable wanner. HE IME . • ; Ali The subsiiribers be.gugn,rig. Om' nth volume - of their, ./per, cannot but ex 7, press their sa •0 .1. 1191 ) • wi th :the - patron:a , ge. pheyjkave, r `f ,vcFjor;the : .l4Vit year) qinqe the enter ent., TheS;azette now con , t h• ;six, coluginsof,rceding Matter, it uc from . (our 'to eight more than the i%,.` es generally; and . bping , printed-in and handsome condensed letter con es more matter ~ than any two elollar Journal in the United. Statp. It is ,not so mach on,, the superior 'quantity of the o contents, as n' the quality that the sub scribers pride themselves, A hasty recap itulation of. points in ,which this joUrnal excels its s l ßntemporaries will, therefore not be out of place hero. BEST CORPS OF CONTRIBUTORS. From its commencement, the Gazette has been made up principally of original contributions in prose and verse,, and not, as most of the wecklies are, of selections clipped from the country papers and each other. The subscribers °Oho Gazette a=l ways have fresh reading, Therefor©; ,and this from the very,- best pens the country Aron's.. Some of our most eminent wri ters contribute to no other newspaper: a mong them we may name, the author of the "Bedott Papers," Mrs. Anp S. Ste. phens, T. Mackellar, and the author of "Lights and Shadows of a Country Parson's life.' A partial list of our original con tributors is subjoined. Miss Eliza Leslie; Author di',"Bcdott Papers;", Mrs.. Ann., S. Stephens ; . Mrs. E. D. N. Southworth ; Miss; 41 J; Mc- Intosh, Author-of" Conquest and self:Con qtiestf" '• Mrs. E. Oakes Smith ; Aire. An gela Hull; Fanny Forester, no:w ,Mrs. Judson ; Edith May; T. A. Mackellar; T. S. Arthur H. Tr. Herbert; En. na Duval; Author of "Lights and Shad. ows of a Country Parson's Life;" 'Mrs Margaret Piggott; Mrs. E. C. McKiv ney. TgE 13 ,EST 1 1 1 A"N:ELY nUAN ),-. ,T t heS a turda.v, , , In addition, a watch is kept on all the best articles of the English Magazines' and such as aro desirable secured for us through an agent, in advance. In this way wo obtained "Agnes Grey," by the au thor of "Jane Eyre," Wildtield Hall," &c. and in this way we have anticipated sto ries by James, 'Thacker, and others of the best English writers. In no ease do wo publish old English stories as original. A. LADIES' NEWSPAPER. In another respect the Gazette differs from other weekly newspapers. Its fourth page is edited by Mrs. Joseph C. Neal ; the result of which is to combine, with a high toned family and literary journal, a ladies' paper of the best character. Ev- erything of importenco to the sex—the la test books, the latest styles of dress,. the changes of fashion and customs of society, new receipts, new charades, etc., aro \reek ly chronicled. In addition to this, this department will contain original stories from the most accomplished female writers with' hints on female education and man- tiers. In fine, every thing that shall ren der the paper, both in its literary charac ter and excellences of paper and printing peculiarly A Saturday Parlor Companion. This department wo have no doubt will fill the vacum long complained of, and la dies in the country have the advantage of a weekly chit-chat on matters of fashiona ble life with their own sex in cities. Elegant and Appropriate Engravings, representing Battle Scenes, Incidents and Conspicuous Personages in Revolutionary History, Sea Scenes and Battles; together with original Maps and views of important Places and Events, arc another Ituture. LITERARY CRITICISM. Our . position as a weekly Gazette will enable us; to give understandingly, such rapid but candid and judicious notices of the literature of the day, as cannot fail to keep the reader fully enlightened on this important subject, at once furnishing food for thought and conversation, and indica- ting to the student where to turn, instead of frittering his time in wading through the Hoed of publicOtiAn which now emanates frem the Probs.' DEPARTAIENTEOR CHILDRFN. No fathily journal is complete without a well-edited department fOr children. In this respect the Gazette is ifnapprnacha• ble.. Mrs. J. C. Neal who has charge of this department, enjoys a well-earned rep. utation of being one of the best writers for children in the United States. Her "Hel. en Morton's Trial," originally published in this journal, has been called by the • (R: I'D B U ItA Ii ; • ouragilcoltnral l ,ftlenda de, N'Or to . make tilt) GazOttc; a . Osefyl:vii.... tot by gising frOn‘,,timo to limo stielt4ncti oes of thO tidvanco of,knowleclg,e. Lind cm provniontd',rogarding. .their tntrit:its; : ;ad may.'c'd'rnto . 'be rid;a.yageous: 'fbii partindntis. under thc•olatrge ofu prditkal farindr. • ,fiette , E • ' One' copy , r)ti, a nnurtt ) • ;00 :Kiur copies;- - Eight, copi6:, ; . and one to . agelit,• 10 - 00 Thirteen copies, and one tO,:ageht 'lO ;00 Twenty copies, and one to 'age,nf,'2 . o,lo.o y Sypeib Preiniumy: UnTictlleci3O,ff:er I ' Every nelitv sulperiber ilk , will 'remit, during•the present volume, Tta . 9 :bolittrs in Fall for Ono.year, shalt eceive; a premium a large sized engrA.ving; for framing tDr the parlor,iehtitled•chil- 1 dren Bathing,Y one of the most heautifti) pictures ever published. Every Old scriber 'l%-ho will pay up all arears 'in full,. and remit in addition for ono year.-in ad vance, shell redeive the sant° preinium.' . These engravings are rolled on light role lers, so us to carry safely through the mail, at a postage Of Ipt 2i cents. Addross,,post'.peid at our CUMMINGS S, PETERSON. N 9.40, South Third street, Philadel The New York Evening Post is thapld est Denn paper in the State of 'New . York, and one of the oldest iii the United States. Its past history we ventwo to hope, will 'justify us in soliciting from our Democratic readers and felloW laborers a friendly interist in regard to a Journal' which hay seen some service in' the cause of Demecracy. , It i's not for us perhaps to fitr the . Evening Post is calcnlated ; to meet the want to which we have alluded.— Our readers are, doubtless generally ac quainted' with its literary mid political character. lilts aim and influence are such as Ineet their approval, we trust they may find it in their way to contribute somewhat to its circulation. To those who are unacquainted with its-plan and character we beg to submit the folloWing summary The NTENING POST ,will contain 1. NEWS 'OF THE DAY, which we shallireport with all the accnraey and fi delity in our power, including intelligence from .foreign countries ; political informa tion; repbrts of elections; and notices of every occurrence of general interest. 2. PUBLIC DOCUMENTS of gen eral importance, reports, Messages, offi cial communications &c. 3.. DISCUSSIONS of Political Clues ions.—These we hope to be able to con duct in a spirit of fairness end courtesy, not descending to personalities or appeals to prejudice, yet always without any ba sis of personal interests, and with com plete independence. We are Democrats in principle; we have embraced the Dem ocratic creed from a strong conviction of its truth and are associated with the Dem cratic party because we find it striving in the main for objects which we cordially approve. We hold the great doctrines of i free trade, 'of simplicity in the powers of government, of equal and sparing legisla tion, of the propriety of bringing public affairs as much as possible within the cog nizance and management of small neigh borhoods. We are opposed to the exten sion of slavery, and in favor of its restric tions in every possible mode ; we aro enemies of all monopolies and ofall legis lation which seeks to create jobs for fa vorites, and to promote the interests of particular classes. The course of the Evening Post in regard to these subjects is well known, and its conductors may say with an allowable satisfaction, that if the zealous support of these views for a long series of years they have nev er wavered through fear or interest. • 4.--- cial Informer, the proprietors have made arrangements for giving with accuracy and with the latest revisions of persons of intelligence in such matters. 5. LITERARY NOTlCES,selections from the 'literature of the day, extracts from our, 'best Magazines, popular and seientific,'6nd a fair proportion of all that sort of miscellaneous reading which gives en entertaining character to a newspaper. With these materials we will endeavor to make the paper both interesting and useful to. the reader. The price of the. NEW YORK WEEK LY ENEMING POST is, for single copy payable in advance 81 00 For ELEVEN copies to one eddress 81000 The price of the Semi•Weckly Evening Post is, for a single copy payable in advance • 83 00 [Four dollars will be charged he most admi died for many lartment to en )kly papers-- 10 limo when imparted, and what paper to preforeuce,.o othei. •- When the subscription is. not paid in the first six months.] For TEN copies to one address 820 00 Or for any number between five. and ten, Two dollars per copy.., , . ''-7----- r l'irl4 . ESTATE ,Ill? ISAIAII BAUR), 4 c'd, Tka EV/ENING En ' 4 tSte r ti ;, . .. . , daily: . ' —,l;p it - 0.4-"criptione ...- LIVERS Of Admatistration hultino ',eel: grt,lo - . 1 nil ju , . " ''''' our custom t o. sp il t ', ll ~,, tell the undersignod on thu ustrio of Isaiah e' id 1 Po. tote of Burrnide towiphip,Cleuttield county, , p pperaotin indebted to itoid estate at rquired to Agents*. to. !ha payment Without delay. and (I :so hosing do 11#10Wii ,by ' tho same will prcsont them duly 7 11 , , d th b o i is m e • -Itroted tor settlement. • i ' ' - JOHN SMlTll,,ofltell tomiship, - , l ' . tl. AI. 1, msTLy,Cliebt do , can r ulO H 113.80. " pd' • • , Administrators. i A -,:..„, 7 ,,,,,,, . , do _ 1 . sale. - . subserther hot 'Verillit , '" u sich I . , t,b City . ,IGoodTwo' . . t•ert low. Coll a' 4r .A..., .10101 rArl'ON. '"' •50 ' I'4 ' /3 1 , ii. C. 1 NM 'YORK EVENING POST. TERMS. MEM • hir c onspicuously olio; u wecek foi Wp'eke",'.culd :,seistlitid us a ruarlte'd will. bp 'entithli to 411 exchiingo wit daily for one 'yeti 1 : . . IMI Nfirtli-lirest :Cornet' oftiliirtl Out jfniotr scree Bet we,en Spruce and Pine streets, ••' • : US . . 1 VI...VEEN Yr.,l o extensive snit mimic runlet' ntaelico.opont. in Ibis city linve,re , Ilereil Di.- IC . th . itt mist txpert 'ontl '.l.tccestif 1 practitioner far.ond near. , in tho•trenimoni of 1 diseases of o 'privoto nature. Verauns - afficti yvitht ulettro nuotrilie . body, throat, or legs. pair in ilia beiitl o 1• bonCe, weretuiell • Isettniattm. Orli. wrap, gravel, direaso- oilshig from youililitiiYA• 'ecasee- or impurities' of. limo blood, vi.lierellt the constitution has beetunn cult:nailed, aro till tool ed %%WI PUVelled. .., . . . 110 wilt) placre . lliinself iiiiiler iho cart. of Dr K., rii,ny religiourly forilide if, lits.b.utior ne II gen• iletuon, nnil continently roly upon hie rlit,lis a rliyaiciiin.. •:. 'VW. PA tale II LA It NOTICE • Yuiltig men .lin ve injures ilieinsel%ii by a certain praciire iii—ii habil frequeolly learned Irom evil ethDpatituits or at reload-111e elrt.ei of era nightly fell, en co %%boa a sleek, nod 'tiering Milli ;Mod and body. apply itrintedintely. Nrnhneaw and r ortsilltilow• al debility, loss IA muscular t. Hergy,'phyrica I le , riUula and general prusiratitni, trrunhPuby and ail tier% one. nllecionr, Ilitligi'Bll..ll, siuggixtm en , ul dm liver, 11111 d every 'formic its any ttvry coitorr• led ti irlr rite dittortler ol lire procreative iuncliou. voted, null full vigor reetueetl.. . TOII1 1 11 & READ A I'IGOII , OUS LIFE, OR A PREUNTURE DEATH KINKEL/1i 071 Self 'W5'0142.011 ONLY 25 CENTS This wuk jnei iili•licil is filled pith oF9foi inforniptiouom ilia wfirmniihe Hp' ditrase• ul 'be General. we Orgasm It m.blre,rem itself alike It) YOUTH, AIANIIOOII and OLD AGM, and should be read by all. • The valuable advice qnd impressive %%Ming it gives. wilt prevent year(' 01 misery and *Ua,- ond Have annually Thousands ul Parents by rending it will learn bow to pre• vent ilio destruction of theit children. *,„,°A remittance of fls cents, enclosed in a let to, addressed to Dlt KINKELIN, N W. corner ofTIIIHD & UNION streets, Lein cen Spruce and Pine, PHILADELPHIA . st ill ensure a book. under envelope. per return of mail. Persons at a distance may address Dr. K by iet• too. (post-paid.) ar•.d he cured at home. PACILAGES OF AILDICIMA, DIRECTIONfi, &C., for. warded, by sending a rcinitionco, and put up s 6 cure Iroan DAMAGE or CURIOSITY. Boo:L.l44ler', Netut Agents, Pedlar's, Caorar• sem and all others 'applied with the above work at verylue' rules may 17, ',so—ly LUMBERMEN, LOOK -DERE. .L 11F. subscriber tffers to sell a lot of first rite 2.1 OAK aL.I PINE TIMBER, statuling. stuite in Morris to on the Philoprhurg road, one hall mile from the Now Turnpike, less than Iwo miles from the Mushennun creek. and eight Japes from the rivur. It ...ill be sold either by the lump or in Jots —(or rash—arid a reabonahle dole nilouct.l fur taking the timber ratite grountLl MOSES l'lloMrso. Morris April 2. 1550. Bacon, Clover Seca, &c., F OR SALE A 1"1111: STORE OF LI:O.NARD & MOO (E. Clourfield April 13. NEW CABINET &CH IR Mann factor's , . / TILE subscriber respecifully informal! public that ho has commenced 1110 abu men [limed business, in all its various bruit. .in the borough of Clearfield, directly opposite ull Meth dist Church, t%here .. ho is prepared toilanufac lure. . 1 CABINET-WADE AND EMIRS n thi moat durable manner. lie hopeif by strict etlention to business, to merit and reccrfo a share of public polronage, ir.r - COFFINS mode to order on the 41ortest no tier,. ' J. C CAMITELL, Clearfield, Juno 18, 1849, I WANTED,—TWO Journeymen It the atm° Business, wt.° can have maladymploymcpt and at fair wages, Nono but good %. rkmen need apply. J . 17.'50 COOK & NINE PLATE ITOVES, JUST . received, a lot of llatlia% o ity anti Nine Plate :4:fovea at the citurtsv litiEtt. ‘'cry low for Cash or Lunt her. iclicciPATTON. Curwensviile, June 14. 1850. : s TIN AND SHEET-IRON IVARE ata.avnva.cuvous'. Oscar B. fil &well TIIV/Nocummenced the Ti ring businces in the . borough of Cloacae' would respect), fully inform the public that ho ill inufacture' and keep on band a large an general amsurti mint of • • / esitgy &STD EII2I23QTEDIOW/ 4, 120 4453.3 which ho ttiill toll 09 cheep fijr CASH orapptiv• t d trade as any other establiefunent in the ~ ?up iy. .1013 IVORK 0(011 Linde done on Ike spriest notice, in the beet it:umber, end on very renneia• 1)10 terms. Ile may Le found in the elm) formerly/erupt). rd by II IS. Boise!, on Market etreti, 't of the Court kende) • / • .4 Clio? field. Mny 1 N mew= a, (.9(D.,9 vITOULD' respectfully 11.1111161P1C 0 fo ..their old cusiortiers, end. the pub:ir generally,. that they have plat received end ore now opening at their old stand a large and 'splendid isabortnit:rit of SPRING &SUMMER 'GOORIS: - CongiBting in part (f Dry Goods, Groceries, - tlardware, , Tinware Queensware Boots 'and Shoes, tints, ~caps, and *: Bonnets, Drugs, Nails and Glass, Spanish Sole-leather, Brass Clocks, confectionary, etc., etc., Together Ivit6 a number of nrtit.lca too num eroua to mention, eh a Ituit will be sold low lur Cash or exchanged nit. country produce. May 22, LOOK HERE FARMERS ! LOOK HERE WAGONERS ! Away with your old "fixdliioneil hand-lever &e. The mitlersigned having obtnined the Agency from the patentee, for selling the rights of his vn!unble improvement in - breaks- fur Carr.ages. Wagons, .Ste.. cnlieJ Grim's Self neiing neterder. in null for the counties of Clenrfteld• AlTer , oth Elnrion. Verieugo, Crawford. Erie. Warren Ale• Keen, Forest nod El It, in' P,i . , yell un very rensonehle terms either by editiliy, lots n o hip or individual fighiv. TI is hi decidedly the mum Imporiont improvement of the laud tom in use. It 'weals but tube fay', to be Ilpprovcd. It needs but to be tri , d to be hell recommen ded We Isavo modul to; dintiinte prim iple upon winch it ado, Fur infurtualion roneeruing the above patetit ithlican J. & J. (1. RUSSELL, Cromphe II lle . Clentrield Cu, l'u. June 131850 iftIOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testanien • t.,ry lin% u been grunted to the sul»crilter un the Chilile 41 Joseph Leonard hate of lieceatin ship, Clearli\ld enmity, dee'd, anti flint all iier.onb indebted Ott eta are requested to make payment wphuutdeln. nod thuse having cluntis egantst the Rama eAli prcent them dilly nuillentiented fur set• dement. JACOB FLEG L Adrm. June 8,1850\ ed. ESTATE. 0 PETER ArcENALLY dec'd, Leiters tesittnrintury uu the flame of Peter M'Euslly. I oto of nom township, deceased, hay ing been groilieif;by the Register of Clearfield County to the suitirriber ; all persons indebted to said deed will fiease call at the fete residence of the sold estate tad settle their respective ne eUUlll7. and nit rewiring havi ng c l a i m , ego " ! said oatate %%Ili Defil ement . J, h tIFENALLY Executor. May 25, 1850. Bellefontc Foundry. Tin: subscriber begs ktritre to announce to the citizens of Clearfield\ courtly, that ho still continues the FOUNDRY 64/SM.:SS at the old place. %%hers he is prepare to make tilt kinds ul Mill and Saw-mill castings, toge. - - thor with every 'kind of Ma- chinery Castings, and Wrought Iron work for Mi115". 4 5- Saw mills —in the West and mat approqd 01) es, on the bliurtest notice practicable! unt on favorable ferias. [lasing touted bur sitentien aldext entirely to Machinery Marti. and during the 1114 year having added a large number of now and *liable Grist nod Saw•Miti patterns, he feels jusiiied iu eoying shot all bills executed by hum will gNe satislac. An experienced l'atiern-maker al %%apt connet , :EA Stith the establishment enable make any desired pattern on short notice. Nees mod. erase--and a ltbcral alltnaance made oubills fur cast!. Orders ore respectfully sulicited,..which %I'll be promptly executed. GEORGE IVELIttf. Bellefonte Foundry. Jan. Q 5. 1850 yrrilS institution will ho °perm on Monthly the thi.d of June next for the on of pupihr, mules and Camelot. under the munNetnent of the Rev. bilf.yx P. ftlEnwts, assisted by Ai m jAmE6 WFIIOLEY, of this pluce. The eoureo of instruction %vitt lie syster,itie and thorough It will eintirate,all tho brotieli,s te . etwr. i bkwuk le toter.b e strictly attended to. The Trustees, deiirous t4i v . ing all uu opportunity of obtaining err uselul nun, been made the terms of instruction as low,, eon he reasonably erpeeted. viz . For instruction in Reading, Spelling, Wri ting. l'orley's Geography and Menial A rithmetic, per quarter. Q 2 00 Foe the same brunches, with Geography, Grammer: Ilistury and Arithmetic, 3 00 Ent the snMi. , with Composition, Astronomy, Rhetoric, Philosophy mid Chi wintry, 4 50 For all tho 'above. With Latin, Greek, French, Am owe., S geed, BICHAUD' SHAW, Prepident of tho Board of Tiusiece Attost,.--J Alllll9 WRIALEY..Sec'Y. . : • fsfriytlft. 1850-3 m. • White ..'!"firi l house I - HOTEL. OA W& LE P,\ LA11:11. proprietors of tho ahovo (Mined well known intern stand, on 11, 0 Erie Turnpike, set, en miles west Of ,Curweriseille. re*peetruily announce to their friends, and to the travelling ptiblie, that they hero made ostensive arrangement,' for entertaining all tilos° who may lawn them with a mill. The Rouse is beautiful ly situated. and Is one of the largest on tho end is also proyitleci with. tho roost menthe sta ble room. They are Wel/supplied with market. ing, and their BAR will bo kept well* I ed. GALER & P ypril 2, 1849 A -111 a ink, .l3lfte,itia 9 etc • T •HE subscriber havhig lened the Axo Factory of L. R. Critter, near Clear field, reepeettirlly announces to the people o I Clear; field and coontion.that he is 4 0,e .isf operation, 11110 ready to idyll!) , ollorders for Axes, Chissels, Adzes . • DlarchiOts nod Lumbermen tire .reppeellully in silted to deol with ho is determined ludo his work in tie good ityle. and on us reclaim:able .terms tut they ecti supply. themselves,olsewher?,: Country produeo,•and even C f '.l.§J.l aeldutu cod in ereltatiga for Work: " • • `'• " N. B. Fridays and Saturdays will ;he reserved lor MENDING, w inch ,cUstomera wit 1 take notice, 'so that they may not be distinppointed, JACOB VritSHR, tri ' • • !,, ni rho 'r lump q•ati order oft..NVF,L. • Nzty,,!.::..,..;.. New tiA'oods. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. PI,tOSFBCTIJS: "The Clairvoyant and Adii;ntal osophar." The subscriber propbses' to publish in Roston, Mass.,,a monthly,of 32 largo Bvo.' pages, with the above title, to be devotZdf to the inVestigation•of nil those LaWs con.j corned in the origin, Progression and s Fine! Destiny. of tho.Humnit Race. ,It shell aim to be a true EXPosrron of at. TunE, Physical, Spiritaal, Celestial, Di. vine! To explore the 'fieldS of science, comprehended under the term of PATzriOr zsar, including Pbyso/00, Mineral , , Vegi-: . table,. Animal! Pliiigoloky, Mysterici, preventing misery, and promo.' ting the Happiness of All ! :Phrenology an Evenly-balanced, Well:governed,'lntol ligent Mind. . Painnzatillogy, Reason,. Intuition ! neology, past, pros-' eut, prospectiv Its columns shall boo pen to evry Sect, in Relieion, every Par ty in Politics, and evry Sphere in the con stitution of the Univerie, for answers to those Problems which remain 'Yet to be solved, in respect to tho'causes and cuor • of Evil,Hereditary‘ Educational, Social, —the great Question of the Age, as to the best Form and Order of Society; the De sign of the Infinite in the Develcip,mc M.o4,—new methods for Intelleejual tyre,—the highest • Uses to Which ; Alt should Aspire, in the 'lndividual, conjugal, Parental, Fraternal, Filial, Universal Re lations of Life; and, wilieb_shall Harmon-. ' ize the Antagonising interests ofAll, in a State of Attractive Industry, Unity Safi ciency and Heaven? ; . 717m.—52 per Mail, g. 2., 25 delivered in the city; payable orfferelpt of the first umbel (to be )issued as soon as 500 names shall have been received.) Agents allowed every sixth copy, ' Subscriptions to be sent to Lsitoy.StiqtpEntsrm, Boston 211a95. . .....:- : ) Ili _ 1 -___.,..3, S A C .. 111) ift • • + 11 . *; - / Fulf... It •:::7 ',.-- - ------------"`..." . {I iltnu•ands of Cara of ~ Conant, 9ypltill. aM oder Impure .14.ra1,., of the 111a.) , 1--acui if tho very , S"HAL;, Qt/42V1711" viida tow , us.l oft , : Me ii-ine to tgra Ce.reff of ouch Dhco.._., be any prosy'' , r Co: p 111 , fi07 , ..q mvlical ;at" ce in the Mcdfcfne 'ALA h , a hthltud anti conquered sudJii Dioca,c3-01,n dare 0 UW144.1 .onai:/s 4 id oicA rjw_. BRANT'S INDIAN PU . RIFYING EXTRACT is sw - A 4 .Ifraine. in every respect; and dine to 'bun. dent proof, In gran CI4Tr3 effected. that ONE BOTTLE of it contains more purifyln:f. lieunnF •Irtne. and entlioal ptsie'r • than thorn Is contained In /our Bonk, of onv par. acsparilia, Orally othzr tr.edicine that has ever been oll'orml for enl*. There is undoubted proof in our pamphlets. that he tho use of this grsr Indien Pura r, they that a. ;!rn riso yet I.IV I-111C that woro4sfpre and ono. ?Cr) era!) IlieVr %VALK—they that Were SICK. RCKOVII:LOCC - V sod otherwise dlsjoscd, Mom beau Ileszen and CcaKo. Hundreds—Thousands= who hare used 131IANT . I PC11111 , 1114 niter baling utikl •nit AI.L the rerseixtrißee marl (fiber mcdlcinci MOM mended to cure blood &scrum, have decided that-- Brant's is the Cheapest, cause One Bottle of it has mars medical, curative mot. •Er In It, and. in coup - garnet., cures rtoreltialaem In mush test cirso, than nm. kentc or any other medic-Ina. - It: than. ONE Bottle of flame's l'entruca arlll cum TI3I.F:S morn disease than ono boalauf eareaps rind, Bast:l'a Pt:atm.:li" would ho as deetp at four dol lars a bottle, as sarsaparilla at ens dollar. But BRANT:4 1 . 1.7111fU1t is sold far ugly DOI.I.Aft a bottle; and as n bottle of It /ins cured, and is capable of curing, Four rims, as much diseapl as one bottle of sarsaparilla. there , ford, aareaparilla, lu conitegnanno of Its fr-a, power snt Ira! medical • tlirary, should ha sold at no morn :it'll Twenty Fire C,ats por buttlo, to Fe OJ cheap tut the Prial- PIRO at One Dollar. Ons Dollar's Worth ! flow much CANCEI—inJW much SIiPifILIII.—bOT , inn SMUCCLA—wiII One trarth of Brunt's PURIPIEI rare 7 !toad the following ciatcroent. which is a specs. , nrn of Its power. CANCEROUS SCROFULA! Veil Is the case of a itying man who Ira firm. lie tens evred of a irereo suss of Serofoln. by only 7rtled &Woo of Itrant's Purifier, then ever was cored , by the two of Twelre Ciafians of The test sar.aparilla that Wee ever Med% 81ifs181,81.111A tujirtmt medical porcr to effect Ilse cure of such Is rtrattintily kopetors ease. Mr. J. 11. ;Issitirt, of home. Oneida . Y.. bad ;Scrof ula four years— was confined to his bed the kW year—he was so Touch .ll , ensed and debilitated aa to ha unable to raise bin hood to his head. lin bud the but Insdknl as rice—bad used all of the beat rtirraparilleut to to go. etfrct—got worse and rune. And wan considered to be I a flying Mate, and could not lire twenty /our boar* lens , _ when he commenced using ttitANl"ti PilltlFlElt. LI smelt weir rate,, nearly ay, fron t e a r t o ear _ et A c ts w as es through Ills windpipe. under his chin, so that ho West through tho hole—his ear was co eaten around that could be lifted up out of its piece, It only holding by . small puree — the use of nne arm woe destroyed by two U errs --1111 Ulier Leek( the ono, as }ergo as I man's kit hod nearly faun tbroutth his lido into Ida body. I bar,l was afflicted wills Throaty such putrid, cold gfenrir e a.v.wo, an mariontparts of his person. Fur further and f• -t i)W l 11te most skilful . g e l an , of itu m o , was rolled to PPP Ilnskm the day b ho commenced min:: Brants l'arlfter Pact. %V. os hied hint, nod then told bi n , shut all the wade', t n world could not Cllle hint—Abet his rare was Worse than Honeless ! otv henr Mr. If A t-lill•ert etatentent of cup. He add wife procured one bottle of Ohl V7''S runtrra, F-:-`•8.16T-Tit AT oorrLP: enabled me toga envy bed the 0N D bottle etutt.kgi the to get out f at. Avuoll— ,TV n he ,'.:llllblefi um to walk two miles, awl ult.', had `•itoz Nine L'etrien. st,tritnreltri out of Tirrnty. yr, owl three bottLel mom. effeetell feat cwovul too to good hra,"A. 8 co VQRTEOi WITNEFSES! The Flllolt.rdU me vettitied 1.0t:11)1t I.r lAN, •Alt. liftmlvN,ol Ire;t Rome 1-let.-L 1 .11N.111111, Drugc6t9, tied ELEI: : 0 rUpeClao le triitlft•e, ut Hew. ' F,& AGENTS. 1 , IRWIN, Clearfield IS AC g IV. V. sunt,. Curwinsviqe, S. F. K. IkßzioLu, Lidhersbyrg, C. R. BAIILEIri‘ Ridge2v4. J. L. LINDLIMICITI, Caledonia D. S._. DEAR' I;,PrOOkViiie. k Nov 30, 1849 ly Nuturo's Door, for tarsal!. and the like, it hod ut the sign st liemedy;the American Oil, irriiailusw, idler ex erne! or in r braigor, Rold., burnt, chilli L c y .11 ;beg milled. .I'n Ii il k 'be Feb. 12, 185 prtIISCINS having us JLId icc ul ilio P the "Ilar " nfli, e, or buildings lately eceupie June 8, 1850 Sett T HE xuheerihe , r lietng (I his old Imotivo, rrqurll accuuhip him In nray t (1111ly i!nd RI! May 2, 1850, $5 BEWAII 1). Broke jail Ofi S:unday nigni, riley MCQ,UILLEI II I, aged about 19 years 1011 4blek ei.Olt and pants, and re!),41,-, woo about five feet and eight tiehtta in Et Any parent nrrcbting the a ova menuvidiAal, vidiAal, iiiitt returning„iifa to the county Jo\ cam) tile obbva towaid. . , , , June .1 1850,.' i; GoLi MORTAR . r. • MSS WWI the • ettereigned, . will find hi, either fit ihooffice in .to public* • Esq. Atexant4. D. W. fttcc)RJ;. Ip. ur II porton! io' enll • ' ME 30SEPII 11, 1 E - L vl7: EI U Ili El