The Country dollar. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1849-1851, July 26, 1850, Image 3

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    Tkls: DOLLAR,
, N',
,11, a r r! 1;1, Pa., 2.13, 150,
IVith this number ends the first Wilma
C'tninti9i D'agar. There a i . e .- soin
! . 1"116 lia've given t dii•C‘eiion to
pier at tne . cuit- of. Inn year,
~v,hich we will do .in every, ease; while
,(;hero are many others but fivref.whoni.we
:have , een; . ivlio have 4o us,!'
and believim.f that they to
thino it, ; wo . will:send 'it
If thk , „ do not want, it ter the second
all 'k of thern.lvto retOrn, us‘.either
of:i ie. first dived 'itaiithritil of :the .2& .
s . ,ll l !{ry .
tale ittforAlie`.weotitl , year, arc j,
herel , v notified that' are ONE'.
I!LLATI; paid in 11 . 'd;ie'ric . ; in or-I
to.accooloclate ell,,we now giv . o.
0 -tie% that those who pay ,o4e dollar ,at
.11;6 appronelling September Court will get
a receipt in full for the second year.
Tlie..,T)oin6cratie standing Cou!!oittc:e
raet,on Tuesday evening la'st:.and made
the rrcliminary arrangements: for the' ap.,
pi'parhiti : , , political' cainpaign. The pro.
cecditigs are postponed until 'neat
I'hry limo appUintdd the lasi tSattirday
in :August, for thn , Primary Election.,
They algo nppuinted J. L. (4 Csq.
antrTt S. DeNtrAN Cotetreional Con
ferees, to. meet at Indiana., on- the 13111 of
Au 4 l3o,it t; 'to placq in nent;tl';itioii
ditlnte kir, s e•Ontrre.4ii. • .
0 •
IIIIIirtITC111(1113 in and 11,110111
.• i:;a fact that there are at prcsrirt a
granter iiuuibcr of - y:410,1c and ,sahstantial
improi:cmcnts in progress Ql,capsityaition
in and near our to‘vmat present", tlia.n there
plot - was at any one time'. previous. We
' MOM, tojjptice a few of 'them
And we Avill begin with • •
Lib's kola Ebundry ,Traniog Lathrs,
Abe:lane Sky cf.r., thilt are now comple
• ted, and in full operation. Ile 'has just
Addc4l to y ie cs . tablislimhpt two splepded
TUrpingithes, of the
. 419;t improved
,p rn, and %%id] the assistance a mas
ter, h^ is_preparo te•furn.olran
kinds of . eastingr; {1,..t. (4 - Impleso a s ma liner
,fl 9 they can be made in any of the
/nes . ° worla are driven -by
The next improvement in ittipbt:ce,
:but of much greater extent, are the Mbls
of Messrs. Ilitaxm Mums; on the riv
er imtheiliately above town: The grist
enclo3ed, and is expected to be
in operation this . It. is:the largest mill
in the comity, and is to bo .linished in the
.most improved style. Mr. J. E. 13113.DT,
,of l'ioga county, -ja the coutretor. Jt pre-
Se Tiito an imposing appearanco. ,
Besi,les these two ver}• -vittitble
dirineinepts, thew nte 2ne'vetiAl,
itouses going up; iiLtd; wlint speaks well
!fir. the 1 - aorta:id our community is the
7 ,ict'that: there zire
two'y Jiairtsomc
hp h7ltes now under contract-=-the one for
the EidScopaleitt, and the' other. for the
Lutheran congregations-the former being
welt nigh . finished.
lien these structures are all'cornple
fed therwill add much to the beauty,lof Our.
.A nd A o
n IN nextri
places in.the world, and jti.t far enough .
*from the groat thoroughfare °fib. State—
thu central ,railroad-7.19 make a jaunt a i l
eras:3 .l llle . mountains pheasant, we nu •
soon expect our town : to bcittaclo on't
_ , s
the elticf.rcsorts of people froip tjtc ' '
in eareh.of 'n spot whero.the pkto/ sh
mountain air can be really,cnjoyQ/.
Oin• population i riipidly,iti4/ 41 . 110
Tlii:3 summer brduglit iritli it (I/ 3 ati ad;
from dition of mechanics . fro o th / "ecs , w h °
are all, inclustrickujiritini:'bt'i 511100r-(1.
And it 'i: . 'stti!,l,,iliore . is .stilt anljt.)r,!3.6-Cu•
r~il;~ •
SPI ECII 4W 'IIIp 4 i I VP S /
riilt tho partiCtilar I.e 6"fai',l'62cni
-3.1,P.f.:u, : ardent 3 " (1 ' . 6 4 k)li'd and
putretaal 'slthscriber/ce I.tvet ; wll'
..,J , •
insertedW larie' pii . 11 of th e ..t
' Bl)6teh
-.) f Tit Aiii) ia is' ar r c",i;(tf.oll. tate, deli y .. .,
j ciot.i,4l Co: li grp OP .;tie 'jeer of "the
achni3sionUfei ur r nia. - ° . lC .6l. 'll'olis' i Vc;
,have emitted,
not dcti 11.91" °`' " I " -
iln , -espect ; we en
its of the sp •h,, in,
deavored:l give Ali - .i PoilltslSnd ,the
.. .
Chierpart: U s f‘rgu i, it .on.ctici point.
'test Inc 0 ,-,,.. ) ,/Peni6ciatio frientls,
.tor a'
qk We 'Wo' Yieliiing too Piocp
fOr a utral pape' lw q
,ht . ,,ve
.in,sertcd. the
.• b rief )nt truly•AuMit" ,stlecit of Col.
. . . g F liAzun i ; Lancaster, which. ' he
:.. e voted in . tl#4.toe 'Convention at Wit h
q imp u .. r . t , i. ' A ,D:e t intdra t," who may iispl
;. ~ n u , fintt ~, principles shaken Ory. A°
;it; will eltY. ; Fp 4!•01;c0 i n his faith Idler
Loi n v 46ter... ' l ' '' t '''.
- 7" -- "' t • ' ' !,
.13Virnbnajj..Dir4•--'lllO Deinoertifi of'
; tjtjeriflty nonfiffa
gnsAon,-ALFRED Clit)4ollX WAS
017 ncun-iPtited as flietcllt,it:e`of Butfor
- '
l';‘.._-.1...‘_.v... n-.. a.“ '
, .
Men about tourte.e,“ inches, and it' ivia.
ot• tide ;a 'he I ielaware at the time. The
istople residing, on the Seimlkill, ninny of
TILL MEAT STORM. 'hem work along shore, were apprehen-
Oa Tlitirsdav,night of last %al:I:dile I
b:t ive that at the time of high water in the
inst. a very
violent and dastractrive
s , O Jelawa , t•e, the wafer would be still higher
iYti the F ? chuylltil).
passe( I over the north-eastern Fr(rt. of limit A:j a rge liiiin i, cr o f peop l e , stat i one d t h em .
State,and,part of New York, evl.erstiy-lves on the Market street bridge, for the
. .
pose of obtaining a good view of the
extending south along the co, ( co' Alarver
Itind,Vireinia, &c. The ~p ristik•znitto. :•° ' let ' ',& ''strike ,mast'" sloop was 1 3'-
4 Saturday last, contains . detailtd ar.r. -
i i
Pr at ancnor just above uncut' the piers
. -; nett .suppotted the structure. 'Ellis yes
count of its ravages, from /hid, we take ; l, we understand, was corning down the
t h e f o ll o wi ng '. W e. f e lt no mg . el' tai:; rai n t•huylkill at great speed, the anchors
threwit out some distance above, but
bare--having had scarce' enough to wet i c.'re
as she wasabout
time g ,i otit td . , Passer 'cis the ci ,..,
.._ •eught the vessel up just
et 1 .., s' ,- % ,,, , , P 4 u.'
pass under the bridge or strike against
hantia was out of its ba is below .ilarrii-t • .
l e pmts. •
b un , with th e I . .. t ilr oai wo or three feet From the eminence trailed• b , tl
a ) the
tinuer water, ridge, we had aline view of the freshet,
7 , he stqcni of 7 , hto • ,,, j
,Ivi ght
. __ Thur oth north and south ; every place on both
ides, of the Schuylkill, for hundreds of
(LK,: t riimbt was a Valle one, indeed. •
row the southeas yards, was completely overflowed.----.
violent storm mien l
Wharves and a house stored with lime,l
icontitienced about dc.; it continued blot
were subjected to the influence of the ing as though Bore. was enjoying mid wit
, and, of course, the artiele,was . atere or
ter, instead of sti er. About ten at niol u •
slackened and earrie i d away fiy the
7 :,.. • .
the wind shifted the northeast, Irlien i IL • -
blew with terribl kyr '.until about four . ill b
ing f190d.• ,
.morning. II . I ,.. ern. " 4 . lrx r e d . jar 4. ? the south, we observed a number of
bUildbigs and s 'idiSig i y 011,3 %voile th rown trt m iti front of onion the i
co Bleck ley_Altos
down stres s air. wuitigs swore ho ; they looked as though they word in
idtc ; so •m tin
,v ,et , s of paper, trees were til
fiddle of the Schuylkill, se far west of
stripped of sir branches, twisted oil' at the had the eater flown.
their trunks,! iooted tip and prostrated _ / •es, bales, barrels, wood, pieces of
to the trr niT The wharves atop, the tent and large logs, were swept down
t , r'r tht_ream
from the upper part of the
Delaware a• eShuylkill and rivers, nave
, 4
,o‘crove d ,.and the s hi pp i ng ha s su f . -Ail kill, ittyla number of small boats
inigl ie seencontending with the impetu.
feted, con ilerably. A• great many sniall
cra f ts h a ) been either sunk, filled' with ° " 4 I " the atle - mos ielelnent, in
pken to pieces, or drivep i ~i-Or . n d o l t' gto secure each piece as it float
their Ir 6rings. Sotne, of . the . b.riek ed ,„ b • "' s ,( o rt"lng a 8.04,1-rtXatdCtirlick
•ards-,/ the suburbs of limo i city._ have 6 "„ li g 0- vt.'., ant.rint9reStillig.
00111 time in the ultra-noel', a canal
b oon t t•atly damaged ; and the 'telegraph
wiitY,Ort some-js-th fi n es ar e on . (lib hoattlre the dam,broke loose from its
The steatpboat a.l..i• tu it ro , i ' d iii k, , s • moorit4 arid passed ever the dam atTztiF.
Ear dicailliali been, dera.Pge4, 14e,.,,1,Nia. irlo,u4f, There" . W . ere:threu men on boa.rd,
. en h i i t el;,fit and th 't• • •••• • f 'WU ' on ftheru • "
c.L..1 4 f u - . c , the helm, steered'
warOlas l's ' ' .1 ...L
I riowfreslici l , ttiret'cl•tiPg ;1 , ? iitike destine. tolerabl traight, and the blench which'
. ~t.r t, .lA- t lio Sellutill tok ril:1 Wa9 sorneyvint Intereitilfri ' d
, •
Popo loop,
„,, „ , . . . .
cause ~-
~. . , , ...', . . 0 , an
'i) t c, da.niii:r , q.9.Pe to gib' vainti t - ; ,rite: ,-'; •
'leet a il - - is • ,- • ~.• - •
, t i ei.. ui i bk. spit .ation among
' b linesi' Lr Y great ; and cost, in the. '
tle spec ors 'who witnessed it. The' boat
giir .at less than $lOOO Ir '' ' continueid o w n the stream, ant •we learn
dieatee repair y ;.- . , • ,
at , ' on theM • •
case lioe ceinineii d ' 1
t Jut it s . va'stopped in the vieinityof Grey's
ono Y • i i ist .evenino b •' ' - I.°
• u rry. I.• -
,•• .
(tale' tinit; •-•,ttlie-Efl---tiFtt--- ve m er ti l ry .a =:W
Vast ~, '••.. • . •
---- l''''.r el rairrn mi in •,,,,
4g, to any. oirection from this city.. . !hieingtime • y were thrilling indeed, and
."-% walls of rit st ot ' o ' '
the wrecks of buil- should has. ieen seen to be fully appreci.
is imithe bin • itt.distriat,‘Vere heard huh. a ". At 1 rdinoia
0 number of canal
I,Aigdown.tet all lieUrs at nicdit and f b oatsfi br oke use ll' .oll their moorings and
t• ' - ew o ' Went ,tl • ' 0
lefll are tell standing . ' • l own a strum at speed.—
On the Schuylkill tbedarnaire was - t;'er ' One or two teamboats, used
for towing,
. .. . n
neat, besides being attcnd i cal by loss or' bto co loose, of up stream, and just made
Ale. 'Phu river, yesterday Morning; was !out to stem trl.eurrent.
still rising fearfidly, and at 11 o'clock, in I
the neighborhood ofNorristown, was high.
er than it had been fur yearS' lx3forre. A
great nuamutellumber,savy. logs, rails,&e.,
were carried away., •.At.Port Uliotontheie
has beeligreat &linage. The bridges` of
Reeves, Birch keo., at yhamixville were
carried away. Six - med-were carried opt
into' the stream, and fetir-of them were
drowned. The ortrs on the Norristown
railroad were. momentarily stopped, the
water being, in some places, more [llan
three feet ewer' the 'railS. At Cons/106c*
en we hear of feu men being drowned . ;
one of them, was mined Hamilton. Alit.
tle'girl•vvas drowned opposite Norristown.
'Four men were . also Mann:
a droivUel ' t
yuk li r . , ;There I.s •
l to be it byeaeli in the
canal- tit the Big (Oafish Dam, below l'hce ,
nixville.' At•the daniabove•Pheenixville,
thertentre wall of di, li3elf gavl'e WaV. Two
boVs ivere drewna amid their boat ryas I
e. '
' - Aa
. visit to the Schuylkill last
event ,at about eight- o'clock, and found
the. •r i iv.oriydr . Vlhigli ; pucka' fresh lats.nei
•talten ftrce sineeffielvringof 1838, when
ice was tedged'ameng.lll&•brau (dies of the
; trees. The title. water.w i tis widitn : a fe A V
itiOicS ' of the" level . of i the : dam. at Fair
moont,and the•wateriabove the dam Was
'much higher di*: 'usual. -' 'All 'the coal
yards and wood'y' a`rili"on lioth r sitlei olthe
Schuylkill from^the vicinity of 'Fairmount
dam doWn . toT4ey . ,'s-Ferry,. wel.e;#l4l•6 or
leS:iiiiii.U.dAir.i ,pile cir tiiitbraciko. Iv*
,Washed away; and triany. , tord,s , ,of wood
went heated ' otri4 the ,rtisttifg and, turlM
loot , waterS. . , •. ~ i -. i ~, • •:,. .„ .1 ~
' hl7' . rt1 . .4 —. ' '
- ..: f 10. .cp f tt. yard of J. papal ? *
~. p 1 tiFo
,whairi : Wa.linun'clated.
Vine coal .and wood 3 , ,1wr of , Belied
The Democrats of this : : co'unty•—aye
appointed. ctlegresional
,confernes, and
instructed them in favor of the ro-uninina•
of thd n on. Ai:rictn
• ,
•C9ngress, .and .-AuovsTua Thum ; ,fer : Oie
State Senate: 'TII4 arse re-tiominatnd
JOHN S. NtIEV tlid Assembly.
13 .1(014:S . S0/2 WEBSTER TO 111: 111titig---
.Thu Comte Alassaehusetts havo,refused
•• • •
to gra ~ t he potition3 for the pardon or
IVoi)ster and have
,fixol ;upon
thO 30th A.til,ru§t next, for tho execution
• •
of th e I.).rofessur,
ne steam tow boat'ollic . e located on a
.t above high water mark, was hall: iin.
Ned in water. • • • ' ' '!:
yhe \wed yard of Dennis. McCouley,
THE NEW CABINET. . ttaining nearly a thousand cords *ofoak
. .. . . „
Tha foilov,•ing geutiumr.•,n.aroannounced•il.pioe, was all afloat, and a &insidera.•
ort tiliWu the
in Om WahiniTton pripet's',iihd in letteis of' n
umly r of cords Ilted
- -,
amwith 'rent in
correspondents, as constituting the cabinet i;•i.eedi,,,.; marble yard, at - Chestnut st
, ~
advisers of President Vir.iientr. Webster, i ovectiowed ; all work was suspended:
Corwin,und'Pearce are now hi the Satiate, Ile l'ililadc l Phia Mills, for the grindinir
and resigned theirlt'is not bed, ft() l Zrilil c° l '", n'tis apea'untlY al b
t •
.have scats.
iq in thiFtinid4e,lxii:Alle "3chtlYlkllL
known Nrhether Mr. Crittehden would ac-L t ,l• '''' 11 .•• -4
..!. staiming on I,eacn st met ticlir by, was
the pail asshrn6d to him or not. : . ;:r th e hubs in Ns a Egr: ' ' . 4 . , r , ":
... ...",..
Secretary ofStatia—DANlßL.WmrsTmt,At or niiiis inarksi-str.uri, the water
of Massachusetts. ' uyed over Retch •sKet, and extended so '1
Sac'rethrf or the Treasury—TiMmxl• CP 1 as Sehtlylloide front street ; ti lot .
ConwrX, 'of Ohio. :-i i , ‘• tie' city fir' Ihe depositing of buil-
Secretary of the Interior—Loth:4 S'-';• -•,.,ne and coke l' ! - t• the city gas works.
l'h.vach, of Maryland. • !Iv: . ~ dace of the ‘vatev for some distance
Secretary of War---EpwAho 13ATEs, ore i•okured.with floating particles of coke.
, , . , ... ,
Missouri. ' ' : A part of the City Gasworks was ov'et•-
Secretary of t h e •N t ivy—w i r it , TAN Abwe,L Iron pipes piled up on th,ewl;arf
QuAuxu, of; North Carolina. 't•ertil fl•et high, were cumpletelystanner
Postmaster General—NATnzi•lt I lALri•d, •
of New York. A At the time of (-)ll i r visit,ifie-war 2 . water,,
' . ' l in
Attorney General—JoirN .1. Currrtm
DEN, of KeAtm.:4y.
- Ax4-Aril
• I
vn, just above
.pruee streot, was con--
ly a considet'ahte
itity of eord jyood-LWas floated aWay.
he coal and wood wharf or .T.
, adjoining, was overflowed •' i
• ndeed 111
section the water up to. Bepch. street;
a quantity of - wood . :wa4.-tarilpd oil' by
lisin Wa tvr.
.13..Starns %vend -ninut st.
rf, was overflowed and aAtinlitity ofl
1 floated away.
, . .
.1 - 6 Damara coal iark wus complete
u taltqed, aral tlw coulaUghouse was
tisiderable . (Wtanc:t from the malt
1 Pt .N l: .1 NI) VO I D
rlOll, and ZAN arile i ll
COMITIOn svny of 4
tile core 'of discos
'then molt o liiglll .l
clam ;4). oh, mad
rinpny , 1% ill' ii a d
o\l l lorio q , lid
IY( \ i t h iffif cif
ot of % 111 (! all, late... . . .
he Mi.:snlierry never Ittilii to give
relit, and curedaltsevery other UlOlllOl 1111VC1 bpUll
iris 411 vain. Tl.iti I ti heel' woven in Ilititoulids
of lllal/CCS, %%hero it toe efftreted radical core,' of
lalillietit ha. b I/ given op by 111 lii friends
11[11 I,' •.icionii, ‘ 1
See tivertisemeitl: . . •• „
oEl,).—(n the 14th inst., by
otin, &sq . ,t
- ri;.i , ,tidiEß ( - 4 .GAlib!
.s. MARTU.S. LITs.
401 inst.', by D. Dtessler, Esq.,
1- NtKing to piss. ilpiny.'l.-.lq
' llrady i' i '
th ' tnst,, iii illorritp., by §,
t ~Esq . ., My : B.,inNaTiArt SAit.
1 (.4orinatiy: '..
Cimitity are tree 3 01 our own
ijii.noivii ki pirdasil/even in the
iritailuni,tetiiiiiiialilo.'3rirtues. in
of the Lunge—how much more
iint!etilt:ired preparniiini firove.
liii utt'n'ir - 'articles as lo oci in
ii her, are ;Ida 0 eg t9:ili vail•
i ul Vie Ilizcasipioo,7o.enii)ient•
I\ ER to 9
On tlic.!
(Mr. It titsn
On, the
C. Thumps(
ion:in , to Al
I . bothipto
I )18 D. - 9to 30,th or June
his re:sii.ltniiio . pelitvurdtownship, 111 4
cer county, Pa., * 0 4.7 Thr...qn (brotliett,
Col. Moira{ of tii.g
plOurn theitlos
'• Grist (Illy
. .
ip[TILL , •
IV e
eierve, of teinei i
NALLY and ; .
of WM. '
Ike .eattisentAi
•A•list of those ,who, ~ hove paid in full
for the Country Millar for the iirst year.
Addy: MW. an Wm.' : Long . John,,, .„! ..,-.
Ashy m., 'Lacorite.A,•: .:
Allport james;-, Lohmari"Jamcs,,, „,,.
Arnold- Peter . ; . : .Lornailoe Wm. ,
~i i
i.rnold S, 4.:,E„. K., i JEUP V p ).; ' Flll.l
, S , „
I amoy jr: Jo . n ' ' Lb, , ,an Joseph'
Burger Peter . ~ , Lord Thomas
ilutrer Robert. . Lee Eliza
Bamford 11. S. ' Lansberry.Toseph. •
Bell. Arthur
Barclay John . ~MeNtiryi , Joseph
Barger. George , "Main. Henry ,
Bloorn jr. John
_Miller David
Brown JamoS
BarnoP John' sen..• ' Maln Sarimpl,. •
BailYbanici ' Martahi
. W;.n.:• •
Thick . Henry .•-;66. Maine Sot h:•. '
Bloom W:' A•.• - " Naine:S.' : •,''
Beers' TlioMas'' .' ' : 1 MeMurrytila; . .krd
Brown Win. • ' 'lo6liell Win: • '
,', .
Brown Abut. ' liibore W. L. : ' '
Bloom Jas. A. , "MeAulty Jamey'
Beydr' Alan. ' ' McGatighev 'John ' '
Blooth David • McNuul It. .
rfactirnan'.Tolin ' ' 'Moorhead braes' ,
Campbell DOVid .111c4fidlen'116',.,rth' -
~. -,
Cooper A. V: :Mcrerso . n John •
Cole Jacob • Me,dlelland lames
Cummings J. M. Mosoti:Wm, M.
. Carson Wrn. ' Moore Andrew
Coudrict F. Esq. McCracken Levi
Comoford Eden. McClure 'l'. R.
Colitrit Fort. ' MilaS Jeremiah. ,
. Colburn Richard Midler) . Z. .'
CaMpbell Thomas Mites John •
Cliase TiSi. ' .'• ' Moore R. W.
flalthi: l e'll J. B. ictulicn Patrick
Clyde Sainuel Mi,:.rMA A.
Co - rter L. R. MueMurry John
Unison Thomas M oo re Dame!
Caldwell 11. 11. Morris Itev; J. R.
• Cook Alex. Ilk:Fadden' Reid' .
Daugherty Robt. Neff Jacob,
Dunlap J. W. Nicholas Israel '
Danver Richard Nelson James
DrztUcker - A. J. Orr John
Davis Andrew Owen Tho Mas %
Daily Patrick ' OVerdorfr John"
Ellis Richard ' Pearce Jonothan
Elder James Palmer 'Thos. ,
Elder G. W. Pearce Erancis
Emig}, Christian 'Pcorfer RUbt.
Ea rip rd George PiCard John
Ellis Aseph Palmer Lewis
Elling,cr Adam Rced,Win. S. * •
England Joab Ross Robert..
Fullerton John Rubly Joseph
Forrest James - Rouslot Francis
Fonteoy F. • Rishell Daniel
Forcee Mathew Re2se Elijah
Flegal Samuel Runk J. G.
Ferguson John Ross John ..
Fleming J. IL Reams'J. L.
Flegal James Richards Samuel
Fenton Thoinas Ross Thomas
Fulton &Mile; Read J. R.
Galhigher James Aeriibilu'll C.
~ .
Graham Joines Rider Jacob
Garrison 'Given Rothrock Joseph
Gutfy Andrew J. Esq.llead Jordon
Gaston James T. Stone Alexander .
Graham Wm. Sterlimr-B. F.
Graham Isaac W. Strong t hOmas
Getchy Charles Swan Henry
GOO George Swan John Jr.
Grossaint N. ' Shimel .1. W,
GearLChrt Jac o b Slrirnel Louis
GoOlander G. B. *Striope V. ' . .
Graham Wm. jr. Shaty Richard jr. '
HOYt G. 11. 6 nibs Suaerland WM.
Hitchens W. '' Standring . A. —
Hugueny J. B. Sunderland J. D.
!fenny 'Jacob ' Shoff Samuel
Hartshorn Jonathan Shriner C. Si '
ftotchkigs 'tril'l. 7 Shoff Christian •
Henderson thigh, , .,, Smith John - ,
thibler Amos' • , 'Sliaw John '
Hurd Elias Snyder Jacob •
Hunter Reuben i t ilfricige, hlin • -
He g arty henry Spence G, W.
Hepburn S. G":: - Siiie n l Andrew
Hunter Evans ShivtilllichW'
Highs Johri ' • SpackinatO.
Hancock .John 7 'Smeal"Jaeoll,. - -
a r......5:.a. v. - ' 0 1101 I• JOllll •
. •
floo'vei Wrn. - Spelled . ..S. S.
Holden Algenon . Smitten John
Helmbold Rey J. R. Shirey Isaac S.
Hoyt John Shirey Philip
, Hellmari'George ' -Srnith D. F.
Midi:ld:Jesse , 8m:01i lord. '
I Hoover Abm. 'Turner James tr—
'Houffnot :I. B. ' Taylor S. B. 1
HarrimerSlay S. Thompson JoSiah
Hoover James L. Ttieker Wm.
, Hoover
.Wm. ~. ' Walters Jacob
Hess Cd6fga - Winslow B. C.
Irvin John W. Wrigley Robert
Jenny A. C. 'Wilson Geo. sea.
Jordan Jelin 'Wino Jacob '
JohnStbii Robert Whiteside' Robert
Johnsen 'Jonas ' Wise' David Jr.
Jmilan , Joseph .... ...Wise Moses : '
Johrisken trit , Kirk' -"" WOods D.
Johnson \v F; i '' - Whmery Joseph
Kirk Samuel. . Wright:l W I
Kylar Joseph , Welch JOhn•
Kylar C. W. ' Wiley ‘Vm. • • ~-• '
Kratzer Anthony ' Walter A. B. '
Kelly Jas. M.:...' ' Weaver James '
Kylar Jiihn B. ' Warning 'rhornas"• '
kylar Gco. .I'. .
,'NayCirleh "
Luther Lebeus . •Woolrittge Win. '.
Lanich Joseph • Wilson Geo. (Pak)
Lcb9e 9,, ...-- . _ ' UZzle John .
Line' - ''.
. 7 V:clin . ) . g John , (party
LiniC • .. -- Trisgzh , , : .
. • • ••--2d
volut . .
- 1 16.
- • • • • • •
v rt.`
Aye authorized to announce to;
I CI Ca;,(L,„(l ,Democrats , of the counties oil
""; I li and MeKeari,''tliat
c lea rfieid,will he a m i l
dilate for.
Ass li'at . 'The' next general
eleetion—subjec t ,. 4 ,the usages of the Do
'• ' .
T atif. ll- ' 6l1 1 , ,, announee
v' y SAMUEL . . eenria,
canbida •'fbr =the offist., i,
, r:.c oahty
I •Cornmiasioner;.
at fhO 'E'nktiing `erd E
teetidil4c-subjeCt:to lhe'.action of *„
I mary:Eleetion:. • • •
.• ,iNlotice
•t. t I n.i.A,m, tin y v hom the late :nu o in B.
te rill it Co,. aro intlohted, are toquestoil to
.Pr. hoot Their c1,1;m5.1,) I. LAVA RUECK lin4oro•lhe
Grit tiny 01 th•lotri-r next, nm 1 dill not hold
.11.•ori:INIIIle r ar.y tlrifi, offer lira doff , .
-• • ~/NA•ll.:i tzIIZTE/?:
13(1 en:in hp., .111:y . lsr 1850.
nt. JAttics LOCK ropporiliilly niimniners lu
Airthe c4i7•.118 Cio‘wlielq:ind yid:illy that he
aurow att a 'shah visit to the I)tice„a r tal may
coup! at higru . tita al -Arktrelrti lie will
oflet4 la all calla in, Ilio of bit: prolemOil.
• Ju1y . ,!8.•
_ •
.4 •
persons URI 11("1:cV Catitioncti age,drol I).ty•
A irig or, selling the following properly; viii
Ono sorrel Mare and Coh, two Cots 9; . nno IVng•
on, 8 :Ivrea of chant and 3 nitres of Rye in the
ground, nit the fold property tens rolrehored by
mo ni Shonas' sale on the 11111inst.,,,ond
t rulphit et i.att of Isaac: Ni Kee, of Jordan lull 111111 i
aubjrct ld ' ilty , order
111.:NRY 11EGA TOT
Jn'y 15,1850.-11E1
i • •
STATE OF w'M C.'WEtelf deg'
tlecd :
INoTic, is hereby given ,that • , Leiters,Te.ta
meniary Ott the ceonte of 11m, C. Welch
'rile of the horoutgh . of "Cles:tlield, Jecensed, have
been grentell to the'snliscritiers All persons
hnoil jug themselves intleb•od to the said estate
either fur Fees. Book account, oe othemisc.ittre
reiriested to malt° rtu moot immediately—and
01 , 1se. linviug claims against the }stale gill pro.
eons them duly anthentfrated etir settlement.
Wm.. A. WAr.i...ter, •• •
, ! J. T. LEONARD,
July' 1650. .:•
..i. L., 1. ' • . , .
LIST OF LETTERS rein. ming in the, Post
°flit,. al Clvarli .113, Pa,,, for rue iltrtrier mid.
isig 'nail, June, 1F150,' . ' ' ' -
Airy Dnguerrean Arm', :Whore Dennis C
.:high. %Viii Mapes Wm ,
'Bradley A T , Roeder Michael .
bowers Cloirloa "ty • ,• ItobinFon John •
Cow ens' 11101 Srer9•.ltn,oll: •
(i eno 1:1,,f. Alm 5 NimMOils Juhtl4.;,.
lion.. 3rfeph K Shaw hums 13
Johnson David • :Shearer Johtl.A.' ,
K. y... Rev. Wm .S• II Trilby .10n •
Laois Kontiel 2 • Wichlrilm Wm T
Logan Geor g e It • • Willintio. j.,esii• •
1... iv: ray l.hi vid ' Wnggone r . ..roh 4 " Vi• •
I KM'. ItApgJorcui, P. M.
((MU...VA/Val iv" vuttaaa
print: klibscrii:Tl , ree?cr•tfully inform, the citi•
JI /ens•bf Cloorfiortt,' . eminty, trial' they ore
enuring un•the rtbuve busitter.t on !darker
0111,0/311C the tr,itlenco.uir hone, Southard,
mid rm.veetfully eulreit s shore of, public patron
ago. They du I trr iheinAelves that they can fur•
1,1811 IvEttk to all persUr.s . .tilto they, Ito pleased to
rnll• to their entire ratiafootom keit',
tot' hind •
Cabinet-work and Windsor fltnits
or every docriptioli. Upholstered ehriirs*.rotlo
io order.
ALSO, Dentist, invalid, and Chanther
Chairs--Chair Beds and Bed Chairs.
in -TI N Bed Chair can ,bo converted from the
Arm chair :0 a complete bed in Iwo minutes. 4110
oleo t a lc to the e t mil compiles lbal can be car•
red Wider 'firs; It is - pardmilarly suitable
for MiliLory officers and Protetisitinni; genilereen.
INt.ll,—Culibts the nealest.mannet and
on the ebartest nonce.
ROK;11:11' AI A N. ,
rlLAcri.snAnit:: •
2:•?, 1€ 4 53 -Gm ": '
,New Goods.
„übseribe r nllnve just received a larg,g.sup.
.ply of NEW •(.100DS; which are now opened
! ut 'ltem new Stoic l!ou,c at (ilcartield Bridge, con.
bifiti9k: at the venal supply of . .
Dry (100/IS, fxrecerics, Queens
ware; Hardware; Drugs; Hats,
C'apsi.etc., etc: ••, • '
%%Ina wilt he so'd LOw for ens!) or produce,
or in exchange for 1.11:111.3. !I, aita:in nu pllier way,
laFgAt 0 . 7
for mall, AND CASII ONLY. •
li Large Lot of
ila n y Cooking-sloves,
For sale, of the beet quality, uud finent.inetal; tiny.
ing been made at lb o lA' brown Ftnindryi -"
I. L. BARRETT tiSt..' CO.
July o.b. 1830. . . .• ; • •
Ifeet it my duty, dm an act of kindness to 4
atilieted i to I niormihern'svhat Wistar's 11%44
Wild Merry' hhe dalai r tiii My daught.cti,i;e'd eon
ie Many a parent ‘‘ho hue given upri4 oi . c a d. ,
octinugliter, at a prey. to the 111,. , '"i' , d pno _ rir ia d , ,
~i,f,:iv..r Thcy,,hav,o—a / eX pilyercia ,
TTOLDS.utii strong indueenienis tit firriune seek. all the mist ,ekillful and sre r mo ~.,..... , Tema.
p pa Ili
11 ersi,ilint-it ni iiistanr mai 'ififfictift Of steers,
in their it3A I d all , 3 ° .0.: ~
Mitt Intqfind - iiimposeible L'.l km, flferneofVes away 1
~ .
_, r I ' ftil
Jfil out some hopo for a
from their early asembiteo and nsHiciationt., lb "seemed specerl.ti.cuomns-tinii;ift,:ncac,fct.CsNtoutr.. 6 011
1 113 . 5
b ar/ Y.— U/1
their lamb& in - Ibis'faii 61f feg:on. Aft thom
sons can mike Marley by pmelmeing their goodl .To - i,!;-, °I
. 1 'Fa !, i” • o been etching
at tha ticy store of , •
~ . !
il l ° lr a f. 4 ll l : .6 , l 2,:e da iterid . 3,, fr , i , i e l ti c a k toci ;,tmotly of real On:
Jolt in sOia 86. Smith, no, further, but
t .Pennsville, Clea,lield Collni y i , I?a., i r o ien ' S ''' "' i ''"''" i3 " h '" rl ' l3 f VihJ Cherry. ' My:
. i ,rgliter &trail Jane, aged 17, i%fccthitier
Who keep u general aseoriment of very - eheap goods./
- in exchnifgo•fiii whiel l they • %%ill receive nil ktml.mentlis had been de;intret.l of, and ilftilrruj'ficA
ot country prodneeni - Ma very highicht marltecr2r, ! a stye ~,,...:. ar„,,,,,„,,,,:,.- - .!„, aL ;.... A my " ._,.,,,..._ ..
A pony saved is two pence care.', !,,, r• • ~
. Peirowllle, Jolt ia, 11450. , • -' ,/.' "- • -
.. 7 , ;
Dissolettion ftf.Par#, &.'
. &
tt erisliifr'llorelkifil y u ls , . .
ir r i •Tan l :i n ct li Willlit•lrn, ii; e ;I "'Ll—
lira) coirerq. 'Ow hufAce" . • ,
all iLttliti !hal 413. 1 1(1
......r .
4celion, October 8, 1 850
TRAVIS JURORS , (or c4 srpt i , Tcrnt 195U,`
IJaihes wilpy ;EIPT IO I .- - !Pei:gam -1
;Benj.. Carson, do _„.. Bra' ly
iJohn=ld.Sey~en do : do
Lewis liuhtz, qc i , ,
,Janice Nelson
Ab'ln Ogden , )' •'' tlor db. '
• I LaWiencl
Moses Norris dii" do •
Ab'utlldattliews • .det .• ' •• Beccaria
Sarnnel G. I)aris. , e-Pdo - • ,•'. do
John', W. Price •• d r ; - •
Robert Owens -‘ do 13urnside
Th. Mehaffy • do • , ' do
John W.ogner • do ' do
John ,McQuillan, • ,do • :. •,•
Francis Coirdriet Farmer • •do
Philip 'Arite . ".StiWyel' Flo
nb Rider Farmer,' • ;' • '7 a ,
Campbell, • dd ' B e n
Ira 'Oabl as '
Peter • "41,-.•
, pM ,
I. F. Ster "g' , ••
v dote •
Win. Bloom, sr. . 1 .,,
John artno.
46-sepl Nod i Boon . • A , atit ' p do elin
'Henry Swan '
.do • '
,Patterson jr. ' . •do
gcnj. Roberts do ;. d o ,
isaiah Fullerton. Carpenter •Yb.~ o v It
Wm. Alexander 'Gentleman do:l,i
I Charles Miller
11rd:than Lewis Fariner ljniart :
Writ , Vtdlor 7 Bongs
G. W. shoir-',,, Farmer Woodward
r 4
Sam'l Robinson Carpenter ' Bradford
• -
The Great Iteinedy for Consumption a 4! Lunge 1
Ajjertions of the Liver, A stlfma; Bronegti'd,'PiSins .
or Weakness tithe 9714
rr qffections of the I:yinonterObli
fr !iv% itkifttur. i. taEorcm Composed chief%
ly %Vito 'Citerry - 'll 4 if l itte and th getiilino Ica.;
LAND Moo (the Intuit iMported , eXProsary rot
purposeSthe rarc"cmodieni •virtues of which nro
also combined by , 'n now chemical proeessOvith
, tho extract of 'tar s
—thou rendering the ttitole
compound iho most (*min rind efficociotts itmo:
dy ever discovered fur
We are just in reeelp! of the folrowing,y9luq,
ary tributo, to the curative pov‘er al Whitir'a
Balsam of Wild• Cherry, from E . ,
Mount Glemeno, Miaiigan; 11 - oiyei6iet
high atonding;and'an extensive Drugglaf;
4%17. CLEatzNa.hlielt.,Oct 29,f1849.J
-To tito•atilietbd this May'Gortify• that Mn,t
Roberts ol , ihis tkica,'Or:• four iveoks daft
confinement, was :attopked u,srio,leht 'Cougti
and great. prostration; nt,d•sdernell hastening to
the grave a ith fearful ;1 1 atiyised'hei
to u o IViJiare*Bulsfitm o f Mid ,C/ter4—allp dirt
so, and with thoi valuable medicine alone, in. th'o
spare of three or four weeks, was restored id
health, and is now odivitigiu'oelor
Vtristar's Balsam of : Wild, Cherry. .
• •, E. 11A14.,.'1. /
. Phyateinn t and Druggist ,/
Rt.,2d on qnd La 'po;iiirti•ell, atilLluttlige of .the
remarkable - virtues' of llifislas'a. Balsam of ' %la
Cherry-- ' '
Messrs S,ANSORD & PARIC :=4 10 111. 41:111tat.
to of justice to you,. an(Efor,flliti hdoefit•tif alto
public, I would.ofler tholialaWiniiitateitterkoti
cure eirecied by your.medicine; knewn tie' Via•
tar's Balsam of Wad , Cherry.. In Oil Spring of
1847 ittiovilifo' whitiev'c'iolY littuaeif WitliPeriit
notimonin, or Pleurisy, which resultd4 in a deep
seated pain, in"%thii stille,. \ apetlmpithtP iim
syliti;a :
yore cough v alto' 'was ailindid by soreo 4i ofthe
beat physicians in Chicago,toa bul'ito' ptirpos 77 ,
for weeks'ishe suffered, willuitit'iiilief."coughilm
incessantly.'bight and day. •I `cdhlei'lst)iio'aisn;
elusion that al! the r T eniedies loi;;Wri f fo tito . pliyi.
idling eOpid - rpt holp her, and Wati'ltiduotid'tci,tl
your "IVild CliS : iy:''' . I, procured on'o . bt;illo, iinci
commenced using it tiabr'44 to diiCctions ; ber.
lore it was elf gone the cough stopped, and the pain
in her side leJ her, and with the aidof another
bottle she %nal restored to perfect health. In con.
.i4oration allies° circumstances, I would recoils:,
mend It
.1 . 0:11 . H ; ptiblic as.a - valuable, meilieee:' ' '
• GArtf*ATT.,
GRAND BATIbB. MIA, Oct. 8. '
l'ho follots mg we hove just received from Mee.
ere. Fall. 111eCrocked . 44e . :'co.,,Agente for ihe 'Bali
of %View's Balsam of, Wild Cherry al"
ler, Ohio.
TO Tilt!
'..:::'..'.,....;';;; , ! , ,T'.. 1, .
F a
, ,s;
> ~ -. ..,
s~ll~ ..`~.
rt y
r; `e •