The Country dollar. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1849-1851, July 26, 1850, Image 2

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,• ! .
.... . RESOLUTION ' . •
1 crt nst• Democratic candivate ••
. , :-,. . n . -,. 1 • ' h,,,,,,,i;C,!(,,...t„,,L; - the -
. - Skl',Belf 01'• 1.101,' llliAlliißl7lll
'. In J 7 1 .1 ~ .v ~,e Ik e a d o , r • f . a, , ) , t ij r I , : iii Ice r, supported Root, 0 iddi ngs,n nd
r ton c!, te /e l m/7 ty,, t•-•
od ,he most bitter enemies the Demo
' , corn:Mit/1 - i: - on kesidinionn at Ord A ii- --' 2 7 s -1 ' '' . ..,: A , I
. '
grate party ever had, and assistei, to ci r.... STITUTION,
_ , 1 jant . . , ,p4rt Convention. ' ' '
Al ,i,„ lay the organi7.atiOn Ibt. weeks But he is Resolvai In/ the ,Senate and llinrso iff
Mr.. Frazer followed in , Atippo. . '''
:. t v • to gone ;7-.loined to his dots ;—yet I think Reprrsentat by's o f rh o C omm odui ra pk, v i
:report or the c°lnniitl''°,, 11l ' l,l h'i'l,,- ho will dud when too late, that the Democ. rennsyleania in Gcno‘al ilsseorlity nuT,l
. ..:,114r. Maga tit.. The getitleinzok<4."' 01 r. - •• I 4I1t;. ' .. 1 iI ;
• rocy eao • ( 0 injie i ie att ..tritiani," ,id.,in,. That the m; litution orthis oninionyealtli
F.),lnts attempted tulAnce,,i.m.n position . . ,
. t man tie..y,itlionti the Dein xirae.y. I eau- -v., amended in the second section of the
Nve .. ( 1,., no t occupy , i y t i iol: . ‘v id i•ioi,perirll , , .. , . I, ‘. • ~, a • ~.av . filth , .
not neve uesist 40 reiecring to miiirtinj an ;uncut, so tam ilsnati read as liAlows:
whilst I can replv...Phe ri ghts urn S(ilt° , • ' - •, •
1 1),01.1.1.` 'A shell I.lnle Sillee.he WtiS highlei'lliar the. Jud.a-, of the ; Suprem? purl, 1 1
Lind Texritory art, cleztr: and di/tinct, lino
~ i t i ~, ct 1 :. A. ,•: .. ; ...... '
‘"tiii• poWerS 1: Colittress climAllV st); :OA' in ',! '"r flPer.119"8"111:))"1,:,' "l( pt '9! Ill'i-T , *!!‘`... 1 .L.0 lal ot % 0 011 al .'• e;ts,
~ „ , o • .. • . the %%Jae \ iwriclo thlirot.;,r4 l 6.ittidiele- ittiti a such oi4e,rports or It old as a,ro
,without the-Constitution confers upon that " , - -,
-body oiefiiii • risi d ictir , t i tio w c i„i t0 i, ( 1 , ,'," ?7 , ;( ', 5. ,.. v'ote'd by them to the highest station on or shall h 0 estnblislicil by law, shall lir
Frlt( ie , /,4, . /1/ Me r cov i vo 1 e .„.i,/„ii„„ („„ etirth ; and' although defeated iii 1 8,10, , elettit:d by the qualified electors of iliG(...oin.
k an m s .-e t s it • ever
,tarts, sno ., ; /,,,• rv i/o %vac. still a Ovouriteoind looked,rip . to with medwea fill, i n 'the mantic . ..l, to
--would lie'irsuccessful,' a flagriiiit tiSiirpn-.0'81)9 et and' veneration V all. In an e • il wit : The .budges of the Supreme C.ourt,
Min of POWer. 1 ditTbr due t 1 with lint 0
li , air he turns mow!, take s . a tiondirtfion 'by the 110alifie! 1 electors of the Common
-y i.- .
Thompson as to the iiower or Congx:.iSsto from n convention of abolitionists, an d i( - 4•;iliii at large: . the PreSident Judges of
• 4egiSlate t:m this subject over her territories,: 1-h"ir ki n dr e d allies _placed on :the. ticket the several Courts of Common Pluas, and
with the rery Demon•rrey who had ouidc of such other Courts of Record as fire or
lasi., and all other
Surely ;here are no Words in the Constitii
could:he; net
t s )):119 be establiSlied by
I.f ' - ‘n that cfrifer it. And nieilii w h o wOO l,l iria'all hr coy . u•irs rir ere,.
, pentetid•that Congress noi t 'vcot ' ild eStalilish 'l`i,(-'°i'lag t silic,"l"l,f t he voter, hll ‘ .e !", l ', ll2d o ir ' s ''' e l. lil . Thl I ° l ' 6 l'al . !!!'mi in the law;
, ..iltivtiry,h) Minesola.or OteTwa ! 't
wh o. iug the suceeSs o f enemy, and t h e 'n e . i ny the quirithel electors of the respective
1t MI thenssociale .fialdes of
''.'•'':.tmenw.'ilicw • f.o n the Northern, Western.
. ~,„ ~t. 1 I (btu of his limiter great party ; mid iike districts roer whi c h they.,),.„ to presi(h!
and middle ~we s, . w h ere this ''d o ' intst i c , ; A rnolil al,ler his treasoii, O'Neil.' Londiyu, not as iiiiig,,,,;
Servirtide does'not exist, h at 2 ,.. 6 .0,/, w ,r d o when the " red coat" was upon his back,! the ( - looms of,C OlOlllOO ch'i,, s - b„ "" , r
, the qua 1
. t
deny any stet aulliorit . ril Congress?— 6112,14p01, the Dethot•nry; whp in 183 . 2 fleif elector.; of the countie,.i i ; es p ect i vi dy
...• , , • i ~
The' mere .ntate'niCutii 'or the prcpottion and 18:11i elevated loin to'the ,Vicc Pri, si., ihe ,fuil T , rl4 SZ.
•-1 0,, • ,1(.I ..,11PreIlle. (01,1 rt slizill;
earrit I its refutation. Then, if Congress ,(INicY; I-'of tilt ii, 1111,1 i, ' hold ' Itch a. „ .‘ I .
'111(1 Presa.ey
'lantiot estril,liskihe institution—is d evo id : With the steady vote of chivalrous; noble, YeneP., if they shall so long behave thein
' rif cinistitntionaranthority—how, I would 'null S oY Tifil l tri VitiGti-li if YOU, .1)11'.1"", Si! vils ivell,(sublect to the allotment herein:.
ask, cuU she Prohibit it? . The I' ; ;
rr.tor,es alivnys east for him. OW, Wlt. lipoil sn.,,:h after;
pirwiderl 101, subsequent to the first c-,
arc the"cumnion property of the, nation,—.:box` 2 illgmEitutie . 1 / ! W ( ' C"4.1 truly ' ti .Y I , i' ''' li " " i) ?iv% Pr P sideilt Jlltlges of the several
m m
the coon. treasure obtrrined, like the , 0111 int ' ' tieurts of Common Plens;and of such ot It-
Union 'iii a commun'cause," bY i ;
,".,0•10 ------- i. v•t.g shill f I rie . : f-, rri ll ten, ex Courts at Ili cord as are - or shall be es-'
' counSelsjoint eflbrts, by contwon . dtinger :, , Awl . .;;1 1 . 1 r 01 - ;114 1. ' 9'1 A!.. do ‘.. : tiibliSliVd by law,. and all other jo i i,tp s iv ,'
sullbrings and successes.". SllrtlV the; ' l ." l ''' 'tie due '''", .`la''''''. ,, a "er""g• quir,•,l tp l(, learned in toe- law, shall hold
. , e
ciIiNAIS. or every State have an equal right' 1 1„,,,,,,i i in i i .iiiins•i and 1i , m10." 'their ollioe lor the term. Of teu years, if
to participate therein, and settle there with lint we•have.the Pittsbni•; , Thly . ,,,,,,, or .111 , . ',kill so lemg belt ive themselves well ;1
:their families, servants, and property.— ' as a substitute for the imtional plat- all' whom shall lie commissioned by the,
No wonder, that the people ,of the South- - forin now befor.. , the convention. Such a !Gm' -ii., but tin. any reasonable calisc,'
-ern Slatc, , , , - .sitould list: up uttaiu . routitily„ rifilfoon, why, it is too narrow for even;., winch - 'all grit i be sufficient g r oun d s f or '
,against di; attempt to deprive them of, I.'ri_.e Sailer to s'and s!riti, A la opfull length imPaaciallaill, Ili' (lovernor sled! remove
their copiititutional rights. This coininnii ' upon. The Pittsburg Convention sh o uld a l)' t"I ;hilt) oil the address of two-thirds
soit-i. Ppen - to all ; and the people, the De- : hive flkol•riltal it at "1102-- of c I•'hbr well" of the Legislature. The
. Inocracy of the territo:Y, will sow), settle i Yet, 4,ve are told, WO were vieri
toous i first cleclion shall take pla c e a l t i .; p „ cll .
the q u estion dieniselve; in the territory, undor it last fall ; that oar victory was • mil clectien of this Comminmealili next
and, in the State,.w in
hen it isfored , therein. caused by it. I low ridiculous ! It was ,L.l( r .1. the
adoption or I liii - Mnentiment, and
T his sovereign, pOY, - er can only be e . xerci- t 1 the gigaii"ic stride of an aroused Deinoe.: l • l
commissions of all the Judges ii ho wily
sed by the :sovereign people ; told as the racy, deteritiincd to ,:ticeecil and L6[1 , 4' 111 ' 41 be in olliiee shall ekpire on Th e fi rst
Inajority there deeidc fur or against do., Pennsylvania back again to her 111 posi. Alonday of Deeeinlier following, when the
. eiStic servitude, so it must he. Were I a lion; that caused .ther triumph, irrespective. ,
tcrl!" of the !law J ll "cs shall commence.
citizen of the dyrril43 . or state, I. would of the departure of !Ito ri!Nbur g convc.,-; Th, 1 .-.1.,0ns ,% ho shall I j i ,, i , h e e l ecte d
vote against it,liut I could and would not tine from the LI itional code. ;Judges of the 'Siipreit.r.; Court shall hold
..deprive my . ncighborof voting fur it; and,: The only true course is to hold a na., their offices as follow.;: One or them for
at in the minerity, IMUSL submit , or remove i tional creed. (A voice, .' it is;') It Willi three years ; orte fur six years, one for nine
away.,....Ttup nut for its extension ; but I i continue:, w lailst the
views or dug-, years, one for tfelye years, and on e f or
trill not tulle away frOm any citizen ofthis; oats mew.% prevail. I recognize lar Penn• i fifteen years, tile term of each to be deci•
Union,. nor can - Congress, his constitution.; sylvanin Democracy ; no Northern or (led by lot by the said Judges, as soon af,
.1.11 ri , hts•cif emigration, with servants turd Detnocrac, , but A merican•Do. I ter the election as convenient, and the s • - , - I
,property, and voting according Collis own liv'cracY• I . letfersunia ) Democracy : that i su it certified by them to the ( ',governor, that
. _
will and 'pleasure, in the territory to whieli
;he may This is the dcietrine of the
. great measure of Iwo
r'iOte'r,;.elitton ---so nobly advocated and man
sustained by the statesman and pat
riot, C:kts in the Senate of tho nation,.in
; his great speech of the '2lst and 22d of
. .fanutiry. It will triumph, and be will tri
aupplf; and this great Constitutional meas-
Aire Of,union and freedom will save and
'harmonize this'nation,:and like the, bow
set in ilin clouds, will be.prophetic of our
entinritig constitutional . covenant among
-the AmeriCan States, firm as their 11101111-
:Ping of ruck, and lasting as the oceans that
3vash the shores of the mighty , cominenti
; over which they omiatal.
.covenant cepresenting the entirei
"Dernocracy of Pennsylvania, now re . spon-1
ding warmly and cheering to those senti-1
'.rnents causes My heart to thrill with de
:holt ; ad m d I a rejoiced to say, that now,
'With . but a few excivions in our rauks,i
the unanimous voice of the cent-}
..monweidth. Here let the do justice to the, -67 . ..
. ,
report' on our Federal, made in, , When Peintsylvtlma sets up a measure Judges of tlio Suprcine,Conri, durinr , their
, .,
our l as t L eg i c ,l atore ' b y t h e H on. 4 m i r 6 w ' ormiovettient- ilt 01)1),ositiou to the Ntitionallconnuitance in, office, shall 'reside within,
. . .
.13 , :abinont,tf i e,i4rOsontittive fr om u
flm 1
e , Democracy, she is always in the ‘vrong. this Commonwealth ; And who. Judges,'
5.6 which irK>, s a m e doctrines are ably ad., VV.ititess the flank cud Thrill' questions, i during their continuance in, olliee, shall re
-. vocatM'and saStitined by this puCe minded, and the state candidate in 113:.3'.2 for Vice i side w 'thin die district or count v for whicli
;.Citt6 snit 'vettiraii in the Democratic cause.' President. NVe must stand with our kcal-. they .wcre .respectively elected.
-- 'And I (-mumt pass by the able, sl i c ed, oil, , ten of the Union, and go with the Denim:. .1. S. M'CA UAION'.I', • ,
'.thd 'Hun: Tritimas Ross, Repre s entativ e i ti r racy of the Union fur the sake of the U. .S . porkue /./. the //wise (if Reptescia,aives.
-,Congress, frcin tho Bucks' and Lehigh tdOn• Pennsylvania cats have au haul obis I V. DES'!',
.district, in the ' Muse Of Repre - sthitatives that conflict with the prosperity of the whottd . . -4PuLker rd the &wide..
tit Washington on the'same important sub- i nalio,n• .AVe tifil'l b": 0 1", Pr9sVal-'06.1
Jliet. It 'is well'iverthy the perusal of cv., through the prosperity' of tliteutititry atj
cry Pennsylvanian, it'nil is a high liiiner 'to i Inrge. The people found this : out, wla.ut 1 .lla . t.sburg, .la,anaoy :P3, 1E450.... 1
ALS gultant'ituthor. ' 'rhi:i Wilmot Pri. , 7 's o i they strayed, oil on the 'Patin' questioiyual ' I, :4anitiel V. PlNir on,. Chief Clerk of'
:.'ilias' btht 'vticytipotiwt:foi• dig' to the Dem Q .' it ,rcquired the unflinching, firmness of the Senate of Pcnusylvimia, do hereby ce r.
&atk dowse; i 4, 1 ;3 r tilifrlcilic,i 4 , r n t ik s ill6... Vice President 1)allas, a national litriot, tify that di., !Oregon% resOlutions,.(No. 10
; evet-illitritl .Many adVocatc.s ; has . sacrifi. alai • tt. attti)ntil boitiota'at, to set Petinsyl- 4 , on the Senate' file Of th(l . prescUt
\ccd all bur leading ineasuri's' to' this oncjval,lizi'riglit.,.witli his fistrless and noble, I e ntitl e d „ Resolutions relative to an at nend
,.t/c/,i.iicri..and - had been of no :sons ' ', .•yote, clitinienseapplztwie.) Just ment , of the Constitittiun,"—it ti e ing the
'''' ll \teits;frien(is, but of great othianta ge so this Fiyo . Soil heresy le;tds men iiitrr. sit/ic resolution whielt was agreed to by o
'an! hgefuhtess to flit Federal them-' '' 'ceptibly •twu, - from their patriotism and ; majority of.the members elected to each
~, in • 4 , ..,
16 ~.
1 1?Pig`titate to triuni:frk, 'arid to' place 'in 1 1 -hAnouraev- . . - House of the last Legi.slature--,after -liac
' 'power a sl;veltoldink Presiclen . i, and e t e .!,.• . It took the Ilwirm firmness of anotherling been duly considered and discussed,
.vate to high'. 'daces the revilers or Ai:.' groat niati,,,to Si t the !nark of the mairnal , N‘4,lS . this day agreed to by a majority of
• , Tio JitikSon, ,- very ntan.'l(..hO spit vp..l oi•e€l,-- - 'l'lle country lout dhim in Lewis' the members elected to and serving in the
. ..ta, and - traduced t Buren in thedays !Ca ss , the D enwera ti ec andidatc in our last! Senate of Pennsylvania, at jts present ses.
if his detnocracy, - t, ...) i t A over,
tin V.lO tViiimpileu campaign.
,(Clieers.) It s ,is met! like he. skin, as will 4ippear by, their ,vcres Q3l the
...-tinii, with demoniac glee
~; ..sti,, r, , , 4 7
. . .
..,,eantpaign of 1840.. ~ . who are. ~ '"--•••‘-- strongth in the tunes viz : . . I .
It was introduced into C0n, x ,,,,..,i,, t i,1 1 ,, ,0 ' - ,;• -'..;, 4FD .1 , , , ' Those voting .iii favor. of thc,resolution
:of t s var, *clod: as a Proviso ' to' lat • •:: Ct , ... . '',4' 45 .iil:' the frentleimin A. Jones Brooke, J. Porter lirawly, .11,j1.,
•"'-'• ' `;:::;',", ....': I hdt • .t'
~;.vhichit•had no donnexion;--m!k IP - 0. ,:. 0-; ..„, . , , mg the bwith.
„Lou ! . limn A. Crabb, Jonathan J. Cunningham,
iing, to anticipate; the acmtioitio,
.„.'s . ? .....,...:,'..,. ti . :;' ) .:..;' :/ k,.. c ,. a1 a . t ! t/ ';•oinitry,.my, coutt- Tu . onris S. Femon, •Plioinas 11. Forsyth, I
Ty i : flogislate for. tintieri* c f : i :''''.. ' l 6, ''',-;.; ‹ , ,,,..1., , o . t its i .. illti
c tilethliii, Mill ii : (in- ClittriCS Fritiley, Robert Al. : Frick, I - Jenry •'
titrowing a ,ii re bra tyl in tog s -04.:c.) . ,. 2,...,516''''...; ~• s tinportanct..., •
uttlltY to the Fulton, John,W, Utternsey, William llas-
. fed by most weet,. - ,„11-',I t h,.. j sp . o . •• u
1 "` 011 and impede tfita, X• ' l '.? -..,,e/ ` i. '
-: , ilves,Joshua
, .:',-• ."lnlithood ' is, however the ume , t• ," " 1 !' ' I/ g ls ' I:imull kY
A - . 41i.delaY ' ..1 'a% $' " ' '' .1, Joao , : Je 2, e,ph .lirmiuniacher Georire,
e 4.
instruction is easiest imparted, alibi , . ''' .' - r'' ~ -, .' .0
-..? N-,L4wretiee Maxwell M Lublin, Benja-'
in determining for 3vhikt paper to ••,. 31 ', •- ' . . . -,
4 onc,.llmkpunin Nlaulutts,llenxv A. 1 '
should give thd Pr ^
I , rg, Ailliui.F. Pucker, ',William
h this rf-.• ~
- , .... ..,
15A1:i.„Pitv0. ,, .... - .via. 1 .4 it - , 7 13; s a ,li
7- - . .. ,
Ste rrett,i,
, ..
/ •
" our custom to, klohn 4. I
.. ~ , ,i ;, ; t=. — heripionsAker '
t) - ...... • 1
AgenWii :
~..n Wife wiii;'roy:
pg; the's°
lid hjm
-, k &ban rf").
noble inspiring DeinoeNic faith that is a- I
tike 'temptable along the granite hills of
! New ihnupshire, the mountains of Penn.!
sylvania, the shores of Virginia, the sands
Carolinia, the levees of lr,uis~ana, Ills
banks of the Ali., , sssippi, the prairies all- I
the shorys . of Michigan, the woods (if
lowa, the gold mines of California, and,i
the valley of the. Oregon.. That inspirer
wilh ti l e nobleness of self-respect, breaks
th e chain of the oppre.Ner, vindicates the
right of self.governinent, raises man from
the earth, ❑ ud teaches him to walk proud. :
ly With no superior, but that all-wise Crea
tor, ;vhose, image he h -ars, mid tt.huse
breath he breathes. (Reiterated a plause.)
Let, us hold this creed; it ,is from , 1
our fathers , under it our institutions'
have prospered ; ma y S tatrs added to the
Confederacy, now spreading from ocean
to ocean ; and one bright star aftu anoth.
er added to the canopy or freedom ; thus
forming a u.s.ios, whosebri;;lit example is
tit'-stirred to overthrow
. Kings and thrones
stO fr g o the iyiirld froni bondage.
the commissicu6 may be issued in accord.
ante thereto. The Judge whose commis
! sion shall first eNpire shall be Chief Jus
tice during his term, and thereafter each
!Justice whose term will first expire shall
!M turn Lc the' hief Justice, and ii two or
more commissions shall expire on the ssmc
day, the Judges holding them shall decide
by lot which shall be the Chief Justice.--,
Any vacancies, happening by death,
!nation or of he rwke, in Any of the said
Courts, shall be Idled by appointments by
the Governor, to continue till the first Mon
illy of December sticei , edint the IleNt gun
e cal erection. TI IC Judges .7f the Supreme
court and the Presidents of the several
COurts of Common Pleas shall, at stated
times,receive for their services au Ai:gnat/2
compepsation,to be fixed by law,which shall
not be diminished during their continuance
in office; lint they shall.reccive no flap or !
perquisites of (Alice, nor hold any °dim. of
flee erprolit under this commonwealth, or
Ullihll'. the government oldie United States,
tr:arny. other State of this . union. The 1
e ectec to eac t ouse of the las Legisla•l Fish ! IFifillll !,,
1' • NEW.:GOODS:z
lure---After having been duly c asidel:,,'d ! lit\ D. Aineherei and Herring, by the harret 14.11 . , Ac , c .,, r ., A
an d di setisso i , was this d ay a gl.
.Ni to b y t , I,y th.• I. el 1... :at the store ail 1 hx.a.3 tali-L: 9 .11r AS .diVY IN TEL
I3A.s.e SMITH. : . • , , ‘CO triyfiiy - • • 2 : :
a majority of the members elects' to and ,
Cum ra.cralle, Jane tio, iB5O.
serviwr in . the llouss of ltepres natives • . v r t :\:,
.lin, Ile •4 ' , Weil 111 111('! SION' of MAN,
of I'onlisylviniin, nt its present se 'ion, as - IRON Bi, NAILS , ,",„ .44.TE,v,•;,•ssoN, kill a tulle fliist of
I • /Cii..irfiriil lirnlgio, , .
1611 appear by thcir votes, givci on the .r T he r ra er •N al lortnimil I , i ./ ., I •
Of 1 l l i
, I , : r
j :: : i
v li i .i r i i • i r p i
1 1
y l e
( 1 , 1
i lan t ; \ e
ir t u 'Tstairoly s ,ana ham. in . . i , . , , I ~.14- c..tit), •
final passage of the'resolution, as Mows, ' I& . i , IN A IL s ,,, , Ho siies. ala prit.t ri 14. i. /WI. t tip.. i5,,1., filmi,..- it il k , • miii .,,,,, i
viz: „ II ich.they %tilt sell at the lotstsi Kiev Ihr eaSli. " ill pilielinverk iii 'lib s(. l ..ltim IlytliQ.k.% . .1(111 1 1 10 . .11 0
Ill y i N. m eco y,
45, ,. co :. • has just reeei vett; Lamont, Miter (hangs, a iiirge n u .
rr ho s e voting iit'ltvortif the passat ofilw i ' ;
~ . June 20, '.1;).•,, Al Icidoirg Jr i ii i ,W,:,,k,.. '! 0 1 1 ol!Ill of
112SOIllt111011 were,: John A . elter, Jot li Alu i Shoes and Cloiliin—
son, vvini;,in ii,dipr,iluilort liiii ( iw ~ 1) 4 !...,
, made in the neatest rind 'nest
V1(1 ,1. Bellli ()'ilig'Bithlte; Jeremiah flack '
substantial • manner, ' anti to be
John S. Bowen, NVilliam Brindle, Daniet '
El. It. Brower, Jesse B. Burden, John ('esF. I II so ( at very low piices. Sonie
i)a Henry ' Chord), Joint N. C.:Amy:10;11d, 'handsome. Oil ( lochs
• for
Sylvester Criillawl, Benjamin G. IJavLu • . , Tables, stands, etc. ' ••'
IVilliam 3.. Dobbins, James P. Downer,
:it ISO Flaxseed-Oil Fiql 9 '
1 . 1- )
Thomas Duncan, William Donn, Wil•liani iron 86 Nails.
Espey, John C. Evans, William Evans,A. Varnish, White-Lead, Putty,
, •
T the Clarnprst corner trill lin lioulluf ii large
Scott Iwitigt, Alexander S Feather, James sin..,non,n•Li et!! rut, mid I\ ells II: 1.,w priers. • ''''. • , Glues etc -, :-. •
Flowers; Benjamin P. Portner, Alexander Jolt' . I'AT rØ• it iSt)—Nails. and .'...:piketi, Iron
tibbonny, 'Phoinas E. Grier, JosePh E. Cuotontivilte, limo LI
,11o•Griffin, Joseph (.oriel, Jacoband Steel, Forks, Spades, S. Flrchle- 1! — .„
man, (Icorge 11. Hart, .Lellbrt Hurt, John" • ! fl-1 " 11 Ilt)rls./%4)lliertt vels, Powder. and Shot.
I lasting'., William J. llctuphill, John Iftiel All ( l• r : l i malm:sagneal, ant Aualtiotr appoints,' by alii. i
'Blue, Black, and Mixed -
P ----;
Henry Htiplet, Lewis Ilerford, ‘Vtishing- il e iii, l :ii n i:::ie t it ( ! u s r i l ieln ( l : l l p u ts ill : l ,i ul ; i n: : ::r 11111::nt,"eirhi."Irni. Broad cloths from 62 50 a 5 00_
on J . J ac k son , Nicholas
.ionos, .john iv , tt nimotior rut int entities of Martin limner and , .
icillinger, ('llarles E. Kinkead, Robert , i n
li tr l tt v a i t i l li a , u r % , ..t i , , r , , araT l 'm lo a n i ml runa i ta,7 those legally t.aSSIIIIerCS at •
Sattinets'. ' •100 4 2 50i
Klotz, Harrison P. I„aird, Morris I,cedi, n ' aitient ;it th . e " / " 'ltali l a e alaular ll l:is "t oill i e l a:, " :l7 l ll l :e ps l, l :, i r h . • .50(I J 00
Jonathan I), Left, Anson Leonard, James 'I 'llOl c: enrliehl. am Stailaral4 !lie •2711 a July next K ,
, cntucky Jeans ,374
, iii.,.. , there all iwrsons mieresteal may a iletala „„
J, Lewis. I lenry Little, Jonas R. VUlin. Ebus I'm's, Alai% . lilcaelled lillidilllS, 1 B'ri 16 .
tovic, John F. M'Cuilorh, Alexander C. I .it y litth, iciso. U
;W nbleached do . •. 6ft 123-
iltirily John iirLatighlin, John 'APl,ean ---
Samuel Marx, John 13. Meek, Micheal , TAILORING ESTABLISIIIIIMT, Calicos,
••• , 6 a ll‘ii
.Ntyyprs, John ~ liilicr, C. 3/01101, - ,! 1 Sugar, Coffee, ' l. ', ea, Spices, and, e
John H. Morris, William T ;Morison, Eze- 1 ' "r"rs• Ward & S/14-‘0 [:pods of Groc.eries, I !sit Bacon ?
Itial Mowry, Ellward Nielileson, Jacob! °um, ..., , ,,neelitiny .111.1..1111C0 li.) lIIV l' II
.1-lani, etc. - •
'tend ,uf the borough ol Cienriiel,l and Ow •
Nissly, Charles O'Neil, John B. Packer, I
Joseph c. po
\veil, James U.
Lent, John . i : , , i i i i , t
~ : iot : l, l ::tr u j uc n n , n , . .i t if. iy i :it i t :n.s i ti i, i e t yo.licto%,..o,;•r,oiri.tvt:ehnr:,....:!. LADIES
ithoy, Le..rvis IZoberts, Samuel liobinsoji, ; die ,in the sleoli formerly uc copied fly
WILL he emretalliy pleased whla speeimem of i
J o h n IL It ii th ei .f or ,i , (:I rnii i W . S co f ie ld , ben it tt.' Ward, un l‘iurllet sarem, 2,1 door steel I mi l ( /, •g
• i
..,1 ~ L i ners,att.vis„ ,5- Bonnets,
awo Pore. op tlfoir" ) Vr"1":4 lung (N. It. lull its v:ch tile uIIINA and QUI•IiNSW Artr
Thomas C. scoili!,,r, william ;;tiallii . er.'" I . Sl '
wiiiino ;
~ ii : i t n . ii , , .. l l 4, , , e ce . ‘ n t, a i b it e
. b i a l asialt r ar. dial. Iln d itti; themselves kind other arta le., Poo numerous la common, ' !
Richard Siniiiion, Eli Sint.,
~ ;:d
(i . e. ,
ii. plitrodie to Omni w . tai
, I.iiinl7Priiirn and oiliers trill lied ill his Mara '
Slllllll,\Villiant A. Smith, Daniel M. Sin v- '.11c, ' ,1,,..$ nil, ra Agee:hilly sulleu II 1 (.0).4.-1 . 111 atnl Mall 5..1 WS, Ilasaltkare nrl'iiiillPdtir.
str, IVllliain A. Soutb;r, Th o mas C . stit.,,,l . '•lint e et 1.11 If ie prilroilase. I cr:rlion.. and fill hattags needed au ilayt li i neoll.o
la v iii Slcward, Chn•rlcs St 4 Jed: we! I. Ed w•ors,.
C. 'Prone, Andrew Wade, lloliert C. \Valli..
Cr, Thomas Watson, Sidney B. Wells
I A. Willsanis, ant
John S. Sicaker—Veas k 7 ,
Those votiag against the passage or OH
resolution were, Augustus IC. Curd n, Da
id Evau.i and .lames M. l'uyter—,-Naya :3,
Extract Eroin the .fou mai
AV•12.i.1 A Ai JACK, Clerk..
Sirtu:•r.ucr's Omer:
Filed March 15, 1850.
Drp. Scc'y 'f Commonwealth
rennsykania fis :
I do certify that the above and forego,
ing is a true anti correct copy of
,resolution the Cie.nciai Assembly,
•entitled "Resolutions rchtti ye to an a mend-
Inant of the Constitution," as the sam e re
mains o n file in thi3 Office.
• '''' In testi ninny whereof I have
: 17 12 .. hereunto set my hand, and cans.
*4* Zed to be affixed the seal of the
11‘ Secretary's Office, at I hurls.
hu rg, this fifteenth day of .1 une, A lino Dom.
ino one thousand eight hundred and Mir.
fiuJ hr/L/ 0/ . /. lec Commoirwece/A
lane 9, 1
C* -- - 'IL the Citiz-eits Crittrinseilir
and c'ett airy..
t r
ASinst reveivell n rlio be ' u
El GOODS of ilia Inirsf bll . Ol,
Grororics, Boats 4-Mocs,,llats 4 Caps.
Ilardwarr,Catlery,Crcx-1.-cry, Glass 4.
Queens:care, Arai/.s, !looks 4- Station
ary, oil. es+iii 2rnril
t do not protein] to enutue tale a list of s'peti
0)06 as I have, but only n•k a call from per•
-iutis wanting anything in toy litre ti hat e selecuyl
my stork lii llto couvertieure ul the 'tamers and
Ininbr ruien,to a hielt.t re9cciluily Invite tin tr nt•
!outwit I flu not wish to pruilin soy false im•
prcerinns hy.titivertisiug; I hallo dettrurnied to sell
tit lot% er jmecd than the Name guoil.4 have been
selblignt thid.viciniry lur cash or un putty
tual ii:en.and by this memo! boo) to rec•c ivy ti
share ul p.lbhc putionago.
A lArt!e loovlc of HEADY MADE clothing
I.nri fieleeira Itse,ydry heft' C31116116/I
Weill 111 thy. toy, jur sale low tyr cash or country
pro !lice
Pruitive Will be talus, in e,itlutege for goods
et the market prime.
May '25 1850
Court Proelamsillioii. •
Vjtimit.:As the Hun. George %V %Voud ward
i'rosilent Judge of the Court of (.'..immint
Pleas al the,lth
„milli till tlisirit. t, of the
vuuttlielf orChlitim, Celan! nail Cleurlii.lil.ntal the
Ilim Janics 'l'. LetatariLand Abraham' h: 11'right
L.:fluffy:l, Assiviellite Judgi bin Clkiarlield mainly
it Ire iliSliell Ikea precept bearing Onto the Cab day ul
AMY. 1850, to tite directed, for holding a
Owl . / of common .Pletor, Orphrtim Court, Court
of Quarter BessiOne, und Court ef Oyer 4,;
71..rodner . coul General Jail Delivery,
at Clearfield ''.l`tiwn,for tho Conroy of 1 !kart:tutu, up ' • • 7 ;••--• . ,
thu Ist Monday' II septeinber 'next, (beitig flto '4l I .••• -
day of the rountli.)
i I ji3Oi r
' , l • St 1 , 0 ,,, •.. -I ~,
. W/V S itt 11, 1 e, ‘ l l%
:Nolte; ts.llterefore,lgeeetio r , iveo ! Irk.
1 ,
to the rorrater.bisticpf , ol thereneeot Coastablem!
tw !LC. be 601 et priveo sale,.on reasonable
itiland teethe County of Clehilkltl;l6'appeur in their I
owtrpruper perso4,,witlskolls, 11elairds, Inquiet.. ~.,,,,v terms, , t.,
tions., Exatattiotiuus and ler giattetabrapecsou do', GS/'fc ,-i4VC, Inc , .cair)age, Ofiplitoll
thwe il.itigs ts'Enit:h . their° icer. &in their' 'wharf rfp- . i t r ar , O)l TWO SellS - 0/ Ilitritcss Deo
pertain to lted vire; and ell wrincsses and tither her ~. ~,. '
~‘)(f,aafe. s . a frd ti Bridle -
sits prpre,•citi,ing itt Itch:1101 the (.It o ' ,
1y prisoners
,ttrq., required to .bp Vico, and ! I.!e111,t; part ul the propel ty of the life lies:. P. itle•
' Wending and not depart' ‘iithottt lehi•e; at ; "Iltki.y. deceased. Any tine t‘ !sink to purchase,
!d i e d t o be liuniAlt hi: cell.t,ell,on the subscriber al his ultimo ta.• the bur-
June 34,185 0 ...:11*
tilted lime egryealkle . to ' otu c th of Clorlie . lq,,w nt the late reshlctice of the
dectc•atial hall a eadesesfol &Iciirarlil Bridge.
4 •ovcritil ClintiGold,: - 1 . ' •. ;‘• J. B. fitt•I;NLLY, Itlit'r.
or Of Wit Lord one ; Jorto 12,1§59. •
subscriber tins , - awl il— •• ^" .
Nuenns, -••" , ich 'li.' •
nputtit: iiiider,ivied to prepared to tolpply Numbly
11 1 tieho •k. ‘viili may Roo iffiltlisto..l Sun•
ht pri,cert. 1:06 , o4
tire:tiny it .ultql awl rent r trig loot rt quire&
CEO. LI V I NGS'I ON, Atztott,
Tor A S. S. Union.
J the IS, 1830 '
ClontlieM. 1i:1V 4 1650
{Y,riN y ill be 111 t he rrgii!ar remirt
, o 1 the littutti and \e,‘ \•orlt Feeh
Au. reroute , arc hereby innii , iiie , lngninsl Inly•
o.g or polling the lu Il , prow rriyi laze
—One t:rav; one too year 0;4 ibre
curling Calve.; three GOA 11 ; tune Ibirenn ; oti;
k ; 01 , 0 %vutiii i ; eiabt and n half Acre
11'beni in klie grinirid; ' , even /keret,
.103 ICinJ mill; one je-ng S et; one Lag Sled;
Itvo Cato 01 rlnards and plonk; One yienrling rule
it+o nnua Sleet.; 111111 Hoilb r and Sun llogn—a:
said poverty ;nip by .11 , 4 ni Sheriff.
tale 11111 he 141 b intl.. nod leJnli in wort...vim' 01
J..lin . eul%der. 01 .I.lrroll, atiljeet to
our Order.,
CRAIMM.. A:. MVP ;11l
GrAliamion. 18.50. •
- 1
- 0 "`%
Cf.) . .'l l .l 1..? Q) Q.) e
rpm.: hnt'r•oprned ti cure eii the
Ace, turnp:l,c, ni It inrii,g Run, iii Brad...ref
• they reveritully nermetttre r•
Ole ciezeoss DI dill part ta the eemity that they
%NW lint! n laree : l ed II WI ti+ttlated .tot 4,4
Dry Goods, liardware, Groceries.
Queensware, 13oois and `lions . ,
Mill and,,Cross-cut saws,
and nit armies generally hepi in a country
sture. ethi,loh,y pre delerro.notl lo sell at pri
ces jo mehe it an object for porclAserp lo give
'hem n rn't
end country produce t In 1 X
..lionge tut gbode.
P ficuxrum„
Cll ['VS 1 . 1 A N POT
, . •
rnicp.slo - .3ucEn AND 'FIJI!: QUAL-
117 IV. V M
I. I IN ha ye Pa.! opened at theirN
lur• la lite borough Id ( Irtatteltl (Hie 01
Licht eel, et, 11:0,oCiaayal.1 - GO , hi ever
tifoa4lit• io untie riteittar al
umina, to their vtoei, of
.Boots and Shoes
Ifl ad litpinico %%Lich, they !Hive the lama) sup.
plies oh
ih:y {36'4ls. Crocerie.A. Queens_
.wake, jiardware, Nails, Glass,
Tinw4e, Drugs, Medicines, cs.c.
Which Ihty 4itend to Bell very low jut c.isit or
outory protlzqe. june 1:1.
Ills orritt n freelt supply of CIILV and SLA
soNApt.i: E ds at the Ctis:ArusT L'onsEn.
Sou t PArroN.
- _
~'aiioi iii; Establislitment.
Elunwer ma Fall Fashions for 19).
110 ESPI 1 TFU IL V informs the eitiz• ns cif I.:lear.i
lie:d Rod viinity that he is now currying oii
ine Tailoring busriess in uli.its branches, at his'
eci•hislice on cud street, where he Is 'prepared
to execute nil worlientriisted to his care with neat.
[less and ilcstalielv Ilie most reasoi,atile tern's.
aro regoilarly re•
co;iled from. New twit and Philadelphia, find he
OM it lent ul :Adoring , satiNluctitiri'th sill Who
dc6re 'heir work liein 'ls iltap, hishienable and
durable manner.
t N. It. [Allies liii.bito end Manile3, or Sacks,
made .or.emt ;91.114:1 • - .
Ino7,ll.ll..iiitp ,o i iiiicy proiluee (delivered) re
• roved in virulent D' Work, at the inorket priced.
I , ..
.f . ) Cliiarliel , l. Jim° 1 Itiso:
111 pcooott tjactiuct-raa:
with the got:owing properly, to wit:;
One Brown Mare, , one Colt, one year:
ing Calf, one Spri-ng Calf, on Burdu,
one Clock, and a lot of Oats in the
ground. • . •
An tho sant pupas. woe by too at
constatessalo on Inn . B.linsto at Silt Lick, Clean;
luly 12, lfp.,
it. P.
The PulNeri:wriins ulny Silh , Ftrr, S.timiner and
11::rin n ‘‘0.411. every h.stly can tin I every thin;
tlini n rea.mat.h. sisal. 11111
. Wllll% at wires s•ts red?,
unable that a grairnhlor't gratadds , .
1.'.3,d1 of Bridge, Jithe f'ji, 1830
ypol..,EsA rwer.3
iiiittrimaing Irma li'Vorlit
Flat bar 11..14 to in. by 3to I in.
• lb.
‘, sto fl do pr. lb. 31
Horse and Sl i de shoo " nit
Round &square from I toll in." 11
"I# to :V, in." 83 a5l
" to a in:" 3,1
4a . 4
4 5
11 ;
Band or scollop
1100 p from 2.! to 4 in. wide
2 ti)
Sheet No. 13 a 26
Nail rods, Juniata, -
Nails, 10a12a16a3or
t~ipilwo from 3to 6 in.
Hollow•wara eastiprs rm - T lb
Mill, Thrash hrti %Ai nes and '
other castings ; to order, 3a4 f
Cooking,Coal and otherStores,Orate4
&e. at Pittsburg prices.
Bit( N, PHILLIPS & CO, •
, Kittan-ning June 18, leso.—pd
(Va l atilliQUlt a
I . 1. -1 1 S. u t y y
i :% ; IO ;id Al l A ) 1i118 % 1: 1 1. 1 : 1 1 0 % u 'A l. i a Z tl i y %
jm4t vaose or pNivocaliwk •
This it", tlavrofure, to o aro all person; I roj p,lro•
no g her tot my ooroottt nu I ton deliquiln'ed to r
pny oo deb a of her mottr m , tin g alter tidy dnte.
STEwAttf. —
lieccaria tp.,Julie J, j8: 1 0 —pd A
rroJE hith,criber hcell npponiird 4'lll
el Or!)brim.' ('ollrl rwar!ivill county', an
door and aej,ot thr tnetnmentili
accounk,c4 Iletiry Ilegariy taw %VIII :11u1;en, EXEC , .
151.1.-euf the Imq t‘ i;1 and lestmumal
or. Awe lt
d. liereliv gee nidj4•o Met he ‘liltaf ir d
to .z.t,„ (iptios..l amir rirpomnrwil I 10801 We Int
borough of ( ",oarfit.lo. ui, A:u11,1,.y tlio August
next. et 10 Lt't. leek, a: in.
hPreiL): , lre 0051111 a ileltVCr?
the tub:withers. iu IliATuutidry busimisom•
dci the name of d:017. hag thus tinV beei
do,ndycd by Intim:o consent Phe boolw utiiNC
1 . 01/11IN are , in the 6itnds ot Da% id Litz, ut the Foutt.,
dry, Who is entitled to rcerive ullthe 316001,
thug' due•to tint lute tirtn. , „
June Id, ISO
Fan' •
One itroi ) E; Ytt t i n, se- tT•itg' i ptrovi!li h mutl
LlA;4,wittlielk%vrd n supp tor t
i Onb benrborit W i ntr.gtin, v6th boil, which trilibilt;'
scpbcret offer lyr evlle.yr) rtur ntaLle Irni: 1
A B!) k AIOORP.I I ±
Clearfield, Julie 12, 185 t, t l.
S J.II, IlleE „Litt . - 47 1'
, A':
1 'Attorney at Lair, ' 1'
~. . • :.;'.) ,-
s linviOg ; lorated himelf tit trio' boroughet
. , ..,
Cloaritelti, ANIII intend to nil legal buinicur
1,, col ratHictl toloo, with promplorrs laid litlylityt
C ()like Imo) doors eabt ill ibe Prolhouotat t Y 6
•S alive.
~,e,,,e.r.r.i...^..f...^."- . .r ..r...,.......r.e...e...r..r.r..r..r.r.4:
Barber !Rail* DlThSerl;nil
',lnspect fully inforjus thcreitizes of Clearfield 'and:
vicinity, that he %%ill ahead to Ilia ahoy° busintli,
Without injury to -hole or hair." llis.shup rt fdlfikr
routn . ,adjltintig LodeWe howl, tvbere.lie wAI ISL
(Lund at all non's. , 'Dive° %slag desire •lo hetarni .
unlsTriber.s. rtquested to Utak° arrangenienli
%sedum • '
B:lB,fitk • .
• - ,
rri'EtSof Administration Mr i ig be l. granp
t y
tot! to . Philip' Shtinatel oii" thq otate of 'As , ',-
tiraw StruuM lam ul Morn, tstwnship„ CleattlitiO I
county, II ce'd, all persmis inticittpd to said, Fifittil,
'must make inaneditim 03,111ei11, autrthoso aavin .'
demands agsmat thd sante uill presermihOin aur
. ko.
aulliefflicitted,lo, lo tienwiii. • • -.. ,•• 2...,... , 1n ,':':
' . I'llll,l l'_ SI j.D11 , - . 7- , r.4210) . h. t i;A
•' ' - 1
Morris towitAip,Jutie 19, '..,05e:. •
... _ . , "...W..1,...
.!or,r;klc. ntNAC the Store 01.
' • • 1S SA111'11; '"
CuiwensiiUto ,
• s- liUEY
June 8,1830
6 a 7
.Ittidlt9V'. iolicc.
W. B. SiinEn,•;ll
keg OA
" .
44 4 , 00
" 4 7 255
" . dik
" 5,6 D
" 4,00a4,50
• .. .- -A ,- • - •• ,,,,, ' ,