The Country dollar. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1849-1851, July 19, 1850, Image 2

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Second, along Second (including the inter
-Mediate streets to the NV ha r v es) to Callow
,. hill, and thence on the wharf to the fourth
store below Vine street. All the %% °ed.
yards save one at Vine and the art
- o,9nsurned, The only d y.e.;:s , .:l
wiis,g sloop in one of the slip.: neat' (
lo%vldll street. The telegraph wires and
posts of the Morse &. I luusu lines, were
Osttroyed, partially interrupting the coin
inunicittiou betweep this city and 1\(w•
The number of killed and• wounded, as
ii►t' ,Nve could ascertain, up to three o'-
duck, was as follows : 26 killckl and 66
The steamer Philadelphia arrived yes
terday afternoon from Chagres, yia.
slot], Jamaica. She left Chagrcs on die
110th June, twenty-four hours after the
steamer- Georgia, which took the mails,
&c., brought by. the Oregon from Sap
Francisco to the Ist of June. The Phila.
'delphiti brought about $2,000,000 of god s )
.dust on freight, and about $500,000 in the
4ninds of the passengers. She made her
outward passage in nine days, and has re•
turned in eight days and twenty-two hours,
Poth.being remarkably good passages.
The steamship Alabama, for New Or
leans, tell two days before the Philadelphia
sailed, with one hundred and twenty-five
passc.ugers, and about $500,000 in gold
The steamship Sarah Sands, Thomp.
son, was about 00 miles below Monterey,
on her passage up, taking in coal. A
number of her passengers left her, and
. ,procee4ad up to San Francisco by land.—
' These that remained on board -wei:e all ,in
,good health.
The steamer New World and Isthmus
sailed on the 2d of June, both full of pas
sengers. The steamship Oregon, on tier
passage down, met the steamship Panama,
.on the 21st of June, 150 miles below Ac
opulo,,bound to San Francisho.
The British steamship Avon, from Val
. paraiso, arrived at Panama on the 25th of
.June, with a large amount of specie.
The Alta California has a letter from
Stockton to May 22d. On the Toulumne
-but little gold-digging has been effected
siu.c.eiast, co along the banks. The gold is
lincle-r water, and preparations are Making
;by companies to darn the stream to get it.
'his work hassipeen actively going on for
live or six months. There is want of men
At this kind of work, and $8 or $lO a day
is readily paid. The diggings at James
town, Sonora, &c., have been partially
.deserted on account of new diggings dis
,,covered at Columbia, three miles from So
'nom; at the last accounts some 2,000 per
sons had collected there, and town lots
were selling at high prices. Sonora is
. growing very rapidly, being in the centre
,of an extensive mining, region. his like
-3y to be next to Stockton in size and •im
porianoe. 'Discoveries of rich placers
have been made in its vicinity lately.—
Some attic richest holes at Columbia are
30, -10 amid 50 feet deep. A serious
nut at Sonora. A num- ;
her of foreigners refused to comply
the law taxing thorn for the privilege of
.working the mines. A time was fixed by
the collector to summon a posse of Ameri
can citizons to . prevent them fromy.working.
The day previous to the • time/fixed, the
; lbreigners paraded the streets with guns,
-&c., and reinforcements of Americans
were sent for from the -neighboring towns.
. A letter from Stockton, dated May 22,
•" In the evening the sheriff, Mr. Work,
-was accosted-by a Mexican, who asked
)lirn if-he was not an officer, or the officer
mho intended to enforce the -payment of;
• :the license. On replying that"lie was, the
_Mexican made, an attempt to stab him,
:when a person standing: byi named Clarke
single blow of a bowie-knife, near
severeddais head from his body. Thir.
:Ay armed Americans soon arrived from
Mormon Gulch, and the whole American
: l population were on the alert all-night.
At - last-accounts there were two or three
:hundred Americans at Sonora under arms,
ttlitl others were 'hourly arriving. On
Monday the , excitement had sorneWhat
:bated. Hundreds of the Mexicans and
. , .
Chilians:were packing . up and leaving for 'theri, adopting ,the customs of' Califbrni
, Stockton... , Many of them disclaimed hav- an,, claimed as their property the•lndians
•' -' - '7 7 ‘,,trridinrY4ntenlign of resorting to arms, who dwelt in the valley. of tho J...akc„-md
--" I)ll eWit s ii-Olvte 'f . 9) l , 4., more or less fright- a y'car- or more 81/ICC, - With' whip and
elastritittat: ' ''' ~%' 'p?"Ulti i -'• tJt.onpears ritleS,-Orced 1;01110 hundred ofthem to the
„.„,..„..tat. rt . te .• llx," , ... :,,; 41: . • . _ • .
-- ......._VAMita•P k t jet ant ..0 i . ..: ieturho P 4cr. . . • 11k1St0 dtg, gold as ;slaves,whr.r ,,,, lfo
crssw• - 1 , 4 - npvi.:*, , ii , n d u . ,_,,,.,..r t ,.., 4 ~..t,. . .1 ) ,o_ Ai. ligh rt% climate and scar...,, • ..7" !
Tio sto t - ....„ riowsi 'LnPrP'47,l '',.l,.'irvi, - ner l 4lt4 t i es l;. oct i n ..,]Prli In al ~ . i ne
• ~t _ ...,--1 , 4 - . --,
""'",9•4‘.. 2. ;',. ' MOO t-' '-..44 .
~„ 4 ,
~. ..
'lliet 1 yLIt . rk no ; r idyiince a were
,„„e6 ..
A, e tat e l ".,:lontinent: .A:l4 us, A.Rgriri
-,.. t 4,
- to alit -
- vag i k._
--•,..... -*;',.
, A
ri.1"2:77:.r,' 7 - 7777 ;410 file maybe
'fiVe trdllions, or..A'il'"u'li eve r y house, but
said to -},/vc.' c 9 `of Second street, the
IlleAtilifirre of the city, fora dis
greatcltatOut seven hundred fect—rall the
IlkAre's on vine street, from the river to
second street, a distance of over seven
hundtcd.feet—all in:Front and Water sts.;
for a distance of about 900 feet, and all in.;
New Market from Vine to Callowhill. The!
district thus burnt over, comprises all the
p;operty fvoin Ridgway & Budd's to Front
street, doivn Front to New, up New to
11.0 N. V. Coorsvr, Jul) d
Arrival of the Philadelphia,
. ' where he sw , otl when a Mexican or Chili
in front of him drew a pistpl. 1,11 a Jae,
;meata dozen revolvers were out, and a
precipitate retreat was made by the for.
chillers. No shot was fireci,,hut the Mex
lic7ins were alarmed, and the town was
cleared in live minutes. Our , peace now
, seemed threatened by about - fire hinufted
1 , men outside. ::tal lii iiicolividr•rtiblt , :tlarrn
created ii, ;ovoi. 'f'he citi7.cre: nillied
1 theinsi•lvom, IWO (A )re: , c.:: tveir `^ut tie
/ Mormon croeli toitl Stillivrm'r. ti.i , .:gi1if, , ,.1,
l'roiri ‘lllll'h I•13'( -. ,l,otit five buildrcd ~ v, l l
arrnr.(l Amor'.cati.; I, rriv,,l,.htid . I nar.hod
'through 1 lir- :"..t rdets ‘i it h gonf; rt i a l riflo.3 o n
their r•houlders. '1 he ilemcillqtatii , ll ty,w
1 :; : i i1; :wi l t ; the c:ovb il in the \ ', , ..iniiv , :,'oca '
tikper-cd, :;i:d Oct map:. 1,;0'cir ,, ,1. 'file'
oil ly thing !,, be ti-,red is the iolf.-fi l ided ,
z oal lA' iit r OW ii ,A ci7xii.., v. lie; .iiiiiotif : , ,h
goi.errtlly.!, wi . ill the dif:content
00..::czioned hy Ow I /X, :Ire iIICCII,?Cd 1
111:11 the fore;rilerf., ,liul/Iti presume to 1:1!:f• •
the la‘‘ hue their o,vn hardy, and mat' f of i
he wi11m,, , , to allow the Mil& to rest v;il?ro .
It is."
The Calit;ein;,) pap: rc, contain accoupts
of Vf:r \•ocrious ,, lli!..i...!s. with the Indians.
1: ti. u;r , A% t:I,H,o;;;;, June 1.
Jim. riblc :41(1 fr .. 4ae./ . o/ ..trialia n.i. —We
have just received pat bottlers of the re
cent slaughter of a large body of Cleat
Lake Indians, by an expedition sent a
gainst them from the (Tuned States garri
sons at Sonouto and. Benicia. The tribe
that into treed this tort ible punishment coin.
prises the natives of Summit. and .\. t i ;: i
valleys, and has maintained, in ,;.•,, 1 1;•; a l,
undisturbed peaceful relation.; )) in illy
white settlers in that section or California.
Last summer, hOwever, a stuliburn I tidi:ta
otfarod an indignity to t In » nit ;done KA
sev, who had resided in 'the culnitry for
some nine years, for which he was taken
heifore a majistrate, and sentenced tu re
ceive one liteldred lashes. After this pun-
ishment--on the same dav, , we are in-
I . '
lorined=Kelsey sought the wretched of-
I fender, and laid hint dead at his feet, shoo
!fing him in the presence of several gentle-
I tact), who rumonstratcd with bias on the
.barbarity\of the deed. This man Kelsy
was afterwards murdered, as was also a
brother-iti:Viw, by thelnilians of the neigh
borhood. Since then repeated acts of vi
olence have been visited upon the natives ;
and our readers will recollect the accounts
which we published, a 112 w months since,
of the outrages committed in Sonoma and
Napa by a party of desperate white men.
The Italians were driven to the mountains,
and sybse9uently made predatory incur
sions upon their old nmsters, driving away
cattle and indulging their natural propen
sity- to steal. Complaints were made—
doubtless the accounts of their conduct
high!) , colored--to the garrison at Beni;
de and Sonoma, and on the - first of the
month an expedition was tilted out against
them, composed ofa detachment of infan
try and a company ofdragoons, under the
command of Limiteirun Davidson, (75 in
all,) with orders to proceed against the
Clear Lake Indians, and exterminate, if
Possible, the tribe.
The troops arrived in (it.° vicinity of
the hike, and came unexpectedly upon a
body of indians, numbering between two
and three hundred. They immediately
surrounded then), and, as the Indians
raised a shout of defiance and attempted
escape, poured in a destructive fire, indi-
I seriminately upon men, women, and chil
-1 drert. "They fell," says our informant,
"as grass before the sweep of the scythe."
Little or no resistance was encountered;
Mid the work of buteherev was of short
duration. The shrieks of the slaughtered
victims died away, the roar of muskets
ceased, and, stretched lifeless upon the sod
of their native valley, Were the bleedidg!
bodies of dlet:e Indj:lnr.• Nor 9eN, not . :
age was spared. It Was 01.7'.Ordor of ey.
t(qTriination felt - fully obevPd: 'Ffv-trr.(7:
reluinr-d to Mr' : , 1 , 6 ,,, ”' • 4 , 4101'1Q', I;,
theent, restored. ,
' l' , orn :he 1 . 1 , ,li , Ne... 1 ,, p, I
, terrible re:ribetion dell: out to the
India•mi at Char I.Dkr; h‘i the ;I , ,vernment
tk...,.,1; dertnvc more than n pissing r'-
mark. It is necessary to make thi.:tu
oar power; but it is our duty to :
them as human )beings, in whic!l II;t:I . re •
are hardly viewed in CalFornia 2t 1 7 , )•• ,e.
The troops returned t, .: , ;n:.:::• •-- it - i••
evening of the 2 . .? ti in .! .Ifvr a i:-.. , ..L---
if it can be ca,:,l si,,-./!-- -iu tt. hi t%) 'H
killed nearly 200 Indians. -
. A Correspondent—who is evidently vv..; i
informed as to the characters of the Indians
living in the neighborhood of Clear Lake,
and of the terrible cause of their late
slaughter—relates to us a set les of wrongs
inflicted upon these people which calls
loudly for • redress. The stuteme n t is
-vouched for as containing facts.
"The beautiful lands bordering on
Clerir Luke, or apart of them, were pur
chased a year or two since of the Valle,
jo tinnily,. by some brothers* Kelsey—An
drew, Benjamin, and Samuel; The bro-
! written paper, purporting to be from Gen.
'Smith, authorizing them to raise volun
teers and chastise the Indians. Some
twenty roving, hot-headed young men,
l.thouldered their/ rifles, and with the Kel
t evs departekthr Napa Valley, where, ,on
the farm of Fowler, they found a
number. of Indiane who .had hired them
stl verou'Air. Fon 1.2 r for the Auuner.
heroic bravery tin more.whisliey,
the‘' leviAled their rige.,3, ,eon stretch
ed 6efecn uinirttu.d, peaablo Indian') at
their loot, Luitlt their hu s, and ilarted
for f'lantri ta repeat their. deed:: of
'!'hey returned rat knit to :Arno.
Phot two there, nod having
achieved plory enough tbr the present,
' rented from the "toils of war," but nut of
Reieutly ; ,o , ,cvrit-nelit
troops have visited tho hike, and dealt ter
rible destruction upon some ll:Liu...lit: found
there, wno it is quilt; p,,sz.,lite sere whorl
ii nn( .• ‘ • 1 0. of art's r. - 11;d1ou, , uu the
wisiti - • thi"i Mu Indians,
cy vuond Ills
PAld ‘‘ . : l co are sin..
umigi:, 114!
(1111119 thus 1.111'.11i I.y
murder of so' many Lit 'ilia pcuj•;o, it
w,iuld not be surprising il, as 'opportunity,)
offered, they should be induced to follow 1
the lead c.. 11 their ei.llghteped neighbors,'
.ind take the lives of such %%bite men as,
foil intp thei;
.I-Ia Li’u l:‘=~;.zflwV-§l“b
511 323405. E} 's‘ E (534'
lir..,u.'t t',./ the :4: 7 cluar: cc,,cl Roast ol
. 1?( .
.1)/7'3( s Cont,,om it( atilt t: 2 l
Pel 7 / I sl l 'fr.'l, (feral ssc.whly met,
Constitution oft his Coo in ani weal t h
be second :.ection of the
fifth article, ::0 that it shall wallas ti,!lows:
, the Judges of the Suphapc Court,
sot' the 'everill Courts of (..!oninion Pleas,
and of such other Courts of Record as are
lor shall bo established by law, shall be
elected by au:qualified electors the Com
monwealth, in the _manner following, to
wit : The Judges of the Supreme Court,
by the qualified electors of the Curninon
wealth at large; the President Judges of
the severzd Courts of Coemien Pleas', and
of such other Courts of Record as are or
shall he established by law, and all other
Judges required to be learlied in the law,
by the qualilie 1 electors of the respective
distri c ts over %%Inch they are to preside ur
act as Judges ; and the associate Judges of
the Courts of _:oinnion Pleas by the (path
fied electors of the counties! respectively.
The Judges of the :Stipreirturt shall
hold their offices fur the term of fifteen
years, if they shall so long behave them
selves well,(subject to the allotment herein
after provided for, subseveiit to the first e
lection;) the President Judges ofthesevetal
Courts of Common Pleas, andof sucldoth;
er Courts of Record a are or shall be es
tablished by law, and all other Judges re
quired to be learned in, shall hold!
their ollice ler the terra of ten years, if
they shall so long behave themselves well;
allot* whom shall be commissioned by the
Governor, but for any reasonable cause,
which shall not be sufficient grounds for!
impeachment, the Governor shall remove
any of them on the address of two-thirds
of each branch of the Legislature. The:
first election shall take place at the gen
eral election of this Commonwealth next!'
after the adoption of this amendment, and
the commissions of all the s who may I
then be in olliice shall expire on the first
Nlonday of December following, when the I
terms of the new Judges shut! commence.!!
The persons who shall then be elected
Jud , es of the Supreme Court shall ho,d;
their grin ea as 10110 V ; One oI t h em f or !
three year's, one for six years, one :or
ran, one for tyve!ve one
tiltPtrt years, the e:rtt:
by 1 0 ( by the sari
let tin
Sil~! Cr:aii
II '^.", li i
i I. • , ~,, I.
anct• ,U,•;,
ti ~ ;~.,
. 1 j •
!o'. hi,
tl VII/.4.
J;:on '!
our e puttvawnts uy
tLe ..:.Jr,tittiic till the tivst Mort-
day of Decetuap.r succeeding die tiPxt gen
era l election. l'h , :' Ju d 6es or the tipreni , ::
i..:otirt un.l ilic: Preidents of the several
Courts of kAumnon Pleas shall, at stated
tirnes,receive for their services an adequate
compensation ,to be fixed by law,which shall
not be diminished during their continuance
lin office; hut they shall,i'6ceive up tees or
perquisites of office, not hold any other oi
-1 flee of profit tinder this commonwealth, or
I under the ,goVermnentiof the United States;
or any other State or this Union. . The
Judges of the Supreme Court, dur'ing their
continuance in office, shall 'reside within
• this ConmaniWealth ; and other Judges,' . IS . AAC SMITH
Iduring their continuance in office, shall re.
• —As Jam received n choice selee;lo of INE:1
•"" 4 ••'`‘ vithin the district or county for which
Muhll GOODS of tho latest Stile.,
vere respectively elected:
. ,
' Groceries, Boots 4-Shoes, Hats 4-. Caps.
. . ,
Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Glass 4.
P 3 1. 1 ' , -"r the House (21 Representatives.
~ Queensware, Nails, 800h , ,s 4 . station.
t V. BEST,
AISO,a •sti,
eery, Oils and 'cants, :Cotton yarn 4.c.
ail itind 9 ir .._
~SV,r,Wicor of the Senate .
~,J.:!7rqid vet% , 17- -.: ~.-;,, • • 0 Ido riot protend to untrue Joie o list of such
4 , cs ii d . •h' ' - 1 1 . ' , 4 ,,) , , ,
tailitit34l, ' .l, Lit iP'` '..-s vi i MBER, . goods as 1 have, fipt only a call aura per.
.. Ni • T,001•Me1ik,,,„,, sons wanting anythinrin toy line. 1 hove selected
r, --.--,.... T e r ......0i. soy stack for ilia convenience of ibelerinero and
a k. ,! l i , B 7 l ;V i i ii i iMPS 7:l74" "dm tri iit of iumberrocnoo which . 1 respecifoi'y inVito their at.
; sscr..---;..---1---P ? !1:441:4 4 %04 v (-4: .....,-,„..r . ,. -- • - n. , - I ! ,:te not wish !opt-ethic° any (else kn.
;;1t i .,•'..., --
. •I 'arse or 11% 1 ' ' IL : . - ~..• ~' -:, , (vortibing; 1 have detector:toil to sell
is. ',. • - I.;,d,Ourvvelosvip, than the 11111 hie BLIIIIUU ' Oda have been
:;‘, je ,,„ p ,,,i„,..., 1t y a.. ~, --.i...„ ...._,.........,
~- .
, , , 4 ,f, %it inity for cash or ontiine to pone.
gk''..s 4 r- xt _,slt , _ 7.7 ,,.4.a ., , d _ ., 4 , % ei; ( 6 ,
ti : r ft; l kft o ; 111.0
~tty 1 1 .: ..:
iiii Oa anCiliou,',- .c ,i ek . fiv e ,,:il d ) .. itl,
co ra di f hope to receive a
ippriotOrs, to t ,,,,„, ii ,• •
..; •
s ~......:-------- - • --, •
---- Ica/0 •
...,4* coltrnt:lB,l9:, •
4 a-, , ' o • ,
. 0 :1:. i
~_ • ' eXl ,. : . `, .
AIL ,,
;. . a CI I, :
tar Sto t t • '
~ ;Jrday • • d _
it ,`he ize 7 . ' xchangu fur godde
' . Nt'.';'• rfii; .. , .'..i• „'
son, as will appear by their votes on theFiiSlD! Fish!
falai pa.ssaL,u of the resolution, os follows, ' 114 D, :klar Lore; and Derring, I)3' the harrc I arid
viz : ~. 1 by the p eie, id the / . ‘,N. of
r iliw,e voting in favor of the resolution, hail; S3IITIT. I
• It:0 II al.
A. Jon ta Brooke, .1. Porter Brawley, W Ci)ritt)) ~1 eJiirit il.
__ _
liam .1. Crab!), Jonathan .1. f'unitinglinni, IRON Si, NAILS.
Thomas : - .. 1 ,. 1:t Ilion, ' flown!: U. Forsyth
rig l
lit: imincrilitoii tint e etiiedra (1
illy 11 1111110 a
Charles, l i "railt.y, Robert M. Frick, I lea
ry Pihr,,..,apply ui i ON ifiol iN411.5 id all HiZeg.
Fllltoll, .1111111 Ch, 011erlISey, William Ilas- la.
i I
i, , ita y t% ill i ell at 111 t• liilAi NI litiCi• 11)1 rash.
In IN. 1114 CON' if:, CO
lets, ,isms 1111A11..1. Ttlliollly Iveti, Joshua
.lime 120, rith
Y. Jones, Joreph li‘anigmaelier, (lcorge .....
....... , , 131
_, .
V. I,iiwren, - e,ilfaxwell Nl'ensliii, Benia- I11POICIAN1"1'0 SUNDAY SCHOOLS.
min iltalone, Be ililnlifl Ma i iiins, I Iva ry A. ' r 45. iii: hoffer.iglieAl is loop:mid do ••1111ply Sunday
Nruidenberp, William F . paehei , ;viiiim o EY s. hod., v%ith any goof.- iallilmliril by iho Sl/11.
K. s a ddl er :D i - or d ‹.• 1 B (...,,, day Si hied lii oil, al ill( r iiiii'lighe price!, !hod a
i ...Nil/ CC') , Feign • I It•
3 "'l'
Jl 1 II • • .t f 111 1.1 '
1 I) 3 . 1•Iii 1i•
%%11.111 rrr lowa '
very, Com od F.ThilnPr, Robert ('. Sterr Gt.() ett; -'. • •
h 1,14 IM.B I ON, Agent.
11)anici b ' tlitr . , Farris B. Strcetet John 11. rot A S.S. tialial
Waiiter and Valentine Best, ,S'pral,-er—
1 t.ittS '...! 9.
These voting, ap - iiiii,t the passage of the • lasolit, 86 NI:InIls.
ilcsolutam wi. it, tjeol o on Daraie, Atiguiitus IT the Plivairrst corn, il er fill be loatuf a large
I re Irma( iI of Iron 11 Niiii)l ai liw pro (.4
Drew and Alexander King—Naxs :1. • ll
1 - .. \ I 1 act from the Join nal.
C:orapoFt ilk% Joao 1•i
1) ;;:Ail.. 44 . . i l l' . ..\.iil:i()N, Cle Ik. - .
.I-; t lEL 11,,L;:in or 111:r unsr.NT Al IN. rr. ; At eifiiioPs Noilice.
1 ~ flu, ~ , bu r t .", ,ller,, I, 14, 1450. nr l il.. aniter•drarl, an Auditor appointed by the
I `)% illiiiiii ia,Ck,Chicl l s icrls faith() I louse 11 1) fithmiN . Coati of CI, atfield i wanly, In dews)
i,( 1
~,,,Itat iv
of I , t,misyi‘
own. do
, t ., ,,, ,, 1 i i.: i i i i r , : , , , ,, y ; i,..iii i t i l i .(, ti c it s . i l n l i t . l ,, l , 1)1 0 ( 1 11
IN i h i l i t i t i . : l l . ll l ::
I t
(. 11•t r , 11 11 1 1 ,1
In It'ld . A • • 11.1 L, That the foregoing ro ;oh'. I.i-irga lloovar, (let 'O, to iptif Hamar( those legally
lion, (N,,. 111
on ilia•
...i,, nan , fil e, an d N o. t i : , . i i i i t i r l n d , i , , t ~, 1 1
f) 17 ;e 1,1 1 11 , 1 0 1: 1 1 , 1 . 1; n 11 0 11 1, l i t the l .
i, (lairs
1 1 ,1. 0 71 1 1 1 1 , i4
7: 11)
211 on the House Join and of the pit sent align of C.earhithl, an Siitur l dt 3 l ' v n Illi• tf7;li .11113) nest
session,)sentatled " Iti . sollitions relative ie .) a1ien.,1,4 a ?win 411 'w.p.m.' lijoreded may it lintel
die amendou ut of Oa Cosistitution,--it 1 ,' ,L1.18 InwEsr, Aud'r,
Jul) Dlifi, Prio
being the haw.; resolution which W ft., a.
grccd to by a yriajoiirs of the niernbrro
(haled to each Ilout,c• el tlw lust i..r•griNii-
Euro— -afici lki%itn_.; li, iil duly considered Messrs. Ward & Silit.:l
and di ient,.;e I, was dn. da N :I :, irri.eil to IA A l7i . i 01 r
..) re•ipel !rid!) ioni,,,iiive to thin i ii
a rnajoi By of the Il tewl,. r , electol to and V,' V , 11' , 01 16C 11 , 1(1111E111/1 ( . 1( 1 :1(1L( 6 1,1 1111,1 if.,
.(I . ls. mg in the 1t 0 ,,„ .; ui Fi se „,„.„,„ iat i,„ miluir l / 1 1111111( I,,wdry, ilia !lie% 11,1%(1 I iiiiiiiielio i t
o f Ilvtinsytvatita, at i t ,
iii . i. „ ( 4 o
( 11 1 1:: , :11:1 1 1 1 1 e ph i e lai s r i i i t r : , f , b ri tA n t: l l:7 iy all it, 3 , 11 . 1°119 bran
N; ill appear by their Coles, uil en on illy ~„,i 4h
,k. ‘‘,nni.
or, Ahuh, Y .l " :::' , 1 . 1 , 1 . e : ) 1 ,1 1 1 ,,,, it i ' , ' e 1.- .,
final pab-,,lge of the resolution, ii, ii,ll.ia ~
0 1 . u ~ ... Ki
Ito% r store. tolir Niairr , i Flom a 1)1111 , 1A
%IZ: pi I &lye al Ow lig , inifo,l4 Ow) 1111111. f thritt•eke
Those ‘'oting; in favor of she passagi! of %lurk ..Howe.] it, !hum 1. ist
resolutition were, John Acker, John Alli- "`", i '" l ""' r i`i"" s ") .
ut rui,”.l, ,
sun, IV iUiatn Baker, Robe's Bald%\ iu, I/a
vid .1. Bent, Craig Biddle, Jeremiah Black,
!John S. Bowen, Willitup 4VI Pi`li
B Brower,.
Jesse R. ilunlen, John - N ' I: - ‘i he l in ' Ow r r• , , •Ip
nil, Henry Chur c h, J o h n N. ( Init rm.! Ne.%
ISvlvester Cridland, Benjamin 11. Dm to 11.• tittlitli
‘Crilliarn J. Dobl.i . ns, JaMes I'. Downer. •
Thomas Duncan, William Dunn, \
Espey, John C. Evans, William 1::‘ 1:1. ~ ""1"'".14 ""'""
Scutt Ewing, Alexander SFeathei, Jam, _ 111 ` . ''"
Flowers, Benjamin P. Portlier, A1CX:91 , 1.1 ur'111C:t411 . 1: ,
Gibbolll)V, Thomas E. Grier, Joseph E. m.iia le-ch., I,
Griffin, Just - ph Cruffey, Jaceb l 4 Halde- """' '" the """": Ad•ri , it% (-•
man, George 11. !fart, Leart I lart, %,‘ ..In,l• 'g S" •
lastiincs, 'William .1. Hemphill, John
Henry ' ) hiplet, Ls...‘ i Herford, Washni : , -:
I , eVl•rly ttn l pl,r,
!on .1. Jackson, Nicholas Junes, John \\ . -.1—.1 , 11.-1•• nnJ i•• of
Killinger, Charles E. Kinkead, Robetc : -;:1 , 1 1 ul lowlA. , ii.
Klutz, Harrison P. Laird, Morris Leech,
Tonathan D. Lec:t, Anson Leonard, 'Jame:-
.1. Lewis. Henry Little, Jonas R. ll'Clin-4 --
tuck, John F. M'Culloep, Alexander Q:
M'Curdy, John Nt'Lautddin, John M . Leisti
Samuel Marx, John B. Meek, :11iCheal
l‘lcyers, John Miller, Joseph C. Molloy,
John D. Morris, William T Morison, Eze
kial Arowry, Edward Nickleson, Jacob
Nisslv, Charles O'Neil, John B. Packer,
Joseph C. Powell, James C. Reid, John S.
Rhey, Lewis Roberts, Samuel Robisv , t;u,
John R. Rutherford, Glenni W. Scofield,
Thomas C. ScouPer, \Villiam Shatlner,
Richard Simpson, Eli Stiles . , IVilliaiss
Smith, William Stoith,llMiel M. Stay
ser, A. ,Souder, Thomas C. Steel
David Steward, Charles Stockwell, Edwin
C. Trone, Andrew Wade, Robert C.Walk.
er, Thomas Miatso,n, Sidney B. Wells,
Hirans A. Willsams, Daniel Zerby and
faint S. M'Calmant, ,Speaker—Yous tc7.
Those voting against the passage of the
resolution were, Augustus K. Coryn, Da.
\ id Evans and James NI. Pi :ter--Nays 3
Extriict Erorn the Journal
id !t
L' c 1 It z
• v
I ch, iiitq that the :t k! t:,r( L , ;,)
•u tlt,c an.: ••ir .C. ft ill. ol I
•i .
f;, ,cw . 111.1V1:
• - Cal/S•
h.) be affixed the !..ehl of the
Sueretury * s
Office, at Harris
burg, 'hi • fifteenth day of L.IK nun Dom
*Mu vne 1110:1S&IIJ eight 'Mildred and fifty.
Secret,, of Or Cummon ealth
Tolle 29,1656.
the Citizens ,of
and surrounding eauntry.
W, tiFNI;,1;;•
I ii f •(_• I,'
R I .l.k."1" ;
thc k.;chi•r,,t Asbt
1" lim;&• t, ;tll ,tfrit
"Pj 11 ,, in I u 11.4
NEW GO t?)
(.8,111:..\1 .4. 1'.1:14,11(
e;,.,. J... :26 1i450
11:1% P 11 1 1 11,1A1 11 •, ,, r1 1.11 11 1.
NC Ilif 11111,1 . . rit
ItM ‘1.114.. 1, 1 11 1 .. 111: . y VI 111111) 11/1111111/111. la
1 Ille 1 litt.•ll, .1. al 1,11 , •1 1111• vottilly thit
lAOI lir,d n larL, o ! acn, llrll! I. ol
r I )61 k, I aply. )CCrie:i7
(, ) _,I1C(IISA:11 .11(1()IS and SIMOS,
anal \vs.
illrl tot /1111111, ge111•1/111 1..•1•1nl 01.1,11111
)"41•1 !1•14 I 1.1 , 11 al rri
Cell I.) 11 ,:1\•
• 111.111 a I:13
, I Sr,, g•
(.111{IS n A:\ I'v'I•I A 14•1
I: .lone t!II.
11 - 1 tV. It %‘ , IN v.. 0.4
1 .
J o- mute If. ct,e burqugti z.I ( I.•Nrlirld.m.• Mt.
11? I. tr
!?;1111,2:“1 1., tlc 111 11,•if
(•ntio.ll • L 0 r
Suminer ;ind
fry' Grocene, Queens
*o are, I Iziidwilre,
JIIV:;i re, t)) ugs, Mediciftes,,S-r.
0. 'I, J 1 ri• I \1 lur 1'.1.11 Ur
pit.e 1 I.
t I
,/,s.,c l 1. 1850
Tailerisig Establishaniesal
Summer and Full Fashions for 180
lISPEC'FFULLY informs the airizt•ne of (leer-
IL field and vicinity that he is now carrying . on
lau TaPoring business 111 all its branches, at bib
residtnre au B,:eond street, where be le nrepared
to'clecu:e nll work eritrusted to.his care With neat
jjes3 and dt•spaicli, on the most rensimable term'
LVI'EST PASIIIONS aro regularly re
(-aired front • New York 'and Philadelphia, and he
feels confident of rendering, satisfaction to all who
dfsire their worh dune in neat, fashionable and
duralife Manlier. ' " "
. .
N. B. /Alies. Ilabits and Mtvitle.l, or 5a14.3
Ja.ide or cut t 9 L2rite'r . • .
. „
f6 - "Ali,4ifOlti of country produce ;di:livered) re
eeived in payment for wolt,at the riffirlivi prieva..
Clearfiel.l. June 14,1850: .•
TrA 1 1 A1;
r Oil • Salei •
IRTU , L. he sold at pritia:o sale, ou rcasuouble
One horse, One carnage; One Small
Wagon, Two sells of Harne,sa, Two
Saddles and a•Bridle, . • - •
Being part of the piopeity of the late Hoy: I'. 111e
finally, deceased. Any one wishing to pareliaso,_
can call on the Subscriber al': his office in thq her
dual' of ' etentfield, of at the late rCsidence 01" the
deceased half a mile cast of Clearflclill3rldge.
J. If. 51 Ex'r.
June 12. 1850.
All persons aro linruby cantioxied against mcd.
tiling with the foldowing properlyi, to :
One Brown Mare, one Colt, one year : ,
ling Calf,, one Spring Calf, pne Bureau,
one_Clock, and., a lot of Oats in .the,
.As the said property %vas purchased ,by ino at
constalcinalo on 10 8111 nist,, at Salt Lick; Clan ni
field county, ' • '
•:A.,,5. HUEY.
Ffenclqi!le luly 12, 050: , ,
.111ADF, cloil
Ty boo oelnUlloh•
curb ur i•otintry
B.. 11( .I.IIIC IS, 185()
E 44T01,1
i ~ 1 1 1 r, if,
AI h. tl.utihair 1111 I !I • I I
•,.- • fi t Lop o i ; y
• hill :NT PATTON.
Ari N I n! fd /11111'11 al • Illy •tura m. 13,
[:\G STI'VE.s,..SON, lurlf " "lily 'Els! pf
Clearfield Bradt:lL
1 4 alo•vt1 er 18 111.1er111111«1 ht farr i ki,
at prices mo.lcrala as lo Mika rt rlt interepl
1118 H.T1 . 1011 li/ ,11.111 :)11 hint. IN
r, irieilJ , aaa,ll:', lamp. a largerts,:
/.01'11111.111 01
Shops and
made 'm the neatest aka' m os t
substantial manner, and . to . be
sold at very low priees e So*
handsome Oil Cloths'for
Tables, stands, etc:' '
ISO Flaxseed-Oil, Pish•bil,
Varnish, White-Lead, Putty, -
• Glues, etc.
A iiSO7---Nai r is and Spikes, Iraq
and Steel, Fori(s, Spades, Sho:i
eels, Powder and Shot.,
Blue, Black arid Mixed
Broad cloths from *2 50 a 50 . 0 1,
Cassimeres 100 a 2 -s(i
,Sattinot.s, 50 al
Kent ucky Jeans, • Pf •
Bleached ntnzdin.-4,
1: 111 )1P4elked f; a
Cajleu4, 18
Sligae, Coffee, 'Fea, pices,
kinds ofeiyoceries, lush, Bacon,,
I lam, etc.
WILL lu• rit,l;y :111 flpeeinirra of 11 . 1
s , 4• Bomets,
‘‘ri, IN.-!(•111.\ —I rind QUEENS‘V.V,:C
nod ulhrr noirka trnr sientivions lo monion,
I min [rennet) IBA othern will fluid 31 his PRIM
.r.,,eitt niid MllOl S. WS, }kid t% nre 01 nil tits.
:mil ill tlitnr nerdetl thin lino (Alm.
Tho• ,iii,,l• Iri 1 , •)
It ft
eveiv 114,1 y eau lia I every thir4
11,.a a lea pri3hle t . llllll. ten* ; ,
:On gr11111b:t..
C ,41 net,' , r f., Jut,, Ibso.
N 1 1101.1....j,‘ 1.1.: PRICES AT .
illf.il4:titiiiiig Iron Waits.
Fltit leir lc. 11 t0..1.1. in. by .!. to 1 in.
pr. lb. 2i.
. - 5 to 6 do pr. lb. 34
i f Inv, : :Intl Mole t,lioe " 3L al
I It..tta.l &st i lton?. from I tol .', in:" li
" 1 t to 3J 2 ill." ' 3i a 53
t - .4, • to 3 in." 3.{a5)
• I land or scollop " 2; -1 a Pi'
• I loop from .`,q, to 4 111: is Lit: • 3:i.
i • t.t tog 4a6
I S lieet No. 13 a ::6 5 a 5'
; Nail rods, .1111 1 latn, 6
f Nailq 1 6:11 :la 1G:350a-10d. in keg $3,0
8 a 9
On 7_ —" - .4,00
Spikes fro n'3 to CI in.
I follow-ware castings per lb
Tlu•ashigr 11:whines and
other castings, to mho., :3a4
Cook ng,,Coal and other Stoves,(; rate!
LS:C. at Pittsbar! , priers.
u.n••r, 10 gins
1!4, 50.—pd
1 $ lIKHEAS. %t Nl:\ It S I'EWARr,
1 Itit my ht.,l find houd nithoilteoj
j 4,1 I/1 I hoc,uoiuin uhrovver.--
'l'hi+ lc, lo ton 411 perfallaS (ruin 11111.
lin her pro my nt an I urn
pay r o dr her Jlier ibis dye.
11 7 m . STEm'Air.
r lir: nppulntedbytht
to Midi!, find ICSlaMtill o /1
:111'011111 f Henry I leglrty rnr l 11'ai Mullen; Eta .
worm !Ile last Mill and t...taiacht nl John Ilrg
"'• liertthy r :liu! be aillo
11,_'T,01:110:1.111:11 his
11011111 1 411 01 • ... 4. g1../TI;4.•• /1(01. 10 a. in
purtnersily cusling beiw
1 11 the Holne.:ilier , . n, the Vuundry businm,
der the :e)lerc Litz, ham 11113413 y
veal by noihital ruii,el.l The books ctrl
,aunts ure of I)a% I.oz, urthe
liu in enoiled lu reeeivu ull the unkuotpl
:hem due It) Ili , latt. Coln
(hi b(rOfip lieb horsy lI aggon,iv Ii good bciiit
Paurnt Lock, and 10-Itectol a 6c arnprr i orahuW
°lie Pearhorn Wroge,c..), tt oh I,f .1, t% toe,.
oiler rrill4l,l,ahh ,
',EON A 1;0 c MOORS,
Jun, iv.. Ism). U. • •
S .1'
Attorney at Law,
Ilartog located Itiortsttl) w Ihu /tontoglieti
kill attend to all legal liotneta
entrusted to tent, with promptness and fidelity.
..011;..e ilooti + emit of the Prothunaturyit
S office. '
.1011 N 11F,NkVOOD • •
11:t rl)er lad 11 air lareSSCr
Itespeetfully 01 Clearfie
vicinity, that he tvill 'attend to the vatiovi) huh
without injury fu "halo or hair." His shop
room cidjutiting liolvt, where ho
nt all nines. %‘1,,, dexire tu '
subsefiberk. are n40(1414 , 11 to ',ludo. urrnageto
Juno 0,185 u. • ;:=
y EVIERS haring 1)0914
ted to .Philip *mond on. the e'snitis
drew Stroll)), Into of .Alorris inwaship„,.Clo l ,,:
county,,dced, all persona' indebted
must maliti immediate pay men I, nnirthose ;;
demands against the same %%111 present theta
authenticated fur suttletnent. :
Merida township, June 11,
2500VID A A l e s iunr ul 6 4 a ( io r' s . ni t e s s l iti e re l o wl
ui 8,1830. „ (i!r s ile l _ti rri nt;
AS CUBAP A , t .4-NY ~ IN me,
•,. • cousley, - , .
,Ll. 'IT .)
m; 3mm?»
A tadilotos Notice,
J. F. t% VEIL Aud't.
FOB t4A141;
" L;(,)