£1 11 Ii AR 1N 9 1)0 •X, YEAR:IN 1,2 DO Nopaper will be sent . to Mose Who 9 in advance after . the expirationof the e paid for. • O roll letters - on business .connected ,* 4 the ?Pee, to receive attention, must be , st pail.' • • he Exile—Smith,O'Brien—English Cruelty. The followiewarticlo appears in the Dublin Nation ' redeived by the last stea .:i. although• Mr. Duffy, the editor of the .;; • , tion, is a man'of perfect honor and truth, nd not, by any means, prone to exagger , ion, we confess our inability to compre.- ;;91(1' how the British Government can bo . •litilty of such brutality. If it be true, the hole World should cry shame at such at. • ious conduct. It rather surpasses the in. mous conduct of the wretched 1 - Immiu, hose bloodthirsty soul has been crimson :, with the blood of so many brave HO. arians. But even HArigne, we think, have scorned to heap unnecessary nsults upon his, victims, and to lacerate .. heir minds and bodies in a loathsome 'risen, by a slow and malicious process mental and bodily torture. Mr. O'Bri `:n is a gentleman of the purest and most : . chivalrous character—the ideal of his fam ly, friends and country. His humane exalted character—exalted by cour eige, honor, bravery, fortitude, patriotism, nd a zealous philanthropy—has won for `-him the respect of friend and foe—ofnear. y the entire British That such man should have been conveyed across e ocean, in a prison ship, to a penal - Olony, is bad enough. That a husband -nd father should he thus separated from' iis wife and children—his home and his riends—is deplorable in the extreme.— •ut the idea of subjecting Mr. O'Brien to course...el degrading insult and con turn e . wanton, unnecessary and maliciously el, such as he is described in the Na- I Elm n :' y ,UA 7r7 1. 1.1 1 1 4. glut• E 331 ; 1 ■ -,.,.... - ci f. • r•• 1 1 , . - 1":11, g. .1 :''' i' 1 i.C lO 4l s . 4 01_ (Nit ,',. ' PO* 1 '' Y '' .'“'l , . "I` Y~ y^. .0 0u erob A • tesetved - 11 , to be compelled to endure at "Maria -', • 'nd " is indeed wicked and disgraceful, ,f• an deserves the scorn and contempt of ),-'t.;.:. t fevery decent man. The British aristoc ,''l:iracy are answerable for this crime, and is this and kindred crimes that will Ai in, ,elsefes To If [ i !L !! •' , rnalce the day of retribution rapidly op an ordeal of fire and blood for Ahem. The next (*rent popular movement in Ettrope—certain to happen lfefore long will, we hope, reach England too, may people not leave a single head for a down or .coronet in Great Britian and throughout the continent ;—Pennsylvani :,:;.f: ttigned. ther it • OGRE. "Cruelties the most terrible—cruelties which maddens to think or, and shames to mention—are inflicted upon this de fenceless man by the executioner ofilritish Ea _ -; vcngence. ... 4a4 )1 ;:, Ile is caged in the closest solitary eon t'smat, • [ :a linement. . His food is scanty and loath- Ma'am* '- eap o r. , ,, , v some. He has no comforts, no attendance. 0.444 (0,... .a;gl:' lie never sees the face, or hears the voice ~,,,„-; • . 4 .4:1 of a friend. Ile is denied the common ft k Vl ' 44 . requisite% oldecency. For months he has 1 ilri i m - ..,, no n allowed a change of raitnent,.or AT IT p mn e his dress -,, . g • . .: ,stioned, disputed, dis ,,,,:r ii‘oe• f-*•-• tiontxot : . v believed. o . wonder ; tor it is monstrous 1104 - 0, and incredible. But we write every syl or invArr• ~,,i.: Oilirptarid '%- able of it on the authority of one as Inca. PamP4 loo, -IV gable, of falsehood or exaggeration as of woo? au 1:0 i" • OW eau , J. murder. It is the literal truth. ittSimovo, ~ !'.r 4 Wait. 12i4 In solitude, in privation, in filth, in mugs, '''''"" ; lives this Irish gentlemanthis noble man ~, 'll,t! —who lost his liberty, home, family—all 'li f Ireland. ia .o- -- , T. -.•._ . fff lor 'rota.. t. ", Nor Is this the whole.: In the foul (Ten 0 . 4 ;„..- where he is thrust, like a • chained reptile, / Apo one gnnarmis Wrl. of the ago of' ten yea is, cne•Pek daughter of the Governor, sought, with tilt' ' a " s4 •-f - V• instinctive charity of her sex, to solace the ~• 1 'a a :' , ' 4, :, captive's core, and lighten hissufThring, by ii;:iii , 4 11,„ '• kindly offices ; and forthwith, on pain of now privation, O'Brin was forbidden 1 . • wer of i• ? me * au .' ever to speak to her again. Ho lost this 4 1,04- ,-,..„Pc 14 . ' ....: innocent fiuniliar, whose childish beauty t - ..' :' il r i and guilelessness, perhaps spoke to his ~ ift;,i„„: „ I , i,', father's heart of the orphan'd darlings tffriti 4 who weep for him at home. ;3 1 I P. tci ' What multitudes have melted into tears r;,;` , ." " . 414 ") . over t . 'rylncident, in the prison rev , elati. se" ---- livio Poltico. And here we have i' • • - .11 the life of a man from'W ' - - man creature ever suf fered a wro L . 1 .These atrocities are. inflicted by the Governor of Maria Island ; an official whose brutality has'earned for him, in the colony, the title of 'the . 'The Black Ser ipenti'''. a tyrant whose name is a terror, and whose presence is diapair of the hap less victims of his infernal cruelty. i N. In this monster's power—tortured, out raged, maddened— lives y untryman the son of your Itinglies ••theten ,erous patriot who fought a II for you and us all. . . . Is this lawl . Is, this, justice? Who is so brutal hinette to'Cidend such barbarity? .' WhSt partisatt ofßritish 'rule—what rep resentative of Britsh authority---darn. stand up in these islands and vindicate this: dark ~, cowardly, and ' hellish persecution.: , 'Does the law. Of God' justify y it? Does the law of man ordain it? Will the peo ple of England sanction-it? Will the peo ple ef, Ireland:endure 4,...- , ~; , i! ...... It is a crime-horrible enough to . provlip e indionatiOn of humanity. What-Min ot' if the burning ,ManhoodOf Ireland :a 7 rose in :,arrnS•against the government that thus Sins against judgement and our race —that thus truirders,','bY '-sloW degre . nS, ' our brother—the stainless, • licroic .C.-litim ;, viol of our liberty, ,,. , ,, 2 „ , , . ',,, ..'... Men & Ireland!-and let 64,Ufilitigt, cthe'tinitf- and the eternity, witness the ~fiolertinitY and truth of our invocation ! f ‘_ Tia}! ,recom- -Pre' ,thitka almf. PlPr**o I ), tit 0, Editor,* Proprietor. 2)