liE I mommumummimmisionmi THE m Rn El - PUMPKINS FORA LOWS. 'We have off j ;_.-da the . attention of great value of 'pump= readerf c i '- e t ,o 7 rvs and other stock: For ' kinl -P' - - mer, they arc paticultirly valuable, ti--"` ..•-riS we have often proved from our own experience. When of the rightlind and well ripened, they are a sweet, nutricious, and succulent vegetable, easy of digestion, and much relished by animals. `mac nave f6und that a cow, giving 'rr QUARTS of of milk per day whorl, .g.i.i with hay and pumpkins both ~..,ruing and evening, in addition, 1,..e suddenly fallen Away to Fl o, ..nen the pumpkins were withdrawn, dietigh the full . allowance of hay was con tinued. Their great merits for this pur pose are every where acknowleged, wheel properly observed.. , Them is no vegetable more easily rais ed thati the pumpkin. It requires a rich soil to produce abundantly ; and what crop does not? It must also be light, porous, and dry. ' Pulverise the ground thprough ly ; and by thoroughly, we mean, plough deeply, and with such a plough and such a ploughman as will crumble the soil as it passes over, and after it has left the mould board; then harrow, it' there be any clods' requiring this operation—though we have seen land so evenly and so well bloughed, so effectually mellowed, that an immedi ate successive operation was entirely sii- i pernuous. • kite preparing the land, and allowing it to be well warmed by the vernal sun, mark o the rows six feet apart each way, which with a marker 12 feet wide, and containing three teeth, each six feet apart, is readily done by a horse and a boy.— Then, with the fingers only, stick with the small, or germinating end downward, eight or a dozen seeds within a circle of a foot, or drop and cover with a hoe. This forms a hill. A single vigorous vine is sufficient for each hill ; but as the seed may be saved with little trouble, and it is vory 'subject to kiss from cut-worm and other casualties, it is better to have an a bundance of it, and the supernumerary young plants are easily destroyed by the hoe. The principal cultivation may be done with the plough or cultivator. The soil requires to be kept loose, and the weeds down. A light hoe, immediately about the vines, may be occasionally required to lighten the earth, as the young plants are too ten der to bear rough usage from the teeth of the horse machines, or the overturned clods. _ Some persons imagine that if the roots or hills of these or other vines are kept light and clear of weeds, it is sufficient, and that they may run indifferently over hard and barren earth, or a grassy sod. But this is a great mistake, and in two ways. First the joints at each leaf, when in contract with moist, finely-pulverised, rich soil, will throw down roots, which, like the main ones, draw up nutriment for the support of the vines ; and second, the vines and leaves themselves absorb large ly through their pores, frosthaescending moisture and gases, w ( iel are constantly given off by such soils But for theso aux iliaries, a pumpkin vileN stretching out its polypus . limbs for 30t' 30 feet in every direction, as they will sometimes do on a genial soil, when not too crowded, would have to suck in water at the main root, as rapidly as a double action force pump,,or a Croten .pipe under a 50 head pressure, to supply enormous evaporation of its broad leaves and leaky stems, in a sultry sum mer day. Pumpkins are generally a made seconda ry crop in this country, are stuck into the hills of corn or potatoes, after the first hoeing; and under these circumstances, tfie' yield.' is frequently very large. But we aro- !Satisfied, that planted as an exclu sive crop, few, will bo found more advan tageous, for early feeding, than the good, old.fashioned, yellow field pumpkin. 1 - American Agriculturalist. / DRUG AND VARIETY ...... : _ i ___. „iak. , _-__ STCPRE. „, , ...w C. D. w n A n -i.s .rin , ,o .to respectfully his friends and the public gcoerally that he has rem°• ved his Drug .tore ono door north al the Mansion House, on 2d street, directly opposite Bigler dt co's. store, where lie hOpes by strict attention to bu sine to share a liberal portion of p::hlic patronage. lie has just returned from the city, where he se• leeted niood and extensive assortment of Patent Medicines, Drugs, G roee- TO MAKE DIFFERENT INKS. ries, Confectionaries, Oils, and Paints and Dye-Stuffs, together JAPAN WRITING INK.—Boil feu; oun ces of logwood one hour in six quarts of with a fine assortment of Toys, water, supplying the - deficiency as it Stationary, Perfumeries, and wastes ; strain the decoction, and add more Fancy articles too numerous to water. to make the quantity up to five quarts ;ifit be deficient,. and while the mention. iiquor is still hot, add twenty OttllbeS of nis awl; of Drogs and Patent 111edicittes consist in Aleppo galls; four ounces or sulphate of P au °I rho following ' Davis' Wild Cherry Epsom Salts, iron, . previously • calcined to whiteness; I and Tar, Sodas and Acids, three ounces of brown sugar, six ounces Davis' Horse Lini- Oils and Tinctures, of gulp arable, and half 'an ounce of ace ment, Rhubarb and Aloes, tate.cif copper, set the vessel past for four- Husband's Magn'selßoo . ts and 71as, teen da, frequently agitating it, during* Patison's ,do 'Opium 4- Sulphate, the above time ; then let' it stand at rest McAllister's OintnetlQuinine 4' Caustic, Feb. 20, 1850. till the coarser parts' have fallen to the bot- Jayne's , Pills, lealomel, tom, then pour offend bottle for use. . NEW sTon ai: Wright s do ~ IValerian, AND WArrino line Take of finely bruised Lees', do 'Verily/uses and galls three ouncesi • sulphate of iron ono Peter's do &nna, aala a . 1p a, (E 1 al l 0 ~, FRESH ( -ARRIVAL. , _ ounce, and of vinegar one quart ; put these Tho nt pson' s E yel Poorman's Plaster, mug subscriber has opened a store adjoining • - a bottle, and agitate them Water, 4.c., 4-c., ' JL David S. Adams!, half a mile cast of the NEW 6oe IDS Ingredients into occasionally for - twelve or fifteen days, With all the other Drugs usually kept in a country f Bridge. where he has on band a large 21 the Citizens ofCurwinsvill and sla g and well assorted stock of then let the coarsemirts subside and pour Drug storo, rounding Gauntry- 3 „ r id for use: - , 7 V,, ' .. onisimummtustyges o at m Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, ti in., .Ntii.l.4a , drie- ,!... , _ ISAAC SATI'I'H 1 ",• 1 4ic66, , y3,,gzdti - ittri ieitinai r to become • tint stock of Confectionaries Perftimermaiss Q ueensware, Boots and Shoes, . 8 p.- 1 ---• .—.- ~• - • -et. ...- •, - . c . ' h 1 Mill and Cross-cut saws, .„ GOOD'S lIAS just received a choice selection of NEW . ,t3w t , u mos t extensive ever .. brought to tile place id's Ptt...ww1.40 flit i : find' nil hscii44. -'•-• of the latest stiles, -io • hey were inflected with the utmost cure as to tlll:2 — ‘.. ! 1 i ti...„„.., rs.N..T• . .•,ii: - t* , 7. and all erticlea. generally kept in a country ' o, ' -- roti l / 4 „,.,, , ., ,; 4 • e - t., . Groceries, Boots 4-"Slgies, Hats 4' Oa s. P store. which he is determined to sell at prices to 'Ui.e. 'rti r v • -sl,. j oys, etc. ...,. ~ . din t et -'• • "make it an object for pOrchasers to give him a Hardware, Cutlery, C s Ochry, Glass 4- 4 `to 114 ,;.- ~...•i des Articles. why ,tho tilatostbouti4 • call. Annexed aro iho prices of a few articles: Queensware Nails, Book;,. ej- Station ,. y ~. dir ,, , ''; CountryDollur would nut begin Blue,. Black and Mixes . - . ary,Oils and d Paints, Cotton yarn (pc, I do not pretend to enunioattie li list of such .."."•:. ~•p A'',t ti AN Z* 74 il a OZIP '' 'LC il k ' Broadcloths from 02 50a 500 goods its I have , hut only ask ti calf Isn't) roe ,. , ,• ' .-.••• 7.• - -.4 I y lit • -, ' 'tab _ 04, / , in k , g‘l ~ 'I , ~ ' rery superi- Cass) 1 00 a 2 60 suns wanting anything in my' line. I haves : elected ' 1.. ~,e , ,, „,. ~,, 't_a of FISH, of . .meres . at. „,.., my stock for the convenience of the armors and 't • 4- •90 l• ; •W by the Sa.ttlliets, • ,;„ ,;:- ; . .i51,6n.- ke r s -tklr, '..fe - ans, . ' 50 a . 1. uu lurnberiacn A to which I reatitetfoo invite their et . ~ t , eat 374 . tention• I do not wish toproducti any false im•• e,„ i .„ A. -,,.,..i.e pressiuns by advertising; I have determuied to sell • -';., _..' i t . • , , f , ••?. A' 1 .... .. s "is s _ .. 447 ..' . • - 'l4” c ~• .;'a, Jea/111 494 ‘;" iiiL\r n .„ 47 , Z.. 47 ',r ;kat ' ' ...,Etvor pricce ition the same goods have been ~, took 114 'it . wt,ii and by ibis moans .hypo 10 re c e i ve u ate " • o.'l iii ii" "54.....4 - A k .....,e1r'i,. 4 ,54L45ka - • rl "-ljliartsil this vicinity,for cash or oft time to putic• "" Mil inyozo' -- . '''(,-°' • ..--- -' -. , ..,,,, 0 . ' 1 name , s pa ronage. , . , .. r' t ! 6nst idiktled; ig irta 'C iliten . tu elating', fur goods :. 1 . 1 1 1..ii ii ~'O .4' N. N , . ".. , • . 4 I- .. eats k . ..‘ . 'S . 4 1 0( Bide'" meat. atilt) o r 1./ttipiteilitit' -•. li, :.. in -i' — l ll . l . .; 1 ,vitto, SMOKING CHIMNEYS. Colonel William Mason, of London, in a I igiter-to the Builder, says; "Ipave built many chimneys in all possible, situatons, and havo found,.One pleb every. where succeeded, The.secret being to Con struct the.throat of the chimney, or that part of it just above the Are-place, so Small that a man or boy.din scarcely pass thro' it. Sccondtr--immediately . above this, the Cl);,uney should be enlarged • to double it., width to the extent of about two feet in height, and then diMinish again to its usu al droportions. No chimney that I ever constructed• thus smoked. • It will - not do to hoe a great field for a little crop, or to mow wenty acres for five loads of hay. Enrich the laud, and it will pay you for it. Better farm thirty acres well than fitly acres by halves. CHOLERA IN THE WEST.---During the week ending May, 20th, there were but 67 interments in the city of St. Louis, only 0 of which were from cholera. At Keokuk, 111., 3 deaths from cholera aro reported.— At Grasshopper Creek, on the'California road, the cholera had broken out in the train of Dr. Clark, and up to the oth of May a number of deaths had occurred.— At Weston, Mo., Major Jacob Judy, of Ed wardsville. 111., died of cholera while pas. sing through on his way to California. He was an estimable man, and was formerly Register of a U. S. Land Office in Illinois. DIPORTANT DECISION.—The County Commissioners, for some years past, have assessed upon farmers a tax for their oc cupation, for county purposes. Objections having been made against them as illegal, a case was stated for the opinion of the court and argued before his Honor Judge Gordon, by Messrs. Filbert and Snllade for theeounty Commissioners, and Henry W. Smith, Esq., on behalf of the farmers. On Friddy last, the court gave judgment for the defendants, thereby deciding that it was illegal to tax farmers for their occupa tions.—acading Press. A NEW RELIGIOUS ORDER.—TIIO Pitts. burg Gazette of Friday says : On Tues day evening last,a young lady was ordained in the English Lutheran church, in seventh street, to the office of deaconess. Deacon esses are a religious order of women in this denomination, who devote their lives to various occupations of charity, and take vows of celibacy for this purpose.— The order has been established for some years in Germany, and has lately been introduced into this. country. This lady however, is the first who has yet been or dained. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY. MIMS Institution will be opened on Monday the tiled of June next ter the reception of pupils, males and females, under the management of the Rev. Altus T. MF.RWIN, assisted by Mrs. JAMES ‘VItIOLEY, of this place. The course of instruction will be systematic end thorough It will embrace all the branches genet.. ally taught in our hest Academies, or High Schools. The manners end morals of the scholars %s ili he strictly attended to. The Trustees, de.irous ufgty. ing all an opportunity of obtaining an uscliii edtica tton, have made the terms of instruction nu low a. can bo reasonably expected. viz For instruction to Reading, Spelling. Wri• ting, Parley's Geography and Mental A ritnnactie, per quarter, For the same branches, with Geography. Grammer. History and Arithmelie, 3 00 For the same. with Composition, Astronomy, Rhetoric, Philosophy and Chemistry, 4 50 For all the above, 'Anil Latin, Greelt, French, &c , a c., 8 00 S gnetl, RICHARD SHAW. Pre&itleni of the Board of Ti ustees Attost.—JAMES WRIGLEY. Sec'y. May IS 1850-3 m Auditor's Notice. IN the Orphans' CUM of Clearfield vi counlY•j Of May term, 1850. 0„moon of W. A, WALLACE. Esq.. John' W. -Wright, Egg:. was appointed Auditor. to -multi and, rOportdietribution of Amen' arising groin . real and hands of of James Lord, deed, now in the hands of hls-Administiqton • r Cern fie-I fromYonord, 15th iony,. 1830. • O. C.. . LL persons interested in the thh a ttibutien. the AL estate of James Lord. deed,' wiff 'please . take" :wilco dint I wilt attend to the duties 04 , t1i0 ft ore. appointment, at the Prothonotary's o ff ice, in Clop.. field, on Monday the 10th day of Juno next, ut cluck, P. Al„ of said day. J. W. WRIGHT, AWN. May 16, 1850. Settle Up.. firflE subscriber being desirous of settling. up his old business, requests all p,ersons,having accounts with him in any form, to call immedi• ntely and intike settlement and save COST RICHARD SHAiV. May 2, 1850. MEDIUAL HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 15 YEA%AGO IsY DR. KINKEL N, North-West corner of Third and Union streets, Between Spruce and Pine streets, PHILADEi.PIIIA. fEEN YEARS of extensive and [minter• ir ruined practice spent in this city have ren dered Dr. K. the most expert and successful practitioner far and near. in the treatment of all diseases of a private nature. Persons nflicted with u!cers upon the body, throat, or legs, pains in the head or bones. Mercurial rheumatism. mine. tures, gravel, titmouse arising horn youthful ex cesses or impurities of the blood, whereby the constitution hoe become enfeebled, aro on treat: eil %kith suctoss. lie sho places himself under the care of Dr K., roily religiously confide in his honor as a gen nnd confidently roly upon his 'Mlles a hysicinn. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE?::'!- Young men oho have injured themselves by a certain practice Indulged in—n habil frequently learned" from evil companions or at school—the effects of w hich ore nightly felt, oven when a• dicer). and destroy both mind and body, should npply immediately. Weakness and constitution.. al debility, loss of muscular energy, physical las . . allude and general prostration, irritability and all nervous nffections, indigestion, sluggishness of the liver, and every &seam in any way connec. red %%lila the disorder of the procretilive sanctions cured. and full vigor restored. -T YOUTH & `.IiIANHOOD. REAP' A VIGOROUS LIFE, OR A PREMATURE DEATH KINKIELEN on ,Self Preservation ONLY 25 CENTS This Hook jail pufili,hed is filled with useful information, on the infirm:vies and diseases of the Generative Orono. It addresses itself alike to YOUTH, ItIANIIOOD and OLD AGE, and should ho read by all. The valua ble advice and impresaive warning i: gives will prevent years of misery and sufTer• ing and save 'annually •Thousands of L.ves. Parents by rt!ailing it will learn how to pre• vent the destruction of their children. *.*A' remittance of 2,5 yen's, enclosed in a let ter addressed to DR. tiIAKELIN. N W. clone! ol THIRD UNION . tree's, between Some, and Brie, PHILADELPHIA, i I ensure under envelope. per reittro of wnil.• Persons ai n dtrowee nia ) a l ;re s D K t• le,. it Immo PAUKAGEs t F EDICI•4IC.I DIRECTION.. %%wiled rtus !twice nila put up se c ure from DAMAGE or CliftlOSl ry. I‘lo%‘a Agents, Pedlars, Carivat• sere, and all where applied with iheabavc work at very IoN 'Theft- . may 17. '5O--ly EEE3 LUMBERMEN, LOOK HERE, 6 , ; '• IIE subscriber offers pi sell a lot of first rate i 42 OAK and PINE TIMBER, mending. situate in Moms township, on the Philipsburg road, one hall mile from the Now Turnpike, less than two miles from the Mushannon creek. and eight miles from the river. It will be sold either by the lump or in lota—for cash—and it reasonable time alltmed for taking the timber offihe ground. Morris April ISSO, Bacon, Clover Seed, &c., &c., FOR SALE: A i THE STORE.: OF LEONARD & MOORE. Clearfield April 13 DISSOLUTION OFpartnership. The partnership here wiuro. existitig between Wm. Radebaugh & R. F Ward, in the Tailoring business, was this day dissolved by mutual consent, l'hercture all persons knotting themselves indebted will please come forward and make payment without delay to either of the subscribers. `V M. RADEBAUGII. It. F. WARD, May 1,1850. To Collectors of I S5O. ALL Collectors of State Tux for the fr ae . l7 l. year 1850. ho pay into the Treasury of Clearfield county. the whole ain't of their Staid tax bolero the first day of July, (1850.) will be 'milled to a discount of 5 per cent. upoii tho amount so paid iu, in addition to the per centage usually allowed. By order of the Commissioners. H. B. BEISSEL, MOSES THOMPSON Drugos, Diuks. tr HE undersigned having received tared) sup ply of mediCines of all kinds, and of tho•ve ry best quality, oilers. them to - the public at small profits. for He has on hand among oth ers, the Genuine Cod Liver Oily boll, t White and Brown,, Husband's Mag. nesia, a very superior article, Colodion, Iron by Hydrogen, 4-c., 4-e„ and in ilort everything usually kept in a Drug Stbrp. Ho oleo that all articles adios for the sick, of the very bout quality, such us Barley, SagoLTapioca, Arrow-root, Oat meal, Water' 4, isciaa Crackers ' Irish 4' Iceland Moss, and an article of Choco late preparedfor the sick. 110 cuntihues to hoop on hand on ossottment of TRUSSES, Surgical fristruthents. &c. .ALSO. on assortment. of door and colored 'SPECTA CLES, Points, Phiht 13rushes, Sash Toole, eic., oto., 01l of t.s !doh yv ill ho disposed of low tor Cash. LIENny LORAIN. Altly 4,1850.2-3 t MANSION NIL' s H OUSE , CLEARFIELD, PA. LATE of Curwenscillo, respectfully informs the public that ho has taken tho twos° well known TAVERN STAND, Situated on the north-west corner of the Market Square, immediately opposite the court-house, where ho is now prepared to accommodate tray eller.' arid (parch in an unexceptionable manner. 11;s Table, Parlors, Bar and Sleeping Apartments, Will be found at tenet equal to any in the place, and will be attended with politeness and punctu• ality. The STABLING is also ettenstve, and will be arerully attended. This HOTEL is situated in the most central and business part of town, and at present ei,joys a patronage second to no other in the place. Having had many 'years experience in keep. ing a house of public entertainment. Air. Evans hopes to render perfect •utisfnction to alt who may favor him with their custom ; and he is de termined that no pains shall be spared to render them comfortable. fits bills wt.l he moderate. and liberal reductiuns made to regular hoarders and transient visitors. April 10.-fgRF-3m. WARE-. HOUS - E. jr I'ON respectfully inform Re & IL/ the inerchanto and (-amens ui geuerally, that they have rented the largo WA RE.IIOUSE, situated on tho Canal, In Milesbnrg. and formerly neenputil by Burnside & They are now fully prepared Mr business, and GOODS OF ALL KINDS Carefully stored and shipped on the most rensona , bie terms. up.f 3in. TIN AND SIIEET-IRON IVARE L utv ljazc Gl Oscar B. Merrell t. 41 it, Tinning businees to h. borough of Clearfield, would respeet• fi:OV . 11:1,111 Ole publir that lie M. , riulacture ker p .41 hand a largo and 'general assort. lot 1.1 ot • 'Wail' 4.5110. ca,I2III4)ET W?4,W.1.1ta attao which he %%111 se./ 1.11 cheap ior CASH or approv. ed trade as an ) oilier establishment in the coun• ty. JOB WORK of all hinds done on the shortest notice, in the beat mariner, and on very reasona ble terms. `Ms may t o found in the shop formerly occupi• ed by II B. Beige', on Market street, East of the Court lioneo• Clearfield. May 2 1650. DISSOLUTION OF partnership. Notice is hereby given that the p.,rtnership hereiefere ey toting he tween Joasrn & ALEX. SCOFIELD. in the woolen manufacturing business in Union township, Clear field county, is mutually dissolved. All persons ins debted to said firtn arc requested to call and settle their accounts at the Factory in said township, where the books are telt to the hands of A. Sco field, and all persons having' claims will oblige by presenting them at the same place, Josnrtr — St 4 non...., ALEX. SCHOFIELD. May 2, 1850.—pd A Valuable Farm & Lumbering Eslablisbmen For Sale or Rent. nn HE subscriber oilers to sell or rent, his well known and very salunble real estate, situate in Covington township, on Sauey Run, consisting of 200 Acres of 'Land, Sixty of which aro cleared and in a good state of cultivatiort,the balance timber land A Sow Mill, Grist Mill, (ono pair burrs) a large and commodious Hewed log Dwelling Hausa and Barn, a frame Sono House, and a Blacksmithstiop, and other out buildings, together with a YOUNG tj- • THRIFTY 4,1140' rt. APPLE f.- ORCHARD, in a very flourishing' condition. 'rho above valuable properly will be sold or Mused on reasonable terms, 11 application be made soon to the subscriber residing on the premises. FnArrus LAmorrE. Covington tp, May 2, 1850. 'Notice. LL persona knowing themselves inclobted to the subscriber are reqneitiod to come and pay, up, if not all they awe, pay a part, as he must have money It those indebted to me will come and pain part or the whole, It will enable me to treat my creditors in the same manner.— Attend to this and save the coat of sending JOHN. - • SAMUEL B. TAYLOR. Curwensville, May 2, !850.—pd • NEW CABINET & CHAIR Manufactory. subsirlber respectfully informeithe public that he has-commenced the above men ' boned business, in all its various branches, in the borough of Clearfield. directly opposite the Wilt dist Church, where ho Is prepared to manatee. lure CABINET-WARE AND CHAIRS n the most duroblo manner. flo hopes by strict attention to business, to merit and receive a share of public patronage, Kr . ..COFFINS made to order on theihortest no tice. J. C. CAMPBELL, Clearfield, Juno 18, 1899. - -- WANTED,— TWO Journeymen at the above Business, who can hove steady' employment and at fair wages. None but good workmen need apply. Jan. 17.'50 WROSESALE TIN WARE 113041,WW2 1 1,10.4011°01117,, TIE Subscribers invite the attention of COUN• TRY MERCHANTS to their extensive as. sortment of Superior Tin & Japanned Ware. Keeping constantly on hand the LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE STATE, and selling at LOWER RATES than ever offered before, they only ask a (mitt() satisfy buyers of the superior advantages they offer MELLOY & FORD, Sign of the - Largo coffee-Poi." No. 291 Market Street above Seventh, PHILA DELPHIA. Feb. 1. 1850 I Still something Ncw, and something Newer Still Is THOMPSON'S PATENT TRUSS, made of malleable steel, with a ratchet al the bulb so that the pressure can bo graduated to suit the convenience of the wearer. They can also bo arranged to suit either side with a moment'. al. teration. A good assortment for sale at the sign of the GOLD MORTAR.—A. M. Clearfield Feb. 12, 1850. ROBERT MANLEY (94 t alayLaal AND ((MALIIa MAKER. rirEIE Igubecribor respectfully informs the zone of Clearfield county, that he has corns menced the above named business, in the shop formerly occupied by J L Cutile, can and re: pectfully solicits a share of public patronage.— Flo flatters himself that ho can furnish work to all persona i Ito may be pleased to call. to their crane satisfaction. lie will keep on hand Cabinet-work and Windsor Chairs of every description. Upholstered chairs made to (order. ALSO, Dentist, Invalid, and Chamber Chairs—Chair Beds and Bed Chairs. 1/z7Tht• Bed Chair can be converted from the Arm chair lo a complete bed in two minutes. and 'dm) vt ill fold to the small compass that can be car• reed under the arm. It is parneuierly , ennoble fur Military ofliceisetid Professtonal gentlemen. N. 13.—Collins made in the neatest manner and on the shortest notice. ROBERT MA NLEY. Clearfield. July 23. 1849 —Gm RED & BROWN PILLS. A GENTS fur the sale of Dr. E. Green's lieu and Brown Pd is to Clearfield county. Richard Shaw, Clearfield. Bigler 4- Co. do John Patton, Curwensville. I. L. Barrett, Clearfield Bridge. Thomas McGhee, McGhees Mill. David Kinport, Cherry Tree. P. W. Barrett, Lutheraburg. Clark Patchin, Girard township. Levi 1 74.:z; Frenchville. .Tames lialfurray, Burnside township Jas. McGirk, Philipsburg, Centre co. June 19, 1t349. Messrs. %Ward & Shea WOULD respectfully announce to ino cif: zone of the borough of Clearfield and the surrounding country, that they have commenced the above named flushness in ull its various bran• cites, in the shop formerly occupied by !lade bough & Ward, on Market street, 24 door west of R. Shaw's store. (up stairs.) From a long ex perience at the business. they flatter themselves able to execute all work entrusted to them with neatness and despatch. and respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Clearfield. May 4. 1850 f&N. B.—They will ba in the regular receipt of the latest Philadelphia and New York Fush un.. quarterly. gp Boot &. Shoe ebb- MAKING. subscritiq (lately in the employ of Richard ni blossom, this place) respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has commenced the above business in the school room lately occupied by Miss Goodfellow. Ile flatters himself that lie can accomplish in a satisfactory manner, any order that he may be favored with. Faller Coarse or Fino work made in the most Fashionable and Serviceable manner. Eattall)ltaßV 'll4lllB' IC Made to order, tricity style. RICHARD GLENNAN. Clearfield, Nov: 30,1840. R. DAVIS' HORSE LINIMENT decidedly Lir tho hest medicine for curing, Spaying, Wind. galls, Strains or Bruises. that Wsyet been offered to the ?üblic, for solo tit the sign of the Got' MORT.A.U. DAVIS' Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and Tar, on excellent remedy to tale) , llronchial tion,to quiet coughing, and to cure all pulmonary diseases, may be I►ad,at the sign of the GOLD MORTAR. /7(k. BUSHELS 01110 DRIED F,EACIIES, par ‘,/ ed and unpared, for Solo by • ISAAC SHIT H• - • Feb. 61850. ' • • Corwensyille; ' ALSO, a • brash supply r pf Family Medicines, izd pearly all funds, and of tile Nery best quality, which will be stud very low Cr Path end--nothin' clue. • , A. M. 'Brim.. Nov. 80;1840 ; ~ ".. .• • - . . -.- , s.plecos , aim:roe ,t9ciet a . e.e . p • r .6);"•11 hi r itare'ef . ' ' • •.• eo• ,~, w ~ !~ .S rc TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. R. F. WARD, TIIOB. SHEA. Doctor YOurscif. Bellefonte TVIE subscriber begs leave to . anuounceict the . citizens of Clearfield .cottnty,,thet...he:silll centinues the FOUNDRY BUSINESS at the old place, where he is prepared to make alt kinds of Mill and Saw-mill . castings; toge ther with' every, "'kind :.(if - Mitzi! chinery Casting,s,.and Wieug/if . i Iron work for Mills 4 S o diyinilli t i:i —in the latest and most approved styles, on the‘ bluntest notice practicable, and on favorable' term. Having turned his attention almost entirody 6 Machinery Work, and during tho NM year having: added a large number of,notv tmttl valuable Coln and Saw• Mill patterns, he feels justified in that all hills etecuted by him will give satisfiO • iron. • , . An experienced Pattern maker eltinye.cennec: ied with the establishment enable in ro rode , any desired pattern nn short notice. Pricey mod: crate—and a liberal allomince made oh bills ftirr' CABIL Orders are respectfully solicited, ahiels will be promptly executed. . ' GEORGE WELCIL Bellefonte Foundry, Jan. 25, 1850 White titsc.... " • • .• • HOTEL. GA LER & PA i. mr. rt. proprietors of the nlOiS i named moll known tavern stand; on the En t e i Turnpike, seven miles , west of Curwenivfilt.' respectfully announce tolheir friends;and foriik travelling - public, that they have made otteatirsl arrangements for entertaining all those wheisiy favor them with a call. The [louse, is break ly situated, and is one of 'the largest on Ikb ''- and is also provided with the most estensiiegt ble room. They are dell supplied uithmarW ing, and their BAR m/11 be kept well supplied..'` GALCR & PALME R.R.• vprii 2, 1819 A x€-Making, fllack 4:; smititing, etc. ripHE subscriber having lease(lll.. - Axe Factory of L. R. Carter. near titfor l : rospectiqlly announces to the people of Chin' field and the objoining counties that ho is now operation, and ready to supply all orders for • 0, Axes, Chissels, Adzes, &e, Merchants and Lumbermen are ireepecthilly, vitod to deal with him, as he is detremined t0i10..: work in as good style, end on as rensonahle as they can supply themselves elsewhere. Country produce, and even CAS.II seldom r Red in exchange for tAntli. , N. B. Fridays and Saturdays, will !IC 'regtont for MENPING,&c:, of which customers vvilltiV . notice, so that they may not ho disaappointed. JACOB WARNER. Clcarfieltl,l6 Nature's best Remedy, the American OH, GOOD for all irritations, either ezteratl,ot ternal. For bruises, scalds, terni s elisfri and the like, its efficacy Is unequalled. ere'ite • had ut the sign of the Feb. 12, 1859 J. Pc TVLRSOSS haring business with the underiignpli:: jr as Jumier of the Pci cc . will find hint either It the " Dollar" oflite.or at the (live in the ptibiie. buildings lately oceopivd by Esq. Alexander.. D. W. h109)1F,,,,i,' Jule 8,1850. • ~; dausands of Cures of Scrofula. Cancers, SylAilismi other impure diseases of the Blood—and (f the very Ma QUANTITY tchieh was used of a Medicine to effect Omit of truth Diseases, be any proof of Lupo-Vying tudkalpor , in the Medicine tchirA has subdued and conquered toot Diseases—then there is unquestionable evidence MU_ BRANT'S 'INDIAN-H. PURIFYING EXTRACT is such a Medicine, In every respect; and there is aka dant proof, in great cures effected that ONE BOTTLE of It contains Bew purifying, heating virtue. and ma* power, than there la contained in Four Bottle, of wool , : saparilla, or any other rnediethe that has over been offend for sale. There is undoubted proof In our pamphlets.' that by the use of this great /ndfan Funywr, they tha wore DYING yet LlVE—they that were LAMS sod etl7. ?LTD can now War K—tbey that were Sick, Sciortnetl, and otherwise diseased, have been HEALED and Etulf, , Hundreds—Thousands— - who have used BRANT'S Pounica, after bitYlag medial tested ALL the sarsaparillas and other medicines rem*, mended to cure blood disease., bavo decided that--. Brant's is the Cheapest, because One Bottle of It has more medical, cunttlre 1110 rer In It, and, In consequence, cures more diems* to • less time, than one bottle of any other medicine. lf, then, ONE Bottle of BRANT'S BVIIIIIR still POUR TlSLEB_ptlrd ha - na nal4l tWa, " Batrr's Mamma p w n uldnoas c o r • • ' tars s bottle, as sarsaparilla at one dollar. But B Org i PURIFIER le mold for only ONE DOLLAR a bottle; as a bottle of it has cured, and Is capable of curing, Pit Times as much disease as one bottle of tamp:mina, thest. fore, sarsaparilla, to consequence of lUi'less,power stld less medical ef ficacy, should ho sold at no mom the Twenty•Fice Cents per bottlo, to be as cheap as the Pr* plea at One Dollar. One Dollar's Worth! How much Cartes—how much Brent:as—how iota Sonorox.k—will One Dollar's worth of Brant's PURIM caro I Read the following etatement, which I(a 'po i mon of Its power. CANCEROUS SCROFULA! This Is tho caso of a Dying rum who yd lieu. Hal*: enred of a worso eases of Scrofula, by only 'AedeeXths , of Brant's Purifier. than ever was cured by the LePer. notice Gallons of the best sarsaparilla that was ever Sarsaparilla has not sufficient medical power to cffeit*l, cum of such a revoltingly hopeless case. Mr. J. B.l.lAsuiN, of Rome Oneida Co., N. Y, had gee , Ida - lour years—was connnoa to his bed the fad yair•;a, was so much diseased and debilitated as to boulol/1e..0 raise his hand to his head. Ile had tho best medical eV' vice—bad used all of the best sureaparilleut to no good effect—got worse and worse, and Wall considered le Will, a DylnB State, and could not lire twenty .four howl _I When ho commenced using BIIANV S PURIFIER. • eisik.was eaten nearly off, fruza rar to ear--a bola WO, througithis windpipe, under his chin, so that hob *QlN:nigh: the- bolo—his ear SD eaten around thirst could .ba,lifted up out of its place, it only holding 'plece—the use of one awn was destroyed by Me core—luo.Uker under the amvaa largo ae a man's bad nearly eaten through hie side into his body; WIN afflicted with Twenty such putrid,. acrid, ofeitslst cers, qp various parte of his person. For further. particulars, ace our Pamphlets. • Doct. Tnoauti WILLIAMS. ono of the most tddifill Colons of Rome, was called to ace liuhia the day he commenced using Brant's Pull* Doct. Vt. road him, and then told him that ell the nuerteltui world could not cure him—that his , case was' Worse than Hopeless! Now hear Mr. ASICIII'S statement of cure. - Be My wife procured,ono bottle of BRA. 4 1r9 .1 11 't> EXTRACT -rust norma enabled Me Cogif ndda , the escoro bottle enabled one to sit out ef t * • Immo enabled ma to walk two 'idles, and when I O. •Ickhed wing Nina Souks, anvsersett,out of?Rc4l4l _A cab had = WE AD up, and dyes Loofa more effec . ...• fact cure and vectored mo to 'pod With. . FOURTEEN WITNESSES! • The above ficta are eertltled to by DOCTOR LIAMS, Ur. O. R. BROWN, pf Wept Ewes iteki. ••1 BISSELL & LEONARD; Drogitittte, Ind ELEVEN rirpecteAte witnesus at Rome. ' • • •Jr , _ •''' i { ';''' E. •& W.. 1% ISAAC SAITIj, ,OtirWin.811001:. S.. & V. K. AnNotp,, Lut,hersbur. , ' C. 11. EARLEY, Rid g eway. J, L. Lupplaurru,,,cfatedonia. D.' S. 'D.*Aiiiiio; Broaiit,lle! ! PIi..4:NOV 30 t GOLD MORTAR.