smzszE CUM. RThe :\; u• York Entrairersconv: to yield i the rc•volations cono.erning the!ittiling of the sorrel espeditifm against Cuba, ari.l in a Intitt: articlf!'nrgtic.: . . not on -Iyitr po.l-il)ilitv, but strong probability, and wider eir,..uniltatierts rnur(' favorable Iti:sitts.oe.:.:l, than 'emended the Ilf:untl ;sland Qvi.te.ditiott..;,l.l"sayq lettors from Nkv; ; fron'y , !olives entitled to full . confalerp_:o, gilie such information oa the : - .uhin;a littl;: room to•doubt ih it the at tem;it is aboid to be--if ind•ed it no. already h eel) , A f rw ., „!. If - lid May, after rem - irking, th. leer ‘l.O - wlid:h prevails Urn lb" !...119-et th- North, t,tate3 tint the an-IL:mi. carrying it illtt) effect wen! uath great rapidity and upiy; n 10ir.,2,v Oil Oh: 2d two ships full. : loaded pastengen's, ostensibly emigrant.; lur rah fornia, left New Orloans for l'lrt,..;roa, tort withi t i th e t eh dues pp!vions rwirc2 !hut tl thousand men had embarked from th eity, all al W hum, Ilwrc tats gtoti to believe, ‘verc enlishsd iu the ::I,ne dertaking. None of th-in, -le recruited at New Orleana, bat they all came front the icteilor, or from thc (411- boring States—M(lDV of them loan barna ; and on reachin4 the cit% they NVere immediately and quietly (. unbar:oqt ;al board the vessels in waiting for th-ta.-- Annther correspondent states brit he knows of three large steamships that are engaged in the enterprise, one of which hal N;• w Orleans a few days since \\ NI 39a men. A sailing vessel with over 200 was to helve on the •ttb. Ws understand that in this city also, persoiM have been engaged with in the last week upon a service the 'lshii ., of which was not disclosiml were offered liberal pay in ally:woe, nn ; were required to proceed to New Ord acts, where they would receive further die::- lions. All these ciretmlitances, h othur, a similar charact,•r it nut stay to detail, reutlcr it extrenk•l‘ prolct ble that New Orlea IN etas to 1.):' the ,-titr!- Mg . point of the expedition, though th e place of rendezvous is not krona. :+,!i the MOVelliellts in that env, ()Ur New Or- loins correspondents state, ha\ e I , c use cautiously taken, as to preclude the possi bility of legal 'inlerferenee. General , Lopezl ( _; am. uozides were in Nett o:leans incognito on the Ist of May and casual observers noted the unusual !nimbi - r o f new faces in town. GCB. QUitilr:n t‘;l , in that • city a few da s pre N i;•11.4, and it was asserted and generally credit; d that he originally intended to resign his ;Alec as Governor of missis.,ippi, tenett,tke cod!, mand of the expedition. III, pi,,,ii, , in New Orleans, ltevever, led to warm re monstrances on the part ofpersonal fri•lithe and it was believed that he hed been ilk wl duced to change his purpose. The number of men engaged in this ex- pedition is said to be larger than of those fngaged in the previous attempt. It has been stated as high as 1 - ..?,000 or J 3,000, but this was evidently all exag ge:rj.tinl. Judicious persons, however, w ho have good apportunities of forming an opinion, state in letters that 4000 or 5000 are tuidouht edly engaged. 'I hey appear to hate pick ty of money, though it is stet'' nl that the men engage for no i-eipidile ,1 i :ly, but mainly on assurance!, • ; i .It reit :.:•1•: from plunder and conliscsti• 1; . if the ( • \ : , ,,lition prove successful. They aro ::-:tir d in, the strongest term::: 1,, I. i; le.o!; r'. t! at the Island is nee el \ tiny/ pt :. d for resis tance—that this i - or,:. are de:t a •( 1 !. , the troops disaffected, nflicers f , F V .•:1 as na n, and that the great mass of the inhabitants', will rise and ;he invaders, as soon AS a lauding shall have been e fli;eted, We filed lia mention of any of these matters ill an e of our New Orleans pa p••rs. with the sieele excepticrl oi' the /306 tin, 'ti Lich published Oil article on the general' subject a few days sine , . nat article ti stated that a new invasion 'it iS on foot, and went on to show that the difficulties to be encountered wore a water than had beta Ibreseen, and especially, that the Spanish authorities had vessels of war enough on the coast De Cuba to prevent a landing.— This, however, does not seem certain.— The southern coast of Cuba is some 700 miles in extent, and it would require a N C ry liirge as well as very active , and %iebi lunt force to prevent vessels commanded by „Yankee officers from evading their watch, and effecting a lending. .In a sea tight, the Spanish force would, probably, prove easily victorious ;—but, if a body of 4000 or 5000 men, well armed, should be landed, the Island wtuld nut get rid of them without a good deal of trouble. The latest accounts, it will be remembered, state that the cholera was prevalent at Ha vana, and other parts of Cuba, and that its _ravages among the troops had been exten sive: We learn front pretty good authority, • that although the utmost care had been ta ken to preserve perfect secrecy - among those engaged in getting up the expedition in New Orleans, there were still spies a• mong them, by whom alUpeir movonenis arc reaularlv,orir . - ii i.. Cuban auth ,„ rtie .... s .w . e. , -- press the c t bring .4 ' the Weight of their 4., . r , . .., t I , .oinianon fiuence to bear, succeeded int" deffirridiAoizal opinion of Mr, i srs - 411.,!!' '-: whereu -0. tt' . "11trinL - . 1 14! ... e , • •,,t1 New Sihool Law. Mahometan jealousy- should ever permit • The bill r l .tgulating common schoels,ins that consummation, we may expect inns ! ! it" paN:ted the House ellteprescntatives last trations of the,prophecies t at,.will strike week, repeals the 25, 20, 27, 2,9 a n i l 29, the world with awe and won er. sections of the net of 1849, relqtive to pub. flteati credit is due to II • British gov i lie s:•hools, mid re-enacts the oth and 7th eminent, for the munificent spirit they section of the act of a8:3'.4, relative t o th e have exhibitql ut aiding the labors.of Mr. 'same subject. The board of directors or Layard—pi.king nt his command vesSels :any scho.a.di:itrict have the power if they for the navigation of the Euphrates, con tit to allot the!itiD uts,ehoceitnxca veying to England the magnificent soulp io the loy, est and bidder, under such tures which he has disvntomcd, and afror ie, they may regulate and Freserihe ; ding him every facility which money, or Pro , ihat aecin he British authority could sect:ire. We should i ho glad to sec a siluiler spirit exhibited by -ed distiio. The' the government of this country, in reier ccur-cn a i nLi a cuilector 1: not t., X. et nI,I j',.+:l) ti (111 i ti OF. 'I t d Lr C ht, tie ;,in ,, lint of ith•n• Noah s ,StindeT Tines. rind 1,;6 , 1 r nrc!r. [Ur on 'Fla' school di rector:, DWI M; AYONG CALIFORNIA EMICRANTS. (.ICV,V: t :,!1 II ammo:- Mr. llatchtr, ho •is as the geidc tirthe !a, ell or lie! . ..,ru Ylonday in MIN.., I,n 11v i,l Col. vcr, the Collector or Sun till the !tot Ilrln four !WM. U1111: 0 10 , , 11'0111 to•f-lan Diego, hoird, such an ha:; returtu to Missouri. lle con t.!' •i; (in th-i,• w•h1111, 1 ,, ,:4 , 111 , t defied Col. ()diver a Pita' 111111C110 un- ;IN ill': (11:,111( - 1 I ra , .. urn •• . ..... tn:iv r(2(4.(4,1\ and to 11l Ili. '1 • 11 , . c:ont . :,(. Isom (,;(.1) ~rally a rlj- Irani t tr 4 (.4 ',0w1,: Fr 11 1 ‘. • 1 1 •,(.1 , 11'1111(4 In ' 1-riil i ;111 (1 ;i:;1 1 . 1 .1)1I•g(i) 1110 (1r1111(11' 01111 IS 011 . 1 h stillici(4nt and :h.. nionon(ins 1 .,,11,(.1 al l cAp•an.. (.%(.I . \ indi: it (in th.. ‘vl.!-.1, tci th. 1.:11; \ .141'41(.1 of tl(] 11%.' Follittg upnii lIIe wat..r; aluau di -tri••!. '111.• hool ritiptv into ('l,l(iradt). 'l . llO Pion vil rcntors ;tr. to (! , t( Icir4lll of . 141.1.• the pc,iiit stru(.l... during whirh lay. in Isno‘vii as; "( 1:0111( . ." l'i'avid( 11 ili•tt ju uodjslrict shall 'l • h'4 11v.v Inr kort m lilt' :,1110111It at . tilX 1.,11 shall >unt :t0 ( ) . 7tlll . orllla ellligranti /trail - riot e \Xi rti 1 . 11( 1:1 - 11 dollar Or rd ()1 . )11'. I htt:lii!CN kll(l\VleligiLl \nluati,m the :Illy nil; 11'211 . . Till l :.\\ " oftly• rotintry iii order to r(-1(.11 Kan I.)te shall r unf liii iu for..(: go, a 1;1(4i tint 5 t .0.(.11..1 in Juiun tvithout currynt sch4»l yea r, elllllll',l, 011 111( lirst Noiv.itlist.iiiding the Monday or iorte, I ; aline a hich uu of t i m ,. 1 ): 01 ,, th e Apache:, fought them al_ cha ngc shill I.i. 1111(10, unlrs relueste(l v tar then 11:1 \s, hnt I. i llcd 1r . .. a ...oil i:v tax.ll.!. iulrl!..t..nt, nnly Iyyu of Ili: ;41164r:in! . %•... 111 911.-!1 , 01. 11r. II ttt lwr 4! ('4l l foroia - ti,. L A' 111(.• 1:1 4 %..1 ,/,.114.11,.(,. ~./. /( b.,/ alung ;hi. -(1,1'..1•• I hi; \vit. chair Cl•IJIA . d iII 5 . ,,,t11 on : nd .1 v t\\ a \and r-T,' IP'. =I trail o'el,),•1;, 11 hi 11,r• 11; pr»\ a young ul irrii male d , \\ • i . w our: ta;) , named Ann 'll- clot c ut ill , : oileally 14-altr marderou.; )little, w:1:, 14.• (i •'1 I . and HICIt , h 11. :.1.1.1).!, 111;0 II:11,11.11 , 111:111Vt the Mayor. e ,t(inhy morning, during th. ' w•ittdi.n diu .;••arc It of the 11's•pit, ( 1,-,i l ieti-,, as p•.,. d b_; the n.( 141-• i• hearing (i 1 Iti-hard Foote, au I • 1 for food. ..rh i 'Y • It w ill hp en that lOr t.- 4 entitor and 111;' 111'111".d the eat ra. 1 or 11(1' local Nat ulthe di , tiict in the Satte g - enus attack the tinpr,t( eted 11• 10 11).',1••••t. TI wero. about th.- of ten. —containing perhap.: double a..; much ter with a kilifo, were that a CP-v• 171 ,, r1:',1-i ago and 'Ali. 11. conducted them to Foote wr i s paying his addr(• to the voting', their parents bull' miles distant. There I rit , ..ry as any other—being composed oldie lady, was th e n single' )111 ,1 !wine d A nn ii hl cllildlcu ill 1.11'.: in a state c „ unt ),, ~j - b Martin. I being zi 1) , ,‘_ ()Calne otter j; , rurson and( •li.arfit 1•I. or lo,jir,..,enta ed to Lebanon county, v here h • (1) , 41), , 4e d ' svar,-(.ly their-tosition where . • , in an i n ., ;:n ioundry; lind ri ,; `• " t licit I k e disttin,•,. to salL i k t , ./ eis as near t h e. s:lifle lit Within a wl-(•1.or two rp During and on Ir ti- 11 ( 1 it `va" 111 wiles, iz Clearfield, Elk and 'Alelcean. al)sen"( , Miss Mirtin became enamored burst into tears, and wept long ,:nd bitter.' is certainly the mist, tinfitir and artist with a nt u ther n ew. James • • Al:hough nearly out of provisions, 0 1- 1 1 ) ,:•; ) „,j e th,t erir we Lad: and she gave 11-;:al in marring to Holland hai , lug culls reiv iii "retch - , how it chute th it • ~,,y..,(niNsTo- x dill without the knowledge o f.Vicr ed condition, tlu-y had stuck to their car.: , not NOV the Vt./ling blood arrly,..ll in this riage and wagon ‘i ith t I,iolish and almost , iluict eil , lie ‘N:IS; of ‘,ll;,clutd vi.! fatal tenacity. \‘' heti - Hwy feid grown uninitiated,after firs cit t lelying pledged him ken place,andhis j(”11011Sy,11QC4.1111ing C• :tllll, Mr. 11. shared his small supply oil self to use tin: I'oo 111110 raSi'l'NeCIAW here ed, it ote--e Mete tipen rl`‘eng(i 4 . pro\ ',ion.: with titcin, gave them the ad- ; in theConsiitution was Yiolittod—then A-tin t-flaking no (mile , alinent of his murderous ice to abati(l , .,ll the carriage and w;) , 11 ;2:0 , i the pr , ious apportietimant bill becau: intentions. First y i tttti the o bject o r 1 1) , ) to pack tln lOod and child:, •11 upon the ; Constituti , n \- Corwin , ' a love, who hr-conic the w Lc. and snake t.ur )1(•i40 1111 1111 't violated the Cr, he got pi4ession of her marriage evr_i phs-i1,1,2 speed. Ile (lold theta that b\• -egislati‘e district out of Cleartield, Er, titicate anal tore it to pie - 0-3• th•Ai doptitig this plan, and by making food or and :11,..1ean,preciseIN the district as form siezed sonic tit-tidesgave which Ind been be.: the poorest of their mules as they 1 cal in the bill 11 , _- his :Inpro% eil ' stowed as tokens of liis own alli..etion, and. out on the way, front time to time, they carried tlrmi off. The nig ht above m en.' might et through; otherwise, they could; Cloned lie went to th,.: 11(,-,;.:e. and finding, not reasonably expect to du so. Mrs. Walker there, eiegiii!ell in washing,. This is but one the ninny distressing in company wlllt ano:her wptn:m,riecusted seen( s filch were wittic , sed t,il Ow her in and liEllacing manner, re,i(i. It is to he hoped, that cm- :.•:overn alnl, with a horrid oath, telling In In ni tit will, :it an early (lay. explora %\ ould kill her, n: :r: , ' I. l4 ,deadk- assault up. M• in, u.ade ((fall routes tire practi.-a- On her i itiflic:;ng eight shool;_ bl(2 to ilia l'a(itie, and will estat, p o w.: ing wound:; upon her arm, bieast and back. tiling ~(1,•11 as are ii)(;,t truth for the Mr:** Walker its attended by 1)r.,(14eid, : relict of those emigrants wI) an inisfortiim who thinks her woii•ls exceedingly - dan- befall by the lya go•Mtls. the reu,ain, at Ili , ( I‘trlling ufi thence;.lohnst(4l, ti ,out 1 1 1. 1 11 1 ) street. Entry of the Pope tato Come The Gioruhlr di ICoina, nd . th,. 13:1 1 „ 1 April last contains a lung ti-count of ticd ceremonies which took 1.1:1. cOn the ent ranee ofuhe Pope at Rome on the pre ' v ions day. Ihs I lolincsS arrived at t ;ril -1 zano on the 12th at 9 A. M., where hi. alighted, received the benediction in the church, and gaNc his blessing to the Ne. opolituit troops that Ilwluccomplmii•ti hint to that place. ILL: again gave the bent:- diction at A rriccia, and arriNed at Alba nu at 10 A. NI., where he was received at OW 1:111.1/11(1.: 0f the cathedral by (far ' dinal l'atrazi, Bishop of the Palace. Ile again gave his blessing from a balcony. to the crowd that had assembled, and ac , ccpted a collation in the Bishop's Palace. lto set out for Rome at '2 P. M. and ar rived at 4 o'clock. The French and Pa 1, pal troops were drawn up on the Piazza i Lateraneme,- and presented arms, while the salutes from the French artillery and i the guns of Castle Sant Angelo rent the air, -mitiolin ,, with the solemn sound of ts b 1 the ld;11 s. Cardinal liarberini, arch ; priest of the Basilica of Lateran, received r the Pope at the heatj of his chapter, I% bile ithe provisional municipal commissioners ..presented to him the keys of the Eternal A startling discovery, confirmatory of : City. Chevalier Aliprundi read a short the truth of the book of Jonah, hos been ' speech in the name of the commission, to made by Mr. Layard. In excavating the l i w Inch his holiness was graciously pleased city of Nineveh, he discovered the name' to make a becoming answer. Oct alight of Jonah inscribed upon the ruins. That ing front his carriage his Holiness was prophet, us our readers know, was sent to I received by their eminences the Cardinals the of the 1 / 4 ..ommission of State, and by. the &stmt.:non of lice city. His eloquence; Cardinal Vicar, preceded by all the seett i ~ . N .onverted many of them and "God repen• i ` t tar and regular clergy of the capital.-- 1 1 " , hint" of the doom Ile had pronounced, At the vestibule he received the homage ': tared the city for that time. Jonah' of the dinplomatic body. Ile then receiv - - ''en , scatne the prophet of Nineveh, and eelltlidlioly benediction in the church.— .(01.1,8 , ! • i ~ ,Icverenccti by the inhabitants. As - wh i ch IN afterwards left and returned to - . f'• ''' •' ' -'. of 4:4• 1 4! 0 •W, they doubtless ' his carriage. • 'TIM 7, ''''''' TANpicuous places 1 The procession then went to the basili p Our Mildewy and Our Schools. - ;41es, and the ' . ea of the Vatican by the Strada San Gi- l t. will be seen by an advertisement in 4 1 • ands I ova ti, the Amphitheatre of Fievhits, th e this paper, that the determined of; our Aeade r the sra „..' , • t.Pantam, the PiazzaCrtuana, Pt- my have at length '.rival -.- ...Ai 'Apy§toli, anit:ii.34.••471"%-tr:Ate...._ .stitutton shall be devote to the purpose ' 4"`Tclisr"tit- , 1 ou , "" 'b- —6 for which it was erected, and that they ''•• 'lin' "%a& e , ' . • 1 j WAN emptoyed the Rov. Mr. MERWIN t - ----.6 C 1 a ,INkWRIGLEY, 1.0 take charge of ( 1 ,7 iAer° a lyy- l ri, female school at her • -t- owineo•... A 44 'REISS has charge '. O the lower room <, If -• Foote inunediatel \ lied, tinder the im pression that his murderous d es i gns h a d been curried out. The police were soon after advised of the transaction, and early the next morning one of the city watch men arrested him, secreted under a step, at Twelfth amid :Arco. Alter the Alavor examined into the matter, Foote was committed to await the result of the injuries intlieterupon Mrs. Walker. ;Since the above wUS Written, we lentil that FoOte came to this city on Saturday last, having been released from . the Leb anon (' hero . he had been in carcerated for the larceny of a sum of mone-N. Between that time and the com mittal of the deed, he wits Seen in the vi cinity of Mrs. Walker's place of abode, by several persons, and to them exhibited the knife with which he inflicted the wounds. Mrs. Walker is a step-daughter of Mr. Johnston, and was first introduced to her assassin, the young Englishman,by Joseph Johnston, with vi;lioin he served during _the American wars, in the Seventh Regiment ofinfitutry. Foote had folmerlv served in the British army.---,Pennsylvanian. 1111 .. . 'deta9liment of noble guards ; his Holiness t "TnE MONTHLIES. ' ''' " i n company with Monsignor d'Ottainno, SAitTAIN'Li UNION MAGAZINE was first liandMonsignor ton our t Orromeo.- To the right ahlo again. This number is a 1 of his carriage was General Baragunt jtei, at the head of his chapter, and by the decided improvement on . the two previous i I Sacred College, which accompanied him numbers, especially in the way of emliel- Ito the altar, The oration of St. Austin ishments. Those of thiS number are good I was then again recited, the Ambrositin and 'in good taste—they have ‘ had better,', Ihymn sung, and , the lienediction given; j after , which the Holy father kissed the as regards .design and execution. But ' foot of the statue of St. Peter, and retired .thett it would be asking too much, to have to the palace. In the evening the cape- t them so very gool all the time. lit of St. Peter's, the Capitol, the Strada j di forgo Ntiovo, the Monte Pincio, i i the • GonEy's l.ivm,:'s Boox,—What we sa v a. Piazza Ge, Popolo, and Via Corcidotti were , hove of Sartain, will apply pretty well to! 'illuminated. Not the slightest disturn -0 nee took place. Ut , ley. e may add, that the contents ofi The N. Y. Trilwpe translates fr o m the Lady's fool; fin. this Month are morel the Joitrnal (*dal the following account than usually entertertaining and valuable., ()lithe scpc ration of king Ferdinand, 1 the d 't ahnost makes us believe that the char. Hatcher of Naples, and of Pious IX. at the triter of ouriiterature is at last I ir ning frontier of the two Sales ;-- ;co' - - Sea WI V h:id I hi HOlilleS, the Icing and the Duke of Calabria descended from the 'car•ringe, %dam the two List named threw 'themselves nt the feet of his lloline;:s, dc .uutly embracing them. 'Then the Kim.; romainim , on his knees, implored the 1.4 a. e red benediction. 4 , y,,," Sots ;he noi v lath-r, -I bless too, I bless your liimilv, bless your kingdom, I bless yurir pe o pl e . 1 cannot undertake to express to you my rrralitek.d for the hospitalitY which 1 have received rtoin yon." "I have only Cul -1111.!d niv duty Iv; a cly:istian," replied the the Pontiff, xvith tt soice broken by emotion, "your filial of fection has bmii great and sincere." Ile 'then made Ike King re-e Iron: his knees, pressed to his heart, embraced hint with atliction, end remounted his car when din King, the Prince Royal ,ntid their suit kissed In s fi, o t. The King ' ionirned to Casern.: ;icc•ompanied by the THE DOLLAR, Irarfirl ;!, :lir( l'")11 lir .Ipprlionfficill lii I I. Bro niotistt:r pictorial of 1I ikon Co. (Ni:w York ) i:istiutl uf NU tiun's dity, fourth ut . July, ISSO, lias tin rec. , iV('d. It presr.tits uu :.buntlant ‘orieir of lame and admiriih::: executed . grand liature 01 the parr lippcars to IA n Cti , • lorpring it —Raising tit Statc. :,Cl . ll'. t t!,..11 1 . 10:11 11.)0:11; skit] complt. tc copy ot . "NVLlsliingtott's v. a tiddicss” is l „.„ i n a h a n t l s o l itt• Fitt tcd running baud script, Nvitli ‘Vitslting- tun (.'\\n .oigna lure. This uucupies broadside (ff 11 and is iii , :losed iii tt plain mat burl_ r for Altugteli er this is a valuable loin cittertilining bliect for the Fourth. It is saki at the i)stial prieu uf IVilliampurt Cony t The Democratic State Cum ention will Meet at Williamsport on next Wednesday, and place in nomination candidates for Canal Commissioner, Auditor General and Surveyor G enc.ka I , Col. I.;mt krrr is Rep resentative delegate from this county, and Itoukarr P. LINTON, al . (. ambria, Senutujii al delegate, without instructions. Election of Prdseeuting Attorney and ,Deputy Surveyor& The lust Legislature past au act malting elective the officers above named, and con sequently the voters 01 . Clearfield county must begin to hunt up Candidates. SEVERE FaosT.—Last Monday and Tues clay nights we were visited with—not a frost, but a perfeetfree.;e—destroying it is feared, every thing in the shape of fruit, of which, until then ‘ve had promise of great abundance to iroprove NI3.XT tiuV ER NOR .—The Upland lin ion, thc organ ol'the Democratic party of Dela wnre County, of the 15th inst., contains a well NV vitt( n and very prudent editorial on the :4111 jest of the iv xt Governor, in which the editor declares a decided preference fur Col. 131oLT:11 as the Denir)c mtic imadidate. THE GREAT MUSICAL WONDER, cuing 1)(214 ire last we had the pleasure ()I' bearing Mr. I I ANNA, the yvonrderful mu sical priidigy. Mr. Hanna is quite a young man, and a native of thiscountv. It is but quiff: rC•ccut that lie mrtile the discovery thiit h tsasltimslolfa ini,hical box—possess ing puwur to emit, without any apparent (Sort, musieal nowall or the sweetest ha r- Welly 81:11 tkeileht :UM. Ile was well lat re:,;7,-,1 C . A17.C11'3, uhu were all well r tr`,.ortnance-;, We can not r, Ora p, is calculated to invii:(2 the agreeable , reti!;:itiomi belong- iiig so mysterious—so un- Nct it i. not unpleasant to tilt) eit is icidly wontlerly,l to tho t 01 di MEI iii.i.,l, THE LENLRAL BANKING LAW-LET OF R PREPARE FOR THE CHANGE. WC insert below the 4Hth and 49W see• nons ol . the General Banking law passed at the late sessiyu of thc Legislature, by whi,:h it will be seen that no Bank notes, 4.r bilk, issued by other than Penusylva. nia institutions, will be permitted to circu late within the State alter the 21st day of .‘ g 1,3 t tinder severe pcitaltic...s. lad the Legislature made the law to talc ctliaet immediately, NN ithout it \could have operated everely (.111 some communities, and esrcciallh in such an one as (pur: ; I,ut the 1:-,w does to )t go into operation tmtil the 21st of .lugust,—gi ltlo 5U111 , 2 1111 . ,:e or four months 11 , ,tic , 2-- or sulliCient time to afThrd c‘ery man, at least every business-man, a full opportu nity to be prepared for it, and to have no small nutes of other on hand. We have heard it said that the Legislature ent too fur--that it passed a laN% that can ni,t he carri(•(.l into t.ll:_et, eind must remain I'.td r St:ttutt.: We 11:t C a vcr , . I:otiun ; tic time are free 1/ cunik..;.; our lear. that a et.t!‘:ll t 1a s of trading mcn, -Who arc to lie Count] all over th..; Stat.!, wilt be but too succe:rul in nvikit-...2, this 6111.1tary act a d,:ad 1.1 . er ; 4 , r ia ortls, iio th- It" Pic\ ions to the :,utn incr or 1 -37 ---th , 2 era ul thinpla6tcr . .:— a Bank note s:r denomination than $5 tans a chi the interior olPennsvl- vania, tial it \\ ;..s just as easy, and just as ust4ol, t B , •tter (Ur a 63 note then as it is to get :Anal; note:: for one now. We ~now have it much larger proportion of speei , in the country, than there was then; there has been an increr e of over thirteen ilillions of dollars id the gold currcnc) alone Nv i 11 the last ) ear--and it cannot be that 111'1 . c dl he any inconvenience expe. ri need for the want of • change, if small notes arc once banished front circulation. That it will create a panic, or 111COVCO knee in the community, if our business-' men do not take time by the forelock, and' be prepared for the change, no one will dely. But we depend entirely upon our Itirchants and Lumbermen. They have' .• „ it in their'Cr to proven; any inconven ience at all. The exports of Lumber from this Cum* the present spring, approach es towards one million of dollars. A very large proportion of this money passes! through the hands of a few men, and it is' to them we look for protection. They should nut bring a single dollar of thisdis carded money into the county, but should send it out of the State on every occasion. By pursuing this plan, the 21st of August will find our community ready to enjoy the advantages that will be offered by a clean sweep of all sorts, si zcs, colors, and characters of Small notes dottier States, from the Red Dog of Michigan, to the Plainfield Swindle of N. Jersy. . SECTION 48. That from and after the 21st day of August, 1850, it shall not be lowa for any person or peasons, cor poration or body corporate, directly or in directly, to issue, pay out, pass, exchange . put in circulation; transfer or causo to be issued, paid out, passed, exchanged, cireu fated or transferred, any. bank note, note, bill, certificate, or any acknowledgment , • of indobtedne . sii'whatsoever, p ur porting to be a bank. note,.or calculated for circula tion as a bank note, issued, or purporting to be issued by any bank or incorporated, company, or association of persOns,. not located in Pennsylvania , of a less denom ination than five dollars, every violation of the provisions of this section by- any corporation or body corporate, shall sub ject such corporation or body corporate to. the payment of live hundred dollars ; and any violations of the provisions of this section by any . public officer, holding any office or appointment of . honor or profit under the constitution and laws of this 1 , state, shall subject such officer to the pay. I ment Of one hunddred dollars: and any . l i violation of this section by any other per ison, not being a public officer, shall sub , I ject such person to the payment of twenty. five dollars, 'one-half of which, in each case above mentioned, shill go to the in former, and the other half to the county in which the suit is brought, and may be; sued and recovered as debts of like anima . are now by law recoverable in any . ac l i tiou of debt, in the name of the common , 1 wealth of Pennsylvania, as well. for .the ! I use of the 1 ,1‘, ) ,,1.r county, as for the por„! • 'son suing. . _ Sucrios 41). That in addition to the civil penalties imposed for it violation of the provisions of the last preceding sec: tion, every person who shall violate the provisions of that section, shall be ta ken and deemed to have committed amis. demeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof in any criminal court in this corn. monwealth, be tined in any sum not less. than one dollar, and not more than one hundred d o llars ; and t h e several courts of quarter sessions shall in their charges to the grand juries to make pre. sentment of any person within their re— spective counties, who may be guilty o f a violation of the ri•ovisions of the last pre. ceding section i'ankl it shall be the duty of the several constables awi other peace officers within this commonwealth, to make inlormatien nri.ainst any person with. in this commonwealth, to make inform.. lion against any person guilty of• olation, and they shall be sworn so to do: furided , That it shall not be necessary, in any suit or criminal - prosecuticar under this secti(w, :.nil the last preceding. section, to produce, in evidence, the char. ter of any bank, or articles of association of any c , .:npan nr,t loeat• (1 in this state. APPOICHONMENT BILL as FINALLY PASEIL, - • Rath L 1,7.13 Tax^".r!!, SENATOR:. i'lliktdCiplib l ' 1:1 . 2. Philadelphia ( ' III/ U: V, . 3 11Iontgoinerv, - I Chester aini D , I tN\ ar , , I Berk s, I Bucks. 1 Lances ter and Deban-n. 2 Dauphin and Northumberland, 1 Northampton and Lehigh, I Carbon, Monroe, Wayne & Pike. I Adam.; and I'rt:nl - ,lln, 1 York, - 1 Cumberland and Pert . \ , 1 Lyeoming, Sullivan, Centre and Clinton, Blair, Cambria and Huntingdon, 1 Luzarnc, Columbia aniii Montour, I Bradford, Su,quehanna & Wy'ing, 1 Tioga, Potter, Ell,, Clear field and Jefferson, 1 Merrer, Von: , nef. -tod Warn:it, 1 Erie and Crii‘vi . ord, 1 I: Mier, B' a% .' an i 1.•,:0! I Allegheny. '2 Washington and Gr.,on, 1 Bedford and Somerset I Arm.itrong, Indiana and Clarion, 1 Juniata, Millin and Union, 1 W. -, tin in !and and Fayette, 1 Schuylkill. 1 lir. PE :.1 ! lo 1, 6 .'91, tax. Adauts, , 13edlord en 1( . 1 1,,1,11,1 Berks, , Bucks, 3 Beaver, Built r iind I,a N 1 iliet', . Blair and Huntingdon, 2 13radlord, 4 - Chester. :ii Cumberland, •I Centre, 1 Clearfield, Elk utid Melie,•erf; 1 Clarion, Armstrong and Jellin . son, 3 Columbia and Nlontour, 1 0 Dauphin, ,- Delaware, . Erie, 9 Washington, ir Greene, 1 Franklin, Indiana, 1 I.,yeyming, Clinton and Pour r, '2 Lancester, 5 Lebanon, 1 Lehigh ant Carbon, 2 Luzerne, 2 Monroe and Pike, Mercer, Venting° and \Viirren, Crawford, MontgomeQ , Northampton, Northuffiberland, Perry, Philadelphia City, 4 Philadelphia County, • 11 Somerset, “ • 1 Schuylkill, '4 Susquehanna, Sullivan & Wyu'itig, 2 Tioga, 1 Wayne, 1 Westmoreland and Fayett. 4 Union and Juniata, 1 York, ' . - 3 Singular Fact.—A large nunibei , drum fish, have been found dead in difref eat parts of the Synepuxent Bay. harpooned they bled as freely as when live, which would seem' to indicate a toyer of Rime - disease rather than deed This line makes out this column.