D. W. A. OORE, S ? , . HE M MPHILL, "rit4" • Pfr .6 2 2l is • oczweit47, rAntmem A Weekly Paper, mill putli shed al th following low' 1 YEAIVIN Afl Asen $t oo YEAR. Pi 3 DioNnis 1 25 1 Yrtilt IN 6 '• DO - • I /10 LYEAR I N 9 I 15 I YEAR; 12 DO 209 (k.iNo Paper will be rent to More who ray in acluance cylet the expiration of the .time paidfor. • letters on business connected with the office, to rm-eive attention, must be "post paid. ;From the Arne eran Sprainel.) THE'RACE OP TDB ALDERMAN. HOW the Whig's Ltun'd the LOCOS In 183—, it chanced in the big city of, New York, that the Aldermen elect were a sort of tic ; that is, so many Whigs and so many Democrats. Such a thing did not occur often, the Democracy usually having the supremacy. They generally had things pretty much their own way, and distributed their favors among their partizens accordingly. The Whigs ut length tied them and the Locos, beholding with horror and misgiving, the new or der of things which was destined to turn cut many a holder of fat office, want'- a pat-riot overflowing with democratic pa. triotism, whose devotion to the cause of the country was manifest in the tenacity with which he clung to his place, were extreme- , ly anxious to devise ways and means to keep the Whigs at bay; and as the day drew near, when the assembled Board of: Aldermen should have their sitting at the City Hall, various dodges were proposed , by the Locos to out-vote the Whigs,.in questions or decisions touching the distri bution of places, and appointment of men to fill the various stations of the new mu nicipal government. "I have k ; Pvc•got it?" exclaimed a round and jolly alderman of a Democrat ic ward. `•To-night the board meets— we stand about eight and eight—this after noon, let two of us invite two of tho Whigs, Alderman 11-- and Alder man out to a dinner at Harlem, • , get 11 and .1- tight as wax, and then we can slip off, take our convey. come in and vote the infernal Whigs C. , just where we want them !" !•-• "Capital ! prime! Hr, ha, ha,!" says one "First rate ! Elegant ! hn, ha, !shouts anotlwr. "Ha, ha I haw ! haw ! he, he, he roar all the Locys. "Well, gentlemen let's all throw in a V apiece, to defray expenses; we, you know :,orcourk;c, must put • the Whigs through, and we must give them a rouse they won't forget soon. Champagne and turtle, thnt's ' the ticket ; coach for four out and two in.' -/la, ha I The Whigs shall nee the etc :4)hantl" Well, the purse was inadeup, the coach ired, and the two victims, the poor Whigs wi:re carted out under the pretence of a grand Aldermanic least to Earlem, thu ':Sci..ne of many a spree and jollification! rvith the city filthern, and other bon vi• ants and gourinands of Gotham. •Dinner fit for an emperor being discus 'tkd, sundry bottles of "Sham" %rem en• corked, and their everescing contents de canted into the I.vell.fed bodies of the. four aldermen. Toasts and songs, wit and hu., mor, filled up the time, until the Demo: crats began to think it was time that one of them slipped out, took the carriage back to the city, leaving the other t J fiddle the two Whigs, and detain them until af fairs at "the Tea-Room," City Hall, were settled to the entire satisfaction of the I Democrats. "Landlord," says one Of the Democrats, whom 'we will call Brown, "landlord, have you ony conveyance, horses, wag. ons, carriages or carts, by which any ofl my friends could go back to town to-night, if they wished? "Oh, yes," says the landlord, "certain. ,!y; I can Fond the gentleman if they wish. ed .". "Very well, sir; they May get very tight before they desire to return ; they are men of families, respectable _citizens, and Ido not wish them, - ,under any cir cumstances, to leave your house until morning. Whatever the bill is, I will foot, provided you deny them any of your means to go in tonight. You understand!" "Oh? yes, sir : if you request it as a matter of favor, thati shall keep your friends hero, I will endeavor to do so ; but hadn't you better attend to them yourself?", "Well, you see . ," says Brown, "I have business of importance to transact—must!, be in town this evening. Give the party all they "wish; put th'at in:your fob—(han ding the host an . X)—post up your, bill in; the morning, and I'll be out bright end ear ly to make all square. Do you hark," says Brown. 4 ‘ol4.yes, sir : ull right, " responded the landlord. Brown gave hia Confederate the cue, stepped out,"promising to be in in a min nte,"..and then getting into the carriage, hadrovo back to the city, almost tickled to death with the idea of how nicely the Whigs, would bo "dished" when they all met at filo:Pity Hall, and come up minus two _ Smith, Brown's Loco friend, did his best 'to' keep: tho thing up, by calling in New ;Tiny thunder and lightning—r.ilgarly known tie Champagne—and even walked nto the aforesaid . t. and L so deeply him. , If, that a - man with' half an eye might .:fi l rotb woum be as blind as an owl in course of .the evening. But Smith bound to do gho thing up brown, and ht no 'sacrificc; too great, el' too ex. naive to preserve the loaves and .fishes his Party. ' All, of a sudden; however ) ! 7 :ht was draWing on'a paee, Ak_ Whigs ~~aCc should not flourish also. The reports of those scientific men who have explored the country justify us in the belief that our WAsintleaoN, Feb. 1:i,'1850. Territory is rich in copper ores, and more Hon. IL S. FoeTe, U. S. Senate: particularly in galena or lead. *Whether Sin : You did me the honor, a few days, coal exists is a problem yet to, be solved. since, to request that I would furnish you 'lf it shall be found in any considerable o some information relative to the climate, quantities, the discovery will be of more i ; soil, and present condition of Minnesota real advantage to Minnesota than mines of to Territory. In reply, I proceed to make silver or gold. ain the following statement of facts, which On the upper portion of the Mississippi _ile a c- must necessarily be brief, but I trust will and St. Croix valleys lies the great region be, to some extent at least, satisfactory. 'of pine, which will continuo to prove a - , hall, 1 That part of Minnesota which lies east : source of wealth to the Territory and fu of the Mississippi river constituted a per- one State for a century to corrle.• The c au g ht ,ion of Wisconsin Territory, before the ad- !manufacture of pine lumber already °cc- Jo ul e o t - linission into the Union of the State of that' pies a very large part of the industrial la name, w ith curtailed boundahics. The St. , bor 01 : : the people. The quantity produced nishment. Croix, and a line drawn from the main d attfsgethe last year most have exceeded e right in-' brunch of that stream to the mouth of the:,, Oh millions of feet, nlthongh the amount St. Louis ricer, on Lake Superior, now ,i. htit conjectural, as I have no reliable "Brandy's' divide Wisconsin from Minnesota. On I data upon whirl' to bw - ' a calculation.— , settle your I the West of the Mississippi, the parallel of Much - of this is needed for horre consump led on Chem- Ipope- 4:3 dog. 30 min. is the line of division be- I tion, caused by the rapid increase of , 1 tf)strrialls Nadir of a luting Girl at Um ,ry it—take a , twecu the State of lowa and Minnesota lotion, but the larger portion is rafted to , u see, has rut,: west to the Missouri. All the country up , St. Louis, where it meets with a ready i react', Mutts., b) a Ph)Siriate , the gog h ten up an d the latter stream to its junction with sale. This branch of business is in the I For a week or two past the eastern l a. are 's, t o eh,. loves ,NI hitewater, and along that river to the hands of hardy, e nterprising, and respect- : pt. is have contained scraps of intelli g ence i Hall took their , , British possessions, thence eastwardly fol- able men, who, enduring every species of l ielativ e to the most extraordinary murder m ul e ma k e s o me lowing the line of 49 deg. to its inte r.,ec- ' privation in their wild bones, are too of. of a young woman, named Catharine Lou. to they arc very ' tion of the extreme northwest boundary of, ten fated to encounter heavy losses from' isa Adams. From what we can gather, ious Chumpagne. 11 isconsin, in Lake Superior, appertains the uncontrollable floods which set at de-' the following arc the main facts:—lt up 1, "It's n , y opinion' to 'Minnesota Tr r, The area cm- ' fiance, equally, the strength and skill ofd pears that Miss Adams was a Lowell The. G going in this way, braved within these limits contains be.' man, I tort' girl, 18 years ofage. .`.'Ate had a lee. ,nv ; but here goes to tweet 110,000 and 150,000 square miles, I The climate of Minnesota is not subject ) er twined Haltom, Taylor. who kept a liv- J—the loaves and fish- equal in extent to New York, Virginia, tosudilt n variations, cspegitilly in winter. el), stable in Lawrence. She illiscqui nt. !and Pennsylvania combined. I Although in some winters snow falls to aI ly caine to Lawrence and worked iii the i a rather contrary ef. I This immense region is bountifully wa. ' considerable depth, yet, as a general tered by the Mississippi, St. Peters, and rude.fard 1 mills there, buts owing to her intimacy dues usually, it did set-I we have r less than is the case either in! with Tay log, (to whom it was reported she e minutes he was so very I Missouri rivers, and the Red river of the : New England or the northern part of theiwaS about to be married,) she neglected is chin bore down uponj north, and tbeirnumerous tributary streams, State of New York. 'The comparative al,- her duties, and {Sal discharged. After ecame as "limberas a rag," , which traverse it in ey ery- part. (here are :sence of moisture in our country is nttrib- passing some weeks in Boston with her a a ph of bag-pipes. I also innumerable bodies of fresh water, ; utable doubtless to the fact that no very friends, deceased again made her appear. 33, , says unit. "let's be on: which abound in fish of various kinds-- , large bodies of water arc to be found, al- once in Lawrence. On the 21st of De t as a gig, wagon, e ll I ,i a „e I the white fish especially being found in , though, as I have berme stated, small lakes cember last, she disappeared, and was not ig, and let us be off; vc e inus; ! great numbers in the more northern an).. : übound. During the coldest weather in often+ ardshem ci of until Sunday, the 10th immediate:lv ." , larger lakes. The general character of winter, the air is perfectly still ; conse- of February, when her body, shockingly gentlemen, but can't oblige II Minnesota l is that' high,quently the temperature is much more tol- mangled, was found in "Richardson's nt a vehicle on the pleinge,3 tio i but the streams and lakes are bordered enable, and even pleasant, than could be Brook," (so callad,) to short distance from w ith l'eav y bodies of timber, which contain , con'ounel it, you don't pretend I I supposed by those who reside in the same Methuen village, on the Lowell road, sew species of wood known along the ' m can't send us in town to-nighe t everY latitude on the Atlantic coast. ed up in a piece of bagging. The discos-- " says Jcnes, wsxmg uneasy. IMississippi below, except beech and syca. I The navigation of the Mississippi isnot cry vvasmade by some persons on their 1 v 'nt you a'harse, jackass, mule, er more. At a point about eighty miles above to be relied on after the first week in No- return from church, who actuated by mu olba rrcev ,nn v thing, so we can be the fill; of St. Anthony, west of th e Mis- ' vember ; and steamboats arrive in the, riosity, drew the sack from the water and .1, right off, too r' sly s I I,•ill.st ' , lila, Lohmie ( a large and re marka. : spring about the I(th or 12th of April ; so I , opened it. It was first seen in that spot .'an't help it, gr nflene'n." 'w. ble forest, which extends to the south, that the river may be considered as closed on the sth of January last, by some boys, What time do the rat's come • nearly at right angle across the Minnesota I about five months in the year. I have who were fishing for "shiners," and sub ,e rly inquires Jones. l or St. Peter's river, to the branches of th e ' known steamets to reach St. Paul as late sequently by numerous persons passing I "About nine o'r'„ok," coolly la ph , •s the lkkat!) or Mae Earth Ist. hod v of sv oodland is more than one hun. back safely to Galena, and to return by; Lowell, but attracted no attention lather 1 . j "Niee foots I'' -heeled the disvonuie d 1 le from Ist and twenty miles in length, and from Ist A pit ; but this is not usually the case.ithan a casual glance, supposing it to be a Alderman. "But this won't do: conic ! fitteen to forty in brendth. Many beanti- ' St. Puttl is the present capital of the) valuless piece of bagging frozen in the ful lalces of limpid water a reafimnd within Jones, no help for it—can't foul us in that , Terraory. It is situated on the east bank brook. Dr. J. 11. Morse and other phy to the Oity way--eight miles lbw—N o • its limits, which arc the resort of innumer. !of the Mississippi, about six miles below i ' sicians proceeded to examine the body.— hours to do it in ; off coat and' let's pot it, able wild row I—including swan, geese an d Font Snelling, and eight miles by land from ) A cord was drawn tightly around the The City Hell clock had just struck 7 clucks. The dense thickets along its bor. , the fulls of' St Anthony. It is now a town ,throat, so tightly as to sink end bury P. M., the Tea-Room was lighted up, the der An:it places of concealment for the' of twelve or thirteen hundred inhabitants, itselfin the flesh. The face was covered assembled wisdom ge. , eer, which are killed in great numbers by d, of the MUnicipal ' and is rapidly augmenting i n population. with thick bandagessuflie ient ofthemselves ernment had their toadies, and report, rs ' the /ndians. The numerous groves of. Stillwater is a thriving village on lake St. to cause strangulation. Those bandages and lookers-nu were there ; the room mis hind maple afihrd to the latter, nt the pro-' Croix, a b ou t eighteen miles Item St. Paul consisted of four thicknes-es of cotton quite full. Brown was three, in the best Per Sltl'Ull, the means of makm_ s ugar , 'by land, and twenty-live from the Missis-, cloth, with cotton wadding underneath, of spirits and the Locos all fairly snorted while the large cotton-so uods and butter- sippi. It is second only to St. Paul in size, the latter forced into the mouth and nos with glee at the scientific manncrin which nuts are converted into canoes by them' and is incransing steadily in• wealth and , trils, and the whole fastened with a chord for the nansportation of then's(' ves and P"Pulsti°°. Brown had "done" Jones and Hall out of There is also quite a village round the neck. So tightly, Indeed, was their families along the water-coulees and their votes! The business of the evening at the falls of St. Anthony, which is one the chord drawn , that it cut in the flesh was climaxing—the Whigs missing two lakes. At the approach of w inter the of the most lovely spots in the upper codn- back of the neck, and exhibited deep in of their number, were in quite a spasin or bands of Sioux, sate C those who rely ex- try, and also at Marine Mills, on the St. , dentations in the cotton and batting, with doubt and fear. The chairman called the exclusively upon the buffalo f u r subsis- :Croix river, Sank rapids, on the Mississip- I which the unhappy girl was strangled.— meeting to order. The roll was called-- tence, seek the deepest recesses o f the for- 'pi seventy-five miles aim(' the fulls, and I Some faint scratches appeared upon the seven "good and trio" , Locos answered cst, to limit the bear, the deer, and small-' at Mendota, at the mouth of the St. Peter's thee, arid the forehead exhibited marks the call. Six 'Whigs had answered--the be fur-beating animals, among w Ineh may , river. Point Douglass is at the junction: of blows, but the skull was not fractured, be enumerated the raccoon, the fisher, ,and grinning, was being called—the Locos were between the Mississippi and the St. Croixand the examining physicians gave it as grinning, and twisting their fingers at the the "irk' In this beautiful country . are , rivers. It is a charming place, and is their opinion, that the wounds on the head apex of their flans! to be 'bland all the requisites to su s t ai n a ! destined to be the scat of a town of corn- were nut alone sufficient to cause death.— "Alderman Jones !" Alderman JOll O B !" dense population. The soil is ofgrcat fer-Imercial importance. llt was the supposition of the medical gen bawled the roll-caller. tility and of unknow n depth, covered as itl Is with the mould of a thousand Pembina is tho name of a settlement on demon, that the blows were given to put "Hero!" roared the missing individual,years,-- our side of the line of the British posses-land end to her struggles, while the mar- The Indian is hero in his forest home, I blow, e? and contains upwards of a thousand , Berets wore proceeding in their work of bursting into the room, hitherto secure from the intrusion of the "Alderman Hall !" continued the roll, souls, principally of persons of mixed In-! strangulation with the cotton cloth. Mon lL CIIAnAeTnn or Pres.—Some "Here !" responded that notable woe- pale faces; but the advancing tide of civil. : die m and white blood. These people are' A further examination of the body brut , f o lk s " ewe p i o „f b e i ng fil t h y in 'their thy, rushing in, entirely Wowed out. ization warns him that ere long, h e must active and enterprising, hardy and tutee-Ito light practices surpassing, in inhuman I h a bi ts, yield up his title to this fair domain, andand negligent in their personal ap pearance. But whether fob(' is best eaten "Beat,.by thunder !" roared the Locos, laid, excellent horsemen, and well skilled, barbarity, if possible, what we have alma in grand chorus ; and in the modern clas- seek another and a stranger dwelling in the use of fire-arms, They subsist by I dy detailed of this heart-strickening and Place, It is a melancholy reflection, that seems to u 3, merely a matter of taste Rid off the grotind c or from China plates, is, it sins of the Bowery, "they was'nt anything agriculture and the chase of the• buflido. terrible tragedy. An attempt to produce the large and warlike tribes of' Sioux and convenience, about which pigs and men else." The Whigs not only had the cut They desire to be recognised as citizens abortion had been made, and the foetus, but the entire deal in the appointments at Chippewaa, who now own full nine-tenths of the United States, as do some thousands of about four or five months, had appareut- I may honestlyof the soil of Minnesota, must soon he sub- differ, They ought,- then, to be judged charitably. •At any , rate, that time, and Alderman Brown had a bill of their kindred, who now reside at Set- ly beet] dissected with a sharp instrument,' jected to the operation of the same causes are•net filthy enough to chew tobacco, at Harlan], a little more serious to foot, kirk's colony in the British territory, but and part of' it taken away by piecemeal.l pigs get ti which have swept their eastern brethren who are anxious to emancipate themselves It is supposed that the deceased, while un than the' racing of the Alderman to . nor to• 'poison their breath by drinliing , *i I from the earth, unless an entirely different • And as to their perseinal hp r chance to vote, ' , from tho iron rule of the Hudson Bay dei•going the operation, made outcries, and w hi s k ey ... line of policy is pursued by the govern.' Company. These people aro only await- that, fearing a discovery, a fold of cloth! I, pentane°, yew don't catch a pig playing , meat towards them. If they were brought ling some action on the part of' the gov- was put over her mouth, and that finally , the dandy, nor picking their way up 'the, MII. PLUMIL IN CALIFORNIA.--We under the influenceo j and restraint of o ue j ernment of the United States, to join their they were obliged to kill her..!muddy streets, in kid slippers. . • have a letter from Mr. Plumbe, the gene b en . igplaws, and seine hope extended to' brethren at Pembina. They would form The invesfigation by the Coroner's In-I Pigs have some excellenttraits of el 1 , tleman who originated in lowa, many years : them, that education and a course of mor- lan invaluable defence to that exposed fron- quest brought out strong testimony against acter. If o ' ' little. since, chances to wallow.a_ little since, prior to Whitney and others, the a l tra i n i ng would, at some period boreal'. ! tier, in case of difficulties hereafter, either ono Dr. Mos es P. Clar k, of Lawrence,) deeper in some mire hole than his fellows, plan of a Pacific railroad. The letter is ter, entitle them to be placed upon an 1 with the British government, to which and the lover of the girl, Darius Taylor. I and so carries offend comes in 09SeS4' p_ . ion dated at Sacramento city, Nov. 20th, and' equality, socially and politically, with the 'thoy are much disaffected) or with the In- But as there was no positive testimony I f •ofther I • in it Mr. Plumbe says :"I have just arriv- I whites, much good would be the result. ! dam tribes. i • against them, the presentment or jury)the never assumes On extra importance on ed at this city, after having crossed our , 1 The soil of Minncsota is admirably ad- I I might stale in this connexion, that the merely charged that ,the girl was murder- that recount; neither are his bretherem' •'' f e continent, via the south pass, with the ' opted to the cultivation 01l the cereal; Indians generally our. Territory ed at Dr. Clar k'phim s house, in Lawrence, by pi I enough to worshi for IL . ' through view of satisfying• myself, from personal grains. Wheat, eats, and barley are al- 'tire kindly disposed towards the Whites, some persons to the jury unknown. I only question seems to be ifi b" ' I '45.7, l observation, whether the project I have so ready raised inconsiderable quantities, and "and Anxious to avoid a collision. This is Dr. Clark was arrcsted and committed '1 ? lrl • mg ,le IS they`treat.h.im be ate. 4 , :, long agitated of a railroad from the Atlan- 'corn grows to great perfection. Wheat ! emphatically the case with the Sioux and to the Salem jail. The accused is a manl* when mewl And hen a bog has no , • tvs tic to the Pacific, was really entitled to the and barley afford a sure crop, even at the Chippewas. • . - or about sixty years of age, apparently in own h e ~,,` its on aristocrat' attention of the nation, which I have ever British Red River colony, which is in !Mi. : I would remark,•in conclusion, that the feeble, health, and of the most respec•table ' claims' titular respect for believed myself warranted in claiming ' •, tude 50 deg. it. As the result of my examination, it; What" Will be the result in the cultiva- for intelligence and, high-toned morality, ing privy to the murder, is much yennger , affords me the greatest pleasure to have it ti on •e f • 't trees in our Territory has nc-,For the twenty' months or more priorto and of prenosessing eppearante. Dr. : on 0 fruit • in my power to report that the importance, vet been' tested ; but there is no reason to 1 the establislime„tirby Congress of a LYov- ctayk is a regular ly;S ) - -(4•Ksician, and oh , '.he v kwellf •I•t for• 'experimentwill b t r ni• t Ith 1 • - of ,the %orr as as the act I y al - 1 h that - -'uoua the e success- ernmen or mum) Sto. a oug ein th ~'” , g ,ta •g lg t\g ae go 101 a - g ., ~. 1 e construction are, i n my es ti ma ti on , much ' ful,, with,all these SPecies which are produ- a nomtdous 'poaition inAaihich it was lell b 4' • ' gys'AV--v0 00 - aWa s ' 3 o •.`" (44 4 , N ° N y"-V ( I S 0) ,64AsActaiti &ratter than I had supposed, before seeing : ced in the same parallel of latitude else-, the admission of VVisconsin into the LTl' x t].l e g''o's`k go v.V• tg oo',%k,l ,• ',. for myself --Boston 21 - anseript. I acre.m Minnesota, is destined to he a : great 'as n State,' it was uncertain to what extei ' r vit c •• ' 3 ' a 4 91 - •ti - - -1 , 1„,„ • , , i ,( ;A •cr poi 1, . --.----- i agriculture , and her • prairies nre 1 region , irosua 1 .1 Wetly, the laws could bo enforced not a egle,' I Y allut%.“ A bill has weed the Legisitflure of. well calculated fol. the raisin of stock.--, single crime of any Magnitude was cc , t a eg-LY-E--‘r•Srq!beSTr""l,7lmg . • , - '....tr g :I i vi . ,' ' minour•-ret Wisconsin, submitting • the • quesiton oi l Thord is alsb f rsuch an extent of water-pow- mitted-• , The otrzei .t t•;, : cb. g 1859; banks or no berths in that state to the pee) , I erCthroughciut • its. broad surface, .that,ne iComposed•of g me ' t ...,er.•, 31 A. pie. . ' ' • reason can be perceived why mannfiiet I utes wP II r ` - • 4 • _ riowin , i ha, !" H .., .• , 3 • ~ '. .' 'a . q .' ' ..' .. ' :, . ' ... f0"-Vt . • - .114 . •; \ ., .' • ' •'— . -• • , :: r . ' ''.'"'' ' •i ' , ' ,- 1 ip ',. , s-F. -- : - -;--- - Ti--A. f.'.-•-..,, - .---7,:- -...:. e ,--,-----'; ? A ,:y -:"., 7 t• - ..:yx' • ~ .., . . i_. • , ...... -• . , , • ~_._ '' , • i k • , i . " . "; - \. ' , •L ,- ::,,,,:- , i ,.;..' - ,.i'• • ,!.,,,iik•- r::•,7.-,_: . j t • 1 • ; . ,—'' t i .. . , 1 1111 "::.1 . s' ' '. . :-. , , • C tt 6, . . • , .'i , ' ' • 4. .!? ~.. ''', t ~ . 0. 1 ,,,i . ,r, ,, ----------,...- . .. f) 0 .i. J• • e •,..,r .. 'a'i :, ie. . • ty.;; 0 ; I 0 I4:1." 'l 4 a ''''', 4 .l .. t , r} .. ~ •:•,- ,r+-.IA.Y;-74.%".1 : . j. ic' 1 —....,,.....if......=:,,,./ ~. . , .. . ii; i ,,,,, ; ...; Ti . 'tp ' -.: r! '''. 1 4..: r . ' '7 6 g sl : tt IX : 4 11 Ri ~' .•J • F I,.jn A WEEKLY PAPER : DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, MORALITY, AND FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. INTELLIGENCE. P began to smell a mice. The nbscence of Brown, and the excessive politeness and liberality of Smith, in hurrying up the bottles, settled it in the minds of the Whigs that something was going on, dangerous to the Whig cause, and that they had better look out—and so they did. "Jones," says one of the Whigs, sot° voce, to the other, "Brown has cleared ; it is evident ho and Smith calculated to corner us here, prevent your presenceiu "the Tea Room" tonight, and thus defeat your vote." “The deuCo 1 You don't think that, do you 7” "Faith, I do; but we won't be caught napping. Waiter bring in a bottle of brandy." "Brandy?" said Smith, in astonishment. "Why, you aint going to drive right in ; to it, in that way are yOLI "Why not 1" says Ikll. "Brandy's the best thing in the world to settle your nerves after getting half fuddled on Cham- pagne, my boy ; just you try it—take a good stiffhorn. Brown, you see, has cut, we must follow ; so let's straighten up and get ready for a start. Here's to 'the loves and fishes.'" Jones and Hall took their Cogninc, which dogs• really make some men sober as judges after they arc very drunk on real, or spurious Clittmpagnel "Well," says Smith, "it's ivy opinion we'll all be very tight going in this way, brandy on Champagne; but here go e s to the fishes and loaves—the loaves and fish es,l mean." The brandy had a rather contrary et". feet from.what it dues usually, it did st,t tle Smith—in live minutes he was so very "boozy" that his chin bore down upon his breast, ho became as "limberas a rag," and snored like a pair aba . g.pipes. "Now, Jones," says flail. "let's be oil: Landlord, get us a gig, wagon, carriage, cart, anything, and let us la: on . ; %cc must b e in to‘‘n immediately." "Sorry, gentlemen, but cdn't oblige you--hav'nt a vehicle on the premises!" "Why, corOund it, you don't pretend to eny you can't send t.i.; in town te-night, do your says Jcnes, wsxing uneasy. "11fWnt you a'h..irv, jackas,i, mule, or tr wheellwrow, anything, so N%e eau be eartod, right off, too ?" siy, I !ill. "Can't help it, rntlenv.in." "What time do the cars come eagerly inquires Jones. Abollt Bine o'r!ock," c(%olly pli..s din hest. From the Vid,hingum A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE OF MINNESOTA, long !'