The Country dollar. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1849-1851, January 25, 1850, Image 3

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Celli ant
opinion whenever aniliwherover
rr ) •
the•question may be presented.
writing 'the foregoing, we havo
seen ttuit Col. BENTON has offered a bill
in U. S. Senate to divide Texas, and
to reduce her limits' from 350,000 square
miles, to 150,000 square miles, and as a
consideration for-the 21[9,000 that „would
thus again come into the possession of the
U.S., the national z .severnment .is,to. as.
sume the publie.dcbt of Texas.
I3~ovi~ flea DellOcrettic.U7tion:
WEnxr.s AY, 'Jan. 10, 1850.
The'Speaker laid before the Senate a
communication from the Secretary of the
Commonwealth, Tele tive. to the publication
of the resolution providing for an antnd.
meat of the Constitution.
Mr. Darsie-presented'a ',petition signed
by one hundred and thirty-two citizens of ,
Westmoreland county ; praying for the re- j
peal-of an.tct . passed last sesston, exempt-I
,property to` the value of p3OO from
levy and sale on execution, and distress
for rent.
Mr. - Brooka two pentions:from cttizens
Of Chester . county, ',praying .% for a law to
p.tcobihit:lbe q4le_ - of intoxicating drinks
in said county; one from citizens of Dela
ware county, praying for 'n' change in the
school law.' •
Mr. Walker-0one! from citizens of Erie
county; pittying.Tor the. passage of . a gen
cral-:banking law „sitnilarto that of the
ttiftite- of New ; Yoi•k•; and One from citizen `s
of the sante county, praying for the lacer-
goration of the Canal Bank of Erie,
Mr. Lawrence (Edwation) reported ad
versely to sundry petitions praying for the
repeal of the common school law.
On motion of Mr. Lawrence, the bill to
restrain the sale of intoxicating liquors in
the counties of Washington & Westmore
land, was taken up, and after having been
discussed fur a c: . ;nsiderable . leng.:h ortime,
and amended by striking out the county
of Westmoreland, it passed a final read
ing by a vote' of 24, nays 7.
WEDNESDAY, Jan. 10, 1850.
Mr. Porter presented a memorial from
seven hundred and three citizens of Elk
county, for a removal of the seat of Ins.
tics of said county; also, a remonstrance
oftwO hundred and three citizens of the
same county, against any removal.
- Mr. Hemphill; a supplement to an act
for the regulating of courts of justice, pas
tird 1834.
THURSDAY, Jan. 17, 1850
Mr. Drum, one from citizens of Carbon
county, praying for assistance to re-build
their public buildings; and one from Jacob
Hill, praying for relief.
Mr. Jones, from the Committee on the
Library, reported that the joint committee
had, on the 16th inst., elected Thomas C.
M'Dowell to the post of State Librarian ;
and that he had given security and enter
ed upon the discharge of his duties.
Lir 1.4 rtEAD 1z;
Mr. Drum read in his piece and presen
ted to tlic chair, a bill fur the relief ofJa.
cob Hill.
Tnunspay,hin. 17, 1850;
Mr. Kinkaid, one for a law to prevent
the sale of spirituous liquors on the Sab
bath. •
Mr. Bent, one for an amendment to the
Constitution, so as to give the right of suf
frage to negtoes; also, five for a law to
prohibit the sale of intoxicating drinks in
Chester county.
Messrs. W. Evans and Hastings, each
one for the new county of Pine.
Mr, Hastings,. one for the new county
ofMahuning; also, one for the, new coun
ty of Lackawanna ; also, one asking the
incorporation of Punxatawnoy into a bor
Mr. Hastings, (Library) reported that
Thomas C. M'Dowell, of Cambria county,
had been appointed Librarian, , and had
given the necessary bonds and entered up
on the duties of his office.
On motion of Messrs. Hemphill & Has
tings, the vote by which a' supplement to
the act to create the offiee of State Printer,
was lost yesterday, was re-considered;
when, on motion of Mr. fiddle, the House
FRIDAY, Jan. 18,1850,
Mr. Hemphill presented a petition for
the new county of Pine.
On motion of Mr. Hemphill, the supple-
Melia to the
. act to create permanently the
office of State Printer, was taken up and
s 4c,(1 • ,
New :Fork has its "secret occupations"
in those even of a model artist
character, which are now said to flourish
there as ,well as ever. A New York let
ter says,;. Some folks haVe a curious way
of getting a living this city. A fellow
by the name of Wood was arrested yes
terday, charged with habitually lying in
wait ter persons who go in and , come out;
of assignation houses, Tor the purpose of
extorting "black mail"--that is,' the
ment of so much ,"hush Money.' Be is
hold for ftyther examination; but if they,
%end him Blackwell's Island; he ,
says . he will, out .of, slicer. spite
Some awfill discloures; that will astonislx
the,eoMmtinity. i : He' itra sh re*d
The Late -Mystery- 7 4rue 4111 against Prefea•
ter' . Webster. • '
Bostox, Jan. 18.
The Grand Jury have found a true bill
against Prof. Webster, charging him with
the murder 'of Dr. PaAtman. Pliny Mer
rick has been retained as the leading con'''.
set for the accused. The examination be.
foro the Grand Jury was not wholly ex
parte. Several witnesses were examined
who said that they saw Dr. Parkman af
ter" he disappeared.
A gallant Brother—lsaac B. Dunn,
Esq., a member of the House of Delegates
of Virginia, from Washington county, re
signed his scat in that body, on d'uesday
last. - . 'Mr. Dunn's sister is the Mrs. White
who, travelling in the Far West, with her
husband, on their way to'oir from 'Santa
• Fe, was a short time since seized and cur
ried off, with her child, into captivity, by
a band of Apache Indians, He has re
signed his seat, in order to accompany a
party, who are to set out .• immediately for
the Indian cotintry, in order, if possible, to
discover and rescue his sister'.,
' MARRIED on the 17th inst., by the
Rev. P. NlcEnnally, Mr. WESLY NEI/LINO,
to Miss &MALI RoniNsorr, both of Bcccatia
Prices of Flour and Grain,
The following tiintrinent %lilt show tho prices of
Flotir mtd Grain at the cover& places mentioned et
our latest dates.
Floor. Wheat. Corn. Ome.
Now York,
$4 73 •1 06 58 32
4 75 1 10 GO 32
5 50 l 12 63 33
4 75 1 05 58 23
50 79 50 t": 3
6 VO 1 25 75 40
Corrected Weelily from tho l'os,uoelphot Popcis
Pennsylvania. 'Bank, Cayuga L. 1
Philad'a b'ks, par Western, Roches., 30
U. S. Bank, 13 Binghampton, 50
Chambersburg, i Cattaraugus co. 30
Gettysburg, 4 Clinton county, 15
Pittsburg, i i Commercial, But, 15
Susq. County, do Oswego, 10
Lewistown, no sale Farmers', Seneca, 30
Middletown, i Hamilton bank, 15
Carlisle, .1 Meehan. Buffalo, 45
Hollidaysburg, - . 6' Merchants' Ex., 40
Erie, l Millers', at Clyde, 10
Waynesburg, I i Oswego, 60
Washington, lali Phomix,.Butralo, 35
I farrisburg, i Staten Island, 50
Honesbale, State b.Bullitle,7saBo ,
Browesville, lal - St. Lawrence, 75
Williamsport, tf Union, Buffalo, :30
York, iU. S., Bufliflo, 30
All solvent b'ks par %Watervliet, 15
Relief Notes, 1 Other solv. b'ks, 1
Towanda Rel. no sals New Jersey.
New York City. Del. B'dgc Co. 'B5
Chelsea ban., 80 Yardleyville, 15
Clinton, 501 Plainfield,
Commercial, 210ther solvent, par
Lafayette, 21 Ohio.
Washington, 70'Salvent Cincinnati 14
Other solv. 13'16, pnr Cleveland, -- 5
New York Slate. ElanUlton, 15
Allegheny co. 66a75 Commer., Scioto, 10
America, Buffalo, 30 do Lake Erie,7s
Commerce, do, 35 Sandusky, '
Atlas bank, 30 Norwalk,
Canal, Albany, 25 Farmers', Canton, 75
Brockport, 25 Granville Society,
James Bank, liLancaster, : 15
Northern Ex., 11U rbanna 13'ing co. 65
Lodi, 20a25 Other 'solvent, 1 i
Lyons, 15 Under Fives, 21
State b.Saugerties, 1
OP pertntriltip, The co-rartr,ership
lic,elv.ufe In❑ II nn bsr rinet n, tra•
(lIIIg 1/110Cf ;no lirm 01 i OVER BLAI H. 111 the
Cnbil eI ^AO; l'u.aness. Cur
ti day di.v.utv,-d. The aerou n:s of said firm ore
if -4 .11 II hands of I..bcptice };volts, 0! ‘‘i t ic: :
;Titled, 1%111 litho nutlet.
Jan. 21, 1850.—pd
:lILTOTiCV. is bereft), giv en, that wecling the
11l mita (ante 01 the buruntrn of (It - tankld st ill be
I Q ui in the Court House on Saturday evening Itio
t:Glit inst., at ft 1'..M., to take 810711 1110116.1 f Ca 88 tall
moron, the election of a budding tor thu use sif the
Utaninon !Fe hunts ot said borough. nU ore resrect•
fully awl earnestly invited to (mend.
By order of the Board of Directors.
..1011.N L. CuTTLE, Se&y,
January 15, 1850.
I•s hereby given, In ell persons rigainitt purchasing
ur meddling in any wily with a JUDGAILIN
“hitiiiied home Ety , L. cans, in Uurti'cm lIIc. %%Mull
J.Mica Juhnaluu hits uphill' me, dated abnekihe
12ili of February, 1419. us it is an unjust debt; ob.
d by unluir means. mind I um ilieloure deter
mined lint to, pay Ftfla Judgment• finless (amp:alt.()
by law. JAMES liOI3IIYS.
Perin tp., Jan. 15, 1850.
9111 E: subscriber respectfully informs,the public
1. that' , he 'has commenced the abuse men
Boned business, in all its various branches, in itiC
borough; uf clearfield, directly opposite the.Alinh•
diet Church. where ha is prepared to manufee
n the rapt dureble.manner. He hopes by strict
attention toliusiness, to mern and receive a shore
of public patronage,
DI - COFFINS made to order on theehoriesi no.
Clearfield, Juno 18, 1849.
WANTED,—TWO Journeymen at Me above
Butnness.,who can have stoutly employment
old at hair wages. pimp), taut goad workmen need
apply. • Jun. 17.'6U
.iVioney,, Fo und.
WAS 101111E1;0n Fin/a). Dec. 1849, on
the u." 'f' urnp ii.o ,beik%erni Pritiitpahurg
and PlerVnehl.Cred
ceelaining about Fiva , D.llare guld—
heing.eee half oaglu urgrid and chi) haluie4 in
elver• Alpo, a note of obligation toilh the
illiiiire . o l 'Joseph - Idd hgo opme The ,ovvner
van-hive the /nine by calling .on the oubanriber
in Brady townstop, proving' ritopeilli , andpaying
the charge.. 111811EIU
tltfti' S= P 350 ; - iftimvu
!) • •
Iffllll , '. sobseriter (:ate!) , In the employ of hiehard
fklosmp, of this. pMeP) re,i,erttully informs lib
iiictols sud the publiv, Mut lie lies commenced the
above busines. 111 the 6011101 (110111 lately oven pietl , py
111ese G00d:e!.9%%. fie (Litters hmisell Nat he tale
cumpMai m tatislm tmy tiny order that
he may M. lit% ored t‘;:e. Koller Comee or h tie
v.oris mndt. /;1 tile moat ,e,loutirt We and . zervit..eume
A. C. Town,
2241M2-111.G 0 .34411:ta"24%.5
Mride to order, 111 coy ityk.
CI( at field, Nov. 30, It3d9.
Axe Factory.
TIIE subscriber having leased the
Axe Factory of L. It. Curter, near Clear•
respecilnily announces to iho people of Clear:
field and the ahjuining counties lust ha is
operation, and ready to supply ull oilers jar
`Merchant! slid Lumbermen !re .reapeetiully im
vimil to deal with litm, us lie is determined to do his
Nurk in as good style. nod on as reammabio terms
as they ern supply themselves elsewiieri . -.
Country produce, arid even CASH seldum r
aed ut exchange Sur %sork.
Attorney at Law.
niFFERIi h 3. Ncrvi cc s zte an Atv,reey and Coon ,
sellur at 10 the citizens of Clearfield and
uoiuming eounti. a. Any bee Incas entrusted-to his
care shall be promptly mid satisfactorily attended to.
Clearfield, Dec, 8, 1849.—pd
BY wirlue u uu alder el ilia Orpfillilte Court of
the Cowtiy ()I Clearfield. %%11l t t o sold al pub.
ue rule tit the Cottri hobo hit iho -'huruagli ul
Cleutlield sot Altman) Ilre 4th day Fehreur) 1850,
00 ACRES 01 , ' LAND,
Istiunie In Brut') tut%tl.4l,p, btgIIOIn1; n 1 it tlitho-
I.). thence by lubd ul Levi Uwe tAe.t..1.45 /tenet,
es to a 1.111%%ui/41 lice. ibebre by tabu
Irtgerset north 116 3 4 perches to a 1.1181 thelite
by laud of Mechect Crow. jr., cum 145 percher to
post. thence by land ul John Curtnetty, south
116 3 4 perches iu the place el begitonng, being
part ul the Caper Siuiver tract nod know.u•by
Nu. 195. d ull- the know premises t% Inch. C. tiol%er
by Jett' conveyed to Satettel McGarr, recorded .
111 111 Ilauk E. page 141.
Purchase rn..110) to be, pent on confirmation of
role. by the Court., .. .
P.II,aLANt having budilieus,to trillium t with the,
&turd 'of Curnimattoliters ill etieurtiold comity.
will take nonce, that - said Board will be in seuuteru
la their Ofal:13. 1.1 UM bOr4lllCit ill 41111r ,, fitlide.n . { Muse .
day, th e 411 s of spisruary Her.,- . - •
Comas ni Offic ?
ee...250850. ••• -
For Rb. 21 , rni; 1850: •
Jacob Cole Cordwainer, Lawrence
A. D. Knapp Farmer Jordan
Miles Murray do Bradford
John Schnars do - Karthaus
G. P. Gael' 'do . Lawrence
Philip Erhard do Pike.. .
Rob't Whiteside do " • Beccaria
Rob't Ardery do Morris
G. C. Passmore do Pike
W. IC. Wrigley do
Wm. Holten - - do• • • ' Jordan
Rob't McFadden do Chest
Wm. C. Reed do Lawrence
Freeman Lamm do Huston
David Bell Fullei , Bell ..
Jo. McClarren Farmer
J. H. Jones . Cordwainer, Borough
John Weaver • Carpenter Bell
Joseph Neff : Farmer , . Burnside
G. Bowersock .Cordwainer Bradford
Elisha Ardery Farther Lawrence
John Dale do Bradford
Geo.•Barger do do
Talbert Dale do Brady
- For M. Terin, 1850.
David Labord Farmer Union
John CarMe Brksmith Brady
Arnold Bliss Farmer • Huston .
James Wiggins do Karthaus
Edward Albert do Decatur
Levi Lutz Lumberman Covington.
Val. Flegal Farmer Bradford
Simon Fulton t'..o Burnside
Joseph Irwin do Lawrence .
• Jas. McEwen do • Burnside . •
Grier Bell do Bell
James Curry do Chest
Rich'd Kincaid do Woodward
Sarn'l Fleming State Manager Pike
S. Rorabough Far Mer Chest
David Stewart Merchant Bell
Ab'm Bloom Farmer Pike
Gen. Erhard do Jordan
Wm. Hutton do Burnside
L. C. Carden do Lawrence
W. W. Cathcart do Jordan
J. Bachman do Decatur
Anth. Kratzcr Sawyer Pike
And'w Kephart Farmer Decatur •
David Smith do Burnside
D. H. Morgan do Woodward
David Dale do Morris
J. S. Gallagher do Beccaria
Samuel Shoff do do
D. McKeeghan ,do Jordan
Rob't LeOnard do Lawrence
S. C. Fleming Carpenter Brady
Conrad Ginter Farmer Woodward
H. Henderson do do
John Reams do . Brady
Sam'l Wilson do Bradford
Oi - r( Drr G00d,, , tt hich urn of the West and
molt appraeed myles. hove been selected nu
necaaat of 16r it DEAUTY nod DURABILITY. Arnot , g
them may be lanai
Front It, English and American BROADCLOTHS
of tvery Blind° oi pare and rotor—Heat y Ps.
lot and Braver cLoTifs—Drab, Green and
Blue BLANKETS Ihr Overcoats—Black and
de rul.llnll—S,ik, Sutm, rasaimere,
ai.d oilier ‘ , EsTINGs— yokel
M...1e, Black. Sniped, El zit red and changeable
ALPACAS--French, Eirliston and Hialeah('
GI NG A MS—Also Dentine', Cashmeres, Gala
Pands, Lineal s, Merinos, French and other
Cto.ilimgt --Snort is, (It choice lot) all Hoot and
cution Flannels, calicoes. rheclie. Tick inge,
13/ nikets, Muslims, Hosiery. Gloves, &e. &e.
. .
s):7 - We make no charge for shireklog our gouda,
SU come and examine their price• and qumluy.
Cary% volt vine Dce. 3.
Boot & shoe
-7 , MAKING.
Axes, Chissels, Adzes, &e.
Cloarfield. Nov, 24, 1849. 4111
Arl'mr of Samuel McGarr.
Clesrfield, Dec. 13, 1849. •
Eating of County Commissioners.
ISAAC 131100 M, jr., Treasurer of
Clearfield countb, in account with said
county front the' bth day of January,
A. D., 1849, to the 10th day of Janu.l
ary, A. D., 1850, inclusive.
goomol retie rrli Irom o%%nern ol
I.!fi , eal•tl Lu.dn rim; eulen for lIITOI 6441 46
aoloofil rer, r. Irum C,liellOrd 4351 36
Jury lave 03
Fula u 1 John F Williams 20 GO
ttedomptio'n money on Lends geld to
Amuont credited from road Ini,d
do from sellout fund
Balance due Treasurer
IJorars' Expenses $897 35
Eieenon expenses 965 52
t table,' pay ' 172 32
CumnitsurAtors' troges 247 36
eu•ls 98 24
I Costs in L Allman's cats 986 29
Asdessurs wages 314 3d
Scalps 150 23
Road dews 50 011
Oringes 406 50
Jail lees 165 01
Cle. ltd . wages 125 71
Sher4l3 . fees 107 08
Repairs 21 72
Fuel and &whiner, 63.05
miners' wages 95 50
Court cryers . wages 19 SU
Muilionotary and clerk of sessions 115 . 29
Attorney Generals' fsed 33 00
Interest paid 66 17
Nutting contract 114 110
Bandies dne labs Treasurer 15 OUI
du due lielsoul distinct* 131 871
Auditing Prothonotary's accounts 6 00
Coats ut selling Lands 29 26
Scpierilal coi,sus
Esuheraiona 130 19
!merest on State las paid s 34 37
Balancer due Tra'r at last aettlemeut 1164
Outseanding debts due County from own
ers of Unseated Lands, and front Col
lectors. County State
Fl l / 1 11 uwarrra of Unseated Lamln 83555 54
horn G. 11 idem, yer Perm 1840 446
From Daniel Snuto G,brott di 226 14 83
J Tozer Cheer 1841 42
From S Jordan iorthat 1842 14 72 23 65
from Jou Lamborn Count do 392 102
From George 1 uotra Fergu.rm uo 21 44 13 94
1. rum J 111eQuillian Burroorlo 1843 27 23
From Una lioyt I lounwn uu 23 92 16 27
Crum C INCH iturotudo 1844 86 05
From JAM. Wood Cheat do 38 63 12 29
From J Bloom jr. ko 1845 86
From Alex Irvin Borough '46 10 97
From S Williams Cheat du 18 50
From John Ittiyu Girard 'do 647
From Jesu V 1 'Non liuubrun - do
From 11 FSlenwe Prlte do 125 81 81
From Win Muller. Berearia '47 701
F ru.n II Waple !Juno du 527
Trot J B But moy t_uN room do 6 50
r rum Ire.: Jr Jurrom du 155 .0 67 75
From It m Buoy r.:r Brio, fro '4B 7 18
hum It 1V moor() Bratty du 13 US
F r...ur JV Kuril Boro•ido du 96 71
S Bur:411)(0.0i Chest du 36 60
From David Carr Fut do 12 69
From P Alms Lawrence du 77 00 29 69
From 1 hue B suttil Mortis du 34
Prom Kbpoicer I',ku do 60 61
From Jll llegariy.Becearia 1649 154 79 69 58
Farm Geu I.Bluoll lit!' do 58 06 8 02
From Joe Slues Boggs du 94 06 47 48
From David Lox" Buruugh du 106 57 51 48
From A Gearhart Bradiurd du 209 71 31 43
From G Elimger Brady du 234 84 71 U 7
From J McMurray Burped') du 224 07 111 73
From Al Nalco Cheat du 13U 64 65 19
From I) thigueny Cu%i..gturr do 101 46 14 26
KII/fIl Thou Weliiig DCIIIIIUf du 78 63 191
From L Bur/m.l Ferguson du 63 39 22 62,
Fruit. S C Poichm. Gourd do 65 61 32 94
From 11 Graham Goshen du 713 12 60
Frum A Bruta nuelun du 15 61 345
Frum Wm Wiley Jordon du 137 18 75 52
Fruit) J Rubley Keriiieue du 47 47 19 03
Fri cu G P Gulch Lau relit edo I 1 37 22 141
From J Showalter WOW. (JO 142 88 29 (181
FrOlll ' l ' FCIIIOI/ Petit do 181 15 84 tiol
Frutu Snead Pike du 31/5 38 126 741
From S WhileiMe Wuudvtard do 61 52 517
66898 0731131 61
Am't of outotolidiog orders .IUIS OU
Balance in favor of county
Isadc Bloom; jr4 in account with town
ships for load Dix.
To'bal. at settlement of 1848, 8140 28i
By arret paid Beeburia $23 u 3
do do Boggs,. A 0 12
do do Brady, 12 00
do do Penn, 776
nal:: duo road. fund for 1846-7, 86 77i
To am't of tax rec'd for .1.848-9, $076 44
By ain't paid Beccaria, 810033
do do Bell, 460
do do Boggs, ,• 21 55
da do Bradford; - 'Ol ,
do • do Chesti ' • •8 66
do,, dw_coiingtoh, ' 15 00
do '`,dir'pecatut; ''49 04 ,
dos; 93 14'
• /, 5? -.0 10 4 , -
• 1,,:4
04111311=V A ND Wiltt.4l.lllll
TiJ enbseriber respectfully informs the citi
zane'ul Clearfield county, that he fins ram.
neared the above mimed linsintres, in 'tbef shelf
fOrmerly occupied lii J L Cottle. esti . 'and re.
pecifially Ftr:teita a share of public proronago.—
He - flatterti himself On& he can furnish work to
all persona who may be pleneed to call. to their
entire entistnelion Ile will keep on hand
Cabinet-work and Windsor Chairs
of ey ff y : 4oso, o .oo, . 11.1pleinfiet,ed.ebuits made
to order. -
ALSO, Dentist, Invalid, and Chamber
Chairs--Chair Beds and Bed Chairs.
O Th. Bed Cilair con i.e'eunveried from the
Arm chair to a compleio bed iu iwo mn utrx and
also u ell full to the small compass !hat eau be car?,
ried under the arm. It is parlieoforly fiiiiinble
for Military officers and Professional gentlemen
N. B.—Coffins made in the neatest manner and
On the shortest notice.
Clearfield. July 23. 1849 —,6na.
Or C lerticl4l Conn ly
For 1849.
5039 72
TWA per cent on 89936 36 149 01
$4683 07
do , do Goshen,,, ~29, 70
do do, Huston, 57, 88 • ,
.do do, Jordan, 12.,87.:
• do do Karthaus, 18 68
do go I,atyrenco,
do do Morris,. 15 39
do do Penn, 1 3 98 -
do do Piko, 490
do do WoOdward, 77. 25
Bal. duo road fund for '4B-9,
do do do for '46-7;
Total balance due roads, : $lB5 17
CR—By am't paid Arthur Bell, $135 .17
Isaac Bloom, jr., in account with School
Fund. DR
To em'nt of school tax recd inclu„, ; '-
ding bal. due at last settlem't, $250 59
By nm't paid Beccaria, in
eluding per centage, $2 85
do •do Bell, 2 40 -
do do. Boggs, 14 43
do do Bradford, 26
do do Brady, 128
do do Burnside, 374
do do Chest, 758
do (to Covington, 289
do do Decatur, 439
do do Fox, . 22
do do Girard, 18 15
do do Goshen, 35
do do Huston, 20 75
do do Jordan, 1 'Ol
do do Kurthaus, ' - 29
do do Lawrence, 178
do do Morris, 27 41
do do Penn, 182
do do Pike, .2 83
do • do Woodward, 19
12 49
33 03
15 27
292 15
85188 76
Total bal. due School Fund,
CR—By amit paid A. Bell,
WE the. miderregned C , 1 rnibsioners of Clearfield
county, buying eX.rrilned the ateeutila of ISAAC
jc., Tretpurer 01 buid etwitly ler the ye .r
A. D. iB4'l, el,. find them as above eiwed ; nn , t Vie
uulalandurig delme clue the e.mitt y u ,, ,,,, to :la
thousand right hundred and timely-eight chollurb
and tIVVYII contr.
Winters our hands this tenth day of JanuJry, A
D., 1851
Attest—H. B. Beissel, CIT.
WE the undersigned Auditors of Clearfield coun
ty. having examined and rev,sed ihe accounts of
ISAAC BLOOM, Jr.. reastirer of said r molly lor die
year 1849. do Retort that we find them as aim% e
stated ; and the unistareling debts due the roomy
iiinuunt to Six thousand tight hundred m ..
eight dollars. Witness our hands this tend' day of
January, A. D. 1850
11 16
11 00
Attest—H. B. Beissel, Cl'k.
Court Fraclnitiation.
WHEREAS the lion. George W. Woodward,
Presdent Judge of the Court of Cutnnion
Pleas of the 4th judicial district. composed of the
counties of Clinton. Cantre and Clearheld.and the
lion Jumes T. Leonard and Abraham R Wright.
F:squires. AssoJetale Judges in Clearfield county.
have issued their precept hearing date the - 6m day of
Decem er, 184). inane directed, tor holding a
Court or Common Pleas, Orphans Court, Court
of Quarter Sessions, and Court of Oyer 4
Terminer and General full Delivery,
ni Clearfield Towii,for me County tit leart!,,u, nn
the Ist Monday of Fettruary nest, (being the 4th
.1 , 1 of the month.)
Notate is, therefore, hereby given,
to thoColimors, Justices M thePeatte,& Constables
in and fur the Cuurny of Cletirlisld, in appear in their
own proper persons, with Hulls, Records. linpusi•
lions, Exatninations and other Remembrances, to do
those things which their °Rivet . &In their behalf ap
pertain to ho dune; end all wunessesond otherper
sous prnsectung to behalf 01 itieCommontvealth a
gainst any prisoners are required to be then and
thereattending and not depart without leave, at
their peril. Jurors aro requested to he punctual in
thetruttendance tit the uppoinledlime agreeable to
Given under my hand ui the town ol Clearfield.
iho 12th day of D...., in the year ut uur Lord one
thousand eight hundred and turty , htne, and the
sever - o , second year of A 111Pritil II ludepeudrnee
NOTICE is !tetchy given, that the folltminar Ac•
eminis have been examined
arod posed by
ine.roitt rrnutin filed of record in 11.1 a (Ake forth.
iiispeetion of heirs, freak es. ctudiiurei utitl nit uth.
ere in any way interested, and (null uo presented to
the next Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, ol to
he hold at the court house in the borough oh Clear
field, on Tilt/. SOAY the 7th day ul February neat,
for confirmation and alluvtanue:
1. The Adratfastratfult aeruunrof Gecirge Fey
and f stir Sulhdny, admitasitaturs of the estate.uf
David Lyons, late of Brady tubsuship, deceased.
2. The Admintsf ration account of Jacob Shaffer
and George Shaffer, ndministruturs ul the estate of
George Similar. late of Brady femuship.deccased.
3 f hu Administration account of David Butler ad.
mfaistrafur of the Esiaic all livery t"ey, Into u 1 Bra.
dy towitehip.deeenNed.
WIT. C. WELCH, Rcg'r.
Register's .office, (
held, January. 4, 1&50.
Doclor Yourself.
the best medicine for curing Spevins, Wine
gulls, Sin:1111k or Bruises, that his yet been offered
to the 7ublier for bale et the e . git of Ihe
GOLD IVlcnrrn.R.
• DAVIS' Compound Syrup of Wild•Chufli•and
Tor, on excellent remedy to allay Brom-Mai mita•
non, to quiet roughing, and to cure alt pulmonary
diseased, may be had at the sign of the.,
ALSO.n fresh supply of Fundy I\leclieines, of
neor.y all limas, and of the vrry bre, quality. Villich
will ue stud very low for Cash 1
A. M. Huts.
Nov. 30, 1849
S23IPV 241M1t0 Witgrll2l2.
G 00111),
$53 51
TuEsubocriberi are now . recelying:at Their
slelfo in Corworniviilo, a largo Anil wall aa.
rotted selerstion of goods Bailable loriho
c•oneivina al
Dry Goods, Groceries, Drugs and
Dye-Stuffs, Hardware, Queens--
ware, Hatif caps and Bonnets,
Boots and Shoes, Books-and
Stationary, and a variety ofno
•-tions too numerous to mention~
Lcz•Ttigie•whit ere' inti m " :ito-twoltra Ainignotot
could du, xcU ta'calt voftuaL, , ...Ttie ctilA3 colt:
nit" and jti;Atria °Lir opelt g,rji t
.1 enhars dr Buarnzit.
• /
.sil gßiFirgsAlk,_?::...-.,.-.,..-,..,....
By virtue of ri , i rlt . oCtieli Kncido.ligtued out
of the - C
I 1 t_C antuu I... Flans -ot-P44Efgald
county, nod for ritt..,4llre,el4-41 A : kli f. be. elowett to
poo•u• fill ft. IV lil I! C. , iirl'-fbbi4e'initia borough of
Clerk rfiebt,on ii lVlßibtuif. the4b,tb,ty o c!.l 4 4:fb, , t2gry
next. o ' rennin 'Croft `- 01 rlfiti r . 3 iV,INP . /fl'Pr II Ay.;
tOik rlalli P. iit4filirliriaqtri ‘ Aita rciAt4iUiortfiebl
by iher:jubn D'unfol;', , irvfry iiiirth 9Cfrileia:hell %
n /nisi. , t Irtuice etiii::•llo' mad)
90 M: 1 '1 14 . 1 0 0 1114 . ~.,. 111 iii!e.;:!ieqete:.viiel.7. l7o :lttb
rhea, being port o f en tv r , y; out, - 91. !Wt.( 6*.t,
c . orne:p n t No. '46g.. §;.-,..l:l : ikeii i, , xfeiolo/11-
anti to ti&i,olsl 4d iti 6 i.itipli : iy r .iirialyt r iiiitiPAVlS l
i dol., '• . -,...: ".. ' - ...1 •:.:?..1 . : rri'.l7.l
OM 04
48 40
86 77
.'ALSO, bttllt
BY virtue nf o n: t•trit of Ventlit - tuna Er penal.
'licit out ot the san.e court.
.ed, yoll:lpe.egrnned ro publbC at I,heits.Mit.
lithe 111 , 41' 'pike: n crown trnet of rand slinsfe
Bell tem rnlnn,-Ibring the' nne•thiiel - pa rt . - of :M.
nets* nlau,di :beginning at two natirretc.N;glo::
W 2.34 perches in sj , rtiec pirte e la 13 0 ; W:Nitt
perches In a.hlnrk mill. tbroca by land of.tVotithr
side (no 'vt , ' Haslet) S 55°`E 1 ilfpeil fica'se a 011iet`
oak. thence rang - ilts Su..tinehniins:riSeit:be•aiiir?
oral 'comae* tbc'reol 32$ perches to:the. plate
brgittninti%% sib Avvelling . llointrit;Siabliart
die., also a Sow—Mill lkstroon Irooted, wish alxtu,t. : ,
54 acre. u 1 land
,cli•nr7tilt aoisteViintl:laittti in llt3E•;
ertnion, and to
sold all'ibe okipattrof Getritkf;
wish notice to:Wrir, T. Thorp, teitidire%4
ant, ;
111 Y virtue of a similar writ taituoi„ontio( she;
same courvand to me . directed, wilt hexed
posed to public sale at the sina . thrie and
a certain tract of land situate in Laverencelown;
.hip; Clearfield edthly, boundedon theettit4nir
Jaron Movers land, on the north by lancl'pr3ohll:
ovilio, mitt-lb/her' Liwhead, on the west .by 40,1
01 George Welch and dand sold to.Eli . C;iennson,„
aid on the South by:the Sltillitithannit rivet4t6C.
ginning at a- black milt on the vinef:bartk
river, thence north 12 1.2° West 60 percher todr
large ,ruck ; in towenhip road, thence north M.
perches, to a poet corner and ,line of lend .now
p . loh Rubirf Lawbeed, thence east along '
said line 160 perches to a. plait. thence south
haiii.l 60 perches too .while - oak on thedaiink'cif)
the river. thence tip the river the. etiveral eount”
es thereet to place 01 beginning. containing .174
acres and 58 perches. -t tih about 80 acres cleite.,
cd. with n large dwelling honer., born end ar;
chard thereon Seised, taken in execution incV
to be sold do the property of Charles S. Moira.)
ALSO; • .
n y virtue of a tdirli..t writ issued ou: of the
a-or•court °ad to me' direeted,tnere will "M expoc
ed to public bale at ihe same tune and place;thei.l4l."
:awing .145er:bed Irund or land W . wit : 61 acres of
I ii.d iu L I vvrettee township, oieerficill enunty
sled is tuno‘.s.6,•giiiior.g at a pkilt itlol4l,l' east .102 -
perebv. to a s lierr) tree, thence :1 4 . 76. E 53 percher'
to a hein.o..k; thence 8 152 peicitt s to a biJllle!'
iiiCtiCe W 154 perches ton white oak, thenceA 16*
perches to piano of beginning fre,ervdy 80 acres;
surveyed toJacob Irwin) oaring thereon erected
Frame House. stable unit Saw Mil and nearing
Orchard, !and 4 or 5 acre* cleared. ts.e.z.cti and
taken in execution, and to tie sold UK the property
of Thoinaa Ilany, with nonce to Lewis -I(. Carter:
terre tenant.
8114 58
8130 0
8136 0
JPV virtue of a blamer 'silt to me chrecterLiaili bi
exposed to public sale at the saute time. and
p uco u vermin tract of coal silty/twin i.crgaibun,
ibwi.o.cp. boulidetf by lands ol David I. erg toolii ma the
heat. ':orne hue :110-rdekeii i a the honk, %Vie. Afc.. -
c rac h en on th e e. iit o i n d hu b ert i. et:rat ken on. Ilict,
bomb, contutlic g ZIJO acres. %%lb. a c Aim autata unit
be to,,iii•l 01hor blllitilligel,lll.ll 4u uereetleur..-,
ill be.vd and taktti itt Ili ctitii.n. and to bobtail
as the Felicity 01l Cliriabou .triii, IT
ALEX. CALOwELL. Sh'il. i
Sheriff's Office. C.ear- /
field Dee. 27. 1849 1 y • ,' ' ' ' -
NEW S'esoßE
' HE subscriber respectfully announ
cen Iu his ineinle. ;aid ittepuntle 1101E1./11y.
that he has ueened n r EW Si OItL. in Cursvent.
ville, km.mtt as Hilt's old stand, whero he hat an
assurnmili of .: .
Seasonable Goode,
nhieh he will sell on the most reasonable terms—=.
and as cheap as they eau I e bought- elsewhere in
the (eerily.
Give kis a call and lh Pil judge for yetirselvt e.
WILLIAM BLocer, sen.
November 26, 1849.
WS. BRAMAN, lotemg commenced ;he •e ! ",
• brier hub:hiss m the ut C eat
the Wiry formerly occupied by Jacob \% other;
ro apeetiully announces to htn Merritt); oral the pub-,
lick generally, Mai be lb 110 W prepuied.iu exec:inn .
u.I 'Awl, in lob I:nu on shoriebt nonce, and the
very best rind moat butum mud' bunnner—end on the
need reasonable cud accommodating terms. •
,ro n ed w web ride .t 1 .c, ue butte but tut. best %%ark.:
Will %%lit be I Jep,u) ed. W. S. B.
N. B. Country produce inkrn in exchange for
work. and linen et.•lii int refused.
Nov. f, - s4. 1849. 3m
rb Em.‘ I NI NG w the l'usi Odire at C.earfield.Pn.i
Quurier 3ldi Devrinuer, 1849.
Anti t! Arndt I Gould It
.lutes I Irvin A iezunder--13
Ciini lesitleliek Juana A ltev
Bruner John I 111t•Naugiden 8.
Claytun Ands Ann Ogden Lt.unard
birth tors or the Poor of Porter Jutin
LAWft , lll.O township • Heed 1 homes Esq.
Duff W, C: ' H0..,s Summon
Du%ene William Helmer Wm. ' '
Drifllon•i Bazul SMltil Hobert . • •
Davis J at J HI Simmons 'rimmed Q
Nulls Allen Tutu 1V illionk.
Farrell lobo 'Tule A 0 . •
Hurriger Mu Ellen Walker James ii • '
Wal. RADEJI.6.I7OII, P. M.
partnership. The partnership heTtk
tuiure exisiiiig between tl,Clifilick and Ai.
J. Dnmeker, in too Boot & Snoernaking buaideas,
nes that day been ilassolved by Mutual consent.
hhtise imving claims against said Firm will please
Sake nottro that A. J. Dr sucker If authorized to set.
Ile all ..eeounis egaitet sad' firm; and to receive &
receipt for all invitiet due sad firm. . •
A. MeCurrricE.
: A.J. DitaUCKER.
Cunvensville, Dec. 28,'49.
. ,
A.- J. DRAUCKER respectfully inforths , hls
friends and eutuniners that ho still conlinuea . the
obeyer business nt'hia'old wind. Ail kind ulgrain
and hides taken in exchange for work . at the ina-r
-kel price, rind each nui refused. Dec.
OXEN and TIMBEit sum
WOE SUbllClibei ;Wl* to Solt on very aceoln
laudaiing terms. a Yoko of LARGE OXEN
(girtlo @even feel) and shot! ready ' rdi busineelfh
and oleo a TIMBER BLED. duet new. Apply
immediately 10 . ,••
Clearliuhl Jan. 11, 1849
-Y t)
, no
01 . 01)1K
Goode, Grit,
_l44tfitt , `•
odu. P
arc i
7 , 119.