D. 11Y , AMORE , Elitors Prop'trs A: Y.' litlol-1111, 4:1140VVIIIMIC IDIVILMAUto -4 14:i;i0y Paper, will be published at the 4911.?.1.074* Rates: I . I„YEAR . IN ADVANCE $lOO 11 YEAR IN 3 MONTHS 1 25 I. l ltEAlt IN 0 DO I 50 . . %.11"YEATt. IN 9 DO i 15 :11 1 ' , VEAlt IN 12 DO 2 00 • • . .ltri.Nro paper unit be sent to those who 1 - lety-fla. ° advance after the, expiration of the •tintc..paid.for , r:V71 . 11.4; letters on lnisincss connected w ith, flw•ofjice, to receive attention, must be . post.ptvid. - • laugh—they would begrudge it to me.— the gun is loaded right the neck will go .• . Seduction of a-Young French Girl, and Nur- . care! amazed ut the boldness of the oil- grated to Arkensash His prowess was This was on Wednesday. Lorentz cour- foremost ; I think this bullet was not fired ' lain, who thus wantonly ruined the object not known, but only imniegined from-his der of her Seducer. i - ' • ted me—coed tell when—he came often into wood ; the crease cut in the bullet I ;ot his depraved love, and blighted the singular and striking aecarance... He was —he stopped coining about Easter; on think could only have been made by corn- Before the Assizes of the Department happiness of her parents, Mrs. Duboyer a tell, pale, 'slender man, 'whose thin , lip Easter he asked my father if he could ing in contact with' how; all halls ever 1 de In Dordogne, a trial has been brought gould find no words to express her feel- wore an . everlasting smile, or sneer=-on CONCLUDED. have me; my father told him that he could i seen shot into flesh and blood have a die- to its close, which has attracted the uttrn. i ng s and her indignation. She left the could hardly tell which, so ambiguous not have me, that I was too young ; God- I ferent stain from one shot into wood. , tion of all France. The accused, Jaques room un d e cided what course to persuo, was its expression—and his eyess were Thursday morning, Feb. ist 1849. fried was not here then; Godfried c um- \ c ross of crea se, or ma rk i n the Duboyer, was arraigned for the wilful and joined her husband at the supper ta. Small as an infant'st fierce, reddish , and - Court met' at 9 o'clock. . mewed courting me, can't tell for ! cu t. murder of Hileire Pelle t ), a g et-einm of' hie. Her extreme pallor and excitement unutterably pierceing. Such dagger-like bullet could not have been made by . Fiederick !:Zeigler, hee/ed.—l think whether it was in May o r not; bink it t i ng i t ou t o f a tree —it i s on the wrong frtune. On several other counts he was c,ould not escape observation. Mr. D. eyes, causing every gazer to quailseseuld the Wound could not possibly have been was; he •came in June and July ; I was n o t side--it was no t 'd o ne w ith a n a xe o r tom. d 0,,,, d will! attempt te l•ill ; hark' :, rous itsktel if anything was the matter, but, re- never belong to a coward. 'This, lit least, 0 inflicted from the road, end ho was; in my willing to marry Lorentz. ahawk. treatment, t tes eg s Tie et :Rowing me" c eiving no answer, he began to fear was the general belief of all who tam him. • opilaioP, shot from behind; I think the : shot Cross ex.—Godiried said nothing to me ' Predeiick Zri 1 .11 1 11 I the file's of the case : d •on the g er, rec alled ei .. mve oh - - ; something serious had happened to Cecile, As soon as theparties appease must have been from behind •; I thought the about goinkt awe •. 0 served bulletsithat were shot through anh Dubeyer, a man of most respectable ' and went himself to look after her. A ground, they t h e to melte their erratirr hole behind the lowest. By the Court.--The calculation of God. mals ; this from appenrences, has been con nections, w t ulthy e nd much esteemed, few seconds after his disappearance, the meats, end serious difficulties aros-nos ; Eli Eisliel , recalled- - I am acquainted fried was to go to Lorautz's and live with s h o t t h roug h bl oo d an d b o nes ; I think this h a ying Sir held the s ituation o f party assembled around the festive board, te'een the seconds on various points of ors with the locality of the ground ; examined him; we were to go whenever we got rem crease was cut in by a hone. mayor of Bereerca, tolministrator of the were startled .by a cry, immediately fol. der. While the dispute as to those was it particularly ; could'nt see how he could dy. No time set. district of Dor - Clogne, and member of the lowed by a loud report. Charles Duboyer pending for almost an hodr, Conway , be! , possibly. have been shot by accident; hind By the Prosecutiou.—On Wednesday . Commonwealth Rests• he been going towards Marshall's the shot the last expression that Lorentz made to legislative assembly, lived fig more than knew his father's voice, and ran to his I came reStless, angry, and agitated,' while twenty yea r ns at the manor of Meynard, in assistance, followe by 6 . 1 . d most of the ruest's Crittenden, trusting all to his friends lay must have came from behind, a little to ' nil was "that I should not make such ado s •F. J F WEAVER, Esq., opened the de the borough Or PrOgoriCUX, ClintOn la In Cecile's chamber they heard a noise, quiet on a blanket, with his eyes shut, as the left, as the hole behind was a little to I about it, as it would gratify the people." fence in a very feeling and impressive testi- Force. He was married and had seven tmd found, when getting there, Mr. Du. ; if' enjoying a comfortable slumber. the left of the centre, of the head, anti the I Christian Hauk,sworn.—Lorantzennte address; i art .7 which the following children, two seas and five daughters, two boyer standing over the prostrate body ofl finally everything was settled, and•the front hole a little to the right—nearly ley- ' to my house about, two weeks before God- - ---; VI- s given : ; of whom Cecile and Eugenia, alone re. hap, beating his head with the butt end principals took their poSitions, with. their .Tohn An rand 1, sieorn.-;-On Su tu rda y el ; the old. road was on the right of the , fried was married and staid ell night; • ' mained unma retied. A year ago, when of a pistol which he had held in his hand. pistols cocked, and their fingerS'on the body behind, and on the , contrary side t when he got up in the morning he said he esiTning Lorante came down to my house, Cecile Cecile was on a visit to her friend Molten, Cecile, to/staid on the floor without giving e triggers. All was ready, sehen to the fis ltfo s sundown, and ask a out. 3 minutes , • r i , from that in which the shot must have ' had no rest—he could not sleep at nightsshe made the ac quuintance of' I liktire De- signs of lilii. I‘ - tuboyer was restrained ; al for a pint of salt ; he was not long there; tonishinent of the spectators, lihn Desha been fired. \ —that he was always afraid something : hap, who, though a near neighbor of' her from further violence, and a medical it wig not more than 3 minutes before hastily advanced, and seizing ( ten. Con- Cross ex.—According to my opinion ho ; might happen his brother Godfried. Ile sundown,l; or 3 minutes a ft er i t. I went to father's, never visited his house, On ac. gentleman, who happened to be one of the . wa s y: rudely by the shoulder, exclaimed— could not have been shot from the road; then left. count of some difficulties, which many invited parts, took Dehap under his care, ' 1 his house on Sunday mornine—he was "—D—n you, why do you not stand fair ) not too far, but the thicket end shape of the Nathaniel Rishel, affirmed.—l was a- ; years ago, had arisen bete e en the two but found life quite extinct. Thus ended , A go you a cowa rd .!" baking bread. When lie WtIS at my house ground would stop the course of a ball. ; lung with the company on S u nday s earch. fg ` r s - • • Godfried alt I asked if had e I and "If you do that again, I. will shoot ye7u, Joseph Lines, recalled.—The corpse ing p for the body ; when forming the line in on his'f he " • l e -oyes- to wi e; saidyes, a hill, aocomplished, and of engaging manners,' At the trial it was proved that the death by [leaven I" shouted Wharton Rector, was moved after I came; the back-part of the clearing, tether pointed the course to ' tit a to."''c'Then he said "to-morrow m quite calculated to arouse the passions of might have ensued from the shot wound enraged at the unfair condtict of Critten the head was much decayed, and the bones 'go; he said the reason why he pointed outand Cecile, who being of a rather romantic found on Dehap's body. It was however, ' s e „!, se , fredand his wife were coming over, second. shattered; the fragments appeared to have this course was that lie had been watch-turn br mind, sew in the difficulties of a the opnion or the physicians, that the blows I on Tuesday they were going to move."— "Your idle men -tees cannot deter me hetllP pressed inward; the appea - rance in ing the course of the ravens ; when he saidunion with him, a further induct inent to on the head, having fractured the skull, }said, it they come over, they shall also \ I from the pestle - mance of my duty," re , front was, that the fragments were pressed this, Lorentz, who was standing erect, ' „ ot give him her love. They became attach- were the immediate cause of death. It I r ks Deseat as, with is sm il e , h e wa lked ' , germ o m 'house. Ile went up and t y e outward. . ; dropped his head, and got very red in the' se t e salt, and then went to the barn yard \ e d t o eac h o th e r, th o ugh Mr. M o l e an, w ith was further proved that the pistol, bY ! back to his plat-. lie had gained his ob. Cross ex.—The head was so much shat- i face; I was within a rod of him; when the ' N% 1101110 Leek visited, fiequently represem : which the act was consummated, was the whe ' re my wife was ►milking. On SundaY jece Conwe'y was e xcited by the insult tered behind that wo could make no ex- , body was found I ran up to father, end Le- ell to her the danger of setting lier aflieh property of Delay, and Cecile, who had ,to the wor n ,, oe frenzy. His face flushed, ' I was at - his house perhaps ten minutes, nmination of the bullet hole. I rantz had just got to Godfried's feet and . lions on a Man whom he knew her father only fainted during the bloody scene, anti . „„s his n„ and went home attain—don't know that I yes shook with passion. He John Carlile, re went along exclaimed "0, my ! 0, my I 0 my! what' would never mceive as his son.helaw ;he ' soon recovered, testified to her lover hav- ; was net physically in the best state to anythingV • s 'd about , _ sns ai baking; I think • the old road till 1 came to where a home , will Ido now ! what will Ido now!" to begged her to abstain before ii was to hue s ; in brought the deadly weapon with him, 1 ; I ,he was threshing on Monday ; he came hr,ve to cher,: of a taros. Desha had was hitched; heard the people .talk, hut , Cross r.r.—l was standing within one but Cecile took no notice ol these warn: l and was in the act of shooting her father, my house in the evenine fig bags. the word, 'end he waited several minutes could see no one; the hill was steep, and or two rods ; lam sure this is what he said. I .• ings, and besides receiving the daily visits I when this one closed with him, during i gs i .s ., Crass rx. : saw Lei b -anti on Wednes- pron tuncing it. This was contra ri very thickety from the road to the ter)! Godfried Zcilliock, sworn and inter- day; he asked me if I heard a shot on Sat- of her lover, they frequeotly met on their I which affray the pistol had been diseharg- to a u ru le, awl . served to madden Con of the hill ; another thicke t hack of where prcted.—l helped to hunt for the body on , sir s, - ; y he came to me in field where I walks. Mr. Molean was at last obliged to ed. Numerous witesses caine forward was moro and mons the body lay. Thursday; on Wednesday, about noon, ' „.„ ploughing, and there asked me if I intimate to-Dehap, that his visits at the ito prove that the wit n essed not have been I kV hile the two netaeonists were thus „, Nes. .Elicalicth Zeilliock, sworn and Lorentz came to my house end asked me s did not hear a shot on Saturday ; I told house would no longer be agreeable, by I premeditated, as the father went unarmed standing in positiongthe spectators at a in/erre/Os—On Wednesday morning al- ,fur my mare; I asked him what he want- him I did not. This VillS Wednesday af- which means the open interviews of the I into his daughter's room. The PITI-sectl - glance contrasted their aspect and bear• ter Isodfried was lost Lorentz came to our ed with her, as I dint know anything of; to the Saturday Godfried was missed. young people were put a stop to. Very ! don contended that Duboyer had been a- s is Crittenden inherited the noblest of e• house and inquired after the men; I asked Godfried being lost then ; he told me God- i 1 Charlotte Allman, recalled.—l heard soon, however, he found out that she still ware of n correspondence going on be- forms, with fair hair, blue eves, ands 101 l him if it was true that Godfried was lost? I fried was lost, and he &Win know wheth- Godfried say "I am so tired living—l am met secretly, and fearful of the responsi- tween the young people, and had got uP ty countenance, frank and open in its ex ile said yes; I told hint then by all means' er he had lost himself in the woods or had l s tired living have a mind to shoot my- bility ho had taken upon himself, he wrote the party in order to give Damp an o f !tic ssion, and weering the seal of death. be should hunt him ;he said he is in the ' gone away, and he wanted to ride down to „Ash•! can't tell when ; sometime in the to his friend Mr. Duboyer, giving him a portunity of entering the house unobserved. ' defying bravery. He stood, calm, celled woods dead." 1 asked what reason he PUIINSUUINVIIey to find out there whether summer ; statement of the whole naafi., and request- They asserted that Daboyer's strong pas heard hitp say-so a couple ofl ted, and uncbncerned, like a rifleman a had for saying so? he said nothing, hut! he had gone to Cincinnati.; I could not let! times; Lorentz came to this country first; ing him to take his daughter home, whereisions had inclined him to sell his (laugh- bout to fire at a mark. But Conway had looked to one side; I asked him if they him have her, and then he said he must g° I I came affeWboth brothers were here. no doubt, he would find means to seperate ' ter's honor for the, sake of revenge upon ' a stern face, eyes es dark as night; and had quarrelled? he said "as mach as with ; to Kuntze's or to linarr's and get one; I Cross ex.—Brothers Godfried and Lor- the two lovers entirely. Duboyer imine- his victim. No evidence, however, ap. his look of indubitable cograge; was ' per this log." I was going to milk; then he ' when he came back, about sunset, I did a ntz *ere sitting together talking about ev- diutely attended to the summons. lie peered to snpport this assertion, and so thr , ceptibly tinged with revenge. Owing to -said on Thursday the people should gath- not see him ;my son did; he asked my son ervthine, wield co ses e s said s e „. o „ig told his wife came down to take Cecile a-las a negative Gan be proved, everything the insults of Ben Desha, all. his limbs .er at Allshough's and hunt for Godfried. to come and hunt for Godfried die next shoot himself; it did not make me afraid, way, and while at Molean's house, Dehap ; tended to show that the correspondence were tremulous with rage. ~ Louists Allman,. sworn and interpre- morning ; on Thursday I went over to . can't eive any reason for his saying so. I called on them, begging them to forget. had been carried on clandestinely. Th° 1 At length Desha gave the word, hire ted.—l , am the widow of God fried Allman ; Aullsbough's, and Lora utz and others were Louisa Marshall washed clothes for lioth the old feuds, and give him the hand of * Court acquited Mr. Duboyer oldie charge ! voice that rung alhr over the hills like the . l was married on the sth,September, 1848; there ; 1 told Lorentz that I did'nt think it ' brothers ; did'nt know Godfried was cote- ' their daughter in marriage. A family ,of murder, ant found hen guilty of en es. I peal of a trumpet—" Fire !—One !—two I Godfricd left me to go over to his house worth while to hunt—that 1 believed God- ! ling her for sure; I have earned my own lcouncil was held, and the sifter of Dubai - ) ; sault with intent to kill. He was sentem three !" . on Wednesday (the next) morning; Lor- fried had gone away, unless sickness had livinit ever since I came to this country ; I rejected. He was acquainted of the result , (eel to one year's imprisonment, 1000 th.l' 'At the sound "Fire !" Conway, still .antz came. over on Tuesday and' asked come over im, or he had fallen down and first lived with brother; lived with him one, !and requested to abstain from further and ; fine, end 25,000 franks damages to the rel- I tinder the effects of the previous agitation; where Godfsied WaS; father sent the little broken a leg; but I sad we would hunt summer; then went away; went to him a- , useless pressing the matter. Duboyer' atives of the deceased. I instantly raised his weapon and pulled the boy hack. with Lora to see if Godfried for a beast, &it was our duty to hunt for a 1 ga i n , and was there a few days and 10.1 mA his family returned to Maynard on • 4* I trigger. His ISet grazed the ,other's 4 , had taken his wedding clothes with him; fellow creature ; •and 1 told Lorantz that he again, ' the fith of January. During the journey , The Fint Duel likjirkansas Ibreast, and cut nutton of his coat, with ( the boy did not return that evening, and must know which way he went ;he said ; home, and the first week after their return ! The following , traA events occurred . out more injury. But Crittenden waited G:tr.. Reed, sicorn .—[The witness was t not returning soon in the morning, I went we need not search along the road for he ' Cecile was low spirited and desponding. , many years egostote atie interesting now. I till the last echo of the word "two" and shown a draft.] This is a correct draft • . • over, myself to see after them ; when I had gone along the road two or three' She never alluded to the cause of her , D ur i„., the canvass of an election district, I then his pistol- exploded. With the rear, the distances arc correct ; open woods' came Lorentz was not at home ; after a times and he did not lie there ;we then . si I sorrow, never spoke of her lover. She (hewed Conway and Mr. Crittenden were General Conway dropped to the earth where the body lay ; Hor 10 rods back, ~. while he came; I asked him where he had started away from Aullslyough's and took I received the kindest treatment from her oppoihrt ettiefidates. They were both to ' like lead. The ball hadpiehced through underbrush and di' -I , • e, tets. , below where the , s ,; , s 0 been ; he said at Ogden's and Allsbaugh's; to the,woods to the left of the road, till we paients, but sae was also close.) , hatch'ilt, „peak at a certain place, and Crittenden,' his heart! body lay, is a steep bank, thick brush of. -- I told him I wished to see the clothes; he got almost to Aurandt's •fields; then we all h. d ,brushland every oppertunity of meeting or e.g. wi r ~, was a per fort .Tatir'lnan, alll wished I Thus ended the first great partseduel in t sizes, un e e sapplings end trees; , • I told me I could see them; they were all stopped ;we treat hought of turning round iesponding with Dehap cut oft ller gim , irp.),; , iblc ti. avoiti a fight or any hostile , Arkansas. lt wee followed swift, sue think a ball might possibly paSs froni the! there; I said to him that I knew not what and going back the other side of the road, .et submissive demsanor soon made 1. road to where the '. and kill a man lite-If - peso s s, spoke first. Ile had hbard thatlcession by nearly a dozen more of fil:" to make of it that there was- not more but diti'nt think he on that side; then .' • , body lay, , guardians less vigilase. Ceciiti age in re_ I General Conway was going to insult him , character, and, without a single exception's'. standing on his wet; no path at the body ; .. 1 . • „. clothes missing, and asked him if he tho't I told Lorentz agail i ee must know whatpeinneston to go out, sole:gimes a. • ; to be seen; the ground was covered with ee"et so es to provoke a light. He ',hide almortal, till the people themselves grow sick any person had killed him going along the road Godfried went said "Godfried al- immediately lone, out generally in company oilier eld- I splended speech ; and entirely refrained land weared of the murderous exhibition . . leaves when I was there • road; .he said "a man must watch every ways went the old road ;" I said to him, back towards Allman's the ' path was visi. ' est sister. On one occasion only, Dehapl from the use of language personally deem Crittenden survived Conway only a feW, i.' minutely to know when my man would "Lorentz you have more roads; Henr Y ales could see the roadafterl down gang was seen loitering about the public, walks,l sive to his antagonist. Ile wound up by years, and died of a torturing fever. is go out of the door;" I asked him what Zeilliock blazed a , path for you ;" he said and the sisters returned home before he, • saying, and his eyes shot lightning as he rival had the easiest .death,—Sehday the hill partly through the thicket. they .had been working at on the Saturday "Godfried did not know that such;" I then i • c- could come up with them. This was the s . u , ' I it, "that he trusted no gentleman Times. • . By t the cwt.—From where the body ; he left ; ho said "they were ploughing all said it wes'nt any use in hunt'ne / h.' an y le toA dt itwould be y uran s 12 5 or 150 only time Cecile was known to have seen ' ' Y would titter Words, in the heat of debate, Its . day, and unhitched in good time, and went more—it was . re' 6 y 'nin i ver - hard—but if i Dehap since hoc return from herfriend towards hint, such as could not be tolerm rods, in a straight line. into the house together—that your bus- we hunt we will hunt along thebluzed path; , ~.. Mulean. ter} by the code ofhonor." • h. . - band seated himself upon the bench, and I then Lorentz said "men, if you don't hunt it . F. P. Hurrthal, sworn —I was where I 1 On the 20th of July a large party as- Conway took fire like powder at a torch. as said the body was found; I saw the .1. made fire—your husband sat thinking and to-day I will hunt no more;" we then went w . sembled at the mansion of Maynard. The ; fle ',tenured to his feet, and poured forth road previous to going down to it; there is was .very. thoughtful, and then I asked along the blazed path 40 or 50 rods, and . ..youngest son of Mr. Duboyer, Charles, .on the head of his opponent a torrent of ' ; rising, ground betweenk r .1 li andts and All-s A'what are you considering?" and he said stopped ; -Henry Zeilliock then aSked Lor-I was to ltd engaged to Jenny Troller, a the most bitter and burning denunciation. iSSI , "ho wished so much to go to Marshall's," ante. if Godfried bud said aught Vs him a-- mans ; immediately where the body was; ; young lady of Nismes,and the guests syore ; Crittenden rejoined with but a single ;•+: • said to have been found it was quite opens • • —he then told, ma to hurry with the sup- bout going away ; Lorentz said "nothinginvited to celebrate this event. After dis. sentence— "Your language, General Con. Aurandt showed me the spot ; I remarked per, and went to washing and shavinghim- at all, except on Saturday about noon, as , cussing a splended dinner, the party ad-1 way, admits donly one answer, and that, tle stump of iron-wood suppling; I had self, and when he had about half shaved he was sitting on a chair or chest holding ' journed to the grounds, and then spent a! you may be sure, I will make right spec . himself he said 'Lorentz come and shave his head down in a study I asked Godfried dit had been cut lig a broom • undersea) , . , ; few hours j . at the card tables. At nine o'- 1 dily." He then descended from the plat " te me, i t does not go good's--4 went to shave what are you. thinking about ;he said 'I there were splinters on . It When I witS' clock, Mr. Duboyer enquired for Cecile, I form, and, attended by a few select friends s.„, him and he said 'go way, you hurt me would like to he away ; then I said to him , • there the leaves had fallen, about the 20th , clock, was no longer in the saloon. Ile l hurried away to his hotel. Ills second of Oct h oser; went out to see the grounu, triore—l finished the supper, and N ye ate , we will plough a few hours yet and you , was told that she had =tired to her room, waited on Conway the same eveing, and locality, &c. •,: ' „, together; after supper Godfried dreseed will have time to go to Marshall's ;he , suffering from a severe headache. Mr. a hostile meeting was arranged for the fol. Here ' the evidenceo f on the part the 7 ' . ' ' • ' himself; and I went over to Aurandt's for said 'but that is not far enough for mefi Duboyer requested his wife to look after lowing morning. defence closed. ~,.- salt, saying to your husband 'is this the I asked Lorentz what time Godfried had, her, and bring her down, if she felt well A oust throng collected at the time and '''' ' last time I will bakel' : he said 'it may be left, he said on Saturday evening about enough to n them at the supper table.— pleethappointed, to witness the duel. The ii" ss , REBUTTING TESTIMONY. sO.' Men left, and Lorentz thought he sundown,. , The mother went to Cecile's • chamber, seconds were Colonel Whereon Rector for ells. "S. would go elong with me as far as Aurandt's Horny , Knarr recalled.—On Sunday t W. C. nay, sworn.—l ,was on the andfound it locked inside. Alter knock- Conway, and Ben Desha for Crittenden. and see if he could get the boy, to turn the 17th September, before we left. Allman's ' ground before the body wds removed; ing several times, the daughter admitted As the seconds in allsueh mortal. combats • s se. Wind-mill; he, came along to the barn and house,.Lorantz was asked if he would go could'nt see the road from where the bodY her ; she was undressed, looked pale, and am often more important, as respects the ,!!. thanes ground . thenl' i • sai d , ie 1 "1 th y I ad alongs he said " 4'll go as far as I can," ; lay, in a straight line; might by looking to s aid s h e w en & . .. dto lay down, as her head final result, than even the principals them e been together the nem/ground might have or "111. not go far"—not certain which he ; the eapt; it curves; I went straight up from was by no means better. Mrs. Duboyer selves, we• may be pardoned tor briefly - t g - , been sow,n;". he said, "yes, it would have said the line; Lorentz was nextithe road. entered the roomwith her, and .began a sketching the two who acted in .the pres- Mrs. Allsbough, recalled.—l can' -,,!i. ' been if t he.had remained. here" he said to man to me on my right when we started ;1 . tssay c onversatiOn.' 'She was going towards ern case. „ • 1 , in' 5 • d he had shift- how high the sun was when' I heard the „s. s s me " you are, in the mud, lam in the atter, we went aho 10 s 1 it ,. . .the bed to erratum theipillowS ,in the most Wharton Rector was a professed duel-1 ---th mud over the ears ;", I told him r ho eeuld ed round 'to my, left; .if he had s kept his shot; think was about six, o clockm tit°. comfortable manner for the suflbrer;' when ists, notorious alike for the number ; and' s*! work as: heretofore,' and .need not be in' iece, end, not shifted to the left, he would evening., . , . Cecile stopped her, and begged , ao l be left fatality of his murderous cenflicts. ' I-Ie 1 : • ,-s the mud; he said he could not, do that,. De have gone, right over the body. „After we . . . .-.---.. -- hl • , . alones The mother, not knowing What to was universally feared : thsoughout the •j - it -was calculated . for two bends, and now got to,the body ho asked me a couple of "Be no flatterer, neither play with any think of this, pushed ! her , aside,at the sumo west, from St. Louis to NewOrlestos, al gt•r •he_was alone—we were still walking on times awe colild'nhcayry it , to . the house; ono that delights not to be played with. moment the bed curtains ;were thrown 'o- thoughin some shrewd .minds there lied igii ..t.C: .‘Siiii9„hcl: . eaid.these, things. Then I.said I told lima I supposed we could, so after "Read no letters, books or papers in pencend a man, Dehap, jumped out and lingered a doubt as,to the character , of : his ,;14 1 orentz, '4ll had, known that my hus, while.. - ~ , \ company. .. . . „• ,• cast himself et ber feet to implore Its-spat- courage.; These thought that the; despers , iti•i - et es ' !ad' would, *e t udes, round the • : world' in Oa Court adjourned till, 2 o'clock. , "Come not .meth the books or papers of dentend silence., as. Duboyer was over- ado.' ; relied ,on his„ Pommies: pessonal . . ' i'.l)4lYeitheri, ' you;". w uldt have taken: k°. . , : . another so as to read them- ~.c by grief; arid amazement. reved etrength, and the .dessOliness of elm, •-i said,i!, e ~ s, you,will say this many a . "Let your countenance be cheerful; bet beyond. measnre 14 the dishisnor of her rather than • on, innate' and • unconquerable . 't ; vSe' then ,parted and he Went to ,Au, in ; seriotei =Pent be grave, - , 05,,:. , I „ g , - '. . dau htei the stain on herfamily and-the bravery. . ' ~, ' ; ~;•:,,, t! ' .':dts and I went on. He said I should "Let Your • discourse , witk others op 'vitiated Marais oil her, shoshad.Watched Ben Desha - , 'neon ally' . . . celobseted goy. .4,..: ;make such a fuss, then the people would. matters of business be short. . - from childhood with a mother's tender error of Kentucky, had hut recently emi Bin* LORANTZ Hon, FOR TUE MUR DER OF HIE BROTHER GODFRIED, IN BRA- M TOWNSIIIP, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, IN METEDIDER 1848, ...;'‘itilli'. ;:I'. ' '. ' ' .111' ,,... : 4: ;' i 4. .0 '1!..... . , . . • ~, i •, I , . itt ~; I , . ; ~,,, ,„ : ;i ,, , ,, i i ii . , p i , ~., ~,,i ~ ,—,....!, , ''. ... ~; r ;i ' ~ • s z_77:-. s -_,,, r ' .--'.',. 1,..1 • , ' „ liiL-7:.'=' - , .z, as f ,F, .:..= \ ' , - , 7:',. i '. . „ , ...'• . . ”. ' ' ' 1, - *,_ if VY/A4: ' „ :',.-..)- -:,:l' 4 f- - .;Z.:Ek ' .... , •• ' .. : :: • 1• t : :'-. • • . . , --i' . -' 4 . -., • . .. .•1111 -. • • , ...-.,. tA., : . 4 ~,,,,:,....:_-„,:., . :::,..,, ~,,.„„..A • .. • , , . ~,, ~.., , vz,,,,,, =,,,,,,,•,.‘„, .. ....,,,..., ...,,. ~ •• •:, • ~„,.. •.,, . . .....:: ~..: ....:. ......:„. , ~:-• ,_ ,7 j: i - . ,:: ,-: :: : r -_-- -:i : l .1 , -1 - '''' -' - 4 .: '' .i.t. ;_::. . ' • , ~, ~ JaiNti9tn.r.t.si...,...:,-,./ ~, ' l 4 . t. . i . ~ '.. , ~. ~.. ',:;. 4•••• - . -•-• -- • - ---,.,=--- • . :4; ~. . •::',:g.t-4110-V-.7-.-, • • . , • ?Y.'. •M&Et'SCIT6' ;?.' ' ''. • . M 1.!..' .': •.. , . . . , -- - . ---.- - • ".:..- - - - - -- ' "TD DOMESTIC INTE.I4IIIONE. ~ /' Wlliff. .----=------ . A WEEKLY PAPER: DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, MORALITY, AND FOREIGN AN Volie Thursday afternoon. The.Cou.rt met at 2, P'CIOCI/4. •• ' Joseph .Xiines, recollect.7W hen shot in to#ood bullets are generally flattened; if THE rfield, October : 2G, IS4/9. fl •4. / CI FINW , ~.,,(, ~<