unanimity. This system has begun to di -1 . Facoi Tun PLAINS.—A letter in the St. Vide thorn: Tho lirliigs are pleased with Louis .Republican,dated Fort Leavenworth • Cle or,f lel d, Pa.,'Oct., 15, 1849, -•-• I it, and it will. increase unless some ro'an's Sept: 19th, furnishes the annexed: , . i Mn ,Carleton has just returned . lion his ' -, 1 - 11larylttna Election. - -i, , are adopted to harmonize and unite ns t0.,._ .,._ I • 1. , ' . The Trial of Allman. Thef - ''eleetion in4ii4ylaral vita held on , Pther. We know that , in "union ,there . . expedition to the Kansas, la , search of the Sac§ ', who. murdered , the pawnee ; g irl a t , _ i'We'havo at last commenced the publicri- Wednesday or last:week, for,Metobers ofi is 'strength." And again, you all •kricAki. , lowa. I! oini/.---(lio brought; five of them,pris+ lion of the evidence in this highly interes-- - oners; -- . i . i : • :, ;'(`lre ri ,_ Crawlhrd county used to give a derneertit , , Captain ~ . Congress and State ' I • Col..Macicay and hasten, who,. Ong trial for Murder. It will he comple- sultlai Pretty Well Legislature.' to be for is majority. sny you will. see That the , . . , 1 from l j „ , . • , ti , have jUst,returnec ort A.ascrks,s,ol 1, tel in three numbers of our paper, as we Codgres i ;flitei l Aii'''t" . and' ti in ', whi g snve: theh ;:lepl, there. ~SO it will . be . ,Ito three Den in- relate'that• recently while they, in eompa giVe- about . one-third" of it this week, orhere . , craii; making ti l bdinocratic gain of one • . '. . ~ 'ny 'ivitli . several other,,,gentlemvx,' were perhapa, a jittle more. . • : • member. 'ln tAvo,distritt the Whi.j. en n- I W -: . .e do not pretend to give all that the didirtes had '..no ,opposition. The Whigs . : !of monev containing a li•w thousand dot, ...._.. lei's destined for .Tiber, Kearney, ,the per witnesses said--for that would OCCUPY 1,„d. - W.-majerity :in...'both branches of the ennt commanding the oi , e(d .gettingiwintl doubles, the space—but the; most material , LeuiSiattire NO ' Ai secures .. 'the•electionof , lic. : of the moans, plotted , with the ton d ra parts .•,. and generally in the :crietwords as a Whiir . t.?S.,..Sentitor. ' • ' ' goons under his comniand,to kill the gun, given to the court and jury. To enable The felloWin .. .111 r ' IC • thethird . m , 0 t.,1.1 _: In tlernen a t rx it,ht. while at:deep, and ,- , f •izo I lir money. Befhre the time ar rived, the reader--Iliesd.wir vecti. o ' .not Present Congressional - . : howev , .district : conspirator er, one of the conspirato leis ule d and at. the trial-to, clearly : understand the .-- ' : Hammond, (d) Gray, (w) divulged the plot. All Ite in, ii were c4ll - statements of witnesses, and •to give Balt. city, 5 wards, 3482 2426 ed tip and questioned concerning tiv ; ,af. thilir evidence its full.weight, the very c'x- Carrell county, 1438 1900 ,:` fair, and the Colonel being satisfied that .A Cklic4it churn. aof court, as delivered by 0 the Howard district, 720 532 no . second attempt would be made NV ti the") found the plot was discovered, fool: Judge WOODWAnDi in which he'reviewed ; . 1 4640 3255 no further notice of ibe afTitir until they the whole testimony, would, be highly ud- I In the fourth district, composed of fif. reached this place. The sergeant is now vimtngeous. ~I,Ve hayo niTdresS,ed ~note ' teen wards of the cit. P 1 . y of_ia.timere, the under arrest, and the whole atlikir will be to the Judge s requesting a copy for publi- • to very s( )on. aggregate vote is aslloss fos : • ca4en,'to follow the evidence. •If he com- , 11. 11.1cLane, (dem.) 7,227 plies with our request , we will endeavor to ' J. R. ICunly, (whig,) 6,326 include it also id the tliPee'nunibers. i THE DOLLAR. EXTRA COPIES. . 1 1 We have, thbught of ririnting.6. f 6 5 ,6 5 1). 1 ~ 1 .- ' ,., , Georgia ,Eleelion. ies of the eviden' ee- in t.,llE!.4,l'Q'.4lllll:aii, The election was held in Georgia on including the,chargo of tite.,eopr,t, provided Motelv of last week,' fur Governor IMO a sufficient number could be said tb war- members , of the Strae 1 J isla , ,ttire—and rant the expnse. , ' OMers sh(inld he sent not-for , members of dotigieSs, as me erro . during the next Whelt: - ' ' . ' ' \ riedt4y• •tfit:(l.',4ls Week. Ispflieiont re-, Trice 10 ccni. pirir inj : 12 ',..4,i„ turns have lA,cn fmeived io -rktdo.r i.t , ,9(1-- . ~ • 1 I - „,.:,1 ! ~ 4 , fa' $l-30 copies for :2. ~, tail), ttlll, t , ~J., oyjs§, t I m (lc - 1 illqc r,t, tic . c oi;ii'dilte, . ,. . ... _ is•elseted Go , ;42rtor , b)e•fritm' th•re' ol -to , four theusand inajiirity., 'and also, that the Lii-,lre- Election Returns. Our friends throughout • this county Ae ocrats . will have a majority:on joint ballot; very ,careless about sending us the result if not in both branches of ilggtatel.iV.:' of thedlection in their respective townships. lature Since the election on Tuesday last we have seen men from almost every district in the county; scarcely one of whom could give us 4:word of information. Our friends in the East .depend upon us for early news, and if election officers, as soon as the re suit , district Was known, would !Ake: 'a little pains to send us a line, all would be accommodated. This is Friday morning, and. we have news from a great eriiiroportion of the State than our own County Another Jail Delivery. On last Saturday night our county kill Nytts safely delivered of its two remaining tenantsfor,. whose apprehension a re ward of s3o' is offered by the keeper.-- 'h6/ .effeeted their escape by first remov ing the iron bars that secure the oak plank, then removed the plank, and quarried a hole through the wall and escaped. The ,cetio'of operation was in one of the cells in the second story. One had sorved his time (one month) and only escaped to get rittof his fine. of $25, The other had on ly two months longer to stay. ELECTION RETURNS. Tlie Late Election. The late election in this county was on ly remarkable for its quietness. The Democrats appear to be in fine spirits with the result, although their candidate for County Treasurer is defeated by Mr. BELL, the Whig candidate. T 1 c poll was a very small One, yet Mr. GAMBLE, the demo cratic:candidate for Canat.Commissioner, it is thought, will have a majority of 400 or perhaps 450. , , r „. For Assemhly, IMEEK Laid 111131PHILL will have nearly the same as Canal Cor- m►ss►oncr For Sheriff, ALEX. CAI e DWELL ' S rattjyr x ity will-be still larger. • For County Commissioner and Au ditor, SAMUEL WAY and CLURISTO. PIIEE KRATZER, are elected without o position. The following is the result for Canal Corr.. ini4ioner, as far as heard froin in this (..- 4 Bounty: . Gamble. Fuller Clearfield borrough, 60 ,29 Larwence township, 130 36 . Bradford it /001 U Morris :.- , ." .. - 's2 00 00r Pike !.`, 42 muj. Boggs", • g.,,. • , 37 The ,following returns wp. : take chiefly from • asq'liarri:th'o'Cifko the Harris- I burg Union, printwl a nn Wednesday after noon. '' Oy kw 6 hlsOnlearnthat 'the Deino- CiatiliaVe . of the ••Legislature-;...and , lbrther, that tht3.ltil dependent ticket fel. Mayor and-. Connell' have been elected in .1 1 biladelphip. Gamble.- • Vtiller. . 450 250 .; . Clearfield, Cumberland, Blair BUCks, , Chester, 300 Dela'wart; 300 Allegheny, . 11 • \ 100 Centre, 700 4. Westmoreland, ' • • 2000"-' Berks,, 3000::0 Dauphin; YOrk, Schtnilltilhhe' l-.. Lancaster, 11 1 _ ~ LtS \ , Mifflin, Jefferson., Juniata, A Uri tire and Predict ioit'on' the preFe:nt&ys tem of nominating ealliliitat es foi:.l;.Ount'y Offices. Mews Editors have yoßeli been asked why I opposed the present ihode-of nominating candidates 4or.Couufy~otiice ~ and not having reconciled mylhind sorer such long questions in, litiite;; \ I have frequently,ansWered abruptly. The,reli)re I have considered it my duty to give my reasons to the public. In the first )),lace, then, it opens a door for a combinalion. The thick settled townships, with the ad- Union of their towns—say Lawrence and the borough—with Pike & Brady, gave 409 at the late primary elcGiun, which is more allitheigst, gave for,Assembly. NOW sirs, noreinitei.one .'for. Assembly in any one of those township§; lOW another for some other office. in another, then s.ny' "help us and we will help you." What remedy , bas all the, other townships?' When all put - together they cannot equal those three. If they feel a little doubtful they will propose another candidate in sonic other township in order to create a division. 1 ask again, what remedy, has all the other townships? At the last'Pri mary election these three townships had 409, fur Assembly,, and all the rest 27E 4 , exclusive of Bradford, and with Bradford, l which gave 81, made 359, which subtrac ted, leaves 50 majority for the three town ships. This leads to favoritism. Besides no opportunity ;f consulting each other, so us, to effect a compromise for the good of the people; but a few ctin carry : their plan to success, which is aristocracy. Now, if this plan is good, why do hot tlty , States nominate in this way 7 We 40, send our wisest men to the legislature o Why have they ; not.. seen these good' thinds7 1 will answer, it is because they hate, eristocracy. Another 'reason for nut approving of this system is, that it always conics in a busy time:. Farmers, who do not want office, will nut leave work ; but towns pi.,:ople„ who do went office, ore always. the and can turn out to u man, and mare too ; besides, they can cheat, and do too, for they let whiersvot&• in our town ship. , All of the H se' things work togethe r tit th i c,4010,5 :9f, the, people, and y, beceme disheartened,•eareless• split up and divided, Those that do not vote, think: them4elves . not boutid to Stick to the nomination, be-; cause they.have httd no hand in making i •: . • it, and ,tney, feel„liky. our foreihthere felt under: the ' Colonies ;of England When the Parliament enacted their laws and laid - 11 - heavy'taiiiislaiidlitirdens iip6ri them 'With. 91 41g,:ri,!qg ;tliertOit',Yeprcis:entatiuti; Such irijustiee,,w,ill,not, Jay..still. : you. will say we may, have a,. hand in' it it' .We please. Wki,)'7'ap po i : not 1 ',,1 tihswer, 'yoting and having.a baud in making nomivatianiti : e'l twettiiiigs::', ' ly!1 : Ivo' knots" we cannot i succeef.l,.wh}r will ,we mock .the diing l l..., '' Now; gentlenie`n, as to'mrpredictiens: I will give them 'to . you as folloWs;';I r 7: In the first place,,this.system in the I. course of four years,,will,make.o l o , CßP ll 7,; ty a , Whig' , County: l . 'lleeaugei -'7llen'tliqi people:are not satisfied ~ .witlk,i49 PQ . 1114 10 ,1! iit?ntho , will Mit stiektitether 1 Yeti' Oil: see the consequence:at, tho . ,, , neici eieetiP,P,, butt tikkihitiVV- 1 111101k ')L - :i.,-A Ferrrhed for its I .IT , 4, • :kr. 750 ' i3OO' ' '• • 100 ,2p90 270,. 200 McT.ane's majcir4, 901 FOR DOLLAR A Capital Letter.' r tirrign Correopoiolei , re of Ibe Ponntyirnointi: PARIS,. 20th September, 1W: '' The unwritten history of the littagarisn war surpasses any feat at arms of ancient or modern times. • (kn. Bern with eight hundred Hungarians attHeked oigNt then sand Russians in an entrenched camp ; , alter losing eighty of bis:highty-rour pieccg of artillery, with his ftiin'.'i'Cnttining pieces retook the lost guns, killed and wounded half of the Russian forces, and took filly pieces of caflnoti. ' I am having a succinct account of the llfingarian struggle prepared Ihr von, which I lied hoped to have ready fi,r this steatner. I shall certainly forward it by the next, and as it will emanate from the very highest source, I know it will be read with thrilling interest throughout the coun trki!:: You will see'much in the papers about ;the Roman question ; and the prevailing opinion is, that Louis Napoleon will re. cede thrum his letter;_ hut I assure you that I ftaie the highest evidence that he Will' thf.'.ll`fte Pope must comel.olhe French, or, tfte French will continue , to occniiv and it will not 'he Vi4ry long betive antwx it, by the ' popular vote of 'Ttb.ric• : rCoinorn has not surrendered, n'Oe'- ., At'ey have an almiyhtnee of amnut linitien for' six years, and plcinty •aprovis lens for eite.; - PIK, Austrianswilliwve ''!!'ive . Miles of Loaiid Tra gun . 5. -0„1 keep up - the sieging party , to at haMt orik rlPrAtiy of this N% hundred thousand men, ot !be in danger of wticat in this city, as near as can he esti,. annihilatiaL ' '.' If:Kossuth - shall bci'qrfin•titnute as to get. lbushels to he brought by each w;TOD, 525 were reqUired to bring,,flits lie will itnniMiately go to!the; t Tinted Wagons States, acoiMijianieo;:,.by'.. rluan his 111insters nt ! City. , 'rho receipts of fluor andpther kinds Constantinople,EnglritaEltiul 'of produce were also heavy;lls teams loaded with other produce besides Two war stearners, such as .the.GeOr,. , LL be quite sufficient; to', and Wehave.n . total of'7oo, ;gin and Ohio, med i to r ra ,vs doubtless Within the true number; allow drive the Austrians out of the a space of 4i feet, ,for oath: team, and we mean. Will not the Republic of thotini- have a ted'S,tatcs raise the money? procession of five miles of wagons, laden c)vith the produce qc„tho soil, coming N inth) our city in out day . 7 ,- , ll.tihr a rek ic Cra rr. ; v ode of pan ish a Thief.— , mode ,of punishing a thief was ze4l • lliViagell near N 64 10 ewington.' A - :youngL f Shoe maker, went into a currier's r'46p for the purpose of buying:'rt smnll'' piece t At leather, When he was caught in the,attof stealing a' large roll of leather. : Thelimprietor of the shop gave the Mier the choice of two things—to stand on the counter of the shop for two hourS a Ottrd round his neck with the words, "'Phis young man is a thief," or be given in charge to a policeman. He chose the for mer ; and in consequence of the 'exhibi bition, a g-reat crowd collected around the shop, some who were very indignant at the mode,ofiunishment. The crowd collected so fast tliut the proprif!or, i thaught. proper to shorten, the punishment by. one hour, when the young men escaped by tho back door. This ap peared to appease the multitude, after which they gradually seperated. Horrible depravity and escape of the' villains.—ln the month 9F.October,lB4B, the vault of,;the Van Rensselaer family was entered at midnight by .some , Saeri 7 legions wretches, the coffins were broken open, and the silver pinteS forcibly wrench ed from them. l ,:'The'ghpiils then proe,ee-j to rob their bodies c.f.,wiery..A*la 3t . val ue, says the (N...l 7 ..)Rnielcorbockei; cru elly nnauting them. to; obtain the rings having completed their hcirible worh_they - lea the' vault and notWitlis ding the rneA,Aitirernitting'Benreb; no clue' c ould, he obtained, by. ;ho police afthem.— . :l; IAT Wiert time 414ce One of their number; lii4lidbly apprehending danger or con: , . Acience smitten; turned State's eviuence, exposed the names of his• asset...hues but they:get Wind of it ataniatle their!esetipaZiOnn• - the city., It is. ter,rtin hoped.that the wretches,, whose souls is43o {steeped in crime that they min cooly; midnight, mutilate .the corpses of the' dead lor the . sake of few mull trinkets,' will be brought to ; prompt and speedy jiistice,at the hands of the outraged law. A emu) BOILED TO 'DI/ATM — The fol lowing horrible occurrence is related ih . a ' Kent, (English) paper,: An idiot boy carne by his death in a hOrrible manner at the Stroud Union Workhouse. The. attend ants bud put him in a warm bath, by or der of the medical ofTicer,and at the same time their attention was engaged in res training It - rerractory lunatic, and assisting a cholera patient, lie had just been bru't in. The boy screamed violently, but no notice was taken of him, as it was hispilic tice to do so, and it never occurred to.the. attendants that the water was tau hot, as,u woman had just previously used the It turned out, however, that the steam by whic'h the bath was warmed had been turn ed on from the moment the' woman' quit ted, and the pour boy was liter, lly„trqjled to • . (R4o] . Cho!erg. in. Eyropc--Yho o .C4olerp„);tas extended itriej,f to inttny parts of -Frappe, and has also, nlO9 its clppearailce in •Iyit zerland, ~Tiw,disqnse but not tcony, , great,extent., It, ~hzul,now reged„theyq , during, a,perio'd montits kind has earNie4 op; ,4konsand Annitisc4cfncliclq,;(l,o,. persons, . ; which, ex eeedsby two-hundred deaths from-.the dis. ease in Ifi good . douse keeper , will always dead the 'lleWepaper!,lpaTtieularly the 4, Country Duerr:e , ,1: I.)rerulful rithrmit I( , :trn the Itev. .Janie 6 N ieols, of Caroline ,coun. tv, \ld., who has For t loti!.; lint lict;n la boring under nil Illir I:1111111 01 . 111111(1, 011 ti Miss .111110 t 11.11ppe'1 I's 111111 she and several 4014; 0,1111- ily \yene 1111 stairs al the iisital lime of 11r.1 pravors, 1% hen he supf trioned thrtil to his room. I ilia un fortunate:lady wooing the (him., Niehlos Et her head Emil --14116 t her &ad. Tin then, in hit; iniirderotis ty , dragw4l hor out r,C the lainso sorno . dis-i tan.rn to a hog"pen, and at to throw ter Into to do this,lio fled and . luts not §ince been hoard olf, Irish lquid tibout time since, several Roman Catholics were killed at Slabtown near St. Cathorines, Up per Canada, by the discharge of fire arms. from a house filled with Orange Won,— The Grand Jury at Niagara; Waltertfick son, foreman, have foupd,no billsatgainst anykody.- • Was itob,otty . to Warne Whb is Grapt.'4The:grcate . st man is he who chooses'the with invincible res olution, who resitittsi the sorest temptations from within and!mithout, who bears the heaviest burdens cheerfully, who is calm est ip storms and most . fearless under men ace and frowns; wh . oseleliance on truth, on virtue, on (sod, is most unfaltering. DEATH OF EDGAR, A, Pop.--We ro .gret to learn that Edgar A. Poe; rtsq., the distinguished American poet, scholar and critic, died in Baltimore on Sunday Nuor ,ning, after un illness of four or:five days. —This anouncement, coming so sudden and unexpeCted, will cause poignant regret O'ittong all who admire genius, and have syMpathy for Om frailties too °nen attend ing Mr. f4* was a native of Mary ' landitlibuglxleared by a foster-fitther at Richmond, Vit" ; ; where he spent some time on. aNisit, ; : lie was W the 38th year of n• 114.101:1ER-r-On Thursday the 27th p t -,P F es.sl, q r, csq., Mr. DAN. in I it. *i;N:,,,o,Luthctogrg, to of Qiiion:ttmnshp. Oh the 3giti pit.; b 'INN. J. Morris, Mr. Thom ns a] DA:l,s of .lordzzu .640 clpriletkpuni f y to Miss I.m.E(c.t 'A COLD OR COUGH. . The 01 the Flllll/1:r 011)8 The 1..h1-r. rikk,h he p vcr hied in I.e• laws y en.ogki , ,or endd 14 lICCIIOIOII of 'he huee” Iho P,,, " & Tree [11,V(q.(1 . 1 . i d fipti If ec c &Tot; ,110 ou going in jot 1.1 111 t, a 1..1 I O U tlit , lig 10 I 1 thn (I) 01;1•01 . 110111/1 1,61 . 11,;111, , I. 01 11. e p un . hi/ ( i11 . 11210f11 lot 11,1 rule 1 Cl:er it 0.1 t e TII0A1! •, ON ' t; MIN/CND SAR TAR A NI) 1\ COD lIA [thug a. IL does the eery rlngeore 01 Tne ,s1,611011.(1.01ter of our mull rOrurCid VCile• able Culi lin thediery. . Prepartnl It) N c!.., in r 01 FIrTH ir,.d~hlt'Ul'l'.o lll .• .140010114. Scald by A 1%1 1111.1,, (.:h.qtri•o,l,l 7 .l.tiTh(l 14% h . l'net 5114. Ili .S 1 iil) ,Pticra of Flour and Grain. 11,e .gJuloteiath , t 11l .1)442 oro or of FLOW /i1411:•,:I IHIV zl:%t:Ltl , Vb IpVIJILUIIVI/ ul Mir :111,,1 F1 , .1/1" Ar . tat, I. (;urn, 0.1114. 1 ' )!Ikil.{(1 1 ph 7Z) Oa. GU 30 r.\(;‘‘ Yur , lc, 475 I I() G 2 32 'Oll • I 10 GO 35" Balionora, 4 112 I 05 55 27 70 40 t. 6 t , , G (10 (25 75 ;17 • —,---- •' afilichael Seyler, Deceased. ' Adllllllllllflllloll ha. In-,en gran : L ied to the aubeerinera on the eblaio 011111-' lintel Sty ler, tote Wad. , 10.tno'hir.,C1e.:rhold pentane having or do. ralindd against raid estate %1 if' Ihrerent du ly millteittteetc.4l lot 6°11101111b1 . . Uittl All, per tem.! tp dehleti .to the ittne are rtquesied 'noise vay • mod without delay. JOSEPH SEYLINt. /• JOI.6I•SEYLER.. ' /'Art ma. . 0et.152. , 1849, —pi. , ‘,. •:. • , EN cotton Flannel and 'l'ol(.l:Auer), fin • .; !. , -1. f•I 'l' HO' ntid sole i th(ottotore of I (4) .. • BIGLEft • s ktca. I .1 .1111 /1 ffl4 ciliTID Via ' GOODS. t . WM: B161,1.:11 & cO•nro item. just it , eciitit • 'and opening at their olit'sitind. a fresh supply of seasonable goods. consisting of Dry , Goode,. Croecrics, Q4(10/014611:1R )11/111{Vare: 80 0 18 and Shore, 11 p ats arto Capa, thole° tariely of Iritittuiligx lor Dresses alit —dlso 0 !it: 'Dye S.urn. Nails, irdit nod ttith the 1141{41 I , ll{lPly of nOininit. • Ttio public artl :o ral I and e xi; limo for iticinsel yes. '10 () Y. 9 $3O Et fl,iWAll D• 11D11201siN Jail trn lite flight of the 6 Iwo lUD 11,, II 1.101 «i, Afi,:tV SAM. I. )111.1468 Sall Cole:win 2g phputs Wei 8 oaf: c-.3,,f,1g!f, swat [Judi, light:in:fir, awl fair, epta lf's•ffil t ; m a Inlet: rout . awl pkntq t-f ' , ft el • mired filhiniift unirltlaek hat ts'lti. If tea fliainf,t 04' , 1 to filtouf U2 . filall cif ago Ififfitabait4 s fuel Bur 1 , 1141 . black bushy 411:11' and tchi.lu r , dad; effitiplexwn, and Vi'l . Much pier edif' 'dl) had oh ('ruck coat and, canto:. nod Itlarli .o'2o of 11. c ut) , ,vt) reword tt til he given far tho I.l.•reber.el-11' tint! I,llg i , inent (,f• C;lnifinan In any 0 1 rl e adpirdl rniitilicrr (r bis tlellytiry to tic ni r, nittt (810) hor 11 B. BEISSEL, Keepe r. Oci, 9, 1849. Sheriff's Sale. aolitV Olio, of a et rit at Fier' Vacmt, 'Ratted out AM fOw Court of Colonial. of C:earfield c.witty, ti:dl to no directed, will btt cxt o'cd to 1 ..11,:tt tate at the Court lattie to the borough of eartiel.l; uu 111. , tuloy the 3.1 tiny of December r.. it, a certain lot of land, situate the r or yorated litoi.B of the borough of Clettri.eld. von t mote: tit c .arres and At.% t.tly• fly° perel.cn, boon led on ilio rnrl by tut Nu. 14. on the nortb by tut N. 13. 0,1, the west by Fourth troy, and on south Icy 1.4 No 13. and kro...in ns out lot. the clearcd'and t%ith a house 'di wit. ido 'format ererte J Seized, taken in execution to be sold an ilid.p.ruperty of li...hort Culims hy JOIIN S HIES, Sb'lF Office, C,‘ ().•i. 10, 180 TURNPIKE NOTICE. fleviE mitt I,lto ttert if the Cell 11 'ye nod Lillie Ha'd Eagle 'roil, ink° Head rotni , nnY me I..tre.ty•ingiiiell . that att eltentin will ha held ou sth dny "1 No% ember ;test, at the Gmtt pltt I et. the bt Titt of Attain Nevlum..dee'd. trl liett.nrin lirWlllltllr, 111 the (.01101y nt Clearfie.lo, 11.0 litturtt el 12 arid 4 n.clock in it•I10•011 01 nil] tiny It, elect by hallni one perwon. ur l'iontieni. Ss ncrivilis•fnr Alattagers. and one tenet', Ito. Trt•astirer t tztatti conirmy r.,r the ru „et: A 1' 011 ENS„PrEs It.tatit.ghate, 0 t. 9 1849 attatioq% D.tuallo almost entirely now, with Two II:ON OF r , 3ll'l' 3lAcmne, and every thfag in good er bout said %gill,, with R gontlaauctify.oli water-1110 situation as well koutvo, being the, same ityliord MUM rmerly sloe . There isd 'good, largo TWO44-,,A ; STORr'. 1 • oweiti •41=z7 . 4 . 4....1010i5e, , tv,;(1) all Recersary out togolher wn4 0, smfy.I111(1 n loot dvvSlling flonso ond .6drickanutli: .hop nun mid lat l: Theta is also c good seal 'kir' Ea mill nn mud tenet, IF/ for a bore the grist owl! '! is not to inierlere ‘‘itli it. I The oilier tract ridj.dtia the above, and contains 100 acres, more or loss, on V11111:11 is erected a large' 'TWO Story Frame llouse, AND LARGE FRAME BARN. • 'friers is lino springs of water on said farms-ri Om% mg young ORCHARD,. „bout FOR N' or 111 7 11' acres of cleared lad ,ro risen tract 'I he land is of good quality, andle , ~, 1 1 timbered will, valuable timber, The situation ,s pleasant 1111 d aikininigeous, bciug inimedirtiefina the Men !lope As bale Bald Engle Tur4ike lICULNIL in 12 miles of the Central Rail road, and the beta d..pted lot 1.11141 C 11l Motor any of the re.l-, To Clergymen, Post-masters, Teachers of J'' kittlF 'rEltrus t'w S kr,E•- -ow.? third of the purchaser Sabbath-Scools, Book Agents, Stu- money to de paid on confirmation of the sale and , dents, and Ileads of Fanatics. I ilie residue in tit.) equal animal payments, Willi ill , ~'rest on payments Will the day of sale . the' Arents toasted in every section of the If. S. Co sell. linlrmeo of trio ; purchase money to bo secured by the Sear's Pietdral Family Annual. or the purchaser. * * *Side to commemis at 10 o'clock A. M. of said AN ILLUSTRATED W,DRR, co mprising a day. when due attendance will he given by B. woicarr, cuardiun. fine. tIPfICS of %%ph inn:waling li.i By order of the Orphans' court of Clearfield imam. seripi mils in one handsome laige Oefaa shoal M . C. WELCH, Itcg'r. .1110 io• gee, elegantly fiiiiind iti guilt. ant) ir•ticred Y. Scritemlier 7, IMO, in ;he most finished style in' modern busk making. Price only Two Dollars. STRAY - STEER.. Th;s splendid vo'oine comprises within itself el A NIE to the plantation of the subscriber in C implore Litirnry of threfill and Enirria ming ‘_/ br,„ggs totinailtip, Clearfield county, 'teu the Kno , ‘ ledge, cjiMensed in torm• familiar in style, 26th day of A ognst lost, BRINDLf. ST E 'll, eeneius tit iiilurinailen, embracing an esionsive ' supposed to be ttto vents oil. The owner ro range of bullet is Tile engravings (ever 200 tit quested to conic fortiori and prove his prop ty,. (nimbi r) ore s r rtly lllnstratiV S. ben,g reprceen, other% ise it %s ill be disposed Dins the law directe• lauaas of actual Scenery Costumes, Mariners, GEORGE WILSON, Ben.. Monuments Are. &a September 16, 1849. T. .t iz $ ear Stray Cattle. pit I;.IYED ,ty Iron the rtito ,rr;lter t.itinctone !thou! the 1 , . ( t i t r • . ivy am SIX !tend of young WC * . came-3 nt u y can and 3 ono cr or lino year old etecri, 1 two year old hoffer, nod 3 liedr , rs one) ear old One %.% ag a brindlt d steer, (lite n pcve mixed red, ttt h conic ‘litte on 11 0 hot It ; the 2 year old heat r of bond. color, another vtlitte rind utiollter red nod tonne wttite, nod the other ‘ iithi- Iteh brindle. Any prreu❑ gig ing itiforinniom %%ber.r eitid rat- Ir t%Lil be Itberaby re herded for their true• 11 ,. .11 ,,, 1 all rcanuuol4n t i,argeti paid, ABRAHAM I3AILY. Oen•brr 9. 18 , 19 '' (0•Co exanitormon li t e 41144 yi orb Hill be pro• ilouheetl by every ihtellienrperwil bore . a_)!i l ltt se9 bp( r% noon it et/11111 all one of the mint sou. Tra12(9112. at ,', 1 ',POMP 6 , r a father ICJ eßesent to hi. tatnily, 111 A K 1,111• as r ,. pards 1,0 1 11 the clitality end number „f n„ r in• ' hriii,hroei,l6 end the pore dieracier of its c.o. T Ili: subscriber respectfully informs the public , eill, lu preporing every article tor its pages, that ho has commenced the nhuae mention• the grealusl I sunoll has been used lu admit no. ed business, In the boritagh of Clearfield, ONE .htt , but , t! to, iiiii rut it .g and iii true:t‘e filar.. ' 1)()Oti north of the Mansion house, where he is t,, it r t prepared lo repair C.rieks, %Vatches and Jewelry 'l',. t.tert or eple , ; row and Ihei Ors wort: alone , /i cc , r , , hind Ile hopes I.:} , strict uttention to 11i .,,, 41!1 I 11( i,: .11 for , ~11.:i:,le UMW() ITICIIi i bll3lllCtlb Ili merit and receive a share ul public , ,ti..iti to h 4 no i ult:i. '1 here is nut a town in !I altunage. IVOIII dune On . IIII! Slinriell notice, no I. tom, ‘N !.0 r. ~ 11.4. h I, hunt ht and V, el,dispod ' and tuo‘t ft asunable terms, ,d i i.r. ,t, I Jti rii ,i . :.ing Irntii 50 in 200 ..ulurni 8 ' 1 I,er urdit gh. the p.1.'0,111..14 ! Clearfield. Sept. 12, 1849 Al. I 0,1114 Thluil copill eur exnro ne or i reCel t 1 nwre. eLII,81:11,I , u1. 1., , 1ind in paper ereets.—llle pottage' iol eX.eedif.x 30 r, ht, on each %.daine 1,0 lot ,OF partnership. The partnership Aegoto v%iirdvd , oil die reerii.l ..1 ONE noLLA it lii' l'ora ex"ill`g uetweer, Jucoh & I,oe6lllcutili, 'l',. wil.. n•' flu er , ‘llere a per..ll rt ....,J,. 9 , i f I has dill day 'well dissolved by Wllllllll CCIIISCiII. ~„1 . ,,,i 1 ,1 „ the r ,„, i l „ I ti p eal ofti,., he ran ü b,' Tliii,e !laving claims against Raid firm wipriwo lull . iopv ebine FANIILV A:\ NUA L. bent them tminediniOly lo Jiteob Kuntz 114 4111' i • iy, l'rrn•mpi ill il,e c ountry „ imhieg ie ao ,I mN,I. ,N 11,0 properly is now in hie mitiresSlonb 1;r urn !ea) otninn nil 'hi" "q"'"l° in!ur11.:111„" Mid I,e ii to pay ulldcloe dor from ofm,tirm; , :!!: fry uddrt., ,, mg t i tle ,•ot•cro , cr. To aCcila'e cvleii JA.OOp KUNTZ,j,I ' Ilya 1,. not 1 c1M111111111 . 11•11/15 1110 y 1111101 110 101131N,A. LeAvIS KuziTzt.'''' In vt rini,g. lel eteli person Inelll/011 Ins Post Office Brody toe, nsliip,' Apt,' IL 1 . 849. , , . '''' County iH k il Sim°, ROBERT SEARS, l'oblielier. ETECUTOR'S NOTICE. • • ;';., No. 128 Naeauu Bt., N. V. i 19TOTICE is hereby given that taffeta )sharpen-'• *NoTE.--Tire mill kind v, e are allon'ed to or : IA !pry have bean granted to theuhubscriktere .ant titer ilicrP. , at Office LAw. i upon the estate of Adam .11(01011 Into inf Badly T °publishers of ilinespapers throughout' tu""1"P• (;Icarlield eo.taty :doc.ettftett, all purport • 0 ' : the b)liial States. k,1y,,, ing theinaol yes' indetue!) .. ,p i l soid certain aro 4 ( re(peel ed to wake pay tnent en i',.. befi;r t eThellk i d • ...., t i 1% iiiinpoto cooing itiin ad. e rtnieinent, en- o r , o m i„. r , and thase'llating elcii real tigninat'llie. ,Ire. a ell diopinyeil. MI /11)01'ft, %.'• 'lilt)!!! any alter• , . 46 . 10 ,II present thorn duly, autl.ariticaidd foe nu Hi or abridgement Including this notices and ! sea l t i ineni.• , giving it bier inside Ituietliens. 01011 Revive n Eltat t ii ,li . Ablpa., Ex , rs. copy or the ANNUAL. icitlitlell I to i llior orli:r.) by . ~ Bending direct to the publiblie'r ()et 12'' • • . I • I: ' '. . , ... 6 ~,,,„„„ . ark B tte and Brut% it cloth for Die's' ----- . --- -- , , out, for Ha 10 by BIGLER '& co 1 A ICI siroiscliii,r , ' ''' , , , ---- - And soo n t exeW Or l'iflntir Land e 1 1, dr Blankets for Over eclat* -mew titylo, lor : -,,-, ~ , LP ..,de dual. at . BIGLER & I'U . A. aoust tijazo ,. • ... Pieces French• Meritto.lor 'Althea cloaking, mi ll i,: .ilOrriboni uffer*at:privntaataloth'a lallavv 2 :. tor sale , at the,atura.ol BIGLER &co JLtug dart:rated val,Uabla.prititArq:,lvls :. , 7 ~ , . A . • , A SAW MILL just Jiabv,,caltairrPialiciillingt , B) ol3. ,cces nblort.eu b aollinuld q i tor r A tit al plc re. li G LEft . , & ( Q,. , teat per,dity tNtlltlep , , , t o t to ether xv . itltsooltarca, J. 1 ----_,.,__ ~,(Ti.litl lattyl-n pew T,vt . a ~Stary, FRA,c4i.: lIGUSE at 'Ole ati:lY tn,d - attiAlfeiTti•n - gtory 110 USE, tin& a LIARN; . at flid.:Eriamitiraitike ad' _ aiiiil. riattll i I , •: ., ‘' , l. - ::.t.:7,7 ~..1;;I:1;4 , r .fl; .:I • . a , , r• ~ bond usiorttnent of cotom,,ta, ..neornere,,,Stllij; . This Oropprly ii . sltuatall,•oa•Almork'd 1 110(1;1 . 4. • 'flrntie.c 4}, 1 )0 ,11,0 . 0 A I I O (AA , c'-`,. , t,, I witlttn,ancotrid a-ltalc. rattea,td, , ,Cfartrikkl Greak• --;7----- iiv,„. i 1„,.., • - rto*o - - 11 _ 2 .; • 71 --- 777,i 11,1 Bvtga, tut,rts ! ltltip. and ia ,l t . y . lll . at i la , p!! 1r ; Lt .. r . *.g.youtiteg...•• . , Liiaber,fi g . biiiwi.,.:. , , i,, - ' ii . otrir,,,,i.eih. ~,,,i. too, wfititiitdioli _ 4 , , A i orge .,,, v itinie,l ! rtt . ,E..lllaba,ltlre lur salo- sn i t il , , , Ilk able la ItAding.Pretter.vett; Lc h h 'titters or it, AtatAIIIVY.A., Pii•klei or ,Cull i e ( "" nt I n e 6 , 1 .i 1 . I f , • - dt'e't &r 4 iiili itsi.z . e.i' front 4 Jilin limt: 'iqq"'''''R"" ll ' l4 "‘''''' ' , i''' .l ' . " er\l" 11 '' . 1 , .. . , 6' r; gallop.' 'They 'Will be:alibl' 'Ay ifor cash. 1 ...1"; 11; . 11,J , - 1'21 , f 11. / J94, 1 :i f l'ti9W , , • - 11! "' .4 f i '' : 1 ' , tIENHY.LORN,N. , ; -,-7,:' , ';::}:: ,:; ,i, t,..; ,Pg i ihint ~ July. 4,,PUK:4 -.•- ~.. ii' - ,7 :1 , r , ••• •,, !ii , l io • -, il'': A?P`t4 7,184 k1 7 ,41 1, a1if , 1,,...• ,t;,.. 1 ' : ,- ::.c i'. , ..5r, •..,11. , . ', , 1 . 1 , ,;:p ~:itti. . .. 1 1 .:i.'w -.1.0t. 14 '. itf 1:..:1-Yti:„. - . ( '?JI , . , 'ail :, ►ha r p I?Friy,elt?l!l.lnr Ovvr •roalmy, for•d,ale. Notice: - iIE Tax crtyrmi t9ei'nxityt are hereby T po.tified that the illibmeriher attima Qtt lite lioncm'Cil 'Jolt it iirattrirnr. in; Ctilwentiitillet Motith y 'the rPft. tiny Notornber, howeeb the , Ityttret or 9 anti 7 u'el,oeltjor thomurynto,9(rqcoiFi. trig ini , ct (I.l3Nelißell ft'4 Subtitil ';'Diotilet (or the utti'rent year. ' • - Rtl ettlleettittt 'lttifor'ft.Trillebted let al:WO:0 tt'aecitthin ttriD,requresied . to mahr truthell•rtto notilemr;nt „cavi l those • %vlir inico brderti on the Trenstifer ails piratic—pre .elit Ott ttt ut once. JACIC.BO* CRAISTS, •. Pik6 October 3, tE34ii NO ITENDria,' I'ICE hereby givekklini Pieta; trill Ai° public v endue hclilgt Jacob, Alaoror, Into of Covington t0pr0 , 1111 , ,. Clearfield' eouoty dee'd, on Mondily 11102§citltfyOrtiCtokii consifling of the lo!lowiog properiy:Nlikt One Threshing 11 , 1aChiire",,.. .gon, 1 , Sled,, I. Scigh, a lot .of,log,chams 4 , traces, lot, of pitch forks, coal tAtoisre, , • "bndsteads bedding ,:1 deg 1 large 1 'cOly, '4c. calf, t .:400 shingles, and other fanning utensils .too numerous to tnen tidn. ' ' • " ''• Salo to commence uq,o sun! dny, %Olen due miendaneu - .t;ill be gi.edn wild terths.Uf ' • ' Sottitl6l M I AUiltll, • " • 'REtanrs 'MAtriimt; iNCOD NIAt7RER: October 3,1849. ' . ORPHANS'• COURT SALE , ,!!, Of Valliable '041:410. I IN N pursuance Eli no ortlfr of the Orittillne Court of co.tnty, ce,eipeald to publie.sale co ?Pe preinisopoo Bucearta towsistlipooo,Thpritdap ilia Ik i th d , iy ,o f October next, the following &seri• tied . proptrty, , late the estate of Adm . !' Net gig, de= erased, , Viz , , Two Tracts or pared. of . bold, ,Itunt?,to rw;,l towtailoy ofjleece rm. one 14 w tOnli ConlnMs 300 acres, more or r m . on which IS 431 T, IC(1 n three Ptoty, DISSOLUTION I= , --..._____ .1, F. PAIN