mends of Austria. A- council was held the, Turkish _government resolved not to Surrender 'the' Hungarihri - reftigees to ei ther the Russian or Austrian, GovernMent. 'PR, this decision being communicated to tie, Sultan, he declared in the most impres 7 Sive and determined manner that the refu gees should not be given tip,' Jet the conse quences be what they might, • The 'London Son says:—"We trust that Lorrt Palmerston Will tl \ et his duty as the• Sultan has ' done . his;. that linssia atal Austria will be given to understilnit that war with'illitiloVtfor sJe.i cause tneav war with •England. We are,rcjoiced to find that - Kossuth anditis• companions Lau furnished with passports front the English ambassador, .und we trust that every as sistance will be render .d by England to support: 0;o: independence of his cowl: ry AlgaMst ,, tbe attacks of Russia. and vassal Austria,"„ ;! . ." fn order. to.rcpair the,losses sustainedliy I the Russian troops in 4unoury, from 0 0 11.! era and thp sword, the E7mperoi ;has or- I tiered a fresh levy of recruits. I=sl It seems. probable that Ole Pope will yield to the firmness of the' rench gov ernment, the liberal toncessions demand ed for the administration of Alio Papal States. The. Kiforma, of Lucca, of the 10th, states that the Holy Father intends taking up his residence at Benevento. he Risorgimento and other Turin pa pers state That .Qttribaldi. has been allowed to go to Nice to sec his relations, but was to return to Genoa' withia,24 hours. fir There is nothing of interest from Paris. The President of the Republic', on the 15th inst. distributed in the ch-anorrie of the Louvre, the prizes to the exhibitors deemed worthy of encouragement ihr the articles which they-I4d,displitycd at the late exhibition of national industry. The route'taken by M. Led ru Rollin, on the 10th of June, is not known. Ile first went to the house of Mme. tleorge Kind, at La Chatre, then to London, where he arrived on the 11th ofJulv. It is pleasing to bo able to record the ex tensive improvement going on in the trade and industry of Paris and pat contra-seoup in . the departments. The tranquility ee have enjoyed for the last few months has revived and given a considerable impulse to new branchesofindustry, which had not hitherto participated in the advantages of returning confidence. On Tuesday, despatches were,receivefl from Rome, announcing that the Pope was ready to accede to the desire expressed in the President's letter to M. Edgar Nov; but that, if thci French Government urged; their demands with the least appearance of; force or coercion, lie would again draw; back. The President has issued a decree au thorizing the bishop to hold their councils. Tho Partipretre loudly declared that they never required such authorization ; and that they should hnve met in spite or any temporal law forbidding their meeting. The President of the Republic has or dered the release of 225 of the ingurgents of June, 1848. The newa from Spain, Holland and the Continent generally is very uninteresting. Wo.have nothing from Switzerland. In Ireland the potato rot has again made its appearance. An emcute on a small scale had taken place at Coppoquin, county Waterford.— A polite barrack was attacked end one of the storming party killed. 44 pikes were left on the battle field. The queen was expected to return from Scotland about the 27th. The ship Minerva has been blown up, on her voyage from Sydney to Portland Bay, with 200 barrels of gunpowder on board; she took fire on the 26th of March, and was immediately deserted by her crew; and about fifteen minutes later the explo sion took place, and the decks were blown aloft in a mass upwards of 500 feet high. The crew reached Port Philip, after n week's sailing,on a rough sea. The Mississippi United States' stea gate arrived at Leghorn on the 11th, with 265 passengers, among whom was Com modore Morgan, commanding the spurt& ron of the Mediterranean. Losi of Gildersleeve's party of Califor -9zians.—ln accounts from the Plains, the disappearance of a portion of a New York party, under Giblersleeire, the celebrated pedestrian, has been *seVerril limes refer red to. A letter received - in: this, city, dh. te a l August 16th, frotri 7 Santa 'Says: "Capt. Marcy who - accompanied . this large company from Fort Smith, Ark:;, to this place, started to the States to-day b 3 .1, a new route: There was a companY; (16 wagons with oxen and 49 or 60 ttidn,) froth N. York, under CaPts. Gildersleeve and. Reeves, who lelf the States with us but could not keep up. They, hail bid hick;their oxen having died 'and 'Nome of their wagons left on the 'road. They then got out of provisitmS and'gotScaite - re'd.— . Some 'were 250 end . others 150 iniles'be-' hind us. •T*O . of their company NV eat 'on ahead of the rest to OVertake' us, and ba've get 'lost, and never'' baw l: beet - 1 of since, as two of the party informed us who went ,tiyhead ;to get provisions 'for the rest." AN IRISH Itcnuirc.—A' }a'd' froni the "Green Isle," whose occupation was that r\ 74aekin,f ; ,* boots, fire-places and stove' bearing upon his arm a pot of black: b f di' .. ,'- with brushes, and other implemcnts'of ctfide, addressed a: deniien Of 'this city, who'was etanding at his door: iles your inor'any stoves So polish this morning? ~‘ 1i,,,/ t' l 4 s.e boy for thai business 7"h per .., l' ''' 'ddre.ssed; not being of a i cOlirteous '' er g gruffly ansWered; "GO Abhift Your 4 1; ...t.- ' ? „ . . off, to' - 4s , Z . ss- ' Pat moved ti. few' steps off, to ,`Wr" , kl i r.? t f.,e restch of a kick, cirid replied I.:4;ri' wink' "Your honor would , -, N , ,tr.f ~ SW fora litil62))/is/!ingyoui X . - , ,qtb;ivo hag." • • ';.s . '.. 4/4_____ . , . 14 : __ . ' ( ..t: '''', , ''. ''''.- • ~ -- - X 4"' • TRANCE =I !!== Crossing the Alps in a Moon. M. Arban, a French aeronaut, ascend ed in his baloon from the Chatau des Flo urs, (the Vauxhall of Marseilles) at half past six in the evening of the 2d instant, and alighted 'at the village of Pion Forted neailTurii4 the following inornieig, at !o past two, litiying aectimpl led line distanOe! ab01it..4041 T A lit The' particulartt of this rep .: are, 4e4ted liyl [M., 'Akan himself,' ohe "iofthOlMak-seille4, papers, as ibllows :--"I ascended from, the Chateau des Flours on Sunday ere- I • iiing,i.tne 4u, instant, at: halppasysis4: At eight I was, over the wood -of Este vet, where I tiscertaimd that I was at the heiglifor 4060 Meters. The temperature of the air was cold, but dry ; my centi grade thermometer marked four degrees 'below zero. The wind was southwest, and sent inc over N ice. Fur nearly two hdurs Uwas surrounded by very dense cloudisi; !my cloak no longer sullies d to keep me warm ;.1 suffered touch I'ront cold feet. I, lievertlaless, determined to pro. coed traverse the Alps, from which I knew Bwas not far distann 111 y provis. Dreadful Death by Hydrophobia. , ioni'of ballast was enoughdb raise toe . The Sheffield 'Piffles, an English paper, hove the higheStpcitka. } The cold Oulu- relates the particulars of one of the must ,ally ituireased; the wind' became, steady, Bha lout deaths from this horrible disea,,t and the moon lighted mu like the 50u,.,.-;th u th n conic to our knowledge.. It (je ll wits'at the TOOI 01' 1110 A ; the •snows, mier ,•,j at Car rga te , nye, .ld. It cascades ; rivers, all were sparkling; the riii , ll . „.„, d na on t h e j ui • „„, taut,;t ravine's and rocks produced masses 01 dog boll.lging to a pur.soll natot:c.l darkness, kvllich served as shadoWs to thep ( p re d, ,.. .o,k A 4 - gigantic picture. The wind now interrup- rinidale, William Bedford, and olonien red the regularity of my course. I was Hartley, and it was shortly afterwardh dia occasionally obliged to ascend,' in ord er !covered that the dog was marl, and it was , to pass over the peaks. I reuthed the ;accordingly destroyed. Bedford died ra summit o f t h e Alp ;i t c i c vo n 0 - c1.0;•1;; and ring inad.ibtuit a nirniight ago;, uod now and aslthe horizon hcconic clear, and A rrundalo has (lied in agonies that 'cannot course regular, began to thia It 01 supping. h e descril A Y. 1i upptli,red en the inquost I was now at an Ph wittiest of MA) meters.. held upiat the body of the tinfortunati arm, It %vas indespensabl , y neeess , ar.y Con nw to that o n m., H d av ,• ease d, a I to Was pursue my journey', amid reneh Piedmont. la laborer, and only 1 vi ars of ,ige, Chaos only was under me, and to alight ~ ,p riAling - ti-zittion in the atot, the lin in regions runs impossiblo. Alter gear of which was u at [ls ppriod supper, I throw my empty 'bottle into the , furred tot At tea lime on that day lie s?ial snow Irineath me, where, possibly, sona: h e huu ,„ 4 haw s4 ,„,,,Th ug I ;, r hi, ~r y n , adventurous traveller will onf• that find it, 'c ou ld a , a r c el ) 1 )0;11 ' it , On Ili• day' after and be led to conclude that another befell . deceas e d' s iii di r cr,.nt to rson uarit him had explored the same desert regions. e,l Itiyun, re:idlng in \l'alu truth- At half past one in the morning I was o- a l arr i,• r , w I to ,i„, h i d h t ., a d cou ld vcr Mount Miss°, which I knew, having the I ites of mad dogs, who gave her rod explored it in my first journey to Piedmont. poWder to be taken in water and 4 1ner.— There the Durance ,and the Po take their Deceased took the powder, Ind on Tiles source. 1 reconnoitred the position, and day ()kca l came t o slit lino. On Wed. discovered the magnilliceut plains of the i nesday morning deceits, d re a.y later than mountain. Before this ccrttenty a singtt- , u su al i n eolo i ng duaii un d when lag optical delusion, occasioned by the he -Odle down he complained of weakrie:s shining of the tnoon 111)011 LIIC 8110 W, was and said that he was worse. 11is mother like to make modhink myself over the 0- ! s av e hi m s o w n coilhe for breakfasti Ilc pen sea. But as the southwest mind had sat down to take it, but he (could not drink not ceased to blow, I was comineed ; it; he was convulsed at the` sight of it.— this fact, as well as by others 1 had no- On the mother presenting it to' him hei fleet], that I could not be over the sea.— started back as if some one had stalden- The stars confirmed iii accumey tir toy lv Struck him. Ile rested a litte until the compass, and the a pp, arance o f Mount afternoon, when he wished . to be washed. thanesatistledme that 1 must be approach. 7 Ills mother washed him on his arms and ing Turin. Mount Blanc to my led, On a bad : o r his w, ic k. Ile shuddered an d level with the top or 11 hieli 1 was, I eing fir tre:tnld d as she did thiq, and on her put above the clouds, resembled an immense ! (Mg water on his breast and the fl•ont of block of crystal sparkling with a thousand !his nark he became dreadfully convulsed. tires. At a quarter to three, Mount Viso, !she wiped bim dry, and lie then said she Which was behind 'in;‘, proved to nit' that hid not washed his fare. On applying Was in the rieighberbood of Turin. 1 the water there he sprang up from tholohair iktorMined to alight, Which I (lid without and leaped a considerable hight from the any difficulty, having ballast enough to !floor. In this time lie could, scarcely go much further. I alighted near a large l speak. Ilis mother dressed him, and, ap tarmyard, where I ‘%assurrounded bY;ter-; raring calmer, lie went out fur a short oral watch dogs, from whose caresses I 1 tine'. lie came back sobbing very much. was protected by my cloak. Their bark- Ills mother then fetched Mr. Sattter ing awakened the peasants, who were from Wakefield, who went and saw him more surprised than frightened at seeing the same'night. Mr. Stutter said that it me. They admitted me to their house; was'lltemost frightfill sight he had ever informed inc that it was hall past two, and i witifetised in his professional experience. that I was in the village of Pion Fort, The miTortunate man haVing died at two near Stubini, six kilometres from Turin.: o'clock in the afternoon, in the most fright. I passed the remainder of the night in the Did agony. Towards the last, it took five farmhouse, and in'the morning the peas, men to hold him down in bed, who per: ants accompanied inc to the mayor, whOj formed the sad task with great ditlietilty . i . delivered me a certificate, attesting my ar- And what added' to the grief of his sur rival, &c. After paeking up lily halt), rounding friends was the fact, that at in- 1 and car, I sat uut,for Turin, w here I arri- Hr‘:ils he wag pert . , efly rational in his con ved at nine in the in truing. I immediate- rersation, and to onoof these lucid inter-1 ly sat down to write to the director of the va t s he s a id to -his mother—" Mother, I Chateau des Flours, in order to relieve the am (lying, come and kiss mor," and (hen, anxiety of my wife, friends, and the Mar-' added suddenly, "No, no; lon't ; l may seilles public, who might he interested bite yon." Ile requestcAl that ilin his ra..l about me. I then repaired to M. Bois lei rings he should bite his Mother, he hoped Comte, the French ambassador, who go y• they would knock lila head °lithe next me a passport. I could hardly believe moment. For some time Iwtiin• his death that the evening' before I was at the Chat- he barked and gnashed his teeth just like a eau des Flours, at Marseilles, 110 leagues a dog. Ills death has created the greatest off." excitement in the mind of,Hartley, the Ectent, Popubtiam, Debt. and Resoier ces of Russia.—Should Russia continue, under its present system of governnicnt AsomEn licsammAN Clsn.—The Phil and remain entire, it must exercise a con- adelphia Pcmisrgramiait publisheS7tbe trolling influence over the of the lowing case : "11'o have just been inform ' continent ; for its i , inmense population can ed that there is another (alse now in pro furnish armies of °ye rW ltchuing magnitude ' greys of investigation helitro a Court of obedient to the will of one (nail. There . ; Inquiry in this city that Mill nut only rival is no drawback on the pua:er of Russia— the notorious I linclunan case, but reflect that is, immense public debt.' great disgrace in the end on the prosccu- It is stated that, according to th.- alma- ting party, inasmuch as all their charges Tie published fur dip year 1848, in, arc to be prompted and sustained by reli- I St. Petersburgh, Hunpeirn Russia, giuus prejudices, as well as the other mu prises a surface of 90,117 square miles, : tives common in such cases, viz : avarice with a population of 6.1,092,000 souls; and pride. It appears that a gentleman the kingdom of Poland, on extent of 2, l (Warden Creasim, Esq.,) recently return '3t2o square miles, with 4,950 1 ,000 ;AM,- cd from It residence in thaeast, atJerustili itants; and the Grand Dutehey of Fin ily, and there became convinced that Judaism 6,844 miles, with 1,547,703 inhabitants, was the true ism, •nnd consequently be- According to the WA cenSti4 St Peters. came a Jew. He was appointed our con burgh possessed a population cif 448,000. sal there, but did nut act us such, ,as by In 1846 1677 poods of gold, (the good of'. some 'foul play his commission. papors 40th,) or$17;172;400, 1:pood of platina s .! were detained from him by(those he co-, and 1,190 i)OOds of silver, or• $701,600 trusted to receive them from, government Were extracted from :tile mines of the em., to send to hire. On his return, the ths pirc.' — The public debt :irrestimated at 315,0 grace•Ofiltis change of faith was so keenly' 084,200 roubles, Amble is 80. thlt, that, together with .the desi re;• •proba- Ohirqs---or $253,957,730. Bills :.of ered((:bly, of handling iris. property , freely, It' 6 ; 6 in 'circulation to the amount Of 22(4'. prompted‘Alie prosecuting party to institate; 1107A89'ailVe? roubles=-=or $1.80,934,071, a charge of lunacy, and he, being,a warm nnd'afislgniifs' of:the" cippi re. to that 'of 117,1 devotee to „religion, is not top, ; ' ell duah 122,220' sillleksubici3; or $93,597;776;;' fled to maintain his gawp(' it,gaiast ,tlp,scr, Making tbeWhole'dcbt Ittissia 1848,1wh0 have wealth and, influenec,tn $526,799,5W • •'" ijudgment , in their favor. He was totem. ACedidinVo this statenient, the income cd in the lunatic, asylum by his., friends, r, : o r n'tN• rrimes is: inadequate to in the same, disgraceful manne r , that ,Mr. the ; payingrlt of the:ennual interat 'of the; Hinchman was, end we hope the perpetra., ptibli6 .- debt' t per pent; ; ;and •'wn. doubt ; tarsrof the!outrago; will be as;heaxlly pun. r vltathef tbc" otiinF resetircea! of the .ere l ishcdi; As these , are, for" pol!..oty'tl4lf kept arc ,there 'that Eilifficient I 'to: defrtiji , more secret, from , view, ;we car bezq, now than The Ordincni.t4pOnfies: of goverrippnip eater more Sully into ,the ra, tint, turd maintain ihe'nUrlicrodatroops wlid We may,TrobitW, ; Irkro i4Xtg. .43r I,IR • - ...... , - ..•-•-;•1,,-"•.'..,•,:,,:,..$%-•49,,....e..V.177, -.'"-r-,":'1,41.-",--••••:-INpu•S,+1...,...• -:,..4,.........,, ~....,,, • always kept in service. It is.trUelhai the food supplied to the soldiers is of the r 'cear. sest and cheapest quality ;but, notyithstan. ding this, the cost of . ; , i mpplying so large a body of mene must be n4rmous. ... Front the tinin _of Peter the Great, they . lOssinni pci.:4le have been grad., naffs privrressinci lii civilization; and yeti the majority of them are little better than stitnid ria us-4ut the timo is approach iO,; , it 13'11401, when they will be able to appreciate the blissings ,of liberty and e mancipate themselves from their state of holiday. ,Aud r .when that p,eriod shall . have arrived, we 'shall see the m04 4 .1)044 or of that despotism overthrown, and the empire diVided into different states govern ed upon free n ihd just prilleiples, each' meting art, science and literature: We have the utmost confidence in the progress of wind: and hence predi'dt t hat the colos sal power of Russia will be dissolved when the oppresscd - people shall acquire a knowlcdre of ihpir.,oo:,;. survivor of the three persons bitten as a bove stated. itiinstitution of the United States, an A irr erican citizen is guaranteed his civil and religious liberties; and we trust that those who ariS dark-minded enough to deprive a Man o;').hese, from such motives, may meet the just indignation of the American pe9o°.7 Breuelt r Of Promise. I%nt the New Londott - Chrtit4iele FRANCES I ' . CLAitr VS, OTIS PIPMI,IO,- TON.—TIIIS case, wee an action lbr breach of promised of marriage, occupied the' Court ion Friday . .and Satiirday, and resulted in it verdict for the The parties belonging to Stonington, and are very respectable. The promise al. lcdgcd, and proved beyond 'ldly doubt, was made in 1846, and the defendant, who was master of a. whaling :ship, left the State soon.after, • rentailUng about six nualths. Auer his return, an interview• took place ;b tween hint and the pluintitf, ;which terminated by a refusal tin his part to. comply with the 'engagement ; thou g h he could•rgiYe no platisibb:' excuse ,for his conduct, and thbugh thore was nu reason able Iloth to be found with her. A letter written by the delondare Miss Clark, NV/160 he WiLS:.:11),S01)( ou thti voyage . , was read 'in court, and allOrded some amusement by the fervor of feeding ;expressed for lift, being like all other o lpisdes of that sort,. rather to warm for the pohsal ofthird • persons , and whieb eer,•tainlv would not allude to itio;;e ; partie ular for any consideration. 'Clic feelings Loss of a Preta-h •Ship, muddle British of a highly rospectable (to say , Barque Porn--,We Are informed 'by nothing of the,' cruelty vo the do fondant . , Captain \l'lnte,'• of the brig Althretta,•fronl himself, millicientl4, - punished in another .. elascri Foxes,'that on his passage hb form,) axe too sacred to tempt as for a , ~ xprinenred a terrible hurricane, which moment to idle with them iallns way. I toll from the 17th to the 20th of Sep -Ihe damages wore laid $. 5000, and as- . • • tember. 'On the night of the-2,oth, in let. the jury gave S2OOO. ;r: Th e J,tylge. howev ,Ho dg. 20 min., lon. 7)71 dg. 50 min., he re thought them tooltigh, 0101 upon being in with the British barque Flora, Capt sent out again, jury returned %vim a . Ashby, 0 a sinking condition ; he lay by .yerdict of 61500, Ns Inch was ordered be - during that night, and on the next day recorded. Captain Ashby and his crew abandoned News from the Emigrants. I . llrir vessel, and succeed in reaching the brig in a whaleboat._ Tho Flora was a :qrs. Noah Norton of Adrian, Mich„ rt , w vessel, of 725 tons burthen, belong writos from the top of the norkyMottn- ing to Hull, England ; she Failed from tains, at the Pacilie Springs, head ot l weet I,ierpoocon thg . ftoth of July, with a car- W a t e r,.l u ly 29, Isl 9. ' . railroad'iron, salt (1101 coal, bounded There has he , n a terrible de. to ch ar i s t on , S. C. She had 11 feeti-of stroetion n 1 lire, aninvils and carriages - water in hey hold when Captitin At loft her the way. Thero are now more than a an d went down on the 31st. thousand dead torso's, osx( n and mules that, Captain Ashby reports that on the mot'. ,n rd between this South Pass ruing of the 20th he passed within a mile of and Fort Laramie; and about as many a Freiv.h ship, Of about 500 tons burthen, wagons that have been, some hrokon up, painted dark, with a small white streak, Suille burned, and some left in gond order her m ai n and rnizen masts gone., and in a by the way. The destruction of animals sinking' condition ; her colors were flying liras boon mostly in clinsr'lnencc oh drink at the yard arm, and her crew were in lug at the salaratusor alkali poison springs, the fore-rigging. Captain Ashby's yes over-drivits, and want of proper c•are.— scl being also in a sinking condition, he For the last nnles the great part of could not render the French ship any as the water is strong alkali, and if cur ani-, sistance, and there is little doubt she went awls drink it to excess when dry they clown with Ml hands on board.—N. di e immediately. But there is a sure rem- Heraid tidy it' applied seasonably. That is, to give them fat meat, grease or lard. This we have done and it has saved our noble team We hove had no trouble with the Indi- Tins—they do not come near its. They are afraid of the Cholera 'and our guns. We let each othe Mora:and Eiiii'mutually glad when we have passed. Weiget all the fresh meat We Witnt—bnffillowild sheep, goats and antelopgs!„ 'We ai 4 e tltis day, August t , in OregMi; twenty miles west of IV Rocky Mountains. THE OUTRAGES IN A4NS . A.9.—The Little Rock Democrrit mikes the follow ing statement concerning the outrages in Marion county, ref(!rred to by us a feu days since: "A feed has for:-.some time since existed between several families in Marion county which resulted, a few days since, in the murder, by an'armed party, of an old man named King and his two sons. A warrant was issued furythe ar rest of the inOrderers, .but their : friends (.4 0 muster, such force that the IvUoktpus. se of ttl!.e9jotY, vas not.sufficiently,644g, to lako - tham. 'lnformation of these` was comMunicated to GOV.. Roane, authoriied Gcn. "A. Woodii,4 - Marion county, to call ou_t. the mtlitlaal the arrest of these murderers canrot.! effected by the'civil authorities." THE Exemwrios TO TEE SALT LAKE. ' NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 7. . —The National betqligcncer lb ar n s ffr om ! The steamer Alabama has arrived at letters very recently received that tho L Now Orleans, having sailed from ; 'ha : ,- ex ros on the '2 tit ult.. She reports the loss i ploring party, under command Of Captain 1 StanSbdr of the ToPographidal En ,, i_ of the -leltr. John .%. Sitter, Irian Warren, y,, c „ 1., i, ,,oond 1,, ( alitOrnia, in the straits of neers, now cu foul(' for the Great Salt Lake 'in Upper CalCornia, entered I'r,. :11agc11; , n on the '_roll June, having run on a rook during, a severe snow storm and moat's South Pass in the Rocky Mount- ainS on the sth of August. The p trty ?tale. Capt. and crew were carried_ into wdre all in good health and fine spirits, ( - !111111 ". u , having accomplished two-thirds of the On the 10th of August U. S. propeller journey toward their d,:stined 11(.1d (I I I:X . Edith, from San Francisco for San Diego went ashore at point Drakhan-,--snppOsed 1 ploration. They pursue the ordinary Or wii(,,,„ i i„., to be a total loss. gull route as llir as Fort Hall,• • leavo . it, and, turning short to the south, A French brig parted her cables in Ma , zatlan harbor, in September lust, end was enter the valley of the Gre at Salt Lulu and its tributaries. lost, together with 30 passengers. .Lieut. Beale, bearer of despatches from . ~ Incalo?4, and renic(ll AWericu..—flh, tho United States laid arrived at San Fran cisco, and proceeded immediately to the New Orleans papers having Idler intelli boad-quarters of Gen. Smith. gene° from )(wawa, Guatemala, Nicara- . gnu., and . Honduras. In Yucatan, it ap- '!'humus Butler. King had been seriously pears that reports aro still in 'circulation, ill with the billions fever, but was consid eyed out of danger. Gen.. Riley was sick. thatEngland . hasoffered to put an end to Bic war, of races in tliat Peninsulit,On con _ at •Monterey, but at last accounts wastim dition that the port oftlacalar and ini juriS= proving. •:. • . . , . diction be ceded to the British. The pro .: 'The convention for' forming the consti ject does not sewn to be very phlatable to tution met at Monterey on the 31st Aug. the .Yucittecos, who prefer the exiStlp'g 'lt is said tette composed of men of intent war, rather than pat;t, with their territory. Bence and integrity. It is rumored that the intiii'vention,r nuaiiit of Eng- ITlio steamer Empire . City, left Chagres land wi4 be rejected by the GoVe on the 28th: ultimo, for-New York.. ,•The. ai of Yc,404., , ' . . . steamship Panama arrived ,at Panama, • on the 22d ult., bringing.half a million. ...From Guatemala': We learn rthat Gcns, dollars in gold dust, and 150 passengers. :.!, ' ,- • Qu7,nun and Carrera are still . logger: • .A: Very. lute letter from San, Francisco heads. Such, were the distbrbancers iti says that the constitution: will be formed, that . .distraCtO country that the Charges, and Legislaturp (sleeted by Ist;NOV-..,.. r:11 de'af4tirs orate United Statesand Belgium ; ~..); . . ;Ir I:' '! ; ;"' ' \ ' ~............. ; • • „ • we're,abeukte - ,1e0e.., . ~ , ,Nicpragua. is, raVagctl Icy' ,civil 'Waii, l'he Arrival :of .the • Falcon-7470,00i . la, Raid though it was thought'thaf the existingii 3 OV , 0118t—latelliging :Naval intelligence, ice, eminent would be enabled to 'maintain ft.,: . P‘ NEW.OnLEA.Na, Oct 0.• , self i • i ~i , ,i i„, ; , i, ' .. ' !' ' i I t i - The ateinnahirVakon; Capt.; Hartatjw. ••••.• •• . ••• , ,in vrif,,,f ~. •: ..'il • ' , l - -e ~ j,.1 1; - I.q!‘ ~ ~ :,~~ ,':zr^^ec~.,~.,,~ s+ ~~.:.,,.~..~-nevf4• ».~icx!'+r„h^'~~~~~---ter THE . TROUBLES IN CANADA—The N. Y. Courier of Wednesday says:— Events in Canada are rapidly hurry- , ing to a crisis. The Governor and his Ministry have decided on removing the seat of government from Montreal to To. ratite: - The reason, the manner, end ellbct•of tfiis movempiit will with tremendiolis force, net only against the present provincial Governtnent but a ffaitiet ; the Imperial' Go'vernment which: supports it. It is unquestionably alt act s of resent : mew against the people of 'Montreal for their treatment of Lord Elgin; and it will linfliet serious injury upon nearly every class of the inhabitants of Montreal; who have shaped their business and made all their arrangements with directJ.reforence to that city being the capital of the Prov ince. It stri kesono /cover, a severe blow at the 'Government party. The whole diflieultv has arisen out of the attempt of Lord Elgin to carry en the Government in accordance with the supposed wishes of a majority of the people. The• French control, and in filet compose the majority; ;Ind th-y have accordingly Ibrmed and do now torte the government party in the Provinee. kat Lower Canada is the sec• lion. , where they Teside. Their whole strength and all their interest lie there.—, In remeving the capitol, therelbre, from LoWer Canada, Lord Elgin inflicts seri ous injury upon his own party. They are in the principal sullbrers by the movement. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC DESPATCHES. Frmii 'he Penneyk'oninli From linvana—The French Difficult v—The U. S. Sloop Gertnantowu—Sailing of the Spanish Squadron—increase of the Stand ing Army. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 2 We are in the receipt of advices from Havana to the 27th ult. We learn that the reception of the news of the difficulty existing between our government and the French Minister, had created quite a sen sation in Havana. The most extravagant rumors and speculations were detailed in all the public placs. The United Status sloop-of-war, Ger mantion, arrived at Havana on the 26th ultimo. The Spanish squadron sailed from na -1 vault, about the middle of last 'month, to protect the southern coaA of Cuba. 'rho standing army in Cuba is to be increased. Six thousand troops are daily expected to arrive from Spain. ' The improvements ctli.cted Ly Melson, in extracting the sacharine matter from the War cane, has caused !midi excitement among the planters in Cuba. mai of the Steamer Alabama from Chug :,',.ges--Loss of the IL S. Propeller Edith, &c, arrived .at thici.,.,Kil ye hy - 'medial, having made the patsagd in l o.:Aiiria d 18,he n rs. , .The P:Rifigil :070,4)00 iti gold dust, a itirernail,%ariet iill'pasgengens fbr Nekv. York. -'‘v , ••,... . ~ ~,,,', ! .', The Isthmus was healtey and travelling easy. the roads having 'greatly improyed. The Falcon brings. dates_ from Paw. 'Fran cisco to Sepr.l.St3 Gen, P. V. giiiith had:gone:On an ex pediCion to thquomitains of the -Sierra Nevada. Col. Fremont was., at 'Monterey. The ship Milnor,, from New,,Yorh, had arrived at San Francisco, having made • the pass age in 120 days. , • • BANK NOTE LIST. Corrected Weekly from lie Phi:udelphia Papers . „. Phi!it(Pp. blvs ,;,;y4E P• ; ; Clunt;ersburg, Gettysburg, .rittsb.urg,_ St/sq. County, , Lewistown, no *ale Niddletown,, Carlisle, . liollidaysLurg, i Erie, 10 Waynesburg, , Washington, lal Harrisburg, -1 Honesbale, 1 Browesville, lal I Williamsport, 1 / York, All solvent L'lc's par Relief Notes,: — Towanda Ref. no' New York City. Chelsea bank, 80 1 Clinh'm, • 50' C,oimereial, Lailivette, 2 Washington, 70' Other solv. jgir New York State. ‘ Allegheny c'fi. America, Hutlido, 30 C4nntnerce, (10, .33 Atlas bank,. 30 Canal, Albany, 25 Bruckport, 25 James. flan k 4 Northern . E.x., 1 Lodi, 20a25' Lyons, 15 State b.Saitgertiet,i,'l, LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Post ,Office a Clearfield, Pa., for the quUrter endt ng :30th September, 1849. A rdery Susannah Ogden Leonard i Any I)aguerean Artist 2 Read Jane Miss Butler Win (1. Southard John Cox James Shyrtess Jesse Lynch Simon ThoMpson Wt . esq. Alarks Levi Wainwright Thos. Younkin Ch4rlcs Wm. RADEmAron, F. 31 October 1, 1849: LIST OI•'GRAND JURORS Fur Decentlx.r 'Arm 1P49. Geo. Thompson Farmer Brady R C Taylor Potter do John Fenton, jr. Farmer Goshen Muitth6W Tate do , . do , Thomas Mills Coaamaker ' Borough Ihigh Leavy Mason do David Hoover Farmer Law rence J 13 Stewart Lumberman' Beccaria Joshua Comstock Farmer do Aseph Ellis do Bell Wm Hoover do Bradford John W Kylar ' do 4, do Joseph Potter do Morris Wm F Johnston do Penn Thomas Kirk Millwright do in°. Mehaffy Lumberman Burnside Joseph Brae N Fa rine r do A B Waller Merchant Jon. Ilartsborne Farmer Thos. Rosa Surveyor .. John J Bloom Fa r'nv.r C) do Fran,;is Grogsaint do Covington Wm Wells Miller Boggs D McCullough Farmer Jordan LIST OF TRAVIS JURORS For Decenzher Tani 1849. F Hollopeter Farmer Brady David Horn, jr. Tailor do R Att hairy Lumberman Bell Jacob Walters Farmer do 1 high Gallaher Lumberman ; Burnside R Alossop Cordwainer, Borough ' David Litz Bliteksinikh . do John Lt4ere Farmer .i . "''' ',Bradford Win Graham, jr. do c, d John Kline, Jr.: : ,d , Dennis Crosyell` , do ' ,fleratur David Gettrkart 'do,. " do . Jacob Runk ' do TIIOI I IEIB Dixon '• ild . Wm Albert " dO 'do Thos. M'Cracken Lurnber'inan f li'l•gusoti John P lloyt Merchant''do IVin Mitchell , Farmer Lawren&... John Long Carpenter', : ..,'t ' do Mar,tin Nichols ,rarmer " . ,do Wm Mapes . 'do . I ,`' . A - E; do' ; " • • do James Irwin do'''' ) ' do Sum'l G Davis',` ) ,(f43" Tlecettria Ab'irtq,.Ketiggy -'• , do JEtclzOn Klizetpd Laborer • Adani HOT dO J o 4 l ' l .P'r alc ' Jas. Caldwell 'do' Wm Alektuiddi . ... AOar,ti iSdaeltiran - 00 1 19t)ert: Sanibel' Mile 4 Robert Thompson do Alph9us W Ao • Thomas KYlai . ,•1. Few pia o. 111-B,lk.Aur 4,l3lip4Aressoa Cut ,e3lO eI.A I IO hY r t' B/PLIT & Co. J.• ' '' A .1, irdo Ciastimerea . - ! ' paid for sale the olieup'aotdWil :ion 84/4111PA ,'; 'At 1117T/i3 illanls ? , ..payuga, .1 , . 1 : . 1 Weilloyn,lloelies;iio ( lipgl4l.4uptspiai.. - :.: 5O lttai:a l ygus e 9 ,., 1 :30' , Clinton eopnty, 15 cornmeroiul,Buf.,ls i• ifo, Osweg9, 10 runpers i ,Senecu, 30 f Tainill4:4, bank, 15 Mechlin. Buffalo, 45. Nierehanis' Bk. , . 40 [Villiers', at el:i;de, 10 Oswego, GO PhwirpN,, Buffalo, 35 Statf44lsland,. ' 50 Sinte h:BnIralo,15a80 St. LalVrene6, 75 Union, Buffalo, 30 U. S., Buffalo, ao Watervliet, 15 Other sole. Wks ' • 1 IN: Bidge'en: 85 l'urdleyville, 15 Plainfield, , • 11.)ther solvent, par Ohio, , Solvie.nt Cincinnati li (leV'elail, 1 liandhon, .. 5 15 Coinnier., Scioto, 10 do. Lake Erie,7s Stind sky, orvalh, ST Farmers', Canton, 75 Granville Society, baneaster, .15 CTrbanna B'iiig co 7 . Ps'. Other solv_ent, 'l4 Under Fives, 2} do Pike do do'', Covington Pike • do • AVotidword ' Girard Goshen Jordon ,` Fox "!, MoiriS = FIZMI