a. w. coo RE, 3.I4EmPHILL 5 41mit°51.5 4- 'WI" 111:P1 4/67131110:M MONZZAIIII A . Treekly Paper, will be published - at th low Roles: 1 YEAR IN ADVANCE. $lOO 1 YEAR IN 3 MONTHS 1 25 I.IVEAR IN 6 DO 150 I YEAR IN 9 DO 1 15 I YEAR IN 12 DO . 200 S paper will be sent to those who p payjrcadvance after the 'expiration of the AiTne paid for. ot'r-Aa letters on business connected. with' the office, to receive attention, must be post paid. From the Democratic Review. THE ISLANVOF'CUBA. When we reflect upon the wonderful e vents that, on this continent, in the last tine hund,red years, have conspired to pro mote the prosperity of the States, and to aggrandize the Union, we but admire the mysterious manner in which the imperial governments of Europe have, undesigned ly, been made the instruments of fostering our national growth. The long course of neglect with which - the imperial govern ment treated the . English colonies, until they came to be important enough to plun. der, undoubtedly, laid the foundation of our practical system of self-government; giving birth to that hardy spirit of inde pendence which, trained to resistance in a long series of increasing oppressions, be came finally strong enough to triumph.— Only so many colonies, however, and so inuch,territory as could combine in a strong ' confederation, were emancipated. .As these grew in magnitude, jealousy andsup posed self-interests included the imperial governments of Europe to cling tenacious ly to their remaining dependencies, until the United States were prepared to receive them. England on the north, and France and Spain on the South, each held and continued to govern, with what success! their systems would permit, their respect- d ive colonies. As, however, the govern ment attic United States became consul- dated, their population increased and their! wants developed, circumstances compel- I cd The European powers to cede just so much new territory as contributed to our ,strength and importance, without adding any weakening element to our system.— Precisely at the moment when the posses sion of the delta of the Mississippi became of first importance to our internal quiet, ,was Bonaparte compelled to abandon his darling idea of transatlantic colonies, and sell Louisiana to the United States. No sooner had that fair territory become in corporated, and the pressure of the south upon Florida developed the necessity of its incorporation, than the .feeble and erre _gent government of Spain was induced to . part wiih it, and'also to accept the dun. 'gerous cession of Texas, which, in the course of our national growth, became the means of a now, addition to the .national *Main, bringing with it. California and New Mexico, ns soon as the further pro gress of the nation made . such additions to its territory not only necessary but safe. The (past occupation of Oregon by the English for n quarter of a century, pre pared it fur'the K.ception of the American Settlers as soon as the advance of civiliza tion brought it within the reach of the har dy pioneers. Thus, on all sides, the hope expressed by Jefferson in relation io the Mexican states—viz., that Spain would I be strong enough to hold them until the j United States should be ready to embrace them, has been fulfilled. A new & more important movement is now at hind; and ' the last and most Valuable of European colonies is about to be annexed to the "Model Republic." Cuba, lbr a century, has been a prize on which the eyes of Eu rope have been fastened, and which, per haps, more than any other trans-atlantic possession, has in years gone by stimula ted the cupidity of statesman. The fact that the most despicable of all the Europe nn governments has contrived not only to held it through all the convulsions of the present century, but, as it were, to pre serve and gradually prepare it, by a sys tein of gross oppression, (in which it is questionable whether folly or iniquity most predominates,) for delivery to the United States, at the precise moment when this country is fully prepared to receive it, and when rival nations of Europe have lost the power, and perhaps the will to object, cer. thinly developes an over-ruling power in the destiny of nations, to which it becomes us to bow intreverefice. - From the moment when Charles V., ha ting acquired almost boundless territory in the New World, and firmly consolida ted his power in the defeat of the Castit inns, thereby extinguishing all opposition to• the sovereign will, the national spirit of Spain 'S'eeins to have been broken; and While the inquisition exerted itself to crush all energy and independence of mind, the nation sunk into a state of stupid indiffer ence.' The invasion by Napoleon aroused it partially, and induced, in 1812;-the ter- mation of' a constitution, by her ancient Cortez, 'rieWly convoked This constitu- tion was -set • 'aside by the pitiable Ferdi nand, on his release in 1814. • -He was; however-compelled to restore it in 1820; hut he again abolished it, by the aid of thej French army, Which:entered Spain as: the instrument of the•holy alliance, in 1823 i rind abselittism continued until after the death Of'Fordinand, in 1833. • The miser- , able veMiiiand.had 'married in 1829, Mall rae Chriatina, sister to 'the present King Of Naples, and sister in-law of Louis Philip- I pe. : lit iten months after -this . marriage,l *is datighter, Isabella Vaud :sixteen nienths t late 4, another daughteri: Louisa: The Sallec' law; which: was r ht . OOetaitieni gate` th e , , suceission thu: Sf;3vlii'oPSOitt' Wbert.'(Tarlo4,t;Uricle th Wink ; but by - the influencer cifthe4alleeirAidinandtietAuide this and conferred the sucoeiMat eirpnnitaibebi , la, with the queen as regent nonisa to • • . . , • i 44, ' , . s 4 ",.+.•.-- ,•.:. •', .. ~......---..r . • . : --. •,' '...: ' te . . . , , - 4 0 ,:- - 'N • F-. L - -h -- -- „1-... i, ..,..77- - j '. - . - - , . ... ' .... , I . ^+, r. , i, . -T. , , -,-„:,- - - - -„I- 5 , - , -;,t., 7 -. „ - ; f-Zil - e - :- . ** * . . , I i • A WEEKLY PAPER:I DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, MORALITY, AND FOREIGN AND. DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. .•• • . Volume II succeed in case Isabella died without is sue. This led to a civil war, which final ly resulted in the utter defeat of Don Car los and his claims. The queen regent, however, as an clement of success, was compelled to issue a decree adopting the constitution of 1812; and this constitution remains in force. How far the settlement or the succession hastened the death of Ferdinand, will probably never be known. At his death, however, the royal widow, twenty-seven years old, became regent of the kingdom for ten years, her daughter being three' years old at the time. A handsome 'private soldier, son of a cigar pedlar; named Munoz, had, without any particular merit, except personal appear. ance, risen rapidly through all the grades of rank, until he had received a commis sion in the body-guard of the king, and become domesticated as a chief officer of the palace. Soon aller this appointment, the queen regent was seized what a pas sion for adopting intimts, whose similitude to the guardsman was wonderful. The scandal - of the palace at length compelled the announcement, that a marriage had , existed between the royal mother and the promoted sentinel since the death of F'crdi nand. This marriage, even if it ever ex isted, was required to be made valid by royal decree, which was accordingly pro mulgated October 11, '44. Manor., in this respect, was more fortunate than his proto-1 type, Godoy, who, by the criminal favor of the queen of Charles VI., was, in a sim- , ilar manner, raised from the ranks to be dictator to the nation. The young queen-having attained her ma jority; and the ex-regent. having become Duchess of.Rianzares, by obtaining that dukedom for the quondam sentinel, be came anxious about the marriage of her daughter. Louis Philippe, at the same time, was "under exercise of mind," as to the settlement of his brood of dukes. A strong affinity thus existed between the royal in triguers. For the citizen-king to Worry one of his suns to the Queen of Spain, would be too much for his brother-sove reigns to swallow at one .gulp-; but there lived sons of the queen's second uncle, Don Francisco—Don Carlos being driven into exile.. Of these, the oldest, Don Francis co, had been educated at a college in Par-I is, amid the spies of his uncle, Louis Phil- ippe, to whom they reported his person* habits and condition. Through these • means, the respectable King ofthe French ascertained 'that his marriage with the Queen Isabella would . ensure the condition in the law of Ferdinand, on which the suc cession would devolve on Louisa. The result thus far has Leen the banishment of the ex-regent from Spain, and the separa tion of Queen Isabella from her victitni zed husband. Taking advantage - of the troubles in Mexico, - recently a conspiracy was set on foot to restore a monarchical government to that country, and placelfie. Duke of Montpensicr and his Spanish bride upon the throne. It was ascertain ed however, we hope satisfactorily, that kings and queens cannot take root in the New World. . We have mentioned these incidents in the lives ofthe persons who rule Spain, as indicative of the morality and wisdom which govern their conduct, and as some what explanatory of the spirit which has ; governed the colonies. On the resignation of Charles VI., in 1808, the discontent of the American colo nies, engendered by a long series of op. pressions, burst into insurrections, which, after a struggle of some fifteen years, be came successful, partly „through the in-, trigues of England. As we have stated, the French entered Spain at the behest of, the holy alliance in 1823, to overturn the constitution of the Cortez, and restore the I absolute power of Ferdinand. Although that was a most barbarous outrage, Eng land did not interfere, as she was secretly not ill-pleased at the triumph of absolutism. Mr. Canning, however, .in his bombastic cunning, satisfied the English nation for the course taken, by asserting, that even I if Spain fell into the hands of France; it would not be the "Spain with the Indies," because, said he, "I called the new world into existence to redress the balance of the old." This egotistical flourish .was suc cessful.. It, covered the movement of the allies against constitutional liberty in Spain, and at the same time prepared the way for that intrigue, in respect of Cuba, which the vigilance (Abe United States frustrated. The policy tinnounced by the U. States; as well against the premature movement of the congress of Panama, as the intrigues of Englund, wits conclusive for the time. The loss of the Mexican colonies was, howdverva severe blow to Spain,'and for once, in the lapse of centuries, a gleam of wisdom shone upon ~her councils, and the first efiect was ; favorable to Ctiba. The Goverrinier6bY adopting a fiber al' sYstetri--'-opening the'•ports"af the is arid' authorizing a reprekmtation of the island in the Cortez, At ~once secured ita dependence,, and gave a new impulse ; to - , ita pmperity,. , After ling,ering nut a. peri. od of nearly three centutia, to a''SOreof stkikiiiiilot4it Started tbrWard in' the rneo, hrifirwvertiont,i with) a antlidity like whatgithihtnreissen , oun OVA effAllWrb r oi 4 1, which, under all the subsequent oppres liffl sions, is far from being entirely suppress.; ed. Under this salutary reform, Cuba, l represented by those deputies in the Cor tez, was governed by the same political ' laws as Spain, and if her taxes were op- j pressive,:she was at least represented, had far more Capable by her great fertility of discharging them than were the arrogant paupers of the Peninsula. On the break ing out of the war between Don Carlos & the highly respectable regent with her quondam guardsman, the finances of Spain fell into utter confusion, and to car- ryon the war required funds. Don Car los opened at loan in London for 880,000,- 000 five percent. stock, in four series, of which the, first series for 8'20,000,000, , was mostly subscribed. The queen did better: she had a chief in Cuba devoted to her interests, and drawing the revenues of the island, she had the sinews of war that enabled her to triumph. Cuba was her main-stay. She could not, however, keep the cigar maker's son in splendor, tight ' Don Carlos, and ke(p Madrid, without squeezing Cuba rather more than its rep , resentatien thought right; they were there fiire dismissed Irom the Cortez, in IbMi, ;and sent home by a majority of thirteen votes. From that moment Cuba has been entirely at the mercy of such persons as ; Madame Munoz, judges most capable of! extracting the largest revenue from the is-', land, which presents the anomaly of a ; country intended for a paradise, oppress ', cd and borne down byn system of Algit rine despotism unexampled in the civilized world, yet surrounded on every side by the freest and most liberal governments the w orld has ever known. The creature of the imperial government, appcfinted us Captain General, commands about 14,- 000 troops, officers and men, from old Spain; w ith this force he has hitherto suc ceeded in weeding out all that had been done fur the welfare of the island. Thus the Junta de Ibmento (Royal Association for Improvement,) formerly composed of respectable merchants and wealthy plant ers, has been pruned of every healthy branch, and filled with the most abject tools of unscrupulous power, Ni bile its pow er of discussing questions for the welfare of the island has been almost altogether suppressed; the military exercising unbri dled and lica warns power, to the jeopardy lof the domicils, property and even lives of the Cubans. The island olCuba is possessed of a dull of unsurpassed fertility, and of a most sa lubrious eliniat4and yet, although one of the first discovered portions of the new world, it is to this day the least known in ternally, and •is comparatively unsettled. The arca of England and Wales,. which contain now 20,000,000 of people, is 57,- 760 square' miles. The island of Cuba, including the isle of Pines, has an area of 64,975 square miles, and, alter three cen turies of possession, • contains less than half a million white , inhabitants. The U nited States, since 1794, has increased 17,- 000,000 people, while Cuba has , increased but 900,000, and of this increase one-half has accrued . since the Modification. of the government 'on; the independence of the Mexican celoniei. The poptilation of the island is divided into three general heads, viz: Slaves, free blacks and whites. The . skive population does not naturally 'increase, but is sustained: by'a. , canstant arrival of large importations • from Africa, and these successive' importations 'are, for tlia'niost particompoSed of the various tribes which.enslaved:tach other at home, Yiz: the Cariballis, Lucomees, Pales, Gun gas, MandingoeS, Condos, Minas, Alagoas, Queesees and Breecriees. These bring with. therii; from Africa, all the unimosi tiesvgainst eaclOther which originates in the - Savage wrOsTWaged eternally in that benighted region, This: is far from Wag a united Class; ,rizdinos, or those somewhat civilized by long'residence, have little. sympathy for the clumsy Bozalcs, while the free coleiod have almost till ob tained their freedom by purchase, end are therefore the most intelligent and inanstri ous, and their rights, as a class, are far better protected than in the northern states I of the Union, as compared with the whites, with whom they would probably sympa thize, in case of revolution, and by whom they are not regarded socially with the prejudice ipanifest iu the northern states. the pepulation is mostly divided into three great divisions, of whom the most power- 1 ful are the native - Spaniards, filling all posts of honor and profit in the govern- the army and the priesthood, and embraciug many merchants. The sec ond class is formed of the creoles, who aro planters, farmers and lawyers, and are I scrupulously excluded from the army, as well as all civil offices. The third class is formed of the free colored. The creole population are the occupiers of'the land, and owners of the slaves, pro ducing the wealth of the island. 'The chief culture is sugai,cofree and tobacco. The export of the former article has increased from 40,000 lbs. in 1800, to '156,000,000 lbs. in 182,7,i, 190,613,825 lbs. in 1833; 22.6,501,35 p lbs. in 1837, and 653,419, 7 200 lbs. inr1.8.41. When the government' l in ..1830,. changed' its. policy / in relation to ,die, isiand,,, reic4ed, il i ejet,',4o deWr4ineOpori NvFiOging from it as much money as possible, it became neceiiiary to ' THE Clearfield, Pa., October 5, 1819. enhance the number of the troops, to re,,i strict the privileges °Nile tax-payers, and i l to' stimulate the vigilance of the govern- 1 ment in every way calculated to suppress' i the discontent which the increased burdens ' would not fail to produce, It is needless ; to enter into the detail of taxes. It may i be stated in a few words, that to such a I condition have . afrairs now reached, 'that' the Cuban is taxed beyond the exactions . imposed upon the citizens of any other known community; he is at the merey,of ' the military,'; he can neither write, Orid, i nor speak upon political subjects, he can. not go a mile lrom his home without pur*-1 chasing a passport, and is liable, at 'illy 1 hour of the day or night, on any prete nee; to be removed from his Ilimiiv ; and incar cerated in a dungeon, where his innocence or (Jame can only be made numilest by , the exhibition of large bribes; every ac-1 tion of his life, the buying ula servaut, the' selling of house or land,: the killing of art ' ox, has its specific tax exacted with re- I morseless rigor. The aggregate of these, impositions make up the sum of nearly $20,000,000 extorted from thc„phinters i per annum. From this sum is deducted the expenses of the ('aptain-general, his Spanish troops and officers employed in the extortion, with all the machinery of: spies and police, and the remainder is ship ped tu fill the coffers of the dissolute goy- i ernment at home. That Captain-General' stands best w nth his government who sends: the largest sum to Madrid, no matter what ; may be the effect upon the Cubans. It is to be supposed that this horrible oppression of a people, who, being in con stant communication with the United States, are fully alive to the thraldom in which they languish, should for years have prompted them earnestly to look for an op portunity of redress. The blacks have more than once risen against their mas ters, but it was usual for the negroes, a mong whom no extended conspiracy can ever exist, to set fire to the cane, and es cape to the mountains, where they were soon captured by other blacks, and brought back in triumph. In 1842, however, one of those infamous agents of which the English government makes use in its ne farious flesignslepon other nations, by the name o Turn hull, was appointed British Consul t flay na. This person formed the desig i of niting the blacks in an in -serreeti , sl; ughtering, the whites, and erecting a gevernment on the 5',4,1 )omin go plan; of which, as was proved` legally aflerwards, himself was to be the Provin cial head. The cruelties that attended the l suppression of this revolt were unpa rallel-1 ed, and in 184.1, a movement of the whites was suppressed by the vigilance of the go. vernment ; and the addition ornew rigors ; has but stimulated the desire, and urged ; the necessity of an emancipation. One of the chief sources of profit to the 1 Captain-General, as well as the queen, has been the slave trade. The imperial goy- i ernment have long afflicted to consider the importation of the blacks as necessary to , the welfare of the plantations. On the 2d ofJune, 1843, Gen. Valdez received from the department of state a royal order, is- , sued on the 20th of March, in consequence , of a request of the British Ambassador at Madrid, directing the general to appoint a commission from the merchants and plan- , tees of the island, who should be instrue- ' tea to prepare the plan of a law for the punishment of such persons us might be found • guilty of violating the slave trade treaties. The preamble to this order is worthy of remark, and is as follows : “Whereas, the treaty of 1 4 : 15 is supple mentary to that of 1817 ; and whereas. both.have for their object to prevent the trade in hlaves; whose labor is so neeessa. to the cOltivation - , wealth and prosperity of the island, therefore," &c. The body of, the order breathes a spirit of similar pro- lection to . the trade—confounding the for mer condttion of the island—when it was supposed that the blacks were laboring : machines', and the whites incapable ()real- tiyating a tropical soil—with the present state of things, in which these supposed machines are giving pretty significant" proofs that they lilt men, and men not without some notions of liberty; and in which the planters and the whole popularl tion would gladly sacrifice the profit to be', obtained by any further importation of blacks, to the care for their own satiity, even were it not as it is already certain, that the climate of Cuba is as favorable to the natives of the Canaries and Spain, as that of Valencia and Andalusia. The ex-queen regent herself, it is s uted, is at the head of a slave-importing eompa ny that sends into Cuba ten thousand slaves, per annum, on which the profit is $250 each teahe company, and $5O each to the . CaptainLeeeneral. This trade has long been regarded' by the Cubans with dread, and an earnest and universal vyiSh has frequently been expressed' forits abol ition. While, however, it continues to be a source of profit to the iniquitous goYerii; meat, it : will lie forded upon the' island, An attempt' *AS . made,- to colonize With Asiatic`. inia ',Yucuttin settlers, lwthis, it was uiippo'se4 - would interfeixi :'Oith 'the Piiifititor slaites ••al-o:iiinting"otliei ; 'Acts . fill , the . encOtirezk'dme7ze 'of those imrnigrantOS ''''--.'"-ifi4iii .tii ti-i;.1;; theteltiging::-;-' "ARTICLE 11; Trio coleniet Who Elide- lIMMENSIZI Nitiniber boys the order of his superior, either by refusing to work, or by refusing to fulfil any of his duties, may be corrected with twelve lashes inflicted with a cow-skin ; with eighteen more, if he Would persist ; and if, notwithstatnding that he would not do his duty, a chain shall be put on him, and he shall be made to sleep in stocks." Certainly a pleasant and hospitable -mode of treating free laborers. . The difficulties which atterid'the'impor .... impor tation of slaves from Afrien,Jately induc ed the Captain-General to ask of the ,Pre torial Audiencei:- whether the importation of - negro Slaves from.X3razil would ben vi olation, of the treaties of 1817 and 1835, and they replied that it would be no viola tion. Tie introduction of negroes holds; out a political as well as a pecuniary ad vantage, inasmuch as that by multiplica tion, the hopelessness of freeing themselves from the imperial government, with such a danger at their doors, may make the, creoles more submissive, while the ample I supply of negroes may enhance their l means of paying taxes. "When we reflect that 500,000 Is bites! pay $20,000,000 per annum, say $2OO per family, which is carried out of the isl and, me may well wonder at the fertilitv of the soil which permits such an outlay. It is,.however, only when sugar and coffee ;command fair prices that the estates can ' afford it ; at other seasons they fall in ar-; rear, and their bonds multiply in the mer- ; chants' hands.- These, although many , of them Spaniards, have thus become large- , Iv interested in the estates, and see clearly , !only ultimate ruin in the continued mai !administration of the island. The Cuban, thus mericilessly fleeced,. land kept in jeopardy of his lifh, is by _no, means free, either from the infamous onage of the government, or from the deg- ; , iers it puts in motion, even when he visits this boasted land of freedom. Our hotels, watering-places, and theatres, swarm with the emissaries of the despots ; and the luckless Cuban who ullotss to es c ape him a word in favor of the institutions he sees I around, or sighs for the liberties of the people with whom he sojourns, prepares a dungeon for himself on his return, and beggary for his family from the conflsca tion of his estates. The infamous persons who have sought our shores for refuge front the just punishment of crimes, lend I themselves to the iniquities of the govern.; I ment in hope or earning pardon for their I offences. The offices are filled with the I pimps and slaves of the infamous Christi.! !na and her paramour, while the cities of. !the United States are but too often the I scowl of their atrocities. A late outrage upon the honor of our flag, which has been forced upon the attention of the govern ; ment, affords an instance of the abuse of I our hospitality. The Cubans, in their natural aspirations Ifor liberty, have been checked by the fact, that being deprived of arms by the goy eminent, they are placed on one hand in danger or the insurrection of slaves fOreed upon them, and on the other at the mercy of a foreign mercenary and licentious sol diery quartered among them. Under these ; circumstances the) pureeiNe that the only chance for freedom is foreign aid, in some: , force, around which they can rally, give! expression to their opinions, and assert ' their rights in the government. They nOw pay $20,000,000 per annual to their op- I pressors. In little more than two years that sum per annum sufficed the United States to defray the expenses or the con quest of . Mexico. The hardy character and indoniitable enterprise inn ni fisted by the A nuqicans in that war, pointed out at once the fiqtsibility of employing a suffi ; c leat force to disenthral Cuba, and to al ' kw, henceforth, the wealth ot . the island to accumulate within itself, to the enrichment of till classes. Accordinly,' an extensive I organization was formed in Cuba and out of it. In New York was established un c able periodical, called "La Verdad," to ladvocate the cause of Cuban freedom.— ' Many of the articles inserted in this paper , were written in Havana, and some by Cu 1i bans who had become citizens of the Uni , ted States. Several persons accused of writing those articles were arrested in Cu ba ; among others, Machin, Tolon, and Villavarde. Won was condemned to death for having, as an American citizen, written to the'United States, and published in New York, articles favorable to the freedom of his native country. Villavarde is a scholar, full of the generous enthusi asm and patriotism natural to a cultivated mind. lie is the organ of tt formidable organization, extending throughout the island, and 'embracing many influential families, whose object is to achieve the in dependence of Cuba.- He was condemned 'to six years transportation to Africa, to 'wear chains, although nothing could be proved but that' he corresponded with To. len. He was confined in theo e gloomy cas tle of Havana, in' the same dungeon with another'prisoner sentenced - 0S a fraudulent bankitipt. These two prisoners bribed the turnkey, Rey, to let,them out and es- Cape . with them to 'New: Orleans.., t : Vatde, • hOrrever, landed 4 ApelaCiiidbla. asstissinateri;tut was reported to havdenititnitte"4suleiria•, - • Jettei4 written a t , Short ' tiMb de4kit h ' ciknelttireittii tip Wing' thiiiiteii; • • • F ' t :1' g'.ll : rf.,15 14oei. or iCBI, I Joserlionn ; fl do. • • do. • , .3 • , do„,. • ' _Eddy/nth:44ol;l rgri 1 . do 3 tneintht. , ....,r.:::• - • 1. do • 6 monliis.,l,. •r, 441 ' 12 'months 7 , 00 •'2 do 2 •OunitAi r -s:-1•`-'611 2 do - 6:months: , = • r•';••,8.150 2do 12,mpnths „• 3 3 hfonths, •- • -6 CO 3 do '6 modthiV • 3do 12; months • • • -I*oo 5 do Alf cObinin,r6 d O • halm Column. 12 .monthi • -20 00 -10 do or one column, 6..-months 2000 10 do , ,or one column, 12, months 80,130 Of every description, irrtnica t o thr very hiot style, nritr on thr rhortest 'letter, al the COtriVr BF POL. LAIC Office ened to make away is - ids - him if be did'fiot cease. his traitorous designs of 'circulating "La Verdad" among the,Spaniards. the 'escape of Vallairerde, in connection with the turnkey, created the utmost anx iety in the breast of the Captain 7 . o6nCial to get Rey again Into his power,, hope that, by the aid of torttire,. force from him the whole secret or .the 7 4sl - - ganizatiOn. For this purpose h 6. put ;his agents on the alert. The SpaniSh. Consul at New Orleans, a person of grot hantenr, is a friend and ciao of Munoz, the para.- Mouroi: the ex-queen regent, and is craw ling into the confidence of the governni3nt by the unscrupulous zeal ,with whictsite does that which is required of hint. n agent of this consul is Signor Fliffgen,sto Llorente, a poet, politioian and int4uer, who seeks to repair his decayed fortunes by zealous intrigues in behalf of thepu ban authoritics,and is the sarriL: who threat ened poor Machin with the dagger. cone netted with Llorente, is another agent,na used Ayala, a Cuban, who nixteen years ago, slew his own cousin on the highway, and escaped the garette, by flying 10* Orleans. lie has property in tuba, And ; the great reward he looks forward to for his efforts in behalf of the consul, is his pardon, and permission to return to Curia. These two arch conspirators under',ta}ke to hunt up Rey, and either by force oslse - tfiy lion; induce bins to return to Ilmaspt 7 to that Ito may expose the parties who a; ed the escape of the prisoners. Tik9s'e 7 m. triguanis decoy Rey from the protection of tire friends of his brother refugee, uhi nudely force him on board a vessel,.and ; transport him to Cuba. The absolute ig norance of the poor turnkey of all that re , lines to the popular movement, foiled the Captain-General. The investigation held at New Orleans has, however, revealed to 'the public the existence of a state of things in that city, in connection with the Span ish government, that calls for the immetli ,' ate interference of our Executive. A sys tem of under-hand acting has been fully brought borne to the Spanish consul and Captain-General of Cuba, under whose or tiers he acted, highly dangerous to. fir peace of the community here, and extren.% ly offinsive to our national honor. Whi. these events were developing themseh it transpired that a number of armed m::, in s anions parts of the Union, were prep, ring for some expedition of which the ject was unknown. The Executive goy ; ernment availed itself of the vague rumors to issue the following proclamation ns a sort of pro-peace display : BY TIIE PRESIDENT OF TIIE UNITED STATES There is reason to believe t - tat nn arm ed expedition is about to be fitted out in in the United States with an intention to in vade the island of Cuba or some of the provinces of Mexico. The best informa tion the Executive has be obtain points to the island of Cub 'ect of this expedition. It is the ; gov ernment to observe the entice and to prevent any a ggrr. izeus übon the territories of friendly na tions. 1 have, therelbre, thought it neces sary and proper to issue this Proclam4- tion, to warn ;11l citizens of the linked States who shall connect themselves with an entcrpi Ise so grossly in iolation ou r laws and our treaty obligations, that they will thereby subject themselves to the heavy penalties denounced against them by our acts of Congress, and will forfeit their claim to the protection of their coun try. No such persons must wiped the interference of this government in any form on their behalf, no matter to vvlito txtreinities they may be reduced in con sepuctice of their conduct. An enterprise to invade the territories:of a friendly na tion, set on foot and prosecuted within the limits of the United States, is in the highest degree criminal, us tending to endanger the peace and compromit the honor of this nation; and, therefore, I exhort all good citizens, as they regard our national repu- - tation, as they respect their own laws and the laws of nations, as they value :the blessings of peace and the welfare of their country, to discountenance and prevent by all lawful means any such enterprise; and I. call uponevery officer of this govern ment, civil or military, to, use all efforisin his power to arrest for trial and punish• ment every such offender against the:ltat's providing for the performance of our la , cred obligations to friendly powers. Given under my hand, the eleventh day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty din and the seventy-fourthf,Ofthe independence of the United States.. • , TAYLOR. By the President: , •is f):!, .1. M. .CLAYTO:',^ Secretary That our 'treaty' bbligaliOns armed expediticin fitted'Outiwithidbur borders against d4tions with. whiCti-Weict i e at 'peace, is undoubtedly the en,setblit'thi3 assumption that armed citizens ',ice . goiti to March against •scrne' partieular . ttitid with which we are at - peace, is a o.s,t a i writ stretch of power:, m , pridoubtfid'ag to entirinta tiwiotrico of arty ==M EC - OF ADVERTISING nooka, Jabs arid :Blanks A PROCLAMATION OM ~, y- or . g 1' su o f ; to Ja • ~~a ' S ~.~s~r _. tfe~.~~