II 11 ccoppplgtO Cabs Mouppilt, '="~ Of this mysterious enterprise, the Wash.' itr gtolVti.eCtratipandent j'el- the,;' Charleston COltnier• says; , r , •- • - . . • • • I the • ridicule throWn b i ,Y,Othp:,OPiCitceit,printa on the late rri claatton of dneutrality; -and, their denial • of 04";€ 9 ;:jklifirikeej ,uny enterprises,,on. the part of our cittz'enS against the Govern ment ofcaba,, nn eipediden of a hostile chttraetcir,has diem so well plant - 100'1M it will be only delayed, and not frustrated, by lhe'interposition of this •government:— The' first design was to land in Cuba only fifty' men, as officers, with' a good Sapply of arms, &munitions, the whole to be under the direction of Gen.i Lopez... They :ex- Peeted thar, 2 .11.4.:61P.0n :as the ,revolutionary flag was_raised, a . large portion I -of the-peo ple would:rally around it,• and that even, the'army, viltich?..conSists of fifteen thous and' Spatilalt 'sol'diers; wire. are treated'aS elsvc3, weiild'relbSO tC'serve' against theM.' is plan wail; hoWevcr,'Abandoned by leaders, ; alley, findingthat every effi cient aid- be 'Obtnined in this' country, giving the eatbrprize . a more Ainerietin character: "The exulting designis, tetland twenty-five ltUndied men; velt artned'nnd equipped, with a.good supplY of ,artiileiy, &c , and under!tin American commander. The landing will probabl be made , On the south side 'of tit 4.; island—where their force will be immediately increased by theac cession of large numbers of young and en thusiastic:. Creches, if they meet with much resistance;l : and get intw`a perilOus poSition; their friends in the United States will; it- is' , expecuid, 'raise an irresistible popular clamor in their behalf, and from every, port in the. Union, thousanda . of thtin to their• relief; as first ns wind'and steam can carry thern. - In 'this way, Cuba, they 'say; is to be rev s ` lutionized in a single campaign." . Camillo' &c., of the Week. The past week has witnessed numerous criminal and - ,unfortunate occurrencesin our city. On. Sunday evening, a .German shoemaker made a murderous assault. up on his wits, ,and', had inflicted n severe wound in her throat when his little daugh ter gave, the alarm, the wretch fled, and has not :been heard of since. Various little frayS.haN'e °enured ns usual, in ploy ainen'sing; Oh:SUnday Mathew Landon accidentally „shot himself, 'on n gunning excuraion,and:died in a few hours. On Saturday, Joseph W. Wink fell off the cars, near Gray!s Ferry, and was kill ed. The same day the body of an unknown white man was found drowned in.,the Schuylkill.. In the evening of Sat urday also, the John. Stevens steamboat ran down to man in a gunning skiff: but a boat being got out, the man was saved.-r. An'Unknowa colored man Was found, on :...rittirday, dead on a cellar door. An un known colored man was found drowndd in the Delawar/ river, on Sunday. On Friday, n colored man named Jas. Bird, WaSTemrderously assaulted by his wife, and now lays in a .dangerous position.— A 'terrible . homicide, perpetrated by a woman, is narrated in another paragraph. What: a catalogue of crime and misfortune a Week in' a great city brings to light .Will 'humanity ever be bettei - I—Nciils Ga zette.. • • 110Iti1li MURDER IN Bri.usrouu; CON. etteirr.A . girl aged twelve years, na. .pd, Emily, Cooper, was violated S.: :ram dared. (licr .throat . being - cut front car to etti),ori the 14th inst., by her cousin, a dis sipated man named Leander Foot. Alter committing.: this. crime, he drank more rurri,:and . then 'proceeded to the house of his 'meother, l and commenced beating her with' a hammer. Seale of the neighbors being attracted to the house, he fled to the cellar, l sliere he attempted suicide by o pening a v chi in arm. When found, he wig so- much exhausted by the loss of blood; that - he was unable to speak. He was, of courser committed to jail. -The rNiiw ~Mayen Courier of Monday, addS the follewing:— ,11 Aye,have -semn a ; number of : individuals who 'reside near the scene of the murder; who state that it is the opinion of the-phy-; Marin ''Wito"\s ; aS sumnioned att the 'time; that 'the' person . of the 'girl "was Vicilateifby, the - fierl,revious to .his _horrid act. ppm, 8t the` 'wounds" upon, the persen of. we. Foot..are..ver3 severe : Rad it is coal : 0d she will.not. recover. S;c is represented 118 e_;:c.cdent old . lady., The.. mur -09.r0 gil:t hqi l been living with, Mr. hoot for a, number of years, and was,, sister of My.. Pan,. Cooper,, of this it is said Olaf. the .. niftdcrer, after committing ;he deed - , travelled four miles teel4ain a sup ply ,olthe ',Try:poison. WhiChhad ;instiga ted -the. ttcti , andt , afier renewed .. draughts, • atterripted the destruction, of, parent in order to cover up his former_ goof., had jpag' , J* tevp'lnilhOTlitt! at offendor in thifloprityoria , has sew oraltirribsbabii-'imiriSOned'for''dißrikpri ,' ;, , :ry mg or un. Y: n‘ of mu.; I .ut war tuid 'oil ink! some rder Out h count ,tha 1,11113. It, ad* fit IN a -10.) Welt :i I:: 111 • . 1 I ‘ . " Maytta Monarchy By an arrival at this o 0 on i'uesctay, frcliNgekt tiu Prinee,:iwoqqarnttat I ttio'Sen- Alcsiakid tichgrlbcrs of /IVO haY9 YePPlY to.uhtinge.the form of government from a republic to a monarchy. Private- letters have bean received; rta -details of the Coronation ofthPlate PfesidentSoloug'ue and„his wife, as emperor and empress. wind . ; on . f.D4t "ibldost ..ous• albs itihd • 4allo. ).( 1 310 I f og tiabd • o ento nr 411$ ,a Y 1 la& ':s,ttA3lllcutT ACC.II2Eti T.— Th 6 SMITII6SI4Ftry IrObps for Florida. on board, burst her boilei near Tamp4sll)2ut , tho. 101illet4;ald it is statscl arid 120 . horseti , :lid mules., ~ , 94411, further liaitictilarahre A ('6l-:W • Yr . W•••••• ,l 7,;•'\ • e -‘\\ trtfjA~Du ' weeks` ending' the - these, 255 were . hy cholera, fiial.y.,yellOiv fevdr;and 109;by Consumption. ,1:3 Fear:Allaßroad.Accident. NV9 leatzi from trio hist - Pottsville Em hint, dna tliro Most painful Oxidant:ll,6o. curred on . the Railroad near ,tho Mt. Car bort,'Dopet,- , an Thursday afternoon last, one, of which resulted 'fatally,? The first was the case of MxintEw sprightly lad,' some 'lO years of age, son, of . : the Hon.' James 'Cooper, who was. indulging in a ride on one of the Coal trnins, and in attempting to get , 40;n from the Car, fell acrosS the rail,tho wheels phssing over one 'of his legs, crUshing it horribly., . The little 'sufferer - was immedi ately placed upon .a litter and conveyed Whisipftrents at Pennsylvonia Hall, where the. wounded limb 'was amputated ojust a. Bove the knee by Drs. Halberstadt and i'Ve are most 'happy te, learn that Ihe patient. is quite.conifortablo, with prospect of rcabvcring rapidly.— The .second was.that of.JOhn a'young man, Conductor or brakesman on one cif the coal trains, who was accident, ally :thrown'. upon th track, very near Where the tie,cidenthappened to the lad a bove tinned,. and 'so Much injured by the Cars passing over him, • that • ho died tho a me - afternoon • Todurtwor at Woman Condemned to Dcatkr.=-411d . Coventry (Eng.) Herald publishes a most revolting account of the torture of a female prisoner lying under sentence of death in Coventry jail, by the Rev. Mr. Chapman, chaplain of the prison. It appears that this clerical monster, on entering the cell of the condemned wretch, for the ostensible, purpose of administering spiritual .consolation to her,' called for a' lighted candle, and having, obtained it, held the hand, of the unfortunatr prisoner OVer'the flame until her skin rose in large blisters! By main•force ho compelled her to bear the cruel. torture ' for, no minutes, and at the expiration .of that time coolly informed her that the pain was nothing to what she would Aiffer in hell, ‘ where, her whole body - would , be roasted ad infinitum. The chaplain did not deny the charge, but said he was actuated, by the best of rho, fives, his only design being to “flicilitate her notion of pain,'.',end give her some idea of the torments •of •the damned.* After scorching the poor creature's hand -he read prayers to her for about ten minutes.— The reverend gentleman, who would haVa made a first rate familiar of tlid Spanish inquisition, was dismissed from the chap laincy, and would probably be expelled from the ministry.. Sek,ure of an American Steamboat by The Canadians:—The Detroit Bulletin of the 11th says the steamboat •"Franklin," plying between Detroit and Saut Ste Ma rie, was seizedlhat day on the other side Of the 'riVer,,by the Canadian authorities, for a violation of the Tevemte :laws. The complaint was that the F. had been in the habit of landing at Round Island supplies for persons residing on islands acknowl edged to belong to Canada, in the vicinity of the mouth of St. Mary river. Round Island has always been known, in that country - at least, as belonging to the Uni ted States, and for years it has been the practice of boats carrying up supplies for Canadians in that section, to land them at Round Island, undoubtedly for the pur-pose of avoiding duties, and from which place the inhabitants of the islandS, knowledged as Canadian, would take their?, Round Island, in the straits of St. Mary, is certainly, we think, American soil, andl where the Franklin has, of course, an un doubted right to land American goods, St, 'if thence they are carried into British terri, tory; enryteighbors must look to their own subjects. "The boat was properly bonded by Col. McKnight, the owner, and proem de,d on Tier ; way to the Saut. • . . TILE Ex-Eriqo or FRANCE. — A French paper called Ordre, publishes a long*: count about an interview with Louis ippo in England last fall. The fallen moil; arch' declares that his rapid flight • from France in February, 1848, was accom plished more to prevent bloodshed among hiS people, rather than, to ensure his oWn. Safety. He denies indignantly the charge ,that, he is rich..' ,He'says the stories about 14,owning linuees in New' York and Lon don lire:all 'ifalse. • He is not only poor, but in debt: . ; lte OplziinS ,his position in regard to the dovernment of France, from which it ,appears ' that ho is made to bear 'the. :sins ,of,others. In other words tiie French people aro very hard to governi and if thura'.,don't 'go right, BaMOOdy must , ihear a thes,blairie, We .Suspect 'real' secret is the' great public debt. ":Lon.. IsTap'eleen'S administration iartintlingthe nation in debt much fastex: than did. Louis Philippa, - and . ivitatis: sviirs:she ,, has . got nothinita OlOw for 'We May:therefore look for another change before tong,—;Ni ' Y D,igpiach: ' • • • , ' t We'are happy that the antiquities at the Vatician have not been tnjurett . 'hy the recent seige of. Rome: • In the library, commenced fourteen hundred years 'o b no, there are .4.,Q,,p0Q manuscripts, Latin, He br4wiltild 8 . 3 1 rine, Armenian, and Arabian. The whole of I the/ immense bbildingh are filled .with stathes found be eath ancient Itorde; and ivhen it is ltnown that thgre from pies and palaces, the riches of the Vatican may. be imagined. •, • • • '‘• • • Ell ~y MAP.4IFin - PnZPi li q a y. L. Cottle, ,G 1 4 1 .5 1, to Miss ELIZA SOLT, both of ioiradtonttp. ''' . • " ''EXECIITOR'S'' NOTICE. No . ricE is,herß!pi.,siventhet letter. lestettion• tery have teEn'giente`ti r, th the etamerthure ePett,thltouvtutcpeAlitinte. litottql. • ; Nip .01 Irptly, lowllmitiP,4;leatiffie),,A,ceiiply, 001;cli! . Pdt (LP Pplrs9,l: l , o 41 - liming ,t,hefinttetYlslil,lfle,htek te, soh] etttete ore req „ afoo d . , u ptitipayruero,, 40 9F , Pliru!Rtitly PIM of Otto;0 er, nmtt ihmse.lia.ving. Cluir9°J CIPVIO the, Om ill pelotas-041KP ~441 Y AkuttleAttc , tp -41 , 4 °.! sett omettio ..).,1 - I ~.,1,• , t 1 , ~, ~ :, ~1 . ,'.l ',I, Faxes ,Rieuzx„, , Ex i• is „„ , 'io9EPOl , : larizti: ~. u!) 90pi. , 6, taiixlLliLf olt ', t xii -,: , ,, L,0 ~i1),:.:') Facts tor the People._ bodytti heat , wet beet. putting on .or keeping on we clothes, in ad= ditton to lierodititikylitipotillon , or: nytwholesome employmerti.,..arCp,4Oe'itiribeti-,printafy and most frequent.eithsei. of.thattlUtftil• disetso--Puttso . NARY.,COI,43I,I6IPTION. 'llO retitoettl of tho ef feces of congeal, froioni theiyetem.cif all oh• structien: - alloying. • irritation .and pruineling n healthy tie - dim:or thei , snot Speedy and certain remedy 14 TherilBo7i.ll,coippoundSosip of Tar and War? • This yreparattan is-fettned-Jiy a union,of_seine of the principles; of our riniin4nliinble vegetable pectorals in &labile:men Tar--the value of which, in all . alreellAii,ef the breaeti.all know . , and confess .Since its„int retitle' ion, - of those who have employed it, "None nntuoiit but , inipraiae.". And even WO rejudleo,u(Physicians to the em.. ,ployment of corribinailens. pi, whose exact consitt• uents they, may he ignoratiiii has been scalar over come that TnisOric ens heart -Itleoo6llllloloED and is now daily. riztoritamo in their practice. This invaluable medicine is - propared'nt the N. E. corner of Fifth and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. Prepared and sold by AGNEY & DICKSON. N. E. cornet of FIFTH and SPRUCE aiieete,:Phili• adelphin; Sold by A. M. FIILL, Clearfield, Pa.. and by Druggitiolgenerally. Price 50e or ea pi) per bottle • Prices Of Flour and Grain. . ' The follawnii littitemOnt sill!' shOW the prices or Fleur and Grain at the several places raentioned'ul our latest dates. ' , - - _Flour. Wheat. Corn. Oald. Philadelphia, ” $4'75 .' 106 ' GO 30 New York, 475 110 ' 62' 32 ' flos!on, s'oo' 110 60 .35 ' ffilinuore, 462 105 55' 27 Pittsburg, 362 70 40' `:6 Clearfield, . 600 125 . 75 37 MINK N Corrected Weal) , from Pennsylvania. Philad'a b'ks, par U. S. Bank, 12, Chambersburg, l. Gettysburg, • '', Pittsburg, Susq. County, • 13 Lewistown," no sale Middletown, Carlisle, Hollidaysburg, Eric, • • 10 Waynesburg, 131 Washington,. lal3l Harrisburg, + Honesbale, ' 1 Browesvillc, WilliainspOrt, • *York,,,, All solvent Wks , par Relief Notes, Towandaliel. nosals New Yolk City. • Chelsea bank, 80 Clinton, 50 Commercial, • 2 Lafayette, 2 Washington, 70 Other sole. b'ks, par New York State. Allegheny co, .60a75 America, Punk), ao Cominerce,";do,•• 35 Atlas bank, 30 Canal; Albany; ..25 Brookpoit, 25 Janies Bank, 11 Northern Eic.; , Lodi, • ' 20625 Lyons, State b.Snugerties-1, STRAY STEER. C %mu. planitition of the aubterther in - Hog git 'tow niifil...eleartieltl :cnupiyf, on the 2Gth clay of Anonet , BRINDLE faUlt, purposed to be , ttojettrg ot.l. The owner is re-' riVicatettto'cuttierqweril raid 'i!rove his prn;ierty, otherwitte it will ho tlioposett aiio, law directs. ." • • :GUORGE W iisoN';. se I.' • .September 16, 1849...' -LWAQI)C.gUi'ai , : ValiA - Watt -1111A.Kniv -, '11.; rp:pectfolly informs the public , • !hat cenniieuCt dI the ribose mention. cd in the .borough••of Clearfield. ONE DO011" north of the Igunsiol:Ouuie s ., where,lie is prePerell.to repair C.ocks, Wattlice .and JOYVOIry ofest ry bind Ile hopo:by Atrict anent:mule bOsine'se to.nierit, end recrilie a share ol patruilego. Work Juni on the shortest notice; and'nfo!t reasonable tering. • • 3,;;F„:11.AIN. Srli. 19 '1849.: • >•• . • . • .... . ORPHANS', COURT ; BILL ' .`oit. Valuable: Beal - Estate. - INfa I ad i ftaso a C t pefet ore n. oh_.r_o_ 0..1__ _rplt ns' our 'Ol Itilcialiefilcomily.wilhie exposed jo public sale eii•the Piiefriiies,lii Beecariatownltlilp. on Thursday the 18ttidtvrol:Oclober next, the fpilowing , doicri• betViRcOPY rlatisuAtie giettka:f.A.'ditirt No. ling, de• teased,':viz: • • •• •.- -.•.; .' , u„ - '-..-•. - • ILIF4r• .• e 8 or parcels of land, irtuirtd.in sat towns im of :Mara riu. one .nt - Wltich contallia."!oo acres, more or lees : on winch 113;erecteAtt ptre,esto - .•,,• - 'l' . ~ ft t ; • ..:., .04•11402:41 Male . almost ~entirely new, with::-Two' oust of iviONV.ii, 9 8511I1' MACHINE, end' iliP11:?, 1114 in good order a• Bout said mill , with 4 'good supply of writer—the situation is wall known,, being tho pine where Smith's Mill lormerly wood, ,'There is 4 pod, large ' TWO'' ...,;;rr='• . • , .5.,9 TORY .. • • LOwelling.. ).1 •111 1' ) 1 . Iluitse, , , „ , w:th all necessary out buildings; together with o a:Lay arid a hull dwelling house and ilkneksinith shop ono said I aml._ )) Dore is Jill° a good seat for a saw mill on said trac t, so•fat labove the grist mill us not to interiero with it. ' TIM tithM: tract adjoins the 'above, and contain! 100 acres, more or less, on which is erected a litrge . '' ' ' TWo Story Framellouse A LARGE FRAM. BARIV: • There' id fine springs 'of water' on said lorms•-uo thriving young ~ • • • • ~ ' OKHARD I . • ' a ndabout Foil CY or Ft Y . ,l:y acres , of cleared: land pr? each, Inapt ~ The himl is orgoed , quolity,'ond is well timbered With volUable tirober, ' The situation is pleas:int and ad Viiiitagemis. tubing Immediately on the Glen Hope & Little Bald Erigliu Turnpdte with • in 12 miles of •the Central Railroad, rind too , best ii• d4pted lot public business id that or, any °Lib° ad joining to•snallips„, i 1., ~: , : . , . ~ ~ Tiotivititog:SAV.".--Ono:iliird of the purchase snoneyto he , paid,rni contiTatiop of the sale and the ,rositlue in ,two ectitat:anhisul payinehts, with in thest ini s'ati! Pilot:eras trod' the daY of 'sale'. do baliineellif tho purchnse money M: he isearod tik the bonds'and'inurtglige of the purchaser. - * * 4 Sale to commetqee et 10Viclock A. M. of said • day, when due attend:glee will he given by, ~ , -! ".. •' Al. B. WftlollCi9uatditin. 11ioti;iilactlie. cirphone:c9itir of elboriiiild'conn: ''. I 1 . . ''" WM. C T WELICI!, Ittig"!.. l l eiltinia?9r: 7, 'lol,l i' . ',:, : :(‘ ' , l . '", :, '''' •• '‘..• IlliANlKKtior sale here. ,11,'I -l4kojEALl4:lllPirefECW l o 3l ...if:: , i , rw i f nOglek t n 4 Zi •1. Ot I • For land VOMMISSIOner; (Tr: v:lrtn jOHIN A. GAMBLE . ; OF vstcoitillo cotiniv. For , John-15.. Centrecore7itij., W J. qf Cleccrficid. TLS LIST. the Phi;adelphin Papers Bank, Cayuga L. 1 Western;Roches., 39 Binghampton, . 50 Cattaraugus co: 30 Clinton county, 15 Commercial,Buf., 15 do Oswego, 10 Farmers'; Seneca, 30 Eindilton bank, 15 (Alechan. Builitla, 45 Merchants' Ex., 40 Millers', at Clydo,lo Osivego, -)- 60 Plicenix. ) Buffalo, 35 Staten Island, 50 State b.Buffalo,7sa6o 'lSt: Lawrence, 75 Union; Buffalo, 30 O. S. Butlido 30 Watervliet * ' . 16 Other solv. b'ksj 1 New. JerseV.• B'dgo'Co. . 85 Yardleyvilfe; 15 Plainfield, , Other solvent, par 01110. Solventtnacinnatil& Cleveland, 5 Hamilton, ' 15 Corniner., Scioto, 10 do Lake Erie,7s Sandpsk-- iandpsky, NonValk, -- Farmers \Canton, 75 Gkanville Society, ILcmcastpr f 15 lUrbsnita Wing co. 85 IOthel( solvent, 1 Under Fives, h . . ALEX. CALDWELL. ,TIZEASURER4 Christian PottarW COMMISSIONER: Samuel Way. AUDITOR, OM Christopher-Kvitzei% , . • WHIG TICKET.' Canal (b)nntissioner. HENRY M.' FULLER. OP LtritllNE COUNTYr ASSEMBLY. WILLIAM HUTCINSON. OP CENTRE COUNTY. ' TREASURER. ARTHUR BELL. JULY. 27, Messrs. Moore c 5; announce the .name of W tw,Lori4l. :Mc. Cum.oron, of Woodward township, ati l a candidate for the office•of Sheriff—subject to.the decisive vote of, the good citizens of Clearfield county. Yours, ARTHUR BELL', t the township of. Bell, will be sappOrfed' as the INDEPEN DENT candidate at. .the Office of County Trea - Surer at the next General Election, l*the voters Of Clearfield county. . MANY. . COAL! COAL!! TlK . Sui , orrttirr keep n offloonol !•upply COAL--etcher rn%O or tvii•d' Itio BANK —lr rabli-:cuuutry pruduce ur order , from R. Slow r ' • -(.lr. C. MANUBL. ,Aug. • • • DISSOLUTION The! fg4iiiership hereto . : O lord mining 1,0%.% can iniqns K ol ot, has 11.i4 'been divoulcetr mutual !unsold. Thdtko huvitig elnima rigairukt emit!. lifni:siykil,pr,e sent them nrimetlnktely,lo !iktvb , Ksint.4:lkkr,psrp the pcoproy, in, ,114 . ,pursolenqn, and hC ` ie In inky nil debilitile .t.keon Ki;N•rz, •-• LE VlSKL~?ir'lt Brady 11)‘‘ilalpr, Aprils!. 1849. 7 ' STRAY: STEER. AblE to the resitleocer)l the sub •seriper pa I,owrette,o townedop . or ,rthout.the 13. h day of.lu!y, n 0101 Pkt. 11. ED EER: 'nlxmt onetyen void, a 'v.hitat slope alangtho• back, Orld speckled hip;. • rho owner i,21 frq9C5lC,Li so, comi tom not and claim his properly . tie disposed of according to taw DEnnicw. Sept. 4, 4849. A rtiew Mid 500 acres oi limber Land' • -, 7--Uo‘DILI 011110 Tlll.:subscribers offer et private Sale the follow , - ingg described valiiable;properiy, viz : p.,SAW.MILI. just new.rspable of foiling 4000 • feet per day with case, together' With 500 in- reit of Timber land—a new Story FRAME HOUSE at the mill.„-and another Ilya:Story' HOUSE. and .a BARN, at the Erie mrhpike on said tract. This ppperty, is situated on Morgan's Run, williin one.and a-hill miles or ' Clearfield Creek. in Boggs lArnolthip, and is well•ihip‘sl'iti . the Lumberirri business.. . • .." 0:717i)r terms and further partieuhris ripply, to ettbeieZuf,the subscribers, or to ..10.61Aki W. SMITH. E.t . a . : Clearfield, Po. • , Dori* COWDER, • CHARLES SLOAN. Aug:27, 1819 ,-1,41 • 'iro"F • A large.astorttnent ol Glans Jars for solo—auit abtoll3oiPfili4ii-t itervesoo Deities px..Can! thee, /tic.. They are lit all oizeik.from-a half pint to a. gallon. -They bo wild low for cash. -,• - HENRY LORAIN. Jul); di; 109. - . . ~.fi..CENTS WARM AtV A wly Jrurn thiCq.sitiervto of kho'itilificri I.la Clecirrietd on 1116'nighi °Unto 2lat itegUalib‘bli.))i . tiounit white grrl named Amanda 'Jordan; aged labutit 14 harp. Tho' public ore hereby cautioned agueentburbOr ing ur Wooing 'her on my account as 1 %N ill poy no debts Whir contracting otter dna date. Thu above reveard--bui nq thotikei— bo given fur her apprebenston and retu nu • Ltnaksoo, sr. • Aug. 26,1819. • ' ••, t • - Valfiable Real 02:filate. AT , PRIVA'rE SALE. ;2- irl"''ubscilber ',frown) obll the tai "tit. • laming iftictibed real eetute. , • 11;eitlirtn Ort` which he't miles in Penn si , ' to Clearfield county; containing 75 UUMS-40 of w'hich . is cleared..under,gend fin. l cee and in 4, good Biota of cultivainin. prusemente ara e good ,two story, Frame' Muse, and framo hank BUM, and aitu !Ivied Apple' chard. wilts other, out ,fluiltprtos, l necessirryl, farm and a norer.faihng ,epring of„warer *al'the dour. 'Also, Another place in the 1101710 town Ship, ronitilning 12f acres—mostly.timber land, with 1B acres un. der cultivation. 'The-first is situated on the pub lic' road leading from'. Coro ens% to Poarsti tavretey. and half a rode Irma Afootee,Allll Tliie property•strll •heir $1,1,0n very ,reapanahle termee."Fur furtlier. particulars en 14.10.1- • , . • t ‘ : a,GARBETSON JOHN.SO.;I, 'Juni 27.'18 49 Pd 81 t r. 1., J. (021.:(Etteae, /glt ims ;asp lie relsi agni'nst 'Hutt mVstiAnamell JONATHAN CARSON, as I will pay no debts of pis'canlnseling alter ROBART I CARSON. ' Woodward tp., Stspr.-4; - '4l), 11 blfl 1A 't?.l ‘9" I T ' FIt i OtILNYIATI ON;iIItjT,, -r- , ..t11..::? i! , .'i`)(C,l,l' H WEREAS. • 13,( c ett,cit of Ole Gonecni As. Vi` sembly of PeneSi ;A lbeele;guliitiii 'A ii Aet to regulate the General Liec ton within this Com. jetinWettlihil' , lti , Wninedeirthb ;SherifTseri c Utiiiirent C7E31,06,0 giVQ,,np,bti9 rloltee ; moth eleetiatt,lho place mehefr to end fir nal. cent to be elected r—l'here . fore . 1; JOHN SITt'ES), High Shrill of Clearfield PUBLIC • gOTIC .4 • - .1 f• : To Arlo electors of:,the county. of ClearPeld; that a General Election wilt bo held op the SF.COND TIJESD4‘Y. OF OCTOBEReext ? • thetnic the bit AY of the' stinoth;l 'the Veit lelect ton 'diet Het s in said (entity. at ksitiehlitne and place the cleat; Sled 'electors will elcet— •, I ••• ;VI 9 • ONE' erson fbr, Canal Commissioner d ..t6Commottwealth. ' ' TWO Persons to represent the counties o Centfo and ,Cleartleld'in the hous . 6 o : Repreentativcs of this'Corrnonciiealtli ONE Person 'for sheriff. ONE 'Person for County, 'Treasurer. ONE Person for County CornraiSsiOne4 .• ME ONE Person for County Auditor. The eleciorp of the Enid county %vill take nopee that the de( lion .lieht,at the . tollo‘Oeit At the court hou.sein the boroughorclear field for Lawrence toWnship. At the house orWm., Hoover for Bradford township.. i At the house ofJohn Goss for Lictiture township. At the house of Samuel M. Smith for'Be= curia township. , , 4t l the house of John, Draucker, ' for Pike township. At the house of Jacob Maurer for Coving ton township, flinhouse of Wm. C, l Foaly fur Brady township.:; • ' _ At the school house on SpeifOr's for Penn township.... At the house of James Curry for Chest township. At Congress Hill schoolhouse for Girard township. At the house of James Allport for Morris township. At the house of John Young for Burnside township. At the house of Aseph Ellis for Bell At the holise of James McNeal 'for Jordan township. At the house of George Turner for Boggs township. At the house of Jesse Wilson for Huston township. At the house of Thos. Davis for Ferguson township. At the house of John I. 13uridy,iOr Fox township. At the house oriChn Whiteside for Wood- Ward township. At the Public School-house for Goshen township.' . At the Frame house formerly ocupied as a boarding house, for Kartlmus tow'p. At the l 'court house for ' the borough of Cleaifield. ' At the Store houSe of W.'' Moore tot. Union township NOTICE 18 fIERCJIY.GIVEM. , That . ell per, 11111111 (eseept Justices of the Prom) a hn shall bald any uffive or appointment of profit or fruisi, till iltr the. governinani of 'the 'United' States or of ails State, or of any' 'City or' linkirporatell'ilisiriei, whether a commissioned • °Ricer or 'a aul?ordinnte officer or agent, who is or B1).11 be employed under the Legislative. Executive or Judicial depnrtinent of this Siete or of the United B;ntirs dr any city,nr it c - e - t!porafelf and alsollint every member of Ciingress and Siite Legislature, and of the melees or c ommon cethicil of ally cityoir• eoAutitUssioner.oc, any incorporated ilistrici. ore by law incapable or holding or rxerci• sing, nt the same' ilmo, the °III a or oopointment of Judge, lorpee or or Clerk, of 'nny o'er( on of this Commonwealth ; and Abet no Inspector, Judge, yr other •officer of any such election shrill be eligible to nny ndice voted tor. , And iho returti Judges of, the renpectitje dis., trick aforesaid, are required to'meet at the (-Mut linitie in the bineugh of Clearfield on the first Friday next after, the reill.seronil Tuesday of Oc. tuber. thou nod fliare l So dual' l!t4re things fcquir.- eil of thorn by law. Given under ray hand and'seal. 'at Clea rfi eld. this sixth day of September.' in the year of our Lord • one thousand right hundred and forty•nine, and of the Independence If , the United States the sqv , cntylourth. PROSPECTUS OF TILE UNION; A Daily, Semi-Weekly, Sc Weekly Newspaper Publi,,,sbed at W:olein4,ita;lT.D. C., and de ifoied to' Litetature,' and.' JOHN .STITES, Shift General Intelligence On and after, the first day ofJune 1840, he ",UNION" Will be published under the oint,editorial management and control o he 'subscribers." • • . As both of the undersigned haVe been before the puhlic, in different stations--one , OF us for nearly half a pentdky, and 'the othe'r for several years—We believe it Will not be deem6d, arrogant us to suppose that nothing more thaii . a genCi'altdeclara tibri of our ,priiiciplep and the course whicl we intend to ,pursue, will, be 'necessary at this . time. ' The politieal'elinrneter' or the "Orttotv" will, remain upchanged, As" it has erto aohe frdm the date of its publiCation te Abe present, tiine;it, will continue ,to ad vocate the gent principles. of'the cratic party, ai expounded )iysiul' ous founder; TifomAS JturF.uase,is;plfA l ii ried into successful practice in. the'adrhiii istration `of tflo g,o+nrni,nent bysubsedu6n democivic:PiesidentF.:; Nyhict? have., secured t?r,dur beloVed Couliir , ad expnsion o rogress, and gteri . .iin6xarri 7 pled ixt the , history of and itt or eotemilo. pryerripires; and' elevated it to the first raplc minong. the 'cif thd 19a9 Pr)ltciPie4 ,hv6,bbhrt oped ofiguard.,l 3 spec , iiis 'Which mes,fiublished at the cOrpil4neement'Of th 6 publieo9q h 4 the ) i . k i rr:r;p3*; i : s aii , :y lished - tn,ll?,cOlari - nis a' few rtays,rigoer-- fßieY l ,,Otlitt,W, a , ta'imtisqn' arts A . 4vP , P4 le classe dna Ih4is i ddaais, 4hq„fYv,9iiri.ginong,;;6&4 lOitr 1 in The e?tpeq,,iitttro orthe puhlic ' - tW aTtieri of ,the fiscal:dfitiita die general Rif F rO ! filt . pisAption ollporriilititihEiireated by itself , • ,14 Ws'? lihur Uri) stricranfetutctitin confining ate oral governii At to ihoi. p i /1i; 41 , - tlraEtibit, rind fdtrrancb , olbdutit:it'nd)t{.4lseoi;:" o.-,,, thei FtWf • o - 11 UnitettntilAgitall 'riot iabaltraii. Arid his 'relitionsibilities'to,lri'ii.ii , t 41 rionSible cttbal, iihtler the .trance ' net,:iVlioitit ;lint `e, hatch* illy !the' are not tice!Orintrible ithen at tliti , ftill ' lo; box. . , ;81101 . 1- - i tire, in `Ottetral the ~vhiCh , thc , 411nlorr''ioill advocatb perfbirning tliti) , Outio - s. which th , Jaibtly 'afstuntid," 1119 11 utifierslo , riol.;-1 ware tlia.t in ti e. iircr: nfleri43, it y- 1 ) volvo upo chain ttY the - 1451.* j- I ,;*:‘ nietisures.ofthe' partr in 'pOWer dorn, 'arid perhaps, ion isomo with severity. in'nkcetiting funciiobs as colui uct6rg I the 'Tubb they; will not forget) thin dignity heb the rali meuities due to their ' ribittion; while they perform , their dtityLiti tl4'peopte!Witii , th4 rmness and. fidelity , Uhich the demand. ' r, may , .; Aware' that the ' 4. U . Ni0...q" is the sole eri gan at the seat bfgovernmentof thettiril democraticiiparty, 'represent ilie people of- the United! States not only iH prmciplei3 arid sentititerits; but-Alto ridm= bore); the undersigned :will adeavor`to C•?r0 duciit in that liberal and eittliolic - spirit which the true interests of their country and -party demand' at:thoir hands. , The are 'not blind to the irtkepiiblid boo-extensive as thi4i 'embiAcing euell a wide range of latitude and cliffiate, diP ferent, interests and different iristitutinns must spring up t apparently conflicting each other, but, in!reality i , each Contrilni: ling , to the advancement of the'. This apparent conflict of interests, an'd stitutiona, of:course, gives , rise, to setitis merits and opinions as apparently diverse, but which, rightly •understoodi and under just restraint, scan do' no injury to each other...:With ~rogaid to these • conflicting septimentsJia. opinions, groWing quVof local causes and intdittaions,,it wilt be tb object ofthe undersigned not, to interforN except to inculcate concossion,undfarbearz ance ori all sideo,Aud to secure to "eachthe just protection .• which tho constitution pKof rnises to. Lill. . • Our• endeavors:'will be to unite all the elements of : the- democratic party - :in 6111)1 port of its common principles; and effort to regain its , ascendency, been lost by tlietnistalten trust 'and ' torifi dence which some.ofits memberti.lirve 're-! - posed in a man, now ocieuPying'thetiredig dency, who had Oiled high rainfall hqn. ors in a noble -and patriotic cause; ''.entl who; , in order to attain the highest civic honors,t made promises ano pledges • which he has,' from incapacity to fulfil his or 'from • intentional desigh, grossly 'viola.: ted, thus ibetrayihg, -to the enemy :thos, who•eonfided inliim; and bringingdisgiritai"e upon the Presidential office.. • • •• -' In etti'ryizig out these pUrposPs the 'undersigned feel that Shall stand in need of the active and 'r , l( , *-t! ge.tic co.operation and support of the'i34, 4 .i: vidcd democracy' of • the country,- qv; party in-power has secured its.aseei!.:;,ii4 by ca fraud upon the people f and• shamefully violated all the plcdges - ,;lii;,11 it 'made to attain pinver. 'lt will to maintain its ascendency by t 1, ,, • unscruptilous means. • It is' 1 ,. resentingithe foreign' sentiments:,kn , !;"rQ/'io ciples now . .'toe openly • pre'vai l eiii: conntrY, and Which are at JUN principles of our government entb-Wt:i i;o ular liberty.rt It ts.the party Which ,i a!ws,i. , l allies itself with every foreignetietk ' ~‘); which our country may haiipen to be , Pt riance. It is the party. that • espoti , .!4llli!: , cause orGre:at• Britain in •tre war of and. leagued withl•Mmiico•inlitectv,lni , 1845: Sound ,political..morality; to'republican principles, and that spirit tri tru'e patriotism which .ever - frowns treachery !to ones one's- country; that this party shall be•expelled fret!. power which it has gained. by such hensible means, and is nowexercising ! such unjustifiable 'ends. And in this i !) y.••• , ' work we , irrvelto ;diet ofiergetib.and: ring aid of every patriot and every to popular liberty:,tuld' free 'gotrerrirni-r assuring them that we shall etideavor'lP to be 'wanting in honest efforis•to aCeoli • plish that .phrtiof the.ivork-ofiefiirm whit s may devolve .on ds ; , 13ut, ivhile..the "UNiall" ill:mini', devoted tdcpolitiesi.it will not overlook demands' of the domestic circle. It contain all the important news.of the day,: and devote a reasonable portion of its• Co lumns to matters of interest relating to: ence, the arts; and goneralliterature. 1! ; .flTrion.sa RITCHIE, , :. LED.Annar,ZunKE.L " •',, Daily, per-year:— 810 00 Semi-Weelcly, (publihed'.tti-iircekly , • ring the session oPeorigressy , 5 01:1 Weekly 11! :1 • Ili ,'• : , :• 2'oo Clubs bafuvitishell ag foliates: . .‘ .; 5 copies of the Yluily, for; $40.00 5 copie& of the 'Sena , , 20-00 .1110 ' do do' f '; do 0 . 00 (:; 5 'copies of the Week?',," ••• O9 , t ~ .15'00 The name of 'Perscie - elite ie'd uP6ri our "btioks unloss the. pliyenent of the selisc4tiOnlieriinde , iii'Aidvaxte s e. , Disthtit stil?scili)erh Wiriy:formidid t ebrineL rteY by '"letteiOlit;' 'pester On '..-tVhiCh by' ;iiid rigici tics f> ietl' b titifOlvei its-gdfd!tddliiiiissfoif:', z litiirp7Po.stntarsliih'pre'ritithbriied te . 'tiet tist fo . iiffiiui for fliettf .teiviceEo2o cOiqbtit f .W-illerUlt i'l!liitteb Of 1 1 .1',1)..: % il !rift . , (Alio bt),9l . 3rlit Tii F. Sidi? criber having opeppytiifYgr,4 l, si 3 . l Y NIA N I'. T.IIONII'SON %%tlh fair„ ui lbe prablieo lit* tl i'6 . 11t 1 4/14 I triaru ffif!tiiiiil ( titat:fthay. ( ~ [lll Veietiftes!bil:ehitilla 4dtatund:tu dittionSetintliquiliturirfalfP4Oßl l ii'?"o•F&lM l y., cikr , gr ya,ctlsicnt . j?s,4 ; titorykikstifiectositt JENn LOi A t+,•lssl. n ti taw u " 9ifo . !*: Terms.