The Country dollar. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1849-1851, September 28, 1849, Image 2

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    _.. .
from tho lVtpatingto'n Repultliri, Sept. 20. r 'ter was accordingly withdrawn, and on
, .
The.Ftencli Minister aualho:likated Stath. the following day returned, expurgated of
. l• ; • the most offensive matter. Anxious to
In consequence s of the rumors and state - ''maintain friendly relations with the minis
tnents that have gone
ti abroad,in reference'
. ter, the President hero permitted the mat
toa alleged diffictilty betWeenMr. Pous
ter to drop, and the. correspondence with
sin and the government or :the the United regard to the claim 6f Mr. Port terminated.
Strikes, it becomes, necessary to present a It was hoped that there would be no fur•
narration of facts `that might utherwiSe have ther cause of compluint,
been withheld. An attempt has been.made •
Oath° Ith day of May, however, Mi.
to create' the impression that the circum- Poussin, . in , a diplomatic note rePreeented
of n°- - •
stances to which we refer establish
to the State Department that "Mr, Carpen
cessity unfriendly relations between this der,
country and. , France. This is not the case.) the commander of the American war
: steamer Iris,after hastening,. to the asais-
Every nation is at liberty to ,dismiss anyi
I ta of the French ship Eugenie, of Hav-,
fOreign minister, at its pleasure; on the
occurrence of anything which is offensive re, which had struck on the bank of Rise,
near the anchinage of Anton Liznrdo. ad
to its dig n ity or character—of which it is vlineed claims,
• wholly inadmissible, on
itself, of course, to be the sole judge. No account of remuneration for his services,
nation has over undertaken to resent such and, to secure their ncqui.tal, detained the
a step as a hostile or unfriendly act. The Eugenie for tweor three days. In cense
npprehonsions, therefore; which seem to quenco 'of the energetic remonstrances of
haveprevailed on this subject, arc quite M. Lavallee, and the honorable intervan
uncalled for ; as sortie ulterior :s e ction on tion of the consul 'of the United States at
the part of France will be necessary to in. Vera Cruz, Ccanninialer Carpender desis
. terrupt the amicable relations which exist ted fran his' pretensions." • Mr. Poussin
between her and the United States.. . proceeded to' 'say that ‘the , lllinister of Fes.
On the 7th day of February last Mr. reign Affairs of. France requested him to
Poussin, in - a note to Mr. Buchanan, then address td the cabinet of Washington the
Secretary of State, alleged that he was inhst serious observations on'the abuse of
charged by the French Government with , authority committed 'by this officer, in Ti
the prosecution of a claim againstthe goy- legally detaining the ship Eugenie." He
eminent of the United States, brought by concluded his note with the following re
a Frenchman named A. Port, established ma rk : "You:will easily comprehend, Mr.
in Mexico, for indemnificatidn for damn- Secretary of State, how important it is that
aes sustained by him from the acts of cer- such occurrences should net be repeated,
min agents of thearmyof the United States. and that severe blame, at least, should be
His application was in the nature of an rip- laid, on those, who thus considered them
peal from the sentence of a military-court Selves empowered to substitute arbitrary
of•inqUiry at- Puebla, which had made a measures for justice ; and I bt net t ion at
decision unfavorable to the claim,- you will, without delay, give sou
isfact to
'NO ansiver was sent by Mr. Buchanan the just complaints of the Pretieh repub
to this communication. When it was lie." This note, unaccompanied as it was
brought to the attention of the present So- by any testimony to justifY the charge a-
Oretary of State, Mr. Clayton promptly de- gainst Commander Carpender, was prompt
voted himself to the investigation, with thelty referred to the Navy Department, for
view of gratifying M. Poussin by a speedy the puriaaaj of ascertaining the facts on
decision. ^Within t e n days f r ont the time which his condemnation was demanded.
it was presented to him, Mr. Clayton an- On the 24th May the Secretary of the Nu
flounced to Mr. Poussin that he. had nrriv- vy, in reply, transmitted to this department
ed at the conclusion that Mr. Port had no all the evidence in his possession, which
just' cause to be dissatisfied with the award consisted only of two letters from Com
of 'the military court of inquiry. This a- 'nuttier Carpender himself, dated, the one
ward; we anay add, which rejected Mr. New Orleans, the 16th November, 1848 ;
Port'S'eliiiin; had been r egularly sanction- the other New York, the 19th May, I'Bl9.
eel airid approved by Gen. Scott, the corn- In the abseil& of any evidence of conflict
mithder-iii-Chief. ' . - ing facts, the President thought that
Dissatisfied with this decision, Mr. Pons- character of that officer made it incumbent
sin, on the' 13th of March, addressed a on him to submit to the French minister
tioto to the:Secretary of State, in which he the explanation given by Commander Car
'reviewed the supposed grounds of the de- 'tender, and to express, at the same time,
vision; rind animadverted with some sever- the hope "that they would remove any
ity on the testimony of a distinguished of- misapprehension relative to his conduct on
ficer of the American army in Mexico, the occasion in question." This note was
who ..had been a witness before the court respectful to the minister. The explana
at Puebla. It is obvious that at this point tion which nccompanied it showed that the
Mr. Clayton might have declined any fur- commander, seeing the French barque
thor correspondence on the subject; but, Eugenie and her crew in imminent peril',
out respect, on the 10th of April lie re- high up on the rocks of Anton Lizardo,
pliedio Mr. Poussin's communication, as- and being appealed to for sucorr, hastened
signing reasons for his decision, and res- to her assistance with
ptain seame
of n th e from
Fr t he.
e .
"pectfully controverting the positions of the Iris ; nnd that the
minister: On the 18th of April Mr. Clay- barque gave up the charge of his vessel on
ton received another note from Mr. I'ous- the reef, in order that the American ern,
sin, in which the minister indulged in a ter might take the command, to save her.
strain of invective evidently intended to be At a moment when no other aid could be
highly offensive to the American govern- procured, and when a norther, so formid
ment. The correspondence was immedi- able to seaman on that coast, was expected,
ately submitted by the Secretary of Suite the American commander labored all night
to the President, who directed him to lose with his sailors, got the French barque off
no time in requesting Mr. Poussin to re- the rock, and anchored her in safety along
pair to Washington without unnecessary ride the Iris. The comniander asked for
delay '' ' ' coinpensation,ln the nature of salvages for
'-• The offensive note was dated at Wash-i his men who had saved the barque and her
itaaton While Mr. Poussin was absent inlcrew from destruction. He was entitled
P '
New York, upwards of two hundred miles ) to compensation. So it was decided by
tlietarit from this city. Bearing on its face Mr. Clifford, our Minister to Mexico, (late
intinsult to the American government, de- Attorney General of the United States,)
liberately given in the very capital of the whenthe matter was referred to him .---
Vnited States; which, if not satisfactorily Such also, we understand, is the' opinion
explained or retracted, would have require of Mr. Johnson, our present Attorney Gen
edthat all Correspondence mith him as a ( eral. But although he had asked and ex-
Minister should terminate without delay, itlpected to receive salvages yet (to use his
was made important to himself and gov- own words) "thirty hours having elapsed
ernment that he should lose no time in re- without receiving an answer, he had al
pairing"to Washington. , One offensive ready resolved to let the captain resume
pas - sage Was the following ,- The govern- I the charge of her, when he received a note
ment of the United States must be convin-I from the consignee saying that he could
car that it is' more' 'l:el:arable to acquit,l not act insthe matter,' as the vessel was
fairly, a debt contracted during war, viz- not yet in port ; and, at the smile moment,
der the pressure of necesSity, thaw to evade the captain of the Eugenio coming on
its patent by endeavoring, to brand the board; he returned the vessel to him." It
''character of alt' honest Mitn.'!• The same vas under these circumstances that Mr.
' note contained ad 'attack upon 'a high milit- POussin wrote the note of the 30th of May
ary' officerS charging hiM; in effect, with last, which follows : .
perjury'before the military Court ; and an I LcoATiosi OF Flt ANC 1:,
attack upon the distinguished officers come t Washington, May 30, 1t349.
posing the court, who were charged With I S in : 1 received on the 28th of May,
permitting that officer "to carry out, wi lh 'ithe note; v'vhich' you did me the honor to
oat interruption, his string of ' calumnies I a dd ress to me on the same day, in answer
incredible." It Closed with an insinuation Ito mine calling. upon the government of
, . Anil the State Department had become the
f , .. organ the United States to disavow the conduct
of a criminal accusation,. without
.ofeommander Carpender, of the'Americau
proofs, against Mr: Port.. 1 ' s steamship iris, towards the :French ship
• It was in reply' to this communication, taseme, of -Havre, , which had run 'upon
that on the 21st of April Mr. Clayton ed. i the
,bank of Rise,' near the anchorage of
dressed Mr. Poussin the following note s Anion Lizardo.. . .
•' ' . PEPAUTMEiNT O'r . S:OTE; , ' • The explanations given by Commander
Washington Aprir,2l 1849. , Carpender are not of a nature, Mr. Seem
, SIR : On the afternoon'of f ilie.lBth list., tary of State, such us to dispel the diScon
. -communicaiion froth. yen,' dated'Wash- ) tent which his proceedings have caused to
r- ington,"April'--ss . , 184,9,;,(witheat showing my government.
the day on which it,was i Written;) Was re- : .11e considered, as he
,says,iind he still
ceived at this office, relative td the; ofi'considers, that the Case We's one of sal
, Mr. Port on the government of the United wage; that the . rights acquire *bY him as
States, and, having : just , had ~occilliion to the saver of the vessel saved, `,empowered
address you a private note, I learn, thro', him to keep possession of her; until his ex- -
the,measenger who. was 'despatc,hed tode
, , travagant pretensions were fully satisfied ;
liver: it, that you have been, for the fast two but his opinions have little, interest in our
Week's, alment. from WS.shington; and that l i eyes, when we have \ OeCaSiOri ' ti 3 condemn
the period of your, return hither 'from Newthis conduct. ', '' i . 1 ' " •
York was quite
U ncertain. '. ' . : 1 I Called ..;i l ,ooo`edbiOf 7 ' tit wa'shingto n i ,
.• tiader these eirenmatanCeS, after a per-I Mr.,Secretaryof,Stute, in the name of the
. nsal , of. your • note which: was laid belbre l Freneh gOverninent,`to addreas a severe.
mathis morning, I lose net a,moMent in , reproof to that officer of the American na
requesting you to repair to this City withouti'ky, in order that tlie ' error' WhiCh - he has
.. . . unnecessary delay. .. . .
: . I have the honor to . be, very respectful-
, ly sir, your obedient Servant; ' s
. ..
JOHN',.M; CL Y' ' . s , .
cornmitted, on a point involving the . digni
ty. of, .your ri 4tional'Marilie; might not be
' ' From Velar tinsiyer; 'Mt i . ' Secretary of
' •''
. l'(:‘ WILLIAIf TEL ''' . PC4II ! ' ' sqate' Va .- in unfortunately induced 'to be
'-k ' • i'the •between . /\'' - . '''
t4i,. • .„., ~. ,• n lnterview. s Ir.:, : PiEtytbri ' lieve that your government subscribes to
A ~. .and Mr,: PO4seip, which .followed this note, tho , strange .doctrinca professed, by ' COM 4
. t . hinth( k katoontl*an . Tip .infornied that his:.maridar,Carnender • • of the , war steamer
. it . 7 aral4bsir was highly offeasive,Tind.ctintained LIr114; - 40 1 have dilly to pretest` in' the
. ... .
into eve! , which curgo*fithent could riot!narwor , my' goverameat,. agitiOt 2 these
!eustori4 awl that he : was pernsitteCilo with;,l4Octriaes;. ,;'. . ; - • - ''l .:"). !'
'',...,,.. '. l a Old leg ofreesive'exp - reisiono: - tfie let. I I.htive have . honor 'to ‘11(
v. • ,
i .
, i , •• . ~.q.- ,)- .
_ • •
.... .4 - ~ -
At 1 . „ .
q'o . ,7% " „ , •
. ' • . .
~ _ , • •, .
IA • ,
...;_....._......,..:='1~-vw e .M...N~:.'«.n;w. V V1,“... 11 ”*IWMM: ”may:
'• • -
ed consideration, your most obedient s'er-,
Hon: J. M. CLAYTON, .
Secretary of State.
- There had been, in fact, no doctrine a.d 7
vaneed in regard to the case of Comman
der Carperider, - nOr was there any indica•
tion of an opitiion on the subject of salVage.
Me, Poussin, as if to make out a Case for
denunciation,nssurned that "strange doe
trines" had been adopted by the Executive,
which compromised the "dignity of our
national marine," . . ,
In his note of May :30th, the French
minister speaks of his previous communi
cation [dated 12th ef May] in relation to
this subject, 'as one merely calling upon
the government of the United States to dis
avow the conduct of Cominander Carpen-.
der. In poi& of fact, his . note Of the 12th
of May not , only denianded such , a dim
vowel, but insisted that , "severe blame, at
least, should2be laid on those who,thus
considered themselves empowered to sub
stitute arbitrary measures for justice."—
The government might have: accompanied
a disavowal lof Commander Carpender's
conduct with a severe censure, but a dim
vowal of' the principle of salvage, or his
right to it, would not of necessity have
implieda severe censure. Mr. Poussin's
note of the 12th of May was not under
stood, nor could it be interpreted, as de
manding merely n disavowal of the. law
under which Commander Carpender clai
med salvage for his crew. To a demand
upon the President to disavow a law of the
land, and the usages of nations under the
law of nations, , it would have been .ii sufli
cient answer, to have replied; that it is hot
the province of the Executive to 'make or
repeal laws ; it is his duty to. execute them
as they actually exist. Mr. Poussin's was
construed to charge Commander Carpen
der with abusthof authority in illegally de
taming the French vessel.
It will be observed that the defence of
Commander Carpender was placed in the
hands of the French minister with the ex
pectation of their being forwarded to the
French government, and with The hope,
expressed by the President, that an inspec
tion of the papers wont& remove the mis
understanding which existed in regard to
his conduct. 'Mr. Poussin did not give the
cabinet of France an opportunity of deci
ding the case in its new aspect, but imme
diately denounced the commander, with
out considering his defence, which he re
garded as matter oPittle interest in his
es, when he had occasion to condemn the
cnduct of an officer of the United States.
An imperious refusal to permit an Ameri
can officer to be heard in his defence by
the government which accused, was not
made more palatable to the Executive by
the contemptuous sneer which accompa
nied it. The United States government
had asked, as an act of common justice to
ameritorious and faithful officer, that he be
heard in a matter affecting his private and
official character; and it was natural to
suppose that his conduct in saving a French
ship, and abandoning his claim to salvage,
would exempt him from censure, though
it might fail to ~receive the approbation of
the F h government. It was felt to be ' 1
duo •
shoal, *t be condemned without evidence
or a'Wring; and a refusal of so common
a right was deeply felt, as unjust, insolent,
and rude. Mr. Mason, the late Secretary
of Navy,.,..ina letter to Commander Car
penderoiated November. .28,. 1848, had
officially approved his course in this very
matter; there was no evidence adduced a.
gainst himi , and yet Mr. Poussin decides
that he had committed an act, which der
ogated from "the dignity of the• national
marine,* and proceeds to implicate the
- American govemmeritin the. discreditable
conduct of its officer. tie - protests against
the action of the American. Executive in
the MUM of the French govelument, thus,
presenting himself before the President and
his cabinet as having been comseissioned
to lecture them upon what conccins the,
dignity and honor of our national - marine.
On the receipt of this extraordinary*.
ter the President determined to submit'
Mr. Poussin's correspence to the French
government, without assuming to prescribe
the course which that government should
adopt under such peculiar circumstances
tomer& a friendly power; and Mr. Potts
sin was duly advised of this determination.
In coming to this decision, -the President
was actuated by a profound regard for the
existing friendly relations,,With a sister re
public, and a sincere desire that thOseere
'miens should continue undisturbed . . Ac
cordingly, the whole correspondence was
communicated to his excellency'the Minis
ter of Foreign Affairs of : France, on the
7th of July, by Mr. Rush: ,
At length, finding it apparent that the
French government ' wholly refused to re
dress the wrong inflicted by the French
minister, the President felt himself con
strained to terminate Mr. PouSsin's offi
cial intercourse with this government, , and
thus preclude,an.opportunity. .w hich might
be againtibused. , ' .
The relations thus terminated' between
the minister of France and the' American
I , government dO not' imply or necessarily
lead to a cold or hostile intercornmunica
' tion' between the ;two governments. ,: In
the eas&of Mr. Jackson, minister of Great
Britain, whose relations with this govern
ment *ere terminated by Mr, Madison in
1806 idle , more' pereMptory Manner, and
Tor-leas pOinted triSult,•no difficulty tiros©
between' this country' and Eitigland..:. At
another timo'wo'may refer to that iniduril
derstanding :mere , at length; but
to Say ' for theesent, that; unless France
is emulous off difficulty with this,coun
try-4if which we have no evidence in any-.
thing that hini'hitherto transpired-r--;n6dis
turbanderof the friendly relations between
this and that country On possibly occur.
' Inptitting,'an end' tothe . official relation's
ofMr. Poussin with the UnitediStatea,• the
Executivehas informed both the goverd ,
nicht Of Frattee - and: the Itti' minister Of
Frail* that •any,cotrununientiOhithfOuo
.s}; "WWW.....M..~
• '••
any other channel will be respectfully re
ceived and considered.
lit 0 1111 ua{o r c
Arrival of the Canibtin.
By Pcpress and re' &graph front' Halifax
to the Pcnnaylvanian.
ST. JOHN, N. 8., Sept. 4 2o.
The Cambria arrived 'at Halifax at half
past 6 o'clock last evening, having had
heavy weather, and was to leave for New
York at 8 o'clock . on the same evening.
The weather for harvesting was fine in
all Great Britain.
The Liverpool Journal of the 6th says:
The harvest has been nearly safely hous
ed, and is pronounced • abundant, as the
pbtato' is redundant and i 8 so far exempt
ed from rot.
The cholera was greatly increasing in
England. The deaths for the week end
ing Bth: inst., in London, were 7706, of
which 1663 were of cholera. , 'ln Liver
pool, Elie deaths by cholera 'were said to
be greater, in proportion, than in any part
of England.
In Publin it was on the increase.
Several distinguished persons have died
of cholera in Paris and in other parts of
' Franee. '
Vienna . and Berlin are at the present
time suffering more than Paris. •
At Berlin the deaths are more than 46
per day
The Last Hope Gonc.--ComOrn and
Peterwarden still hold out—thO former 'is
commanded by Klnpka, the latter by Kul.
The Russian General Berg had a long
interview witlrthe latter on the 23d ult.,
the result of Whieli . was . that an Hunga,riati
„Major was sent to Gen. Baynau to or.'
range terms for the etipitulatian. Theim
pregnable position of ' Comorn' induces
Klapka to demand good conditions. ,
Magyar Chiefs Executed by the:Alis l
trians.—A letter from Vienna of the 31Eit
ult., states that several of the Magyar
chiefs had. been executed. Among ' them
are the ex-Minister of Austria, Pobjan and
Gen. Dawianieh, who hnd been hanged,;
and .
Gen. Aufferman,. who had' been shot.,
Gen. lowiah, who gave the fortress of Es
sag to the nigyars, had been taken to Vi
enna in chains. .
Heartless r-The'—Tlie' mother find
childrc:n of Kossuth, and the wives of sev
eral Magyar Generals, had arrived as
prisoners at Presburg. .
New Military Governor,—There was
some talk of Gen. Guylac being appointed
civil and military Governor of Hungary.
Movements of Russian Troops:—The
great part of the Russian army had receiv
ed orders to march towards Gallicin, but
the corps d'armee of Gen. Rudiger was to
remain at Mickolez and Grosswardein.
Buda and Pesth are to have a garrison
of 3000 men.
Entry of Hungarians into Turkey.—
The 'Hungarian corps of Perczel entered
Orsova, but the Turkish authorities would
not receive them until they had laid down
their arms.
Fate of the Hungarian Diet.—Gorgey's
surrender was known at Comorn nn the
18th, and summons were, sent to the gar
risen, either to -follow his example or j to
send in their terms of capitulation.
Klapka, and those members of the late
Hungarian Diet who had declared that the
house of Hapsburg had forfeited all claim
to the throne of Hungary, and whom the
Russians handed over to the Austrian au
thorities, had been conveyed to Pesth.
[There • must be seine. error in. this—
for Klapka commands at Comern.—Penn.]
The Reward.--Letters from Vienna
state that-the Emperor.of Austria . had par
doned Gerry, and the latter bus depart
ed fur Syria, where he intends . for the
preacrit to reside. • •
Venice was taken possession of by the
Imperialists; on the 27th. •
provisional arrangement had been
eUncluded'. •
.1 2 11116 - SIA AND AUSTRIA.' •
On the Geyrnan question. there is to be
a directory, consisting of Mernberi for the
Confederation,. provided by the c'abinets of
Vienna and Munich, and it is: to hold its
sittings at Frankfort. ••
The Direatery 'wine a 'pen - ail - eat Ex
ecptive7Commission, for the common in
terest :Of the' Whble 'of 'Germany., 'The
States who adhered to the restricted edri-.
federatiOn, under the' airection of Prussia,
will have between them three votes; and,
Austria, Bavaria, cold Wurlemberg, and
the other small .States, will hake toaethee
, f!
Ifem.' votes. ."
Such at leaSt is the proposition of Aus-
The Presidency of the directory will be
vested alternately in Austria & Prussia.
This • will not' alter the relations as to
the common legislation, and the'Executive
authority, vested - in the confederation..
The Austrian Government have engaged
to persuade the Archduke John to resign
110 dignity of Vicar of the' Empire.
The Paris Moneteur publishes a decree
reinstating 11 Lieut. Generals and 14 Ma
jor Generals, which, after thq revolution ofd
February were placed in the retired list of
the army by the Provisional Government.
The French government continues to
refuse passports to,German refugees, who,
on their . way to America,
are forced to
traverse Fleece.'
:General Oudinot was expected at Paris
on , the 20th. Lucien Murat's appointment
to Madrid is considered ,as a conciliatiqn
of 'the. two parties in ,the,Cabinet. _
The annual sittings , with the ,COuncils,
General commenced on the 01skult. ,
In Levery ,department of. F ra nce, with
the' xception, of the. Seine, where the, MSP
tirig is, postponed, till, Octobcy,,alinosCftll
the caedideteA.chgfigi c 1 29 4 10 .EFA id f r #1 1 JP I
the Councilo . Wong ts.,;,o)9,,Y9P,seryt4,toye
•:', •
1 e arf e 1 d, Pa., Sept. 28, 1849.
'rickets foil all' the :candidates, fott,'ootal,.
offtees,•:ana f*r the Detlaocratie candid.;
ate for Canal Commissioner, arc now priit-,
ed and ready fo i r disiribution.
The Difficulty with France.
We have inserted a long article from
the Washingtoii Republic, giving what
may • be understood as an cfficial relation
of the present difficulty bet Ween our gov
ernment and the Minister of the French
Republic. Many ,statements arc afloat,
respecting the affair, but the one we pub
liSh from the Republic, May be deemed
the' Most authentic.
Some of the New York , papers, howeV
or, have thrown out various insinuations
to the effect that much yet remains to be
told; and one of thena,' (the Elven; a
whig paper) intimates that a wonza;4! is
at the bottom of the cffair. But thiS is,
erluips,mere newspaper speculation
We will here take occasion to quiet the
fears of any of our readers whose nervous
systems are likely to be endangered by an
apprehension, of war. There is yet no
cause of war—nor even a fair prospect ofi
such a castrophe.• High dignities of dif- I
ferent nations may scold each other, and
furnish a whole nation' of editors with sub-
sect matter for coWoversy, but the people ,
of. the United Staffs and of Franeu are
not going to war - with each other \vithOut
good and sufficient, cause: Should this af r
fair Unfortunately. result in an irruption be-
tween the two nations, it will clearly man
ifest the intrigues of the tyrants of Europe
againts the progress of libeial sentiments,
and the treachery of Louis Napoleon, the
President . of, France, and his base syco
phancy to . the Autocrat of Russia.
Lady's I
Book, for October, is now before us. It is
only necessary to say that this number
fully sustains the higl reputation of that
periodical in its palmiest days. ,In con
trasting the worthof American Magazines,
it should be remembered' that this ono is
the oldest in our country, and that its
tory has been a continued series of im
provement in American Literature.
The Steam Eagin.
At last our ears are saluted with the!
whistle of the steam engine. Messrs. Sei
ler & Weaver, have' their foundry now in
full blast, having substituted steam instead
of horse power, and ere in a fair way to
do a good business. This is the first of,
the kind that has visited our town, but if
no accidents happen, it will soon have
Good Singing.,
The justly celebrated band of Vocalists,
the EDDY family, of Massachusetts, visit
ed our borough last week and gave a cdn
qert,on Friday evening, which was atten
ded by a large and respectable audience,
who, if we are to judge by the frequent
liiistsf of applause, appeared very much
plOsed with the singing. They fully SuiS
mined the high reputation they have ac
quired as vocalists.
. ,
I lON. Wm. F. P CKEit .-ThiS gentle ,
man has been nominated as the democrat
ic candidate for Senator in the district
composed of Centre, Clinton, Lycoming
and Sullivan counties. The Whigs were
to meet yesterday for the purpose of deci ,
ding upon a candidate against him, and it
was generally thought they would unite
upon some democrat • who Was willing to
run against the regular nominee. This
is the manner in which Mr. Packer was
defeated in 1835 ; but we look for a differ
ent:result now, and were we publishing a
: partizan paper, we would cry aloud and
spare. , ,not,lo the end thathe might van
qui.ab lila enemies.. The.distriet has been
represented foi the latit six years bY:Vghigs,
although compesed of four democratic
counties. ,1 , .
MORE .1111011T•TUR FRENCH. AFFAtne• —'
The Pennsylvanuni , of the.2sth, -receiv
ed yesterday; contains a synopsis of a long
correspondence between the American Se
cretary. of State, and the Freflch Minister
and government ; but as it discloses no
new this, perhaps aptly, styled
farce, we' ao, not deem it of iutEcient im
portance to lay before our, readers.
, •
InoN.—The ,enzocrt of the
18th, learns frsnd a gentleman from Pitts
burg that Piitinetal sold. in;` that city lit‘st
week for $25 per ton, 'Cablt; with a fair
pro pte l t of h l ti rising tnsh(r per (enterers,
next spring : , :This fair ttisinesi, L
,this iron is, manufactured , and deliveTed
'4sn . the Clarion. river for , ;about sl' per
'ton. Lasi sluing the , r tune quality. of iron
soldm Pittsburg for 821 , • • •
' WE'lie streams in ibis 'doulity tire Idw,
justpteSbneihanqeVer) they *vie
b ?I'tiA S FPA ° ur.FP
'(it ; I/
. Anollief.Soc qUiVar ' • •
fif,•,l!tt i„
Telegraph for Juurnni,..9l.Cqpmereo
',l,lY,AsnzNg . Tot;ri, , Sept,gqi
t.l7lte,r. bpckit . ;3,IpLER, c\corkati
dence between
the' it
ish Minister, Mr. .f..,ramplon. if's'
lieve4 some high greunti has been_ taken
by this government „in cippositi9lr;t9,tile !ex
elusive Pretensions of Great.
The Journal upon this remarks...=t , --.The
, exclusive pretensions"', here referred to,
tire probably those iulVatical -. .by/ -Great
Britain - in- behalf of Ilia'thss''
esty of Musquito, to the exclusive: 'titiviga'-'
doh of the John's river, the - outlet of
Lake Nicaragua, from - the
id, thirty miles below the Lake; down to..
the sea; and also to the sovereignty of
Grey TONVII, r
at the mouth of the St. John's:
These pretensions are 'advanced! in oppo
isition to the claims bra; COmpttny.organi
,Ized in the. United "States, under a grant
l'from the government-of the State of Nic
aragua, for the establiShment.of a cominu
nieation between the Atlantic. and :
Ileific oceans, by the. route 9f tlic , :l4ver;St .
John's and the Lake Nicaragua.
Interesting . Letter 'from Et trope,
Foreign Correslionilenee. bf the:PeninyiNnikiert:
PARIS, ,!!
I was the first here to ddnotince.Gor ,-
geyas having sold himself toPtiskiewitschi;'
now no one doubts it. The noble KOssuthi
says, that the loss Of..lltingarY vs'ai3 owing'
to Gdrgey's appears by 'the
latest news that the Hun gdfria ns have near;
ly all stirrendered,.mid tht' , fortress - of Co—
morn is the only pinee cif consequendathat
haslicit entirely given up.
The Republican's in , Anicrica.muat not
suppose front: this thattlie strugglwin En.:
rope is over--let the friends of liberty eve=
ry where call ineetingstind raise 'contribu-,
ticina, for the crowned heads have resolved
on changing the goverritnent of .Switzer
land and then of Franco, or perhapsbeth
at onee, and that too, with the aid of the
French government. The Money that
has been raised for Hungary and Italy can
now be appropriated to the same eau" by
giving it to Switzerland, and the near-ap
proach of winter will proent the•heroie
Swiss boys from being annihilated before
, beginning of next summer. In the
mean time the citizens of the United States,
by beginning at once, can render most
powerful assistance.. As soon as Congress
meets, a full mission could lie. created for
Switzerland; and if General Taylor istriie:
to European •.liberty, be Will inniiediatelY ,
despatch the boldest and clearest headed
whig he can put his:blind on.
The leading Republicans, (or conspira
ton4 as the monarchists call them,) of Italy,
Germany and France, arc now at Geneva.
• The government:here have been trying
to • foment an Outbreak; in order that they
may have some pretext for changing the
form of government into a perpetual ['res
idency to begin with. There is some (tan
ner of their sneer:edit* in getting up en
emuete. The city is Very 'unquiet. 'rho
Legitimists, the Orleanists, and the Repub
licans have their club meetings every night
-"--regiments of troops you Can see constant
ly passing through the streets, very quiet
ly, withbut Music; The Red Republicans
are not preparedond their leaders are try-'
ing to put off the day, but the legitimists
(Henry sth,) and the Orleanists aro now
ready for an outbreak ; and noone can tell
what a week stay bring forth. Tlie Repub-.
licaus are stronger
H than either of the oth
er divisions. enry sth party next.
qen. Armstrong; our late consul at
Liverpool, has been 'here for several days!
He was offered a high position in the Hun
garian service by Count Zelicke, the Hun
garian Minister; But Gorgey's treachery
may prevent Old 'Hickory's sword being
drawn for Hungarianlibetty: Even Gor
gey's treachery would not have hurt Hun
gary, if •Gen. Bern,' could . have taken n
part on the Adriatic as Count Zelicke had
about concluded an arrangement for a
large amount of arms and: munitions of
war, including several thousand of Samu
el Colt's Celebrated reVoli•ers. Without
such port all arms and munitiona of war
had to be taken to Constantinople, and
then ten days over land to Belgrade', on
the confines of Turkey,' • and ' than into
From the Pemisyluarnan-Oy: Telegraph.) .-
Serious Fight in Arkansis- 4 Bight lives lost.
Intelligence has•heen received from Ar.
kansas; stating that quite 'a serious riot 'had
taken place" near Yell(Arvid°, I)o:twee:in . . the
Sherifr and his possec, and a gang ofdeS•
peradoes . who infest that. part . of the' coon.
try: '! . FrOm what' we ean.learn, itrappears
that the Sheriff atteriipted 'to arrest 'some
•, of the gang Who' are Charged.with Murder
and other crimes, when they : made.a stput,
-resistance. • Daring the fight which en.
sued; eightpersons were killed, and sover
al others wounded. Fronithe last account
lit 'would • Seem that( a largo, :party...of . ..the
(edified themselves, and express
ed al 'determination :tcy: resist• the civil, ,art.
thbrities to , tho last. .• • ; 'xi '11'; ,7
•';; : • • 1 • ',,:;
• Children re,s'diled , by'a dog..—aninci. •
dent.:—.A few days since while at 'play on
the ditcic of the Central: , Railread;e•at..De+
troit, Michigan, four small girls, the eld
not more iltari yeafs old, sirriultaneo
. IWell into - the . ' river, end
•wOeld lave • been'highlyi'britiehl had
beed fbr the Avonderful. sagacity. chi large
Jog . belong og' 'to! Johnsoribi , hotel. !The
moment 4 ther fell: the .faithrul., , bld . : dog
plumediler,thein. and biought, twb of
'them/ Willie dock; whore. they , iverie taken:
puttythe' by-standers 4 the othertwo were
akert - ibut , lty -another . geritlematii but of
the liiribdordortii i • 7 ,
• • vtliy cis; •
Kossuth in America.
It is' said that litigsuth One to Ea.
gland. 'Let' hint .c:Orne'lleivir,for Anteatt.,,
not England is the place , fai him !; .. There
aitd Ittiitdretlsrofithousands of mrattm,heatil'
?I/ TH111;.) ./ . 4ilifg.) ?I/ !)".1,1;:0'.'1;°r•I'i