H D. W. MOORE, vir ,„„ in A. J. HEMPIIII.I., ' Kite 040111 4 0412a7-11114AILAM A Weekly Pafier, will be'published. at th tiillotoing lacy • - . • Bales: „ • , YE44.IN, ADVANCE OtAio I YEAR, IN. 3," MONTHS 1 25 1 .YEAR - IN 0' "DO - ". 150 I . YEAR IN 9 DO 115 YEAR 'IN 12. DO 200 , . Ir:gr'•• No paper. will be, sent to those who pay in advance ofter the capiratiOn, Of the time paid for. , ~ . . .. , ,:• , (r All letters on business .conineeted with tho ojfice, to receive attefitioz, notst be post.paid. . „ . , • ~ : ~ , Mine, gentlemen,'is also a travelling 'sto ry anti though not so , new as • that, of our friend Laurens, , it is, perhaps equally as true. ' " • , I was journeying to the city of Washing ton in company with a; friend ; a Georgian boy, like myself. We went, as thousands have gone before an_itaince, to try our luck at offiee.hunting. You are well aware That the, road from Georgia to Washington passed through the Palmetto State, a State distinguished for the fertility. of. its soil, as well as for the wealth,. chivalry, and i,ntel, ligence of her sons. Here the Major wink ed knowingly at the company with one eye, while ho kept the other fixed. ,on tho South Carolinian. I thought myself a smart , traveller, young then, but compared with my companion I was as green' as He was naturally sharp, as a briar, and ex perience had polished his wits to the keen ness of a cambric needle. His game was Cobb, Willey Cobb. We started from home on a capital of $3OO. It was all that we could rake to. gether. But we had a couple of stout Georgia ponies; and this, we concluded, would be ,enough to put us through to Washington and back. If we're stumped, said Cobb, we can sell the cattle.: • Unfortunately, before entering the Pal metto State it was our luck to pass thro' the town of Augusta, on the Georgia side. Augusta has always been considered „a brisk little place. We found it so. Not being in a hurry we agreed to stay over 'ght and nest day. We had fallen in with some very agreeable acquaintances. We got to playing; at 'first a ninepenny po ker—then a quarter dollar 100- r -then brag; and finally our Augusta friends introdu ced us to the interesting game of faro.-- 7 We played all night, and by day-break had depositedour three hundred dollars in the bank, where it stayed! . What's to be done? said I. . Pin thinking, said Cobb. Sel,l the ponies and start back! said I. No such thing Ats rply responded Cobb. ,„ . What be , • r oaMte do? asked I. • , ~What ou in your saddlebags? in-, quired • • • end u tvithout heeding my last interroga • A shir "pair of pistols, a plug of to bacco and a bowie,-was my reply. We must sell the bowie first, said Cobb, it tvjll pay our tavern bill, and get, us out Of this infernal hole I • And. what neat--on to Washington ? I enquired. • • Of course, -said Cobb, we ; would look wise turning back—We would. certainly ,be the,standing joke of the county, added hp; But can we travel without funds? said L That .we will have to find out, said Cobb, with a look as cheerful and happy as if lie had relays of horses all along the road to Washington, and his bill paid at every tavern along the route. have an acquaintance, continued he, at the end- of the first stage from, - here, we can stop all night. with him; that won't cost anything;..beyond that wo must trust to the • hospitality of farmers; I ~think wo can get through ,South Carolina and'Vir ginia handsomely ; the danger is, we may stick in.the tar—womust travel through the turpentine State on the proceeds of your pistbls ; but 'let. us dispose of your bowie, and get out of this' sharper's nest, ; , As Cobb was my senior, and inlyty es tinatttion a great genius, I of course acqui eseedille sold the,bowie knife to one of our gambling- friends for six dollars, the tavern bill was liquidated, leaving a ,few Shillings in our joint, purse, and With this we took the road through to South Caro lina. r 0 the, At the end of the first day we stopped with Cobb's friend, and . were hospitably entertained. Cobb felt a strong incliria tion to borrow from him,..but he could not bring himself to confess the caaso of our necessity; Ho. had a high idea of } his tra velling talents, and did not wish to ac knowledge ho had been outwitted, by the Augusta sharpers. We left ,his friend's house therefore, after, an excellent break •fast,. our horses well fed and curried,. but without an increase of our fintinees..; the contrary, we had given a quarter to, the darkey who had saddled our horses. We 'wore now fairly en route, travelling through to both' of us a Complete terms in coghita. , That night We stopped at what appear ed tohe a planter's Amuse, tt snug estatt lishrnent: I.do riot know what Cobb told the owner, as we .were preparing to leave ill' the • Morning, but I heard him remark, soineWhat jeeringly, as we, got itite, , ,entr saddles, it ain't. usual ~ for folks to travel through these 'parts; withoUtmach-mad then there was tt half stifled ejaculation of h-11, followctl•by a.hissingofwordewhieh would have sounded awful.mears polite, Rathexinhospitable, whispered t as we rode off. .. • inhospitable, said Cobb,. espe eially for South Carolina—however, he's tan,exceptien I guess. , , And he wits tintexCeptionv for, „tho, next ..place we' stopped , iit, .they turned to and blaaguarded us outright, calling us im eerie nay nag any di!! r. ine4 pilty ifs for • , arra!)• nu/nt. why spied, hi* ado: int IN ftme.. kip 1 5... .116nd y3O , - ilb : eplic.., they It NO/ MOO, ~~~ i 4) `l4~i. if nail , VS , ". Flom the "War Lite": of Myna Rooil. : , THE GUYASTICHTI,. MAJOR 'MING'S sTorttt. • , r • if' • ......... • " '9 .V.V I V , ,J B ll"jOnj; /ff.. • I ; i ; . • 1" '1 • ;' • ; • - 3.:0'14 , • • „ , • . - • •.,, , .;.: ,:...H•r• : •• . - • •• • , ,:); * ' ' .:. ::; r - " • ; • . • • ' ;... ,!! • . , ,:; • ; •. • . . . •• .Vl:\,)." , • . . ~ • • • - IND- • . , A WEEKLY'PAPER: 'DEVOTED TO LITERATURE; AGRICULTURE, MORALITY, AND FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. - _ . Uue posters, and Georgia Yankees, and the' next after that; the'landlord of the house, ivhich.Was a tavern,. threatened to', levy upon our saddlebags, which, he. certainly would have done, but Cobb told him Very significantly that they contained only a pair of pistols, and thdt these were loaded and might go off. •Asif to assure him that he spoke the trutli,,he, drew eat the pistols and handed one of them to me, then cock ing his own, he told the landlord he•Tnight have the saddlebags now, its they Were empty. But Cobb was six feet two with a.pair of fierce black whiskers,and an eye as black as coal, and ,the landord c9ncluded to let the - bags hang where'they were, so we leaped in our saildles'and rode 'off: This will never do Harry, said Cobb, as we jogged leisurely along. , Never, said I. We must hit upon saine'phinlO "rase the wind, continued he: • • I wish we could, said I: • Think, said he. • .t I'll try, said ; I, and =I commenced turn ingrover in my mind every plan. 1 could think of, that woUhlbe likely to relieve us from our present' dii eultji.' • ' • But raising the wind by the' meto;pro'-, cess of thought, is an achievement;which has puzzled sharper intellects ; than.. mine, and I was abandoning the twentieth pro ject; when he wife Was' ridindahbad, sad denly checked. his horse;' and wheeled' rt, round in the saddle with a triumphant gO.:: ture shouted out-- Harry—l have it Good, said I. ....AA, MU.. - . . I've tree's, the varmint, continued he. You have? said I. Like a knife, s.aidilie. I'm glad of it, said I but how? :; Never mind, I'll tell you all tonight; I havn't got the thing straightened yet—, How far do you suppose we are froth Co lumbia? inquired he. About twenty miles, T should think, an 2 swered I. 'We have come five and they gaid twenty-five, mile's from the tavern. Well, then 'ride slowly, said he. We musn't reach bolumbia before dark ; what sized place is it? • I havn't an idea, replied I; it ought to be a good chunk of a place though—it's the State Capital. So it is—your right—it'll do, said he; and we rode on in silence, he buried in profound meditation, evidently. maturing his plans, and I dying of curiosity to know them. About half an hour after dark; •we en: tered the town, and,rode up the street— Cobb looked ingitirigly at the different stores as We'Passedt Here's the, thing! ejaculated ho, pulling up ,in front , of a shoe shop, and getting off his horse. He entered the shop. I could see by his gesticulation to the owner of' the esythz lishment, that he was, in the middle, °Oho story. All I could, hear was ; the : foliewt ing: After you have made the' hole; you may nail on the lid, and paint theletters upon it--here they took a scrap of paper and writing 90M9 words upon it, handed it to the store keep er, 1 1 11 send a dray for it in, half: an :hour, continued, he, as he paid for the box ; and bidding the inan good night, he camo out, Mounted his 'boise, and we continued our way to the'principal hotel, where we 'drew up and dismounted. I'll be, back in an hour, - Harry, said he, throwing me his- bridle ;,in the meantime, take your supper, engage a snug room, & wait for me.' reo ' n't register till '1 coine-;-- I'll `nttend to that. • • So saying he .:ditiappeared .down the street.- • . • Agreeably to his instructions . I ate sup per,- and heartily 'too, for we had' ! 'net test ed victuals since morning; - tinfl.iveie'shOwn to my room,- :where; I; waited .patiently - for About, two .hours. Wugstill ignOffint how the supper. was to be ,paid fpr, ,When the door opened,. audSobb . :qou! file cetfaikieg follatlied 'aistii4 heels "carry ing the box that btid seen him purchase, upon the lid of which was painted in large bold letters; "The :Wonderful - Guyaiticu .tisl" and underneath, an .oblong• hole or ,slit, newly chiseled in:the wootl4. Cobb held in his hand, a broad sheet of paper. - This :as 'soon' as the (laic& had 'gone out of the toOin;the apreltiP out ;Upon the , table thw. r iointin g : to' triumphantly !exclaimed:, , • ,There— ~ , n oW Hairy , iharti the varmint I • 1 . Whatthe devilis it said, Read' for yourself, !' I coinmenc,ed reading; ire Woudeital Guyastientla, •:, .;' eqUig4 o:rlig;WM lS ;qf grqqn?Mf ar,, g te ' i;:, I Plf - 7.?;diPIA C.f.c 14 .:0! 'F4.,f°)- lowed the :descriptionin i sma ler letter. "hitherto ktioWn to naturalists'; - poSessing all the n- - telligence: , of the human,ri combined t with' the ferocity: of the tiger, aud.tbe. the. ; ,of the ourang outang t is, of a, bright, sky color, with eleven stripes . upon his' body and one around,.*; nose, ,which, makes ovo one of them; alike • "In his rage he has been known to carry Indians up to the top of the.highest trees, and. there leave them to perish with, hunger, thirst and cold ! which accounts. satisfactorily for the uncivilized nature of the Jed man I "The , highly intellectual citizens of Co. lumbik - are respectfully, informed,that this wonderftil quadruped..las arrived:among them, and willnbe exhibited this efening at the Minerva room, at ; the how 9f 8 o'. clock Admittance 25 cents," But, said I, my dear Willey, ,no t w, for the'first time catching the idea of his pro ject, you don't intend— ; But I do though, interrupted lie, and,l will—that is as certain as my, Dcalle:isMil ley Cobb, of the State of Georgia! • Butiyou don't think. you can gull the intelligent people? Bahl intelligent , people ;. it is plain Har; ry*.you dm - 4 know the world, said he con temptuously.. , And what do you expect,for me to do • I as l so- Nothing but to stay in t~}is room to•mor- 'row, and rief.l ., thal tiobGq peeps .into,that s _ Dutat 7. At night.yeq: will .stand'at the . .door-- take the money, and when . you hear - nip . groan : and,shake `the chain, you will "run, in ,behind, screen., to lookupon the thing as a eke, promised faithfully to follow . his in.' structions-7-not without some disagreeable anticipations, that he ,and•l. wOuld spend the : following night in 0 19 Columbia , Nest morning, Cobb was, up at an early hour, : and after moaning .piteously, and groaning in the most hideous, and fright.. fulmanuer, and talking atintervals into .the box, as; Be still, Guy'? Doivn, Guy down! Keep" himdown, the old fellow I he left the roOm, bidding me to keep a sharp look out, ..'As soon as he was gone I noticed a consideruble shuffling and .whispering out. side the door; and presently a, darkie look ed in and asked me if I w anted 'anything. • Not anything, said I ; don't comein I • , The darkie p a pulled back his head with look of terror, and pulled to ; the door. Shortly titlor, the whispe3ing recom-. menced and the door again opened. This time it was the landlord . of. the hotel, whosq curiosity had brought l up to " 1 %1) the elephant." , , ' ,:i• • , It's a firco critter that, said he, putting his head inside the door, but still holding on to the handle. • :Dreadful I said I. Could not I have a peep I inquired he. -Its •ngaitist the rules answered I be sides a stranger makes him savage. Oh,' it does, said he apologizingly, Terrible, said • . , Y2u'll have a 'good, house, tthink, said he, atter, a-short Tapp. ~ „ , . I.hope so, said 4... • ' • The bills ' is out, Mr. Vanamborgh was about putty ,early.this morning. • , Mr, Vau•Aralmrgb, ejaculated.l. , Mr*„.Vanamburglt'fyour partner., • Oli!!-=yes,:111r.Variamborgli my partner I ehiniedin;•,as,i f iliaw that, this must be the noire de mantigor•of my frietaLcobb4-But Mr. Vananihurgh did not put, out the bills . • - I inid,thin-tocoyer thct . f/tint.pdsethad made j' . : `. Oh no, , of k eourSe not; replied,the:lai}d;; lord, he hired- a,boy.. • „' that 'as ri wght, t,adda: Brenkfast ti'n ready in a ye'llcotile down? °WA:Our:WI • •- abbut.si*leet of .a dond hP • ~ • )' Opt thag groiy lingiWO,:deseetidad ho ,t4akfast,,Poblißr:st 100 tng`{jie door, •and( l putimg key . in his pocket.. , , We werrovulentty„ 0 - oleos of interest; t the ht•Ca.ktaat table, COW.Colling" mid Mr. Wolfe, and I addresiiiiltiiii as Mr. The servants ,tyaited . tipb''as with'deliglitcd atteniiOn.•- ) Aller breakfast ,we returned to the room when Cobb, Went, thrOugh the ,groaning re heorsall, and, shortly hite.ti, left Me,' This , lie i repeated inter4l4 thrOugh the day.: : upon each succeeding occasion louder, if possible, and more terrifric . than before.,. i • • ;: • r , Fight came at length, and withOtirbex covered up in one of the landlords 'quilts, we started for the Minerva rooms. These I' found fitted with li running serepili and brilliantly lighteillwith vndles. Cobb: had the box and' chaia! carried -.be-. 'hind the.scfeeni while Ire - mined ,at ', the. door' to look after tho'ireasitrer. 'no tickets, each One ,paying his or. her' 'charter, and hr.! very shed titrie the room Awes full of ladies, gentlemen and.childrentradei riteh 3 4nd theifiviveS—Lmerchantsi and their 'fareilieS-4youtig I:fttelis"and • their I h6rts' and even "afnantber gent riterriher'Ofthe'State Assembly. *When was on tipAne to!seo - thel'kvon .derfut .) !. ) 3- 'Presently a low' moaning was - heard be, hind" the screen; then a , groan . and - .1.h0 'moat -.pitedu*.of Guy; down! atil4r'ctied;iti),livoice;.in hOtiree'eorrimatiditigOksitsiiir:al),,') 9)11 The chain is my cue, said I to myself,' MEE ME Clearfield,. Pa., September 28, 1849.1 I = as I,waited for the appointed, signal. The people had all arrived, and already began to stamp and clap their, hands, and exhibit the usual symptom of impatience, crying out at intervals, the Guyasticotis 1 Bring him out Mr. ShOwman—trot him out.. Let,us see the savage varmint.. At this the Guyastieutii*.growled fear. fully, Give him a bone, cried ope. Go it, old 54 40 exclaimed another. The whole or none, shouted a third. Fifty-four forty or fight, retied a fourth. Go it, old K. Polk, carne from a dist ant part of•the room. - At this the audience became convulsed With laughter. The groaning now became louder end more terrible, end Cobb's voice was heard in coarsc accents apostrophi sing,the Gunsticutis Then, commenced a struggle behind the scn en and the rat tling orthe' chain. This was my cue.--- Putting on a look of terror, es I . had been instructed by Cobb, I rushed up the open ,spathe between the spettatOrs and pushed 4n , behind .the curtain. I stole a glance 'beeltiVerds as I entered. and'saw that the audience had'already caught the alarm.— ' Some of ,the people had risen to their, feet .41 : iindttebd pale and trembling? Behind '.'t*tsereti, Cobb was running to and fro, ,scraping' tho sanded floor' rattliing the chitin, and chiding some immaginary ob jectirr the most threatening accents, He was in •his shirt sleeves, and streams of what appeared tole blood were streaming over his face, neck and.bosonil • Down, savage down, cried he. 800-oow-wow, roared: the GuyasticUtis. Oh, Mr. Wolf, cried Mr. Cobb, seeing me 'niter=-come }here. for God's sako help, or. he'll be off. • Hold , on to him shouted I :in a loud on. _ • .__. 800-ooiv- - U•ow-awo, groaned the Guyas tieutis. Help, help, cried Cebb.: Hold on; shouted L . • Rattle, rattle, went :the chain.. Cobb struggling for a moment: and then rushing in front of the screen; 'end holding up the chain, he shouted in a voice of thunder. Save yoursveles gentlemen I Save your wives and children I The.:Guyasticutii is loose I Gentlemen, said the Major. it's more than I can do to describe the scene that followed, in less than two rriiimtss the room was empty, and when Cobbi*my self reached the street, there: of a soul, man, woman or child to bon.— We hurried to the hotel and ()raved our horses saddled with all dispatch' C. telling the landlord that the Guyasticutis had ta ken to' the field and we must persue him on horseback. While our horses were be ing saddled, we settled the landlord'a• bill out of our newly acquired funds. We then started , at a .brisk pace, and: did'not stop.untiLwo. had put twenty .miles be tween us and the good city of. etdurnbia; Then.we haltid and counted our:rebeipts; which amounted to--hoW much'Captain Cobb! Sixty-sixiollars and sevent-fivoecents to a figure; said a tall swarthy oflicei, who Ant, soa way down table to the Major's right;, - tind . :whose dark, saturine .counte ngne:e;..#Ould never have betrayed him as :thip.heid:Ot the. Makit%ikstory. But it was hea*leed and when the long loud laugh had illlmided, adAerrhands werestretched atrtoss:,the.tNble and a (Arun of voices !Were he4id,.;, , ocilbrating— Captain%Cobb'o heal! h!—the health of , Capf..c obli I • .. • And thc : Major! pried a:voice. ~ The Maj . iirj the ' Major .rcpca ted sever al, voices at once, The Major with'iliree times three ! . Nino deafoniitMeheers - were given for the Major, Ono more for, the Guyastieutis!..and a cheer • followed, mingled with shouts Of laughter Disegvery. In Oregon, It has been supposed until lately, that the shore at Oregon, south of the Colum bia river, was without indentation or har bors. • Explorations for a considerable dis tancei south of • the Columbia .have . been inade,'which producing an entire change in public opinion, and not only ,bays are ifoundi!but: beautiful prairies, fine, timbers, rivers aid Water. power: , Tilamuke bay, situated,' about r ,filly or. .six.ty , miles south , of the mouth, of,tho Co lumbia. river, is several miles in extent, re ceiving five rivers, some;of which are good, mill streams. ~ Two miles back.. ! cf this bay 11 , prairie commenees, .varying from one, and a half to; three' miles in width, and eight miles , .13elow the. Tilamuke ;bay , two others,. have, been discovered, (which are ,Nvorthy,being, noticed ;the first . of which , is; known to the natives I,)y the name of Celeste, and the ,second by the , narne , Of,Yacquina. , The .bay is from a fourth , of 4 mile to.a' mile in, Width,three Miles Iting,,tuld. receives, the 3vtltgs oriwo rivers. A bed of exepllent stone coal has been discovered on the htnak of the Celeste . river, teliatiles front , its entrance into the Celeste kitty,. There . aro. .rich , iev,eL'prttiriepon the ,Colopte. L.: The )Ynequine. toy Pula wid6at ittraouths Nunaber 14. • • a half miles wide, extends parallel with the coast from six to ten miles in length, and is perfectly sheltered from the ocean winds. There is considerable prairie in tho imme diate vicinity of Yacquina bay. All the rivers emptying into these bays abound with salmon and other fish, and the bays all afford clams, crabs, &c., in abundance. Within the Yacquina bay the water is deep, and the waves roll into the mouth from the ocean without any apparent ob struction. . • From tho rennovivenian of Bep:omber 17th. SHOCKING MURDER. On Saturday evening, about half-past seven o'clock, Louis Rod, a young Ger man, seed about 21 years, was murdered by Charlotte Levering, an Irish woman, aged about 20 years. The parties were engaged in the Mount Pleasant rcfrectory, at the corner of Ninth and Lodge alley, above Chesnut street. The deceased was the cook of the establishment, and the woman Levering was employed in the culinary department of the house. A great intimacy had for some time existed between them. At various periods they had quarrels which were made up again. On Saturday evening, a new difficulty"a rose between them, the precise cause of which is not known. The cook ordered her to clean oir a table, which she refused to do. Mutual recrimination passed' be tween them ; and the woman, Charlotte Levering, seizing a large carving knife, the blade of which was twelve or thirteen inches in length, threatened to stab him if he repeated .his words. He bared his breast and invited the blow, and the wo man immediately plunged the knife in his body. The bladeentercd below the heart. making a dreadful wound., Mr. Debau fre, one of the proprietors of the house, hearing the noise rushed below, and enter ed the kitchen just as Rod fell back from the effects of the blow, and caught him in bis arms. The gash was horrible, and the man died' in less than five minutes af ter its infliction, having iq, vain tried to speak. The Woman, Charlotte, escaped, but was pursued by one of the waiters in' the establishment, who caught her in Lodge alley and arrested her. . The Coroner held an inquest on the bed= dy, the jury rendered a verdict "that the deceased, Louis Rod, came to his death by wounds inflicted at the hands of Char lotto Levering " The murderess was taken to the north east lockup, and the body of Rod taken in charge by the Coroner. A hearing of the woman will take place this meriting before. Mayor Swift. She subsequently escaped, during the exciternot, and iii the street enquired for the residence of Mayor On being informed, she repaired to his house, rang the bell, enitTed, and told the Mayor that she had killed Rod.— The Mayor thought her insane, but finally. Olt for. an officer, and had her secured. •'• Finra thin I'enneyl"l iinn of Septernb , t 1811,‘ gurclei' of liod,—The excitement, rel ative to the dreadful tragedy at the corner of Ninth street and Lodge alley,. Was somewhat increased yesterday, in cons°. tiuthiee of a suppoSed hearing of the mur deress, before Mayor Swift. The crowd about the police office was numerous, ev ery avenue being blocked up with an ex cited multitude. Charlotte Levering; tli• accused, is rather a good-looking young Irish wornan, but from her counte. twice, one is led to suppose that she has been the child of misfortune. She was married, during the summer of 1848, to a sailor, who shortly after deserted her, when she made her home at a house in Water street, above Chestnut. Complaint, ofthe harsh treatment received from her husband, was made at the police office, soon after, marriage. She has also resided ut a number of other places in the city and districts. 'Charlotte alleges, that it was :far -from her intention to murder young .Rod, :and feels her deplorable situation. -- Yesterday, she was committed to Moya mousing prison, but will have a hearing before • Mayor Swift to-morrow morning, At 10. o'clock. From !he Pennsylvanian of Sopromber 19.6 The Ninth street Tragedy. If the following version from the Daily Sun, of the previous relations between the 'manhilled by Charlotte Levering and that woman; should turn out to be true, it will very' materlly alter- the aspect • of the glee lqte' ifomicide Case.—Wbo have gleaned sonic faCtS and circumstances in connection withthe homicide case of Sat. urday, which materially alter the'first ye— port. The maiden name of the young wo man was Pbarlotte Levering. She was ,borii in Dublin, and was brought to this country when she was between three and' four . years old. "She has been here about sixteen years, thus making her age to be between 10 and 20 years. She is a fine lo' ing young wbrirrin;--clear skin, black and dark eyes. She has - not the ad: Yanto, be ~of education. For tou'r 'or five yegyoliii lived with'. Mr. and Mrs. 'Han-. so476:lTOily t .in ," South Wontstreet, and - itsitipoo : ta:do ,houp,**lt; there. Thi.4 pliiice'is'erespdetable Al°lll.M,And the,re, Charitittis abiiduc, ~..,,_ .JIIIO3S-OF ADVBIITISINa: eithre of 16 tines, fir istk'l {nisi:km; VI iSO 11,,d0 •do , •do , 3 . . do. .1 00 • - ach'iubsequent insertion, 0 25. I do 3 th'onthtt . 250 1 do 6 Months : 1) • 4 - 00 I •nginth.lll • •; ' 70 0 ,/to 3. Monthit v • 00 2' do '• 6 '• • • 6'oo' 2 'do ''• 12 monthe' • • .sir 10 00 3do 3 months , .•; 600 3 do , 6 months • 900 3do 12 nuniths, • ' 12 00 5 do or hatfavotumni 6 months' 12 00 5 do or half n column, 12 months 20.00 10 do or One cdlmmn, . 6 tnonthe 20 00 10 do or one boluthn, 12 months • 30 00 • Books, Jobs and Blanks • Of every description, printed in the very bat sty ld and on the shortest notice, at the COUNTRY JOOL. GAR Office. ted herself with Marked propriety: 'ln, the month of; May last, she'married. a sai, tor, named McKaig, who, shortly after the interesting ceremony was performed,. ship ! . ped in the U. S. ship Independence; bound ! for the Mediteranean. Previous to his departure, he left an allotment licket, of half pay to her, at the office of'Williain. Sloanaker, Esq., Navy Agent. In conse quence of her 'marriage ' she left the fami , ly of Mr. Hanson, and has been living in different places since that time. Shoal., ways acted an honest part towards those, with whom she lived. About six weeks or two months. ago, she, ' engaged to do,work in the kitchen, at the, Hotel, comer of Ninth street and Lodge alley, and it was here that Lewis Rod saw her for the first time. He was struck, with her beauty, made certain advances, and of ected.to be deeply in love with her. She did not divulge her marriage to any, one about the establishment, and the.-ad= vances made by Rod, up to a, certain time, were not improper. He finally grew more desperate, and finding that she . would not yield to his desires, ho became cross and sullen, and exhibited considerable jealousy if any other men about the place happened to speak to her. If she went from the kitchen up to the yard, he dogged her' footsteps; and even went so far as to go to one of her acquain.; tances, where he made groat pretenti94 of love for her. She did not..return:ink passion; and consequently ho would der her about as though she was a mem serf, and treat her with indignity. ThO report that ho had illicit intercourse with her, is not founded iii fact. It was in con- sequence of repelling his dishonorable at. tempts, that he became angry with her, Such were the gross insults heaped Upon her, that two weeks ago, she expressed .; desire to a friend, to quit the place, r was on the look-out for an engagemet: a respectable family, at the time she s the final blow. A strong aspect in the case is, defended and sustained her own honor, several occasions; and finally, in a leo : , ment of madness, goaded to that 1•64 t. when forbearance ceases to be a vtrra-.- • by the very man who would have r0‘.,,);.1 her of her reputation, she plunged into his bosom, and he fell a corps. She was committed to prison Irt, fl ,loay by the Mayor, on ltr own c011!'e.5 , -.4):1,,-- T She did not intend to kill him, nor dick expect to _receive a fatal blow when, he bared his breast, and taunted her to strike him. -; . . Russx_ix I, 7 exonANce.—Be d in the chapel was a rack, and on both aides of the rack were several rows, of ,gallows some miles in length, and. instruments of torture ready for the unfortunate victims: The punishment were in accordance with the degree of culpability and station in society of the rebels. In the first row of gallows the most guilty were executed,: af ter being subject to the rack they were quartered alive. The leaders had their hands and left leg cutoff, and afterward impaled on long spikes, end left to their horrible fate: Their groans was heard for miles, and their bodies feasted the eyes of the panic stricken population. In the second row of gallows they were only quartered, & their sufferings were aileast shorter. In tho third row the partiesylere simply beheaded. In the fourth row they were merely hanged. In the fifth they ran the gauntlet and tho knot. All the ecclesiastics were burned. There .wore separate gallon s for women, and rnaidens: Even children of thirteen years were sub ject to great cruilty. Married Coup* were occasionally litinged on the. same gallows, as ,well as whole, families.' Du ring the space of three months, iamto human beings were executed, in Preaelied of Deglonrouki. Stenkq Resin's neplieW and. particular friend was quartered. . mong the female prisoners was a liadserrie nun, who over her female garrxiente,had a male attire. She commandedn carhs of 7,000 men, gave more than settee proefs of extraordinary courage and ;teat abili ty in the field, and •inflicted terrible loss.. es On the ' Russians . When summoned before Dolgorouki, she displayed a'fiiii ness and presence of mind •difficultio.de: scribe,nild said, if every orie'iinder cernmand had done 'his ditty ,Stieli.'a manner as she had dene; in stead of erecting gallOWsi would litiVoTa ken to hie heels.. As foci a nun in Russia 'to run away from a monasterYien'eapitat 'offence, she lay down quietly on the • fa acrid pile, and Was burned ,tonsll66-- The 'dangling dead 'bodies 'of 'so .nitiny• thousand_ veterans . brought many erows• and ravens, which 'devoured . thes.,:cor'pses.., Prein that time that subitrh Was called the suburb' of The the Uk it ' GOLD BY LETTER.—The - stelitilet Env pire City brought Over eleven .tliousund lettere from Among, ,them were several neutlx Betvtcl 114neti d: erected tt , ticr . :Nytghing gres,. irec a Dorn four to sWeen utte -'were !) it ritaxAtepre4l46i64fiv.elt , r: 4 6,1 'es . ; - 7 1 1 : a. " ;11'1 is . I 1, MEI