The Country dollar. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1849-1851, September 21, 1849, Image 1

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" 4 ' 4
HEMF'HILL, 5 "4- Propws,
1 2111= 4110 1 :012MAT ar,komixieta
A.,Weekiy Paper, will be publish 4 at th
1 YEAR IN 0 DO 1 50
I YEAR IN 9 DO 175
1 YEAR IN 12 DO 2 00
: (ittr IVO paper will be sent to those whoi
pay in advance after the expiration of the
time paid for..
.• (NJ' All letters on business • connected
with the office, to receive attention, must be'
post paid.
A little more than a year after the peri
od when adverse circumstances—chiefly
the result ,of my own reckless follies—
compelled me to enter the ranks of the
'metropolitan police, as the sole means left
me of procuring food and raiment, the at
tention of one of the principal chiefs of the
force was attracted towards me by the in
genuity and boldness which I was suppos
ed to, have manifested in hitting upon and
unravelling a clue which ultimately led to
the conviction and punishment of the per
petmtors of an artistically contrived fraud
upon an eminent tradesman in the West
End of London. The chief sent for me ;
and after a somewhat lengthened conver
sation, not only expressed approbation of,'
my conduct in the particular matter under
discussion, but hinted that he might short-H
I‘,.if need my services in other 'affairs re
quiring intelligence and resolution.
"I- think' i have met you before," he re
marked with a meaning smile on dismiss
ing me, "when you occupied n different
position front your present one? Do not
alarm yourself; I have no wish to pry un
necessarily into other men's secrets; Wa
ters is a name common enough in all ranks
of kid*, and I may, you know"---here
the told smile deepened in ironical expres
sion•—"be mistaken. At all events, the
testimOnyof the gentleman whose recom
mendation obtained you admission :to the
forcel have looked into the matter since
heard of your behavior in the late busi,
nesS—is a sufficient guarantee that noth
ing more serious than imprudence and fol
ly` can be laid to your charge. I have
neither right nor inclination to inquire fur
ther. To-morrow, in all probability, I
ahall send for you."
I came to the conclusion, as I walked
horneward, that the chiefs intimation of
haying previously met me in another
sphere of life was a random and unfoun
ded one, as I had seldom visited London
inmy prosperous clays, and still more rare.
ly mingled in its society. My wife, how
ever, to Ivhon - fof coarse related the sub
stance of the conversation, reminded me
that he had once been at Doncaster dur
ing the races; and suggested that he might
possibly have seen and noticed me there.
This was a sufficiently - probable explana
tion of the hint; but whether the correct
one or not, I cannot decide; as he *never
afterwards alluded to the subject, and I had
notthe slightest wish to renew it.
Three• days elapsed before I received
the expected summons. On waiting on
him, I was agreeably startled to find that I
was to be at once employed on a mission
which the most sagacious and experienced
of detective officers would have felt honor
ed to undertake.
"Here is a written description of the
persons of this gang of blacklegs, swind
lers and gamblers," concluded the com
missioner, summing up his instructions.—
"It be your object to discover their
private haunts, and secure legal evigence
of their nefarious practices. 'We have been
hitherto bathed, principally, I think, thro'
the too hasty zeal'of the officers employed
you must especially avoid that error.--
arc practiced scoundrels; and it will
require considerable patience, as well as
acumen, to unkennel and bring them to
justice. One of their more recent victims
is young . Mr. Merton, son, by a former
marriage, of the Dowager Lady Everton. 4
Her ladyship has applied to us for assis
tance in extricating him from the toils in
which he is meshed. You will call on her
at five o'clock this allernoon.---in plain
glotbeS of course—and obtain whatever
information she may be able to afford.—
Remember to communicate directly with
me ; and" anyassistanCe you may require
shall be promptly rendered." With these
and a few other minor directions, needless
to recapitulate, I was dismissed to a task
-Which, difficult and possibly perilous as it 1
pight,prove, I hailed as a delightful relief
from the wearing monotony and dull rou
sine of ordinary duty.
hastened home ; and atter dressing
;with: great care—the best part of my Ward ,
,robe Int& been fortanately saved by Emily
froni: the ;wreck of my fortunes,-4 pro
acceded to tLady .Everton's mansion. I
wanimmediately marshalled to the draw
rig:room, whore I found her ladyship and
her daughter,a ;beautiful, fairy-looking
girlantaiting my arrival. :Lady Everto,O
appeared;greittly surprised at my appear
.Anceofifferuig, as T dare: say it altogether
did, firm her abStract idea of a policeman,
hewever , attired or disguised ;• and it was
pet until she had perused the note of which
tiwai lhe; bearer,L that her haughty and it}-
credulous '.Stare ! became . mitigated ,to a
glance ;Ofloity .condeseendent civility,
- Seated, , IWers," said , her
ship; waving: mate ;;,"This, note.
infarniarne that, ! you have been selected
fin. the duty endeavoring: to extricate
MylsOn from the; perilousientanglementa in
whichthe lias..unhappilyioVolved'hinuelf."
-*OMB .aboOt: to.repplyL. for,;l. was silly
enough td ;feel Somewhat,nettled ;at the rio- .
t ble lady ihaugbti aess :of xxianner,:that I
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Volume I.
was engaged in the public service of ex
tirpating a gang of swindlers with whom
her son had involved himself, and was
there to procure from her ladyship any
information sho might be possessed of,
likely to forward so desirable a result; but
fortunately the remembrance of my actual
position, spite of my gentleman's attire,
flashed vividly upon my mind ; and in
stead klf permitting my glib tongue to wag
irreverently in the presence of a right hon
orable, I bowed with deferential acquies-
Her ladyship proceeded, and I in sub
stance obtained the following inforniation :
Mr. Charles Merton, during the few I
months which had elapsed since the at
tainment of his majority, had very literal
ly "fallen amongst thieves." A passion
for gambling seemed to have taken entire
possession of, his soul, and his haggard!
and feverish life was passed at play. A
run of ill luck, according to his own be
in very truth a run of downright
robbery—had "set in against him, and he
had not only dissipated all the ready mo
which he had inherited, and the large
sums which the foolish indulgence of his
lady mother had supplied him with, but,
had involved himself in Loads, bills, and
other obligations to a frightful amount.—
principal agent in effecting this ruin
was one Sandford—a man of fiishionable
and dashing exterior, and the_ pros'
spirit of the knot of desperadoes WIIOI 7 I
11 ,
was commissioned to hunt out. Stran e
to say, Mr. Merton had the blindest reli- 1
ance upon this man's honor; and even
now--tricked, despoiled as he had been by
him and his gang—relied upon his counte
nance anti assistance for escape from the
desperate position in which he was involv
ed. The Everton estate had passed, in
default of male issue, ton distant relative of
thelate lord. Lady Eyck-toll's jointure was
not a very large one, and her son had been
permitted .to squandor sums which should
have been devoted to the discharge of
claims which were now pressed harshly a
gainst her. _
I listened with the deepest interest to
Lady Everton's narrative. Repeatedly,
during the course of it, as she incidentally
alluded to.the manners and appearance of
Sandford, who had been introduced by.
Mr. Merton to his mother and sister, a
suspicion, which the police papers had first
awakened, that the gentleman in question
was an old acquaintance of my own, and
1 1 one, moreover, whose favors I was ex
tremely desirous to return in kind, flash
ed with increased conviction across my
mind. This surmise I of course kept to
myself; and after emphatically cautioning
the ladies to keep our proceedings a pro
found secret from Mr. Merton, I took my
leave, amply provided with the resources
requisite for carrying into effect the scheme
which I had resolved upon. I also arran,-
ged that, instead of waiting personally on I
. her ladyship, which might excite observa
tion and suspicion, I should report pro
gress by letter through the rPosf.
"If it should be he I" thought I, 'as I e
merged into the street. The bare' suspi
cionhad sent the blood through'lny veins
with furious violence. "If this Stin_dibrd
be, as I suspect, that villain Cardon, suc
cess will indeed be a triumph—victory !!,--
Lady 4erton need not in that case seek'
to animate my zeal by promises of money
recompense. A blighted existence, a
young and tender wife' by his means cast
down from opulence to sordid penury,
would stimulate the dullest craven that ev
er crawled the earth, to energy andaction.
Pray Heaven my suspicion prove ,Correct ;
and then, oh_ mine enemy, look well to
yourself, for the avenger is at your heels!"
Sandford, 1 had been instructed, was
usually present at the Italian Opera during
the ballet: the box he generally occupied
was designated in the memoranda of the
police ; and as I saw by the bills that a ve
ry successful piece was to be performed
that evening I determined on' being pres
I entered the house a few minutes past
ten o'clock, just after commencement of
the ballet, and looked eargerly around.—
The box in •which I was instructed to seek
my man was empty. The momentary
disappointment was soon repaid. Five
minutes had not elapsed when Cordon,
looking mom insolently triumphant than
ever, entered arm in arm with a pale aris
tocratic looking young man, whom I had
no difficulty, from his striking resemblance
to a portrait in Lady Everton's drawing : .
room, in deciding to be Mr. Merton. My
course of action was at once determined
on. Pausing only to master the emotion
which the sight of the glittering reptile in
whose poisonous folds I had been involved
and crushed inspired, I passed to the op
posite side of the house, and boldly enter
ed the box. Pardon's back was towards
lie, 110 I tapped him lightly on the shoul
der. He turned quickly found ; and if 'a
basilisk had confronted him, he could
scarcely Jtave .exhibitecl greater terror and
siirprise., My aspect, nevertheless, was
studiously bland and conciliating, and my
outstretched hand seemed to invite a re.
newal .of our old friendship.
"Waters!" he at, last stammered, feebly
accepting my' proffered grasp--" who
vvould liave tirught of meeting yon,hexer
'"Not you, certainly,. since you itake at
Clearfield, Pa., Septeinitlier 21, 18419.
an old friend as if ho were some frightful
goblin about to swallow you. Really"—
"Hush l Let us speak together •in the
lobby. An old friend," ho added in an
swer to Mr, Merton's surprised stare.—
"We will return in an instant." '
"Why, what is all this, Waters ?" said
Cordon, recovering his wanted sangfroid
the instant we were alone, "I understood
you had retired from amongst us ; were
in fact—what shalll say ?
"Ruined—L-done' up! Nobody should
know that better than you."
"My good fellow, you do not imagine"—
"I imagine nothing, my der . Cordon.
I was very thoroughly dono- 7 doice'biawn,
as it is written in the vulgar tone. But
fortunately my kind old uncle"—
"Passgrove is dead I" replied my old
acquaintance, eagerly jumping to a eon
elusion, "and you are his heir ! I congrat
ulate you my dear fellow. This . is indeed
a charming reverse of circumstances.' "
"Yes, but mind, I have given up the old
game. No more dice devilry for me. I
have promised Emily never even to touch
a card again."
The cold, hard eye of an incarnate fiend
—lie was little else--gleamed mockingly
as these "good intentions" of a practiced
gamester fell upon his car; but he only re
plied, "Very good ; quite right, my dear
boy. But come let me introduce. you to
Mr. Merton, a highly connected personage,
I assure you. By the by, Waters," he
added in a caressing, confidential tone,
'''my name, for family and other reasons,
which I will hereafter explain to you, is
for the present Sandford !"
"Sandford!" -
"Yes :do not forget. But allon sor the
ballet will be over."
I was introduced in due form to Mr.
Merton as an old and esteemed friend,
whom he—Sandford—had not seen for
many months; At the conclusion of the
ballet, Sandford proposed that we should
adjourn to the European Coffee house,
nearly oppo.4ite. This was agreed to, and
out wo sallied. At the top of the staircase,
we jostled against the commissioner, who,
like us, was leming the house. He bow
ed slightly to Mr. Merton's apology, and
his eye wandered briefly and coldly over
our persons; but not . the faintest sign of
interest or recognition escaped him. I
thought it possible he did not know the in
my changed apparel ; but looking back af
ter descending a few steps, I was quickly
undeceived. A sharp, swift glance, ex
pressive both of encouragement and sur
prise, shot out from under bis penthouse
brows, and as swiflly vanished. He did
not know how little I needed spurripg to
the goal we had both in view !
We discussed two of 'three bottles of
wine with much gaity and relish. Sand
ford especially was in exhuberant spirits ;
brimming over with brilliant anecdote and
sparkling i badinage, Ho saw in me a fresh,
rich prey, told his'enger spirit revelled 1,,,y
anticipation in the victory which`he mStli'-
ing doubted to obtain over
.my "excellent
intentions and wife-pledged virtue. About
half-past twelve o'clock he proposed to
adjourn. This was eagerly assented to
by Mr. Merton, who had for some time ex
,liihited unmistakable symptoms of impa
tience and unrest.
•: 4; YOU will accompany us, Waters ?" said
Sandford, as wo rose to depart. "There
is, I suppose, no vow.registered in the mat
rimonial archives against looking at a
game played by Others"
"Oh no; but don't. to play."
"Certainly not;" and a devilish sneer
curled his lip. "Your virtue shall suffer
no temptation, lie assured." • ,
We soon arrived before the door of a
quiet, respectable looking house, in one of
the streets leading from the Strand ; a low,
peculiar knock, given by Sandford, was
promptly answered ; then a password,
which I did not catch, was whispered by
him through the key-hole, arid we passed
We proceeded up stairs to the first floor,
the shutters of which were carefully clos
ed, so that no intimation of what was go;
ing on could possibly reach the • street.—
The apartment was brilliantly lighted ; a
roulette table and dice and cards were in
full activity ; wine and liquors of all vari
eties were profusely paraded. There were
about halfa dozen persons present. I soon
discOvered besides the gang, and that com
prised eleven or twelve well dressed des
peradoes whose sinister aspects inducgd a
momentary qualth lest one or more of the
pleasant party might suspect or recognize
my vocation. 'This, however, I reflected,
was scarcely possible. My beat during
the short period I had been in the force,
was far distant :from the usual haunt's of
such gentry, and I was otherwise unknown
in London. Still, questioning- glances
were eagerly directed . towards my intro
ducer; and ono big burly -feliw, a ibXelgrl
er,-,the rascals were the scum of vario6s
countries—was very unpleasantly. inquisi
torial. "Xen, rerom/1,7' I itear4 Sandford
say in answer to his iterated queries; and
he added-something in a whisper which
brought a sardonic sir& to the fellow's
lips, and induced a total change in!his de
meanor, towards myself. This was leas.;
airing; for though provided with 'Pistols,
I should, I felt, have littlechance•with such
utterly reckless rtifftarts deo those bit whom
I was surrounded. Play was proposed; ~
and though at first stoutly refusing, I feign
ed to be gradually overcome by irresisti
ble temptation,.and sat down to blind haz
ard with my foreign friend for modern
stakes. I was graciously allowed to win;
and in the end found myself richer in dev
money by about ten pounds. Mr. Mer- i
ton was soon absorbed in the chances of
the dice, and Jost large sums, for which,
when the money'he had brought with him ;
was exhausted, lie gave written acknowl- ;
edgments. Tho cheating practised upon
him was really audacious; and anyone!,
but a trio must have repeatedly detected it.
He, however; appeared not to—entertain
the slightest suspicion of the play"
of his opponents, guiding himself entirely
by the advice of his friend and counsellor,
Sandford, who did not hiMself play. The
amiable assemblage broke up about six in
the morning, each person retiring singly
by the back way, receiving, as he depart
ed, a new fassword for the next evening.
A few hours afterwards, J waited on the /
commissioner to report the state of affairs.
He was delighted with the fortunate debut
I had made, but still strictly enjoined pa
tience and caution. It would have been
easy, as I was in rossossien 'of the pass- ,
word, to have surprised the confederacy
in the act of gaming that very evening;
but this would only have accomplish6d a
part_of the object aimed at. Several of
the fraternity--Earid ford among the num- 1
ber—were suspected of uttering forged for
eign bank notes, and it was essential to
watch narrowly for legal evidence to in
sure their conviction. It was also desira
ble to restore, if possible, the property and
pecurities of which Mr. Merton had been
Nothing of especial importance occur
red for seven or eight days. Gaming went
on as usual every evening, and mr. Mer
ton became of course more and more in
volved : even his sister's jewels—which he
had surreptitiously obtained, to such a
depth of degredation will this frightful vice
plunge men otherwise honorable—had been
staked and lost, and he was, bythe advice
of Sanford, about to conclude • &heavy
mortgage on . his estate, in order not only
to cleat. off his enormous "debt of honor,"
but to acquire fresh means of "winning
back".—that ignus faturts of all gamblers
—his tremendous losses! A new prelimi
nary "dodge" was, I observed, now bro't
into action, 11r, Merton esteemed him
self a knowing hand at matte: it was in
troduced ; and he was permitted to win ev
, .
cry game he played, much to the appar
ent annoyance and discomfiture of the lo
•sers. As this was precisely the snare in
to which I had myself fallen, I of course
the more readily detected it, and felt quite
satisfied that agrand coup was meditated.
In the meantime I had not been idle. San
ford was confidentially informed that I
was only waiting in London to receive be
tween' four and five thousand pounik—
part of Uncle Passgrove's legacy—& then
intended immediately to hasten back to
canny Yorkshire. To have seen the vil
lain's eye as I incidentally, as it were an
nounced my errand and intention ! He
fairly flashed with infernal glee ! Ali, San
ford, Sanford! you were, with all your
cunning, but a sand-blind idiot to believe
the man you had wronged and ruined
could so easily forget the debt he owed
The crisis came swiftly on, Mr. Mer
ton's mortgage money was to be paid on
the morrow; and on that day, too, I an
'Pounced the fabulous thousands receivable
by nie were to be handed over. Mr. Mer
ton,.elated by his repeated triumphs at e
carte, and prompted by his friend Sanford,
`resolved, instead of cancelling the bonds &
obligations held by the conspirators, to re
deem his losses by. staking-on that game
his ready moony, against those
This wait at first demurred to wig Hutch
apparent earnestness by the winners; but
Mr. Merton warmly seconded by "Sand
ford, insisting upon the concession, as he
deemed - it, it was finally agreed that ecarte
should be the game by „. • which he might
hope to rgain the fortune and the peace of
mind he had so rashly squandered; the
last time, should he be successful—& was
he pot sure of success 7—he assured Sand
ford, that he would never again handle
cards or dice. He should have heard the
mocking merriment with which the gang
heard Sandford repeat this resolution to a
mend his ways—when he had recovered
back his wealth!
The day so eagerly longed for by Mor
ton and the confederates—by the spoilers
and their prey—arrived; and I awaited
with feverish anxiety the coming on of
night. Only the chief conspiratOrs-8 in
number--:were . to he present; arid no stran
ger except myself.-- ' a privilege I owed to
the rnoonshini3 legacy. I had just received
—was to be admitted to this crowningtri
umph of successful fraud. One only hint
I had ventured to give Mr. Merton, and
that under a promise, "on his honor as a
gentleman," of inviolable secrecy. It was
this:—"se sure, before- commencing play
to-morrow pight, that the bonds and obli
gations you have 'signed, the, jewels 'yin
have.lost,' with ti sum in notes or gold to
make up an ..epival amount to that which
You met* to risk; is.rictually deposited 'on
thp iable; o . Ho prOpiged to =insist- on Ms
Niumber 13.
condition. It invellyed much more than'
he dreampt of.
My arrangements were at length thor
oughly complete; and a few minutes past
twelve o'clock the whispered password ad
mitted me info the house. An angry al
tercation was going on. Mr. Merton was
insisting, as I had advised, upon tilt exhi
bition of a sum equal to that which he had
brought with him—for, confident • of win
ning, he was determined to recover his
Tosser to the last farthing; and 'although
his bonds, bills, obligations, his sister's
jewels, and a large amount in gold & gen
uine notes, were produced, there was still
a heavy sum deficient. "Ah, by the by,"
exclaimed Sandford as I entered, "Waters
can lend you the sum for an hour or two—
for a consideration," he added in a whis
per. "It will soon be returned."
"No, thank you," I answered coldly.
"I never part with my money till I have
lost it," A malignant scowl passed over i
the scoundrel's features; but he made no
reply. Ultimately it was decided that one
of the fraternity should be despatched in
search of the respired amount. He was
gone about half an hour, and returned o ith
a bundle of notes. They were, as I hoped
and expected, forgeries on foreign banks.
Mr. Merton looked at and counted them ; 1
and play commenced.
As it went on, so vividly did the scene I
recall the evening that. had sealed my own
ruin, that I grew dizzy with excitement,
and drained tumbler after tumbler of wa
ter to allay the fevered throbbing of my',
veins. The gamblers were fortunately too I
much absorbed to heed my agitation.—;
Merton lost continuously-a-without pause!
or intermission. The stakes were doub
led—trebled—quadrupled! His brain was
on fire; and he played, or rather lost, with
the recklessness or a madman.
"1-lurk! what's that ?" suddenly ex
claimed Sandford, from whose Satanic fea
tures the mask he had so long worn be
fore Merton had been gradually slipping.
finid you not hear a noise below 1"
My ear had caught the sound; and I
could better interpret it than he. It ceas
"Touch the signal bell, Adolphe," ad
ded Sandford.
Not only the play, but the very brcpth
ing of the villains was suspended as they
listened for the reply.
•It came. The answering tinkle sound
ed once—twice—three. "All right !" shou
ted Sandford. "Proceed ! The farce is
nearly played out."
I had instructed the officers that two of
them in plain clothes should present them
selves at the front door, obtain admission
by means of the password I had given
- them, and immediately seize and gag the
doorkeeper. I had also acquainted them
with the proper answer to the signal-ring
—three distinct pulls at the bell-handle
communicating with the first floor. Their
comrades were then to be admitted, and
they were all to silently ascend the stairs,
and wait on the landing till summoned by
me to enter and seize the gamesters. The
back entrance to the house was also se
curely but unobtrusively watched.
One only fear disturbed me ; it was lest
the scoundrels should take alarm in suffi
dent time to extinguish the lights, 'des
troy the forged papers, and possibly es- ! I
cape by some private passage l ~ 'hicl► might,
unknown to me, exist.
Rousing myself, as soon as the play
was resumed, from the trance of memory
by which I had been in some sort absorb
ed, and first ascertaining that the handles
of my pistols were within easy reach—for
I knew I was playing a desperate game
with desperate men—l rose, stepped care
lessly to the door, partially opened it, and
heft forward, as if listening for a repeti
tion of the sound which had so alarmed
the company. To my great delight the
landing up stairs was filled with police of
ficers—silent and stern as death.. I drew
back, and walked towards .the table at .
which Mr. Merton was seated. The last
stake—an enormous one,--was being play
ed for. Merton lost. Ho sprang upon
his feet, death-pale, despairing, overwhelm
ed, and a hoarse execration surged through
his clenched teeth. Sandfol&and his as
sociates coolly raked the plunder together,
their features lighted up with fiendish glee.
" Villain !—traitor!—miscreant!" shrie
ked Mr. Merton, as if smitten with sudden
frenzy, and darting .at Sandford's throat;
lu . , devil that you are, have undone, de
sVoyed me!'
6 N 9 doubt of it," calmly replied Sand
ford, shaking off his victim's grasp ; 'and I
think it has been very. artistically and ef
fectually done too. Snivelling, my fine
fellow, will scarcely help. you much.
Mr. Merton glared upon the taunting
-villain in . speechless agony and ragq.
"Not quite:. Oro . fast, Oardon i
please," I exclaimed, at the same time ta
king up a bundle of forged notes. 'lt does
not appear to roe that Mr. Morton has
played againstequal stakes, for unquestion
ably this paper is not
"Dog J 1 roared Sandford, 'do you hold
your life so 'cheap?' and ho .ruslied tow,
ards me, as if to seize the forged notes..
:I was:as 'quick as he, and the levelled
tube of a pistofsharply.arreSted his eager
onslaught. The entire: - gang gathered
near- us,: , tiorning: with ,oxcitilinept;.:...M.ii
n or. of 15 linettrloss,t i4seitic4.• Sp 541
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• Egehtuilerintinitortioß, . 025
1 do' . 3 numthis - - 450
1 do 6 months ' ' 400
1 do 12 months • 7 00
2 do -3 months • .500
2do 6 month 'B' oo
2 do 12 months _ 10 00
3do 3 inontAt • • . • --
3 do 6 months , . • 9.0,7
3 do 12 months . 12 00
5 do or liqf a coluhm, C, months. 'l9 00
6 do or half 0 coiamo,l 2 melds. 20 00
10 do or one column, 6 months , • '2O 00,-
10 do or one column, 12'montho -30 po
Books, Jobs end' Blanks
Ofevery description, punted ni the very 84i(stple,
and on (he shortest notice ; at Mc' COUli 7 4 40:1)1511 4 .
LAU Ofice . '• • .
Merton looked _bewilderedly from one to
another, apparently scarcely conscious of
what was passing around him. •
'Wrench thb papers - from him l' scream
ed Standford, recovering his energy, 'seize
him—stab, strangle him P .
'Look to yourself, scoundrel!' I shout
ed with equal vehemence. 'Your'' hour is
come ! Officers, enter and do your duty!'
In an instant the room - was filled with
police; and surprised, panic-stricken, par
alyzed by the suddenness of the catastro
phe, the gang were all secured without the
slightest resistance, though most of them
were armed, and marched off in custody.
Three—Sandford, or Cordon; but he
had half a dozen aliases, one of theta.
was transported for life; the rest were sen
tenced to various terms of imprisonment,
My task was effectually accomplished.—
My superiors were pleased to express vic e
ry warm commendation of the manner in
which . I had acquitted myself; and the first.
step in the promotion which ultimately led
to my present position in another branch
of the public service, which was soon af
terwards conferred upon me. : Mr. Mer
ton had his bonds, obligations, jewels, and
money restored to him ; and, taught wis
dom by terrible experience, never again
entered a gaining-house. Neither he nor:
his lady-mother was ungrateful for the ser- -. '"'
vice I had been fortunate enough to ren
der them.
Penutiful Sentiments,
John G. Whittier, the Quaker Poet,
in writing about the Irish emigrants a
mong us, says:—
"For myself, I Confessthat I feel a sym
pathy for the Irishman: I see him as the
representative of a generous, warm-hear
ted, and cruelly oppressed people. That
he loves his native land-4hat his , patriot
ism is divided—that he cannot forget the
claims of his mother Island—that his re.
ligion, with all ofits abuses, is dear toitim
—does not decrease my estiniation of him,
A stranger in a strange land, he is to me
always an object of interest. The poorest
and ruflest has a romance in his history,
Amidst all his apparent gaity of heart unit
national drollery and wit, the, poor emi
grant has sad thoughts ofthe 'ould mother
of him,' sitting lonely in her solitary cabin
• by. the bog side—recollections of a father's
blessing, and a sister's farewell, arehaun
ting him—a grave mound in a distant
churchyard, far beyond the 'wide wathers,'
has an eternal greenness in his memory-7
for there, perhaps, lies a 'darlint child,'
or a 'swate crather' who once loved hint,
—the New World is forgotten for the mo;
ment—blue Killarny and the Liffy spar
kle before him—Glendalonghstretelies be
neath hen its dark still mirror . --he Sees
the same evening sunshine rest upon,and
hallow alike with Nature's blessing the
ruins of the Seven Churches of Ireland's
apostolic age, the broken mound of the
Druids, and
. the Round Towers of the
Phoenician sun-worshippers,—beautiful
mournful reelillections of his home wa
ken within him—and the rough and see
mingly light-hearted laborer melts into
tears. It is no light thing to abandon
one's own country and household gocl..
Touching and beautiful was the injunction
of the Prophet of the Hebrews : 'Ye shall
not oppress the stranger, for , ye know tlte
heart of the stninger, seeing that yo were
stranffers in the land of Egypt.'"
Luncrthu) luspe,
Gaillardct writes as follows to
the Courier des Etats of this city, from
which paper we translato,fors the Tribune.
His letter is dated Nris, August 16 :
Last week M. deLamerlirie ....10L as
sembled at his table several of his tritiinate
friends, before leaving for the Cote d'Or,
where he has °tiered for salclris paternal
estate, which fortune does not permit him
to retain. The author of thti "Girondists'.'
seemed absent 'minded, but this sad' pre
oCcupation was easily attribtited to, the
hard extremity to which he was reduced,
and to the physical pains ofan..acinn rhe
umatism, which had preventOlis appear r
luxe at the National Assembly 'since hiS
. .
This illustrious invalid took soup with
his guests, and .then caused himself
served with it three times more in sucess,
ion, as if\ he had taken nothing at all.—
After that, during the whole repast, ho
wore a sad and dreamy air, and touched
nothing until a plate of nzerringues d
creme was placed under. his eye. At the
sight of this dainty, .his brow cleared and
he drew the plate toward him, examined
it With a look of appetite, and thensuddew
ly began to rub his hands with the cream,
and lathered his whole' face with it. This
act of derangement struck with stupor the
guests and his.tearful Wife, "who . instantly
rendered all possible care to'the spfrerer,
A physician was ,called, and ail presort
were beseught to keep Secret what after
all may of an amide - Mal and tempos
mry aberration. Tim insanity of 'termer;
tine would'be not only . , a, tnisfortune,-;but
a sort of a 'dishonor for '.entire. humanity l
struck in one ofiti most
trations. Every intelligence would
cline to- mistrust itself, and Would
self in grime sea shaken by the k' S A
Lamertine,„' •