• ..~ i'~' . T,i„', on Goingio the Show! his Is ihe prevailing question. among just now. Go where' you iing, noon,• or night; and this'is the ition,, with them. The reason for, it ill he discoyered,oli looking at ItAymAi litz‘ Co's, advertisement in this paper. The Ever 7 Meaiorable Fourth. '‘.r,6lßik , :cinniversary , of our National Vic. ..,3ylence was. aPprePriatelY comment -, y,our.,. ) ;ibbrith,Bclieols, and a large ~-' • nt - o ,li s i t of others : • They rtrt in the Meth "i„,,l" • • • - • , , , • addret icli ' in, the -, morning, witett- ail, AI N - It ' l ' % - ,ii i ):', , A delivered by the Rev. Mr. whence n procession '8:1 5 formed and•V i about half4. n liVta a' delightful_ groce Therarefreshmenat,!P west of town.- - •`.vided; and being' verf plentifully pro' • -.• ' • .41, 1 / 4 le (*-,-0,7). W 144,1101 BIGLER, of Clearfield ai l " o rr a t I ' satisfaction to all who pa gaYe. ample iuk an p cl a i r n t tlue pa nt s ial d dinner, Ihe iimithrtal Declank ed * After c b °"ll ' ' ' ltte, De ili t h e Ili ; !..-...... . ineic ,, er o pendencp was read. by Dr. A.`tr,, this place on Tuesday more on his way and 'tin address delivered by thell.. ll . to the Palls. BriiiM g his politics, he is Lin the children, I\nr. unexceptionable gentle ; . . MI-11J' m.l. Including.- - .4 trinsW,P l :loc \‘.° . (I..rosr.,ctablo bil was 'a very large nuninertraltentu7ce. itics, and entitled' tei'Specitit credit fcAts: .. . . ,- e spiritedcitizen the neighborhood lii 'ining himself by dint of leis own unaided en ergies from the situation of a poor, friend of Wolf Run'alge had a celebration. They • • less Printer's boy to Ms present elevated hAd ' a ler "h - ands - 'the . ge gat enng, pent daYpositioninthepublicestimation.Wher • Way pleasantly. Addresses were deliver- ever we find such a man, whether Whig . _ . ed by 'the ' Rev. M.• T. MEnWnv and Mr. or Democmt, we are disposed to yield hint Tnoatis FurroN. , , the . humble tribute of our respect and ap - - - - 4' Tl=l There was another party celebrating theday, we understand, on the Ridge ; bu( as - We have heard none of the particular's of their proceedings; as well as of parties in,Other sections of . the county, we can giite no further account of them. The day was delightful. The morning threatened min, and continued cloudy till towiiirdsillemiddle of the'day, when, the clouds (4appearing, the afternoon, - being neither too . .warm nor too cold for corn fort, Was as pleas* as the most patriotic could desire a Fourth of July to be. • Nyc. make no apology' tor:tig,ttin filling four or five columns of our paper with the highly interesting intelligence • from the Old World.; It, will richly, repay an. at tentive' pernsual. ; ;ti in e• What a scourging the people of Europe are receiving ! From east to ivest; from north to south, they seem to be on the ve ry verge of a tremendous cOmmetiOn; for ; believe'it those who may;. we are . 'not yet cgOdulons enough to, Mink:that .the pople of France will suffer their President to be made, the instrument in the hands of Em perofs and Kings to put down that spirit of republicanism , ,all over Europe which they:theinselVes , were the first to establish, without a struggle that may jnvolve the .whole civilized world. Bome, following the example set her by the French nation, and no doubt , calculating confidently on thtii4yr*thyrifnpt, indeed,din the assis tance of the French people, stripped, the Pope, 'their temporal . Governor, or his tOniieral power, and established a Bepub lic after the French model. But instead 44sympathy and assistance from Franee, y. ge, visited by an:overpowering army ,tench' soldiers, l " who come, not to as and "fmterruze - " with. the_ republicans 41,t0 repel the invading hosts of•Aus but, with .fire and, sword, to kill. and • t:iy, Shouting as they advance, "Lib? is not for you l' Yeti must continue oar 't yelter' This • , NY° Say,' 'is' the' feature in the EnrOpean ' Itadl c4:44044 idoef from.,this unwarninta , inteifimace'• in thci,l .questiort, = is good reason' eying that the ha r yo' found Eurot)e. tierafelthliespeoi)N iorq.longdgm :their liberies. Amtog.dAy,ritton tittlend, nal - human- liberty' and the Tat rights o ilwn ~, - ;every? ' 1 0 4 ;i 0 i!ecCg, >l ' AS it is,;t}e cause of Republiestv. .. dTP4sti aupPritt every shoat, if not, th-blow.' "( • •ti ~ • - the the I,ns d to, MI , tips ,, :'ia' Jul* , oth,er, coutd,f o ffay. t„to thif sollartr.: =I hi.4lgivollf , t ~:pit t oirer ilio 440 4 1 t,.' , , ,, 04; . s p islf, kb:4E7i cip,t vil,l. ~. ... 1 1 . ' ~.-",i , . • t, ' •'. ~~„ ;_.: , - aSsUitanCe in our of. $ get our paper:out within si jno sl r constant !tiler, and -hourstait the Fourth has oc py sdelay ,the publication We hope tole Vetter fixed t;. , N ~~~~~~~`~ n . ``.' .S cfiE bri the : P. M. General. Pxriox to bo Postmatter at ~. in , the.. room or .§Amuia, „removed t namation of tho West Branch ow "intoirupted from a breach in eteek acqueduct. This is a se loss to a number or our merchants 1,0008 . 1 r e . thus delay'ed. , The News .from Europe. '. , :r, l'ho.'Choltra. It ,P . %,- F.• . • ,in resent. our readers withia ''''-' 44 ‘';' . . `, lic holy lendar of the ravages of this ,' y dndful scourge'. The worst, part of it is, tint have but , little reason for h ip .., •.:, ...; ' ' believing ,t it is yet . piirratiaentlY,de: :help, creasing i n t my particular place, unless, v. nti excellent perhaps, kite of i the towns on the lower clad who is de- Mississippi may he art L oxe6ption; and. inting Business. even thereit the cholera is really abating, it . se . erns be only' for the purpose of gill-, ing plac ' the'icqually fatal malady, the yeik l y Ir, of black vomit. , , MI who yet so our'p Ntve It is d hof'Fathet Matthew, the Irish Apostle of Tcri pe rat. e, arrived, at New York on Modoky , la , and has taken- lodgings at tloP6ing Iliuse. . - . ' i . ~ , , II EditMco espr-A Handsome Compliment. . yfe seldo I happen upon , such eon-Innen dable exaa les of editorial dignitOtS'is eX hibitcd In' he two following paragraphs : the first 4rom the.. Erie Gazette . and the other froirithe Crawford Cotinty W7cig 7 *- , ~- both 'leading and , influential organs of tho !Whig party. Some editors seem to have an Idea that duty to their party' forbids the extension of the common . courtesiei of life to a politicai , , opponent. This is radically wrong t and no party can prosper by such a course. Rather let us, in our political contagis, disagree as to principles only.- 7 - 4ould - fliattiitieicititiOn - s - of tliiiia - editors be realized, with, regard to Col. BIGLER and the action of the party to which he is at tacked,. they will no doubt oppose his elec tion;; but it. with a grace and digni ty such as become gentlemen, and such, too, as we hope to see characterize the po litical press every, Nylicro : _ . • , ,- plausca „ Col. BIGLE , it thought by many, be the next Democratic candidate for Governor.---Erie (Whig) Gazette. WlLLinx BtoLta, oPClearfield county, spent a few dayS last week in this plaeoron MD- way-to..Ningarn,Falls___Mr. Bigler is a Very warm and active member of the "Democratic" party, but as a citi zen is entitled to our respect for his private worth as well as his acknowledged talent and ability. , „Our partiality, and friendly feeling is• somewhat strengthened toward him from the fact that he has, risen by his own industry from a printing-office, to his present distinguished attitude. He is ex pected to be the next candidate of our op nents for. Governor in this Staw.--Ilicad vale Whig Jouort.' f,''' Cases. Deaths. Phihulelphia, June 28, 40 13 . • • " 20, 48 9 "1 30,, 48 18 July 1, • 23. 21 , " 2, 05 25 " 3, 66 21 Cincinnati, June 26. The whole num. ber ofdcaths to-day is is about 150. June 27. 137 deaths, of which 98 were from Cholera., Six' ccmetries did not report. JtMe 29. 143 deaths, of which MI were fmtncholem. June 30. 107--81 from cholera. July,l. 99 cholera interments. July,?. 177 dfliths---134 from cholera St. Louis, June 30. Ten cemetries re ported 114 interments-71 from • cholera. July , 1. Ten, bemetries reported 118 interments-95 from cosera. Nett': York, June 28.-60, new cases -25 deaihs. „ . • Ante 29.--30 cases--18 deaths. 'Jung; 30.=88 cases-: 26 cloths.' July 1.-44 cases-19 deaths. July 2.-408 cases-39 deaths. July 3.-24 cases-26 deaths. MetArtcnomr , •OCCURRENCE.—On Sab bath last, while returning from Chinck at Gravetßun,, and crOssing at the mouth .o COnnenuice•Oree4:which was very high in consequence: of . the . heavy rain that morn, its, overflowing, , Was supposed, the bridge,'n'busgy containing Mr: Ash; Miss Ash, and Miss Lacinda Phelps,daughter' of Itr; Theodore, .of Washington township, and Miss Strong; daughterg,of Mr. q.ji. Strong, • of Waterford township, was li*ii)itated iatelhe• water, either by reason of the bridge being gone or by dri ving off it, and sad to ; Nate, all the ladies were drowned. ' Miss - Strong had been en gaged icaching school "in theneighborlipod, o .f Kr: P,helps end 'Mr, Ash. 0 YounwMr:' Ash . ,:whe: drpve the . ' buggy, Was 'saved by, being , W40.1 1 044144.,4 the bridge. • p till Tuesday ,eiewng acme ,of thq bodies except that of Miss Strong had been' found. The 'accident has caused a deep ,sensation• in the - neightterhood' ofits beetrrence.--Br4f CO; ifte, t •ft ' Only $1 I are u number of our citizens, abundantly aide, and who have thin g io' learn, who ,do , not take . . „'r. ' me forward,gentlernen,. we , ;ntY : . roc' fOr all: yotir:nOme.l.' y one ollar in advance... , , . . Progress of the Cholera. Ono of thetitiosi:Strikipg circumstances connected with the iate,French election, is the' fb.ct that such rnen'as 'Fillers and Mole, who wertpninisters pnder Louis Phi Hippo, and both statesmen .1 of talent arid, eneri ence, had Jess,votes by almost, thirty' thOu. sand than two subaltern 6ffic6re of the ar.; my l' oThe lotternlso beat Marshall Buge• aud,bi:inany thousand votes. The peo; ple are: determined to be represented by men of their own choice. They arc right. Two men were hung at Lexington, Ky., on the Ist ult. They intil ' been convicted of the crime of murder, and made a full confession of theirguilt, both before the trial and on the, gallowi3: . , ' THE ROMAN ARMY. The army.of,Freedom in ,Rome ted to 'sixty-three thousand' men at last lit counts. Oen. Otalinot makes 0 mention of the affair ofthe 4th' Of Juno, ivhich cost him so dear. -His despatch says : his men are in the trenches before the city, but that' it will take two weeks before 'they can get in. Sixty-three thousand freemen ought to be able 'to keep out an army.Whfch cannot be faverablyitiffeetal .to 'n contea so imftt mous in all respects.--nsy/vanian. Frii4L'Accinrirr.Matthias Tyson, \VIIO lived about two miles from Elkton, Md., we learn from the' Cecil Democrat, fell from a load of hityj on Saturday week. and dislncilted hiS neck. He lived until Monday evening last when he expired , • Atiothci: Fight with Indians.- , —A fight has occurred on the Santa Fe route between a party 'of Americans under Capt. Chap. man and a body of Apache Indians, in which it is said that the.clief and 200 of his men were killed' • INDIAN Tnovnms.--It is said, in an ex• change paper, that a • large body of the Winnebago_ Indians,, were removed last year,from.the__De.utraL.Ground,inio, wa, to the new country allotted to . them for their .occupittiOn; have lately returned to their old haunt, near Fort Atkinson. 0 - The first discovery of Gold in Cali fornia, it appears, was made by a Jersey man, a native of Lambertville, in 1 . -hinter : don county, who has been in California some six years, and of course long before the territory was Ceded to . the U. States. SUMMER Evu.s.—Mad . dogs haVe. bitten several persons in Montgomery county, Pa. and other place's, and several deaths of.hy drophobia have been the result. A num ber of deli . thS froth drinking • cold water while in a glow of heat, have also occurred ei hbOrin7 cities. 'MARRIED.-30n Tuesday the zom tu by Rev. p.Enally, Mr. GEORGE CONDO, to Miss PDIANNAH BLOOM, Loth of Pike township. • „ MARRIED—Oa Thursday 'the 28th ult., by the Rev. I.' K. llEtainoLD, Mr. W. T..RoTnuOc* to Miss MARY JANE FLEGAL, both of Morris township. Prices of Flour and Groin. Tho folinwmg,statement Hill show the prices o Pour mid Grain lathe several places mentioned a our lateat dabs:' ' • . Flour Whent. ,l Corn. Oats PhesJalphia, - MAO _3_o2 57 • 28 New York, 450 105 58" 32 Boehm, •' 5 00 110 60 35 Baltimore, 450 • ICO •54 .• 27 Pittsburg.' . 362 70. • 90 I:6 Clearfield, 6 00 1 25 75 37 BANK N Corrected ‘Veekly from ,Polinlylvanta, ' ' Bank, Cayuga L. 1 Philad'a b'ks, par Western,Roches., 30 U. S, Bank, ,:p Binghampton, 50 Chambershurg„' 3 Cattaritugus co. 30 Gettysburg, /..' 3 Clinton county, , .15 •,' Pittsburg, . . 3/Comniercial,B,uf.,ls Susq.'Countyj 1.3 ::.,a6. e. psmv g o > , p . Lewistown, .no sale Farmers', Seneca; 30 Middletown, • .3 Hamilton bank, ' 15 Carlisle, ; . • 3 Mechan.Bullirle, 45 Hollidaysburg, 1 . .3 Merchants''. Ex., .40. Erie ; • .10 Millers', at Clyde, AO Waynesburg, •' • 13 Oswegti; ••• •; 60 Wrisitington, lal4 Phcernx; Buffalo, 35 Harrisburg, . 4 Staten Island, 50 1 Honesbale, • . 1 State b.Buffalo,7saBo BroWesville,' , 11113. SL:Lawrence, 75 Williamsport, 13 Union, Buffalo, 30 YOrli . ,, - U. S., Buffalo, 30 All solvent b'ks. par Watervliet, • , 15 Relief Notes, 13 Other ,solv. b'ks, ' • 1 Towanda Rel. no sals • licW Jersey. - ' „New York City.' ' Del. B!dge Co. ' ' 85 Chelsea bank, •. 80 Yardleyville, :15 IClinton, 50 Plainfield ; Commercial, '• :2 Other solvent, par Lafayette, , . ~; 2 , , Ohio. , , .. Washington, —7O Solvent Cincinnatil4 Other solv. b'ks, par Cleveland, .. • • 5 Now York Ntat6 - Elrinfilton; 15 Allegheny cc. 06a761C,ernrner., Scioto, 10 America, Buifalo,3o de, ,LaU Eri6,7o Commerce, do, 35 - Atlas bank, 30 Ca Inttl, Albany, 25 Brockport," A P' 25 James Bank,, Northern Ex.; Lodi, ..20025 Lyons,ls State.Saugerties, 1 •To A large aesortment uftle4 Jars 'fer iale-•=enit A able fur holding Preservet s Pickle! Cen • dies, dic. i ; They are, ,orelleizee * five a hall pint to a gallon. They,vill'he sold, fdr caeb. • r , 1y4;,1'8491 .„ • AIENRY'LORAIN. • ' • • Prole4siona Ds' WOODS ;& WILSON having associated ' th onus' toga bin% :the Pr ed eine, offer their, professional cervices to the, people tv of 'Curensville eind lorrounihng,'cpuntry. An au cliingonnzi calms tho unietnitting titteition of both be given tvithour ellen •Ohorge.• 1 1 ' /WAIL ealle Niro' ediiiispefc will tereive prumfl . . • :,'- • • • • 1 July 8;1849.- - .3ni •4 "N ,13-41)eisubscriber reivecifillty:foiOuf eh its. Tge4l4l9lleltictilegt of 141 hie oldnceourits, • • M • WOODS. ITE LIST. s • the Plii:adelphln Papers Sandusky, • -- Norwalk; ,-- Farmers'„Canton, 75 Granville Society, Lancaster, . . . , .15 Urbanna B'ing Co. 65 Other, ,Solvent, • Under Fives, • EllE Estote',of daeotilatirir l Decomed.. ruOTIOE iii botchy men hot !Atter? regimen. ill 'tee), have been gean'te4 in the 'eilhatlibara upon the'estate ofJacob.lMeurrnlate af ce.rihg ton ,townaltip clearfferil qounty deceasad —.ell Peirna IrPwinft ihtinielvelt Ini s le 'get,, to , eald ea, tate ire frit:rated to make, payment , ' 'without (la! lig—and those haying Winne avant! the 'eater/ Will present Adel ildl,).anilientiretod -for Nettle.' meat. tc, ,' SOLOMAN, mAuftgre , , " - ~z ; r!Euok4si, mAtnoli r , E;l'Ff. :JAcll hlAtlfil.:ll, ' - .fun' 0. j-= 7 `pil 849. ' ( . ..c't ~,..\•,' 01 ENE A wokirro MOO(Tpittlo' eta t o nith astonishment thee wonderful efficacy .t ritomitoN's Costtottrileautpy, TAR AND WOOD NAPHTHA, in curing' C tunnapti6N 4 Asthma. Pron. Chi tis, Obstinate Otiughs,'Pains in the Side or Breast Liver CeMplaint, &r., &e. , Thf. preparation le entirel y ' n VROBTARLR' ARMS. or:and may be adminittete perfect safetylo tint mold:feeble adult or child. . li..power 08 an ex* peep:trent is admirably adap i ted to relieve the imPres loon in‘milimmary diseases, and while it assists no tore in throwing off the vitiated matter which col lects to the injury of the system., I acts as , a general tunic or strengthener. The testimony of Physicions. end ethers, to the value of this great remedy, has been of the most sat infactory.kind, and has given it a Character ft sten• third as a ' • • " ' FAMILY' MEDICINE; ' • thrit Was placed it bevondeiniipetitionfOr the Various diarratieslor which It !ie eMployelt.. ' Prepaied arid geld by AGNEY & DICKSON, N bl; corner of :FIN% and SPRUCE iambi. Phil °dolphin, • :, Sold by A. M. HILL, Clearfield. Pa.: arid by Druggists, generally: price 5 . 09 oral 00 per hen le FAIL IL ELECTION.. 117 E. arc requested number of V, • our follow-citizens W announce the name of Dr. Joni , : P. HOYT, of Ferguson township, as• a candidate fora seat in the next' Legislature, subject to the action of the Democratic party. • - july 3.• WE are authorized to announce Col. GEOItOE C. 'PASSIII.OI2II, of Pike township; as a candidate for the office of Shehl of Clearfield catnap, at the General election--subject to the action of the Democratic party. june 'l9. Messrs. EDITORS: PLEASE announce the name'' of Joins B. KYLEII, of Morris town ship, as a candidate for the office of Sher iff, at the ensuing election, subject to the decision of the Democratic party. June 30. MANY CITIZENS. Bnaa."e requested I t l o rn a t n o n L r y nc e o f t t h h e e borough of-Clearfield, as a eandidate-for the office of Sheriff; subject to the action of the Democratic party. july 5. Notice. THF:lb.cribor having associated Dr HARD. MAN P. THOMPSON ttith him; in 'oho Oraelice of Methelne. would inform the public that they will hereafter bo enabled to attend to calls at any dhlance end at all hours. Patients will receive the care and attention of both, when necenisry. CLItARFIELD, May 8. 1899 ®~~~~®~o . A" pets ins pro hereby cannoned against liar. boring Or traiting my nife REBECCA on my account—she having left my bed and board without any just cause or provirailtm. All .per sons.are there:ore eautional against her, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting af ter this data... FRANCIS GOODAR. June 30,1840 —pd . . ' , ,_, - '• . -2 , " CI•84, THE Leenses rwed and assessed upon the sett. oral retailers in Clearfield eounty, MUST be paid on or bzloro the fire, day of Oclolu r next. ISAAC. BLOOM, Jr. Tr'sr.• July 2 .1849. DISSOLUTION • • . partnership. The partnership exist ing between John 8. Stewart and, Jumrs T. Carter—under the firm of John a ware & Co was 41issoked on .the 3let day of May 1649 J. B. STEWA RD,. J. T CARTER. deer-arta' township. July 2; "1849'--4(.1 Take Notice * ALL persona. that I have paid a note of Fifteen Doiara and Fifty ceou,•given by me to.luitio Southard, and that I till not pay said nom trgain Cleiirlield, June 30,1819 T. IST OF LETTERS remaining in the 4 Post Office . at Clerttfield, Pa., for the quarter ending 30th June, 1849. ~ , Conch, Edgar A 2 ' lohngon, Dennison Duff, Wm. C James, John Earhard, C& D 'Konkle Chili. W. Ferguson, David 'Leightner John Foly, Moses . ' Leip, Edward J Glenttan,'Ricd'd 2 " Martin, Mr. Get Chen Martha Mrs. "Nelson, Wm: ' Green, James ' ' Ogden - Wm. . • Holt, Janiea . Stark, Win. D '' 'Turbeit, John Rev.' ' ' .. . ' WM.' RADEBAUGH, i. ta. ' Clearfield, July 1, 1849. ." . Drags, Medicines &c 9 /o h a t ab t arriher reepectiully announ• o citizens of Curwerayllle, and the mthlic at large, that he Itaajust \ opened a DRUG STORE, omit to DiTu -I or's Otto!, in Curwortaville, eQmpri. Bing a %yell relected astcrtnunt of . Drugs, Medicines, Oils, .Paints, tTarnislt es, Dye.Stnfs, tpc„. together with an - as, . • sortment of Glass, and in short, all 91.14, er articles usually kept in Drug Stores; Bain2 biutrolfin,ll.o prat:6ooDi Medicine; ill , pub he may rent matured that ht thug. ore of tho pu• rest character, ' • ' ••' July 6, 1849.-3 m • 'TO TIIE PUBLIC." h: TtilS is ,to inform he public that in, the or rangoment off iumpromiso, On the /owl from Lewistown Bellefonte" tit Curweniville, be: swoon Messrs. WilSon.' Graham and mysell.'that they are not to he, lie We for any debts contracted by me with the drivers, keeperss, Londlords, Black . Smiths, or for ally other thing necessary lo.keep tip, or in ropqir 'my'slork on my half of Said . route, or for any damage dolio, to person or persons by upsetting of coarhes orlOtherwint .011:lhe Pihar band. I, 0171 not , responsiblo.yr, liablst for .any of their,bills for driving, Imping, or, any 'kind of toe' chatural work, ur ilarnages t by iron:lir:6f toadies or otherw so for any other thing pertaining to the hit. ponies of keeping up their stork on; their hall of. the ;:., ,• ( ft, S., /3A11 4 EY.,,t; t'4 (l 9° 4? O ,: l P 4 Pii • • t';'• ' • ,• ' HENRY LORAIN A. M. HILLS. lIE subscriber off° re to sell tho fol. loteing d: scribed re r alestate. el*. The firm n"which he reeidiOi in Penn county, -Containing 75 acres- 7 40'0f Khicli ie cleared, tinder' good fen: coo and in rt - good dataof cnitiation: T he im p ' proitemente are a good' tts'co story 'Frame liousis, and frame bank, Barn, and also a good Apple' Or chard, with other out buildings necessary 'lor a farm anti.st nerepfuiling epring of water at the poor- , n• R. V.' 'WILSON Also, Annther place in the same township,' containing 121 acres—mostly timber land, with 18 acres der cultivation. The first is si ‘ thated on the pub lic /clad' leadioi . frOM 'Cutuenevillis to P th unssu svnil, and hal a mile from ' . property toil, ho s /Id on very reueomthle terms . . Fur further particulars opply•to , GARRET N JOIINSO r , SO N. June 27, 18 , 19 • pd $1 , , , • • , „, ." :.NEW;COODS. a-di & have just received :at their old stand, a full assortment of all kinds of goode suuitabla fQ.thtt season', which th'ey wish to dispose:of at sripslt-profkii for.,spod, pay. ,Cleptfiel4. Jun1,18..18490. , : , cal 1 4,1 4 4.0 I (1)10 1 0; ' LL personinare hereby ha utiOnetcl egainst buy l og , or ,rolling;ior, in: any nuttinsr, nusildting wltb , 'dark brown •MA RE4, ;Saddle an& - Bridle, formerly, the. PrOperly; of Dri;ll f Ktina,bl Kluggs. township, Cleatfield county as, the, said: properly, was lawfully &rebated -by toe, and, us now an : possession. :1 •'‘ •P,El'l.B GL'Allifkgroo r Boggisdstriship,•Juner.ls; 1849.—pd ••• • • :aut. '\ . :i_ IMIE t • fl 7% RAYMOND 16, 0 9(A , GREAT EASTERN MENAGERIE,' Containing the Barest Collection of. Wild Beasts, Birds 16 Reptiles, ever before exhibited in the United Slates. Will exhibit tit Clearfield on Tuesday, July 17111, 1E349. Open from l•p. m, to 4p.• m. Admission, 25 cents, ,(Itildren under 10 years I.i_cents., Among the most censpicuous featuresof this exhibition is the, specimen ,of the HIPPO POTAMUSI captured by Capt. John Taber, of the ship Good Return, of New Redford, Mass., af tee a;severe:& desperate struggles the men barely escaping with their: livts,, before they were able to despatch him with their lances. , • • ~ The Performing Elephant TIPPOO, Wbo has caused such a great sensation all over Europe, will go through, a 'variety of performance?, .sUch' , Waltzing, ' Palm cing, Ringing a bell, Creeping on his fore legs, walking over his keeper, picking him up, drawing a cork from abottle, &c. ,• tam leitmawtaa The Emperor of all the Lions, in the Dens of WILD BEASTS. His perforniances differ front all others, not only in the skill and grace which he displays in his exercises with the terrific Groupe, of Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Cougars, Panthers, &r, but in the. matchles and almost.superhuman command with which he exacts the obedi ence of these fiercest and most remorse less tenants of the desert,. the forest and the jungle. Mr. .Pierce may have, many imitators, but he has no equal. The List embraces all tie finest Living Specimens of • . • Wfaa3llD 4117L1TL141.1163 That the great experience, enterprise, and resources of the proprietors have enabled them to, bring together, in one , Large and Sylendid Collection, a fell description .of the Animals contained in the, .Exhibttion,, will be found in the Bills 'at the principal Hotels, previous to the arrival of. the com pany. „ • 4.ti•#tri .1' Mid VOL t .1,0,.; WILL ALSO EXHIBIT AT Carwensville on Itlonday,'/uly 16th, and at Philipsburg, on Wednesday, July 18th, 1849, Notice. ALL_ persons having accounts upon ,ou'r, books will please call and make immediate settlement,4- thereby save'costs. GRANS BROTHER. Curzeensville, June 27, '49. 9 Halloo There! MMR. --- want you saying romettung•abou! ceiling somo ' Sal Soda for your women to wash 'with'? Yee, I'd thought of getting a little to try it and lee if 'twould act BO like a charm, as I've heard them say. . ; • Well. I've heard those soy that have used ii that It ite'vei more thin iti cult in the wear of clothes while washing, and 'clothes are washed with less than half the labor, Row do you sell it ?. .Only twelve and a half cents per pound. Pot me up a dollar's worth ofit•nny how. Anything else' in mylin t o lu-day: Arty ' Candies, Nuts, Figs, Oranges, Leinons or 'Cocoa ; nuts to take homo to the children. I've just re ceived q fine lot of them from the city, together with s'ecool assortment of Family Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dyotsitiffs, and all Itir.ds of coloring mate riati and Varnishes. Yee, and - some first rate Cavendish Tobacco—also, some' of the best hall Spanish Cigars ever firOught`iti ilie place. .If you wish any . of - thesa things - , l'll. sell them fo yun a t.trrut cheaper than you can get them any where else in this county. , If any.of your neighs burs are to want of such' things, just tell them to call nt the sigh of the Gold Mortar, Clearfield. Juno 18,•1849. Valuable Real !Estate AT PRIVATE SALE. MEP El i ALSO. ,• inlY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Ezpenas LIP ed out of the earn* court and tome directed. will be exposed to sate at tfi'e 'same tithe dr: place, a certain tract of land, shown in Gibiton township Clearfield county, (now Elk)•commencing on the' lice of division between Daniel Miller and James Mies land, thence along (midland north 3Wpor clies-9-10 io a hemlock corner on .Ihq north side of the Sinnemalthning creek, thence again north 54 east 167 perches to a rock oak, theneeenotih 218 perdu, 9.10 to ti post Ow the northern teinew dory of tract No, 5470, thence east along said lino and by tract known by No. 5469-1-311, perches to the north east corner of the tract, 'thence by - Nos. 5463 19. 5467 south: 640 perches to the tor- ner of the•tract,. thence west, by N0...539_2 and 5391 west 445 ()arches to place of begitiningr-con. , tasting 1430 acres, being part of I wotniets of kind surveyed on warrants known by Noe. 5470 and 5471„with a Framo bonito & Saw.mill, deal mill, ' Lng born and bearing orchard andl2s 'scree ' cl•a•edt.and thereon. Seized, taken in'ezecution and to be sold 'as the property of .lames Mitt. • BV virtue of° stroller Writ, issued out of•tfict same court. and to me directed, vrtil-befer , /- t-zsed to tale et the same time, and ,place,'e clot. , lain trot: of.lapd,situato ;in G i bson toven.hip, Clearfield county (nOvlictki —e'ortauins line of division. bet Ween Daulel Miller Ishii Jamas' Mix's land, thence along said line north 322 per. ' chew 9.10 toe hemlock corner on the north side, of the Sinnetneboning creek. thence 'again neigh. ; 54 east, 167 perches to a rock ook.. thence tiprth 918'perch'es 9.10 too post on, ihe' northern bOutii dory of tract No. 5470, thence east 'along said line and by tract' known by No. 5469, 311:perch• es to the north oast cornerof the tract thence by,,- Nos. 5392& 5391 west. 445 perches to the place , of beginning—containing, 1430 acres, being pate", of tw6 tracts offend surveyed on warrants known"' by Nos. 5470 & 5471, with a Frame house, Sid* , mill, Grist Mill, r. 4 barn and bearing orchard end 125 acred of cleared , land thereon.. Seized, taken in execution end to be sold as the property of Je.. Mix by , JOLIN STlll:6l,'Bh'ff.' Sheriff'. Office. Clear. '" field, June 12, 1849; • .1 NEW CABINET &CHAIR ManufactOrp,-... Tllesubscribers respectfully inforrithepnblio that they have - commenced the abord'men.: tioned business, in all its various brenchet, ,in,the • borough olCleatlialcl, directly opposite the Molb.. dist Church, tvliere they are prepared I? Illoptl lure CABINET-WARE AND' : CHAIRS''` "- in the most durable manner. They 'hope by strict attention to business, to merit and receive'a sbatu of public patronege, • •I'; '' ; IKTCOFFINS mado to order on the shortest nwf J.C. ,CiIiMPRELI9 , Clearfield, Juno .180849. . Estate of William Woods; Deceased:L I , : . y ETTERS Administration basing beerigran 4 :' ted to the subssribers on the estate.of Wil liam Woods, late oUrady townohlp. Clearfield cr unty, persons' haying Claims or de. mands against said estate will present them duly . authenticated furOottlement, and all , persons in.. debted to the same are requ r ested lo make'pay.• ment without delay.-- •.„ ,•• • JAMES WOODS, Adra v ni PETER TtN OLD. , June 20. 1849 NIERCIIANTS) HOTEL,- ./ Fourth street; bptween Arch iindOarketi TIIILADELPIII.I. ritoFnlET9nsfzip moiriAcEmirsre! ell ittinwtiltiitel, (which iiilocitted the very centre of blisinerc)'having sea into the bonds' of the subscribers,' they ,beg( leave to Biota that 'their:pcwilopb,to render' if worthy ul,the I)bgrat putrans,ge, with whifb ,i( hee l been .her,otofore euilainedg a9tI, II 9PP, P.,n.. e fe m, 1 ,7. tirigstlention, l O'desetio i thti :patronage friends, Who snail I hit city' bri 'business OS plindl s ure, r. ; MCK(Baino*:.. of the Excbnple'llotel. Pol!blipx• June i 9 4 13491, ,'—,1ni' • • SAL:.. .100 SALE • TRACTS 4WD '00'ACRE01101 . • • EING warrants, plus.sooo and 5 0/19eAu, 102 • ,il7; ALP B ,tew enezettnohip, .Elk 'county. oti,m,ejwe• r tern of :he Sinnetnehos—ebout 10 dr talltdr froth iich rollif iettlirbent The lends'itie:tdodt.) ally , well timbered , roviih' %Visite Piint'oridttekOrtj The tract. : will IX , P. 01 41q,d111 P r te:k9Jl4 tA74 1 1W. , and the terms ore Ceeh Fuc e i lle,essripticip,o hin 4 lots ppplicai can be nitride toJoiteph.Msenh . Eleq, Pine f:lire'et, Elk 'o:fit y ',4lfV.;i3rktirint; at Keirtheue. "Proholidi 14 tie licit le (141 c r, ) ! . • • ..; 4011 N., $11A1711 4 19.;,,,i June ' , 08,z 18440.-41 f . ,r /111 HIE i)ersona . 'ilea:ail' at ilia' 43aritf,t' AIL• 'lB4O go! iihb eftfice (it Airoesiok.in-gte,,:::t i cj Iva , tOssmiht pr 6: anknolified 11 440 leut!, of, the RerslPl , !tisiftig tar, Militia pprpaa • 'I it fer,eiltara riegle,c raid' eh?) iiifi+iiies,imodaNt:fa mak* " ahttio%tw ithlha taittinuO, befere tharlit4., : "4 l /00,1 By, order.al coraal!rf,'` ' 4 .ci50,14 ,0 ff1i ? 1,4 ' - 11 .I.4l[ll4llllKkie E=IINI 4 Ciearihrid _ next. 'a township, Clearfield county, =Mail Hi perches. beginning; stt A. ! helilitt4o rt. thence by George Moore's morel 1 10 111 , 0 , 4 11IN'tt ches' to a" poit,*thineelif 'Jotiri Mesabi' - Slithery . _ west.7s perches, ton , hemlock , theßOP:py,pffiri, noi Reigart south '154 porches 16' a poet,. Obeqco., east 'by same 75 parches' td plaid of beginithie: i being out of theinorth east cornet of thit;Entainit•t , Reigatt survey, with a cabin house and stables, and about 10 acres cleared thereon. Seized. ta ken in execution and to be sold as dui property of James Weston. • • ALSO,. "( • 1 1 , '4l pY y o u° of a 91111iIIIT wirit n osserLoat, of the N some court and to , me direcicd,, will at the seine liMe and certain IlictOr lend. shortie. , 4) , precos , towtiship,,,c,leatfjelii! county. containing 1 1 0acyas '4O perches, ; begin. hitting a lasi'carniii fit tha"siiiith vioefecirniiid the tract. thehecifiarth bY'Robeit aniviW.". 147.-perches , to, a post. by , land sold to,John D.:, Miller by H. Philips 127 perches 210 to post. thence autaill'l47 Kuos, thence 'west by 'Aril Gibson'it survey .127'pm-cites 2.10 mplace of ht.,: ginning, being out of ,the trout!) west cotneref r tract surveyed on warrant to Thomas 'Dibiriti. with a Iwo story hewed log house and'cibin barn and about 25 acres Cleared ..Seized, taken in cc i ecution and to bo sold as the property of Edward 13. Ti p t on: " '" 7 ALSO, • , virtuo'cil wry'; issued out 1 0114' anmo court and to me directed, will be sold at, the same time and ,plece, ell , the. intotest of George Mason in a certain tract or land, situate in Brady township, Clearfield county, containing 200 acres, boundod by land 'of Ninth", land or Fox & Co. on the north, and by land of Foe on the nest, with a cabin house end stable, and 11% bout 2 icrei cleqed thereoni• Seised, taken , czcoutionciud to be sold as the 'property of George'? Alston. . • .. . • ALSO, ' ,T A • -- ‘',.i,: - :. - i . ,- .;:i.,7.,,:./.-,:....' =I - ''tit BE on =I ME 7'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers