.II , OF..CLBCUMSTANTIAI‘BVIDENCE: 44,154.tri,., .—. ,' ~ • ~... . ~, ~ 44: ratilicetitMlbti.$ Edinburg Journal: , • , • :11, qe I,il ifit i l .,l . • , tittnets of a Burbler. • ' '.' I, q9ndqilicte r 1 more than :'half a century. .4 Vtr,,,,., ,p9F19,04i in, going .alongHolborn, ..etrt 4trivict seen' near tho,corrtera,i,if,orle of the thoroughro" Teo which - divergd towards " nikve! 'Square; the • respectable' looking 'i. n '= ..ablver'. 'and.h4bei , dashur named :. :I ' ... , Ivey; 'a man 'generally esteemed; '. • ' ' I ..... . _ . e.rieitghbo rs , .and 'who wan-usually ..- 'eaailaored Well todo in the world', . Like . .„,. .., . , . , .nuitty.":London tradesmen, 'Harvey was o: I 4-: 4nitllifiora th e c ountry. •He had come to town when a poor lad to push his f t - k . -• : `., e ltiiinP) , and by‘dint of steadiness and civil- i' •;-'' ' l tY,p •And ,a :small property left him ,by a . a IS' ~, , tazii . rolatiOn, 'he had been able to get into / -• b o o ms on, hi s own account, mid to attain • _O4 t: important .clement of success in 1 i Lojulon-,•-"ci :connection.7 ~ Shortly after i - setfing up in the world,, ho married a• young woman from his native town to wlroin 10'had heen . .engtvd ever since his sql4lldays ''and at the time our narrative conali n icen ' ho'was the father .of three' chil ,. ~ n ' ' ' Harirey's establishment was one -: • rues , . f the best 'frequented of its clans . in the . '' • ';'t; "TOileiitildneser'pain Witliont See -I'--nrg--etilafoiners-going in or out.: '-There was' '-'--dvidently , 'not'a hale' business ' going fur - '-',Waid:' ' But although to'all appearance; • a • iftishin'g concern; the pit.prrior of the . surprisedlo 'find that ho • ' 04/41 ishment•was' 1 -, , :'eantontinutilly pinched in his cirounistan- A - '-' No matter 'what arpoihit 'of buniness a -',ed'over '-thacounter, he never got 4 ; '. 7 ' .. i ' ' .• ' ,' ;,,„A-referred to she' keephiff r p , , 'ii wx .. rh '' d eg r ee r " • ' f. _' fi b ~. ~ .; 4 • Ahat co,, orphan,- , jois; 10 11F4 ' l'• , rotintex.men and' cash- , ~.'., 4 ,o,usp or trade; - I tlinguishes the great, • 9( B *meded..' - All4 . l4rive till'xvusmot 4 • m HaryeY's ;or 'I I ; mm,4:116 iireall eoint , ~.... .. ltT - -,... , t • • tr : ., 1, ratne a ne9195 . 51, nu , 0 „ N aad not to 1 1 1.. thd , /'c' i. , , *1 , was '?g•ni tt i 3 ; to k ix)xiut it; i : sh?tnan i , whose, texitv in pikh, Y : a 1 ri• gurneri.,lrit6 . th6.'din c' r ; s o as 'to 'n -t - g , n i ~. .. dump, unseen, wish 'jerk i nto' his ha* 1 ~_ was Worthy of Herr Dobler, or any other" .„ . master, of the subliiii rt of:jugglery. • ' ~. I 'tad-natured an suspicious, perhaps also not , saffioicuitly .• ilant,, Harvey was ~ long in discovering a v ho Ma ; pillacred • . . Cartwright,, the, flat 'D. f. tho'person who ,•'. lv aa,ProYing on . his ployer was. not. a ;, ' young man. ' ki e 'vt it ' otwoon forty ariafitly years (wage, an I i • .been in various; ... situations, where he ha I lwayngiven. sat. . s isfaetion, except on, I. score 'w of ba s ..; ;- sowhat irritable. F .ately, ex h e . was a't •• ' Man of loose habits, afd for.yeam his - , travixouce-had .b.pirt • • ai e. hy-pw5r,,,t...,_ •.- clandentniplyabstracte, limn his too-con ..-' tiding master. Slow to klieve in the'reali kir elf stieh Wickedness; 'lr. flarvey could i, 1 . with dillictity entertain t suspicion which' began to diwn on hiimiirl. At length ' doubt iviiS'at an end: ' Ile detected . Cart- I , wright in m very act of carrying otrgoods ' to. a consi °rabic amount: The man was! tried at tat Old Baily for the offence; but through a4technical informality in the in- dictmento.cquittjd.. ..• - ,• ' I . . Unable ici• find employment and a char , aster gone; the liberated thief became sav-i ag9,,reyeqful and desperate. lnstead of imputing liti frill to his . own 'iriegularities, . ha,considortd bis.late unfortunate einploY er.fis the eq.'s° of his ruin i s and 'now he bent all the 'energiesnf his dark nature to destroy the reputation of the man whom he had betiayed and plundered: 'Of all the self-delivered 'to the rule of unscru pulotts. malignity, 'with whom it has. been' my fate to come protosgionally in contact, I never knew one so utterly fiendish as this ,discomfitted eilferer,•. -.Fre/Init.:4l with • his ierianary wrongs, he formed the. de.- . . errninatlon , to labor, evou;:,if it were foi• ye l arsAto i xvirt . Ins victin4, - ,-.7.lNothin g sivai,t, of death should divert hii,n.,,ftern this fi4e darling object, of his existence. Animittedty these diaboliCal pabsions, CciriWrighi i;ro i eeeded to his work. liar. ,veY, herbaL4oo 'geed' reaSon - ti) know, was in'debt to i') Mims Whci', had 'Made him ;ad : vaneen l'a 'by means,'ofartfidly ceineoc '- r, i'' ted anony . us' letters eVidently 'Written by some on cOnibtisant with the 'matters on which hawrote ' he succeeded inithrini-' ing the, haberdasher's creditors. ; Thocon seqoenoes NPro-rflern.aPOs or ,immediate payment, obi ,in-spite icif ,Op :de,btor'sex- ) . planation aid proniiws,,,writs, bot:iyy ;ay expenses, ruinous sacrifices and ultimate • seem' almost', too 4; ihe 'story:of this 6.1 GG 09 72 ra . 15 - • - 67. , 92 I 98 2 07 -.. 0 20 - ' 2 26 2 54 2 74.' 2 96 3 19 3 43 369 3 97 birth- orided ymeni • Iv the lIIEI = SE of VI cud, 'onicrion d of tho .nr,d the !Might , ' countY• st day of 1, Courf Oyq 4' Y , '. i i.olu, °a 0 the 34 . 011 44131 cs Our their •• a; , ne vi, to 44- btlit4tiorP.' 94ISrPer;i ,nwcaiNv", i.tketr.gl ut letlitO, Tihnetuttl iA A girectMe,r: • Clearfld!„ ° ' r Lord ou% fie, awl efingl n .ncr s inarvellOue fonbeii , terrible. rel.te'end , Od 413.05 0, ' aT Pit! 4 *;; 8*.4,1 FIETM A oz,l RI „ e l , _'M ",:. Tel itor:: 3itor i :r; Dr;jr; ~a t sfArt I ,1, ~ F.. g, :,I, ; :r.tf -'', 41 41 T . ' , . - I . '. ,‘,a,.:-..: r' 3ch :‘. 9 gr"). El •: 1 .1/4\ ~00. i t'vi. . - .. *: i kmp:itf ta1..,,.,.:,,.,, Ot MgL. t j, i ~..,._ ..ing ie,cligtin, trienge and its consegniitki/e i gni . y.t am Orea.dy, too into, 'ti •'t ') * ,i: 9'll fiCtiOne ° Every ineident or my parr/It/vele it of wi4tepfillo a k .o lo,ex if ac,p,aap.l true •and tbi wliole , may be found inihard ttro,4s q m A re,d4,,„., I. 1 , outlitie lu'Ps - records , of 'the , ' emiiis"4lth ,At ,tkiti mome nt ,' ,wi t ile l ,th o , p 4 c ,, , ,ii gi which a , ft* yearil ago , I , wbs farniliat:;tit t - vias•at ti4e, jiottes, a terrible xi nging,o,f bell The inliiiiated and distressed feelings' W 44 heard, and • Ab nvn stairs i wa,s, t ‘ ~!?us , l o ffiatvey l ad his family may be lettto aoil/e'tOrtl}a Y9/*O2, arid of feet running,tatTYTl i nillin inn. Wtieli he ,fpund' himself Fm.: 4 5 ,11 raphp,rnaaid c ame hur,rie4iy, ciTyb, 11dbe l a vt 4,ara /ay .4 12 , / ***tat,,, 2 * * *,,, 0 1 ° I a ' m e , 09 1 19 op • p,Pq tt e ri li iini' Cieritly acute. - yet be did atcpprP 0 . 014 wi4.o that olu Ag oi 17, 4 ,4 3 4 04 r ffngiitt, 'n" 'OeSparr, . 4 6'i4.e.iinblish iwbody Ight te leaye the ho* tillik wq4l cif,tiol —Lxv) 41# 01 appeared l 116 ' P . . 61: f egii : ; iSti!, f op *, „ !kip ,J • apdlordlalep — , nlj OV24lll'Y't"tll9, .b: \ „,4 *4 001(44 dj3c9,B whore kV/P* 2 TP Nigh //AO e.qii raiapth,nlP4c,llo i f r 'S4 ?;1 '4;14 3( 1 1 ” k t: ' ..l" t d ri tii i6 de ll : Ci hl ; i i(P ig ia 'en l i r lil t e l l !' in P t Peit errrip n te e l % t it exiPPßt.t whore 41 ; r Y' 9. Y- 7!' ,landness * e . • rate, w i t h , his ~ ~W hat on et., h •if this "' . about, ke TP tiollki AO 2 141.1 , - A k ,„,„ 1 /2 Et nacre :t4,EIP-i..1 vr .N s eslifm Johill 7 " " 411 ' . '"1 landlordf Iv ' r • ii-h-ji m ix t', l ;s .1, tactitva , ,tom, en ti , , ~ , u it.,,, ~!. i, 9 tha, (yip • rgrojty,ll ted,Lnitdowkir• 0 1 1 1 4.1 1 / ticA!? A ' 1 " "' en ' tien t itjaihar fqtSciPgf - I te#o 4 oP9 her Iles WfiSlA Aitatarit 10 ,140 Y. g . ~ ettv . h. hons.,/,‘, , , ~ . „:. tho.lo.*;way, (Airiyi , • '''''' "' r t ''''‘'. t. .n: ,11 f; ~, r• ,‘: ~i ".“J if it , 11. -I, h tsi•own p,9r PRP. lori vi r t tvrit , kiLk_is -f e n fil Y'': ' Mr ' 1 .,t .' 614 ' '' 4 i t llY f e r r ii• ig '' $ 71 1 , 1 4 , ..a, little, -sPef.' e. ': - 4 took abodilitt-rittPliC-/ ' ' t , p4iCtihhi if . ‘ ,. 1 41 0 ;.,,,...„. I. ' " 2 0. . o, ' ' °~"'; • $.55“ • ' • r-.fr• 7*.q?.4,76471., i , . . .. . , , ~.,... ...., ... . . , ~. . . . , , . ”. „.....,, . . . .. ....,...,.. .. ~.._ ..,........ ..........,.... .....,....._., ......,:..,, . ~. -...'. .... ........- . . . ; .. ;*•.•,1,i , Elr: .91;) ' 'Ur C.' , T ..', IW:i ''fidt,:',,:' , ,.'‘.. ;:',, -. '-.: I, . [..- ' - .•, , . ' • • , .. .111 . ...... ~ '- .3 V: 'TO (1:7./ T l , .7: •c' . .1, . . !!1 . • , , ''., - t Irl ..,' :r,,, ,e ) [ .t ... ,t,[ i 1, , - T t i 1•'.9 . ;. '.7.!;4: _ ..• . -. • et !•-•!!;... /1 ..0 .. ' I . itt'Ci..:4 ~,,, p ,„i ~::,•!-, : , 'ci: !..f, ~ . .., ,1 b... , ! r, ic.. - r:!: , .1 ,I. ”t., .. , I li. s , . ' 11 , -1 , -,'l' 1 , -•', i • .; 1 _ 1 •.11 . : ,•!ti,. , :, .AI j.... , . ~,../ .111,_,, . ~, ~. ,? P. ~,. ~;.•:,1;, -! ;!'. ~:, :1:$ .-..,..,. I - 0 . 10 I:',.`' 11,,.q l..qh ..t .•. •.tiii. i ,It •-'i e 11.; ',. 1 •.'I ir)..t ••.; 1,...:i ..!.:- . .... - . . . - ~. • . . . lIM hotel: ' This . ; in a..' Man :', of straightened means, was doubtless haprudent; but..hp• afierwardsAtterlipted' to explain the ci Tiny,. stances . b y saving, . that . ..as i : the . 0 1 1 P In which he had . engaged lushpriasage was, ,t o had ; sail on the day : a ftel l i g s li t r. ri ad v d it i l l ' io h n e nl ex-. !pease rather than, , , . profbried ineurring his a N s vire,....w4o watt, am. with failing • spirits, „nursing an in ant— should be• exposed., to Coarse, ;assiiipiatieris and personal, discomfort,:; Jii! the expecta tion, however,; of being only ono; night in in 'the hotel, Harvey was , unfortunately dis, appointed.. Ship-masters; especially those commanding emigrant vessels, were then, as now, habitual proinise-hreakers ; and Although each succeeding sun wastes light them on their way, it was fully a fortnight before the ship stood Out, to sea. By 'that time a• second and more dire reverse . had occurred in the , fortunes ,of, the ,luckless .llarvey.. ; - .• . . ..; : ; ;, ;. .. :., Cartwright; whose appetite for,vengeance was but.whetted by his first success,,had never lost sight of 'the movements, of his victim ; and now be had fellowe4him to theplace of his embarkation, :with,an ea ger. but undefihd purpose of; 'working him some further: and morndeadly mischiof.-4- Stealthily ho f hovered about the house. which sheltdred The: unconscious object of :his , malicious_ hate, Plotting, as he after-, ,Wards confessed, the wildest scheme . for satiating his revenge'. Several times he 'made excuses for calling at the hotel, in the hope of observing the nature of his premi-., sex; taking care; ; however, not to be seen 1 by. Mr: arvey or his family. ; A fortnight passed away; and the. day . of departure : for the. emigrants arrived without the sligliest opportunity occurring : for.tho ; gratification of his.; purposes.;,. The .ship was ; leavidg her ;berth ;; most of the passengers werio on board; Mrs. Harvey and, the, children, with nearly the whole of the luggage, were already safely in theAressel ; , Mr. Hervey, only remained on shore to purchase some trifling articles, and . to settle his bill at the ' hotel on moving his, last trunk. • ,Cartwright, had tracked him all day ; he could not At tack .him inthe street ; and he finally, fbl lowed him to the hotel, in order to wreak '''t i.rengeanco.on him. in . his private; apart fl3ikof 'the,sittuition or, which he • had in,, fore Carl d.. the hotel first, and , le 7 ho had gone down a passage in i h u a r d a r e irl O e f tl ,t r h re is d : ic z e r : F in li st:v a e r .u las P to t ;s t e %l t , d o e .li t io l e ie. i%ti , i b lro u :r st oi l jerailv.livvielichiyie,sli: fil e - apt:l; . Nercadn'rtatthywirip:l)gs'i:tailt.'iliorliesti. his ?ern and parlor, in find the Occupant - , ai t yfprise, did :he comfitted. Passing.towards tlce - eliTartfliat- Casc,.he perceived ;a zoom of which the -Ls.. -wara-elsamxuta..thakral iballe_there lay n,gold- watch und the appe ages.— Nobody. was lathe apartment ; the gentle-. man who occupied it had only a fawrne 7 merits' before gone to bit; bedchamber ' fin.' ce a brief spa, Quick -as thought a diabol ical purpose, flashed through the braider rthe,villain, who had been baffled in his on ginal intentions. He recollected . that he 1 had:seen:a trunk ,in Harvey's room, and that the keys hung; in the . lock. rt •. ,An in conceivably sho ,space of time, served, for 'him to seize . the, I,Priteli,, to deposite it in the 'boom of Harvey's : trunk,. and to!, qui i ;the hotel ,by . a . back stair, which led by ,a short ‘cut.to the harbor... The.wholq : tridisaet ion was done unperceived, and , the wretch at last departed, unperceived.. ' , ', . Having finished his . 1)4 ness at The' bar Mn, Harvey repaired. to his room, locked: his trunk, which being Of . a handy size, lie I mounted on his shoulder, and proceeded to.l leave the. house by the ; , back, stairs, in or 'der,to get as ;quickly as possible to, the yes 4 sel. Little reeked he . or, the, interruption i which was tp , t)piiriPSCPtCcl i Ac) his departure. He had pt. as...fitF,as, thereat of the stair' with his burden, When ,lily vovertaken bi.d in .. wa i t e r, 1,116 dacha a, las geiPg tii• leave th e I; • eti • th . at . lie w a s , ottscrcta.adcstmely with out sottting his accounts.. , It is ',prop' ar't '' mention that Mr. ,Harvey, had:inquired the enmity of this partieular : waiter in,Conse2 ' quence of ;having, out of his slender, ; re: s o urces s given him Age small a giatuity en, the occasion of paying ;a .former ,bill, arid not aware of the, second bill, heing:settleci, the waiter, .was;p:Aimr„glad td , halyd ,an op portunity, of charging , him , with 11: ii.. Oa lent design, :,...In vain, „Mr. Harvey remon strated, saying M!. Il ae .b4d paid r or . ,eveiy. thing.•\ The .wailer ,lypald.not . ,,heljevo' :ibis statement, and detuined.him Utill'he Should' hear, betterabout.io • 2 ' • • ; ~,t" Let „me. go, felloy,, I insist , upon:it;" said 31 410arvey,littrning witkitidir- 16 - ' Eli 1..,. ; itr.~ ~~: ';~ r,tl "; lIM ~1 ~;~'l II 1111 7 "tt 4 ; ii . EMI =ll MEM .. .~~.. ~~i~a~-3 , „ Fi e L E 1). . ME WWI when ftil,ora i sudden, Sally ,rushrid,dolvn, been pretty, and was,sp Still, but f anxiety, stairs and says ag how Ne.••l7 has imissed Was. pictured in her pale ~countenance. his gold ,watoh,%mul, that ,no;: ono should, Hor dress was plain, but not inelegant ;and quit ;the- botch" - i I, : ' •-; ,' o . , oto • ,engaging No. 1 7; 11 9 ',old, dry-looking military, gen- appearance: .: ,• . ..... •! . , demon:in a particularly, high passion, now ;" Be . ,so good l as to sit" down," ' said I, showed himself on the scene, uttering ter, bowing ; . .t",and tell _me all you wmildlike riblo ,thz,•eiats : of legal procecdings against to . say.' . •., . . , a . , the-house:for the loss he•had sustained. , . Tke poor woman burst into tears; but Harvey, was stupefied: pond indigoant, yet afterwards recoveringlierself, she, told me he could ; hardly. help smiling at the pother. pretty nearly the whole of her , history .and "IV.hat,".,said • he, ,11 have I to:do with, all that of her husband., this;? I have -paid for everything;, I, arn ' , 'Lawyers have occasion to sep.so much .surely entitled to go away if I like.: lic. 7 ", duplicity, that I did not ,all atonce give as ,member, that if , I ,lose my passage to Bos- sent to the idea' of Harvey being innocent ton,•you.shall answer for: it.",; ~ • , ~ , • . , of the crime of which ; he stood charged.— , "A very much regret detaining,you, sir," ; ' . "There is something perfectly mexpli. replied the, keeper of theoluatel ; " ; buto . yoa cable in the case," I observed, "and it will ,hear that, there was„ a .rebbery.comuutted require sillirig., Your,- husband; iI hope, within the last few `minutes, and.as it will has always borne a good diameter." - be properlo, search every one in 'the heuse, ", Perfectly so.* c Was no doubt tin surely you, who are on the, point ofdepar- ' fortunate' in business; but lie, his certi ture, will have no objection to be searched ficate on the first . examination ; 'and there .first, and then .be at liberty to, go?'' .. • , are many who would testify to his upright ! Therc.was .something so perfectly rea- nepS:;' 'And here ,again My, client broke sonable in all this, that. Harvey,stepped intotocars, as if overwhelmed with her re into an, adjoining, parlor,. and, thrtiav open cellectioris and PrespeetS., . ... 1 . , , his. trunk. ; for, inspectioni, never doubting " I think I recollect, Mr. Harvey's:shop," that his innocence would be: immediately said I, soothingly., "it seemed a . very re manifest. . • spectable concern ; and we must .scewhat '. . The waiter, whose mean rapacity had can, be done; keep. up your spirits; the beep the cause of thedetention, acted-as- only•Tfear -A - have - arises --- from - the - fact of eXaminer,. Ho pulled one article after an,- Judge A-- , ---!,being on the bench. He is other out, of, the trunk, and .at length-7-1/g7 usually. considered severe,. and' if exculpa ror of horrors !4--•held pp the missing watch.: tory:evidence , fail, your husband ,will run with a look of triumph and scorn.. „, : the risk of being-,-.-tmosported." A word ~ , . .yV,fio put that, there ?"; cried Harvey in. of, more terrific import, ,with ;which I was an, agony,of mind which can .be better it - about', to conclude; stuck unuttered in my egined than, described. ," y.lio. has &tie th rpa t,, ,", Have you employed an attor ney ?" I added, ~ : •,; , „:, •; ; ._. ~ • .. • _ mo this - grievous wrong? I ,koow nothin as to how the }vote!' canac into my, truck.,', • .A`,.No.: I have, done nething as..yet, but No one answered•thisappeal.. sent stood for a inomet, in gloomy, sileoce, : 4 11 'FP', apply.to you, to. beg of . you to be my bus-. bland's:counsel." . o . - , ";P4',7. said the landlord to Harvey, PA " ; Well; that must be looked , tri., ,I s all., . recoveriog ; from his Surprise, "I am sorry , speak ,to a local to prepare and work for you.. For. the sake of a miserabletri- 'out the case ;, ,and we shall ,do our utmost. fle,yon have. brought ruin, and disgra.c9,94 to get an acquittal. , To-morrow I..wilrcoll. yourself, This, isa matter which concerns on your, husband in :prison."' . • ..,: , .. the.. honor of.,nly house, , arid Cann9t stop Many thanks were offered by the :tailor, here, Flow,eyer .. muck :it , .is against, my, tunate lady, and she withdrew. , - •:: .. ; feclincra you must fro before a, Magistrate:" - : •.• • • • ~ - i ' I. tan not going to inflict on the reader a " By, all means," added No,. 17,, with the detailed - . : • importniice of an injured man. ." A pret- . • I I h turned, as banisters' would say; on ty thing: that ones watch is not safe in a w ' c • • •• • • i • 1 • • • : a-beautiful ofcirennistan la evuolenco.l house like othis-" • ,•,• • ' • • • '. • • • ' Along with the. attorney, a:sharp-enough ' " John,,send Boots for a Con .Itable," said • ..• • • . . • , • 1, , - person in his way,! examined sllrldUS . Fir: the landlord., ..,',, , •-, ' ,Harvey, pat ,with inset ad Ica Hil ;: g . 0 ' n J 1: i ': ties at the hotel; and made.myselfacquiritv tdd•iaith the nature Of the reiniseg.; The . haod. • A deadly cold , perspiration trielted . , investigateda liew r . ) -V '- th 'fri - re down his brow. illis. heart .swelled and more the • C. el ' ? 1 .? heat as, if it , would burst: -,What i shoold be dark • and . my-sterious---.always Supposing • -. ,( 1 0 ?, Hi s. w h o l e , , prove a t „ wer9 i n .an - i n .. Harvey's innbcence=,-did the whole case • There was not one redeeming start. hliglited. : ,‘,` 0.4(3041,110'ne't desert a a PP ear * '_frail 1 4 1 0 1 nlicl)Prbeingl, giv9. inc strengl 1 trait in the •alliiin - exCept -Harvey's' previ: I , • oils good character;: andgeodl character; wa;-a.l-T e o„w,Lai_id, terrible, misfortune, , b , tle.mviva .Im litilrtcin ' 4 v altered.. • A lit- . 3 . r. • . the' law Of England, goes 'for ' nothing facts proved to the satisfac; - irre.iiig, loigeir -, 40.aie,,ii.;.,,g';;7,3aci . ad- in oppOsltio' nto Ti.., ..:1, . . ~ . .;, ... let me to a: inagistrate.,inte`ndv, anribm4Y-7/ "t‘lis abe tic •pres:t.:.l ding, judge.' Thii man possessed' great let tis have, this diabolical: plot unravelled, I court inquiry into my; character andcon- fore . nsic acquirements, iandwas of Spotless! duct f! : - i ~ • " ..• pnvate character; but like the' majority of, lawyers of that day'-=when it was noiex- " It is ao use saYine. any inorcabout "it,"' , .answered the , landlord: ".here is- Boots trtiordinary thing to hang • twenty , 'men , iii t with a constable, and ,let: us all go away a morning at'Neatate---he was a staunch . stickler for the' gallows 'as thaonly effect together to the ,nearest, magistrate. Boots, caw that trunk.. ~•John araPtilly, you.can teal" reformer and safeguard of the social fellow us." . ,I. • state.!.' At thiS time. lie :Wris;;litit' partially _ And so the pa '' : rtY, Lru;iii, amid iiii;:, Under recovered frail along arid seVere"indistpo 7 ' 1 sition,'' and the: traces:of recent 'suffering i the. constable as , conductor,- a iljoarned to the. house of a magistrate' in pp adjacent wt ' r6. di4inell Y n pr h !' entan hi'''Ptllti and passionless features. 1 . 1 . "'," . '' ' ' •I's- ~ ', street..' %There tire, matte", so chat a .ease or felonyt-robbery in " a., dwelling .1 - jorvy was arraigned ii► q . tie coriii ;the hoppet-7that.:,Flarvev„,.all ; protestati ons c. , evidence was gone citifflillY through; Mad thp.contrary, was fully owninitted :Aar trial . : every thin;, se ftir aS I Was ' emic,eined; . If • ;,• • ' • o at the ensuing Mareb ' assizes then ut a was chine that could do: But at' t h e Ifey, , daYs.distant..;,, • ~ • ' , .... ;.,, ~ - , time to liiCli'l' refer, Counsel was not al- 1 I .At the :period at :avliicli these incidents lOW6d to addiess 'the oiii-t on behelfefthel occurred, I was a young, going on prisoner ',t practice since introduced froni my'first circuits.:. - I, had; Rot as yet. been Scoiland=and:ceriSeqUentlY I) v/i6' alloW-.1 i honored with, perhaps, more than, Hire,: or • eel nO opporhinity'to, draw ; the 'attention of fopr, briefs,. .and these 'only -,in cases so the jury to' thO total aaniit Of any oir'6oov: slightly, productive of fees., that:l, ,was,com- illetice; Of ',die priSoner'S" guilt.''''Haryby, , pelted ,to study ,econoroy, ia my exchrsi Orr , . liiiiielf:tried , - to 'point oat • 'the' MilikeliliOcia Instead of taking ugmy residence at ao , ini t . of hi; ' king 'Aiilt;y;' 'kit , lie', WEI , ii!tiot nriiiiiii when ovisiting •:•••-• , -.----,,a,ponsitleralge,,sea. gilled' With •diiilectie'"iiiiliflis,' 'find . his Ilia-1 , plait, where the ,cotrq, ,held , its sittings,;.l rafigne' fell 'pointless orr:llia Mader:hand -4W911in.; ludgiezS ;kept .ibY.. it widow lady, ings'of the twelve' cominetiLialitee' intliaid- I where,- nt , , asmall expeosp, "I., o ol i t' c i l l oy 1108101o'sat 'in' the.jiiry.bioi.".. The judge , perket quietoeSs, free frominterriiPtioa.; liiitdly . 'prOCeedod•tii siiin"iip - the evidenee;' 4, I ,0n the. evening aher my arri.val on Il ic ,, and 'this Jai 'did erripliaticallk i deraitist the Alarekeirenit DC l t,h9, ) y gar , 17........, was .sit. 1 liaCilidi'Weiliit : With' 'ranch ' ° foree • 'oil" tingin ,my -lodgings ,pern'sing,,a,iaeW xvoih the susliielouii' 'eireiATisionecth Of a itectly en:crintirial jurisprndencp, when the' hind:, man tiliting'up :his , abode at; an expensive lady, aflor, -tapping at. tlic,door, entered i v - , flishiontible'hiStel; his furtive descent from room,„ .. ~. „ , .. ., ; r , . r. ,. Lis'a' pailments by the Rabic stairs; the iin , 41 j am sorry to -tmuhie yop" . „ sir,.. sulk doubted thee of the watch . being: found, in she ;, 4 ,!but a lady.has,called . to see, you ab,oot his 'trunk i'• the' improbability; Of any one a verydistressiPg.iaw, ,case7-very,distrek puttii e ; itlhere' but.liiinself; and the ex: king.inde94, PildA , YerY.strupge,cooit j 4 treinelikeliliedd that theyrobbery rims ier: too. . , ; Only, if you, could , Vp r so,goodr"'4 . t o fected in' TO Sir 4 inorrients'tti tithe' qty the' sec jim.,7 - !? . , •,,. •„,, -, , „,,, ,•,•,,, ~,, • ~,,, \ ~.,,, : OutOrit; just •as'he' , ,j l iaSscid;froin thew Millet' - " Who is,she 37, . ~, ~,, ~ „,, ~,..\,' the' hotel; to thti reel* Which he Iliad otetipi.J' L"fiAll I ii.fp,w,ro'bent it isthis ;, plui,is,, a Od:'. J 44 .lf,'."'Saicl , he ( to the' juri; in etineht- Mis / .. Ntrey, , Ni l id;' and liei'liiilitVti,d 'and ;dingliiS eddies's,' Alyea , rani tlfter lilt , these a qc l ,i9r,, , ),"9T h e. IL4,'§ilii: A rstetil6, , foili'lli l dio l v. cv,iftristati6y r.t.iivArn , :trK.initic i tzei l 'tate 1 ' 114 viii;9 1 1 1 -1>(;:r.0, ilve• 4 i•') - 1 - 4 1 ' 1 ','"PPP9 1 4! ; •!unhoent got 'thy , trimailai 'frittit.unarge9 t p ,• • on leaving ifici'lfirge' bittol . 4l;rei.the tirinbre 'thtin:t. can do. ' , The' iknacseeni •. 1 51 1 .,1 1 . 1 ., ~: x _,. 1.. K i.,1•1 0, . .1 / 1 • 't' , ; ~ 1' I 1 0 R i iy, I%'if 4. P - V"i , t! ` 4..1,t , 19r, .F?bbeiy., , , i rord to Mb t!s die . , t . A.4 the''suit at'nooa-day.f•-•••• i, It i fj t?„'fy.,. i ninglctit' by' pie , prisener, - to The eviden . itt`sliot4 is irtesistable- And s W/,c? ) , yipi 0 P 1 9;q 1 1 8 1, 11 1 - A . ,p,71th'ell i here;liirt..:, if the- just fin liece:sstiryproirisions o ' flilie t 1 I, e a : ya , , the; :I.niggeg; and . , ,P;i shy 4titti4l it.iv'to.tf. Mit: tforO'ed. in. stielf , 'very ;plain 1 P icli in 01°10/4.b6aA) amid ' AvnSln'ottat . o cootkobo . .iety rnill'bU , 'dissolved; and 41.0 OPlistre§si tibir hAy . i?idtlipr; 'lviio iii seeurity 'fol. 'opbrty tbel'e will- b POne • .•: .•;; „•• i ~,, ~ •,,, i 1 •;r:' I , ' - ,I. .I_ ~. ' 6 -----, MVP" 'VO . `*-- - .{‘). ' .GtIIIIP.-.' • - - 4,o'n, . . ~. the PrOVInY Vt ',,;!NTViCe] dial. F,al, f liqr , rtiltlenten; 1 0 4d, to 4 pi y.9n l n,ef l tiTail pad lier'an4 Jibe , ibt. . . • i i ii i. ?,llio ' ping/ lailf.h c?(lit . wi lguls ., cit,t,h4 ~ 01 , 9 , J,i , iy , gy. . '.',A4 ply, broAliQr,ltpoyvoltat Wti ,tt've . / 4,:• c oi rninu L4Ott'clpt lE t twYer staying lieo; ) ,lid I llt 6 9: Oho of them - "tAo , i)oor,v 6 :xl?iM ?Acnine ptai,eo, ll sult dfai it was p itboUttha• cl4r;' . l ,'' ,, . d ' liißd tli6 eioW had thekttstail lb' 44 W€4l, I'll seo what'.. eqe,:bo'd9liq,--2. teottitc:—.4l l ' , T 4 1 §is9 tI . T lady, to Sti) , /? , 4 1 , 1 t , ,l:' Ottigns'/isi c d I,fly was shortly sliiiWn in s 84e B4e , 4 ~s IMO f: r ••• Neutrat sn H ,II u‘. .. S • • -4 , • -..47;;L;-.l' PERI IME n t t ::f 4U IZZZE Mill A.. J u 1, , : 1 P. 1849' BEI 'Li • .~ . • „ rc ME ME ME , re and make up your ver. ;re'rial. dispoded" to 4,9" - it 'reit , minutes to ether; ,k 4 tio 'dila delivered thtver-, :Gtii/tyl• pg badge df the jUdieialpe adit.,'eap :tidd' the eloikier - the,!priseAei'ifthii 'bur, • ' Ifito had anythitig to' iirg,e WY, - • ) -4‘ k i 4 ;;; , ; •: r DOLLARA YEAIt,INADVANCr.,,!, OEM I "--- , why sentence of ,death should not be pass ecl upon him: . • • J• • Poor Harvey ! I durit scarcely look at him. As the sonorous Words fell on his ear he was "graspingmervously with Icing hands" nt the ,front of the, dock. _He appeared stunned; bewildered, aa.a man but half awakened frOm a' bideouli'dreani ; might be supposed to; look.'" lle had cern. preliciaded, though he' lthd scarcely heard; the, verdict; for on the instant; ' the voi4 which but a few on, before Sting' to him' by the' brook side; was 'ringing through' his brain, ftnd be could repogn4e:-the tle pattering feer of his children; , as Sob bing and clinging.to their shrieking Moth: er's dresh, she and they Were hOrried out of the Court. The • Cleric, tiller painful pause repeated 'the' sots inn' 'formula. ,fly a strong effort the doomed man mastered his agitation; his'pale equittenotte li b idtteir up with indignant, fire, and firm and' self possessed, ho thus replied to the ;fearful terroffatory . " Much could I say in thee name, not'of mercy, but of justice, why the 'sentence a bout to bc passed on ,me shotild not be pro flounced ; butnothing, a aotl a willam me With.' you, pride-blindk ministers of death. YOU fashion to yourselVesout Of your own - Vain conceits do you - .fashion-- modes ,& iiistrinnehts,: by - .the-aid-'6l,which, yeti 'lttidly imagine' to invest 'your:serves, with 'attributes which belong, only 'to Om.. Itiseieti6o ; 'arid nowt warn you- 7 -and it is' a voice from the tomb, in whose 'slitidOw I already stand;' which' addresses you-- : that • , • you are about to'Commit a most cruel and' deliberate murder." • ' • ' • 'lle paused , and the jtirylboked fnieclic I other's.eyes 'foithe'eourage'they could not find' in their 'own ,hearts. The" voice of soriseience Spoke, 'but was only for a feW 'Tbd' suggestions that What graVe -Parliaments, learn ti judges, f'sc, all classes of "respectability." 'sanctioned, could not be 'l'vrefig,' 'lrma less Murderous or cruel, silenced the small" tones, and tranquiliz i ed the, startled juror:4. Prisoner' at the bar'," said the judge with. his ebld; 'calm voice 'of destiny, cannot 'listen' to such observations ; ,you have, been found gu'iltyOf a' 'licit - tong of fence, by,4 jury of your own countrymen, tifier a' 'patient trial..., With that finding I . need 'Scarce' say I entirely agree., ; I am ts;:satisfied' of your :guilt as if 'I bad seen yob .commit the act with My own bodily eyes. The circumstances of your being . a person who,' from' habits and education! should havebecrinhove committing so Vase , a . .crime,:,Oidy aggravates,: your floWeVer, no matter who or what you have been, You must expiate your offence on the, The lawhas very properly,, for the safety of society, decreed the_ uppish, rrt ni T 4L .l,77 o i f ttrt„x, , r d_ mv ea r t eitrintrn h cil fo id r_ fii su tiol e t h ' re s p z- l it y 7S it : l !): a t s r i o c : n ly ., ing with his elbows on the front of the dock; his bowed face Fevered with his outspread handS; and the judge passed sentence of death in the accustomed fern - 4 • The court then reser and - a turnkey, ,placed liiS hand upon the, prisoner's arm to lead him away, Stiddenly , hdaiieoveredin4faee;'drew hini tip' to his' full ' markably, glared fiercely roimd.,upon the audience, like , • mal tit' bay; • • • • • • "My lord,',' be Cried; or' rather' shOuted, „la leM you. Force. - 41 ''' I motioned, hanged,thei - d in an exeitpd' -__ce. _te jutge, ~,, , i .,, t . impatiently to the jailor, and strong' hands "What of him?” replied the judgp, hu3, impelled the prisoner from 'the front of the features, suddenly flnslung crimson, , ) -1„- dOck., Bursting iron) them, he agpin'gprang . " Why, my lord,_ oply.this --. 04t h. 6 ,.** forward; and his arms Otitstretched;,:whilst as innocent 9f tbo crirk./q*for.,ivhick.Yell, !di' glittering eye seemed to hold thelutl , ia hanged him as the child. yet unhern,l,44ld, spell-bound, exclhitned; '‘'‘. l .lly lord, bcfc7e ; the deed!, I put the watch : in his trunkli'; another month has passed away you, will ; And to the unutterable, horr,or of thp,entipp, appgar,at the bar of another world, to an-' court, •he related, the, ; whole particulam'of swer for 'the lifo ; ' the innocent 'Hie; which! the transaction, ,tbe ,origin, of hip 'gradgp a l God bnsiowed upon, m6,.,!)1t, A'il le ii "'you' gains t. Harvey, cymi'llia dplight,on,bringdpg have impiously cast rtn , ay. as tt thing of him' to the gallows,„ ,;. 1 , ,,, ritiiight and ,corit!” • Ile't eased, and was . "Inhuman, ~exeprable villain 1", grulpqd at 'once b orne olr. 'rime court, in' - bome - the judge in extreme exciterapnt. -• • ..,'J, - ,) donflision; - hastily departed: It wits tho't ?Cleverly done,,,thottqh l ,:Wa t.3 • A t , , rito i ..at the time that the judge's evidently- fail my my lord?" rejoiced the,rufHan, 'Yith.tbi.ttg ing health• had suggested the piwheey to irony, , r in. pvidqncc you kneiv,,, wnir the prisonek'. ''lt on!) excited a foNv day's' resistable i ; the crime ,as clear as thp,sunal wonder, 'add Wds. for;2;etteit.' - ' ''" • ' noonday; and if,irierauch plain" casea t ,the The positiO of a harriSter in such eir-: just and nore..sari.law was 2 n, „ot , efilf'?Xe.P4 cuMstances is al N'vays ly say that my own feelings were of nvet-' bo no security' for property!„Ther i e,„-kvere ry clistrOssing kind.' consciett4that if the your words I thirdc. Half oh that moat unforiuriatO man' really 'was 'guilty, he waa sion I admired your' lordship's judgment at 'least not deservink, of capita! punish- and elotftteriee I "Soeiety :vitiated:lb& dis- Mem; I' oxOrted: ' myself to' 'procure a Mt' solved 'icon innoc:ent Man . 1VCIE1:110t hang prieve.; In the ' first place -I waited 'Pri.' etl I; Ha ! lia Iha I Capital l'c.upitally'shoutc , vately, w the judga,; :but he would liSten'to ed the' fProzious •felon ,with dernonkingleei no th-oPosat for a respite. '' Alon; with P.) as he marked, the sefliszsts Aliftie*rd." 4- - nuinberOr individnals-kily;Of the BO.' thecountenanee of the.judife. ) , - :sibrJ!;e 9 ',. - ' 6tai'or, 'Fiidiids 7 l 4 . 'iinfitliitfcig thd Prawn - ' , ..s o ,llemovothe prisonefMoriedthtildwiff` i fora`,.';cOlninuktii.,o of 'the ii seriterie; 'But ' .1' An .011 w; was about .`to do ''so; but die '-, , • bCin,g'ilitaccternparned ivith motioned him to.ldeitiit:l;2lEfisieriii4 ' ! ation from ihr,;,,fit4 , v; the prayerof 0 r pe r : . w2e . katures.ivoikeit qiiiiivul * itst'illt:‘; , .-4 1t1t;.4 Wtto"'Cif 'coarse- diUl'eliard'eci;'the laW - seerner;in - r u j r n. a ;4. . 'tbm4 arth . il,' AWLS . ' &iid 'ails t take - its T c 6080 . . 1 Ho W' wotel not 3 coth . c e.:, : 4: - ..i/itt;:i: 1 ; :)j .nrit, 1 7 , 1 7-7 ,ltn-,much cruelty has, been exercised uncaps -,; "1 .suppose,y lordimeoittinnocittoe t ri: K. shelter of that reindiseler, 'exPrdssion! wrighton a - My and. biasing' to inkthe l: . ,aitkl,W, v illinf,ly w i tr ia li vp .. prs H sed o 4 cis shadow,.,of,4ainttorable :desp' ' Tgid i witbrici LI , succeeding e en s t ; I.J (1.13143 to . save :111& settled on his faccs444liistifipiarreyouikitoW life;lentlewi)ored osoothe,thb: lbw; renittin-' that his. wife deittroyed:hersolf.,-!Ttie.card ; ing hours of the deerned convict; '' and fro- oiler's Jury aaid4sheliadTallert:ancidenbil, ; quently; yisited hirri in- tho'COnderrined dell; ly, into •• the Jittteevt:lrkikOWpetbmrf 4 Shii The more I saw' Of'hiltroll : dOep l att4ro,itir tin:tithedherself , nridirAttt, • , -.-',' my sympathy in his 'easel'. which rives that breken h'eariN,`l'srtivttizertraiitt d . r,ficry . u . o i i felon.' .'. '” L'have I teen. a• mast derttlibaby - -inr,herfAmts - i'.ild&tl,*l tO,-17 rtrifortuncrtelnirtr,i' , said he , ktrie iday . td , me.' knOw4.ll4l , istal3loittl t ) Uttlttititti4 • ' t-'''' IF '‘A'. de stiny 'ruin' iii; ihrtune and: in! erlasting ' pet'clitionl-4tut' inY ' •,,.: -,`,,* ,rt lifeliee.Peretted me:: I I ca4o4,if desPrtetti fierti;thOiAt'llstarhreftd littortikfifflV'' liY God' and man-ydt flertOrt -will one day terilfidiriPto.'shall'fioi.3 tiOgn'''' ' 3 v Indicate - myiutiOcente Of thisfoaleltaige:. doivir to -..WherriYoug*trinitoi To -think of 'beiti'shanged'ilk6"ll. 'tlOg. for aA ' 'lf -h I Ahrtt'' Irak ''W • . _ -•. 4 ... —.- .pi gea, P r rime,at'Whichm 'aettllievoltst 'Great is, Hound Oftiljtide.ilifigi ' ~ :,,yl• 'it :,,ifi .1., , „4 , ~.,..)! f. , v.h..'"".1.t„ :`! . ...i o. ::,",,, 1,... t , ,1 . . :t. l': ' : ,, ' liir .. : : 4, c...':•F`,,,-., zwithiogg 0 . v7 - *;v - rj t'l,l • I} •ni • '1"1; i• ;;..c „I , =NM MP"! .1! MSS ME - . • , , ~ 4„,,.,„ ~,. lit N.. 1.1 !. Hi: Y. , cs', - ;,:1:,i ',12:04.:,,,. , ..iit , I,ittii , . , t ,';.ll..ilj , tlA ',i'li i'; tho crime . of thoselmhecile jprore,ari that false and, hard-hearted judge, thtia an irroireFsable' decree, . . consigns.a fellow• mortal to a death `of violence and dipgrace, Oh God, help `rne,--rhelp me t tuataini , lnat bitter, bitter hourr` . And then , the poor man would throw himself on his bed and NVCCI But the parting willi - hia.wife, and 1ff!147 . dr.en.' What pen can' dericiihe thailedi. Iffe interview/ They knelt in prayer,their wo-bcgone countenanceS 'Suffused in teaks, and with hands clasped donvlllsively'itik; gethel. The scene , was too sacred for the eye of a stranger.. ' I TUB ed from the cell, and ;buried: myself in my lodgings, whence I did not remove till all was over.. ,Ncxt daY , Harvey,. victim victim to circumstantialence, and ofd barbarous criminal Pude, perished; on,tho, scaffold. , ; I Three weeks, afterwards. the, court arri, ved at a populous, city. in the west of Bag.. land. It had in;the interval visited . anoth. er assize town, and there Judge A—,-rhait left three for execution. . At the trials,oc these men, .hoWever,,l, had met attended-. So shocked had been my feplings with tip mournful events-which ,had taken place at ---, that I. had. gone into Wales, for, the. sake of change . pf, scene. 4ffor roaming abOut-for a-fortnight. amidst . the-iild soliw tude of Crernarvonshire, J . . took ;the,. stage for the city which I knew tho,cpurl wee to and arrived on the daY; previous, the opening of the assizes,' ".Well,.are No, to have a be.allr dar I" I inquired.. next morning of a, hrotlx: er barrister on 'entering the court:. "Rather light fora *arch assize,"„ re plied ihe impatient. counsel as -he bustled onward. 4 Theie?q car . twngint's R39:7:7, highway robbery—in which Tam ,for the prosecution. He'll swing ; for : it, and Parr; haps four or, five pthers.'', „. " A gond hanging judge is thc under-sheriff; whp at,thiS moment join t ed us rubbing his hands, pslifpl 6 ased,:nrt,.9!, the prospect of. a few pxceatants. chance of the prophecy YerulPr comipgtp pass I suppose . , ; " Not in the least,", replied the bustling counsel. «Ile nevdr, looked, hette.i..iHis illness has gone completely,pfr. :And, day's work will brighten him,:up;'' , s. , Cartwriglit's trial came .03, ~;.I,lit;d:ne%'fre r seen the man befere,and . was riot awa,rp, that, this was the same, persort-that Vagye.,y; had incidentally told me hO ed for theft • the-truth being that tillthe, last moment of his existence, that : nap/lu, nate xnan had not known puCh had Been u sacrifice to thi4wrtch'i;mojce, The . crime „of which this;v,./ 11 i; stood accused, was , that ,of rob bing a far, liner. of the .paltry sum ofkight theneizhborhpodstOtrracombeic pletids ed not guilty, but put in no defence. verdict was .recorded . o g9lnsi.him and due form A-7-7-sentenced,him io,be ed., An expression, of fien,dish inalignaw ey gleamed over the baggaid fentpron; of 'the felon as he asked leaye addresa a, few words, to the court.,, ~It was : tpl. Leaning forward, and 'raising ,htslkeavy. scowling eyes to, the .jadgq • ho,t4asPegc}n .--" There ,is some:thing on r,ny,,,mind, my, load-t—a dreadful crime, aslnto toi die, for the eight,,shillings,E;took;from the, farmer I may us syclXpofess. ,You mgy remember Harvey, my ' lord,wb,-- #6l. t Wig 'rl. ui MEE I. ' • ~..• • •- fl •-; • J E =ME . ' 1033111Eit 8.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers