ti HE DOLLAR. NI .1:0:11d;: , piiii lune' 29,:1,84.9. , „ , -Apprentice •Wanted, gtea4 need of help d will give an exe,ollen til y. to a smart aenve lad , ;%irlto is de is of learning the Printing Business. Defining one Position.. • . 'll of our time , pnd, : space ivero ast week in Making_apologies, 6t.c..,.4re,;. that we . were corn., .ostPopeit; very important mat. ig the political .position Of . The it ;;~~ "' ~;:` ■ , t. "k t'• ( ' .~ ~~. '~.}r, ~'., ... p s often have great diffiettltyin air positions ; and it not unfre appens that those visitiens are ' early defined, and fairly, under Stand '1 1;.3i, - other's, until he that is most -interested - *- k ' : ` he' isit nocessary to re.assert 'end mark out lxicw; his vows and 7 461 - Wing in the i!i i i - jd'er4 World. Such, liolincians am to be td in „all parties; and . 14 they are nei qadvantage or honor,to . any of 4e: all partieS would be better without '',..iTherefore,-reader, another you are ;or Denicieat, whenever• yon sec a Who is always ilifi nz:pg his posftion -13 Milling: great•paihs.'tc; elm' r up his 1 course, "and to make his way op nsistent-----Sof bim'doWn as a corn del.--4a mere time server :always ket7 l , l 4 l 7 iendy at any' timeto be - Whig .. . e according to theprice offer 'rccra f * . . ~ 311 C /,/ ine.n N.' ill - lead their . friends into ~ -, ~ . 0 , .. Given's, on the other hood, the Ifi Whose positi9n 4' alwdo t% Itlinal i sotes:—.by 'his . `dose adliereiice to plea of his party. Such a man, 'co'whatp6*ty he belongs, is goe r. Lon.est..nil -patriotic-intentions. ' I may be safely frosted. He :JaVe occasion to shun his A 1 . C .t. ~ ~.. NE i . t pe'We...should resume the • ob hktCle:‘ -We have. for a long Ate alas) • been at' the head tx.ClPaper, and were engagcid_ . • . . • pil'AC warm political contests Of kv - :years. That course is .., . kareeca4o. • .1 what we honestly be eed "'"qb‘hc •onor of -our country, ~. alit - ,.t.te ... b ''',cl:of it fellow-citizens.— t t Hative.to brow the same scenes iTati, we ilia not t it we could make anyinp rove ,:: ,1, 1 , •,..ries. - . yo have hotlaid polifts aside—so far ,• as gt papers mncerned-lnd have en .l.erectitpon tt plblication cta. newspaper 1 :free Coin pof ialbias. InA,' ing this, we 1 acserlio printille. We have\no less at tachm6' to thettinciples we 4ve hereto : fore stipported,l than we evei Fad ; and we are just niam'ous to see th to princi ' PlL's trinUriti;.notijniymerei - ourr pugnaur the wort!, as ever Ire were. But\ve have not becninaking a living—not - Teiving i pay for air labor, and hence duty Cimpel !led us to 49 sonzdhing—to resort to some other ineins of increasing our inconte.H That weitave hit upon the right plan,iimc I will tell. i Our prospects now, arc by no means flittering ; but we arc happy to *my that theylre improving. As no county, , with the'lOpulatioa of ours, can get along 'ell withtut a nevspaper,_ and as we aro nxious tokeep up the credit of our county .!. this reelect, we rely confidently upon 'e patriotism of the people of Clearfield unty, to carry us through; , Should we ,• eive thatcountenanceand support which s been so often and •by so.many prom :d to a neutral paper, we will certainly Letter than we have been doing heroto• rot of - rne ITIM There aro t.tiji - Antlti riflaoiicfo s Clio ugh question the sincerity of our professions neutrality, and who stem to appiehend m , me contemgible trick, or anceuvre.— e have no habit. We mean to do, st what we promise; and when we do erwise, it, will be time enough to civm t .n. e repent, that we neither desert nor go our political opinions. We menr ange the character , of our 'paper from if t t partizan organ, ;into such a char ,as that every• citizen of the county, i or bemOCiat or Whig, will be coal. intl -to support it. ... 'lf_ any man, of party, wishes to speak for himself, ;Ind, or his party, through, the col. cif the per, he can•have an oppor- If doing so, and' in this 'respect .i+ire ;wer the . .purposes of an organ, for' rtics. ' In short, we wish to publish' - Paper, in the tidiest and Grotud l. oftlio term_ •.. ~. . . r ratsshoulds- not complain of,this. a ,4„,v6V-Olild rather spend LA .0• . , - Y . adocac of the Whole- . 1 ' llotil i •,s to which virn.are ch,Vehek 1 { in any. other way. astidt' i 'ons . and thankless , , •• eof I`% iorially is, , yet'it • tq,),Nin dti 4nd 061109:°P oliii0,. & ire sparedHarand ddi, 4,4 o .enr pest.; That e con. , ' 1311 t Wr , e are i vill-lave a paper f. , . io for the next. Gu. irj ~ ~~ •~ y. theiX Lee bernatorial 'contest,' whop we shall be glad to, resume 'our pesitiori',as' the , conductors of an organ of the Democratic 'ptirty and, engage in' Wpeful 'contest in ; support of the interests of Clearfield county, and her candidaM. • Fearful I li of the Cholera, • The followlnAtatement shows tlie pro gress of this fatal malady at the places and up to . the dates respectively named. It will bosom that in our Western cities it is fgar . fittlyon.the increase. is it, now° be fatred flint the recent excessively warm weather will give an 'impetus to its rava ges in the Eastern cities; We are indebt ed to the telegraphic report of the delphia-Daiiy News for the following : Irk. New York,-June 2184 there were 20 cases,end 14 deaths. No report for the 22d. ,On the 23d, - 40.. new cases, and 21 deaths. On the 24th, 38 new cases, and 21 deaths. On the 25th, 47 cases, and . 25. deaths. In St, Louis, June 21tit, 12 cemetries report 00. interments, 81 of which were cholera. On the 21st, the same number of cemctries report 130 interments, 106 of which were from cholera. 'On the 22d, tetrcemetries report 86 interments, 76 of which were from cholera. On the 23d, eight cemetries reported 75 cholera inter ; ments, and 18 from other diseases. On the 24th, eight ccmetrics reported 03 'eho tem interments, and 16 from other disea ses. • In Cincinnati, June 22d, there were 70 deaths, 64'of which were from cholera.— On the 23d, 78 deaths, of which 60 were from cholera. On the 24th, 84 from cho lera, and 30 from other diseases. In Phiktdaphia, up to the 24th the number of cases had not exceeded 6 per day, with two or three deaths. But on the 25th the number of cases had increased to 20, and the deaths to 8. AccintYr.—We regret to learn that F. G. MILLEn, a young man, and one - of our most respected citizens, met with a scri: ous accident in the upper end of this cowl:, ty, under the followimg circumstances, as related to us:—He had accompanied sonic hands to the woods for the iiarpose of cut ting saw-logs. A tree was fell, and Mr. Miller was standing by it, with his arm ly: ing on the fallen tree, when a limb that had lodged among the branches above, fell, striking him on the arm, breaking and mashing it about the elbow in such a shock ing manner as to render amputation nec essary. Death of 4-President Polk. As a small token of respect for the me mory of the late JAMES K. PoLK, we (lee orate our paper this week with the usua jlmdo 0 Now that ho is no more, the world will accord to him the true Merits of his num erous and important public services.— ' The public press, with very rare excep tions, have accorded to him all the honor and praise that any man could desire.-z This, so soon after the stirring events in which Mr. PoLK so actively participated, is as honorable to the memory of the de ceased, as it is creditable to the living. Democratic State Convention. . At a Democratic county meeting held in this place on Saturday last, Col. G. R. Rum Err was appointed Senatorial and W. J. HEAIPIIILL Representative delegate to the Democratic State Convention to be held at Pittsburg, on the 4th day of July. The Barbarous Fight in Kentucky. It_is..n9w ascertained that C. M. CLAY was not killed in the recent disgraceful fight in Kentucky. Though wounded, he is recovering. Turner died a few bouts after the rencontre. The account says : "Clay was addressing a crowd. Some one in the crowd called him " a d--=4.1 liar." He rushed from the stand in the direction of the voice, and was met by Turner, Who snapped hip pistol three times i llt Clay's pistol also snapped twice, when he threw it down, drew his bowie knife, and at the first blow ripped open Turrier's ab domen. As Turner was falling, Clay rai sed his arm to-strike-again, when he:was himself stabbed in the breast with a dirk." O:Y. - Those who 'complain of the want of foreign news in our papei will have no rea son to find fault .with this number. it is highly important; however, and may be fully relied wen as giving a fair,statement of the stirring times in urope- Trial for. Moiler. , The trial of .rot it Fricd/y is now pro gressing in Philadelphia; for the murder .of'' his wife by hanging her" in the cellar. - , EXTENSIVE RoullinY.--The' ' jewelry store of Watson & Hildeburn, Philadel: phia, wps robbed of watches, breast-pins, and other jewelry,: to the amount of from 15,000 to $20,000, on, last Sunday,night. The.robliers had not been taken at the last accounts, althougli the police are in hiit pursifit. The. CloriOils 4th of July The. Teachers, 'and others connected with our Sunday Schools, arc making ar- , rangernents for celebrating the approach ing anniversary of our National Indepen dence, • rtom . silit N. Y .I.lornni of (3annierco Death of Et-President Polk. A telegraphic deSpatch from NaShville reached us last night, announcing the death of ex-President POlk. It is in the words NASIIVII:LE, June, 16, 1849 "Ex-President lames K. Polk is no more. llc died last evening, of chronic diarrhcea.'! It Was, previously known that Mr. Polk was Suffering from it sovere'attack ofdis ease, but we were not prepared for the sad intelligence which has now reached us. James Knox 'Polk, the eleventh Presi dent of the United States, was born on the 2d of November, 1705. Consequently, ho, died at the age of fifty-four years, sev en months and thirteen days. No other President or 'ex-President of the United States died so young, as will be seen by . the following schedule : Died. ACC. George° Washington, Id h Dec. 1799. 68 John Adams, 4di July 1926 91 Thomas Jefferson, : '4 It July 1826 'B3 James MadisoO, 28th June 1836 85 Janus Monroe. " 4th July 1831 71: John Quincy Adams, 211 Feb 1818 81 Androm.. , Jackson. Bth June 1845 7§ Mrrtin Van•Buren, Still living Wm. Henry Harrison. 4 h April 1841 68 John Tyler, Still living James Knox Polk, 15. h June 1849 • 54 Zncliaiy Taylor, Still living. Of all the twelve Presidents of the Uni ted Statos,-Only three survive, including 'the present incumbent. Of the nine who have deceased, none, except Mr. Polk, were under about sixty eight years of age. The oldest was John Adams, who was ninety-one. In 1806, when ex-Presikent Polk was eleven years. old, the family removed to Tennessee. In 18.1.5 he_entered the_ ,University_ _of North Carolina, where he distinguished himself by punctuality, good scholarship, and other desirable. qualities. At each semi-annual examination he bore away the first honor, and 'finally graduated with the highest distinction of his class. In 1819 he returned to Tennessee, and commenced the study of law in the office of the late Hon. Felix Grundy, and was admitted to the bar in 1820. After two or three years exclusive application to his profession, he was "electedto a seat in the State Legislature, and in 1825 to the Con gress of the Unitcd.Statcs. He soon made his influence felt in that body, and contin ued a member of it fel a great number of years. In 1835 he was elected Speaker of the House, and again in 1837. In leav ing the chair at the close of that Congress, (which terminated its existence in 1839; Mr. Polk addressed the House at consider able length, in the course of which he said "But five members who were here with me fourteen years ago, continue to be members of this body. My service hero has been constant and arduous. I can perhaps say what but few others, if any, can, that I have not failed to attend the daily Sittings .of this House a single day it. cn VI , cm a single occasion, when prevented for a short time by indisposition. The high office of Speaker, to .which it has been twice the pleasure of this House to elevate me, has been at all times one o labor and responsibility. It has been made my duty to decide more questions of par liamentary law and order, many of them of a complex and difficult character, ari sing often in, the midst of high'excitement, in the course of our proceedings, than has been decided, it is believed, by all my pre- decessors, from the foundation of the gov ernment. This House has uniformly sus tained me, without distinction of tho polit ical parties of which it has been compo sed. I return my thanks," &c. In 1839, Mr. Polk declined a re-election to Con gress, and was thereupon elected gover nor of Tennessee, which office he held for two years. From the expiration ofllti4 period he remained in private life (altho' twice an unsuccessful candidate for gover nor) until May, 1844, when, most unex- pectedly to himself and to the nation, he was nominated by the Democratic Con- vendor' at Baltimore, for the Presidency, the United States. To this high office he was elected in the fall of the same year. His administration is too freslLin the mem ories of our readers to require to liolxtr. ticularly delineated. It was, however, a bold & successful one. Everything which he attempted he achieved. Whatever may have limn the merits of the war with Mex ico, none can deny that it was carried on with energy, ability, and wonderful sue. cess. Notie either can justly deny to Mr. Polk the credit of honesty and integrity of purpose, and a sincere desire to promote the honor and irifbrests of his country.— He always manifested a great respect for religion, and 'added his influence to that of his excellent lady, in it's favor.- nut he has gone. His administration and life are ended, and are henceforth matters of his tory. • Withip how short a period , have we been called to chronicle the departure of three of our most distinguished citizens ! Woith, Gaines, Polk, all of whom had filled bright pages on the roll of fume, are .among the dead. .While we honor their memories, and endeitYor to imitate their. yirtucs, let us - remember that the highest distinction on earthis, to be truly good. The Lexington .I3udg,et says that 'Moth er EVemarrieda gardener.' It might have added that the said gardendr, in' conse quence of his imprudent 'match, lost his situation. '• • -•-•: ' now lOng did Adam remain in Paradise befor6 he 'sinned?' said an amiable spouse to her loving hueliand." he ;got a wife ranswered the husband, calmly, LATEST TECECHAPHIC DESPATCHES. From iho Philadelphia Daily tNow. The Cholera in Wheeling—Fearful Ranges ..ill man allowed to perish In the • streets. - WHEELING, June'24. Thb-steamer Wyomhig arrived here at 10 o'clock, yesterday morning. She had twenty cases of cholera on hoard during the 24 hours' previous to her landing' end seven of thein proved fatal. This sad in telligence took our citizens by surprise, and when the boat' first neared the wharf, the city' authorities, 'not being prepared to itet promptly ' first refused to alloW the pas sengers and dead bodies •tO lie ' lrinded.-=- Afer author consiileratioe, however;,theY Were permitted • to he brought ashore, and the necessary .relief was administered. A passenger named Geib was landed hme•yesterday from on board the steamdr Shenandoah, sick of the cholera. He was re:fused:admission into any of the hotels, and•died,at three o'clock this morning; a victinl f the terrible malady. .Grdrit alarm prevails among our citi zens. They are taking active masers° to use every precaution.. The weather is intensely hot, and busi ness generally very dell. From llionlrettl---Allinalioll,le. Annexation' is still the - topic ordrien.s 'siOn. It is advocated by the press of this city generally, and a paper is about start ing thr its support., The weather is intensely hot, and sev eral cases have occurred where men have been struck from the effects of the heat of the sun. The city continues free from cholera. Two American schooners, the "West em" and the "Moser," have arrived direc from Toledo, Ohio. From iho Pennsylvanian Whin Depredations on the Texinn Frontier Five Hundred California Emigrants Mlle by the Indians in Mexico, &c, NEw - Om:Iwo; kin E-22. , The Indians are still committing great depredations on the,Texan frontier. Maj. Vanhorn, with six companies of Infantry, had44ll, San Antonio on the rst to operate against them. In all fire hundral emigrants to Califor nia have been killed by the Indians in Mexico. The cholera is raging violently in the nterior towns of Mexico. Fearful Progress of the Cholera in the West- 1 Indian Villages burned and Desolated. ST: Louis, Juno 25. The weather still continues very warm. The river continues to rise. There is no abatement in the progress of the Cholera here. The deaths average 100 per day. The Cholera prevails to an alarming ex tent on the Upper Mississippi-22 passen gers on board the steamer Uncle Toby, died with the Cholera between this place and Oque Awka. The Cholera is making fearful strides among the Shawnee and Delaware tribes of Indians. They are deserting and burn ing their villages. Three thieves, named Cottingham, Wat son, and Brown—desperate .eharacters— mum-mem escape I - tom - the calabooseini this city this morning. ituportant frota the Plains—Fights between California Emigrants and,the Indians. Sr. Louis, June 26. News from Chihuahua to the 7th Ult., says that the neighboring hidians are ve ry hostile, and that a number of skirmish es had taken place between them and the emigrants,. in which several were killed on both Sides. On the 4th of May, Thatcher and his, party were attacked by a large body of Mexicans. A fight ensued, in which 23' Mexicans were killed. Accounts received from the emigrants beyond Foit Kearney, state that Butraloes arc very scarce. On the 16th of May, Capt. Garrott, accidentally shot himsclfon the Peter Bameron murdered a lumberman named All 'rairie le Croix, on Mon. day last. MARK , Thursday morningthe 23d inst., . Lttonville, Clarion eon n-' ty, by Mr. GEORGE L. REED, of this . pla( _ ,itss SARAH E. WEAVER. On the samb day, by the Rev. Miles T.- Merwin, . Mr. ;JACKSON Lmovir . to KLIZA J. • datiglitaifiriti.J.7l3:CtipiFeTl;EsT, both of Lawrence township,-- THOMPSON'S a wound Syrup of Tar and rPood RupUsa .to r Consumption, Cough, S USE 'PILLI3ESP PROOF OF ITS VIRTUE From the Cnnulen Democrat. "We uro not in ilic habit of cnconiiiiing em piriciern. nor of bestowing predict whore merit does not warrant it, butt having trued Thompson'a Compound:Syrup of 7br in our family, tiro can safely bear testimony to the invarinblo good effects that ba vo resulted from its use. We have used it incases of Sore Throat, Whooping - Cough. &e., and round it of great benefit. IVoiregard it as on invaluable family medieine.". Prepared and sold by HONEY & DICKSON. N. E. corner, of FIPPII and SPRUCE atreet,..Phil• rOciphin. • Sold by A,. ' HILL, Clenrlieltl, N.. rind by Drtjggiala generally. Prire 50c or $1 iv per butt re Prices of Flour and Grain. Tito following,afatement will show the prices of Flour mid Grain at the several places mentioned at our latest &gen. Flour... Wheat: Cont: - Oats Pliilatlelplifn, $1 50 103 60 • •30 • New Wei, 450 110 63 :33 . Heston, : 550 115 64 35 Baltimore, • 462 104 58 • 30 •• Pittsburg, 362 •' 70 '4O Clearfield, • 6 00'- 1.25 , .37 Notice. ALL. persons havitigtoccounts• , touA;books load please call and v4ake ininte7tiatestttlement, tk thereby sate costs. BANS of CancensVilld, Tune 27, '49, *- MONTREAL, Jdne 23. IFIBIS is do inform Iho public that . iu thy nr rangement of compromise, on the rows) from Lowistown cia Bellefonte. it, Cliewensville, be. 'tweet) Messrs. %Vilson, Grahain ant', (boy are‘not to be liable (orally debts contracted by me with tho drivers, heeperes, Litullords,„ Bloch Smiths, or fur any oilier. thing necessary to keep up. or in repels toy sioeloal my half of soul mute, or for any deimage chum to person or persons by itpsettdog of eoneltes or - othertVlse, On the oilier heed,;! .um nOr•-desponsible or liable/ • for any of thejr fillip fur driving, keeping, or any hind of , ine; ; 'chanteal work..or damagea"by upsets of conches or othorwin for any oilier thing permining to the ex pelmet of Ideeping.up:their stork On tiTir Of 'the fa ble; •:: R 8 BAILEY; f' June.lo, 1849, - • • • BANK N curreciiA IV6"ekly b'ks, ' ;par U. S. tank, - ' 'l2 Chambersburg, i- Cll3ttysbUrg, ' Pittsburg, • i- Susq.'County, Lewistown, - no sale Middletown; Carlisle, • • Erie, . Waynesburg; .' ii 'Oswego, 00 Washington, 'lnl i Phoenix, Buffalo, 35 Harrisburg, • I f ,Staten Isiata4 " 50 Honesbale,. 1 State b.Buffitlo,7saBo Browesville, 'lal- St. Lawrence; 75 Williamsport, 1 : 1 Union, Buffalo, 30 I York; iU. S., Buffalo, • 30 All solvent b'ks par Watervliet, - 15 Relief NoteS, •11 Other solv: . blcs, ' 1 Towanda Rel. no sals . Ncw,,JerSey`.. NeW York City. Del. Bklge Co. 85 Chelsea bank, 80 Yardleyvillc, ' 15 Clinton . , ~ ' 50 Plainfield, Commercial, 2 Other solvent, par Lafayette, . 2 Ohio. Washington, 70 Solvent Cincinnati 1 Other solv. b'ks, par Cleveland, New York State. Hamilton; .15 1 Allegheny co. 60a75 Cowmen, Scioto, 10 America, Buflhlo, 30 do Lake Erie,7s Commerce, do, 35 Sanduf;ky, ' Atlas bank, :30 Norwalk, • Canal, Albany, 25 Farmers'; ‘ Canton, 75 Brockport, 25 Granville Society, --- James Bank, •1l Lancaster, 15 Northern Ex., IjUrbanna ll'ino• b co. 65 Lodi, 20a25 Other solvent, 1 1 4 Lyons, 15 Under Fives, 24 State b. Saugerties, 1 FOR SALE. TWO TRACTS OF LAND, 990 ACRES EACH, BEING %%furores Nos. 5000 and 5011, gaunt° in nem zett township,•Ellt county, on the WR tore of tho 7 Sinnemahuning—rthunt 10 ur 10 miles m rich vajley settlement. Tbo_lnt.de ore getter ally %%ell timbered with Whim Pine nndllickory. . The tracts will be sold entire or by half tracts, and the terms'are Cnsh. Fur n description of the lots spplication can he made to Joseph Mason, CEq, Pine Street, Elk county and to .1: F. W. &hunts, t Kart haus. Proposals to ho Peril to June 28, 1819.-4 t PUBLIC VENDUE. NOTICE is hereby given that there will be a piddle voodoo held at the house of Jacob Maurer, Iwo or Covington township, CU - lir:lel:I Co, &ell. on Friday the Gilt day of July,--the (olluwirig properly, viz: Finer Horses and harness, 1 Colt, one 4 horse waggon, 1 farm, waggon. 1 two horse waggon, 1 two horse carriage, 2 Sleds, 2 Sleighs,l Threshing machine, 1 Wind mill, ploughs, harrows, chains and all kinds of farming tools—Bed steads 4- bedding, 2 Stoves, 2 Clocks, 2 Tables, Chairs and all kind'of house hold utensils too numerous to mention. :We to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M. °flak! day, then due attendance will he given and terms of salct mode known by the subscribers. SOLOMON MAURER REUBEN hIAURER • EF're, JACOB MA wax, June 27. i 849. • Valuable Real Estate Air rit - av AT . SALIE. " THE subscriber O ff ers to sr:114110 fol. lowing drecribed real estate. Irk , 'rho farm on which ho resides in Pcnn township, Clearfield county, containing 75 netes-90 of t% hich is cleared, under good fen ces and in a good state of cultivation. The im provements era a good two smry Frame !louse, and framo bank Bain,and also a good Apple Or chard, with other, out buildings necessary for a form and a nover.failing spring of, water at the dour. Also, Another place in the sumo township. contaita'n 121 acres—mostly timber land, with 18 acres un der cultivation. The first is situated on the pub lie rend lending froni Cumentwille to Punxsu fawney, and half a mile from Moore's Mill This properly sill tro eild on very reutionoWe cans. For (wilier particulars npply CARRETSON JOIIMON Juno 27. 1819 A i)(1 el Notice. Tp..tsor e elected at tho Spring election of 1 1649 to the office of Asseseor its the respect• lye lutNnships, aro notified that it is their duty to make return of the persons taxable' under the act of 1819, for Militia purr oscs—all Assessors tlho herelt;fore neglected said duty, vtitl, after being sworn, poemd to malto out !licit lists in accord. anco with tho law and transmit them to this office beforo the let of August nest. Anent. By order of Comm'ra—W. A. WALLACE, - Commie Otlire, !IS Jane 1&19. Estate of Jncob Maurer, Deceased. MOTICE is horoby given that Letters testamen. .1.311 tiny have been granted to the subscribers upon tho estate of Jacob Matirer,late of'Coving- . ton ton nvhip, Clearfield county. &doused— a ll persons knowing themselves indebted to said es. tato ore requested to make payniont %%Wont do hay-- and those haying claims against the same will present them duly authenticated fur settle. ment. SOLOMAN MAURER --REUBEN MAURER Cert. JACOB MAURER; June 2/. 1849 ATTENTION A LL'persons desirous' of forming a 1 - 111 . Volunteer Coinpony under the new Llw, nro requested to meet in the Court /10080 on ilia Knuth day of July nett, at the sound of the DRUM. MANY.. TO TM PUBLIC. Eli OTE - :1;181%:..';. -- .' .. '-:!-.L .-- -; - ..in't - iyhi! a El e !ph i it 'l7dlitirii: Bank; Cayuga L: 1 Western, Roches., 30 Binghampton; po Cattaiaugug co. 80 Clinton county, 15 Commercial;Buf., /5 do Oswego; 10 Farmers', Seneca, :30 Hamilton bank, 15 Meehan. Buffalo, 45 MerehSnts' Ex. 40 Millers',at Clyde,lo JOHN KEATING. Philadelphia They have erected a Foundry and Binclornithshop which enables them to sell machines at a mut% Tower price than ever offered in Fonnsylvania. PATENT COIIN.SIIELLER:* They are now malting, and hoop un hand, a Patent (,ortbSheller at the low prieeof One Dollar and Fiftpcoritsench. The subscribers will receivn in payment for the" above Ticeshing Machines, GRAIN, :Wheat. Rye, • and atts.) it left at Shaw'a Mill, at Lloartialii, or ..- Erviii's Mill.Curwonsville. • RIGIIARD SHAW, Clearfield. and JOHN PA , Curwensville, aro agents for the inle of tho mochineejn_this county. of-whom - wit all necessary information relating theroto. • •!,. S. & S. WIL Straltonville, Juno 15,1819. MACHINES have been purchased by the fp mg named farmers in Clearfield county : whew wishing to purchase con call and examine for :h . selves. John. Stites, Boggs township, A. G. Welch, Lawrence township, Thomas Read, ,• 4; Tames A. Read, • . mft. %valeta you saying something about gelling sumo or your %vomen lo wash tvith? Yea, I'd thought of getting a little to try it anti eac if 'llsoUld act au like n charm, 43 I'veheard them Bay. %Veil. I've heard those say that have used it that it saves mere than its cost irr the wear . 01 clothes while washing, and clothes aro washed with less than half the labor. • flew do you soll it? o.ily twelve and a half cents per Pound. .• Put me up a dollars worth of it any how: • ' Anything else in my lino to•dby. Any Candies, Nuts, Figs, Oranges, Lemons or Cocoa= nuts to take humo to tho children.. I've jostle - coked a tine lot of them from the city,. together with a good assortmont of Family Medicines; Oils,• Paints, Dye•stutrs, and all kinds of coloring, mate-. rink and Varniehes. Yee, and sumo first rate, Cavendish Tobacco—=also, sumo of tho beat half' Spanish Cigars over brought to the placo. If you wish any of theso things, I'll sell them to you a LITTLE cheaper than you can get them any ; whore else in this county; If any of your neiglv!, hors aro in want of such things, just toll.,them bt call at the sign of the • '• Gold. . C!ortrfichl. Juno 18, 18.19. • • MEiCCINANTS ) - 1110*EL Fouth street, between Arch flint MAO, lIE PROPRIETORSHIP & ,arArsfapEmENt', ofthii Well lumwn hotel , (which is Identtn! in the very eimtio of bushiest.) hay fng• tliic day pot': sett the ,hantle of 00 aphyctibertr.thoy l hew . leave to to suite that it is thoir.pupole.to render worthy (4 tho liberaftintrostake*wlth Wltio; it has heen heretofore sustainea,; and hvpL' by unremit-t tut attentioh, to Iloaervi thbil4fßortaiio-;Ot fricigh, who may visit thcleity(4frirsinetA'ol:ll sur f . ,„ , , t• t ifts 1;4 Portnerly, oftho Ei4nniet e ' • - June ID. 1&19. Ira V.yr I • .NEW , S t , F. JRIV E• 1 -.° Om 07d stntid of 'goodd inuitiVito di.popo (ay MUM FAL1 . :1,, - JE.ppurto*f rtlE7',E arnautherfieil urcon!E thwnship, candliraie;.P'' Sherif of Clear/kb:l=7:4y, at ' : t General electienatihjeCt ; - tiiiiiirct the Democratic Late itteriyalP • . N EW. GOODW't subscribers; have juot:recei.i ki . t qp ed at their New Store in Curt kitevilffillir largo and full assortment of goods t chpr for usually to bo found in a country Wore,. !hey are prepared to sell an the most"reaso terms for cam, Lim= on COUSTAY PAOatt Our goods. have boon selected :with cartii tin welt calculated for the country and season. OP who nro in Want ot Goods wtll find it to their van.age to call at Tun mutt. cortNnit Joittr.S27th 1849. CRANS & BROTHER, ,• NEW CABINET & CHAR Mallutfactorv.; roIIM enlist:fibers respectfully inform the publia..-P, that they,have commenced the above Men. ‘' tioncil business, in all Its various brancheu..in thrt , borough . of Clem-now. directly opposite , the _Mohr .' diet Church, %%hero they ore prepared to manuftte. turn . • • CABINET-WARE AND CHAIRS in dm must durable manner. They bop° by striet.• - • atirtition to limners, to merit and receive a sham ; of public pntronago. • 037 COFFINS made to order on the shortest no- r,. ti:c. J. C. CAMPBELL, Clod:avid, Juno 18, 1849. . • • Estate of William Woods, Deceased, LETTERS of Administratien having boon gittYtt'i fed to the subscribers on tho estate of Wlf; ham Woods, late of Brady township. Cletirtiehl; county, deed,-all persons having claim or d0)0, mantis °guilts} said estate will present them Jul authenticated forZsettlement; end all* persons: n, debted to the same are requested' to make pap . ? meta without delay., . ,• JAMES WOODS, d PETER. ARNOLD. " in* -7 June 1 20, 1849 ALL porsongvare heraby calltionectagoinstjitip-7- 211. ing or rolling. or in any manner middling with a dark brown MARE, Saddlo - and ',Bridle. formerly the property of Dr. D. Kline, of Rogge township, Clearfield county, no tho said *petty via, lawfully purchaited by mo, and is now in mit poiseasion. PETER GEARHART.. Boggs township, June 15, 1.849:—pd MONEY SAVED. FARMERS LOOK HERE; Four Horse Power Tumbling Shaft and Strop Threshing Machines for $75. • & S. WILSON, of Strattonville, Clarion *-740 county, Pa., respectfully inform the people of Clearfield counnty, that they ore still man• ufacturing, end keep constantly on hand, Four Horse Power Threshing Machines, at the low price .of SEVENTY-FI VE DOLLARS, warranted to be good. , - Also. Two Horse Power Threshing Machines, not surpassed- by any in the State, and we will warrant them to thresh in one day 125 bushels Wheat, or 125 busheisitye, or 226 bushels Oats, or 15 bushel , : clover seed, it well attended. • John Nodgie, Penn towhship, Toseplc Patterso)i, Jordan'township,, Williunc Leox'ard, Goshen township, Isaac Barger, Bradford township, Hugh, Henderson, Woodward township., Ti'iM Martin, James McCully; E.'Williams, Mtn Williams. Halloo, There ! Sal Soda 1,.,_* . , i.,T, , ,..5! .;.;,,.:,,!:. : , i . J. 7 A b. ••? BEM BEE 'fig m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers