7-41 - 0 - - ' A, `1.:,:;;e•`!. • , Y. - .ti:~.137,~~~: . h e so t o Foreign News by the America. The steamer America,Capt. Harrison, brings, dates from Paris; London'and Liv-' [ erpool respectively to the 7th, Bth and 9th •inst. We - devote a liberal 'portion of our , . 'o;olu : inns to tho detailing of her important 1 news. IRELAND—Tun IiAVAGES or DEATH. Rev. James - Anderson, Rector of Bailin 'robe, has addressed a fourth letter to Lord John Russel, on the state of the poor in • • his district. • He on, : • i "Twinged women, sisters, of linilagli,l more thariseven miles from Chalon, being: famine-stricken, killed .their oWn del!, boil -1 ed • it, and then partook of the flesh and soup ! On the , folowing day ono of them I died I : All this whs distinctly deposed on I oath before John Dopping, Lsq., resident) magistrate, by t most _creditable person, 1 Austin galley, who saw 'yith his own eyes; 7 ,a portion of the dog boiling in the pot, and,. 'also saw another portion laid aside for the next meal I - This happened during the last year, as. did also the following :—At The Summer Assizes of Galway, a poor man was convicted, for having stolen a calf. Twelve months' imprisonment was the sen tence about being passed upon him by Ba ron Lefroy, when Mr. Dopping, knowing the dreadful .eirennastances under which the act was committed, requested perm's ' sion of his lordship to say a word in behalf , of the prisoner. He (Mr. Dopping) then ,' i .. ,;;D:heer-flfa" Court that four of the poor man's children had died of starvation, that the husband and wife had been brought from . Kilkerrin to Clifden, upward of twen ty miles • 'that the wife, on being convey .: ed from theerir to the Bridewell, was found to be dead through the exhaustion of fain ' ine, and that they had both (a short time before her death) declared that such 'were the extremities to which they had been re duced, that they had absolutely eaten a . -portion of the legs ofone of their children ; that, in order to come at the truth if pessi . , Irle;•and that the appearance of mutilation, A' 44Eitated, ,wns visible. The recital of such a" tragedy moved the benevolent... udge hiMself to tears, and constrained him to a commutation of the sentence to that of some trifling. nominal punishment. Let it not be said, my lord, that these are bygond 'tales, because, indeed, they occurred in th past year ; for I cart with trutli assure yo lordship that, independently of what 1 - •ly witness myself, every one I meet, ' v'' cry grade of life , has something so n'a ful to relate that no language c depict the miserable condition of the w e West of Ireland. The police the yes ca n well attest it, for they are di Bring dead bodies among the walls of fined habita frightful prey lions—or rather hovels— of rats and scruvrows hits it is, my lord, that the famine B ress'es ; and oh ! „ for:at least two or how awful the pros ) three months to co • Rev. Mr. Tow 'k a l e Pr t )tca ta"t R ce" • .tor of Skibbere aspublished a letter in -s molder ' s .A r e titer; in which he Aixes a Most harrow' de ) seription of the present state of th nion•and the condition of the gentry. ith respect to the latter, the ...4,271- " I - enttematt --- s - aydr: - : kiioW a `AY i WRn this neighborhood who in the kir / day o our .rosperity could put down rea dily•-.€l; 0 a year for his expenditure in Wyll-do' g, (a. most useful. country gentle an, d w h at a good landlord ought to itie,)-iyas obliged to borrow within this week /beit% en :E2 and £3, in order to make up a If year's premium (not quite £l2) to ' Sum a policy of insurance of long sten ; in,g; he thought he should have to let it drop altogether." / In a note attached to the- document he says : "It is really a curiosity in grave digging to see the pit that has been lately • filled in the celebrated Abbey Church Yard of this prig). . I should judge it to be po or 60 feet long, by six or eight feet wide, • and raised up a,mound above the surface orthe yard --about '5 or 6 feet. There is a similar one nearly finished, and both filled to the full with the bodies that have died since the commencement of the famine." ' The Ballyskannon Herald contains the ' following: The poor in this locality arc in the most - wretched state of starvation we ever re member them ; they have no employment, and therefore no_means of procuring food, 'which is. plenty •and cheap—but what is that to': them ivhen they cannot procure a penny?,ln the year of the blight they had Public relief extended to them ; now there is ,no such thing ; they are more like Skel etonsrthan human beings. We saw a man tut Week offer a creel of turf which he had carried on his back from the Lough Side, a distanceOfseVen miles, for a penny, and he declared he had 'not .eaten a morsel of food for forty-eight hours..Theseare some of the people Who are called upon to pay' the rcite in L aid for-their starving country men'of ihe 'West and South. What, will • become of them we know not ; if not spee dily relieved they . must die of starvation. . while the stares are filled with food. E!XZ M. de Lesseps, Whose arrival in Paris was announced on the flth, left Rome oh the 2d inst., at which date no hostilies had been commenced, though the armistice was denounced on the Ist. On the morning of that day, General Regnault de Saint Jean d' Angely arrived at Civita Vechia, an nouncing that the Roman Republic had proposed to 'M. de Lesseps to treat on the following basis : First guarantee .to the Romans against foreign invasion. Se condly, Cantonment of the French army in various parts of the Romagna. Third ly, in case of refusal of the French gov ernment, hostilities only to be resumed of teen days after notification of such refusal.! The proposals were • inadmissible, and Gen. Oudinot refused them. It appears that some difference of . opinion broke out between the General and M. do Lesseps; but these were soon put to end by the arri val of despatches recalling the. latter, and ordering the rupture of further negotiations and the attack against Rome. The French army now from 25,000 to 30,000 men; occupied the heights corn mandinn• the city, particularly in front of the bastioned wall extending from the Porte St. Paucmce to the Portesian gate, on the bank of the Tiber. On the other side of the river a brigade of advance-guard is en ' trenched in good position near the church lof St. Paul, halla league from the walls.' It is hoped to protect the troops from the Itfevers caused by malaria, by establishing them on the heights. The army is provi ded with every material of. war by late at irivals at Civita Veccia. • The Time's correspondent was inform cd that the despatches of the French EnVoy at Rome, , state that considerable dissatis.; faction eSfisted among the. French troops in consequence of the nature . of ' the service they are - engaged' in, and it was feared by their officers, that incase . of the. Austrian" . troops approaching, : the Prench camp, it would be imAisifile to predtnt a collision. The' Austrians' were.,, according to the last Marching tqwardsiesl,',Orihteri dl Socialists.i'ded to Wm Ancona - by starvation rather ',3oba:.fie*'-ealOet than by force of arms. , Zaracearri ~haa ..441V7i rhea& on the Roman iitte*f'fasu9da,.,.potification,.de,9laring the' ityof aff•: 1 11: - . de' ,alknix for :the reiteration I Anceni in a state of siege: - The' Ovmee 0 6. '1 tuf6ortici Of his / AScoli ! leas` been altnobst declared •in a lea thn4nOstiesaential Fieinta. ,i,tate of siege , by the :eilitiordinarycoM -044 srhat'li , as. missioneiot the republic, , General Fjlangieri f on the 7th of May, dtssatiefactict • • • ,• • VRANCE. DOINGS THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. The rett.etionists or anti republican ma jority, of ..the,-Assembly 'is compact, and votes together. much better: than was ex-- pected.... On all' questions thus far it has marched :insolid phalanx, and like one Man refuses all, propositions. from the other side, eyen:those asking :for Parliamentary tivestigation in cases of contested elections. Investigationi:have : been in all cases refused.': BE _ MISCELLANEOUS. suit of the elections in Algeria is 6414621ccessful candidates Leßarrault; 1 1.6 ; gt, , -1171 •-. "A. . 'gt,i , • • ', 2 . • • ' e,:t;•.‘,••ttriv#4*--•;,-, • -• • - 1' ' • •44171,`, - I • f ••7 ,-' ,41„; •+- • • "."-'• • • . , ‘,"::. . : 4 = ~,:. MEI . .., .. , . .. . ~ . _ . .. . peo n 4 the Bourse, where the funds- were rising published in Pale: ~.,Iromised anines- day4f feudalism,proceed on the UnahriS- Ander Jand it-stopped-their upward coarse. ;ty,, which pardons fully . and' freely all-liani nay, - .diabolical work of 'ejecting Eta ark and The service for the repose of the soul crimes of whatsoovor nature Committed unhousing their pauperised tenanti ,s y ,e , a l r o. ic i d - Of the Empress Josephine;iin the Church since the 12th January,.lB4B,*hether po 7 ing them no roof to shelter them, or, ditch aide's' wales of ofßueil, was celebrated on the 3d inst., as lineal or otherwise. which. they might lay doWn thei emaciated bodies to beguile p ig:fon-116r years. The Village was filled at i ' AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY. silent hours of night, save ji . in Connaught an early hour bY people flowing in every I According to news from Vienna, dated minute from Paris and the surrounding May 31, General Welden had been remo. shelter, or the rude and,AehetY the cow-shed. Not ydY country. The • church was completely I wed from his command.. It was reported and Munster is themmiUe, but Parts of and L c • ~.er .begin to feel itsf , crowded. In the nave were ranged the that . he met with the fate. of Count Star National Guard of_Rileil and a latallion of in. - thon, and was becoming deranged. Field- Ulster fccts. • , . . „ Various, conflicting rumors are a the 2d regiment of the line'. In the choir Marshal Lieutenant Hayman assumes the !and the chapels - m eeting tiro re-appearanee . of the at each side of it were a ! comma n d . , ' • 1 . number of pOrsiins known for their attach- 1i• , A. • • • float, was in 'circulation at .Vienna report. di sens; in the - potato crop; IT4 re worts meat to the Empress, the Emperor Na pole. ' • - that tho Russians met with a terrible recep- contradictory—on the wiliole ve on, and their finnilies. The President of ' ,;,,• „,, K are' ex•Y hau in retaliation for which -• • • " ' 1 - case, , , . ,e° Inclined to . beheve, that up to to r the Republic was expected; but was pre-' ---'—' they yed the' cit The are '` • y. factsent time, the cases which: have alret vented from attending by: affairs of State ;1 •- desiref - - given as i ()Rows :---LThe Russians hilt/ shown themselves arc rare no f a 'he sent several of his carriarres. He, how: i 0 enterei and taken.up their.positioniin, rY virulent character, Ilever, had crone on the preceding. eveninn• I won . . 0 Ito pray at the tomb of the Empress. 0 square, a murderous fire was opene a : them from every window. Upop-4/ 8 they in very important meeting has bu nhi Carlo , w, for the purpose of pr, noti The Editor of the Potpie has been again i • nmediately retired, narrowtyvti the city • • emigration, upon a pre-arranged a I w condemned for an article inserted in that' n ' four cor with clumon set fire to itiel 'e concerted plan. The speeches we ,Of journal, entitled "Napoleon et les Paysans." ' ' • all ~,tio attempted to ners, and cut down.. firm, moderate tone, and the reso ale. This time he is fined 12,000 f. and senten-f;e A ' ?estrum Cot _ make their escape. A adopted show that. the conveners. ti ced to five years' imprisonment. .these reports without • 7c 4 spondent, insert: , • meeting had not come forward with •on A deplorable collision has taken place d - ' N'nn- them. ..• empirical panacea; for the relief of a rg. at La Vogue do St. Quentin, in the depart- - el . l . ei l r' i, iipers hire at last some le Pest ;.1 , . but greatly distressed -body of the cis meat of the Isere,' between the soldiers cmestivar, It appears that news hone I quartered here, and the. inhabitants, who r . • 'sad 1.1 a condition; un- - h a dloriress ss The Irishman continues to write i II taken the part of a soldier who had • off o . a „• an3 1 it c cut the supply of water, bold arid vigorous style. Cauti 'sb been guilty of a breach of discipline, and i '---.. ti ' garrison is suffering from thirst s ame • 1 fil e l opposed a oi" men sent to arrestand.o then,. ~ ft c camp fever. ._.._ .. . and steadily, it walks upon the very in - ci In the course of the resistance one of th The Hungarians took about 60,000 flo- of the "treason-felony" act—uttering, 'b people threw a stone•at the captain wh? rins in silver at the fall of Buda. The fishing, and declaring, in terms too it to be misunderstood, principles the I , s headed the military party, and killee L M garrison of 2,200 men, and 80 officers 83 pieces o i. seditious ; and contempt for Victoria ul on the spot. The soldiers, exasprt l eu °Y . was conveyed to Dehrecsin ; this desperate act, went to th?i , (1 la rters, artillery, 1,400 cwt. of gunpowder ; 2,000 her ministers the most notorious ; but w b ts; charged the eye of a skillful mariner at rocks, ke, s and, returning with their ine , cwt. of saltpetre, and .14,000 muskets fell the people with bayonets,/ " lyin g in re ' into the hands of thell • - unn - arums niter the ~ • , within the limits of the statute made At t timetheo suppress such 'spirits as those of its co turn showers of stoney he uhnut was .march- tributors. In the number issued 'this mu account left General The Hungarians have, at Weisskirchen a battalion. ' Wing, there is an excellent letter from tl ing against the rioto' s witl i beaten the remainder of Gen. Puchner's Mr. Bagby, 7 sic,. pttlic United States corps;l theycontinued'tlo I the route at Ors ho- editor to Lord John Russell, in whiCh tl d 011 ..410 4th inst., at t helatter is charged with the crime of commi, to Russia, err' va, and at length drove them into Walla- Hotel de Paris Rue' ftichelieu. chug and Turkish,. Benda.— They. arc pre: ling murder.. He.caUs the Premier a se , M. Saha, di,f (). de Battalion of National a • p ring to receive the Russians at-Orshova. cond Dilphurt, and suggests that he shoulc Guards at Stot„KYdic, was condemned by , - o _accounts from Southern Hangar` state bequeath his head to the phrenologists.— theo Court of /ssize of the Seine Inured b that the Hungarians occupy, on the iron-- He thus concludes his letter : "Your ex to five mos' iniprisonment and 50011' • tiers of the Danubian Principalities, psi- termination policy has, up to this, worked fine for h ng uttered the cry of "Vive la • , nons so strong that it is almost impossible well. I warn you, however, that, no ma- R epu be e Iremocmtique et Sociale !" / . for the Russians. to enter in that quarter. chimer being perfect, a check may come. ' Human patience,' as Sir James Graham , ITALY. Concerning the march of the Russians in- If ever the ' pa ' to Gallicia, accounts from Flocznow, of says, ' has its iimits '' //' ROME AND NAPLES. tience ' of time Irishpeople overles s those, , p. , • the 20th ult., report that the last column of ..• , .' /he Roman Triumvirate has ordere d limits within which it has - been chained the Russians came in on that day. . Time f the goods of the King of Naples in the so long agitators,may the Lord who whole corps consisted of 52,000 men, with '" by omen territories to be sequestered and pardoned the penitent thief have mercy 15,000 horse, and advanced towards the sold, and the produce to be paid toward upon your soul !" What my Lord Clar- Carpathians, on the road to Xrosno. repairing the injuries inflicted on Roman endon, armed as he is with a habeas SUS- From the seat of war in the West the citizens, and in order to prove to Europe pension act will , think of this, we canna. , rumor whichprevailed on the 31st ult., of and the world that the Roman Republic is tell ; but sure we are, that Mr. Attorney a battle at Trentschin has been again con actuated solely by a desire to secure her own liberties, and not by ambitious mo- General Monaghan has instituted prosecu• firmed. The Austrian troops engaged of lions for offences of a less seditious char consistedthe corps of Vogel and the bri tives, the Triumvirate have prohibited the character; ay, and by some means or otb gale of Benedek ; while the Hungarian . Roman troops from int I penetrating otle - er, obtained convictions. Neapolitan territory. - forces were the advanced guard under pu were .- p Notwithstanding this order, Garibaldi, put to flight, and were pursued Gen. Dannenberg, The Austriansued down the has taken a step which may lead to very made fearful havoc among the fugitives. Roman frontier, and entered the Neapoli- A battle is also reported to have / taken tan territory' by., Ccprano and Salvaterra, place at Raab. The city of Neitra is again The towdof Arci, has sent a deputation to him with a white flag. Ho published a in the hands of the Hungarians. Accounts from Debrezin are, that M. ter stating that his manifesto to the •Neapolitans, ill which, af- Szemere, the Hungarian premier, has sent • victories at Palestrina - and Velletri have forced the tyrant to fly ,haimitc,. .tho. poopio of rho . ki ntz d om, to' commissioners to all counties which are threatened by the approach of the Them hem poenri throw °Mlle yoke nowthat the propicious abet and Russian armies, investing t moment has arrived, unless they prefer re- with unlimited powcrk and giving t maining slaves forever. A letter, dated instructions of great severity. The coun the 28th Ult., addressed by -Mawzini to the ties whic4 "" " 4".4 ‘ .—'"--- erin" " l of war are placed under the jurisdiction of Roman Assembly, confirms the intelli the usual civic authorities. 'Lime clergy of acne, and adds that the Austrians arc con all.sects (says the correspondent of the centrated under Ancona, stating that their Times) are wandering about the country advanced piquets extend in aedirections, and inquires where the Neapolitans are.— in their clerical costumes, and preaching In another letter, Mazzini states that An- a crusade against the foreign invaders, cony v 6,oooThe Austrians, in the county of Kanissa, ute Austrians have co is defended b men, and that . 8,000. south of the Drau, had withdrawn to Let cay•e, a stalton on the borders of Crotia, so i that at this moment the Hungarians in the , ' southwest stand close to Steirmark, and by . making an irruption into the Mur Valley,' could easily threaten even Gratz. The Austrian army, probably in conse quence of the fall of Ofcn, has made at Presburg, a retrogade movement: They evacuated Bos on the island of Schutt, which was immediately occupied by the Hungarians. ' The Prague &Pang says that all the disposable provisions and forage in the fortress of Josephstadt, as well as the mil itary stores, have been sent to Pardiwitz, from whence they have been sent to Hun pry. The military stores sent are so great that all the luggage trains have lat tonally been employed solely for military transports THE FRENCH AND ROMANS 1111111021 . ~ . . r ....,..,;,....:,........„,,„„,,,,,:,..._:,... ~.,,,....._....... _7,.,,A.-•,,..... •-, .- ,"•,,-,,,..,,,,•-,ii.;:,'.;, ''''' - In MI P. - .1 . . LONDON, JUDO P---710 A. M. • ; There is a . variety of political gossip fly ing about this morning. The indignant remonstrance pronounced by Sir Robert Peel in the House of Corrunons.last night on the heartless. system of eviction in Ire land, has attracted much attention Re ports are in circulation that ho intends to make a motion on the subject, with a view of rendering criminal, a repetition of the Toomavara affair. Ministers are using ev ery exertion to get the supplies granted, after which, it is said, that Parliament.will bO immediately adjourned, and Ireland left to 'shift' for herself as best she can, during the ensuing vacatiOn. As usual,. a num; .ber of Avill,be dropped. IRELAND. • Livkati , ooL, June. 9-10 A. M. - _ I 1 By the arrival of one of the Dublin stea , niers, which, left that city. at a littelour last night, we am in possession of a varie ty :of interesting intelligence from the soy oral provinces in Ireland. . The State prisoners are still in Dublin— still .confined—still in daily expectation of being carried.off, froni the land they loved " not wisely, lint too we 11.7 ~ • ..-, • -, . :, 'The accounts from the provinces Which reached, Dublinycsterday, akof the .most alarming character. Starvation is rapidly, increasing. , Pestilence and death aro ma king an 441 - advance upon the half living Peasantry. Landlords,' with a cruelty that ,could hardly . find its equal in 'the'by-gone A c 3: The very West - News. ENGLAND; 1 ~ '1 . 11 WIN Mglgylnteresting from enlifornini A gentle Man in this city ha's 'received a private letter by the last steamer, dated at San Francisco, Ca!Amin, frorp the gal.; hint and meritorious Major General Persi for F. Smith, commanding the 3d, or Pa cific division of the United States army; which, although not intended to meet the public eye, we deem so highly interesting that we have extracted several paragraph s for publication—the 'gentleman yielding to our wishes in.that respect:— Mask. UnicvL "You onlynthink.of California in cpn.; ncxion with gold ; and, indeed, a must won .derffil connexion it is. As to tit; extent - i :o'3 . ; of country holding the precious metal, and ad the comparative faCility with Mali it is' y procured, there has been no exaggeration' . . '''C The whole slope of the Sierra Nevada, on „ the 'western side, for a length of more than 'clu 400 "miles, and in a belt of at least"4o, con `ng tains it in greater or smaller quantities.; fill andit may extend still further, as f urtherresearch is made. It is found simply by as 8 dig,,, theaging and washing the earth ; no expen:! siv machinery and no intricate chemical! ate _ process are necessary to develop the ma- I u , gio hoard. A pickaxe, slmvel or evn al ma sh butcher's knife, to . loosen the , earth e and Ile stones, and the most simple basin forwash- ''u mg, have been as richly rowarded as the' IY most approi , ed machines from other4oun... 11 tries. Good luck in the laborer choosing his location, has more than compensated n for want of skill. The real difficulties lie 3t in the hardship§ to be &countered in the d remote _uninhabited spots where the gold is h found. ' Want of food, overworkingexcl. 3 ted by success, bad water,, exposure and 1 .dissipation, •all combine to exact a heavy ' ' tribute for the wealth when found. All are not successful, but every one works on, hoping that the next blow of his pick will I disclose a treasure that Will surpass nil her has hitherto heard of. 'Many die unheed ed, many come offsick; but there are ten rriving from each quarter ofthe glob 21•41 •eplace every one who, goo: . -- Chinese,' 1.11(1,14dt Islanders ; Chilians, Peruyians,l 'russieens, 1114icans, Fretich, .prglisle, •ish, outnumber ,as yd. the AMERICANS, it the latter will soon have fheir share.— ' Twisions, woollen clothing, liquors, hitch . and mining utensils, sell at enormous I )fits in, the mines; other articles searce- I sell at all. Woman's gear is altogeth- D t drug. The atnonnt of gold hitherto found is 8 1 to determine. It is said about $4, I OOO have been exported. I shall be hi in a few weeks, from facts I am col x; s g, to make some approximation to it. i the mean time, all this is disastrous a* . No servants are to be had:. lea in ith has been refused in my presence by i cook: , All my servants have quit, and estcrday I engaged one at 'e,loo it Mexican )Yarliko Movements. men , because he is too sick to go to the A correspondent of the New Orleans mine but I shall certainly lose him if he Picayune, at Mazatlan, Mexico, under date gets I imalth. , of March 8, gives the following important "lc quartermasterpaysss,ooo a year information. If the Mexicans attempt to for tin house I live in, and it would make retake California, they will be met with, a a poo toll-house for a cotentry bridge.— stout resistance, and get a good flogging The el Mate is cold'all the year round, & for their pains.—/Iwasykaitian. - The hills are bare; and the'countq Startling as it may appear to you, there is all hills—(forgive the are at this moment not less than :30,000 bull:) The beef is execrable, and vegetfi- Mexicans on their way to California ; and bles—none; and nobody has time to catch whenever n party sets out, they are pro. fish, if there arc any—voila la carte„ “Anyanewholv i i i i , l l comp t.xs vided with arms and accompanied by clli- , ~„,,,,,„,,.....“vr r , WWI. jt No tl , b it, A... th gem, roil -. make man* •,. Why am a pareil Of idle t 0 . 1C r us vr i _ 'less will succeed. I Vlioever comes nitii‘ll4 bring a house with him; there are bu t f et alkc them stile to their Fella ' iers? Because yon have slit here, amtlumber is e6OO per thousand." 'll , Tise men k ' re instructed by Cholera Intelligence, nili of less untler4tanting by CNIK. Iliti in n The ' New York l'iibuite learns thweitst bymost 11g11t u onifin by ecessity ; that therOlave been six cases of' c . 1 at Saratoga Springs, and that the kee i ;) 6 e i r e o ra fi lte I f ilistakes°f aldiman i . i:t rite} the Lake 'House died of that dikease ''''' rs °:a -)°(.l ‘ ' ' E Tuesday. i 611 ;rilindividual ; liht whet t it dewier. w ain are ii , w r on --- $ liken town clock go l [ z , , ig, A Mr. enyhill, who left Cintinnati Ili) good hea th, and - went to limit Valley ' lllde ili misled.. ' t i i • to fa died of eh •ra in five hou'rs theitext da3:' , ; since whi , four 'others of the amity (his I a. ars, that on account )11111etrs;1, father's) wtre attacked, and th, ce died.— t ,§ome miserly 'chap objects to _ , may be dropped, le mistake, Dr. Flawe ( their' physician, tins attacked eiltribution box: I' and died. r i- ' 2 l - )to young ladies w.- . I foi para. , Providence, R. ~ - . At Nast .-- - - . the'r fight at , 141 male attire.— Orr in air din , the street; dr. B e l ,-e arrester fi l o . o, et by, thetone of on a them w as elle°ve. .t F L hotel. her rimming e tischarged the next . ,. w i ce i n a sking for a punch a who have travelled across the country, front other ports on the Gulf of Mexico to this place, that they had seen Mexicans on Weir way to California, for the avowed pur pose of taking possession of it. Among the distinguished adventurers now en route, to California, is the Mexican who headed the party that murdered so many of our wagoners between Camargo and Monte rey—the party detached from Gen. Urrea's division. The latter is now in command of Durango. There is a manifest disposition on the part of Mexico to have another fiisS with us—and mind my prediction—we shall be at war with her again in less than 2 years. My impression is, that it will grow out of the difficulties now promising to originate in California. FATAL DUEL.—The Louisville Demo crat of Friday says, a few alights since, Henry C. Hope Lind John Gray had some difficulty at the Galt House. - The former sent the latter a challenge on Wednesday evening, demanding satisfaction. The u sual preliminaries were arranged, when the parties met yesterday morning, before 10 o'clock, on the Indiana side, in a seclu ded spot, and settled the "point of honor." The duel was fought with shot-guns, load ed with ono ounce balls, or slugs ; distance twenty paces. Captain Hope was shot through the loft thigh—the ball shattered the hip bone and pasSed through to the right side. The • friends of Captain Hope afterwards placed him in a skiff for the purpose ofhurrying him heme,:but he died during the passage from the effect of the wound. Boil) parties were, very 'intimate previous to , the difficulty. AMERICAN NAVIGATION OF TILE ORI. NOco.---The steamer Venezula, Which' Was built at Pittsburgh, to run on the Orinoco river, under a grant to 'an American con- I w' rany from, the Venezulian Republic, Ms arrived out, and made 'her" first trip, The irmlab 4‘natives Were astonished," of aourse; to sly, al see a steamer ploughing,: the hitherto. un- street. disturbed waters of their noble nate, The Venezulti has given much Satisfaction; tiletice she ran from Bolivia to Port of Spain, a last, tl distance ofsoo miles; in IeSS than 30 hours. the •A letter from Puerto Espono to the Pitts. and so burgh Gazelle states, that Dr. Louis • Pas. the hai sano, a French physician, had diacovored ea abth valuable' gold mines - bet Ween, 'daroni and man& Orinoco rivers, .day's journey froin 80l- clock, • ' , . • ' in the.i • The fininieat article yet, is patent iron era, at akrta with pereuaSion .collaraz' : It 'never CO wears out, antl,hy.touching a spring, a new 'co)bir:jtOps up, until a- r half dozen are ex hi thii pd:eifiedt4ixiii_liedclotii ac'eoramnies it. • . . , `4" 3.1, E~ ~~ W"' Ole, the disease's: more fatal 'other city of thesune point the 14th, 10 &mls from elm. 15th, 2:3 deat s out of 40 t Ii ation. 0 era ; on cases Th le Mc► ---‘"the rock (Ark yesterday, reed six deal , cholera is )his Tank of the 11th, says bier, a Memphp_mb4—rinTo packet, Which arrived here d a number of Cases, and in the Arkansas river. 'The orted to be very tidal on the rivcy. planta 'ins below this place." At Mays% le, Ky., 'the (holism. raged' with inereas 1 violence on Stiturday and Sunday last.; • Though there was a very large numbek of cases, only 9 elied, how ever. From Lexington, ICy., private telegraph ic, despatches: on Sunday, "'state trait the cholei•a is largely upOn the increase there, and that there had been several deaths du ring the previons day or two. " The, cholem.of this season has . ne stri king-difference , from that of the fo ervis itaiion. SpasmiiiAfferiiiiiihs - ar ly seen among the sick. The Philadelphia Daily Noes of Tues. Brom FAiLuild.—A slip from the office day last, (20th',) has' the tbllOwing : of Tltornpson's Bank :Note Reporter, says , 'Remarkable Occurrenec,—Yesterday, a ; that the Hamilton flank of North Scituate singular'occurrence fell under our notice,' (Rhode Island)' has failed. .. , •' ' ia'riot a little remarkable in these Lax Sur~ltton Corrxn Gen .: L. It o ; times of cholera. excitement. • The, be'rts.,l-or Michigan, lately . mineral agent at 6 - 0)0 vern house 'of Livd- Lako, Superior,. estimates that' cOpper to t the titer d South the amount of more than a million of dol. 3 . ,olappe to have been very UtifOrtu- him 9 fbrthe present , „ year.— so tar victims of the dreadful pc4,- oth is 'd corned. On Friday night!' he ,wif f Mr. L., who was absent in' untry, as seized with ;the cholera, : ion -al died. :On Sunday,-night', r-keep , a young man, was attack- ut 11 Alock,;and expired ' before,' ig. terday morning; at one,:o'd marr , d woman, named' Margaret who, ••11 d but Very recently arrived j• aunty" was'also seized ad at 3 'clock,..P. llt:was pronoun; (bad., ,!11, r.' Lewis Fo. - yetted:: underta,: - 4ssent Vfor', to' lay Mit th ' cliodY- J cirdingljr repaired to the . hoilixi and upon felling the pulse ep s tlic'Weinart;'iliti-' covered evident.signe,oflifo in, the movo- IRE rain; UM e ace +D § 2 ~~§\&~ .~~~~ \\ :~~ p ~ ~~ \ . ME .r~''~~~ Ea • • lq x 4 ,, , ' "^ • ME wnl of,IL boyond 44 : A F The ,44in of a iii6tabo borough, w bout ,to well `gri .; • Ives a - 1' tO was ' Esq., reps 110 Elft pend Verna ate aut placp, to the s and the 1: pest itencG. putrid." . The ann 00, and , in only 2,i ly great Ac , inentB. 14-44 vi etpt6Ll 16 Cepii ly. Iv ing th Hew.. , TO' to t TO' her i' . " l sine A tion, - K ted i iati„ Cc of AI kl,„,„,* _ and tiiNtißfcd , 4 band's nifitre4l Mum Nation Rol more, re Re fo r nati o the' S 9 me been' ear/ . t i n Isis -fiviinjuip `.. 1 . i. to of March v MI ng maii ' it usbandiol PI , six killedf The L passed a vorced liii maiden . An Irs 1 rifleman in a trt i that the till "'wit° SO i dilTin4t der' darlan viiible,icalleddin 'Here, mite , ,I 4 me hatie 41 cent catilb..just thal nriaYt other bud. ' , f '',/' - '- /' ''l "Geteet n'," ii ill on a wel.td sled held fron l it 'right __. 1 They were (.....- O ve uude-r_tap,,nvnm/f"`"" gm t i 4p . , 31 . , woul n e . ,x /wain wear breeches. k Almost every paper from the 'west re cords the return f California adve iturers, with their accumplated grievances, - Sixty of these diSapponited individuals ariived at. St. Louis on the 15th ult. . . ' . The Queen's - iiirth Day seeins :to have been 'celebrated is Montreal with bat:mod erate enthusittsmkn the 19th. !Me peo ple did not gene'rally join in the 61diers huzzwj; - . L9usvilla cu. 11, frier( rails izo c crawled t same side saw eve!): ti he came , cd ice. TIE enb r er " g been MPPoi liter of Co. lamiln.Pl field count ma' di5" 11501 1,4 1) ,5,r , 1.14 nosy ,in the di he 0 the ettle on h o 1, 111106 ),of 1118 : hereby giy chic Pat ho nal , RIP OI I the 171 h d :la 'fleit* at lh?, in-Clettrfie whe, rid *her°- the duty se' Pittal"n44 • ELLIS 111 , Cleorfi Jun .- . 1. ' ' . .';.,::•":, .'i., .•':,"':'... 1 .-:• • • ',: :.;!. • ..:',',... :,. ~: --,~ ,~~ , i„ r ail. positions ; a ; jiappens that tho:4 Aixi • t•olearly defined, 'and fat iy others, until he that is ni necessary: to re.as.i t anew, his yews and 'world. Such Id in : all parties ; and tql kat:advantage oi honor.t9 ;e all parties would be] Therefore,-rOader, wt .or -Democrat, wnen'ov , ho is always dJinipig ; taking: great•paihs.'t course, 'and to maki hirn`tiol ME 1 kirk. tient rviater. aorl fgro veil p, q• p : , d 1611.i.0 g;jl r tit) dqzt k-gu4, a v6'l ~, ' in to scnl; lice; A the L the ifreet . errs EMI gold size, to the - do 91' f 111 ~, ~~ , ~g'. ell tn'i Cpl 'T, e El • } 1 , , La o l o# SE= BE DOL *ld; -\... \,,,„....,,vtiPpreitti ..*,? ,; :-4- k . gre - I ill 00 Itsmartact . s . . .l g & Defining our Posltli hof our tiine oi tat week in ihai 0,-Sec, -- , -Sic„ thit' ostPone'tv very g the political. ollar. . • • s often havo g `'.de'r—ii mere time se t.' 4-ready at tiny ti' ~ t:' , • •'. * rat,. acconlig tot 's i n i'' illicad the •;, beu„s' RI• - Give -on the ot , ' -q . • .• . .. :„. ivilose poszti?l, is .i a ;.. ',. •`4.es- . —by •• his. ; close • , ~;)::, k s of his party. ." .-1,.5 !..what Oily he be -:' priest mid patrio 1I . may be safely _ i itivc.: occasion nie ~ .k. ' ' • :. 'we:. should rfr Wei' We ha orus) bee rip , er;and .Atyarm pol ISI MEI the, Greco Ord \ he . II ve 0 , any" , 1p qcars. what w , nor of tfell tthe 11112 as o tare free .tlese icerned licntjop las. In We eippleS I__ N‘e ME fore .s us to: hero EMI 'pies tri the wo ME not boo Ivrng I lie pay for . .Ictl us to other intl That we; EEO n the ets means. that thei ng. • oul MEM CM 'per crc an.xlolol In thl re , , ' tile . i :ll ' "to ~, ~ -r; pco co, IPI-e,.. 17 ea tt 'f ifnii b , , ~ ~.q., ' . i f ry of 1 4 4 7 i see, Ve'' , * ~ ...r, an llrie el .t , , ` y % ,y. 4 ~'♦ iqt;, ifll ! . ~~ '• ~i I'`+ by of th § to whic 1 .. 1" 48 11 : d ° t 0 t • °natty iyherin kbur P s me:: But efor n. •' . • ,t,LI 'at 't ; '' ... ' r