The Country dollar. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1849-1851, June 20, 1849, Image 1

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%,-1-, — ., 'P - ';' , ' -t- Agi: • ',", 1 ' ''' ' , ,'•
t, Sophia; their eldest sister
, ~ - ,
tb , -
.t» s, appointment, 6optua, ~.. , , ~.., t 7,, .
reignedaS a regent. -John retiredto pri
irate. life, and as- Sophia had forintxl a de
„.. ,
.-§ign:against .thelife of Peter for the pur
pos(lll4 engroOing the sovereignty, he fled,
visited England; and worked in the, (tack
lard at Deptford, and again inn ship-yard
,Holland., Ho raised, troops, . deposed
and imprisoned Sophia, became sovereign
- and raised ,Russia to an Empire,ln 1717.
1n 1700, lie deClared war against Charles
XIL of Sweden ; and though heist ground
at first; he was led to build the fortress and
found : the city of St. Petersburg; and in
170,9, he gained the battle,of Pultawa, and
conquered LivOnia, Ingria, Finland, and
part of Pomerania. In : a war with the
Turks, ho was, nearly taken prisoner on
the Truth, but was rescued by the Empress
Catharine. In 1716, visited Holland, with
his consort, and then Paris. He was gret'
in, war, ' and in peace a promoter of im
provements and the arts. Died, 1725, and
was succeeded by his wife, Catharine.---.
Although .only a peasant, girl of. Livonia,
she proved herself worthy of the throne,
by completing several of the great designs
of the Czar Peter. , She was, however, ad
dicted to intemperance, and - died 1727 ;
And was succeedod!by Peter 11., grandson
of Peter i., who had condemned his futile
to death. . This monarch was beloved, an
Russia was. happy and prosperous and
his sway. Died, 1730 ; when the nobl
taid - thlet"--alicers elected Anne Owanown
his niece, empress. She named Anne
Mecklenburg and Iwan her successor 1
but they were opposed by Elizabeth, dau
ter of Peter I. who ascended the thro ,
and Iwan,Anne.and her husband, die
prLsDrii —Elizabeth formed a kind of s'l
chambel-toyt, called the State Chanc.'
for the trial l3f-Klitical crimes,. which
an engine of tyranny. She died, 1 '
and was followed by Peter 111., gran
of Peter I. He had married Cathii 1
his consort, and lived with the Con
Woronzeff. Catharine was equally ;e!
tious, and her amours with Poniat ,
and count Orloff, were notorious.
adlia.woman and Orloff, headed a . is
racy, and atter inflaming the popula :ni
‘vith a report that her husband into cd
alter the succession and imprison his ac.
tbo conspirator.s proceeded with., ltu
force, and escorted Catharine to St. etc
burg, where she was proclaimed e
She then marched at the head
troop, and with her confederate':
imperial village where her bush: Id
residing with his paramour,.' Peter tvas
prisoned and murdered. The lempre ,
aas the guiding spirit in the infamous par
titionof Poland; In the last battle, as late
as 1794, when Praga was stormed, burnt
ark.cl4lcd by Suwarrow,' 20,000 of
„-k,„nd Polish soldiers were
on account of the real or preten-i
very of a conspiracy. Her am- 1
=Red the jealousy, of. Turkey,
ultan declared war again her, and
ned her ambassador. Jcseph 11.,
any, assisted her . against the Porte,
,00t) men. But her gdaeml; Su.
w, was - irresistible. He undertook
inpaign againSt the Tur in 1773,
tell ; them at Turtukey, and wrote
Honor and glory to id !
o Romanzow ! We 'e in pos.
sion ofTurtukey, and lam a it." He
irked seNeral victories, parti ilarly that
Rymnili,, in conjunction w the Ails
•ian Gene;al. Ile took Ben. r and Bel
grade ; and in 1790, Ismailcn ,where ma
ny thouscuAs of the Turks we butchered.
This eyed, he announced I.
"The Russihn colors wave on 0 ramparts
of I smailow
I3MOiIOW is n more!
Ci:oll,nlastltran,!nutn7 t ap e, 1_
clitathrrems°ens 11;ron
iislt force in t Black Sea
was "eStrbye -and -oezalc • taken and
secured to ssia- at .rho p' . Cattle
-rine 11., besides those comp. -,othcrwise
strengthened and aggrandiz he RusSian
empire, and was styled "the 'real." She
was a wotioan of strong min brilliant tal- 1
6;6, ambitious and politic ; t vindictive,
cruel and, licentious, Shea d in 1796,
haVing reigned 34 ;years. ul, her son;1
succeeded. He became an lly of "Eng
land, and opposed thp Frenc revolutiOnfra
ry,cinns. Suwarrow NVi3 - 1t t taly, gained
thc battlq,ofNovi; and cress.' the Alps
te . Swit%erland ; but for, was
ments was convened to ren t. He was
recalled—arid although he been load
cd.with honors by. the co ':, of , Austria
and Russia;be died ; of vela n and in re
, tirement,,l6oo. appo • Nil liintsclf
"Grand Master of. Malta,"a because the
r British" geyerrunent would n t agree to the
appointment, he deserted 1.11 alliance and
joined France,_ forming ano eto ivied
eracy :against .grx , ..!.. rorktiik which
alhstisfiKied by the battle. 9r )enhagen,- 7 -
Paul. was .guilty of . insane e vtiganCies,
and was assassinated in the ight, Mareh
2,11301.:. His son,. Alexa .r; was pro
claimed.; emperor,jOined " ngland and
Austria against Napoleon d atler,tlio
bOtle,of - AppteflitF., uniteda .with Prus
ailk4gainat ‘E.'Mnee, was liged to sign
the treaty. of Tilsit. Alex; or then jpin,-
; eo:f.rttneo against Englan4, Wicked and
ionji Finland from, §woden but breaking
system": tly, by' the'
goods; "ndi:orpther
geOpiea SWeaish
.',9 l .oo*litkrAwA Ytw aided bY,Vrctn*
. :01E4994
' 1 72. .1....
~,iS'' _ ~vs~.
C L 13 PA . ,r.UN E 29, 18,19.,
maths . with 400,000 troops
in 181' ; feeght the Russiansat
whO'b nt and abandoned thee-town ';\,
at I3or jitio, Where a terrific slatightoi\
dUrre and , victory was,Claimed by bat.
parti marched'. to: , M6scow, which the
patrilie . Russians burnt rather than allow
i the • yto be a refuge for -invaders—re
turn= from Moscow through the rigors of
a no hern winter, and harassed by the ex
asp atcd Rtissiansand .not 50,000 men
of the mighty, host 'again saw their na
tiv .rance. Russia then joined an :All
an' of Austria; Prussia, Sweden, England
an the princes of Germany, against
Fi ice, which resulted in the downhill of
N oleon, in 1814, and a general. peacel
s. nailer disturbed-by the return of Na
p, •on from Elba, and his signal defeat at
terloo. Alexander was a popular and
0 riotic prince, and died in 1825. • His
1 est brother, Constantine , resigned his
, dm, and his second brother, Nicholas,
. cended the throne—a wise, severe, pow
ful and ambitious monarch. He quell
-1 the Polish insurrection ; and his wars
'ith Persia and Tiirkey were attended
,ith success."
The present 'military force of Russia in
urope, consisting of the regular army and
Imperial .Guard, make in all, a force of
665,040 soldiers, or more than twelve* ar
mies 0f50,000 men, well armed and equip
ped. In addition to hordes of Cossacks in
Asia, numbering near 300,000, she has a
large army in Caucasus, said to be near
150,000. Hone half:of this force is avai
lable, and can be drawn from their former
positions within the emperor's dominions,
we shudder to think of the fine of Himga
ry, Germany and indeed of Fiance.
From the New York Corte;Foi:ent of tab %Vash
inglon Union
NEW YORK, Juno 16, 1849.
The Cambria' most important news con
cerning the progress of the contest over
the right of the people to le governed by
rulers of their own choice. , •
& Smith's European Times,
from which the journalists of America will
persist in copying their European news i
tems, (though the reliable advices by each
succeeding steamer prove that paper's ver
sion of the accounts by the, last previous
ones to lave been garbled, to suit the pur
poses of the reactionists,) asserts that no
important continental advices reached Lon
don during the week ending on the dam
s sailing day. This story, untrue, as
' I shall preSently prove, was faithfully re
echoed by the anti-liberalist who makes up
the telegraphic despathesat Halifax for the
associated presses of this city, through
which (being onall occasionsthe firstburst
a t ilt° news) it was communicated to every
Paper in the United States, Not withstan-
Aing - Thelnteresr zinc fcs~cctcw -
passing on the other side of the Atlantic,
full half the newspaper readersof this coun-;
try content themselves with but conning
these telegraphic accounts, not taking time
or trouble to look deeper into the condition
of the European world - than as presented
by the Liverpool Times man and the anti
liberalist despatch writer on this side of
the herring-pond. The consequence is
that comparatively few of our countrymen'
ever learn the truth in this connexion,,,-
But the sympathies of the conductor of the
English paper above referred to, and of
the tory telegraph man, arc mere " moon
shine,' when compared with the evil con
sequences of the writings of the many ab
solutists at heart who furnish garbledstate
ments for English and American popular
reading—always magnifying against the
cause ofliberalism, and•diminishingagainst
that of the "red monarchy" of the day. .
Your Washington readers Were a'day
or two since treated to a specimen of the
style of misrepresentation of men & things
republican—against which . I complain—
throughout three columns of a Paris letter
in the. National Intelligencer. - Ledru Rol,
lin is represented by these writers to be a
monster of a red republican or socialist.-
IThis is false. He is no socialist ;.,nor is he
the advocate of popular violence, ftirther
than it may be necessary for the protee
' tion of the now constitutional liberties of
the. French people against any and all vio
lent attempts to compass their abrogation,
whether the Violence resorted to by the ab
solutists be in the shape of flagrant and
shameless setting aside Of the laivs of the
land, under the pretence that the people cOn
teMplate the destruction of their own liber
ties, or by, coups (Petal!, such as the monar
ehists'who assume to advise Odillon Ban.
rot undoubtedly designed to essay, onfind
ing that popular sentiment was about tok•
gaily decree that they should
. resign NW
er. Ledru Rollin - . holds no sympathy with
[Prondhon, Victor ('OnSiderant,' nor indeed
' with any oilier parties proposing to romod . :.
el society, further than in seeking by.,y,a
tiohal means to extend and preserve popu
lar liberties, audio elevate the masses.
He is supported not'
only by thoM, the tit.'
tra' democrats; jait by all the republicans
of France,: as well as by that portion of
,the anti-republicans who are Only - so affec
,tea 'through their timidity. His vote for
the Chamber shows how completely he On:-
jOyis the confidence of his fellow-citizens
of Paris earnbrin's news tellg, of
what the anti-liberal writers . term.a.
,scene at the ; lira meetingpf-the new.
Chamber 'that eathe.aca . t. .ending ,inforei 7;
ble diSSolutiOn." These: journali sts bute 'the disturbance t 4 the atiempt Of: the,
minority •(the mountain) to:; its will
.!.. , , , , 4 asWit'o
' :,---7,1 = r17-14 rZY:i . - , .1f , i. • , ~ , ,7 , - - 1:7 . ; ;.,, -„,,7L"i'•
~t . - 4 44,.1. : 10,141 , /irifh.....„ . ,
~,,.*. ~,,-,:. , „:. -, ',.--•-', ' y0.i.,,' .. i% , , , -• , • ..''' • , :: . ~ ' ”: •.,
..."' *44, ' ,1 -
, ....liroo
Neutrdl in l'oliaos,
Russia, upon4he body, tigainst:•the consent of the
cnsk, This, is4.infrne: • he Majority,
en orradio . r'the.leading.reaetionistS, suppor
ted by a crowd' of claqnCis;endenvored to
enyßollin, his. right to occuPy the tribune;
N• b being accorded by' law, could* not
1) 9 'gated by the simple: vote of a ma:
jority,, kn FIB
rs ugeaud put an end to
tbe "ce iiy.boldlydeclaring Rollin
to be in the
'Wi nern b bei'ii of
and demonstrating to the
sat iSfitction of st of the ne
the majority that
ir k!d act , ien . was illegal.
This bebeingac6omi.
quietly proceeded .ta the Chamber
'msg. ThuS, as
in the case of the ."violtuc k\ -n ce n cr i n , i n
the same hall just before, thesolutien of
the -late Chamber; it Was clih r
nkble upon
the pretended "friend of Ordevo‘Aio, at
tempting to abrogate the rights
nority—with the admission on t
that they had no warrant in law'for - se
ing—denoUnCe the patriotic opposition of
Rollin and his compeers to such conduct
as measures foreshadowing : the re-estab
lishment of the republic of the days of Re-.
I Will leave you to the papers for details
of the French news, cautioning your read
errs to recollect that the conduct on the part
of the ultra republicans, so,vehemently de
nounced by the reactionists, is sustained
by General Bugeaud, who, though proba
bly a monarchist-in principle, see ins to be
aware that the only real danger of civil
war, Or a Contest of castes in France, ari
ses frail the _Measures of-the anti-republi
cans, taken with the view to nullity the
revolution of 1848.
You will perceive that the reactionist
writers are
,insisting that the increase of
the strength of the ultra democracy in the
new Chamber (from 85 in the old to 225)
foreshadows a speedy return of the rei g n
of terror. These same writers, • a few
weeks since, were chuckling over the pre
tended belief that in a very short time the
French would call a monarch to the throne.
If they can create either impression, even
temporarily, theirpurpose of throwingcold
water on the cause of 'struggling freedom
is attained. I question whether thc people
of Paris— of all France—were ever more
law abiding and orderly than just now.—
, SCeing . that their rights are to be protected
and extended in spite of the efforts of re
troaction, they are content to bide their
time. This important fact -is more , esic,
cially apparent in the details of the news
by the two last Steatters. • The chances
arc that ere long that Rollin himself will
be prime minister. If sufficient of the
moderates of the ChNnber act with him to
give him a majority, nothing can prevent
his elevation, or that of parties represent-1
ing 'his views, for the moat, art. eavaig
nac aud his friends,. who hold the balance'
of power; are certainly with him heart and
soul n'
_onestionsliffectintr, _the.: foreign
'policy-on; all
Those immediatc.dy aur
rounding the person of the President seem
to have at length learned the lesson of the
"court"of St. James—to promptly consent
to .a change of men when the nation intl.'
mates its 'want of confidence in the person
nd or policy of the ministry of the day.,
It is a remarkable coincidence, that the
governments of France and tip U. States I
should, at one and the 'same' time, verge to l
close approximation to the British practice
of intrusting the responsibility - of adminis
tration, not in the party placed by the e
lectors at the head of affairs, but -in minis
of his choosing. But, to recur to the
original thread of my letter- 7 -to the news
that the Butcher. Ferdinand of
,Naples, af
ter the' defeat othis 'vanguard, fled' precipi
tately to his capital—preceding his troops,l
following in total disorder. This is of irn-1
portance ; so also is the fact, that on the
25th ult., it was understood in Vienna that
the Emperor, on hearing*of the state of the
public mind in. France—foreboding a junc
tion of Oudinot's army. with the Roman re
publiens against his troops—laid hastily
recalled Marshal Winnpflin with the army I
on the march for Rome. There is little!
doubt of the truth of this account in my
mind, though the anti-liberal journals have
- not yet beard ,of it. - Your readers will
perceive that it is strictly in keeping with
the policy I have heretofore-suggested as
the only lino or common-sense conduct
left for Austria in the present juncture of
allitirs: The Emperor cannot afford to be .
beaten in-Italy. Just now, to suffer defeat
in that. quarter, would; as if,by Magic; un
do all t.adetZlii has done for his master in
the laSt three months.. So. Frederiek.b
seph!s cabinet will not risk an engagement
not certain to end in a victory for -their
master's arms.'
Rome,,then, .is entirely free from dan
ger from foreign enemies. AV hat a change
in the'prospect for the consummation, of
republicanism in Italy his taken place, in
the last silty or seventy'days. Your rea
ders will remeMber that; in the defeat of
Charles Albeit, every writer for the Amer
ican press upon continental affairs, but my
solf,, announced that event as sealing the
destruction arthe republic of Rome. I, on
the contidiT, claiming that there was still
ground for hope, went on to show that,'in
the nature of things . ; the refractory goycTIT:
ment !Ol.:,France: could 'hardly 'prevent a
Prench'demonstratiolf in 'favor of Muzzini
and his fellow-patriOts, sufficiently long to
allow the , Austrians'to - a - et Successfully n-
Oink the• eternal city itself, 'whore all lid
mitted4he contest ryas ; finally : 'to
Does not' tiler result bear- Out 'my
jtidgmeitt wrest 'faittifhlly? -814 Ole , Cam*
brig's mails tell blether: irnportant events;
e „,, si
- .
The i Russian army is acivaneiilg :upon
Hungary in seven distinet'cOluirms, num
bering in ‘the aggrgate; ,g 1.8,000 riten.L.--
Hungary hasnow,by the muster-roll,-180;-
000 troops ~ in the field. , Dembinski, at
present the commander-in-chief of this
fOrcei , has'defeated one of these Russian
columns 'in the defiles of Reskids, near
Dultilai on the frontier of Gallieia, which
territory he has entered, evidently making,
his way into Poland. He captured 2,000
men and - 20 pieces of cannon ; and as in
the case of the prisoners taken from Aus
tria, these joined his standard immediately..
The anti-liberal journalists are circula
ting a story declaring that the ; 'Huns poi
soned the wells at Bantfieldi (en -tho Gll
- frontier,) and also a quantity of wine I
left so as to fall into the hands of the Rim- I
skins; This is a foul untruth, like that ofi
.the reported murder ofthree Jesuits by the '
;pman people, which now proves to have
(111'.41 4 1 a n i . l i t e s a t te gl c e i i n i r i. e : ll l :b i l i 1 )). c . cause.
1 1)1 :INT i :( - )
such (111 .(7 transpired.
,T, he .S' Th linian government has c.‘xecti
c t ‘ 6 .l l! ftt " iol l e i n s,,l i iiie : gi
i t
t l 6i o il. i . n .e.:
\ a , t Turin, for having
duty in the Cugage
ment in whiell filbert was C C ellt
t is attributed. •
These are all s impov. an t events ; , nor !s
the now universa\ e , a t ,hmkerdtifieletfortcheast
Hungary is' quite a
Russia and, Austria art-,o l , are d to i nin ,,.
against her less import it., A r;ni t i ; 'll l 7l
the. , urepcan
announcement made in a i: . ' '
journals, of all parties, that -. 1 „„ intends
S \
going into the' field with all , „ mans n.
gainst Russia, is a matter of I lees me.
went. Many supposed that t policy.
might not be adopted by France V. -,-, 1 t h e
last previous steamer left Liverpool.N nw
no one doubts it. The plot thickens ~...
ray important move upon the chess ,be.
so Gtr made, strengthens 'the cause of n
publicanism; and none more than the now
avowed policy of the German sovereigns
to deprive their subjects of the liberal insti
tutions accorded lately, in
. some instances
with pretended good will, and in others
wrested by "violence" on the part of the
people. The " moderate liberalist , i" of
Germany arc no;sy aware of what they have
to expect; and having their eyes opened,
I shall expect to hear by the net two or
three steamers that, as in the case of the
Cavaignac and Lamartine party in France,
when forced to an election., between flat
footed democracy and abseatisin, they arc
doing their best to seeure the former fir
their respective States.
Dembinski assures his army that'thee' nel
of the Hungarian war is to be in thestrcets
of St. Petersburgh ; which may Providence
doome, my I. -
There are sixty thouS'and Poles now
fighting under Kossuth's banner - Of nyb
licanism: Glorious.:---ever glorious race!
-- 7 boinieaclx With the soul of our own Kos,.
Musk() in his breast! . W.
It needs no guilt to break a husband's
heart; the absence of content; the mutter-1
ings of spleen; the untidy dress, and cheer
home; the forbidding scowl, and de.
serted hearth ; these and other nameless
neglects. , ---without a crime among them,
harrowed to the quick .the core ofrnanv
man, and planted there, beyond the reach
of a cure, the germ of dark despair. Oh !
may woman, before that long sad ni,r4bt
MTh : es, dwell on the recollections of her
youth, and cherishing the dear idea of that
tuneful time, awake and, keep alive the
promises she then so kindly' gave ; and
though she may be the injured one—the
forgotten, not the forgetful wife—a happy
allusion to that hour of peace and love---a
kindly welcome to a comfortable
a smile of love to banish hostile wordsa
kiss of peace to pa7rdon all the past, and the
hardest heart that ever locked itself Nvithin
the breast of selfish man will soften to her
charms, and bid her live as she had hoped,
for years in matchless bliss—loved; loVing
and content—the soot her of the - so r;owi ng
hour—the sour of comfort and spring of
In my apprehension, the best rav to 11e
useful and happy in this life, is to eidiivate
demestic affections—to love home,,and .
the same time, to be teinperate, and just—
lb pursue lawful business, whatever it may
be, with diligence, 'firmness and, integrity.
of purpose, and in the pcil72et belief that
honeStYis equally binding in the discharge
of public ag,of private trusts ;; for when pub
moralsare destroyed public liberty can
not survive.
. .
If We are aspiring, we ought not to lose,
(Mr diffulenee ; and if ardent for reforms.,
ought net to . lose our. diseretion: AVe
ought to listen to the max' ims of eaperi
ence,, and respect the advice. and institu
tions of our ancestors . ; and above nit, .we.
ought to have a constant and abiding sense
of the stipe.rintending,goOdness of that Al,
Mighty Being, whose wisdom shine:; equal. -
ly in Ffis works' and Ills word; find whose
presence is ,every where sustaining and
governing the universe.:
131.15iNzas haye ne,
bilsjueSs balie.any liusinCss
pepplp's business ;. but y?iti'own
inlil that is busines enough foixou.,
• • •
teason, like polished, steel„intist he ,Itcpt
bright by consttiAt vse, tit' it will rust,
• ..• •
• i.
~---..:-•'.' i
... 4'. -- .:. ' :';.?,i.;-: . ,
. •
The Wife.
Voice of Wisdom mid Age,
• ,
.• -
- • ••
~ ~,v.v:_ ..-», ~
‘A—«bvw—nfl ~- r—A’fmmm uh“ Brave-.4
Arrival of th . (:CrCsient, City; with;:$1,000,000
,The New Orleans papers of the :11th
state that the' steamei'CieSeaft, City
arriVed.there on the Itith, from cii*te - s
which pllice she left on the 4th:
The Croseent'City,' (by special order,)
brings 'three consisting Or fifteen
mail bags," some as far back as. March last.
Capt' Forbes, of steamship Califor
nia,•carne paSsengefon ilia Crescent City,
having left San Francisco . on 'the Ist of
May. He brings news to. the i "date.Of his
departure. • "
Capt.'Forbes represents the Pacific. as a
most delightful sea. The weather:its: al
w'ays free froth storms, and the water calm
and smooth as a' mirror: Slight Rigs oe,-
casionally impede navigation, tait they are
tnldem of long duration.*
Among the vessels thaLb44iiallral from
PanaMa was en old ship called:the I
bolt.. She bad golf& around originally nS'' '
a coal vessel, a ndliiy at Panaisaa 5 months
without employment. At last kSpeeula.- •
live individual purchased )ier:. for 069,000,
nd fitted her up for passengerS; of Whom .
she tools 320 at $2OO 'each. "The lucky
oirner arrived in the Crescent City, with •
The crecent. City brings 126 passen
mrs.. She also brings n most substantialV•
- •
evidencethe • tichneSs of the irold4* -'';'
gions, in the 'shapc of nearly 'si.;onotgoty
.in gold ; $500,000 of this is asfreigliqtd;
the balance is the passeng,o.4.
We learn from Capt. Forbes. that the
marvellous 'stories respecting thd
dance of gold, are not at alt exaggerated;
but on the contrary; Call far short•of the
reality. The limits of the region'in'Which
the precious metal abounds are .getting
\more extended every day by new discove.
• As 1,8; Barlw•:-
, 1,
San Francisco -is-crowded with
migrants, such vast numbers or i 7 ori l Ni r „
continually pouring into The . plam
commodations of any kind.are scarcely t r i \
be obtained: The meanest hut orshed,
such as here would be considered unhwha.
bitable, commands enormous rent. G6 3 d
provisions are alMost equally Scarce.
ecarfrest kind of food must be used, as ne .--
other can be rocurcd. No person stays
any longer in San. Francisco than he can
help ; but all who'are lucky . enough to pro
cure transportation, immediately take their ,
departure for the mining, districts. When
they arrive there, they find no difficulty in
accumulating. almost , any amount. of.the
precious metal. 'Three tb four ounces of
gUld is considered a common
,day's work.
Less than that. induces the digger to move
to a richer spot. Much more ,is kicbdiop
gained in a feW hours, as the - poss es sors of the large lunips may attest.' ,
There. was -a great deal of conversation
hi California respecting the eStablishnient
of a ProvisSiOnal Government, but as yet
nothing had been done. The-people are
anxiously awaiting news of the action of
Ccmgress`upon- the subject; not laVing
heard of the failure of that body to act np.
on the subject. In the event of nothing
being done 1,7-,t
Congress, it was generally
understood that when the miners shOuld
return in. the.fal4 a State Governinerit
would be established. • : " • .
ricri the A;:a Cahfocnirm,Mar4.22
Our town has becn convulsed within the.
last week, with: the intelligence din( the
militarybad arrayed itself against the:Peo
ple; and that the commanding oqicooillir:
Pacific Thvision, had in cfreet pronounced_.the, action of the legiSlatiVe assembly
; for.;
this district null and void.
,•So far as the
GOvernent• was in operation_
- in this terri
tory previous to the arrival of Gen: Smith,
it - was not even a de
. facto'GoVernrrient.—
Two; it had assumed the authority: to tax.
us, by levying a duti on imports, • but. it
'has. not gwen, nor hi tomptcd. fis"„
'OllO of the 'blessings which wo have a right - ,
to expect from•the power that raisos.a
elm° for its support from. us. It foie:
only taxed us,wiiliont law in without te - p': : >';'•
resentation, but it , lato.taxed . lts ;withOut;c:/; --
veil a Government. • ; ' . . ;
. .
Finn xi' SAN JOSE.-'---Tll6 . 110114 e
of*Dr. Stokes, at the . Puebla - de
Ni s entirely destroyd by fire on th ;
inn' of. 6th' inst- 4 The loss is tic. ',- , 'Zy , 4‘,44:i
at about 810,90 u. • • •
• • • • y
bank 7 thle: ; , 1 . 01 , ,,0n0 years sitbso4 " r 7 r " 7l
our finpqr thou ;
what 1, 1 •50.' , Y( 6 1; ro
af, ;hills on, tho' , Mer - eti,aW;s;,i
ics7 : . Of Troy, ris!firre'',. ),; :'
- , ..•
• , •
• ,
- • ,
s r.??l,4triT
? :r" ) 7.? tre‘-`'.?
i ."...
t!„ -
4,C,: 1 4,"‘.1*
• ,
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,Ni3.llßtß 2.
*of Gold.Dng
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