Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 23, 1871, Image 1

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VOL. 17.-NO. 50.
Select goctnj.
loam-crested waves, from morn to night,
That met all round the deep bluo sky,
"With here and there a sail in sight.
Which came, then vauithed to the eye.
Our glittering wake shone far behind,
A path of silver reaching back ;
With shrill voice sang the salt sea wind ;
The petrel hovering in our track.
Linked arm in arm, when skies were fair.
We trod the deck with thoughtless aim,
Or sometime;', idly seated there,
Watched the fair sails which went and
Or, gazing down along the deep.
We marked the long, dark, indolent
And saw the bounding porpoise leap,
And heard on board the half hour bulls.
Oh ! what to us was Time's swift flight
Or Tiuie itself, beyond a name?
Oh ! what to ua the noon or night.
To whom all seasons were the same ?
For love possessed our souls, and drew
His rosy veil before our eyes.
And, steeped in bliss, our souls looked
The open gates of Paradise.
Left far behind the new world lay ;
Dim, distant, shadowy and va.it,
The old world rose before our way.
Replete with records of the past.
WThat time fair Hesperus, rising, gleamed
In crimson deeps where sank the breeze,
The red sun from the far west seemed
To drop into the purple seas.
And on the farthest verge of night
Rose the full moon like some pale nun,
Her face all wet with tears, and white.
When the sweet vesper hymu is done.
Or sailing on from Litih to higher.
By skirts of silver shining clouds,
She seemed at times a ball of tire.
That struggles iu the tall, dark shrouds.
On our side, spanned with quivering light.
The phosphorescent ocean lay,
And on the other, lost to sight,
The shadowy waves stretched far away.
And sometimes, Hkj a silent ghost.
Dim outlined on the dark night sky,
Some fair ship, from a foreign coast
In distant seas would pass us by.
Oh ! soft, still nittht ; oh ! calm, rich days,
To which my thoughts like currents bend,
In whose bright vrnlee my farvy plays.
There is no voyage but Luth its end.
One morn I woke to scent the breeze
That over the English downs had swept ;
And round our prow in slugsri.-di ease
The waters of the Mersey slept.
Cecile llorncr was tall and brilliant
with deep hazel eyes, cheeks crimson
ed with happy excitement, and heavy
coils of shining brown hair shot thro
ttnd through with arrows of dead gold
tipped with jewels.
Mury llorncr, her-quite little cousin,
-was " as different from Cecile as light
from darkness. She w.is slight and
small, with big blue eyes that had all
the wondering innocence of a baby's
ia their azure light ; hair of reddish
gold, and a complexion pure and deli
cate as a pink japonic.
''Oh, mamma, it was perfectly de
lightful at the party to-night !" rjacu
ted Cecile, enthusiastically. "Every
body was there. Mr. St. John wa3
there, and asked me to polka twice !"
'Did he?" questioned the gratified
mamma. "I hope you invited Lira to
call ?"
"Of course T did. Mrs. Emraor.s
says he belongi to the Virginia St.
Johns, and is very rich. Such dia
monds as he wear?, mamma ! Bat Ma
ry's the favorite with hint I Jjink!"
Cecile turned round and shook her
finger with affectionate archness at
blushing little Marv.
O as
"Don't, Cecil," pleaded Mary, as if
every drop of blood in her cheeks was
turning to fire. "It's all your fancy."
"a-it? Then what are you blush
ing celestial rosy red for?"
"How ever, I mean to marry him if I
can catch him I always did fancy
t-iach. eyes ana bair like a what s it s
"'-'s wing ? And then he's rich, and
I am d- t.-iT.iined to have a rich hus
band." ' -
Miry Horner grew l ed and pale;
'ju ne l her rosebud lips and shut them
-again without speaking. How wron,T
it seemed for any one to talk in that
jumner of Talbot St. John, when she
only dared to think of Lim as a hero
fcLriiied afar oST in the height of a
chivalrous romance ?
Mrs. Horner only laughed, however
she was quite accustomed to Cecile's
reckless chattery.
"It's two o'clock and after, girls,"
she said, with a prodigious yawn. "Go
f led, or you'll both be as pale as
ghosts to-morrow."
The girls went, and both of them
girl-fashion, dreamed of Talbot St.
Jhn. While that gentleman himself
''reamed of only one.
Hie bright winter hrine was spark
ling over tha newly faHen snow like a
great universal alchemist, who dealt
only in powdered diamonds of the very
first water the sky was blue with the
dazzling, wonderful blueness that you
only see when the thermoneter is close
down to zero, and Talbot St. John,
guiding his blood-horses down the
crowded thoroughfare, felt the thor
ough enjoyment of living that makes
life the sweetest of all luxuries.
"Halloa !"
lie reined up with an abruptness
that brought the smoking horses on
their haunches.
"Grant Whyman ! old fellow ! come
for a drive! It's the luckiest thing
that I happened to meet you !"
"Mr. St. John !".
Poor fellow ! how keenly he felt his
own shabbincss at that moment, as the
dashing young Southerner leaned from
his stylish turn-out, with cordial ex
tended hand.
"Come in with you, and we'll take
a turn or two in the Park."
"I cannot, Talbot my time is not
my own."
"Xot, your own ? What do you
mean ?"
"Perhaps you have forgotten per
haps yon have not heard, said N by
man, speaking hurriedly and confused,
"that we are very much reduced. I
I am a clerk in a trimming store,
at ten dollara a week."
"Indeed ? and what then ?"
"You never were worldh Talbot,"
said the young man, smiling sadly ;
"you don't argue like the rest of the
world that our social lisparity "
"Social humbug !" ejaculated Tal
bot, impatiently jerking the rein,
"jump in, Grant my horses won't
stand !"
"It is quite impossible, Talbot ; my
employer "
"You're as pale as a sheet blanch
ed, just like a stick of celery. Where"
is your place ?" Whyman felt himself
crimsoning again, as he named an ob
scure street where "cheap goods" were
sold at cheap rates.
"WVll drive there."
Grant Whyman found himself, he
scarce knew how, cosily established
among the red velvet cushions by his
friend's side, while St. John called out
to the outside servant to stop them at
the address his friend had so reluctant
ly named. Johnson stared supercil
iously. "Well, if I haint hevcry bit as good
as a shop-boy !" he muttered between
his teeth. "But Mr. St. John was al
ways hodder than Dick's 'at-band !"
"What are you going to do with me,
Talbot?" asked Whyman, as his friend
drew up in front of the tawdrily-dressed
windows of the second-rate trim
ming store.
"I'm going to send you to the Park
for a drive- you look as if you were
in the first stage of a galloping con-v
"Whyman smiled sadly.
"You are very kind, but it is quite
impossible, Talbot."
Y'ct St. John knew in the very tonc3
of his voice how the poor young man
yearned after the forbidden draught of
sunshine, and exhilarating air, and de
licious arrowy motion, lie made no
answer, but threw the reins to Johnson
and walked boldly into the store.
"Quite out of the question, sir-
quite," said the hooked-nosed proprie
tor of poor Grant Why man's time.
"Couldn't spare one of our young men,
not if Queen Victoria was to come
here after him it's entirely against
the rules."
Talbot St. John spoke to him in a
low voice. That hot-blooded young
Southerner was accustomed to having
his own way and intended to make
no exception in this instance. And the
proprietor's face brightened in the
gleam of golden reasons !
"Certainly, sir by all means. If
ml ' W
Mr. Whyman wishes to be absent an
hour or two "
"Hold your tongue!" interrupted St.
John, stormingly. "Whyman must
know nothing of our little business
transaction. I shall take his place be
hind your counter, if you please !"
The kook-nosc man of ribbon3 bow
ed and rubbed his hands fawningly.
Grant Whyman could scarcely believe
his own eye3 when he saw the young
fellow of six feet two standing behind
the counter, as calmly complacent as
if his whole life had been spent among
tape, ribbons, and hooks and eyes.
The next moment Johnson was dri
ving him away from the door with a
flutter of fur robes and chiming of bells
and springing horses that made him
almost fancy himself among the delu
sive shadowings of a delightful dream.
And how fared Talbot St. John ?
"Pretty well, considering," as the
ladies say. Fortunately it was early
in the day, and beyond a ew bargains
in black pins, stay-laces and perfumed
soaps he had very little to do. Pres
ently, however the shop began to fill
apace trade grew brisker and, Mr. St.
John, found plentiful use for all the
quantum of business talent that he
"Have you any crochet-cotton ?"
Down came half a dozen boxes of
tape about Mr. St. John's ears the
natural consequence of the start he
gave on hearing the sweet, familliar
sound of Cecile Horner's voice.
. "I don't know that is, I'll sec
Miss Horner !" Cecile opened wide
her beautiful brown eyes.
"Mr. St. John!" And Mary look
ing very daisy-like iu a pink bonnot,
with white flowers echoed the sur
prised exclamation.
"Why Mr. St. J-jhn ! I didn't know
." She stopped short, coloring as
pink as her bonnet.
" We did not know that you occupi
ed this situation in life," said Cecile,
haughtily finishing her cousin's incom
pleted sentence. "Thank you I don't
care about the cotton !" And Miss
Horner swept out of the low-ceiled lit
tle store, dragging Mary with her.
"The idea !" she exclaimed, when
they were once more in the street.
"How dare Mr. Emmons deceive us so ?
To allow me to dance with a common
"He is very gentlemanly, Cecile,"
meekly interposed Mary.
"Gentlemanly! an an - individual
who sells pins arid needles a clerk !"
"but, Cecile, why can't a clerk be a
"iHary, exclaimed uecile. hiijj
nantly, "you havrt'trthc Spirit of a fly !
I do believe you like Mr. St. John now
just as well as when you believed him
the scion of an old Virginia family !"
"Why shouldn't I" meekly asked
Mary. "I think a clerk who sells pins
and needles quite as good as a Vir
ginian." " Well .'" said Cecile, throwing vol
umes of scorn into one brief monosyl
lable. ''I for one shall not recognize
him in the future. You can do as yon
And Mary walking by her stately
cousin's side marveled at the strange
rules and regulations of that arbitrary
thing called "society," and rejoiced
that she was not bound to swear alle
giance to its dictates.
"I dare say my tastes arc very com
mon." thought Mai v. "But I can't
help it."
."Cecile," whispered Mary, that same
evening in her cousin's ear, "surely,
that is Mr. St. John."
Cecile looked in the direction of her
cousin's eyes, out beyond the maze of
waltzing couples to the tall figure ad
vancing towards them.
"The assurance of the man," she
exclaimed contemptuously. "He never
will dare speak to me."
But he did dare, holding out a frank
band a3 he spoke the stereotyped phra
ses of greeting.
Cecile Horner looked him full in the
eyes with a glance that might have
frozen him, and turned away without
replying with a word or syllable. Tal
bot St. John arched hi3 eyebrows a
little and smiled. Mary ppoke up in
the impulses of the moment.
"Mr. St. John, please don't think I
feel as Cecile doe3. Please shake hands
with me ?"
He held the soft little hand in his
one moment, vi
a singular thrill
his breast.
"Are you unconventional enough to
recognize the 'clerk,' Miss Horner?
"I like yaw Mr. St. John," said Ma
rv, innocently. "I don't care whether
ml mt
you are a clerk or not.
His eyes brightened.
"You like me, Mary. Is there no
other word for my ears, Mary darling
I don't dare to ask if you love me V
Through the din of harp and violin
and sounding horn, the miunc of his
words reached her ear throagh the
silver throb of waltz music her answer
I came to him.
"Oh, Talbot ! I thought I had hid- j
den it my own heart." !
And their eyes met and they knew I
that hereafter they should be all the
world to each other.
"To think that our Mary should en
gage herself to a common clerk," said
Cecile, ready to cry with indignation,
a day or so subsequently.
"My dear, I haven't the least idea
what. you mean," said honest Mrs. Em
mons. "Isn't she engaged to Talbot
St. John?"
"Yes, but he is '
"He is the oldest son of the St. Johns
of C , Virginia. Have you heard of
the great coal mines on the St. John
estate ? An income of ten thousand a
year at the very least !"
"Mrs Emmons, you are mistaken.
"Xo, I am not, my dear. His moth
er was my schoolmate, and I have
known Talbot from a child. Your
cousin is in rare luck, for Talbot is one
in a thousand.''
Then. Cecile llorncr, in a maze of
doubt and perplexity, told of the ad
venture in the ''Cheap Trimming
store." Mrs. Emmons burst out laugh
ing. k
"I can tell you all about that," she
said, merrily. "I'm in Talbot's confi
dence." And she told the story how poor
Grant Whyman had an invigorating
drive in Central Park on the January
day, and the heir of St. Johns had of
ficiated in his stead.
The moment she had gone, Cecile
went straight up stairs and gave Mary
a kiss.
"You'ia a dear little sensible thing,"
she said, "and I'm glad you have cho
sen such a husband."
Nevertheless there was a secret, un
defined bitterness in Cecile's heart to
think that the rich prize had fallen to
her little cousin's ljt! And Cecile
knew it had been her own fault !
Young Men in Society.
,.lot ami virtuous young man,
on first going into society, is apt to be
sorely perplexed upon the question how
to make himself agreeable to ladies.
He need not be ashamed of his per
plexity. Washington Irving, in one of
his early sketches, confessed that a
well-dressed lady was an object per
fectly ''awful" to his young imagina
tion. Wc were once acquainted with
a gentleman of distinction itvpublic
life, the father of several accomplished
daughters, who could not, even at his
fiftieth year enter a drawing room
where ladies were present without em
barrassment. It is a good sign for a
young man to stand in some awe of the
beautiful sex. A person of coarse and
vulgar mind, who thinks more of him
self than his best friends thinks of him,
and knows little of the worth of a good
woman's heart rushes fearlessly in
where an Irving or an Addison would
blush to tread. Bear this in mind,
young gentlemen who blush and stam
mer in the company of young ladies
the girls are as much afraid of you as
you are of them. You arc awkward
in your manners you think. If you
think so, it is likely your friends think
otherwise ; for the really ill-bred fel
lows that we have seen, never suspect
ed their ill-breeding. And, after all,
what is good breeding, but habitual
good nature ? The simple fact that
you wish to please is a proof that you
possess or soon will acquire the power
to do so. The good heart and well
formed mind will soon give grace to the
demeanor, or will so abundantly atone
for the want of it, that its absence will
never be noticed. Besides, the ladies
that i3 the most of them like a man
who is simple in his manners, provided
that they see that there i3 substance
and worth in him. Graceful manners
and ready wit are as good as far os
they go ; but be sure of this, oh, bash
ful, blushing youth, that, in the society
of ladies and gentlemen, you will pass,
in the long run, for what you arc worth,
no more, no less. The art of pleasing,
therefore, is nothing more than becom
ing an honest, kind, intelligent and
highminded man. Such a man, be he
as graceful as Chesterfield or awkward
as a Caliban, all worthy women trust
and love.
A man died at St. Louis, recently
and in his will, after stating that he
never forgot a favor, left ?1,000 to an
individual who, ten ycxrs hfore ran
away with his wife.
Not the Fellow.
The other morning an elderly gen
tleman started to walk up the C. & P.
railroad track, from Bellair to West
Wheeling. In the neighborhood of
Whisky Run he came across three
rough looking young men who were
sitting on the ends of the ties of the
road taking consolation and fusil oil
by word of mouth out of a gallon jug.
As our friend passed them, a youth of
about eighteen, hailed him with, "Here
daddy, come and get a drink." He
was informed that hysting benzine was
not one of the old man's accomplish
ments, but he was not to ba put off in
that way.
Advancing with a volley of oaths
flying from his mouth, he informed
the old gentleman that he must drink
or take a whipping. Just 113 the ruf
fian got in striking distance of our old
friend, the latter drew a revolver,
which he cocked and held full in the
face of the drunken rowdy. To say
that the rough stopped doesn't half
tell it. He could not have stopped
more suddenly if lightning had struck
'Don't shoot, old fellow," he stam
mered, as he recovered from his aston
ishment. "I meant it all in friend'
"D n your friendship!" shouted
the old fellow, now thoroughly excited,
"Go get that jug and bring it here, or
I'll blow vou to kintrdon come in a
The completely cowed ruffian obey
ed. "Now break it on that railroad tie.
Break it! Break it quick, or "be
fore the old man could finish the sen
tence the jug was in a thousand pieces,
"JNow, you internal, darned mean
cuss, get down on your knees and apol
ogize, or I'll make your head like a
pepper:box top."
The fellow hesitated; but looking
into the old man's eyes, saw that he
meant business, dropped on his knees
111 the an; - mid uhjuutlj .yul.i
for the outrage. . j
Thinking him sufficiently punished,
the old man walked peacefully on his
way. As he went up the track he
heard one of the fellows call out to the
other :
"I say, Bill, that ain't the man you
were looking for, is it?"
A teacher in a school that stood on
the banks of a small river, once wish
ed to convey to her pupils an idea of
faith; While she was trying to ex
plain the meaning of the word, a small
covered boat hove in sight. Seizing
upon the incident for an illustration,
she exclaimed, "If I were to tell you
that there was a leg of mutton in that
boat you would believe me, would you
not, without ever seeing it your
selves." 'Yes, ma'am,' replied the scholars.
'Well,' that is faith,' said the school
mistress. The next day, in order to test their
recollection of the lesson, she inquired,
'What is faith V
'A leg of mutton in a boat, was
the answer shouted from all pai ta of
tho school-room.
A Virginia mother-in-law, less pru-.
dent than most of her kind, in the se
lection of methods of annovance, fool
ishly laid in wait for her daughter's
husband in ghostly apparel expecting
by this clumsy expedient to give him
a fright as if a nervous system, ren
dered callous to mother-in-law in the
flesh, would be likely to quail before a
disembodied apparition. The fchrcwd
fellow had presence of mind enough to
pretend he didn't rocognize her, and
gave the supposed spectre a sound
drubbing. Luck v dog! There are few-
fellows to whom such a golden oppor
tunity offered itself.
There is reason to believe that some
of the prevailing blonde chignons are
made of the 'light fantastic tcic.1-
An ingenious mode of transacting
the dueliii'jr business susjfrested bv an
English novelist is for the combatants
to swallow poison and then toss up for
an emetic.
Always do as the sun docs look at
the bright side of everything ; it's just
as cheap, and three times as good.
Down cast editors say that since the
recent rains the fanners 'are smiling
like shingles on a patched roof.'
AW. WALTERS, Attoiubt at Law,
. Clearfield, Pa. Office io-he Court House.
fT ALTER BARRETT, Attorney at Law. Clear-
V field, fa.
May 13, 183.
BRIDGE, Merchant Tailor, MarU-t St.,
Clearfield. Pa.
May. 1S71.
A. OACLIN dealer in Books. Stationery
EnTelopes, ia , Market St, Clearfield. Pa.
I MtTCrJELL. dealer in Dry Goods, Oroceries.
b. Flour and Feed , Fish. Salt, Ao . Cor. 2d St.,
and Hill road, Clearfield, Pa. May. 1871.
HF. BIGLEK A CO., Dealers in Hardware
. and manufacturers of Tin and Sheet-iron
tare. Seeond street. t;iearner, ra. .nar .
HF. J AUGLE. Watch and Clock aianer.ara
. dealer in Watches. Jewelry. Ac. Room in
Graham's row, Marketstreet-
AK. WRI3HT A SOSS, dealers in Dry Uoous.
. Groceries Hardware, Queensware. te . Seo-
ond Street, Clearfield. Pa. May. 1371.
fTAUO'S J MfiCULLOUOII. AttorneV-at-Law
I Clearfirld, Pa. All legal business prompt-
Iy attended to. wci. i.
R. FL'LLERTON. dealer in Boots. STboes. Hiits
Carta and tants1 Fuvnishinz Goods, Second
St., Clca
carfi.ld. Pa. May. 1371.
DBENSER, Manufacturer of ana aeaier in an
a kinds of Furniture, corner Market and Mh
Streets, Clearfield, Pa
(May. 1871 .
Tri.LEll A POWELL, dealers in Pry Good,
il Groceries. Hardware. Lumber. Ao., Market
S-reet, Cleirfi.ld, Pa. May. 171.
rvKi!i T. Noble. Attorney at Law. and Alder-
J man. Office on Grave btreet. opposite i
Post OSfije, Lock Haven, Pa. Je. 2J. 7tf-y.
TEED ERO'S, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa.
Vi Fancr UrT lools, v
He Goods, Motions.
Ladies' and Gents' tnrnifhins
June li,'70
Good. etc.
j. p. invi
D. Is. kri:bs
TRVIS A KF.LBS. (Succesors to u. u. owoup.
.- ... V. c?
Clear's lid. Pa. Nov. 30.1S70.
I 1 .m, .vn f.,r.i .irriril OrncB. MarHel rireei
-- t TTrrT 1VTT.F dealers in Dry Gods
K Groceties. Hardware.Queensware, Clothing.
Ac. Market Street, (orrosile the Jail). C.enrSeld,
pa May, Ia71
mirvrTT SCHRTYER. dealers in Hard-
N t.,,-.. A and M no fact urers (
Shert-iro'n and 'Copperware, Market St . Clear
field. p iM:y-
A I SHAW.Dcalcr in Drug'. Patent Mcdicir.es
. Fancy Articles, etc . and l'ropnotor oi ur
ch Bi-.ters. Market street
Clearfield, Pa '
June 15, '70.
rMoim YillTXtl A CO.. Manufacturer of
K'J.' - p " t Pin-ular and Mulav sw
Miila"" Wter Whoels. Stoves, Ac, Fourth and Pine
Streets. Clearfield. Pa. 1""? '
n vt'PV ALLY. Attorneyat Law. Clearfield
Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoiu'nis
t Hi, 2d streo't, one door south of Lanich's Hotel.
itfr..-A in new nricK DnniiiiiE"i..itj
IT F.ST. Attorney at Lw. tmrsiio,!... -"
. attend promptly to all Le;al business en tru?t-
. . a, r.ll t III
ed to
a bis care in (jiearneiu ui ujui.u
ties. Office on Market street
July 17, 1KS7.
mriOMtS II. FOKCHY. Pc.iler In Square an
eerics. Flour. ! rain, Feed, liacon, Ac , Ac, nr.
hamton. Clearfield county, Oct 10.
HRTPWICK A IRWIN. Healers in Prues,
Medicines. Paints. Oils. Stationary, Perfume
r . r'aneyJloods, Notions. etc., etc.. Market meet.
CleaiBeld, Pa Dee ft, 1365.
Jyi KUATZER. dealer in Dry Hoods.
. Clothing. Hardware. (Queensware. Groce
ries. Provisions, Ac, Second Street Cleat field
pa. Dec 27, lS6j.
J IIIN GUELICH. Manufacturer of all kinds rf
Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield. P-.
lie atsotnakes to order Coffins, onshort notice ami
attends funerals with a bearse Aprl0.'59.
RICII ARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
tnestie Dry Ooods, Groceries. Flour. Bacon
l.i.iaors, Ac. Room, on Market street, a few doors
west ot JoitmoJO flier. Clearfield. Pa. Apr27
JJ. LINQLE, Attornev at Law.Osceo'a, Clear
. field county. P. Will practice in the fever
hI Courts of Clearfield and Centre counties. Al
buimtsg promptly attended to Mar 1 V7I.
AI.T.ACE A FIELDING, Attorneys at Law
rfield. Pa. Office in res dence of w. A.
Wallace Le;al business of all Kinds atten.jea to
ith promptness and fidelity.
Jan.5.'70 yp
WI, A. WIL'.iC!.
HW S.nlTH, Attor.nrt at Law. Clearfield
. Pa., will attend promptly to busine s en
trusted to his care. Olfise on second floor of new
building adjoining County Natioual BanK. and
nearly opposite the Court House. June 'tjtf
J all kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield, Pa. Or
ders ralieited wholesale or retail Ilealsokeeps
on hand and for sale an assortment of earthen
wire, of his own manufacture. Jan. I. IXfta
MANSION HOUSE, Clearfield. Ta This
well known hotel, near the I ourt House, is
worthy the patronage of the public .The table
will be supplied with the bett in the market. The
best of liquors kept. JOHN D'.IUG IIKitTY.
TOnN H. FCLFORD, Attorney at Law. Clear
field, Pa. Office on Market fctrcet. over
llartrwick t Irwiu's Drug Store. Prompt attention
given to the securtngofuountv claims. Ac. ana to
all legal business. M:irch 27. ISf7.
WI. CURLEV. Dealer in Dry Good.
,Groeerie,lIarlware. Queens sre FIcur lia
con. etc.. Woodland. ClearGeld county Pa. t lso
extensive dealeu in all kinds of sawed lutnl-er
shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited.
Woodland. Pa., Aug. 19th, 13n:t
It J. P. TiCRCIIFILLD Late Surgeon of the
83d Ree't Pcnn'a Vols., having returned
from the army, offers bis professional services to
tiie citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Profes
sional ealls promptly attendad to. OGce on
South-East corner of 3d and Market Streets.
Oct. 4. lUCi.
OURVEVOR. The under.sit'ned offers
his services to the public. s a Purveyor.
He may be focud at his residence in Lawienre
township, when not engaged; or addressed by
letter at Clearfield, recn a.
March th. I sr.T.-tf. J KM P.S :.IITCJ!EI.L
DR. W. C. MOOHE. OHW. (Drop Store)
12 Wet Fourth St.. Wiili.-mispnrt. l'a.
Special attention givin to the treatincr.t of all
forms Of Chronic nu t C'ln-tiliiliitiiai Dirct-
Cnns'iltation by letter with parties at a distance.
Fee 2 HO ' r first consultation subsequent ad
Tice free. Mar I57l-nm
I'hvi-ician .mJ Surjieon,
Having located at Ooccola. Pa., offers his profes
sional services to thepeopleof thittplace ai.J sur
rounding country. All ealls promptly attended
to. Office and residinreon Curtin Street, former
ly occupied bv Dr. Kline May 19.V.9.
EORGE C. KIRK. Justice of the Pence. Por-
All business entrusted to him will be promptly at
r rnnt anrl Tonvevr.-cr. LUtnersoure. x n.
tended to. Persons wishing to employ a Mirveys
or will do well to give him a call, as ho 't'er
himselt that he can render sati.fnc'ion. Deeds
of conveyance, articles of agreement, and all le?al
papers promptly and neatly executed JeH 71-vp
rp H . M IT It K A Y t
Prompt attention given to all lecal Winesseu
trusted to his care in Cleatfieli and adjoining
cnuntioJ. Cffijeou Markst tirfCt, opposite N'JJ
glcs Jewelry ftore, Jaali.ls.l.
Jfegatives made in cloudy aa well as in clear
weather. Constantly en hand a good assortment
f Frames. .Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views.
rsmcs, troin any style of moulding, made to
Dee. 2'ttn-jy. 14-69-tt.
Curwetinville, l'a.
The undersigned harin? taken rbaree of this
well-known Hotel, respectfully solicits a share ol
patronage. The housa has been refitted and re
furnished and now compares favorably with any
other hoae in theeounty. The best of everything
the market affords will be served up to guests.
CbaigesmuJerat. ELI UUH.1, .
e 1. Z-t. Ib.U-tf. Proprietor. "
GEORGE X. COLBCKN, :::::: PiorKtSToa.
This house was lately completed and iu open
ed to tlie public is uewly luriiihed,and provided
with al 1 the modern improvements of a first-class
hotel. It is pleasantly located, in the business
part of the town, and near to the pubtio build
ings. A hare or patronage is respectfully solicited-
Charges moderate. The nestof Liquors in
the bar.
i.i. Tn '-nrf
"""-i. Prvvhiiicvnir Pvvvi
111.1 .i uj.ij i m. .
Jobn S. Radebacb haTinsr purchased the leas
of Mr. V.'m. Vaudeiveit, in tie exchange hotel.
Keyooldiiville. aodbaviug removed to said hotel,
would i of orm bis friend: and tho traveling pub
lie generallj. that be in now prepared to accom
modate tbciu in a more Fati.-factorj menuer the
Exchange bein ' a much better Louae than the
one loriueriuy occupied hy him. iliv table will
a I nays bo-'Uppited with the very best t lie market
a Hunts By strict attctiTioo to buMness be hopes
to receive a hare of patrozi.is, A back will be
kept at the Exchange to convey passengers to any
point they wish to i$o. Mir. a. 71-miv V. wo.
50 anJ one "5 horse rfwr Engine, war-
runted fir&t-cU's. of superior finish an-l worktuau
hip. tor sale by ' Ui iLr K. YOUVJ t CU ,
April li. il. I icraeld. l'a.
ace Home Industry. The uudorsiirii
ed having established a .Nursery, on the l ike
halt way between Curwensville and Clearfiel
liorou"hs. is prepared toturiji.-h all kindtoi Kr:i
trees. Standard and dwsrf.) Lverireen -. ShruW
bciy.Orupe iucs, Uoo.eerry, Liwtrt rfark
berry. Stra berry and Kaspbei ry vines. Ats
SibrianCrnbtrccs.Quiuce and early ScarlcKbeu
barb. Ac. Orders promptly attended .o. Addres
Ans Ul.lrtlU. J.D. WUK1IIT, Curwecsvilla
Market Street, nearly opposite the residence ef
U. H Mtoope. Esq.,
CLEAuriLLb, Pa.,
Would respectfully announce to tie cititecs of
Clearleld and viriuitT. that he has opened m
BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, in the building lately
occupied by J L. Cuttle.as a law office. and that ha
is determined not to be outdone either in quality
of work orprices. Si ccial attention giver, to the
manufacture ot sewed work. Freuch Kip and
Calf c-kins, of the best quality, always en hand.
Give him a call. .luna 24. '64.
Jin i.mniii'iir navincr icen usrd, tnr
some yeais past. as a faini'y medicine hy the pro
prietor, and its good effect? coming to tbe notice
of bis neighbors, has. at their suggestion, con
sented to uiuuufacture it for the benefit of the af
flicted everywhere. It is the best remedy for
Ca'arrh and ISi I lioos Cholic, ever offered to the
public; and will cure many other diseases in the
human body. 1 1 is also a sure cure for Pole evil
and Wind-galls in horses Directions for its use
accompany each bottle. Price. St per bottle, er
six bottles for $6. Sent to any address by enclos
ing the price to WM. H. WAt.ONEit.
llur.l Postotfice,
Oct fi. l-;r,9. Clearfield courty. Pa.
O M V. I X D U S T R Y
Made to Order at the Lowest Rates.
The nndersigned- would respectfully invite tLe
attention of the citizens of Clearfiel J and vicini
ty. to E'v him eull at his shop on Market St.,
nearly opposite Hartswick A Irwin's drug store'
where he is prepared to make or repair anything
in his line.
Orders entrusted to him will be executed with
promptness, strength and neatness, and all werk
warranted as represented.
I have now on hind a stock ef extra freuch
calfskins, anperb gaiter tops, le., that I will
finish np at the lowest figures.
JunelSthOjifiii. DA. SI EL CONNELLY
Clearfield. Pa.
Puttingof theXA irKALTEETH in a healthy
preservative and useful condition, is made a
specialty. Diseases a nd mat formations common
to the mouth, j.iw and asrociatc parts are treated
and corrected with fair success
Examination and coi.sultatious Fl'.EE
Prices for partial ar. J full sets of Teeth acci
Low an than in lh"0.
It would be well for patit nte from a distance to
let me know, i-y mil. a few days before coming
to the cfatre.
It is very i.-r.porlant thatch:!. Ircn Lotween tl.e
ages of six and twiivc jears thuu'.l hare lhctr
teeth exAuiMtn.
Iiy Ar.tesibcsia teeili are cx'raclal u'lTCuvrpcin.
lebruary 1. laTI-if
L'R. A. M. U1LLS,
Wenld say to his patients and tLo r-uhl trct.er
al!y that, having dissolved partnership with lr.
Shaw. he is now doin tLc entire work of his otL'ce
himself, so that patients need not feir bein; put
under the h-inds of any utht'r operator.
Having obtained a reduction oi li.e patent o i
tbe plate materi-il. I n m enroled to put up teeth
kcch iieai pk than fortn r.'y- I a!ro huva Dr.
Stuck' patent proctfs for working I'.ul-bcr j lates.
whiehnjukes mn'li iiLttr, more elastic and
stronger plate for the same amount if material,
and li:tes tbe plate n both sides, rendering
it toech .oro exfily kept clean
pcci-il attention paid t-j the preamvslion ot
the t.&tur.il tt-'tti, asi all work mrantccd en-ti.-e'y
satisfactory to pnlieuU.
Pice at toe oM xt.tid i-opoite the Shaw Hou?a.
OlSce hours from S la II A n .. and 1 to j. p it.
Patients fr tu a distance shouM notif.r me a few
days bvforr liHiid of their intention to cotue.
A!was at hon.e unless otter entree appear in
both the c-uny pipers Feb. I j.'71-tt.
S 0 M
Cleared county, Vci.u n.
The undersigned having erected, during the
past summer, a Jurge and commodious fctore room,
is now eugigi-d m tilling it up with a new and.
select assort jictt of t'a'l and Winter goods, whie-h
ho offers to the puolie at prices to suit tbe times.
11 is stock of Mens' and boys' clothing is uru.-ual
Iy extensive, and is ?red te cu.-tt.ujcrs at frcao
$10 to $J for a whole suit. Flour. Salt,and Gro
ceries, of every kind, a coa:plctc asoitxent;
Sove? and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock ; Doors and
Shoes, Hats and Caps, in great variety : Ladies'
dress goods, furs, aud o'.ter fancy goods, together
with an endless assortment of notions too tedious
to enumerate, always on bund, and sor sale very
cheap. Trims at 10 cu ts a yard. and other goods
in proportion Now is the time to buy.
Country produce of every kind, at the highest
market prices, will be taken iu exchange for
goods; and even Greenbacks wilt not be refused
for any article in store. Examine my stock be
fore you buy elsew here.
Oetrner 3(1.137 H.SWA.V
i ACON.IIsms S;ie-:id:rEou!de-r tre iiirel