u u I --rri" V.i. I U- it: j 4--; 4 r 5 S- Ltl n y j- -V - jy BY S. J. ROW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1871. . VOL. 17.1T0. 49. -Jail flv A. 8T7 fit M W- $ Sri - if ' TV J t It el n ' 4 ' TO MY EEAET. Id thy lunc, lonely time?, poor acbing litart ! . - Vhen days arc slow, and fci'crit nijtlits are ml, Tate clieer. weak heart, rcmciuber and be glad, l'or sonic one loveJ tbee. Some on, inJeed, trho cared for fading face, For time touched hair, arid weary Tailing arm, And in thy very saJr.css found a cliurtu, To make Li in ijve thee. God k.now3 thy days are desolate, poor heart. At thou dost sit alone, and dumbly trait For what comes not, or coiiics, a!aj ! too laie, 15ut some one Lved thee. Take cheer, poor heart, rciiienibciiig what he said, And how of thy lo.-t youth he uiLs.sed no grace, liut saw some subtler beauty in thy face. So well he loved thee. If may be, on Time's farther shore, the dead Love the sweet shades of those they missed on this. And dreum, in heavenly rest, of earth's lost l.!is- So he thail love thee. Till then take cbeer, poor, siL-nt, tttdiiuir heart ; ' Content thc with the fa.-e he onee found fair. Mourn not for fading L'oijtii, or time tom.-h ed liair, Since he hath loved thee. A Theatrical Ixddert. Some vcar.4 ago th? numager of a "well regulated theatre," tuitiC'V.Lei-e alon the lino of the Erie c::i:r.l. cn- eased a eood-lookine and brisk voum lady tws supernumerary. It happened ' that the young lady i:i juest:oii had formerly officiated in some capacity as a "h;!ad" en board a canal bo::t, a fact she was anxious to conceal. She evinced much unxietv to master the details of her newly-chosen profession, and soon exhibited a more than ordi nary degree of eomic talent. She vas duly promoted, and in time be came a general favorite with both manager and public. One night she was announeed to ap pear in a xurorite part, a collide of boatmen found their way into the pit, near the footlights, particularly anx ious to see the new famous comedienne. The house was crowded, and after the subsidence of the general applause which greeted her appeaaance, one of the boatmen slapped his companion on the shoulder, with an emphatic exple tive, exclaiming loud enough to be heard over half ihe house : "Bill, I know tlr.it gal :" "Pshaw," aid Bill, "dry up." "But I'm cuss'd if I don't nev,Bill. It's Sal Flukins, as sure as vou're born. She's old Flukius' daughter that used to run the "Injured Polly," and she used to sail with him." "Tom, you're a fool, and if you don't stop your infernal clr.ck, you'll get put out. Sal Flukins ! Y'ou know a sirlit if voii think that's her!" Torn was silenced but not cjnvineed. He watched the actress in all her mo tions with intense interest, but ere long broke out again: "I tell ye, Bill, that's her I know 'tis. You can't fool me I know her too well." Bill, who was a good deal interest ed in the play, was out of psticn-jc at this persistent interruption on the part of Tom. He gave him a tremendous nudge in the ribs with his elbow, as an emphatic hint for him to keop quiet. Tom, without r.slndir.g the admoni tion, said : "You 'just wait I'll fix her, keep .your eye on her." Sure enough he did fix her. V.itch ing Lis opportunity when she was dcep Jy absorbed in U.- part, ho sung out in -a voice which v.-..w thr.n .-h the "al--ienes: "7,'W B.-vl.je.'r From force of h ilir, the aclresa in stantly an I iuvo'ur.tarily ducked her head to avoid the anticipated collision. Dov iwn catn-j tne housj witu a ncr ct thund -r of applause at this palpable "hit" hi;i'i above which Tom's voice -could be heard, as hj returned Bill's punch in the ribs with interest : "Didn't I toll you old boy, I knowd it was her. You couldn't fo.,1 me." A hypocrite may spin so fair a thread that it may deceive his own eye ; he may admire the cobweb, and not know himself to be the spider. It is s aid that the bachelor looks out ior No. 1 ; the married man ft Na. 2. .The Egyptian Legislature. Colonel James Morgan, of South Carolina, gives the following account of the life and death of the Khedive's attempt to follow European fashions in lav.-mr.king : When the Viceroy returned from France, lie called Lis prime ministers together-and said, "ia order to have a great country we must hare a legisla tive body," and lie then made known Lis plans. Delegates were selected from various districts and informed that they must be divided in opinion, that every measure should be debated, and the minister who called tliem to gether said : "Now, all who favor the government will stay on the right, those who oppose it will cross over to the left, and those undecided will remain in the centre." No sooner was the division called, than all the delegates made a rush for the right. There was no opposition or no medium party. "This won't do," said the minister, "there rnut be an opposition," and he called to him an old Shiek named Ibra him and said : "You must lead the opposition." "What is it?" asked Ibrahim. "Well, then, the government intro duces a law you must protest and argue against it." "Hum," said the Sliiek, "If the Khedive s:ivs he wants so-and-so, I am to say no, you shan't have it." "Yes," said the minister. jovial smile lighted rp the tanned leathered face of old Ibrahim; he rdiook his head and said, "none for Shiek Ibrahim ; too much bastinado." After a time, by .liberal bribery, an opposition was established. One day, when the Minister, Ilassman Bey, was absent, one of the opposition violently opposed a measure of the Khedive's. A government member-from Paina jumped up and moved that the oppo sition member be bastinadoed for trea sonable cojiduet. The motion was carried, and tho reousunt Egyptian was knocked down and bastinadool on the floor of the House. That was the last session of the Egyptian Corps Lesislati.T. Teresa Gamdardella, a girl of thirteen, a native of Palermo, has re cently attracted much attention in Vi enna by the fact that her body is so thickly covered with hair that it mere resembles fur than anything else. Even her forehead the first instance of the kind on record is covered ; her head is very similar to the monkey's, and different parts of her figure bear out the striking similarity. Her habits and peculiarities correspond with those of the quadrumna species, and the in terest she has excited in the public and anions the scientific class is altogether unprecedented. Ter.csa seems tole a remarkable illustration of Darwin's theory. weeded my friends," said an ec centric old man, "b' hanging a piece of stair carpet out of my first floor window with a constable's announce ment affixed. It had the desirable ef fect. I soon saw who were my friends. It was like firing a gun at a pigeon house. They forsook the building at the first report". "Can I induce you to invest in a lock ?' smilingly inquired a traveling agent for an improved door fastening, of a plain looking obi maid, whom he encountered sweeping the door steps. "You might, sir," she replied with a ghastly smile, eyeing him carefully from head to foot, "in wedlock !" A G EXTt.EH an in England who re cently ciptured a whale and paid a friend half a crown to inform him how to preserve it was advised to put the whale carefully into a glass bottlo,cov er it over with spirits of wine (strong whisky seal up. may do), and then cork and Tuz fading of the llowers, and the falling of the leaves ; the decay of nature- and the approach of winter, are all impressive emblems of the depart ure of man from the earth. Til ERE are two reasons why some people don't mind their own business : One is, they haven't any business, and the second is, they have no mind Why are lover3 like armies? Be cause thr-v eet along well enough un- i til they are engaged. LET THE AMERICAN PEOPLE POUDES KU-XLUX DIAEOLISM. Eleven Pregnant Tacts Brought to Light by the Congressional Investiga ting Committee. Its Democratic Paternity, it3 Eellish Fea tures and Party Purpose. The Congressional Committee inves tigating the Ku-Klux villainy a sub committee in Washington, and another sub-committee in South Carolina have now been in daily session more than two months, and have had before them many scores of witnesses from all sec tions of the late Insurrectionary States men of both high and humble sta tion Presiding Elders, Preachers, ex Members of the Federal Congress and ex-Members of-the Confederate Con gress, ex-Generals of both Armies, Governors and ex-Governors, Judges, Solicitors, Sheriffs, Revenue Oificcis, Officers of the Army, Postmasters, School Teachers, Repentant and Non repentant members of the Ku-Klux Klans, and dozens of their maimed and suffering victims, black and white. And what has this patient and thor ough investigation established and established beyond all future cavil and question?' These atrocious facts : 1. That in all the late Insurrection ary States, and generally diffused, tho' not found in every county, is an oath bound Secret Organization, workicg only at night, and its members always in disguise, with officers, signs, signals, pass-words, grips, and all the necessa ry paraphernalia, with the pledged and sworn purpose of 2lll((','ff dozen the lleimblican and paiivj vp the iJeino eratic party ; known in different locali ties among the initiated by different names, but everywhere recognized by the general cognomen "Ku-Klux." 2. That the organization came into being a few months previous to the last Presidential Election, during which canvass it was in its moat vigorous con dition, lint w n-w t.-..-i ii tne srsonth with more efficient discipline and effec tive direction than ever, reviving, in preparation for the next Presidential campaign, when, as -they told one of their victims in Tennessee a few weeks since, "no d d Radical voting is to be alloiyed in any Southern State, by black or white." 3. That this Ku-Klux organization is the premeditated and determined scheme for carrying the South at the next election of President, and so, by securing the entire electoral vote of that section, make sure the election of th 3 Democratic nominee. 4. That the officers and establishes of these "Dens" (as they appropriate ly call their separate bands) are the leading and active Democratic politi cians of the South. 5. That the scheme has hearty good will of a large section of the Democrat ic party in all those States, and the acquiescence of nearly the entire par ty. G. That the direct and chief purpose of the organization, as sworn by all the victims, as the assertion uniformly made to them by these rnidni-ht assas sins, and corroborated by the universal testimony of the repentant and divulg ing members of the Order, is this: The putting down of the -Republican and the putting up of the Democratic party. 7. That while tho Democratic and Ku-Klux witnesses on their direct ex aminations usually deny the political purpose of the Order, asserting that the Ku-K!ux are a social necessity growing out of the abolition of the old Patrol ; that they h tve t rid;; the country to "keep the niggers in their place;" that "under the influence of Radical Legislation and Methodist preaching the niggers are liable to be come saucy," and without an occasion al Ku-Klux visit would "begin to think themselves as good as white folks ;" and that these frequent floggings, and an occasional murder, are necessary to maintain such a state of morals among the blacks as will permit the vice-hating whites to live in their neiirhbor hood ; yet, on the cross-examination, these witnesses also very generally, as well as very reluctantly, confess that the intimidation of Republican voters is a prominent and not to be regretted result. 8. That to secure this purpose, the putting down of the Republican and j the putting up of the Democratic par ty, intimidation is the grand measure the intimidation of Republican vo ters, black and white, but especially the humble and defenceless, by mid night raids ; by burning houses and stores, and the destruction of crops j by whippings of such extreme cruelty as often to end in death ; by most in decent and painful maiming ; by assas sination and murder in such cowardly manner and with such hellish device as may strike terror into whole counties, and bring down the Republican vote from two or three thousand to less than a single dozen.-. ' 9. That "school teachers," and "preachers of the methodist church North," seem to bo the especial abho rence of these Democratic assassins ; and hundreds of school houses and methodist churches have been given to tin, fl.,m..a . ..1.1-tnn.l.Mn n-lll A aghast when it is. made known the scores of school teachers and metho dist preachers, who, by thi3 Democrat ic agency, within these three years, have been whipped ! shot ! hung ! and, in soma instances, it is vbedicved, burn el at the stake ! , 10. That in nearly one-half the States of this Union this work of hell is now going on, night by night every month extending the range of its bloody operations, and fearfully multiplying the number of its victims ! 11. That it is solely and immediate ly in the service of the Democratic party a large portion of the party South heartily approving large num bers of the party North attempting its palliation by excuse, and its shelter from scorn by covering up or denying its crimes, as if cowardly assassination could be palliated, and brutal murder excused and the Democratic party throughout the laud rejoicing in its promise of help. So, ' either by open and acknowledged action, or by the no less criminal anl the more cowardly participation of extenuating and shield :g crime, the party South and North, become before the people and before God equal sharers in the respon sibility. Out of the mouths of more than two hundred witnesses is every syllable of this established; and more than ten thousand of the shroudless dead, from hidden places by the wayside, in swamp and mountain, and from the sleepless a-hes of fired homes, shout their ghast ly A MEN ! A single instance of these thousand outrages perpetrated upon an American citizen on foreign soil, would be tho't ample cause for war ; and our entire navy would hasten to enforce the Na tion's indignation. And such abuse as is daily meted out. to these humble methodist preachers, if offered one of our Missionaries on heathen ground, would arouse the whole American church until every mind was laden with demands for "Protection." The thanks of all citizens who love Right and hate Rapine are due the faithful men of this Committee, who, fonrettinjr their own ease, have so in dustriously devoted these hot months to the unearthing of this giant vil lainy. Christian men of our country! IIu mmerjicn! All decent men, we ap peal to you ! Is a party worthy of life in this land which seeks suprema cy through such hell-born measures ? The Nickxasies of the States. Alabama, lizards; Arkansas, tooth picks ; California, gold hunters ; Colo rado, rovers ; Connecticut, wooden nut megs ; Delaware, muskrats ; Florida, fly up the creeks ; Georgia, buzzards ; Illinois, suckers; Indiana, hoosiers ; Iowa, hawkeyes; Kansas, jayhawkcrs; Kentucky, corn crackers ; Louisiana, Creoles; Maine, foxe3 ; Maryland, craw thumper; Michigan, wolverines ; Min nesota, gophers ; Mississippi, tadpoles; Missouri, pukes ; Nebraska, bug caters; Nevada, sage hens; New Hampshire, granite boys; New Jersey, blues or clam catchers ; New York, knicker bockers ; North Carolina, tar boilers andtuckocs; Ohio, buckeyes ; Oregon, webfeet and hard case3 ; Pennsylvania, pennanites and leatherheads ; Rhode Island, gun flints ; South Carolina, weasels; Tennessee, whelps ; Texas, beef heads; Vermont, green mountain boys ; Virginia, beadles ; Wisconsin, badgers. A crying-SIX taking babies to the play. Tb.8 Democratic Candidate for AuditDr Gen eral. Gen. McCandless is the Democratic candidate for Auditor General of Penn sylvania. Who is Gen. McCandless? Has he any special merits which have pointed him out among his fellow Dem ocrats and designated him as theprop erest person to lead them in an impor tant political contest and to occupy' one of the most prominent and responsible offices in the government at Harris burg ? If this be the case he has been slow to manifes't these peculiar merits. His experience in civil affairs has been very limited, he has no more than or dinary mental ability, to say the least, and we hazard the asscr-tion that in the qualifications demanded by the office to which he aspires, there are a thous and Democrats in the State quite his equals. Why, then, has he been chosen by the Democrats to bear their banner in the contest now pending ? It is simply because of the title he bears. A military prefix to a man's nan-, now-a-days, implies something not always meritorious but generally so fn the Northern States. But what is the significance of t lie honored title of the Democratic candidate for Audi tor General ?. As this is the glittering bait thrown out by Democratic anglers to catch gudgeons we deem it due to tho loyal public as well as to those meritorious soldiers who went into the fight against rebellion and fought it 'through that the veracious history of this ambitious individual should be kept before the people whose votes are solicited for Lir.i. It appears that Gen. McCandless entered the volunteer service of the United -States in November iSGl and retired in June 1SG1. His record du ring that period is not illumined by any brilliant displays" of personal gal lantry or military genius, but his friends believing hiin still to be devoted to the CJ US'! ill nlllL-ll lit? llttvl witvu vjiliitu, and willing to open to hi:n a wider field for tho display of his genius for war, applied to the Secretary of War for his promotion to the grade of Brig adier General. This appeal was prompt ly and favorably responded to by Sec retary Stanton and a note tendering him such promotion was sent from Washington to the doughty Colonel, then enjoying his otium cum dignitatc at his home in the city of Philadelphia. The Colonel defined his position in re gard to the war, in the following pom pous epistle in reply to the Secretary's note : 5:20 Walnut Sr , Puila. Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a communication from the Secretary of War, daieJ the 21st inst., in fjrming me of my promotion to the position of Brigadier General of volunteers. This appointment 1 decline to accept. In order that my motives for so doing may be cleat 1. understood, I wiil t-tate that when those who administer this Government re-adopt the original intLniion of pro-eetiting this war for the restoration of the Union, I, togeth er n ilh hundreds of other offijjrs and thou sandi of men at present mi of service -will be found ready and willing to return. Until such time, L consider the post of hon or to be the private station. 1 am, sir, very respecifally, Your obedient servant, Wm. McCandless. To B;uo. Gfa'. L Tuomas, Adj. Gen. U. S. A., July 33, 1SS4. This letter, it will be perceived, was written at a time when the government was greatly in need of troops to pros ecute the w.ir, and only one month prior to the time when the Democratic party in National Convention at Chi cago, declared the war for the Union a failure. Whatever might have been Gen. McCandless' opinion, or however sincere and earnest might have been his exertions in the cause of the Union prior to this letter, by refusing at this time to extend his arm in its defense, for such a reason, he forfeited all the honors he had won and all the merit of his services at the head of his regi ment in the field He that was not for the government at that time was by fair inference against it, and all the laurels achieved by the partizan Colo nel w-ere gathered confessedly in the ignoble service of human slavery. Is this the kind of military glory that will captivate the loyal voters of Penn sylvania ? We trow not. Hall and Connolly, of New York, have written a letter to the Chamber of Commerce asking for a committee to investigate the books cf the city. A fraud was perpetrated in this way a year or so ago and the peopl e are not inclined to a repetition of the performance. 5u$hw; Overton!. A -Jl. Clerfield. Ta. Office in tbe Onurt tlouso. 1 7ALTER BARHETT, AttorneT atl.aw.Clenr- V Geld, Pa. May 13. 1 .-:. II BKIDUE, M . reliant Tailor, M ukvt St., , Clearfield. Pa. piny. . PA. GACLIN dealer in Books. Stationtry. Knrelopcs. Ae , Market St-, Clearfield, l'a. RMtTCIiELL. dealtr in Try Good?, (It erie. . flour and Feci, 1'ijh. Slt. ia . Cor. I'l St., ai,d Hill roii, C'.ea.-rUld, Pa. ' Slay. 1871 - IT F. BI(iLK:l-A CO., Dealers ill Kr.r-ware. ani manufacturer? of Tin and Sheet-iron turo. Second Street. Clearfield. Pa. Mar'Tt'. HF.JiAl'GLE. Watch and Clock Maker, and . dealer in Watches, Jewelry. Ac. Room in Urnbam'srow, Marketiirect. Xov. 10. A' K. WRI.-JHT t SONS, dealers in Dry Go-.d?. . (iroceries Hard ware, Qjceiiswire As . Fee ouU Streett-'lcirfield. Pa. I May. Hi 1. TITUO'S J McCULLOi:;;. Arrtr.V.-AT-LAW, X C!earfi;ld, Pa. All legal Lumcs f rompt ly allenied to. Oct. 27. iSS'J. DR. Fl'I.l.F.RTON. dealer in Hoots, fiioes. IIa . Caps and 'ients Furcithing Goods. Sacnd St., Clearaald.fa. May. 17K DRESNER. Manafaoarer of kd.1 dealer in all a kirid-i of Furniture, corner Market and Jth t-trrtts. Clear6eld. l'a "ifl!! 'j . TILLER ro'.VF.LL.'deilcrs in Iry flood. Ll L flroceriif. Ilrdrara. Lumber e.. Market S'.reet. Clcrfi!d. Pa ( May. IS71. Ov.iuN T. No.ii.e. Attorney at Law. ar.d AMcr mnu. 0.n;.-8 on Grove Street. ono-i o tLe Pur. OS'S, Look Haven. Pa. Je M.'Tu-y. t- FED riSO'S, JIarkct Firect, Clearfield. Pa.. Kj Faccy I'ry Goods. M'cite (inods." Notions, F.iubroi-leries, Ladies' and Gents' urnutiins Jood.eto. .iu!:c ia, in j. p. trtvi.i rj. L. KHESS. IRVIN A KRKB.', (m c?s.-ors io II. li Mroif j. Law ami Collection OrritK, Marku Street. Clearli ;ld. Pa. KRlTZSIi A LYTI.T., dealers in Pry floods. Groceries. Hard are,O ieenswarc. '.'loihin?. ta.. Market Street. ui i us::e iLe Jai.). Clc:ir!,olU. Pa. SU'KETT PCHKYVFtl. Healers in Hard ware. Stoves. As , and .Manuf-etureri of Tin, Shert-iroa and Copt eiware. .Market St . Cl. ar fi5d.Ja: l"-y- A I S:iAUPcalerin Drug. Patent Medicine. . Fancy Articles, etc.. ar.d Proprietor of Ir Cover's West FJraoch tiUcrs, Market S-'trcct, - i i 'r ti 7 i.rr,cIJ. l'a .iui.c i, iu. Pa -r-vr.-lt.FR Tlir .1 A CO.. siar.ui icurcrs oi r st.nn, Vnviiu's. I'ircnlar end .Mulav Saw JMU Water Wheels. Stoves, , i'our'li and Vine Streets. CIr5M. Ta i??!.1"!!- JB M'EX LLY, Attorr.eyat Law, Clcarf-eli Pa. Practices in C!o::rc!d rod adjniu:rr counties. OEcc in new brick uuildins of .1 . Foyn t m. 2d street, ono door south of Lar.ic'us Ilorel. I TEST. Attorney at Law. C'.erirfltld. Pa., will . attend promptly to ull Lcal Wusiness entrust ed to his care in Clearfield ar.d adjoining coun ties Office on Market street. July 17, 167 rjlilOMAS II. FORCKY". Dealer in Square ar.d J Sawed Lumber. )ry-G oods. Que ens ware. G ro ccries. Flour. Grain. Feed, Bacon, Ac , Ac, flra hainron. Clearfield county. Pa. Oct 10. HMtTSWICK A IRWIN, Dealers in Prucs, Medicines. Paints. Oils. Stationary. Perfume ry . raney Goods. Notions. etc., etc.. Market street. Clemfleld, Pa Dec. B, lbCa. T M KRAT25R. dealer in Pry flooJs. Groce- I , Clothinz. Hardware, Queensware rics, Prorisions, Ac, pecoai Pa.. treet Cle.n field Dee C7.13H5. rOUN (U'ELICH. Manufacturer r all kinds r Cahinet-ware, Market street. ClearSeld. P-. He nl3 makes to order Coffins, on short nonce and attends funerals with a hearse. April). '59. I ICn ARP MOSSOP. Dealer in Forenand Do IV rnestie Dry Goods. Groceries. Flour. Eacon, Liquors. Ac Room, on Market street, afewdoor west or .loimitJ(irr. Clearfield, Pa Apr27. I TJ. LISGLE. Attorn-T at Lw.o.en'. Clear . field e iunty. Pa. Will pr.ictio- in the sever al Courts of ClearSeld and Centre counties. Al-bu-incs promptly attended to. Mar ti.!71. "T7".LLACE A FIELliIN.I, Attor cvs at Law Clearfield, l'a. OCi-e in res denee of W. A. Wallace Leal business of all Kinds attended to with promptness and fidelity. (Jan 5. '70 yp wn, A. wtL'.ACs. rrtAXK rir.Lmxo. HW. SMITH. Atthn p.t at Law. Clearfield . r . will attend promptly to l.usine s en trusted to his cre. Office on second floor of new buildin' adj iiniuj County National LanK.aiid nearly opposite tho Court ILmse. Tunc 'till FREDERICK LKITZINGEil. Mrnnfacturer of aM kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or ders wlicitcd wholesale or retail lie alsokecpi on hand and for sate an assortment of earthen ware, of his cm manufacture. Jaa.l.lSriX MANSION TfUSF.. CicrrrGeU. Ta Tl:is well known hctel. near tho t ourt House, is worthy the patronage of the public. I he taldc will be supplied with the het in the market. The best of liquors kept. JOHN DO I! I! I ! K I! TY JOIIS II. FULFORP, Attorney at Law. Clear field. Pa. OfSco Cn Market Srrcet. over II art .wick A Irwiu's Drug Store. Proir.pt attention given to the sccuringofliounty claims. Ac. and to all legal business. M arch 27, 18r7. J I. CCRLT.y. Dealer in Dry Goods. f B Groceries, Hard ware, (,'oeers?: are.Fkur La con, etc. Woodland. Clearfield county Pa. Also extensive dealers in all kinds of sa wed lumber shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited. Woodland. Pa., Aug. ISth. ISfVi DR J. P. LURCH FIELD I.ate Surgeon of the 83J lie? t Penn'a Vols., having returned from the army, offers his professional services to the citizens or" Clearfield and vicinity. I'roOs Htona' calls pmniptiy attended to. OCice on South-East corner of 3d ai.d Market Streets. Oct. i. 103. SUIIVEVOIl. The titiaursignoJ offers his services to the public, us a Surveyor. He may be found at his residence in Lawiereo toiirnaip. when not engaged ; or addressed by letter at Clearfield, Penn'a. March nth. I S i7.-tf. J MES 51 TC II E !.!;. DR. W. C. MOOBK. 0!1W. (Dru? Ste) 12 Vp;t Fourth St..V':Ilianipirt, l'a. Special attention given to the treatment of all firms of Ckrjnif an i CoH'timiion il : .-.. Consultation by letter with parties at a distance. Fee 1 0(1 fjr first consul tatioc sub?e'inent ad vice free. lM-r . ''-"" TEFFKRSOS LITZ, M. P., J I'hvsieian anil Surgeon, Having loeared at Osceola. Pa., offers his professional-services to the people of that place au l sur rounding cooniry. Ail calls promptly attended to. OCiee and residence on Curtin Street, former ly occupied by Vr. Kline. N7 ';''li9- (GEORGE C. KIRK, .Justice of the Peace. Sur Jf vevor and Conveyancer. Lutheri-buri;. Pa. All business entrrtsted to him will be promptly at tended to. Persons wi.-hing to employ a purveys or will do well to give him a ca'l. s he Catf-r-himselt that he can render satisf.i3iion. Deeds of conveyance, arriclesof ajreoment. and slljegal papers iiromntly and neatly exited jei i l-yp T. II. M V K 11 A V, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. CLKALrrr'.n, P.. Prompt attention given to all l;al busir.esseu-trui-ted to his care in Clearfield end adjVnmg counties. Offiie on Market Jiresl, opposite N'u g'e's Jewelry store, Janl4, l3l. T K. B O T T O Jt F ' S U ' t'HO TOG !! A !' OA LI. ER Y. JURKETTRKItT, I'LKAI'.rll.LD, Ft"j. Neatires made in cloudy as well a in e'ear weather. Oi-nstantly en hand a good a.-fortrtieiit of Frames. Stereoscopes and Slcreosetij ic Vieir. Fraiae3, from rnv joyle of moulding, made to order. CIUlitMuS A SPECIALITY. Deo. 2.'tif.-jy. 14-fif-tt. QUSQUK II A N N A II O L" S i:, Cui-ryum iile, V-j The undersi jno 1 bain? t-ikcn coarse of ttis well-known Hotel, re-neetfully solicits' a fbara ol pairntine. The houjre t as been retitte j and re-fuir.if-hed aa-i now compare- favorably ith ftoy other hoase in tlieeounty. The lies! nt'evtrvthir.g Ihe marker, affords w:ll 'he served r.p to "eui.-:. '.'haigcs mo-lera:. JLI l:;.OOM. Seit. 2S. IS7tf.tr rrr.tie;-.r. rp II K '"S II A W IIOUS IV' MAHX1ZTST., CLE.i!Z: jELD. PA.' (JEOKGE X. COLBUHS, : : rnirKitT-.R This house was lately completod and just open ed to tL public is newly luruitiie l,aa 1 provided with al 1 Ihe modern improvement of a Crst-elass hotel. It is rdca:ai:Cy locateJ. ia the bcsir.ess pari of the town, and rear to the public build ings. A shai c of pa'ronae isvr-spe!fuliy solic ited. Charges mcdcraio. The best of Liquors iu tho b.-r. M.:rob "'i. '? turf. pXCHANGi: HOTEL. -L il! VN'I.DSVII.t.r., I'tNXA. John S. rn iebaeh hs iiig j crchae i the lease 't Mr. V, ui Yacieiveit. iu ihe exchange Lctct. lieynoldi-vilie. ard havir.g removed ro s;.id hotel, would intorin hii friecds and tho lraveti:ig pub- lio geccraily. that he is now prepared to acnmi lurJ:t!c thein in a more s:iti;i!clory macncc-tlie Kxcliange bem a trtir.h beiier hi-Uto than rl.o cr.e lormeruiy u.vupi.-i by Liui. li'u table trill a5:iys be uii pliej iih rhe very best tho market rtfar.tg I!y etrict attention to bu-i;ic h hope to rtceivc a ehare of patronaa, A h,u k will be ker.r a tLe l ieliDe to eon vey passengers to any point they wish to eo M .r. rl. '71-nov 9, 7U. otka.m ion salt:. one .-j:l tiiiil one 1!." horse 'iv-r Jsiriiies, war ranted firrt-c':i.cs,of superior f.ni-h ari-'t workmaa ttf. tor j!e bjr li' L.' 11. Y'Ul. G & C t , -'.pril i.'. 71. CIc-irLeid, Pa. Ai E Jl.i.ML iSDUSlRY. The Ululcrtiftl cd having esiabli.-.hed a .ursery.CiJ the Pike ha!: way between Cur ci.i-.il le and Cleurtiel Rorou-hs. is prepsred te, furni.-h all kinds of Frui trees. (Standard and ii n ait.) Lverpreet -. Sbrne bery,Gra.e Vi.ies, tiotse berry, LaatcE Dlaex ten y. Straw berry and Kaspt ci ry vir . A's Sibriai,"r:.b trccs.Qaicc ct.d early ScarlnPhea barb. Ae. Orders prou ptiv a'ter.iled o. Addro Aas 3!.!5I. .T. D Wit IG I iT, Cuiuens ilie VEW BOOT a:-:d shoe siior i.r E T) W A R D MACK, Markut Siritt. nearly opposite the residence of 11. l wooe. I'sq., Cleai:filli, Pa., Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Clearfield aiid v-eitiiry. thr.t he hss opened a liiioi a. u Mi" Mtur, ia ti.e i.uildn g late'y occupied by J I.. Ccttie.r.s alawoejce.and that i.e is determined not to be out. lure cither in qualify of work or prices. S; tcial attention given to the manufacture ol sewed work. French Kip and Calf Skins, of the best equality, always on br-nd. (lirejiim a call. .lutie 1M. H4. rjUIII WOXDEKFUL JJMMKXt! Tiiis liniiDctit havine been usi el, fr some years past as famt'y medicine by the pro prietor, and its good effects comin; to the notice of his neighbors, has. at their suggestion, con sented toiuanufacture itfor the benefit of the af flicted everywhere. Jt is the best remedy for Ca'arrh and billions Cholic. ever offered to tho public; ard will cure many other diseases in tho human body. It is also a sure cure for Pole evil and Wind-galls in horses Directions for its use accompany caidi bottle. Price. SI per bottle, or six hollies for Si. Sent to any address by enclos ing the price to W.M II. tV'AGtXF."R. Hard Po.-b.r5ce, 0ct. 6. ISM. Clearfield cnurty, H O M V. 1.NDUST X V ! boots a:,d shoes Made to Order at the Lowest Kates. Tho undcrsiijne 1 would re-pectruilv invite the attention of the eitUcrs of ClearCel Jand vicin. ty, to give him a call at his shop on Market St nearly opposite Iartswiek A irnin'e drug store' where he is prepared to make or rcpairaiiythiai: in his line. Orders entrusted to him will be executed wi'i promptness, strength ard neatness, and all wtirk warranted as repress ctrd. I have now on hand a stock of extra freneh calfskins, superb pa-ter tops, Je., that I wi',1 finish np nt thelowest f.jrurt-s. JnneLith.lBfio. DANIEL ONNELLT r out En siiaw, d. i. s Ojlct iu MASO.X1J UU1LD1X3, Ci.e rriEt.n. Pa. - Tutting cf tueXAlL'K ALTEETM ju a I.t!ity preservative aLd nseful conditicn, is made a specialty. Diseases an i mal formations common to the month, jaw ard asroviato parts ire treated and corrected with fair success Fxnmioatiors and eonsulrafions FiiFK Prieti for pin ial ai.J ! all setj of Teeth Hire a Low' Kit thun in 1 7 . It would Is well for j atienfs U om auirlar.ee to let me know, by mad a few days before coitiinj to the office. It is very imprr'aut that children l.eti-ren tie ages of six and twelve j ears thuuld haio their teeth KXAUiMen. I"? Arststiicsia tcc'Ji arecx'rseteJ v,:t;:jii j.ain. February li. l-7l-:f H E N T A L ' A li I). lJ Jill. A. 31. II ILLS, Yuti fiit Lis p'slicnts t.x.X the mjuI:c pcn r ny that, havirg d't.-xtlvei partrerLi wilu lr. ffhaw.he is Hv.it Uoirg iLc entire w.irl: cf Lis oV.Izb himself. m that pnticuts" nrcd not f-tr tcin jut linger the haneib of any oihe r operator. JJnTiTig oLlair.t'i :i reu'uerion tl iht patent 01 tLe pl.itc ixiiitfri.il. I Hta vn-ible.J to put up tcetii wren v.v.Ar: a il.-au f- Tiuir'T. I aiso Lav lJr. tuck's ,utc nt -rocfc; fitr norKin huMier platr. whic?i ni-ilic." a mu 'h lighter. tu.re clastic and str-ii.'r p!. its fur the Siiiue nmount of uialeriaf. ( ail jo!i-Lcs ibm p:i(e n bob sitic. rciiictin it D;kc!i t.ore ci.-ily Kcptcltun pecinl attention paid tJ the prr sc; tif.r f the naiural tettb. i:ti cli it oik ,uurantc;nl en tire !t 5ati?f':ic!r,ry tn piiciiU. ( Oc9 at tb- old ft;ind oppos:t t!ie Sht.w Ifot;-. (fi!ce hours Irotn S to 1 'J. a if-, nn-i 1 to d p m . Tatienl? from a diTsnre should not if t me a few days be fore La nd of their .nten'ioo to Always a: home a r. less ether untie appcttrfl in buth the c ;unt y p:tper Ff b. I j. 7I-!t. q O 31 K T II I N O N E W C'!3.'e!J county, lVna. TLe uti.iersigccd having erected, darin; tbe past summer, a lure and commodious store reom. is now engascj in filling it up with a rew unit rclect assortmei.t'f Fall and Wiutcroeds. which be offers to the public nt prices to suit the times, liisettck of Mens' and boys' clothing is unusual iy exrersive, and is c.2.rcd te customers at i rero tiO toS2n for awbole suit. Flour. halt. and Gro ceries, of e-ery kind, a complete assortment; Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock; Jioots and Shoes, Hats aud Caps, in preat variety : Ladies' dress goods, furs, and otLer fancy goods, together with an endless assortment of rotiocs too tedioos to enumerate, always on hand, and for sale rerj cheap. I'rinte-at 19 eeits a yard. and ether goods ii proporskiD Now is tLe time to buy. Country produce of every kind, at the highest market prices, will be taken in exchange for goods; and even Greenbacks will r.o be refused or any article in store. Examine my stock be fore vou boy elsenbere. October :i0.1S7. II. SWAN. B ACOS.Hams pides at d Shoulders atreduee I prices, at V)W. II n n
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