Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, August 09, 1871, Image 2

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    f (ic journal', gfearftefb, a., Jtuguof 9, 1871.
..tftsmaa's Imtrnnl.
s. J. cow.EtiiToni.xDrBorr.ir.TOB.
Col. DAVID STANTON, of Beaver.
Col. EGBERT f. EEATH, of Schuylkill.
The "Mob Partv," is the new name
by which the Democracy arc known in
many sections of the country.
If ths creait of the Government is
to be maintained, the Republican party
inu.it be perpetuate !. Democratic vic
tory will hasten national repudiation,
after which comes goner; 1 bankruptcy.
The Canadian authorities arc ac
co.ni io dating themselves to the terms
of the new treaty, by proposing to ad
mit American fishermen to the privi
leges specified, even before the final
ratification of that instrument.
Tue party which gave birth to rebel
lion, and encouraged traitors to arm
for the dissolution of the Union, is not
fit to be trusted with the management
of the Government. Such is the opin
ion of two-thirds of the intelligent vo
ters of Pennsylvania.
The Tittsburg D!palcli says : "It
is palpable that the greatest harmony
and energy will prevail this campaign,
an 1 ths Il.-publiean party will show
in the ensuing election just what its
strength is. The result we promise,
will be a grand victory, the moral of
which will be that the country will be
triumphantly swept in 1S72 by the
Republican party, with Grant at its
Every man who makes his livin at
a forge fire, a rolling mill, a furnace, or
in any manufactory whatever, should
not forget that the Democratic leaders
and organs in Pennsylvania are the
out-spoken advocates of free trade, by
which all such workmen are to be brot'
to r, level with the pauper labor of the
Old World. Votes for Democratic
candidates are voices in favor of the
reduction of the wages of American
President Grant has been formal
ly proposed for renomination by the
Republicans of New Orleans. There
never before was such a general una
nimity of sentiment in a party regard
ing the selection of its candidate for
the Presidency ; and nearly every Re
publican paper of the Vision acquies
ces in this wide-spread desire of the
loyal people, that the man who has been
so successful, both in war and peace,
shall be retained in the executive chair
for another four years.
There never was a party guilty of
corruption? like that which disgraces
Democratic government in New York
city. The record of the foulness there
is the mo -t disgraceful ever presented
to the consideration of the American
people, and 3-ct it is only an improve
ment on Democratic transactions when
i 1 power. The old Canal Board of
Pennsylvania, when in Democratic
hands, were in the habit of asking the
Legislature for appropriations to carry
on the public works, when it is well
known there wss business sufficient
done thereon to have paid the State
profitable dividends. The Democratic
party never could and never can rule
without corruption.
Another splendid showing is made
in the statement of Secretary IJoutwell
for July. Gradually but surely the
burden imposed on the country by the
D cuiocratic rebellion is bcin lighten-
o c
cd under the administration of the
Government by General Grant. The
reduction of the debt daring the past
month amounted to the large sum of
$,701,970, making a total decrease
since President Grant's inauguration
of over 240,000,000. Thesenontli
ly reductions are practical arguments
of the strongest kind of proof of Re
publican economy and sound financial
management. Let every voter contrast
them with the notorious and stupendous
robberies by the Democratic adminis
tration of Xew York city. The Re
publican rulers of the nation arc redu
cing both taxation and the debt. The
Democratic rulers of New York are in
creasing taxation and the city debt at
an alarming rate, and hive bsen prov
ed by their own books a set of outra
geous thieves,
Another IIoreoii. A most appal
ing disaster occurred at New York on
Sunday, afternoon, July 30th. The
Staten Island ferry-boat, WestfelJ,
was about to start on her return trip,
with over four hundred souls on board,
when her huge boiler suddenly explo
ded. Those who witnessed the disas
ter say there was first a dull, crunch
ing sound, somewhat like that made by
the fall of a large building, followed
immediately by the sharp his3 of es
caping steam. The main deck was for
ced upwards for a considerable dis
tance ; the beams and planks torn to
pieces. Many were throwi high into
the air, and fell back into the hold a
confused mass. A majority of the pas
sengers were collected on the main
deck, directly over the boiler, many of
whom were blown into the air to the
height of thirty and forty feet, falling
back into the wreck or into the water.
Soma were killed outright, others scald
ed to death, while others died from the
injuries received. Thus far the victims
number 76 killed and 117 wounded
many of the latter will yet die. The
scene after the disaster is described as
the most heartrending and sickeninir
that was ever witnessed in that city.
The cause of the explosion is yet un
known, and, perhaps, will never be as
certained satisfactorily.
"A Young Democrat" in Maine
groans at the imbecility of the Fogy
Leaders of his party, and declares that
"so long as they run the machine" the
s lid party will be beaten. For one, he
doesn't relish going every year to the
polls "to be whipped out of his boots
he has no courage, much less heart, in
such a contest." "Under such lead,"
he says, "we merely go to the ballot
box every September to have a census
taken of the Democratic party." The
poor young man wants to vote "with a
reasonable prospect of being victori
ous." Still, in spite of faction, the
party is said to be about as well united
as ever. The Hunkers have only to
snap their lingers, and the "young 'uns"
fall into line like good boys as they are.
A tl blic meeting is to be held in
New York to determine what action
shall be taken relative to the frauds
practiced by Hall, Connolly & Co. It
is thought that steps will be taken to
bring the gentlemen criminated to jus
tice, or to compel their abandonment
of the position they have so unworthily
filled. The method employed to reach
the last named result may be to call
upon them formally to resign and if
they do not, to bring to bear upon them
the power of the law. If New York
proves itself equal to the present emer
gency, it. will do it vast good for a long
time to come.
The N. Y. Sun is sarcastic in its
remarks in regard to the "Shameful
Treatment of a Poor Plasterer" by the
Comptroller. It sajs: "Wc are in
formed that Mr. Andrew J. Garvey,
an industrious plastercr,has commenced
a suit against the city for a little bal
ance of between one and two hundred
thousand dollars, which the Comptrol
ler refuses to pay. Things are coming
to a pretty pas3 when a poor plasterer
is compelled to sue a great corporation
like that of New York for his hard
The Portland Press says: "Every
day the present investigation of the
Congressional Committee proceeds, it
finds abundantand cumulative evidence
of the existence and spread of these
disguised bands of outlaws known as
Ku Klux, throughout the South. Every
day the testimony of reliable men goes
to prove that any delay in the enact
ment of the legislation of last spring,
would not only hare been a grave mis
take, but criminal negligence on the
part of Congress."
1.1 m mm
There arc rumors of impending
troubles in Europe ; this time between
Austria and Russia. The apparent
friendship existing between Prussia
or rather the Empire of Germany
and Russia, would seem to indicate that
poor Austria stands a good chance of
being effectually ground up between the
upper and nether millstones.
TnE Democratic party is the first po
litical organization in this country which
has deliberately plotted to deluge a
city with the blood of a fanatical reli
gious welfare. Hence, peaceable Chris
tians cannot touch that organization
without being corrupted by its foulness.
Felix R. Brcnot, of- Allegheny
county, Pa., is the new Commissioner
of Indian affairs, recently appointed
by President Grant ; a post for which
he is said to be well fitted.
John W. Douglas, Esq., of Erie
county, Pa., has been appointed Com
missioner of Internal Revenue, by
President Grant, vice Gen. Pleasanton.
A Little of Everything.
The flies era diminishing in number.
Mere matter of form fitting a dress.
A hack in Chicago is called a verminag
ery. The days are getting perceptibly shorter
at both ends.
The young lady whose feelings were "all
worked up" has ordered a fresh supply.
A woman and child were bitten by a rat
tlesnake in Luzerne county last week, both
of whom have died.
A girl in Wisconsin swallowed forty per
cussion caps. Her mother refrained from
fpanking her for fear of an explosion.
"I wonder what causes my eyes to bo so
weak ?" said a fop to a gentleman. "They
are iu a weak place," replied the latter.
Hon. Thomas A. Scott is accredited with
being President of two railroad companies,
Vice President of eleven, and Director of
thirty four.
An Omaha paper advises the people "not
to make such a fuss about the shooting of
one constable, as there ere over forty candi
dates for the position."
Mifflintowners luxuriate on new potatoes
at the rate of 50 cents per Lu.-hel. Ilere
aways, for some unexplained reason, they
command double that figure.
A gentleman of Ca-.nbridse, JTass., is the
owner of a one week old colt, that measures
only twenty-three inches in height, and
weighs but twenty seven pounds.
The voice of the turtle is heard in the
land. It's the voice of the Democratic tur
tle). The turtle's got a hot coal on its lack
and that's the reason you hear from it.
A man in an ecstatic- mood exclaimed,
"Woman is the primeval cause of all hap
piness ;" wlien a bystander remarked : "No
doubt, for she is the prime evil herself."
Xew Hampshire is described as a State
which would be as large as Illinois it it were
only as fiat, but is crumpled up until it can
be tucked into a mere corner of the map.
A five year-old city boy told his mother
how to triage butter : "You just take n long
stick with u cross at the end of it ; then you
get a big tub; and then you borrow a cow."
Peaches, considering their abundance,
command extravagantly high prices. Doubt
less they will be lower by and by, when
prit.ters aud other poor people can afford to
A youns doctor, ca being a.skcd to con
tribute toward inclosing and ornamenting
the village cemetery, very coolly remarked
that if he helped to fill it he thought he
should do his part.
The temperance people talk of starting a
a paper, to be called the Lrnum Drop.
They will try and make it a valuable Lern-
onaid to the cause of temperance. If they
don't it will be Dropped.
It is denied on the part of ex President
Andrew Johnson that he is going to visit
r ranee ; he has no desire to make a tangent
to his famous circle, and Paris has no charms
for him as Thiers has no policy.
Prof. Hitchcock and his exploring party
came upon a hitherto unknown hike in the
White Mountains the other day, which is
as pure as crystal, and has an altitude of
3.7S7 fret above the level of the sea.
At the dinner of an Irish association, not
long since, the following toast was given:
"Here's to the President of the Society,
Patrick O'Raffcrty, and may he live to eat
the chicken that scratches over his grave."
"Why, Uncle Johnny," said his friend,
"can you afford to eat shad at twenty-five
cents a pound?" "Ach, wohl !" said Un
cle Johnny triumphantly, "I can put him
in mine ice-chest and keep him until he gets
sh caper."
Mrs. Sallie Ward Hunt, a noted woman
of fashion of Louisville, Ky., now a widow,
has sued Mr. Newcomb, of that city, for
breaking his promise of marriage to her.
Price fixed at $.100,000. It must have been
a Dig promise.
"You have considerable floating popula
tion in this village, haven't you?" asked a
stranger of one of the citizens of a village
on the Mississippi. "Well, yes, rather,"
was the reply, "about half the year the
water is up to the second story window."
In Dallas county, Arkansas, an extraordi
narily long- lived and prolific pair resides.
The father is 10G, the mother 106, and they
arc the parents of. do-less than 29 healthy
and vigorous children 15 bojs and 14 girls
all of whom promise to reach a ripe old
age. Who thinks the American race is
dying out?
Fasten a nail or key to a string and sus
pend it to your thumb and fingerTand the
nail will oscilliatc like a pendulum. Let
sonic one place hi3 open hand under the
nail and it will change to a circular motion.
Then let a third person place his hand upon
your shoulder, and in a moment the nail
becomes stationary,
A Louisville doctor came into possession
a few days ago.of a rattlesnake.and to kill it,
aud yet preserve its body intact, he admin
istered chloroform, and when all signs of
life had disappeared he put it in a jar of
alcohol. About fifteen minutes after being
in the spirits the snake showed signs of life,
and lived half an hour.
A quaker gentleman, riding in a carriage
with a lady decked with a profusion of jew
elry, heard her complain of the cold. Shiv
ering in her lace bonnet and shawl, thin as a
oobweb, she exclaimed : "What shall I do
to get warm ?' "I really don't know," re
plied: the Quaker, solemnly, "unless thee
should put on another breast pin."
An elderly lady stepped into one of our
dental offices, the other day, and was hand
ling a pair of artificial plates, and admiring
the fluency with which the dentist described
them, asked him : "Can a body eat with
these things ?" "My dear madam, masti
cation can be performed with a facility
scarcely equaled by nature herself," respon
ded the dentist: "Yes, I know, but au a
body cat with them ?"
It 15 pretty well understood in well
informed political circles that the peo
ple of Pennsylvania will decide by a
ballot next October that there is no lon
ger any need of continuing the organ
ization of the Democratic party. Like
the rebel army, it will be paroled.
News from the gold and silver min
ing districts of Colorado, Idaho,
Montano and Arizona, gives a
cheering account of successful opera
tions. The weather has been highly
favorable for out-door work.
The exposure of corruption in New
York, showing the manner in which the
Democratic leaders conduct affairs
there, falls like a wet blanket on the
hopes of the Democracy all over the
Democratic victories at the ballot
box will be the demoralization of free
labor, because the effect will be to close
our workshops and open our ports to
the pauper productions of the old world.
Mr. Hendricks, of Indiana, is loom
ing up in tho Presidential scales of the
Democracy, since the New York rioti,
while Mr. Hoffman is going down.
The stories concerning the extent of
the famine and disease prevailing in
Persia, are greatly cxaggerated,accor J
ing to semi-official news. .
Eepublican Forty Becord.
A brief recapitulation of the various
measures eDacted by the Republican party,
during its ten years of power, in behalf of
the cause of liberty and equal political n.d
civil rights to all men, without regard to
race or color, will be a matter of useful in
lormation to our readers at this time, and
aid them iu coming to a just and correct de
cision as to the party they can most safely
trust hereafter.
The first blovv at the "Divine" institution
of slavery was a bill, which became a law in
August, J SGI. confiscating all property aud
setting free all slaves u:cd in aid of the re
bellion. January 25, 1SG2, a law was pa.sed pro
hibiting the use of the jails of the District
of Columbia for the imprisonment of fugi
tive slaves.
The great measure emancipating the three
thousand slaves of the D.strict passed both
Houses of Congress and was signed by the
President in April, 1862.
On the 13th of March, 18G2, a bill became
a law forbidding and punishing the return
of fugitive slaves coming into our lines, by
naval and military officers.
March G, of the same year, the President
had recommended the passage of a joint
resolution proposing a co operation between
the General Government and the slave States
for the general abolition ot slavery, on the
principle of compensation to the owners.
During the month a bill covering this sug
gestion passed both houses, and was signed
by ike Precedent April 10.
The bill abolishing the long existing, odi
ous distinction" in the District against the
colored people, fuch as taxing thom for the
education cf white children and denying
them all benefit from the tax, became a law
in May, 1SG2. .
June 19th, 1SG2, the President signed a
bill, which had passed both Houses, pro
hibiting slavery forever iu all the Territories
of the Lnitcd states.
June, 1SG2, a law was enacted establish
ing diplomatic relations with the republics
or .Liberia and llayti.
In July of the tame year, a law passed
conferring upon colored persons tho riirht to
testify in courts of justice ; also, j r hibiting
the inter btate coastwise slave trade.
In July, 1&G2, a bill became a law cman
cipating slaves coming within our lines
whose masters were in rebellion and all
slaves found in places captured by our
July 7, 1SG2. President Lincoln approved
a bill punishing the infamous practice ot
using the American flag for the protection
of vessels engaged in the slave trade, in
open defiance, as had grown to be the prac
tice, cf a plain constitutional provision.
Under the provisions of this act cue Gordon
captured, w hile engaged in the slave trade,
was tried, convicted, and executed.
July 17, 1SG2, a law was enacted authori
zing the enlistment and military organiza
tion of colored men.
September 22, 1862, President Lincoln
issued a proclamation declaring that on the
1st of January ensuing he should issue an
other proclaiming all persons free in such
States as might be named. And on that
day the immortal declaration declaring all
slaves forever free in Arkansas, Texas,
Loui.tina, - Mississippi, Alabama, Florida,
North and South Carolina, and Virginia
was issued.
March. 1SG3, a law was enacted incorpo
rating an institution for the education of
colored youths, to be located in thi District,
from which has grown up the Howard Unt
A law was enacted in February, 18G4, en
rolling all colored men, whether slaves or
not, into the national forces, allowing loyal
masters a bounty of $300 for t heir slaves
afterwards reduced to $100 bounty. But
this was wholly repealed in 1867.
On the 11th of June, 18G4, a bill became
a law placing colored soldiers on a footing
of equality in all respects with white sol
diers. Jur e C8, 1SG4, a bill was signed repealing
the it famous Dt mcratic fugitive slave law.
In 1864 a law was passed allowing colored
men to contract for carrying the mails.
Thei.fcar before the act was passed pro
hibiting all distinctions on account of race
or color in the public conveyances of this
The law creating the Frecdman's Bureau
was passed early in the year 18G5.
January 27, 18G5, the famous thirteenth
amendment to the Constitution, which had
previously been approved by the Senate,
passed the House of Representatives, for
ever abolishing slavery in the United States.
During this year acts were passed repeal
ing the various measures enacted by the
Southern States under Johnson's rule, de
signed to re establish slavery in another
form, authorizing the disgraceful appren
ticeship system, the law in regard to va
grancy, and authorizing the whipping of
The same year a law was passed abolish
ing the system of peonage slavery in New.
In December,' 1865, a resolution passed
both Houses of Congress appointing the
joint Committee on Reconstruction. to whom
was referred the credentials ot an persons
claiming seats from Johnson's reconstructed
States, and all measures in regard to recon
struction. February 28, 1866, an act was passed de
claring that none of the rebel States were
entitled to representation in Congress until
Congress shall have declared such right.
In April, 1866, the civil rights bill, which
Johnson had vetoed, became a law by
ceiving tho necessary two thirds majority.
June 13, 1S6G, the fourteenth amendment
was passed, making all persons born or nat
uralized in the United States citizens, pro
hibiting the States from passing any jaw
which shall abridge the annuities or privi
leges of such citizens, defining who shall be
Senators or Representatives, protecting the
civil rights of all citizens, declaring that the
validiiy of the public debt shall never be
questioned, and prohibiting the Unied
States and the several States from ever as
suming or paying the rebel debt, and ren
dering it illegal and void.
In December, I860, Congress passed over
Johnson's veto an act establishing universal
suffrage in the District of Columbia.
In January, 1867, a bill was parsed decla
ring that within no territory ot the United
States should suffrage be denied on account
of ra color, or former condition.
In February. 18G7. the fifteenth amend
ment, securing to colored men tho right of
suffrage, and forever prohibiting its with
drawal, passed both branches of Congress.
In March. 1S69, a law was passed striking
the word icJu'le from all the ordinances of
the District of Columbia, destroying all dis
crimination against colored men in such
laws or ordinances.
In May, 1870, the bill known as (he en
forcement act became a law, its object being
to protect colored men in all the rights to
which other citizens are entitled.
In April, 1871, Congresi passed what is
known as the Ku Klux act, giving the Pres
ident power to protect the lojal people of
the South again -it organized bands of assas
sins, and rendering the people of a country
or city, under certain conditions, responsible
for the damages doue therein by these out
laws. Such, briefly," are the leading measures
adopted by a -Republican Congress, and
sanctioned and sustained by the Repub'ican
party, for securing to the colored people of
the nation the boon of liberty and the right
of equal American citizenship.
As a "companion-piece" to this long list
of acts in the interest of justice and human
ity, we ought, perhaps, to publish the record
of the Democratic party in behalf of slavery,
wrong and outrage.
But it can hardly be necessary, at least
until the wounds inflicted upon the backs
of the four millions of ex-slaves have had
time to heal. It colored men bear no mal
ice against their Dmwratij owners, ib.3y
will not be apt to forget who fastened and
who broke their chains.
Slew 5tdrcrttecmrnt&
v . '
Advrrtie.mt.nt letup tn targe typr.tr gut f plain
etylt, mill it cltargrA donblt usual rale. JVt exit
S. M. Pittbmoill k Co., 37 ParV Ro'w.Xtw York,
and (ico. P. Howell Co.. 0 Park Row, New
York, are the solo agents for the Journal in
that city, and are authorized to contract for in
serting adrertisemcntfl for us at our lowostcash
rates. Advertisers in that city are reqaerted to
leave their favors with either of the above bouses.
NOTICE. The undersigned hereby gives no
tice that he has purchased the interest of
Wm. Zimmerman in the building of a biidge
across the mouth f Mwqnito Creek, the cos tract
having bren duly transferred. Win. Zimmerman,
howerer, is to go on aud build toe bridge, work
ing for me by the day.
ters of Administration on the estate of
Thomas II Spence, lute of tioshen township,
deceased, having been granted to the undersign
ed, notice is hereby given that all parsons in
debted to said estate are required to make iu
mediate pnyroent.and tho9e having claims against
the same will present tbcm . prnporlv authentica
ted for settlement to HfcNKY I AIEADE,
Aug. 9.'71-0t. Administrator.
$1,000. REWARD!
A reward of One Thousand Dollars will be paid
to any Physician who will produce a medicine
that will supply the wants of the people better
than the article known as
Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Tanacca.
It must be a better Cathartic, a better Altera
tive, a better Sudorific, a better Diuretic a better
Tonic, and in every way barter than the Panacea.
No matter how long it has been in use or bow
lately discovered. Above all it must net contain
anything sot purely vec.etiilb.
"3500 REWARD!
A reward of Five Hundred Poll trs will be paid
for a medicine that will permanently cure niore
cases ol Costiveness. Constipation. Sick or Nervous
Headache, Liver Complaint. Bilious Disorders,
Jaundice, Kbeumatism, Gout. Dyspepsia. Chills
and Fever. Tape Worms. Boils. Tumors, Tetters,
Ulcers, Seres. Pains in the Loins, bide and Head"
and Female Complaints than
Blood Cleanser or Panacea,
which isrsed more extensively by prncticinfi phy
sicians than any ether popular medicino known.
vSold by Ilartswick 6 Irwin, Cle.irfie'd. Pa., and
Druggists generally. Aug 9,'71-ly.
CAUTION. -All persons are hereby caution
cd against purchasing or taking an assign
ment of a certain promissory (exemption) note
given by me to R S. Stewart of liirard township,
calling fur t-EVENTY IEVEX DOLLARS and -
cents, and dated July 221, IS71. As I have re
ceived no value for said note, 1 will not tav the
same unless compelled to do sn by due process of
law. KUiVhKT I,. WJ.LSON.
Angnst 2. 1871-3tp.
IN THE ORPriAN'S COURT of Clearfield
county, Pennsylvania.
In the matter ot the partition ef the real estate
of Richard Waple, late of Boggs township, ia said
county, deceased. To the hoirs and legal repre
sentatives of said deceased . Take notice, that an
inquest will be held on the premises in Boggs tp ,
said county, on SATURDAY, the 9th DY OF
SEPTEMBER, A. D , 1871, at 9 o'clock. A. M , for
the purpose of making partition of the real es
tate of the said deceased, to and among his legal
representatives, if the same can re done without
prejudice to or spoiling the whole, otherwise to
value and appraise the same according to law, at
which time and place you are required to attend
if you think proper.
Aug 2,'71-4t. J J. PIE, Sheriff.
Wholesale Dealers in
Philadelphia, Pa., July 1st, lS"t.
GRAFF withdrew from the firm ot A. H. Francis
cos Ce., June 30th, 1871. July 1st they enter
ed into a Copartnership under the style of
Schwarti k Griff, purahased the stock and fix
tares of Jai. H. Coyle k Co., 518 Market Street,
and are bow prepared to fill all orders for any
thing in their line, promptly, and at tbe lowest
market prices.
Thanking our friends for their favors In the
past, we would ask a continuance of their pa
tronage, assuring them that we shall endeavor to
make all their dealings with us pleasant and. sat
isfactory. ery truly yours,
Aug 2,'71-3t. SCHWARTZ t GRAFF.
Having disposed of our stock to the above firm,
we take pleasure in commending them ta oar
customers and the trade generally.
Late of 516 Market Street
TTvKY GOODS the cheapest in the county, a
7 may it. '0 .
Tbe undersigned has taken tbe above named
Hotel, and respectfully solicits c share of patron
age. Its elose proximity to the Depot makes this
House a auiraoie stopping place lor trie travel
ing publie.
July 19,1371.
S. B. ROW.
Amos E. Kapp, )
Hcnrt Frick, S Address
Jas. U. Jenkiss ) J. II. JE5
July 19, 71-tf
Northumberland. Pa.
The best conducted, most popular and success
ful insti tution in the United Mates, lor the 'bor
ough . practical education of young and middle
ageil nieu.
I if For large descriptive circulars, containing
full particulars,- add rets
Jy 2S71 3m J C SMITH. A M.. Principal.
JN THE ORPHAN'S COURT of Clearfield Co :
Id the matter of the petition of Hannah bol
der, devisee of David Horn, far specifio perform
ance of contract of Joseph Lines, deceased, with
said David Horn, the undersigned Commissioner,
appointed by said Court, to take testimony in
Croof of contract, payment- Ac. in this case, here
y gives notice that he will attend to the duties
of his appointment at the office of J. Ii. M 'Knally.
Erq., in Clearfield,, on Tuesday, the 12th day ot
September, A. D. 1871, at 2 o'clock, P. M . when
and where all parties interested may nttend.
Jy 2 4tp. CYRUS GOttUQS. Com'r.
The subscriber will offer at publie sale, at his
residence, at 2 o'clock, p. m., on
Thursday, August 24, 1871,
(If not sooner sold), bis entire property, situated
in Union township. Clearfield county. Pa., con
sisting of 3, 9 acres and C per cent, allowance, of
the best of Farm, Timber and Coal Lands, in 3
surveys, ljing in one body; will sell either sep
erate. or together, at reasonable rates. The im
provements are as follows : About 110 acres clear
ed and under good cultivation, with four dwel
ling houses, three barns, one saw mill, and other
out buildings, and three first rate orchards of
choice fruit trees, and tbe best of running water
near tbe houses. Tbe balance of these lands tim
bered with Pine, Hemlock and other timber, suf
ficient to cut about five million feet of lumber.
For a mineral property this is the best in this
part ef the country, consisting of Iron Ore. Lime
stone and Stonccoal,of tbe best quality, and in
large veins, easily mined and eoovenient to the
railroads now under way of building.
For particulars call on tbe subscribers address
him at Rockton, Clearfield county. Pa.
A Male and Female High School.
Each Department Distinct axd CompletCix
The Scholastic year of this Institution is divi
ded into two Sessions of five nioi.ths (21 weeks)
each. Tbe first session commences on the first
Monday in September; the second on the first
Monday in February.
Tbe course of instruction embraces everything
necessary to a thorough, practical and accomplish
ed education of both sexes
IE" Pupils will be admitted at any time, and
charged from date of entrance to the close of tho
fjf No deduction will be made for absence, ex
cept in ca.es of extreme and protracted illne??.
1 f Tupils. from a distance can b accom
modated with board at low rates.
l T For particulars send for circular, or ad
dress. Rev. P. L. HARRISON, a. m.
July 2. 1STI. Prineipal.
The Keystone Store,
Clearfield, Pa.
nis stock comprises thelatcst and most fashiona
ble styles of Men's and Boys', Boots. Shoes
and Gaiters; Lads', Children's and
Misses Shoes. Gaiters and Slippers,
and, in fact, everything needed
for protecting the feet.
July 2f. 71 If.
Splendid lOcent Calicoes.
Light Calicoes, Delaines,
Plaids. Shirting checks,
Muslins, White Goods,
Percales, Black rnlks,
Japanese Silks. Sil k Poplins,
Black Alpacas, Velveteens,
Shawls, Table Linens,
Boys' Cassimeres, Ac.
Best Paris Kid Gloves, Blue k Green Kid Gloves,
Hoisery, Si:k Gloves.
Lace Collars, Hair Switches,
Chignons, Hair Nets,
Corsets, Hoop Skirts,
Ac, ke.
Dress Trimmings. Silk Fringes, Satin,
Velvet Ribbons, Buttons, Ac., 4c.
Trimmed Hats, Ribbons and Millinery Goods.
TJnequald stock of Ladies' and Children!' Shoes
and Gaiters. Mens French Kip and Calf Boots,
Calf and Lasting Gaiters.
2,000 pieces Wall Paper, from 6 cts to H per bolt.
Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades, best
White Granite Tea Ware, Ulass Ware, Table
Knives and 1 orks.
Choice Teas and Coffee and other Groceries, Dried
Fruits, Peaobes, Prunes, Cherries, Canned
Peaches, Tomatoes, Corn, Pickle, Ac.
The abore, with an Immense stock of other goods,
have been bought at the lowest cash prices,
and are offered at very low rates.
(Ftrmerly U. Kratxer or Sotu),
Next door to H. F. Bigler Co., 2d Street,
March 15,71.
June 23-3tn HAKTSWICKA lK.nl.
nll.Tl CITTM A nrima irtUU nt ffrnntd I
O nt H, put cp in patent sack, for saleooea
atthastcieaf R. MOSSOrV
and Manufacturers of
Carpenters and Builders will do w.:i to exam
lue our stock before purci.s.ng elsewhere
PFl'l 5 vrtwvL-D th "'"tea TIMES and
RELIANCL COOK frTOVKS, (he cheupest and
best in the marxn. Every stove warranted.
.mt ' I1"tiDK;Iar,or ni lifting Stoves, wuich
will be sold as eheap as any in the county.
Soeeial attentat, nT.i , - .
. . -.. . , w uicenng goods for
parties who dc.ire it.
done on reasonable terms.
July 12. 1371.
The undersigned tnkes pleasure in announcing
to tbe eitiian of Clearfield county, that he has
opened an INSURANCE OFFICE, in Clearfield,
Ta., where all may avail themselves of Firyt Class
Life and Fire Insurance. The following Coaips
niesare represented :
HOME, York,
NOR Til A ME RICA, PI, :Udt!rkia,
FRAXKL1X. Philadtlphim,
EXTERPRIS E, Plula-lttph
XOR Til A M ERIC A X, Xtw Tori,
REPUBLIC, Xetc York,
WYOMIXG, WiUesbarrt, Pa ,
I.AXCASTER FIRE, Lancaster, Pa ,
ALPS FIRE, Erit, Pa.,
I would warn all to beware of Traveling Agents
representing Fire and Life Insurance Companies,
as yau may easily be dcccived.anJ if you do have
a lofs, will be unable to fiad the Agent who in
sured you, or the Company you are insured in.
WM. TUCKER, Efq , is connected with me la
the business, and any bu.-incss entrusted to hiss
will be promptly attended to.
Office opposite the Journal Office, over narle
wick A Irwin's Drug Store
Ap , 71-y. JOHS II. FCLFORD, Agent
Tbe undersigned would announce to tbe publie
that be has on hand and is now offering, cheap
tor cash, tho largest stock of furniture ever in
store in this county, consisting of
He also manufactures and keeps on band Pat
ent Spring Bods, the test ever invented. No fam
ily should be without them. Ary kind of pooJ
not on hand can be had on short noiiee L'phol
tering and repairing neatly executed.
COFFINS, of all files, can behal on a half hours'
notice, and at the lowest prices A deduction
of 20 percent, made forCASH
METALLIC CASES, or Rosewood. Wa'nut and
Cherry CtfBns. with glaseorwooJ top. furnish
ed on five hours notice.
Personal attendance with hearse, on funeral ne
casions, and carriages furnished when desired.
Thanking the public for past favors, and by
strict personal attention to burners. I hope to
reteivr a continuance of the same.
Remember the place tbe Steam Cabinet ?hop.
corner of Marketand Fifth Streets.
Mar. 22,'71-ly.
r a. hilles.
a. a. row ill.
Wholrsalt and Retail De-alert in all ImJs tf
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. No
tions, Groceries, Hardware,0.ueenware.Vood
and WHIowware,riour,Bacon, Fish, Salt,
Ac, Market St., Clearfield, Pa.
They have Bonnets, Silks, CeburgJ. Alptcai. Me
rinos, Wool Delaines, Lustres, Ginghams. Prints
Poplins, Lawns, Sunshades, Handkerchiefs. Kid
and other Gloves, Hoisery, Ualmorals, and a gen
eral variety of Ribbons, Trimmings, Buttons.
Braids, etc., at the lowest prices.
Tbey have Black and Blue Cloths, Black and Fan
cy Cassimeres, gattinetts. Tweeds, Meltons.Water.
proof Cloth, Silk,Satin and common Vestings etc.
in great variety, and at prices that will give gen
eral satisfaction to buyers.
A genera! assortment of Ready-made Clothirf ,
Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes, Hardware and
Qaeeasware, Wood and Willowware, and a full
stock ef Groceries.
MILLER A "rOW ELL sell all anioles that are
usually kopt in a well-regulated country store
.i t hence the people generally will find it to
their advantage to buy goods of them.
exchange for goods.
February 15, 1871-tf.