fl in . iV y w y y w BY S. J. ROW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1871. VOL. 17.-AT0. 48. k i! m.w J? H y I ly tlcct sgoc'tu. JUEOI. XUUEE2, SIX. And so you wonder, do you,- why the jury disagreed In that ease of Thompson, tried at August court, For stealing Jones' mare the one of thor ough breed That toot the eyes of all and made them hanker for't. Well, I'll tell ynu how it wa?, fr I was on the panel, BeiDg number six, as was called out Ly the clerk. And I thought, as in the box I went, that iuan'11 Find that jualioe hunts out crime however dark. v Half a day they .percbed and witnessed on the subject, Froof was thin, I vow, but talk was over thick, And old Thompson fat there, brazen faced, in public. With a look of innocence that made me almost sick. Then, for consultation, out did march the jury. And eleven of them straightway did de cide Thompson is "not guilty" and broke out in a fury ViThcn with s'icli a view, I said, I couldn't coincide. But they were very stubborn, though I tried each man, sir. To convince him of his error so you see, When the court again met . for our an swer, We had none to give but that "wc disa gree." Aud now I'll tell you farther (keep it very quiet,) Thompson was not cuilty, that is fair and so, u are. For, you tee, as beinj: rather poor to buy it. Juror Number Six it was, sir, stole old Jones' mare. HosI'italitv. A lawyer of more than local repute, G ly name, dwelling and ;ractieing his profession in a city not very far West, had for a long time suffered the annoyance of an intolerable bore. Old A was known to everybody as a grumbling, meddlesome creature, without grace or mod esty, who invaded the sanctity of every of lice in the place, peered into private papers, always gave his opinion unasked, whoever might te present, and in brief made a chronic nuisance of himself. Vexed at last beyond measure, G determined to give the party such a thrust as would pierce even his elephantine JiiJe. Turning bland- j ly up-in A one afternoon, in the midst of a half dozen clients, after a series of boor ish aggravations, the lawyer said : "My dear Mr. A, you mu-t have no ticed that my ofF.ee is well arranged for the purposes for which it was designed. It " "Oh, yes! I have often noticed that," the bore pleasantly interrupted, thinking, perhaps, that the counselor was about to express a sense of gratification in having him there. "It is warm, shady, well lighted an 1 well ventilated." ''Yes, yes, an unusually Cue office, Mr. G-." "And well furnished with chairs, tables, books and stationery. Then, too, I have an elegant house up town." "Yes, indeed," the old fellow chuckled, rubbing his hands in the charming prospect of an invitation to dine with the lawyer. 'A beautiful, beautiful houe, Mr. (J, I have often heard." "Yes, it is. It has an abundance of room, gas and water all over it ; it is splen didly furnished, aui very recherche, as the French would say." "I've no djubt of it," softly murmured the victiai. "That place cost me ten. thousand dollars, if it did om cont. I have excellent servants, mid they sa3' I pise good dinners." "Ah, yes. Mr. G , I know you do." "Now, these places, Mr. A , both the ofSe-i and my house, arc especially intended for the ue of my friends for their business and pleasure." "Yes, Mr. "For my friends, sir! and," continued the lawyer, glaring Ceroo'y into the eyes of the astonished A, and bringing his fist down thundering!- upon the table, "I don't want to see you at either place !" lie never did after that. "- Ct itnxa. Here is a specimen of the Rood old fashioned mode of courting as it was done iu Connecticut. Deacon Marven, a large landholder and most exemplary man, accomplished V.is u a business like way : Having one day mounted his horse with a sheep skin for a saddle, he rode in front .of the houso where Ilett'e Ie lived, and without dismounting, requested Bettie to come to Liiu. On coming, he told her the Lord had sent him to marry her. Bottie replied : "The Lord's will be done." The last, rat story is from Chicaga. In a bouse where the rats bad been very troub lesome, traps had long been set, but to no purpose. Finally some of the family uj tertaiuud to watch the trap. It was cun ningly set. Soon a young rat appeared and was about stepping on the fatal soring, when nn old rat rushed to the rescue, seized the indiscreet juvenile by the tail arid dragged him off to the hole. A husband advertises thus: "My wife Maria has strayed or been stolen. Whoever returns her will get his heal broke. As to trusting her, anybody can do so if thc-y see fit ; for as I never pay my own debts, it's not likely I'll pay her n." OUS COMMON SCHOOLS. Beport of the Superintendent of Clearfield County, for the Year Ending the 5th. day of June, 1871 : The people are slowly but surely awakening to the great importance of the common school system. They free ly admit its claims and cheerfully con tribute to its support. New Houses. During the school year just ended, eleven buildings were erected, as follows: One in Bell, one in Brady, one in Burnside, one in Cov ington, one in Curwensville, one in Ferguson, one in Karthaus, two in Lawrence, one in Morris, and cno in Woodward. They are all large and commodious frame structures, well sup plied with good furniture and ample Llack-boarl surface. Those of Law rence and Curwensville are furnished with McFarland's patent desks, which have rendered entire satisfaction. New Districts. Two Independent Districts have been formed. One out of Tike, called Bridgeport, and the other out of Lawrence, called West Clearfield. The Directors are all en ergetic and intelligent - men ; hence, will discharge their duties faithfully. New Legislation. An act to con solidate the common school property with that of the Academy, of Clear field borough, erect largo-and commo dious buildings, and thoroughly grade the schools, was passed last winter. After due reflection we are convinced this is a step in the right direction. We trust, therefore, for the good of all concerned, that such an arrange ment will be made ; that the consolida tion, upon trial, w ill prove satisfactory to nil, and mark a new era in the edu cational history of Clearfield borough. OCT-EUILDlxas. A number of bouses have been, during the year, provided with the necessary out-buildings, but much the largest number are not yet supplied. Will not Directors see to this important matter? Teachers. Wc have our full pro portion of poorly qualified teachers. Four failed entirely, while others mere ly "kept school." They have not de teriorated, but some have failed to keep pace with the educational improve ment. It is absolutely necessary that a portion, at least, become better qual ified, either by private study, or by at teinliur soma good school, or quit the profession. The time has arrived -when all teachers should be able to discrimi nate between "keeping" school, and teaching it ; between bare words and learning ideas ; between getting a les son to recite and one to understand ; between committing rules and teaching principles. We have some teachers that are an ornament to the profession; who go outside and beyond the mere text-book, and have the children thor oughly understand what they pretend to learn. Graded Schools. In some of the rural districts the Directors arc agita ting the subject of gradation ; and we hope soon to be able to demonstrate, practically, its superior advantages. Wo greatly need a more careful classi fication in many localities, than we now have, and the best way to accom plish this is to establish, in some cen tral position, accessible from all points of the district or districts, a school of a higher" grade, to which the most ad vanced pupils may be admitted. Such schools could be established at Lnthers- burg, Burnside, Lumber City, New Washington, and Glen Hope, with lit tle or no opposition, and soon other lo calities would foilow the van ot nn provement. The increased facilities which such schools would afford, for complete and thorough public instruc tion, would be a stepping stone to a nobler and higher education. School Examinations or reviews, have not been so generally introduced as was expected. A beginning, how ever, was made, and we hope the di rectors will require every teacher in the county, the coming year, to hold one at the end of each month. The chief aim now seems to be to get over as much ground as possible, regardless of thoroughness or accuracy. Many scholars are unable to answer questions even in the elementary branches,which clearly proves they have a very super ficial and imperfect knowledge of the stu lies passed over. There is no oth er agency that will promote more thor oughness and accuracy in recitation, and excite a greater emulation among scholars, than frequent public reviews or examinations. They should not be gotten up for the occasion, but trie teac her fhould, in all cases, allow the directors or a spectator to conduct them. If being able to tell a thing and to give a reason is a true evidence of education, then, I think, it must be conceded that the theory of public re views is productive of very important and substantial benefit. Directors. Many boards deserve special credit for what they have done and are now doing to advance the edu cational interests of the county. May they never become wearied in well do ing, but continue on in this good and noble work. I feel justified, however, in enumerating a few mistakes. 1st. Paying the unqualified the same as the qualified teacher. Such a course is paying a premium on ignorance. It ! prevents the live teacher from raising, and removes the necessity of the illit erate to make further advancement. 2d. The employment simctimes of in ferior teachers, because they are rela tives or friends. However much this may be practiced throughout the coun ty, at the present day, in- other avoca tions directors should never introduce it into our common schools ; and lie who does, acts from a base motive, and should receive the censure of all good men. It is your duties, as the guardi ans of the children in your districts, to employ the very best disciplined minds to mould and instruct the rising gen eration, whether relative, friend or foe. . Course of Study. It affords me much pleasure to state that the direc tors of a number of districts, have at last, consented to adopt a course cf study, to be used only as an outline for the teacher's guidance. Much val uable time lias already been wasted by allowing children to study,such branch es only, as their immature minds dicta ted. In many cases children have re fused to study more than a single branch, for several successive terms, hence all the other fundamental branch es were neglected. Directors are, to a greater or less degree, responsible for the intellectual growth of the children in their respective communities : there fore this important subject should re ceive their special attention. No pro fession or calling fan be successfully carried on without a correct method More Haste Than Progress. There is an excessive desire on the part of some pupils, parents, and even some teachers, for the rifth Reader. In some cases scholars who should be in the Third, or at the highest in the Fourth, were using the fifth ; and when we suggested that they should be put into the Third or Fourth, they were all, sometimes, highly offended. Why not be displeased, also, with the master carpenter or stonemason because they will not put their apprentices upon the nicest and neatest work until they have acquired skill in the use of tools? The same difficulty pertains to other stud ies, especially arithmetic and geogra phy. I can see no practical sense or use for scholars to take the riftl Reader before they have mastered the Third or to be helped through arith metic and geography without a knowl edge of the first principles. The time has arrived when the education of chil dren should be judged ; not by the number of books passed over or by what they cannot tell, as is now the case, but by what they can tell. District Superintendence. Whenever and wherever directors have appointed a practical teacher, or one who has had a great deal of experience in visiting schools, it is always attend ed with beneficial results. There is as much philosophy, however, in teachers instructing our merchants how and the kind of goods to purchase; our silver smith how to repair watches ; our den tists how to extract natural or insert artificial teeth ; our farmers how to til the soil, &c, as there is in that class of men to instruct teachers how to teach, unless they are themselves prac tical teachers of the- modern school. A director's visit, in most cases, can not be of any more practical benefit to a school than a visit from any other citizen.. It seem3 to me, therefore, that the time is at hand when we shoul have a more thorough district super vision. This can be accomplished by the directors appointing a thoroughly educated teacher, as District Superin tendent, whose duty it shall be to visit the schools once a month or often er ; assist in classification ; course of study ; best methods of promoting the progress ot the schools, &c. A Court ty Superintendent cannot, in this coun ty, travel over one thousand one bun dred and ninety square miles and visit more than once; (it is scarcely possible tor him to do even this much, devotinjj the proper time to each,) one hundred and sixty-one schools in. four months. Examinations. Twenty-six public and twelve private examinations were held. One professional and one hun dred and fifty-two provisional certicates were granted and twelve endorsed from other counties. feeventy directors and a large number of citizens were present. They seemed to be interested not only in the present success of our schools, but also in the fufts-e welfare of the rising generation. In some districts the directors left the schools immediately after the examination was over. This was a good plan. It gives the directors and Superintendent an opportunity to consult with each other before making choice of teachers, as he is familiar with the peculiar wants of each sub-district, as well as the special qualifications of each applicant; and can often jrive valuable sujrjiestions. He should not dictate, nor yet, for a moment, should ho hesitate to decide when called upon. Visitation. This important duty was commenced the last week in Octo ber, and continued until the 1st week in March. Visited one hundred and fifty-three schools on an average spending nearly three hours in each. Met, in all the different schools,eighty six directors and one hundred and twenty-six patrons. Jbeccaria and Woodward districts did not receive their due proportion of my time, owing partly to not having the schools open at the proper time, and partly to sick ness in my family. JSormal Institute. laught elev en weeks, and was assisted by J. A. Gregory, Esq. Fifty-two teachers w ere in attendance, most of whom expect to teach the coming winter. hatever progress we have made, during the past tive years, we are, to more than any other agency, - indebted to the training which our teachers have received, an nually, at the Normal Institute. Our means for preparing teachers wai be considerably increased, as soon as the Lock Haven State Normal School is in operation. The Superintendent will then be able to pay more special atten tion to the schools and the various ed ucational interests throughout the coun ty, during the summer season. County Institute. Our County Institute convened, at Clearfield, Oc tober and continued 5J days. It was well attended and all seemed to mani fest an interest. The regular instruc tors were Profs. I. S. Geist, J. Hart, J. V. Montgomery, and A. D. Itowe, who delivered lectures and gave in structions in the yarious branches. A number of lectures and essays were had from teachers of the county. Hon. J. B. M'Enally and Rev. J. 11. Mc Cord, each delivered an able and elo quent address before the Institute ibis was encouraging, hcn divines and lawyers, who stand at the head of their professions, support the common cause of education, there can be no doubt of its ultimate success and ben eficial influence upon society in gen eral. Improvements. State appropriation increased to one million of dollars The minimum school term increased to six months. A Graded or High school established in every district, at which all the advanced scholars, of the town ship could attend, lne appointment of first class teachers as District Su perintendents. The School Journal. This peri odical has been soiuj-proved, in matter and assoitmcnt of contents that it is now the best in the country. Every teacher and director should subscribe for it. My thanks p.re due to the public, directors, teachers, and children for their mutual sympathy and co-operation. After summing up the entire work of the year we have much to en courage us. May the coming year be still more prosperous than the one which lias just closed. Geo. W. Snyder, County Sup't receipts, expenses, etc. Beccaria. The annual District Report t;ertincate and AthdaTit not received. Bf.I.L. Schools, 9 ; areragc term, months; scholars, males 157 and 144 f; males; percentage CO. rinanccs, tola amount levied and from all other souices, $2,407.14. lor teachers wages and ail oth ers expenses, $1,3G5.00. Balance on hand $1,042.14. Average salary of teachers $24.4 per month. Bloom. Schools, 3; averaga term, ' months ; scholars, males 64, iemale.s 55 percentage 64. Finances, total amount lev ied and from all other sources, S'JSO. For teachers' wages and all othtr expcnse,$420. Balance on hand, $5C0 ; average salary of teachers, 31 j per month. Boggs. Schools, C ; average term, months; scholars, males 120, females 104 per centage ba. finances, total amoun levied and from other sources, $925.07 Fo teachers wajres and all other expenses, $2, 100. Due district, $1,174.93. Average salary of teachers, $40 ier month. Bradford. Schools, C ; average term. 4 months ; scholars, males 162, females 11 1 per centase 7C. Finances, total annua levied and from all other sources, 31,516.39 For teachers' wages and all other expenses, $1,425.43. Balance on hand, $90.90. Av erage salary of teachers, $38 5. 6 per month Bradford (Ind. ). Schools, 1 ; average terms 4 months ; scholars, males 20, females 13; percentage 70. Finances, total amount levied and from all other sources, $1SG.05. For teachers' wages and all other expenses, $204.25. Debt due district, $18.20. Av erase salary of teacher $42.50. Brady. Schools, 1 1 ; average term, 4 months ; scholars, males 340, females 233 ; percentage 71. Finances, totiil amount lev ied and from all other sources. $3,C91.92. For teachers' wages and all other expenses, $3,234.14. Balance ou hanJ $457. 7S. Av erane salary of teachers $39.13. Burnside. Schools, 9; average term. 4 months ; scholars, males 220, females 212; percentage 70. Finances, total amount lev ied and from all other sources, $3,2GG.17. For teachers' wages and all other expenses, $2,G30.3S. Balance on hand $635.79. Av erage salary of teachers, $34.80 1 9. Oiifjst. Schools, 6 ; average term, 4 months; scholars, males 174, females 157; percentace 75. Finances, total amount lev ied and from all other sources, $2,224.55. For teachers' wages and all other expenses, $2,5G3.SG. Debt due district, $344.31. Average salary of teachers, $34 51 1 6. Clearfield Borough. The Annual District Report, Certificate and Affidavit not received. Covington. Schools, 5 ; average term, 4 months ; scholars, males 10G, females 100; percentage 69. Finances, total amount ievisd and from all other sources, $95S.OO. For teachers' wages and all other expenses, $694.09. Balance on hand. $203.25. Av erage salary of teachers, $37.25. Curwensville Borough. Schools, 3 ; average term. 4 months ; scholars, males 80. females 75 percentage 84. Finances, total amount levied and from other sources, $2, 473.11. For teachers' wages and all other experses, $1,886.72. Balance on hand, $5S6.39. Average salary of teachers, $46.G0j. Decatur. Schools, " ; average term. 4 months; scholars, males 163, females 137; percentage 75. Finances, total amount lev ied and from all other sources, $2,G15.1G. For teachers' wages and all other expenses, $1,945. Balance on hand $G70. 16. Aver age salary of teachers $45 per month. f erguson. bchools, 4: average term. 4 months; scholars, males 77, females S7; perccntare Co. finances, total amount lev ied and all other sources, $1,174 CO. lor teachers' wazes and ail other expenses, tl, 183.94. Debt due dls'rict, $9.31. Aver age salary ot teachers $25 per month. Oirabd. bchools 4; average term, o months ; scholars, males 80, females 51; percentage CS. Finances, total amount lev ied and from all other sources $1, 184.26. For teachers' wages and all other expenses, $1,005.17. Balance on hand. $179.U'J. Av erage salary of teachers $30.25. UosiIEN. bchools, 3; average term. 4 months ; scholars, males 31, females 37; percentace o. 1'inances, total amount lev ied and from all other sources, 309. 10. ror teachers' wages and all other expenses, $504.03. Balance on hand, $405.07. Av erage salary of teachers $35 per month. uraiiam. Sohools. 5; average term, 4 months ; scholars, males 99, f'tsmales 99 ; average percentage 68. Finances, total amount levied and from all other sources, $1,785.72. For teachers' wases and all other expenses, $1,563.17. Balance on hand $217.55. Average salary of teachers 37 per month. OUELrcn. bchools. 5: average term, 9 months: scholars, males 102. females 85: percentage 65. Finances, total amount lev ied and from all other sources, $1,400,30. For teachers' wages and all other expenses, $1,359.32. Balance on hand, $101.04. Av erage salary of teachers $35 per month. HUSTON. io lieport received. Jordan. Schools, 4; average term, 4 months; scholars, males 75, females 70; percentage 63. Finances, total amount lev ied and trom ail other sources, i,utJ.i5. For teachers' wages and all other expenses. $920.13. Balance on hand, $142. 0j. Av erase salary of teachers $32.94 per month. Karthaus. bchools 3 : average term, 4 months; scholars, males 78, females 55; percentage 71. Finances, total amount lev ied and received from all other sources, $1,924.30. For teachers' wagos and all other expenses, $1,152.43. Balance or hand, $771.9,3. Average salary of teachers, $40 per mouth. Knox. Schools, 4; average term, 4 months; scholar, males 81, females OS; percentage 75. F.nance."?, total amount lev ied and received from all other souices, $1, 294.90. For teachers' wages and all other expenses, $1,295.3$. Debt duo district, 43 cents. Average salary of teachers, $30. 3 U per month. Lawrence. Schools. 11 ; average term. 4 months; scholars, males 244.feinales 210; percentage 70. Finances, total amount lev ied and received from all other sources, $5, 021.07. For teachers' wazes and all other expenses $4,675.44. Balance oi - latid i $543 63. Average salary of teachers, $41. 31 i per month. BuMBEitUrrr. Schools.l ; average term, 5 months; scholars, males 35, females 42; nercentatre 75. Finances, total amount ot tax levied anJ received liom ail oiw sources, $333.63. For teachers' wages and all other expenses, $240. SO. Balance on hand. $91.87. Average salary ot teachers, $39. SO per month. Moiuus. Schools, 8; average tc;m. 4$ months; scholars, male? 187, females 165; percentage 65. Finances, total amount lev ied and received from all other sources, $2,690.55. For teachers' wages and all oth er expenses $2,207.72. Balance on hand $4S2.S3. Average salary of teaL-hers, $38 per month. New Washington. Report not re ceived. Osceola Mills BououGn. Schools, 3 ; average term, 5 months; scholars, males 98, females 105; percentage 84. Finances, total amount levied and received from all other sources, $1,496.47. For teachers' wages and all other expenses, $1,106.74. Balance on hand 3S9.73. Average salary ol teachers, $45 per mouth. 1'knx. Schools, 5; average term, 4 months; scholars, males 110, females 85; percentage 6S. Finances, total amount lev ied and received from all other sources, $1, 179.97. For teachers' wages and all other expenses, $888.81. Balance on hand, $291, 17. Average salary cf teachers, $35 20 per month. Pike. Schools, 7; average term, 4 months; scholars, males 150, females 120; percentage, 72. Finances, total amount levied and received from til other sources, $2,108.80. For .teachers' wages and other expenses, $1,237.22. Balauce on hand, $871.64. Average salary of teachers, S35. 23 4-7 per mouth. Union. Schools, 2; average term, 5 months ; scholars, male 47, females ?9 ; per centage 75. Finances, total amount levied and recieved from all other sources, $783. 12. For teachers' wages and all other expenses, $489.32. Balance on hand. $293 80. Aver age salary of teachers, $37.73 per month. Woodward. Report not received. Bkidgepout (Independent). Schools, 1 ; average term, 4 months; scholars, males 9, females 9 ; percentage 73. Finances, total amount levied, $132.80. For teachers' wages and other expenses, $143.25. Petit due district, $10.45. Average salary of teacher, $25 per month. "Do yoa publish matrimonial noticss for the subscribers to your paper?"' aid a gentlemanly-looking youth, stepping into our office the other morning. "Certainly, sir." "Well then, I'll go and gei, niarri-;d. for I dou't see any other way of getting my name into your paper, since jou have reject ed all my poetical effusions." Narrow JIixded men, who have not a thought beyond the sphere of their own outlook, remind one of the Hindoo maxim : "The snail sees nothing but its own shell, and thinks it the grandest palace in the uni verse." ' "Are these pure canaries?" akcd a young gentleman who was negotiating for his fair' "Ves, tir," said the dealer confi dentially, "I raised them 'ere birds from canary seed. " . Medical authority says sunstroke may be avoided by carrying "certain things in the hat. Almost anything damp will do ; bat should never be a brickv Speaking of apples, it is remarkable that the first apple in paradise should have turned out the first pair. Ax artist is not as strong, as a horse, but he can draw a larger object. gtt$fa?jstf girccfovu. 4 W. WALTERS. AxroRsrT at Law, X. ClearGcld. I'a. Office in the Court House. t tTALTER BARRETT, Attorney atl.aw.CIear- V field. F. May 13. 1863. H BRIDGE, Merchant Tailor, M.irkvt St., . Clearfield. Pa. M.iy. IS71. 1) A. OA U LIN. dealer in Book. Slatierrry. . KnTolopes, Ac , Market St , Clearfield. Pa. .MITCHELL: dealer in Drv Goods. Groceries. V. Flour and Feed, Fish. Salt. Ac .Cor. 21 St., and Hill r.ad, Clearfield, Pa. May. 1S7L HF. BIG LEU A CO., Dealers in Haruware . and manufacturer of Tin and Sheet-iron tare. Socond Street, Clearfield . I'a. Mar 70. HF. SAUGLE. Watca and Clock Slakcr.aad . dealer in Watches. Jewelry, Ac. ltoora in Grahain'arow, Marketstreet. Xot. 10. AK. Will JUT 4 SONS, dealers in Dry Goods. Groeirics. Hardware. Oucensware. &3 . Seo ond Street. ClerCeld. Pa. May, 1S71. rpdTS J McfJULLOUGM. Att,rnf.V;-at-Law, I Clearfield, Pa. AH legal bu:nc?s prompt ly attended to. Oct. I DR. FULLERTON. dealer in Boo's Shoes. Ha's . Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Second ft., Clearfield, Pa. May. IS71. DBENNF.it, Manufacurcr or and dealer in ail kinds of Furniture, corner Market and 5ih Streets, Clearfield, Pa. l7. 1ST1- TILLER A POWF.LL, dealers in Dry Goods. Groceries. Hardware. Lumber. Ac. Market Street. Clorfield. Pa: -May. lo71. OHM T. NoriLE. Attorney at Law. and Alder man. Office on Greve Street, opposite the Post G-Jaoo, Lok Karen, Pa. Je. 2J. 7J-y. Rf EU.D ERO"?, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa., .,rc Drv Goods. vttit noons, JUIIUM, Embroideries, Lr.diea" and Gents turnistung June 1 5, 70. ood. etc. j. p. mvi : : - : : p. c- rbess. TP.VIN A KREB'v (Successors to II. R. Swoopi). L.v.v and Collection Office, Market Street. Olearti :!d. Pa. l?!l! KRATZER. A LYTLE. dealers in Dry Gno .s. Groseris. Hardware.Qaecnsware. vMo'hins. Ac. Market Street, (opposite the Jail). Clearlield, Pa. SACKETT A fiCIIRYYF.R. dealer ia Hard ware, Stoves. Aa . and Manrif.icturcrs of Tin . Sheet-iron and Copperware, Maiket St , Clear :..!, V (May. 1-wl- A I PilAW .Dealer in Drugs. Patent Msdirin-s . Fancy Articles, etc.. and Proprietor of lr Hnver's West liratieU Ei'.ters, Market t-trcet. JlearSeU, Pa , J- 70. "P IGLER. YOUNG A CO.. JIanufc'crc7S of I Stea am F.rcines, Circular and Mulay Saw Mi Sti J Wjter Wheels. Stovas.ia , Fourth and 1 :a Streets. Clearfield. Pa. I May. IS7I. B M'ENALLY, Attorncyat Law. Clearfield Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjtin-ng J ti OP.eo tn newuricK rju-.iaint -"jn- t m. 21 streetAone door south of Lanich's Hotel. r TEST. Attorney at L?w. Clearfield. Ta.. will 1. at ttend promptly to !! Leji! business entrust ed to his care in t;iearneia ituj: ties. OSceon Market street. July 1 1"7: rri'IOMAs'lI. FORNEY. Dealer in Pquere and J 0ait0i1 LiUml?r, liry-ilnoM.fiiieenaw)ir. tlrd- ceries. Flour. Grain, Feed, IJacon, Ao , Ac, Gra hamton. Clearfield county. Pa. Oct 11. HVRTSWICX A IRV. IN. Dealers in Drue. Medicines. Paints. Oils Stationary. Perfume r . i ancv O oods, Notions, etc., etc.. Ji.irket street. Cleirfield, Pa Iee. fi. 18,15. J. M KRATZER. dealer in Dry Goods. Clothing. Hardware. 'Juecnsware. Groce ries. Pro isions, Ac., Secon 1 Street Cleaifield pa. Dep 27, IS'55. J OHN GUELICII. Manufacturer of all kinds rf Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clearfield. P lie also makes toordcrCoHns. onshort notice ana attends funerals with a hearse. AprlO. "'.. 1- 1 C !I A K D VOPSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Di rnestic Dry Goods. Groceries. Flour, llacon, Liquors. Ac. Room, on Market street, few doo west ot JourtirJOiirr. Clearfield. Pa. Apr27. J. J. LINGLE. Attorney at Law.Oseeo'a, Clear field county. Pa. Will practise in the savcr- nl Courts of Clearfiuld and Centre counties. AI busincss promptly attended to. fMar 15.T7I. "1T7ALLACE A FIELDING. ATTnnyrrs at Law V Clearfield, Pa. Ofii-e in res dence of V. A. Wallico Lejral business of all kinds attended to with promptness and fidelity. .Jnn.5.70 yp WII, A. W.lLUft. riiAXK FIULMNO. ry V. Sy.ITit, ATT-jasnv at Latt. Clearfield 1 . Ta.. will attend promptly to bu?incs en trusted to his care. OfSce oa second floor of new building adjiinintr Connty N'atiounl Knrir.and nearly opposite t!ie Oourt House. LIud's li. '1)9 T1REDERICK l.KITZINGER, Manufacturer of ) all kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or ders solicited wholesale or retail He alsokeep on hand and for sale an assortment of earthen ware, of his own tn am: fact lira. Jan.1. I si 3 MAXSIOX HOUSE. Clearfield, Fa This well known hotel, near the ourt House, is worthy the riatronaga of the public. The tahle will he supplied with the hest in tho r.stlfk The best of liquors kept. JOHN IxjUd IIKRTY". J OfIX II. FULFORD, Attorney at Law. Clear- Hart;wiek A Irwin's Dme Store. Protnpt attention given to the securingofUountj claims. Jt card to ail Ie'al business. March 27. ISG7. r. CURLF.Y. Dealer in Drv Goods. roeries.Ilardware. Ouecrsm a re. Flour Pa- con, etc., oodland. Clearfield county l a. Also extensive dealers inallkindsof sawod lumber shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited. Woodland. Pa.. Aug. lltth. HB: DP. .I P. EURCHFIELD Late Surgeon of the 83d Keg't Penn'a Yols.. having returned from the army, offers his professional services to the citiicns of Clearfield and vicinity. Profes sional calls promptly attendad to. OCtce on Sonth-L'ast corner of 3d and Market Streets. Oct. 4. ISC 5 . OUflVErOIL The undersigned offers his services to the public, a.s a Surveyor. He may be found at his residence in I.awtenco township, when not engagcu; or addressed by lerterat Clearfield. Penn'a. March rtth.lSti7.-tf. J ME5 MITCHELL. DU. V. C- MOORE. OilW. (Drop Store) 12 j West Fourth St.. Wiilianispnrt, l'a. Special attentron given to the treatment cf oil forms of kranii an-i C-tntitHtiot,rU Pi.e??x x Cons-illation t-r letter with parties at a distance. Fee $2.00 for first consultation subsequent ad vice free. Mar la.'71-im J E F F E R SON LIT Z, M. D., I'hvsician and Sucircon, Having located at Osceola, i'a , offers his profes sional services to the people of that place and sur rounding country. All calls promptly attended to. OCce and residence on Curtin street, former ly occupied by Dr. Kline. May 19. '69. Cl E0RGE C. "KIKK. Justice of the Peace. Pnr X vevor and Convevancer, I.nthersburir. I'a. All business entrusted to him will be promptly at tcnuet to. rersons wisiitng to employ a iurveys or will do well to give him a call, as Le flatter himself that he can render satisfaction. Deeds of conveyance, articles of agreement, and all legal papers promptly and neatly executed JeS'7i-jp T. n , m u ft it a v, ATTORNEY AXD COUNSELOR AT LAW, CLEARriELD, Pa. t Prompt attention given to all legal business eu trnsted to his care in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office on Market street, opposite au gle'e Jewelry store, Jan H, 1S7 T K. B O T T O R F'S ' PIIO TUG R A rJ GA LI. ICR BAUKET SrUEET, CLKAP.F1I.LD, rENN'A- Negatives made in clondy aa well as in clear weather. Ccnstuntly en hand a good assortment of Frames. Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. Frames, from any style of mooldinf. made to order. CIMOMOS'A SPECIALITY. I'ea. 2.'fis-jy. U-SU-Jr. CUSQU K II A X X A Curwensville, Fa nous k. The uodcrsir.e I havin; tauten rhsrfre "f this well-known Hotel. rpeitfalty snlii-its a share ot patronage. The houfc has bee u rctitlcd and ro futnUhed and now compares favorably wilh any other lioase in the cuur.'.y . Ihe best of everything the market aJTurda will b served lip t gn?su. Cbaige? iii.lTiil. LLl LLOOM. J-c 1 Ji'-rt Proprietor. rp ii t: "s ii a w nous nr MARICKT ST., CI.KAUriEI.D. PA. G-OKSE S. COLEUUN, rBDrcr itoii. Tbishousa waslatoly completed and hH open ed to tha public is uowiy turnUhed.anJ provided with al 1 the modern improvements of a fir-t cNFs hotel. It is pleasantly located, in the busincas pan of the town, and near to the public build ings. A shaia of pa'ronae is respectfully solic ited. Charges moderate. The best f Liquors in the bi-r. March ."U.T0-tf. pXCIIAXGB HOTEL, -LJ Rr.v.Noi.Dsvn.i.E, Fexxa. John S. Eadehaeh having j ureha?cd t'ae leasa of Mr. Win. VaniJeivoit, in the cx;hanj:a hotel. Iteynoldcviiie. and having rcaionJ to said ho el, would inform his friends and the traveling pub lia generally, that he is cow prepared to accom modate them iu a more satisfactory mai.ner tho Lxchange bcin a mu:h better house than the one loruiermy occupied by hiui. Hi table will always he -uj.plicd with tho very best the market altorus. ly btrict attention to business he hepes to receive a share of patronage,' A back will be kept at tbe Kxshauge tocouvcy payseccrs to any point they wish to j;o. Mar.'S. "71-nnv 9. '70. QTEAM ENGINES I OH SALE. One 50 and one 25 hnr.-e pnwr Engine. "war ranted firtt clnta, of superior finish an t workiann h'p, tor sale by LtGLl- P.. Y JUNG A CO . April ti.'TI. l'I.u field, Pa. pLEAKFIKLD XUUSERY.-KNrora-W ACE Home IXDUSTKY. The underMjin ed having established a .Nursery, on tLa l'ike halt way between Curwensville and Clearf-el Eoroughs, is prepared to furnish all kinds of Fn.i treei. (Standard and dwsrt.) Lvcrgrecn-. irhrub beiy. Grape Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtcn I'lack terry. Mra berry and Kaspbei ry vires. Als t-'ibrianCrafc trees. Quii;ec tml carl y Scarlet Ktcu burb. Ac. Orders promptly attended o. Addrri Acs 31.ISR4..- J. 1. WKKiHT, CurireEsvillo N EW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. K T W A II D M A C K , Market Slieet. r.etiriy opposite the residence ef II. It Swoope. Ksq.. CtEArrir.i.n, Pa., VYonld respectfully announce to tho ritiiens of l.leaneld and vicinity, that he hs operd JWOT AND SHOK Sll.ip,in the building lately eeoupied by J L. Catlle.cs alawoff.ee and that ha is determined not to be outdone either in quality of work or prices, .i ccial attention fiven to tb manufacture ol sewed work. French Kip and Calf .-kins, of the best quality, always rn bend. Give him a call. dune 24. "lit. rjmrc m-().yii:i:;i:l liniment. This Liniment liavinc been ij-iJ, for f'.me years past as a fami'y medicine bv the pro prietor, and its good effects coming to the notice of his r.eihWs. h.i. at "their ruircstion. con sented to manufacture it for tho benefit of the af flicted everywhere. It is tbe best remedy for Ca'arrh and Dillious Cholic. ever offered to tbe public; and will cure many other diseases in the human body. It is also a sure cure fur I'ole erU and Wind-galls in horses Directions for its ue accompany each bottle. Price. 51 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Sent to any address bv enclos ing the price to KM. II WAGONJCR. Hurd PostcfSee. Oct. 6. 1,3. Clearfield eouMy, Pa. II O M K I X D ust r. V BOOTS AND SHOES Made to Order at the Lovrcst Rates. The undersigned wonld respectfully ir.iite the attention or tbecitiiens of ClearSel J and vicini ty, to give him a eail at his shop on Market St nearly opposite Hartswick A Irwin e drug store' where he is prepared to make or ropairanylLi cz in his line. ' Orders entrusted tohia will be executed with promptness, strength and neatness, and all wrk warranted as represented. I have now on har.d a stock ef extra french calfskins, superb paiter tops, it that I will finish up at tLelcwest tgnres. JnncISth.lSSa. DA f EL C')"FI L" s. ror. 'run shaw.. p. d. s CJ-.c ,71 MASOXPJ P.U1LP1XG, Ct.rArriELn, Ta. Tcttingof tbe N A 1 U R ALTKKTII in a healthy preservative and useful condition, is made a specialty. lisea?cs a ud ma! fi.rmT.iorts common totne mouth, j.iw and associate part? are treated and corrected with fair ficcem Fxainwation and consultations FKEE Prices for partinl and full aets of Teeth arcs towr.K than in 170. It would be well for patients from a distance to let me know, by mail, a few das bcf.jre romi ot to tbe office. ' 6 It is very important thttt children helwecn fh aires of six and tweivo years tfcould have their tlCtb ttXAUIMItt). Hy Aratsthcs'S !c;t!i .ire ex'racted wit:: 'tout pain. fearunry I a. ISi I-tf D E X T A L O A 11 I). I)K. A. 31. HILLS. Weuld sy to his pnticnts and tl,e pu'die gener ally that, having dissolved partnership with Dr. Shaw. he is now doir.jr ihe cn'ire work of !i;s ofl :e hiiu.-clf. so that patients reed not fe ir bciuj put under the hands of any other operator. Having obtained a reduction o thepafentoi the pla'e material. I am enibled to put up tee'h rcn rriEApr.n than formerly. I el-o hve Dr. Stuck's patent proc'F for working Rubber plate, which makes a ma-h lighter, mure elastic ai:d stronger plate for the s.nne amount of material, and polishes tbe plate on both side, rendering it much i, ore easily kept clean special atttntion paid to the prc.-e-vati' n rf the natural teeth, .nd (!! work Kr.r3nte d en tirely satisfactory to patients. 'Hic-e at the old atand opp'-sito the Shaw IIoae Office hours frata 8 to 12. a. m.. r n I 1 to 5. p. u. Patients from a distance should notifr rte a fw days beforehand of their intention to "come. Alwiys at homo unless ether nn'ice appears ia both tbe county papers jFi-b. lj.'7i-tf. s O 31 U T II I N c. s r. w IN' AXSOXV1LI.E. Clearfield county, I'enn'a. The undersigned bavin? erected, dnrirtr the past summer, a large and commodious store room, is now engaged in riliing it up with a now and select asscrtmcntof Fall and Wintcrgonds, which be offer' to the public at prices to suit tbe times. Jlisstjck of Meus' and boys' clothing is ncusnal It extensive, and in offared to customers at from SIU to $2H for a whole suit. FIaur.alt,ad Gro ceries, of every kind, a complete assoitment ftoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock; Pools ard' i-bocs. Hats and Caps, in great variety ; J.adics' dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, tojrether with an endless assortment of notions too tedious to enumerate, always on har.d. and sot sale very cheap. Prints at 10 cents a yard. and other good in prjporjion. Now is the time to bur. Country produce of every kind, at the highest market prices, will be taken in exchange Tor goods; and even Greenbacks will nor be refused ror any article in store. Examine my stock be fore yoa bay elsewhere. October . ttl. I? 37. II. S WAX BACON". Hams Sides and Shoulder at reduVd pr.ces. at 4I'SSO:-s