u u IIMWMI I IIM Will ft .A BY S. J. ROW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1871.- VOL. 17.-AT0. 47. M . -TiEtr ll-rw . . A . A IS ! Jt Select gectvy. 'T02ES AXD THEIS USES." EY A ETSTIF1ED QL'AKER. New York, 4th Month, 10th. '71. T.tsnxTF.D Wife : From these lines my whetcatouts thee'll learn Moreover, I impart to t'uee my serious con cern : The Iai guaire of this people is a riddle unto me. And iroi-Js. with them, arc fraztnents of words, with them, arc fragments a reckless mockery ! For instance : a 1 1 left the cars, an imp wi.h smuttv face. Said "Shine V "NayJ'll not shine." I said, "except with inward grace!" "Is 'inward grace' a liquor or a paste?" ask ed this your. g Turk "Hi, Daddy ! What is "inward grace?" How does the old thing work ?" "Friend," said I to a Jehu, whose breath suggested gin, "Can thee convey me straightway to a re putable inn?" His answer's gro?3 irrelevance I shall not .soon forget Instead of simply paying yea or nay, he gruffly said "You bet." "'a3 nay, I .shall not bet," said I, "for that would be a sin Why don't thee ansvycr plainly; can thee take me to an inn? Thy vehicle is doubtless meant to carry folks about in Then why pievaricate?' Said he. perverse ly, "Now yer bhoutin' 1" "Nay, veiily. I shouted not!" quoth I, "my speech is mild: But thine 1 grieve to say it vrtlh false hood is defiled. Thee ought to be admonished to ri 1 thy heart of guile." "Sec here! my lively moke," said he, "you tling en loo much style !" "I've had these plain dnib garments twen ty years or in or," sai-l I, "And then thee says I '.-ling on stjle,' thee tells a willful lie !" At that he rranced about as if "a bte were in liis bonnet," And, with hostile dcmnnstra.iuus, inquired if I was "on it?"' Or l wl.at. Till thee explain thyself, I cannot tell, 1 said. lie swore thai something was "toj thin ;" moreover it was "played ;" But all this jargon wa - em paled in wild ab surdity. By threats profanely emphasized, to "put a head" on rue ! "No c:; of Belial," eaiJ I, "that miracle cn do!" Whereat he fell upon me v 'th L!;'-j aud cur.-cs too, But failed to work that miracle if such was his desigu Instead of "'putting on a head," he strove to smite off mine ! Th: 35a' e knows that I cultivate the peaceful liaoit ut on sect. ins mans conuuee wrougi.t on mo a rv smguiar cueci , For when he slaiipod n:y broail brim off, and a,keJ, '"How ; It routed the Adam in ms that for high '!" , and I smote him hip and thigh ! The thron? then gave a specimen of ciiluia- ny broke loose, And said I'd "snatched him bald headed," and likewise "cooked his goose;" Although 1 so'emnlj affirm, that I did not pull his hair, Nor did I rook his poultry for he had no poultry there! They called mo "Bully boy !'' although I've seen nigh three score year; They said that 1 "'was lightning" when I "got upon niv ear !" And when I asked if lightning climbed its car, or dressed in drab ! "You know how 'tis yourself," sa:d one in consequential blab. Thee can coucelvc that, by this lime, 1 ws somewhat perplexed ; Yea, the placid spirit in me has seldom been so vexed ; I tarried there- no longer, for plain-spoken men like me h such perverlcrs of our tongue, can havy no unity. W A KENTUCKY LOVE STOEY. Several years ag'j Jacob Rein wooed and won Lizzie Wirtz, whose parents lived on the Seventh street ie-ad, about Cve miles l'roui the city of Louinvillj, and they were tobema;ried on Sunday. Lizzie's home is a log lionse with (our or five room?, set back some four hundred yards from the pike, and almost obscured by the foliage ot peach and other fruit trees. "The rooms were neat and comfortably ftirnibhid Liz zie was the life and pride of the family. About two months ago she formed the ac iu.:iritance of young Yahuline Babbitt. Her twcel disposition and gentle manners real.ly won the affections of the stranger, and ha used every device by which he inV.'.h: deiaeh her love from Kiio. When ever opportunity offered ho was with her. Fivpienily the rivals would meet at the house, n 1 wuu'-d even visit there iu each other's company. They sc'iued friends, al though their dispositions,, their looks, their ways and maimers were totally different. The young lady saw the contrast and do cidr' 1 to continue in the Lve and fiiendship t Rein, and assured him of her devotion. The day was fa.-,t approaching when .she v.Oi! 1 be beyond the reach of courtship. Babbitt knew this but did nr.t ive up the contest. Oil the contrary it is strongly be lieveJ lhat hi resolved that she should nev er marry another. This impression gained strength by young Rein being shot at, some time sinte, as he was entering the house of his betrothed. The ball passed close to him and was thought to have been Sred by Bab bitt. Thus matters rcstcl until the day set for the wedding. Rein arrived at the house early in the afternoon and was joyously received. lie sjtd that iu a few days his month would be up with Lis employer and that he Wju.1J i then bare loth tim; acd money to devote ! tea pleasant honeymoon. Lizzie readily conseuted to wait, aud the wedding was postponed. The evening hours sped away, and yet the two lingered together, strobing about the yard and talking of the coming years At 7 o'clock Babbitt joined the party and all three joined in and continued a merry conversation. Not a word was spoken, nor was there a look, which indicated anything but kind feelings and a generous livalry. A small four shooter was .sticking in Babbitt's pistol pocket, and was distinctly seen, but to this no kind of allusion was made. He did not take it out, and the little weapon remained in its hiding place, as if awaiting a more reasonable time. ; ' At 10 o'clock Rabbitt arose, bowed him self out of the room and departed. He went out of the yard by a path which goes in a northern direction. Fifteen minutes after Rein went out, taking a westerly course. Scarcely had he gotten two hun dred varus, when a pistol shot was heard, and a silence followed which filled the poor girl's heart with evil forebodings. She rushed to the door and looked out into the darkness. Everything was still, the only noise being a gentle breeze which crept slowly through the leaves. In a few mia utcs, however, some one was heard stag' gering through the field toward the house. and then groans as of some one in pain fell on her ears. "Oh', father!" she said,." 'tis Jacob, he is shot. Go, father, to him, and sec what is the matter." But the step-father was more bewildered than the daughter, and said if he went out there he too mL-ht be killed. She resolved to go herself, and said : "If he is deal I wish to die also. I will go to hita if a hundred guns are pointed at me." She then went in the direction of the tuffjrer. The mother followed her, and they found Rein about a hundred yards from the house, lying on the ground and suffering the agonies of death. They took him up in their arms and carried him to the house. A bed was prepared, and jthe girl, almost a bride, took her stand by the bed side and watched the life ebbing out of her lover. The 3-oung man, though suffering intensely, was perfectly rational and related the manner in which he had been assassina ted. He was going aeross the field to his heme, aud had approached near the pike. At this moment Yalentine Rabbitt sprang toward him with a pistol in his hand. Death to his rival. "I know you, Valentine," said Rein ; "you are not going to shoot me, are you?" Rabbitt made no reply, continued to ad vance, placed the pistol to his stomach and fired. The ball passed through the bowels and lodged in the spine. Rein sent for a lawyer to make his will, desiring to make Miss Wirtz his devisee, but Mr. Willis the County Attorney reach ed the poor fellow too late. He was still sensible, able to answer questions, but the remaining hour of his life was occupied in taking the testimony of his assasination. He repeated to Justices Schardine and Gair that Valentine Rabbitt had shot him. Constable Walker went to arrest Rabbitt and found him at work in the harvest field. It did not seem ihat any trace or remam branee ot the terrible deed was upon liis mind. He was taken to Louisville and confined in jail. He says that he is twenty three years old, but those who know him say that he is only seventeen. : A kind-hearted little spouse, bonneted and shawled, very recently appeared at the door of a room where her good natured liege lord was about to indulge in a com fortable snooze. "My dear, I am going shopping. What shall I bring to comfort you?" "I don't think of anything I want partic ularly juft now. Come and kiss me. I will tell yon, however, what I don't want you to bring me." "What is it, pray?" "Bray don't bring me iu debt." A pleasant old gentleman of Teutonic an tecedents committed hari-kari on a Missis sippi steamboat recently, and an intelligent Arkansas jury returned a verdict of "sui cide in the Ert deirree." An exchange says nothing can be more conducive to the prosperity of a young grape vine, than a cat planted beneath its roots. It is not necessary that the cat should be alive. A man in Illinois, twenty-four hours after his w ife died, and before her funeral, play ed croquet with the girls. For this the in dignant neighbors tarred and feathered him. Mr. Duseuberry undertook to correct an offending cow with such indifferent success that his family, numbering about a dozen, subsequently went Duseubetry-irg. A Troy Dutchman in trying to reach the ferryboat, fell luto the river. His first cx claimation, oa being hauled out, was; 'Mine Gott, let's haf a pridge." The best and probably the safest imita tion of real hair now in the market is that made from linen thread. General Sitk!es is to marry a beautiful Spanish lady. So says rumor. Religious services are conducted ou Sun days in the Boston theatres. "Good enough for Me," js said to be the successor to "Shoo Fly." ADDEESS Of the Eepublican State Committee of Pennsylvania. -The Republican party, in appealing once more to the people of this State for their support, points with just pride to its record, and it fearlessly claims the renewed confi dence.of the people because it has been faithful to its trust, and is committed to the only line of policy that can secure continued prosperity to the State and Nation. The Republicans of this State first carried both branches of the legislature in 1859, and first elected a Governor in 1S00. Since then it has held control of the legislative and ex ecutive branches of the government until last winter, when the Democrats obtained control, temporarily, of the Senate. In 1SG1, when Gov. Curtin came into of fice, the State Debt, in round numbers, was $40,000,000. Shortly afterwards the South em Robell:onbroke out, and the State was compelled to borrow $3,500,000, to arm the troops and protect our borders, thus adding that much to the State Debt. Ir the ten years that have since passed away, this war loan of $3,500,000 has been paid off ; the State debt has been reduced from $40,000,000 to a little over $29,000, 000; the three mill tax which was levied for State purposes on real estate prior to 1801 has been repealed ; the tax on professions and occupations has been taken off; the an nual contribution of the State to the I'ublio Schools has been greatly enlarged ; a system of schools has been built up tor the cduca tion and support cf the orphans of soldiers who died in the war a noble benefaction, costing over half a million yearly ; and the affairs of the State, generally, have been so managed cs to secure prosperity to the people. ." The Republicans of the nation elected their Presidential candidate in 1860, and succeeded, against many angry threats from the opposition, in putting him in office in March, 1CI. Almost immediately after wards the government was confronted by an armed rebellion in the South, (openly as well as secretly encouraged by many Demo crats in the North, whose sympathies stij remain with those who then took aims to overthrow the government,) aud was com pelled to maintain the honor of the national flag and the integrity of the country at whatever cost; and the lour years' war w hich followed necessarily entailed a heavy debt and burdensome taxatlou upen the people. Siucc the suppression of the rebellion, the country has not only returned to peace but to prosperitr. The foars of "-"y chat. tbe nation would be bankrupted, her indus try paralyzed, and her people ruined, have not been realized. No people ever recover ed so soon, so steadily and so surely, from the consequences of war, as we have done ; and for this recovery from the destructive influences of civil strife wo are mainly in debted to the fostering hand held out by the national government to the industries of the people. Among the necessities growing out of the Rebellion the National Government found itself compelled to submit to the States for their ratification, three amendments to the Constitution 6ne (known aa the thirteenth) abolishing slavery ; another, (the lourteeth) securing the rights of citizens to the enfran chised slaves, and prohibiting the repudia tion of any part of the National debt, or the payment of any part of the Rebel debt; and another (the fifteenth) prohibiting the States from excluding any one from the right of suffrage on account of race, color, or pre- j vious condition of servitude. These three amendment having all been duly ratified in the method pointed out by the Constitution, are now a component part of that instrument. Their adoption stands as the grandest peaceful achievement of an cient or modern times. No party ever be fore undertook so great a task ; and its ac complishment, in so short a space of time, is a work of which the Republican party may well feel proud. To secure the complete protection of these emancipated and enfranchised people is now one of the unquestioned duties of the na tion ; and no party is so fit to be entrusted with that duty as the party which has done the preliminary work. The party which has hitherto continuously resisted the policy thus eitablished, is not the one now, to car ry it out. During the war tor suppressing the Re bellion, and in carrj ing out the great meas ures which have necessarily flowed from it, the Democratic party has continuously been in tbe opposition. It opposed the adoption of stringent measures to put down the Re bellion ; the levying of troops to suppress it; the borrowing of money to pay the cost of the war", the I Emancipation Proclamation of President Lincoln ; the adoption of all the amendments to the Constitution ; the re construction measures by which the revolted States were brought back into the Union ; and, generally, every measure necessary to the successful prosecution of the war, or to the successful restoration of peace. At present, too, it is opposed to the means necessary for raising revenue to pay the iuterest on the public debt, and secure its steady reduction ; is in favor of a semi-repudiation of that debt by paying it in a depreciated currency, if paid at all ; is watch ing for an opportunity to annul the new amendments to the Ctnstitutiou ; and is generally committed to any line of policy which will remit the country to its condition prior to 18G0. It may be urged, here, that the Demo cratic party of this State, in the ninth res olution of the platform adopted by its late State Convention., has aciuiesced in the adoption of the amendments of the Con stitution we have referred to, and cannot be now charged with hostility to them. We answer that the acquiescence expressed in that resolution has not itself, been acquies ced in by the rank and file of the party. Over one-third of the Convention voted strenuously against it, and the action of the Convention has since been repudiated by many leading men and journals of the party. Besides, whatever acquiescence has been given, sullenly and not heart ily as a matter of policy, springing from party necessity, and not from a conviction of its propriety. Wherever a voter has been honestly . given, or vo'cs sincerely raised for this "new departure," it may very properly Be regarded as an ex torted confession that the Republican party has all along been neht in what the Demo cratic party has steadily opposed ; and this confessed, what need is there, or can there be, for the further existence of the Dem ocratic party? When Gen. Grant came into office, in IS69, he announced his determination to secure the honest and faithful collection of the revenue, the steady reduction of the public debt, and such an abatement in tax ation as was consistent with this policy. In the space of little over two years this deter mination, faithfully adhered to, has resulted in paying off $230,000,000, of the public debt, and in the abolition of nearly all the taxes imposed under previous laws. In addition to this he has, by his wise and firm foreign policy, succeeded in set tling all our outstanding difficulties with Great Britain, in a raannpr alike honorable and advantageous to us as a people. The treaty, lately ratified by both nation?, which removes all causes of quarrel, and estab lishes peace and amity between them, has commanded the. admiration of the civilized world, and placed the United States in the foremost rank among the nations of the earth. This result is one of which every American may justly feel proud. To continue the Republican party in pow er is to continue the policy begun, both in State and Nation, of maintaining the pub lic credit, paying off our debt, reducing taxation, settling international difficulties without bloodshed, and sustaining the great principles involved iu the measures necessa rily growing out of the war. To restore the Democratic party to power is to destroy the public credit, pave the way for repudiation, bring ii the old tide of corruption, mismanagement and extrava gance, and open up anew all the questions involvol in tbo reisonstruction of the south ern States, now settled upon an honorable basis.! F'or present proof of this we refer to the consequences flowing from the accidental majority of the Democrats in the State Senate last winter. To that fact we owe a session prolonged to the middle of May, at an extra cost of $100,000, the re establish ment of the forsaken policy of employing extra (and useless) officers in the Legislative bodies and granting them extra pay ; an appropriation bill increased beyond all for mer bounds, to the extent of half a million; the defeat of all measures for calling a Con stitutioual Convention at an early day to put an end to that curse of our State.SPEC- j ial, Legislation ; aid if determined to show that this curse should not be re moved by their aid, the enactment of the enormous number of 1800 local bills. And this is but a tithe ot what we should have I had to endure had they had both Houses and the Governor on their side. ! A still further proof of the unfitness of that party to be entrusted with power is to be found in the melancholy history ot the late riots in New York. .In that city the Democrats have undisputed sway, and, thro' it, in the State. They had the power in their hands to prevent this riot and blood shed, but they would not use it cither at the right time or in the right way. , Why ? Be cause the party is possessed of no principle which can lead it to respect the rights of man, be they civil or religious. Its sole idea of rights is derived from the maxim that MIGHT makes EIGHT. This was clearly evinced in the debate in our State Senate.in 1SG9, on the Fifteenth Amendment, in which the Democratic leader in the State scouted the claim that there were any such things as human rights. The idea, he said, was a myth and a humbug. And this sentiment of the Democratic leader in Pennsylvania has been carried out to the letter in New York. A few thousand men, in the exercise of their Constitutional right to assemble together, inform the au thorities of their purpose to parade the streets on a certain day. Another body of men who always voted the Democratic ticket.and numbering many more thousands, notify the authorities that this parade must not be permitted, and that if it is, they will attack t and disperse it, no matter at what cost of life or limb to the party attacked. The Democratic rulers of New York at once de cline to defend the few against the many in the exercise of their Constitutional right ; deny that there is any such right ; yield to the defiance of the mob, because it has might on its side, and, at the demand of that mob, forbid the peaceable and law abiding citizens to assemble together, as the Constitution permits, or to exercise the rights which the law allows. It is true that at the last hour, when the public indignation bad been aroused at this base abandonment of the civil rights of the people, the State authorities stepped in and permitted what the city authorities had previously forbidden ; but the mob had al ready triumphed too far to yield peacefully to this sudden change, and the slaughter which followed is attributabje solely to the official cowardice which first yielded to a mob it was afterwards unable to control. It is plain, moreover, that the first act, of prohibiting the parade, was the legitimate outgrowth of the principle"! controlling the Democratic party, that men have no inhe rent rights and that might alone gives right. It brought into view the ferocious claws which, though atterwarc's withdrawn, the furred foot could not wholly conceal. It was a clear indication of what we may ex pect throughout the country should the Democratic party ever return to power. If our civil and religious rights are to be preseved in this country against the attacks of turbulent mobs and the demands of a wild fanaticism they can be preserved only by the party based immovably on a deep regard for Human Rights and Constitution al guarantees ; and in the light of these facts we appeal to the people of Pennsylva nia, to rally to the support of their imper illed! Constitutional franchises, and by the defeat of the Democratic party, which has proven itself alike unwilling and uphold them, teach it that the people will bear no yielding to mob violence nor tampering with their constitutional rights, and will never permit the surrender of the citadel they have erected at a bloody cost sacred, now and forever, to Civil Axr Religious lib erty. Rcssell Eiirett. Ch'aian. Uncle Tim's Cat. In introducing Uncle Tim Smith, allow me to say that no man in Western Oxford, Maine, was better known in his day. He was an honest, poor, hard working man, and his ouly failing if failing it could be called was the telling of big stories. I am sure, however, that in one respect his memory had become so warped that he religiously believed his wonderful revelation to be true. He was the first man to put a spade into the soil of the first farm I ever owned, and thereafter he did much work for me. "Talking about cats," said Unc!e Tim, "puts me in mind of a cat I once owned. Let me tell "you about her. She was a Malteeono I got of Charles Baker and what that cat didn't know wasn't worth knowin. Here's one thing she did : . "In the Spring of '45 I moved into the little old house down on the Crooked river. We put our provisions down in 'he cellar, on the floor. But ;we didn't sleep. No sooner had it come dark than we heard a tearin'.anla squeakin' ia the cellar that was awful. I lit a candle and went down. Jerusalem! Talk about rats ! I never saw such a sight in all my born days! Every inch of the cellar bottom was covered with 'em. Thiy run up onto me, and then run over me. I jumped back into the room and called the cat. She jumped down and look ed. I guess she sot there about ten min utes, lookiu' at them rats, and I was waitin' to see what she woald do. By'm by she shook her head, and turned about and went np stairs. She didn't care to tackle 'em. "That night, I tell ye, there wasn't much sleep. In the mornin' I called for the cat, and couldn't find her. She'd gone, I guess the rats had frightened her, and to tell the plain truth, I didn't much wonder. Night come again, and the old cat hadn't shown herself. Says Betsey Ar.n to me says she 'Tim, if that old cat don't come back, we'll have to leave this place. The rats 'II eat ns up. Says I: 'Just you let the old cat be.' I didn't believe she left us for sood. "Just as Betsey Ann was puttin' the chil dren to bed, we heard a scratehin' and a waulin' at the outside door. I went and opened and there stood our old Mai tee on the doorstep, and behind her a whole army of cats, all paraded as regular as ye ever saw soldiers ! I let our old cat in, and the others followed her. She went right to the cellar door and scratched there. I began to understand. Old Mai tee had been out after help. I opened the way to the cellar, and she marched down, and the other cats tramp ed after her in regular order and as they went past me me I counted fifty six of 'em. "Ge-whittaker ! If there wasn't a row and a rumpus in that 'ere cellar that night then I'm mistaken ! The next mornin the old cat catuc up and caught hold of my trowsers' leg, and pulled me toward the door. I went down and saw the sight. Talk about yer Bunker II ill, and yer Boston Massacres! Mercy! I never saw such a sight before nor since. Betsey Ann and me, with my boy Sammy, was all day at hard work as we could be, clearin' dead rats out of that 'ere cellar! It's a fact, every word of it. t"A large batch of dough was recently prepared for baking at "a fashion ible Wash ington hotel, which a playful kitten observ ed, and essayed an examination. No sooner was she on than the porous mess took her in and closed over her, unknown to the cook. In due time the dumpling was bak ed, and served up to the boarders, but there are now more vacant chairs at that estab lishment than ever was known before. While ten men watch for chances, one may make chances ; while ten men wait for something to turn up, one succeeds, and is called a man of luck, the favorite ot fortune. Theie is no luck like pluck, arid fortune most favors those who are indifferent to fortune. He who thinks no man above him buf ftr Lis virtue, none below him but for his vice, can never be obsequious or assuming in a wrong place, but will frequently emulate men in stations below him, and pity those nominally over his head. Bangou has put an entire -divorce suit through in 8:15, which beats Indiana's best time 20 seconds. ' - gu.sittw.5 Directory. A. ClearC!d. Pa. CtSco in the Court IIoukc ALTER BARRETT, Attorney ttLnw. Clear- Beia, r. Mayl3. 163. H BRIDGE, Merchant Tailor, Market St. , Clearfield. V. Mar. 1871. ) A. OA CLIN doatcr in Books. Stationery. Envelopes, Ae , Market St , ClnrfieM. Pa. T MITCHELL, dealer in Dry GooJs, Groceries, Flour and Feed, Fish. Salt, ia . Cor. 2-J St., aud lliil road, Clearfield. Pa. May. IS 1 - TT F- BIGLER t CO.. Dealers in Hardware mi manufacturer of Tin and hect-iron t are, second Street. Clearfield . Pa. Mar o HF. NAUGLE. Watch and Clock Staker.and . dealer in Watches. Jewelry, ia. Koem in Graham i row, Marketstreet. Nov. 10. AK. WKPJHT 4 SONS, dealers In Dry Goods . Groceries Hardware, Queenawnre. J:c.. Sec ond Street. CleirGeld. Pa. I.May. I 1 - rpHO'S J MfiCITLLOUGtl, Attorvevj-at-Law. I Clearfield, Pa. All legal bn-iucs prntnpt ly attended to. Oft. 27. ISoJ. DR. FULLEllTON, dealer in P.oots. Shoes. Hat . Caps end Gents' FmnisUicg Uooda. Sscd St., Clearatld, Pa. ' May, 1S71. D DENSER, Manufacuter or and dealer in all a kinds of Furniture, corner Market and 5th Streets, Clearfield. Pa I -May. I ST I. TILLER 4 POWFLL. dcilcrs ia Dry Goo3s, LlL tirooerisg, Hardware. Lumber. Ac., Market S'.reet. Clearfield. Pa. jM.ty. 1S71. Oiikix T. 'onLi!, Attorney at Law. and Aldcr m.m. 05ec on Grave Street, opposite the Poet Office, Lock Haven, fa. Je. 7''-y. I FED BROS, Market Street, Clear field, I'a.. j FancT Dry Goods, White GooJs, Notions. Eaibroideries, Ladies' and Genu' Furnishing Sood, etc. Jur.ela, 7i). j. p. IRVIX : : : : d, l. kkebs. 1RVIS Jt KREDS. (Successors to II. 15. Swoop.) Law and Collection Office, M:irUet Street. Clearfi -Id. Pi. W. :w, 10- KR ATZER A LYTLE. dealers in Dry C.oJs. Groceiies. lUrdare.Queen3ire. ''!o:ii:r.p. A-c. Market Street, (oppocite the J.til). Clcnrfic.'d. i'a. I May, ITl SACKETT SCHRYVKR, dealers in Ilard wnrs, Stjvos 4c , and Manufacturer.) of Tin, Shcrt-iron and Coppcrware, Market St , Clear Snl d. Ta. I May. 1S7I. A I SHAW.Dealorin Drugs. Patent Mecu-inns . Fancy Articles, cto.. and Proprietor of Dr Boyrr'n West Branca Litters, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa - Jon.'L,?.':?:- BIGLER. YOUNG CO.. Maiufa-'urrtrs of Steam Engines, Circular and Mulay Saw Mill, Water Wheels. Stoves, Ac, Fourth aud Pine Strai ts. Cloarfield. Pa. May. IS71. JB M'EX ALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield . Ph. Practices ID Clearfield and adjoiu-'ng sountios. OSce innew brick building of J.Boyn t in. 2d street, one door south of Lanich;s Hotel. T TEST. Attorney at Law. ClenrSeld. Pa., will I -.,-.,.! n.nmn,ttAAni.i..l huffine? cntrust- ed'to hiscare in Clearfield ar.d aJjoinirjt coun ties. OSce on Market street. ""Jj 11 ' m'lOMAS II. FORCEY. Dealer fn Square and J wJ Lumber, lrr-Ooodi,Queenswr, Jro ecries. Flour. Grain, Feed, Bacon, 4c , .t-c, Gra- h am ton. Clearfield county. Pa. Oct 10. HIRTSWICK 4 IRWIN. Dealers in Pruss, Medicines. Paints. Oils. stationary. Perfurue rj . Fancy Goods, Notions etc., etc.. Markrlotrcet. Clearfield, Pa Dec. 6. ViCi. TM KRATZER. dsaler in Dry Goods. . Clothing, Hardware. Queensware. Groce ries. I'rorisiuni, 4o., Second Street CleKi-M Pa. Deo 27, IS15. JOHN Gl'ELICII. Manufacturer of al! kinds ef Cabinet-ware, Market street. Clearfield, P-. He also makes to order Cofiiss. on short notice and attends funerals with a hearse. AprI0,"59. RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreinard De mesne Dry Goods, Groceries. Flour. Bacon, l.itpjors. Ac. Room, on Market street, a fewdoor west ol JournuIOfiire. Clearfield. Pa. Apr27. JJ. LINOLF., Attorniv at Law. Osceola. Clcar . field county. Pa. Will practice in the revcr al Conrts of Clearfield and Centre counties. Al buaincs promptly attended to. (Mar 1571. tT7"ALLACE 4 FIEI,rIXfJ,ATTOiiM:TS at Law Clearfield. Pa. Office in re? dence of W. A. Wallace Legal business of all Kinds attended to with promptness and fidelity. .Ian 5. '70 yp W, A. WALLACE. PRNC P1ELIUNG. HW. SilITH, Attorn ev at Law. Clearfield . Pa., will attend promptly to busir.e s en trusted to his care. Office on second floor of new building adjoining County National Bank. and nearly opposite the Court House. (June 33, 'fi9 T FREDERICK LEITZINGER, Manufacturer r,f ' all kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or der" 'olicited wholesale or retail He alsokcej.p on hand and for sale an assortment of earthen ware, of his own manufacture. Jan. 1 . I SC3 MANSION noCSE, Clearfield, Pa This well known hotel, near tbe Court Houre. is worthy the patronage of the public. The table will be suppiieu with tbe best in the market. The best of liquors kept. JOHN DOUGHERTY. TOIIN H. FULFORD, Attorney at Law. Clear field. Pa. Office on Maiket Street, over Hartiwick 4 Irwin's Dru; Store. Prompt attention given to the securingofUuunty claims. Ac. .an t to all legal business. March 27. 1 St7. f I. CURLEY. Dealer in Pry Goods. j V .Groceries, Hard ware. OuecnK are. Flour Ba con, etc.. Woodland. Clearfield county . Pa. l.o extensive dealers in all kinds of a we i lun ber shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited. Woodland. Pa.,Aug. I9th, lo:'. DR J. P. BL'KCHFIELD Late Surgeon of the 83d Rcg't Penn'a Vols., having returned from the army, oSers his professional services to the cititens of Clearfield and vicinity. Profes sional calls promptly attended to. OIEt-e on South-East corner of 3d and Market Streets. Oct. 4. IsSa. QUHVErOlt. The undersigned offers his services to the public, as a Surveyor. He may bo found at his residence in Lawier.ce township, when not engaged; or addressed by letter at Clearfield. Penn'a. March fith. lS!7.-tf. JAMES M ITCIIE LL. Dll. W. C. MOOUK. Oil!.-?. (Drue Store) 12 -West Fourth St-.U'iiliamsport, Pa. Special attention given to tbe trcatme-.t of all forms of Chronic au i ConrtttiitioHa? Iti'irast-n Consultation by letter with parties at a distance. Fee 52 00 for first e-jnsul tation subsequent ad vice free. JMar l3.'7l-in JEFFERSON L I T Z, 51. D., Physician and Surgeon, Having located at Osaeola. Pa., offers his profes sional cervices to the people of that place aud sur rounding country. All calls proaiptly attended to. OSce and residence on Curtin Street, former ly occupied by Dr. Kline May 19,'fiy. GEORGE C. KIKK. Justice of the Peace. Sur veyor and Conveyancer. Luthcrburj. Pa. All business entrusted to him will be promptly at tended to. Persons wishing to employ a Surveys or will do well to give him a cxll. ns he flatter himselt that ha can render satisfaction. Deeds of conveyance, articles of agreement, and all leiral papers promptly and neatly eieeuted je3'7l-yp fjl II . MURRAY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Clearfield. Pa. Prompt attention gi.-en to all lera! histneeu truted to his care in Cleatfield nnd adjoining counties. Ofije on Market rtrest, opposite Nau gte'j Jewelry ttorc, J aa 14, 1571. 1 T K. P. OTTO 11 F ' s u PIIO TOU RAP U OA U.EH Y. JfARUET STRBST. CL KAP.F 1KLP, P!c'a. Negatives made in cloudy as well cs in clear weather. Constantly en hand a good assortment of Frames. Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic View?. Frames, from nny style cf mould inr. ma Jo to order. ClIKOMOS A SPIiClALU'l'. Dee. 2 '6-jy. 4-H:-it. O U S QAJ K If A N N A II O U S i 0 Curarci.sviHe, Pa. The underpinned bavin taken ebnr-e cf tLis well-known Hotel, respectfully solicits a share ot patronage. Tbe houi-e has be.-n refitted and re furnished and now compares favorably with any other bouse in tLeeout.ty. The best of evcrytl. iu the market affords will te served up to guests. Chaigesmolerat. tu HLOUM, fen- 2-t, l-.70-tf. " Proprietor. II Li "S II A V IIOUS E' MARKET ST., CLEAM-IELD, PA. GEORGE X. COLE URN. rrrjPr.rBTtK ' This housa was lately completed and just open ed to the publia is newly (uruished.and provide 1 with al I the modern improvements of a hrst class hotel. It is pleas.Mitly located, in the business part of the town, and near to the public bniid ings. A haro of patronage is respectfully solic ited. Charts moderate. The be.-tof !.-iuors in h" b?r. March .",1.'7i)-tf. "PXCIIAXGE HOTEL, - IiF.y.S'OI.I'SVII.I e, I'fana. John S. Tadebach havii: purchased the leaf of Mr. Vim. Vat:-!crveit, in the exchange hotel, Keynoldsvillo. and having removed to sai 1 hotel, would inform bisfrisnds and the traveling pub lis generally, that he is now prepared to accom modate them in a more sati.-f.-iftory manner the Echar,e Le:n a much better hooso than the ono lormermy occupied by fcna. Hi,- table will always be :;ur plied with tbe ve-y best the market ufiurus. ffy ttriot attention to bu-tccs be hopes to receive a share of patronage, A hack w ill be kept at the Kxchange toconvt-y paei!-ers to any point they w:h to go. .Mar. j. '71-nov V, '70. GTEAJI ENGINES 1 Oil SALE. One 00 and one l'- horse pow-r Engine., war ranted lirst-elass, of superior finish nnd workm-a-rhip, ).)r-ile by Bl.iLl- II. YOL'NG A CO , April J2.7I. ClearSeM. I'a. O LEA R FIELD N LIIS Eli Y.-E.vco n; w ace Home Industry. The uti kirign ed having established a Nursery. on the l ike halt w;sy between Curircnsvil ie and Cleurtiel Boroughs, is prepared to furni.-h 11 kitidsof Fri.1 trees, (Standard ar.d dwarf.) Evergreen-. Shrce bcry.Graje inc3, Goc-ebcrry, Latrn Llack berry. Straw berry" and Raj-jberry vlrrs. Ali Sibriaiii'rab trees. Qaii;eo ami early ScarietKhcu barb. 4c. Orders promptly atler.drd to. Addrrs Au3l. lu-l. J.l. V. ItiGliT , Curvtensvi'.le AEW BOOT AND SHOE SHOP. E D W A R jV 51 A C K . M.rkttt Street, tctirly opposite the residence cf Jl. li mi aope K.- j , CLCASFtCLti, Pa., Would respectfully ar-co-jhce to the citir.er s of Clea' field and -.iniiiity. that he bs opined a ROOT AND SIKH Sl:o P, ia the l.uildint; lately eeupicJ by J I. C'ctlle i;s nlawoOe.ertd that be is dcicnnir.ed not to te outgone cither in quality cfwork or prices. Special a:!e:i!iun ivcn to the manufa'-ture ol sewed work. French Kip aiid Calf Skirs, of tho bes' quality, alirnys on brnd. Givebiui a eall. .lut. 24, "t'i4. rpHK WOXIiERFUL LINIMENT. This Lini:net:t havintr U-cn urj, for some years past. as a fa.oiU- medicine by ti.a pr priet.,r. anil its g.vr.d eff -c'.- coming to tbe notice of his ricihb.-ts. has. at their su;e?tion. con sented toiuacuf.:.'ture it for tho benV-t of the cl flicted everywhere. It is the tc.t remedy fr C-!rrh and Uillinus Cnolia. ever oiTare I ;i the public; and will euro many other diseases in tb human body. It is also a tore cure for Polo evil and Wind-gal's in horses Dircotioi.t, (jt its use accompany each bottle. Price, SI per bitile. or six bottles for 5. Sent to any address by enclos ing the price to KM. II WAGONER. Hurd PostoCic. Oct. 6.1SC3. ClrarntU couMy, Pa. II O M Y. I X D US T K X ! COOTS AND SHOES Made to Or.lcr at the Lowest Hfcs. The ondcriij-.ti.d w-vt ,..,...,r.i. r r. ., ----S--. i-.rtuiUH,i!HlllTllB attention of tbe citizens of Cicarfiel 1 and vicin -tv. to cive hitn a 1.11M .t x..-t... - - o - - m .,i4iri nearly opposite Hartstvick i. Irwin's drug stnre. - to m ..as or repair scyil.1 ii" in bis line. J " Orders entrusted t.i r.i., -rttt l.n . , ... - - ---- ..... . c 11 im wiin proniptncfs, strength at.d ceatnrs;. and all work warranted as represented. I hava now on biiml .....-,.-,- -f e . calfskins, superb gaiter tops, At., tlut I will junet-itD.rsoB. DANIEL CONNELLY PORTER SHAW. D. I). S cjia iu MASoyia isuildixg, CLEATFlCLn. Pa. Putting of tbe NA1 1'B ALTEETI1 in a fceallhy preservative and useful condition, is made a specialty. Diseases and mal forma:ior,s common to the mouth, jaw nnd associate parts nro treat! and corrected with fair suerc-.?. ExamiiiHtioES and mnsultatioss Fr.EE Prices for partial and full sctj of Teetj urea low kr thnn in 1SJ4. It would be r.-ill fir patients from aois'anceto let me know, by n: a few days bi-fure coming to the oSce. It is very important th:it rLildrcn b.twten tho ages of six and twelve years should Lavo their teeth KKAViNro . liy Anesthesia tee:h are extracted H iTiijt Tpain February 15. l-7!-tf D E X T A L (' A R J) DR. A. 51. HILLS, Weuld say to bis patients and the pub!:c gcrer l!y that, having dissolved partnership with Dr. Shaw he is now doir.c; tho entire work of his o:l!e himself, so that patients r.ed not f-tr Lcic- put under tbe hands of any o:iit r oper it .r. Having obtained a reduction of the patent 01 the plate materi.il. I am nuMcd to put up teeth uvcu CDi-.Ai f.n than fi iim r'y I also bur Dr. Stuck's patent proct ts for working itub'uer plates, which makes a much liI.U-r. more elastic and ttroncr pate lor tbe same amount of material, aiid polishes tbe plato on both oiilcs. renduiiu ' it much more easily kept clean -pccU! attention paid Ij tha rcsetvatii n of the natural teeth, mi all work guaranteed en tirely satisfactory to patii-nu. offii at the oi l si n; 1 pr..j-::o i'.e Shaw llnu-s. Oi,:c hours irjiu S to 1 J. a. u . and 1 to 5. i- it. Patients fr-m a uistanee should totif 7 me a few days I'l foreLjud of their intention to 'conia. Always at homo unions other m'ioe apnrars ia both the county papers Ki-b ..'7l-tt. O O 51 K T II I X C, X E VV- ir; AN SON VIM E, C'c-tlL-li coa.'ity, Pc:;u'a. The undersigned Laving crec:cd. du.-i.ig t!,o past summer, a lare an J commodious store ri-cui. is new engaged id ii!li:-g it up with -a tsw and select assort merit '. f Fali i.r. i Winter goods, hich lie offers to the public at prices to suit the tiuief . Ilisstick if Mens' at:d boys clothing is m.u-ual ly eiten-ive, and is (.Cured to customers at from t!0 to 520 for a hole suit. Flotir.falt.ar.d Cro-e-rics. of every kit.d, a complete assottment; Stoves !nt Stove-pipe, a heavy stock ; Pools and. Shoes, Hais and Caps in great varietv : Ladies' dress good3. furs, aLd other fancy goods, togeihrr with an endless assortment of notions toe tedious to eou.acratc. always ou hand, and sor sale very cheap. Prints at In cents a yard.nnd other goo;i in proporiiun Now is the time to buy. Country produce of every kind, at the highest market prices, a ill be taken in exchange for g icds; and cveu Greenbacks will not I. a refused fir ar,v artiolo in store. Examine u.v stock be fore you bev elsewhere. OjtoUer S1.I-S7. II. SWA V B A COX, JIauis Sties and Shoulder" at redu el priccs.at - MOSSOP S. : iii t t' r. s