fpe laffemtan' gournaf, gfcarftefb, a., itl 26, 1871. cr the farmer. Simmer-Fallows for Wueat. On clovered sod, cot over three years o!J, a EUOimer-faUow on clay ground is the best of all preparations for wheat. Break up the soil early in J one. Harrow thoroughly.and continue to harrow or cultivate sufficiently, to kill the weeds ; then cross plow in July, and harrow, cultivate and roll. Plow again the last of August, and drill in the wheat, ' Some farmers break up the land in June, and do not plow again, depending on the frequent use of the cultivators and harrows to keep down the weeds. On light, loamy soil, such treatment does very well; Lut heavy soil should be plowed twice or three times. An old tough sod, broken np io June, docs not make a good fallow for wheat. Better fallow it up early in the fall, and plant corn in the Fpring. Bfes. JIany Lee keepers complain of bees deserting their hives. Often when bees are hived in swarming time, they will stay but a short time and take French leave for the woods. A common cause for this is that the hives are left exposed to the di rcct rays of the hot sun. If the hive is new and clcau and is kept cool, but few swarms need be lost in this way, Those who adopt artificial swarming Lave no trouble with their bees leaving, as au artifi cial swarm never leaves its hive. I never yet had a swarm to leave a hive in the fall that contained a fertile queen and was in good condition for wintering, consequently we can give neither cause ncr remedy. A Delaware county correspondent writes to us this about pears on oak roots. lie is not by any means a novice, or one easily persuaded, unless facts are strong. lie says : "I have been promised grafts from a winter pear growing in the neighborhood, grafted on the foot of an oak tree. Its growth has far out-stripped trees grafted on rear roots, and it bore pears last year weigh ing twenty ounces. I do not send this state ment to the Monthly, for I don't suppose any one will believe it ; but if necessary I can give sufficient proof of the fact. Gar dener's Monthly. Blackberries, whortleberries and rasp berries should not, in picking and drying, lose any of their juice; the pulp is of no value. Paoxs and other plums should te dried without seed. COl'STV DIRECTOKY. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. 2d Monday in January. J 3d Monday in June. 2 w. 3d in .March, j 4th in Sept 2 m. 4th in Hay, 1 2d ' in Nov 2 w. COUNTY AND DISTRCT OFFICERS. Pres'tJudge Hon.Chas A Mayer. Lock .Haven. As te Judges lion. Samuel Cljde, Clearfield. Hon. Jacob Willhi-lm Grahainton Sheriff. . . . Justin J Pie, . . . Clearfield Prothonotary, Aaron C. Tate. . Keg.-A Ree. . Aebury W. Lte, . " District Att'y, A. W. Walters. " Treasurer. . . Lever Flegal,. . . Co. Surveyor, S. F MuCloskey, . Curwensville Commiss'n'rs, David Buck. . . Clearfield. Samuel haffacr, . Clearfield. Samuel II. liindinan, Glen Hope. Auditors. . . Clark Drown. . . . Clearfield. Price A. Ronrles, . N.Millport. John D. Miller, . . iiurd. Coroner. . . . James A. Moore, . . Clearfield Co.Superind't Ueo W. Snyder, . . " LIST OF POST-OFFICES. Toienihiys. jVjmH of P. O. Names of P.M. Mecca ri a, - - Hen Hope, - - Homer nuBree, V tab villa, - - - S. McFarland, " - Hegarty'sX! Roads Samuel Ilegarty Eell, - - - Bower, - - S A.Rorabaugh ... - Chest, .... Thos A. M'tihee " - - - Cush. - - - - J.W Campbell. . ... - Ostend, .... II. L. Henderson Bloom, - - Forrest. - - - - Algernon Holden Boggs, - Clearfield Bridge, - Jas. Forrest. .... Wallaceton, - - John E Moore Bradford, - Woodland, - - - Win. Albert. .... Wm's Grove, - - Ed. Williams Brady, - - - I.uthersburg, - - L. B. Carlile ... Trnutville, . - - Mrs. C. Weaver - - Jefferson Line, - . John lleberlin. Eurnsile, - New Washington - Sam'I McCune " - Burnside, - Matibew Irwin. " - - Patchinrille, - Jack Patchin. ... East Ridge, - - W. Summervi'le Chest,- - - - llurd, .... Lewis J. Hurd " ... McGarvey. - - - Win McGarvey 4 - Westover. - - - S A. Farber. Clearfiald, - Clearfield. - - - P. 4. (iaulin Covington, Frenchvil'e, - - Claud. Barmoy ... Karthaus, - - - John Reiter Curwensville Curwensville. - - Cbarlos Hoel Decatur, - Philipsburg, Centre county. Pa. - - West Decatur, - - Lever Smeal, Ferguson. - Marron, - - - John P Straw. Uirard, - - - Leconte's Mills. - Augu's Leconte, ... ISaiJ Hills, - - Alex. Irwin. Ooshen, - - Shawsviile. - -11.11 Morrow, lirahai-i, - - Grahaintoi,. - - Thos. II. Foroey Uuclich, Smith's Mills, Jts.G.Ganoe. " - - - Allemacs' - - - Henrv AJlemnn. Huston, - - Tyler. - - - - Miss R J. Tyler. ... Pennfield, - - Frank Bowman. Jordan, Ansonville, - - H Swan Karthaas, - Salt Lick, - - Geo. Heckadorr. Knox, - - - New Millport, - II J. Sloppy. Morris, - - - Kylertown, - - Ed. C. Brenner. - - - Morrisdale. - - John Odell. Os;eola. - - Osceola Mills.- - T. P Boalich. Penn, - - - Lumber Citv.t - H W. Spencer. " .... Grampian Hills, Jona. AVall Pike, .... Curwensville, - Cbas. Hoel. I'nion, ... Roekton, - - - D. E. Bru baker. Woodward. Jeffries. - - - James Lockett. " - - - - Ma.lera. - . . - J. G Derby. i This Post Office w'H do for Chest township. t Will answer for Ferguson township. STATE ft P. STATES DIRECTORY. OFFICERS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Governor. - - - John W. Geary, Cumberland, Soc'y of Com. - Frank Jordan, - Bedford, Dep. Secretary, J. M. Weakley, -Auditor Gen - John F.llartranft, Montgomery, Surveyor Gen.- J M. Campbell, - Cambria. Attorney Gen. - F. c Brewster. - Philade.lt hia Adjutant Gen. - D. B. M Crea y. - Erie. State Treasurer, Robert W Mackey, - Pittsbur. Sap. Com Sch'i J. P.Wicktnham, Laneastar " Depoty Sup't. - C. II. Cobutn, - . Bradford ' State Librarian. Wien Forney. - - Dauphin. SrpREicc Corax. Chief Justice James Thomp son. Associates. Henry W. Williams. John M. Keed. Daniel A Knew. George Sbarswood. Ses sions, Philadelpiha, 1st Mon lay of January. Hir. risburg. 4th Monday of April Sunbury. 1st Mon day of October Pittsburg. 3d Monaay of October OFFICERS OP THE UNITED STATES. President. - - Ulysses S. Grant.- Illinois. Vice President, Schuyler Colfax,- Indiana. See. of State. - Hamilton Fish. - New York. See. of Treas'y, Geo. S Bontwell, Massachusetts SJ of War, - Wm. W. Belknap. Iowa. S. of Navy. - Geo. M. Robeson, New Jersey, fcew. of Interior Jeb D. fox, - - Osi0. P. M. Gen J. A J. Creswell, Maryland, Attorney Gen. - K. R. Hoar. ... Massachusetts Scpbe CecuT. Chief Justice. S, P. Chase, of Ohio. Associate Justice Nathan Clifford, of vMaine, Samuel Nelson, of Now York. David Da : via, of Illinois. Noah U. Swayne. of Ohio. Sam uel F. Miller, of Iowa, Stephen J. Field, of Cal Salary of fhiof Justice S5.i00,of Associates S3, 003 ' WEST BRANCH RESTAURANT AND Ladies' Oyster Saloon," 0f SICOSD ST., BELOW MARKET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Constantly kept rn hand a (elected assortment of Candies, Nuts, Cigars, Tobacco. Ao. Alsofresh Oysters received dally, and for sale by the doien cr hundred. J. M. MACOMBER, Oct. 12.'70. Proprietor. TO LUMBERMEN) - PERFECTION IN CANTHOOKS! The Clearfield Excelsior Canthook will not wear out or break, bein constructed with one solid band from clip to point. It is pronounced by all praotical Lumbermen who hava examined it to be the most perfect cant hook aver invented. Amos' Kennard, Patentee. All orders promptly attended to. Manufactured by AMOS KENNARD k CO., Nv 25 Clearfield. Pa. Ie70. LOOK AT THIS ! BOOKS AND STATIONERY. Bibles and Miscellaneous Books; Sheet Music for Piano, Flute and Violin ; Blank Account and Pass Books, of e vary de scription; Paper and Envelopes. French - pressed and plain; Pons and Pencils; Deeds; Mortgaires; Judgment, Exemption and Promisor Notes; Blank Legal Paper; White and Parchment Brief; Legal rap; Record cap and Bill cap, etc., Will he sold at Wholesale or Retail by P. A. GAULIN, At the Post office, on Market Street, Clearfield, Ta. May 5. 1888 L. REED. J.r.VElTtg : NOTICE, w.- W.BKTTS W. rOWKLL CLEARFIELD PLANING MILL ALL RIGHT. Mrssfts HOOP, WEAVER A CO., Proprietors, would respectfully inform the citizens of the county that they have completely refitted and supplied their PLANING MILL, in this Borough, with the best and latest improved WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, and are now prepared to execute all orders in their line of business, such as Flooring, Weatherboarding, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Brackets, and - Moldings, of all kinds. They hare a large stock of dry lumber or. hand, and will pay cash for clear stuff, one-and-a-half inch pnnnel plank preferred Nov (t.'ftT. 181 SPRING GOODS! THE FIRST OF THE SEASON ! THE CHEAPEST IN THIS MARKET! BUY! BUY !! BUY!!! o r KRATZER & LYTLE, Your Dry Goods, Your Groceries, Your Hardware, Your Queensware, Your Notions, Your Boots A Shoes, Your Leather, Your Shoe Findings, Your Flour and Fish, Your Bacon and Feed, Your Stoves, Your Carpet Chains, Your lints and Caps, Your Wall Papers, Your Oilc'oths. Your Carpets, Your Window Curtains. SALT! SALT!! SALT at wholesale to country merchants. OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, 4c, A liberal discount to builders. Everything that you need can be had at great advantage to the buyer, at KRATZER A LYTLE'S, Market Street, Maj 22.71. Clearfield, Pa ,op. the Jail. BIGLER, YOUNG & CO., (Successors to Bouillon 4- Young',, " Cor. Fourth and Pine Streets, CLEARFIELD, FA., MANCFACTUEIES OF STEAM ENGINES, Mulay anil Circular Saw Mills, HEAD BLOCKS, WATER WHEELS, SHAFTING. PULLEYS, BOLTS, and all kinds of Mill work. STANLEY FARLOR STOVES, COOK STOVES, Ileating Stoves, Sled Shoes, Plows, and eastings of all kinds. DEALERS IN GiffardV Injector, Steam Gauges, Steasn Whittles Cilers, Tallow Cups, Oil Cups, Gauge Cocks, ' Air Cocks.. Globe Valves, Check Valves, Wrought Iron Pipe, steam Pumps, Boiler Feed-Pumps, Anti-friction Metals, Soap Stone Packing, Gum Packing, Ae te., December 11, IS70 tf. ' ' OR SALE SIX BUGGIES and several TWO HORSE WAGONS, kj E. A. IRVIN A CO.. May 31. Curwensville, Pa Git EAT WEST EH .N UN WORKS. Rifles, Double and Single Barrel Shot Guns, Revolvers AmmuLitioo. Sporting Goods, Rifle Barrels, Locks, Mountings. Gun materials. As Send for a price lift. Address J. H. JOHNSTON. Great Western Gun Works, 179 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B. Army Carbines, Rifles and Revo'vera bought or traded for. June 14.'71-6m- VALUABLE TOWN LOTS FOR SALE, In West Clearfield. The nnderxigned hns under his control TEN VALUABLE TOWN LOTS. 50 ly 175 feet, which he offers for sale at a low figure. These lots will be sold on easy terms One-third cash, one-third in one year, and one-third in two years, without interest. Persons wUhing to purchase oan see a plot of the lots at the office of the nndersizned. May 3, 71 tf. JOHN U. FbLFOKD. STUMPS! STUMPS!! The undersigned have purchased the right ot Clear&old county for Enoch Farnsworth'a Stump Extractor, patented Jane 7th, 1870. This is decidedly tbo most convenient, most durable, and bestmaohine of the day.- Wet weather wil. not effect it. the working part being all of iron! The machine is easily set up, and will work any place that can be plowed. We will sell machiues at a small profit on cost, and will try to make it to the advantage of farmers to bny tbem. Wa solicit orders from those wanting machines. U. T. EARNS WORTH, Clear&old. Pa, J B. GARRISON, GEO. II. HALL, Agent. Curwensville, Pa Clearfield. Pa. . July i3.'7u. NEW MEAT MARKET. The undersigned have opened a Meat Market in the room formerly occupied by Alex Irvin, on Market Street. Clearfield, Pa., adjoining Mo&top's. where they intend tokeep a full supply of All Kinds of Meat, Fruit and Vegetables, and at prices to suit the times. Their shop will be open regularly, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and meat dcliverod atany point. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited M. . BROWN. Aug. 31.-70 tf. E. W. BROWN. Also continue to deal in all kinds f improv ed Agricultural Implements. WATCHES AND JEWELRY I would respectfully announce to eitizens of Clearfield and vicinity, that 1 have removed to the new Mansonio building, first door below the Man sion House, on Second street, with an entire new stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, and Jewelry, ol the latest styles and of the best finish ,se'cted with care. I will have an assortment oVall the latest Lovelties in jewelry, Ac Thankful for jour past liberal patronage I hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the came. March l.lS70-tf. S.I.SNYDER. CROCKS! TOTS! CROCKS! Stone and Earthenware, of every description. Fishers' Patent Airtight Self-sealing Fruit Cans. BUTTER CROCKS WITH LIDS, PICKLE and APPLE BUTTER CROC ICS, CREAM AND MILK VROCKS. STE1V POTS, FLO WER PO TS, PIE DISHES, and a good many other things too numer ous to mention, at the 5 TONE-TV A RE PO TTER Y OF F. LEITZINGER, Corner of Cherry and Third Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA, Aos. 3,'70-tf. THE LATEST MOVE! .Hartswiek k Irwin's DRUG STORE, TO TnEIR NEW BUILDING, OX SECOND STREET, nearly opposite the Store of Weaver A Betts, Where they will continue to supply their old ani as men j new customers as may come, with PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, and Flinrmaccutical Preparations, in cluding all new remedies, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY AND PaPEK, Also, a full line of DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, PERFl'MES AND TOILET ARTICLES, HAIR TONICS, COSMETICS, BRUSHES, TOILET SOAPS, POCKET BOOES, All of the best quality. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, for Medicinal and Sacramental purposes ONLY PURE WHITE LEAD, COLORS, of all kinds, Raw and Boiled LINSEED OIL. VARNISHES, ' TUUPSSTINE, COAL OIL, PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES, CONFECTION ARIES, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, . BIRD SEED, Ground and Lngronnd SPICES, Ac, Ac. SMOKERS AND CIIEWERS, Will find our stock of CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO, Imported and Domestic, CIGARS SNUFF and FINE CUT, to be of the vary best brands in the market. Lamps and Lamp Chimneys, Garden Seeds, Mu sical Instruments, Violin Strings, Ac, Having a long experience in the business, and an extensive and well selected stock of Medicines, we ara enabled to fill Physicians' Prescriptions at the shortest notioe and on the most reasonable terms, day or nisut. May 31,71. F H. F. BIGLER & CO., bxlLEBS 19 II A B D f A E E. ad MArricTURsns or Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, CLEARFIELD, PA. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, OF ALL KUIOS. ALSO, Baggage Barrows, Warehouse Trucks, Copying Presses, Improved Money'Drawers, As., - fob Sale Br II. F. BIGLER k CO., Dealers in Hardware, March 18 J Clxirtield, Pa 1870. THE CLEARFIELD WOOD CHOPPERS AXE, Manufactured expressly for the CLEARFIELD TRADE, for sale by H. F. BIGLER A CO. FRUIT CAN, Manufactured from best charcoal tin, Grooved and soldered on outside, warranted, a :jso, glass fr uit jars, for sale by H. F. BIGLER A CO. SAWS! SAWS!! DISTOW, CROSS CUT, MILL, DRAG, AND CIRCULAR SAWS, LI-3HTNING SAWS PATENT PFRFORATED, ELECTRIC SAWS, And DISTON'S SAWS of all kinds, for sale by IL 7.,. BIGLER 4 CO. COOK STOVES! SPEAR'S CALORIFIC, SUSQUEHANNA, SUPERIOR, GOV. PENN, REGULATOR, NOBLE COOK, NATIONAL RANGE, fyc, frr., And all kinds of HEATING STOVES, On hand and for sale by II. F. BIGLER & CO., SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. August 3, 1S7. PINK and Whito Lining Skins, and Roap 8kins at H. BIGLER A CO S. THIMBLE-SKEINS and Pipe-boxes, tor Wag ons, for sale by 11. F. BIGLER A CO IRON i IRON!! Best bar iron, for sal at the store of II. F. BIGLER A CO. s TOVES of all sorts and sizes, constantly on nana ac tl. F. BIGLER A CO 5 1ABI.E CHAINS a good article, on hand and , forsala by H. F. BIGLER A CO H OUSE-SQOES, and horse-nails, to be had at H. F. BIGLER A CO S. 1871. 1871. SPRING CAMPAIGN. IZEIJJJ lilt O TM2JI& ' Dry Goods, Notion, Trimming and Millinery Emj3oriiim, CLEARFIELD, PA. The Only Exclusive Dry Goods Stot in the County. Study your Interests. Buy where you can the Cheapest. DRY GOODS. Heavy and Fine Brown Muslins. Bleached Mus lins, extra wide Brown and Bleached Sheet ings. Pillow Casing, Ticking. Hickory Stripe Denins, Blue Drills. Cotton ades. Cassitneres Flannels. Prints, Delnines, Percales, Lawn llernanies, Grenadine Summer Silks. Jap anese. Silk, Black Silk, very good, at SI "23 per yard. The above are new, fresh goods and have only to be prioed to know of their remarkable cheapness. HOSIERY. Ladies' plain and ribbed Hose. 12i cents to $1.15 per pair, Cbildrens plain and fancy Cotton Hose. Gents' brown and blue mixed Hose, super stout and superfine British reg ular made Hose, Balbriggan and Lisle Thread Hose, Ladies', Misses. Cbildrens. Gents' A Boys' India Game A Lisle Thread undeiwear. Ladies', Mens', and Childrens Silk, Lisle Thread, and Berlin Gloves. Children's Kid Gloves. Ladies' Kid Gloves, all colors, S1.25, S1.7S and 52 00 per pair. Gents' Kid Gloves, all colors. Lisle Thread and Berlin Gloves. WHITE GOODS. Pi qnes. choice styles, in stripes, figures, cords and satin finished. 20 to 60 cents pr yard. Jaco nets. Nansooks. Viotoria Lawns. Swiss Mull. Tape Checks. white and colored Tarleton. Mosquito Net, Curtain Net, tb 40, 50. nO cents and SI U0 peryard. Towels, and Toweling. brown and bleached Table Damasks, Napkins, Quilts, Ac. English Crochat Edging. Imperial Embroidery, Registered Eabroidery, Valenciennes Lace, Nottingham Lace, F illing. Alexandria Frilling H am burg Edgings. Inserting Magie and Always Ready Ruf - fling. He'cules Braid. Alpaca i'raids. Hair Nets. Black and Brown Switches, Chignons, But tons ef every description, Sleeva Battons, Ac. FANCY GOODS. Lace Collars, Linen Collars and Cuffs. Under sleeves, Cheraisetts, Handkerchiefs, Ties and Bows. Ribbons and Millinery Goods, Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, Ao. Umbrellas, Parcsols and Fans, in great variety. Buyers will please give this their attention, aad time and money will be saved. REMEMBER THE PLACE : REED BROTHERS, Market St., Clearfield. Pa. May 17, 1?71. JAMES f. BRADY k CO., BANKERS, FINANCIAL AGENTS for the UNITED STATES, Fourth Arenas and Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA., DEALERS 1ST All issues of Government Securities, Gold, Silver and Conprns, BCT ASB SELL Bonds, Gold, Mortgages, And First Class Securities generally. Money Loaned on Government Bonds, at lowest market rates. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. May 10, 1871-ly. F. N A U O L E . WATCH MAKER, GRAHAM'S ROW, CLEARFlELu. The undersigned respectfully informs his old customers and the public, that be has on hand, (and constantly receiving new additions,) a large stock of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, CLOCKS, a largo variety from the best 5Ian nfactory.eonsisting of Eight-day and thirty-hour spring and Weight, and Levers, Time, Strike and Alarm clocks. WA TCIIES a fine assortment. o silver Hunt ing and open case American patent Levers, plain and full jeweled. GOLD PENS, an elegant assortment, of the best quality. Also, in silver extension and desk holders SPECTACLES, a large assortment, far anrf near sight, colored and plain glass. JEWELRY ot every variety, from a single piece to a full set. A LSO, a fine assortment of Spoons. Forks, but ter knives, etc., plated on genuine Alabata. ALSO, Hair Jewelry .with pure gold mounting, got up to order. Calf and see sample book. All kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry care fully repaired and Warranted . A continuance ot patronage is solicited. Nov. 2Sth. 186. H. F. NAUGLE. pURNITUKE -ROOMS. JOHN GUELICH, Desires te inform his old friends and customers that, having enlarged his shop and increased bit facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order such furniture as may be desir ed, in good style and at cheap rates for cash, lie mostly has on hand at his --Furniture Rooms,' a varied assortment of furniture, among which ia BUREAUS AND SIDEBOARDS, Wardrobes and Book -cases; Centre, Sofa. Parlor, Breakfast and Dining extension Tables. Common, French-posts, Cottage, Jen- ny-Liind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS OF ALL KINDS, WORK-STANDS, HAT RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ae. Spring-seat, Cain-hottom, and Parlor Chairs ; And common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand, and new glasses fcr Id frames, which will be put in n very rsosable terms, ontbort notice. He also keeps on hand, or furnishes to order. Hair. Corn-husk, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS. OF EVERY KIND, Made to order, and funerals attended with a Hearse, whenever desirable. Also, House painting done te order. The above, and many other articles are furnished to customers cheap for cash or exchanged for ap proved country produce. Cherry. Maple. Poplar, Lin-wood and other Lumber suitable for the bud ness. taken in exchange for furniture. Remember the shop is on Morsel street, Clear SrJd, and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Store." Iieeemhirt. lt-ftl JOHN GVFLICH JUST IN TIME! THE NEW GOODS AT A. K. WRIGHT & SONS, Cl.K AUFfCLn. PA., Having jest returned from the eastern cities we are now opening a full stock: of seasonable goods, at our rooms on second street, to which they respectfully invite the attention oi the pub lie generally. Our assortment is unsurpassed in this section, and is being sold very low for cash. The "took consists in part of DRY GOODS of the best quality. such as Prints. Delaines, Alpa eaa. Merinos. Ginghams ; Muslins, bleached and unbleached ; Drillings Tickings, cotton and wool Flannels. Cassimers. Ladies' Shawls, Coats, Nu bias. Hoods. Hoop skirts. Balmorals, As.. Ac. all of wHcb will be sold low ros cash. Also, a fine assortment of the best of H E X S W R A R , consisting of Drawers and Shirts, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Uandkcrchieftt cravats, etc. Also, Raft Rope. Dog Rope, Ralttna Augurs and Axes. Nails and Spikes, Tinware, Lamps and Lamp wicks and chimneys, eto., etc Also, Queensware Glassware. Hard ware.Groce ries. and spices of all kinds. In short, a general assortment of every thing usually kept in a retail store, aft cheap for cash, or approved country produce. Nov. 23-jal0-no!3. WRIGHT A SONS. P. T. I. DR. BOYER'S PURE WEST BRANCH BITTERS. A Pure, Pleasant, Safe and Reliablo Tonic, com pounded from fresh and choice herbs and pos itively pure spirits, free from fusil oil. or ther irritating properties, and will not disagree or offend the mosc delicate stomach. Warrant ed to contain more med icinal virtue than any bitters at present offered to the public IT NEEDS BUT A TRIAL. To increase the Appetite to promote Digestion to cure Dyspepsia to core Fet or and Ague to cure Biliousness to cure Constipation to cure Coronio Diarrhea to cure Flatulence to cur Acid Eruotations to car Nervous Debility to euro Hypochondria tc core Sallowness of the Complexion to core Pimples and Blotches to cure General Debility and Prostration o: the Physical Powers, IT HAS NO EQUAL. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. SOLD EVERYWHERE, AT $1 PER BOTTLE. A liberal ditrounl to tin trad. MA5rrACTDKED KXCLCS1VBLT Br A. I. S II A W CLEARFIELD, PA., Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuff's, Oils, Paints, Varnishes. Ao., Patent Medicines. Pare Wines and Liquors for medical purpot.es. Fancy and Toilet Articles, and all goods usoally kept in a Drag Store, sold cheap. Having employed E. D. Snyder a graduaate in Pharmacy who speaks both English and Ger man, the undersigned feels no hesitancy in saying thatenstomersean rely upon having the preacrip tions properly pat up. A. I. SHAW. Feb 23, 1S70. CCRWENSVILLK ADVERTISEMENTS "CHEAPER than tli e CHEAPEST.' ' GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES, JUST RECEIVED BY ARNOLD & HARTSHORN, Curwensville, Pa. (One door West First Nat. Bant.) Having just returned from the East witti a com plete assortment ot Goods, suitable for the Spring and Summer trade, we are now prepared - to fur nish all kinds of Goods "CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST." And after thanking our customers for their lib eral patronage during the past year, we would most recpeoifully ask for a continuance of the same.. Our stock consists of - DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. IIARDWARP. QUEENSWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARf.. GROCERIES. BOOTS if SHOES, HATS CATS. CLOtlllNG. CARPETS, TOBACCOS, Etc. Also, Flour. Bacon, Salt Fish, Grain, Ac, Ae., all of which will b sold on the most reasonable terics. nd the highest market prico paid for Grain Wool and all kinds of lumber and country produce. Please give as a call tofore purchasing elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed as to quality and prices. ARNOLD A HARTSHORN, Cor. Main Thorn p ton Sts. April 20,'70 Curwensville, Pa. SQUARE TIMBER. E. A. Irvix Si Co., Being specially engaged in the business of buy ing and selling SQUARE TIMBER, would repre sent that they are now prepared to purchase tim ber, delivorcd at either Curwensville, Lock Haven or Marietta, or will take it at any of these points and sell on commission, making such advances as ara necessary. Those engaged in getting out timber, will find at our store in Corwensville, a very large stock of STAPLE GOODS, ef all descriptions. ALSO, FLOUR, MEAT, " RYE, OATS, CORN, and everything necessary for use of Lumbermen. RAFT ROPE, of all aiies, kept on hand in large quantities, and sold at a small advance, by the coil. Also, PULLET BLOCKS, SMALL ROPE, Ao Special induc.m.i.ta fTbred to those manniao turixif; Square Timber. E. A. IRVIN A CO Curwensville, Jan. 12. 1870. TAXES AND HIGH PRICES REPEALED ! Great reduction of prices and great attraction at 1IARTS0CK & GOODWIN'S in Cnrwensville, Fa., Caused by the opening of a new lot of Spring and Summer Goods. We take pleasure in informing our old as well as new customers, and the public generally, that we have returned from the East with a large and well selected stock of goods. We call especial attention to oar elegant as sortment of SILKS AND DRESS GOODS, in every variety. CASSIMFRES, COTTONADES. JEANS and SHEETINGS, and every variety of DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, at prices to suit the times. Ladies' and Children's SHOES and GAITERS, in endless variety. Come and ei-.mine them. Men's and Boy's BOOTS and SHOES of every kind and price. HATS and CAPS, in every style. Skeleton and Glove Fitting Corsets, Hoop Skirts. Hosiery and Gloves. Pocket Cutlery, of the finest English make, Soaps, Perfumery ar.d Nations cf all kinds. GROCERIES, FISH, SALT, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, WOOD and WILLOWWARE, PAINTS and OILS, PATENT MEDICINES and DRUGS, and in fact everything you want, all of which will be sold cheap f r earn or country produce. Wool and Short Shingles wanted. 1IARTSOCK k GOODWIN. Curwensville, May 24-2ni. NAILS A SCIKES thecheapest intheecunty at MOSSOP'S THE highest market prices paid for Shingles by J SHAW A SON. QUEENSWARE Tea sets, best tone-wre,4 pieces, at SS SO at MOSSOP'S. CANNED FRUIT. Canned Plums, Peaches and canned corn, etc, for sale at the Drug Store of A. I. SHAH. H ARNESS. Trimmings, aad Shoe-findings for sale at JU. F. BlULt.it A ;u a. C" ALCI5ED PLASTER and Hydraulic Cement, for sals by HARTSW ICK A IRWIN. FISHING TACKLE.- Such RODS, LINES, REEUS, HOOKS, SNOODS, BASKETS, It c, at H- F. BIGLER A CO S. ROOTS' BOOTS!! BOOTS!!! BOOTS!!!! FRENCH KIP, FRfcNCH CALF, '? LIGHT KIP. ?? Sen 21 ,fi-0,KRATZER "LYTLE'S, Sep.il. 18.0. Opposito the Jail "M'GAUGIIEYS Restaurant and Ice Cream Saloon IN LEAVT'S NEW BUILDING, ' Second St., Clearfield, Pa. Constantly kept au hand a fine selection of Candies, Cigars, Tobacco, Nuts, Ac. Also Fresh Oysters, received daily, and served up in any style, to suit the taste of customers. A full stock of goods just received from the East, The second story has been fitted up for a ladies ice cream saloon. JCS?" Billiard Saloon in Leacya Hall. April l-'7t.l D M GAUGHEY. AGENCY OF THE FARMER'S MUTUAL FIREIXS. CO., of York, York County, Pcna'a. The ''FARMER. S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY" is known as one of the tut and most reliable on the Continent. The Farmer's Mutual has been in operation for about fifteen years, and its assets amount to over 5300,000. Applications made out on short notice, and low rates guaranteed. Apply to S.J. ROW, Agent, MARBLE ad STONE YARD. Mrs. S. S. Liddell, Having engaged in the Marble business, desires to inform her riends, and the public, that she has now and wil 1 keep eonstantlv on hand a large and well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and is prepared to furnish to order TOMBSTONES. BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, CURBS and POSTS for CEMETERY LOTS, WINDOW SILLS AND CAPS. ALSO, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS? etc. Yard on Reed Street, near the Dcpot.CIearfield, ra. May 4. IsTO. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, At the New Tobacco and Cigar Store of H, II. SUA W, Two doors ett of the PostolEce. Clearfield. I'a. Constantly on hand a fine assortment of Navy, Congress, Cavenduh, Cable, Spunroll, Michigan and Century Fine-cut Chewing Tobacco, te. Also, a large and well selected stock of Imported and Domestic Cigars, Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, Pipe fixtures, Tobacco Bsxes. Cigar Holders, and everything geaerf ' fi-und in a well regulated Cigar and Tobacco Store. Remember the place: Two doors eat of the Postcffiee. Clearfield. Pa. Aug. 24 'TS. A Great Medical Discovery ! De. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA YINEG-AR BITTEES ! Hundreds of thousands bear testimony to their Wonderful Curative Effects. WUAI ARE T II E Y ? THEY ARE NO T A VILE FANCY D R I X K, Made of Poor Rum. Whiskey. Proof Spirits, and Refuse Liquors, doctored . spiced and sweetened to please tnc taste.called -Tonics," Appctirew." -Restorers." Ae .that lead the tippler on to drunk enness and ruin, but are a true Medicine made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They are the 'ireat Blood Purifier and a Life Giving I'ltnciple a perfect Kencvutorand Invigoratorof the System carrying off all poisonous matter nut resturins the blood to a healthy condition No person can take these Bitters according to direction and re main long unwell, provided the bines are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means and tee vital organs wasted beyood the point of repair. For Infl.mnuitory and Chronic Rlt'nrniwn and Gout. Dyspepsia or Itidiettion. Bilituits lie mi unit ani Intrrmiurnt Frrert, Diseases of Ue Blood, Liver, Kidneys and BlatlJer, these Bitters haje been most SHCcsfut. Such diseases ara caus ed by vitiated blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the digestive organs. Dyspot sia or Indigestion headache, pain in the shoulders, coughs. tightness of the chest, dizziness, sour eructations of -the stomach, bad taste in the mouth, billious attacks, palpitation of the heart, inflammation of the lungs, pain in the regiuns of the Kidneys and a hundred other painful symp toms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. Tbey invigorate the stomach and stimulate the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled emcacy in cleansing the blood cf all Impurities. and imparting new life and vigor to ite whole system. Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, eipeciail those of the Mississippi, Missouri. Illinois, Ten nessee, Alabama. Savannah. Roanoke. James aoa many others with their vast tributaries, during the Summer and Antumn, and remarksM- so an ting seasons of unusual heat and drne. are in variably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera, Therw are always more or less obstruc tions of the liver, a weakness and mitab . i of the stomach, and great torpor of being clogged op with vitiated mula"V.,ful their treatment a purgative.exert.ng a u' influence upon these virions organs.is J""""' necessary There is no cathartic for the purpose equal tol'r. J. Walker's Vinegar Bittors. as thsy speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the biwels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the aoeretiens of the liver, end generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs, lne univr' j this valuable remedy in regions subject to mias matic influences, is sufficient evidence of its pow er as a remedy in such eases. For skin diseases, eruptions, tetter, salt rheum, blotches, spots, pimples, pustules, boils, carbun cles, ring worms, scald-head sore eyes.erysipela, itch, senrf. disoolorations of tho skin, humors and, diseases of the skin, of whatever name or nature, ara literally dug np and carried out of the sys tem in a short time by the use of these Biters One bottle in euch cases will convince themost incred ulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities tursting through the skin in pim ples, eruptions or sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; eleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood puro and tho health of the system will follow. Pin, Tape and other Worms.InrXing In the sys tem of so many thousands, are effectually destroy ed and removed. For full directions, read care fully the circular around each bottle, printed in four languages English, German, French and Spanish. . J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. McDON ALP A CO.,Droggi8ts and (ion, AgenU, San Francisco, Cal , and 32 and M Commerce Street. New lork. SOLD BY ALL DRl'UliIST.5 AND DEALERS'- December T,lS70-ly.