20, 1871. Raftsman's Imtrnal. S.J. ROW,BHITOR4DPBOPRIBTOIl. CLEARFIELD, I'A., JULY 2G, 1371. REPUBLICAN STATS TICKET. rus acditoi ociecil: Col. DAVID STANTON, of Beaver. con si'.TTEron CEScn.it.: ColEOBEST B. EEATH, of SchnyML ' The Pittsburg Pout, Democratic, sti I defenls tho New York rioters. 4;Birls of a feather," etc. Many pardons were kiileil and uiuch property destroyed, during the recent etorin in the West 2nd South. It is said that nearly every man en gaged in the recent riot in New York, was in the employ of the city. Com ment is unnecessary. Mayor KelsQ, and his horde of Dem ocratic ruffians, are responsible for the destruction of life and property, during tha late riot in New York. Some of General Hancock's f: iend.-?, it is said, met in Washington rccontly, and subscribed 1,090 each, to aid his election to the Presidency, intending to raise the sum of 100,000, if need be. Democratic ruffians, most of them of foreign birth, were the principal partic ipants in the recent New York riots ; and hence the Democratic leaders and the Democratic party-are responsible for the outrages perpetrated. While the hold of Tammany on the city of New York may not be much loosened bv recent events, it has lost the State, and to a great extent its in fluence throughout the country, and will be of little account in political af fairs outside of New York. All the Democratic platforms say to the people, ''listen to our complaints." All the Republican platforms say, "Look at our record." One party lives on its promises, the other on its per formances. The Democrats only re member what is going to happen. The Press says : The country at large will watch the course of the Re publicans of Not York with anxious interest. The State is now theirs if they will take advantage of the unus ual opportunity that has been thrust upon them. If they fail of success it can only be through some fault or blun der of their own. The people will elect them to power this fall if they will but put forward good and true men for the Legislature, and establish there such a majority as cannot be corrupted. The State is literally sick of the corruptions of Tammany and longs for relief, and for it looks to the party that has no Tammany or centralized power to dic tate its policy, but is controlled by the frpirit of the people. The last Congress reduced taxation 1 to the amount of S?4,000,000. As soon as the next Congress meets meas- urcs wni be introduced looking to a further reduction to the amount of be tween $30,000,000 and 00,000,000 rnorc. And while this great reduction is made, which, cf course, takes just so much from the yearly revenue of the Government, the monthly reduction of the debt frocs on steadily. The sc cret of thii seeming financial paradox i3 that while taxes have been reduced the expeiisrs cf the Government have Lot-n rcdiux-J also. Is not this wise and prudent management ? The Dem ocrats claim the ability io 0 better. They had an opportunity under John, son. lias any voter forgotten that ad ministration ? T!io records of the parties tell for themselves, and ve invite careful com parison. "The Republican party has never yet found itself forced to the ne cessity of a "new departure," or obli ged to adopt Democratic principles for the purpose of gaining votes. The Democrats denounce tUe Republicans, and accuse them of every species of political crime on the cotalogue. Rut tLey show their appreciation of them, nevertheless, in a very convincing man ner, ty endorsing their principles. This 4'new departure" is simply this: an en dorsement of all the Republicans have done, a$.d it is on this platform the Democrjits hope to via the next elec tions. -This is an expression of opin ion of .on the Republican record also. And if the Democrats endorse the patt action vf our party, it is toh-rably cer tlia the countrv will. The Tittsburg Gazette says : "Now is the season of their discontent. The Democracy have discovered that the State of Pennsylvania is sure to award a heavy Republican majority next Oc tober, and thus seal and secure the re election of President Grant in 1872. Already ominous and mysterious out "ivinjrs are heard that Rio Java Wallace is not so much interoste I in carrying the State as he is to lay the ropes to secure his own political advancement in the future. We care not how much our good Democratic friends may fight in their own camp, for we are as sure that a brilliant triumph awaits our own party next October as the coming of that month itself. But while wo par take of the very universal au 1 sansuine feeling of safety and certainty of an easy victory at the ballot box, we still feel that a good deal of work is neces sary in order to swell the majority of the State to such figures as will carry terror and consternation into the ranks of the opposition everywhere through out the Union. Let us work. The ele.tion is pregnant with importance. The people interested most in the pro gress of the land look to Pennsylvania to do her duty. Seldom has our Com monwealth failed to respond to the be hests of the loyal and patriotic people, and at the coming election, more than at any for years past, is the impoi tance of doing right most imperative. We promise, hoping for the liberal co-opar-Btion of the Republicans everywhere in the State, to give an overwhelming en dorsement to the present National Ad ministration next October, and to sound once more to the political world the patent truth, that "as Pennsylvania goes, so goes the Union." Waiting for ax Opportunity. When the Augusta (Ga.) Constitution alist sees a head (of a nail) it knows enough to hit it. In a recent issue it says: "It is not with the political convic tions of Messrs. Davis and Stephens and Toombs the Southern people find fault. The preponderance of those convictions are as much now as ever with them. The State rights views of the Southern people are as decided now as ever. But it is as to the policy of proclaiming and insistingon those views on the one side, or on the other waiv ing their discussion and holding them in abeyance until thev can receive a fair and impartial hearing before the American neople, that the former com rades in arms and in council of the great Southern leaders now stand divided." Translated into Lrief.plain language, this means that until the Democratic party can control the Government it is not wise to say that it will be control led in the interests of Messrs. Davis, Stephens and Toombs, and these gentle men are only hindering the realization of their own hopes by giving utterance to them. A bill has passed the Brazillian Sen ate, authorizing a loan of 20,000,000 and imposing a tax on imports of four per cent, ad valorem. France lias al so placed an additional tariff on im ported goods, and both have done so to help build up their manufactures by taxing those of other rations. This is the true policy; bail 1 up our own workshops, and pay out our wages to our own workmen; thus we will in crease our own wealth and population, and consequently the demand for agri cultural products. ' A writer from Paris states that thir ty thousand persons were killed in sup pressing the Commune, that ninety thousand prisoners have been taken, and fifty thousand more arc being hunted after. This is barbarous. The expenditure of so much blood i3 cer tainly not necessary to the establish ment of a Republic. New York city is controlled by the Democracy by the aid of murderers and thieves. Should the Democracy be placed in power in theNationl Govern ment, these same ruffians would also try to control its destinies, by riot, ra pine and murder. The people should remember these facts. A serious riot is reported to have ta ken place at Vienna, on Sunday a-week between the Socialists and the Ultra montanes. The former attacked the latter, and many people were injured. As in the New York riot, the military assisted the police in quelling the riot ers. A shock of earthquake has been again felt along the coast of Maine and at points in New Hampshire. It is rather peculiar that points so far north should be so frequently visited with 6uch a very undesirable a shaking. Senator Harry White, who ha3 Ferv ed two terms in our State Senate, with signal ability, has just been renomina ted for & third term by the Republicans of his district, The compliment is well A LHtle of Everything. This will be the champion toaiato season. Hay is coming in rapidly, at 20 per ton. Whortleberries are selling at 10c. per qt. Poor weather for iec cream and soda water. Couic to the Journal office for your Job Work. "Cheap" the Bclkfonte ITatcli mine pun on our morals. Cheaper All kinds of Job Work at the Journal Job Office. Parties are swarming to the mountains to gather whortleberries. When do rien'n heads reseniblo their dwellings? When they are covered with tiles. Reports from all portions of California show a better wheat crop than was antici pated. EUorauo, Kansas had a terri'de storm lat week. $90,000 worth of property de stroyed. "Put money in thy purse," as the pick pocket said whan he robbed a man of an empty one. All uniformed National Guards of the State of Pennsylvania arc exempt from jury servicc, if they so desire. Dr. Livingstone Li Said to be the only traveler of rcucnrj who does not write let ters or make speeches. We want two or three ton3 of good hay. Yoa can't find an ea-ier way of paying your indebtedness to the Journal. Curicetisville and Clearfield laJics, "keep your eye skinned," there's a "good ctth" in Clearfield "worth $150,000." The receipts of the Patent Office during the quarter ending June 30, were $181, S05, and the expenditures, $149,410. A correspondent wants, to know what is the best thing for potato lugs. We know of no'.hing better than potato vines. An exchange, w.-.ntmg to compliment a "live stock journal," says it is edited by a man whose head is full of live stock. The municipal election f r the city of Par is will be he!d on August 2J. The army everywhere, voted the Republican ticket. In the office of the Sejonl Auditor of the Treasury thero are now 8.000 claims for bounty arrears, involving over $2,000,000. There are Mi ministers in the Lutheran synod of Pennsylvania who have labored in the pastoral office of that church from fifty to sixty-one years. The friends of the Pope fear plots against his life on the part of the Italians, and the friends of Hyacinth fear the same for him on the part of the Jesuits. An Irish sclioohni-ter recently informed his pupils that the feminine gender should always be applied to all thips and vessels afloat, escejit mail steamers and men of war. That little chap who wanted to "snow ball on the Fourth of July, so his hands wouldn't get cold," might have had his wish gratified on the 231 of July, 1871, had he lived hereabout A young gentleman inf nn? us that some of the young ladies living in the country near Phtlipsburg have adopted the Hindoo style of horseback riding "straddle leg!" If you know what that means. Mrs. Martin of Baltimore, a lady io high life has had two indictments found agaiust her by the Grand Jury lor poisoning. It is intimated that she is euilty of poisoning several persons within several years. A Paris letter says : Business is gradually coming tip. Merchants and wholesale deal ers who have been i lie for a year are full of orders; but there is more begging than I have ever seen, in the streets of Paris. There are a great many places in town that smell of disease and epidemic, panic ularly in the alleys, and swampy places, and we advise a disinfectant or a general t lean it t 1. -...1 :. ing. nave our ioruuu buuiuiuivb no "scents" of smell? Rev. Peter Cartwntfht, the veteran pio neer preacher, is drawing nigh to the close of his earthly pilgrimage. He is now con fined to his room in Pleasant Plains, near Springfield, 111. His strength is rapidly f; iling, and it is feared he cannot live many months. In Titusville it is custom-ry to speak of the fashionable young lady as wearing an "tjithty six barrel opera suit," and when a boy wants to have his teeth plugged begets a requisition on the "olj man" for a couple of barrels of oil. Tho system seems to work very smoothly. The most foolish piece of extravagance we have heard Of is the proposition to erect drinking fountains in Washington, on the streets. After Congress adjourns there may be once in a whiie a man who will drink water, but not enough to tax the capacity of a common syringe, let alone a fountain. Some of the "moral" young men who were swinging at Cabin Springs on last Sun day afternoon, might have their morals con siderably improved it' they could be induced to attend one of our afternoon Sabbath schools. We will eive their names to the Sabbath school officers if they will talk to them. , One of the Democratic candidates for office in this county, who is considerably piqued at the Ninth resolution, says he "has some little things in his head." Nothing extraordinary or uncommon, w'.th a certain breed of politicians. The reuedy is usually found in the appl.cation of a fine tooth comb. Try it. When the Key-Sickle affair was on the tapis it used to be considered a good ques tion to ask, "If Sickles is worthy of death, what is Butterworth ?' ' The reply, though at rather a late date, comes from California, that since he went to the Pacific slope, But terworth has, by fortunate speculation, be- 1 conic iKs;ecsrcd ot a good $2,000,000. , The lack of unanimity among ' the Democracy relative to the line of po litical policy to -be adopted, is clearly indicated by the course pursued by the Maryland Democratic convention. It refused to make any utterance relative to" political questions, but authorized its executive committee to do so at gome future time should it be found de sirable.. This shows very conclusively that the Mary laud Democracy are not ready to stand on the platform of the "new departure," but will do so if at sonic future date' it shall seem popular. This is the firsi break on the part of an entire State against a new policy, and doubtless foreshadows a non-committal policy on the part of others. This 13 clearly indicative of weukness--as no declaration is worse than to take any position at all. The New York World terms Grant "our Holiday President." Fitting ap pellation. He has given Democrats many holidays already out of office, and proposes to furnish them with four years' more rest from the arduous du ties pertaining to the administration of the affairs of the nation after 1872. It is announced that Prince Freder ick William has left Ems, where he had been summoned by his royal father, and will proceed to England, where he will be the guest of Victoria, at her summer residence at Osborne. So much for the recent story that he had been subdued in,. England. The coasts of New Foundland and Labrador were visited by a very de structive storm last week. It is report ed that 325 fishing rmaeks, 2? dwell ings, over 40 stores, and 1,500,000 worth of property were destroyed, and 93 lives lost. The double girl-baby died in Boston last week. The one head out-lived the other about three hours. The parents were Joseph and Ann E. Finley, of Morrow county, Ohio. The child was nine months old at the time ofits death. srtcit '(U'ttlteriiuntj?. A 4vtrtietnenf ttt tip tHfargittfp,r Ht f pfaiK ttifU,mill bt charged doubltusmU rates. A'srxM S. M. Pettesoill Co.', 37 Park Row. New York, and Geo. P. Kowell i. Co., 40 I'm k liow. New York, are the sole agrnts for the Jocrsai. in that oity. and are authorised to eontract for in serting advertisements for us at our lowest eah r-iies. Advertisers in that city are' requested to leave tbeir favors with either of the above houses. ..11? OX cit-Y, COLLEGE, PITTSBURGH, PA. The test conducted, most popular and success ful insti luiion in the United Mates, tor the thor ough . j rnctical education of yocng and midd'a agrd meu. X For large descriptive circulars, containing fall particulars, sddrets Jy 267l-3in 1 J C. SMITH. A.M., Principal. JN THE ORPHANS COURT of Clearfield Co : In tbe matter of tbe petition of Hannah Nol der, deviree of David Horn, fur specific perform ance of contract of Joseph Lines, deceased, with said David Horn, tbe undetigned'CommissiODer, appointed by said Court, to take testimony in proof of contract, payment. Ac- in this case, here by gives notice thlt be will attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of J. B. M'Enally, Esq., in Clearfield, on Tuesdav, the 12th day ot September, A. D. 1871, at 2 o clock, P M , when and where all parties interested may attend. Jy 2? 4tp. CYRUS GUK.D JN, Com'r. CLEARFIELD ACADEMY ! A Male and Female High School. EAcn Dkpabtiiext Distinct asd Complete is Itselp. Tbe Scholastic year of this Institution is divi ded into two Sessions jot five mouths i2l weeks) each. The first session commences on the first Monday in September; the second on the first Monday in February. The course of instruction embraces averything necessary to a thoroughpractical and accomplish ed education of both sexes 13T Pupils will be admitted at any time, and charged from date of entrance to the close of the session. ty No deduction will be made for absence, ex cept in cases of extreme and protracted illness. JTW Pupils, from a distance can be accom modated with board at low rates. FT" For particulars send for circular, or ad- d;s. Ret. P. L. HARRISOJI, a. u. July 2. 1B71. Principal. HEAD QUARTERS FOR BOOTS AXJ) SHOES! The Keystone Store, SECOND STREET, - " Clearfield, Pa.' THE LARGEST STOCK! THE LATEST STYLES THE FISEST GOODS EVER BROUGHT TO CLEARFIELD. Ilia stock comprises the latest and most fashiona ble styles of Men's and Hoys', jjoois. ouoei and Gaiters; Ladies', Children's and Misses Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, and, in tact everything needed for protecting the feet. KEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. T. M. ALEXANDER, KE YSTONE SIIOE STORE, SECOND ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. July 2871-tf. KAPP tt CO-. SCALERS 1st OAK, PINE AND HEMLOCK BILL TIMBER. Amos E. Kaii, 1 IIesrt i'mcK, Address Jii llJiHin ) j.H.JENKINS. July t9.'71-if. Northumberland. Pa. LEONARD HOUSE, CLEARFIELD, PA. The Undersigned but taken the above named Hotel, and respectfully solicits c share of patron age. It close proximity to tbe Depot makes Ibis House a desirable stopping place lor the travel ing public July 19,1371. S. B. ROW. CAt'l ION. All persons are berefly caution ed against purchasing or io icj J med dling with two g'ay HORSES, one red COW. one red and white COW, and two yearling CALVES, now in possession of Hi rim Psasmore. ef Fergu son township, as they belong to me and are sub ject to my order at any tima Jyl9,"71-3t, D. L FERGUSON. FOR SALE, The Undersigned offer for sale tbe following Valuable property, to wit: Irfit No 13, in the gen eral plan of to town of Houtsdale. Woodward township. Clearfield county, being 60 feet front on Hannah street by 130 feet deep on Spruce ft , and nearly opposite tbe Pcnn'a Railroad Depot. Erected thereon is a good Dew two-story frame house. 13 by 26 feet. with a well finished basement, and a spring of never fail ng water at the door. Also, erected thereon a one and a-half story frame house, 19 by 21 f--et, aad a good barn. 16 by 2t feet all in good repair. Tbe property is well calcula eJ for a Hotel. For particulars as to the location of tbe property, and terms of vale, in quire of IUVI3 4 KREBS. Jy 19. '71 -St. Clearfield. Pa. LOST on Saturday, July 8th. 171, between Curwensville and the Clearfield Railroad depot, a Black Morocco Covered, Wool-pedlars Pass-book, with initial letter pages, and contain ing a number of book accounts; a cedar pencil sticking in tbe side, and the name of James 6. Hill written in tbe front.. Tbe finder will be suitably rewarded upon returning tbe lamo to tbe undersigned, or by leaving it at tbe Jot;RAZ. office, or giving such information as will lead to its recovery. JA3. G. HILL, THOS HILL. Jy 12. 1871-3tp. Curwensville. MISS II. S. SWAN'S, School for Girh, Clearfield, Pa. The Fall Terra of Fourteen weeks will com mence on Monday, September 4lh, 1871. tkiims or tuition. Reading, Orthography, Writing, Primary Arithmetic and Primary Geography, per term, (of 14 weeks). 57 00 History, Local and Descriptive Geography with Man Drawinz. Grammar, Mental and Written Arithmetic. 08 Botany, Geology. Phyfiology, Natural Phi- losopby. Physical Geography, Algebra, Rhetoric. Etymology and Latin, II 00 Oil Painting. (21 lessons), 12 00 10 (JO Monochromatic Drawing, Cravon. S 64 Pencil Drawing, (no extra charge). Instrumental Music. (30 lessons). 10 00 Wax Flowers and rruits, witn materials, at teacher a charges. For full particulars send for Circular. Clearfield. August '7. lS70-ly. SACKETT & SCIIRYVER, DEALERS IE BUILDING HARDWARE, and Manufacturers of TIN, COPPER and SHEET IRON WARE SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Carpenters and Builders will do well to exam- iae our stock before purchasing elsewhere. STOVES. We are now sellins the celebrated TIMES and RELIANCE COOK STOVES, tho cheapest and best in the market. Every stove warranted. Also, Heating. Parlor and Rafting Stoves, wbich will be sold as cheap as any in tbe county. Special attention paid to ordering goods for parlies who desire it. ROOFING, SPOUTING and JOB WORK dene on reasonable terms. July 12. 1S7K pROPOSED AMENDMENT Constitution of Pennsylvania. Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Pennsylvania. He 1 Resolved by the Senate and Houne of Rep rexeii tat ivr i nf the Commonwealth of Penmylca i in iti General Assemb y met. That the following amendment of tbe Constitution of this Common' wealth be proposed to tbe people for their adop tion or rejection, pursuant to tbe provisions of the tenth aiticle thereof, to wit: AMENDMENT. Strike out the Sixth Section of the Sixth Artt cle of the Constitution, and insert in lieu thereof the iollowing: 'A State Treasurersball be chosen by tbe qual ified electors of tbe State, at such times and for such trim of service as shall be prescribed by law." JAMES II. WE BR, Speaker of the House of Representatives. VM. A. WALLACE, Speaker ot the Senate. Approved the fifteenth day of June, Anno Dom ini on s thousand eight hundred and seventy -ono. JOHN W.GEARY. Prepared and certified for publication pursu ant to the Tenth Article of the Constitution. F. JoKD N, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Office Secretary of the Commonwealth, Harrisburg.July 5,1371-Jy 19. SPRING GOODS! JUST RECEIVING, Splendid lOcentCaliooes. Light Calicoes, Delaines, Plaids. Shirting checks, Muslins, White Goods, Percales, Black Silks, Japanese Silks. Sil k Poplins, Rlack Alpacas, Velveteens, Shawls, Table Linens, Boys' Cassimercs, to. Best Paris Kid Gloves, Blue A Green Kid Gloves, Hoisery, Si:k Gloves, Lace Collars, Hair Switches, Chignons, Hair Nets. Corsets, Hoop Skirts, ie., Io. Dress Trimmings. Silk Fringes, Satin, Velvet Ribbons, Buttons, Ac, Ac. Trimmed Hats, Ribbons and Millinery Goods. Unequaled stock of Ladies' and Cbildrena' Shoes and Gaiters. Mens French Kip and Calf Boots, Calf and Lasting Gaiters. 2,000 pieces Wall Paper, from 8 cts to 1 per bolt Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades, best White Granite Tea Ware, Glass Ware, Table Knives and torks. Choice Teas and Coffee and other Grooeries, Dried Fruits, Peaches, Prunes, Cherries, Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, Corn, Pickles Ac. Tbe above, with an immense stock of other goods, have been bought at tha lowest cash pricei, and are offered at very low rates. COMB AND EXAMINE THEM, WHETHER YOU " BUY OR KOT. J. M . KR ATZER, Formerly C. Kratmer Sr Sons), Next door to H. F. Bigler k Co., 2d Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. March 15,'7l. C ACTION. All persons are hereby caution ed against purchasing or in any way med dling with One Bay Horse, One Sorrel Horse and Two tieta of Harness, now in possession of John M. Teat, as they belong to me and hare only been left with said Test on laan, subject to my order at any time. Osceola, Jy U.'7l-3t. J. C. HENDERSON. CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution ed against purchasing or in any way med dling witn a C'rzain BAY HORSE, bow in pos session of Win. W. Timblin, of Penn township, as the same belongs Io me and is only lett with said Tim1! in on loan, and subject to my order at any time July 12,'71-3tp. CHAS. CLEAVER. ATTENTION CUSTOMERS. Having determined to eognge in other business, it is necessary to settle up with tho.-e in arrears lor Blackemiihiog. For this purpose I hve lett my book accounts with L. i'. livin, Esq., for collec tion, ol which all persons interested will take notice, and call and settle immc.1 '.,', .July I2,'7Mt. AMOS KEXXARD E STRAIT. Came trespassing on the premi ses of the undersigned, in Leccaria town p, Clearfield county, two CALVES about one yer old, one a black-brown steer with white spot in face; tbe other a heifer, with red back tad legs, belly and face white. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take tnem away, or tliey will be sold a.-ooraing to law. July 12.'7l-3t. HOWARD WELD. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. In riurFaance of an order of tbe Orrbans' Court ot Clearfield county, the undersigned. Adminis trator. dC , of Michael Eason. late of Centre eo , dre'd , will sell at public sale, at the public house of Milo Hoy'., in tbe Borough of Oscejla, on Thursday, August 3d, 1871, tl thnr frrain linntA mid lot nf ground, situate on the East side of lilaucbard street, in said L'or ougb. and known in tbe general plot thereof as lot No. IS7. Tbe improvements consist of a two story frame house, stable and other outbuildings. Terms. One-half cash on confirmation of saie. and the balance, with interest, in one year tbe re ntier, tne latter payment to oe securea oy oooa and mortgage on the property. jy 12, l-ts. nttu., A am r. Co-Partnership in Store. C. A. Rorobaugh having associated with bim in the Mercantile business, in Lewisville, Clear field county, Mr. C. R. McCracken, solicits a con tinuance of the patronage so generously extended heretofore Having just returned from the eastern cities their stock embi aces a large and varied assort ment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Queens ware, and in fact nearly everything usu ally kept in a country store, which tbey will sell at prices to suit the times. Country produce taken in exchange for good i C. A. KOltOBACGII. May 18, TO.-if. C R. McCRACKEN P RIVATK OR Pl'RI.IO SALE OF VALUAHLE REAL ESTATE . The subscriber will offer at public sale, at bis residence, at 2 o'clock, p. in., on Thursday, August 24, 1871, (If not sooner sold), his entire property, situated in Union townshiD. ClerSelJ county. Pa., con sisting of 3i 9 acres and 6 percent, allowance, of tbe best of rum, Timber and loai lianas, in o surveys, lying in one body; will sell cither sep erate. or together, at reasonable rates. Tbe im provements are as follows : About 110 arret clear ed and under irood cultivation, with four dwel ling: houses, three barn., one saw mill, and other out buildings, and three first rate orchards cf cheica fruit trees, and the best of running water near the houses. Tbe balance of theselandstim bered with Pine. Hemlock and other timber, suf ficient to cut about five million feet of lumber. For a mineral property this is the best in this part of the country, consisting of Iron Ore. Lime stone and Stonecoal, of the best quality, and in large veins, easily mined and convenient to the railroads now under way of building. For particulars call on the subscriber. or address mm at Kocaton, i;iearne;a county, ri. Jane 21. JOHN DRESSLER. TO THE PUBLIC. Tbe undersigned would inform farmers and others in want of Improved Agricultural Imple ments, that he Is tbe Agent for tbe best machine ry in the country. He has WALTER A WOODS' MOWER, wbich took tbe First Prize at the Paris Exposi tion. in 13A7, when Sixteen of the best Mowing Machines in Europe and America were on trial. I will warrant this machine to rive satisfaction and give time for trial, when.ii it does not work as recommended, I will take it bi;K. Stoners and Hagerstown HAY RAKES, two of the best in tbe market have never been equalled by any other rakes. Two styles of HAY FORKS, N ELLIS' AND SPROUTS, the best forks manufactured. Ellis A Hoffman's one-horso THRESHING MACHINES, which will thresh from one hundred to two bun dred bushel. rf grain in a day. They do more work than most ot the two horse machines now in the market. B UCKE YE GRA IN DRILL. STONER FANNING MILL, best mariet, FEED CUT-IERS,oallltnds, ' I1ICKOCK CIDER MILES, DOG POWERS fot Churns, and all other kinds of Agricultural Implements. Call at Brown V ISro's Meat Mnrkct, Second St., Clearfield , Pa , where all desired iniormation can be obtained Jy 12. 1871. M. fl. BROWN, Agent. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer. Every year increases the popularity of this val uable Hair Preparation ; wbich is duo to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it ia kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the only reliable and perfected preparation for re storing OKAY OK FADED HAIR to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic properties, prevents tbe hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes tbe hair glands. By its use, tbe hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It ia the most economical Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid glossy appearance A. A. Hayes. M. D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and oaretully selected for excellent quality ; and I consider it the Br.sr Prepabation lor its intended purposes.'' Sold by ail Druggists and Dealers in Medicines. Price One Dollar. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE FOR THE WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and tco much care, to restore gray or fa ded whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in on preparation ; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. MAXUrACTcaED IT R. P. HALL & CO., Jjl2. Kashua, N. H. 'TMJ, N E T7 SPRING STO'CKI J. SHAW k SOX H just returned frem the east ,Bd sr. .,, opening an entire new stock of good. U the reon formerly ccupua b, W. F. Irwin. . M.rk,t Street which the, now off u. fc lowest cash prices. Their stock consist, of . g,rlI rf Dry Geods, Groceries, Qu.eu.ware, Hardw.,.-, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Cap., Bonneu, Drew Gee..,' Fruits, Candies. Fish, Salt, Brem., S.i!,, ,te i fact, everything usually kept iu a r.t.U .uj can be had by calling at this store, er will U procured to erder. Their stack is well selected, aad consists ef it. newest goods, is of tha best quality, ef the l;t, styles, and will be sold at lowest price, for eatH, or exchanged for approved country predece. Be sure and call and examine oar stack Defer making your purchases, as we are determined ilease all who may favor as with their custom. May 8, 137. J. SHAW SON. FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE!:! The undersigned takes pltature in announeirr to the citiien of Clearfield county, that he has opened an INSURANCE OFFICE, in Clearfiel.i, ra., where all may avail themselves of First Cls.s Life and Fire Insurance. The following Com pa . nies are represented : HOME, New York, NORTH AMERICA, Pk-UJl,kia, FRA NKL1N, PhitadelpJ. U , ENTERPRISE, Philadephia, HANOVER, New Yort, NORTH AMERICAN, New Tori, REPUBLIC, New Yort, SECURITY, New Yorl, WYOMING, Willelarrt, Pa , IVILLIAMSPOR T FIR E, Wilhamsfort, Pa ., LANCASTER FIRE, Lancaster, Pa , ALPS FIRE, Erie, Pa., LYCOMING MUTUAL, launry, Pa., GUARDIAN MUTUAL LIFE, New York. I would warn all to beware of Traveling AgerU representing Fire and Life Insurance Companies, as you may easily be deceived, and if you do hare a loss, will be unable to fiad the Agent wbe in sured you, or tbe Company you are insured in. WM. TUCKER, Esq., is connected with me in the business, and any business entrusted to hie. will be promptly attended to. Office opposite the Jocbnal Office, over Harts-wk-k A Irwin's Drug Store Ap 5,'71-y JOHN H. FULFORD, Agent. s ELLIXG OFF at COST for CASH : THE LARUEaT 6TOCK OF F U R N I T TJ R E EVER OFFERED IN CLEARFIELI AT THE STEAM CABINET SHOP, CORNER MARKET AND FIFTH S TREE I.-. CLEARFIELD, PA. The undersigned would announce to thepultiio that be Las on hand and is now offiviag. enear -tor cash, the largest stock of furniture ever iu store in this county, consisting of UPHOLSTERED PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SETTS, EXTENSION TABLES, SECRETARIES, BOOK CASES, BEDSTEADS, SPRINO BEDS AND MATTRESSES, LOUNGES, BENCHES, PLAIN A MARBLE TOP TABLES A BUREAT S, WASU5TANDS, CANE SEAT AND COMMON CHAIRS, ROCKING CHAIRS, LOOKING GLASSES, WINDOW SHADES', PICTURE FRAMES, COPD3 AND TASSELS, Ac. Ue also manufactures and keeps on hand ent Spying Bods, the best ever invented. No fam ily should be without them. Any kind of i-o td' not on band can be had on sbort notice. 1 i-t'-stering and repairing neatly executed. COFFINS, of all sites, can behad on a half hour' notice, and at the lowest price. A de-litc'.ic:. of 20 percent, made for cash. METALLIC CASES, or Rosewood, Wall vt .t i Cherry Ccffins. with glass or wood top,la-:.!-'!-ed on five hours' notice. Personal attendance with hearse, on func::,l nc casiuns, and carriages furnished when ..-:.- -. Thanking the public for past favors, rrl Ly strict personal attention to business. I 1-';-reteivr a continuance of the same. Remember the place tbe Steam Cabinet h.-r. corner of Market and Fifth Streets. Mar. 22,'71-ly. DANIEL BKSNI P . MILLER. A. . svrr.i.L. NEW FIRM. MILLER & POWELL, WholKsaJt and Retail Dealers in all liuJ Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Ca: .?: N" tions, Groceries, Hardware.Queensware.V o. i and Willowware, Flour, Bacon, Fish, Salt Ac, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. FOR THE LADIES They hava Bonnets, Silks, Coburgs- Alps' Me rinos, Wool Delaines, Lustres, Gingh'f" Poplins, Lawns, Sunshades, Handkerchief; . T- ' and other Gloves, Hoisery. Balmorals, and a if eral variety of Ribbons, Trimmings, Butur , Braids, ate, at the lowest prices. FOR GENTLEMEN They have Black and Blue Cloths, Black and Ffc CJ Cassimerea. Sattinetts, Tweeds, Meltons, W ater proof Cloth, Silk.Satin and common Vesting:, eto , in great variety, and at prices that will give gu era! satisfaction to buyers. ALSO, A general assortment of Ready-made Clcth.ri. 11 ats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware airi Queemsware, Wood and Willowware, and re stock ef Groceries. IN FACT, MILLER A POWELL sell all arOoles that ar usually kept in a well-regulated country stcre and hence tha people generally will find :t to their advantage to bay goods of them. GRAIN AND COUNTRY PRODUCK taken xehange for goods, r.brusry 15, ISTl-tf.