i()c "giaftzmat'$ gonmai, haxfdb, ga., ufi; 193 1871. . J. ROW, ItniTORAD PROPRIETOR. CLEAKFIKLD, lA., JULY Itf. IS71. REPUBLICAN" STATE TICKET. FOR iCHtOR GENERAL : Col. DAVID STANTON,, of Bearer. - EOR SURVKYOK GENERAL I Col. EGBERT B. BEATE, of Schnylkilh "Mulatto l)emoi:racy'' i the neat ami e'egant name coined by the straight-out Democrats for the ''new departure" innova tion. Ahem ! The ballot is everywhere protected by the liepuLHcdns ; but it is debased by the De mocracy to the worst uses, and denied to thousand of good citizens. It is said that France is actually and se riously agitating armed intervention in favor cf the Pope. It cannot 'be possible that the government has a thought of anything eo in.ane. The noble army of Democrats is gettine very much confused and mixed in Pennsyl vania on the "new departure" movement. Howevar, it is always difficult to execute the order "about face" under fire. Republicanism in the United States is the evnibol of economy, public faiih, and civilization. Its candidates aie pledged to all these fundamental ideas, and no citizen who deirjs t3 see them maintained will vote against those candidates. The Washington Reporter says: The average sentiment c.f the Democracy in this cunr.ty is the average sentiment of the parly throughout the whole Commonwealth. Iloir many member of the organization here subscribe to the declaration of the ninth resolution? We venture to assert not one in a hundred. The Pie says: No event of modern times has so thrilled the popular heart as the attack of the New York mob upon the Protestant Irishmen last Wednesday. In poaie respects it resembles the indignation that followed the attack upon the old flag at FortSumpter in April of 1SG1. It Is the living and the bloody proof of the danger to free institutions of the controlling party in New York. Democract loves the old amendments to the Constitution as little as the new. The f rst article if amendment to the Constitu tion provides.: "Cmjrress shall make no Jaw respefiing an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise then-id ; or abridging the freedom of sjH:eeh or r,f the preR ; or the right of the people peacfa'Jy tn astcmhfr and to fit it ion for a re I rest of yrirrnaces." General MTashless, Democratic can l:date !r Auditor General, while on a vi-;it t Nonistuwn a few days since, gave orders to the Democracy there to destroy nil their old banners, tr3tiparei.cies. mottoes and de vices heretofore u-ei. and new ones be pro- ! cured. It "h said an ff.T was made to the j old "Wide Awake club for the use ot theirs, but was rt fu-ed. Oh. where tell me where lias the - white man a party'' gone ? The Piu.-lurg Onutle says : Allegheny county promises well for Republicanism in xt full. The ranks were never more thorough ly united. Nothing exists to mar the har mony of the party, and an old fiohio'icd majority of ten thousand may be safely counted upon. If our Republican friends in other sections do their share of the work and hold their own, we can safely count on the State being all right lor at leiiat iweuty , thousand majority. The effort of the World to ridicule the Orangemen and their procession, is a sure index of the thraldrom under which it is weighed down by the mob o New York that mob which recently made the city wild with their orgies, and caused its strei Is to run with the blood of freemen. It is the acknowledged head and front of Democracy j in the United States, anil it. bowed bo fore I .... .. ..... .i i -n , I its masters, the scum, and villainy and su perstition of the class on whom it depends for the votes to sustain its party. The Democrats of the New Hampshire Senate recently fil'e,'. a vacancy with a man they supposed to be a Labor Reformer and of cour.-e prepared to vote the Democratic ticket straight. But it now turns out that he is a Republican, and flatly refuse. to give the Democrats any aid or comfort whatever. Ihis brings the parties in the Senate six to fix, and the redisricting of the State so as to give the Democrats the next House can not beeffectei. norean they help themselves as heretofore by the ejection or sonic Re publican member. They stand bound, and if the new member proves true, Democratic Uii-chief is checkmated. TltorSA.vns of Dejuocrats, says the Pres. accustomed to denounce what they call ''Radical Rale" ctood appalled before tbe stupendous arrogance of the men who now dominate the Democratic party in New York and aspire to dominate the nation. Grown ta colossal dimensions upon thc nioney wrun from an overtaxed and plun dered people, these men boldly assail the right. of citizen far better than themselves. Jiiiiid to the fact that their guilt only need ed s ich an exposure thii to hurl them ;..-o c. . ! " """J' Bl "-'w outrage. Before such a spectacle a'l ordinary issues ' mnst sulfide, and American citizens will j take th..-ir fr-nd ur.dr the fiaa of the opjy j pany b-vor..) ,,, or.icr, liw. an iib'vfv. Eiot in New York. . , Never, since the bloody riots of ISM, ha3 the city of New York been in such a perfect blaxe of excitement, as On Wednesday, July 12th. For many days the proposed Orange parade, and the counter "target excursion" of the Irish Catholics, have been almost the 8 )Ie topics of conversation throughout the city, tije opinion being unanimous that a dreadful conflict was inevitable, unless the ) protection of the police and military author ities were thrown around the Orangemen, the nature and objects of whose Society have been misspprelien'U'd in many quar ters. It has bt-eri custoinarr for the various lodges ,of tbe Order to hold tin annual par ale onibo 12th of July, the anniversary of tbe bsiile of the Boyr.e. Last year, during the ceieLration, it will be remembered, a brulai attack was made upon timie members of the Order, their wives at d children, by a number of workmen employed on the Boulevard, and receiving pay from the city. Mayor llali had issued a proclamation forbidding the procession, but Gov. Huff man being appealed to issued a proclama tion setting forth that all oititixetis in this country had the right peaceably tJ assemble, and that he would give the necessary pro tection to the Orangemen if they were in terfered with. Early in the morning of the twelfth the Orangemen gathered around their headquar ters, corner ot Twenty-ninth street and Eighth uTt'!iue,from which point the proves sion was to start, to the numbe? of about two hundred, with a few women. Nearly ull the tucti were armed with revolvers and swords. Foni this time till ten o'clock the police were bustling about and assembled under their captains to the number of 1,500 and were tent in detachments to the locali ties where trouble was most likely to occar. At 11:15 A. M., the riot commenced. The mob had collected 3.1)00 strong at Prince street with an officer at their head brandish ing a "word. lie swore to his mnn that they should fellow him and he would get them arms. The colonel of the COlli ltegiment had bin men under arms although not au thorized by (Jen. Shaler. At noon the 7th Regiment with fixed buyouts, under Gen. Shaler, attacked and dispersed 140 Third street rioters without loss: The C'Jth Regiment's armory with a large number of arms was attacked and captured by rioteis. Tbe scldiers were ordered to tire on the mob several bodies of which were perambulating the streets. At Twenty-sixth street the 9th Regiment charged the mob with Osed bayonets. Seve ral persons were killed and wounded, among them one woman. Colonel Fi.-k was shot through the ankle. Between Twenty fifth and Twenty-sixth streets the mob fired three shots at the pro cession. The military returned the fire, killing eight and wounding thirteen. Two bjys and a lady were shot. Sixteen citizens aud three so'Jieis were killed. Coming down the avenue at the corner of Twenty thirl street., the fcUth Regiment lired uoon the mob, ki'd ng and wounding twelve. One policeman was s.het deal. The number of killed and wounded is stated at S:J killed and 0! wounded. This brief account aiTorJ.; but a very faint idea of the real state of affairs ami extent of tbe riot. Want of room compels us to omit details, but there is no question as to die doctrines and teachings which produced the bioud-dicd ami death in New York, on Wednesday. J:: y lth, 1S71. These doc trines are the Uocirhies of modern Democ racy ; these teachings are the teachings of the wretched men elected to ofiice by Dem ocratic votes aud Democratic fsauds. Like the rebel'ioti, tl ey Were the seed from which have erown the fearful crops of proscription an I murder in the South, and the intoler ance, bigotry, and massacre in the North. We are g'a 1 to knnv that Gor. Hoffman's prompt action cheeked the rioters and saved the lives of many innocent persons. If such lawlessness was left unchecked, who can foretell the re u't? Who can gny, but that the same men who seek by violence to control the destinies of New York city, will not also try to control the destinies of this country by having the National Government subjected to their control by the same des perate means? With the past and present experience before him, who will dare to even iumate that the only safety to our free institutions rests in the people and the Republican party? Let all remember this. Tts Eintr of True Patriotism. x Hon. John Scott, at present engaged in investigating the outrages and crimes of the Ku Khix in South Carolina, while in Co lumbia was solicited io make a speech on the 4th of July. At the conclusion of his speech Mr. Scott said : 1 trust ltat "h:,t 1 oaTe "ni ' Tri" be received in the kind spirit in which it has been uttered j be com. here in the disebarte of an rffie.al duty, but I hope anil feel in uiy heart that ibe time inav torn come when every man that lires i beneath the fl.ig shall live secure, when we will j have inorj than obedience fur o'e-lieure mm are tlrtermniri. to have ana throtTgliout the length and breadth of this l.uid theie will ba freedom and recuritj for every American citizen. These are the words of an honest, upright patriot, and will open the eyes of the Ku Klux madmen to the determination of the government to protect ail its citizens thro'- out the length and breadth of the country. The Germans who have hitherto acted with the Democrats in Ohio are now desert ing the sinking ship and declare their pur pose to support Noyes and Mueller. The New York Staats Zcitnncj, the leading Germau Democratic daily in the country, recommends its friends in Ohio to vote the Republican ticket. The Clcvelan 1 Herald says prominent German Democrats in that city declare their purpose t j vote for Noyes and Mueller. The accessions to the Repub lican vo'e throughout the Slate from this sourec will undoubtedly be large. HEr.r. is a capital point, well takcti, from I he City Item : Maf5acbu.tt.hi;reYcntT tfcr-mand Republican majority. There, every right i.i guaranteed icw Tork. with seventy ttiim.-and Ltmocratic majority, robs tr.d murderj fhnje who exerci. on of the commonest riirhta of citizenship. But tbe people of .Massachusetts ran read and nif. Jfce ernty thoutsna ia New -York are stolidly ift.n&rast. That make U U .ffereDce and ,De different the Lusi-esa fr tha ma'.rop- 0l" , . The for-n of last Sunday extended totbe Atlantic roast. Letter from Florence, Kansas. Florence, Ks., July 9th, 1871. Dear Jocknal: According to request, I will endeavor to give a few words concern ing Kansas, for the edification of the read ers of the Journal. I have just returned from a trip down the Walnut Valley, to the southern line of the State, having traveled about two hundred miles, and can therefore etve a pretty correct statement concerning crops, etc. ' This town of Florence, now about three mouths old, has about 50J to COO iuhabi taots, is situated at the confluence of Cot tonwood River and Doyle Creek, on the. Atchison, Topeka fc Santa Fe Railroad, (J7 miles south west of Topeka, in Marion county, which is considered one of the best counties, in the State for stock raisins, and farming comb ned. The valleys are very fertile, producing as high as 52 bushels of wheat to the acre, several parties this year having harvested 44 bushel per acre, and bad bread baked of flour from new wheat on the forrteenth dm of June.. Corn this year is doing very well; the crop will aver age from 40 to 75 bushels per acre on sod ground. Rye and oats also yield abund antly. In regard to the drouth, many erroneous impressions exist. According to the state ments of old residents, of 14 and 15 years' experience, there have been but two or three very dry summers, and the rest were very good years for crops. The character of the soil is such that if there should be but little rain, it retains its moisture fcr a veiy longtime, and crops thrive splendidly- This year, according to my own experience, we have had rather too much rain. As to the climate, it is useless to speak, for it is ac knowled by all to be the most equable of any portion of our country. During the summer months the sun shines very fervent ly, in fact, wyuld be almost unbearable, were it not tor t lie cool and refresfung breeze that is almost continually blowing. In the winter months, cattle are herded aud grazed without shelter, many persons put ting up uj hay, while others cure from one fourth to one-half ton per head, no grain of any kind being used. Ot what are known as the Osage lands, which lie to tbe sooth of us, vast improve ments have been made. These lands were brought into market, (subject to pre-emption in tracts not exceeding one hundred aud sixty acres, at one dollar and a quarter per acre to actual settlers only) about two years since, but in traveling over this vast tract one would imagine it to be an old-settled country. For a distance of sixty miles you will find farms being made on every hand ; you can always be in sight of a set tlement, aud in some localities, 3'ou can sec from sixty to one hundred farm houses dot ted over the prairie. Many have their farms tenced, and many others are fencing, while some sow their ssed without any pro tection from stock, save that afforded by herding. Quite a number of towns have sprung up, which contain from 100 to H00 inhabitants, and where settlers can buy goods as cheap as in the Eastern States. The people are from every State in the l7iiion, and are perfect representatives of American life and energy ; they are intelli gent, ind'.Mtriotn, and eudowed with any quantity of "push," and are determined that with the superior advantages Kansas has, it shall not be many years before she stands, not otiTy as one of the first, but the very first State in the Union, for agricultur al purposes. Many broad acres are yet awaiting claim ants, ani no-.v is the time for all who are de sirous of changing locations, to come to Kansas, and take your choice of farms. Another year's immigration like the pres ent, will render it difficult to find choice farms at the disposal of Uncle Sam. Lest I become tedious, I will reserve farth er remarks for a future communication, should this one hi deemed worthy of inser tion ia the coluuius of the Journal. Charlie. News Prom Other Counties. Fi.K County. On July ftb, Jas. Toms, of St. Mary's, was knocked down by a train of cars, which passed over one of bis legs, mangling it so badly that amputation was necessary. . . . On July 8th, a man named Robert Welch, an employee of the Ilenzin ger Coal and Iron Company, at St. Mary's, while eating his dinner was taken with ap oplexy, from which he died in a few min utes. . . . The house of Mr. Wihnarth, of Wilmarth, was destroyed by fire on the night of July 4th, caused by a fire cracker. Blair County. Stephen Rush, of Ty rone, got drunk last week, and in attempt ing to get aboard a moving train got his foot on the track, the train pasiing over it crushing it badly. . . . On the night of July 4th a party of drunken men entered the sa loon of John Devine, in Altoona, for tbe purpose of drinking some beer, and while there got into quarrel with Devine. Turing the melee some pistol shots were fired, one of which took effect in the thiirh of Devine, and another pierced the left breast of his father, i;ed about CO years, who had come to his assistauce, killing him instantly. A man named Cbas. Wright is charged with the murder and is now in confinement. The New York Herald says that some twenty thousand men paraded ou St. Pat rick's Day. They were not molested. Some fifty or sixty thousand men paraded on the German I'eace Celebration. They were not molested. Some thousands of negroes pa raded in honor of the emancipation of the slaves. They were not molested. Four or five thousand Orangemen wish to parade in New York. If they do they are to be mo lested. Is this American ? Newspaper Change. The Somerset Standard has been purchased by the "'Som erset Printing Company," composed of F. Stutzman, G. W. Kimmel. S. CI Post let h waite, and Ed. Scull, and merged in the Herald. John I. Scull will be business manager. KJ. Scull, K.-q., will, we pre sume, conduct the ediioral department. It is a live and interesting paper, and worthy a liberal s-ipport from the Republicans of S -.iiicrset coun'y. - A Little of Everything, ' Vegetables are io demand. Subscribe for tha Jocbnal. The j'lil is 'oiog up rapidly, The infants d .Tinny wean-as. A little rum often makes a big rumpus. ' The worst pill in tbe box the new tinker. Egg3 are pretty plenty, and the pricn g d. Accounts of 4ih of July fires are numerous. Green corn is now sought after by epicures. Get your job work done at the Jocks it. office. Willi.im?port is to have a Hebrew synagogue. Potatoes are in demand, and sell at high prices. M iiconsiu abolished grand juries ou the first of July. All the Literary Weeklies are to b had at the popteffice. The river continues low. Bo does our pile of greenbacks. The First Pre!byteri;in Church of Carlisle ia 112 years old. Gaulin's new building, on Market street is pro gressing finely. One Indian In Oregon wascivilixed he nanged himself for love. When Missouri doctors dUagroe they taoot one another in the neck. The present harvest in France will fall below the annual average. A fire in Marietta on Saturday a-week destroy- j ed twenty bu-ildiog. Letter headings and rnvelepes printed cheap at the JotJitsAi. office. Read tbe new advertisements. They are of interest to everybody. j Duckd are death on potato bugs. This is oe "quack:' prescription. . A few fresh peaches have already made their appearance in Clearfield What has become of the waterworks project? Hope it has cot died out. The flower thieves of Altoona appear to have migrated to Wiliia-w&port Two horses were struck by lightning cn Sun day a-week in Williainsport. Bills are plenty in our pockets. Would like to get rid of thein. Who next? Tho E!k Aitvaratu says that '-Huekle-berries' are selling at 15 cents per quart. ' A sharp earthquake rhock was felt at Visalia. California, on Wednesday of last week. 25.000 blank cards on hand at the Jocbxal of fice. Who wants the next lot printed ? Temperance, with an -iu'1 before it. seems to be in a healthy state of progreM-iveness. The days and weather will begin going to the dogs on July 17th. Which, is why we remark. Camp meetings will boon be fairly inaugurated of which the reason will be exceedingly prolific. Candidates for i ffije cannot do much iu the electioneering line during such weather as th. Things that are never hurt by falling prices. They tall so slow that tiiey will never get smash ed. Ttunn'ng off with another man's wife i called larceny in 6t. Louis. Petty (coat) larceny. prob ably. Minute, three wheeled, doll baby perambula tors are the latest rage among little girla in Clear field. Fpurgeon thinks that some ministers would make good martyrs thy are so dry they would burn well. The L. C. S C. It. It' from Tyrone to Lewis burg is to be a narrow gauge road three feet 6 inches wide. The homeliest young men in town can be found luafiug ou the street caruers erery evening, from 7 to 1 1 o'clock. The Connecticut House cf Representatives, by a vote of 120 to 57, Thursday last, passed a gne ral railroad law. We are glad for the popularity of our friend Job that he bad not to live in these days of su perlative hotness. Poor way to build a house carrying brick in the bat We saw a chap try it the other day, but he didn't succeed very well. Greeley recently wrote an article headed"Write me a letter from boin-3." but tho printer set it up 'Hiding the elephant home.'' The books of the Internal Revenue office at Washington, show that the orders for lager beer stumps average forty thousand per day. Amusing to see a chap carrying a heavy top load, while ho is under the impression that oth ers think he never tastes a drop. Ahem ! 1 hey talk of passing a law in some of the New England States compelling every man to go to tho polls and vote. What next from that quarter? The Young America's in some of our neighbor ing towns, have organized societies for teaching good inanneri. Clearfield sprouls, pleaae notice. A chap in Fremont, Ohio, paid off sixty dollars of the national debt, by hanging his vest, con taining that amount too near a burning brush heap They say" is the biggest kind of a humbug, aud slanders more people through ignorance and though ilessnoie than a wish to destroy their good name. The allowance of a West Point Qadet in the summer is twenty pairs of while pants a week, with five other extra pairs in his trunk in ease of muddy weather. Thomas Lincoln, the youngest son of the late President Lincoln, died in Chicago ou the 15th inst. His ditea.e was dropsy of the heart. His eighteenth birthday occurred in May. Arkansas is fea rfully excited over a large hole. A tract of about 10n acres of Clinton mountain has mnk. carrying big trees entirely out of eight, and the bole continues to enlarge its borders. A love-sick youth who was singing, I'm lone ly to night, love, without you," undor bis fair one's window, had a IPtle more company than he wanted when the old man set tbe dogs on him. The latest parody on '-Mary's little lamb :" "Mary had a little corn, I'pon her little toe, And everywhere that Mary went This corn was sure to go." An exchange says: "One of the prettiest sights the human eye ever rested upon is gold in a li quid state." The human eye in this vicinity would be satisGd if it could see any of the met al iu a solid state. The '-hoop-skirt"' that was dropped on Second street, one day last week was not stolen, as many of tbe spectators believed, neither had it ever been won. It had just been taken for fun, you know nothing more. Sly drinking ia the meanest of all kinds of drinking. When young men profess to be mem bers in good standing of temperance organita tiuns, it does not look well to see them slyly ob taining pitchers of beer from neighboring sa loons. The mudholes, in our ally, emit perfume abundantly, but it does not smell as sweet as etto of roses. The borough dads ought to be compel led to sit alengside of one for about three hours each day, until they would realise the n as -j doss of the scent. Their removal would be tbe r-stult. Articles of ladies dresi do not look well on gentlemen, as a general thing, but we must say that a certain -legal gentleman wandering along the banks of tbe 'placid' Susquehanna, on a moonlight night, with a thin, white shawl thrown ever his shoulders, made s picture worthy the pencil of a Central Park artist." History of the War in Europe. The recent war between Germany and France aroused so much intersst on tire part of our people, that it was generally supposed at tbe time, that the earliest and best history of that great struggle, would be from the pen of an American author. The National Publishing Co., of Philadelphia, have just issued a very complete and valuable history, bearing the above title. It is from the pen of Mr. James D. McCabe, Jr., and is a handsomely bound volume of 800 octavo pages, illustrated with 150 maps, portraits, battle scenes, views of prominent localities, etc. It is written in a bold, vigorous style, and will, unquestionably, take rank as the Standard history of the struggle by an Am erican" writer. Sir. McCabe, has evidently etuJied his sul jeet deeply, for he writes as an historian, and not as a politician, as one who places facts on Tecorl for the verdict of future ages, and not as one ho seeks to win the favor of cither the Germans or the French of to-day. The great charm of tbe work is its impartiality, its absolute fidelity to truth. His book facinates while it in struets, for it tells in graphic and eloquent language, the most wonderful st-jiy o? mod ern times, lie traces the causes oi tne war from their origin down to the beginning of hostilities ; set forth the diplomatic history of the prelude to the war, with clearness ; and states forcibly, and in detail the causes of the triumph of Germany and the failure of France. The low price at which the bonk is issued, brings it within the reach of all, and no one wishing to keep abreast of the times should fail to read it. It is pub lished in both English and Gcrmsn, sold by subscription only, and agents are wanted in every county. Many Democrats are in a quandary to know which party the Republican or Dem ocratic they belong to, since their State Convention adopted the Republican plat form. Tbe Republican, of course. A4w rtiwert! srt t'Tt lit far?e tyj'r mut m f ptatH ttttiptll 6rharfJ double nsital rate. JVttut S. M. Pettexgill A Co.. 37 Park Row New York, and Uso. P. Howell St Co.. 40 Park Row, New York, are the sole agents for the Jul'rxai. in that city, aad are authorised to contract for in serting advertisements for us at our lowest cash rates. Advertisers in tha city are requested to leave their favors with either oi the above houses. A. KAPP & CO., BEALtltS in OAK, PISE AKD HEMLUCK BILL TIMBER. Amos E. Kai-p, HtMir Fric k Address j II. JESKINS. Northumberland. Pa. Jas 11. Jenkins July 19.71-if. Leonard norsi:, CLEARFIELD, PA. The undersigned has taken the above named Hotel, aud respectfully solicits z share of patron age. Its close proximity to tbe Depot makes this lloute a desirable stopping place lor the travel ing publie. July JJISTK B1ROW1 CAl'l ION. All persons are herefly caution ed against purchasing or in anyway med dling with two gay HURSES, one red COW. one red and white LOW, and two yearling UALViia. now in possession of Hirntn Passmore. ef Fereu- son township, as they belong to me and are sub ject to my order at any time Jy ltf.---3t D L. FERflUSON. FOR SALE. The undersigned offer fnr sale the following valuable property, to wit: Lot -No 13. in Ibe eu era! iilan of the town of Houtxdale. Woodward townsMp. Clearfie!d county, being 60 feet front on lannah street by 150 feet deep on spruce Ft , and nearly opposite the Penn'a Railroad Depot. Erected thereon ia a goed new two-story frame house. 18 by 2S feet.with a well finished b.nscment, and a spring of never fai!ng water at the door. A Iso, erected t hereon a one and a-half story frame huue. 16 by 21 feet, and a good barn. 16 by 2(i feet all in good repair. Tbe property is well calrula ed for a Hotel. For particulars as to the location of the property, and terms of sale, in quire of IUVIS A KREBS. Jy ftf.'7l-6t. Clearfield. Pa. MISS II. R. SWAN'S, School ok Girh, Clearfield, Pa. The F'll Term of Fourteen weeks will com mence on Monday. Septeinlier 4th, 1871. tt.rms or rriTioN. Rending. Orthwgraphy, Writing. Primary Arithmetic and Primary Geography, per term, (of 14 weeks). S7 08 History, Local and Descriptive tJeojrraphy with Map Drawing. Grammar, Mental and Written Arithmetic, 9 S9 Botany. Geology. Phyfjology, Natural Phi losophy. Physical Geography. Algebra, Rhetoric. Etymology and Latin, 12 00 Oil Painting. (24 le.isons), 12 SO Monochromatic Drawing, 10 00 Crayon. ' ft 00 Pencil Drawing, (no extra charge). Instrumental Music. (.10 lessons). 10 00 Wax Flowers and Fruits, wi'li materials, at teacher's charges. For full particulars send for Circular. CloarGeld, August '7. 1870-ly I) KO POSED AMENDMENT to the Constitution of Pennsylfauia. Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Pennsvlvania. Be it Tlrsolved by the Senate and House o f Kep rrietitalirfs of the (Jommonipea'th of Pennylvar via in- General AtsemMif met. That the following amendment of the Constitution of this Common wealth be proposed to the people for tbeir adop tion or rejection, pursuant to tbe provisions of the tenth article thereof, to wit: AMENDMENT. Strike out the Sixth Section of the Sixth Arti cle of the Constitution, and insert in lieu thereof tho following : -A State Treasurer shall be cbnsen by tbe qual ified jtor of tbe State, at such times and for rtich term of service as shall be prescribed by law." JAMF.S 11. WEBB. Speaker of tbe House of Representatives. WM. A. WALLACE. Speaker of the Senate. Approved the fifteenth day of June, Anno Dom ini on; thousand eight hundred and seventj-one. JOHN W.GEARY. Prepared and certified for publication pursu ant to the Tenth Article of tbe Constitution. F. Ji'RD N, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Office Secretary of the Commonwealth, llarrisburg July a, 1871-Jy 19. " SACKETT & SCIIRYVER, DEALERS IS BUILDING HARDWARE,, and Manufacturers of TIN, COPPER anj SHEET IRON WARE SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA. Carpenters and Builders will do well to ezam iae our stock before purchasing elsewhere. STOVES. We are now selling tbe celebrated TIME3 and RELIANCE COOK STOVES, the cheapest and best in tbe market. Every store warranted. - Also, Heating. Parlor and Rafting Stoves, which will be sold as cheap as any ia the eouaty. Special attention paid to ordering goods for parties who desire it. ROOFING, SPOUTING and JOB WORK done oa reasonable terms. July 12. 1S7I D RIED FRTJIT, it redaeod prices, at May 12,'6. MOSSOF'?. rilO CONTRACTORS. Propofals will be L received by tbe Directors of Knox School District, up to Saturday, July 22d. 1871. for the building of a School House, at New Millport Specifications can be seen by applying to P. A. Rowles. President, or to the undersigned Jy 12.'7r-2t. U. J. SLOPPY. See'y. CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution ed against purchasing or in aoy way med dling with One Ray Horse. One Sorrel Horse and Two Seta of Harness, now in possession of John M. Test, aa they belong to me and have only been left with Slid Test on 1 jau, subjact to my order at any time. Osceol a, Jy 12. 7l-3t. J. C. HENDE RSON. CAUTION. AH persons are hereby caution ed against purchasing or iu any way med dling witn a certain BAY HORSE, now in pos session of Wm. W. Timblin, of Penn township, as tbe same belongs to me aud is only left with said Timblin on loan, and sabject to my order at nny time July 12,'7I-3tp. CU AS. C'LhAttK. ATTE.VriON- CUSTOMERS. Having determined to engage in other business, it is necessary to settle up with those in arrears tor Blacksmitbing. For this purpose I have lett my book accounts with L. F. lrvin. Etq.. for collec tion, of which ail person interested will take uotioe. and call and settle immediately. July 12, '71 4t AMOS KEXN ARP E STRAY. Came trespassing on the premi ses of tbe undersigned, in Ueccaria town p, Clearfield county, two CALVES about one year old, one a black-brown steer with white spot in face; the other a heifer, with red back nd legs. bellv and face white. 1 be owner is requested to oome forward, prove property, pay charges and take tuem away, or loey win De sola accoramg to law. July I2.'71 3t. HOWARD i ELD. IOST on Saturday. July 8tb. 1871. between A Curwcnsville and tbe Clearfield Railroad depot, a lllack Morocco Covered, Wool-pedlars Pass book, with initial tetter pages, ana connio inir a iiumber of book accounts; a cedar poncil sticking in the side, and the name ef James G. Hill written in the tront. ine nnaer win ue suitably rewarded upon returning the same to the undersigned, or by leaving it at tbe Joitrkal tffi:e. or giving such information as will lead to its recovery. jas.i. mi.!., T1IOS MILL Jy 12.1S71-3tp. Curwensville. OKHIANS' COUUT SALE. In rursuanceof an order of the Orphans Court of CleurGeld county, the nndersigned. Adminis trator. ac . uf Michael Lason. late ot Centre co , dee'd . will sell at publie sale, at the public bouse of Milo Hoy., in the Borough of Oscejla, on Thursday, August 3d, 1871, all that certain house and lot of ground, situate on the East side of I'lauchard street, in said 1'or ough. and known in the general plot thereof as lot No 1 17 . The improvements consist of a two story frame house, stable and other outbuildings. Tkrjis. One-half cash on confirmation of saie. and tbe balance, with interest, in one year there after, the latter payment to be secured by bond aud mortgage on the property. Jy 1 2J7MS. AUSTIN KERIX. Adm'r. "SRI V ATE OK PUBLIC SALE OF I- VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The subscriber will offer at publie sale, at his residence, at 2 o'clock, p. m.. on Thursday, August 24, 1871, (If not sooner sold), his entire property, situated in Union township, Clearfield couuty. Pa., con sisting of 3r.O acres and 6 per cent, allowance, of the best of Farm, Timber and Coal Lauds, in 3 surveys, liingin one body; will sell either sep erate. or together, at reasonable rates. The im provements are as follows : About 110 acres clear ed and uuder good cultivation, with four dwel ling houses, three barns, one saw mill, and other out buildings, and three first rate orchards of choice fruit trees, and the best cf running water near the houses. The balance of these lands tim bered with Pine, Hemlock and other timber, suf ficient to cut about fire million feet of lumber. For a mineral property this is the b.-st in this part ef tbe country, consisting of Iron Ore. Lime stone scd Stunecoal.of the best quality, and in large veins, easily mined and convenient to the railroads now under way of building. For particulars call on the subscriber,or address him at Rockton, Clearfield county , Pa. June 21. JOHN DRESSLER. TO THE PUBLIC. The undersigned wouM liifnrm furnien, and other in want of Improved Agricultural Imple ments, that he ia tbe Agent for the best machine ry in tbe country, lie has WALTER A WOODS1 MOWER. which took tbe First Prise at the Paris Exposi tion, in 1K67. when Sixteen of the best Mowing Machines in Europe and America were on trial. 1 will warrant this machine to give satisfaction, and give time for trial, when, if it does not work as recommended, I will take it back. Stoners and Uagerstown II AY RAKES, two of the best in the market have never been equalled by any other rake. Two styles of II A Y A ELLIS' AND manufactured. FORKS, SPROUTS, the best forks Ellis St Hoffman's one-horse TiIRESIIIXU MACHINES, which will thresh from one hundred to two bun dred bushels f gr.iiu in a day They do more work than most ot the two horse machines now in the market. BUCKEYE GRAIN DRILL, S TONER FANNING MILL, be,t s market, FEED CUTTERS. of all linJs, HTCKOCK CIDER MILLS, DOG POWERS foi Chrns, and all other kinds of Ag icultnral Implements. Call at Brown & Bro's Meat M.irket, Second St., Clearfield . Pa , where all desired information can bt obtained Jy 12 1871. M. O. liROWX, Agent. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair enewer. Every year increases the popularity of this val uable Hair Preparation; which is due to merit alone. We cau assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the only reliable and perfected preparation for re storing GRAY OR FADED HAIR to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous and silken. The scalp, by its use. becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and. by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates aud nourishes tbe hair glands By its use. the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores tbe capillary glands to their cormal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is tbe most economical Hair Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the bair a splendid glossy appearance A. A Hayes. M. D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "The constituents are pure, and carefully selected for excellent quality ; and I consider it the Bssr Preparation lor its intended purposes."' Sold ly all Druggist! aud Dealers in Medicine. Price One Dollar. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE FOR THE WHISKERS. As our Rcnewer in many cages requires too long a time, and tco much care, to restore gray or fa ded whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in on preparation.; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. KAKDVACTUBED BV R. P. HALL & CO., Jy 12. Nashua, N. II. '71-ly. SARATOGA and BEDFORD WATER, for sale June 24 Xm HAKTSWICK A IKWIN. 1JOOK LOST.-The person whe carried eff " (o doubt by mistake), the day-book of the nnJ.rsigned from the office of Wm Porter Kn aielrM "i"b kindness to return'.o'.' same w,tht forth de, Any informat ma Julyizq-Srp JACOB BARGtu. N E V F IRM! The tlrm of C Kratxerinthe Dry Goods and Provision business will be known tere.fter ander the came of KKATZEK & LYTLE. Thinking the publie for past favors they hone for a continuance of tbe same. Clearfield, Feb. 8, 1871. Co-Partnership in Store. C. A Rorobnugh having associated with him in the Mercantile business, in Lewisville, Clear field county, Mr. C. R McCrackcn, solicits a con tinuance of the patronage so generously extended heretofore Having just returned from the eastern cities tbeir stocK embi aces a large and varied assort-, went of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Queens are, and in fact nearly everything usu ally kept in a country store, which they will sell at prices to suit the times. Country produce taken in exchange for good i C. A.RoKOBAl'GH, May 18, '70. tf. C R. McCRACKEX SPRING GOODS! JUST RECEIVING, Splendid 10 cent Calicoes. Lieht Calicoes, Delaines, Plaids. Shirting ehecks. Muslins, White Goods, Percales, Black Silks. Japanese Silks. Silk Poplins. Rlack Alpacas. Yelreteens. Shawls, Table Linens,- Boys' Cassimeres, Ac. Best Paris Kid Gloves, Blue 4 Green KidGlores,. HoieerT. Si'k Gloves. Lace Collars, Chignons, Corsets, Hair Switches, Hair Nets, lioop Skirts, 4c, 4o. Dress Trimmings. Silk Fringes, Eatin, Velvet Ribbons, Buttons, Ac. 4c. Trimmed Hats, Ribbons and Millinery Goods. Unequaled stock of Ladies' and Children;' Shoes and Gaiters. Mens French Kip and Calf Boots, Calf and Lasting Gaiters. 2,000 pieces Wall Paper, from ft ctsto $1 per bolt. Carpets. Floor Oil Cloths. Window Shades, best White Grauite Tea Ware, Glass Ware, Table Knives and 1 orks. Choice Teas and Coffee and other Groceries. Dried Fruits. Peaches. Prunes. Cherries. Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, Corn, Pickles, 4c. t The alove. with an immense stock of other goods, hare been bought at the lowest cash prices, and are offered at very low rates. COME AND EXAMINE THEM. WHETHER YOU BUT OK NOT. J. M . KKATZEK, (Formerly C. Kratzer Ar Sons), Next door to II. F. Bigler 4 Co., 2d Street, CLEARFIELD, PA. March 1S.'7I. FIRE! FIRE!! FIRE!!! The nndersigred takes pkaure in announcing to the citizen of Clearfield county, that he has opened an INSURANCE OFFICE, in Clearfield, Pa . where all may avail themselves of First Cla Life aod Fire Insurance. The following Compa nies are represented : HOME, N.v York, NORTH AMERICA, PkiUdtlphia, FRANKLIN. Philadelphia, ENTERPRISE, Philadelphia, HANOVER, New York, N R TH A M ERICA N, New Tori, R E PUB LIC, New York, SECURITY, New York, WYOMING. W.lke-barr,, Pa , WILLI AMSPOR T FIRE, Williamsport, Pm., LANCASTER FIRE, IMneiter, Pa , ALPS FIRE, Eri. Pa., LYCOMINC, MUTUAL. :luuey. P , GUARDIAN MUTUAL LIFE, New Ysrt. I would warn all to beware of Traveling Agents repienentiug Fire and Life Insurance Companies, as you may easily be deceived , ani if yuu do hare a loss, will be unable to find the Agent wbo in sured you. or the Company you are insure! in. WM. TI CKER, Esq , is connected with me i the business, and any business eutrusted to b:n will be promptly attended to. Office opposite tbe Joi rxal Office, over Hsrti wick A Irwin's Drug Store Ap,'7l-y JOHM H. FIJLFORD, Agent CLEARFIELD ACADEMY! A Male and Female High School. Each Dcparthent Distinct ad Couplets is Its elf. The Fourth Session of the preseut Scholastio year, of this Institution, commences on Monday, the 1st day or May, 1871 Pupils can enter at any time. They will be charged with tuition from the time they enter to the close of the session. The course of instruction embraces everything included in a thorough, practical and accomplish ed education of both sexes TERMS OF TUITION: Orthography. Reading. Penmanship, Primary Arithmetic, Primary Geography nI Pencl1 Drawing, per session, (11 weeks). J Grammar, Local and Descriptive Geography, MP Drawing. History, Mental and Written Arith- motio. and Pencil Drawing i5 00 Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry. Mensuration, Surveying Natural and Moral Philosophy. Ge- ' ology Physiology, Chemistry, Rhetoric, Physi cal Geography, Book keeping Botany, and Pen cil Drawing. Latin, Greek and French, with any of the i sbove (12 00- branches Pearl or Oriental Painting, 21 lessons, Monochromatic Painting. 24 lessons, Crayon Drawing. 24 lesson, Fancy Hair Work, 24 lessons. Tapestry, Instrumental Music. 30 lessons. 12 00 10 00 10 00 12 00 8 00 10 00- Df No deduction will be made for absence. tW Students, from a distance can be aocom modated with boarding at low ratea. FIT Any one, not a member ot tbe Reboot, can. receive private instruction in any ef the orna mental branches. For further particular inqnir of, or address,. Rv. P. L. HARRISON, a. . April tH. 18T1. Principal. D UYGOODS the cheapest in the county, a, May 2a. '67. n .-.r ! AREOLIC PLANT PROTECTOR, for sal. b, i I ) UARTsWICK A IRWIN.