Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, July 19, 1871, Image 1

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VOL. 17.-TCO. 45.
Select gettnj.
'Tin a tiny rosewood thing.
Ebon bound and glittering
IVith its stars of silver while,
Silver tablet, blaDk an.l bright,
Downy pillowed, satin lined,
That I, loitering, chanced to find,
'JJid the dust, the scent, the gloom
Of the undertaker's room
Waiting empty all for whom ?
-Ah ! what lore watched cradle bed
Tieeps to night the nestling head ?
"Or on what soft, pillowing breast
Jt the-cherub form at rest,
That ere long, with darkened eve,
Bleeping to no lullaby,
TVhitely robed, and ftill and cold,
Pale flowers slipping from its hold,
Shall this dainty couch enfold ?
Ah ! what bitter tears shall stain
All thissitin sheet like rain,
And what towering hopes be hid
Nsath this tiny coffin lid ?
On whose tablet shall appear
Little words that must be there,
Little woids cut deep and true.
Bleeding mother's heart anew
Sweet pet name, and aged two.
Oh ! can sorrow's hovering plume
Kound our pathway cast a gloom.
Chill and darksome as the shade
By an infant's coffin made?
From our arm an angel flies.
And sur startled . daxzled eyes.
Weeping round its vacant place,
Cannot rise its path to trace.
Cannot see the angel's face !
"Why, bless me, Fanny, you areKrowinjr
more old-maidish every day yon live ! I
wonder what your nest idiosyncrasy will
"I wonder what it can be, mamma?"
And Miss Belle Lindsay laughingly looked
up from the low fauteuil on which she was
reclining, to take art in the arrangement
of her sister.
"Was ever a mother so vexed as I am ?"
continued Mrs. Lindsay, frowning on the
t-ul'ject of her displeasure, who was stand
ing meekly before her, with folded hands
and eyes suffused with tears. "Here you
are Fanny Lindsay, daughter of a rich and
honorable house, running all around thecitp
among the lower classes, seeking out your
charitable 'objects,' as you call thcuo, which
'objects' are generally dirty old women, and
ragamuffin children, whom you bring here
regardless of our feeling as well as our re
ppectability, expecting we tha'.l feed and
clothe them" There is not a tramp in Bos
ton who does not come here at oie time
or other to be fed and pampered. I tell
you. Fanny, it is simply outrageous."
"But, mamma, do tbey ever trouble
"No, thank goodness, I can't say that
they do ; but then the idea how very ple
beian and vulgar; bat in my veins there is
no plebeian blood, and I cannot." And
Mrs. Lindsay raised her cigarette to her
nostrils, as if there, was something contanii
nating in the very name of "plebeian."
"Fanny is just like papa," said Miss Belle
with a contemptuous shrug. "He'd sooner
dine with a poor man any day than the Lord
Mayor of Boston."
Whereat Fanny laughed. The idea of a
lord mayor in this republican land was very
rich, and she appreciated it.
"What are you laughing at?" dcuiauded
Belle, who knew it was soma mistake of
"I was only thinking I should like to see
the lord mayor. O, Belle, I fear your edu
cation has been quite neglected."
"It has not been neglected so that I am
only in my element among the tramps and
beggar !" was Belle's spitelul rejoinder.
"Fanny, you are very rude," said her
mother, with severity. "Bulle's nerves are
very delicate, and ought ni-t to be jarred the
very least. Dr. Wallace says so."
P'anny smiled. She knew the doctor's
private opinion on the subject, but it was
given rub rosa, the did not then repeat it.
Making her escnpe from the room, she
hastened to the kitchen, where phc fjund a
small basket of delicacies prepared by the
cook, another of her sympathizers, and ta
king this upon her arm she lt-lt the houe by
the rear door, taking care that nine of her
relatives hou!d see her. A short but rapid
walk brought her to the door of a dreary
looking tenement house, and entering, the
lasod up the narrow .-taircase, dismal and
un-afe, and rapped geutly upou the door of
onj of the rooms.
"Come in," a feehle voice responded.
"Why, Mrs. tiak." buid Fanny, as she
obeyed the invitation, "you are alone-?"
"Yes, dear M"is Fanny," replied the in
valid, for such she ,a,iiy j arn ione,
and am compelled to remain alon the great
er part of he time. Johnny uiut g0 out
to sell his papers or we could nut live, and
I have no one else. But, after all," .she
added,, briehtening up, "I get along quite
well. I have my Bible always"
"But if you should happen to be taken
with a violent fit of coughing," exclaimed
Fanny, sorrowfully, gazing upon the wasted
cheek, on which consumption's poetic seal
was plainly visible.
"God would take care of rue," said Mrs.
Gait, looking up reverently.
Fanny's tears wi-te flowing, but she took
her basket and spread its delicacies before
the good woman, whose eyes were also full
as she found voice to murmur :
"God will surely remember jou, dear
friend, for all yoar kindness to me. I prav
that he will bless you ever."
And Fanny, not in the least aristocratic,
etooped over the bed and kissed her."
"Where have you been, Facny?" aAcd
Belle, as Fanny reappeared in the parlor a
couple of hours later.
Fanny did not perceive the tall gentleman
who stood conversing with her father in the
curtained recess of the deep bay window,
and she replied unhesitatingly :
''I have been to see poor Mrs. Gait, who
is dying slowly of consumption. I carried
her a few trifling comforts, for she has not
long to live."
Belle crimsoned with vexation. The gen
tleman started violently, and stepped from
behind the curtain.
"My sister, Mr. Hosmer," said Belle.
"A Mrs. Gait," replied Belle, flippantly,
"a sick and poverty-stricken protege of hers.
We don't encourage her in such vulgarity,
"I spoke to your -sister, Miss Belle," said
Mr. Hosmer, with such emphasis that the
rebuke was keenly felt.
"Miss Fanny will you please inform nie
what her Christian name is?" he asked
"It is Aurelia, I believe."
Mr. Ilosmer's voice grew husky.
"And you say that i-he is dying 1"
"Yes ; going in quick consumption."
"You seem to take great interest in a
beggar, Mr. Ilosmcr," Bell interrupted,
scornfully. "
His dark oyes flashed with sudden fire,
and his check reddened angrily as he re
joined :
"So I should, Miss Lindsay, when that
beggar is my sister; for Mrs. Gait, the only
sister I ever had, I could not find for years.
Of course you will not care to wed the broth
er of a beggar ; therefore, if you please,
we'll now consider our engagement at an
end ; I do not care to have my wife look
down upon me."
There was a scene, but Mr. Hosmer, who
had wooed and won Belle at Newport.where
he had seen but one side of her character,
was inexorable as Fate, and humbled to the
dust, she gave htm up.
Mr. Hosmer went to see hi sister, and iu
a day or two tho was removed to the grand
house over which Miss Belle had once so
fondly hoped to preside as mistress. But
his visits to the Lindsay mansion did not
cease with that unfortunate one or fortu
nate. we prefer to say and aft-.-r the death
of Mrs. Gait, who in prosperity, as in ad
versity, regarded Fanny as an angel, his
house grew strangely lonely. And so but
why prolong the tale? He married Fanny,
and is not sorry yet ; while Belle, whose
"delicate" nerves could scarcely endure
Newport or Saratoga, went through four
seasons at one place or the other before she
eaasht a husband.
Miss Lindsay's views were somewhat 1
Eemarkable Discovery.
A very singular and striking conSrmation
of the truth of certain ancient Bible records
has lately been brought to light. The land
of Moab, lying east of the Jordan and Dead
Sea, being under Turkish rule, and the au
thorities being jealous of all the movements
of travelers, has been aland of mystery.and
fev and far between have been explorations
of it. In 1SGS, Rev. F. A. Klein, a Pros
.lian missionary at Jerusalem, traveling in
Moab under the' protection of an Arab
Sheik, discovered a remarkable stone among
the ruins of the ancient city of Dibon. 1 he
stone was originally three feet and five inch
es in height, and one foot nine inches in
width and thickness, with an inscription of
thirty four lines. It is believed that origin
ally there were eleven hundred letters on
the stone, but only six hundred and sixty
nine have been restored, as it was partially
broken in pieces after curiosity concerning
it had led the Arabs to suppose it valuable,
and that money could be obtained tor sepa
rate pieces. The inscription was in the an
cient characters used by the inhabitants of
Moab, and having been deciphered by
adepts in this species of lore, it is satisfac.
torily ascertained that the inscription is old
er than most of the Old Testament, and
was beyond doubt, made in the year that
Elijah the prophet was translated into heav
en. It reads like a chapter in the Bible,
and gives strong confirmation to the facts
related in the inspired volume. It has an
age of at least twenty-seven hundred years,
being the work of a person who dwelt in
immediate contact with the people of Israel
during the whole period of their tnarvelons
history. The inription narrates theachieve
mcnts of Kine Mesha, the Moabite mon
arch who fought against Jchorutn aud Je
hosaphat, and speaks of the vessels of Je
hovah taken from the captured Neho and
dedicated to Chemore, the national deity of
the conqueror. This inscription not only
depicts the wars between Israel and Moab,
so vividly pictured in the Old Testament,
but also strikingly illustrates the historical,
Geographical and religious relations of these
kingdoms. There are few occurrencs more
remarkable, even in this age of surprises,
than the manner in which the Moabite stone
has been awakened from the sleep of three
thousand years, to unfold the secret of lan
guage, and of history, and to confirm, by
its emphatic testimony, the essential accu
racy of the Book of Books.
There is a tree in the county of Boteouft,
Va., the leaves of which, if bruised and
mixed with iLilk or sugar, almost instantly
kill flies, bees, wasps, hornets, and yellow
jackets. In general appearance it somewhat
resembles a walnut tree, though the leaves
are larger. It was planted many years ago
by an old settler, who is long since dead, and
it is not known where he obtained it, or
what its proper uame is. There is probably
not another in this country.
Waistixg lime hugging the girLs.
Free Schools Why ?
On the 16th day of April, 1871, Senator
Stewart submitted a joint resolution in the
United States Senate, proposing an amend
ment to the Constitution, to be known as
the sixteenth ; as follows:
Article xvi. There shall be maintain
ed in each State and Territory, a system of
free common schools, but neither the United
States, nor any State, Territory, county, or
municipal corporation shall aid in the sup
port of any school wherein the peculiar ten
ets of any religious denomination are
taught. -
Section 2nd. Congress shall have pow
er to enforce this article by appropriate leg
islation. Public attention has been called frequent
ly, withiu the past year to the great want of
school accommodations and to the large
number of children throughout the country,
who, failing to attend school, are growing
up in ignorauee and are in training for any
thing and everything but useful citizens. It
is admitted almost universally by our best
educated and sagacious men, that the im
portance of this question cannot be over
estimated and that a necessity exists for the
general Government to take such action as
will tend to a mitigation of the evils grow
ing out of the neglect to furnish all chil
dren with a common school education, not
only in the late slave States but even in
many of the northern States where the ad
vantages and necessity of the education of
the masses is so universally admitted.
It is proposed on one hand, that the
States should be left, each to work out its
own problem of general education, without
interference on the part of the general gov
ernment, or aid aside from grants of public
On the other hand it is held that A na
tional school LAW should be passed by
Congress, providing for the establishment
and maintenance of common schools thro'
out every State and Territory. If the pro
posed constitutional amendment is adopted,
a national school law will follow as a natur
al consequence and no objection that it was
unconstitutional could then be urged. No
doubt Congress might pass such a law in
the absence of another constitutional amend
ment but it would hardly have that weighty
and controlling influence and would be sub
ject to repeal whenever an adverse majority
might obtain power, whereas, should the
constitutional amendment be adopted, the
question would be permanently settled as
long as the government exi.Ms.
If an examination is carefully male of
the statistics with regard to education in
the different States, the need of something
more being done for the education of the
children in tH country t.l.. Own clone,
some more thorough and effectual steps ta
ken, will be very apparent. The subject is
one of such vital importance that it de
mands the close attention, and the united
and pergevereing action of every friend of
Republican government, every enlightened
patriot, every earnest philanthropist in the
land. There should be no relaxation of ef
fort until this important question is settled,
and settled right, without a peradventure,
secured beyond the possibility of repeal.
It is frequently asked what need is there
of national action upon this question ; are
not the States doing all that is practically
possible for the education of the children
within their respective borders? Why not
let well enough alone? These are pertinent
questions and deserve attention. In but
few of the States is there more than the
beginning of an orderly, thorough, compre
hensive school system. The delinquences
and short comings of a large number of the
State Legislatures in this regard can readily
be shown by a glance at existing facts. In
nine States, viz : Alabama, Arkansas, Flor
ida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North
Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia,
there is a population of seven millions four
hundred and fifty seven thousand eight hun
dred and seventy seven, and about fifty per
cent, of these people are unable to read.
The States of Kentucky. Tennessee and
Texas, contain a population of three mil
lions" three hundred and seventy-six thou
sand four hundred and eighty-four, of which
about one-third are unabb to read, and in
Delaware, Maryland, and Missouri, with a
population of two millions six hundred and
thirty thousand eight hundred and twenty
one, twenty-five per cent of the people are
iu the same deplorable condition of ignor
ance. Add to these numbers about a mil
lion of illiterate persons residing in the re
maining States, and we find that there are,
in the country, between six and seven mil
lions of grossly ienorant people, who obtain
no knowledge of the bible, of constitutions,
of laws, of newspapers, of literature of any
kind, excepting in the manner of those
who are born blind, eyes they have bat they
see not the printed page, aud books are all
sealed to them. They grope through life
in the .very darkness of blindness, the ac
knowledged prey of demagogues, a perpet
ual thorn piercing to. the heart of our Re
publican instisutions.
But what are the States doing for the
children of the country? Surely they must
be educating them pretty generally, espe
cially, throughout the North and West?
Let us see. The number of children of
school age never registered and attending
no school in Illinois, is 1 'J 6, 350; Indiana,
157,063; Iowa, 122,0:;0; Kentucky, 216,
422 ; Louisiana, 204,533 ; Missouri, 334,
2'JS ; New York, 464,635; North Carolina,
2'.f2,866; Ohio, 2S8.495 ; Tennessee, 224,
155 ; adding to these the number of illiter
ate children in the other States, and we find
an aggregate number of nearly . 4,556,300
children of suitable age to attend schools,
who have never beeu to school a day in
their lives. In the District of Columbia
and the Territories, there arc about sixty-
four thousand more, not including the chil
dren of the Indians, iu a like ignorant and
uncared for condition. More than five
million children, one eighth of our popula
tion, shut out of almost every avenue of
useful knowledge. Is this the way to treat
the rising generation, to whose care and
keeping, very soon, the interests of our
country are to be entrusted ? Do we not
know that the only hope of the maintenance
and perpetuation of a Republican govern
ment depends on the education of the mass
es? It is hardly necessary to call attention
to the unsettled condition of the Govern
ments of Mexico and of those in South
America, where a state of civil war is their
moral condition, and gross ignorance covers
the land. We often congratulate ourselves
on our superior intelligence and the general
education of the people of our country, but
taking it as a whole, we can easily find dark
corners which are a great discredit to us.
In New Mexico there are ninety-two thou
sand people, and no public school or school
house in the territory. Arizona is in about
the same condition. In 1S56, there was a
vote taken in four counties of New Mexico,
siuee annexed to Colorado, for and against
common schools. The result of the vote
was, for common schools, 37 ; against com
mon schools, 5,016. .
Iu Texas the new Constitution provides
for a system of free public schools, but there
afe none in the Stite. The chairman of
their Senate Committee on education last
year reported an excellent school bill for the
establishment of public schools but it tailed
to pass, and he writes that he wishes Con
gress would take the whole matter of pop
ular education in hand.
It costs the State of New York four times
as much to support her criminal co-jrts as
to educate her children and many other
States are in a similar condition.
Looking at this question from the low
standpoint of mere pecuniary interest, we
find that everywhere it costs less to educate
children a3 they should be educated, than
to leave thorn in an uneducated condition,
ready recruits for the army of criminals.
In the State of New York the average
number of children of school age who are
absent from schools, is 904, S7S. In the
cities of New York and Brooklyn the aver
age number absent from schools is about
313,000. New York city exhibits a condi
tion of moral and political gangrene of a
most serious and alarming character, and
instead of signs of improvement we find
there that things are growing from bad to
worse. Such a thing as a fair election in
that city is iml-- " ,,,5-J c.""
tre of all that is vile in American politics,
in religion or political economy. The Leg
inlature of New York at the last session ap
propriated about $200,000 for the instruc
tion of the pupils in the several corporate
and parochial schools. This appropriation
of the public money was chiefly for the ben
efit of the Roman Catholio schools of New
York city. It would be well for the Ameri
can people to ask, what doei this mean?
what will it lead to? and where will it stop?
It will never stop until the proposed consti
tutional amendment is adopted. The evil
is increasing day by day, and year by year.
Catholic priests denounce our system of
common schools as being an inveutiou of
the devil. Their purpose is to obtain con
trol of th,e education of the children of this
country, and to destroy the common school
system. Their iufluence caused the vote re
ferred to, against common schoo's in New
Mexico. They prefer that the large major
ity of the people should remain in ignorance.
They would have us believe that ignorance
is the mother of devotion, but we know that
it is rather the mother of abominations.
The number of those who are opposed to
any system of common schools is increasing
in New York, io New Orleans and even in
New Kngland, and in many other parts of
the country. This opposition is chiefly
stimulated and controlled by a thoroughly
organized body of men, who call theaiselves
"The Society of Jesus," commonly known
as Jesuits. Their organization is a model of
perfection all that human ingenuity aided
by ages of experience can devise their per
severance and devotion to the object of their
labors are unsurpassed by any body of men.
In view of these facts, hare we no duty
to perform ? shall we sit down and compla
cently fold our hands until we are bound
hand and foot, until the whole country is
reduced to the condition of New York and
we are overwhulmed by another civil war?
Not if we are wise in our day and genera
tion and remember that "eternal vigilance
is the price of liberty."
No one is properly qualified for the great
responsibilities of citizenship until possess
ed of an ordinary common school education.
It is-a better defense of our liberties, than
standing armies of iron ribbed navies.
An intelligent people cannot be deprived
of their rights and liberties. They alone
are capable of determining what their rights
and best interests are, and knowing they
will dare maintain them. Intelligence pro
motes virtue and together they form the ba
sis of good soeiety and ensure the well be
ing of the State.
In those States where the proportion of
schools is least there is the greatest number
of criminals. Children must be educated
either in schools or iu the streets. The form
er class become useful citizens, the latter
fill our prisons and poor houses. Has the
government no duty to perform when its
greatest welfare, nay, perhaps its very exis
tence is at stake? Must it only legislate on
questions of minor importance and leave
tho greatest of all untouched ?
Let the Government incorporate this most
important support of our Republican insti-
i tutions into the organic law of the land, then
we will have a firm foundation to build
upon. If the people of the United States
ever permit their common school system to
be supplanted or overthrown, our republican
government will speedily come to an end.
This system, under God, is the only rock of
our national salvation, and as we acknowl
edge this fact, how can we hesitate to exert
every influence in our power to place its es
tablishment among the immovable jewels ot
the great chart of human liberty, the Con
stitution of the United States.
A Scared Duelist.
On a certain occasion since the beginning
of 1871, in the little town ot Ouachita City,
La., on the banks of the Ouachita River,
about twenty five miles above the city of
Monroe.two gentlemeu (Johnson and Joues)
concluded to play a game of "seven up" at
$5. They took their time and interspersed
the game with several drinks. They finally
finished the game. Johnson, being winner,
raked in the money.
Jones studied about it a while. He made
up his mind that it was not right for John
son to take the money, as they were neigh
bors not gamblers, anyway aud were only
in fun. He said :
"You arc uot going to take that money,
are you?"
"Yes, indeed, I am," said Johnson.
"Well," said Jones, "you had as well
take it out ofny pocket."
"Now, Jones, take that back."
"I shad not take that back ; and if you
are not satisfied, help yourself in any vray
you choose."
"But, Junes, I insist that you take it
back, because I don't steal, myself."
"I shall not take it back ; aud I now re
peat that you might have stolen tint money
nut of my pocket. It you wish a difficulty,
you can have it any way you like."
"Well, then, we will shoot it out," said
"Very well, sir," said Jones, mention
your time and place."
Without further ceremony, all the ar
rangements were made for the duel to take
place that evening. Many of the neighbors
were there, and at once concluded to have
the fight come off. Tbey kuew Johnson,
who proposed the shooting, would back out
unless he could be encouraged. They knew,
on the other hand, that Joues would stand
up without flinching. The seconds loaded the
pistols with blank cartridges, and informed
Johnson of the fact, but did not let Jones
into the secret. They did this to make
Johnson stand, which, of course, made him
1.. . . . II. w .. . t o. ( t. tpa!niail J .1 ! t.".
and Jones was there, cool and calm. The
moment for action arrived, and all parties
took their positions the distance being ten
paces. The pistols were handed to Johnson
and Jones, in deathlike silence every one
being as serious as death. The count com
menced : "Oue!"
"Stop !" said Johnson. "It is understood
by all parties that there ain't no LuUcU in
these pistols .'"
Jones, hearing this, and knowing nothing
of it before, rather staggered forward, reel
ing, looked into the muzzle of his pistol, and
cried out, -"I'll be hanged if their ain't bul
lets in mine !" and at the same time pulled
down on Johnson.
This was too much for Johnson. lie
broke , for the nearest house, which was
about two hundred yards, and they say he
doubled up like a four bladed knife, and has
not been seen siuee, butseut word back
that all might "'shoot it out" who cho.se.but
he wanted i.-oae iu his. Jones won the field
against all odds.
Happiness in the Family Circle. If
a man is so situated that he cannot be hap
py iu his family relations, he will not enjoy
happiness at all. Man must cultivate.thare
fore, aud look for this great end ot his la
bors at home, iu thj bosoui of his wife and
in the afiectiou of his children. Arouud
his own hearth, in the presence of a l3vi:ig
family, the husband aud father, hi in jell the
affectionate head of the household, caunot
be otherwise than happy. He has uo com
petition in business there, no opposing can
didates for honors, no grasping and unscru
pulous enemy, who may seek to take advan
tage of every weak point to injure him and
tear from hitn his earnings and possessions;
but every one near him gives him preference
is awake to his interest in everything; they
emulate each other iu doing him heartfelt
honor and dissimulations or affection, sym
pythize with him in all his sorrows, hopes,
joys and triumphs. His loving intercourse
at home is followed by no remorse, is at
tended by no disquieting reflections or re
grets. He is there perfectly at ease, may
be himself without reserve, and be sure that
uo unpleasant occurrence or consequence
can result therefrom. It is his kingdom
and he is beloved by every subject. His
wife is honored queen of home; none dis
pute her benign sway ; she rules by miles,
and the whole family lives in her love, and
can be happy only where they possess it.
"I don't like modern belles, ma, because
they're so much like burglars." "Why,
my son, what do you mean ? How arc mod
ern belles like burglars?" "Because, you
see, ma, they destroy the finest locks with
Ncrse "Why, what can yoa have been
doing to your dolly. Miss Alice?"
Miss Alice "Oh, it's only because I'm
tired of long hair, an! I've doue it like pa,
with a hole at the top."
Punch has the following : A capital an
swer : Self made man, examining a school
of which he is a manager "Now, bovs,
what's the capital of Oiland ?" "An 'H,
giwincss. gtrcctcntv
. Clearfield. Pa. Office i
TTORJf cr at Law,
n the Court House.
LTER BARRETT. Attorney at Law. Clear
field, Pa. May 13. 1S6-1.
BRIDGE. Merchant Tailor, Msrki t St.,
, Clearfield. Pa. May. 1871.
t) A. GACLIN dealer in Books. Stationery.
. Envelopes, Ae , Market St , Clearfield.-Pa.
R MITCHELL, dealer iu Dry Goods, Groceries,
. Flour and Feed. Fish. Salt, Ae .Cor. 21 St.,
aud Hill road, Clearfield, Pa. My, IS7I.
HF. BIGLER A CO., Dealers in Hardware
, and manufacturers of Tin and Sheet-iron
rare. Seoond Street. Clearfield, Pa. Mar '70.
HF. NAL'GLE. WatcK and Clock Maker, and
. dealer in Watches. Jewelry, Ac. Room in
Graham'srow.Marketstreet. Nov- 10-
AK. W'KUIIT SONS, dealers in Dry Go..ds.
. Groceries Hardwire. tiueenswre. Ac . Sec
ond Street, Clearfield. Pa. May. IS7I
J Clearfield, Pa. All legal buoineet prompt
ly attended to. Jl'I'HJJ??-
DR. FLLLERTOX. dealer in Boots. Shoes. Hats
. Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Se"und
St., Clearfield, Pa. I M ay. JS7 '.
DBEXXEK. Manufacurer of and dealer in ail
kinds of Furniture, corner Market and 6th
Streets, C learfield. Pa I M,yLti"L-
TILLER & POWELL, dealers in Dry Goods.
LJ Groceries. Hardware. Lumber. Ac., Market
S-reet, CleirfioUl.J'a. ( May. 1S7I.
Onais T. Xoblic. AHorney at Law. and Alder
man. Office on Greve Street, opposite (be
Post OfHae. Lock Uaveo, Pa. Je. H. 70-y.
REED BRO S, Market Street, Clearfield. Pa..
Fancy Dry Goods, White Goods, Notions,
Embroideries, Ladies' and Genu' lurnitnmg
Hood, etc. June la. 7J
j. p. ikvi : : : : d. l-kbebs
IRVIX A KREBS. (Successors to H. B. Swoop. )
Law and Collbctios Office, Market Street.
Clearfield. Pa Xov. 80,18. 0.
KRATZER A LYTLE. dealers in Dry Goods,
Groceries. Hard ware,Queeiisare Clothing.
Ao.. Market-Street, (opposite the Jail) Clearfield,
Pa. l?iZri!
SACKETT A SCHRYVER, dealers in Hard
ware, Stoves, is , and Manufacturers of Tin ,
Sheet-iron and Copperware, Market St , Clear
field. Pa. l."IuL.L
A I SH AW.Dealer in Drug. Patent Medicines i
. Fancy Articles, etc.. snd Proprietor of Dr
Boyer's Wen Branch Bitters, .Market Street,
Clearfield, Pa Jaoa lh 'J
BIGLER. TOUSG A CO.. Manufacturers of
Stam Engines. Circular and Mulay Saw
Mills Water Wheels. Stoves.Ac, Fourth and Pine
StreeisClearfiel.l. Pa. May. 1S71.
JB M EN' ALLY, Attorneyat Law. Clearfield
Pa Practices in-Clearfield and adjoin ng
.. : v...;i,l;mlr nf.l linrn-
Midlines. "Iuceiuu;T,iun.. T- i, -
-t m. id sweet, one door south of Lanich siiotei.
rTEST. Attorney at Law. Clearfield. Pa., will
. attend promptly to all Ual business entrust
ed to his care in Clearfield and adjoining coun
ties. Office on Market street. July 17,
mllOMAS H. FOllOF.Y. DeMer In Square and
1 s-a i.umhr. iir,r,i...ii.u"- ;"
ceries. Flour. Grain, Feed, Itucon, Ao , c, Gra-
hnmton. Clearfield oouoty. Pa. Get IU.
HRTSWICK A IRW-I.V Dealers in Drugs,
Medicines. Paints. Oils.Stationary, Perfume
ry Foney Goods, Notions, etc., etc., Marketstreet.
Clearfield, P iec. 6, 1665.
JM KRATZER. dealer in Dry Goods.
. Clothing. Hardware, Queensware, Groce
ries, Prorisions, Ao., Second Street Cleat field
pa. use si . tooa.
JOHN OUELlCII. Manufacturer or all ftind ef
Cabinet-ware. Market street. Clearfield. P-.
lie alsoinakes tootderCuffins on short notice and
tttends funerals with a hearse. Aprl0.'S9.
RICHARD MOSSOP, Dealer in Foreign and Do
mestie Dry Goods. Groceries. Flour. Bacon,
l.iqnors. Ac. Koom,on Market street, a few doors
west ot .orwfJOfr,Clearfield, Pa. Apr27.
TJ. LIXGLE. Attorney at Law.Osceo'a. Clear
. field county, Pa. Will practice in the sever
al C.urts of Clearfield and Centre counties. AI
busincss promptly attended to. (Mar 15.7l.
Y Clearfield, Pa. Office in res dence of W A.
Wallace Legal business of all Kinds attended to
with promptness and fidelity. .lan.5.'70-yp
war, A. wal'.ace. F ssi Joa-
HW. SMITH. Attorset at Law. Clearfield
. Pa . will attend promptly to busine s en
trusted to his care. Office on Second floor of new
buiMin? adjoining County Natioual BanK.and
nearly opposite the Court House. June 30. '6it
all kinds of Stone-ware. Clearfield. Pa. Or
iters folicited wholesale or retail He alsokeeps
on hand and for sale an assortment of earthen
ware, of his own manufacture. Jan.-l.1tW3
MANSION HOUSB. Clearfield. Ta This
well known hotel, near the ourt Iloose. is
worthy the patronage of the public. Tho table
will be supplied with the beet in the market. The
best of liquors kept. JOHN D'tLG 1IKKTV.
JOHN II. FLT.FOKD. Attorney at Law. Clear
field, Pa Office on Market Street, over
Hart:wick A Irwin's Drug Store. Prompt attention
given to the securingofUoanty claims. Ac. .and to
all legal business. March 27. ISt7.
WI. CCRLEY. Dealer in Dry Goods.
, Groceries, 11 ard ware. Queens are. Flour Ba
con, eto.. Woodland. Clearfield county. Pa. A Iso
extensive dealers inallkindsof sawed lumber
shingles, and square timber. Orders solicited.
.Woodland, Pa.,Aug. lath, 18S:t
DK J. P. BURCHFIEID Late Surgeon of the
83d Keg t Peno'a Vols., baying returned
from the army, offers his professional services to
the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. Profes
sional calls promptly attendad to. Office on
South-East eorner of 3d and Market Strerts.
Oct. 4. IS65.
SURVEYOR. The undersigned offers
his services to the puhlie, as a Surveyor.
He may be found at his residence in Lawience
township, when not engaged; or addressed by
letter at Clearfield, Penn'a.
March 6th. H7.-tf. J iMES MITCHELL.
DR. W. C. MOORE. Office, (Dru? Store)
12 West Fourth St..Wi!liaiiisport, IV
Special attention given to the treatment of all
forms Of Ckratlir. an.l C' tititlioaU J)iraS
Consultation by letter with parties st a distance.
Fee 2 00 for first consul tation subsequent ad
yice free. Mar lj.'71-Sm
" Physician and Surpeon,
Having located at Oscoda. Pa., offers his profes
sional services to the people of that place and sur
rounding country. All calls promptly attended
to. Office and residence on Curtin S'reet, former
ly occupied by Dr. Kline May 1,'69.
GEORGE C. KIRK. Justice of the Peace, Sur
veyor and Conveyancer- Luthersburg. Pa.
All business entrusted to him will be promptly at
tended to. Persons wishing to employ a Surveys
or will do well to give him a call, as be flatter
himsell that he can render satisfaction. Deeds
of conveyance, articles of agreement, and elljegal
papers promptly and neatly executed jeS71-yp
Clearfield, Pa.
Prr.n.nt .tt.ntion e-iven to all legal business en
trusted to bis care in Clearfield and adjoining
counties. Offioe on Market treet, opposito Nau-
gle's Jewelry store, Jan. 14, lsTI.
Negatives made in cloudy as well as in clear
weather. Constantly eu band a good assortment
of Frames. Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views.
frames, trm any style of mould me. made ta
Dec 8 '6s jy. 14--tt.
Curweiisville, l'a.
The undersigned having taken charge of this
well-known Hotel, respectfully solicits a share ot
patronage. TLe houfe has been refitted and re
fuinUhed and now compares favorably with any
other faoun in theenonty. The best of everything
the market affords will be served up to quests.
Chaigcs mo lerate. lj BLOOM.
Sept 2S. IS7u-tf. Proprietor.
rp II L "S II A W HOUS K."
GEOtlGE S. COLBUKX, :::::; Pa m-ki troll.
This house was lately comple'ed and just open7
ed to the public is newly furnished. and provided
with at 1 the modern improvements of a first-class
hotel. It is plea.-ai.t!y Incated. in ti e businvFs
pari of the town, and near to the public build
ings. A share of parorage is respectfully solic
ited Charges mi-derate. The. best of Liquors in
the bur. March oli.'7l-tf. .
lj IIkyxolusvili.k, Tevna.
John S. Badt-lai-b having purcha-ed the lease
of Mr. V." in. Vandeiveit. in ihe exchange hotel,
Rey noldaviile. aud having removed tosuid botel,
would inform his friends an 1 the traveling pub
lic generally, that he is now prepared to accom
uiodate them in a more satisfactory manner the
Exchange beinj a much bnier house than the
one loruieruiy occupied by kiin. llu- table will
always La .icpplied with the very best the market
affords By Airict attention to bur-incsehe hopes
to receive a share t:f patronage, A hack will be
kept at the Exchange to convey passengers to any
point they wit-b to go. Mar. S. '7 1 -nor , '70.
oO a.id one lb horse power Engines, war
ranted first-class, of superior finish and workman1
hip. lor sale by BIG LI: K. YOU NG A CO ,
April I2,'71. Clearfield. Pa.
ace Home Indlsxrv. The undersign
ed haying established a Xursery.on the Pike
halfway between Curweusville and Clearfiel
Boroughs, is prepared to furnish all kindsofFrul
trees. (Standard and dwarf.) Evergreen. Shruo
bety,Grapa Vines, Gooseberry, Lawtcn Black
berry. Strawberry and Kasphei ry vines. Alsi
SibrianCrab trees. Quince and early Scarlet Kheu
barb, Ac. Orders promptly attended to. Addres
Aug 31.1364. J.D. WRIGHT, Curwentvillo
Market street, nearly opposite the residence of
II. B Swoope. Esq.,
Clearpiklo, Pa.,
Would respectfully announce t the citisens of
Clnrfield and vicinity, that he has opened a
BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, in the bui'ding latej
occupied by J. L. Cuttle. as alawomee.and that ha
Is determii.ed not to be outdone either in quality
of work orprices. Special attention given to the
manufacture ol sewed work. French Kip end
Calf Skins, of the best quality, always en hand.
iy him a call. June 2. '
riiis Liniment liurins t-cen d. for
some years past. as a f.iuii'y medicine by the pro
prietor, and its good effects coming to the notice
of his neighbors, has. at their suggestion, con
sented to manufacture it for the benefit of the af
flicted everywhere. It is the best remedy fer
Catarrh and Billions Cholic. ever offered to the
public; and will cure many other diseases in the
human body. It is also a sure cure for Pole evil
and Wind-galls in borsea Directions for its use
accompany each bottle. Price. Si per bottle, or
six bottles for S5. Sent to any address by enclos
ing the price to WM. H. WAGONER.
ilurd Postuffice,
Oct. t. 1K63. Clearfield courty. Pa.
Ofiet in MASOXrc 1SUILD1.XG,
Clearfield, Pa.
Putting of the XA1 UhALTEETH in a healthy
preservative and useful condition, is made a
specialty. Diseases and malformations eommlin
to the mouth, jaw and associate parts are treated
and corrected with fair success
Examinations aud consultations FREK
Prices for partial and full sets of Teeth MCCH
Low eb than in 1S70.
It would be well for patients from a distance ta
let me know, by mail, a few days before coming
to the office.
It is very important that children between the
ages of six and twelve rears tbould have their
teeth tXAMiNcl).
By Anaesthesia teeth are extracted wuuocTpain.
February la, Is7l-tf
E N" T A L C A R D.
DR. A. M. 11ILL.S.
Weuld say to bis pr.tients and the public gener
ally that, having dissolved partnership with I'r;
Shaw. he is now doing the entire work of his office
himself, so that patients iiccd not fear bcinj put
under the hands of any other operator.
Having obtained a reduction of the patent at
the plate material, I am enabled to put up teeth
kith r:iF..vf i.R (!;iin f.inntr'y. I also have Dr.
Stuck s patent proctu for working Rubber plates,
which makes a uiu.-b lighter, more elastic and
stronger plate for the same uniount of material,
and polishes toe plate ou both sides, rendering
it much more easil kept clean
Special attention paid to the preseivation of
the natural teeth, and all work guaranteed en
tirely satisfactory to p.itienu.
Office at the old stand opposite the Shaw House.
Office hours from S tu 12. a. at., and 1 to a, p a.
Patients from a uitnnee shi-uli notify me a few
days btforebaod of their intention to come.
Always at hou.c unless other notice appears in
both the County papers Feb. I, 71-tt-
Clearfield county, I'erm'a.
The uhdersigr.ed having erected, during the
past summer, a larpre and conimo lious store room,
is now enajed in tillin? it ai with a pew and
select assortment "f Fail and W inter goods, which
lie offers to the pnVi "t prices to suit the times.
Hisstick of Mens' and boys clothing is ueusual
ly extensive, and is offered ! customers at from
(10 to $2ll for a whole suit. Flour. Salt. and Gro
ceries, of every kind, a complete assoitment;
Stoves and Stove-pipe, a heavy stock; Boots and
Shoes, Hats and Caps in great varjety : Ladies
dress goods, furs, and other fancy goods, together
with an endless assortment of notions too tedious
to euajierate. always on hand and sor sale very
cheap. Priuts at 10 cents a yard. and other goods
in proponiou- Now is the time to buy.
Country produee of every kind, at the highest
market prices, will be taken in exchange for
goods; and even Greenbacks will tot be refused
for any article in store. Examine my stock be
fore you buy elsewhere.
October 30.1Sf,7. II. SWAN.
MISS H. F. SWAN'S, School for Girl,
Clearfield, I 'a.
The Sprirg Term of Fourteen weeks will com
mence on Monday, April 10th. I71.
ti:ms or TriTIO.
Reading. Orthography, Writing. Primary
Arithmetic and Primary Geography, per
term, (of 14 wcek. 7 fl
History, Local and Descriptive Geography
with Map Drawing, uramuiar, .'leuiai
and Written Arithmetic,
Botany. Geology. Phyiology, Natural Phi
losophy. Physical Geography, Algebra,
P.hetoric. Etymology and Latin,
Oil Painting. j24 lessons),
Monochromatic Drawing,
Crayon. "
1! 00
12 00
10 no
6 09
Pencil Drawing, (no extra charge).
Instrumental Music. (30 lessons).
10 00
Wax Flowers and Fruits, with materials, at
teacher's charges.
For full particulars send for Circular.
Clearfiild, Aujust !7. H70-1 J.